Q50: Quantifying Chemical Biological Threats

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Q50: Quantifying Chemical

Biological Threats
By Mr. Reid Kirby

There is a military adage which states that “Amateurs Calder’s Legacy

talk tactics; generals talk logistics.” While it is true that
The English physicist Sir Geoffrey Taylor initiated
chemical-biological (CB) weapons are area weapons, they
the first systematic treatment of eddy motion in the
are also mass-action weapons that require hundreds of tons
of chemicals or hundreds of pounds of biological agents to atmosphere in 1915. Following World War I, the British
represent a significant threat. Lesser amounts are generally Chemical Warfare Establishment at Porton Down
considered more of a destabilizing nuisance than an actual attempted to improve upon chemical warfare meteorology
combat power; the minor amounts attributed to potential through controlled experiments with smoke on Salisbury
terrorism merely signify fringe criminality. Plain. This work, in turn, led to O.G. Sutton’s theory of
eddy diffusion and the birth of atmospheric diffusion
In hopes of establishing international agreements
modeling as we know it today. Sutton’s understudy at
and controls that would eliminate CB weapons, the
Porton Down was meteorologist Kenneth L. Calder. In
disarmament and counterproliferation communities
the 1950s, the Army Biological Warfare Laboratories
have concerned themselves with determining the
(BWL) at Camp Detrick (now Fort Detrick), Maryland,
threshold above which CB agents are considered
managed to employ Calder to work out biological weapon
excessive for legitimate research or commercial activities.
expenditure problems based on atmospheric diffusion
These threshold levels signify points of concern—not
points where developing CB arsenals are considered an
appreciable threat. What does it mean when information It is apparent from Calder’s reports that he was
indicates that Libya has 100 tons of mustard gas (H) brilliant, but isolated from the rest of the atmospheric
or North Korea has 1,000 to 5,000 tons of a variety of diffusion analysis community working on chemical
chemical agents? A generalized means of assessing such warfare problems. His work in biological warfare led
“threats” is necessary. him to use exponential dose-response relationships (i.e.,
One means of assessing the threat is to compare the independent action), rather than traditional probit analysis,
logistics required for various CB weapons. By determining further alienating his work from mainstream chemical
the quantity of CB agent necessary to produce an effect weapon effects modeling.
threat and by understanding potential enemy doctrine and Calder often reduced the complexity of his calculations
battlefield constraints, it may be possible to estimate the by making general comparisons. He also relied on small
area and the number of targets that could be impacted by samples of field trial data to represent typical employment
an emerging CB arsenal. This article presents a workable conditions. His vast field experience likely allowed
method for this analysis.1 him to make decisions that the insufficiently accurate

Winter 2007 41
models lacked the complexity to make. With a scarcity Posological Theorem
of computers in the 1950s, Calder produced a series of
CB warfare is, in essence, the delivery of a quantity
tables used to estimate biological weapon coverage. The
of agent to a target, subjecting those within the target to
biological warfare community continued to use these
a dosage that results in a casualty-causing dose. There
tables into the 1990s (Gulf War).
is a mathematically transitive relationship among dose,
In the 1990s, William Patrick and Richard Spertzel dosage, and quantity; so doubling the dose corresponds
developed a graph which plotted the toxicity of an agent to doubling the dosage and the quantity. Further, a dose
against the quantity of that agent required to produce an may have multiple dosages, and these dosages may have
effective exposure. This graph (Figure 1), which was multiple quantities, owing to the refinements of added
based on Calder’s tables in BWL Technical Study #3 and conditions.
widely distributed in Defense Against Toxin Weapons,
The relationship between the dose and the percent
illustrates that by knowing the lethal dose, 50 percent
of resultant casualties can be described using a probit
(LD50)—the dose required to kill half the members of a
analysis or an independent-action model. An expected
tested population—of a potential CB agent, it is possible to
casualty rate can be inferred from the dose received or
theoretically determine the quantity of the agent necessary
the dosage of exposure. It is the relationship between
(Q50), under ideal meteorological conditions, to achieve
the dosage and the quantity that requires a method of
a 50 percent casualty rate for an open-air exposure in a
100-square-kilometer (km2) area. The following equation
can be derived from the graph: To calculate quantity, the issue of CB weapon
coverage can be simplified by considering a square target
Q50 (kilograms [kg]/km2) = 32,000 · LD50 (milligrams
area oriented squarely to the release of the CB agent along
the upwind side (Figure 2). As a rule, when half the target
At first glance, this appears to be a useful means area is covered with a median dosage, the integrated
of identifying the logistics associated with various CB casualty rate for the entire target area is about equal to
weapons; however, in practice, there are limitations to the casualty rate associated with that particular dosage.
this methodology that prevent its usefulness beyond Therefore, the quantity of agent required to achieve a 50
the illustrative purposes for which it was originally percent casualty rate depends on the amount of agent that
intended.2 must be released on the upwind side to attain a median
dosage halfway through the target.
This method is mathematically derived from the
2,500.0000 reduction of atmospheric diffusion models. The Gaussian
Moderately toxic
model for a point source expands to that for a finite line
source, which reduces to that of an infinite line source by
extending the source length toward infinity. Assuming
that the source height and sampling height are both at the
2.5000 surface (z = 0), then it follows that—

