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International Journal of Cancer

Healthy lifestyle and risk of breast cancer among

postmenopausal women in the European Prospective
Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort study
Fiona McKenzie1,2, Pietro Ferrari1, Heinz Freisling1, Veronique Chajès1, Sabina Rinaldi1, Jordi de Batlle1,
Christina C Dahm3, Kim Overvad3, Laura Baglietto4,5, Laureen Dartois6,7,8, Laure Dossus6,7,8, Pagona Lagiou9,10,11,
Dimitrios Trichopoulos10,11,12, Antonia Trichopoulou12, Vittorio Krogh13, Salvatore Panico14, Rosario Tumino15,
Stefano Rosso16, H. B(as) Bueno-de-Mesquita17,18,19, Anne May20, Petra H Peeters19,20, Elisabete Weiderpass21,22,23,24,
Genevieve Buckland25, Maria-Jose Sanchez26,27, Carmen Navarro27,28,29, Eva Ardanaz27,30, Anne Andersson31,
Malin Sund32, Ulrika Ericson33, Elisabet Wirfa€lt33, Tim J Key34, Ruth C Travis34, Marc Gunter19, Elio Riboli19,
Anne-Claire Vergnaud and Isabelle Romieu1

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France
Centre for Public Health Research, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand
Department of Public Health, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Cancer Epidemiology Centre, Cancer Council Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Centre for Molecular, Environmental, Genetic and Analytic Epidemiology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
INSERM, Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health (CESP), Villejuif, France
Paris South University, UMRS 1018, Villejuif, France
Institute Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece
Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston
Bureau of Epidemiologic Research, Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece
Hellenic Health Foundation, Athens, Greece
Epidemiology and Prevention Unit, IRCCS Foundation, National Cancer Institute, Milan, Italy
Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University, Naples, Italy
Cancer Registry and Histopathology Unit, “Civile - M.P.Arezzo” Hospital, Ragusa, Italy
Piedmont Cancer Registry, Centre for Epidemiology and Prevention in Oncology in Piedmont, Turin, Italy
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands
School of Public Health, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Julius Center, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Key words: breast cancer, healthy index, lifestyle, prospective studies, Europe
Abbreviations: AICR: American Institute for Cancer Research; CI: confidence interval; EPIC: European Prospective Investigation into

Cancer and Nutrition; ER: oestrogen receptor; HLIS: healthy lifestyle index score; HR: Hazard ratios; HRT: hormone replacement ther-
apy; OC: oral contraceptive; PR: progesterone receptor; WCRF: World Cancer Research Fund.
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.
Grant sponsor: Genesis Oncology Trust; Grant sponsor: European Commission (DG-SANCO), the International Agency for Research on
Cancer; Grant sponsor: Danish Cancer Society (Denmark); Grant sponsor: Ligue Contre le Cancer, Institut Gustave Roussy, Mutuelle
Generale de l’Education Nationale, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM) (France); Grant sponsor: Deutsche
Krebshilfe, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum and Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany); Grant sponsor: Hellenic Health
Foundation (Greece); Grant sponsor: Italian Association for Research on Cancer (AIRC) and National Research Council (Italy); Grant
sponsor: Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS), Netherlands Cancer Registry (NKR), LK Research Funds, Dutch
Prevention Funds, Dutch ZON (Zorg Onderzoek Nederland), World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), Statistics Netherlands (The
Netherlands); Grant sponsor: ERC-2009-AdG 232997 and Nordforsk, Nordic Centre of Excellence programme on Food, Nutrition and
Health. (Norway); Grant sponsor: Health Research Fund (FIS) of the Spanish Ministry of Health (ISCIII RETICC RD06/0020/0091) the
Catalan Institute of Oncology, and the participating regional governments and institutions of Spain (Spain); Grant sponsor: Swedish Cancer
Society, Swedish Scientific Council and Regional Government of Skane and Vasterbotten (Sweden); Grant sponsor: Cancer Research UK,
Medical Research Council, Stroke Association, British Heart Foundation, Department of Health, Food Standards Agency, and Welcome Trust
(United Kingdom)
DOI: 10.1002/ijc.29315
History: Received 11 Apr 2014; Accepted 19 Sep 2014; Online 7 Nov 2014
Correspondence to: Fiona McKenzie, IARC, 150 cours Albert Thomas, Lyon 69008, France, Tel.: 133-4-72738389, Fax: 133-4-72738320,
E-mail: [email protected]

