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Student-centred Learning: How Does It Work in Practice?

Article · November 2016

DOI: 10.9734/BJESBS/2016/28810

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2 authors:

Dürdane (Dury) Bayram-Jacobs Fahriye Hayirsever

Radboud University Duzce University


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British Journal of Education, Society &
Behavioural Science
18(3): 1-15, 2016, Article no.BJESBS.28810
ISSN: 2278-0998

SCIENCEDOMAIN international

Student-centred Learning: How Does It Work in

Dürdane Bayram-Jacobs1* and Fahriye Hayırsever2
Department of Science Education and Communication, Delft University of Technology, Delft,
The Netherlands.
Düzce University, Faculty of Education, Düzce, Turkey.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between the both authors. Authors together designed the
study, wrote the protocol and supervised the work. Authors DBJ and FH collected and analyzed the
data together. Author DBJ wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author FH managed the literature
searches and edited the manuscript. The two authors made equal contribution in this work and are
both equally considered as first author. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/BJESBS/2016/28810
(1) Shao-I Chiu, Taipei College of Maritime Technology of Center for General Education, Taiwan.
(1) Siti Norliana Ghazali, Univeristi Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.
(2) Karen Roland, University of Windsor, Canada.
(3) Uchenna Egodi Ajake, Institute of Education, University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sciencedomain.org/review-history/16559

Received 7th August 2016

Accepted 5 October 2016
Original Research Article
Published 14th October 2016

Aims: The aim of this study was to gather the opinions of teacher candidates and to find out their
conceptions of student-centred learning. By means of this method, we desire to learn about the
practical applications of student-centred learning in teacher training practices.
Participants: The participants of this study were 40 teacher candidates of the Teacher Training
Programme for Primary Education who were in the last year of their study.
Methodology: The opinions of the teacher candidates were gathered through an instrument which
had three open-ended questions. The written data were analysed by the two researchers using
content analysis of the written opinions of the teacher candidates.
Results: According to the findings of this research, although teacher candidates have gained
knowledge about student-centred learning, the teaching-learning processes were not organized


*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

according to this approach. It was remarkable to find that in the teacher training programme,
student-centred learning approaches were rarely used. Therefore, the teacher candidates do not
have an opportunity to experience student-centred learning in practice.
Conclusion: The teacher candidates’ learning of student-centred learning remained at the
knowledge level and they were not able to reach the ‘apply’ level which is necessary to implement
this approach in different learning environments. Therefore, the candidates may have difficulty
transferring this knowledge to different lessons and contexts.

Keywords: Student-centred learning; teacher candidates; learning-teaching approaches; content


1. INTRODUCTION ‘participatory’, ‘democratic’, ‘inquiry-based’, and

‘exploratory’ methods. The expectation of
Finding the most effective ways of learning and student-centred pedagogy is that students are
teaching has kept educators busy for centuries. It active participants in the learning process rather
is important to find effective methods of learning than receivers of knowledge from the teachers.
and teaching to create a young generation which This is a democratic type of pedagogy as it
has the required competencies for today’s world. requires a relationship which is based on a
Today, the aim of education is not to transfer dialogue between teacher and student. This
knowledge but to learn how to learn. This new shows that in new educational approaches, the
definition of learning requires a learning roles of teacher and student have changed and
environment in which learners are responsible for been redefined.
their own learning. Furthermore, the concept of
knowledge transfer is exchanged with the O’Neil and McMahon [1] argue that although
concept of learning how to gain the knowledge, learning methods are generally divided into two
use the knowledge and construct new groups, teacher-centred and student-centred, in
knowledge, etc. According to this approach, reality it is not as easy as black and white. They
learners should be active in their learning state that the student is passive and has low
process and in this way, they can transfer new preference and the teacher has the power in a
skills and competences to new circumstances. teacher-centred learning approach; whereas the
Therefore, these ideas and requirements call for student is active, has more preference and has
student-centred learning (SCL) approach [1]. the power in a student-centred learning
approach. Moreover, Neo & Kian [6] add that the
1.1 What is Student-centred Learning? student is active and has a role of an
independent learner in student-centred learning.
The concept of ‘student-centred learning’ is As independent learners, students construct new
based on the studies of Hayward (1905) and meaning to pre-existing knowledge, experience
Dewey (1956) [2]. The concept of a student- and social environments.
centred educational approach emerged with the
studies of Froebel in the school system and with The Turkish Ministry of Education has developed
the idea that ‘teachers should not interfere with a student-centred application model. In this
this maturation process but should lead it’ model it stipulates that in student-centred
[3, p.27]. This development and the ‘readiness’ education the individual differences between
are associated with the process because a child students should be taken into account. Student-
learns when she/he is ready to learn [3]. centred learning environments should be
Furthermore, ‘...student-centred learning organized in a way that students are able to learn
environments emphasize constructing personal by themselves, gain knowledge and use it, use
meaning by relating new knowledge to existing technology effectively and participate in all
conceptions and understandings...’ [4, p.170]. In learning activities [7].
student-centred learning environments, a student
can choose what and when she/he will learn; this In the literature, some researchers define
brings increased responsibility to a student for student-centred learning as an approach in
the learning process [1]. which students can make their own choices [8].
Some scholars state that this type of learning is
Tabulawa [5] states that the concept of ‘learner active versus passive learning, the student is
centredness’ is usually used together with more active than the teacher [4]. Other