Highly toxic

0.2500 Du 2
0.0250 Λq πδz
toxic Where—
D = dosage (mg.min/m3)
u = wind speed (m/min)
8 80 800 80 800 8,000 Λ = conditional adjustment factor
Kilograms 8 Tons
Q50(per 100 km2)
q = quantity released on a line (in mg/meter
Figure 1. Toxicity (LD50) versus quantity of toxin δ z = atmospheric diffusion parameter
required (Q50) to provide a theorectically effective
open-air exposure under ideal meteorological With some algebra, some adjustments to convert
conditions (after Franz, 1997) quantity per meter of line source to total quantity, and

42 Army Chemical Review

incapacitating dose (ID50) for GB of 0.0067 mg/kg.
Using the Posological Theorem with a dosage required to
incapacitate half the members of an exposed population
(ICt50) of 50 mg·min/m3 resulted in a Q50 of 119 kg/km2.
The dose-only methods of determining the Q 50 , by
definition, fail to explain the differences between dose
and dosage, and, thence, dosage and quantity.3
In the 1960s, the United States purchased 100,000
pounds of the incapacitating agent BZ—probably one of
the most expensive military chemicals ever standardized
by the United States; 10,000 pounds went to research
and development, leaving about 90,000 pounds for filling
Figure 2. A notional CB target chemical weapons. What was the chemical combat power
associated with this purchase?
some adjustments of units, the equation takes on the
Using the Patrick-Spertzel method, an ID50 of 0.0116
mg/kg for BZ, yields a Q50 of 371 kg/km2. Dividing 90,000
Q= pounds (or 40,823 kg) by this result suggests that the Cold
⎛ 2 ⎞ War arsenal of BZ would have been capable of producing
Λ⎜⎜ ⎟X
⎟ 50 percent casualties over a 110-km2 area.
⎝ πδz ⎠
Where— From the information in FM 3-10B, BZ weapons
were intended to cover half of a 1- to 2-hectare target area
Q = quantity of CB agent needed (kg/km2)
with an ICt50 of 110 mg·min/m3 under neutral atmospheric
X = windward dimension of a target (m) stability and 10-knot winds. This indicates a Q50 of 1,284
This model can be adapted to produce figures for kg/km2 in the open and 4,246 kg/km2 in an urban terrain
different target sizes (Figure 3), target conditions complex. Therefore, the BZ arsenal was capable of
(Figure 4, page 44), wind
speeds, and atmospheric Target area
stabilities (Figure 5, page 44).
Comparative size Ω
Evaluation Civilian Military ha km2

As a test of the model Geographic

presented, Field Manual (FM) Corps
3-10 was used to calculate the Metro area 1,000
Q50 for sarin (GB), assuming an City 100
effects component of 3.22 that Brigade
corresponds to 0- to 5-knot winds, 10
Town Regiment
open terrain, no precipitation,
and high temperatures. This District Battalion
method indicated that 40 M121 100

155-millimeter (mm) projectiles Platoon 10

would be needed to produce a 50 Block
percent casualty rate on a 1-km2 Squad 1

target area. This translates to a House

Q50 of 118 kg/km2. Minutes Hours Days Weeks Months

The method described by 2

km = square kilometer
Patrick and Spertzel yields a ha = hectare Duration of action
result of 214 kg/km for the same
Figure 3. The approximate size of a notional target is proportional to the
scenario, assuming a median duration of a CB agent.

