Bookstore Management System

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Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Table of Contents
Table of Figures 2
I. Introduction to the database application system 3
II. System analysis 5
1. Investigation of the business: 5
2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD): 5
III. System design 7
1. Data Structure Diagram (DSD): 7
2. Database Modeling: 9
3. Database Design: Design Form and Report 10
IV. System implementation 11
1. Table creation: 11
2. Form creation: 14
3. Query creation 20
4. Report creation: 26
V. User instruction 29
1. Open and Close the Bookstore Management System: 29
2. Input data into the database: 30
3. Retrieve data from the database: 34
References 36
Work assignment and peer assignment 38


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Entity Relationship Diagram 5
Figure 2 Data Structure Diagram 8
Figure 3 tblAuthor in Datasheet View 9
Figure 4 tblBook in Datasheet View 9
Figure 5 tblPublisher Datasheet View 9
Figure 6 tblUsers in Datasheet View 10
Figure 7 tblAuthor in Design View 11
Figure 8 tblBook in Design View 12
Figure 9 tblPublisher in Design View 12
Figure 10 tblUsers in Design View 13
Figure 11 frmLogin in Form View 13
Figure 12 frmAuthor in Form View 14
Figure 13 frmBook in Form View 15
Figure 14 frmPublisher in Form View 16
Figure 15 frmMENU in Form View 16
Figure 16 Code Builder for frmMENU 18
Figure 17 qryBooksbyAuthor15in2002 in Design View 20
Figure 18 qryTotalStockValuebyAuthor in Design View 21
Figure 19 qryBooksPublbyLBCin2001 in Design View 22
Figure 20 qryAuthorandTotalStockValuebyAuthorID in Design View 23
Figure 21 qrySearchBook in Design View 24
Figure 22 qrySearchBook in Datasheet View 25
Figure 23 rptBooksPublbyLBCin2001 in Report View 26
Figure 24 rptAuthorandTotalStockValuebyAuthorID in Report View 27
Figure 25 rptSearchBook in Report View 28
Figure 26 frmLogin with UserID 1 29
Figure 27 frmMENU Author 30
Figure 28 frmMENU Book 32
Figure 29 frmMENU Publisher 33
Figure 30 frmMENU Search 34
Figure 31 frmMENU Report 35

Task 1: A Bookstore Management Database System

Tom owns and operates a bookstore. You believe that you can help him by
creating a database to store the publishers and the books that Tom sells. You


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

determine that a third table is also required. Your task is to design and
populate the three tables, set the table relationships, and enforce referential

I. Introduction to the database application


First and foremost, to help Tom manage his bookstore, we decided to build the database

with 3 main entities: Book, Author and Publisher; and an additional entity: Users.

This bookstore management database lets Tom login to his database and make faster data

storage and recollection. Tom can search for book titles that he sells much quicker, with

features relating to Author, Publisher and Price. This application can assist Tom in his book

store operations by saving time searching for documents without digging through every book

on the shelf. It is also secured with Tom users’ information and password.

Minimum Requirements for the system:

Specification: A description of the bookstore system using Entity Relationship Diagram

(ERD) and Data Structure Diagram (DSD)

Storage: For Tom’s bookstore, the bookstore management system stores each result in

Access, managing 7 authors, 12 books and 6 publishers while also records specific data about

authors, books and publishers’ information.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Data Entry: Set up at least one form in Access that allows a user to update at least one of the


● Add and update a new author.

● Add and update a new publisher.

● Add and update a new book.


● Display all books published by PubID “LBC” AND the PublDate is 2001 in a report.

● Display the authors and total stock values by AuthorID in a report.

Analysis: Set up queries to show the following:

● Create a query that display all books written by author 15 and published in 2002.

● Create a query to calculate the total stock value by author.

II. System analysis

1. Investigation of the business:

According to the given information from Tom’s bookstore, we decided to build the

database with 3 main entities: Book, Author and Publisher; and an additional entity to store

Users information along with a password.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD):


Author Publisher

Write Book Publish



Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 Entity Relationship Diagram

Analyzing the Entity Relationship Diagram:

● Each Author can write more than one Book, but each Author must write at least one

book (symbolized by ).

● Each Book must be written by one Author and can only be written by one Author

(symbolized by ).


