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Quick Reference FORMULA BOOK MATHEMATICS —. = 9 HashLearn On-Demand Nn OW Tutoring Vv | REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS | Get free study help instantly. Connect to top tutors for instant 1-on-1 sessions to solve any doubt or problem. isin canyounop newt @ croose toric @ connect To tutor @ cetinstanr HELP For Classes 8 to 12 / PU. Covers School and Entrance Exams. REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS © Arelation R froma set A toaset Bis subset of the cartesian product A * B obiained by describing a relationship between the frst element x and the second clement y ofthe ordered pairs in A * B. © Function : A function fffomaset Ato a'set B is a specific type of relation for which every clement x of set A has one and only one image y in set B, We write £: AB, where f(x)=y. RELATIONS. AND. FUNCTIONS. © A fimetion £: X + ¥ is one-one (or injective) if £(%)=FO)X,=%, Y Xm EX © A function £: XY is onto (or surjective) if given any yeY,3 x eX such that f(s)=y. © Many-One Funetion A function f: A B is called many- one, if two or more different elements of have the same f image in B. © _Intofunction : Afunction f: A> Bis intoif there existat east one element in B which isnot the f- image of any element in A. © Many One-Onto function A function fA R is said to be many one- onto ifs onto but not one-one. © _ Many One-Into function: A function i sad to be many one-into fits neither one-one nor onto © A fiction £: X + Y is invertible ifand only if Fis one-one and onto, General Solution of the equation sin ‘TRIGONOMET- when sind =0 O=nn:ne lie. n= 0,4 1,42.. General solution ofthe equation 0=@n+ Dn2,neLien=0,41,+2, General solution ofthe equation tand = General solution oftan0= is @= nz; n €1 General solution ofthe equation (@) sind =sina: @=ne=(C1Parn el ©) sind=K,where-11 (3): aes + ifxy> a1 + ifx>0,y-0and xy <-1 REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS ssi! xtsin!y atin, Sse let atest = | aint Fw, me PE (io, eos x + cos! y eo" ny—vi-xt if-1sxySlandx+y20 a= eos tay vi sin@xVi-x7) n-sin'(2xV1-x?) ), i-1Smy Stand x+y $0 ittexst v2 . it-Lexst B -n-sin @xvi-x"), if-lex< 2tan'x= =n tan (=) © _Rootsofa Quadratic Equation : The roots of the quadratic equation are given by ‘QUADRATIC EQUATIONS, ‘AND INEQUALITIES. discriminant ofthe equation. It is denoted by & or. (A) Supposea, b,c e Rand ax 0 (© 1D>0 > Rootsare Real and unequal Gi = Roots are Real and equal and each equal 10 —bi2a Gi) I1D<0 = Roots are imaginary and unequal or complex conjugate. (B) Suppose a,b,c € Qanda#0 ( IED > Oand Dis perfect square = Roots are unequal and Rational (i> Oand D isnot perfect square = Roots ae irrational and unequal, Condition for Common Root(s) Letax’+bx+e=0and dx’ +ex += Ohavea common root (say) Condition for both the roots to be omman is “== Ifp +i (pand q being real is aroot ofthe quadratic equation, where j=V=T, then p iq is also a root of the quadratic equation Every equation of degree (n > 1) has exactly n roots and ifthe equation has more than n roots, itis an identity. eo 9 8 ° © Exponential Form: Itz =x + iyisa complex number then its exponential form is z= re!” where r is modulus and 0 is ‘amplitude of complex number. OW |g |+|z |2/z +22 | shereequality holds when arg(2,/z,)=Oi.e. z, and 7, are paral G [141-122 is|%)-z9| ; here equality holds when anata) 2, areparallel [2,22 P + 12~2,P = (24 P+1251°) COMPLEX NUMBERS arg(2y22) =0, +05 = arg(z,)-+arg(2>) (en ae) hy - 8, = arg(z,)—arg(z) For any integer k, i= 1°! =i, #2 =~ 1,8 |2—% |+|2~25 |=). ,represents an ellipse if |%)—25|<2, having the points z, and 2, ast foci. Andif | ~7 |=h. then z lies on a line segment connecting 7, andz, Properties of Cube Roots of Unity (ino? O40 +0?