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

researchers, who have a broader perspective, provided for students. How should this approach
have added a third feature to student-centred be used so that students can learn this
learning, namely that there is a shift in power approach by experiencing it themselves? Do
from the teacher to student in the power relation existing applications work to allow students to
which exists between them [1]. experience student-centred learning? In this
context, it is important to find out what student-
There is also a strong connection between SCL centred learning means for students (the
and constructivist approach which is explained teacher candidates) [12]. Therefore, this also
by Hannafin, Hill and Land [9, p. 94] as follows: gives us an idea about whether the learning
environments, which were provided to them in
...Student-centred approaches, on the other teacher education programmes, are designed as
hand, are rooted in constructivist student-centred environments or not.
epistemology: knowledge and context are
inextricably connected; meaning is uniquely Although many institutions and teachers intend
determined by individuals and is experiential to use, and think that they use SCL, it is well
in nature, and the solving of authentic known that despite their intent learning remains
problems evidence of understanding. more teacher-centred [10]. O’Neil and McMahon
[1] refer to this as one of the most important
There is not only agreement but also points that should be taken into consideration
disagreement among researchers about SCL, when researching SCL. It is for this reason that
which causes confusion. Farrington [10, p. 16] the aim of this study was to gather the opinions
pointed out there is ‘disagreement and of prospective teachers about SCL.
confusion about what SCL actually is’.
Therefore, it is important to design studies which The main principles of student-centred learning
gather different opinions about SCL from are defined in the book of Brandes and Ginnis
different stakeholders. [13]:
1.1.1 The role of students ● Student is completely self-responsible
from his/her learning
Regarding the roles of students in SCL, Cannon ● Attention and attendance are necessary
and Newble [11] draw attention to two important for learning
roles: responsibility and activity. Furthermore, ● The relationship between students is more
according to Lem [12] in a student- centred equal and supports development
learning process, there are some competencies ● Teacher is a facilitator and a supervisor
which students should perform and some ● Student experiences different areas at the
opportunities which they should have. Students same time (emotional and cognitive areas
should be able to [12]: are parallel)
● Student realises herself/himself different
• Establish a relationship between various as a result of the learning experience
elements of the content of a lesson
• Make an action plan to learn Koen and Santa [14] have found in their
independently research that students and teachers are positive
• Test their learning development and its towards a student-centred learning approach. In
results their research it is pointed out that instruction
• Establish a connection between the should not be accepted as being a one-way
content of the lesson and their existing process ‘from teacher to student’. Moreover,
knowledge they add that a real education can happen
• Construct the content of the lesson in through discussions, projects and activities
order to learn independently requiring critical thinking and which can happen
• Select important and less important in SCL.
• Learn about their learning process 1.2 Aim

In a student-centred learning process students The purpose of this study was to gather the
have great responsibilities [1]. However, it opinions of teacher candidates about student-
should be kept in mind that the competencies centred learning and the practical applications of
mentioned above could be gained when a this approach. Since it is frequently mentioned in
student-centred learning environment is the literature that many so-called SCL lessons

