Additives - Types, Sources, Functions and Regulations: July 2016

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Additives – Types, Sources, Functions and


Article · July 2016


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Murlidhar Meghwal Soumitra Banerjee

National Institute of Food Technology Entrep… Jyothy Institute of Technology


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pg 12 & 13_Food Ingredient & Additives.qxd 7/5/2016 12:18 PM Page 1

12 Food & Beverage News July 1-15, 2016 SPECIAL FEATURE

Additives – Types, Sources, Functions and Regulations

MURLIDHAR MEGHWAL, Food additives have been clas- Table 1: List of food additives and their specific functions and examples
SOUMITRA BANERJEE AND sified as below:
Function Purpose Examples Uses
Type of additives (FSSR, Preservative Prevents bacteria, yeast, Sodium benzoate, Soft drinks, acidic foods,
molds growth Sorbic acid, breads, cake
Introduction 2010, FDA 2015)
Food additives are “Any sub-  Direct Additive: Additives Antioxidant Prevents oxidation of lipids BHA, BHT, Ascorbic Acid, Potato chips, breakfast
Tocopherols cereals
stance the intended use of added to food for a specific
which results or may reason- function e. g. xanthan gum Sequestrant Combine with trace metals Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Stabilises edible fats and oils,
and remove them from solu- Acid (EDTA), Polyphosphates, prevents weeping of butter,
ably be expected to result - - added in chocolate milk, tion and prevent oxidation, Citric Acid inhibits auto-oxidation of
off-colour reactions in foods essential oils, retains flavour

Surface active agents Acts as emulsifiers to stabilise Lecithin (Natural), Mono- Confectionery, chocolate,
mixtures oil-in-water, gas in glycerides and Di-gylceride, creamy product
liquid, gas in solid their derivatives

Stabilisers and They stabilise and thicken Gum Arabic, Carboxymethyl Gravies, pie fillings, cake top-
Thickeners foods by combining with Cellulose (CMC), pings, chocolate milk drinks,
water to increase viscosity Carrageenan, Pectin, jellies, puddings, and salad
and to form gels Amylose, Gelatin dressings