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Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Department of Research, Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo, Norway
Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Samfundet Folkh€alsan, Helsinki, Finland
Unit of Nutrition, Environment and Cancer, Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO-IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain
Andalusian School of Public Health, Granada Bio-Health Research Institute (Granada.IBS), Granada, Spain
CIBER Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), Spain
Department of Epidemiology, Murcia Regional Health Council, Murcia, Spain
Department of Health and Social Sciences, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Navarre Public Health Institute, Pamplona, Spain
Department of Radiation Sciences, Oncology, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Department of Clinical Sciences in Malmo €, Lund University, Sweden
Cancer Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and prevention strategies are needed to reduce incidence worldwide.
A healthy lifestyle index score (HLIS) was generated to investigate the joint effect of modifiable lifestyle factors on postmeno-
pausal breast cancer risk. The study included 242,918 postmenopausal women from the multinational European Prospective
Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort, with detailed information on diet and lifestyle assessed at baseline. The
HLIS was constructed from five factors (diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption and anthropometry) by assigning
scores of 0–4 to categories of each component, for which higher values indicate healthier behaviours. Hazard ratios (HR) were
estimated by Cox proportional regression models. During 10.9 years of median follow-up, 7,756 incident breast cancer cases
were identified. There was a 3% lower risk of breast cancer per point increase of the HLIS. Breast cancer risk was inversely
associated with a high HLIS when fourth versus second (reference) categories were compared [adjusted HR 5 0.74; 95% confi-
dence interval (CI): 0.66–0.83]. The fourth versus the second category of the HLIS was associated with a lower risk for hor-
mone receptor double positive (adjusted HR 5 0.81, 95% CI: 0.67–0.98) and hormone receptor double negative breast cancer
(adjusted HR 5 0.60, 95% CI: 0.40–0.90). Findings suggest having a high score on an index of combined healthy behaviours
reduces the risk of developing breast cancer among postmenopausal women. Programmes which engage women in long term
health behaviours should be supported.

What’s new?
How much does behavior really affect cancer risk? These authors set out to measure just that. First, they created a Healthy
Lifestyle Index, which quantified five modifiable behaviors, such as smoking and physical activity. Then, using data from the
European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), they assigned each participant a score between 0 and 4

on each of the behaviors. It turned out that with each point added to a person’s Healthy Lifestyle Index score, breast cancer
risk fell by 3%, suggesting that public programs to help women maintain these behaviors could be worthwhile for cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women activity,11,12 smoking,13,14 alcohol consumption,15,16 and body
with an estimated 1.4 million new cases diagnosed worldwide fatness.17,18 As people have a propensity to follow common
in 2008, almost one quarter of all female cancers. It is the behavioral patterns,19 and such lifestyle factors are often clus-
most common cancer in both developed and developing tered, it seems prudent to investigate these lifestyle factors
regions; the highest reported incidence for breast cancer is in jointly.
Western Europe, with a rate of approximately 90 cases per There is accumulating evidence associating combined life-
100,000 women.1 style factors, or patterns of behavior, to cardiovascular dis-
A number of established risk factors for breast cancer ease19,20 and diabetes,21 and most recently, to cancer.22,23 The
have been identified, including age, reproductive history, hor- benefit of adhering to a healthy lifestyle has been quantified
mone levels/use, family history of breast cancer, breast den- specifically in relation to breast cancer risk for Mexican
sity and adult attained height.2–6 In addition to these, women,24 where in a case–control study an 80% lower risk
individual modifiable lifestyle factors have been shown to be was observed for postmenopausal women when comparing
associated with breast cancer risk such as diet,7–10 physical breast cancer risk in the highest to the lowest quintile of a

