Models - Aco.absorptive Muffler

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Created in COMSOL Multiphysics 5.


Absorptive Muffler

This model is licensed under the COMSOL Software License Agreement 5.3a.
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This example describes the pressure-wave propagation in a muffler for an internal
combustion engine. The approach used here is generally applicable to analyzing the
damping of propagating pressure waves as well as determining the transmission properties
of a given system. The model shows how to analyze both inductive and resistive damping
in pressure acoustics. The main output is the transmission loss for the frequency range
50 Hz–1500 Hz. It is represented both as a continuous curve and given in 1/3 octave

See also the application Eigenmodes in a Muffler, which computes the propagating modes
in the main chamber of the muffler.

Model Definition
The muffler—schematically shown in Figure 1—consists of a 24-liter resonator chamber
with a section of the centered exhaust pipe included at each end. The model is first set up
assuming that the chamber is empty. Secondly, it is lined with 15 mm of absorbing glass

Figure 1: Geometry of the lined muffler, the liner is the outer layer in the main muffler
volume. The exhaust fumes enter through the left pipe and exit through the right pipe.

This model solves the problem in the frequency domain using the Pressure Acoustics,
Frequency Domain interface. The model equation is a slightly modified version of the
Helmholtz equation for the acoustic pressure p:

∇p ω p-
∇ ⋅  – ------- – --------- = 0
ρ c ρ

where ρ is the density, c is the speed of sound, and ω is the angular frequency.

In the absorbing glass wool, modeled as a Poroacoustics domain, the damping enters the
equation as a complex speed of sound, cc = ω/kc, and a complex density, ρc = kc Zc/ω,
where kc is the complex wave number and Zc equals the complex impedance. This is a so-
called equivalent fluid model for the porous domain where the losses are modeled in a
homogenized way.

For a highly porous material with a rigid skeleton, the well-known model of Delany and
Bazley estimates these parameters as functions of frequency and flow resistivity. Using the
original coefficients of Delany and Bazley (Ref. 1), the expressions are

ρa f – 0.7 ρa f – 0.595
k c = k a ⋅  1 + 0.098 ⋅  ---------  – i ⋅ 0.189 ⋅  ---------  
Rf Rf 
ρ a f 0.734 ρ a f – 0.732
Z c = Z a ⋅  1 + 0.057 ⋅  ---------  – i ⋅ 0.087 ⋅  --------- 
Rf Rf 

where Rf is the flow resistivity, and where ka = ω/ca and Za = ρa ca are the free-space wave
number and characteristic impedance of air, respectively. This is the default selected porous
model in the Poroacoustics domain feature. Several porous models can be selected here
depending on the situation at hand. You can find flow resistivities in tables (see, for
example, Ref. 4) or by measuring it. For glass-wool-like materials, Bies and Hansen
(Ref. 2) give an empirical correlation

3.18 ⋅ 10 –9 ⋅ ρ ap 1.53
R f = ------------------------------------------
d av

where ρap is the material’s apparent density and dav is the mean fiber diameter. This model
uses a rather lightweight glass wool with ρap = 12 kg/m3 and dav = 10 μm.

ρf f ρf f
Note: The Delany-Bazley model is valid for values of ------- up to ------- ≈ 1 , so the upper
Rf Rf
frequency limit of 1500 Hz ensures that the poroacoustics model applies.

The boundary conditions are of three types.

• At the solid boundaries, which are the outer walls of the resonator chamber and the
pipes, the model uses sound hard (wall) boundary conditions. The condition imposes
that the normal velocity at the boundary is zero.
• The boundary condition at the inlet involves a combination of incoming and outgoing
plane waves (see Ref. 3 and the documentation for further details). This boundary
condition is always valid as long as the frequency is kept below the cutoff frequency for
the second propagating mode in the tube. Above this frequency only the propagating
plane wave component is modeled.
• At the outlet boundary, the model specifies a radiation condition for an outgoing plane

Results and Discussion

The pressure distribution in the absorptive muffler without the lining material is shown in
Figure 2 for the frequency f = 1500 Hz. From the figure it is seen that at this frequency
not only longitudinal standing waves exist but also transverse modes are present.

