Final Report - State Classification and Compensation System Study Project Report
Final Report - State Classification and Compensation System Study Project Report
Final Report - State Classification and Compensation System Study Project Report
Why was the project undertaken?
In the 2015-2016 General Appropriations Act, Proviso 93.33 authorized the Division of
State Human Resources (DSHR) to seek a qualified contractor to conduct a review of
the State’s classification and compensation plan.
RFP # 5400010001 defined the specific components of the plan to be reviewed,
which are set out in the project objectives.
In accordance with the RFP, this report sets out the analysis that has been
conducted, the recommendations and a game plan for action to be taken on the
recommendations, for presentation to the Classification and Compensation System
Study Committee as established in the proviso.
The report has been prepared with section headings that pose questions that it is
expected the members of that Committee are likely to have and the content of the
sections set out analysis in response to those questions.
What are the project objectives?
The primary objective of this project was to evaluate the following 10 specific
areas of the Classified Employee classification and compensation system:
Methods used to develop and determine position classifications
Methods used to set pay grade minimum, midpoint and maximum
Appropriate market comparisons, including the private and public sector
Methods to minimize salary disparities within an agency and within the State
Methods of developing and sustaining a consistent long-term salary increase
administration policy for state government
Recruitment and retention tools, including the impact of the TERI program
A process to address longevity pay deficits that currently exist
A compensation philosophy statement
An analysis of merit-based compensation for employees
An analysis of unnecessary, underutilized and duplicative positions in order to use
that pay to increase salaries for existing employees
How was the project undertaken?
The following steps have been undertaken since the project commenced in October 2015:
Meeting with leadership of DSHR for definition and clarification of what was the intent
of what was to be studied in the 10 areas stated in the proviso
Meeting with DSHR leadership for identification of data needed and for gaining
understanding of the current Classified Employee classification and compensation
Interviews with a cross section of Agency leadership for purposes of gaining an
understanding of “what’s working; what’s not” in the design, implementation and
administration of the Classified Employee compensation plan
Interviews with staff from the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means
Committee to gain their understanding of the intent of the provisos and their
expectations of the outcomes
Interview with staff from the Governor’s Office to gain their understanding of the intent
of the provisos and their expectations of the outcomes
Extensive analysis of the data gathered in the 10 areas identified
Preparation of a preliminary report setting out the results of the analysis
How was the project undertaken?
Executive Summary
This report and its appendices provide a detailed analysis of the 10 components,
recommendations and a game plan for action to be taken to enhance the classified
employee classification and compensation plan.
The analysis shows that the current plan is experiencing some “signs of age,” having
been in place for 20 years. Redesign is required and recommended.
The current plan is administered primarily on a decentralized basis for the majority of
employees, with agencies having significant authority for classification and
compensation decisions made for employees in Pay Bands 1-6, which is 87.4% of all
classified employees.
This decentralized decision making, coupled with broad banded classifications and
very wide salary bands, are contributing factors to the internal equity and salary
disparity issues that the analysis shows.
The overall compa-ratio (actual pay as a percentage of the pay band midpoint) is
91%. That means, on average, the State pays its employees 91% of its midpoints.
There are very few occupational categories or job families where employees are paid,
on average, at the pay band midpoint.
Executive Summary
The overall compa-ratio of 91%, when viewed in conjunction with a comparison with
the market, shows current salaries lagging other States by an average of 15%, lagging
the in-State public sector market by 16% and lagging the in-State private sector
market by 18%, means that the State’s pay band midpoints and actual pay is
uncompetitive. This creates challenges both in recruitment and retention of qualified
Unlike in some other States where the overall competitiveness of the benefits package
offsets the level of competitiveness of salaries, this is not the case for the State.
While annual leave and holidays are above market, the 8.16% employee contribution
to the retirement plan is the highest in the Southeastern States and significantly higher
than employee contributions to defined benefit plans in the private sector.
