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Internship Report on

Nestlé Bangladesh Ltd.

Course: BUS400

Submitted to

Mohammad Rezaur Razzak

Associate Professor
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Submitted by

ID: 11204058

Date of Submission
17th December, 2015
Letter of Transmittal

17th December, 2015

Mr. Mohammad Rezaur Razzak
Associate Professor
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Subject: Submission of Internship report on Nestlé Bangladesh Limited.

Dear Sir,

I am Rubaet Rahman, student of BRAC Business School. It is a great pleasure to present to

you my internship report after working for 3 months with Nestlé Bangladesh Ltd.

This is the final internship report for the course BUS 400. I have given detailed information
about the core activities I have executed during my internship period and also have tried to
relate the work activities and learning experience as much theoretical knowledge as possible. I
would like to thank you for guiding me throughout the semester. I earnestly hope that the report
will meet the standards that the institute has set for us. Despite many limitations that I had to
confront, I have to put my utmost effort to make this report accurate and reliable as possible.

Thank You
Sincerely Yours

Rubaet Rahman
BRAC Business School

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At first I express my deep acknowledgment and sincere thanks to Almighty ALLAH for
providing me sufficient strength to make this report successfully and also my respected advisor
Mohammad Rezaur Razzak Sir for his valuable guidance. Also, the co-operation of my
internship supervisor Ferdoush Khan, who guided me properly to get the information, along
with the other members of Nutrition department was truly appreciable. Then comes the
contribution made by all those my intern colleague who helped me a lot during my internship
period. Without their valuable input, this report could not have been successful. I also want to
extend my greatest thanks to all those who are associated and contributed in this work.

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Executive Summary:

Globally Nestlé is a truly public company with over 250'000 shareholders of which around one
third are Swiss. No single shareholder owns more than 3% of the stock. As the world's leading
nutrition, health and wellness company, Nestlé is the worldwide leader in various product
category. Over the past years it has concentrated on furthering organic growth and
performance improvement.

At the very fast, this report provided a short overview on Nestlé global and Nestlé Bangladesh
Limited beside with business vision and mission. The second part is about short description on
Nestlé Nutrition department. The third part is about my learning, experience, observation
along with my duties and responsibilities that I performed as an intern in Nestlé Nutrition
department. I wrote there what I have done in these three months. I tried to provide small
descriptions of every job I performed there last three months. In last part I have finished my
report expressing my thankfulness towards the organization and concluded with the references.

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List of Abbreviations:

NNI = Nestlé Nutrition Institute

SHSH = Stay Healthy Start Healthy

PR = Purchase Requisition

PO = Purchase Order

OMP = Operational Master Plan

IF = Infant Formula

FA = Final Artwork

NCE = Nestlé Continuous Excellence

GUM = Growing Up Milk

Table of Content:
Sr. No. Description Page No.
Chapter 01 About Company
1.1 Company Overview 1
1.2 Mission 1
1.3 Vision 2
1.4 Nestlé Bangladesh Ltd 2
Chapter 02 About Department
2.1 Nutrition Department 3
2.2 Role of Department 5
2.3 Goal of Nutrition Department 5
2.4 How Goals are Achieved? 5
Chapter 03 About Duties, Learning and
3.1 Duties & Responsibilities 8
3.2 Learning Experience 12
3.3 Working Experience with Colleagues 22
3.4 Difficulties and Challenges 23
3.5 Perception of the Organization Before & 25
3.6 Experience vs. Reality 26
3.7 Recommendation 27
Chapter 04 Conclusion
conclusion 28
Reference 29

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Chapter 01: About Company
1.1 Company Overview:

Nestlé is a Swiss multinational food and beverage company headquartered in Vevey,

Switzerland. According to DuBois (2011), Nestlé is the biggest food company in the world
measured by revenues with a market cap of roughly 191 billion Swiss francs -- which is more
than 200 billion U.S. Dollars, and it is ranked #72 on the Fortune Global 500 in 2014.

Nestlé was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlé, a German pharmacist, who to save the life of a
neighbour’s child launched a food product called the "Farine Lactée Nestlé” which was a
combination of cow's milk, wheat flour and sugar. In 905, Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk
Company, founded by Americans Charles and George Page, merged with Nestlé for expansion.
The company grew significantly during the First World War and again following the Second
World War by expanding its offerings beyond its early condensed milk and infant formula
products. The company has made a number of corporate acquisitions such as Crosse &
Blackwell in 1950, Findus in 1963, Libby's in 1971, Rowntree Mackintosh in 1988, and Gerber
in 2007. Today Nestlé has more than 2000 brands worldwide with a wide range of products
including coffee, bottled water, milkshakes and other beverages, breakfast cereals, infant foods,
performance and healthcare nutrition, seasonings, soups and sauces, frozen and refrigerated
foods, and pet food (Nestlé).

