Systems Thinking BME Paper

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Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

Mac Arthur Highway, Lucao District, Dagupan City 2400

A Terminal Paper about

SHARED VISION: Possible Attitudes Toward A Vision

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

BME 14: Systems Thinking, Analysis, and Design

Submitted by (Block 23):

Primus Lex F. De Guzman
Jeffrey A. Ferrer
Mary Joy P. Leal
Kassandra Fe Mararac
Michaella A. Resuello
Mae M. Saguiped
Djohamie Denise V. Urayan
Heide M. Vinluan

October 25, 2019

during the 1st Semester of A.Y. 2019-2020

Submitted to:
Ms. Maybelle Ann S. Lopez, MBA

This paper aims to show the relationship between individual attitudes towards achieving

organization’s vision. Whereas, attitude is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person,

place, thing, or event. Furthermore, Gordon Allport, a prominent psychologist, once described

attitudes as the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social psychology.

Peter Senge (1990) on the other hand, suggests that leadership for creating a shared vision

begins with creative tension. According to him, creative tension emerges from seeing clearly the

vision and describing truthfully the current reality. The gap between the two that generates

creative tension (Figure IV.1).

Base from the diagram, it shows how essential the attitudes and the approach of each

employee is in a certain case for it will affect the probability of reaching the organization’s vision.

Such that, action taken today will have either a direct or indirect effect in the future. Thus, in

order to achieve the desired vision of a company, a school or even a family, fostering every

employee’s actions in a certain case should be taken for they are the major contributor on

organization’s position. As stated in Asset of Organisation (Raka, 2010), growth and success of

every organization is from the contribution of its employee individually as well as collectively.
Hettiararchchi and Jayarathna (2014) also states that employee attitudes are a reflection

of their broad values and beliefs that will not solely lead to the improvement of individual

assessments and preferences but will also contribute emphatically on how they make decisions

in their daily work routine which will create a ripple effect in the overall productivity of the


In this matter, researchers believe that it goes the same in different alliances. Therefore,

this time, participants will share their personal experiences and will try to reflect behind doing

those actions. Their reasons, consequence and lesson acquired will also be discussed. By

doing so, researchers believe that what we do today, right now, will have an accumulated effect

on all our tomorrow. Yet for us to prevent the conflict that may arise, awareness is the key as

guided by one’s willingness and commitment to either adopt some changes or be the change

itself for the sake of organization’s betterment.



Commitment is dedication to a particular organization, cause, or belief, and a willingness

to get involved. Commitment, although under shared vision, is an application of systems

thinking. When people are committed to the organization, they continuously ask. "Where do we

start?" "Who else do I know who can help us?" "When is the best time to do this task?" A

committed person states and clears the vision, mission and principles of a group he/she belongs


Commitment naturally grows within people; it is built by experience and skills. When

committed people have a goal, it serves as the trigger to make an action. When people work

with commitment, they will not feel the burden of the tasks, because they are busy working with

their steps to achieve their goals. When one is committed, they will feel successful at what they

do, even if it entails setbacks and mistakes. This is basically why there is a gap between the

action and the reward. If the actions of a committed person does not result into a reward or

positive feedback, there will be new learnings, which will serve as a room for improvement. A

dedicated person stays committed to the goal until he/she achieves the reward.
For example, in a group wherein the goal is to submit a well-researched paper, a

committed leader will assign his/her members to do their specific tasks. These members will

send their answers. In a group, it is inevitable to experience a member wherein they do not

know what to do, so the leader and the members will work together to overcome that obstacle.

In the words of John Gardner, "Commitment requires hard work in the heat of the day; it

requires faithful exertion in behalf of chosen purposes and the enhancement of chosen values."


