IFTOM Besanson 2007

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12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

Dynamics of a 3-RRR Spherical Parallel Mechanism

Based on Principle of Virtual Powers
Stefan Staicu*
Department of Mechanics
University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania

Abstract— Some recursive matrix relations for the robots: lower moving masses, higher natural frequencies,
geometric analysis, kinematics and dynamics of a 3-RRR simpler modular mechanical construction and possibility
symmetric spherical Agile Wrist parallel mechanism are to mount all actuators at or near the fixed base. However,
established. The manipulator prototype is a three-degree-of- most existing parallel robots have limited and complicated
freedom mechanical system with three parallel legs. Controlled
by concurrent torques, which are generated by some electric
workspace volume with singularities and highly non-
motors, three active elements of the robot have three isotropic input-output relations [4].
independent rotations. Supposing that the position and the Recently many efforts have been assigned to kinematics
rotation motion of the moving platform are known, an inverse and dynamic analysis of fully parallel manipulators. Many
dynamic problem is developed using the principle of virtual companies have developed them as high precision
powers to compute actuating couples. Finally, some matrix machine tools. Among these, the class of manipulators
relations and some graphs for the torques and the powers of the known as Stewart-Gough platform focused great attention
actuators are determined1. (Stewart [5]; V. Parenti-Castelli and R. Di Gregorio [6];
Merlet [7]). They are used in flight simulators, pointing
Keywords: dynamics, parallel robot, virtual powers
devices, and more recently, for Parallel Kinematic
Machines. The Star parallel manipulator (Hervé and
I. Introduction
Sparacino [8]) and the Delta parallel robot (Clavel [9];
Parallel manipulators are closed-loop mechanical Staicu and Carp-Ciocardia [10]; Tsai and Stamper [11])
structures presenting very good performances in terms of are equipped with three motors and train on the mobile
accuracy, rigidity and ability to manipulate large loads. platform in a three degree of freedom general translation
These mechanisms consist of two main bodies coupled via motion. Angeles [4], Gosselin and Gagné [12] analysed
numerous legs. One body is arbitrarily designated as the direct kinematics, dynamics and singularity loci of the
fixed, while the other is regarded as movable, and hence Agile Wrist prototype that presents three concurrent
they are respectively called base and moving platform. rotations
Typically, a parallel mechanism is said to be
symmetrical if it satisfies the following conditions: the
number of legs is equal to the number of degrees of
freedom of the moving platform, one actuator controls
every limb and the location and the number of actuated
joints in all the limbs are the same (Tsai [1]).
The parallel robots can be equipped with hydraulic or
pneumatic actuators. They have a robust construction and
can move bodies of considerable masses and dimensions
with high speeds. This is why the mechanisms, which
produce a translation or spherical motion to a platform,
are based on the concept of parallel manipulator.
For two decades, parallel manipulators attracted to the
Fig. 1 Spherical parallel robot
attention of more and more researches that consider them
as valuable alternative design for robotic mechanisms [2],
While the kinematics has been studied extensively
[3]. Compared with the serial robots, parallel mechanisms
during the last two decades, fewer papers can be focused
have some special characteristics: greater structural
on the dynamics of parallel architectures.
rigidity, better orientation accuracy, stable functioning,
The dynamics analysis of parallel robots is usually
larger dynamic charge capacity and suitable position of
implemented trough analytical methods in classical
the actuating systems. On the other hand, parallel
mechanics [13] in which projection and resolution of
kinematics machines offer essential advantages over serial
equations on the reference axes are written in a large
number of cumbersome, scalar relations and the solutions
*E-mail: [email protected]
12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