Figure 2: Pressure represented as an iso-barometric surface plot in the muffler.

An important parameter for a muffler is the transmission loss or attenuation. It is defined

as the ratio between the incoming and outgoing acoustic energy. The attenuation or
transmission loss dw (in dB) of the acoustic energy is defined by

w in
d w = 10 log  ----------- 
w out

Here win and wout denote the incoming power at the inlet and the outgoing power at the
outlet, respectively. You can calculate each of these quantities as an integral over the
corresponding inlet and outlet surface. Assuming plane wave propagation, the expressions

2 2
p - p0
w out =  ---------
dA w in =  ---------
- dA
∂Ω ∂Ω

Figure 3: Comparison of the transmission loss as function of frequency for the empty muffler
and the muffler with absorptive lining. (top) The transmission loss depicted as a continuous
curve. The first four dips are due to longitudinal resonances. In the muffler with absorbing
lining the dips are still present, but the general trend is that the higher the frequency, the better
the damping. (bottom) The same data but depicted in 1/3 octave bands.

Figure 3 (top and bottom) shows the result of a parametric frequency study. The two
graphs represent the case of an empty muffler without any absorbing lining material (blue
lines) and the case with a layer of glass wool lining on the chamber’s walls (green lines). In
the top figure the transmission loss is depicted as a continuous curve (pure tone sweep)
while it is depicted in 1/3 octave bands in the bottom figure. Both graphs are created
using the Octave Band plot of the Acoustics Module.

The graph for the undamped muffler shows that damping works rather well for most low
frequencies. At frequencies higher than approximately 1250 Hz, the behavior is more
complicated and there is generally less damping. This is because, for such frequencies, the
tube supports not only longitudinal resonances but also cross-sectional propagation
modes. Not very far above this frequency a whole range of modes that are combinations
of this propagation mode and the longitudinal modes participate, making the damping
properties increasingly unpredictable. For an analysis of these modes, see the related model
Eigenmodes in a Muffler. The glass-wool lining improves attenuation at the resonance
frequencies as well as at higher frequencies.

The flow of energy in the muffler is shown in Figure 4 at 1500 Hz without the liner. The
plot represents the intensity field depicted as streamlines. The intensity is per definition the
time average of the intensity and thus represents the average energy flow in the system.
Here from the inlet to the outlet. Change between solutions and frequencies to study and
visualize the sound-absorbing properties of the muffler.

Figure 4: Intensity streamlines at 1500 Hz without the liner.

Notes About the COMSOL Implementation

This model uses the Pressure Acoustics interface available with the Acoustics Module. This
interface has the Delany-Bazley coefficients built-in to the Poroacoustics feature. The
Delany-Bazley is a so-called one parameter empirical model and the only damping
parameter you need to supply is the flow resistivity.

The parametric solver provides results for a range of frequencies. The software computes
integrals in the power expressions using boundary integration coupling operators, and it
plots the resulting transmission loss versus frequency.

1. M.A. Delany and E.N. Bazley, “Acoustic Properties of Fibrous Absorbent Materials,”
Appl. Acoust., vol. 3, pp. 105–116, 1970.

2. D.A. Bies and C.H. Hansen, “Flow Resistance Information for Acoustical Design,”
Appl. Acoust., vol. 13, issue 5, Sept./Oct., pp. 357–391, 1980.

3. D. Givoli and B. Neta, “High-order Non-reflecting Boundary Scheme for Time-
dependent Waves,” J. Comp. Phys., vol. 186, pp. 24–46, 2003.

4. T. J. Cox and P. D’Antonio, Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers, 2nd ed., Taylor and
Francis, 2009.

Application Library path: Acoustics_Module/Automotive/absorptive_muffler

Modeling Instructions
The instructions take you through two versions of the model, first one with a completely
hollow chamber with rigid walls, then one where the chamber is lined with glass wool.

From the File menu, choose New.

In the New window, click Model Wizard.

