Cvc01015 Civil Design Criteria

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January 2013

Process Industry Practices


PIP CVC01015
Civil Design Criteria

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence
over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters
or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not
be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names
from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather
recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications
are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines
are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA
requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or
other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed.
Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material
contained in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time.

© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of

Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP Member
Companies and Subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes or
modifications of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express
written authorization of PIP. Authorized Users may attach addenda or overlays to clearly
indicate modifications or exceptions to specific sections of PIP Practices. Authorized
Users may provide their clients, suppliers and contractors with copies of the Practice
solely for Authorized Users’ purposes. These purposes include but are not limited to the
procurement process (e.g., as attachments to requests for quotation/ purchase orders or
requests for proposals/contracts) and preparation and issue of design engineering
deliverables for use on a specific project by Authorized User’s client. PIP’s copyright
notices must be clearly indicated and unequivocally incorporated in documents where an
Authorized User desires to provide any third party with copies of the Practice.

June 1999 Issued June 2007 Technical Correction
June 2001 Technical Correction January 2013 Complete Revision
February 2005 Complete Revision

Not printed with State funds

January 2013

Process Industry Practices


PIP CVC01015
Civil Design Criteria
Table of Contents
1. Introduction................................. 2
1.1 Purpose ............................................ 2
1.2 Scope ............................................... 2

2. References .................................. 2
2.1 Process Industry Practices .............. 2
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards ........ 2
2.3 Government Regulations ................. 3

3. Definitions ................................... 3
4. Requirements.............................. 4
4.1 General ............................................ 4
4.2 Environmental Protection ................. 4
4.3 Geotechnical Engineering
Investigations ................................... 5
4.4 Site Preparation and Grading .......... 6
4.5 Excavation and Backfill .................... 6
4.6 Erosion and Sediment Control ......... 6
4.7 Railroad Work .................................. 7
4.8 Roadways, Area Paving, and
Surfacing .......................................... 8
4.9 Curbs, Gutters, and Walkways ...... 10
4.10 Sewers ........................................... 10
4.11 Fencing and Security ..................... 13
4.12 Landscaping, Seeding, and
Sodding .......................................... 13

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Civil Design Criteria January 2013

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This Practice provides the civil engineer with requirements for designing civil
sitework within process facilities.

1.2 Scope
This Practice describes the minimum requirements for the design of civil sitework of
process industry facilities at onshore U.S. sites. This Practice covers all work related
to preparation of the site such as grading, roadways and railroads, and sewer work
and related facilities, and all work related to finishing the site. This Practice is
intended to be used in conjunction with PIP CVC01017 and PIP CVC01018, as

2. References
Applicable parts of the following PIP Practices, industry codes and standards, and other
regulations shall be considered an integral part of this Practice. The edition in effect on the
date of contract award shall be used, except as otherwise noted. Short titles are used herein
where appropriate.

2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)

– PIP CVC01017 - Plant Site Data Sheet
– PIP CVC01018 - Project Data Sheet
– PIP CVE02350 - Roadway Design Guide (U.S. Customary)
– PIP CVE02350M - Roadway Design Guide (Metric)
– PIP CVI02350 - Roadway and Area Paving General Notes and Typical Details
– PIP CVS02010 - Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Specification
– PIP CVS02100 - Site Preparation, Excavation, and Backfill Specification
– PIP CVS02350 - Roadway and Area Paving Construction Specification
– PIP CVS02830 - Chain-Link Fence and Gates Installation Specification
– PIP PNE00003 - Process Unit and Offsites Layout Guide
– PIP STS03001 - Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards

 American Concrete Institute (ACI)

– ACI 330R - Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots
 American Petroleum Institute (API)
– API 2610 - Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of
Terminal & Tank Facilities

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Civil Design Criteria January 2013

 American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA)

– AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering
 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
– NFPA 30 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
 Portland Cement Association (PCA)
– PCA SN298 - Guide for Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements
2.3 Government Regulations

 U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) / Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

– 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
– Guidance on the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
 U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
– 6 CFR Part 27 - Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards; Final Rule
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
– EPA 40 CFR - Protection of the Environment
 U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
– 49 CFR Part 213 - Track Safety Standards

3. Definitions
BMPs: Best Management Practices are the techniques (buffers, silt fences, detention ponds,
swales, etc.), schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, and maintenance procedures
used to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants.

constructor: The party responsible for supplying the materials, equipment, tools, supervision,
and labor for the installation of the civil sitework in accordance with the contract documents.
The term constructor shall apply also to the constructor’s subcontractor(s) and vendor(s).

