Law 1305 Reviewer
Law 1305 Reviewer
Law 1305 Reviewer
- there must be at least two persons or parties
- those that are deposit (safe keeping), pledge
(sanla), commodatum (pahiram).
1. Preparation – all the steps taken by the
parties leading to the perfection of the contract.
Parties have not yet arrived to an agreement.
3. Mutuality (Art. 1308) – that contract is
binding to both parties
- parties are also bound to all the consequences
1. If the contract has STIPULATION 1. Lessor vs. sub lessors – Arts. 1651,
2. re IN FAVOR of a THIRD person
3. the contracting parties has CLEAR AND
FAVOR upon the third person
4. Third person COMMUNICATED his
A (lessor) leased B (lessee) a room. B find it too
acceptance to such stipulation
large for him, hence, he subsequently leased it
to C (sub lessee; making B a sub-lessor). Hence,
C will be liable for all the acts agreed upon
stipulation pour autrui is a stipulation in a originally by A and B with regards to the use
contract clearly and deliberately conferring a and preservation of the thing leased.
favor upon a third person who has a right to
demand its fulfillment provided he
communicates his acceptance to such.
2. Laborers/materialmen vs. Owner –
Art. 1729
4. Article 1314
Article 1321. the person making the offer may
fix the time, place and the manner of
*example ni Sir, A is the exclusive distributor acceptance, all must be complied with.
ng Nike Shoes; while X, induces the contractor
of A to also allow him sell Nike shoes in a lower
price, without the knowledge/consent of A.
Article 1322. If offer is made thru an agent,
the offer is accepted from the time the same is
Article 1323. When does an offer becomes
– instance when the contract is entered into the
name of another who is not the authorized
person or representative
1. death
– Unenforceable in nature
2. civil interdiction
– but can be cured by ratification
3. insanity
4. insolvency OF EITHER PARTY
Art. 1318
- no contract unless the following elements are
– when the period of the offer's acceptance is
certain, it is withdrawable until it is not yet
Article 1328.
– if a party knew about the doubt, contingency
or risk affecting the object of the contact, it is
– contracts entered into during lucid interval is presumed that he was willing to take a chance
– the false notion of thing or a fact material to 2. it must be as to the legal effect of an
the contract agreement
3. it must frustrate the real purpose of the
Mistake of fact to which law refers:
(Art. 1339)
- a neglect or failure to communicate that into the contract (happens at the stage of
which a party to a contract knows and ought to perfection)
communicate constitute concealment.
RIGHTS as Object
b. Relative – when it arises from the
special circumstance of the case (ex. To make
payment to a dead person)
GEN RULE: All rights may be the object of a
2. Legal – when the thing or service is contrary
to public morals, law, good customs, public
EXCEPTION: order or policy (ex. Selling prohibited drugs)
Affects the contract's Does not render the Ex. X promised to give Y P1,000.00 as payment
for the past services allegedly rendered by Y
validity contract void
which in truth have not been rendered. Here,
Art. 1352. Requisites of Cause the cause of X, which is the renumeration, is
erroneous as it is based upon facts believed to
be existing but really inexistent.
1. It must exist (no cause, no effect)
5. Failure of cause
- maybe in oral, writing or partly oral and
- if the seller failed to realize the price or does partly in writing.
not deliver the thing to buyer = BREACH
-REMEDY: Rescission
- if in writing, it may be in a public or private
- all its terms must be in writing
3. concealment (1363)
REFORMATION OF INSTRUMENTS - when one party was mistaken and the other
(Art. 1359) knew that the instrument did not state their
real agreement but concealed it to the former.
- if the language is clear, the contract is Rules in case of doubts are impossible to settle
interpreted in its literal meaning (Art.
1370) (1378)
- Evident intention of parties prevail over the 1. when despite application of the preceding
terms of contract rules, certain doubts still exist, such will be
resolved in accordance with the supplementary
rules like the least transmission of rights and
interests shall prevail.
- in judging the intention of the
contracting parties, their
contemporaneous and subsequent acts
ex. R gave his car to E, it is not clear whether it
is commodatum or donation. Hence, it should ward – a person under guardianship by reason
be presumed as mere commodatum because it of some incapacity.
would transmit lesser rights than a donation.
