Materials Engineers Reviewer

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1. Aggregates accounts for 92-95% of the weight of the bituminous mix while asphalt account for 5-
8% of the weight of the mix. The exact percentage to be used is determined by
 Job Mix
2. An indication that the asphalt mix is overheated.
 Blue Smoke / Spot Test
3. In checking the temp. of asphalt mix, the thermometer should be inserted into the mix at least
 6 inches
4. It is applied on existing bituminous or cement concrete surface with bituminous materials.
 Bituminous Tack Coat
5. The maximum speed of the roller during compaction operation
 5 kph
6. The rate if application in a bituminous price coat
 1-2 liter/m

7. Specification require 1 quality test for every _______asphalt

 40tons/200 drums
8. The penetration test is an indication of the _______ of the asphalt
 Consistency
9. A sample from a bituminous mix weighs 1000 g. After extraction, it was found out that the dry
aggregates weighed 950 grams. What is the % of asphalt content by weight of mix:
% of asphalt = 1000 – 950
= 5%
If weight of dry aggregates:
% of asphalt = 1000-950
= 5.26%
10. Commonly used method in the design and evaluation of bituminous concrete mixes
 Marshall Stability
11. Another name for asphalt joint filter
 Blow Asphalt / Hard Asphalt
12. Number of phases of rolling in asphalting works
 Three (3)
13. The test that determine the asphalt content in the bituminous mix
 Extraction
14. In the bituminous mix, what kind of aggregate materials that passes the No. 200 sieve?
 Mineral Filler
15. Also known as liquid asphalts
 Cutback Asphalt
16. In asphalting works, plant scale shall be accurate to
 0.5%
17. Temperature reading device fixed in the bituminous feed line near the charging valve at the mixer
 Armored Thermometer
18. Define as the interval of time between the opening of the weight box gate and the start of
introduction of bituminous material.
 Dry Mixing Period/Time
19. Asphalt cement shall not be heated above ________ at any time after delivery to the project
 159˚C
20. Define as the interval of time between the start of introduction of bituminous materials and the
opening of mixer gate.
 Wet Mixing Period/Time



21. Before placing the bituminous mix contact surface on curbs, gutters, manholes & others shall be
printed within, uniform coating of bituminous material
 True
22. Moisture content of the aggregate at the time introduced into the mixing unit shall
 Not Exceed One (1) Mass Percent
23. Asphalt emulsions are distilled from an
 Iron Still
24. The density of the finished bituminous pavement shall be at least _________ of the theoretical
maximum density or _________ of the density of the laboratory compacted specimen.
 90 mass% & 97 mass %
25. Equipment use in the extraction of aggregate on bituminous mix
 Rotarex Centrifuge & Reflux Extractor
26. In Immersion-Compression test, one specimen is soak in water for ______day after obtaining the
 Four (4)
27. A term applied to the characteristic of steel which makes it brittle when cold.
 Cold Shortness
28. Allowable amount of phosphorous in steel
 0.05 to 0.10%
29. A method use in the phosphorous content determination
 Phospomolybdate Method
30. The ________ is a straight line and the moisture content at which the plotted line crosses the 25-
blow line is the liquid limit
 Flow Curve
31. A test to determine the proper amount of mixing water to use when compacting the soil in the field
in order to obtain maximum density under the specified compactive effort.
 Laboratory Compaction Test
32. Four distinct stages in the compaction test.
 Wetting,
 Lubrication,
 Swell,
 Saturation
33. At optimum moisture the __________is reached.
 Lubrication
34. The penetration test in an arbitrary measurement of consistency and is the basis of classification
of all solid and semi-solid asphalt. _________________________________ to which a standard
needle with a 100-gram load will penetrate into a sample held at 25˚C (77˚F) after 5 seconds.
 Penetration is the depth in tenths of a millimeter (1/10mm)
35. The end surfaces of all compression test specimen shall not be deposited from a plane by more
than ________
 0.002 inch
36. This equipment in the compaction control of earth and asphalt construction and in the
measurement of moisture of insulated roofs.
 Nuclear Density Gauge
37. Cold mix pavement use Emulsified Asphalt or cutback – they require little or no heating of
materials and can often be produced at the construction site without a central plant.
38. It is the highest quality of asphalt pavement.
 Asphalt Concrete Pavement
39. Rate of application of glass bead in thermoplastic paints.
 350 g/l of glass bead



40. Required thickness of thermoplastic paint application on pavement.

 3.2 to 4.8 mm
41. Required temperature of reflectorized thermoplastic paint during application.
 211 ± 7˚C
42. Minimum ultimate tensile strength of prestressing reinforcing steel (tendons).
 1000 Mpa (145,000 psi)
43. Minimum yield strength, measured by 0.7% extensions under load method shall not be less than
 895.7 Mpa (130,000 psi)
44. Minimum modulus of elasticity
 25,000,000
45. Minimum elongation in 20 bar diameter after rapture
 4%
46. Diameter Tolerance
 + 0.762 mm to – 0.254 mm (+ 0.03” to – 0.01”)
47. Type of pre-stressing reinforcing bar to be used conforming to AASHTO M203
 Type 270 K
48. pH Value of wash water to be used in cement.
 4.5 to 8.5
49. Total Solids in wash water for concrete.
 500 parts/million max
50. This is a measurement of the load under which Asphalt Specimen totally yield or fails
 Marshall Stability Value
51. These are determined by weighing specimen in air and immersed in water.
 Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Asphalt
52. The average unit weight
 Bulk Sp. Gr. X 62.4 lb/cu.ft
 Bulk Sp. Gr. X 1000 kg/cu.ft
53. It is between the liquid and plastic states and it is defined as the lowest water content at which the
mass has the capacity to flow as a liquid.
 Liquid Limit
54. It is between the plastic and semi-solid states and defined as the lowest water content at which
the mass can be readily molded without crumbling.
 Plastic Limit
55. This is between the semi-solid states and is defined as the highest water content at which mass
can attain its minimum but it continues to loss weight.
 Shrinkage Limit
56. This is the difference between the liquid and plastic limit.
 Plasticity Index
57. This the difference between the plastic and shrinkage limit.
 Shrinkage Index
58. Weight of soil sample needed for liquid limit determination.
 100 grams
59. For plastic limit determination.
 15 grams
60. For shrinkage limit.
 30 grams
61. It is the ratio of the weight of water in the soil to the weight of the dry soil after it has been dried to
constant weight at a temp. of 105-110˚C.
 Moisture Content
62. It is defined as the ratio of the weight in air of a given volume of a material to the weight in air of
an equal volume of a standard material at a stated temperature.
 Specific Gravity
63. It is determination of particle size distribution in soils by sieve, hydrometer or a combined
 Grain size or Mechanical Analysis



64. Three major groups of soil

 Coarse Grained,
 Fine – Grained,
 Organic
65. If the individual particles are visible to the unaided eye, the soil considered to be:
 Coarse Grained Soil
66. The two principal soil types that comprises the coarse grained soil.
 Gravel – loose H2O worn fragments of
 Sand – cohesive gritty & cohesionless
67. If its individual particles are not visible to the unaided eye.
 Fine – grained soil
68. The two principal type comprising this group are:
 silt – has smooth texture
 clay – cohesive and plastic when wet
69. This type contains an appreciable amount of decayed animal and or plant matter.
 Organic Soil
70. The limiting diameter of gravel is:
 3” to sieve #10 or 75mm to 2mm
71. The limiting diameter of sand is:
 from 2.0mm to 0.074mm (No. 200 sieve)
72. Rock fragments which are coarser than the upper limiting size for gravel are:
 boulders
73. Limiting size for silt:
 0.074mm to 0.005mm
74. Limiting size for clay:
 0.005mm to 0.001mm
75. Those smaller than 0.001mm are called:
 colloids
76. The drying time of 25 grams sandy materials.
 2 hours
77. The drying time of a plastic, fine-grained soil of the same weight is:
 4 hours
78. It shall have an even number of equal width chutes but not less than a total of eight for coarse
aggregate, or twelve for fin aggregates. which discharge alternately to each side.
 Sample Splitter
79. It is widely used in the classification and identification of soils. It is an important criterion in the
classification of highway subgrade materials. It is also related to permeability and capillarity of
cohesion less soil.
 Grain Size Distribution
80. The size of the portion passing 2.0mm to 0.425mm (#40) sieve shall be tested for:
 Hygroscopic Moisture Content
 Hydrometer Test
81. These indicate compressibility and related to permeability.
 Plasticity Index
82. High P.I. means high degree of compressibility of soil.
83. The higher the P.I., the lower the permeability.
84. It is performed if the soil is granular, if a considerable portion is retained on the No.200 sieve
 Sieve Analysis
85. If the soil is fine-grained or nearly all its particles are finer than the No. 200 sieve.
 Hydrometer Analysis
86. For efficient compaction, the embankment materials should at the time of rolling be at.
 Optimum Moisture Content
87. For a road base course, the most preferable materials is one with CBR value of:
 80%
88. Peat and muck are:
 Unsuitable Soils
89. The plasticity index of aggregate base course should not be greater than:



 6
90. The natural water content of highly organic soil is:
 more than 100%
91. The most commonly used method of soil exploration.
 Core Boring
92. The lowest moisture content at which the soil will flow upon the application of every small
shearing force.
 Liquid Limit
93. The minimum moisture content at which the soil remains in a plastic state.
 Plastic Limit
94. This is very important to achieve maximum contact between particles and maximum water
tightness of base materials.
 Gradation
95. In general, soils high value of this and P.I. are poor as engineering materials.
 Liquid Limit of Fines
96. Give indications of clay content in soil.
 Plasticity Index
97. Use to evaluate the potential strength of soil aggregate.
98. The purpose of this trial is to check the sustainability of the materials and the efficiency of the
equipment and construction method which is proposed to be used.
 Trial Section
99. The behaviour of soil is markedly influence by the amount of
 Moisture Content
100. It is defined as the weight/mass per unit volume.
 Density of Soil
101. This is widely used as a control test in embankment construction to ensure adequate compaction.
 Field Density Test
102. It involves the application of energy and addition of water as lubricant.
 Compaction of Soil
103. It is expressed as the moisture content corresponding to 25 blows.
 Liquid Limit
104. It increases the shearing strength of aggregate of any size, shape/gradation.
 Compaction
105. This is the amount of moisture that allows the compacting force to overcome the frictional
resistance and the maximum density of soil mass is attained.
 Optimum Moisture Content
106. Height of fall of 2.50 kg rammer.
 12 inches
107. Height of fall of 4.54 kg rammer.
 18 inches
108. Moisture content of air-dried soil.
 Hygroscopic Moisture Content
109. Moisture Content of undisturbed soil
 Natural Moisture Content
110. Abrasion Test
- Evaluate the structural strength of C.A.
- Gives an indication of quality as determined by resistance to impact & wear.
- It determines whether the aggregate will have degradation during traffic or rolling

111. The value of this is use in the design and control of concrete mixture.
 Specific Gravity of Cement
112. This determines the fineness of cement which affects the strength cement.
 Fineness of Cement Test
113. This determines the amount of water required to prepare hydraulic cement paste for testing.
 Normal Consistency Test of Cement
114. The purpose of this test is to establish whether cement complies with a specification limit on
setting time.