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

are still teacher-centred, in this study the student-centred learning approach. Teacher
objective was to assess this approach from the candidates will use this approach in their classes
eyes of the teacher candidates. Therefore, our when they start teaching at schools. Therefore, it
expectation was to gain insight into the efficient is very important to know what the perception the
use of the SCL approach. In order to achieve teacher candidates have about this approach.
this aim, answers to the following questions For these reasons this study is important and it is
were sought: expected that the findings will contribute to the
literature about student-centred learning and
1. What does student-centred learning mean teacher training.
for teacher candidates?
2. What are the opinions of teacher 2. METHODOLOGY
candidates about the advantages and
disadvantages of student-centred The working group of this study was composed
learning? of the final stage teacher candidates at Ankara
3. What are the opinions of teacher University Faculty of Educational Sciences
candidates about the applications of Teacher Training Programme for Primary
student-centred learning during their initial Education. Since the final year students have
teacher training programme? taken more courses than students at the earlier
stages, they have more experience and more
1.3 Importance of the Study frequent observations of lessons and
educational strategies employed in the
Developments in science and technology affect programmes. For this reason, the last stage
all fields, including education. The students were chosen to be the participants in
understanding of education and the this study.
competences and skills that are required from
young people have changed. As science and The teacher training programme for primary
technology develop rapidly, individuals should education was chosen for two reasons. Firstly,
also develop and update their personal and this programme has more diverse courses with
professional skills. This affected the educational respect to both content and structure. Secondly,
systems and therefore the concept of ‘lifelong the new primary school curricula which started in
learning’ has arisen. With lifelong learning it is 2005 are based on constructivism. Therefore, a
emphasised that learning is not a process which student-centred approach needs to be used. As
starts and finishes at school but continues a result of this, it is expected that the teacher
throughout life. Moreover, with lifelong learning, candidates of this programme would have more
‘learning to learn’ has gained significance experience with student-centred learning.
instead of transferring knowledge to students. In
this context, student-centred approaches, The study was intended to reach the whole
methods and activities are preferred in the population, thus a sample was not chosen.
educational systems of different countries. Therefore, in order to collect data, an instrument
Student-centred learning approaches give more was developed which had 3 open-ended
responsibility to the student for his/her learning questions. Because it was intended to reach the
process, make the student more active and entire population, it was decided to collect
shape the learning environment according to the written data instead of interviews. For data
needs and interests of students. Therefore, it is analysis, content analysis technique was used
the preferred approach for creating effective and by two researchers.
permanent learning.
The primary school teacher training programme
The aim of this study was to find out what has two classes in the faculty of educational
‘student-centred learning’ meant to teacher sciences. The participants in this study are 18
candidates, and how this approach may be used voluntary teacher candidates from class A and
in teacher training programmes. Lea, 22 from class B. So, a total of 40 individuals
Stephenson and Troy [15] suggest in their study, participated in the study.
in which they worked with higher education
students to determine their attitudes towards 2.1 Data Collection
SCL, that more research is needed about SCL
for better implementation. This study also sought The questions used to gather the opinions of
to detect the misunderstandings about the teacher candidates were:

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

1. How do you define a student-centred 5. The frequency of the response for each
learning approach? code was counted.
2. In your opinion what are the advantages 6. 158 codes were defined from all the
and disadvantages of using a student- responses.
centred learning approach? 7. Codes were grouped according to their
3. When you think of all the courses you took meanings and category names were
during your studies in this teacher training defined to represent these groups.
programme, which courses were designed 8. When the categories were more than one,
and were carried out according to a with respect to meaning and the
student-centred learning approach? And integration of the categories, main
which courses were not? categories were made to make the
analysis easier.
For the content validity of the data collection 9. The two researchers worked separately
instrument, views and feedback were collected when defining the codes and categories in
from experts in either teaching or research order to have high reliability of data
methods. According to the opinions of the analysis. Afterwards, the researchers
experts, the questions are in line with the aim of came together, discussed the analysis and
the study. Moreover, for reliability, a pilot study conducted an interview with an
was conducted with 4 students (10% of the educational expert concerning the validity
working group). The answers of these students of data analysis. After that, the final form
were analysed and there no problem was found was given to the tables.
with the questions. Therefore, no changes were 10. A code number was given to each
made to the above-mentioned questions. response form of the respondents and
these numbers were used in the analysis
2.2 Data Analysis of qualitative data. This was also useful
when it was necessary to recheck a
particular response form. Another aim of
Content analysis technique was used to analyse
this action was to diminish the effect of the
the data. As Van Manen [16] points out, the
existing notions of bias which researchers
experiences of learners can be ascertained by
may have had about the responses.
using content analysis of their written comments.
The two researchers composed indices for
Data analysis was conducted by two researchers codes and categories independently, and
in several stages which are summarized below. negotiated their different interpretations to reach
The coding process and especially defining the an agreement and finalize the coding process.
categories are very important when using Then, the two researchers analysed the answers
content analysis. Yıldırım and Şimşek [17] point to the first and second questions and performed
out that ‘the fundamental aim in content analysis coding independently. Each researcher
is to obtain concepts and relations in order to independently created a table to see the codes
describe the data gathered’. The subsequent and categories and to form sub-categories when
stages were followed in content analysis: needed. The aim of this action was to see the
level of agreement and to determine reliability,
1. The researchers read all the written the rate of which was calculated as 81%. For this
responses thoroughly and all the data was purpose of finding out the intercoder reliability
transferred into a digital environment. rate, the formula of Reliability = (agreement/
2. The responses collected include: agreement + disagreement) x 100 was used
• 1 question,132
[18]. It is suggested that the agreement should
• 2 question,133
be at least 70% [19], and therefore, the reliability
• 3 question, 96
of the analysis was ensured. In the analysis,
• 4 question, 63
process samples were not taken but all the
• Total = 424 sentences for the answers were analysed.
3. The opinions, written in the exact same
words, were collected and the frequency 2.3 The Role of the Researchers in Data
(f) was noted. Collection
4. In the next step, the responses were
grouped according to their meanings and Both researchers are experts at curriculum
they were coded. development and instruction.

