Guided Reading Lesson Plan Red Block

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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan

Reading Lesson
Emilee Rhoton Teaching date: November 14th, 2019
Kindergarten at Frances Slocum Elementary Cooperating teacher: Hannah Lindsay


“I am Important”: Each student matters, and they have a purpose.

This lesson needs to be taught, so students will understand the importance of making inferences
and providing evidence to back up their predictions. When students get older, they will have to
be able to defend their statements and beliefs with real evidence. This lesson is the basis for that

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)—
 Students will be able to make an inference/prediction
 Students will be able to use the text as evidence
 Students will be able to identify the beginning, middle and end of a story
o Guided reading group #2

B. Objective(s)—
 After completing this lesson, students will be able to predict events with two items
of evidence that supports the prediction.
 After this lesson, students will be able to go through and identify the beginning,
middle, and end of one story, by showing one page as evidence.
o Guided reading group 2
C. Standard(s):
 K.RL.1. Actively engage in group reading activates with purpose and
 K.RL.2.1. With support, ask and answer questions about main topics and key
details in a text heard or read.
 K.RL.4.1. With support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the
story in which they appear.
 K.RL.2.4 Make predictions about what will happen in a story.
II. Management Plan-
 Time per lesson element:
i. 5-10 min for mini
ii. 11min per station, and 15-20min per reading group
 Use of Space:
i. Mini-lesson/introduction on the carpet

ii. Stations at their usual spots around the room: four tables, library and
kitchen area
iii. Guided reading lesson at the back kidney table
 list of materials:
 Five copies of the book “I am invited to a party” By Mo Williams
 Five copies of the book “The Recess Queen” By Alexis O’Neill
 Construction paper
 Crayons
 Mystery bag
 Candy
 5 Party hats (group one will use (not keep) them)
 Jump rope
 Prediction Anchor chart

 Describe expectations and procedures

i. I will be using the same procedures used
currently in the classroom
ii. Students will start on the carpet for the
introduction and mini-lesson
iii. Students will be dismissed one student at a
time to the proper center.
iv. Keeping the students in their regular grouping
1. Grouping of students

v. If needed, the students at the guided reading station will stay longer to get
through the material.

III. Anticipatory set
 “Boys and Girls, when I was coming to school today, I found this mysterious bag in my
car with a note.”
 Read the note
 Students must guess/make predictions about what is in the bag
 I will start out giving a very vague hint, and as time goes on, I will give more detailed
o it is small
o you can eat it
o it is sweet
 Allow students to make a “prediction”/guess about what is in the bag
 “ok guys, I love all of these guesses you have made!”
 “But we will have to wait until we are done with our centers to find out what is on our
mystery bag and see if you guys guesses are correct.”

IV. Purpose:
Today we are going to learn how to use the pictures in the book to tell a story. We can also use
the pictures in the book to guess or predict what is going to happen. It is important because we
need to know how to make a prediction and support the prediction.


V. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners-
a. Given the reading level of the students in the classroom, I will be reading aloud to the
student in the guided reading group. (reach students will have their own book and will
follow along with me.)
b. Given personalities in the classroom, some students will not be paired together
c. For the advanced readers, I will have them read to themselves
d. Group one will be reading a book with bigger text as well as less text per page.
e. Group two will be reading a text with more abstract words and had an increased amount
of test per page.
VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)
 "What is a prediction?
 Write Prediction on the board or large post-it note.
 "Do you guys know what a prediction is?"
o Let students respond if developmentally appropriate.
o "these are all good guesses!"
 "Well, a Prediction is a guess you make based off of clues in the text or pictures."
 "When I showed you the mystery bag, you guys made predictions about what you think is
in the bag."
 "When you come to meet with me, we will be making a prediction about the book we
will be reading."
 I will be sticking with the stations and groups already put into place in the classroom
o Station 1 Writing: students will practice their writing by tracing letters
o Station 2 Free read/library: here, students can read on their own.