contract documents: Any and all documents, including codes, studies, design drawings,
specifications, sketches, practices, and data sheets, that the purchaser or engineer of record
has transmitted or otherwise communicated, either by incorporation or reference, and made
part of the legal contract agreement or purchase order between the purchaser and the

covered facility (or covered chemical facility): A chemical facility determined by the
Assistant Secretary to present high levels of security risk, or a facility that the Assistant
Secretary has determined is presumptively high risk under U.S. Department of Homeland
Security 6 CFR Part 27 Section 27.200. Assistant Secretary shall mean the Assistant
Secretary for Infrastructure Protection, U.S. Department of Homeland Security or his

DOT: The department of transportation or the equivalent government organization for the
state, province, or country in which the project site is located

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engineer of record: Purchaser’s authorized representative with overall authority and

responsibility for the engineering design, quality, and performance of the civil works,
structure, foundations, materials, and appurtenances described in the contract documents.
The engineer of record shall be licensed as defined by the laws of the locality in which the
work is to be constructed, and be qualified to practice in the specialty discipline required for
the work described in the contract documents.

geotechnical engineer: The engineer responsible for performing the geotechnical

investigation and/or geotechnical consulting during construction of civil works.

noncontact cooling water: Cooling water that does not have direct contact with process fluids
or materials. Cooling water may be recirculated or used only once and conveyed through
gravity drainage systems.

operator: The entity (generally company, corporation, etc) that has: (1) operational control
of construction project plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to
those plans, or (2) day-to-day operational control of stormwater compliance activities.

owner: The party who has authority through ownership, lease, or other legal agreement over
the facility wherein the sitework will be used.

process sewers: Any waste collection/drainage system carrying materials (exclusive of

sanitary waste) requiring treatment before discharge

purchaser: The party who awards the contract to the constructor. The purchaser may be the
owner or the owner’s authorized agent.

SWPPP: The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is a document that describes the pollution
prevention practices and activities that will be implemented on the site. It includes
information on the site and of each major phase of the planned activity, roles and
responsibilities of the contractors, and inspection schedules and logs. The SWPPP also serves
to document weather events and modifications to the construction plans and stormwater
pollution prevention activities.

4. Requirements

4.1 General
The owner or owner’s representative shall provide PIP CVC01017 and
PIP CVC01018 Data Sheets that document the site specific data and design basis for
the project.

4.2 Environmental Protection

4.2.1 Storage facilities and process infrastructure (e.g., process loading/unloading,
petroleum storage, and hazardous material storage) shall be designed to
protect against soil, groundwater and surface water contamination in
accordance with EPA 40 CFR, state and local regulations. Examples of
protection methods include drip pans, paving, and concrete containment.

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4.2.2 Diked areas shall be designed to contain the sum of the following:
a. 100% of the largest tank volume
b. Precipitation from a 25-year, 24-hour rainfall
4.2.3 To allow for volume occupied by tanks, the capacity of the diked area
enclosing more than one tank shall be calculated after deducting the volume
of the tanks, other than the largest tank, below the height of the dike.
Comment: It should be noted that some owners and local jurisdictions may
require the dike to provide “freeboard” for foam application and
runoff from fire-fighting operations.
Comment: See API 2610 for guidance on design of terminal and tank
4.2.4 Facilities for the storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible
liquids shall be in accordance with NFPA 30.
4.2.5 Sewers that carry water that is not normally subject to contamination
(noncontact cooling water or storm water) and that have the potential to
receive spills shall be designed to include monitoring and diversion
Comment: Storm water from process, storage, and loading areas should be
segregated from storm water from undeveloped and non-process
areas to minimize the volume of water requiring treatment.
4.2.6 Building floor and roof drains and other areas not subject to process spills
shall connect to the storm water drainage system.

4.3 Geotechnical Engineering Investigations

4.3.1 If sufficient geotechnical information is not available, geotechnical
engineering investigations shall be performed in accordance with
PIP CVS02010.
4.3.2 If available and appropriate, the following technical information shall be
provided to the geotechnical engineer:
a. Site plan showing proposed facilities and adjacent existing facilities
b. Topographic plan or relative elevations of existing grades and facilities
to planned grades of proposed facilities
c. Descriptions of proposed and existing facilities, including the following:
1) Types of structures
2) Anticipated design loads for various design cases including static
compression, uplift, horizontal shear, vibratory, dynamic, and blast
3) Any settlement sensitivity of structures or equipment
4) Any sensitivity to vibration from external sources of both proposed
and existing facilities
5) Special or unusual conditions such as pits, basements, elevator
shafts, reciprocating compressors, retaining walls, etc.

