9.4 Tic-Tac-Toe: EE108 Class Notes

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172 EE108 Class Notes

first round.
Each match in the tournament is performed using a magnitude comparator
(Section 8.5). To break ties in favor of the lower number input, the magnitude
comparator computes a signal c1gt0 that is true if in1 ¿ in0. If they are tied,
this signal is false, indicating that in0 has won the match. A similar comparison
is made between in3 and in2.
To select the competitors for the second round, two 2:1 multiplexers (Sec-
tion 8.2) are used. Each multiplexer selects the winner of a first round match
using the comparator output as the select signal.
A third magnitude comparator performs the second round match - compar-
ing the two winners output by the multiplexers. The output of this second
round comparator is the MSB of the priority arbiter. If this signal is true, the
winner is in2 or in3; if its false, the winner is in0 or in1.
To get the LSB of the priority arbiter output, we select the output of the
winning first round comparator. This is accomplished with a single-bit-wide 2:1
multiplexer controlled by the output of the final comparator.

9.4 Tic-Tac-Toe
In this section we develop a combinational circuit that plays the game of tic-tac-
toe. Given a starting board position, it selects the square on which to play its
next move. Being a combinational circuit, it can only play one move. However,
it can easily be transformed into a sequential circuit (Chapter 14) that plays an
entire game.
Our first task is to decide how to represent the playing board. We represent
the input board position as two nine-bit vectors: one xin encodes the position
of the X’s and the other oin encodes the position of the O’s. We map each nine-
bit vector to the board as shown in Figure 9.10(a). The upper left corner is the
LSB and the bottom right corner is the MSB. For example, the board shown in
Figure 9.10(b) is represented by xin = 100000001 and oin = 00011000. For a
legal board position, xin and oin must be orthogonal. That is xin ∧ oin = 0.
Strictly speaking, a legal board should also have NO ≥ NX ≥ NO − 1, where
NO is the number of bits set in oin and NX is the number of bits set in xin. If
X goes first, the input should always have equal numbers of bits set in the two
inputs. If O goes first, the input will always have one more bit set in oin than
in xin.
Our output will also be a nine-bit vector xout that indicates which position
our circuit will be playing. A legal move must be orthogonal to both input
vectors. On the next turn xin will be replaced by the OR of the old xin and
xout and the opponent will have added a bit to oin.
Now that we have represented the board, our next step is to structure our
circuit. A useful structure is as a set of ordered strategy modules that each
apply a strategy to generate the next move. The highest priority module that is
able to generate a move is selected. For example, a good set of strategy modules
Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by W.J Dally, all rights reserved 173

// 4-input Priority Arbiter
// Outputs the index of the input with the highest value
// Inputs:
// in0, in1, in2, in3 - n-bit binary input values
// Out:
// out - 2-bit index of the input with the highest value
// We pick the "winning" output via a tournament.
// In the first round we compare in0 against in1 and in2 against in3
// The second round compares the winners of the first round.
// The MSB comes from the final round, the LSB from the selected first round.
// Ties are given to the lower numbered input.
module PriorityArbiter(in0, in1, in2, in3, out) ;
parameter n = 8 ; // width of inputs
input [n-1:0] in0, in1, in2, in3 ;
output [1:0] out ;
wire [n-1:0] match0winner, match1winner ;
wire [1:0] out ;

// first round of tournament

MagComp #(n) round0match0(in1, in0, c1gt0) ; // compare in0 and in1
MagComp #(n) round0match1(in3, in2, c3gt2) ; // compare in2 and in3

// select first round winners

Mux2 #(n) match0(in0, in1, {c1gt0, ~c1gt0}, match0winner) ;
Mux2 #(n) match1(in2, in3, {c3gt2, ~c3gt2}, match1winner) ;

// compare round0 winners

MagComp #(n) round1(match1winner, match0winner, out[1]) ;

// select winning LSB index

Mux2 #(1) winningLSB(c1gt0, c3gt2, {out[1], ~out[1]}, out[0]) ;

Figure 9.9: Verilog description of a four-input priority arbiter.