1.2 Mission:
While Nestlé’s mission is to be the world's leading nutrition, health and wellness Company,
Nestlé Bangladesh has set its target which aligned with Nestlé’s mission of "Good Food, Good
Life" by providing consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide range of
food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to night.

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1.3 Vision:
To be a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company delivering improved
shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred employer, preferred supplier
selling preferred products.

1.4 Nestlé Bangladesh Ltd:

The world’s largest food and nutrition company Nestlé started its first commercial operation in
Bangladesh in 1994 ( In 1998, Nestlé Bangladesh became a
fully owned subsidiary of Nestlé S.A. (South Asia) as Nestlé S.A. took over the 40% remaining
share from Nestlé Bangladesh’s local partner, Transcom group. Currently Nestlé Bangladesh
Ltd. has only one factory which is situated at Sreepur, 55 km north of Dhaka. Products like
instant noodles, cereals and repacks milks, soups, beverages and infant nutrition products are
being produced in this factory. Nowadays, Nestlé Bangladesh Ltd. is a strongly positioned
organization. The Company will continue to grow through its policy of constant innovation and
renovation, concentrating on its core competencies and its commitment to high quality, with
the aim of providing the best quality food to the people of Bangladesh.

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Chapter 02: About Nutrition Department:
2.1 Nutrition Department:
The nutrition department contributes the highest in terms of sales and revenues, and also holds
the highest market share in the nutrition sector in comparison to its competitors such as Biomil,
My Boy, Horlicks, Dano, Baby Care, Nactalia and others. The success behind this department
owes to the Nutrition Director of Nestlé, Luke John Gomes, who has been driving the
department to the highest ladder of success through his distinctive strategies and the
unremitting commitment, hard-work and support of the nutrition team.

Johnson explains that the departmentalization process results in groupings of functional areas,
divisions or teams. Nestlé uses a functional organizational structure where people with similar
knowledge and skills are grouped together. This makes it possible for employees to become
specialists in their field. The Nutrition department has been divided into four teams –
Performance Development Team, Field Operation Team, Scientific Affairs & Compliance
Team and Marketing Team. The backbone of this whole department is the Area Nutrition
Officers/Nutrition Officers from the Field Operation Team who execute the BTL campaign.
The purpose of this campaign is to build brand awareness and drive sales through specific
offers/promotions ( Since infant formula or baby food products for children
under the age 5 cannot be promoted under BMS and WHO Code, the filed operation team
cannot communicate with the target customers (mothers) and therefore through BTL campaign
the team targets the health professionals as our target customers make purchase decision based
on expert opinion.

This team is supported by supported by Performance Development Team which trains and
develops them how to convince or deal with the Health Care Professionals. Scientific Affairs
& Compliance Team provides them with all the scientific information that should be
dissimilated to the health professionals and make sure that their activities are within the
compliance. Then there is Marketing Team who has overall responsibility for growing revenue,
increasing market share and contributing to company growth and profitability (Ian Linton). The
key responsibility of Nutrition Marketing team is to create demand on consumer’s end and

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increase consumer engagement through execution of various activities and continuously
coming up with new marketing strategies without violating the BMS and WHO Code.

The diagram below illustrates how the entire Nutrition Function supports the field area
operation team:

Nutrition Director

Field Operation Scientific Affairs & Nutrition
Team Compliance Team Marketing Team

Internal Team External Team

(Nestlé's own (Agency: People
team) Scape)

Regional Nutrition

Area Nutrition

Area Nutrition

Area Nutrition
Nutrition Officers

Figure 1: Hierarchy of Nutrition Department

2.2 Role of Nutrition Department:
The role of the Nutrition Department is not only to make available nutrition products but also
to promote an understanding and practice of the science of nutrition for the enhancement of the
physiological and social well-being of the target group such as mothers and their infants,
primarily through research, education and product safety.

2.3 Goal of Nutrition Department:

The goal of nutrition department is “Together, nurturing a healthier generation.” The
department believes that Nestlé alone cannot create a healthier generation; to achieve the goal
support from multidimensional sectors are needed such as mother, father, friends and family,
workplace, health professionals, NGOs and so on. Therefore, Nestlé Nutrition works towards
aligning all the sectors through their strategic planning to accomplish their goal.

2.4 How Goals are Achieved?

The goal of the department is achieved through strategic planning strategic planning with the
help of Nestlé Continuous Excellence. Strategic planning is an organizational management
activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure
that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals and
outcomes/results, and assess and adjust the organization's direction in response to a changing
environment (Balanced Scorecard Institute). Nestlé Nutrition Department follows a system
approach to carry out its strategic planning effectively; it’s called “Nestlé Continuous
Excellence” (NCE) which vision is zero waste, one team and 100% engagement. Through this
approach the department tries create a positive gap against the competition.