are rendered by large scale computation together with applications include the orientation of a camera at high
time consuming computer codes. velocity for the tracking of fast objects.
Meanwhile, quite few of special approaches have been This robot has a structure with the axes of all nine
conducted for dynamic modelling of specific parallel revolute joints concurring in a common centre O of
mechanism configurations. Sorli et al. [14] conducted the
rotation of the device. Let Ox0 y 0 z 0 (T0 ) be a fixed
dynamics modelling for Turin parallel manipulator,
though the mechanism has three identical legs, it has 6- Cartesian frame, about which the manipulator moves. It
DOFs. Geng et al. [15] developed Lagrange’s equations of has three legs of known size and mass (fig.2). The wrist
motion under some simplifying assumptions regarding the architecture consists of two main elements, the base and
geometry and inertia distribution of the manipulator. the moving platform, which is free to undergo arbitrary
Dasgupta and Mruthyunjaya [16] used the Newton-Euler rotations with respect to the centre of three identical serial
approach to develop closed-form dynamic equations of legs, each of these composed of two links coupled each
Stewart platform, considering all dynamic and gravity other by means of a revolute joint.
effects as well as viscous friction at joints. To simplify the graphical image of the kinematical
zG scheme of the mechanism, in the follows we will represent
the intermediate reference systems by only two axes, so as
yG one proceeds in most of robotics papers [1], [3], [4], [7].
G The z k axis is represented, of course, for each component
xG z3 A
element Tk . It is noted that the relative rotation with
φ32 ϕ k ,k −1 angle of Tk body most be always pointing about the
z0 x2A
x3A A3 direction of z k axis. The first element T1 of leg A , one of
δ φ21A the three driving parts of the robot, is called proximal link.
γ A It is a homogenous rod, rotating about the axis Oz1A with
A2 the angular velocity ω 10A = ϕɺ 10A and the angular
y0 acceleration ε 10A = ϕɺɺ10A . It has the radius r, masse m1 and
θ β
αA tensor of inertia Ĵ1 . The distal link T2 of radius r is
x0 A A A
connected to the A2 x 2 y 2 z 2 frame and has a relative
A1 φ10A
rotation with the angle ϕ 21
and angular velocity
ω 21A = ϕɺ 21A ; it has the masse m2 and the inertia tensor Ĵ 2 .
x1A The platform of the robot is a three arms star of
length l = r (2 + sin 2 δ ) / 3 , mass m3 and tensor of inertia
Fig. 2 Kinematical scheme of leg A of the mechanism
Ĵ 3 , which rotates with an angular velocity ω 32A = ϕɺ 32A
In the present paper we focus our attention on a
recursive matrix method, which is adopted to derive the with respect to the neighbouring body. The link angles of
kinematics and dynamics equations of a 3-RRR symmetric the manipulator are assumed to be the same on each of the
spherical parallel three-degrees-of-freedom robot (fig.1). legs connecting the end-effector to the base and are
noted β , for the proximal link and γ for the distal link.
II. Inverse geometric model
Moreover, angles α A = 0 , α B = 2π / 3 , αC = −2π / 3 ,
Spherical parallel manipulators provide high stiffness
and accuracy due to their mechanical arrangement in δ = π /6 and sinθ = 1 / 3 , cosθ = 2 / 3 give the
which all the actuators are fixed to the base and the end- geometry of the base and the initial position of the
effector is supported by three kinematical chains. manipulator arm. Each leg of the Agile Wrist is a serial 3-
Parallel spherical wrists are used in technical RRR symmetric spherical wrist: the first joint couples the
applications where it is desired to orient a rigid body at base with the proximal link, the second joint couples the
high speed. Accuracy and precision in the execution of the proximal link with the distal link and the last one couples
task of the wrist are essential since the robot is intended to the distal link with the end-effector. The serial wrist is
operate on fragile objects; where positioning errors of the orthogonal, i.e., its neighbouring revolute axes lay out
tool could end in costly damage. Examples of such
12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