 Time of Setting by Gilmore Needle

115. This test provides an index of potential delayed expansion caused by the hydration of Calcium
Oxide (CaO) or Magnesium Oxide (MgO) or both.
 Soundness Test by Autoclave Expansion
116. This test determines whether or not the hydraulic cement under test meets the air entertaining
requirements of the specifications.
 Air Content Test
117. This is caused to determine the compressive strength of hydraulic cement that will be used.
 Mortar Strength
118. This determines the freshness of cement and the amount of moisture present in the cement.
 Loss on Ignition(900⁰C - 1000⁰C heating temperature)
119. This determines the inert materials (acid insoluble material) present in the cement.
 Insoluble Residue Test
120. This determines the amount of gypsum added to the cement to regulate its setting.
 Sulfur Trioxide Test
121. This determines the soundness of cement.
 Magnesium Oxide Test (autoclave machine)
122. Natural Pozzolan Cement.
 Volcanic Ash /(volcanic earth)
123. Artificial Pozzolan Cement
 Fly Ash
124. Diameter of sphere used in Abrasion Test.
 46.8mmØ
125. Wt. of cast iron spheres
 390 grams
126. Wt. of steel spheres.
 455 grams
127. No. of spheres needed & weight of sample/grading.
 Grading A – 12 spheres – 5000 ± 25 grams
 Grading B – 11 spheres – 4584 ± 25 grams
 Grading C – 8 spheres – 3330 ± 20 grams
 Grading D – 6 spheres – 2500 ± 15 grams
128. Defined as the product obtained by burning to incipient fusion a properly proportioned mixture of
argillaceous and calcareous materials.
 Portland Cement
129. This is burnt product which is used by Gypsum and pulverized to form Portland Cement.
 Clinker
130. This reacts or combined with H2O, one that will harden underwater.
 Hydraulic Cement
131. This is the heat produced by the chemical reaction between cement and H2O.
 Heat of Hydration
132. This is the process in which the cement reacts or combined chemically with H2O.
 Hydration
133. Those materials that contribute Silica (SiO2), Alumina (Al2O3) and Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) to the
clinker, its include clay, shale, iron ore and sand, etc.
 Argillaceous Raw Materials
134. Those material which contribute Lime (CaO) and Magnesia (MgO) to the clinker, its include
limestone, chalk, marls, marine oyster shells, etc.
 Calcareous Raw Materials
135. This type of cement is used for General Construction.
 Normal Cement or Type I
136. These are used where sulfate concentration in ground waters are higher than normal but not
sever, generate heat at a slower rate than normal.
 Moderate Sulfate Resistant or Type II

137. This type develops approximately 190% of the strength of Type 1 at 3 days & 90 to 130% at 28
 High Early Strength or Type III



138. This is special cement for use where the amount and rate of heat generated must be minimized.
 Low Heat of Hydration or Type IV
139. Special cement intended to be used in structure to prevent damaged from severe sulfate action of
soils or high alkali content of H2O.
 Sulfate Resistant or Type V
140. In sub-base & base coursed this material shall be free from hard lump and shall not contain more
than 15% of material retained on the No.4 Sieve.
 Filler Material
141. Concrete deposited in water.
 Seal Concrete
142. The consistency of the concrete mixture should be checked frequently by this test.
 Slump Test
143. Slump of concrete deposited in water.
 between 10 – 20 cm
144. The minimum cement content of concrete deposited in water.
 400kg/cu.m. of concrete
145. The maximum distance of the discharge point from the point of deposit by pneumatic means.
 3.0 meters
146. The maximum time for consolidation/compaction of structural/concrete.
 15 seconds
147. The space interval of inserting vibrator that should be withdrawn vertically to penetrate underlying
lift for homogeneity between lifts.
 50 – 60 cm
148. Min. time needed for the removal of forms for beams, girders, frames or arches.
 14 days or 80% of design strength
149. Min. bar lapping for tension.
 24 bar Ǿ for G40
 36 bar Ǿ for G60
150. Min. bar lapping distance for compression.
 20 bar Ǿ for G40
 24 bar Ǿ for G60
151. Min. separation of splices when staggered.
 40 bar Ǿ
152. Consist of furnishing, placing and finishing concrete in all structures except pavement conforming
to the lines, grade and dimensions.
 Structural Concrete
153. Min. grouting pressure for bonding tendons.
 0.6894 MPa (100 psi)
154. The mixing time when concrete were mixed in a central mixing plant.
 50 – 90 seconds
155. Occurs on PCCP when the cutting of weakened plane is delayed.
 Shrinkage Cracking
156. When concrete pile cast in place formed by first removing the soil by drilling and filling the void by
 Bored Pile
157. Max. Length of tremie pile and its diameter.
 2.5 meters and 20cm Ø
158. Length of tremie pipe that must be submerged into concrete.
 2 – 6 m w/ Bentonite
 3.5 m without Bentonite
159. What is density of Bentonite to 1cu.m of H2O.
 30 -100 kilos/cu.m
160. Reinforcement that consists of spiral bars coiled outside the main longitudinal reinforcement.
 Transverse Reinforcement
161. The usual size of the stiffening rings.
 2.5mm Ø



162. The minimum spacing of steel bars on bored piles to ensure that concrete would still flow
outwards to the walls of the bored piles.
 100 mm
163. Must be within the limit of water cement ratio for concrete.
 0.50 – 0.60
164. Required revolution of concrete mixer.
 4 – 6 RPM
165. The minimum revolution for each concrete mix.
 100 Revolutions
166. The minimum interval of concrete pouring to avoid cold joint.
 30 minutes
167. Consist of all works elements carried out by the manager or by those in his organization which
contribute to the quality of the output of some other organization.
 Quality Assurance Work
168. Refers to the process of making tests to determine the degree of compliance of delivered or
constructed materials with the specification.
 Materials Testing
169. The main objective of this design is to determine the main proportion of the ingredients that will
produce concrete of the proper workability when fresh and the desired durability and strength
after it has hardened.
 Design of the Concrete Mixture
170. These are prescribed in each project based on the estimated quantities it specify the number of
tests for each work items.
 Minimum Testing Requirements
171. This is prepared by the DPWH for the contractor to comply to facilitate quality control.
 Quality Control Program
172. This should be done during the first seven days in order that the expected development of
strength will be obtained and the occurrence of plastic cracks will be prevented or minimized.
 Curing of Concrete
173. This is preferable than a good PCCP road due to its initial low cost more uniform riding surface.
 Asphalt Road
174. The proportion of aggregate and asphalt should be based on this.
 Laboratory Trial Mixes
175. This formula should be set and strictly followed in all batches of the asphalt mixes; it should
include provisions on grading of aggregate percentage of asphalt and temperature of mixture at
time of compaction.
 Job Mix Formula
176. Used in measuring the thickness or height determination of compacted bituminous paving mixture
to the nearest 0.10cm.
 Calliper
177. Used to determine the grading of aggregates extracted from bituminous mixtures.
 Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregates
178. A test to determine the moisture content of soil.
 Calcium Carbide Gas Pressure/calcium trichloride
179. The amount of lime to be added in item 203 (Lime Stabilized Road Mix Base Course)
 3-12 mass % of dry soil aggregate
180. The amount of cement to be added in Item 204 (Portland Cement Stabilized Road Mix Base
 6-10 mass % of dry soil aggregate
181. For item 505 (Stone Masonry) test for Cement & Fine Aggregate.
 Cement – 2 bags/cu.m
 F.A. – 0.17 cu.m/cu.m of concrete
182. It is a colloidal dispersion of asphalt in H2O whose color is chocolate brown before use and turns
black when the emulsion is broken.
 Emulsified Asphalt
183. What process determines the asphalt contents?
 Extraction



184. Minimum temperature of bituminous concrete when place, measured in the truck prior to
 107˚C
185. Minimum temperature of tar when it is used in Bituminous Concrete.
 66 to 107˚C
186. The Bituminous material commonly used in 310.
 Asphalt Cement
187. This item consists of preparing and treating and aggregate base course preparatory to the
construction of Bituminous Surface Course.
 Bituminous Prime Coat
188. This consists of preparing and treating an existing bituminous or cement pavement with
bituminous materials.
 Bituminous Tack Coat
189. Consist of an application of bituminous materials with or without an application of aggregate of an
existing bituminous surface course.
 Bituminous Seal Coat
190. Consists of either a single application of bituminous materials followed by a single spreading of
aggregate or two application of bituminous materials each followed by spreading of aggregate
(Double Surface Treatment).
 Bituminous Surface Treatment
191. What determines the index of retained strength of the asphalt mix.
 Immersion / compression test
192. It is the ratio of wet to dry stability of the mix (Compressive Strength).
 Index of Retained Strength
193. This measures the resistance to flow of asphalt.
 Viscosity Test
194. Measure the distance that a standard needle will penetrate a sample at a given temperature in a
specified time.
 Penetration Test
195. Measures the ability of asphalt to stretch without breaking.
 Ductility Test
196. It determines the rate of loss of volatile oil of asphalt when heated and the change in penetration
caused by excessive heating.
 Loss on Heating Test
197. Indicates the uniformity of products.
 Specific Gravity
198. Indicates the safe heating temperature of asphalt.
 Flash Point/Cleveland open cup
199. Determines if asphalt is overheated during production.
 Spot Test
200. Determines the Bituminous content in asphalt that is soluble in petroleum solvent.
 Solubility Test
201. Determines the asphalt content of liquid asphalt.
 Distillation Test
202. Determines the presence of larger globules of asphalt.
 Sieve Test
203. Determines the resistance of emulsion to breakdown on the job.
 Cement Mixing Test
204. Detects the tendency of the asphalt globules in the emulsion to settle during the storage.
 Storage Stability Test
205. It is the basic cementing material, the main constituent of all other asphalt types also known as
Hot Asphalt.
 Asphalt Cement
206. Mixture of asphalt cement, water and % emulsifier usually 60% asphalt and 40% H2O.
 Emulsified Asphalt
207. Blend of asphalt cement and petroleum solution.
 Cutback Asphalt
208. Asphalt cement with non-volatile or slow volatile oils or road oil.
 Slow Curing (SC)