NCE helps to keep the department on track and employees focused on the future. It has been
designed in a chart form keeping short-term goals in mind, and placed in front of each desk
providing a direction to the employees what needs to be achieved and how they need to be

A sample has been provided in figure 02 with details below for better understanding.

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Compliance all the

How to
How to
How to

the best

What to
What to
What to

offer on


Competitive achieve?

in Ensuring

are within
Targets &

that ensure
that ensure


that Ensure

Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month
mandatory authorities
Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month
mandatory authorities
Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month

Review Quarterly
mandatory authorities
Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month
mandatory authorities
Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month
mandatory authorities
Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month
Nestlé Continuous Excellence

mandatory authorities

Figure 2: Nestlé Continuous Excellence

Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month

Review Quarterly
mandatory authorities
Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month
mandatory authorities
Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month
mandatory authorities
Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month
mandatory authorities
Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month

6|Pa ge
Review Quarterly
mandatory authorities
Approval received from the Targets of the month Targets of the month Targets of the month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

mandatory authorities
Key Priorities:
It means identify what’s important to the department. Nestlé Nutrition Department has 4 key
priorities – delighting consumers which focuses on ensuring what consumers value; building
brand image which focuses on ensuring business development; delivering competitive
advantage which focuses on ensuring the best offer on the shelf; excelling in compliance which
focuses on ensuring all the activities are executed within the compliance. These priorities set a
direction for the department to achieve its mission.

It means what they must achieve at the end of the year. Here expected objectives are mentioned
that clearly state what the department must achieve to address the priority issues.

A driver is most commonly a factor that contributes to the growth of a particular business
(Investor Words). It is a list of activities that need to be executed in order to achieve the targets
set by the department.

Then activities are further broken down and allocated to each month starting from January to
December. Beside each activity the name of that person will be mentioned who will be
accountable for that particular activity.

To ensure the plan performs as designed, the department director holds regularly scheduled
formal reviews of the process and refine as necessary. He conducts quarterly review session
with the whole team to ensure the activities are being executed and the targets are being
achieved within the due time.

This is how Nestlé Nutrition Department gets to where they want to go. The strategies, action
plans and budgets all framed in a chart communicates how effectively the department has
allocated time, human capital, and money to address the priority issues and achieve the defined
objectives and eventually the goal of the department.

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Chapter 03: About Duties, Learning and
3.1 Duties & Responsibilities:
The following are the duties and responsibilities I have performed in the Nutrition Marketing

Digitalization of

Assist Preparing
supervisor for Core Duties & Presentation
event Responsibilities for Parameds

Feedback and
Data input from
Science Fair
Feedback Form

3.1(i) Digitalization of Communication Material:

One of my major responsibilities is looking after the NNI Communication Material & Science
Fair Communication Material which is a part of communication material for Doctors and
nurses. The purpose of this material is to both attract and retain Doctor-Parameds by
consistently creating and distributing relevant and valuable content for their profession through
our field officers. Basically through this Communication Material, we communicate with our
target doctors and create knowledge sharing platform for creating a healthier generation. What
I have learnt is if you deliver information instead of pitching your products or services, it makes
your customers more intelligent. As a result, they ultimately reward us with their business and

Since the communication material is a creative and technical, the Nutrition Department has
outsourced the service from “Protishobdo” a creative agency and “Analyzen” a digital agency,
to make the communication application successful. From our study we learn that outsourcing
farming out of services to a third party for increased efficiency, to focus more on core
competencies, to achieve innovation and so on.

The tasks that I do to make the communication application successful are given below:

1. Content Creation: One of our winning strategies of communicating with our target
customers is proper information through which we ensure Doctors-nurses engagement.
Thompson (2014) suggests that higher degrees of engagement mean a deeper
commitment, more time, more emotion and more of a relationship. So, I make sure the
activities are done within the due time to ensure higher degree of respondent

As one of our key priorities is excel in compliance, we ensure the authenticity of the
information during the content creation stage which means no information is disseminated
without any valid referencing. So, what my responsibility is when I receive the first version
of content, I cross-check the entire content to make sure content is error-free such as no
grammatical, spelling, sentence structure and punctuation mistakes. The next step is I
collect the required references from the agency to ensure the validity of the information.
Once it is prepared, then I forward it to the line manager after whose approval, the agency
starts preparing the final output.

2. Content Approval: The second stage is getting approval from the top authorities. Once
the final output is ready, I once again cross-check the entire content and run for approval
from senior authorities – Brand Manager, Legal Specialist, and Nutrition Director. If
they are satisfied with the final output’s appearance and validity of the information,
they write “ok” along with their signatures in the approval box (figure:2) and if they
suggest changes, then I have to contact with the agency and make sure the third version
is ready as per the suggestions given in the approval box. Then once again I have to run
for approval and make sure there is “ok” comment and signature from each authority.
The procedure is lengthy but the purpose is to protect the brand image as well as
company’s image and ensure brand building and consumer satisfaction.