The employee cost sharing of 21.3% for healthcare is above the 7-15% in other State
Governments and in line with the 15-29% in the private sector.
The analysis shows that the level of competitiveness of benefits should not be a
distraction from dealing with the main focus of the recommendations, that being a
redesign of the classification and compensation plan and a move towards funding of
salaries to a more competitive level.
Executive Summary
In addition, this will enable the issue of the appropriate definition of the market and
establishment of a targeted market policy position.
Kenning Consulting places on record our recognition of the support and cooperation
that we have received from DSHR leadership and Human Capital Management staff.
Such support has enabled Kenning Consulting to conduct this project and meet the
timetable for the submission of this report in accordance with the proviso.
What are the key findings based on
Interviews were held with the Agency leadership and HR leadership from a cross section
(by size) of agencies. The agencies interviewed were: State Law Enforcement, Housing
Authority, Labor Licensing and Regulation, PEBA, Corrections, Mental Health, Health and
Human Services and Vocational Rehabilitation. The focus of the interviews was to gain
an understanding of “what’s working, what’s not and what are the areas for improvement”
in the classification and compensation plan.
The interview guide focused on the following:
Classification and broad banding
Internal equity and compression
Definition of market
Competitiveness of the pay structure
Ability to attract and retain
Ability to reward
Pay delivery mechanisms and movement of pay mechanisms
Each interview was concluded with the question: “if you were in charge of the
classification and compensation plan, what changes would you make to enhance it’s
What are the key findings based on
interviews? (cont’d)
A summary of the key feedback from the interviews is as follows. This summary
has been prepared on a general theme basis, as compared to a “by agency” basis. In
addition, it is important to note that these findings may or may not have been supported
by the data analysis that was conducted.
The broad banded approach to classifications was viewed both from a positive and
negative perspective. The positive is that it allows flexibility of classification and
makes classification work easier.
However, this is outweighed by having broad banded classifications that are too
generic and has led to jobs which are different in job content, have differences in
qualifications and have a different value in the market, being placed in the same
classification. This is seen as particularly the case in statewide classifications. An
example of this is a Paralegal role being classified in the Administrative Coordinator
classification, as there is no Paralegal classification. Another example is that for the
same classification, in one agency a High School diploma is required and in another
agency, a Masters degree is required.
As classification work is done on a delegated basis by agencies for Bands 1-6, which
is 87% of all classified employees, there is the perception that similar work is being
classified differently in different agencies.
What are the key findings based on
interviews? (cont’d)
Because classifications were consolidated when broad banding was implemented,
this has led to the perception of a lack of career progression. “It is different work but
it is still in the same pay band.” However, it is acknowledged that career
progressions have been created and will continue to be created.
While the creation of career paths is important, agencies question whether
employees see it as a progression when they are still in the same pay band.
The existence of internal equity issues (pay as compared to another employee) were
a common theme; within classifications, across classifications in the same pay band,
and between agencies. The last can lead to “agency hopping” to get more pay for a
similar job.
In addition, the lack of competitiveness as compared to the market of the pay band
and hiring range has created compression issues between newly recruited
employees and longer serving current employees.
Broad banded classifications are seen as contributing to internal inequity as the pay
range is the same for what is seen as different work.
Agency funding is also seen as contributing to salary disparities for similar jobs in
different agencies. “Agencies that have more funds or are self funded can pay more”.
What are the key findings based on
interviews? (cont’d)
There is a questionable link between salary bands and the external market, affecting
the ability to attract talent. This is due to the fact that salary bands only move when
there is a General Increase, not in relation to what is the salary market movement.
“We used to be the employer of choice but that has become increasingly difficult.”
Minimum requirement statements as set in classifications sometimes means there is
a challenge in attracting the level of qualified candidates the agency needs.
The width of the salary bands is seen as creating non-competitive hiring rates.