174 EE108 Class Notes

0 1 2 X
3 4 5 O O
6 7 8 X

(a) (b)

Figure 9.10: Representation of tic-tac-toe board: (a) Mapping a bit vector to

the board. (b) Board represented by xin = 100000001, oin = 00011000.

1. Win: If a move will complete three-in-a-row do it.

2. Don’t lose: If a move will block an opponent with two-in-a-row do it.

3. Pick first open square: Traversing the board in a particular order, pick
the first square that is open.

A selection circuit combines the inputs from our modules and selects the
highest priority module with an output. With this modular design, we can
easily add more strategy modules later to refine the ability our our circuit.
The top-level module for our tic-tac-toe move generator is shown in Fig-
ure 9.11 and the Verilog for this module is given in Figure 9.12. It instantiates
four modules: two instances of TwoInArray, and one instance each of Empty and
Select3. The first TwoInArray module finds spaces (if any) where a play would
cause us to win - that is spaces where there is a row, column, or diagonal with
two Xs and no Os. The second TwoInArray module finds spaces (if any) where
if we didn’t play, the opponent could win on their next play - spaces where a
row, column or diagonal has two Os and no Xs. We use the same module for
both the win and the block strategies because they require the same function -
just with the Xs and Os reversed. The next module Empty finds the first empty
space according to a particular ordering of the spaces. The ordering picks empty
spaces in order of their strategic value. Finally, the module Select3 takes the
three outputs of the previous modules and selects the highest-priority move.
Most of the work in our tic-tac-toe implementation is done by the TwoInArray
module shown in Figure 9.13. This module creates eight instances of the
TwoInRow module (Figure 9.14). Each TwoInRow module checks one line (row,
column, or diagonal). If the line being checked has two bits of a true and no
bits of b true, a 1 is generated in the position of the open space. The module
consists of three four-input AND gates, one for each of the three positions being
checked. Note that we only check one bit of b in each AND gate since we are
assuming that the inputs are legal, so that if a bit of a is true, the corresponding
bit of b is false.
Three instances of TwoInRow check the rows producing their result into the
nine-bit vector rows. If a bit of rows is true, playing an a into the corresponding
space will complete a row. Similarly three instances of TwoInRow check the three
Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by W.J Dally, all rights reserved 175




ain a


block xout
cout b out
9 9
bin c

don't lose


first open square

Figure 9.11: High-level design of the tic-tac-toe module. Three strategy modules
accept the inputs, xin and oin, and compute possible moves to win, not lose,
or pick an empty square. The Select3 module then picks the highest priority
of these possible moves to be the next move.
176 EE108 Class Notes

// TicTacToe
// Generates a move for X in the game of tic-tac-toe
// Inputs:
// xin, oin - (9-bit) current positions of X and O.
// Out:
// xout - (9-bit) one hot position of next X.
// Inputs and outputs use a board mapping of:
// 0 | 1 | 2
// ---+---+---
// 3 | 4 | 5
// ---+---+---
// 6 | 7 | 8
// The top-level circuit instantiates strategy modules that each generate
// a move according to their strategy and a selector module that selects
// the highest-priority strategy module with a move.
// The win strategy module picks a space that will win the game if any exists.
// The block strategy module picks a space that will block the opponent
// from winning.
// The empty strategy module picks the first open space - using a particular
// ordering of the board.
module TicTacToe(xin, oin, xout) ;
input [8:0] xin, oin ;
output [8:0] xout ;
wire [8:0] win, block, empty ;

TwoInArray winx(xin, oin, win) ; // win if we can

TwoInArray blockx(oin, xin, block) ; // try to block o from winning
Empty emptyx(~(oin | xin), empty) ; // otherwise pick empty space
Select3 comb(win, block, empty, xout) ; // pick highest priority

Figure 9.12: Top-level Verilog description for our tic-tac-toe move generator.
Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by W.J Dally, all rights reserved 177

