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13.1 General
The Design-Builder shall conduct all Work necessary to meet the requirements of permanent and temporary
Structures, including bridges, retaining walls, barriers, box culverts, circular pipes, precast concrete
structures, long-span structures, protection of Utilities, temporary construction access structures, shoring and
falsework, cofferdams, form travelers, gantries, cranes, sign structures, lighting structures, and structure
Caltrans A Test Plan for the Characterization and Qualification of Highway Bridge Seismic
Isolator and Damping Devices
Caltrans A Test Plan for the Characterization and Qualification of Highway Bridge Seismic
Isolation Bearing Devices
AASHTO Guide Specifications for Design and Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges
AASHTO Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design
AASHTO Guide Specification for Highway Bridge Fabrication with HPS70W (HPS 485W)
PTI Recommendations for Stay Cable Design, Testing and Installation
CEB-FIP Model Code for Concrete Structures, Appendix E: Time Dependent Behavior of
Concrete, Creep and Shrinkage
TRB NCHRP Report 645, Blast-Resistant Highway Bridges: Design and Detailing
ACI Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary
AISC Seismic Design Manual
AISC Steel Construction Manual
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 Bridge Welding Code
ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.1M/D1.1 Structural Welding Code
ATC-32 Improved Seismic Design Criteria for California Bridges: Provisional
TRB NCHRP Report 472, Comprehensive Specification for the Seismic Design of
ASCE/SEI Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
ASCE Guidelines for the Design of Cable-Stayed Bridges
Caltrans Bridge Deck Construction Manual
Caltrans Falsework Manual
Caltrans Foundation Manual
Caltrans Office of Special Funded Projects (OSFP) Information and Procedures Guide
Caltrans Prestress Manual
Caltrans Construction Manual
Caltrans Bridge Construction Records and Procedures Manual
Caltrans Trenching and Shoring Manual
Caltrans Plans Preparation Manual (PPM)
AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation
Caltrans Highway Design Manual (HDM)
Various Remaining standards set forth in Book 3
*Document modified for design-build.
13.2.2 Definitions
Main Span Bridge — That portion of the Project that consists of the bridge structure that carries Ocean
Boulevard over the Back Channel and extends between deck expansion joints on either side of the Back
Channel. The Main Span Bridge includes the cable-stayed bridge superstructure, towers, adjacent end bents,
and adjacent expansion joints.
Approach Bridges — Those portions of the Project that consist of the bridge structures not included as part
of the Main Span Bridge.
Seismic Energy Product – A seismic response modification device or element that dissipates or otherwise
handles seismic energy that is subject to compliance with the Caltrans California Department of
Transportation New Product Evaluation Guidelines.
Energy Dissipating Shear Link – An element with no moving parts that dissipates seismic energy.
Seismic Energy Fuse – An element that dissipates seismic energy and does not include Energy Dissipating
Shear Links or elements that would fall under the Caltrans California Department of Transportation New
Product Evaluation Guidelines.
The term “AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition, with California Amendments” shall
mean the requirements contained in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition as
amended by 1) the Caltrans California Amendments to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
(Fourth Edition) and 2) the Revisions to the Caltrans California Amendments to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications (Fourth Edition). If the Revisions to the Caltrans California Amendments to the
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (Fourth Edition) or the Caltrans California Amendments to the
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (Fourth Edition) do not contain a modification or amendment
to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition for a given section, the Design-Builder shall
comply with the requirements in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition. Interim updates
to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition are included via 1) the Caltrans California
Amendments to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (Fourth Edition) and 2) the Revisions to
the Caltrans California Amendments to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (Fourth Edition).
The Revisions to the Caltrans California Amendments to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
(Fourth Edition) include interims issued after the date provided in Book 1, Section 1.4 (Reference Standards
and Specifications).
13.2.3 Meetings
The Design-Builder shall meet with the Port and the Department at Department Headquarters in Sacramento,
CA prior to creating load rating models to discuss and understand the requirements related to these models
and their future use.
Prior to submitting the Painting Quality Work Plan required herein, a pre-painting meeting including the
Port, the Design-Builder, the Design-Builder’s Quality Control Manager, a representative from each entity
performing painting for this Project, and a representative from the paint manufacturer, shall be held to
discuss the requirements for the Painting Quality Work Plan.
The Design-Builder shall conduct a three-day accident and terrorist risk analysis workshop per Exhibit 2-13-
F (Accident and Terrorist Vulnerability Assessment (ATVA) Requirements).
Unless noted otherwise, the Design-Builder shall complete the following tasks associated with meetings:
• Schedule the meeting
• Have present the staff directly involved in the topic of the meeting
• Invite the staff from the Port and the Department, as required per the Port
• Facilitate and run the meeting
• Provide an agenda for the meeting, draft meeting minutes within three Days of the meeting and final
meeting minutes within three Days of receiving comments to the draft minutes
• Provide a location for the meeting
13.2.4 Software Requirements
The Design-Builder shall use the commercially accessible computer bridge analysis programs, CSI BRIDGE
or MIDAS, to complete bridge load ratings.
The Design-Builder shall use the commercially accessible computer bridge analysis program, ADINA, for
either the original seismic nonlinear time-history design model or the independent check seismic nonlinear
time-history design model.
Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Design-Builder shall ensure the most current
version of the required software as of the date listed in Book 1, Section 1.5 (Referenced Standards and
Specifications) is used.
The assigned bridge or wall name and number shall be painted on all structures. Locations indicating where
to paint the number and name on a structure shall be shown on the General Plan in accordance with the
Caltrans Bridge Design Details.
All Concept Design Submittal Meetings will be scheduled after the Port has Approved the Conceptual
Geometric Plan and a minimum of five Working Days following receipt of a complete Concept Design
Submittal and all related documents. At the meeting, the Design-Builder shall present the proposed structure
and shall briefly discuss issues pertinent to the selection of the structure type, particularly requirements for
foundations, hydraulics, construction (including falsework), seismic design, retrofit strategy, aesthetics,
traffic handling, and other information needed, as applicable, to support the structure type.
The Design-Builder shall provide appropriate meeting areas and equipment to conduct video-conferencing
between Port and Department locations in Long Beach and Sacramento, respectively, for Concept Design
Submittal Meetings. At a minimum, the Design-Builder’s Design Engineer of Record shall be present in
Sacramento for Concept Design Submittal Meetings.