209. Asphalt cement with kerosene.

 Medium Curing (MC)
210. Asphalt cement with gasoline.
 Rapid Curing (RC)
211. Used as joint and crack filter and for water proofing material.
 Blown or Oxidized Asphalt
212. Gives color and hardness.
 Asphaltene
213. Composed of resin which provides stickiness (adhesiveness) and oil which influence viscosity of
asphalt and impart softness.
 Maltene
214. Portland – Pozzolan cement for use in general concrete construction.
 Type IP
215. Portland – Pozzolan cement for use in concrete construction where high strength at early ages
not required.
 Type P
216. Is the solid portion of paint, the finely divided solid particles used in paint?
 Pigments
217. This is the liquid portion of the paint.
 Vehicle
218. Are inert materials which are added to the paint to increase the volume without increasing the
 Extenders
219. Intended for used for concrete or other masonry surface.
 Latex Paint
220. Paint from emulsions of polymer in H2O as binder with suitable pigment, which is substantially
free from gloss.
 Flat Latex Paint
221. Intended for used on wood surface, a special type of paint made with varnish as the vehicle.
 Enamel Paint
222. For interior use, made from alkyd resin as binder with suitable pigment.
 Flat Wall Enamel
223. For exterior use, made from alkyd resin as binder with suitable pigment which has sheen, shine or
 Gloss/ Semi-gloss enamel
224. A bright orange-red tetroxide used as primarily constituents of anti-corrosive primers for iron or
 Red Lead
225. A pigment mainly of Ferric Oxide.
 Red Oxide
226. This kind of paint is primarily intended for use on steel structure.
 Aluminium Paint
227. For zone marking, traffic lanes, should possess improve visibility at night.
 Reflectorized Traffic Paint
228. Placing of Riprap must be
 Perpendicular to the slope
229. Placing of stone masonry must be
 Parallel to the slope
230. Min. required of weep-holes & their diameter Ø
 2 meters o. c. & 2” Ø
231. A core specimen for thickness determination shall have a diameter of
 4” (100mm)
232. Min. required temp. for asphalt compaction
 107˚C ± 10˚C
233. Min. thickness for asphalt overlay
 1 inch
234. Min. dry stability compressive strength for 310.
 1.4 MPa (200psi)



235. Min. asphalt content for item 310.

 5–8%
236. Different tests conducted in the field are:
 FDT, Slump, T-core, SPT & Test Pit.
237. Thickness tolerance is:
 + 5mm & - 25mm
238. Field tests for Bituminous Pavement Specimen.
 Asphalt cores – 4”Ø, full depth or 100mm
 Square Samples – 6”x 6” or 150mm x 150mm
239. Surface tolerance for compaction of item 310.
 not to exceed 6mm
240. Strength requirement for PCCP
 Flexural = 500 psi
 Compressive = 3,550 psi
241. In casting reinforced concrete railings, the concrete used is
 Class C – 1
242. Based on the maximum dry density obtained by Lab. test, the degree of compaction required for
aggregate subbase should at least
 100%
243. The specified flexural strength for paving concrete using midpoint loading is
 650 psi
244. Per our present specs. for highway and bridges including amendments, it is mandatory to open
PCCP to traffic not later than
 14 days after pouring
245. The slump test on concrete is a measure of
 Consistency
246. The fineness modulus is highest for
 Coarse Sand
247. If concrete is continuously moist, cured, it will gain strength beyond 180 days
 True
248. The quality of paving concrete is usually measured by its
 Flexural Strength
249. Generally speaking, batching of aggregate by volume is preferable than weight
 False
250. If angular coarse aggregate is used in concrete mix, it will require more
 Water and Fine Aggregate
251. The most favorable period for curing concrete is
 during the first few days or week
252. Lower water cement ratio in concrete mixes improves
 Strength
253. When concrete must be placed in a sloping surface, placing should start at the
 Bottom
254. The maximum % Abrasion Loss for concrete coarse aggregate is
 40%
255. In casting of reinforced concrete piles, the concrete used is
 C2
256. What are the dead load equivalent of loose sand, earth & gravel fill
 1.603 tons/cu.m
257. What is the rate of application for curing compound
 0.20 liter/sq.m.
258. During coring of completed pavement, how many cores /km/lane are required as per specification
 5
259. What is the right proportion for stone masonry?
 1 : 2 (1 part cement: 2 parts sand)
260. The most common used method of soil exploration is
 Core Boring



261. The flow curve obtained when liquid limit test results are plotted on a semi-log scale is in the form
 Straight Line
262. What is the effect of increasing the compaction effect in compacting soil
 Higher Density
 Lower Optimum Water Content
263. The allowable smooth riding quality
 3mm
264. Test requirement for on-going asphalt pavement
 1 but not more than 3 samples for 1 whole day operation (300 li.m)
265. Minimum test requirement for completed Bituminous Pavement
 1 sample every 100 li.m/lane
266. Required thickness for compaction is
 150mm/layer
267. Mass % of air void of item 310
 5 – 7% (New D. O. = 3 – 5%)
268. Mineral filler passing No,200 sieve used in item 310 should have Plasticity Index of
 not greater than 4%
269. Rolling of item 310 must begin from:
 The sides and proceed horizontally towards the centreline of the road, each
strip overlapping on half the roller width.
270. An excavation and utilization of approved material sources required for the construction of
embankment, or for other portion of the work as shown on the plans or on the special provisions
 Borrow Excavation
271. On item 102, rock shall be excavated below sub-grade within the limit of the road bed to a depth...
 150mm (6”)
272. Test requirement for selected borrow (topping) – 201
 P.I. not greater than 6
 L.L. not greater than 25
273. What is rolling distance extended outside the base course and surface course on pavement
 30cm
274. A concrete where compression is included before application of working loads so that tension
under these working load is reduced.
 Pre-stressed Concrete
275. The system of pre-stressing wherein the steel tendons are tensioned before placing concrete.
 Pre-tensioning
276. The system of pre-stressing wherein the steel tendons are tensioned after the concrete has been
placed and has attained a specific strength.
 Post Tensioning
277. It is manufactured in the form of spiral wound galvanized sheet of metal strip which are mortar
 Ducts
278. Positional Tolerance of duct tubes during casting operations
 +1 to -4mm (±4mm)
279. Assist in rigidly holding duct tubes, through positions during placement of concrete
 Tendons
280. When can we eliminate sub-base during construction
 When CBR value is greater than 25%
281. What are the penetration grades for Bituminous Prime Coat (item 301)?
 Rapid Curing = 60 – 70, 85 – 100, 120 -150
282. What is the rate of application for 301
 1 – 2 liters
283. What is the time elapsed in transporting mixed concrete form the time H2O is added to the mix.
 Max. of 45 min., if hauled in non-agitating trucks
 Max. of 90 min., if hauled in agitating truck (Transit Mixer)
284. What is the depth and width of the weakened plane joint?
 Width = 6mm
 Depth = 50mm



285. The corrugation produced by brooming is

 1.5mm
286. Curing period of concrete after brooming
 72 hours after concrete hardened
287. Sealing asphalt penetration
 40 – 60
288. Installed base on the post-tension system being used.
 Anchorage
289. An important operation having dual purpose of protecting the post-tensioned steel tendon and
relieving the anchorage of stress fluctuation
 Grouting
290. The maximum jacking force of the specified minimum ultimate strength of the steel tendon must
not succeed
 85%
291. Steel tendons should be grouted with an approved grout mixture after the completion of stressing
operation within
 48 hours
292. The minimum grouting pressure is
 700 kpa / 15 seconds or 0.6894 Mpa (100 psi)
293. Quality Test for joint filter
 1 – QT for each shipment
 4.5 kg. Per batch of the joint sealer
294. For RSB, 1 QT (Bending, Tension & Chemical analysis for every)
 10,000 kilos
295. Test for steel bridge painting (item 408)
 1 QT for every 100 can
296. For strength determination, the average strength of the cores is equal to at least
 85% and no single core is less than 75% of the specified strength
297. Ave. compressive strength of CHB (Non –Load Bearing)
 600 psi
298. Individual compressive strength (Non-Load Bearing)
 500 psi
299. Average compressive strength (Load Bearing)
 1000 psi
300. Individual compressive strength (Load Bearing)
 800 psi
301. Paint is used for asphalt pavement
 Reflectorized Paint
302. Paint used for concrete pavement
 Thermoplastic Paint
303. Moisture content of well-seasoned wood
 12 – 18%
304. Minimum thickness and covering for rubble concrete is
 30cm. (12”) & 5cm.(2”) respectively.
305. Size requirement of stone masonry
 T = 150mm (6”)
 W = 1.5 T
 L = 1.5W
306. Volume of mortar in riprap
 45%
307. Minimum number of days to cure concrete by ponding method
 7 days
308. Minimum thickness and the maximum size of aggregate used for PCCP overlay
 18cm & 40mm respectively
309. The recommended thickness of Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay depending on the expected traffic and
the modulus of the Cracked & Sealed Pavement
 3” to 5” (min thickness = 1”)



310. The type of H2O reducing admixtures that are used to produce flowing concrete
 Super Plasticizers
311. Super Plasticizer can reduce the H2O content by ____% and increase 24 hour strength by
 25 to 35%
 50 to 70%
312. Admixture which help incorporate a controlled amount of air in the form of minute bubbles by
concrete during mixing without significantly altering the setting or the rate of hardening
characteristics of concrete.
 Air Entraining Admixture
313. Admixture used to speed-up the initial set of concrete
 Accelerator
314. Material other than the basic ingredient of concrete mix immediately before or during mixing to
modify one or more of the specific properties of concrete in the fresh hardened states.
 Admixture
315. Minimum diameter of storm pipes.
 450mm
316. Spacing of inlets shall not exceed ____ for cleaning & maintenance purposes.
 40 meters
317. The top of storm pipes shall not be less than ____ below the finish grade.
 0.60 meter
318. Bowl shaped holes of various sizes in the pavement surface.
 Potholes
319. Interconnected cracks forming a series, of small blocks resembling an alligator’s skin or chicken
 Alligator Cracking
320. The wearing away of the pavement surface caused by the dislodging of aggregate particles.
 Ravelling
321. A form of plastic movement typified by ripples (surface waves) across the pavement surface.
 Corrugation
322. A form of plastic movement resulting in localized bulging of the pavement.
 Shoving
323. Longitudinal surface depression in the wheel paths.
 Rutting
324. The upward movements in an asphalt pavement in the formation of film of asphalt.
 Bleeding
325. Cracks in asphalt concrete overlay surface that occur over joints in PCCP
 Reflection Cracking
326. In Bituminous Concrete Surface Coarse Aggregates (C.A., F.A. & Mineral Filler) accounts for
what percentage? Asphalt?
 Aggregate = 92 - 95%
 Asphalt = 5 - 8%
327. It is viscous liquid obtained from the distillation of coal or wood.
 Tar
328. Are products of the distillation of crude oil
 Petroleum Asphalt
329. Are asphalt mixed with solvent to reduce their viscosity and makes them easier to use at ordinary
 Liquid Asphalt
330. Are mixtures of asphalt cement & H2O with emulsifying agent.
 Asphalt Emulsions

331. Emulsified asphalt which works better with wet aggregate.

 Cationic Asphalt
332. Emulsified asphalt emulsions which adhere better to aggregate which have positive charges
 Anionic Asphalt
305. Slope of battered piles.
 1: 6