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

● Each Book must be published by one Publisher and can only be published by one

Publisher (symbolized by ).

● Each Publisher can publish more than one Book, but each Publisher must publish at

least one Book (symbolized by ).

● Users does not have any relationships with the storage of the bookstore database, it only

stores the Username and Password to login in order to use the system.

III. System design

1. Data Structure Diagram (DSD):

DSD or Data Structure Diagram is a diagram descripting the conceptual data model

including the entities, relationships between them and obligatory conditions and requirements

which connect them. Data Structure Diagram is a subspecies of the “Entity-Relationship”

Diagram (ERD).

Based on the analysis in the previous step, our group defined 4 entity classes: tblAuthor,

tblBook, tblPublisher, and tblUsers.

There are four fields in tblAuthor: AuthorID, Title, LastName, FirstName;

There are seven fields in tblBook: AuthorCode, BookTitle, ISBN, PubID, PubIDate, Price,


There are six fields in tblPublishers: PubID, PubName, PubAddress, PubCity, PubState,


There are three fields in tblUsers: UserID, Username, Password.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

The database includes:

● 3 relations.

● 2 relationships.

● 3 primary keys.

Rules establishment:

Show both the Entities and Relations, each Relationship

describes the relation between 2 Entities. “1 - ∞” represents a “1-

to-many” Relationship.

Figure 2 Data Structure Diagram

In each table, a primary key is used to identify each record in the table and guarantee this

record to be unique. In this Bookstore Management System database, the primary key is used for

field “AuthorID” in tblAuthor, “ISBN” in tblBook, and “PubID” in tblPublisher.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

In this DSD Specification, each table is connected with the other by a “One-to-Many”


● Between tblAuthor and tblBook, fields “AuthorID” are connected with

“AuthorCode”. One author can write many books for different publishers, but

each book ISBN is correspondent to one and only one author.

● Between tblBook and tblPublisher, fields “PubID” are connected. One publisher can

publish many books from different authors, but each book ISBN is

correspondent to one and only one publisher.

● With one book ISBN, one and only one AuthorID, and one and only one PubID is


2. Database Modeling:

● In table tblAuthor, we select AuthorID as primary key because each Author has a
unique Author ID.

Figure 3 tblAuthor in Datasheet View

● In table tblBook, we select ISBN as primary key because each Book has a unique ISBN.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Figure 4 tblBook in Datasheet View

● In table tblPublisher, we selected PubID as primary key to because each Publisher has
a unique Publisher ID.

Figure 5 tblPublisher Datasheet View

● In table tblUsers, we selected UserID as primary key to because each User has a unique
User ID.

Figure 6 tblUsers in Datasheet View

3. Database Design: Design Form and Report

a. Background: Select needed Form => Design View => Form Design Tools: Format =>

Background Image: Browse: Choose an image as background of form.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

b. Font, Size and Color of Text: Design View => Form Design Tools: Design: Property Sheet

=> Choose any boxes you want to edit => Edit by Tools in Property Sheet.

c. Insert Buttons: For every form, choose Design View => Form Design Tools: Button (xxxx).

Select the place you want to put => The Command Button Wizard will appear. After the first

and second steps, Categories: Record Navigation and Actions: Find Record for Search

Information Button => Next => Picture: Browse: Choose button icon: Open => Next =>

Finish. Do the steps above and in Actions: Go to the Previous Record for Back Steps; Go to

the Next Record for Next Steps => Next => Picture: Browse: Choose button icon: Open >

Next => Finish. Do the first and second steps, Categories: Record Operations and Actions:

Add new record => Next => Picture: Browse: Choose button icon: open => Next => Finish.

Do the first and second steps, Categories: Applications and Actions: Quit Application =>

Next => Picture: Browse: Choose button icon: Open => Next => Finish.

d. Change Size and Sort: Use resize tools and mouse in Design View to edit.