Agencies do not know what is the targeted market policy position or whether midpoint
is intended to be the market.
Because the pay bands are so wide and there is work that is seen as being different
within the same classifications, agencies create their own “zones within the bands” to
create career progressions and/or provide a basis for pay movement.
Agencies had difficulty articulating what is the State’s definition of the market. They
are not aware of regular market surveys being done on a statewide basis and so
conduct surveys/gather market data to meet their own specific needs. Currently,
agencies strive to recruit the best and most qualified – however due to the salary
levels, recruiting and retaining the most qualified is difficult.
What are the key findings based on
interviews? (cont’d)
There are inconsistent approaches to pay increases, including performance-based
pay, contributing to salary disparities between agencies.
Apart from General Increases appropriated by the legislature, pay delivery is
decentralized and agencies create their own pay delivery mechanisms. The most
common pay delivery mechanisms used include: additional duty pay, reclassification
pay, promotional pay and in some cases, performance based pay.
The statewide performance management process (EPMS) is not viewed as effective
for managing performance and/or as a link between performance and pay.
While agencies appreciate the opportunity to have performance based pay plans, the
existence of different performance based pay plans in different agencies and the
different criteria used in these performance based pay plans is seen as contributing to
salary disparities between agencies.
The way in which performance based pay plans are funded varies across agencies.
What are the key findings based on
interviews? (cont’d)
A summary of the key opportunities for improvement, as identified in the
interviews, includes:
Move away from one pay structure for classified employees to having structures that
reflect the fact that the market is different for different occupations. Examples
include: Sworn law enforcement, nursing, IT, Attorneys etc. This is a common
practice in other States.
Have more competitive pay bands with the potential for more pay ranges with less
width between minimum and maximum.
Move away from generic classifications to creating classifications that can be used for
more like kind job content and qualification requirements.
Continue to build the classification structure based on occupational categories, job
families and defined career progressions.
Have DSHR take a more active role in conducting salary surveys and gathering
market data.
Develop market based pay ranges and move pay ranges in line with market
movement, not just move them when there is a general increase.
Review and enhance the EPMS and create a more consistent approach to
performance based pay.
What are the key findings based
on component analysis?
What are the key findings based on
component analysis?
This section of the report sets out analysis of the 10 components of Classified Employee
Classification and Compensation plan covered by the scope of the project. It is set out as
Description of the Component
What Was Analyzed
What Was Found
The data that was used for the analysis and findings is contained in the Appendices.
In reviewing this analysis, it is the opinion of Kenning Consulting that the basis of the
current plan is important contextually. The current plan, which is known as a broad
banded approach, has been in place for 20 years. It has 432 classifications in 10 pay
bands, of which 356 have incumbents. The 10 pay bands were created by combining 5
pay grades in the previous pay structure into 1 pay band in the new structure. Multiple
classifications in different grades in a 5 pay grade spread were consolidated into one
classification. The classification and compensation plan is administered primarily on a
decentralized basis within the agencies.
Component Analysis
Methods of Classification
Description of Component
Methods used to develop and determine classifications
– The basis of the current classification structure
– Extent to which current job documentation accurately and succinctly describes
current job content
– Methods and processes by which job classifications decisions are made
What Was Analyzed
Overall Classification Process
Process Participant Constituency and Delineation of Responsibilities
Job Classification documentation
Component Analysis
Methods of Classification
Component Analysis
Methods of Classification
Component Analysis
Methods of Classification
Component Analysis
Internal Equity and Salary Disparities
Description of Component
Methods to minimize salary disparities both within an agency and within state
– Extent to which pay is aligned internally
– The amount of horizontal and/or vertical dispersion from an appropriate internal
alignment of positions that exists within agencies and between agencies
What Was Analyzed
Salary Dispersion by Band
Salary Equity by Occupational Category
Salary Equity by Job Family within an Occupational Category
Salary Equity within selected Classifications
Salary Equity by Agency
Component Analysis
Internal Equity and Salary Disparities
Component Analysis
Internal Equity and Salary Disparities
As stated in the section on band structure, it is the opinion of Kenning Consulting that
the band width is one factor contributing to the low overall compa-ratio.