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION categorized into three groups: 1) student, 2)

teacher, and 3) the characteristics of the
A total of 40 teacher candidates provided written approach. The findings are shown below in
opinions. Extended responses were provided Table 1.
which gave rich data to the researchers. The
findings of the study were given according to As Lowyck, Elen and Clarebout [20] have
problem statements of this research. stressed, the success of new approaches like
SCL depends on the adaptation of students and
3.1 What Does SCL Mean for Teacher teachers as the main actors in the teaching and
Candidates? learning process. Therefore, it is important to
know the perceptions of prospective teachers
The findings obtained from the teacher not only of the method of SCL but also the roles
candidates’ opinions on ‘What does student- of teacher and student, which this study tried to
centred learning mean for you?’ were ascertain.

Table 1. SCL according to the 3 categories which emerged from the analysis

Category Codes Frequency (f)

Student 1. Participates actively in learning process 29
2. Organises learning process according to his/her ideas/needs 7
3. Transfers the skills, which he/she constructs, to daily life 4
4. Constructs knowledge according to his/her needs/ideas 3
5. Participates in group work 3
6. Searches for information, thinks critically/does research and 2
7. Expresses himself/herself 1
Total 48
1. Is a guide, s/he plans and manages the teaching process 30
Teacher 2. Designs learning process according to the needs of and 6
differences among students
3. Teaches how to learn 1
4. Gives opportunity to students to express themselves 1
Total 38
Characteristics 1. Activities which put students at the centre 8
of the approach 2. Education is provided by considering the readiness levels, 6
individual differences, interests and needs of students
3. Methods and application (used in and out of school) which 2
appeal different sensory organs
4. Learning which happens in a comfortable and democratic 1
environment without teacher authority
5. A method to improve high-level thinking skills 1
6. Process is important, not the result
Total 18
Theory/Application (f)
1. Constructivist learning theory 2
2. Multiple intelligence theory 1
3. Inventory teaching 5
4. Learning through research 4
5. Cooperative learning 3
6. Exploratory teaching 1
7. Drama/role play 6
8. Project-based learning 1
9. Brainstorming 4
10. Six thinking hats 3
11.Station technique 2
Total 37
Grand total 60

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

For the first category, ‘student’, the majority of multiple intelligence theory. Indeed,
prospective teachers defined SCL as active constructivism is seen as the source of SCL [9].
participation of students in the learning process. According to social constructivist theory, the
Participation in ‘group work’ and ‘doing research’ individual learns in a socially interactive
and ‘questioning’ are also related to the active environment by constructing the new knowledge
participation of students. In the literature [25]. O’Connor [26] mentions that according to
pertaining to SCL, active learning and active social constructivism, learners construct and
participation of students in the learning process reconstruct new knowledge based on their
are seen as the cornerstone of this approach existing knowledge and experience in the
[11,21,22]. In this regard, the prospective process of reflection and co-construction.
teachers agree with the researchers.
It is an interesting finding that one of the
For the second category, ‘teacher’, the respondents mentioned exploratory learning as a
prospective teachers explain the role of a learning method that can be used in SCL.
teacher as a guide who plans and manages the Actually, expository learning is known as one of
learning process. The second most mentioned the traditional teaching methods in which the
opinion about a teacher’s role is ‘designing the teacher has power and stands in the centre.
learning process according to the needs of and Another remarkable finding is that only one
individual differences among students’. Likewise, respondent showed project-based learning as a
Harris and Cullen [23] describe the role of a method which can be used in SCL. Project-
teacher as a facilitator, a designer, or a guide in based learning is mentioned as a method in
a SCL process. Elen et al. [24] found in their which the student has responsibility for his/her
research, in which they compared three views on learning and is active in the process of learning
the relationship between teacher-centredness [22]. In other words, in project-based learning,
and student-centredness, that all three views the student manages the learning process; s/he
emphasise the joint responsibility of the student has the responsibility for his/her learning and
and teacher in the learning process. The findings stays in the centre. This finding may show us
of our study for the category ‘student’ and that project-based learning was not often used in
‘teacher’ support the result of Elen et al. [24] by the lessons of this teacher training programme.
indicating that designing the learning process
according to the needs, interests and individual In the literature, it is mentioned that on the one
differences of students is the responsibility of hand there are various SCL environments, and
both the student and teacher. on the other hand, there is disagreement about
what SCL is [10]. Farrington [10] also adds that
For the third category ‘characteristics of the despite the goodwill, there are problems in
approach’, the most mentioned opinion about an adopting SCL. Although in many practices
SCL approach is that it employs ‘activities which teachers think that they use SCL, it is still the
put students in the centre’. Accordingly, Lea et teacher who controls and directs the learning
al. [15] pointed out that a student has freedom, process instead of coaching and guiding the
interdependency and self-responsibility in SCL. process.