Buffers, Acids, Alkalis They are pH-adjusting and Fruit juice and fermentation In baking industries as leav-
pH-controlling chemicals products (Natural sources), ening agent, flavouring agent
Murlidhar Meghwal Soumitra Banerjee Ravi Kumar Kadeppagari acids, alkali and other chemi- in confection, in processing of
cally synthesised substances chocolates
directly or indirectly - in its bakery fillings, puddings Food Colours Improve attractiveness of Annatto, Caramel, Carotene, Ice cream, butter, carbonated
becoming a component or  Indirect Additive: Addi- food product Saffron beverages
otherwise affecting the charac- tives that comes in contact
Artificial Sweeteners Sweet in taste with low or no Neohesperidine Di- Manufacturing of low-calorie
teristics of any food," accord- of food during packaging, calorific value hydrochalcone, Saccharin, foods-candies, frozen
ing to International Food storage or handling Aspartame desserts, salad dressings
Information Council (IFIC) Nutritional Additives Adds supplements and Vitamins, Iodine, Lysine etc. Wheat flour, fruit juice,
and US Food and Drug Source of origin (BBC, enrichment mixtures to a processed milk, margarine
Administration (2010). In 2015)
other words, food additives are  Natural: Those additives Flavouring Agents They are the substance that Natural: spices, herbs, Ice cream, desserts,
gives another substance essential oils; Synthetic: processed foods, puddings,
those substances that are that occur naturally in flavour Benzaldehyde, Ethyl Butyrate bakery items
intentionally added to food foods, e. g. caramelised (pineapple)
during production, processing, sugar used for colouring in Flavour Enhancers/ They do not have any flavour Monosodium glutamate Processed foods like especial-
treatment, packaging, trans- cola Potentiators but enhance the flavours (MSG) and the 5' -nucleotides ly soups, sauces, sausages
portation or storage of food  Artificial: Those additives
(FDA, 2015). . that do not naturally occur, e. g. Tartrazine is a synthet- ic colouring agent flavourants). Detailed descrip-
tion of different additives
Function (Potter and along with their functions is
Hotchkiss, 1995) given in Table 1:
 Preservatives (b) Colour- Indian Food Laws, Orders,
ing (c) Flavouring (b) Acts and Regulations Regard-
Emulsification ing Food Additives
Food producers use around According to Food Safety
3,000 natural and artificial and Standards Regulations
food additives to preserve and (FSSR) 2011, the following
improve foods. Salt and sugar declarations have been made
are two most common exam- with respect to food additives:
ples of natural food additives, (i) food additives falling under
Sodium Benzoate Potassium Chloride Sodium Saccharine Calcium Propionate Citric Acid whereas synthetic food addi- the following class titles shall
We are the leading suppliers of pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food & Mineral tives are made in a laboratory be used together with the spe-
Raw Materials. Our Products are: and they are not found natural- cific names or recognised
Sodium Benzoate Glucose Powder Plain ly in the food. However the international numerical identi-
Di-Calcium Phosphate Copper Sulphate chemical nature of synthetic fication i.e. acidity regulator,
Sodium Saccharine Ferrous Sulphate Crystal additives is similar to that acid, anticaking agent,
Insoluble Saccharine Ferrous Sulphate Powder which occurs in nature. The antifoaming agent, antioxi-
Acetic Acid Glacial Ammonium Sulphate Crystal purposes of adding food addi- dant, bulking agent, colour,
Citric Acid Sodium Selenite Anhydrous tives are to improve storage colour retention agent, emulsi-
Ammonium Bi-Carbonate Chloroform – Liquid
properties, healthfulness (for- fier, emulsifying salt, firming
Calcium Propionate Potassium Sulphate
Sodium Propionate Potassium Carbonate tifications, restorations, agent, flour treatment agent,
Cobalt Sulphate Potassium Chloride (Feed Grade) enrichments, nitrification, flavour enhancer, foaming
Glycerin Zinc Sulphate etc.), appealing (colours, agent, gelling agent, glazing
Magnesium Oxide Magnesium Sulphate flavours, sweeteners, etc.), pro- agent, humectants, preserva-
cessing, preparation (stabilis- tive, propellant, raising agent,
ers, thickeners, emulsifiers, stabiliser, sweetener, thickener
anticaking agents, antifoams) Addition of extraneous
of food items and many oth- colouring matter to any food
ers. One class of additives items should be mentioned on
Di-Calcium Phosphate Zinc Sulphate Copper Sulphate Ferrous Sulphate Magnesium Oxide called potentiators that the label in capital letters just
enhance the flavour of the beneath the list of the ingredi-
product, which are largely ents in one of the following
based on amino acid and statements -
nucleotides (savoury CONTINUED ON p16
pg 16 & 17_Food Ingredient & Additives.qxd 7/5/2016 12:21 PM Page 1