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6) Elevations such as building ground floor, bottom of pits, basements,

elevator shafts, walls, tanks, etc.
7) Proposed finish grade elevation adjacent to facilities
8) For tanks, load condition (empty, full, test, and operating weights);
normal operating level ranges, durations, and settlement tolerances
9) Pavement loading and traffic data if pavement recommendations are
10) Information regarding any known or potential soil/groundwater
contamination at the site
11) Drawings and other information for adjacent or on-site existing
facilities, including underground utilities and structures

4.4 Site Preparation and Grading

4.4.1 The site preparation activities, including clearing and grubbing, stripping,
and general site grading, shall be in accordance with PIP CVS02100.
4.4.2 Excavation, fill, stockpile and disposal areas, and the extent of clearing and
grubbing areas shall be defined in the contract documents.
Comment: Consideration shall be given to balancing the cut and fill for
4.4.3 All demolition and disposal methods shall be defined in the contract
4.4.4 Vehicular traffic detours shall be designed to provide a safe routing and a
satisfactory means of controlling traffic.
4.4.5 All graded surfaces shall be sloped to provide positive drainage and to avoid

4.5 Excavation and Backfill

4.5.1 Excavation and backfill shall be in accordance with PIP CVS02100.
4.5.2 Areas requiring differing levels of compaction shall be noted on the
drawings. These areas include structure areas, roadways, railroad subgrades,
paved area subgrades, utility trenches, embankments and dikes, and general
graded areas outside the process or work areas.

4.6 Erosion and Sediment Control

4.6.1 Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be in accordance with local, state,
and federal regulations, including EPA, Corps of Engineers, and project
specific permits.
4.6.2 Operator(s) shall develop and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Plan (SWPPP) and maintain all Best Management Practices (BMPs) during
each stage of the project in accordance with applicable regulations. SWPPP
must be available on-site for review during inspection.

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4.6.3 Construction activities that expose soil due to clearing, grading, excavating,
etc., affecting one or more acres, including smaller sites in a larger common
plan of development, require coverage under a NPDES permit for stormwater
discharges. Operator(s) shall complete the following steps, as applicable
under the governing jurisdiction:
a. Develop and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP). Submittal is required in some states. The SWPPP must be
completed prior to submitting the Notice of Intent.
b. Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the governing authority.
c. Submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) to the governing authority.
4.6.4 Soil erosion control shall be designed to comply with federal, state, and local
regulations and shall be in accordance with PIP CVS02100.
4.6.5 Where required, erosion control permitting documentation shall be submitted
to the owner.

4.7 Railroad Work

4.7.1 Railroad design shall be in accordance with the AREMA Manual for Railway
Engineering and the local operating railroad requirements.
Comment: See 49 CFR Part 213 Track Safety Standards for additional
general information.
4.7.2 Railroads shall be standard gauge and shall meet design, condition, and
maintenance requirements for yards and terminals track systems as defined
4.7.3 Loading, unloading, and scale stations shall be designed to be level.
4.7.4 The rail unit weight and rail type shall be selected to be compatible with the
existing rail system and to provide the desired design life according to the
intended service and availability.
4.7.5 A drainage system shall be designed to drain the ballast and subgrade.
Perforated underdrain systems shall be provided between parallel tracks and
if adjacent grade is near the same elevation or higher than the railroad track.
4.7.6 A geosynthetic material shall be installed between the subgrade and ballast if
recommended by geotechnical engineer to prevent fouling of the ballast.
4.7.7 Ballast section shall remain level with top of tie between adjacent tracks to
provide level walking surface area.
4.7.8 Unless otherwise specified in PIP CVC01017 and PIP CVC01018, railroads
shall be designed in accordance with the following:
a. Railroad clearances shall be in accordance with PIP PNE00003.
b. Unless otherwise specified, rail shall be AREMA Class 1 relay.
c. Unless otherwise required by the local operating railroad, turnouts on
tracks shall be No. 8 minimum.

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d. The maximum grade, unless otherwise required by local topography,

shall be 2%.
e. The maximum degree of curvature shall be 10 degrees.
f. Ballast shall be size AREMA No. 5 material with properties meeting
AREMA limiting values.
g. Ballast depth shall be a minimum of 8 inches (200 mm) from bottom of
h. Sub-ballast shall be in accordance with AREMA and geotechnical
engineer’s recommendations.