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healthy lifestyle index constructed by means of principal ibration study.42 Energy intake was estimated using the
components. harmonized EPIC nutrient database.43 Sociodemographic
There is mounting literature on the relationship between information, physical activity, alcohol consumption, smoking
nutrition and breast cancer. Several dietary components have and medical and reproductive history were captured from
reported associations that are supported by a biological plau- lifestyle questionnaires, and anthropometric measurements
sibility25 but for which current evidence is too limited to per- taken at all centres (except Oxford and France, where they
mit a probable causal judgement in their aetiological role.11 were self-reported).40
Fibre,26,27 folate,28 carbohydrates,29,30 and different fatty Follow-up was done through cancer registries in Den-
acids31–34 have all been posited to affect breast cancer risk, mark, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the
have all been reviewed,25,35,36 and all remain suggestive of a UK. For France, Germany and Greece, follow-up was done
causal relationship.37 via health insurance records, cancer/pathology registrations
A recent study assessed the association between concord- and through participants and their next-of-kin. Follow-up
ance with World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American began at date of enrolment and ended at date of cancer diag-
Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) overall cancer preven- nosis, death, or last complete follow-up (December 2004 to
tion guidelines and subsequent cancer risk, including breast June 2010, depending on the centre), whichever came first.
cancer, in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer Breast cancer cases were defined as first primary invasive
and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort and reported a protective effect breast tumours (coded C50.0 to 50.9 using the 10th Revision
of adhering to the guidelines.38 To further investigate breast of International Statistical Classification of Diseases). Infor-
cancer risk and lifestyle behaviors in the EPIC cohort, a mation on oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor
breast cancer specific a priori health index was created based (PR) statuses was provided by each centre on the basis of
on posited dietary components, high physical activity, avoid- pathology reports.
ance of smoking, no alcohol consumption and low BMI as The original EPIC cohort comprised 367,993 women;
previously proposed,19,21,39 and then used to assess the asso- 334,848 after the exclusion of women with prevalent and
ciation of a healthy lifestyle index with the risk of breast can- recurring cancers or missing follow-up information (23,053),
cer in the study cohort. missing dietary or lifestyle questionnaires (3,339), and those in
the top or bottom 1% of the ratio of energy intake to energy
Methods requirement (6,753). Energy requirement is calculated as basal
Study population metabolic rate times the moderate physical activity level of
EPIC is a large prospective cohort study across 23 centres in 1.55. The current study was based on data from 242,918 post-
10 European countries (Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, menopausal women (premenopausal n 5 37,236), following
Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the exclusions of women with in situ cases (1,349) and missing
United Kingdom).40 The cohort of 521,330 healthy men and data for the components of the lifestyle index (53,345), includ-
women recruited from 1992 to 2000, and aged between 25 ing all women from Umea in Sweden and Norway, where
and 70 years, was primarily designed to investigate the link information on physical activity was not collected.
between nutrition, dietary habits and lifestyle and cancer