Component Analysis
Internal Equity and Salary Disparities
Component Analysis
Internal Equity and Salary Disparities
Component Analysis
Internal Equity and Salary Disparities
Component Analysis
Internal Equity and Salary Disparities
Component Analysis
Pay Ranges
Description of Component
Methods used to set pay grade minimums, maximums, and midpoints
Extent to which the State’s pay policy sets pay at the appropriate level of the relative
market and the pay structure is aligned with the State’s pay policy
Component Analysis
Pay Ranges
Component Analysis
Pay Ranges
Component Analysis
Market Definition and Comparisons
Description of Component
Appropriate market comparisons
– Definition of the market
– Extent to which the State’s pay policy sets pay at the appropriate level of the
relative market and the pay structure is aligned with the State’s pay policy
Component Analysis
Market Definition and Comparisons
Component Analysis
Market Definition and Comparisons
Component Analysis
Market Definition and Comparisons
Component Analysis
Market Definition and Comparisons
Component Analysis
Market Definition and Comparisons
Component Analysis
Market Definition and Comparisons
The State provides a comprehensive package of employee benefits that is
comparable in its components to that of other State Governments and the private
Set out on pages 90-94 in the Appendices are tables showing the current provisions of
the components of the benefits package that were set out in the proviso for review.
These tables show a comparison of the current provisions as compared to other State
Government and the private sector.
In reviewing the level of competitiveness of the benefits package, it is important to
understand the difference in the value of salary and benefits. Salary is “known value.”
If an employee has a salary of $50,000, they know that value to be $50,000. Benefits
is “perceived value.” Employees do not necessarily know the value of their benefits.
In addition, the perceived value of benefits will be different between a 30 years of
service employee who is nearing retirement and a 1 year service employee. This is
particularly the case in the perception of the value of the retirement benefit.
DSHR is commended for the statement of employee benefits that is prepared and
available to employees, showing the dollar value of their benefits.
Component Analysis
Market Definition and Comparisons
Benefits (cont’d)
The level of overall competitiveness of benefits is driven by three components of a
benefits package: retirement, healthcare and holidays and vacations.
As compared to other State Governments, with specific emphasis on the
Southeastern States, the current benefits package is average to slightly less than
average. While the vacation and holidays schedule is above average, the employee
contribution cost sharing for healthcare premiums and the employee contribution to
the defined benefit, which at 8.16% is the highest of the Southeastern States and over
3% higher than the average for all States, reduces the level of competitiveness.
However, these two employee contributions should not be viewed as a negative in
terms of level of competitiveness. The State is “ahead of the game” in addressing 3
key benefit issues facing States. These are:
̶ Increasing contributions that employees make to funding the Defined Benefit
̶ Offering a Defined Contribution plan
̶ Increasing the employee cost sharing for healthcare from the current typical
range of 7-15% to between 20-25%
The State is commended for the initiative it has already taken in these three areas.
Component Analysis
Market Definition and Comparisons
Benefits (cont’d)
As compared to the private sector, the current benefits package is average to slightly
above average. The vacation and holidays schedule is above average, the employee
contribution cost sharing for healthcare premiums is in line with the typical practice in
the private sector.
While the retirement benefit formula is more competitive than the private sector, those
private sector organizations that still offer a Defined Benefit plan typically do not
require an employee contribution.
Most private sector organizations offer a Defined Contribution plan. A Defined Benefit
plan is viewed as influencing the level of competitiveness of the retirement component
of a benefits package due to there being less risk to an employee in a Defined Benefit
plan than a Defined Contribution plan.