at β = π / 2 , γ = π / 2 . axes Ox, Oy, Oz lead to the commonly known rotation

Let us consider the rotation angles ϕ 10A , ϕ 10B , ϕ 10C of the matrix
a = a3 a 2 a1 . (4)
three actuators A1 , A2 , A3 , the variables that give the
instantaneous position of the mechanism. In the inverse
geometric problem however, it can be considered that the
three Euler angles α 1 , α 2 , α 3 give the absolute
orientation of the mobile platform. Pursuing the leg A
along the track OA1 A2 A3 , one obtains the successive
transformation matrices (Coiffet[3]; Staicu [17]):
ϕ ϕ ϕ
a10 = a10θ 1 aθ aαA , a 21 = a 21 aδ θ 1θ 2 , a 32 = a32 θ 1 , (1)
0 0 − 1 − 1 0 0 cosθ 0 − sin θ 
,  0 − 1 0 , 

θ1 = 0 1 0  2   θ =  θ  0
a = 1 0 

1 0 0   0 0 1  sin θ 0 cosθ 

 cosα A sin α A 0  cos δ sin δ 0 Fig. 3 Torque m A of first actuator

    10
aα = − sin α A cosα A 0 aδ = − sin δ cos δ 0
A ,
 0 0 1  0 0 1 Geometric conditions of rotation for the platform are
given by the following identities
 cos ϕ kA,k −1 sin ϕ kA,k −1 0 k T
a 30 T
a30 = b30 T
b30 = c30 c30 = a ,
a kϕ,k −1 = − sin ϕ kA,k −1 cos ϕ kA,k −1 0 , a k 0 = ∏ a k − j +1, k − j
  (5)
j =1 with, for example,
 0 0 1
a30 = aαAT a θT θ 1T θ T2 θ 1T a Tδ θ 1T . (6)
(k = 1,2,3) . (2) From these relations, one obtains the real time evolution
ϕ 10A , ϕ 21A , ϕ 32A , ϕ 10B , ϕ 21B ,
Some analogous relations can be written for the other two
of nine characteristic angles
legs B and C of the mechanism.
For the inverse geometric analysis, the position of an ϕ 32B , ϕ 10C , ϕ 21C , ϕ 32C .
arbitrary end-point P( x0P , y0P , z0P ) is treated as known and
the goal is to find the joint variables ϕ10A , ϕ10B , ϕ10
that III. Velocities and accelerations
yield the given location of the tool. If the aim is to The kinematics of compounding elements of each leg
generate a sequence of points to move the tool along an (for example the first leg A) are characterized by three
arc, care must be taken to avoid branch switching during skew-symmetric matrices given by the recurrence
motion, which may cause inefficient or impossible robot relations (Staicu [18]):
motions. The three rotation angle ϕ 10
, ϕ 10
, ϕ 10
of the ω~ kA0 = a k , k −1ω~ kA−1,0 a kT, k −1 + ω kA, k −1 u~3 , (k = 1,2,3) , (7)
actuators A1 , B1 , C1 are the joint variables that give the which are associated to the absolute angular velocities

input vector ϕ 10 = [ϕ 10A ϕ 10B ϕ 10C ]T of the instantaneous ω kA0 = a k ,k −1ω kA−1, 0 + ω kA,k −1u 3 , ω kA,k −1 = ϕɺ kA, k −1 . (8)
position of the mechanism. But, the objective of the The following relation gives the velocity the joint Ak :

inverse geometric problem is to find the vector ϕ10 and the     
v kA0 = a k , k −1 v kA−1, 0 + a k , k −1ω~ kA−1, 0 rk A, k −1 , v kA, k −1 = 0. (9)
position of the mechanism with the given orientation of Knowing the rotation motion of the platform by the
the moving platform. relations (3), we develop the inverse kinematical problem
Let us suppose, for example, that the absolute motion of  
and determine the velocities v kA0 , ω kA0 and accelerations
the platform is a rotation around the fixed point O ,
  A of each of the moving links.
expressed by the Euler angles γ kA0 , ε k0
2π Equations of geometrical constraints (5) can be derivate
α l = α l* (1 − cos t ), (l = 1,2,3) . (3)
with respect to time to obtain the following matrix
Representing the orientation of the platform in the fixed conditions of connectivity established for the relative
frame, successive relative rotations around the movable angular velocities:
12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