1 In the Model Wizard window, click 3D.
2 In the Select Physics tree, select Acoustics>Pressure Acoustics>Pressure Acoustics,
Frequency Domain (acpr).
3 Click Add.
4 Click Study.
5 In the Select Study tree, select Preset Studies>Frequency Domain.
6 Click Done.


1 In the Model Builder window, under Global Definitions click Parameters.
2 In the Settings window for Parameters, locate the Parameters section.
3 Click Load from File.

4 Browse to the model’s Application Libraries folder and double-click the file
The parameters define the physical values and the geometrical dimensions of the system.
The geometry is now parameterized and simply changing the value of a dimension in
the parameters list will update the geometry automatically.

1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) click Geometry 1.
2 In the Settings window for Geometry, locate the Units section.
3 From the Length unit list, choose mm.

Work Plane 1 (wp1)

1 On the Geometry toolbar, click Work Plane.
2 In the Settings window for Work Plane, locate the Plane Definition section.
3 From the Plane list, choose yz-plane.
4 Click Show Work Plane.

Rectangle 1 (r1)
1 On the Work Plane toolbar, click Primitives and choose Rectangle.
2 In the Settings window for Rectangle, locate the Size and Shape section.
3 In the Width text field, type W.
4 In the Height text field, type H.
5 Locate the Position section. From the Base list, choose Center.

Fillet 1 (fil1)
1 On the Work Plane toolbar, click Fillet.
2 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.
3 On the object r1, select Points 1–4 only.
4 In the Settings window for Fillet, locate the Radius section.
5 In the Radius text field, type H/2.

Rectangle 2 (r2)
1 On the Work Plane toolbar, click Primitives and choose Rectangle.
2 In the Settings window for Rectangle, locate the Size and Shape section.
3 In the Width text field, type W-2*D.
4 In the Height text field, type H-2*D.

5 Locate the Position section. From the Base list, choose Center.

Fillet 2 (fil2)
1 On the Work Plane toolbar, click Fillet.
2 On the object r2, select Points 1–4 only.
3 In the Settings window for Fillet, locate the Radius section.
4 In the Radius text field, type (H-2*D)/2.
5 On the Work Plane toolbar, click Build All.

Work Plane 1 (wp1)

1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Geometry 1 click
Work Plane 1 (wp1).
2 On the Workplane toolbar, click Close.

Extrude 1 (ext1)
1 On the Geometry toolbar, click Extrude.
2 In the Settings window for Extrude, locate the Distances section.
3 In the table, enter the following settings:

Distances (mm)

Cylinder 1 (cyl1)
1 On the Geometry toolbar, click Cylinder.
2 In the Settings window for Cylinder, locate the Size and Shape section.
3 In the Radius text field, type R_io.
4 In the Height text field, type L_io.
5 Locate the Position section. In the x text field, type -L_io.
6 Locate the Axis section. From the Axis type list, choose Cartesian.
7 In the x text field, type 1.
8 In the z text field, type 0.

Cylinder 2 (cyl2)
1 On the Geometry toolbar, click Cylinder.
2 In the Settings window for Cylinder, locate the Size and Shape section.
3 In the Radius text field, type R_io.
4 In the Height text field, type L_io.

5 Locate the Position section. In the x text field, type L.
6 Locate the Axis section. From the Axis type list, choose Cartesian.
7 In the x text field, type 1.
8 In the z text field, type 0.
9 Click Build All Objects.
10 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.
The geometry should look like the one depicted in Figure 1.


Explicit 1
1 On the Definitions toolbar, click Explicit.
2 In the Settings window for Explicit, type Inlet in the Label text field.
3 In the Settings window for Explicit, locate the Input Entities section.
4 From the Geometric entity level list, choose Boundary.
5 Select Boundary 1 only.

Explicit 2
1 On the Definitions toolbar, click Explicit.
2 In the Settings window for Explicit, type Outlet in the Label text field.
3 In the Settings window for Explicit, locate the Input Entities section.
4 From the Geometric entity level list, choose Boundary.
5 Select Boundary 28 only.

Integration 1 (intop1)
1 On the Definitions toolbar, click Component Couplings and choose Integration.
2 In the Settings window for Integration, locate the Source Selection section.
3 From the Geometric entity level list, choose Boundary.
4 From the Selection list, choose Inlet.