After the meeting, the Design-Builder shall prepare a meeting summary and provide a copy to the Port within
three Working Days. The meeting summary may be used to update or supplement the information in the
Concept Design Submittal to address comments raised at the meeting. Provided all comments are
satisfactorily addressed, the Port will provide Approval or denial of the proposed structure type within five
Working Days of receiving the final meeting summary.
Within two weeks after receiving written Approval of the structure type, the Design-Builder shall update the
Preliminary General Plan and submit the required number of reduced copies to Port for comment.
Additional Concept Design Submittal information to complete the structure type selection process for each
structure shall follow Section 4-2 of the OSFP Information and Procedures Guide and the applicable
portions of the Bridge Memo to Designers. Technical Advisory Panel Review
The Design-Builder shall assemble and convene a Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) in accordance with
Exhibit 2-13-C (Technical Advisory Panel Charter and Review Process).
Existing substructure units shall be removed to at least 2 feet below finished grade, and more if required for
the Work.
If existing structures are to be partially removed to allow construction of the Project, the remaining portion of
the structure shall support all loading conditions anticipated to occur. Modifications shall be completed prior
to transfer of traffic from the remaining facility. If temporary structures are needed to support remaining
elements, the Design-Builder shall, at a minimum, design the temporary structures for seismic resistance of
10 percent of the tributary dead load being supported.
Design documents must show the location(s) of equipment used for demolition, sequence of removal,
loading limits, allowable location of loads, equipment specifications including their weight, and any other
material, which will be placed on the structure during or prior to demolition for all structures.
All Seismic Energy Products, including isolation bearings and dampers, shall be pre-qualified in accordance
with the requirements of Caltrans New Product Evaluation Guidelines and shall be tested in accordance with
Caltrans A Test Plan for the Characterization and Qualification of Highway Bridge Seismic Isolator and
Damping Devices and Caltrans A Test Plan for the Characterization and Qualification of Highway Bridge
Seismic Isolation Bearing Devices.
The design and testing of Seismic Energy Products shall reflect the actual load conditions and load
combinations in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition, with
California Amendments.
The design of seismic isolation devices shall follow the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation
Design. Energy Dissipating Shear Link Evaluation
If the Design-Builder elects to use Energy Dissipating Shear Links, the Design-Builder shall comply with the
requirements for Energy Dissipating Shear Links in Exhibit 2-13-A (Design Criteria), except that the Design-
Builder shall modify the testing protocol (e.g., cycles, loading, etc.) for the specific situation. Seismic Energy Fuse Evaluation
If the Design-Builder elects to use Seismic Energy Fuses, the Design-Builder shall provide a Seismic Energy
Fuse Testing Protocol that, at a minimum, contains the same information required for Energy Dissipating
Shear Links in Exhibit 2-13-A (Design Criteria), except that the Design-Builder shall create a new testing
protocol for their specific situation. Viscous Dampers
If viscous dampers are used as seismic energy dissipating devices, the Design-Builder shall design the
dampers for operating loads and seismic loads according to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, 4th Edition, with California Amendments and as follows, at a minimum:
• The design of the dampers shall conform to the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation if
the dampers are for resisting seismic forces.
• The number of cycles for damper movement, velocity, and displacement for the seismic design shall all
be based on the bridge model prepared by the Design-Builder.
• The dampers shall have a port for recharging the fluid inside the piston chamber, an additional port for
bleeding air from the chamber, and a glass window to observe the fluid level inside the chamber or an
instrument to measure the volume of fluid in the piston chamber.
• The Design-Builder shall provide a minimum of three pressure gages for measuring fluid pressure inside
the piston chamber.
• The dampers shall be coupled or connected with force transducer for measurement of actual forces
applied into the dampers. The transducer shall not interfere with the damper’s performance during seismic
• Viscous dampers shall have a minimum of a ten-year warranty starting from Final Acceptance. The
warranty shall cover and list explicitly all the potential defects that will affect the damper’s performance.
• Only dampers with fuses shall be used. Fuses can be external or internal to the damper and shall be
designed to be replaceable.
• Dampers shall be designed to remain inactivated under all ambient movements due to service loads
including wind, temperature, live loads, etc. Dampers shall also be designed to remain inactivated at the
FEE level earthquake as defined by the Exhibit 2-13-A (Design Criteria). When dampers
are inactivated, the fuse shall remain intact without the need for repair or replacement when subjected to
loading, and the damping elements of the damping device are not activated. When the dampers are
activated, the fusing elements shall no longer transfer load, and the damping elements of the device shall
be activated and dissipate seismic energy.
The Design-Builder shall use Exhibit 2-13-B (Wind Climate Data) for the required wind speeds for stability
and structural design of the Main Span Bridge. A 20-year design wind load shall be used for construction
stage analysis instead of that shown in Exhibit 2-13-B.
The Design-Builder shall submit a Wind Tunnel Test Report containing the following information, at a
• Introduction
• Wind climate and site analysis, including introduction, data sources, methodology, results, conclusions,
and recommendations
• Section model test information, including objectives and criteria, model description, wind tunnel test
procedures, aerodynamic stability results, and static force and moment coefficients
• Results to wind buffeting, including background information, mean and background fluctuation wind
loads, inertial loads due to wind-induced bridge motions, and simplified wind load distributions for
structural design
Static aerodynamic coefficients (lift, drag, and moment), aeroelastic flutter coefficients, and vortex-induced
aerodynamic motions shall be obtained from wind tunnel tests using a detailed 1:45 sectional model of the
bridge. Static aerodynamic coefficients shall be determined for a +/-10-degree angle of attack. Dynamic
response shall be determined for a +/-5-degree angle of attack.