// TwoInArray
// Indicates if any row or column or diagonal in the array has two pieces of
// type a and no pieces of type b. (a and b can be x and o or o and x)
// Inputs:
// ain, bin - (9 bits) array of types a and b
// Output:
// cout - (9 bits) location of space to play in to complete row, column
// or diagonal of a.
// If more than one space meets the criteria the output may have more than
// one bit set.
// If no spaces meet the criteria, the output will be all zeros.
module TwoInArray(ain, bin, cout) ;
input [8:0] ain, bin ;
output [8:0] cout ;

wire [8:0] cout ;

wire [8:0] rows, cols ;
wire [2:0] ddiag, udiag ;

// check each row

TwoInRow topr(ain[2:0],bin[2:0],rows[2:0]) ;
TwoInRow midr(ain[5:3],bin[5:3],rows[5:3]) ;
TwoInRow botr(ain[8:6],bin[8:6],rows[8:6]) ;

// check each column

TwoInRow leftc({ain[6],ain[3],ain[0]},
{cols[6],cols[3],cols[0]}) ;
TwoInRow midc({ain[7],ain[4],ain[1]},
{cols[7],cols[4],cols[1]}) ;
TwoInRow rightc({ain[8],ain[5],ain[2]},
{cols[8],cols[5],cols[2]}) ;

// check both diagonals

TwoInRow dndiagx({ain[8],ain[4],ain[0]},{bin[8],bin[4],bin[0]},ddiag) ;
TwoInRow updiagx({ain[6],ain[4],ain[2]},{bin[6],bin[4],bin[2]},udiag) ;

//OR together the outputs

assign cout = rows | cols |
{ddiag[2],1’b0,1’b0,1’b0,ddiag[1],1’b0,1’b0,1’b0,ddiag[0]} |
{1’b0,1’b0,udiag[2],1’b0,udiag[1],1’b0,udiag[0],1’b0,1’b0} ;

Figure 9.13: Verilog description of the TwoInArray module.

178 EE108 Class Notes

// TwoInRow
// Indicates if a row (or column, or diagonal) has two pieces of type a
// and no pieces of type b. (a and b can be x and o or o and x)
// Inputs:
// ain, bin - (3 bits) row of types a and b.
// Outputs:
// cout - (3 bits) location of empty square if other two are type a.
module TwoInRow(ain, bin, cout) ;
input [2:0] ain, bin ;
output [2:0] cout ;

wire [2:0] cout ;

assign cout[0] = ~bin[0] & ~ain[0] & ain[1] & ain[2] ;

assign cout[1] = ~bin[1] & ain[0] & ~ain[1] & ain[2] ;
assign cout[2] = ~bin[2] & ain[0] & ain[1] & ~ain[2] ;

Figure 9.14: Verilog description of the TwoInRow module. This module outputs
a 1 in the empty position of a row that contains two bits of a and no bits of b.

columns for two bits of a and no bits of b, producing results into nine-bit vector
cols. The final two instances of TwoInRow check the two diagonals producing
results into three-bit vectors ddiag and udiag for the downward sloping and
upward sloping diagonals.
After checking the rows, columns, and diagonals, the final assign statement
combines the results into a single 9-bit vector by ORing together the individual
components. The rows and cols vectors are combined directly. The 3-bit
diagonal vectors are first expanded to 9-bits to place their active bits in the
appropriate positions.
The Empty module, shown in Figure 9.15 uses an arbiter (Section 8.4) to find
the first non-zero bit in its input vector. Note that the top-level has ORed the
two input vectors together and taken the complement so each 1 bit in the input
to this module corresponds to an empty space. The input vector is permuted,
using a concatenation statement, to give the priority order we want (middle
first, then corners, then edges). The output is permuted in the same order to
maintain correspondance.
The Select3 module, shown in Figure 9.16 is also just an arbiter. In this
case, a 27-bit arbiter scans all three inputs to find the first bit. This both
selects the highest priority non-zero input and also selects the first set bit of
this input. The 27-bit output of the arbiter is reduced to 9 bits by ORing the
bits corresponding to each input together.
Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by W.J Dally, all rights reserved 179