IV. System implementation

1. Table creation:

The bookstore data is stored across 3 tables as shown above, the structure of each table

is as follow:

a. tblAuthor:


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Figure 7 tblAuthor in Design View

As for the title of each Author, set the Data Type to “Lookup Wizard” and choose to “type

in the value” that you want. In this case, the 3 values are: “Mr.”; “Mrs.”; “Ms.”.

b. tblBook:

The Data Type for Field Name “AuthorCode” in tblBook is set as LookupWizard to

AuthorID in tblAuthor. The Data Type for Field Name “PubCode” in tblBook is set as

LookupWizard to PubID in tblPublisher.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Figure 8 tblBook in Design View

c. tblPublisher:

Figure 9 tblPublisher in Design View


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

d. tblUsers:

Figure 10 tblUsers in Design View

Change the Input Mask of the field Password to “password” so that the text will be

presented as “****”. The tblUsers table is not used to store data of Tom’s bookstore. The

table is used to store Tom’s Username and Password. Tom can change password or add users

to the bookstore management system so that employees can use the system with Tom. Table

tblUsers is linked to the from frmLogin, which requires users to fill in the information in

order to use the system.

Figure 11 frmLogin in Form View


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

2. Form creation:

a. Build a form to register Author:

● On the Navigation Pane, in the Tables section, select tblAuthor.

● On the ribbon above, select Create and then select Form.

● Design the lay-out of the Form (change the word font, change the background picture,


● On the ribbon, select Design section of Form Design Tools.

● Add buttons to navigate and adjust the Form

(Buttons used in this form: to First Record, to Previous Record, to Next Record, to Last

Record, Undo Record, Save Record, Delete Record).

● Save and name the form as frmAuthor.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Figure 12 frmAuthor in Form View

b. Build a form to register Book:

● On the Navigation Pane, in the Tables section, select tblBook.

● Repeat the same steps as with building frmAuthor.

● Save and name the form as frmBook.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Figure 13 frmBook in Form View

c. Build a form to register Publisher:

● On the Navigation Pane, in the Tables section, select tblPublisher.

● Repeat the same steps as with building frmAuthor.

● Save and name the form as frmPublisher.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Figure 14 frmPublisher in Form View

d. Additional Function – Menu form:

Figure 15 frmMENU in Form View


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

● On the ribbon, choose Create, then select Blank Form, name this form frmMENU.

● Open Design View of frmMENU, in the Controls group, deselect Use Control Wizard.

● In Controls, select Label and add a label on the top of the form, write in BOOKSTORE

MANAGEMENT, change font, size, and color.

● Still in the group Controls, select Tab Control, add a tab with 6 pages, open Properties,

change the tab’s name to TabMenu. Then, to hide the tab names, go to Format and change

the Style to None.

● Choose the first page of TabMenu, change the name to PageBlank, go to Format, and

make its Page Index 0. Consequently, name the 2nd page PageSearch - make the Page

Index 1; 3rd page: PageBook - Page Index 2; 4 th page: PageAuthor - Page Index 3; 5 th

page: PagePublisher - Page Index 4; 6th page: PageReport - Page Index 5.

● In page Search, add 3 Text Boxes. Change the Labels’ caption to: Book Title, Author,

Publisher. Then go to Property of each Text Box and change the name to: BookTitle,

Author, and Publisher. Add a Command Button and name it Search Book, then go to

Event, On Click, using Macro Builder, select the action OpenReport, rptSearchBook, and

save to retrieve information from qrySearchBook.

● In each page PageBook, PageAuthor, PagePublisher, create 3 command buttons to “Add

New (…)”, “Edit (…) List”, and “View (…) List” correspondingly. To add new and edit

entry, go to Property of the button => Event => On Click => Macro Builder =>

OpenForm => frm(…) => Data Mode: Add/Edit. To view list of entries, do the same

steps but instead of OpenForm, OpenReport => rpt(…) => View: Report.

● In page PageReport, create 2 command buttons: “Books Published by LBC in 2001” and

“Total Stock Value by Author ID” to open the required reports. Create the link by doing

the same steps as the “View (…) List” buttons but change the View to Print Preview.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

● On the Detail section of the Form, add 5 command buttons and change the names to:

ButtonSearch, ButtonBook, ButtonAuthor, ButtonPublisher, ButtonReport. Change the

captions of each button to: Search, Book, Author, Publisher, Report.

● To link these buttons to the pages created in TabMenu, open Code Builder. Add the

following code:

Figure 16 Code Builder for frmMENU

● These codes can be understood as: Once click on the button, the assigned page will be set

focus to and will appear on the screen. PageBlank is used to hide the other pages away

when they are not needed.