306. This was placed on the edges of landing for the purpose of preventing the vessels or ship from
getting direct contract with the pier.
 Timber Walling
307. This shall be made of steel wire triple twisted to form a uniform hexagonal mesh pattern.
 Gabions
308. Minimum density of gabions.
 1,400 kg/cu.m
309. Minimum size of galvanized steel wire.
 2.70 mm Ø (0.106”) US gauge No.12
310. The required tensile strength of the wire.
 413.7 – 506.10 MPa or 60,000 – 85,000 psi
311. The minimum zinc coating of the wire.
 22.70 grams / 0.929 sq.m or 0.080 oz/sq.ft
312. Area of mesh opening.
 51.6 or 8 sq.inch
313. What is the wire used in tying the perimeter edges of mesh forming the gabions
 Selvage Wire
314. What is the size of the selvage wire?
 3.40 mm Ø or (0.134” Ø) (1988 specs)
 US wire gauge No. 10 (1995 specs)
315. If the type of soil in item 200 materials is non-plastic, what Atterberg Limit test can be performed?
 Liquid Limit
316. What is the diameter of tie wire?
 2.2mm (min.) or Gauge #16
317. Weighted loss of F.A. subjected to 5 cycles of the sodium sulphate soundness test should not
exceed ____ (for PCCP).
 10 mass % min. ; (wash loss not exceed 3%)
318. What is the weighted of C.A. when subjected to 5 cycles of sodium sulphate soundness test,
 12 mass % min. ; (wash loss not exceed 1%)
319. Small air spaces that occur between the coated aggregate particles in a compacted mix.
 Air Voids
320. Spaces that exist between the aggregate particles in a compacted mix including spaces filled with
 Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA)
321. When the compacted thickness of the road mix surface is to be more than 50mm (2”), the mixture
shall be spread from the windrow and compacted in
 Two Layers
322. What will be done to the first layer of Item 306 before 2nd layer is spread?
 To be bladed and rolled first
323. What percent of hydrated lime shall added to the mixture during mixing operation of item 306?
 0.5 to 1.0 mass %
324. What is the proportion of bituminous material on the basis of total dry aggregate?
 Cut Back = 4.5 to 7.0 mass %
 Emulsified = 6.0 to 10.0 mass %
325. The measured amount of cement content shall be with in what percent of the designed cement
 ± 2%
326. For mixers less than 1.5 cu.m capacity, what is the minimum mixing time?
 60 seconds
327. For mixers having a capacity greater than 1.5 cu.m
 not less than 90 seconds
328. If high early strength cement is used in casting piles, piles shall not be moved, transported or
driven prior to _____.
 7 days after casting.
329. These are the planes of weakness created by forming or cutting grooves in the surface of the
pavement and shall include load transfer assemblies.
 Transverse Contraction Joint
330. This is formed by installing a parting strip to be left in places as shown on the plans.



 Transverse Strip Contraction Joint

331. This is created by sawing grooves in the surfaces of the pavement of the width. depth and at the
spacing and lines on the plans, with an approved concrete saw.
 Sawed Contraction Joint
332. This shall be constructed when there is an interruption of more than 30 minute in the concreting
 Transverse Contraction Joint
333. This shall be held in position parallel to the surfaces & centreline of the slab by a metal device
that is left in the pavement.
 Load Transfer Device (Dowel)
334. Minimum length of concrete pile.
 3.0 meters
335. This paint that is prepared especially for tree surgery is required for cut or scarred surface of trees
or shrubs selected for retention.
 Asphaltum Base Paint
336. Minimum depth of undisturbed stumps & roots and non-perishable solid objects below sub-grade
or slope of embankment that will not be subjected for removal.
 1.0 meter below sub-grade
337. The height at which the diameter of tree should be measured.
 1.4m above the ground
338. The limiting diameter of tree trunk to be considered as small.
 over 150mm to 900mm
339. For large trees.
 over 900mm
340. This shall consist of excavation and disposal of all materials regardless of its nature not classified
and included in the BOQ under other pay items.
 Unclassified Excavation
341. This shall consists of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rock which cannot be excavated
without blasting or the use of rippers and all boulders having a volume of 1cu.m or more.
 Rock Excavation
342. This shall consist of all excavation not included in the BOQ under rock excavation or other pay
 Common Excavation
343. This shall consist of the removal and disposal of deposits of saturated or unsaturated mixture of
soils and organic matter not suitable for foundation materials.
 Muck Excavation
344. Weight of boulders required for Class A – Grouted Riprap.
 15 kg – 25 kg (50% weighing ˃ 20kg)
345. For Class B
 30 – 70 kg (50% weighing > 50 kg)
346. For Class C
 60 – 100 kg (50% weighing > 80 kg)
347. For Class D.
 100 – 200 kg (50% weighing > 150 kg)
348. Minimum thickness requirement for Class A Grouted Riprap measured perpendicular to the slope.
 300mm
349. For Class B.
 500mm
350. For Class C.
 600mm
351. For Class D.
 800mm
352. In Stone Masonry, what is the maximum projection of rock faces beyond the pitch lines?
 not more than 50mm
353. The minimum thickness of aluminium sheeting required for warming, regulatory and informatory
 3mm thick
354. What is the shape of warning signs?
 Triangular Shapes



355. Regulatory Signs

 Circular Shapes
356. Informatory Signs
 Rectangular Shapes
357. What is the diameter & fall of the metal ball to the dropped to the aluminium sheeting that will
determine if there will be cracking or reduction of reflectivity of road signs?
 25mm Ø, 2.0 meter high
358. This shall consist of beads of good quality optically clear, lead – free glass with not less than 90%
reasonably spherical and free from flaws.
 Ballotini for Reflective Road Paint
359. What is the rate of application of traffic paint to the pavement?
 0.33 L/sq.m
360. The rate of application of Bituminous Tack Coat
 0.2 to 0.70 liter / sq.m
361. The rate of application of Bituminous Seal Coat
 0.9 to 1.8 liters / sq.m for Asphalt Cement
 1.5 to 3.0 liters / sq.m for Cut – Back
362. The rate of application of the cover aggregate after the application of seal coat.
 0.004 to 0.007 cu.m /sq.m
363. What determine the effect of water on the cohesion of the mix?
 Immersion / Compression Test
364. What determines if the grading of the mix conforms to the Job Mix Formula Specification?
 Grading Test
365. The ability of asphalt mix to resist deformation from imposed load.
 Stability
366. The ability of asphalt mix to the detrimental effects of air, water, temperature and traffic.
 Durability
367. The ability of the mix to bend slightly without cracking and to conform to gradual settlements and
movements of the base and sub grade.
 Flexibility
368. The ability of the mix to withstand repeated flexing caused by the passage of the wheel loads.
 Fatigue Resistance
369. The ability of the mix to offer resistance, to slipping or skidding of the vehicle tire.
 Skid Resistance
370. The ease with which paving mixture maybe placed and compacted.
 Workability
371. When the asphalt mix is difficult to place and has rough surface, it has
 Large maximum size particle
372. When the asphalt mix is hard to compact.
 Excessive Coarse Aggregate
373. When there are uncoated aggregate to the mixture, rough surface and hard to compact.
 Mix temperature is too low
374. When the asphalt mix shoves under roller, remains tender.
 Too much medium – size sand
375. When the mix tender and highly permeable.
 Low Mineral Filler Content
376. When the mix is dry and grummy, hard to handle and not durable.
 High Mineral Filler Content
377. What is the effect of low asphalt of the mixture?
 Fatigue Cracking
378. What is the effect when there is excess asphalt in the mixture?
 Bleeding and low skid resistance
379. When the surface of the pavement is too smooth and there is hydroplaning.
 Poorly texture or graded aggregate
380. When the mix has thin asphalt films and this will cause early aging and ravelling
 Low Asphalt Content
381. When water and air can easily enter pavement causing oxidation and disintegration.
 High Void Contents in Design Mix



382. This will result in high voids in pavement, leading to water infiltration and low strength.
 Inadequate Compaction
383. These effects in wash boarding, resulting and flushing or bleeding.
 Excess Asphalt in Mixture
384. When there is tenderness during rolling and for period after construction it is difficult to compact.
 Excess medium size sand and in mixture
385. What is effect when the rounded aggregate has little or no crushed surface?
 Rutting and Channelling
386. Where there is early hardening of asphalt followed by cracking or disintegration.
 High Void Content or Lack of Compaction
387. When there is excessive bending followed by fatigue cracking.
 Inadequate Pavement Thickness
388. When the asphalt film strips from aggregate leaving an abraded, ravelled or mushy pavement.
 Water Susceptible Aggregate in the Mixture (Hydrophilic)
389. It is a network of fine, random cracks on the surface and is caused by the shrinkage of the
concrete surface layer.
 Alligator (Craze) Cracking
390. This type of cracking appears on the surface of freshly placed concrete during finishing operation
or soon after.
 Plastic Shrinkage Cracking
391. A sample of 95% passed No.200 sieve. What test should be done?
 Hydrometer Analysis
392. If the soil in Item 200 material is non-plastic, what Atterberg test ban be performed?
 Liquid Limit
393. Per POW, the estimated volume of Item 201 is 7,500 cu.m. How many grading and plasticity test
are required?

5 (1 G P /1,500 m )
394. Item 201 materials with CBR value of 75 % (which is 5% less than the minimum requirement) can
still be used in the design of a concrete pavement that the following are considered except one:
 the foundation contain unsuitable material
395. Over-sanded and under-sanded concrete mix require more H2O to have better workability, but this
will only result in the following except one.
 water tightness
396. Rate of application of emulsified asphalt (Item 302 – Bituminous Tack Coat) used as Tack Coat
should be within the range of:
 0.2 – 0.7 liter/ sq.m
397. Accepted required speed in rolling /compacting is:
 3 – 5 km/hr
398. Bulldozer maybe used for moving earth effectively at a maximum distance of
 100 l. m.
399. Auger boring maybe made at an average interval of
 250 meters
400. In what thickness that soft rock must be excavated below sub-grade elevation
 150mm
401. If concrete is continuously moist cured, it will gain strength beyond 180 days.
 True
402. The quality of paving concrete is usually measured by its:
 Flexural
403. Generally speaking, batching of concrete aggregates by volume its preferable than by weight.
 False
404. If angular CA is used in concrete mix, it will require more:
 Water and F. A.
405. The most favourable period for curing concrete is
 During the first few days or week
406. The maximum % abrasion loss allowed for concrete C.A is:
 40%
407. The P.I. of aggregate base course should be not greater than.
 6%



408. The natural H2O content of highly organic soils is:

 more than 100%
409. Which of the following dead load is equivalent for loose sand, earth & gravel fill?
 1.603 tons/cu.m
410. The end surfaces of all compression test specimens shall not depart from a plane by more than:
 0.002 inch
411. Sulfur caps on specimen be allowed to hardened for at least one (1) hr. before applying. ( or after it
has cool down to room temperature)
412. It is between the liquid and plastic states and it is defined as the lowest water content at which the
mass has the capacity to flow as a liquid.
 Liquid Limit
413. It is between the plastic and semi-solid states and defined as the lowest water content at which
the mass can be readily molded without crumbling.
 Plastic Limit
414. This is between the semi-solid states and is defined as the highest water content at which mass
can attain its minimum but it continues to lose weight.
 Shrinkage Limit
415. This is the difference between the liquid and plastic limit.
 Plasticity Index
416. This the difference between the plastic and shrinkage limit.
 Shrinkage Index
417. Weight of soil sample needed for liquid limit determination.
 100 grams
418. For plastic limit determination.
 15 grams
419. For shrinkage limit.
 30 grams
420. It is the ratio of the weight of water in the soil to the weight of the dry soil after it has been dried to
constant weight at a temp. of 105-110˚C.
 Moisture Content
421. It is defined as the ratio of the weight in air of a given volume of a material to the weight in air of
an equal volume of a standard material at a stated temperature.
 Specific Gravity
422. It is determination of particle size distribution in soils by sieve, hydrometer or a combined
 Grain size or Mechanical Analysis
423. Three major groups of soil
 Coarse Grained,
 Fine – Grained,
 Organic
424. If the individual particles are visible to the unaided eye, the soil considered to be:
 Coarse Grained Soil
425. The two principal soil types that comprises the coarse grained soil.
 Gravel – loose H2O worn fragments of
 Sand – cohesive gritty & cohesionless
426. If its individual particles are not visible to the unaided eye.
 Fine – grained soil
427. The two principal type comprising this group are:
 silt – has smooth texture
 clay – cohesive and plastic when wet
428. This type contains an appreciable amount of decayed animal and or plant matter.
 Organic Soil
429. The limiting diameter of gravel is:
 3” to sieve #10 or 75mm to 2mm
430. The limiting diameter of sand is:
 2.0mm to 0.074mm (No. 200 sieve)
431. Rock fragments which are coarser than the upper limiting size for gravel are:
 Boulders