It is the experience of Kenning Consulting that there is often the perception in State
Governments that is expressed as follows: “we don’t need to be competitive on base
salary as our benefits are more than competitive.”
Component Analysis
Market Definition and Comparisons
Benefits (cont’d)
As one of the main drivers of the level of competitiveness of benefits, that being the
retirement benefit, is influenced by salary, if the level of salary is lagging in
competitiveness, as is the case for the State, the overall level of competitiveness of
benefits will not be high.
In summary, the analysis of the level of competitiveness for the State shows
that it is not excessive and hence should not be a distraction from the fact that
both the salary bands and actual salary practice lag the market.
Component Analysis
Recruitment and Retention Tools
Description of Component
Recruitment and retention tools currently in use
Component Analysis
Recruitment and Retention Tools
Component Analysis
Recruitment and Retention Tools
TERI (continued)
Data provided by the State shows that there are currently 1879 participants in the
TERI program with a total annualized salary of nearly $92m. The average salary is
just under $49,000.
It is our understanding that legislation was passed in 2014 which will end the TERI
program with effect from June 30, 2018.
Kenning Consulting endorses the ending of this program for the following reasons:
– It was a very “rich” program in that it, at a minimum, continued the current
compensation costs for a position.
– As there was no other criteria other than being eligible, you may have had an
employee continue in a job for which there were, for example, 100 applicants
each time there was a vacancy and a new appointee to the position may have
had the potential to be a higher performer than the current employee.
– The opportunity for continued employment through the TERI program may have
been an inhibitor to effective workforce planning, talent management and career
Component Analysis
Recruitment and Retention Tools
Component Analysis
Recruitment and Retention Tools
Component Analysis
Long-Term Salary Increase Processes
Description of Component
Methods of developing and sustaining a consistent long-term salary increase
administration policy for state government including, cost-of-living increases, across
the board increases, merit increases, equity increases, and performance increases
The budget appropriation process for providing salary funds for agencies to
administer salary increases
Component Analysis
Long-Term Salary Increase Processes
Component Analysis
Long-Term Salary Increase Processes
Component Analysis
Longevity Pay Deficits
Description of Component
The extent to which there is a correlation between pay and time in classification for
classified employees
Component Analysis
Longevity Pay Deficits
Component Analysis
Compensation Philosophy
Description of Component
A compensation philosophy statement is intended to provide a foundation for the
design and administration of compensation plans.
– It defines what you pay for and why
– Written in general terms in order to provide a lasting basis for future
compensation design and administration decisions
Component Analysis
Compensation Philosophy
Component Analysis
Compensation Philosophy
Component Analysis
Merit Based Compensation
Description of Component
A review of the basis for salary changes for classified employees
Component Analysis
Merit Based Compensation
Component Analysis
Merit Based Compensation
Component Analysis
Merit Based Compensation
Component Analysis
Unnecessary, Underutilized and Duplicative Classifications
Description of Component
In interviewing leadership in DSHR, the Senate Finance Committee, House Ways and
Means Committee and the Governors Office, this was the component where there was
the least clarity as to the intent of the component.
The terms used in the language for this component in the proviso are typically used
when doing organization structure and effectiveness studies. However, this project is
focused on a review of the classification and compensation plan.
Accordingly, the focus in this component has been on the extent to which there are
classifications which have 0, 1 or 2 incumbents and the extent to which they can be
What was Analyzed
The number of incumbents in each classification
Component Analysis
Unnecessary, Underutilized and Duplicative Positions
Set out in this section are recommendations for changes to enhance the design and
effectiveness of the classified employee classification and compensation plan.
The considerations for action are based on the results of the analysis conducted and
the experience gained by Kenning Consulting in partnering with other State
Governments in seeing what is effective in other States.
