Unit 3 Projection of Solids

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1. Polyhedron (Prism (or) Pyramid)
(i) Triangular
(ii) Rectangular
(iii) Square
(iv) Pentagonal
(v) Hexagonal
2. Solids of revolution
(i) Cylinder
(ii) Cone
How to construct a Pentagon

Total Angle = 360o

Number of sides = 5
Required Angle = 360o = 72o
E C 5
1. Draw the line AB of given length
2. From A draw a line for an angle 72o and
A B for the given length
3. From B draw a line for angle of 72o and
for the given length
4. With C as centre draw an arc with the
given length as radius
5. With E as centre, cut the arc with the
same radius
How to find mid point of a polygon
having odd number of sides

1. Draw another bisector for the side BC
2. The cutting point of these two bisectors
o will be the mid point of the pentagon
3. Join the mid point with all the corners of
the polygon.
4. The lines joining the corners and mid
A B point actually represent the Longer
Edges in the Plan or Elevation.
Bisectors for sides
AB and BC
How to construct a Hexagon
E Total Angle = 360o
Number of sides = 6
Required Angle = 360o = 60o
F C 6

60O Procedure:
1. Draw the line AB of given length
2. From A and B draw lines BC and AF for
the angle 60o and for the given length
3. Draw two perpendicular lines from A
and B
4. With C and F as centres draw arcs of
radius given length two cut the
perpendicular lines at E and D.
5. Join CD, DE and EF.
How to find mid point of polygon having
even number of sides
1. Join the diagonally opposite
corners to get the longer edges.
F C 2. Cutting point all these diagonal
o lines represent the Mid point of the
60O polygon.

A B 3. Actually the line joining opposite

corners represent the longer
edges of the solid.
1. Axis of the solid perpendicular to HP and
Parallel to VP
2. Axis of the solid perpendicular to VP and
Parallel to HP
3. Axis of the solid Parallel to both HP and
4. Axis of the solid Parallel to VP and
inclined to HP
5. Axis of the solid Parallel to HP and
inclined to VP
Types of Problems
CASE 1: 1: Inclined to HP
I. Axis inclined to HP
II. Base inclined to HP
III. Face inclined to HP
CASE 2: 2: Inclined to VP
I. Rectangular face rest on HP
II. Longer edge (or) Slant edge rest on HP
III. Corner (or) base edge rest on VP
3: Corner lifting problem
CASE 4: Freely suspended by string
CASE 5: Axis is parallel to VP
i. One of its triangular face on ground (HP)
ii. One of its generator (Sloping side) on ground
i. One of the triangular face is vertical
iiii.. One triangular face is perpendicular to both HP
and VP
CASE 7: Solid diagonal is vertical

Or Longer Edge
& Hexagonal Pyramids
Pentagonal and Hexogonal Prisms.
Solids of Revolution
(Cylinder and Cone)
Frustum of solids
When any solid is cut by a plane which is parallel
to the base,
base, then it is called a frustum of a solid
Truncated Solids

When any solid is cut by a plane which is inclined

to the base then it is called a truncated solid.
Object Shape and its importance

Object shape is nothing but the

base shape of any solid
 In Projection solids the projection
should be started with a view, in
which the object shape of the solid
Points to be remembered while
drawing the object shape
•Always the solid is tilted towards right
• Hence the resting part should be kept
on the right side, when the object shape
is drawn.
• For pyramids the diagonals should be
joined (longer edges should be shown)
•For prisms diagonals should not be
joined (longer edges will coincide with
the corners in the top face)
Case 1: Axis inclined to HP

1.Draw the Object shape (Base

shape of solid) in the plan
2.Draw the elevation
3. Tilt the elevation for the given
4. Redraw the top view.
CASE 1:Resting part is on right side
E.g : Square pyramid,
pyramid, resting on HP with
one of its base edges

Base edge is on is on
right side right
Correct Incorrect
Resting part is on right side
E.g : Square prism,
prism, resting on HP with one
of its base corner