432. Limiting size for silt:

 0.074mm to 0.005mm
433. Limiting size for clay:
 0.005mm to 0.001mm
434. Those smaller than 0.001mm are called:
 colloids
435. The drying time of 25 grams sandy materials.
 2 hours
436. The drying time of a plastic, fine-grained soil of the same weight is:
 4 hours
437. It shall have an even number of equal width chutes but not less than a total of eight for coarse
aggregate, or twelve for fin aggregates. which discharge alternately to each side.
 Sample Splitter
438. It is widely used in the classification and identification of soils. It is an important criterion in the
classification of highway subgrade materials. It is also related to permeability and capillarity of
cohesion less soil.
 Grain Size Distribution
439. The size of the portion passing 2.0mm to 0.425mm (#40) sieve shall be tested for:
 Hygroscopic Moisture Content
 Hydrometer Test
440. These indicate compressibility and related to permeability.
 Plasticity Index
441. High P.I. means high degree of compressibility of soil.

442. The higher the P.I., the lower the permeability.

443. It is performed if the soil is granular, if a considerable portion is retained on the No.200 sieve
 Sieve Analysis
444. If the soil is fine-grained or nearly all its particles are finer than the No. 200 sieve.
 Hydrometer Analysis
445. For efficient compaction, the embankment materials should at the time of rolling be at.
 Optimum Moisture Content
446. For a road base course, the most preferable materials is one with CBR value of:
 80%
447. Peat and muck are:
 Unsuitable Soils
448. The plasticity index of aggregate base course should not be greater than:
 6%
449. The natural water content of highly organic soil is:
 more than 100%
450. The most commonly used method of soil exploration.
 Core Boring
451. The lowest moisture content at which the soil will flow upon the application of every small
shearing force.
 Liquid Limit
452. The minimum moisture content at which the soil remains in a plastic state.
 Plastic Limit
453. This is very important to achieve maximum contact between particles and maximum water
tightness of base materials.
 Gradation
454. In general, soils high value of this and P.I. are poor as engineering materials.
 Liquid Limit of Fines
455. Give indications of clay content in soil.
 Plasticity Index
456. Use to evaluate the potential strength of soil aggregate.



457. The purpose of this trial is to check the sustainability of the materials and the efficiency of the
equipment and construction method which is proposed to be used.
 Trial Section
458. The behaviour of soil is markedly influence by the amount of
 Moisture Content
459. It is defined as the weight/mass per unit volume.
 Density of Soil
460. This is widely used as a control test in embankment construction to ensure adequate
 Field Density Test
461. It involves the application of energy and addition of water as lubricant.
 Compaction of Soil
462. It is expressed as the moisture content corresponding to 25 blows.
 Liquid Limit
463. It increases the shearing strength of aggregate of any size, shape/gradation.
 Compaction
464. This is the amount of moisture that allows the compacting force to overcome the frictional
resistance and the maximum density of soil mass is attained.
 Optimum Moisture Content
465. Height of fall of 2.50 kg rammer.
 12 inches
466. Height of fall of 4.54 kg rammer.
 18 inches
467. Moisture content of air-dried soil.
 Hygroscopic Moisture Content
468. Moisture Content of undisturbed soil
 Natural Moisture Content
469. Abrasion Test - Significance:
- Evaluate the structural strength of C.A.
- Gives an indication of quality as determined by resistance to impact & wear.
- It determines whether the aggregate will have degradation during traffic or rolling
470. The value of this is use in the design and control of concrete mixture.
 Specific Gravity of Cement
471. This determines the fineness of cement which affects the strength cement.
 Fineness of Cement Test
472. This determines the amount of water required to prepare hydraulic cement paste for testing.
 Normal Consistency Test of Cement
473. The purpose of this test is to establish whether cement complies with a specification limit on
setting time.
 Time of Setting by Gilmore Needle
474. This test provides an index of potential delayed expansion caused by the hydration of Calcium
Oxide (CaO) or Magnesium Oxide (MgO) or both.
 Soundness Test by Autoclave Expansion
475. This test determines whether or not the hydraulic cement under test meets the air entertaining
requirements of the specifications.
 Air Content Test
476. This is caused to determine the compressive strength of hydraulic cement that will be used.
 Mortar Strength
477. This determines the freshness of cement and the amount of moisture present in the cement.
 Loss on Ignition (900⁰C - 1000⁰C heating temperature)
478. This determines the inert materials (acid insoluble material) present in the cement.
 Insoluble Residue Test
479. This determines the amount of gypsum added to the cement to regulate its setting.
 Sulfur Trioxide Test
480. This determines the soundness of cement.
 Magnesium Oxide Test (autoclave machine)
481. Natural Pozzolan Cement.
 Volcanic Ash /(volcanic earth)



482. Artificial Pozzolan Cement

 Fly Ash
483. Diameter of sphere used in Abrasion Test.
 46.8mmØ
484. Wt. of cast iron spheres
 390 grams
485. Wt. of steel spheres.
 455 grams
486. No. of spheres needed & weight of sample/grading.
 Grading A – 12 spheres – 5000 ± 25 grams
 Grading B – 11 spheres – 4584 ± 25 grams
 Grading C – 8 spheres – 3330 ± 20 grams
 Grading D – 6 spheres – 2500 ± 15 grams
487. Defined as the product obtained by burning to incipient fusion a properly proportioned mixture of
argillaceous and calcareous materials.
 Portland Cement
488. This is burnt product which is used by Gypsum and pulverized to form Portland Cement.
 Clinker
489. This reacts or combined with H2O, one that will harden underwater.
 Hydraulic Cement
490. This is the heat produced by the chemical reaction between cement and H2O.
 Heat of Hydration
491. This is the process in which the cement reacts or combined chemically with H2O.
 Hydration
492. Those materials that contribute Silica (SiO2), Alumina (Al2O3) and Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) to the
clinker, its include clay, shale, iron ore and sand, etc.
 Argillaceous Raw Materials
493. Those material which contribute Lime (CaO) and Magnesia (MgO) to the clinker, its include
limestone, chalk, marls, marine oyster shells, etc.
 Calcareous Raw Materials
494. This type of cement is used for General Construction.
 Normal Cement or Type I
495. These are used where sulfate concentration in ground waters are higher than normal but not
sever, generate heat at a slower rate than normal.
 Moderate Sulfate Resistant or Type II
496. This type develops approximately 190% of the strength of Type 1 at 3 days & 90 to 130% at 28
 High Early Strength or Type III
497. This is special cement for use where the amount and rate of heat generated must be minimized.
 Low Heat of Hydration or Type IV
498. Special cement intended to be used in structure to prevent damaged from severe sulfate action of
soils or high alkali content of H2O.
 Sulfate Resistant or Type V
499. In sub-base & base coursed this material shall be free from hard lump and shall not contain more
than 15% of material retained on the No.4 Sieve.
 Filler Material
500. Concrete deposited in water.
 Seal Concrete
501. The consistency of the concrete mixture should be checked frequently by this test.
 Slump Test
502. Slump of concrete deposited in water.
 between 10 – 20 cm
503. The minimum cement content of concrete deposited in water.
 400kg/cu.m. of concrete (10 bags/cu.m. of concrete)
504. The maximum distance of the discharge point from the point of deposit by pneumatic means.
 3.0 meters
505. The maximum time for consolidation/compaction of structural/concrete.
 15 seconds



506. The space interval of inserting vibrator that should be withdrawn vertically to penetrate
underlying lift for homogeneity between lifts.
 50 – 60 cm
507. Min. time needed for the removal of forms for beams, girders, frames or arches.
 14 days or 80% of design strength
508. Min. bar tapping for tension.
 24 bar Ǿ for G40
 36 bar Ǿ for G60
509. Min. bar tapping distance for compression.
 20 bar Ǿ for G40
 24 bar Ǿ for G60
510. Min. separation of splices when staggered.
 40 bar Ǿ
511. Consist of furnishing, placing and finishing concrete in all structures except pavement conforming
to the lines, grade and dimensions.
 Structural Concrete
512. Min. grouting pressure for bonding tendons.
 0.6894 MPa (100 psi)
513. The mixing time when concrete were mixed in a central mixing plant.
 50 – 90 seconds
514. Occurs on PCCP when the cutting of weakened plane is delayed.
 Shrinkage Cracking
515. When concrete pile cast in place formed by first removing the soil by drilling and filling the void by
 Bored Pile
516. Max. Length of tremie pile and its diameter.
 2.5 meters and 20cm Ø
517. Length of tremie pipe that must be submerged into concrete.
 2 – 6 m w/ Bentonite
 3.5 m without Bentonite
518. What is density of Bentonite to 1cu.m of H2O.
 30 -100 kilos/cu.m
519. Reinforcement that consists of spiral bars coiled outside the main longitudinal reinforcement.
 Transverse Reinforcement
520. The usual size of the stiffening rings.
 2.5mm Ø
521. The minimum spacing of steel bars on bored piles to ensure that concrete would still flow
outwards to the walls of the bored piles.
 100 mm
522. Must be within the limit of water cement ratio for concrete.
 0.50 – 0.60
523. Required revolution of concrete mixer.
 4 – 6 RPM
524. The minimum revolution for each concrete mix.
 100 Revolutions
525. The minimum interval of concrete pouring to avoid cold joint.
 30 minutes
526. Consist of all works elements carried out by the manager or by those in his organization which
contribute to the quality of the output of some other organization.
 Quality Assurance Work
527. Refers to the process of making tests to determine the degree of compliance of delivered or
constructed materials with the specification.
 Materials Testing
528. The main objective of this design is to determine the main proportion of the ingredients that will
produce concrete of the proper workability when fresh and the desired durability and strength
after it has hardened.
 Design of the Concrete Mixture