=0 Gii) 1+0" 40° =3 Gf nismmultipleof3) (ifn is not a multiple of3). @_ The number of permutations of n different things, taken r at a time, where repetition is allowed, ism. © Selection of Objects with Repetition : ‘The total number of selections of r things from n different things when each thing may be repeated any number of times seni Selection from distinct objects: ‘The number of ways (or combinations) of n different things. selecting at east one of them is *C, +9C, +9C, +... "Cy — 1. This can also be stated as the total number ofcom? bination of n different things Selection from identical objects: The number of ways to select some or all out of(p+q-*1) things where pare alike offirstkind, q are alike ‘of second kind and rare alike of third kind is @+Dathe+h-1 Selection when both identical and distinet objects are present: Hout of p+ 4+ +0) things, pare alike one kind, q arealike ‘of second kind, r are alike of third kind and tare different, then the total number of combinations is, @+ Ka Det 2-1 (Circular permutations: @) Arrangements round circular table: ‘The number of circular permutations of n different things Gv) Leo" 407 PERMUTA- TIONS AND COMBINA- TIONS taken all at a time is fn — 1) |, if clockwise and anticlockwise orders are taken as different. REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS () Arrangements of beads or lowers (all different) around acireular necklace or garland: ‘The number of circular permutations of" ” different things tatenaatatine n=). eke anda orders are taken to be some. © Sum of numbers: (@) For given n different digitsa,.a,,a,...a, thesum ofthe digits in the unit place ofall numbers formed (if numbers are not repeated) is (a, +a,+a,+....+a,)(n—1)! ©) Sumofthe total numbers which can be formed with given ndifferent digitsa,a,,......is G88, F eo AYN=DI- CU tt times) © Greatest binomial coefficients : Ina binomial expansion binomial coefficients of BINOMIAL the middle terms are called as greatest THEOREM } binomial coeficienss (a) Ifmis even : When r= ie, »akes ‘maximum value. atl 2" 2 @) Ifnisodd sr rc ‘#21 and ake maximum value, © Important Expansions: If|x|<1andn © Qbutn €N, then a0 (@ (1+9)"= 1+ nx+ 2 + MODE _ n=), n@-bin @) (xP 1x x Bad, stot4) © PropertiesretatedtoA.P.: @ Common difference of AP is given by d= S,~25, where S, is sum of fist two terms and §, is sum of first term. Ifforan APsum ofp termsisq, sum of qienms isp, then sum of (p+) termis ro. Inan A P the sum of terms equidistant from the beginning ‘and end is constant and equal to sum of first and last terms, (is) Afters 2.85 ody ys ayn AEEINAP, then SUM Of these terms will be equal 0 (2n + 1)a,., (9) Iffor an A.P. sum ofp terms is equal to sum of q terms, then sum of (p +4) terms iszer0 y+ SEQUENCE AND SERIES On-Demand Tutoring (6) Sum of n AMS inserted between a and b is equal to n times the single AM between a and die. SUA, = nA a where ‘The geometric mean (GM) of any two positive numbers a and bis given by Jab i.e., the sequence a, G, bis GP. 1 GM's between two given numbers: If in between two ‘numbers'a' and’, we have toinsertn GM Gy, Gayo Gy then @,G,Gyye..-G,, Bwillbe in GP ‘The series consist of (n +2) terms and the last erm is band first term isa. Use ot (@) Arithmetic Mean > Geometric Mean (b) Geometric Mean > Harmonic Mean A>G2H © Anacute angle (say 6) between lines Land. with stopes m, and mis given by m, -m; 2M) 1+mm; +0 1+ mm, © Threepoints A, Band Care collinear, if and only ifslope of AB = slope of BC. ‘The equation ofthe line having normal distance from origin isp and angle between normal and the positive x-axis is, is sven by x cos 0+ ysin «=p. Co-ordinate of some particular points: Let A(x,.