It is the recommendation of Kenning Consulting that the redesign of components of
the current classification and compensation plan occur before there is a significant
expenditure in increases in employee compensation. Otherwise, the State runs the
risk of putting “new wine into an old wine skin” and this may exacerbate some of the
issues with the current plan highlighted in the analysis in this report. However,
requests for targeted funding to meet critical equity, salary disparity and market
competitiveness issues and general increases should still be considered to start to
address the significant lag behind the market of current salaries.
6. DSHR to prepare an annual compensation report for the Governor, House Ways and
Means and Senate Finance to be used as the basis for and justification of
appropriation for compensation changes. Annual salary recommendations to be
based on relativity to market, performance and requests for targeted funding.
7. As an outcome of the definition of pay delivery mechanisms as part of the
compensation philosophy, DSHR to review the current 10 ways in which pay can
change and redefine the basis for pay changes, with a heightened emphasis in
internal equity, relativity to market, and performance.
8. DSHR to develop statewide criteria as the basis for assessing targeted funding
requests. It is recommended that the criteria include some or all of the following:
relativity to market, number of applicants, time to fill position, quality of applicants,
where in salary band employees are being placed upon hiring, turnover, churn
(turnover in the same job within 0-5 years service), compression within a salary band.
9. Redesign/strengthen EPMS as the basis for a statewide consistent approach to
performance management.
10. Develop statewide guidelines for the use of performance based pay to minimize
different practices within agencies
11. Development statewide guidelines for the use of recruitment and retention bonuses
and criteria for the use of such bonuses, not just limited to the current selected
healthcare classifications and agencies. Request specific funding for recruitment and
retention bonuses so that such tools can be use effectively.
12. Educate key Executive branch and Legislative branch leaders on the importance of
requesting and approving salary funds on a dollar basis, not a percentage basis.
13. Educate Legislative branch leadership on using language in appropriation provisos
that state that salary monies appropriated will be administered consistently in
accordance with the State’s compensation philosophy and compensation policies
developed by DSHR.
14. Educate Legislative branch leadership on the importance of considering employee
compensation early in a legislative session as a means by which to reinforce the
importance of the state workforce.
A Game Plan for Action
A Game Plan for Action
Set out in the previous section are recommendations for changes to enhance the
design and effectiveness of the classified employee classification and compensation
As requested in the proviso that initiated this project, this section sets out a proposed
game plan for moving the recommendations from statements of intent to “making
them happen.” They are grouped by major component and show the Work to be
Done, Outcomes, and Estimated Costs (if any).
Kenning Consulting wants the expected value of the actions to be known, rather than
just a series of recommendations. This is shown in the Outcomes column. This will
enable Legislative and Executive branch leadership, as well as DSHR to be able to
measure the degree of success of the implementation of the recommended actions.
Kenning Consulting welcomes the opportunity to partner with the State in
implementing the game plan.
A Game Plan for Action
Component Work to be Undertaken Expected Outcomes Costs
Statement of Develop a Compensation Philosophy Sets the Legislative and $12,000 -
Compensation that serves as the umbrella Executive intent for the $15,000 if use
Philosophy statement to link compensation with State’s compensation plan. consulting
other human resources objectives. resources.
Increased consistency across
Based on success in other States in the State as compensation
developing such a statement, involve decisions would be made in
key leadership from the Legislative accordance with the
and Executive branches in the philosophy.
Creates a framework within
which to consider total
A Game Plan for Action
Classification Review the current classification A new classification structure $35,000 if use
structure; continue to build on the based on redefined consulting
concept of occupational categories occupational categories, job resources to
and job families. More clearly define families and distinguishable facilitate
those jobs that are in generic levels of difference in job development of
classifications. content in a career new classification
progression. structure.
A Game Plan for Action
Pay Structure As an outcome of the development of New pay ranges. More pay $15,000 if
the compensation philosophy, and ranges but with appropriate consulting
the development of the new spreads. resources
classification structure, develop new required.
pay structures. Both a general pay A path towards addressing
structure and occupational the issue of the wide salary
structures, if required. Create more disparity for employees doing
appropriate spread of ranges from similar work.
minimum to maximum.