incidence. Participants were enrolled from the general popu- Index construction
lation, within defined geographical or administrative areas, Score for diet. Intakes of seven dietary factors were com-
with exceptions for France (national health insurance scheme bined for the diet score: cereal fibre, folate, the ratio of poly-
members), Utrecht and Florence (breast cancer screening unsaturated to saturated fat, fatty fish (as a marker for
participants), Oxford (health conscious, mainly vegetarian, omega-3 fatty acids), margarine (as a marker for industrially
volunteers) and some centres from Italy and Spain (blood produced trans-fats), glycemic load and fruits and vegetables.
donor participants). The rationale for EPIC, study design and Consumption of dietary components were grouped into
methods have been described in detail elsewhere.40 The study country-specific deciles and scored from 0 to 9 (inverse for
obtained ethical approval from participating centres and trans-fat and glycemic load), with 0 being least healthy con-
IARC ethics committees. Informed consent was given by all sumption. Overall ranges for each dietary component are
study participants. shown in Supporting Information Table 1. The individual
scores were summed to a total diet score, and then categor-
Data collection and follow-up ised into quintiles. For one centre (Potsdam, Germany),
Validated country-specific questionnaires were completed by which did not have food frequency data specifically for fatty
participants at baseline, including self-administered semi- fish, consumption of total fish was weighted based on the
quantitative food frequency questionnaires or interviewer- fatty fish proportions of total fish reported in 24-hr recalls of
administered diet history questionnaires, and semi- the calibration study.42
quantitative food frequency questionnaires to measure usual
intakes.41 In an 8% random sub-sample, standardized Score for health index. The overall health index was deter-
interviewer-administered 24-hr recalls were collected in a cal- mined by assigning scores of 0–4 to each individual variable

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Table 1. Distribution of postmenopausal women and breast cancer bles, and percentages for categorical variables. Cox propor-
cases by country in the European Prospective Investigation into Can- tional hazard regression models were used to estimate
cer and Nutrition cohort study, 1992–2000
associations between the healthy lifestyle index and breast
Age1 Follow-up cancer. Age was used as the primary time variable, with entry
Country Cohort (Median) Cases (Median) Person-years
time defined as age at study entry, and exit time as age at
Denmark 28,038 56.2 1,241 11.6 309,699 diagnosis of breast cancer or censoring (which ever occurred
France 62,766 51.6 2,310 9.9 576,428 first).
Germany 21,567 52.5 601 8.3 170,890 Hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI)
Greece 11,884 58.3 140 10.0 104,357 were stratified by centre, to control for centre-specific effects,
Italy 27,999 51.8 779 10.5 256,685
and 1-year age bands (age at study entry). Models were
adjusted by height (continuous), age at menarche (<12, 12–
Netherlands 20,210 55.0 684 11.7 218,174
14, >14, unknown), age at full term pregnancy (nulliparous,
Spain 21,719 50.0 332 10.5 196,607 <21, 21–30, >30, unknown), education (none/primary, sec-
Sweden 13,800 56.6 637 13.7 178,101 ondary/technical, university, unknown), oral contraceptive
UK 34,935 52.9 1,032 10.8 332,134 (OC) use (never, ever, unknown), hormone replacement ther-
Total 242,918 53.2 7,756 10.9 2,343,075 apy (HRT) use (never, ever, unknown), breastfeeding (never,
ever, unknown), total energy intake excluding alcohol (con-
Age at beginning of follow-up. tinuous). The healthy index was modelled as a continuous
and categorical variable (5, 6–10, 11–15, 16), using the
category, for which a higher point value indicates a healthier second lowest scoring group as the reference category. The
behavior. The health index ranged from 0 to 20. Healthiest test for trend was performed by assigning median values of
behavior was defined as never smoking (never 5 4, ex- each of the four categories of the index, which was then
smokers quit > 10 years 5 3, ex-smokers quit  10 years 5 2, modelled as a continuous variable. Heterogeneity of associa-
current  15 cigarettes/day 5 1, current > 15 cigarettes/day- tion by BMI and HRT was assessed with interaction terms
5 0), no consumption of alcohol (none 5 4, 0.1–4.9 (g/day)- and associated log likelihood ratio tests; no evidence of inter-
5 3, 5.0–9.9 (g/day) 5 2, 10.0–19.9 (g/day) 5 1, > 20 (g/ action was found. Separate models were fitted according to
day) 5 0), top quintile of physical activity based on recrea- the breast cancer hormone receptor status: ER positive and
tional and household metabolic equivalent tasks (5th PR positive, and ER negative and PR negative tumours, while
quintile 5 4, 4th quintile 5 3, 3rd quintile 5 2, 2nd censoring other combinations of tumour hormone receptors.
quintile 5 1, 1st quintile 5 0), BMI in the bottom quintile Two-sided p-values are provided with statistical signifi-
(1st quintile 5 4, 2nd quintile 5 3, 3rd quintile 5 2, 4th cance set at p < 0.05. All analyses were performed using Stata
quintile 5 1, 5th quintile 5 0) and a healthy diet i.e., high in version 11.
cereal fibre, folate, fatty fish, with a high ratio of polyunsatu-
rated to saturated fat, high intake of fruits and vegetables and Results
low in margarine/trans-fat and glycemic load (5th Among the total of 242,918 postmenopausal women, there