In the third category, the prospective teachers Teacher candidates also mentioned the
also mentioned the theories/applications which applications which cannot be accepted as -.
require or use SCL such as constructivism and Their opinions are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Applications which are not SCL according to the teacher candidates

Category Codes f
What is not a SCL 1. The teacher transfers the knowledge to the students. 3
approach? 2. The student is responsible for all learning processes and the teacher is
completely out the process. 1
3. Student teaches in place of teacher. 1
4. Student makes homework continuously. 1
5. The teacher is active. 1
6. Parents make homework and assignments. 1
Total 8

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

The candidates mentioned that a lesson in which also found that in social constructivist learning
all knowledge is transferred by a teacher or a environments students learn effectively and
lesson in which students do presentations on there is more permanent learning. Actually, the
subjects cannot be defined as SCL. This is the permanent learning is the result of SCL. The
conception of the teacher candidates, along with main aim of learning processes is to make
their opinions which were presented in the students learn the intended knowledge, skills
former paragraphs and tables. The practices in and attitudes permanently.
which students do presentations on subjects
show misunderstanding about and misuse of The majority of prospective teachers indicated
SCL in the teacher training programme. effective learning and actively taking part in the
learning process as the advantages of SCL. In
3.2 Opinions of the Teacher Candidates the literature, SCL is accepted as one of the
about Advantages and Disadvantages effective methods to provide meaningful,
of SCL effective and deep learning [22]. As another
advantage of SCL, teacher candidates
Teacher candidates were asked, ‘what do you mentioned that it motivates the learner in the
think about the advantages and disadvantages learning process more than conventional
of using SCL approaches?’ The opinions of the methods. Since motivation is accepted as the
teacher candidates are represented below. central element in explaining learning and
achievement [29], it is important to know that
3.2.1 Advantages of SCL respondents verify the findings on this point. This
opinion also supports Boekaerts [30] who notes
The advantages of using SCL are organised into that in a SCL process, the student regulates
two groups—‘advantages’ and ‘gained skills’— his/her own motivation. Furthermore, in the
which can be seen in Table 3. report of the World Bank [31], SCL is defined as
activities in which students do not take notes but
According to students, the most important instead can participate actively and learn
advantage of SCL is that it fosters permanent according to the aims of the lesson. Students
learning. In the study of Korkmaz [27], students mentioned that having an opportunity to ask
mentioned that they learn better, more easily questions and express their own ideas is
and more permanently when they learn with SCL important to participating in the learning process
approaches. Supporting this, Akyol and Fer [28] actively.

Table 3. The advantages of SCL in regard to students

Category Codes (f)

Advantages to 1. Permanent learning 16
students/learners 2. Active involvement in the learning process 12
3. Motivates learning 4
4. Makes learner construct the knowledge by himself/herself 2
5. Allows learner to choose the best way for learning 2
8. Gives responsibility to the learner 2
9. Self-confidence and self-sufficiency of the learner increases 2
10. Provides opportunity to learn by interaction 1
11. Provides opportunity to learn according to his/her own learning speed 1
12. Learner can feel comfortable 1
Total 33
Skills which learners 1. Entrepreneurship 3
develop through SCL 2. Self-expression 3
3. Social communication 3
4. Problem solving 3
5. Critical thinking 3
6. Ability to access information 2
7. Creative thinking 1
8. Ability to transfer the knowledge to other areas 1
Total 19
Grand total 64