¥,), BOx,.¥,) and C(x,¥,) are vertices of any triangle ABC, then Incentre: Co-ordinates of incentre tan = (sutton mttaer) at+b+c ° a+bte where a,b, are the sides of triangle ABC Area ofa triangle: Let (x, ). (95) and (% ¥) respectively be the coordinates ofthe vertices A, B, C of a triangle ABC, Then the area of triangle ABC, is 1 FEO O-W FS OY] Or ym v1 yl REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS roma given point PC x,y) two tangents PQ and PR can be drawn othecirele $=32+y+2ex-+2f)+ = 0, Their combined equation is $8, = T°. © Condition of Orthogonality : Ifthe angle ofintersection of the two circle is aright angle (0= 90°) then such circle are called Orthogonal circle and conditions for thei orthogonality nx + ¢ touches a Condition of Tangency parabola y?= dax then © Tangenttothe Elipse: Condition of tangency and point ofcontact : ‘The condition for the line y = mx +c to be a tangent to the Ifthe line y vm ellipse ‘m?-+b? and the coordinates (atm Be of the points of contact are | aa © Normal tothe ellipse (@ Point Form : The equation of the normal to the ellipse wx _b’y Tat the point(s, y's Sy ax see — by cose = a? b? (© Tangent tothe hyperbola : (Condition for tangency and points of contact : The condition for the line y= mx + ¢ to be a tangent to the hyperbola 1 is that c® and the coordinates of the f (a be} 1s of contact are | * SS points of contact are [# Sa ts © Chord of contact: ‘The equation of chord of contact of tangent drawn from a ae a (© _ Equation of normal indifferent forms: Point Form : The equation of the normal to the hyperbola, where 2 Yam ax by atthe point (x,,y))is atthe point.) 18 Sy, On-Demand Tutoring DIMENSIONAL. GEOMETRY Slope Form : The equation of normal to THREE the hyperbola intermsofslope ‘mis : When de's of two lines AB and CD, say #,,m,,n, and f, - m,n, are known, ABCD &, ABLCD © f,/,+m,m,+n,n, ‘Case-II: When d's oftwo lines AB and CD, saya,,b, ¢, and eaten ABIDe a ng AB LCD derivabitity Not derivibaility 3 discontinuous But discontinuity = Non derivability © Differentiation se @ Ity= rons Jt0+ Seo = ys \f@ry = =fety re) rer ® 2.8 we Gaty= e@eener™ - logy ylog [391 Ldy _ yf. 12. 2E0 sogseo( $4) 0) dx FO0[l-ylogis)] Gi Ity then © Interpretation of the Derivative : If y= (9 then, m= "isthe slope ofthe tangent linet y= f(x) at Q Increasing/Decreasing © 1FF' (> O forall xinaninterval then £3) isinereasing onthe interval | Gi) IEE") <0 forall xinan interval [then f() is decreasing on the interval L (Gi 1EE" (8) = 0 forall x in an interval I then f(x) is constant on the interval L DIFFERENTIA- TION AND APPLICATION, © _Testof Local Maxima and Minima— First Derivative Test—Let bea dillerentable inction defined conan open interval [and ¢ € Tbeanypoint. has aocal maxima oralocalminimaatx=c,1"(@)=0. ri 0 anti sega ra LA, So ft be the roots of this 1 changes sign from +e to -ve as x increases changes sign from eas x increas trough he finn aaa axa, 1 hangs se tom -set neat ano through ¢; then the fiction attains local minimumat x= F tr os au changes ign ances ua then x=¢, isneither a point of local max" nor a point oflocal ‘min. In this case x isa point of inflexion. REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS © _ Rateof change of variable: dy dy) dy _dy/dt dx Itx=o(andy=y (0, then - provided that $0 a dxdt Thus, the rate of change of y with respect to x can be calculated by using the rate of change of y and that of x each with respect tot ys 3 1+{& Length of tangent = |*4))!