The Design-Builder shall perform full aeroelastic model testing of the Main Span Bridge, including at least
one Approach Bridge frame, but not less than 700 feet of Approach Bridge, adjacent to each end of the Main
Span Bridge in the bridge’s completed form and throughout all critical stages of construction. A frame is
defined as those portions of a bridge bounded by superstructure expansion joints. Critical construction stages
shall be determined by the Design-Builder, but at a minimum, shall include two construction stage conditions
consisting of a stand-alone tower and fully extended cantilever conditions just prior to mid-span and bent
closures. The Design-Builder shall prepare a Wind Engineering Study Report with the results of the full
aeroelastic model testing of the bridge to determine wind design forces based on the wind tunnel tests
findings. The Wind Engineering Study Report shall contain the following, at a minimum:
• Description of the aeroelastic model
• Description of the wind tunnel simulation
• Description of the wind tunnel test and instrumentation
• Aerodynamic stability from wind tunnel test results
• Response to turbulent winds from wind tunnel test results
• Response comparisons between the stability and buffeting analysis and the test results
• Comparison of simultaneous peak moments at the base of the tower
• Conclusions and recommendations
Wind analysis shall be performed by the Design-Builder in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, 4th Edition, with California Amendments, Section 3.8, ASCE/SEI 7, and the Wind
Engineering Study Report using the resulting wind component combinations included in the report. Both
static and dynamic wind effects shall be considered, utilizing computer models of the bridge that incorporate
the results of wind tunnel tests of sectional models of the deck. Wind tunnel tests shall include smooth and
turbulent flow, and 0.5 percent to 1.5 percent damping.
The Design-Builder shall provide a cable dampening system per Exhibit 2-13-D (Stay Cable Systems). Wind Events
The Design-Builder shall complete wind analysis and design considering both a high-probability
Serviceability Event and a lower-probability Aerodynamic Stability Event. At a minimum, the wind
analysis and design shall consider the following two scenarios:
1) Bridge railings required by the Contract Documents
2) A 10-foot-high fence with a 2-inch opening mesh located on each exterior side of the Main Span Bridge,
regardless of whether a railing or fence is used that would decrease loading effects. If a fence or railing
with larger loading effects than a 10-foot high fence with a 2-inch mesh opening is used by the Design-
Builder, then the larger loading effects shall be designed for.
The Serviceability Wind Event shall have a probability consistent with a mean return period of 100 years as
defined in ASCE/SEI 7, but the resulting mean-hourly wind speed shall not be less than specified in Exhibit
2-13-B (Wind Climate Data). During all phases of construction, a 20-year mean return period shall be
assumed with a mean-hourly wind speed of not less than that specified in Exhibit 2-13-B. For these wind
events, the load combinations specified in Exhibit 2-13-A shall be used.
Vertical deck accelerations shall not exceed 0.03g for winds up to 30 mph and 0.10g for winds between 30
mph and 45 mph. The completed bridge shall show no signs of flutter instability up to a wind velocity of 1.4
times the one-hour mean Serviceability Wind Event and during all phases of construction for the 20-year
wind event. If the bridge shows any sign of aerodynamic instability during the Serviceability Wind Event or
does not meet deck acceleration limits when subjected to these wind velocities, the cross-section or other
bridge design features shall be revised. All revisions are subject to Port Approval. During construction,
temporary remedial measures to counteract any distress shall be implemented as required without obstructing
Back Channel navigation.
13.3.10 Bridge Load Rating
The Design-Builder shall load rate the bridges according to the latest AASHTO Guide Manual for
Condition Evaluation and Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) of Highway Bridges. The ratings
shall be based on the final As-Built Documents of the bridges and be prepared and submitted in accordance
with the Standards. Complete and detailed as-built structural models shall be provided to the Port for all
bridge structures.
Prior to developing load rating models, the Design-Builder shall meet with the Port to discuss the details of
model development.
The load rating models shall be developed by a California-licensed Civil Engineer experienced in developing
load rating models and checked by a California licensed Civil Engineer and shall consider effects of
construction staging. Load rating models shall be provided for each Project bridge.
The load rating model shall be constructed in three orthogonal directions or axes (X, Y, and Z), and shall
consist of a three-dimensional description of the structure using shell or grillage elements. The true
horizontal and vertical alignment of the superstructure shall be defined. The location of the substructure
elements including the columns and pile cap shall be included in the model. The stiffness of these elements
for the purposes of distributing load shall be the same as used in the design of the structure.
The model shall be capable of distributing loads based on the geometry and stiffness of the structural
elements. Nonstructural elements, such as barrier rail, shall not be modeled as load-carrying elements. In
performing the load rating, the distribution of loads shall be the same as that used in the design of the
HL-93 and Permit Design Loads shall be used in the models to generated load rating results for
superstructure elements of the bridges that carry live loads and for bent caps.
The overall rating shall be the lowest rating of any individual component, segment, or type. The final rating
and each component rating shall be accompanied by the location of the rating, limit state, and impact factor.
Each separate bridge component, segment, or element constructed or modified under this Project shall be
rated and reported to the Port in a Bridge Load Rating Report. At a minimum, ratings shall be computed for
moment and shear at the one-tenth points of each bridge span. The Bridge Load Rating Report shall also
include the load rating analysis computer model electronic files as an attachment.
The Design-Builder shall provide a Bridge Load Rating Manual for the Main Span Bridge and the
Approach Bridges. This manual shall include the methods and software, if applicable, used to load rate the
bridge, such as influence lines or surfaces.
The Design-Builder shall assess accident and terrorist vulnerabilities and incorporate mitigation measures in
the design of the cable-stayed bridge as specified in Exhibit 2-13-F (Accident and Terrorist Vulnerability
Assessment Requirements).
At a minimum, the Design-Builder shall meet the requirements of NCHRP Report 645- Blast-Resistant
Highway Bridges: Design and Detailing Guidelines. Localized spall and breach damage shall be accounted
for when designing bridge components for blast forces (see guidelines from U.S. Department of Defense for
spall and breach damage estimated for non-column structural components). The blast load analysis of the
structure shall consider inertial effects, and dynamic analysis shall be used for the design of any structural
member subjected to blast loads.
The Design-Builder shall provide a Lead Blast Specialist who meets the requirements of Exhibit 2-13-F
(Accident and Terrorist Vulnerability Assessment Requirements) and has experience completing blast
evaluations and design of blast protection systems on at least three structures. Experience on a building can
be used to meet this requirement. The Lead Blast Specialist shall be responsible for completing accident and
terrorist vulnerability assessments. Safeguarding Documents
All Project documents shall include the necessary information for satisfactory construction of the structure,
system, or component, and training necessary to operate any security system. These documents shall not
indicate that the construction, structure, system, or component shown meets any security standard, or contain
any reference to the limits or capabilities of the construction, structure, system, system operation, or
The Design-Builder shall maintain, at Design-Builder’s expense, all newly installed dampers and shall
perform work as necessary to ensure dampers’ proper function for the entire 10-year warranty period.
