Pràctica 3 Icom
Pràctica 3 Icom
Pràctica 3 Icom
• Which is the maximum power level that can be represented in the figure?
• Which are the minimum and the maximum frequencies represented in the figure?
fmax= 1,018 GHz, fmin= 982MHz.
• Determine the window used by the VSA using the values for the length of the time record
and for the resolution bandwidth shown on the screen.
Timelen:12,73872 microsegons, res band: 300kHz, finestra:3,821616
WS= 12.7 usec* 300Khz= 3,81. Que equival al WS que podem observar en la imatge.
Activity 3.2. Measurements of frequency and magnitude. According to the spectrum, the
recorded signal corresponds to two sinusoids plus noise.
Measure the amplitude and the frequency of each sinusoid with the help of markers. The
procedure is as follows. First, in Pause mode place a marker at the first spectral component
of the spectrum using the Markers functions. The screen will show the frequency and power
at the marker’s position. Then, compute the amplitude of the sinusoid by converting the
power in dBm into a voltage in Volts, considering that the power is measured on an internal
impedance of 50 Ω. Finally, repeat the process for the second spectral component and
provide the temporal expression of the recorded signal.
Sabent que R=50 i amb la información extreta del gràfic i les fòrmules anteriors:
-Tenim que:
SI fo=f1:
Amplituds de:
Si f0=f2:
Amplituds de:
Si fo= 1GHz:
Amplituds de:
Activity 3.4. Configuration of time and frequency parameters in the VSA. To modify the
parameters you may use the MeasSetup menu or you may click directly on the variable on
the screen.
a) Setting the central frequency equal to 1GHz, change the frequency Span to 36 MHz, 12
MHz, 4 MHz and 1 MHz and complete the following table. The number of frequency points
(M) is available at the MeasSetup/ResBW menu.
b) With the frequency Span equal to 36MHz, increase the number of Frequency Points
gradually up to the maximum at the ResBW label. You will notice that by increasing the
number of Frequency Points not only does the trace denser in the frequency domain, but
also in the temporal domain. Explain in your report why this is observed.
c) Averaging either in the frequency domain or in the time domain can be useful to deal
with random signals. In our case, the signal has a noisy component that makes the
spectrum tra
ce fluctuate. In this activity we ask you to measure the noise floor level using the RMS
(Video) function in the MeasSetup/Average menu. This function averages a number of
successive sweeps or instantaneous spectra as follows
where i denotes the i-th realization of the spectrum and n is the number of realizations.
This average does not suppress the noise but estimates its mean power better at the
output of the resolution filter. Then, measure the noise floor level averaging 50 realizations
of the spectrum at MeasSetup/Average. Do you observe any change in the power of the
signal at f1 and f2? Please note that the RMS (Video) function does not affect the time
domain traces at all.