● Add 2 last command buttons to Close Menu and to Exit Access. For button Close Menu,

add action in On Dbl Click => Macro Builder => CloseWindow. For button Exit Access,

add action in On Dbl Click => Macro Builder => QuitAccess. Once double clicked, the

action will be carried out. This is to make sure you do not accidentally close the

information system whilst in the middle of usage.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

e. Additional Function – Login form:

● Build a blank form, add combo box and in data, change raw source to tblUser.

● Change the width so that only username will appear.

● Add text box for password, the default password here is password for username Tom.

● Add Macro as shown below to lookup and compare username with password.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

3. Query creation

a. Display all books written by author 15 and published in 2002:

● On the ribbon above, select Create and then select Query Design.

● Select tblAuthor and tblBook, then select Add.

● For the first field, choose AuthorCode from tblBook, change the criteria to 15 to narrow

the selection down to Author 15.

● For the second field, write in FullName: [FirstName]+“ ”+[LastName] to combine the

authors’ names into one column, instead of two separate columns.

● Choose BookTitle from tblBook for the third field.

● Choose PublDate from tblBook for the last field, change the criteria to 2002.

● Run and Save the query as qryBooksbyAuthor15in2002.

Figure 17 qryBooksbyAuthor15in2002 in Design View


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

b. Calculate the total stock value by author:

● On the ribbon above, select Create and then select Query Design.

● Select tblAuthor and tblBook, then select Add.

● Select Show Total in the Design section of Query Tools on the ribbon above.

● For the first field choose AuthorID from tblAuthor, set the Total as Group By, uncheck

the box for Show.

● Write in FullName: [FirstName]+“ ”+[LastName] for the 2nd, set the Total as Group By.

● For the last field, write in TotalStockValue: [StockAmt]*[Price] and set the Total as Sum.

● Run and Save the query as qryTotalStockValuebyAuthor.

Figure 18 qryTotalStockValuebyAuthor in Design View


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

c. Display Books published by LBC in 2001:

● On the ribbon above, select Create and then select Query Design.

● Select tblBook and tblPublisher, then select Add.

● Add PubID from tblBook to the 1st field, change the criteria to LBC.

● Add PubName from tblPublisher to the 2nd field.

● Add BookTitle from tblBook to the 3rd field.

● Add PublDate from tblBook to the 4th field, change the criteria to 2001.

● Run and Save the query as qryBooksPublbyLBCin2001.

Figure 19 qryBooksPublbyLBCin2001 in Design View


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

d. Display Authors and Total Stock Values by Author ID:

● On the ribbon above, select Create and then select Query Design.

● Select tblAuthor and tblBook, then select Add.

● Select show Total in the Design section of Query Tools on the ribbon above.

● For the first field choose AuthorID from tblAuthor, set the Total as Group By.

● Write in FullName: [FirstName]+“ ”+[LastName] for the 2nd, set the Total as Group By.

● For the last field, write in TotalStockValue: [StockAmt]*[Price] and set the Total as Sum.

● Run and Save the query as qryAuthorandTotalStockValuebyAuthorID.

Figure 20 qryAuthorandTotalStockValuebyAuthorID in Design View


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

e. Additional Function - Query Search Book:

Figure 21 qrySearchBook in Design View

● On the ribbon above, select Create and then select Query Design.

● Select tblBook, tblAuthor and tblPublisher, and then select Add.

● For the 1st column, choose Title from tblBook, sort Ascending, then change two rows of

the criteria to Like "*" & [Forms]![frmMENU]![BookTitle] & "*"

● For the 2nd column, write in AuthorFullName: [FirstName]+“ ”+[LastName]

● For the 3rd column, choose FirstName from tblAuthor, sort Ascending, then change the

second row of the criteria to Like "*" & [Forms]![frmMENU]![Author] & "*"

● For the 4th column, choose LastName from tblAuthor, sort Ascending, then change the

first row of the criteria to Like "*" & [Forms]![frmMENU]![Author] & "*"

● For the 5th column, choose PubName from tblBook, sort Ascending, then change two

rows of the criteria to Like "*" & [Forms]![frmMENU]![Publisher] & "*"


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

● Choose Price from tblBook for the 6th column and StockAmt from tblBook for the 7th

column, leave the criteria blank as is.