o Station 3 iPads: Here students will use technology in the classroom in an
educational way
o Station 4 Pom-Pom sort: here, students will sort pom-poms onto a laminated
sheet. On that sheet are the letters that we have learned so far in class; this gives
students more exposed to the letters and works on fine motor skills.
o Station 5 playdough: at this station, students are given a sheet without high-
frequency words. Students are expected to mold the playdough into the word.
o Station 6 Kitchen: this station allows the student to play and develop social skills.
o Station 7 counting: here, students practice counting objects and sorting them.
 I will probably pull this station and have students meet with Miss. Lindsay
 Guided Reading Group #1

Guided reading group 1: Kenasia, Alexa, and Jamir

Title of Text: I Am Invited to a Party By Mo Williams

Text Type or Source: Print/hard copy, Fiction picture book

Target Strategy/Teaching Point:

Making Connections
Monitoring for meaning, Inferring
Inferring, support ideas with evidence

 Before we begin, I will set out a party hat in front of each student, without saying a word.
This way I will allow students to explore and ask questions.
 I will start by asking students questions like (depending on students’ conversation during
exploration) “what are these hats? “Have you ever seen one of these before?” “Where
would you see a hat like this?”
 I will then introduce the text. “today we will each be reading this book, it is called: I Am
Invited to a Party By: Mo Williams”
 “When we see the word “By” what does that mean? Allow students to respond
 “Can anyone tell me what the word “invited” means?
o If they answer correctly, then I will move on.
o If they don’t know what the word is, I will explain.
 “Invited means that you have been asked to come to a party or special
o “Have you ever been invited to a party? Or Have you even invited someone to a
party before?”
 I will then pass out a copy of the book to each student.
 “Each of you will have a book. I will be reading the story, but I want you to read your
book while I am reading it to you.” “when it is time to turn the page, you will hear this
sound…” make the sound of a page-turning.
 “Before I start reading the book to you, I want you each to read/look at the pictures on
each page, and then I want you to make a prediction.

o Define what a prediction is
o Let students look at pictures and then let every student share their predictions.
 “Wow, I love all these great predictions, now let’s read the story to see if our predictions
were right.”
 “Now, let’s start reading. Open your book to this page.” Show students the first page.

 Read the book and pause on page 9 and ask a question
o “What do you guys think piggy is feeling right now?
o Lest students respond first if they are struggling, then prompt them with: “is he
happy. Sad, mad or excited?”
o Allow each student to respond and then continue reading.
 Stop reading on page 20 and ask students a question
o “Where do you think they are going?” “What are they getting ready to do?”
o Allow each student to respond and then continue reading.
 On page 22 stop and have the students state what the characters did.
o “what did they do?”
o Allow each student to respond and then continue reading.
 On page 34-35 have the students answer the question again.
o “Where do you think they are going?” “What are they getting ready to do?”
o Allow each student to respond and then continue reading.
 On Page 40-41 have students join in on the reading
 On page 48-49 have the students answer the questions again
o “Oh wow, they are doing it again.” “What do you think they are going to do this
o Allow each student to respond and then continue reading.
 On page 57 have the students join in on the reading.
 “With your thumbs, show me if you liked the book, if you thought it was ok, or thought it
was the worst book.”
o Allow each student to respond
 “So, where your predictions right?” “is this what you thought was going to happen in the
o Allow each student to respond
o Talk about if their prediction were right or wrong
 “What was your favorite part of the book?
o Allow each student to respond
 “Have you ever been invited to a party?”
 “What was your favorite party you have been to?”
 “Have you ever been scared to go to a party before?”
o “I have”
 “In the story do you think Piggy and Gerald were scared?”
 “Now we are going to go back and look in our book to see if we can prove if they were
scared.” So we need to find a picture that shows us that they were scared.”

