Management: Craze, Maze & Haze: Samvad

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By Himanshu Kulkarni

In the somber, tight lipped corporate & closely [because it is easier than pronouncing
academic corridors, some humor is a the word] you might like to add I OR E to the
welcome breeze. So here it comes- acronym and coin a new jargon: POSDCORB].
Isn't it more pronounceable? By the way I
If you are in the business world & don't wish stands for IMPLEMENTATION.
to appear dumb in the board rooms or
cocktail circuits, you must be able to flaunt So you see, if you are smart you can coin your
the latest management gizmos and own jargon.
gimmicks. If you have to impress an
audience dumber than you, you must Is management Science, Art, Craft or
bombard them with the latest management Philosophy?
jargon. Never mind if the essence is trivial.
Never mind if it's the same old, stale wine in I am sure if you are a practicing manager or a
a jazzy new bottle! pragmatic academician you will agree it is a
combination of all. It encompasses all
Business and Management have co- existed disciplines. So why not define it as CASP
for more than two centuries. And yet there
is so much confusion about these Craft
fundamental concepts. If you wish to define
Management would you define it by an Art
acronym: POSDCORB [a mouthful word,
isn't it?]: Science

Planning Philosophy

Organizing And of course it is a lot easier to pronounce

and really grasps you.
There has been a crazy haze of jargon and
Directing new jargon flooding the market place. Every
year a new Management Guru appears on the
Coordinating scene & the corporate world puts him on a
Much before BOP became a cliché people
Budgeting were already selling bicycles, pickles and
sickles to large consumer bases. But they did
If you are a successful manager, you may not know that there was a fortune at the
wonder if you are actually doing all these Bottom of the Pyramid. Or did they? What
functions. If you look at the acronym more was the very basis of the Sears business
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model? But you needed a new jargon & CKP Let me just take you through the ever
gave you BOP. changing management jargon. What is your
management style? Autocratic? Dictatorial?
Now-a-days it is the in thing to sprinkle Democratic? Benevolent? Do you follow
Execution in your cocktail circuit discourses. MBO? By the way it stands for management
I am amazed to see how execution which is Beyond Organization. MBC? It is not
so fundamental to business success can management by crisis, it is management by
become a nuance and the latest fad. The chance. And have you not yet practiced
first time when I heard it I thought it was a MBWA? It is not management by walking
new painless method of delivering the around. Which bosses would like to walk? So
death penalty. But later on I realized that it stands for- Manage but without
suddenly all the honchos of the corporate Achievement
world woke up one fine morning and
shouted Eureka! They realized that without What sort of an organization do you have? Is it
execution vision is futile. What a revelation! a pyramid or an inverted pyramid? Is it
functional , divisional, flat or de- layered? Are
Then I looked back over my career as a you confused? Then try the Matrix version.
Managing Director of companies in India And finally the anti- climax-apparently the
and abroad. How come, I led these Japanese corporations do not have a formal
companies successfully without execution? organization chart!
Isn't execution commonsense? But then,
isn't commonsense most uncommon? But if Then suddenly the Quality Tsunami hit us and
you have to impress the galaxy of your peers the cocktail circuits were abuzz with Quality
& subordinates you must know about Ram Circles SPC (Statistical process control).
Charan and Execution. Whatever you were Suddenly Deming and Juran attained
doing effectively to achieve results, if it is Godhood. But if you wished to pretend to be
called execution, it will sound impressive. smarter, how could you miss six- sigma? You
Have you heard of this story? : thought that with all this scotch induced
Quality- Mantras, consumers will be thrilled.
A US- educated, sophisticated young man Are they? Just look at the power – failure
marries a beautiful but unsophisticated every time it rains. Just find out how much
village lass. They go to Switzerland for their real tomato you get in the instant soup. Of
Honeymoon. After a week the girl asks the course the Toyota recall is too complex, isn't
husband – What about the Honeymoon, it?
when are we going to taste the honey and
see the moon? The husband explains – The Japanese jargon like a dragon speedily
whatever they were enjoying doing is called engulfed us. Kanban to Kaizen to Zen was not
Honeymoon. The disappointed village girl in vain. You had to focus on waste. How
says - Oh! These simple things? We used to revolutionary! Bosses started to wear the
enjoy these in the fields in the village. So same corporate uniforms. Common
much for the jargon! cafeterias sprung up. But bosses never
stopped bossing and managers never

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attempted to be leaders. Did it improve the Are you with me so far? Are we on the same
Bottom – line? Who knows, because page? I offer my simple 3-P Model for
already the craze has moved on to Business Excellence:
TBL(Triple Bottom Line).

CSR & Sustainability became the hottest Principles

topics over cognac & Exxon – Valdez OR now
BP were discussed in hushed tones.
Innovative Finance & Accounts –
Reengineering caught our fancy. Never
mind we got Enron & Satyam in return. People Passion
Lehman, Morgan vanished. Ford, GM
collapsed. But the jargon prevailed.
You want to build a great business, try this
Times are changing , will ever change. Of out.
course, change is the only constant. And yet
the eternal fundas of Business will never
ever change. My only request to practicing
managers is go beyond the jargon. Capture
the essence. Keep it simple.

So here are a few suggestions or jargons if

you like ;


2. 1. NOCUNOBU : [sounds Japanese isn't
it] No customer No Business
3. 1. FCUK : Foster Change Unleash
4. 1. PF : [ Not Provident Fund]
People First
5. 1. TOMALTOP : Too Much Analysis Leads
to Paralysis
6. 1. UCOMSENSE : Use Commonsense
and finally

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