No asphalt concrete shall be applied to the polyester concrete wearing surface at any time during
construction or in the future.
• Each binder shall be identified on the outside binding edge with Project name and number, and bridge
name(s) and number(s). Manual Content
The Operations and Maintenance Manual shall cover the following subjects, at a minimum:
• Principal elements of the bridge.
• Bridge design considerations including bridge design criteria and any changes made during construction.
• Structural role of major bridge elements.
• Sequence and methods of bridge construction, including design modifications and problems or repairs
encountered during construction.
• Recommended inspection personnel qualifications and equipment beyond the equipment already
provided as part of the Project.
• Recommended inspection and maintenance program and schedule.
• Inspection procedures or focus areas including as-built conditions that differ from the design plans.
Known bridge deficiencies shall include why it is a deficiency, why it was not addressed during
construction, field information description (e.g., photos, measurements, notes, and dates), and assessment
of compliance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards for the deficient element.
• Operation and maintenance of bridge appurtenances, including travelers, elevators, Utilities, lighting and
navigation elements, buildings and equipment such as compressors, supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA) equipment, and lighting controls.
• Procedures for future maintenance and repairs, including maximum anticipated deflections during design
service life. Future work shall include work customary of the bridge type and design service life and
must include, at a minimum, stay cable adjustment/ replacement, painting if applicable, and mechanical
or electrical element repairs.
• If seismic energy dissipation elements are provided, procedures for the future replacement of seismic
energy dissipation elements and criteria to determine when elements must be replaced.
At a minimum, each manual shall also compile the manufacturer's data and specific Project data, and shall
include the following, if applicable:
• Complete instructions on the operations of all equipment, including control settings, switch positions,
timer operation, and starting and stopping sequences
• Complete instructions regarding maintenance of all equipment including periods and frequencies of all
inspections, lubrications and filter replacements, type of lubricants required; and exact description of
performance of such maintenance and full description of inspections and corrections on a step-by-step
• Complete nomenclature of all replaceable parts, their part numbers, and the name and address of the
nearest vendor
• Copies of all guarantees and warranties issued for system components, showing all expiration dates
• Copies of test and balancing reports made on the equipment installed Submittal And Review
One unbound copy of each Operations and Maintenance Manual shall be submitted not less than 120 Days
before Final Acceptance. Comments shall be incorporated, and three copies of each volume in final form
shall be submitted to the Port. The final submittal shall be made not less than 25 Days before projected
Final Acceptance of the Contract. Approval of the Operations and Maintenance Manuals and completing
the training shall be a prerequisite to Final Acceptance of the Work.
Towers and end bent columns may consist of identical twin vertical shafts connected with seismic energy
dissipation elements that cause the twin shafts to act as a lateral force resisting frame. If the Design-Builder
elects this option, the seismic energy dissipation elements shall be used in all substructure units in the Main
Span Bridge. Should the Design-Builder elect to use a twin-shaft approach for towers and end bent columns,
the Design-Builder shall:
• Be responsible for meeting the requirements of seismic energy dissipation elements including the design,
fabrication, testing, and installation.
• Tower Shafts shall be connected with horizontal diaphragms above the stay cable anchorage zone, below
the stay cable anchorage zone, and at the deck level. The stay cable anchorage zone is defined as the zone
along a tower that contains all stay cable anchorages.
• Stay cable anchorages in one tower shaft shall be connected to the opposite stay cable anchorage in the
opposite tower shaft by elements that transfer the tension forces from one anchorage to the other.
• End bent column shafts shall be connected at the top with a horizontal diaphragm.
• Landings shall be placed in tower shafts at seismic energy dissipation elements, tension elements between
stay cable anchorages, and diaphragms, as well as at access entrance points.
• Landings shall be placed in end bent column shafts at seismic energy dissipation elements and diaphragm
as well as at access entrance points.
Outrigger style bents will not be allowed.
Superstructure General
Under all service load combinations, the bridge superstructure shall provide the required vertical and
horizontal navigational clearances.
Long term effects of concrete creep and shrinkage shall be accounted for to ensure required vertical
clearances and residual cambers are maintained for the design service life of the bridges.
Inserts or other hardware shall be shown on the plans and provided in the bridge deck for all anticipated
structural connections to Utilities, drainage, and other facilities. Drilling into the bridge superstructure is not
Stay Cable System
Stay cables shall meet the requirements of Exhibit 2-13-D (Stay Cable Systems).
The superstructure shall be supported by a stay-cable system anchored to the edge girders and the towers.
The use of saddles is not allowed.
Stay cables and anchorages shall be symmetric about the towers and shall be supplied by VSL, Freysinett,
DSI, or Approved equal.
The stay connections to the edge girders shall be located outside the edge girders. The stays shall be
adjustable for length throughout the design service life of the bridge. Anchorages must not penetrate the
vertical clearance envelope for vehicles, pedestrians, or bikes at any point in the design service life of the
Location of future stay cable maintenance and provisions for future stay cable adjustment shall be located at
the deck end of each stay.
If the Design-Builder elects to use a concrete deck, the superstructure shall consist of transverse floor beams,
longitudinal edge girders, and longitudinal steel stringers between floor beams.
Floor beams shall be variable-depth steel-plate I girders.
Edge girders shall be steel box girders with an inclined outside web. The depth of edge girders shall be
constant, except within 35 feet from the end span bearings, where the depth may increase linearly, but not be
greater than the depth of the Approach Bridge superstructure.
No elements or portions of elements of the bridge or systems attached to the bridge shall project below the
bottom of the edge girders, except the floor beams, stay cable anchorage components, maintenance traveler,
maintenance traveler support rails and elements such as navigation lighting.
The deck shall be concrete or steel orthotropic deck.
If the Design-Builder elects to use a concrete deck, the physical properties of the concrete in the deck shall
be the same throughout the deck, including closure pours and pours over edge girders. Concrete decks shall
be reinforced or prestressed lightweight concrete (LWC) deck panels. Deck panels shall be precast and joints
between precast elements shall be completed with cast-in-place concrete closure pours at the floor beams and
stringers. Concrete deck panels shall be overlaid with a 2-inch polyester concrete wearing surface per the
Caltrans Standard Special Provisions.