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Brand: NNI
Description: Science Fair Communication Material
Brand Manager: Shamina Zaman
Function Content for Approval Comment Date In Date Out Sign
Brand Manager* Creative/Content/
Scientific Scientific Content/Claims
National Field Application field
Performance Regulatory mandates
Legal Manager* Legal aspects
Nutrition, Health Nutritional
& Wellness content/Nutritional claims
Scientific Code compliance
Relationship (Local/WHO)
Marketing All mandatory signatures
*Mandatory signatures

Figure 3: Approval Format of Communication Material

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3.1(ii) Preparing Presentation for Parameds:
"Nestlé Start Healthy Stay Healthy" is the first 1000 days of a baby's life - from conception of
pregnancy to his/her 2nd birthday. This initiative aims at generating awareness and educating
them about right nutrition during this crucial period, which can have a direct impact on a child’s
mental as well as physical ability to learn and grow. The First 1000 days lay the foundation of
a healthier life for the babies. The awareness is spread through various mediums such as
nutrition science fair, Parameds training program etc. I prepared Bangla power point
presentation for Parameds training program basis on provided information.

3.1(iii) Assist supervisor for event coordination:

According to Williams, with large events, such as weddings, conferences or corporate parties,
an event coordinator is invaluable. The coordinator takes care of the details, freeing others up
to socialize, network and enjoy the event itself. One of my responsibilities was helped the
supervisor to coordinating the two big event “Nutrition Nightingale” in Westin hotel and Post
Graduate Pediatric Nutrition (PGPN) convocation in Le Meridian hotel. Where I have worked
behind the scenes organizing many aspects of the event. I coordinated the following aspects of
the event to make it a successful. For example meeting with agency to organize the program,
scheduling meeting with area manager, preparing certificate, participants list, Doctors list, pre-
meeting work, post meeting work, day long on event work etc.

3.1.(iv) Preparing Feedback and Data input from Science Fair Feedback Form:
As I have mentioned earlier about nutrition science fair, it is an educational initiative taken by
Nestlé Nutrition to provide a platform to the Parameds offering valid scientific and nutrition
related information that ensure the well-being of the mothers and their babies. Nestlé Nutrition
organizing science fair in many district every month under supervision of NNI. In every month
more than thousands of feedback form comes from those program. One of my responsibility
was collecting those thousands form, from line manager and start to prepare those data for
representation for future improvement.

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3.1.(v) Other tasks:
In addition to these responsibilities I also had to take care of some other office tasks. Such as,
communicate with the Area line manager on monthly basis to ensure they have received some
official item on time. I had to send many organizational documents through currier service for
intra departmental Programs and prepared certificates for competition program.

3.2 Learning Experience through Different steps:

3.2.(i) Knowledge sharing in different way:

After working for Nestlé Nutrition, I learnt that marketing is a new influential medium through
which an organization can become successful in the world of marketing since it provides two-
way communication system where you are not only communicating with your target customers
but also getting immediate response when there is a huge amount of increase in sales. Thus, an
organization is able to make a profitable relationship with its customers. Though Nestlé
Nutrition can’t communicate or directly promote about their baby related products with their
consumer for some code related issues from Bangladesh government and World Health
Organization as well so they always have to come up with something extra ordinarily
innovative for communicating with their consumer by different way and letting consumer know
that Nestlé serves quality nutritious food for their life in a really helpful manner. So, it was a
great learning experience for me where I understood the importance of marketing to survive in
the competitive and tough law against product sort of environment. Such as:

• Indirect communication to Customers: Customers of Nestlé Nutrition are really

intelligent and well educated though they Nestlé communicates with nutritionist and doctors
specially for making them understand about Nestlé’s products, how those are important and
helpful. So Nestlé Nutation team has to take doctors valuable time to make them understand
and suggesting Nestlé’s product to their patient rather than doing direct promotion to its ending
consumer because that would be against BMS Act (Breast Milk Substitute Act for Bangladesh)
and WHO code (World Health Organization code for breast milk substitute). And Nestlé
strictly follows these codes while they promote their products to any of their consumers (If the
particular product is under the scope of BMS act or WHO code) So, I have learnt that through

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educating your customers you are actually increasing product awareness which will eventually
result into sales generation.

• Increased Visibility: When you provide informative or interesting communication

materials to health care experts and communicate with them through knowledgeable and
helpful information’s then they learn it, think about the beneficiary sides of Nestlé’s products
and finally they suggest it to other people for them, their family and future family people.
Nestlé gets increased visibility by using various kind of communication tools with its target
market like informative documents, digital devices like laptop, tabs, Google card board, smart
phone etc.

• Higher trust levels from customers: I have also learnt that if you can ensure valid
content and also link an expert who has knowledge about the product, consumers will find your
products more reliable and higher trust levels from customers will be gained which influences
will purchase decisions.

