The Lecture: "Tumours of The Mammary Gland."

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The lecture
"Tumours of the mammary gland."
for the 5th year students of medical faculty

on a methodical department board
“____” ________________2017 y.
Protocol №_______
Head of the department________________Prof. A. Tkachenko

ODESSA - 2017

Theme of the lecture: “Tumours of the mammary gland”

1. Aim of the lecture.

To acquaint the students with morbidity and factors influencing
the development of precancer diseases, clinical course, diagnosis
and treatment of this pathology.
2. Educational aim.
a) to show the students the importance of early diagnosis of
cancer of this location, dependence of prognosis upon timely
diagnosis and properly administered treatment.
b) necessity of prophylaxis in the tumour of this location;
c) necessity of using classification to choose proper method of
Cancer of the mammary gland has a special place among
malignant tumours of different locations not only because at
presents the absolute amount of the sick women and morbidity has
rated the second place among other neoplasms and it is even the
main cause of deaths among women aged 45-55 in a number of
European countries. Besides practical aspects, in modern medicine
the problem of breast cancer doesn’t include only diagnostic and
therapeutic measures. It may be considered as widely and deeply
studied biological model of malignant growth. It is on this model the
scientists could compare the experimental data of animals with the
course of the tumour process in a human, they could evaluate
development of the cancer tumour under the influence of
functional, metabolic and hereditary-constitutional peculiarities of
the organism on the while and its correlation with the environment
end external cancerogenic factors.
Morbidity and mortality rate from breast cancer. Breast
cancer is one of the most common human tumours. According to
WHO data it is the main cause of death of middle-aged women in
the western countries.
The second half of XX century is characterized by constant
growth of cancer of this localization. For example, for the last 10
years in the USA the morbidity and mortality rate have increased by
10.6% and 7.6% accordingly in England and Wales – even by 27.1%
and 13.8%.
It should be emphasized that these indices are influenced by
not only real increase of morbidity and mortality but also perfection
of the account system and, mainly, the process of population aging,
noted in all developed countries.
At the same time in some geographical regions (Mexico, Japan,
countries of Asia) the rates of morbidity and mortality are quite low
(to 10%).
Maximum morbidity is noted in England and Wales (40.7%),
and the USA (70.6% among white and 47.8% among negro women).
Breast cancer in Ukraine, Odessa and Odessa region is also
Breast cancer is a disease of women mostly of middle and old
age. It has been noted that there are two peaks of the disease
between 45 and 50 and after 55-60. Lately the number of patients
fallen ill at 35-40 has increased, they were revealed mainly among
healthy women who are regularly examined, the so-called organized
population (that is those working at large enterprises).
In general age the age indices are the same in all countries
whereas there is definite geographic and national dependence in
breast cancer. Even in countries of CIS (Commonwealth of
Independent States) the number of patients with this cancer for
100.000 population (standard index) differs significantly. In Baltic
republics and Georgia in some age groups the disease is over 2-3
times higher than in the countries of Middle Asia, especially
Turkmen and Tadzhikistan.
At present breast cancer is the fourth cause of death after
cervical cancer, stomach cancer and systemic diseases. But
according to specialists it may take the 1st or 2nd place after
cervical and uterus cancer in 2-3 years in such dynammmics.
Meanwhile in men cancer of the mammary gland is stile not more
than 0.2% and the maximum index is characteristic of the age of 70
and over and these is a tendency to reduction to 1.5%.
Pathogenesis of breast cancer is extremely difficult and is not
studied completely.
During the whole life of the woman the mammary glands
experience cyclic changes during menses, in each pregnancy and
lactation. In woman who didn’t breast-feed breast cancer develops
more often. P.A. Gertsen explained that gland epithelium concealed
a great potency to growth for future lactation.
Unrealized physiological studies carried on different territories
and in different ethnic group help to reveal factors promoting
development of breast cancer.