A T T 
u3 + ω 32 u i a 30 u 3 =
   T  Let us assume now that the robot has a virtual motion
ω10A u iT a10T u3 + ω 21A u iT a 20
    defined by the angular velocities ω 10Ava = 1 , ω 10Bva = 0 ,
= uiT {αɺ 1a1T u1 + αɺ 2 a1T a2T u 2 + αɺ 3 a1T a 2T a3T u3 } (10)
ω 10Cva = 0 . Characteristic virtual velocities expressed as
(i = 1, 2, 3) , function of robot’s position are given by the relations of
with connectivity concerning the relative velocities of two
1   0 0  0 − 1 0  independent loops A − B and B − C :
u1 = 0, u 2 = 1, u 3 = 0, u 3 = 1 0 0 . (11)
         ~   T  Av  T T  Bv  T T  Cv
u iT a30 ω 30 a = u i b30 ω 30 a = u i c30 ω 30 a (12)
0 0 1 0 0 0 ( i =1, 2, 3).
Some other relations of connectivity can be obtained if
one considers successively that ω10 b = 1 , ω10 b = 0 ,
Bv Cv

ω10Avb = 0 and ω10Cvc = 1 , ω10c = 0 , ω10c = 0 .

Av Bv

Concerning the relative angular accelerations ε , ε 21 ,


ε A
32 of the elements of first leg A1 A2 A3G , these are
given by some other conditions of connectivity, obtained
by deriving the relations (10); it results
    A T T 
ε 10A u iT a10T u3 + ε 21A u iT a 20T u3 + ε 54 u i a 30 u 3 =
= uiT {αɺɺ1a1T u1 + αɺɺ2 a1T a2T u2 + αɺɺ3a1T a2T a3T u3 +
+ αɺ1αɺ 2 a1T u~1a2T u2 + αɺ 2αɺ 3a1T a2T u~2 a3T u3 +
+ αɺ 3αɺ 1 a1T u~1 a 2T a 3T u 3 − ω 10A ω 21A a10T u~3 a 21 u3 −
T ~  T 
Fig. 4 Torque m B of second actuator − ω 21A ω 32A a 20 T
u 3 a 32 u 3 − ω 32A ω 10A a10T u~3 a 21
a 32 u 3 },
where u~1 , u~2 , u~3 are three skew symmetric matrices
associated to the unit vectors u1 , u 2 , u 3 .
The following recursive relations give the angular
accelerations ε kA0 and the linear accelerations γ kA0 of joints
Ak [19]:
ε kA0 = a k ,k −1ε kA−1,0 + ε kA,k −1u 3 +

+ ω kA,k −1a k ,k −1ω~kA−1,0 a kT,k −1u 3 .
( )
ω~kA0ω~kA0 + ε~kA0 = a k ,k −1 ω~kA−1, 0ω~kA−1,0 + ε~kA−1, 0 a kT,k −1 +
+ ω A ω A u~ u~ + ε A u~ +
k ,k −1 k , k −1 3 3 k , k −1 3

+ 2ω A
a ω~kA−1,0 akT, k −1u~3
k , k −1 k , k −1
[ ( 
γ k 0 = a k ,k −1 γ k −1,0 + ω~ kA−1,0ω~ kA−1,0 + ε~kA−1,0 rk A,k −1 .]
The relations (10) and (13) constitute the inverse
Fig. 5 Torque mC of third actuator
10 kinematics model of the 3-RRR symmetric spherical
parallel mechanisms.
These relations give the angular velocities ω10
, ω 21A
,ω 32
IV. Dynamics simulation
as a function of the angular velocities αɺ 1 , αɺ 2 , αɺ 3 of the
Since spherical parallel robots are mostly used in
end-effector. If the other two chains of the manipulator are
applications involving high-speed motion, the dynamics
pursued, analogous relations can then be obtained.
of the robot has a very important effect on the required
Expression of a complete Jacobian matrix of the robot is
actuator torques.
easily written in invariant form from (10). This matrix is a
Regarding the robot control, the relevant objective of a
fundamental element for the analysis of the robot
dynamic model is to determine the torques that must be
workspace and the singularity configurations. exerted by the actuators in order to produce a given
12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