 “I want you guys to go look in the book for a picture that you think shows that they were
o “Very good” prompt students if necessary.
 “Now I want you to go through the book again, and I want you to pick your favorite
 “what is happening on that page.” Ask this to each student
 “Can you tell me what is happening in this page.”
 Very good guys, thank you for all being so good and reading with me today
o Either introduce the next book or dismiss the students back to the carpet
 If time allows, we will then read “Hello Door” By: Alastair Heim and apply the skills we
just learned.
 If not, then we will do it on another day.

o Guided Reading group #2

Guided reading group 2: Addison, Dustin, and Kennedy

Title of Text: The Recess Queen By: Alexis O’Neill

Text Type or Source: Print/hard copy, Fiction picture book

Target Strategy/Teaching Point:

Inferring, support ideas with evidence

 After the students are seated, I will lay the jump rope out on the table and I will start
playing a game by myself. I will also have some balls and fidgets on the table. I will not
say anything to the students at first, until they ask me or touch one of the toys. As soon as
they sty to join in, I will tell them that they are not allowed to until I am done, because I
have to play first.
 After playing along for a little bit I will then ask the students some questions.
o “have you even had someone tell you cannot play with them?” Have you ever told
someone that?”
o Allow each student to respond
 “Today we will all be reading a story about Mean Jean, the recess queen.”
 “Boys and girls, in todays story we have some funny words that you may not know what
they mean, they are”
o smoosh’em
o lollapaloosh’em
o slammer’em
o kitz and kajammer’em
 nonsense words that mean she pushed, shoved, and to hurt someone
o howled
 yelled

o puny
 small
o loony
 silly or crazy
 “Each of you will have a book. I will be reading the story, but I want you to read your
book while I am reading it to you.” “when it is time to turn the page, you will hear this
sound…” make the sound of a page turning.
 “Before I start reading the book to you, I want you each to read/look at the pictures on
each page, and then I want you to make a prediction.
o Define what a prediction is
o Let students look at pictures and then let every student share their predictions.
 “Wow, I love all these great predictions, now let’s read the story to see if our predictions
were right.”
 Read until page 4 and ask students questions.
o “What do you think the other students are feeling at recess?”
o Allow each student to respond and then continue reading.
 Stop on page 7 and ask questions
o “What do you think it is like being new to the school?” “What do you think will
happen at recess?”
o Allow each student to respond and then continue reading.
 Briefly stop on page 10 and respond to the page
 Stop on page 14
o What do you think Katie Sue will do? Will she stop playing?”
o Allow each student to respond and then continue reading.
 Briefly stop on page 15 and respond to what just happened
 Stop on page 20
o “will mean Jean play with Katie Sue?
 After page 20 read to the end
 implement teaching point
 “With your thumbs, show me if you liked the book, thought it was ok, or thought it was
the worst book”
o Allow each student to respond
 “So, where your predictions right?” “is this what you thought was going to happen in the
o Allow each student to respond
o Talk about if their prediction were right or wrong
 “What was your favorite part of the book?
o Allow each student to respond
 “Have you ever had someone be mean to you at recess?”
o Be careful, just a yes or no answer, don’t let the students go into a long story.


 Remember we have been talking about the beginning, middle and end of a story the other
day, well we are going to go back through this story and find the beginning, middle and
end.” “you guys can look back through the book to help you.”
 “Can anyone tell me what happened in the beginning of the story?”
o Allow each student to respond
o Respond to their answers
 “Can anyone tell me what happened in the middle of the story of the story?”
o Allow each student to respond
o Respond to their answers
 “Can anyone tell me what happened in the end of the story?”
o Allow each student to respond
o Respond to their answers
 “Now I want you to go through the book again, and I want you to pick your favorite
 “what is happening on that page.” Ask this to each student
 “Can you tell me what is happening in this page.”
 Very good guys, thank you for all being so good and reading with me today
o Either introduce the next book or dismiss the students back to the carpet
 If time allows, we will then read “Waiting” By: Kevin Henkes and apply the skills we
just learned.
 If not, then we will do it on another day.

Group #2 ADAPTATION – back up plan in case we cannot find another copy of the recess

Waiting” By: Kevin Henkes

 I will have a stuffed animal waiting for each student
 We will then talk about
 “Each of you will have a book. I will be reading the story, but I want you to read your
book while I am reading it to you.” “when it is time to turn the page, you will hear this
sound…” make the sound of a page turning.
 “Before I start reading the book to you, I want you each to read/look at the pictures on
each page, and then I want you to make a prediction.
o Define what a prediction is
o Let students look at pictures and then let every student share their predictions.
 “Wow, I love all these great predictions, now let’s read the story to see if our predictions
were right.”