If a steel orthotropic deck is used, the Design-Builder shall provide a deck with waterproofing membrane and
asphalt overlay that can both be replaced in the future.
The top and bottom of the deck shall be in compression at all locations at the service limit states.
The surface of the Class I bikeways shall be finished to meet Department standards for bridge decks,
including smoothness/rideability and surface friction. If precast deck panels are used, the Class I bikeway
shall be overlaid with a 2-inch polyester concrete wearing surface per the Caltrans Standard Special
Barrier or Railing
Concrete barrier Type 736 shall be used to separate roadway shoulders from the towers, stay cables, and
bikeway, as applicable. The back face of this barrier at the towers shall be vertical. Barrier shall be modified
as required for the Project.
• Traveler elements shall function as a system, and the Design-Builder shall provide training to the Port on
proper use of the system.
• The traveler shall have a 10-foot horizontal clear width.
• The walking surface of the traveler shall be between 4 feet and 6 feet from low structural steel.
• The pneumatic trolley motor(s) shall have a double brake system for each motor.
• Lines for wastewater, potable water, compressed air, electrical, and communications shall be accessible
from the maintenance traveler. Access points shall not exceed 100-foot spacing and be no further than
every other floor beam, if applicable. Potable water lines shall consist of hot-dip galvanized steel pipe.
Hose connections shall include an industrial grade, angle pattern globe valve or ball valve. For the potable
water connection, the valve shut off shall be the claw type (similar to the air hose connection). All pipes
shall be clearly marked.
• The traveler platform shall be provided with a sealed/waterproof floor with a sump and sump pump for
discharging wastewater into a drain pipe. The drain pipe shall allow gravity flow into a water clarifier and
then discharge into city sewer lines.
• The traveler system shall be able to be stored at either end bent. When stored, the traveler system shall be
secured from moving and have accommodations for securing loose or movable elements.
• The connection of the traveler system to the superstructure shall be redundant (i.e., if support was lost at
one connection, the traveler shall remain stable).
• The traveler shall be engineered and certified as man-rated and designed specifically for maintenance,
inspection, and painting operations. Maintenance Walkways
A continuous catwalk system shall be provided near the center of the bridge from end bent to end bent.
The catwalk shall have a horizontal clear width of at least 3 feet and vertical clearance of at least 5 feet to the
underside of bridge elements, not including the floor beam.
Openings in the floor beams shall accommodate the required horizontal catwalk clearance and have at least a
4-foot vertical clearance.
One column in each end bent shall provide access to the catwalk and the traveler. Maintenance Access and Openings
A door shall be provided at the base of each hollow end bent column or tower to gain access inside the
column and shall coincide with the lowest level of travel of the elevator, if an elevator is present.
Doors shall be weatherproof, steel, tamper-proof, and lockable. The Design-Builder shall determine the
locking scheme for each door so it can be locked and opened under the locked condition from the appropriate
Lower door thresholds shall be between 25 feet and 35 feet above finished grade. Each door shall have a
landing on the inside of the column or tower if the column or tower is hollow.
Doors shall have a clear opening of at least 2 feet wide by 4 feet tall.
Access openings are not allowed in towers near deck level or in the deck.
Access shall be provided in the top of each tower.
Hatches shall be weatherproof, and include a spring-assisted hinged cover that either helps lift the cover or
helps resist the cover from falling, depending on the horizontal location and application. The Design-Builder
shall determine the locking scheme for each hatch so it can be locked and opened under the locked condition
from the appropriate side.
A minimum of five access hatches shall be spaced evenly along the edge girder from end bent to end bent.
Hatches shall be placed on the floor beam side of the edge girder. Each access hatch cover shall have an
overall ventilation opening at least 1 square foot.
The Design-Builder shall account for removal of an injured worker in the design of maintenance access.
Hooks shall be provided at the top of each tower and end bent column for boatswain chairs to access the
exterior surfaces of the tower or end bent column.
Access shall be provided to bearings at the top of end bent columns.
If a tower or end bent column is comprised of one or more shafts, the Design-Builder shall provide access
from the top of all Shafts that make up a tower or end bent to the elevator of that tower or end bent. Maintenance Ladders
Ladders shall be provided inside hollow towers or end bent columns from top of footing to top of tower or
column void. Landings shall be provided per the Standards and/or at locations of elements that will require
future inspection. Ladders shall connect landings together.
Ladder support elements shall be galvanized steel, but grating may be fiber-reinforced polymer. Maintenance Equipment and Housing
Electric or pneumatic hoists shall be provided at the top of each tower with a minimum safe working load of
1,000 pounds. The hoist shall be able to access the top extents of the tower, the outside faces of the tower
from the bridge deck to the top of the tower, and inside the tower from the top of the elevator to the top of the
tower. Hoists shall also be accessible by maintenance workers. Hoists shall be able to access and remove and
replace seismic devices.
One elevator that allows accommodations to carry three people and a minimum safe working load of 1,000
pounds shall be provided at each tower and one column of each end bent. If a tower or end bent column is
comprised of one or more shafts, the Design-Builder shall provide one elevator per tower or end bent in one
of the shafts. Elevators shall allow for travel from the lowest landing area or access door up to the bottom of
the stay-cable anchorage zone in the towers or top of void in the end bent columns. Elevators shall be located
inside the tower and capable of stopping at each landing.
Air Compressor
Compressed air lines shall be provided along the Main Span Bridge. The compressed air lines shall be
accessible from the maintenance traveler system, with fixtures at every other floor beam, minimum, along
the length of the bridge.
An electric-driven air compressor with associated air tanks shall be provided at the base of each tower. The
air compressors shall have a minimum output of 800 cfm and a maximum of 1,200 cfm at any given point on
the bridge to operate the traveler platform and other pneumatic equipment used for maintenance.
Minimum compressed air pressure at any point on the main span bridge shall be 120 psi. The air line shall be
equipped with ¾-inch crow foot fittings and ball valve.
Each compressor shall be remote-controlled from the Maintenance Facility defined in Section 24.
Water Pump
The Design-Builder shall provide a water pump capable of supplying a minimum pressure of 120 psi at any
given point on the bridge.
Air Dryer
The Design-Builder shall provide an electrical coil air dryer.