trajectory of the robot. Such a model can be obtained rigid bodies of the three kinematical chains. The
using three main approaches, which provide the same assumptions used here are that the joints connecting the
results concerning these active moments. The first distal links to the end-effector cannot transmit torques and
approach is the Newton-Euler classic procedure; the consequently that they are equivalent to spherical joints.
second one consists in the Lagrange equations and the Since the mechanism is over-constrained, based on the
third one is based on the principle of virtual works. principle of virtual powers, the novel approach developed
In order to establish some recursive matrix relations for in the present paper can eliminate any assumption
the torques of the three actuators, in the inverse dynamic concerning the influence of the non-working forces
problem we apply the method of virtual powers. applied to the distal links by the end-effector.
Three electric motors A1 , B1 , C1 , that generate three
A A B B C C 
moments m10 = m10 u 3 , m10 = m10u3 , m10 = m10 u 3 , which
have the directions of the axes A1 z1A , B1 z1B , C1 z1C ,
control the motion of the legs of the manipulator.
The force of inertia and the resultant moment of forces
of inertia, acting on the body Tk are evaluated with the
other hand, respect to the centre of the Ak joint. On the
other hand, the wrench of the vectors f k* , m k* designate

the action of the weight m k g and of any other external
and internal applied forces at the same element of the
robot. At this stage, only the torques applied on the
proximal links is of interest.
The fundamental principle of the virtual powers [1], [4], Fig. 6 Power p10 of first actuator
[17], [20] states that a mechanism is under dynamic
equilibrium if and only if the virtual power developed by
all external, internal and inertia forces vanish during any
general virtual displacement, which is compatible with the
constraints imposed on the mechanism. Assuming that the
friction at the joints is negligible, the virtual power
produced by the forces of constraint at the joints is zero.
Applying the fundamental equations of the parallel
robots dynamics established in compact form by Stefan
Staicu [21], [24], the following matrix relation results
m10A = u 3T {M 1A + ω 21Ava M 2A + ω 32Ava M 3A +
B C (15)
+ ω 21
a M 20 + ω 21a M 20 },

where one denoted

( ) ] 
FkA0 = m kA γ kA0 + ω~ kA0ω~ kA0 + ε~kA0 rkCA − f k* A

Fig. 7 Power
p10 of second actuator
M kA0 = m kA r~kCAγ kA0 + Jˆ kAε kA0 + ω~ kA0 Jˆ kAω kA0 − m k* A
A A  The Newton-Euler method, developed by Khalil in
Fk = Fk 0 + a kT+1,k FkA+1 (k = 1, 2, 3) (16)
A A A  inverse dynamics of Orthoglide parallel robot [22] and
M k = M k 0 + a k +1,k M k +1 + rk +1,k a k +1,k FkA+1.
Gough-Stewart platform [23], consists to apply the free-
The relations (15) and (16) represent the inverse body diagram (FBD) procedure for each leg connecting
dynamics model of the spherical parallel robot. Analogous the end-effector, where all components of joint forces and
B C the actuated forces are unknown.
expressions we can obtain for the torques m10 and m10 .
Based on the general principle of virtual powers, the
The new dynamic approach developed here is present methodology can eliminate all forces of internal
completely general and can be used for any spherical joints and leads immediately to a system of explicit
manipulator with revolute or prismatic actuators. dynamics equations for the torques or forces required by
The dynamics modelling of Gosselin [12] is obtained
the actuators.
using the Newton-Euler equations of dynamic
Consider, for example, a spherical manipulator that has
equilibrium, which are written for each of seven moving
the following characteristics:
12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

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12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007

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