Corner is
Base edge is on on right
right side side

not shown
Incorrect Correct
Inclined to HP

1. A hexagonal prism of base side 30 30mm

mm axis length 60 60mm
mm is
resting on HP on one of its base sides with its axis inclined at
40ºº to HP and parallel to VP
40 VP.. Draw its projections
2. A pentagonal pyramid of base side 30 30mm
mm and axis length
60 mm is resting on HP on one of its triangular faces with its
axis is parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its projections
3. Pentagonal pyramid, side of base 25 25mm
mm and axis 55 55mm
mm long,
lies with one of its slant edges on HP such that its axis is
parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its projections
projections.. (UQ)
4. A cylinder of base diameter 50 50mm
mm and axis length 70 70mm
mm is
resting on HP on a point on the circumference of the base
with its axis inclined at 5050ºº to HP and parallel to VPVP.. Draw its
5. A cone of base diameter 50 50mm
mm and axis length 60 60mm
mm is
resting on HP on a point on the circumference of the base base.. Its
base is inclined at 50
50ºº to HP and perpendicular to VP VP.. Draw its
1.Projection of hexagonal prism with its
axis inclined to HP
2.Pentagonal pyramid resting on HP on one
of its triangular face with its axis parallel to
3.Projection of cylinder with its axis inclined to HP
5.Projection of cone with its base inclined to HP
Problems on CASE 1 – Prisms &
Cylinder (Inclined to HP)
Axis Inclined
1. A hexagonal prism of base side 30 mm axis length 60
mm resting on HP on one of its base sides with its axis
inclined at 4040ºº to HP and parallel to VP VP.. Draw its
2. Draw the projections of pentagonal prism of base side
20 mm and the axis length 50 mm when it rests on the
ground (HP) on one of its corners of the base and the
axis inclined 35
35ºº to the ground and parallel to VP
3. A cylinder of base diameter 50 mm and axis length 70
mm is resting on HP on a point on the circumference of
the base with its axis inclined at 50
50ºº to HP and parallel to
VP.. Draw the projections
VP projections..
CASE 1 – Prism & Cylinder
4. A rectangular prism of size 30 mm × 40 mm and
altitude 60 mm rest on HP and one of its longer edge
(longer side) is of the base on HP HP.. Its axis is inclined
at 40
40ºº to HP and parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its projections
5. Draw the projections of a triangular prism of base side
25 mm and axis 60 mm resting on HP on one of its
base sides with the axis inclined at 40 40ºº to HP and
parallel to VP
VP.. (H
Base Inclined
1. A hexagonal prism side of base 25 mm & axis 50 mm
long rests with one of its base corners on HP such
that its base makes an angle of 60 60ºº to HP and its axis
is parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its projections
CASE I – Pyramids & Cone
Axis Inclined
1. A hexagonal pyramid side of base 25 mm and
axis 50 mm long, rest with one of the edges of
its base on HP and its axis is inclined at 30
30ºº to
HP and parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its projections
2. Draw the projections of a pentagonal pyramid
of base 25 mm side & axis 60 mm long when it
is lying on HP on one of its base edges, such
that the axis is parallel to VP and inclined at
30ºº to HP
30 HP.. (H
3. Draw the projections of a cone, base 30 mm
diameter and axis 50 mm long, resting on HP
on a point of its base circle with the axis
making an angle of 4545ºº with HP and parallel to
CASE 1 – Pyramids & Cone

Base Inclined
1. A pentagonal pyramid side of base 20 mm and
axis 45 mm long rests with one of its corners on
HP such that the base is inclined at an angle of
60ºº to HP and one side of base is perpendicular
to VP
VP.. Draw its projections
2. A tetrahedron of 40 mm side rests with one of its
edges on HP and perpendicular to VP VP.. The
triangular face containing that edge is inclined at
30ºº to HP
30 HP.. Draw its projections
Case 2: Axis Inclined to VP

1. Draw the Object shape in

2. Draw the plan
3. Tilt the plan to the given angle
4. Redraw the elevation
Points to be remembered while drawing
object shape in CASE 2 - Prism

Condition: Square Prism, resting on HP with

one of its longer edges

Correct Incorrect
Points to be remembered while drawing
object shape in CASE 2 - Prism

Condition: Square Prism, resting on HP with

one of its rectangular faces

Incorrect Correct
Points to be remembered while drawing
object shape in CASE 2 - Pyramid

Condition: Square Pyramid, resting on HP

with one of its corners

Correct Incorrect
Points to be remembered while drawing
object shape in CASE 2 - Pyramid