Water Clarifier
The Design-Builder shall provide a water clarifier at each end bent for maintenance, painting, and cleaning
operations. The Design-Builder shall size the clarifier for how much water is required to contain for future
maintenance activities and shall submit the method for sizing the clarifier in the Main Span Bridge
Maintenance Concept Plan. The maximum size the Port will require is 5,000 gallons. Clarifier piping system
shall be connected to the sewer system.
A permanent concrete block building with minimum dimensions of 20 feet x 30 feet shall be provided at or
near the base of each tower to house the air compressor, air storage tank, water pump, and air dryer.
The block building shall be accessible from a roadway and accommodate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
use, with interior lighting, electrical outlets on each wall, electrical power for specific equipment needs,
walk-in access door, and water and air piping systems.
The building shall provide sufficient room for servicing equipment, with a roll-up door with roadway access
for equipment removal. Building locations and size shall be shown in the Main Span Bridge Maintenance
Concept Plan. The Design-Builder is responsible for the associated permits. Maintenance Lighting
Electrical outlets shall be spaced a maximum of 100 feet within tower and end bent columns. Maintenance General
The Design-Builder shall include elements from the Approved Main Span Bridge Maintenance Concept Plan
in the final design of the Project.
The Design-Builder shall provide background data or designs, as applicable, with the Main Span Bridge
Maintenance Concept Plan showing the components proposed meet the requirements of the Contract
20 feet above mean highest high water elevation and shall conform to Standard Special Provision 52-650.
Reinforcement in the CIDH and CISS piling need not be coated unless reinforcement is within 6 inches of
an outside surface or required to be coated per AASHTO LRFD Table 5.12.3-1 (Cover for Unprotected
Reinforcing Steel (in.)).
• Fiber-reinforced polymer reinforcing is not allowed as a replacement to steel reinforcing.
• An enclosed drainage system shall be used. Drain pipes shall be placed inside substructure units.
Cleanouts shall be provided as required for future maintenance.
Substructure Pile Cap
• Top of footings shall be a minimum of 2 feet below finished grade elevation, unless noted elsewhere in
the Contract Documents.
• Foundations shall be deep foundations, such as piling, drilled shafts, or caissons.
Substructure Column/Bent
Substructure columns shall be integral with the superstructure, with the exception of the end bents of the
Main Span Bridge, which may be non-integral. Bent caps that project below the superstructure soffit are not
The maximum number of columns per bent location (includes both directions of Ocean Boulevard traffic)
shall be as follows:
• For bent locations in the area from “A” Line (Ocean Boulevard) Station 269+50 to the west end of the
Main Span Bridge, the maximum number of columns per bent location is two.
• For bent locations in the area from the east end of the Main Span Bridge to Station 320+00 along “B”
Line (EB Ocean Boulevard to NB SR 710) or “C” Line (SB SR 710 to WB Ocean Boulevard), the
maximum number of columns per bent location is two.
• The number of columns for other bent locations shall be determined by the Design-Builder.
Under all service load combinations, the bridge superstructure shall provide the required vertical and
horizontal clearances.
A polyester concrete wearing surface with a minimum thickness of 2 inches shall be applied to the full width
of the bridge deck between barriers per the Caltrans Standard Special Provisions.
The surface of Class I bikeways shall be finished to meet Department standards for a bridge deck, including
smoothness/rideability and surface friction. If precast deck panels are used, the Class I bikeway shall be
overlaid with a 2-inch polyester concrete wearing surface per the Caltrans Standard Special Provisions.
Barrier or Railing
Concrete barrier Type 736 shall be used along bridge fascias when no Class I bikeway is present. Barrier
shall be modified as required for the Project.
Bridge railing or barrier shall not be used in determining capacity. Foundation
The Design-Builder shall comply with Exhibit 2-13-A (Design Criteria). Seismic Design
The Design-Builder shall comply with Exhibit 2-13-A (Design Criteria). Maintenance Design
Maintenance elements shall be accounted for in the design and provided as part of the Project. The Design-
Builder shall submit an Approach Bridge Maintenance Concept Plan that includes the following: Maintenance Access and Openings
If bent columns are hollow, a door shall be provided at the base of each column.
Doors shall be weatherproof, steel, tamper-proof, and lockable.
The Design-Builder shall determine the locking scheme for each door so it can be locked and opened under
the locked condition from the appropriate sides.
Door thresholds shall be between 25 feet and 35 feet above finished grade. Each door shall have a landing on
the inside of the hollow column.
Doors shall have a clear opening of at least 2 feet wide by 4 feet tall.
One soffit access hatch shall be provided in each superstructure span. Multi-cell superstructures shall provide
access openings through interior box girder webs to allow maintenance staff access to all cells of the
Soffit access hatches shall be weatherproof and provided with a spring-assisted hinged cover that either helps
lift the cover or helps resist the cover from falling, depending on the horizontal location and application.
Soffit hatches located within 50 feet of finished grade shall be lockable. The Design-Builder shall determine
the locking scheme for each soffit access hatch so it can be locked and opened under the locked condition
from the appropriate sides. Maintenance Ladders
If bent columns are hollow, ladders shall be provided inside hollow columns from the top of footing of each
bent column to the top of the column void.
Landings shall be provided and ladders shall connect landings together.
Ladder elements shall be galvanized steel but grating can be fiber-reinforced polymer. Maintenance Equipment
Hoists shall be provided inside hollow superstructures with a minimum safe working load of 1,000 pounds.
Hoists are required at soffit access hatches only and shall be able to raise or lower items through the soffit
access hatches.
Hooks shall be provided inside each hollow bent column at the top of the tower for boatswain chairs for
access to the interior surfaces of the tower. Maintenance Lighting
Hangers or hooks to support future portable maintenance lighting shall be installed in the ceiling of each
hollow superstructure cell. Hangers or hooks shall be spaced a minimum of 100 feet along the length of a
span but not further than 50 feet from the end of a span. An electrical outlet shall be provided at each future
portable maintenance lighting support.
Electrical outlets shall be spaced a maximum of 100 feet within hollow bent columns. Maintenance General
The Design-Builder shall include elements from the Approved Approach Bridge Maintenance Concept Plan
in the final design of the Project.
The Design-Builder shall provide background data or designs, as applicable, with the Approach Bridge
Maintenance Concept Plan submittal, showing the components proposed meet the requirements of the
Contract Documents.
