Postal Rule

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Postal Rule



Name | Alexander Richmond Bin MindiongDouglas Lim Teng YangYang

Xi |

Student I.D | |

Submission Date | 20th Sept 2010 |

Words Count | 1732 Words |

Subject Code | DL2(Law of Contract) |

Assignment Question:

You are requested to write an assignment on the 'Rationale & relevance

of the postal rule of acceptance in the 21st century' by analyzing the
possibility of acceptance by post according to the current practice.

(You can supply your reasoning for the rule, cite the relevant case laws,
search for articles written on this & conclude with your opinion as to
whether it need to be abolished or not & why?)


| | Pages |

| Questions | 2 |

II | Content | 3 |

III | Introduction | 4-5 |

IV | Traditional View | 5-6 |

V | Modern View | 6-8 |

VI | Conclusion | 8-9 |
VII | Bibliography | 10 |

Introduction of Postal Rule

To form a contract, it usually requires offer and acceptance. Acceptance

is an expression by words or conduct of assent to the terms of the offer.
It shall be clear, unequivocal and unconditional as prescribed by the
offeror. It is a moment when contract exist (that there is consensus ad
idem). The general rule of acceptance is been stated in the case of
Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corporation, Lord Denning claims that an
acceptance does not usually valid until it is reached to the knowledge of
the offeror. This principal also applies to others modes of
communications which are (a) Instantaneous means of communication,
(b) Postal rule and (c) Others mode of communication.

However, the postal rule is an exception towards general rule for the
acceptance. The traditional postal rule stated that the acceptance is
valid once it is posted rather than it reaches the knowledge of the
offeror. The main reason for this rule is historical, since it dates from a
time when a communication through the post was even slower and less
reliable than today. This traditional view actually leads to TWO (2) major

(i) There is a delay between the time it is posted which depending to the
distance; and

(ii) There is a small risk due to difficulties of the address may leads to
further delay or not reached at all .

The age of the earth is around 4600 million years; however it is only 1.8
million years since the evolution of Homo sapiens. We have been gone
through Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and currently in the “Silicon
Age”. Apparently the world is entering a Hi-Tech and modern era. In this
era, the mode of communication can take many forms: face to face
conversations, online business conference, telephone, letters, faxes, or
email. A question arises here, as the coming of the next stage of human
development, does the postal rules still remains its traditional view?
Does the postal rule apply to the modern era communication such as
email, courier and others? If yes, how to solve the major problems? If
no, what should be the rule of acceptance for the modern era?

Traditional view of Postal Rule

The communication by post may be leads a delay between the sending
of an acceptance and reach the knowledge of the offeror. The postal rule
origin in the case of Adam v Lindsell, the court held that to require a
posted acceptance to arrive at its destination before it could be effective
would be impractical and inefficient. This is due to the offeree would not
be able to do anything or take any action on the contract until the offeror
receive the acceptance. The court felt that this might resulting an ad
infinitum situation and do not help in promote business. Things go a bit
differently because the postal rule do not only apply to the post but also
apply to other non-instantaneous mode of communication.

In the case of Cowan v O’Connor, the postal rule also applies to

telegram. It is held that once the telegram is placed in the Post Office,
the validity of the acceptance comes immediately. Nowadays, there is no
more telegram service; however, postal rule binds to the telemessage
service which replaces the telegram service.

The application of the postal rule was differ from cases to cases. In the
case of Henthorn v Fraser, the postal rule was applied due to the offeree
and offeror are based on different towns. The court felt that despite of
handed over in person, postal acceptance is much more reasonable.

Telex service was normally an instantaneous mode of communication. In

the case of Entores v Miles Far East Corporation, The House of Lords
has held that the acceptance only valid until it receive by the plaintiff
which is the offeror. This approach also binds in the case of Brinkibon v
Stahag Stahl GmbH. This is because the telex machine has almost
immediately received and printed out, which if do not reach the
knowledge of the other party, the sender of the telex will need to try
again. However, in the both cases, the House of Lords do come with
such judgment due to the telex was sent and received in the normal
working hours. In the Brinkibon case, the House of Lords said that if the
telex message was sent outside working hours, it would not be
considered as an instantaneous. Therefore, to determined the
application of postal rule through mode of communication is said to be

Modern era of communication.