● Uncheck the Show box for the 3rd column “FirstName” and the 4th column “LastName”.

● Run and Save the query as qrySearchBook.

● Using the keyword “Like”, and the wild card character “*”, Access will allow users to

search for a book by any characters presented in Book Title and/or Author and/or

Publisher. (PC Learning Zone - Computer Training, 2011)

● When the user presses the search button on the main menu, Access will retrieve data from

qrySearchBook and show data with any word characters that match the given criteria in a

report rptSearchBook.

Figure 22 qrySearchBook in Datasheet View

4. Report creation:

a. Create a report for Books published by LBC in 2001:

● On the Navigation Pane, in the Query section, select as qryBooksPublbyLBCin2001.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

● On the ribbon above, select Create and then select Report.

● Design the lay-out of the Report (change the word font, change the background

picture, adjust the layout, etc.)

● Save and name the report as rptBooksPublbyLBCin2001.

Figure 23 rptBooksPublbyLBCin2001 in Report View

b. Create report for Authors and Total Stock Values by Author ID:

● In the Query section, select qryAuthorandTotalStockValuebyAuthorID.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

● On the ribbon above, select Create and then select Report.

● Design the lay-out of the Report (change the word font, change the background picture,

adjust the layout, etc.)

● Save and name the report as rptAuthorandTotalStockValuebyAuthorID.

Figure 24 rptAuthorandTotalStockValuebyAuthorID in Report View

c. Additional Function - Report Search Book:

● On the Navigation Pane, in the Query section, select as qrySearchBook.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

● On the ribbon above, select Create and then select Report.

● Design the lay-out of the Report (change the word font, change the background picture,

adjust the layout, etc.)

● Save and name the report as rptSearchBook.

Figure 25 rptSearchBook in Report View


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

V. User instruction

1. Open and Close the Bookstore Management System:

Figure 26 frmLogin with UserID 1

a. Login:

⮚ When first opening the system, a Log In form will appear.

✔ Login to the bookstore management system by using the default username: Tom, and the

default password: password.

✔ Submit the form to be directed to the main menu in frmMENU.

b. Edit User or Add New User:

✔ On the Navigation Pane, open tblUsers from the Table section.

✔ To edit a User, change the Username and/or Password correspondent to the UserID, but

do not change the UserID.

✔ To add a new User, create a new UserID, Username, and Password; in which the UserID

must be unique.

✔ Save and close the table.

c. Close the system:

✔ Double-click on the button Close Menu or Exit Access to execute the command.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

2. Input data into the database:

a. Author:

⮚ Add a new field of information:

✔ On the Navigation Pane, in the Tables section, open table tblAuthor in Design View.

✔ Add the necessary Field Name and choose Data Type.

✔ Save and go back to Datasheet View.

⮚ Add a new author:

Figure 27 frmMENU Author

✔ Click on the button Author in the main menu.

✔ Select Add New Author, a form frmAuthor will open.

✔ Fill in the new author’s information: AuthorID, FirstName, LastName; in which the

author ID is the primary key and must be different from the existing authors.

✔ Save the new entry by pressing the save button and then close the form.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

⮚ Edit and update an existing author:

✔ Click on the button Author in the main menu.

✔ Select Edit Author List, a form frmAuthor will open.

✔ Use the navigation buttons to choose the author that needs editing.

✔ Update the necessary information.

✔ Save the adjustment by pressing the save button and then close the form.

⮚ Delete an existing author:

✔ Click on the button Author in the main menu.

✔ Select Edit Author List, a form frmAuthor will open.

✔ Use the navigation buttons to choose the author that needs deleting.

✔ Press the delete button to delete the author.

✔ Save the adjustment by pressing the save button and then close the form.

b. Book:

⮚ Add a new field of information:

✔ On the Navigation Pane, in the Tables section, open table tblBook in Design View.

✔ Add the necessary Field Name and choose Data Type.

✔ Save and go back to Datasheet View.

⮚ Add a new book:

✔ Click on the button Book in the main menu.

✔ Select Add New Book, a form frmBook will open.