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

The literature provides many examples of the The teacher candidates’ opinions on the
advantages of SCL. For example, Fleder and advantages of using SCL in regard to learning
Brent [32] found that SCL increases students’ processes are represented in Table 4.
motivation, helps deep learning and
understanding, and fosters an understand of the Table 4. The advantages of SCL in regard to
value and usage of knowledge. Likewise, learning processes
Aliusta, Alasya and Özer [33] also found that
SCL increases students’ motivation to learn. In Category Codes (f)
the present study, the teacher candidates stated Learning 1. The individual differences 6
that SCL creates an interactive learning process are taken into account
environment and that they felt more comfortable whilst planning the learning
and behaved more comfortably in such a process.
learning environment. The opinions of the 2. It makes learning fun. 4
3. It is not limited and 3
teacher candidates support the findings from the
study of Korkmaz [27] where he found that in
4. It provides time and saves 4
SCL, students communicate and learn more effort.
effectively based on better interactions between 5. Practising is more 1
students and teachers. important than theory.
6. It prevents memorizing. 1
The opinions of the teacher candidates are in Total 26
line with the findings of various studies in which
the common points are mostly about the active According to the participants of this study, the
participation of students in the learning process. most important advantage of SCL is that it
In addition, the increased motivation of students, considers the individual differences and unique
an interactive learning environment, feeling more features of learners. SCL should consider the
comfortable and increased self-confidence are different thinking and learning styles of students
the other positive aspects of SCL approaches. and it should help students to recognise their
Whilst defining the advantages of SCL, the own learning and thinking styles and to improve
teacher candidates also mentioned some skills them [35].
that SCL fosters, such as, for example,
entrepreneurship, social communication, 3.2.2 Disadvantages or barriers of using SCL
problem solving and critical thinking. In a approaches
report from Memorial University [34], the
characteristic features of SCL are defined as The opinions of the teacher candidates about the
‘active learning, flexible curriculum, and student disadvantages of or the barriers to using SCL
responsibility, developing the communication, approaches are organised into three categories:
cooperation and thinking skills of students’. ‘teacher related, student related and SCL
Therefore, the conceptions of the teacher approach self-related’. The disadvantages and
candidates about SCL support the findings of the barriers related to the teacher are given in
literature. Table 5.

Table 5. The disadvantages of and barriers to SCL approaches related to teachers

Category Codes (f)

Disadvantages 1. Students can go further than the limits, learn unnecessary or incomplete 5
and barriers knowledge.
arising from 2. If the teacher does not perform his/her role as a guide well, s/he can lose 4
teacher control of the learning process completely.
3. If the teacher cannot control the process, s/he cannot guide students. 2
4. If teacher has incomplete or incorrect knowledge, s/he cannot lead 2
5. Teacher may avoid using SCL approaches because of intensive 2
curriculum and central exams.
6. Teacher may not find SCL necessary to use and not take it seriously. 2
7. Teacher may not make any preparations. 1
8. The workload of a teacher increases. 1
Total 19

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

The teacher candidates think that the Teacher candidates reported that to them SCL
disadvantages of or barriers to using SCL means being active in the learning process,
approaches related to the teacher may arise being responsible from their own learning,
if a teacher cannot perform his / her roles organising learning according to their own needs
related to the planning, guiding and leading and constructing knowledge according to
of the learning process. It is very well known individual differences and needs. Therefore, they
that the teacher is an important factor in indicated that high-level cognitive skills define
students’ learning. In this respect, if a teacher SCL. However, when students are not able to
cannot adopt SCL well, it may bring show these high-level cognitive skills, this will
some disadvantages instead of advantages. limit the effects of SCL. This shows us that the
The points which prospective teachers teacher candidates are aware of their role and
indicated as responses to this question their responsibility in the process of SCL.
are related to the role of the teacher in SCL
process. As a disadvantage to this approach, the teacher
candidates mentioned that it takes long time.
The teacher candidates also mentioned as Among the other disadvantages, high number of
barriers to SCL that a teacher may find SCL students in a class, inadequate instruments to
approaches unnecessary, may not make use, economic reasons and the difficulties
preparations and that it will increase their related to planning and applying SCL were
workload. The researchers found that although mentioned.
there are various approaches, methods and
techniques suggested to teachers, they Each teaching method requires different
mainly used expository, question and answer conditions, among which the goals, objectives,
and other methods that they already knew and readiness level of students, class size, physical
they did not frequently use the new methods conditions and the teacher’s skills related to
[36-39]. However, according to constructivist certain methods can be mentioned. According to
learning theory, a teacher should use the opinions of the teacher candidates, many of
different student-centred methods and these conditions were indicated as
techniques such as problem solving, project- disadvantages of SCL.
based learning, cooperative learning, case
studies, etc. 3.3 Opinions of the Teacher Candidates
about Applications of SCL during the
The teacher candidates reported that there may Teacher Training Programme
be disadvantages to using SCL which are
caused by the students and their own approach, The participants mentioned their opinions related
as well as those caused by the teacher. The to the application of SCL during their studies.
opinions are given in Table 6. These opinions are given in Table 7.