From the traditional views of postal rule, it is hardly to determine whether

the postal rule does remain its traditional view. This is because in the
silicon age, the speed determines everything. This perfectly fits the
approach of the postal rule whereas the contract is formed when the
acceptance is posted. To discuss this, we have seek toward three
modern mode of communication which are:

A. Courier Service

Courier is one of the modern modes of communication. Courier service

provides a delivery and logistic service to both domestic and
international. This included delivering an offer, acceptance, or legal
document. Courier services provide a service which is faster than postal
service. However, courier service is much more secure is compare to the
mailing service. This is because the courier slip is the contract between
the sender and the courier. However in the case of Re London and
Northern Bank, the court held that the acceptance must be post
properly. What occurs here is the letter of acceptance only handed to a
postman whose job is only authorized to delivered mails instead of
collecting it. This doesn’t bind courier service due to the authorities of
the courier service do have duty to deliver and collect courier. Until
today, the jurisdiction do not really apply postal rule to courier service,
but it is said that the courier service is much more secure if compare to
the mailing why postal rule should not been applied?

B. Electronic Mailing Service

Email, without doubt is an instantaneous mode of communication.

However, in the Brinkibon case, the house held that if the telex message
was sent outside working hours, it would not be considered as an
instantaneous. Question is does same approach can be use for the
email case? For the email, it is quite different from other instantaneous
modes of communication. Unlike telex and phone, it does not reach the
destination immediately. Yet, when it works properly, it occurs
instantaneously. It cannot be said there is a delay that would cost lost to
any other parties. In the 21st century, after the innovation of phones and
portable computer, getting online and receiving email is said to be as
easy as answering a phone call. Therefore, it is said to be unwise if the
postal rule being affixed to the email service.

C. Fax

Fax service combines both of the technology of telex and photocopy

machine. Therefore, it doesn’t bind itself towards the postal rule. Fax
being categorize in the instantaneous mode of communication. Thus, the
acceptance only come effect when it reach the knowledge of the offeror.


In this 21st century, it is said to be too outdated if the postal rule still
being apply in the modern era mode of communication, this is because
in nowadays, the speed determined everything and it consume less time
if compare to past. To apply postal rule in 21st century is too risky. For
example in the case of Household Fire Insurance v Grant, the postal
acceptance take effect once it is posted even if it gets lost in the post
and never reach the knowledge of the offeror. However in the courier
service, it can be entrusted for such duty, this is because if there is an
accident happen (except for Act of God) the courier service can be put
the blame on.

In email service, things can go the same, especially when sometimes

the things go wrong, if the email lost in the middle of nowhere; if the
email was delayed due to technical problem; these numerous “if”
suggested that the postal rule being applied to the email. It is also
possible that the fax service being delayed or even missing. However,
due to the development of the technology, all this mode of
communication shall be more and more reliable and instantaneous


* Should the postal acceptance rule be applied to E-Mail? – Dave Stott

* The silicon age? It’s just dawning – Otis Port, New York (1996)

* New Zealand Law Commission (Report 58) - Te Aka Matua o te Ture



* Elliot & Quinn Contract Law – Catherine Elliot & Frances Quinn (6th

* The Modern Law of Contract – Richard Stone (8th Edition)

* Oxford Contract Law - Mindy Chen – Wishart (2nd Edition)




[ 1 ]. (1955) 2 QB 327

[ 2 ]. In 18th century a letter from London to Bath takes 3 days whereas

it is only 115 miles apart. - High Society, Venetia Murray, ISBN:
0670857580, p. 2.

[ 3 ]. Household Fire Insurance Co Ltd v Grant [1879] 4 ExD 216

[ 4 ]. The silicon age? It’s just dawning – Otis Port, New York (1996)

[ 5 ]. [1818] 106 ER 250

[ 6 ]. [1888] 20 QBD 640

[ 7 ]. [1892] 2 Ch 27

[ 8 ]. [1955] 2 QB 327

[ 9 ]. [1983] 2 AC 34

[ 10 ]. [1900]

[ 11 ]. Email usually reach at the inbox (destination host) which do not

usually so any notification.

[ 12 ]. (1879) 4 ExD 216

[ 13 ]. A legal term for event outside the control of human (e.g. Natural

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