529. These are prescribed in each project based on the estimated quantities it specify the number of
tests for each work items.
 Minimum Testing Requirements
530. This is prepared by the DPWH for the contractor to comply to facilitate quality control.
 Quality Control Program
531. This should be done during the first seven days in order that the expected development of
strength will be obtained and the occurrence of plastic cracks will be prevented or minimized.
 Curing of Concrete
532. This is preferable than a good PCCP road due to its initial low cost more uniform riding surface.
 Asphalt Road
533. The proportion of aggregate and asphalt should be based on this.
 Laboratory Trial Mixes
534. This formula should be set and strictly followed in all batches of the asphalt mixes; it should
include provisions on grading of aggregate percentage of asphalt and temperature of mixture at
time of compaction.
 Job Mix Formula
535. Used in measuring the thickness or height determination of compacted bituminous paving mixture
to the nearest 0.10cm.
 Calliper
536. Used to determine the grading of aggregates extracted from bituminous mixtures.
 Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregates
537. A test to determine the moisture content of soil.
 Calcium Carbide Gas Pressure/calcium trichloride
538. The amount of lime to be added in item 203 (Lime Stabilized Road Mix Base Course)
 3-12 mass % of dry soil aggregate
539. The amount of cement to be added in Item 204 (Portland Cement Stabilized Road Mix Base
 6-10 mass % of dry soil aggregate
540. For item 505 (Stone Masonry) test for Cement & Fine Aggregate.
 Cement – 2 bags/cu.m
 F.A. – 0.17 cu.m/cu.m of concrete
541. It is a colloidal dispersion of asphalt in H2O whose color is chocolate brown before use and turns
black when the emulsion is broken.
 Emulsified Asphalt
542. What process determines the asphalt contents?
 Extraction
543. Minimum temperature of bituminous concrete when place, measured in the truck prior to
 107˚C
544. Minimum temperature of tar when it is used in Bituminous Concrete.
 66 to 107˚C
545. The Bituminous material commonly used in 310.
 Asphalt Cement
546. This item consists of preparing and treating and aggregate base course preparatory to the
construction of Bituminous Surface Course.
 Bituminous Prime Coat
547. This consists of preparing and treating an existing bituminous or cement pavement with
bituminous materials.
 Bituminous Tack Coat
548. Consist of an application of bituminous materials with or without an application of aggregate of an
existing bituminous surface course.
 Bituminous Seal Coat
549. Consists of either a single application of bituminous materials followed by a single spreading of
aggregate or two application of bituminous materials each followed by spreading of aggregate
(Double Surface Treatment).
 Bituminous Surface Treatment
550. What determines the index of retained strength of the asphalt mix?
 Immersion / compression test



551. It is the ratio of wet to dry stability of the mix (Compressive Strength).
 Index of Retained Strength
552. This measures the resistance asphalt to flow.
 Viscosity Test
553. Measure the distance that a standard needle will penetrate a sample at a given temperature in a
specified time.
 Penetration Test
554. Measures the ability of asphalt to stretch without breaking.
 Ductility Test
555. It determines the rate of loss of volatile oil of asphalt when heated and the change in penetration
caused by excessive heating.
 Loss on Heating Test
556. Indicates the uniformity of products.
 Specific Gravity
557. Indicates the safe heating temperature of asphalt.
 Flash Point/Cleveland open cup
558. Determines if asphalt is overheated during production.
 Spot Test
559. Determines the Bituminous content in asphalt that is soluble in petroleum solvent.
 Solubility Test
560. Determines the asphalt content of liquid asphalt.
 Distillation Test
561. Determines the presence of larger globules of asphalt.
 Sieve Test
562. Determines the resistance of emulsion of breakdown on the job.
 Cement Mixing Test
563. Detects the tendency of the asphalt globules in the emulsion to settle during the storage.
 Storage Stability Test
564. It is the basic cementing material; the main constituent of all other asphalt types also known as
Hot Asphalt.
 Asphalt Cement
565. Mixture of asphalt cement, water and % emulsifier usually 60% asphalt and 40% H2O.
 Emulsified Asphalt
566. Blend of asphalt cement and petroleum solution.
 Cutback Asphalt
567. Asphalt cement with non-volatile or slow volatile oils or road oil.
 Slow Curing (SC)
568. Asphalt cement with kerosene.
 Medium Curing (MC)
569. Asphalt cement with gasoline.
 Rapid Curing (RC)
570. Used as joint and crack filter and for water proofing material.
 Blown or Oxidized Asphalt
571. Gives color and hardness.
 Asphaltene
572. Composed of resin which provides stickiness (adhesiveness) and oil which influence viscosity of
asphalt and impart softness.
 Maltene
573. Portland – Pozzolan cement for use in general concrete construction.
 Type IP
574. Portland – Pozzolan cement for use in concrete construction where high strength at early ages
not required.
 Type P
575. Is the solid portion of paint, the finely divided solid particles used in paint.
 Pigments
576. Are inert materials which are added to the paint to increase the volume without increasing the
 Extenders



577. Intended for used for concrete or other masonry surface.

 Latex Paint
578. Paint from emulsions of polymer in H2O as binder with suitable pigment, which is substantially
free from gloss.
 Flat Latex Paint
579. Intended for used on wood surface, a special type of paint made with varnish as the vehicle.
 Enamel Paint
580. For interior use, made from alkyd resin as binder with suitable pigment.
 Flat Wall Enamel
581. For exterior use, made from alkyd resin as binder with suitable pigment which has sheen, shine or
 Gloss/ Semi-gloss enamel
582. A bright orange-red tetroxide used as primarily constituents of anti-corrosive primers for iron or
 Red Lead
583. A pigment mainly of Ferric Oxide.
 Red Oxide
584. This kind of paint is primarily intended for use on steel structure.
 Aluminium Paint
585. For zone marking, traffic lanes, should possess improve visibility at night.
 Reflectorized Traffic Paint
586. This is the liquid portion of the paint.
 Vehicle
587. Placing of Riprap must be
 Perpendicular to the slope
588. Placing of stone masonry must be
 Parallel to the slope
589. Min. required of weep-holes & their diameter Ø
 2 meters o. c. & 2” Ø
590. A core specimen for thickness determination shall have a diameter of
 4” (100mm)
591. Min. required temp. for asphalt compaction
 107˚C ± 10˚C
592. Min. thickness for asphalt overlay
 inch
593. Min. dry stability compressive strength for 310.
 1.4 MPa (200psi)
594. Min. asphalt content for item 310.
 5–8%
595. Different tests conducted in the field are:
 FDT, Slump, T-core, SPT & Test Pit.
596. Thickness tolerance is:
 + 5mm & - 25mm
597. Field tests for Bituminous Pavement Specimen.
 Asphalt cores – 4”Ø, full depth or 100mm
 Square Samples – 6”x 6” or 150mm x 150mm
598. Surface tolerance for compaction of item 310.
 not to exceed 6mm
599. Strength requirement for PCCP
 Flexural = 500 psi
 Compressive = 3,550 psi
600. In casting reinforced concrete railings, the concrete used is
 Class C – 1
601. Based on the maximum dry density obtained by Lab. test, the degree of compaction required for
aggregate subbase should at least
 100%
602. The specified flexural strength for paving concrete using midpoint loading is
 650 psi



603. Per our present specs. for highway and bridges including amendments, it is mandatory to open
PCCP to traffic not later than
 14 days after pouring
604. The slump test on concrete is a measure of
 Consistency
605. The fineness modulus is highest for
 Coarse Sand
606. If concrete is continuously moist, cured, it will gain strength beyond 180 days
 True
607. The quality of paving concrete is usually measured by its
 Flexural Strength
608. Generally speaking, batching of aggregate by volume is preferable than weight
 False
609. If angular coarse aggregate is used in concrete mix, it will require more
 Water and Fine Aggregate
610. The most favorable period for curing concrete is
 during the first few days or week
611. Lower water cement ratio in concrete mixes improves
 Strength
612. When concrete must be placed in a sloping surface, placing should start at the
 Bottom
613. The maximum % Abrasion Loss for concrete coarse aggregate is
 40%
614. In casting of reinforced concrete piles, the concrete used is
 C2
615. What are the dead load equivalent of loose sand, earth & gravel fill
 1.603 tons/cu.m
616. What is the rate of application for curing compound
 0.20 liter/sq.m.
617. During coring of completed pavement, how many cores /km/lane are required as per specification
 5
618. What is the right proportion for stone masonry?
 : 2 (1 part cement: 2 parts sand)
619. The most common used method of soil exploration is
 Core Boring
620. The flow curve obtained when liquid limit test results are plotted on a semi-log scale is in the form
 Straight Line
621. What is the effect of increasing the compaction effect in compacting soil
 Higher Density
 Lower Optimum Water Content
622. The allowable smooth riding quality
 3mm
623. Test requirement for on-going asphalt pavement
 but not more than 3 samples for 1 whole day operation (300 li.m)
624. Minimum test requirement for completed Bituminous Pavement
 sample every 100 li.m/lane
625. Required thickness for compaction is
 150mm/layer
626. Mass % of air void of item 310
 5 – 7% (New D.O. = 3 – 5%)
627. Mineral filler passing No,200 sieve used in item 310 should have Plasticity Index of
 not greater than 4%
628. Rolling of item 310 must begin from:
 The sides and proceed horizontally towards the centreline of the road, each
strip overlapping on half the roller width.
629. An excavation and utilization of approved material sources required for the construction of
embankment, or for other portion of the work as shown on the plans or on the special provisions
 Borrow Excavation



630. On item 102, rock shall be excavated below sub-grade within the limit of the road bed to a depth
 150mm (6”)
631. Test requirement for selected borrow (topping) – 201
 P.I. not greater than 6
 L.L. not greater than 25
632. What is rolling distance extended outside the base course and surface course on pavement
 30cm
633. A concrete where compression is included before application of working loads so that tension
under these working load is reduced.
 Pre-stressed Concrete
634. The system of pre-stressing wherein the steel tendons are tensioned before placing concrete.
 Pre-tensioning
635. The system of pre-stressing wherein the steel tendons are tensioned after the concrete has been
placed and has attained a specific strength.
 Post Tensioning
636. It is manufactured in the form of spiral wound galvanized sheet of metal strip which are mortar
 Ducts
637. Positional Tolerance of duct tubes during casting operations
 +1 to -4mm (±4mm)
638. Assist in rigidly holding duct tubes, through positions during placement of concrete
 Tendons
639. When can we eliminate sub-base during construction
 When CBR value is greater than 25%
640. What are the penetration grades for Bituminous Prime Coat (item 301)?
 Rapid Curing = 60 – 70, 85 – 100, 120 -150
641. What is the rate of application for 301
 – 2 liters
642. What is the time elapsed in transporting mixed concrete form the time H2O is added to the mix.
 Max. of 45 min., if hauled in non-agitating trucks
 Max. of 90 min., if hauled in agitating truck (Transit Mixer)
643. What is the depth and width of the weakened plane joint?
 Width = 6mm
 Depth = 50mm
644. The corrugation produced by brooming is
 1.5mm
645. Curing period of concrete after brooming
 72 hours after concrete hardened
646. Sealing asphalt penetration
 40 – 60
647. Installed base on the post-tension system being used.
 Anchorage
648. An important operation having dual purpose of protecting the post-tensioned steel tendon and
relieving the anchorage of stress fluctuation
 Grouting
649. The maximum jacking force of the specified minimum ultimate strength of the steel tendon must
not succeed
 85%
650. Steel tendons should be grouted with an approved grout mixture after the completion of stressing
operation within
 48 hours
651. The minimum grouting pressure is
 700 kpa / 15 seconds or 0.6894 Mpa (100 psi)
652. Quality Test for joint filter
 – QT for each shipment
 4.5 kg. Per batch of the joint sealer
653. For RSB, 1 QT (Bending, Tension & Chemical analysis for every)
 10,000 kilos