quintile 5 4, 4th quintile 5 3, 3rd quintile 5 2, 2nd were 7,756 first primary incident breast cancer cases recorded
quintile 5 1, 1st quintile 5 0). during a median follow-up time of 10.9 years and 2,343,075
accumulated person-years. The median age at start of follow-
Statistical analysis. Menopausal status was provided at time up was 53.2 years. Table 1 shows the numbers of cohort par-
of recruitment; women were considered as postmenopausal ticipants, median ages at entry, frequencies of breast cancer
when they reported not having had any menses over the past cases, and follow-up years for each EPIC country in the
12 months, or when they reported bilateral ovariectomy. study.
Women with missing or incomplete questionnaire data, or Table 2 shows medians, or percentages, for each compo-
with reported previous hysterectomy, were considered post- nent of the healthy lifestyle index, and for each covariate
menopausal only if they were older than 55 years. Women characteristic. Across categories of the index score, total
were considered with unknown menopausal status when they energy intake was slightly higher among the healthy behavior
were between 46 and 55 years of age, and had missing or groups. The percentage of women educated below secondary
incomplete questionnaire data, or reported previous hysterec- level increased among the healthy behavior groups, as did the
tomy (without ovariectomy). For these analyses, a cut-point percentage of women who had ever breastfed. The frequency
of 50 years (median age of menopause within EPIC) was of OC and HRT use declined across the least healthy to most
used for age of menopause among those women which were healthy behavior categories of the index.
pre and perimenopausal at recruitment, and this was consid- Table 3 shows the scoring system used for the individual
ered as point of entry into the study. components of the healthy lifestyle index, and the corre-
Descriptive statistics are provided by cross tabulations sponding HR and 95% CI for each component score and
with medians and inter-quartile ranges for continuous varia- breast cancer, adjusted for the other covariates. Healthy

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Table 2. Characteristics of postmenopausal women in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort study accord-
ing to healthy lifestyle index category, 1992–2000
1 (5 points) 2 (6–10 points) 3 (11–15 points) 4 (16 points) All
Index component
Diet score (units) 24 (21–29) 29 (24–34) 34 (29–39) 40 (23–43) 32 (26–37)
Alcohol (g/day) 20.3 (10.6–31.7) 8.5 (1.9–17.9) 2.3 (0.3–8.0) 0.4 (0–2.6) 4.2 (0.6–12.2)
Physical activity (METS/week) 41 (29–59) 62 (40–90) 99 (66–136) 140 (107–167) 82 (51–123)
BMI (kg/m2) 27 (24–30) 25 (22–28) 24 (21–27) 22 (20–24) 25 (22–28)
Smoking (% ever) 96 70 34 12 49
Age at entry (years) 53 (50–58) 53 (50–59) 54 (50–60) 53 (50–60) 53 (50–59)
Height (cm) 162 (158–166) 162 (158–166) 161 (156–165) 161 (157–166) 161 (157–166)
Age at menarche (years) 13 (12–14) 13 (12–14) 13 (12–14) 13 (12–14) 13 (12–14)
Age at full term pregnancy (years) 24 (21–27) 24 (22–27) 25 (22–27) 25 (23–28) 24 (22–27)
Energy intake (kcal/day) 1752 (1437–2122) 1837 (1518–2212) 1875 (1557–2250) 1916 (1588–2304) 1858 (1538–2234)
Nulliparity (%) 5 3 2 3 3
Education (% below secondary) 28 28 35 35 32
OC use (% ever) 62 59 52 47 55
HRT use (% ever) 33 30 26 23 27
Breastfeeding (% ever) 64 67 70 72 69