Analysis of these factors shows that in regions with low
morbidity rate the organism physiological functions were less
affected by harmful influence due to national peculiarities of
different ethnic groups (Buryats, Nenky, Uzbeks, Tadzhik, Turkmen
women). It is established that native women of Middle Asia
countries, Zabaykal and Far North of Russia differ from Russian
women by early sex life, they seldom use contraceptives, have
abortions, give birth to the first children at more early age and have
more repeated deliveries. Regions with high morbidity rate are
characterized by women who starts sex life late, have more
abortions, have fewer pregnancies, deliveries and lactations; the
number of unmarried women is higher in these regions. Thus, the
regions with high morbidity rate are characterized by factors greatly
disturbing physiological function of the sexual organs and
mammary glands in women.
For example, first pregnancy at 18 plays a definite preventive
part. Cancer of this location is significantly decreased in women
who have undergone ovarioectomy before 40 years women with
early natural menopause. Relative risk of the disease is 2 times
increased in women with menopause before 45. These facts show
that reduction of reproductive age duration decreases breast cancer
incidence in women.
Irregular sexual life, reduced libido, frigidity, pregnancy
prevention by interrupted sexual intercourse and application of
chemical contraceptive substances also influence on development of
breast cancer as well as complicated abortions, many marriages,
extra-marital sexual contacts.
Neuro-psychotic condition of the human has a great influence
on its sexual function.
N.A. Velyamminov ( 1903) was the first to notice mental nature
of various dyshormonal disturbances which were observed in the
woman’s organism and promoted development of benign and
malignant tumours. It may be illustrated by cessation of the
menstrual cycle in some women under the influence of the nervous
stress. The clinical experience shows that functional disturbances
in the sexual life and not infrequently breast cancer may be
consequence of neuro-mental stress reactions.
Genetic factor is the most significant of endogenic factors
influencing the risk of breast cancer. Family predisposition is also
important in development of breast cancer. It means that in some
families the mammary gland epithelium is capable of increased
proliferation. This ability is not inherited. Clinical studies allowed
to establish increased risk of cancer of different location, namely
breast cancer, among close relatives. Family predisposition to
breast cancer should not be the cause of refusal of pregnancy and
A definite role in breast cancer genesis is played by previous
inflammatory process and traumas of the mammary gland. There
was studied radiation effect on development of breast cancer. There
were investigated women who had survived nuclear bombing of the
Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For the period from 1950
to 1969, 231 of 63340 women were registered to have breast
cancer. There were analyzed age of the patients during explosion of
the nuclear bomb, the passed time since them, the radiation dose
and place of residence. It appeared that the incidence of breast
cancer was considerably higher in those who was exposed to
nuclear radiation. The greatest effect of radiation was observed at
the age of 10-19, the effect was less in women over 35.
There are a lot of various risk factors in breast cancer but the
main are: age, definite geographical region, age at first delivery, the
ovarian functioning, previous benign diseases of the mammary
glands and family predisposition.
Many Envestigations have been devoted to viral origin of
malignant development of the mammary gland. However, only in
mice of pure line “milk factor” was revealed, which is called
Bittner’s virus. The role of viruses in development of breast cancer
in the human has not been found either in blood of the patients, or
in the mammary gland and in the tumours.
Clinical and morphological characteristic
of dyshormonal hyperplasias and precancer breast
Can cancer tumour develop in the healthy tissue of the
mammary gland or it should be preceded by precancerous changes.
In other words, are dyshormonal hyperplasias of the mammary
gland obligatory precancer.
The literature devoted to dysplasias of the mammary glands is
quite controversial. Some authors consider dyshormmonal changes
of the mammary glands as a result of age involution or functional
deficiency others believe that 96% of patients have considerable
endocrine disturbances increasing risk of cancer development,
especially in cystic fibroadenomatosis.
There is still more confusion in terminology. For example it
was counted that cystic fibroadenomatosis has 29 synonyms (cystic
mastopathy, Recleux’s disease, Schimmelbush disease, chronic
cystic mastitis, cystic disease, etc) and metaplasma has at least 15
synonyms (icteric tumour, simple fibroadenomatosis, maastodynia,
adenofibromatosis, adenosis, mastoplasia, etc). It is connected with
difficulties of interpretation of changes in the gland influenced by
many causes including constitutional, age, functional and
endocrine changes as well as various treatment of results obtained
by investigations.