• Increased customer loyalty: According to Thompson (2015), customer loyalty is the

most important factor in business today as it not only results into repeat purchases, but bring
up more opportunities via word of mouth. Here Doctors and other medical professionals are
the main factor for us to increase our customer loyalty. What we do we offer many educational
program like, post graduate paediatric nutrition program, workshop, seminars for doctors.
Through this is we are not only focus on the information that will make our target health care
professionals more intelligent about the nutritional fact and about Nestlé nutrition but also try
to build relationship and emotional attachment. Emotional appeal is viewed as a key to brand
loyalty where our target professionals feel more positive about the brand.

3.2.(ii) Event Management:

Event management is the co-ordination, running and planning of all the people, teams and
features that come together to create every kind of event (Event Business Academy). I have
learnt that while launching an event, there are four components we need to look into:

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 Defining objective: First we need to define the objective of an event. The purpose of
the event, “Nutrition Nightingale”, Quiz competition among nurses, which I was part
of, was creating awareness about the importance of Mothers 1000 days and the nutrition
side of a mother eventually helps her upcoming baby or her baby who is feeding her
breast milk every day.
 Identifying the target audience: We need to identify the audience who will be a part
of the event. Our event included primarily nurses of Dhaka city’s hospital and we
organize intra hospital nutrition quiz competition in hospitals where nurses comes to
participate in quiz competition.

 Creating the event concept: We need to come up with a concept around which the
knowledge sharing campaign and other activities will be built. The concept of our event
was “Shaping a Healthier Generation.” Through this concept we tried to convey our
message that proper knowledge is the best form of nurturing a healthier

 Planning and coordinating the event: To make an event successful a proper planning
and co-ordinating the event is very important. Our event planning included budgeting,
scheduling, site selection, acquiring necessary permits, arranging decor etc.
 Post-event evaluation: After the event has been conducted it is important to do a post-
event evaluation to analyze the success rate of the event and the things that went wrong
and should be given more attention to in the following events.

3.2.(iii) Below the Line Promotional Activities:

Nestlé strictly comply with World Health Organization’s International Code of as well as Local
Code for Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes. As per these codes, Nestlé cannot advertise or
promote infant formula to the public or educational material relating to the use of infant formula
to be displayed publicly in hospitals and clinics. I have learnt that nutrition products such as
infant formula products (Lactogen & NAN), complementary food products (Cerelac), growing
up milk products (Nido 1+ & 3+) for the children up to 5 years cannot be promoted through
above-the-line promotional activities where a wider spread of audience is targeted to promote
brands through TV, radio, newspaper print, internet etc. (Manral, 2011).

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Therefore, Nestlé Nutrition Department uses BTL promotional activities as they are more
niche-focused and effectively help in building brand awareness among the target customers.
According to Manral (2011), BTL interaction gives the marketer the ability to modify their
messaging in a more personal manner to the audience. Therefore, BTL promotional activities
are more effective. During this World Breastfeeding Week, I have learnt about a lot of BTL
promotional activities that were being carried out by the Nutrition Department, such as:

SHSH Advertorial: A SHSH advertorial on breastfeeding went to many newspaper explaining

the benefits of mother’s milk and the nutrition it contains. As mentioned earlier, SHSH is a
campaign educating mothers with a lot of scientific and nutrition-based information. What I
have learnt is pull strategy is applied to this BTL promotional activity. Beal states that pull
strategy is where interest for a specific product or service is created within a target audience
that then demands the product from channel partners. If you think wisely, strategically these
advertorials create a positive image of the company and demand for Nestlé nutrition products
on the consumer’s end. For example, the advertorial that was published for World
Breastfeeding Week which mainly focused on those nutrients those are present in mother’s
milk as well as the products that are provided by Nestlé Nutrition. Hence, when customers are
educated they create interest for products that have similar benefits if they cannot breastfeed In
addition, when they see our products or these products are prescribed by health care
professionals, they can recall and relate to the information learnt from the advertorials. Thus,
demand is generated for nutrition products.

Lactation Corners: Another BTL promotional activity initiated by Nestlé Nutrition is

establishing Lactation Corners all over Bangladesh. Lactation Corners are being set up in
various hospitals and clinics to help the mothers to breastfeed their child in a secured and
private space. This may appear as a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative which refers
to a business practice but from my perspective it is an image-building initiative.