13.3.17 Permanent Retaining Walls
The Design-Builder shall determine the location(s) and types of retaining walls needed on the Project.
The Design-Builder shall provide walls that meet the requirements of the Load and Resistance Factor Design
(LRFD) methods and not rely on design-related information in the Standard Plans, which do not reflect
LRFD design methodology. The Design-Builder shall, however, follow requirements of the Standard Plans
as they relate to non-design-related items such as drainage materials and sizes or earthwork criteria.
When proprietary or alternate wall systems are used, the Design-Builder shall provide site specifics to the
wall provider. Site specifics include, at a minimum: profiles, wall heights, loading conditions (e.g., dead
loads, live loads), results of foundation investigations, water conditions, all Utilities (in-place, proposed, and
future), site restrictions, expected wall cross-sections, and desirable wall face treatments. The Design-Builder
shall obtain Approval of any proprietary or alternate wall systems.
The selected wall type design, including shape, layout pattern, surface treatment, and color shall relate
aesthetically to the overall bridge architecture, including both the Main Span Bridge and the Approach
Bridges. The Design-Builder shall provide an Architectural Element Report for the proposed designs that
includes retaining wall system, surface treatment, and color(s).
The Design-Builder shall identify non-standard special wall types during the type selection process and
provide non-standard specifications as part of the type selection documents. For wall types currently not
included in the Caltrans Standard Specifications or Standard Special Provisions, the Design-Builder shall
submit a non-standard specification to the Port for review and Acceptance with the applicable Released For
Construction Documents.
Base leveling pads of concrete, crushed stone, or other manufacturer-recommended material shall be
installed for proprietary or alternate wall systems, when required.
Drainage for overland flow shall be provided at the top of retaining wall systems. Drainage shall also be
provided within the wall system at the bottom rear of the backfill or reinforced fill zone and at the bottom
rear of the front face or leveling pad of the wall.
When steps in the horizontal alignment of a wall are proposed, the Design-Builder shall provide steps that
face away from traffic. Points of inflection in the horizontal alignment of retaining walls with the wall face
angling toward or away from traffic are acceptable.
The Design-Builder shall provide traffic barriers in front of retaining walls when the wall faces are within the
clear zone area of a roadway. When guardrail is used, the Design-Builder shall provide enough distance
between the guardrail and wall to absorb the deflection resulting from vehicular collision with the guardrail.
When the end of a wall is exposed to approaching traffic within the clear zone area, it shall be considered a
fixed object, and the Design-Builder shall provide either a guardrail or crash cushion as protection.
The Design-Builder shall provide traffic barriers on top of retaining walls under any of the following
• The wall is within the roadway clear zone.
• The wall is within 10 feet of the edge of roadway.
• The wall constitutes a hazard to vehicles due to design speed, traffic volume, roadway geometrics, or any
other applicable factors.
• The wall is outside the roadway clear zone, but a car leaving the road at an angle up to 25 degrees would
have no obstruction to driving over the top of the wall.
The Design-Builder shall meet the following requirements for soldier pile retaining walls:
• Corrosion protection shall be designed and constructed to provide the required design service life.
• Allowable horizontal deflection at the top of the wall shall not exceed 0.5 percent of the wall height.
• Wall facings shall be cast-in-place concrete.
• Minimum wall thickness shall be 6 inches.
• Bar reinforcement in walls from bottom of pile cap or shallow foundation to 20 feet above mean highest
high water elevation shall conform to Standard Special Provision 52-650.
• Provide a list of companies who will be performing the construction work and their experience with the
construction of these wall types.
• Address the issue of larger steel sections and sacrificial steel for the soldier pile.
• Timber used for temporary lagging shall not be treated.
• All pre-drilled pile shafts in soldier pile walls shall be encased in concrete.
• Corrosion protection shall be required for any soil anchors. Anchors shall be fully encapsulated with a
non-corrosive material. Retaining Wall Types Restricted from Use
The following permanent retaining wall types are not allowed on this Project:
• Steel sheet pile or timber piles
• Soil nail walls that function as bridge abutments
• Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls that support bridge abutments
• Soldier pile walls that function as bridge abutments
• Any other wall type currently not pre-approved by the Department and not included in the Standards
Wall types shall not be inter-mixed when the inter-mixing will produce interruptions in the architectural
treatment facing.
13.3.18 Utilities
For the purposes of this Section 13.3.18 (Utilities), Utilities shall include storm drains and other stormwater
Where conduit passes through a structural element, the conduit shall pass through a polyvinylchloride pipe
sleeve block-out. Where conduit is installed in the parapet wall of an abutment, the polyvinylchloride pipe
sleeve shall extend 1 foot beyond the wall. The polyvinylchloride pipe sleeve shall have a diameter 2 inches
larger than that of the conduit. All openings around Utility installations shall be sealed to prevent water and
debris from entering the structural components and conduit.
Department fiber-optic
2 4 Note 3
Port fiber-
1 4 Note 3
The Design-Builder may place conduits in a duct bank on the bridge deck between the tower and back of
median barrier.
The Design-Builder shall locate all Utility facilities in the Approach Bridges in barrier or inside the closed
box girder, unless noted otherwise in Table 13-2.
The strength of beams or girders shall not be reduced by drilling. Field welding on structures is not
permitted. All supports shall be of a non-rusting material.
The Design-Builder shall clearly mark each Utility facility at each vault, manhole, or handhole location with
the Utility Owner’s name and the type of facility. In addition, the Design-Builder shall identify individual
conduits or conduit bundles with the Utility Owner’s name and the type of facility a minimum of every 100
feet along the conduits(s). A conduit bundle containing one Utility Owner’s facility need only be labeled
once if it is clear the bundled conduits belong to the Utility Owner identified.
High-voltage electrical conduits and pipes containing fluids or gases shall not be placed in bridge barrier rails
or cast into concrete. Water Lines
The water piping system shall conform to the requirements of NSF 61, Drinking Water System Components
– Health Effects, sections 1 through 9, for potable water piping and components. The water piping system
shall have a minimum working pressure rating of 80 psig. The pipe fitting shall be hot-dipped galvanized
steel, welded and seamless wall pipe, Schedule 40, conforming to the requirements of ASTM A53 Grade B.