 Stop on page 1
o What do you think they are waiting for?
 Stop after page 4
o Ask the students what they would be waiting for
 Briefly comment on 12
o How some people come and go
 Stop on page 14
o What do you guys see
 Stop on page 21
o Make a new prediction
 Comment on page 25
o What is going on?
 implement teaching point
 “With your thumbs, show me if you liked the book, thought it was ok, or thought it was
the worst book”
o Allow each student to respond
 “So, where your predictions right?” “is this what you thought was going to happen in the
o Allow each student to respond
o Talk about if their prediction were right or wrong
 “What was your favorite part of the book?
o Allow each student to respond
 Have you ever been waiting for something?

 Remember we have been talking about the beginning, middle and end of a story the other
day, well we are going to go back through this story and find the beginning, middle and
end.” “you guys can look back through the book to help you.”
 “Can anyone tell me what happened in the beginning of the story?”
o Allow each student to respond
o Respond to their answers
 “Can anyone tell me what happened in the middle of the story of the story?”
o Allow each student to respond
o Respond to their answers
 “Can anyone tell me what happened in the end of the story?”
o Allow each student to respond
o Respond to their answers
 “Now I want you to go through the book again, and I want you to pick your favorite
 “what is happening on that page.” Ask this to each student
 “Can you tell me what is happening in this page.”
 Very good guys, thank you for all being so good and reading with me today
o Either introduce the next book or dismiss the students back to the carpet

 If time allows, we will then read The Recess Queen By: Alexis O’Neill and apply the
skills we just learned.
 If not, then we will do it on another day.

VII. Check for understanding.

 Throughout the lesson I will be asking pointed questions.
 Students will have the opportunity to share with me and their peers.
 If there is a point where my students are looking at me with a blank expression or
are not answering the questions I will stop and go back and reteach the concept.
 If time runs out, I will revisit the concept another day.

VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure

 After all the stations are done, I will gather the students back on the carpet
 I will be asking the students to think-pair-share about their favorite station and
explain why.
 I will then have some students share their answers.
 “ok guys, it is time to see what is in our mystery bag!”
 Go over the hints one more time and then reveal the mystery (candy)
i. it is small
ii. you can eat it
iii. it is sweet
 Go over predictions again’
i. “you guys came up with so really good predictions!”
ii. “Let’s see if they were right”
 Reveal the candy
 “At the end of the day I will give you each one piece of candy.”
 I will then hand control back to Miss. Lindsay


Formative assessment is the only assessment I will be using in this lesson. During the guided
reading stations, I will be asking questions about prediction. I will be having student think-pair-
share, as well as sharing with the whole class.


 How could classroom management have been better?
 How did you handle transitions?
 Should you have grouped the students differently?
 What would you change about this lesson?
 What would you keep the same?
 What did you do well?
 Did you give each students the opportunity to share?

Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Design and Assessment Rubric
Reading Lesson

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
Rationale Candidate Candidate uses Candidate uses Candidate uses
demonstrates little or understanding of how understanding of how understanding of how
no understanding of children grow and children grow and children grow and
how planning is develop across the develop across the develop across the
CAEP K-6 1.a related to how developmental developmental developmental
children grow, domains but is unable domains while domains, and is able to
develop, and learn. to state how the lesson articulating the articulate the
is related to that rationale for the theoretical foundations
knowledge. lesson. for the lesson.
The statement of
rationale describes
appropriate and
challenging learning
experiences and

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
Goals/ Lesson objectives are Lesson objectives are The lesson plan The lesson plan
Objectives/ poorly written and/or correlated with contains objectives contains clearly stated
Standards have little or no learning goals and that connect goals and content objectives.
connection to learning standards. The standards with lesson Objectives are logically
goals or standards. connection between activities and connected to
Little connection objectives and lesson assessments. appropriate goals and
INTASC 4 exists between activities and standards and are
objectives and lesson assessments is weak consistent with lesson
CAEP K-6 3.c activities and or unclear. activities and
assessments. assessments.
Instructional planning
is based on individual
student needs.
The anticipatory set is The connection The anticipatory set is The anticipatory set
missing or has little or between the clear and direct and connects the current
no connection to the anticipatory set and focuses students’ lesson with previous
goal or content of the lesson objectives and attention on the and future learning and
lesson. content is weak or lesson. focuses students’ minds
unclear. and attention on the
day’s lesson.