*{ gy. \ © Length of Sub-tangent Length of normal = The equation of the x) is © Equations of tangent and normal tangent at P(x, yp) to the curve vena (2) omy ‘The equation of the normal at P(,¥,) tothe curve y= f(x) is yoy (x) (3) © Twostandard forms ofintegral : P fete a-erm+e INTEGRAL CALCULUS = Je* e+ P00] dx= fe* foods+ Je rooax =f) fe rondx+ fe* te (on integrating by pats) =e £63) +e © _Tableshows the partial fractions corresponding to different type of ational functions S.]_ Formotrationar Form of pai Na function fraction pra NT Ge a@-b) » px’ sqxtr “1 (x=ay? Ox=b) px? baxter *] Gem etsoxro | Ga) xP ebx4€ On-Demand Tutoring a) © Letbniterue: Gy J Feo dt=2'G0F@CO)-f'COFEOO) fo © _Hfaseries can be putin the form ¥e(5) oe 1E (5) merisintas ns \ is fre 4s a © Area between curves y= f(x) = A= [[upper function] —[lower function] dx and *=1(9)= A fright fmetion} [le fnction dy Ifthe curves intersect then the area ofeach portion must be found individually © Symmetrical area : If the curve is symmetrical about a coordinate axis (or line o origin), then we find the area of ‘one symmetrical portion and multiply it by the number of | symmetrical portion to get the required area. © Probability of an event: For a finite sample space with equally likely outcomes Probability of an event is PROBABILITY mA) Pray = 2 I (A) =) « Where n (A) = number of ‘elements in the set A, n (S) = number of elements in the set S. © Theorem of total probability : Let (E,,E,,...E,} beaparttion ofa sample space and suppose that cach of EE... E, has nonzero probability. Let be any event associated with S, then P(A)=P(E,) P(A E,)+ P(E.) PA|E,)=.. +PE,) PA\E,) © Bayes’ theorem: IfE,.E,,.., E,are events which constitute a partition of sample space S, i.e. E,, E,,..., E, are pairwise disjoint and E, WE, vu... OE, = Sand A be any event with nonzero probability, then PCE;) P(AIE:) SPEDPALED = P(E |A)= © _LetX bea random variable whose possible values x,,x,,X;, . x, occur with probabilities p,, p,, Ps. .~ P, Tespectively Themean of X, denoted by pis the number Ps a in of a random variable X is also called the mn of X, denoted by E (X). REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS (© Trials ofa random experiment are called Bernoulli trials, if @ Rank ofa Matrix: Anumber ris said tobe therankofa they satisfy the following conditions m=nmatrix Ait (@) There should be a finite number of trials. (b) The trials (©) Every equate nib masrit of order (+ 1) oc mares singular should be independent, () Each trial has exactly two and (b) There exists at least one square submatrix of order t ‘outcomes: suceessor failure. (d) The probability ofsuccess Which is non-singular. Sareea ee al y Th the ak of mai teed ofthe highest oder non-singular sub matrix. For Binomial distribution B (n, p), © _ Using Crammer’s rule of determinant we get P(X =x)= "Cg ph x=0, 1... = 1=P) A © Properties of Transpose a @ayt =a Gi) AsBy (ii) AB =BEAT (iy) kAY'=KA (oF =16HeA)=eCay (ALA soy Aa) +. The sytem is consistent and has unique solutions f AVA, hoo ATASA, Case-sNifA~Oand © Symmetric Matrix : A’square matrix A= [a] is called (@ Iatleastone of 4,, A, isnot zero then the system symmetric matric ‘of equations a inconsistent ie. has no solution a, =, forall, jorAT=A Gi 1fd,=d,=4,=00r 4, A, A, are all zero then the © Skew-Symmetric Matrix : A square matrix A=[a,] iscalled system of equations has infinitely many solutions. skew-symmetric matrix if ee 2, =~, forall jorAT=-A © Given vectors xya+yib+ze. Also every square matrix A can be uniquely expressed as a Fevsberd. xdty,be2.d,where sum ofa symnmetric and skew-symmetric matrix. vecToR \ %2#+¥2b+22¢. xsatysb+25¢.wh reo! gon) ALGEBRA} jj, are non-coplanar vectors, will