Flanges shall be 125 pound galvanized steel conforming to the requirements of ASME B 16.5 with flange
gasket material, and ASME B 16.21. Steel piping expansion joints shall be compound, galvanized, steel
fittings with telescoping body and slip–pipe section, including packing rings, packing, limit rods, chrome-
plated finish on slip-pipe sections and flange ends. Welded joints shall have a shop-applied hot-dipped
Piping systems shall be located in areas out of public view if at all possible, but the system shall be
accessible to the users of the system.
• Main Span Bridge and Approach Bridge substructure units and retaining walls from 1 foot below ground
to 40 feet above ground
• Main Span Bridge towers from the elevation of the deck to 40 feet above the deck
• Stay cable guide pipes
• Concrete barriers
The anti-graffiti coating shall be selected from the Department’s Prequalified Products List for Graffiti
Removal and Preventative Products list. Extra solution to treat five percent of the total surface area treated
shall be provided to the Port to address graffiti in the future. The Design-Builder shall train Port and/or
Department maintenance staff on the use of the product and method to remove graffiti. Coatings that require
re-application after initial removal of graffiti are not allowed.
The Design-Builder shall provide subcut, backfill, and compaction in accordance with the Accepted
Foundation Report recommendations as described in Section 8 (Geotechnical).
The Design-Builder shall not use salvaged bituminous material or crushed concrete in the backfill.
For all retaining walls, total settlement and overall tolerances shall be based on site-specific data at each wall
Temporary structures over sidewalk or pedestrian walkways shall provide lighting, handrails and overhead
cover with a width of not less than 5 feet and extending 10 feet beyond the edges of deck.
Temporary structure openings over highways and local streets shall provide a minimum width to allow for
the number of traffic lanes which must be maintained. Temporary structure openings over freeways shall
meet permanent standards for minimum vertical clearance. Vertical clearance over local streets shall be in
compliance with the requirements of the Standards or the local agency.
Temporary structures adjacent to traffic shall be protected by Approved barriers.
At a minimum, all housings shall be constructed of non-corrosive material and mounting brackets shall be
hot-dip galvanized steel with stainless steel hardware complete with all required accessories.
13.4.10 Protection
Construct the Main Span Bridge and Approach Bridges with appropriate protection for workers and the
public safety, including river users and aviation requirements. Install temporary protection as required by
industry standards when not explicitly stated in the Contract Documents.
The Design-Builder shall acknowledge that due to the condition of the existing bridges there is a potential for
elements or portions of elements, such as pieces of deck concrete, to fall from the existing structures. The
Design-Builder is advised to take appropriate action.
The Design-Builder shall test for leaks and defects in the piping and prepare Pressure Testing Reports that
shall be submitted at the completion of the test. Pressure Testing Reports shall include the following, at a
• How the pressure was held to the static test level and the location of the static pressure source
• Documentation of the static pressure test level
• Any required corrective action required, its location, and when it will be completed
• If testing is performed in segments, a diagram showing the portion of the piping tested
The Design-Builder shall cap and subject the piping to static water pressure of 50 psig above working
pressure, without exceeding the pressure rating of the piping system materials; isolate the test source; and
allow to stand for four hours. Leaks and loss in test pressure constitute defects that must be repaired. The
Design-Builder shall repair leaks and defects with new material and retest the piping or portion thereof until
satisfactory results are obtained.
The Design-Builder shall clean the piping system. Purging and disinfecting procedures shall conform to the
requirements of AWWA C651 or AWWA C652. The interior of the water piping shall be cleaned and debris
removed as Work progresses.
13.5 Deliverables
Unless otherwise indicated, all deliverables shall be submitted in both electronic format and hardcopy
format. Acceptable electronic formats include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe Acrobat (.PDF)
files, unless otherwise indicated. Drawings shall be submitted electronically in original MicroStation format
and in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF). At a minimum, the Design-Builder shall submit the following to the Port:
Approval prior to
Concept Design
Approval 2 1 (PDF) Intermediate Design 13.3.2
Updated General Plan
Approval prior to
Submittal and Acceptance 2 1 (PDF) 13.3.2
RFC documents
Approval prior to
Wind Tunnel Test submittal of the Wind
Report Approval 2 1 (PDF) 13.3.9
Engineering Study
1 (PDF) &
Bridge Load Rating native Approval prior to
Manual Approval 2 13.3.10
format of Final Acceptance
Corrosion Protection Approval prior to
Plan Approval 2 1 (PDF) 13.3.12
RFC documents
As-Built Corrosion Acceptance prior to
Protection Report Acceptance 2 1 (PDF) 13.3.12
Final Acceptance
Acceptance two
Erection Manual Acceptance 2 1 (PDF) weeks prior to 13.3.13
Operations and
Maintenance Manual Approval See Section 13.3.14
Review and
Architectural Element Comment – 13.3.17
Prior to commencing
Report (CQAT); 2 1 (PDF) and
with final design
Approval – 13.3.22
Approval prior to
Pressure Testing enclosing piping or
Reports Approval 2 1 (PDF) 13.4.11
Energy Dissipating
Approval prior to Exhibit 2-
Shear Link Testing Approval 2 1 (PDF)
commencing testing 13-A
Acceptance prior to
Certified Test commending with stay Exhibit 2-
Acceptance 2 1 (PDF)
Report(s) cable fabrication for 13-D
permanent installation
Prior to performing
Painting Quality Work Exhibit 2-
Approval 2 1 (PDF) any painting or paint
Plan 13-E
Prior to commencing
ATVA Participant Exhibit 2-
Approval 2 1 (PDF) with Work on the
Nominations 13-F
ATVA Report
ATVA Disclosure and Exhibit 2-
Approval 2 1 (PDF) Participant
Certification form 13-F
ATVA Live Scan Exhibit 2-
Approval 2 1 (PDF) Participant
application 13-F
ATVA Confidentiality Exhibit 2-
Approval 2 1 (PDF) Participant
Agreement 13-F
Prior to completing Exhibit 2-
Monitoring Product Approval 2 1 (PDF)
final design 13-G
Design Criteria
Wind Climate Data
Technical Advisory Panel Charter and Review Process
Stay Cable Systems
Accident and Terrorist Vulnerability Assessment (ATVA) Requirements
Strong-Motion Monitoring System Requirements
ATVA Disclosure and Certification form
ATVA Live Scan application
ATVA Confidentiality Agreement