Values are medians (25th–75th percentiles) unless otherwise specified.

behaviors were inversely associated to breast cancer risk; 24-hr recall means. To account for possible misclassification
although not all components and score levels reached statisti- due to high-energy intakes, models were run based on the
cal significance. residuals from the regression of dietary components on total
Modelled as a continuous variable, there was a 3% lower energy intake. These results (not shown) were not notably
risk (adjusted HR 5 0.97, 95% CI: 0.96–0.98) of breast cancer different from the uncorrected models reported.
per point score of the index. Table 4 shows the crude and Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess the robust-
adjusted HRs and 95% CIs for the association between the ness of the findings. Models were run separately for North-
healthy lifestyle index and breast cancer for all women, and ern, Central and Southern European based centres and no
by tumour hormone status. For all women, there was a 26% material difference in results (not shown) were observed.
lower risk (adjusted HR 5 0.74, 95% CI: 0.66–0.83) of breast Reverse causality was tested through the exclusion of women

cancer in the fourth category of the index (most healthy) whose breast cancer diagnosis was within their first 2 years
compared to the second (reference) category of the index of follow-up; these results (not shown) did not differ from
score. Women in the first category (least healthy) had a 19% those of the entire cohort. Further analyses were performed
greater risk of breast cancer compared to their counterparts with the exclusion of women with a BMI of less than
in the second (reference) category of the index score 18.5 kg/m2, and with the exclusion of energy intake under-
(adjusted HR 5 1.19, 95% CI: 1.07–1.31). There was a lower reporters, using the Goldberg cut-off for physical activity
risk for women with both hormone receptor double positive level 1.14.44 Finally, the analyses were rerun with the exclu-
and double negative breast cancer, comparing the fourth cat- sion of former drinkers from the non-drinker category. None
egory to the reference category of the index score (adjusted of the sensitivity analyses materially altered results or
HR 5 0.81, 95% CI: 0.67–0.98 and 0.60, 95% CI: 0.40–0.90, changed interpretation of findings.
To investigate the possibility of confounding by family Discussion
history of breast cancer, this was included, and models rerun This study based on a large prospective cohort has found a
for those centres that had family history available (42% of lower risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women with
the women, n 5 102,579). There was no notable change in healthier lifestyles. Findings suggest that modification of
results from the ones presented here. behavior resulting in a one point increase in the healthy life-
To account for measurement errors in reporting food con- style index score correspond to a 3% lower breast cancer risk.
sumptions, the dietary components were additionally rescaled All individual components of the healthy lifestyle index
by country-specific differences between food frequency and were significantly associated with breast cancer risk, except