Dyshormonal hyperplasias of the nodular type
Adenoma is a morphologically ugly lobule with prevalence of
alveolar growths. Clinically it is manifested as clearly outlined
dense tumour which is not connected with the skin during pulerty
or after first pregnancy. Sometimes it is characterized by fast
growth especially after abortion.
Fibroadenoma is a morphologically ugly lobule with prevalence
of ducts. Clinical and age characteristics of fibroadenoma do not
differ from those of adenoma.
Fibroadenoma phylloides is morphologically a connective
tissue multi cellular tumour with numerous cavities. It is
characterized by foliate location of cellular fields. Its morphological
interpretation is difficult because of numerous types and degrees of
maturity. The tumour is considered as the most important link in
the chain fibroadenomatosis-fibroadenoma-phylloid tumour-
sarcoma. The sizes of folliate tumours may vary from small to giant.
Dyshormonal hyperplasias of diffuse type
Adenosis or masoplasia is almost unchanged morphologically
mammary gland tissue with preserved structure. This form is
characterized by multiple functional disturbances. Clinically
adenosis is manifested as different (occupying up to half of the
whole gland) lumps of elastic consistency, granular surface,
irregular outlines, tender on palpation, fused with the normal tissue
of the mammary gland. Sometimes these lumps are hardly
palpable, sometimes they are evidently marked. A number of
patients have the whole gland diffusely swollen and quite painful.
Adenofibromatoses and fibroadenomatoses (focal and diffuse)
are the most difficult of dyshormonal hyperplasias for
morphological evaluation.
Localized form of fibroadenomatosis is a very vague clinical
notion. In most cases it is areas in the mammary gland tissue (from
1 to 5-6 sm in diameter); having more dense consistency than in
adenosis or masoplasia, sometimes tender on palpation on
examination the outlines of the revealed lumps sometimes seem
well-defined, though they may be indistinct. The surface of such
lumps is tuberous, polycyclic, not infrequently granular. The age of
the patients ranged 30-40 years, 42-45% of them are unmarried,
non gravida and non para women. 37,2% of them, on the contrary,
have numerous (more than two) interruptions of pregnancy.
Cystic morphologically heterogenous cysts. Developing from
lobular forms of fibroadenomatosis, almost all cysts arise from
small ducts and alveoli. Cysts from ducts have epithelial cover.
Cysts of alveolar origin are indeed fissures between lobules. Small
cysts are usually located in groups or form multichamber cyst. In
developed forms cysts affect the tissue of both mammary glands,
located both alone or in groups.
Cystoadenopapillomas and intraductile papillomas are
morphologically further development of proliferative changes of
fibroadenomatosis productive forms: the former are on the cyst
walls, the latter – in the ducts. They are considered precancerous,
first, because of multicentricity, second, because of malignancy
rate, which is 5-6 times higher than in other forms of
Thus, masopplasias (adenoses, adenofibromatoses), nodular
and cystic fibroadenommatoses can’t be related to true
precancerous processes though they may be considered as a factor
really influencing on risk of falling ill with cancer later on. The
significance of inntraductile hyperppplastic processes is considered
quite differently (including cystadenopapillomas, intraductile
papillomas, marked ductile proliferations). They are believed to be
obligatory precancer diseases.
Breast cancer classification
Tumour division into groups according to the stages of the
process is based on the fact that in localized tumours the survival
rate is higher than in tumours extending beyond the organ. Early or
late stages are more commonly distinguished meaning successive
development of tumours in time. In fact the stage of the disease at
the moment of diagnosis may reflect not only the growth tempo and
spread of the tumours but also its type and interrelation of the
tumour and organism.
The main purpose of the International classification of
malignant growths according to the spread of the process consists
in uniform presentation of the clinical data. Classifications may be
different: tumour location; affection spread established on the basis
of clinical investigation; duration of symptoms or signs; sex and age
of the patients, histologic structure of the tumour, degree of
malignancy, etc. To some extent all these signs influence the
disease prognosis. The International Anticancer Union suggests
classification based on clinically defined anatomical spread of the
Stage classification of breast cancer:
I stage – the tumour is to 2 sm. in diameter, not growing into the
subcutaneous fatty tissue surrounding the mammary gland.