654. Test for steel bridge painting (item 408)

 QT for every 100 can
655. For strength determination, the average strength of the cores is equal to at least
 85% and no single core is less than 75% of the specified strength
656. Ave. compressive strength of CHB (Non –Load Bearing)
 600 psi
657. Individual compressive strength (Non-Load Bearing)
 500 psi
658. Average compressive strength (Load Bearing)
 1000 psi
659. Individual compressive strength (Load Bearing)
 800 psi
660. Paint is used for asphalt pavement
 Reflectorized Paint
661. Paint used for concrete pavement
 Thermoplastic Paint
662. Moisture content of well-seasoned wood
 12 – 18%
663. Minimum thickness and covering for rubble concrete is
 30cm. (12”) & 5cm.(2”) respectively.
664. Size requirement of stone masonry
 T = 150mm (6”)
 W = 1.5 T
 L = 1.5W
665. Volume of mortar in riprap
 45%
666. Minimum number of days to cure concrete by ponding method
 7 days
667. Minimum thickness and the maximum size of aggregate used for PCCP overlay
 18cm & 40mm respectively
668. The recommended thickness of Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay depending on the expected traffic and
the modulus of the Cracked & Sealed Pavement
 3” to 5” (min thickness = 1”)
669. The type of H2O reducing admixtures that are used to produce flowing concrete
 Super Plasticizers
670. Super Plasticizer can reduce the H2O content by ____% and increase 24 hour strength by
 25 to 35%
 50 to 70%
671. Admixture which help incorporate a controlled amount of air in the form of minute bubbles by
concrete during mixing without significantly altering the setting or the rate of hardening
characteristics of concrete.
 Air Entraining Admixture
672. Admixture used to speed-up the initial set of concrete
 Accelerator
673. Material other than the basic ingredient of concrete mix immediately before or during mixing to
modify one or more of the specific properties of concrete in the fresh hardened states.
 Admixture
674. Minimum diameter of storm pipes.
 450mm
675. Spacing of inlets shall not exceed ____ for cleaning & maintenance purposes.
 40 meters
676. The top of storm pipes shall not be less than ____ below the finish grade.
 0.60 meter
677. Bowl shaped holes of various sizes in the pavement surface.
 Potholes
678. Interconnected cracks forming a series, of small blocks resembling an alligator’s skin or chicken
 Alligator Cracking



679. The wearing away of the pavement surface caused by the dislodging of aggregate particles.
 Ravelling
680. A form of plastic movement typified by ripples (surface waves) across the pavement surface.
 Corrugation
681. A form of plastic movement resulting in localized bulging of the pavement.
 Shoving
682. Longitudinal surface depression in the wheel paths.
 Rutting
683. The upward movements in an asphalt pavement in the formation of film of asphalt.
 Bleeding
684. Cracks in asphalt concrete overlay surface that occur over joints in PCCP
 Reflection Cracking
685. In Bituminous Concrete Surface Coarse Aggregates (C.A., F.A. & Mineral Filler) accounts for
what percentage? Asphalt?
 Aggregate = 92 - 95%
 Asphalt = 5 - 8%
686. It is viscous liquid obtained from the distillation of coal or wood.
 Tar
687. Are products of the distillation of crude oil
 Petroleum Asphalt
688. Are asphalt mixed with solvent to reduce their viscosity and makes them easier to use at ordinary
 Liquid Asphalt
689. Are mixtures of asphalt cement & H2O with emulsifying agent.
 Asphalt Emulsions
690. Emulsified asphalt which works better with wet aggregate.
 Cationic Asphalt
691. Emulsified asphalt emulsions which adhere better to aggregate which have positive charges
 Anionic Asphalt
692. Slope of battered piles.
 1: 6
693. This was placed on the edges of landing for the purpose of preventing the vessels or ship from
getting direct contract with the pier.
 Timber Walling
694. This shall be made of steel wire triple twisted to form a uniform hexagonal mesh pattern.
 Gabions
695. Minimum density of gabions.
 1,400 kg/cu.m
696. Minimum size of galvanized steel wire.
 2.70 mm Ø (0.106”) US gauge No.12
697. The required tensile strength of the wire.
 413.7 – 506.10 MPa or 60,000 – 85,000 psi
698. The minimum zinc coating of the wire.
 22.70 grams / 0.929 sq.m or 0.080 oz/sq.ft
699. Area of mesh opening.
 51.6 or 8 sq.inch
700. What is the wire used in tying the perimeter edges of mesh forming the gabions
 Selvage Wire
701. What is the size of the selvage wire?
 3.40 mm Ø or (0.134” Ø) (1988 specs)
 US wire gauge No. 10 (1995 specs)
702. If the type of soil in item 200 materials is non-plastic, what Atterberg Limit test can be performed?
 Liquid Limit
703. What is the diameter of tie wire?
 2.2mm (min.) or Gauge #16
704. Weighted loss of F.A. subjected to 5 cycles of the sodium sulphate soundness test should not
exceed ____ (for PCCP).
 10 mass % min. ; (wash loss not exceed 3%)



705. What is the weighted of C.A. when subjected to 5 cycles of sodium sulphate soundness test,
 12 mass % min. ; (wash loss not exceed 1%)
706. Small air spaces that occur between the coated aggregate particles in a compacted mix.
 Air Voids
707. Spaces that exist between the aggregate particles in a compacted mix including spaces filled with
 Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA)
708. When the compacted thickness of the road mix surface is to be more than 50mm (2”), the mixture
shall be spread from the windrow and compacted in
 Two Layers
709. What will be done to the first layer of Item 306 before 2 layer is spread?
 To be bladed and rolled first
710. What percent of hydrated lime shall added to the mixture during mixing operation of item 306?
 0.5 to 1.0 mass %
711. What is the proportion of bituminous material on the basis of total dry aggregate?
 Cut Back = 4.5 to 7.0 mass %
 Emulsified = 6.0 to 10.0 mass %
712. The measured amount of cement content shall be with in what percent of the designed cement
 ± 2%
713. For mixers less than 1.5 cu.m capacity, what is the minimum mixing time?
 60 seconds
714. For mixers having a capacity greater than 1.5 cu.m
 not less than 90 seconds
715. If high early strength cement is used in casting piles, piles shall not be moved, transported or
driven prior to _____.
 7 days after casting.
716. These are the planes of weakness created by forming or cutting grooves in the surface of the
pavement and shall include load transfer assemblies.
 Transverse Contraction Joint
717. This is formed by installing a parting strip to be left in places as shown on the plans.
 Transverse Strip Contraction Joint
718. This is created by sawing grooves in the surfaces of the pavement of the width. depth and at the
spacing and lines on the plans, with an approved concrete saw.
 Sawed Contraction Joint
719. This shall be constructed when there is an interruption of more than 30 minute in the concreting
 Transverse Contraction Joint
720. This shall be held in position parallel to the surfaces & centreline of the slab by a metal device
that is left in the pavement.
 Load Transfer Device (Dowel)
721. Minimum length of concrete pile.
 3.0 meters
722. This paint that is prepared especially for tree surgery is required for cut or scarred surface of trees
or shrubs selected for retention.
 Asphaltum Base Paint
723. Minimum depth of undisturbed stumps & roots and non-perishable solid objects below sub-grade
or slope of embankment that will not be subjected for removal.
 meter below sub-grade
724. The height at which the diameter of tree should be measured.
 1.4m above the ground
725. The limiting diameter of tree trunk to be considered as small.
 over 150mm to 900mm
726. For large trees.
 over 900mm
727. This shall consist of excavation and disposal of all materials regardless of its nature not classified
and included in the BOQ under other pay items.
 Unclassified Excavation



728. This shall consists of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rock which cannot be excavated
without blasting or the use of rippers and all boulders having a volume of 1cu.m or more.
 Rock Excavation
729. This shall consist of all excavation not included in the BOQ under rock excavation or other pay
 Common Excavation
730. This shall consist of the removal and disposal of deposits of saturated or unsaturated mixture of
soils and organic matter not suitable for foundation materials.
 Muck Excavation
731. Weight of boulders required for Class A – Grouted Riprap.
 15 kg – 25 kg (50% weighing more than 20)
732. For Class B
 30 – 70 kg (50% > 50 kg)
733. For Class C
 60 – 100 kg (50% weighing > 80 kg)
734. For Class D.
 100 – 200 kg (50% weighing > 150 kg)
735. Minimum thickness requirement for Class A Grouted Riprap measured perpendicular to the slope.
 300mm
736. For Class B.
 500mm
737. For Class C.
 600mm
738. For Class D.
 800mm
739. In Stone Masonry, what is the maximum projection of rock faces beyond the pitch lines?
 not more than 50mm
740. The minimum thickness of aluminium sheeting required for warming, regulatory and informatory
 3mm thick
741. What is the shape of warning signs?
 Triangular Shapes
742. Regulatory Signs
 Circular Shapes
743. Informatory Signs
 Rectangular Shapes
744. What is the diameter of fall of the metal ball to the dropped to the aluminium sheeting that will
determine if there will be cracking or reduction of reflectivity of road signs?
 25mm Ø, 2.0 meter high
745. This shall consist of beads of good quality optically clear, lead – free glass with not less than 90%
reasonably spherical and free from flaws.
 Ballotini for Reflective Road Paint
746. What is the rate of application of traffic paint to the pavement?
 0.33 L/sq.m
747. The rate of application of Bituminous Tack Coat
 0.2 to 0.70 liter / sq.m
748. The rate of application of Bituminous Seal Coat
 0.9 to 1.8 liters / sq.m for Asphalt Cement
 1.5 to 3.0 liters / sq.m for Cut – Back
749. The rate of application of the cover aggregate after the application of seal coat.
 0.004 to 0.007 cu.m /sq.m
750. What determine the effect of water on the cohesion of the mix?
 Immersion / Compression Test
751. What determines if the grading of the mix conforms to the Job Mix Formula Specification?
 Grading Test
752. The ability of asphalt mix to resist deformation from imposed load.
 Stability
753. The ability of asphalt mix to the detrimental effects of air, water, temperature and traffic.
 Durability