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Table 3. Associations for healthy lifestyle index components and breast cancer risk among postmenopausal women in the European Prospec-
tive Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort study, 1992–2000
Index component Score HR 95% CI p–trend
1st quintile (3–25) 0 1 Reference 0.005
2nd quintile (26–30) 1 0.93 0.87, 0.99
3rd quintile (31–34) 2 0.98 0.91, 1.06
4th quintile (35–39) 3 0.89 0.83, 0.95
5th quintile (40–63) 4 0.90 0.84, 0.97
5th quintile (29 1) 0 1 Reference <0.001
4th quintile (26–29) 1 0.91 0.84, 0.98
3rd quintile (24–26) 2 0.92 0.85, 0.99
2nd quintile (22–24) 3 0.87 0.80, 0.93
1st quintile (<22) 4 0.81 0.74, 0.87
Physical activity
1st quintile (<45 METs/week) 0 1 Reference 0.001
2nd quintile (45–69 METs/week) 1 0.97 0.91, 1.04
3rd quintile (69–96 METs/week) 2 0.94 0.89, 1.02
4th quintile (96–134 METs/week) 3 0.90 0.83, 0.97
5th quintile (134 1 METs/week) 4 0.87 0.80, 0.95
>20 (g/day) 0 1 Reference <0.001
10.0–19.9 (g/day) 1 0.91 0.85, 0.98
5.0–9.9 (g/day) 2 0.84 0.78, 0.91
0.1–4.9 (g/day) 3 0.81 0.76, 0.87
Never 4 0.84 0.78,0.93
Current > 15 cigarettes/day 0 1 Reference 0.171
Current  15 cigarettes/day 1 0.87 0.79, 0.96
Ex–smokers quit  10 years 2 0.87 0.77, 0.99

Ex–smokers quit > 10 years 3 0.91 0.82, 1.02
Never 4 0.87 0.78, 0.96

Stratified by study centre and age, and adjusted for height, age at menarche, age at first pregnancy, education, HRT, OC, breastfeeding, non–alcohol
energy intake, and other index components.

for the smoking component, which did not reach conven- For the healthy lifestyle index, BMI was used as a measure
tional significance. Smoking, while the biggest risk factor for for overall body fatness. However, as there is evidence to sug-
cancer overall, is not an established risk factor for breast can- gest that central adiposity may be a better predictor of post-
cer. Although this exposure is frequently debated, smoking menopausal breast cancer,47 various anthropometric
has been found to be positively associated with breast cancer measures were included in additional analyses. The use of
in populations with high smoking prevalence,14 or long dura- waist circumference, waist to hip ratio, or waist to height
tions.45,46 The fact that not all components are equally related ratio as a component in place of BMI did not materially alter
to breast cancer risk implies that a factor which is less our results. Therefore BMI was used in the index for reasons
strongly related dilutes out the effect of another one which is of data completeness.
more strongly related. However, the combined healthy life- Findings for the current study are consistent with two
style index was overall more strongly associated with breast previous studies, which found protective associations between
cancer risk as compared to the individual components of the breast cancer and healthy lifestyle indexes. A relatively small
index. Mexican case–control study found that women in the highest

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Table 4. Associations for the healthy lifestyle index and breast cancer risk among postmenopausal women in the European Prospective Inves-
tigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort study, 1992–2000
Categorical index score
1 (5 points) 2 (6–10 points) 3 (11–15 points) 4 (16 points) p trend
Women 10,280 93,036 123,784 15,818
Cases 451 3,287 3,656 362
Unadjusted HR (95% CI) 1.18 (1.07, 1.30) 1 (Reference) 0.91 (0.87, 0.95) 0.75 (0.67, 0.83) <0.001
Adjusted HR (95% CI) 1.19 (1.07, 1.31) 1 (Reference) 0.90 (0.86, 0.95) 0.74 (0.66, 0.83) <0.001
Continuous adjusted HR (95% CI) per unit score 0.97 (0.96, 0.98)
ER1 and PR1 158 1,122 1,179 127
Unadjusted HR (95% CI) 1.22 (1.03, 1.45) 1 (Reference) 0.89 (0.82, 0.97) 0.82 (0.68, 0.99) 0.003
Adjusted HR (95% CI) 1.23 (1.04, 1.45) 1 (Reference) 0.89 (0.82, 0.97) 0.81 (0.67, 0.98) 0.002
Continuous adjusted HR (95% CI) per unit score 0.96 (0.95, 0.98)
ER– and PR– 45 315 317 26
Unadjusted HR (95% CI) 1.22 (0.89, 1.67) 1 (Reference) 0.88 (0.75, 1.03) 0.61 (0.40, 0.91) 0.013
Adjusted HR (95% CI) 1.23 (0.90, 1.69) 1 (Reference) 0.87 (0.74, 1.02) 0.60 (0.40, 0.90) 0.009
Continuous adjusted HR (95% CI) per unit score 0.96 (0.94, 0.99)