4.8 Roadways, Area Paving, and Surfacing

4.8.1 Roadways and area paving shall be in accordance with PIP PNE00003.
4.8.2 ADA accessible parking spaces shall be designed in accordance with the
2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
Comment: The engineer can also refer to the Guidance on the 2010 ADA
Standards for Accessible Design document for more information.
4.8.3 Roadways and Area paving shall be designed using materials and methods
specified in PIP CVC01017 and/or PIP CVC01018.
4.8.4 Surfacing for the following areas shall be as specified in the PIP CVC01017
and/or PIP CVC01018 data sheets or as otherwise designated by the owner.
See PIP CVE02350, PIP CVE02350M and PIP CVI02350 for information on
various surfacing options.
a. Sidewalks
b. Roadways, streets, or drives
c. Process equipment areas
d. Maintenance areas
e. Loading or unloading areas
f. Parking or storage areas
4.8.5 Roadways Unless otherwise specified by the owner, roads shall be designed in
accordance with PIP CVE02350 or PIP CVE02350M. Design drawings shall show all pavement and road requirements
including location, width, thickness of base course and pavement,
pavement type, grades, geometry, joint types and locations, shoulder
details, curbs, signage, drainage features, and materials.

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4.8.6 Concrete Area Paving For concrete materials and construction, see PIP CVS02350 and
PIP STS03001. Unless specified otherwise in PIP CVC01017 and/or
PIP CVC01018, roadways and paving shall be designed in
accordance with the following requirements:
a. Concrete area paving may be of the following types:
1) Jointed plain concrete paving (JPCP) (Section
2) Jointed reinforced concrete paving (JRCP) (Section
3) Roller-compacted concrete paving (RCCP) (Section
b. Rigid pavement shall be designed based on the modulus of
subgrade reaction (k) determined or calculated at the top of the
base course.
c. See PIP CVE02350 or PIP CVE02350M for design procedures for
concrete pavements.
d. See PIP CVI02350 for pavement thicknesses and joint
construction and spacing information.
e. Area paving shall be curbed where needed to contain chemicals or
hydrocarbons. Containment curbs shall be a minimum of 6 inches
(150 mm) wide and as tall as required to contain the material.
f. Pavement shall be divided into sections or catchment areas.
Catchment areas shall be sloped to sewer inlets to provide rapid
removal of storm water, firewater, or hydrocarbon spills.
g. Minimum slope for area paving shall be 1% unless otherwise
h. Pavement subject to chemical attack shall be designed with an
appropriate protective coating or admixture.
i. For additional information on area paving and parking lots, see
ACI 330R. Jointed Plain Concrete Paving (JPCP)
JPCP is unreinforced and shall be designed according to the methods
and procedures of PIP CVE02350 or PIP CVE02350M. The
provisions of Section 4.8.3 shall be applied to the design. Jointed Reinforced Concrete Paving (JRCP)
JRCP is reinforced and shall be designed according to the methods
and procedures of PIP CVE02350 or PIP CVE02350M. The
provisions of Section 4.8.3 shall be applied to the design.

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Civil Design Criteria January 2013 Roller-Compacted Concrete Paving (RCCP)

1. RCCP may be used for most of the applications listed in the
previous section for JPCP at the owner’s option. RCCP should be
considered for area paving where heavy forklifts greater than
15,000-lb (6,800 kg) capacity or other heavy equipment operate,
such as in container yards.
2. RCCP shall be designed according to the methods and procedures
described in PCA SN298.
4.8.7 Gravel or Crushed Stone Surfacing
1. For area paving around exterior electrical equipment enclosures and at
other locations that are not subject to leaks or spills, crushed stone or
similar locally available material may be used.
2. Gravel or crushed stone surfacing shall be placed to a minimum
compacted thickness of 3 inches (75 mm).
4.8.8 Asphaltic Concrete Roadway and Area Paving
Asphaltic Concrete shall be designed according to the methods and
procedures of PIP CVE02350 or PIP CVE02350M. The provisions of
Section 4.8.3 shall be applied to the design.

4.9 Curbs, Gutters, and Walkways

4.9.1 Walkways and roadway crossings shall be provided to connect the parking
lot, gatehouse, administration building, cafeteria, process buildings, etc., for
safe pedestrian travel. Accessible routes including curbs, gutters, walkways,
and roadway crossings shall be designed to comply with 2010 ADA
Standards for Accessible Design. The engineer can also refer to the Guidance
on the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design document for more
4.9.2 The walkway subbase shall be in accordance with PIP CVS02100.
4.9.3 Walkway grades without steps shall not exceed 6%.
4.9.4 Finished grades shall be shown on the design drawings.