be © Differentiation of a matrix : If A = BO) hen h(x) (9) uo A aa _[Pe) Be mY) a ; lanar ifandonlyit|*? ¥ 7|=0 a i (x) | iS ailerentiation of Matix A cop! vir/s © Properties ofadjoint matrix : fA, B i act: are square matrices of order n and 1, is @ Sealartriple produet . . ‘corresponding unit matrix, then G@) If T= ai +agj+agk, b= bj +by)+dyk and @ ACadj. A)=|A|1,=Cadi AA - ae G_|adjA| = | Ape CThus A (adj A) is i+ey}+egk then always. scalar matrix) Gi) adj adj A)=| APA eer (niece emer are GxbpS=1aB a=], bs dy (iv) |adj (adj A)|=| Af’ 4 & 5 2 © Ar~ Cd" 6 (8 bel volume of ho ptalslopipd nice (i) adj A") = (adj Am EN coterminous edges are formed by a, 5,8 Ma Kr Gdj-A). eR © 6,8 arecoplanar ifand only if [a b ¢] =0 © Propertiesof inverse Matrix: LetAsnd Baretwoinverible (4) FourpointsA, B,C, D with postion vectors ji, 5, ‘matrices ofthe same order, then @ Ay=ayr (i) (ABy'=B'At Gi) (AS 1=(A KEN (iv) adj (A) = (adj Ay wm «ay © atte IME Gi) EA=6ine 0, At diag @,', a) (Gi Ais symmetric matrix => As symmetric matrix On-Demand Tutoring coterminous edges ab, respectively are coplanar ifand only if {AB AC AD) =0ic. ifandonlyif [b-a ¢-a d-ay=0 Volume of a tetrahedron with three coterminous edges abe=4 [ta 6 a] 6 (H Volume of prism on a triangular base with three He bal REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS © _Lagrange’sidentity : Integrating both sides we obtain Gxby xa abd) Gaybs) Jay=f tedx +e ory= J feodx +e aaa, a © _ Reciprocal system of vectors : If g,,¢ be any three non (Differential equation of the form SY =f) a(y) coplanar vectors so that [GB €]+0 then the three vectors a a ay) > |= [rear te (x) 2(9) Js fro 16" defined by the a= a ae (Ditferenial equation oftheform of = fax +by +o: the reciprocal system of vectors to the given vectors #,5,¢ ‘To solve this type of differential equations, we put © _ Relation between A.M, GM.and HM. #1 4) AM.2GM.2HM. axtbyte=vand A= la) Equality sign holds only when all the observations inthe series are same te © _ Relationship between mean, made and zr median: @ Insymmetrica distribution & ‘Mean = Mode = Median So solution is by integrating Jute j ck In skew (moderately symmetrical) distribution ‘Mode=3 median 2 mean (© Differential Equation of homogeneous type: ‘Mean deviation for ungrouped data Disxi-¥l _ DIM MD.&)= + MDM) = ‘Mean deviation for grouped data Dhla-x An equation in x and y is said to be homogeneous ifit dy canbeputin theform Gy = yc y) Wheref(& yyands (x y)_ are both homogeneous functions of the same degreein x &y MD.@) =“, MDAM So to solve the homogeneous differential equation ay fy) ag where N=) f Be Gy) * Substitute y= yx and so Seve © Variance and standard deviation for ungrouped data De = Dew 97 © Variance and standard deviation of a discrete frequency aon distribution ; © Linear differential equations: f —Y fi(x Dh WDA 9) Bery-0 a © _ Variance and standard deviation of continuous frequency ‘Where Pand Q are either constants or functions of distribution ‘Multiplying both sides of (1) by Pax we get Ly he oft LS ta? Daim? iplying ‘yby ol! ge Jr (a )s ire e lh (8 py) zie. X#0 dx. ue © Coeticent of variation (CY: For series wth equal means, the series with lesser standard _-—-OM integrating both sides with respect to x we get ye FQ JP se deviation is more consistent or less scattered. which is the required solution, where cis the constant and ‘Therforesotuionis [ jz © Methods of solvinga first order first degree differential equation (a) Differential equation of the form el is called the integration factor. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS J ay‘ (0) = dy= fo dx

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