Without a vision, life will have no direction. With vision, life will be full of excitement like

embracing every moment with ignition and enthusiasm. Put your vision everywhere so that

everything you do will lead you to that vision. Knowing where your roadmap helps you get to

your destination slowly to keep you going. Imagine yourself waking up in the morning without

any purpose; it's hard to get off from bed. Have something in your mind that you want to do and

suddenly, you'll find yourself energized working with that certain goal. A compelling vision adds

power and purpose to what we do enabling us to be more successful.

One of the possible attitudes towards a vision is enrollment. It is when you want

something, therefore you tend to do whatever can be done within the "spirit of law" to achieve it.

What brings people to work is their own vision. But enrollment is a natural process, meaning you

cannot force someone to be committed unto something they don't want. It is a matter of choice

and not compliance. It is when a person is really into something he wants even if no one told

him to be into it. It is a matter of freewill that only oneself can decide.
For example, in a group where ideas are diverse, there will always be that one to be

followed as agreed upon by majority. This idea should lead the whole group to their specific

goal. It is normal that there will be that one who's not that interested from implementing the plan.

It is when enrollment comes into play where you cannot force that person to be really into it.

Willingness of the others to participate should come from their own choice. All you can do is to

let their genuine enthusiasm push them to enroll their self with the action so that when they

know what they really want, they will certainly do their best to achieve it.

Team learning is the result of committed participation of each member in an

organization. Thus, everyone must have that willingness to work as a team to achieve their

common goal. Building shared visions in a team is an essential mean to have a guide in their

direction of making that vision into reality. The leader needs to be a model with passion and

dedication in accomplishing the tasks assigned to him/her.

Members were agreed and respect what has been the decision of majority, all things

were settled even the plan and its outcome were visualize. Each are in the middle of the

process of applying what is in the plan, complying naturally with the procedures. But be

reminded to note this thing in your heart, not all plans can be applied easily and being a follower

of doing the task because it was assigned to you even though you are genuinely complied with

is not enough to achieve that vision of team. Things are are not meant to happen all we have to

do is deal with it and manage to be flexible to cope easily with changes and that is committed to

learn and spread it with members.

There are certain situations in a group where we are unaware in the occurrence of

sudden problems and because we are that individual with the attitude towards a vision of

genuine compliance, just complying for only the task to be done and just following the "letter of

the law", we immediately settled with the symptomatic solution for the ruin path that we thought

of leading us to our vision.

To comply is not really an enough reason to conclude that plan and agreed decision will

be successful. Sometimes efforts are needed to wake us in making a solid plan, where

everyone were committed to their shared vision with helping each other by sharing ideas and

teaching skills have the passion to fulfill the gap between them.

Members must visualize that vision firmly believing that every actions of a determined

individual are really significant in accomplishing tasks. The quality of being enrolled and

committed is needed for a true learning in a team.


On the whole, sees the benefits of the vision. Does what's expected and no more.

"Pretty good soldier." This attitude refers to the personality of a person wherein it sees and

appreciates the benefits of vision but doing only what is being asked or expected without going

beyond the expectation.

Oftentimes, some people tend to formally comply with the tasks that have been given to

them. Just like in school works, wherein students tend to accomplish activities by doing only the

task that is being asked in the activity without exerting any efforts to improve or enhance the

expected output.




Required tasks
and more

By looking at the loop, the upper part shows student that tends to look at the tasks which

are required by the activities in order accomplish the activity as soon as possible that is

convenient without going beyond the expected requirement. On the other hand, the lower part

shows the commitment of students that exert more effort than what is being asked even if they

face delay toward their visioned output.


Oftentimes, people deny to themselves that they are submitting to request or orders, not

because of pure obedience but, because of the feeling of having no option left. They complain

about the demands and responsibilities that these tasks require them to give, but they keep

those rants to themselves and keep doing their part.

It is difficult for individuals to have the obligations that go beyond their personal desires.

This may seem to be like the cliché phrase ‘No free will’. People may want to quit and have the

option to do so, but not being able to do so may mean trading off something valuable to them

like reputation, trustworthiness, reliability, pride, dignity, and in most cases, even respect.