Winter 2007 43
agent that must be successfully disseminated to achieve
Condition Factor a casualty effect; therefore, it can also be used to judge
the potential threat from a developing CB arsenal. This
None 1.0 approach is internally and externally consistent, and its
application conforms to the added conditions of extending
Wooded 0.8
dose, through dosage, to quantity.
Hilly 0.5 Endnotes:
This work was the result of a special study on the military
Indoor 0.5 potential of prions.
Patrick and Spertzel were not attempting to create a method for
Rainy 0.4 analysts to calculate Q50; their purpose was merely illustrative.
Comparisons with other quantity figures verified the reasonable
Jungle 0.2 accuracy of these methods. However, similar attempts with infective
agents and agents with aerobiological decay rates proved to yield
Figure 4. Effects adjustment factors, Λ4 grossly inaccurate results.
These adjustments factors were from University of Pennsylvania,
Project SUMMIT, for the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
neutralizing 32 km2 (open) and 10 km2 (urban), though
expanding the target size to that which is reasonable 5
For puff diffusion, it is customary to take the next highest stability
for the rate and duration of action indicates that the BZ classes’ plume diffusion deviation as an approximation.
arsenal was actually capable of neutralizing an open area References:
up to 40 km2. K.L. Calder, “Mathematical Models for Dosage and Casualty
Coverage Resulting from Single Point and Line Source Release of
The usefulness of this approach is that it indicates the
Aerosol Near Ground Level,” Biological Warfare Laboratories (BWL)
quantities of CB agents needed under different doctrinal Technical Study #3, Fort Detrick, Maryland, 1957.
assumptions. It applies when determining the amount of David R. Franz, “Defense Against Toxin Weapons,” U.S. Army
Medical Research Institute, Fort Detrick, Maryland, 1997.
FM 3-10, Employment of Chemical Agents, 31 March
Terrain Complex 1966. (FM 3-10 was superseded by FM 3-10-1 in April 1988;
Open Urban FM 3-10-1 was rescinded in July 1993.)
FM 3-10B, Employment of Chemical Agents, Change 1,
A 1.35(x/20) 0.24(1+0.001x)0.5 30 November 1966. (FM 3-10B was superseded by FM 3-10-2
Pasquill-Gifford Class

in December 1990; FM 3-10-2 was rescinded in July 1993.)

B 1.35(x/20)1.86 0.24(1+0.001x)0.5 Steven R. Hanna, Gary A. Briggs, and Rayford P. Hosker,
Handbook on Atmospheric Diffusion, U.S. Department of
C 1.35(x/20)1.18 0.24(1+0.001x)0.5 Energy, 1982.
1.35(x/20)0.88 George H. Milly, “Atmospheric Diffusion and Generalized
D 0.20x
Munition Expenditure,” U.S. Army Chemical Corps, Operations
E 1.35(x/20) 0.14x(1+0.0003x)-0.5 Research Group, 1957.
“Preliminary Discussion of Methods for Calculating
F 1.35(x/20)0.66 0.08x(1+0.00015x)-0.5 Munition Expenditures, with Special Reference to the St. Jo
Program,” U.S. Army Munition Expenditure Panel, St. Jo
G 1.35(x/20)0.60 0.08x(1+0.00015x)-0.5 Program, Camp Detrick, Maryland, 11 August 1954.

Figure 5. Atmospheric diffusion parameters, δz, for open Mr. Kirby is a project manager for Bradford and Galt.
and urban terrain. Pasquill-Gifford stability classes He holds a bachelor’s degree in valuation science from
usually used in analysis are B (lapse), D (neutral), and F Lindenwood College, with a minor in biology and special
(inversion). Here x = 0.5X. (After Milly, 1957, and Hanna, studies in behavioral toxicology and biotechnology.
et. al., 1982.)5

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44 Army Chemical Review

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