The statement of A statement of The statement of The statement of

purpose is ambiguous purpose is included in purpose is clearly purpose has the power
or worded so the LP, but has little connected to the to capture the
generally that the power to motivate content of the lesson imaginations of
connection with the students and capture and is presented in students and motivate
content of the lesson is their imaginations. terms that are easily them to accomplish the
not apparent. understood by expected learning.

Plan for Instruction

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate

Few or no Instructional Instructional Specific instructional
instructional opportunities are opportunities are opportunities are
opportunities are provided in this lesson; provided in this lesson. provided in this lesson
Adaptation to
included. Any however, they are not The opportunities are that demonstrate the
instructional adapted to individual developmentally candidate’s
opportunities are not students. appropriate and/or are understanding of
and Diverse
developmentally adapted to individual individual learner
appropriate or students. characteristics and how
adapted to individual these differences might
CAEP K-6 1.b
students. be used to maximize a
student’s learning.
Unique instructional
opportunities are
included for individual

Plan for Instruction, cont.

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
The candidate’s lesson The candidate’s lesson The candidate’s lesson
is somewhat demonstrates an demonstrates strong
The candidate’s developmentally understanding of developmentally
lesson is not appropriate. developmentally appropriate practice
developmentally appropriate practice. including a variety of
appropriate. The candidate’s lesson ways to teach content.
includes the basic level The candidate’s lesson
The candidate’s of modeling. includes both modeling The candidate’s plan
lesson does not use and guided practice. includes multiple ways
appropriate modeling Workstations include to model and guide
and guided practice. activities that Workstations are practice.
encourage student purposeful, literacy-
Workstations include participation, but lack based, engaging, and Workstations are
little opportunity for purpose or depth. tiered; and includes purposeful, literacy-
CAEP K-6 3.f
students to engage in relevant activities that based, engaging, and
relevant and active encourage student tiered; and support
learning. participation and student motivation
critical thinking. through relevant and
collaborative activities
to engage learners in
critical thinking and
problem solving.

The candidate’s plan The candidate’s plan is The candidate’s plan is The candidate’s plan is
is not differentiated differentiated differentiated differentiated
for subsets of according to a subset of according to learners according to learners
students or learners and includes and includes multiple and includes multiple
Differentiated individual students. multiple guided reading guided reading lessons guided reading lessons
Instruction Guided reading lessons that follow the that follow the stages in that follow the stages in
And lessons do not follow stages in the reading the reading process and the reading process and
Guided the stages in the process. that address individual address individual
Reading reading process. interests and interests and
Groups preferences for preferences for
learning. learning.
CAEP K-6 3.d
The candidate
differentiates content
by modifying difficulty,
depth, or complexity of

Little or no provision A guided practice The lesson plan Plans to check for
Check for is included to check section is included in includes a plan and the student understanding
Understandin for student the lesson plan, but the means to check for of the content are an
g understanding or to connection with the student understanding integral part of the
reteach concepts that lesson presentation is of the lesson. A lesson, and include
InTASC 4 elude students weak and/or unclear. provision is included to frequent questions and
during the initial reteach all or part of other actively engaging
presentation. the lesson to all or part forms of formative
of the class. assessment during
guided practice.
Lesson closure is not Lesson closure is weak Lesson closure relates Lesson closure is
Review included, or is not and/or poorly written. directly to the lesson clearly correlated to
Learning related to the goals purpose and/or the content of the
Outcomes/ and/or content of the objective. lesson and actively
Closure lesson. engages students in
summarizing the
InTASC 4 essential elements of
the lesson.
No independent Independent practice Assignments or Independent practice
Independent practice activities are activities are not well activities are included activities are highly
Practice/ included in the conceived and/or that provide students correlated to lesson
Extending the lesson, or activities written; student with the opportunity to objectives and content
Learning are unrelated to the accomplishment of IP practice learned skills; and lead to student
content of the lesson. activities is not likely to All activities match mastery.
InTASC 5 result in lesson lesson objectives.