2. Contracts agreed upon in
(Art. 1380) representation of absentees; the latter
suffered ¼ of the value of the object
1. the contracting parties must be validly 1. there must be a credit prior to the contract to
agreed upon (1380) be rescinded;
2. there must be lesion to one of the 2. there must be fraud on the part of the debtor
parties or to a third person (1381) which may be presumed or proved;
* contracts that are rescissible: 3. the creditor cannot recover his credit in any
other manner; debtor's insolvency is not
1. contracts entered into in behalf of
wards, the latter suffered ¼ of the value
of the object 4. contracts which refer to things under
- Ex. S sues B for the recovery of a parcel of
land. In this case, the land is a “thing under Art. 1385 EFFECT OF RESCISSION
litigation”. Hence, if during the pendency of the
case, B sells the land to C without S approval,
the sale is rescissible by S. 1. Obligation of mutual restitution
- when the parties declare a contract to be
5. Other instances rescinded, the parties must return to each
other (a) the object of the contract with its
fruits and (b) the price thereof with legal
2. Abrogation of contract
- the party seeking rescission cannot ask
1. Rescission on account of breach is not performance as to part and rescission as to
predicated on injury to economic interests but remainder
on the breach of faith by the defendant that
violates the reciprocity between the parties. It
is not a subsidiary action. WHEN RESCISSION IS NOT ALLOWED?
2. On the other hand, rescission by reason of 1. If the party who demands rescission cannot
lesion, the cause of action is subordinate to the return what he is obliged to restore under the
existence of the prejudice. contract (1385, p.1)
Art. 1382 Payments made in the state of 2. if the property is legally in possession of a
insolvency are rescissible third person who acted in good faith (1385, p.2)
Action entered into by From the time the 1. In a contract entered into by an incapacitated
minors or other guardianship ceases person:
incapacitated persons - guardian, or
*discovery of fraud must be reckoned to have - the injured party himself provided he is
taken place from the execution of the contract already capacitated
- if the contract is annulled, the parties must Art. 1401. Extinguishment of action for
restore to each other the subject matter of the annulment
contract with its fruits and the price thereof
with legal interest.
- if the person who has the right to institute an
action will not be able to restore the thing he is
- in obligations to render service, the value obliged to return because the thing is lost thru
thereof shall be the basis for damages his fraud or fault
Art. 1399. person who is not obliged to - if the right of action is based upon the
any restitution incapacity of any one of the contracting parties,
the loss of the thing shall not be an obstacle to
the success of the action
- when the defect of the contract consists in the
incapacity of one of the parties, the
incapacitated person is not obliged to make any except: if the said loss took place through the
restitution fraud or fault of the plaintiff
except: insofar as to what he has been Art. 1402 effect where a party cannot
benefited by the thing or price received by him restore what he is bound to return
- if the thing to be returned is lost without the - in effect, there will be no annulment if the
fault o the person obliged to make restitution,
party cannot restore what he is bound to return.
- those entered into in the name of another
person by one who has been given no authority
or legal representation or who has acted beyond
his powers.
Art. 1407.
Inexistent contracts – refer to agreements 6. Contracts where the intention of the parties
which lack one or some or all the elements relative to the object cannot be ascertained
which are essential for the existence of a
7. Contracts expressly prohibited or declared
void by law
1. contracts upon future inheritance
1. Cannot be ratified (1409, p.2)
2. sale of property between husband and wife
2. the right to set-up defense of illegality cannot
3. purchase of property by persons who are
be waived
specially disqualified by law (like guardians,
3. the action for the declaration of inexistence agents, etc.) because of their position or relation
does not prescribed with the person or property under their care.
1. Contracts whose cause, object or purpose is Art. 1411. Rules where contract is illegal and
contrary to law, etc. the act constitutes criminal offense
2. Contracts which are absolutely simulated or 1. where both parties re in pari delicto (in equal
fault) : 3. the court considers that public interest will be
subserved by allowing recovery
- both parties shall have no action against each
other Art. 1415. Recovery by an incapacitated
- both shall be prosecuted
- the things or the price of the contract shall be
confiscated in favor of the government - Exception to the Articles 1411-1412.
Art. 1412. Rules where contract is illegal but - recovery can be allowed if one of the parties
the act is not a criminal offense is incapacitated
1. where both parties in pari delicto: Ex. if X is a minor or an insane person, the
court may allow X to recover the money paid if
- neither party may recover what he has given
the interest of justice so demands.
by virtue of the contracts
- neither party may demand the performance of
the other's undertaking Art. 1416. Recovery where contract not
illegal per se
Art. 1414. Recovery where contract for an Art. 1417. Recovery of amount paid in excess
illegal purpose of ceiling price
- allows recovery by one of the parties even
both parties have acted contrary to law
Art. 1418. Recovery to additional
compensation for service rendered beyond
time limit
1. the contract is for an illegal purpose;
2. the contract is repudiated before the purpose
has been accomplished or before the damage Ex. when in a contract, the laborer undertakes
has been caused to a third person; to work longer than the maximum period fixed,
he may demand additional compensation.
Art. 1419. Recovery of amount of wage less
than minimum fixed