Integration 2 (intop2)
1 On the Definitions toolbar, click Component Couplings and choose Integration.
2 In the Settings window for Integration, locate the Source Selection section.
3 From the Geometric entity level list, choose Boundary.

4 From the Selection list, choose Outlet.
You have now defined the integration coupling operators intop1 and intop2, for
integration over the inlet and outlet respectively. Use these operators in defining the in-
and outgoing power, as defined in the Results and Discussion section.

Variables 1
1 On the Definitions toolbar, click Local Variables.
2 In the Settings window for Variables, locate the Variables section.
3 In the table, enter the following settings:

Name Expression Unit Description

w_in intop1(p_in^2/(2*acpr.rho*acpr.c)) W Power of the
incoming wave
w_out intop2(abs(p)^2/(2*acpr.rho*acpr.c)) W Power of the
outgoing wave

1 On the Home toolbar, click Add Material to open the Add Material window.
2 Go to the Add Material window.
3 In the tree, select Built-In>Air.
4 Click Add to Component in the window toolbar.
5 On the Home toolbar, click Add Material to close the Add Material window.
By default the first material you add applies on all domains so you do not need to alter
the geometric scope settings.
In the second version of this model, you will use a lining material in Domain 2. Add
such a material with an empty selection.
6 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Materials and
choose Blank Material.


Material 2 (mat2)
In the Settings window for Material, type Absorptive Liner in the Label text field.


Pressure Acoustics 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Pressure Acoustics,
Frequency Domain (acpr) click Pressure Acoustics 1.
2 In the Settings window for Pressure Acoustics, locate the Model Inputs section.
3 In the T text field, type T0.
4 In the pA text field, type p0.

Plane Wave Radiation 1

1 On the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Plane Wave Radiation.
2 Select Boundaries 1 and 28 only.

Incident Pressure Field 1

1 On the Physics toolbar, click Attributes and choose Incident Pressure Field.
2 In the Settings window for Incident Pressure Field, locate the Boundary Selection section.
3 From the Selection list, choose Inlet.
4 Locate the Incident Pressure Field section. In the p0 text field, type p_in.
5 From the c list, choose From material.
6 From the Material list, choose Air (mat1).
You have now specified the plane wave radiation condition to be active on both the inlet
and outlet boundaries, but with an incident wave on the inlet. The remaining
boundaries by default use the sound hard condition.
Now, add a poroacoustics model for the absorptive liner domain. You will deactivate this
domain when configuring the first study step.

Poroacoustics 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Domains and choose Poroacoustics.
2 Select Domain 2 only.
3 In the Settings window for Poroacoustics, locate the Model Input section.
4 In the T text field, type T0.
5 Locate the Porous Matrix Properties section. From the Porous elastic material list, choose
Absorptive Liner (mat2).
The material data for the flow resistivity will now be picked up from the Absorptive
Liner material. Enter the data in the material.


Absorptive Liner (mat2)

1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Materials click
Absorptive Liner (mat2).
2 In the Settings window for Material, locate the Material Contents section.
3 In the table, enter the following settings:

Property Variable Value Unit Property group

Flow resistivity Rf R_f Pa·s/m² Poroacoustics model


Free Triangular 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Mesh 1 and choose
More Operations>Free Triangular.
To more easily locate and select a boundary use the wireframe rendering option for the
2 Click the Wireframe Rendering button on the Graphics toolbar.
3 Select Boundaries 6, 9, and 16 only.

1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Mesh 1 click Size.
2 In the Settings window for Size, locate the Element Size section.
3 Click the Custom button.
4 Locate the Element Size Parameters section. In the Maximum element size text field, type

The global maximum element size is set equal to the minimal wavelength divided by 5,
that is, λmin/5 = c/fmax/5, where c is the speed of sound.

5 Click Build All.

Swept 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Mesh 1 and choose Swept.
Now, simply push the Build All button and the mesher will automatically detect source
and destination boundaries for the swept mesh.
2 In the Settings window for Swept, click Build All.