There are no regional metastases.
II a stage – the tumour is 2-5 sm. In diameter, not growing into the
surrounding subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin of the
mammary gland. Or the tumour is of the same size or smaller
growing into the subcutaneous fatty tissue and adhered to the
skin (symptoms of rugosity, “platform”). There are regional
II b stage – the tumour of the same or less local spread with single
(not more than 2) regional metastases on the affected side.
III a stage – the tumour is over 5 sm. not growing into the tissues
surrounding the gland, or the tumour of any size infiltrating
underlying fascial-muscular layers or skin (symptoms of
“umbilication”, “intradermal bleb” – restricted edema, possible
ulceration of the skin, in verted nipple). There are no regional
III b stages – the tumour of the same extended with single (not
more than 2) or multiple displaced metastases in axillary,
subclavicular, subscapular, parasternal, supraclavicular
lymph nodes on the affected side; the tumour of the same or
less local spread with single ( not mmore than 2) displaced
metastases in the supraclavicular lymph nnodes on the
affected side. Metastases in the supraclavicular area may be
combined with other regional metastases.
IV a stage – locally extended tumour with dissemination on the skin
(satellites) or extensive ulceration or fixed to the mammary
wall or with total affection (edema) of the gland. All acute
forms of breast cancer are erysipelas-like, mastitis-like,
testaceous. Regional metastases are not defined.
IV b stage – the tumour of the same degree of local extension with
any variants of regional metastases or the tumour of the less
degree of local extension with single restrictedly displaced or
multiple displaces supraclavicular and /or undisplaces
regional metastases. The tumour of any degree of local
extension with clinically defined metastases, including
lymphogenous contralatteral ones.
Synchronic or metachronic bilateral affection of the mammary
glaands should be classified by common principles for each gland
separately. The stage of the process on the side of the greatest
affection is indicated.
Stage groups
Stage I T 1a, T1b NO, 1aMO
Stage II T 1a, T1b NO, 1aMO
T 2a, T2b NO, 1aMO
T 2a, T2b NO, 1aMO
Stage IIIa T3a, T3b No, N1MO
T1a,b, T2a, T3a,b N2MO
Stage IIIb T1a,b, T2a,b, T3a,b T3MO
T4a,b,c NO-3MO
Stage IV TO-4 NO-3M1
Histologic classification of breast tumours.
I. Intraductile and intralobular noninfiltrative carcinoma.
II. Infiltrative carcinoma.
III. Special histologic variants of carcinomas:
a) medullar
b) papillar
c) cribrate
d) mucous
e) lobular
f) squamppus cell carcinoma
g) Paget’s disease
h) Carcinoma developed from cellular intraductile
I. Sarcoma developed from cellular intraductile fibroadenoma.
II. Other types of sacromas.
Undefined tumours.
The most common breast tumour is cancer.
Methods of diagnosis of breast tumours.
The real way to improve results of breast tumour treatment. Is
early and preclinical diagnosis in a number of cases. Early
diagnosis and evaluation of breast cancer spread have been
important trend for the last two decades based on results of
retrospective studies of prognosis of breast cancer course.
Mammographic examination is no doubt very significant and it
was proved by experience of many clinics where mammography was
used both in clinical practice and in mass prophylactic
examinations of healthy women. The precision of mammographic
examination ranges from 75% to 94%. There is information that
mammography may reveal breast cancer 1-2 years before the first
clinical signs.
Much attention is paid to xeromammography which has
greater capacity than mammography in revealing small tumours as
well as microcalcinates. This method is also economic due to simple
and cheap equipment.
Ultrasonic investigation (USI) helps to visualize the tumour
and obtain information about its location and size as well as
structure of the mammary gland.
USI should be combined with mammography. USI is preferable
in women under 30, and mammography should be performed at
older age.
Thermography method is based on registration of skin
temperature changes over the pathologically changed area. All
pathological processes in the mammary gland are accompanied by
temperature changes and they are indicated by hypo- or hyper
thermal zones on the thermograms.