✔ Fill in the new book’s information: AuthorCode, Title, ISBN, PubID, PubIDate, Price,

StockAmt; in which:

o The ISBN is the primary key and must be different from the existing books;


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

o The AuthorCode and PubID are chosen from the existing Author and Publisher


Figure 28 frmMENU Book

✔ Save the new entry by pressing the save button and then close the form.

⮚ Edit and update an existing book:

✔ Click on the button Book in the main menu.

✔ Select Edit Book List, a form frmBook will open.

✔ Use the navigation buttons to choose the book that needs editing.

✔ Update the necessary information.

✔ Save the adjustment by pressing the save button and then close the form.

⮚ Delete an existing book:

✔ Click on the button Book in the main menu.

✔ Select Edit Book List, a form frmBook will open.

✔ Use the navigation buttons to choose the book that needs deleting.

✔ Press the delete button to delete the book.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

✔ Press the save button to save the adjustment and close the form.

c. Publisher:

⮚ Add a new field of information:

✔ On the Navigation Pane, in the Tables section, open table tblPublisher in Design View.

✔ Add the necessary Field Name and choose Data Type.

✔ Save and go back to Datasheet View.

⮚ Add a new publisher:

Figure 29 frmMENU Publisher

✔ Click on the button Publisher in the main menu.

✔ Select Add New Publisher, a form frmPublisher will open.

✔ Fill in the new author’s information: PubID, PubName, PubAddress, PubCity, PubState,

PubZip; in which the publisher ID is the primary key and must be different from the

existing publishers.

✔ Save the new entry by pressing the save button and then close the form.


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

⮚ Edit and update an existing publisher

✔ Click on the button Publisher in the main menu.

✔ Select Edit Publisher List, a form frmPublisher will open.

✔ Use the navigation buttons to choose the publisher that needs editing.

✔ Update the necessary information.

✔ Save the adjustment by pressing the save button and then close the form.

⮚ Delete an existing publisher

✔ Click on the button Publisher in the main menu.

✔ Select Edit Publisher List, a form frmPublisher will open.

✔ Use the navigation buttons to choose the publisher that needs deleting.

✔ Press the delete button to delete the publisher.

✔ Press the save button to save the adjustment and close the form.

3. Retrieve data from the database:

a. Search for books/authors/publishers


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Figure 30 frmMENU Search

✔ Click on the Search button in the main menu.

✔ Use key word in the Book Title and/or Author and/or Publisher to search for the

desired book.

✔ Press the search button.

✔ A list of books that meet the criteria will open.

b. View the report for “Books published by LBC in 2001” or “Author and Total

Stock Values by Author ID”


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

Figure 31 frmMENU Report

✔ Click on the Report button in the main menu.

✔ Select “Books Published by LBC in 2001”/ “Author and Total Stock Values by
Author ID”
✔ The report you desire will appear in print preview.

c. View the lists for authors/books/publishers

✔ Click on the Author/Book/Publisher button in the main menu.

✔ Select “View Author/Book/Publisher List”.

✔ A report of the list you requested will appear in report view.

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Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

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Work assignment and peer assignment

Name Work assigned

1 Bùi Thanh Hà (Leader) - Create Additional Functions

- Supervise team members’ work
11161276 - Write Report: Additional Functions
- Collect and finish report
2 Lâm Việt Hà - Design Database appearance
- Check and edit Access File
11161297 - Write report: Database Modeling and Design
3 Trần Thu Hà - Write report: query creation
- Make Queries
11161393 - Check and edit Access File

4 Nguyễn Hồng Hạnh - Create and input data to tables

- Write report: table creation
11161609 - Make slides


Tom’s Bookstore Management System | Group 2

5 Ngô Xuân Hiền - Write report: User’s Instruction

- Make Slides
11161717 - Create command buttons
6 Vũ Thu Hiền - Write report: User’s Instruction
- Make slides
11161765 - Build macro
7 Nguyễn Thanh Hiếu - Write report: Report Creation
- Check and edit Access File
11161824 - Create Report
8 Nguyễn Thị Bích Hồng - Write report: ERD
- Edit written report
11162055 - Make slide
9 Lê Đức Huấn - Write report: Introduction
- Make slide
11162075 - Edit written report
10 Nguyễn Thanh Huyền - Write report: DSD
- Edit written report
11162436 - Make slide


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