16 Food & Beverage News July 1-15, 2016 SPECIAL FEATURE

Product positioning essential Preventing oxidative deterioration

CONTINUED FROM p15 nological improvements in the CONTINUED FROM p12 and appendices, the natu- retarding or arresting the
Shift from carbonated to fruit- food additives industry. Increasing Contains Permitted Natural ral colouring principles process of fermentation,
based drinks, increase in penetra- media coverage on incidents relat- Colour(s) or Contains Per- whether isolated from acidification or other decom-
tion of premium chocolates and ed to food adulteration by food mitted Synthetic Food natural colours or pro- position of food. No person
expansion of the retail market is companies would inhibit the pene- Colour(s) or Contains Per- duced synthetically may shall use in or upon a food
expected to boost food additives tration of harmful additives. mitted Natural and Synthetic be used in or upon any more than one class II preser-
market in India. Growing health Food additives manufacturers Food Colour(s) article of food. vative. No nitrate or nitrite
concerns are compelling con- are focussing on upgrading their On infant milk substitute (3) Inorganic colouring mat- shall be added to any infant
sumers to shift towards healthy product portfolio in accordance to and infant food labelling as ters and pigments shall food.
food items, which have high the growing requirements of per Regulation 4.4.1 (FSSR, not be added to any arti-
nutritional value. Nevertheless, product manufacturers. It has also 2010), the specific name of cle of food unless Antioxidants
price-sensitive behaviour of con- been observed that a growing the food additives, if permit- otherwise provided in Antioxidant is a substance
sumers in India is compelling number of food additive compa- ted, shall be declared in addi- these regulations and which when added to food
food additive manufacturers to nies are widening their product tion to appropriate class appendices. retards or prevents oxidative
reduce retail prices of their prod- portfolios with launch of healthier names. (4) No synthetic food deterioration of food and
ucts and this is projected to substitutes. Also, product posi-
restrain growth of the food addi- tioning by the way of product dif-
tives market in the country. ferentiation or price differentia-
In order to consolidate their mar- tion is the need of the hour.
ket share in India food additives Increasing awareness about
market, food additive manufactur- health benefits of natural addi-
ers are recommended to focus on tives, marketing initiatives by lead-
production of food additives from ing additive manufacturers, imple-
natural resources in order to gar- mentation of strict regulatory
ner the attention of health-con- norms, coupled with increasing
scious Indian population. Current- per capita income and changing
ly, these naturally- derived additives lifestyles are anticipated to bolster
account for a minority share in growth in India food additives
almost all the product segments market through 2021.
including preservatives, emulsifiers “Shift from harmful artificial
and colourants. sweeteners to plant-based sweet- colours/mixture thereof does not include sugar, cere-
However, demand for these nat- eners can be attributed to rising Food Additives (FSSR, except the given in these al, oils, flours, herbs and
ural food additives is projected to health-consciousness among con- 2010, 2015) laws shall be used in food. spices. No antioxidant other
grow at a faster pace when com- sumers. This is expected to con- Allowed food additives are than lecithin, ascorbic acid
pared to artificial food additives. tinue boosting the country’s natu- only those which are Artificial Sweeteners and tocopherol shall be
Rising demand for natural sweet- ral sweeteners market in the com- specified in these regulations (Regulation 6.1.5, FSSR, added to any food (FSSR,
eners in India can be attributed to ing years. Stevia, a naturally and in Appendix A of this 2010, 2015) 2010).
increasing awareness levels among obtained zero-calorie sweetener, is regulation. Artificial sweeteners men-
consumers. The effects of excess gaining popularity in the country, tioned in this Act, may be Emulsifying & stabilising
artificial additives on human and this trend of growing con- Colouring matter (FSSR, used only in the food articles agents (Regulation 6.1.5,
health has become a major con- sumer adoption of natural prod- 2010, 2015) and in quantities not exceed- FSSR, 2010, 2015)
cern as government and regulato- ucts with natural additives is (1) The addition of colouring ing given as per this Act 4.4.5 No emulsifying or stabilis-
ry bodies are focussing on ensur- expected to gain strength over the matter to any article of (24, 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29) ing agents shall be used in any
ing that only best quality foods next five years.” food except as specifically Preservatives (Regulation food, except where the use of
reach consumers. permitted by these regula- 6.1.5, FSSR, 2010, 2015) - emulsifying or
Increasing consumer and media (The author is research consultant, tions is prohibited. “Preservative” means a sub- stabilising agent is specifically
focus on food safety is one of the water & chemical domain, (2) Except as otherwise pro- stance which when added to permitted.
major driving forces driving tech- TechSci Research) vided in these regulations food is capable of inhibiting, CONTINUED ON p24
pg 24_Food Ingredient & Additives.qxd 7/5/2016 12:22 PM Page 1