In clinical practice cytologic diagnosis of breast cancer is of
special significance. It is technically simple, can be performed in
polyclinic and repeatedly and provides fast results. Preparations
are simply made and laboratory equipment is not complex and
The problem of early diagnosis is closely connected with
evaluation of tumour extension as choice of optimal treatment
depends on correct diagnosis.
In breast cancer metastases are most frequent in the axially
lymph nodes. However though they are quite approachable for
examination, the percentage of diagnostic mistakes is still high.
Approximately the same rate is observed in hypo- and
hyperdiagnosis of metastatic affection of axillary lymph nodes.
To evaluate the state of axillary-subclavicular lymph nodes
J.B. Kinmonth (11952) used direct colour lymphography in clinical
practice. He singled out a lymphatic vessel from the fat, punctured
it and introduced water-soluble contrast substance.
The method of radioisotope lymphoscintigraphy is based on
the fact that metastatically changed lymph nodes lose the ability to
accumulate isotope partially or completely in comparison with the
normal ones, therefore scintigrams show defects of filling.
Lately there has been worked out a method of radioisotope
lymphoscintigraphy of the parasternal region by using coloid gold
To study the receptor level of steroid hormones in breast
cancer, the division of mammary gland tumours of Oncologic
Centre of Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) worked out and
introduced the technique of obtaining bioptate with the help of
original instrument-“trepanoncedle” which is a modification of
Palink’s needle.
Evaluation of the receptor level of steroid hormones was done
in the laboratory of clinical biochemistry of Oncologic Centre of
AMC by generally accepted method of competitive fixation and use
of coal covered with dextrane. The receptor level equal to 10
mol/mg was considered positive.
Comparison of receptor concentration of steroid hormones in
the samples obtained in trepanobiopsy and during the operation
showed that the coincidence percentage of the receptor status was
quite high for all kinds of receptors and ranged from 77.8 to 87.5.
The obtained data confirm that the method of trepanobiopsy gives
information about true contents of receptors in the tumour. It
allows to start hormonal therapy in complex with other kinds of
treatment before radical mastectomy or in case of necessity to
perform ovarioectomy simultttaneously with mastectomy.
Surgical and combined methods of treatment.
Choice of treatment method, including surgery, depends on
the stage of tumour affection. Most of investigators consider that
surgery alone is useful at early stages of breast cancer. At all other
stages surgery should be supplemented by radiation, medicines or
their combination.
There are a lot of terms for different types of surgical
intervention. Below we give unified terminology.
1.Sectoral resection.
2.Radical (sectoral) resection.
4.Mastectomy with axillary lymphadenectomy.
5.Radical mastectomy with preservation of the musculus pectoralis
6.Radical mastectomy.
7.Extended radical mastectomy.
When the tumour is located in the upper outer quadrant of the
gland we may perform radical resection. Operation of choice (in
tumours of other localization) is radical mastectomy with
preservation of the musculus pectoralis major. The use of complex
method does not improve remote results in decrease.
Complex methods of treatment.
Radiation therapy in breast cancer is extremely important.
This method of treatment, widely used now, can be done alone or in
combination with other methods. Combination of irradiation with
surgical intervention (before or after it) allows to perform operation
in more favorable conditions due to resolution of most tumours
cells and sharp devitalization of the rest.
Irradiation in combination with chemohormonal therapy is the
mmain component of treatment of dextended breast cancer.
Sometimes less marked to make suck patients operable. Radiation
therapy in different kinds is successfully used in tumour
recurrences, metastases in the skin, regional lymph nodes, bones,
lungs and even in the brain.
The variants and ways of irradiation exposure are constantly
changed from using orthovolt roentgenotherapy to inhibitory
irradiation and electron pencil of beta-neurons and linear
acceleration; from adjuvant therapeutic factor which supplements
the operation to independent method of treatment, from strictly
local method of irradiation to indirect inhibition of the pituitary
function with the help of proton pencil. The purpose and tasks,
form and technique of radiation treatment of breast cancer are
various. In order to improve immediate and remote results of
treatment, the idea has been developed to use irradiation together
with the operation, that is to give combined treatment.
There are 3 ways of combined treatment:
1) irradiation in preoperation period with further surgical
2) operation with furrther radiation therapy;
3) radiation therapy both before and after the operation.