Reinforcement of the new
classification structure.
A Game Plan for Action
Market Data DSHR to purchase a market survey Better market data. Market survey
data tool, such as MarketPay or data tools
Kenexa, to aid in the gathering of More regular gathering of typically in the
market data, the warehousing of market data. range of $40,000-
market data and the capability to do $50,000 to
salary budget modeling for the Market based salary purchase.
purposes of taking a greater role in budgeting.
salary budgeting. Annual license
Purchase of
existing salary
surveys vary in
cost. An annual
budget of
$20,000 should
be sufficient.
A Game Plan for Action
Component Work to be Undertaken Expected Outcomes Costs
Salary Budgeting DSHR preparation of annual More consistent approach to DSHR staff
compensation report to the Governor the request for funding of resources if
and Legislature. salaries, rather than on an insufficient
agency by agency basis. current
Better data on which funding
decisions can be made.
Development of criteria as basis for Minimize the “squeaky wheel Funding for
assessing targeted funding request gets the oil.” Definition of targeted salary
for salaries for agencies and/or criteria such as relativity to adjustments
occupations and/or job families market, turnover, would be based
and/or classifications. compression, internal equity, on the
time to fill, number of occupations
applicants, quality of determined to be
applicants etc. priorities by the
. General
Assembly based
on criteria to be
developed by
A Game Plan for Action
Salary Budgeting (cont’d) Fund General Increases as a means Start on path to address lag to
by which to address lag to market. market.
A Game Plan for Action
Pay Delivery ( Reasons DSHR to review the application of the Review of the effectiveness of DSHR staff time.
for Changes in Salary) current 10 ways in which pay can what in 2014-2015 was a
change and assess the extent to $38,457,291 expenditure.
which they should be combined,
eliminated or enhanced. Increased emphasis salary Funding
changes for reasons of requirements, if
addressing internal equity, any, unknown at
relativity to market and this time.
A Game Plan for Action
Linkage between DSHR to redesign and strengthen One Statewide consistent DSHR staff
Performance and Pay the EPMS. approach to performance resources.
DSHR to develop statewide
guidelines for the use of performance Minimization of different
based pay. practices between agencies.
A Game Plan for Action
Recruitment and Develop statewide guidelines for the Will build on a well designed Appropriate
Retention Bonuses use of recruitment and retention plan that will aid in funding for the
bonuses beyond the current recruitment and retention. plan. Initial
healthcare plan. funding to be in
the range of
A Game Plan for Action
Communication and Inform and educate key Executive Compensation funding to be $15,000-$20,000
Education and Legislative branch leaders on the by dollar amounts, not if utilize
proposed salary budgeting process. expressed as a percentage. consulting
resources to lead
Inform and educate key Legislative Compensation funding to be these education
branch leaders on the importance of spent in accordance with the sessions.
language in appropriation provisos on compensation philosophy,
how appropriated compensation policies and priorities.
funds will be administered.
The appendices referenced in this report are set out in a separate document.
Prepared by:
Kenning Consulting
Neville Kenning, President
Email: [email protected] Address:
Office: 714.242.3812 5 Upper Newport Plaza
Cell: 714.812.9983 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Kenning Consulting is a specialist compensation consulting company offering guidance and advice to clients in all aspects of reward management. Our
customized reports provide professional, objective market information resulting from a highly consultative, service-driven approach. Kenning Consulting
maintains stringent standards of data confidentiality and security. This report is copyright to Kenning Consulting and the State of South Carolina. No part of it
may be reproduced, either manually or electronically for the purpose of disclosure to any third party.
Disclaimer/Limitation of Liability
This report is designed to provide the State of South Carolina with information regarding the classified employee compensation plan. No responsibility can be
accepted, however, for loss occasioned to any person, or organization, acting, or refraining from acting, as a result of any statement in this report.