24 Food & Beverage News July 1-15, 2016 SPECIAL FEATURE

Dimethyl polysiloxane, food grade, may be used as antifoaming

CONTINUED FROM p16 frozen desserts. oils and fats for deep fat fry-
Use of emulsifying and stabil- ing upto a maximum limit of The details of the food additive laws,
ising agents in fruit products - Anticaking agents (FSSR, 10 parts per million. regulations and orders can be obtained from
The following emulsifying and 2010, 2015) Use of release agents in official website of FSSAI, WHO, Codex
stabilising agents may be added Restriction on use of anti- confectionery - Spreadasil Alimentarius. Natural food additives are always
to fruit products: (a) Pectin (b) caking agents - No anticak- silicon spray (Dimethyl poly-
Sodium alginate (c) Calcium ing agents shall be used in siloxane) if used, as release better, safer and easier than artificial. Even
alginate (d) Alginic acid (e) any food except where the agent in confectionery, shall though some chemicals in food are approved
Propylene glycol alginate. use of anticaking agents is not exceed 10 ppm of the but they are not free of adverse reactions.
Use of emulsifying and sta- specifically permitted. finished product. The use of food additives must be controlled
bilising agents in frozen Antifoaming agents in edi- Flavouring agents and
desserts – The emulsifying ble oils and fats - (1) related substances Having a difficult time with cial. Even though some
and stabilising agents as Dimethyl polysiloxane, food (FSSR, 2010, 2015) their stools (constipation, chemicals in food are
defined under the Regulation grade, may be used as an (1) Flavouring agents; (2) diarrhoea, and undigested approved but they are not
6.1.5 (1) may be added to antifoaming agent in edible Use of antioxidants, emulsi- foods); Headaches; Allergies; free of adverse reactions.
fying and stabilising agents Hyperactivity; Long-term ill- The use of food additives
and food preservatives in nesses; Negative Effects of must be controlled and mon-
advertisers’ index flavour; (3) Use of anticak-
ing agent in flavours; (4)
MSG on Health; Toxicity and
potent carcinogenic nature of
itored by effective research
and governmental
Restriction on use of nitrates (III); Toxicity of sul- regulations.
The Advertisers Index is provided as a reader service. Although every attempt has been made flavouring agents; (5) Sol- phur dioxide; Potent carcino-
to make this index as complete as possible, the accuracy of all listings cannot be guaranteed vent in flavour; (6) Glycerol genic nature of saccharin. (Meghwal is a placement
PAGE NO PAGE NO esters of wood resins (FSSR, coordinator, Banerjee and
ADVANCED ENZYMES 5 GARDEN FLAVOURS 1 2010, 2015). Conclusion Kadeppagari are assistant
The details of the food professors at Food Technology
AGARWAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 12 HEAT AND CONTROL 19 Negative effect of food additive laws, regulations Division, Centre for Emerging
ANSHUL LIFE SCIENCES 3 HRS PROCESS 27 additives on human health and orders can be obtained Technologies, Jain
Strange rashes that appear from official website of University, Jain Global
APPLE BAKERY 23 INTERNATIONAL FOODTECH 2016 18 on the body; Erratic behav- FSSAI, WHO, Codex Ali- Campus, Jakkasandra,
ASHWIN VANASPATI 15 iours and moods; Self stimu- mentarius. Natural food Ramanagara, Karnataka.
AURA FOOD PRODUCTS 14 latory behaviours; Waking up additives are always better, They can be contacted at
JUNE ENTERPRISES 17 in the middle of the night; safer and easier than artifi- [email protected] )


Wonder Gel - Spreadable Agar
BUNGE INDIA 13 MARINE Hydrocolloids( What is WONDER GEL? ing the rigid structure of
CALPRO FOOD 2 formerly known as Marine It is an excellent vegetarian native Agar without any chem-
REMINGTON 25 Chemicals) the largest manu- alternative for partial or total ical treatment to give a softer
facturer & exporter and mar- replacement of traditional ani- and creamy texture still main-
ESTELLE CHEMICALS 19 ket leader of quality Agar mal based gelling agents or taining the natural benefits of
FI INDIA 2016 20 SONAROME 1 Agar in India is introducing expensive hydrocolloids with seaweed fibre.
WONDER Gel- Modified smooth spreadability and The main advantages are
Agar, (Spreadable Agar) first creaminess. high water binding capacity,
GAINTWELL MACHINERY 25 VKL SEASONING 7, 11 time in India. It is obtained by transform- low gelling & dissolution tem-
perature, high synergy with
other hydrocolloids, no
need of gelling aids, high
natural dietary fibre con-
tent etc.
Wonder gel is available
with different gel charac-
teristics according to appli-

Wonder gel is well suited
for preparing Yoghurt,
condensed milk, cream fil-
ing custards, soft creamy
instant puddings, marsh-
mellow, spreadable cheese,
piping gel, thermo
reversible cake glaze, con-
densed milk, sauces, can-
dies, marmalades, jam,
ketchup etc.

(For details, visit

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