3 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.

1 In the Model Builder window, click Study 1.
2 In the Settings window for Study, type Study 1 - No Liner in the Label text field.


Step 1: Frequency Domain

1 In the Model Builder window, under Study 1 - No Liner click Step 1: Frequency Domain.
2 In the Settings window for Frequency Domain, locate the Study Settings section.
3 In the Frequencies text field, type range(50,25,1500).
4 Locate the Physics and Variables Selection section. Select the
Modify physics tree and variables for study step check box.
5 In the Physics and variables selection tree, select Component 1 (comp1)>
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain (acpr)>Poroacoustics 1.
6 Click Disable.
7 On the Home toolbar, click Compute.


Acoustic Pressure (acpr)

The first one of the default plots shows the pressure distribution on the walls of the muffler
at the highest frequency, 1500 Hz. To get a better view of the standing wave pattern, you
can plot the norm of the pressure instead of the real part of the pressure.

Surface 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Acoustic Pressure (acpr) node, then click
Surface 1.
2 In the Settings window for Surface, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of
the Expression section. From the menu, choose Component 1>Pressure Acoustics,
Frequency Domain>Pressure and sound pressure level>acpr.absp - Absolute pressure.
3 On the Acoustic Pressure (acpr) toolbar, click Plot.

Acoustic Pressure (acpr)

The pattern is very different at different frequencies. See for example what happens at
1250 Hz.

1 In the Model Builder window, under Results click Acoustic Pressure (acpr).
2 In the Settings window for 3D Plot Group, locate the Data section.
3 From the Parameter value (freq (Hz)) list, choose 1250.

4 On the Acoustic Pressure (acpr) toolbar, click Plot.

At 1250 Hz, the absolute value of the pressure does not vary much with the x-
coordinate. The reason is that this is just higher than the cutoff frequency for the first
symmetric propagating mode, which is excited by the incoming wave. For a separate
analysis of the propagating modes in the chamber, see the Eigenmodes in a Muffler
The two other default plot groups show the sound pressure level on the wall surface and
the pressure inside the muffler as isosurfaces.

Acoustic Pressure, Isosurfaces (acpr)

Proceed to plot the transmission loss of the muffler system. Use the Octave Band plot,
which makes it possible to plot any transfer function both as band plots and as continuous
curves (sweeps).

1D Plot Group 4
1 On the Home toolbar, click Add Plot Group and choose 1D Plot Group.
2 In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, type Transmission Loss, Continuous in
the Label text field.

Octave Band 1
1 On the Transmission Loss, Continuous toolbar, click More Plots and choose Octave Band.
2 In the Settings window for Octave Band, locate the Selection section.
3 From the Geometric entity level list, choose Global.
4 Locate the y-Axis Data section. In the Expression text field, type w_in/w_out.
5 From the Expression type list, choose Transfer function.
6 Locate the Plot section. From the Style list, choose Continuous.
7 Click to expand the Legends section. Select the Show legends check box.
8 From the Legends list, choose Manual.

9 In the table, enter the following settings:

No liner

10 On the Transmission Loss, Continuous toolbar, click Plot.

The plot should be a reproduction of the blue curve in Figure 3.
Proceed to solve the model including a layer of absorptive glass wool on the muffler line.
Continue working from where you left off with the model developed thus far and add
a second study to keep your existing results intact.

1 On the Home toolbar, click Add Study to open the Add Study window.
2 Go to the Add Study window.
3 Find the Studies subsection. In the Select Study tree, select Preset Studies>
Frequency Domain.
4 Click Add Study in the window toolbar.
5 On the Home toolbar, click Add Study to close the Add Study window.


Step 1: Frequency Domain

1 In the Model Builder window, click Study 2.
2 In the Settings window for Study, type Study 2 - Absorptive Liner in the Label text
3 Locate the Study Settings section. Clear the Generate default plots check box.


Step 1: Frequency Domain

1 In the Model Builder window, under Study 2 - Absorptive Liner click
Step 1: Frequency Domain.
2 In the Settings window for Frequency Domain, locate the Study Settings section.
3 In the Frequencies text field, type range(50,25,1500).
4 On the Home toolbar, click Compute.