Table 6. The disadvantages of and barriers to SCL approaches related to students

Category Codes (f)

Disadvantages arising 1. If s/he does not have previous knowledge about the subject, 3
from student understanding and constructing new knowledge will be difficult
2. Not knowing if something is correct if learned alone 1
3. If no social interaction with the others, cannot participate in the 1
process effectively
4. May not be open to other ideas 1
Total 6
Disadvantages arising 1. Requires/takes long time 12
from the self-driven 2. Difficult to use in crowded classrooms 2
approach 3. Requires various materials & tools 1
4. It can be expensive 1
5. Teacher is not in the centre of the process 1
6. It can be difficult to plan and apply it 1
Total 18
Grand total 24

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

Table 7. Participants’ opinions: The courses approaches, methods and techniques does not
in which SCL was used or not used follow a SCL approach. It may be because, in
this course, more exploratory teaching methods
Category Codes (f) are used which are focused more on content and
1. Science and technology 13 knowledge, and not on skills and a SCL
Courses in teaching (AD)* approach. In addition, the teacher candidates
which SCL 2. Teaching social sciences 10 mentioned that in sociology and philosophy
was used (AD) courses SCL is not used either. The opinions of
3. Mathematics teaching (AD) 7 the teacher candidates were:
4. Teaching life sciences 5
(AD) ‘We were passive listener in the courses. We
5. Teaching Turkish language 3 have forgotten half of what we listened to
(AD) after the exams. No permanent learning
6. Teaching methods (ÖMD) 3 happened.’
7. Arts education (AD) 2 ‘The courses, except the teaching courses,
8. Science and technology 2 do not use this approach.’
lab (AD) ‘The teacher explains the concept; if there is
9. Museum education (GK) 1 something extra s/he gives lecture notes.
10. Sports education (GK) 1 ‘Teachers explain the constructivist
Total 46 approach, then they follow a behaviourist
Courses in 1. SCL is used in none of the 6 approach in the lesson.’
which SCL courses ‘Very often we do presentations and I do not
was not used 2. Sociology 4 think that this matches with SCL and is of
3. Philosophy 3
any benefit to us.’
Total 13
‘In the courses, SCL is presented but the
*AD: Subject courses
ÖMD: Teaching profession courses course is teacher-centred.’
GK: Liberal education courses
According to the comments of the teacher
The teacher candidates mentioned that SCL is candidates, SCL is explained in the lessons and
used mainly in subject courses such as science yet there is no practical application of it. It should
and technology and social sciences. They be taken into account that all the good and bad
expressed the following ideas: things that happened during the courses can be
taken as models by the teacher candidates.
‘Courses were mainly practice-based.’ Because of this reason, in one hand aiming to
‘We reached the knowledge through teach teacher candidates SCL approach, but on
practising and learned by experiencing it.’ the other hand not using this approach in the
‘We enjoyed the activities in which we courses would not help them to use this
actively participated and we learned better.’ approach in their own classes in the future.
‘In the courses where there is no expository
teaching but discussion and constructive 3.4 Discussion
learning takes place, SCL was used
effectively.’ This research sought to investigate the opinions
of teacher candidates about SCL in order to find
As is seen from the comments of the teacher out the conceptions of future teachers and to
candidates, practical applications, and making show the barriers related to using this approach.
students obtain knowledge through practical
methods and discussions were defined as The following remarkable results were found
characteristics of SCL. They also associated according to the aims of the research. For the
experiencing pleasure in this process with first research question, the teacher candidates
permanent learning. These opinions are similar defined the SCL approach as an approach in
to the advantages of SCL which were mentioned which they actively participate in the learning
by the teacher candidates. However, few teacher processes and the teacher plans and guides this
candidates think that the course ‘Teaching process. Some students defined SCL as an
methods’ follows a SCL approach. It is a approach in which they construct knowledge,
remarkable and very interesting finding of this and their individual differences, interests and
research that this course which aims to teach needs are taken into account; more than one
teaching and learning theories, strategies, sense is addressed and high-level thinking skills