Nestlé Nutrition Institute (NNI) Seminar and Science Fair: Nestlé Nutrition arranged a NNI
seminar at its head-office inviting 111 key opinion leaders from medical fraternity. The Nestlé

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Nutrition Institute shares leading science-based information and education with health
professionals, scientists and nutrition communities and stakeholders, in an interactive way
(Nestlé Nutrition Institute). Another initiative by NNI was Science fair in every district.
Through this Nestlé share many child nutrition related information through practically,
showing multimedia etc. Through this they make strong relationship with local government
official & different stakeholders. What I have learnt is through this BTL promotional activity
is the importance of building relationship with external stakeholders. External stakeholders are
those who are affected by or can affect a business's actions directly and indirectly (Boundless)
such as health care professionals, policy makers, government officials and media and so on. If
you think strategically, Nestlé Nutrition can’t promote its products to the target customers,
mothers, for which the Area Nutrition Officers to go to the health care professionals who
prescribe Nestlé nutrition products. Therefore, by building long-term relationship with
stakeholders, the organization can survive longer in the market.

3.2.(iv) Agency Office visit:

Agency office visit is one of the core responsibilities for me because we have to see something
about our communication material that could not possible to show in our office. I had visited
several times in different agency for working purpose. Through this I saw their working
environment, pattern of their work etc. This kind of visit enhance my experience about creative
agency & digital work agency.

3.2.(v) Product Knowledge:

While working on Nestlé Head Office, I visited different functions, interacted with other interns
regarding the products issue and these activities enhanced my product knowledge. Product
knowledge is an understanding of a good or service that might include having acquired
information about its application, function, features, uses and support requirements. I think
being a part of an organization, it’s very important to have in-depth about knowledge about the
products and services the organization is dealing with, then you can build your strategies such
as marketing, demand & supply and procurement, manufacturing strategies etc.

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Nestlé has more than 100 business groups, these are the areas where Nestlé is doing its business,
and Nestlé Bangladesh Ltd. deals with only six – Dairy, Beverages, Foods, Confectionary,
Cereals, and Infant Nutrition. Under the six business groups there are 13 product categories,
they are specific classes which consist of group of related products (Mimi). Moreover, What I
have learnt is there are at least 10 brands and more than 50 SKUs. A brand is a name, term,
design, symbol or other feature that distinguishes one seller's product from those of others
(Wikipedia, 2015), whereas, a SKU is warehousing item that is unique because of some
characteristic such as brand, size, colour, model etc. and therefore, accounted for separate from
other items ( Below a detailed illustration has been given to represent
the product hierarchy under six business groups:

Business Group - 1


Full Cream Milk NIDO NIDO Tin 2.5kg, 900g

Powder (FCMP)
NIDO Sachet 26g

Growing Up Milk NIDO NIDO GUM 1+


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Business Group - 2




Instant Coffee Nescafe Nescafe Jar 200g, 100g, 50g

Coffee Mix Nescafe Nescafe 3 in 1

Non Dairy Coffee-mate 450g, 400g, 5g


Business Group - 3


Noodles Maggi Maggi Masala – 62g, 248g,

496g, 744g

Maggi Curry – 62g, 248g, 498

Soups Maggi Maggi Soup Thai – 35g

Maggi Soup Corn – 25g

Maggi Soup Vegetable – 25g

Seasoning Maggi Shad E Magic - 4g

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Business Group - 4


Brands SKUs

Nestlé Koko Koko 330g, 170g, 80g

Nestlé Cornflakes Cornflakes 275g, 150g

Business Group - 5



Brands SKUs

Confectionary Munch Munch Rollz 6g, 12g

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Business Group - 6

Infant Nutrition

Infant Formula Lactogen, Lactogen 1 BIB -180g, 350g, 800g;

NAN Lactogen 1 Tin – 400g
Lactogen 2 BIB – 350g, 800g; Lactogen
2 Tin -440g
Lactogen 3 BIB – 35g, Lactogen 3 Tin –
NAN Pro 1 Tin – 400g
NAN 2 Tin – 400g

Infant NAN Al 110 – 200g

Pre NAN 400g

Infant Cereal Cerelac 3 fruits – 200g, 400g, 700g; Rice –

400g; Wheat – 400g; Multigrain –
400g; Mixed vegetables – 400g; Mixed
fruits – 400g; Wheat & honey –
400g,Apple & cherry – 400; Chicken –
400g, Apple cornflakes – 400g

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3.2 (vi) Coffee with Mancom
Nestlé is one of those few organizations which provides learning opportunity even through the
management community (Mancom), who sits at the top of the organizational hierarchy level.
This interactive session between the interns and the Mancom is arranged by Human Resource
Department aiming to educate the interns about the cross-functions. The session usually
highlights the journey of the Mancom and how the respective person climbed the ladder of
success, how a particular function runs, what are its goals and how these goals are achieved.
Consequently, people who are not working in that particular department, get a clear overview
how the cross-functions are operate and contribute towards company’s success, and at the same
time they can take inspiration from the struggle of the Mancom. Besides, it fills the gap between
the two hierarchy levels providing an excellent opportunity to know each other in this effective
engaging session.