Condition: Square Pyramid, resting on HP

with one of its Edges

Incorrect Correct
CASE 2: Prisms & Cylinder (Inclined
to VP
1. A square prism of base side 35 mm and axis length
60 mm lies on HP on one of its longer edges with its
face equally inclined to HP HP.. Draw its projections when
its axis inclined at 30
30ºº to VP
2. A square prism of base side 35 mm and axis length
60 mm is resting on HP on one of its longer edges
with its axis inclined at 25 25ºº to VP
VP.. One of the face
containing resting edge inclined 25 25ºº to HP
HP.. Draw the
3. A pentagonal prism of base side 35 mm & axis length
65 mm is resting on HP on one of its rectangular
faces with axis is inclined at 40 40ºº to VP
VP.. Draw the
Inclined to VP

3. A pentagonal prism of base side

30 mm and axis length 60 60mm
mm is
resting on HP on one of its
rectangular faces with its axis is
inclined at 4040ºº to VP
VP.. Draw its
Projection of Pentagonal prism with its axis
inclined to VP and parallel to HP
CASE 2: Prisms & Cylinder (Inclined
to VP
4. Draw the projections of a pentagonal prism of 30 mm
side of base and 65 mm long long.. It is lying on one of its
longer edges on HP with the rectangular face
perpendicular to HP such that the axis makes 60 60ºº
with VP
5. A cylinder of base diameter 40 mm & axis length 60
mm resting on one of its generator on HP with its axis
inclined at 45
45ºº to VP
VP.. Draw the projections
6. A hexagonal prism, side of base 25 mm & axis 60 mm
long lies with one of its rectangular face on HP, such
that the axis is inclined at 45 45ºº to VP VP.. Draw the
CASE 3: Corner lifting problem
A right pentagonal pyramid side of base
30 mm & altitude 60 mm rests on one
of its edges of the base in HP, the
base being lifted up until the highest
corner, in it is 40 mm above HP HP..
Draw its projection when the edge in
which it rests is made perpendicular
to VP
Case 4:Freely Suspended by String

Formula to find centre gravity when the solid is

freely suspended by string:

1. For Pyramids,cone CG = 1/4th of the Axis

2. For Prisms, cylinder CG = Half of the Axis
Freely suspended by a string

Conditions to draw the views:

1. Draw the object shape in the plan,
so that a corner is placed on the left
2. The line connecting the suspended
corner (corner on right side), and the
CG point should be perpendicular to
reference axis.
Freely Suspended by a string

The line joining the CG
b (d) and suspended corner


a b (d) c
d 1. Draw the object shape so that there is a corner on
left side.
2. Draw the elevation
a c
3. Find the CG point, and connect the a and CG by a
line (shown in red colour)
b 4. Tilt the elevation so that the line joining the point
a and CG should be vertical to reference axis
Freely suspended by a string

1. A square pyramid base 32 mm side & axis 60 mm long

is freely suspended from one of the corners of its
base with the axis parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its projections
2. A pentagonal pyramid of side of base 30 mm and
altitude 65 mm is suspended freely from a string
attached to one corner of the base of the pyramid pyramid..
The string is held such that the apex of the pyramid is
touching.. The axis of the pyramid is parallel to VP
touching VP..
Draw the projections
3. A cone of diameter 40 mm and height 60 mm is freely
suspended from one of its base points such that the
axis is parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its front & top views
Freely suspended by a string

4. A hexagonal prism of side 30 mm and axis

length 60 mm is freely suspended by a
string from one of its base corners with its
axis parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its projections

5. A cylinder of base diameter 40 mm & axis

length 60 mm is freely suspended from one
of its base pointer such that the axis is
parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its front & top view
One of its triangular face on ground (HP) or one of the slant edge on HP
(or) one of its generators (sloping side) on ground (Axis parallel to VP)

1. Draw the object shape in plan

2. Draw the elevation
3. Tilt the elevation completely
4. Redraw the plan
One of the triangular faces on ground, sloping sides on ground,
generators on ground (Axis parallel to VP)