4.10 Sewers
4.10.1 General Sewers and drainage systems shall be designed to protect the
atmosphere, soil, surface water, and groundwater from
contamination and to provide safe, economical collection and flow
of all sewage to treatment and/or holding facilities and
subsequently to approved disposal. If specified by owner, open channel ditches and basins that
potentially convey or retain groundwater contaminants
(e.g., firewater runoff) shall be lined. Lining material shall meet
owner-specified permeability requirements.

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Civil Design Criteria January 2013 If specified by owner, each sewer system shall be designed for

increased flow from future sewer extension or from changes in
surfaces that change the runoff coefficients. Unless the owner has provided written notice that the downstream
system can accommodate the additional flow, existing systems to
which new systems will connect shall be reviewed to verify service
compatibility and to ensure that sufficient capacity is available to
accept the additional flow. Manholes
1. Manholes shall be located at spacing intervals to facilitate
maintenance, inspection, and cleaning.
2. Manholes or cleanouts shall be provided at changes in
horizontal direction.
3. Maximum spacing of manholes shall be 200 ft (60 m) for
sewers less than or equal to 12 inches (300 mm) in diameter
and shall be 500 ft (150 m) for sewers larger than 12 inches
(300 mm) in diameter. Sewer Proximity
1. Sanitary and process sewers shall be designed to cross under
potable water lines.
2. Unless otherwise required by local codes, a minimum of
24-inches (600-mm) vertical clearance and 48-inches
(1,200-mm) horizontal clearance shall be provided if sanitary
or process sewers parallel a potable water line.
3. If a potable water line crosses a sanitary or process sewer line,
one segment of the potable water line pipe shall be centered
over the sanitary or process sewer line such that the joints of
the potable water line pipe are equidistant and at least 9 ft
(2.7 m) horizontally from the sanitary or process sewer line.
The potable water line shall cross at least 24 inches (600 mm)
above the sanitary or process sewer line. Minimum pipe sizes shall be 4 inches (100 mm) for lateral sewers
and 8 inches (200 mm) for main sewers.
4.10.2 Storm Sewers and Drainage Storm sewers and drainage structures shall be designed to carry
runoff from the larger of a rain event or firewater discharge as
specified in PIP CVC01017 and PIP CVC01018 provided by the
owner. Unless otherwise specified, maximum inlet times shall be taken as
15 minutes for process areas with catch basin spacing of
approximately 100 ft (30 m).

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Civil Design Criteria January 2013 Inlet times for large undeveloped areas shall be determined for
each project with special consideration for future development but
shall not exceed 30 minutes unless otherwise specified by the
owner. Piping design flow depth shall not exceed 2/3 of the pipe diameter. The minimum design velocity shall be 3 fps (0.9 m/s) at design
4.10.3 Sanitary Sewers
The minimum design velocity shall be 2 fps (0.6 m/s) with pipe flowing half
full at maximum flow rate.
4.10.4 Process Sewers Underground process sewers shall be designed to protect against
groundwater contamination. Underground process sewers shall be designed to prevent potential
leakage caused by anticipated corrosion, surface loads, shifting
soils, water tables, etc., for the owner’s specified design life. Underground process sewer joining systems shall be welded,
fused, or glued unless otherwise specified. Underground process sewers shall be designed in accordance with
owner’s Process Safety Management (PSM), environmental, and
health requirements. Process sewer designs shall be in accordance with regulations in
EPA 40 CFR. Vents
1. Sewers requiring vents shall be specified by owner or shall be
required on the basis of the properties of the chemicals
contained in the sewers.
2. Collection systems shall be trapped and sealed to prevent
personnel exposure to emissions.
3. Sewers and sewer vents shall be designed to comply with
regulations for the control of volatile organic compound (VOC)
and hazardous air pollutant emissions.
4. Vents shall be located away from normal operating areas and
shall be equipped for secondary VOC emission disposal
(e.g., scrubbed, flared, etc.) if required. Design flow depth of gravity process sewers shall not exceed 3/4
of the pipe diameter with a minimum velocity of 3 fps (0.9 m/s).

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4.11 Fencing and Security

4.11.1 Chain-link fencing shall be in accordance with PIP CVS02830.
4.11.2 If a facility is deemed a “Covered Facility”, refer to the Site Security Plan
and implement appropriately risk-based measures designed to satisfy the
performance standards of Part III, U.S. Department of Homeland Security 6
CFR Part 27.

4.12 Landscaping, Seeding, and Sodding

4.12.1 Surface treatments shall be shown on the final earthwork drawings.
4.12.2 Seeding and sodding shall comply with local DOT specifications.

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