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Background of the Study

Speaking ability is strongly required in English It should be mastered

by a person who learns English At the Junior Hi gh School level, speaking is

taught as a means of exercising the students to practice how to express their

ideas and to communicate with others. However, in fact, many of them get

difficulties in doing this They are even rarely able to develop their ideas so

that the message delivered in their speaking is not clear. As a result, they are

difficult to master vocabulary or to describe something In other word, the

teaching learning process does not achieve the target. Under this condition, the

teaching process needs to be improved.

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves

producing, receiving and processing information If we want to speak fluently

there are several elements that must be mastered These elements include

enough vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, and correct grammar In

general, the competence in speaking skills has not been optimally achieved

due to the methods and media not used maximally in teaching

The teaching learning process should happen not only between teachers

and students, but also between students and students They can speak

interactively by using instruments in order that they can express their ideas In

communication process, the speakers must be understood by the listeners So

that the listeners can appropriately respond to the message

There are many activities or techniques that can

used to encourage

students to speak up in the speaking class. One of them is audio-visual. Audio

VIsual can be used to improve students' speaking ability Audio-visual is a

strategy for improving teenager's comprehension, concept of story structure

and oral language complexity

Based on the statement, it is the responsibility of the English teachers to

implement appropriate techniques to help students leam to speak The

technique itself should have a positive effect an them to increase their

speaking From several types of texts taught in junior high school level.

audio-visual was applied in this research. There are some reasons why audio

visual was selected

According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, English is

defined as a system of sound and words used by human to express their

thoughts and feelings. Therefore, a language is a system of visual, auditory or

tactical symbols of communication the rules used to manipulate them

Competency-Based Curriculum 2004-2009 tries to develop and achieve

the communicative competence or discourse competence and has a perspective

that is comprehension of the discourse The students must be able to master

the four skills, listening, reading speaking and writing In addition, they

should also master English components such as grammar, vocabulary, and


The ways we use language tend to be talked by teachers, in terms of

four skills-reading, writing, speaking and listening. These skills are often
w vocabulary Consequently, they are shy and afraid to speak to express

their ideas. Students often feel timid when they have to express their ideas

Vocabulary as a major component of language learning has been the

object of numerous studies each of which has its own contribution to the field

Laufer (1997) considers vocabulary learning as the heart of language learning

and language use. In fact, it is this vocabulary learning that makes the essence

of any language. Without vocabularies, speakers cannot convey meaning and

communicate with each other in any particular language

As a teacher, the researcher has encountered with many students who

have considerable vocabulary knowledge They, however, fail to use them

correctly in different domains. Learners, mainly, the beginner ones, are often

able to produce grammatically correct sentences. However, they produce very

plain utterances which are unable to convey different emotional loads or to

express shades of intensity of connotations. It seems that this problem is due

to lack of depth vocabulary knowledge and that the students crilerian in

choosing words in context is surface structure and they fail to address the

depth of vocabulary knowledge

Students as a learners' poor deep vocabulary knowledge is a matter of

concern among those involved in education and their quest for finding suitable

remedies is getting more and more intense. Thus, this study was conducted to

see whether teaching vocabularies through semantic mapping was an effective

technique in increasing the affective dimensions of learmers' deep vocabulary

knowledge, especially evaluative and potency dimensions

get beyond a single letter, that must be shown how to form words, how to put

words together into sentences, and how to punctuate those sentences

Writing does have one big advantages over speaking. Writing is not just

production of text, it is also learning and thinking process in which writer may

discover what they think as a result of composing. It gives time to think, to try out

the idea on the papers, to choose the proper words, to rethink, to revise, and

rearrange it, and most importantly to consider its effect on a reader. writing gives

one time to find the best possible waf of starting what it means. This more one

study the drapft of writing, the better it will use writing time,

From these explanations above the writer would like to have research in

teaching and learning English that relate to the title: THE EFFECTS OF




B.Identification Of The Problems

In this study the researcher has identified several points of the problems, there

are :

1. Is it true that environment influences student's ability in English writing


Are there any effect of student's intelligence on writing skill?

3. Is the writing just one aspect to measure the student's ability in mastering

1. Are there any effects of grammar mastery and critical thinking joinly

towards student's descriptive writing skill at private Junior High School

in Pandeglang Regency?

2. Is there any effect of grammar mastery towards the student's descriptive

writing skill at private Junior High school in Pandeglang Regency?

3. Is there any effect of critical thinking towards the student's descriptive

writing skill at private Junior High School in Pandeglang Regency?

E. Objectives of the research

The objectives of the research are to know

1. The effects of grammar mastery and critical thinking joinly towards

student's descriptive writing skill at private Junior High School in

Pandeglang Regency

2 The effect of grammar mastery towards the student's descriptive writing

skill at private Junior High School in Pandeglang Regency

3. The effect of critical thinking towards the student's descriptive writing

skill at private Junior High School in Pandeglang Regency

F.Benefit of the research


a for the researcher

the result of the research is supposed to be able to improve the

researcher's knowledge about the effects of grammar mastery and critical

4. How does Ianguage skill relate to think?

5. Do the students develop their critical thinking in learning English



How is the implementation of learning English descriptive writing skill in

each school?

Is there any effect of critical thinking towards student's deseriptive writing

skill at privat junior high school in Pandeglang Regency?

C.Limitation of the problem

In relation to extent of the problems describe above, the researcher limit

the issues to be studied and analyzed how students at privat junior high school

in Darul Iman, Junior High School in PII Salinggara, Junior High school in

Nurudzulam in Pandeglang. But the writer just do some variables of

researches, they are : two independent variables and one dependent variable

The independent variables are the grammar mastery especially present tense,

conjunction and preposition and critical thinking in high or low ability

whereas the dependent variable is descriptive text writing skill.

D. Formalation of The Problem

According to the limitation of the problems above, the writer will formulated

the problems as follow:

thinking to descriptive writing skill and apply all theories that

researcher's get while teaching learning activities

b. For educational in

research is sourch of information and additional knowledge for reading

material that can be used for benefit educational intitutions at PORI

indraprasta university.


a. For researcher

Research can improve the researcher's and to be experienced in the field

about the effecs of grammar mastery and critical thinking towards

descriptive writing skill and apply all theories that researcher's get while

teaching learning activities

b. For institutional study

The used material is as information input and determined the policy or

decision, and it is hopedl this rescarch can assist intitution to improve

educational qualitu in future.

G.Systematic of the writing

CHAPTERI Introduction

In this chapter consist of background of the reswach

identification of the problems limitations of the problems

formulation of the problems, objectives of the research, benefits

of the research, systematic of writing


Second chapter discusses about the theoretical review associated with the

study so as to assemble a theoretical framework thinking and hypothesis

Third chapter addresses the research methodology, containing place and

time of the research, the method, population and sample, data collection

technique, variables of the research, instrument of the research and statistical

hypothesis of research

Fourth chapter contains data description and research findings

respondents, description of data, testing of hypotheses and discussion or


Fifth chapter presents conclusions and suggestions, containing the

conclusions of the research and suggestions

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