Plan for Assessment

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
The lesson plan does Formative and A plan for formal and Formal and informal
Formal and not include formative summative assessment informal assessment assessments strategies
Informal assessment activities, activities are included throughout the lesson are a seamless and
Assessment or there is little or no in the lesson, but they is included. The integrated part of the
correlation between are not well correlated assessment strategies lesson. The
CAEP K-6 planned assessment to and/or do not cover are uniquely designed assessments are highly
3.a activities and lesson the full range of LP for the individual correlated to the
InTASC 6 goals and objectives. goals and objectives. students. learning objectives and
Any assessments The assessment promote continuous
included are not strategies do not intellectual, social,
developmentally promote development emotional, and
appropriate for the of each individual physical development
students. student. of each student.

Instructional Technology
The candidate seeks appropriate ways to evaluate and employ technological tools, resources, and skills as they apply to
specific content and pedagogical knowledge, assessment practices, and student achievement. The selection of
appropriate technological tools reflects the candidate’s ability to make sound instructional decisions that enable all
students to achieve the expected outcomes. InTASC Standard 7
The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate

Integration of The lesson plan The lesson plan reflects The lesson plan reflects The lesson plan reflects
Technology reflects educational insufficient or educationally sound educationally sound
decision making misaligned decision decisions regarding decisions regarding
InTASC 7 regarding available making regarding available technology available technology
technology that available technology; (including, but not (including, but not
Technology adversely impacts statements indicating limited to, instructional limited to, instructional
Thread student learning the use of instructional, and assistive and assistive
and/or fails to engage assistive, or other technologies) to technologies) that
students at the technologies are support learner needs engage students,
necessary level to written in general and the curriculum. enhance the learning
meet lesson terms or in terms process, and/or extend
objectives. unlikely to impact opportunities for
student learning. learning.

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
Reflection Self-answer Self-answer questions The lesson plan Additional self-answer
and Post- questions are not are included, but do includes all required questions are included
Lesson included in the not fit the content or self-answer questions. that specifically address
Analysis lesson plan. purposes of the lesson. Questions are included unique lesson content
to plan, monitor, and and methodology.
CAEP K-6 3.b adapt instruction based Questions are included
on the lesson to plan, monitor, and
InTASC assessments. adapt instruction based
Standard 9 on the lesson

Indiana Wesleyan University Differentiated Lesson Plan

Elementary Education—CAEP 2018 K-6 Elementary Teacher Preparation Standards
Student Teaching Admission Summary Scoring Sheet
Reading Lesson

Lesson Plan Elements B D C A Score

Rationale CAEP K-6 1.a     /4
Goals/Objectives/Standards CAEP K-6 3.c     /4
Anticipatory Set     /4
Purpose     /4
Adaptations: Individual Differences CAEP K-6 1.b     /4
Lesson Presentation CAEP K-6 3.f     /4
Differentiated Instruction CAEP K-6 3.d     /4
Check for Understanding     /4
Review/Closure     /4
Independent Practice/ Extending the Learning     /4
Formal and Informal Assessment CAEP K-6 3.a     /4
Integration of Technology     /4
Reflection and Post-Lesson Analysis CAEP K-6 3.b     /4
Total (passing = 39/52)
Scoring Guide. Check the box that corresponds to the rating you gave to each element of the lesson plan. Add the
individual element scores (B=1; D=2; C=3; A=4) to calculate the total lesson plan score.

Revision Date: October, 2018
CAEP 2018 K-6 Standards
2013 InTASC Standard


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