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

are improved. What students said about this Yaman [46] found that an overcrowded
approach is in line with what is stated in the classroom has a negative influence on students’
literature. Therefore, the teacher candidates learning. Likewise, Cinar [47] points out that an
have conceptual knowledge about SCL. overcrowded classroom lowers the quality of
teacher-student relations, students’ participation
Moreover, some participants in this study in the lesson, the motivation of students and
described SCL as an approach in which a student success. In the “Report for Turkish
teacher gives control to the students and s/he Higher Education Guide”, Turkish Higher
has no authority over students. They also Education Council (YOK) states that the number
mentioned that SCL takes place in a democratic of students per teacher at public universities is
atmosphere, which is a remarkable finding. In 51, whereas this number is 16 according to
the research which was conducted at education Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
faculties, such Samanci and Yildirim [40] found development (OECD) average [48].
that the teacher candidates perceived some of
their teachers’ behaviours such as not listening For the third research question, the teacher
or not paying attention to their opinions, candidates gave their opinions about practices of
criticising and not letting them give their opinions SCL during their studies. According to them,
as non-democratic. SCL is mostly used in subject courses and is
rarely used in teaching profession courses. In
Similarly, according to Dewey, school should be liberal education courses (sociology, philosophy)
a place where learners can learn together SCL is not used at all. Consequently, opinions of
through democratic and sincere interactions. He the teacher candidates show that especially in
also mentions that the more the shared teaching profession courses, knowledge about
activities, the more the development SCL is given, however, the approach is not
opportunities [41]. Supporting Dewey, Williams, practised.
Cate and O'Hair [42] indicate that in democratic
schools the best applications can take place This result makes us question the knowledge of
through trust and cooperation. Likewise, Apple the teacher candidates about SCL. As
and Beane [43] mention that in democratic Willingham [48] says, their knowledge about
society educators have the responsibility to help SCL may be surface or memorized knowledge.
learners research different views and express According to Willingham [48], if students’
their own opinions. In order to create democratic knowledge is surface or memorized knowledge,
learning environments, it is important to practise the learning process is shorter. Because, in this
SCL activities effectively. situation, the knowledge of students builds upon
the explanations they have gathered. In this
For the second research question, teacher research, the knowledge that the teacher
candidates reported that SCL has the advantage candidates mentioned is the knowledge they
of providing permanent learning. They also gathered from their teachers. However,
mentioned that if a teacher could not plan and Willingham [49] calls attention to the importance
guide this process well, then the disadvantages of deep knowledge. For a student who has deep
instead of advantages of this approach may knowledge and knows more, the parts of this
appear. knowledge connect better with each other.
Therefore, a student understands not only the
Williams, Cate and O'Hair [42], point out that the parts but also the whole. The teacher candidates
teacher should consider individual differences can learn the relation of methods and techniques
among students. Likewise, Schmeck [44] of SCL when they have deep knowledge about
mentions that a learning process is a planned SCL. This happens by practising SCL in
process which is guided by a teacher to allow teaching profession courses.
students to be aware of their own learning
process. On the other hand, Rainer and Guyton The opinions of the teacher candidates support
[45] suggest that teachers and students should the findings of Demir [50] who evaluated the
plan learning processes together for more course “Teaching Principles and Methods”
effective learning and should include different according to the opinions of students. The
opinions. The participants in this research agree participating students in his study reported that
that the teacher should not be the authority but a although they found the content of the course
guide in the learning process. Moreover, they important and crucial to learn, not all teaching
think that overcrowded classrooms are a methods and techniques were taught with
disadvantage to using SCL. practical applications.

Bayram-Jacobs and Hayırsever; BJESBS, 18(3): 1-15, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.28810

Whereas permanent learning is remembering or courses but also in the other courses of
recalling the learnt knowledge, transfer of the teacher training programme.
knowledge requires not only remembering the • The lecturers in the teacher training
knowledge, but also understanding and using it programme need to evaluate their courses
[51]. This learning level is ‘apply’ and constitutes and revise the courses accordingly.
upper levels according to a revised version of • More research is needed related to
Bloom’s taxonomy of learning domains. Applying practical applications of a SCL approach in
means the ability to use the learnt material in different contexts to figure out the
new situations, such as applying rules, boundaries related to the usage of this
principles, laws, etc. in different situations when approach.
it is needed [51].
Moreover, we want to underline that the results
4. CONCLUSIONS of this study are limited to our participants’
experiences and the teacher training programme
The evidence from this study shows that the in which they were enrolled.
teacher candidates have knowledge about SCL,
however the approach is not used often enough COMPETING INTERESTS
to practise it. Therefore, this study calls attention
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for teacher training faculties. There is no doubt interests exist.
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