Stratified by study centre and age, and adjusted for height, age at menarche, age at first pregnancy, education, HRT, OC, breastfeeding, and non–
alcohol energy intake.

quintile of the a posteriori calculated healthy lifestyle index correlation in men and women among several food groups
had significantly lower odds of developing breast cancer than examined.49 Finally, to avoid high correlations within and
their counterparts in the lowest quintile of the index (pre- between food groups, the number of indicator foods for an
menopausal OR 0.50, 95% CI: 0.29–0.84; postmenopausal OR index should be restricted to as few as possible. The highest
0.20, 95% CI: 0.11–0.37).24 Their index considered healthy correlation of dietary components in the current study was
behavior as being in the lowest tertile of the Western dietary between folate and fruit and vegetables; nevertheless this was
pattern, never consuming alcohol, smoking less than 100 cig- included as the authors specifically wanted to capture the
arettes and practicing moderate and vigorous-intensity exer- importance of folate in relation to breast cancer.
cise.24 More recently, a study based on the EPIC cohort There was no specific information on dietary supplemen-
found a lower breast cancer risk for women in their highest tation available, particularly for folate and omega3 supple-
scoring category of a score based on adherence to WCRF/ mentation. However, there was general information available,

AICR recommendations11 compared to their lowest category whether vitamin or mineral supplements were taken without
(HR 5 0.84, 95% CI: 0.78–0.90).38 The components of this stipulation of what those supplements contained. Sensitivity
index for all cancer were: body fatness, physical activity, analyses excluding women using unspecified supplements
foods that promote weight gain, plant foods, red and proc- showed similar results.
essed meat, alcohol intake and breastfeeding.38 The breast Although index components were equally weighted, there
cancer specific health index used for the current study is likely to be unintentional weighting due to some factors
resulted in an even greater risk reduction, and the association being “recommended” items or those seen as positive like
between index and breast cancer risk was also able to be physical activity while others are “moderation” items or those
investigated according to hormone receptor status. perceived as negative like smoking. Recommended index
The current study has several strengths, including the components are behaviors which are encouraged behaviors,
large size and prospective design of the cohort, tumour hor- and as such, they may be unintentionally weighted through
mone receptor status and the detailed dietary and lifestyle their promotion more than behaviors which are discouraged,
information. Nevertheless, consumption of fatty fish was used such as the moderation index components.50
as a marker for omega3 fatty acids in the construction of the A further consideration in the interpretation of these
diet score, and information was not available for trans-fat in results is that EPIC participants are volunteers, and as such
the dataset; therefore, margarine was used as an indicator this is not an ordinary population-based cohort. The cohort
because this food group has been described in the literature is more likely to be healthier than the general population,
as the main source for industrially produced trans fatty and therefore the estimates may be attenuated, providing an
acids.48 Margarine has been related to plasma elaidic acid (a underestimation of the association between healthy lifestyle
biomarker for trans-fat intake) in EPIC showing the strongest and breast cancer in Europe.

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McKenzie et al. 2647

In conclusion, we evaluated the association between a women. The combined healthy lifestyle index was overall
healthy lifestyle index (including healthy diet, moderate and more strongly associated with breast cancer risk as com-
vigorous-intensity physical activity, avoidance of smoking pared to the individual components. These findings suggest
and alcohol consumption and low BMI) and the risk of that breast cancer prevention policies should include strat-
breast cancer among postmenopausal women, and found a egies to engage all women in lasting healthy diet and life-
protective association of a healthy lifestyle among all style habits.

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