Acoustic Pressure, Isosurfaces (acpr)

You chose not to have new default plots generated. Once the solution process is finished
you can use the existing plot groups and just switch the data set to see how the damping
material affects the solution.

1 In the Model Builder window, under Results click Acoustic Pressure, Isosurfaces (acpr).
2 In the Settings window for 3D Plot Group, locate the Data section.
3 From the Data set list, choose Study 2 - Absorptive Liner/Solution 2 (sol2).
4 On the Acoustic Pressure, Isosurfaces (acpr) toolbar, click Plot.

At 1500 Hz, the pressure in the chamber is much lower than before.
Proceed to study how the transmission loss has changed with the addition of the lining.
Duplicate the first plot and select the new data set, first do a bit of formatting.

Transmission Loss, Continuous

1 In the Model Builder window, under Results click Transmission Loss, Continuous.
2 In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, click to expand the Title section.
3 From the Title type list, choose Manual.
4 In the Title text area, type Transmission Loss, Continuous.

5 Locate the Plot Settings section. Select the y-axis label check box.
6 In the associated text field, type Power, incoming wave (dB, rel. outgoing

7 Click to expand the Legend section. From the Position list, choose Upper left.

Octave Band 2
1 In the Model Builder window, under Results>Transmission Loss, Continuous right-click
Octave Band 1 and choose Duplicate.
2 In the Settings window for Octave Band, locate the Data section.
3 From the Data set list, choose Study 2 - Absorptive Liner/Solution 2 (sol2).
4 Click to expand the Legends section. In the table, enter the following settings:

Absorptive liner

5 On the Transmission Loss, Continuous toolbar, click Plot.

The plot should look like that in Figure 3 top.
Duplicate the Transmission Loss plot and change the format to 1/3 octave bands.

Transmission Loss, Continuous 1

1 In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Transmission Loss, Continuous and
choose Duplicate.
2 In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, type Transmission Loss, 1/3 Octave
Bands in the Label text field.

3 Locate the Title section. In the Title text area, type Transmission Loss, 1/3 Octave

Octave Band 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Results>Transmission Loss, 1/3 Octave Bands
node, then click Octave Band 1.
2 In the Settings window for Octave Band, locate the Plot section.
3 From the Style list, choose 1/3 octave bands.

Octave Band 2
1 In the Model Builder window, under Results>Transmission Loss, 1/3 Octave Bands click
Octave Band 2.
2 In the Settings window for Octave Band, locate the Plot section.
3 From the Style list, choose 1/3 octave bands.

4 Click to expand the Coloring and style section. Locate the Coloring and Style section.
From the Type list, choose Curve.
5 In the Width text field, type 2.
6 On the Transmission Loss, 1/3 Octave Bands toolbar, click Plot.
The plot should look like that in Figure 3 bottom.
Now, create a plot that represents the energy flux through the muffler system. Use
streamlines that follow the intensity vector. You can change between solutions and
frequencies to study and visualize the muffler’s sound-absorbing properties.

3D Plot Group 6
1 On the Home toolbar, click Add Plot Group and choose 3D Plot Group.
2 In the Settings window for 3D Plot Group, type Intensity in the Label text field.

Streamline 1
1 Right-click Intensity and choose Streamline.
2 In the Settings window for Streamline, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner
of the Expression section. From the menu, choose Component 1>Pressure Acoustics,
Frequency Domain>Intensity>acpr.Ix,acpr.Iy,acpr.Iz - Intensity.
3 Select Boundary 1 only.
4 Locate the Coloring and Style section. From the Line type list, choose Tube.
5 In the Tube radius expression text field, type 2.

Color Expression 1
1 Right-click Results>Intensity>Streamline 1 and choose Color Expression.
2 In the Settings window for Color Expression, click Replace Expression in the upper-right
corner of the Expression section. From the menu, choose Component 1>
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain>Intensity>acpr.I_mag - Intensity magnitude.
3 On the Intensity toolbar, click Plot.
This should reproduce Figure 4.


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