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3.3 Working Experience with Colleagues:
I truly agree with Hill who suggests that a good working relationship with those around us has
several benefits such as one enjoys his/her work more. I have different working experience
with different groups of people. Such as:

Working experience with other interns:

There are more than 50 interns working at Nestlé and though I did not get the opportunity to
work with these people much since they work in different functions, I bonded with most of
them over a coffee at coffee corner with high tables and bar stools and a LCD TV, established
on each floor. This may seem like a distraction, but it encouraged me to stick around and
socialize with other interns who have helped me out with a lot of information procedures and
guidelines which weren’t given by my supervisor such what’s the working hours for interns,
how to get workstation ID, access to internet, printer and where to get lunch from etc. Another
important point is that, here I found many interns from renowned reputed University, such as
Dhaka University, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh University of Professionals etc. along with
renowned private University. Which are helped me to understand their perception regarding
corporate culture, educational culture and social Value. They all had been very welcoming and
helpful with whom I have open and honest communication.

Working experience with fellow intern:

The working experience with my fellow intern, Fariha Ahmed, Shamina Chowdhury, all are
very cooperative, supportive and very helpful. All we joined Nestlé on the same day and work
in the same department. Together we have done lots of work and through this team work, I
realised that a great work relationship with your team members can actually make any work
fun, and when you are satisfied with your work, your productivity escalates too.

I do feel that there is a huge difference between the team work I experienced at Nestlé and at
BRACU where I had to work in a team to complete a project. While working in a team at Nestlé
I found that people here take their job very seriously since this internship program opens up
job opportunities to interns. Therefore, you will often see people striving to prove their
eligibility. On the other hand, this spirit and determination was not found in everyone while
working in a team with BRACU students. Besides, the most common problem with BRACU
students was the free rider problem. For BRACU students it was easy for them to restrain from

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their project work and leave the work for their team-member. However, at Nestlé almost every
individual has definite roles and responsibilities and they are highly accountable of their
responsibilities. Therefore, everyone completes their work with sincerity.

3.4 Difficulties & Challenges:

Despite the working environment at Nestlé being fun and positive, there were few challenges
I faced through my journey in this organization.

1. Fitting In: Before joining Nestlé Bangladesh, I was at Grameenphone Bangladesh as a

temporary employee for a period within which I adjusted myself with the corporate
environment, the co-workers and my work as well. One of the challenges that I faced
when I started internship to Nestlé was trying to fit in to the new work culture. It was
like starting all over such as building a good relationship with my supervisor based on
trust and dependability, bonding with co-workers and doing new duties and
responsibilities. So trying to fit in to the new environment was time-consuming and
frustrating at the beginning since I did not have the same enthusiasm I had working for
the first organization. Because the function I worked for, it is all about nutrition related
work. However, later I realised that I had a lot to learn from this place, that’s why I
started taking my work seriously and also worked towards overcoming the challenge of
fitting in.

2. Short Form: Another challenging task was that I was not familiar with meaning of the
abbreviations used in the workplace. For example, NNI (Nestlé Nutrition Institute), IF
(Infant Formula), NCE (Nestlé Continuous Excellence), CCSD (Channel Category
Sales Development), NPS (Net Proceed Sales), PO (Purchase order), PR (Purchase
request), FA (Final Artwork), GUM (Growing Up Milk), and so on. Therefore, initially
I used to take more time than other interns in executing my work. To overcome this
challenge, I started asking the employees and the other interns who have been working
here for long to explain the meaning of these short forms and they were very supportive
and helpful in this matter. Now, whenever anyone uses short forms, I can link it with
the meaning and act more swiftly as per the instruction.

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3. Dealing with Agencies: Another challenging work was dealing with agencies. In most
cases, agencies had to be pushed to complete the task within the due time. So, I had to
constantly call and email them to make sure the work is done on time. Moreover, they
would never complete a work accurately. My job was not only to make sure the work
is done on time but also that it’s error-free because once I give approval for final output,
the materials are sent for field communication. Since I am accountable for my work, I
focus on accuracy of the work but what frustrating was reviewing a single work multiple
times to ensure accuracy. For example, for NNI Communication, the local creative
agency sent a new design for which I had to cross-check each and every word, value,
colour tone and proper alignment . I had to keep reviewing and updating the work until
a completely error-free design is created to be sent for another agency for creating
application for our digital material.

Workplace Ethics and Integrity Issues

According to Velasquez, ethics refers to well-founded standards of right and wrong that
prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society,
fairness, or specific virtues. Since Nestlé has a world-renowned image, the company places a
lot emphasis not only on working within compliance but also ensuring all works are done
within the ethical boundaries. Basically, Nestlé nurtures a working environment that upholds
ethical practice and is committed to standards and good quality services. As a result, I did not
have to face any ethical issue at my workplace. Another important point is that, everyone knows
we make good food for good life. There are nothing to hiding. That perceptions affect in
working place. So everyone do their best job in working place.