Hexagonal pyramid resting on HP with one of its triangular

faces with its axis parallel to VP

Reason: Since tilting is
When we tilt done towards
the longer right, when we
edge (sloping tilt the solid, the
edge) will shaded
rest on triangular face
ground will rest on
Incorrect ground
Conditions: One of its triangular face on ground, one of
the slant edge on ground, one of its generators on
1. A hexagonal pyramid of side of base 25 mm,
axis 50 mm long lies with one of its triangular
faces on the HP and its axis, is parallel to VP
Draw the projection
2. A pentagonal pyramid, side of base 30 mm and
axis 60 mm long is lying with one of its
triangular faces on the HP and axis parallel to
the VP
VP.. Draw its projections
3. A pentagonal pyramid, side of base 25 mm and
axis 55 mm long, lies with one of its slant
edges on HP such that its axis is parallel to VP
Draw its projections
Conditions: One of its triangular face on ground, one of
the slant edge on ground, one of its generators on
4. A cone of base diameter 50 mm and axis length 60
mm is resting on HP on one of its generators with
its axis parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its projections
5. A square pyramid of base side 35 mm & axis
length 65 mm is resting on HP on one of its
triangular faces with its axis parallel to VP
VP.. Draw
its projections
One of the triangular face on VP (or) one of slant
edge on VP (or) one of the generator on VP VP..
1. A square pyramid of base side 35 mm & axis
length 65 mm is resting on VP on one of it
triangular face with its axis parallel t HPHP.. Draw
the projections
CASE 6: One triangular face is vertical (or
perpendicular to both HP and VP)

1. Draw the object shape in plan

2. Draw the elevation
3. Tilt the elevation so that, the sloping edge
on the left side to be perpendicular to
reference axis (The shaded triangular
face becomes perpendicular to both HP
and VP)
4. Complete the plan
Special Case 6: One triangular face is vertical
(or perpendicular to both HP and VP)

1. A hexagonal pyramid of base side 30 mm and axis length

60 mm is resting on HP on one of its base edges with
the face containing the resting edge perpendicular to
both HP and VPVP.. Draw its projections
2. A pentagonal pyramid of base side 30 mm and axis
length 60 mm is resting on HP on one of its base
corner with its axis parallel to VP
VP.. Draw its projections
when the slant edge containing the resting corner is
3. Draw the projections of a cone of diameter 40 mm &
height 70 mm lying on the ground on one of its base
point with a generator perpendicular to HPHP..
Case 7: solid diagonal is vertical

1. Draw the projections of a cube of side 4040mm

mm when it
rests on one of its corners with a diagonal of the solid
2. A hexagonal prism of base side 30 mm and axis length
60 mm is resting on HP on one of its base corners with
a solid diagonal through that corner is perpendicular to
HP.. Draw its projections and print the length of the
diagonal (UQ)
(i) Axis inclined to one plane and parallel to other
When the axis of the solid is inclined to one plane and
parallel to other
other.. Draw its projections in two stages
Stage – 1: (simple position)
In the first stage assume the solid to be simple position
that is its axis perpendicular to one of its planes (i.e) if
the axis is inclined to HP, assume the solid to be
perpendicular to HP HP.. Similarly if the axis is inclined to
VP.. Assume the solid to be perpendicular to VP
Stage – 2: (change of position (or) change of reference
line (or) auxiliary projection method)
In this method introduce an auxiliary plane according to the
required condition project the final views
Auxiliary plane method (or) change of reference line
method(Inclined to HP)HP)::
1. A hexagonal prism of base side 30 mm axis length 60
mm is resting on HP on one of its base sides with
its axis inclined at 4040ºº to HP and parallel to VP
Draw its projections by auxiliary projection method
2. A hexagonal pyramid side of base 25 mm and axis 50
mm long and rest on one of its corners of its base
on HP
HP.. The axis is inclined at 30
30ºº to HP and parallel
to VP
VP.. Draw its projection by auxiliary projection
3. A cone of base diameter 40 mm and altitude 65 mm
rest on HP with one of its points on its
circumference of base
base.. Its axis is inclined at 40
40ºº to
HP and parallel to VP VP.. Draw its projections by
auxiliary projection method
Inclined to VP
1. A hexagonal prism, side of base 25 mm
and axis 60 mm long, lies with one of its
rectangular faces on HP, such that the
axis is inclined at 45
45ºº to VP
VP.. Draw its
projection by auxiliary inclined plane
Prepared by

R. Sendil Kumar,
Assistant Professor/Mech


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