One likely example of this is the situation of those children who may have a different or

personal choice in terms of college course, but have been dictated by their parents to take that

of their choice. They have a choice not to do what they have been told, but they cannot do

anything about it because of several reasons like it is given that parents must be honored, they

may be disowned or be forced to stop studying instead, or be thought of a prideful and

disrespectful individual.

Noncompliance, as the name implies, have a negative effect towards vision. As Peter

Senge have stated, Noncompliance does not see benefits of the vision and will not do what's

expected. If we will scrutinize this statement by Senge, we can arrive to a conclusion that this

attitude is not a right model to achieve our vision. Knowing that attitudes play a vital role in

achieving our visions, this attitude is not an ideal behavior. Moreover, if we will dig deeper,

Noncompliance contradicts the principles of Systems Thinking. It contradicts to the extent that it

does not see the bigger picture and does not appreciate the essence of being committed to our


For example, a boy who is not interested with the subject to the extent that he does not

see the benefits of attending class discussions, and eventually decided to drop the said subject

and did not do to what is expected, that is, to pass.


Apathy is the feeling of not having much emotion or interest. An apathetic person tends

not to show any emotion on such things happening around him. He was listless, apathetic, and

calm with the calmness of a man who knows he can suffer no further. He tends not to care

about what other people say or think about him. He is emotionless; one cannot see any emotion

in his eyes. He has shown surprising apathy toward some important social problems.

Sometimes, one just decides not to show any emotion about things even if he/she really

want to utter words to express his/her insights but easily eaten by fear, a fear of not being

noticed and a fear of being rejected. One prefers to be silent where in fact; one has many words

in his/her mind that he/she wanted to vocalize. Maybe there's a part in a person that he/she

wants to keep ideas within just oneself and bury it in his/her mind until it fades away. On the

other side, one really wants to show his/her emotions but the problem is, one doesn't know how

to express his/her true feelings maybe because one has grown without being open to others

even with his/her parents so when one tries to open up, there's this feeling of awkwardness

inside that is unexplainable, and that 'awkward feeling' leads one to be silent.
Yes, there is a person who seems like apathetic, but the truth is, they really care, they

are really concerned about their surroundings. They are aware of everything but the thing is,

they don't know how to express their true emotions because they are not used to it, and maybe

when they try to finally express it, they have the feeling of awkwardness that's why they prefer

to just hide it and keep it on themselves. The best solution to fix this problem is to be close to

that person and let him feel that you are ready to listen on whatever he wants to say. You can

never deprive his being apathetic. The only thing you could ever do is to patiently guide him


It is said to be that one of the compositions of a vision is the attitude. Attitudes toward

vision play a significant role accompanied as well by other Systems Thinking concept. There are

six possible attitudes that Senge have pronounced. First, Commitment, which refers to have the

highest level of enthusiasm. Second, Enrollment implies that there is enthusiasm but only for the

spirit of the law. Third and fourth are Genuine Compliance and Formal Compliance,

respectively. Genuine and Formal have similarities such as they both see the benefits of the

vision but also have differences that lie upon the actions between of the two. The last three:

Grudging Compliance, Non Compliance, and Apathy. These three have some sort of low degree

of differences and similarities. On the other hand, as we learned about the different attitudes, we

should not disregard the other components of vision in order for us to come up victoriously

regarding visions in life.


Hettiararchchi, H. A., &Jayarathna, S. M. (2014). The Effect of Employee Work Related Atti-

tudes on Employee Job Performance: A Study of Tertiary and Vocational Education

Sector in Sri Lanka. Journal of Business and Management, 16 (4), 74 – 83. Retrieved




Raka Raghuvanshi (March 17, 2010), Employee – The important Asset of Organisation.

Retrieved from:


Senge, P. (Fall 1990). "The Leader's New Work: Building Learning Organizations." Sloan

Management Review, pp. 7-21.

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