Besides, in future if I am confronted with any workplace dilemma, I can always contact the
company ombudsman, who is in charge of handling employees’ informal concerns pertaining
to workplace ethics. He not only resolves the problem but also assure employees’ anonymity;
so, if I ever put into any uncomfortable or threatening position, I will be provided with
confidential service by the Head of Legal, our ombudsman.

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3.5 Perception of the Organization before & After:
Perception is the process of selecting, organising and interpreting information in order to make
sense of the world around us. Before joining Nestlé I had the common perception about the
organization like rest of the public that it is a leading multinational company with strong world-
wide reputation. They offer a wide range of products across a number of markets, including
beverages, breakfast cereals, infant foods, chocolates, seasonings, soups and noodles, pet food
and so on. So, I barely had any knowledge about the operations of Nestlé until I got the
opportunity with this world-renowned organization. Nestlé has ranked in the top ten, moving
up three places from last year to become the highest scoring Food and Beverage Company in
the 2013 study. One of the important things that I learnt is Nestlé does not offer products to its
customers; it offers “trust.” Consumers trust, admire and are willing to support Nestlé because
the company has been constantly delivering on their expectations, from high quality products
to fair business practices, good social responsibility and strong financial results. Another
interesting fact that I learnt apart from striving to become the leading company in food and
beverage sector, Nestlé has been constantly trying for Creating Shared Value (CSV) which is
a business concept intended to encourage businesses to create economic and social value
simultaneously by focusing on the social issues that they are capable of addressing. In 2006,
Nestlé adopted the CSV approach, focusing on three areas – nutrition, water and rural
development – as these are core to their business activities. So, it can said that my perception
did not change but it has definitely got stronger the more I got to learn about the organization.

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3.6 Expectations vs. Reality:
What were my expectations?

Before I started off my internship, I had perception that internship is nothing more than a
requirement to complete my graduation degree. Besides, after hearing a lot of distressing stories
from my seniors about internship, I developed the notion that companies usually exploit interns
or make them do clerical work as they are inexperienced and often they are treated with
disrespect. So, what I was expecting from my internship program was working at a moderately
renowned organization with very few responsibilities which would not help me to learn
something new or contribute to personal development.


Reality showed me a different picture and changed my notion towards internship program once
I joined Nestlé Bangladesh Ltd. The abundance of responsibilities that I was given and the trust
they showed me worked as motivational factors for my performance development.
Performance development is the combination of both performance management and employee
development and it describes both managing the work that needs to be done and providing
opportunities for professional growth and development (Human Resources).

Was I satisfied?

Employee satisfaction is the extent to which employees are happy or content with their jobs
and work environment (Custom Insight). I was undeniably satisfied as an employee while
working for Nestlé because I got the opportunity to work in a positive and fun environment
where I enjoyed executing my duties and responsibilities without feeling pressurized. Besides,
factors like intrinsic and extrinsic motivators led to further satisfaction at workplace.

According to Armstrong (2006) Herzberg’s theory suggests two groups of factors; intrinsic
motivators (recognition, autonomy, achievement, and the work itself) and extrinsic motivators
(pay, company policies and working environment) that motivate employees. While working at
Nestlé the intrinsic motivators such as huge amount of work responsibilities, the autonomy I
had while executing my duties and responsibilities and appreciation of my work from my
supervisor and other employees have led to an increased satisfaction and also motivated me to

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work even harder. On the other hand, the extrinsic motivators such as the warm and friendly
working environment, great people and the policies that provide you the flexibility to balance
your work as well as your personal work such as studies made this journey more satisfactory
and memorable. In short, I was highly satisfied while working at Nestlé.

3.7: Recommendation:
The internship program at Nestlé Bangladesh is very well planned and it was an excellent
experience I learned a lot and networked with everyone as much as I can. Thus there wouldn’t
be too many changes that I would like to bring to the program and within the company.
However, there is always scope for improvement

 My knowledge during the internship period was limited roughly to the modality of one
department. However, given a chance, I would like to interact with the marketing
department and learn more about the marketing.
 Nestlé Bangladesh Limited is a well-known organization, and the management is
extremely flexible. This causes some kind of ineffectiveness, which may eventually
have an unfavourable impact on the organization. Therefore, the management should
be stricter for the progress of the company.

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Chapter 04: Conclusion

Nestlé has been running for around 149 years and next year they will celebrate 150 years.
Within these years they have made a benchmark as the leading nutrition, health and wellness
company. The nutrition department contributes the highest in terms of sales and revenues, and
also holds the highest market share in the nutrition sector in comparison to its competitors.
Working in this department was one of the utmost opportunities I ever have. I was so happy to
see the way of functioning in a renowned FMCG. Which was ultimately increasing my
confidence and increased my desire for learning different things. Working with the team of
talented people really established my understandings about corporate life and gave me a
sustainable professional thinking pattern.

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