However, preoperation radiation therapy has drawbacks. First,
it gives only local regional effect without reducing the incidence of
distant metastases. Second, clinical and morphological studies
show that not only tumour tissue but also the surrounding normal
tissues are damaged during radiation therapy. In some cases the
time of operation is postponed due to considerable of the tumour
may be a source of distant metastases. According to V.S.
Datsenko’s data (199979) the interval between the end of radiation
therapy and operation over 4 weeks worsens 3 years’results of
In operable tumours (T1-2) with single metastases in axillary
lymph nodes it is advisable to use preoperation irradiation with
great fractions on the primary area for 5 days till total focal area 20
Gr. In locally extended cancer the method of usual fraction to 45-50
Gr. is used on the tumour and regional zones.
As an independent method radiation therapy may be used in
contraindications to surgery, inoperable and edematous-infiltrative
forms of cancer and patient’s refusal from the operation. In these
cases distance gamma-therapy not less than 60-70 Gr. on the
breast tumour and 50 Gr. On the zones of regional metastases for
5-7 weeks.
In locally extended cancer therapeutic measures should
include radiation therapy in preoperation period to create the most
ablastic conditions for the operation. Postoperation radiation
therapy is usually used when the operation is not radical enough,
central and medical localization of the tumour as well as in
nonobservance of ablastics rules during the operation.
But it is not sufficient to use radiation therapy for treatment of
locally extended breast cancer which gives only local regional effect.
The complex of therapeutic measures should include methods of
general effect, which consists of chemo- and hormonotherapy.
The following kinds of therapy are used for this purpose:
1) surgical removal of the gormone source (ovarioectomy,
adrenalectomy, hypophysectomy);
2) introduction of hormones to inhibit functions of the endocrine
glands 9estrogens, androgens, corticosteroids, aminoglutamid);
3) introduction of hormone antagonists competing on the cellular
level (antiestrogens, bromcryptin, etc.).
There is successful treatment by physiologically inert
antiestrogen preparations (nonsteroid antihormones) effecting
immediately the tumoour cell and not involving central mechanisms
of hormonogenesis (Dumarsky L.19880). one of them tamoxyphen,
medicine of nonsteroid origin, its mechanism of action is not
studied completely.
Chemotherapy has been widely used for treatment of malignant
tumours for 30-40 years. The advantage of this treatment is in local
and general effect on the tumour cells. Medicinal therapy in breast
cancer is used to prevent recurrences and metastases after
surgggical or radical radiation therapy.
Alkylation agents, antimetabolites, vegetative alkaloids are
effective in breast cancer. As A.M. Jarin et al. (1974) reported,
cytostatic therapy may be effective in most patients.
Of antimetabolities, 5-phtoryzacyl and metotrexate are used in
breast cancer causing remission in 15-45% of patients.
Of antineoplastic antibiotics adriamycin has been used lately
which is utilized in monochemotherapy and as one of the
components of combined chemotherapy. The medicine is effective in
32-43% of patients.
The most expedient is combined chemotherapy which is based on
the principle of multiple blocking: introduced remedies block
different links of cell biosynthesis. There may be combinations of
remedies influencing different phases of the cellular cycle to inhibit
a great number of tumour cells. The other way is synchronization of
cells with the help of one remedy at that cycle phase where they are
the most sensitive to other remedies.
Most clinicians use chemotherapy in combination with
Effectiveness of chemotheray in metastatic breast cancer
encouraged its use in preoperation preparation in patients with
locally extended cancer. Its usefulness is confirmed by investigators
who observed “occult dissemination” at any stage of tumour
development ant in locally extended process the probability of such
process increases. Tumour cells in blood and some part of them
being viable are evidence of this fact. Lately remedy combinations
and different schemes of chemotherapy have been used in
treatment of extended breast cancer.
The schemes of chemotherapy including adriamycin are the most
effective. Commonly this treatment is combined with radiation
therapy, surgery and hormones.
To sum up the present information we should admit that
considerable progress has been achieved in complex treatment of
locally extended breast cancer. But there are still a lot of obscurity,
discrepancies in the problem of breast cancer treatment and they
require further studies.

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