// Empty
// Pick first space not in input. Permute vector so middle comes first,
// then corners, then edges.
// Inputs:
// in - (9 bits) occupied spaces
// Outputs:
// out - (9 bits) first empty space
module Empty(in, out) ;
input [8:0] in ;
output [8:0] out ;

RArb #(9) ra({in[4],in[0],in[2],in[6],in[8],in[1],in[3],in[5],in[7]},

{out[4],out[0],out[2],out[6],out[8],out[1],out[3],out[5],out[7]}) ;

Figure 9.15: Verilog description of a Empty module. This module uses an arbiter
to find the first empty space searching first the middle space, then the four
corners, then the four edges.

// Select3
// Picks the highest priority bit from 3 9-bit vectors
// Inputs:
// a, b, c - (9 bits) Input vectors
// Outputs:
// out - (9 bits) One hot output has a bit set (if any) in the highest
// position of the highest priority input.
module Select3(a, b, c, out) ;
input [8:0] a, b, c;
output [8:0] out ;
wire [26:0] x ;

RArb #(27) ra({a,b,c},x) ;

wire [8:0] out = x[26:18] | x[17:9] | x[8:0] ;


Figure 9.16: Verilog description of the Select3 module. A 27-input arbiter is

used to find the first set bit of the highest priority strategy module. A three-way
OR combines the arbiter outputs.
180 EE108 Class Notes

It is worth pointing out that the entire tic-tac-toe module is at the bot-
tom level built entire from just two module types: TwoInRow, and RArb. This
demonstrates the utility of combinational building blocks.
A simple test bench for the tic-tac-toe module is shown in Figure 9.17. The
test bench instantiates two copies of the TicTacToe module. One plays X and
the other plays O. The test bench starts by checking the module that plays X,
called dut in the test bench, with some directed testing. The five vectors check
empty, win, and block strategies and check row, column, and diagonal patterns.
After the five directed patterns, the test bench plays a game of TicTacToe
by ORing the outputs of each module into its input to compute the input for the
next round. The results of the game (obtained by writing a script to massage
the output of the $display statements) is shown in Figure 9.18.
The game starts with an empty board. The empty rule applies and X plays
to the center - our highest priority empty space. The empty rule applies for the
next two turns as well and O and X take the top two corners. At this point X
has two in a row, so the block rule applies and O plays to the bottom left corner
(position 6) completing the first row of the figure.
The second row of the figure starts with the block rule causing X to play on
the left edge (position 3). O then blocks X in the middle row. At this point
empty cause X to take the remaining corner. In the last two moves empty causes
O and X to fill the two remaining open spaces. The game ends in a draw.
The verification performed by this test bench is by no means adequate to ver-
ify proper module operation. Many combinations of inputs have not been tried.
To thoroughly verify the module a checker is required. This would typically be
implemented in a high-level programming language (like “C”) and interfaced
to the simulator. Proper operation would then be verified by comparing the
simulation results to the high-level language model. One hopes that the same
mistake would not be made in both models.
Once a checker is in place, we still need to pick the test vectors. After a
bit more directed testing (e.g., win, block, near-win, and near-block on all eight
lines) we could take two approaches. We could exhaustively test the module.
There are 218 input cases. Depending on how fast our simulator runs we may
have time to try them all. Alternatively, if we don’t have time for exhaustive
testing, we could apply random testing, randomly generating input patterns and
checking the resulting outputs.

9.5 Exercises
9–1 Multiple of 5 circuit. Using an approach similar to the multiple-of-3 circuit
of Section 9.1, design a multiple-of-5 circuit that outputs true iff its 8-
bit input is a multiple of 5. (Optional, code your design in Verilog and
exhaustively verify it with a test bench.)

9–2 Calendar circuit. Recode the NextDayOfWeek module so it will work with
arbitrary definitions of the constants ‘SUNDAY, ‘MONDAY, ..., ‘SATURDAY.

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