754. The ability of the mix to bend slightly without cracking and to conform to gradual settlements and
movements of the base and sub grade.
 Flexibility
755. The ability of the mix to withstand repeated flexing caused by the passage of the wheel loads.
 Fatigue Resistance
756. The ability of the mix to offer resistance, to slipping or skidding of the vehicle tire.
 Skid Resistance
757. The ease with which paving mixture maybe placed and compacted.
 Workability
758. When the asphalt mix is difficult to place and has rough surface, it has
 Large maximum size particle
759. When the asphalt mix is hard to compact.
 Excessive Coarse Aggregate
760. When there are uncoated aggregate to the mixture, rough surface and hard to compact.
 Mix temperature is too low
761. When the asphalt mix shoves under roller, remains tender.
 Too much medium – size sand
762. When the mix tender and highly permeable.
 Low Mineral Filler Content
763. When the mix is dry and grummy, hard to handle and not durable.
 High Mineral Filler Content
764. What is the effect of low asphalt of the mixture?
 Fatigue Cracking
765. What is the effect when there is excess asphalt in the mixture?
 Bleeding and low skid resistance
766. When the surface of the pavement is too smooth and there is hydroplaning.
 Poorly texture or graded aggregate
767. When the mix has thin asphalt films and this will cause early aging and ravelling
 Low Asphalt Content
768. When water and air can easily enter pavement causing oxidation and disintegration.
 High Void Contents in Design Mix
769. This will result in high voids in pavement, leading to water infiltration and low strength.
 Inadequate Compaction
770. These effects in wash boarding, resulting and flushing or bleeding.
 Excess Asphalt in Mixture
771. When there is tenderness during rolling and for period after construction it is difficult to compact.
 Excess medium size sand and in mixture
772. What is effect when the rounded aggregate has little or no crushed surface?
 Rutting and Channelling
773. Where there is early hardening of asphalt followed by cracking or disintegration.
 High Void Content or Lack of Compaction
774. When there is excessive bending followed by fatigue cracking.
 Inadequate Pavement Thickness
775. When the asphalt film strips from aggregate leaving an abraded, ravelled or mushy pavement.
 Water Susceptible Aggregate in the Mixture (Hydrophilic)
776. It is a network of fine, random cracks on the surface and is caused by the shrinkage of the
concrete surface layer.
 Alligator (Craze) Cracking
777. This type of cracking appears on the surface of freshly placed concrete during finishing operation
or soon after.
 Plastic Shrinkage Cracking
778. The Specified Flexural Strength for paving concrete using midpoint loading is.
 650 psi
779. Based on the maximum dry density obtained by lab. test, the degree of compaction required for
aggregate sub-base should be at least.
 100%
780. Per our present specifications for highways & bridges including amendments, it is mandatory to
open PCCP to traffic not later than
 14 days after pouring



781. In casting reinforced concrete railings, the concrete used is:

 Class C – 1
782. For efficient compaction, the embankment materials should at time of rolling be:
 at optimum moisture content
783. For a road base course, the most preferable materials is one with CBR of:
 80
784. Peat and Muck are:
 Unsuitable Soils
785. The slump test on concrete is a measure of:
 Consistency
786. The fineness modulus is highest for
 Coarse Sand
787. A sample of 95% passed No.200 sieve. What test should be done?
 Hydrometer Analysis
788. If the soil in Item 200 material is non-plastic, what Atterberg test ban be performed?
 Liquid Limit
789. Per POW, the estimated volume of Item 201 is 7,500 cu.m. How many grading and plasticity test
are required?
 5
790. Item 201 materials with CBR value of 75 % (which is 5% less than the minimum requirement) can
still be used in the design of a concrete pavement that the following are considered except one:
 the foundation contain unsuitable material
791. Over-sanded and under-sanded concrete mix require more H2O to have better workability, but this
will only result in the following except one.
 water tightness
792. Rate of application of emulsified asphalt (Item 302 – Bituminous Tack Coat) used as Tack Coat
should be within the range of:
 0.2 – 0.7 liter/ sq.m
793. Accepted required speed in Compacting is:
 3 – 5 km/hr
794. Bulldozer maybe used for moving earth effectively at a maximum distance of
 100 li.m
795. Auger boring maybe made at an average interval of
 250 meters
796. In what thickness that soft rock must be excavated below sub-grade elevation
 150mm
797. If concrete is continuously moist cured, it will gain strength beyond 180 days.
 True
798. The quality of paving concrete is usually measured by its:
 Flexural
799. Generally speaking, batching of concrete aggregates by volume its preferable than by weight.
 False
800. If angular CA is used in concrete mix, it will require more:
 Water and F.A.
801. The most favourable period for curing concrete is
 During the first few days or week
802. The maximum % abrasion loss allowed for concrete C.A is:
 40%
803. The P.I. of aggregate base course should be not greater than.
 6
804. The natural H2O content of highly organic soils is:
 more than 100%
805. Which of the following dead load is equivalent for loose sand, earth & gravel fill?
 1.603 tons/cu.m
806. The end surfaces of all compression test specimens shall not depart from a plane by more than:
 0.002 inch
807. Sulfur caps on specimen be allowed to hardened for at least_1_ hr. before applying.



Requirement Embankment Subbase Base Course

1. Liquid Limit /> 30 /> 35 /> 25
2. Plasticity />6 /> 12 /> 6
3. Abrasion Index - /> 50 />50
4. CBR >7 ≥ 25 ≥ 80%

Tolerance Subbase Base Course

1. Thickness of Layer ± 20mm ± 10mm
2. Level of Surface + 10mm + 5mm
- 20mm -10mm
3. Surface Irregularity 20mm 5mm
4. Longitudinal Grade over 25m ±0.1% ± 0.1%
5. Crossfall or Camber ±0.3% ±0.2%


a) Moisture Content Determination Where: W1 = wt. of can + wet soil

MC = W1 – W2 x 100 W2 = wt. of can + oven dry soil
W2 – WC Wc = wt. of container

b) Organic Content by loss on Ignition

O.C. = A – B x 100
Where: A = wt. of crucible + oven dried soil before Ignition
B = wt. of crucible + sample after ignition
C = wt. of crucible to the nearest 0.001 grams

809. Compaction Test / Moisture Density Relation

Step 1: Solve for Moisture content

2: Determine the Density of wet soil
= wt. of wet soil
Vol. of mold
3: Solve for the dry density
= Density of wet soil
1 + MC /100
4: Draw the Moisture Density Curve
5: Determine the OMC & MDD in the curve

810. Calibration of Air Dried Sand

Step 1: Weigh the container

2: Fill the container with air dried sand & weigh
3: Fill the container with water & weigh
4: Solve for the volume of container by the
Formula = Weigh of H2O = M3
5: Solve for the wt. of air dried sand
= Cont. filled with sand – wt. of container
6: Solve for the unit wt. of dry sand
= wt. of air dried sand = kg/m3
Vol of container
7: Det. the wt. of sand to fill sand cone
811. Liquid Limit Calculation.

a) LL = W1 - W2 X 100 Where: W1 = wt. of wet sample

W2 W2 = wt. of oven dried sample
812. Plastic Limit Calculation

a) PL = Wa - Wb X 100 Where : Wa = wt. of crumbled soil thread

Wb Wb = wt. of oven dried crumbled soil



813. Shrinkage Limit Calculation

a) SL = W – V - VO x 100 Where: W = H2O content of wet soil

WO = wt. of wet soil – wt. of dried soil x 100
wt. of dried soil
V = Vol. of wet soil pat.
VO = Vol. of dried soil pat.
WO = wt. of oven dried soil pat.

814. Determination of Air Content when Sp. Gr of cement = 3.15

Air Content = 100 – W (182.7 + P / 2000 + 4P)

Where: W = wt. of mortar
P = % of mixing H2O based on wt. of cement
When S.P. Gr. of cement = 3.15
Vol of H2O
P = ---------------------- x 100
Mass of Cement
wt. of cement + wt. of sand +(wt. of cement + Px0.01)
Wc = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wt. of cement + wt. of sand + [wt. of cement + P x 0.01]
Sp.Gr Sp. Gr. 1.0

Air content, Vol. % = 100 [1 – (Wa/Wc)]

815. Computation

 % Wear = Orig. wt. of sample – washed oven dried sample retained # 12 x 100
Original weight of sample

816. Specific Gravity

a) C.A. Wt. of SSD sample in air

Sp.Gr. Bulk SSD = --------------------------------------------------------
Wt. of sample air – wt. of sample in H2O

b) F.A. Wt. of SSD sample in air

Sp.Gr.Bulk (SSD) =------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wt. of SSD sample + pycnometer + H2O –
(wt. of pycnometer + H2O + sample)

817. Absorption

a) C.A. wt. of SSD sample in air – wt. of oven dried sample

Absorption = ----------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100
Wt. of oven dried sample in air

b) F.A. wt. of SSD – wt. of oven dry sample

Absorption = ------------------------------------------------------ x 100
wt. of oven dry sample
818. F.D.T.

a) Vol. of hole = Sand to fill hole

unit wt. of dry sand
b) Wet unit wt. = Total material taken from hole
Vol. of hole
c) Dry Weight Density = Wet unit weight
(1+ MC/100)
d) Degree of Compaction = Dry unit wt. x 100



e) Unit wt. of Dry Sand = Wt. of air dry sand

Wt. of Bucket

819. C.B.R.

C.B.R. at 0.1” = Corrected Psi x 100

C.B.R. at 0.2” = Corrected Psi x 100
% Swell = change in length in “inch” during soaking x 100
where: 4.584 is the ht. of sample in the mold
H2O to be added:
= Air-dried soil (OMC – HMC)
(1+ HMC)
a) Poor or inadequate curing practices.
b) An excessively high slump, over-trowelling the surface or over-compressing can
depress coarse aggregate. This produces an excessive concentration of cement
paste and fines at the surface. This overly rich surface is then a prime candidate for
c) Finishing or bull floating concrete with bleed H2O on the surface, over-trowelling or
premature trowelling increases the water / cement ratio, creating a weak surface layer
and adding to the susceptibility of cracking and later dusting.
d) Additional Dry Cement sprinkled on the surface to dry up on overly wet surface can
cause alligator cracking.
e) Additional H2O added to the surface of dry shake and toppings as finishing aid is
another prime cause for alligator cracks.
Alligator cracks are usually 3mm deep.
Plastic Shrinkage cracks area generally 1 meter apart and 12mm deep.


Bitumen Content of Asphalt = Orig. wt. of sample – wt. after extraction x 100
Wt. of sample after extraction
Wet Compressive Strength
IRS = ------------------------------------- x 100
Dry Compressive Strength

Dry, P = 2.99 ton
X sectional area = π 42 = 12.566 sq.inch
2 2
= 12.566 x 25.4 = 8107.32 mm
Comp.Str. = 2.99 x 1000 = 0.3688 kg/mm
Dry 8,107.32
= 0.3688 x 9.8 x 103
= 3,164 KN/sq.m

Wet, P = 2.84 , A = 8,107.32 mm2



Cost. Wet = _2.84_ x 1000 x 9.8 x 103

= 3,433 KN/sq.m

IRS = 3443 x 100 = 95%

Specification Requirement = 70 % (min)

Bulk Specific Gravity of Asphalt

Mass in Air
SP.Gr. = -----------------------------------------
Mass in SSD – Mass in H2O
Bitumen Content

Orig. mass = 850 grams
Mass of Sample after Extraction = 802 grams
Bitumen Extracted = 850 – 802 = 48 grams

Bitumen Cont. = 48 x 100 = 6.0%


From Job Mix Formula

Asphalt Content = 5.8% by mass aggregate

Tolerance Blue Book = ± 0.4%
Spec’s Requirement = 5.4 to 6.2 %

Fineness Modulus of Sand

= Sum of % Retained from 3/8” sieve to #100



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