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Volume I



SEMANTICS I Sense and Reference

SEMANTICS II Interpretation and Trlllth

ONTOLOGY I The Furniture of the World

ONTOLOGY II A World of Systems

EPISTEMOLOGY I The Strategy of Knowing

EPISTEMOLOGY II Philosophy of Science

ETHICS The Good and the Right


Treatise on Basic Philosophy


Semantics I:



Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 74--83872

ISBN-13: 978-90-277-0572-3 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-010-9920-2

DOl: 10.1007/978-94-010-9920-2

Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company,

P.O. Box 17, Dordrecht, Holland

Sold and distributed in the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico

by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Inc.
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Copyright © 1974 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland
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This volume is part of a comprehensive Treatise on Basic Philosophy. The

treatise encompasses what the author takes to be the nucleus of con-
temporary philosophy, namely semantics (theories of meaning and truth),
epistemology (theories of knowledge), metaphysics (general theories of
the world), and ethics (theories of value and of right action).
Social philosophy, political philosophy, legal philosophy, the philoso-
phy of education, aesthetics, the philosophy of religion and other
branches of philosophy have been excluded from the above quadrivium
either because they have been absorbed by the sciences of man or because
they may be regarded as applications of both fundamental philosophy
and logic. Nor has logic been included in the Treatise although it is as
much a part of philosophy as it is of mathematics. The reason for this
exclusion is that logic has become a subject so technical that only
mathematicians can hope to make original contributions to it. We have
just borrowed whatever logic we use.
The philosophy expounded in the Treatise is systematic and, to some
extent, also exact and scientific. That is, the philosophical theories
formulated in these volumes are (a) formulated in certain exact (mathema-
tical) languages and (b) hoped to be consistent with contemporary
Now a word of apology for attempting to build a system of basic
philosophy. As we are supposed to live in the age of analysis, it may well
be wondered whether there is any room left, except in the cemeteries of
ideas, for philosophical syntheses. The author's opinion is that analysis,
though necessary, is insufficient - except of course for destruction. The
ultimate goal of theoretical research, be it in philosophy, science, or
mathematics, is the construction of systems, i.e. theories. Moreover
these theories should be articulated into systems rather than being dis-
joint, let alone mutually at odds.
Once we have got a system we may proceed to taking it apart. First the
tree, then the sawdust. And having attained the sawdust stage we should

move on to the next, namely the building of further systems. And this for
three reasons: because the world itself is systemic, because no idea can
become fully clear unless it is embedded in some system or other, and
because sawdust philosophy is rather boring.
The author dedicates this work to his philosophy teacher
Kanenas T. Pota
in gratitude for his advice: "Do your own thing. Your reward will be
doing it, your punishment having done it".




1. Goal 1
2. Method 4

1. Symbol and Idea 8
1.1. Language 8
1.2. Construct 13
1.3. Predicate 15
1.4. Theory and Language 18
2. Designation 21
2.1. Name 21
2.2. The Designation Function 23
3. Metaphysical Concomitants 26
3.1. Basic Ontology 26
3.2. Beyond Platonism and Nominalism 27

1. Motivation 32
2. The Reference Relation 34
21. An Unruly Relation 34
2.2. Immediate and Mediate Reference 36
2.3. Reference Class 37
2.4. Factual Reference and Object Variable 39
2.5. Denotation 42
2.6. Reference and Evidence 43
2.7. Misleading Cues in the Search for Referents 46
3. The Reference Functions 48
3.1. Desiderata 48
3.2. Principles and Definitions 50

3.3. Some Consequences 53

3.4. Context and Coreference 56
4. Factual Reference 59
4.1. The Factual Reference Class 59
4.2. The Factual Reference Class of Scientific Theories 62
4.3. Spotting the Factual Referents: Genuine and Spurious 68
4.4. The Strife over Realism in the Philosophy of Contemporary Physics 70
5. Relevance 75
5.1. Kinds of Relevance 75
5.2. The Paradox of Confirmation as a Fallacy of Relevance 79
6. Conclusion 81

1. Conceptual Representation 83
2. The Representation Relation 87
2.1. A Characterization 87
2.2. The Multiplicity of Representations 93
2.3. Transformation Formulas and Equivalent Theories 97
3. Modeling 99
3.1. From Schema to Theory 99
3.2. Problems of Modeling 101
4. Semantic Components of a Scientific Theory 104
4.1. Denotation Rules and Semantic Assumptions 104
4.2. Philosophical Commitment of the SA's 108
4.3. Application to Quantum Mechanics III
5. Conclusion ll3

l. Form is not Everything 115
1.1. Concepts of Sense 115
1.2. Extension Insufficient 118
1.3. 'Intensional': Neither Pragmatic nor Modal 120

2. A Calculus of Intensions 123

2.1. Desiderata 123
2.2. Principles and Definitions 124
2.3. Main Theorems 126
2.4. Intensional Difference and Family Resemblance 130
3. Some Relatives - Kindred and in Law 134
3.1. Logical Strength 134
3.2. Information 135
3.3. Testability 138
4. Concluding Remarks 140


1. Closed Contexts 143
1.1. Closed Contexts and Their Structure 143
1.2. The Logical Ancestry of a Construct 145
2. Sense as Purport or Logical Ancestry 146
2.1. Purport and Gist 146
2.2. The Gist of a Basic Construct 148
2.3. The Gist of a Theory 150
2.4. Changes in Gist 153
3. Sense as Import or Logical Progeny 154
3.1. The Logical Progeny of a Construct 154
3.2. Import 156
3.3. Theory Content 158
3.4. Empirical and Factual Content 160
3.5. Changes in Import and Content 165
4. Full Sense 166
5. Conclusion 171

This is a study of the concepts of reference, representation, sense, truth,

and their kin. These semantic concepts are prominent in the following
sample statements: r"fhe field tensor refers to the field', r A field theory
represents the field it refers to', r"fhe sense of the field tensor is sketched
by the field equations', and rExperiment indicates that the field theory is
approximately true'.
Ours is, then, a work in philosophical semantics and moreover one
centered on the semantics of factual (natural or social) science rather than
on the semantics of either pure mathematics or of the natural languages.
The semantics of science is, in a nutshell, the study of the symbol-con-
struct-fact triangle whenever the construct of interest belongs to science.
Thus conceived our discipline is closer to epistemology than to mathe-
matics, linguistics, or the philosophy of language.
The central aim of this work is to constitute a semantics of science - not
any theory but one capable of bringing some clarity to certain burning
issues in contemporary science, that can be settled neither by computa-
tion nor by measurement. To illustrate: What are the genuine referents of
quantum mechanics or of the theory of evolution?, and Which is the best
way to endow a mathematical formalism with a precise factual sense and
a definite factual reference - quite apart from questions of truth?
A consequence of the restriction of our field of inquiry is that entire
topics, such as the theory of quotation marks, the semantics of proper
names, the paradoxes of self-reference, the norms of linguistic felicity,
and even modal logic have been discarded as irrelevant to our concern.
Likewise most model theoretic concepts, notably those of satisfaction,
formal truth, and consequence, have been treated cursorily for not being
directly relevant to factual science and for being in good hands anyway.
We have focused our attention upon the semantic notions that are
usually neglected or ill treated, mainly those of factual meaning and
factual truth, and have tried to keep close to live science.
The treatment of the various subjects is systematic or nearly so: every

basic concept has been the object of a theory, and the various theories
have been articulated into a single framework. Some use has been made
of certain elementary mathematical ideas, such as those of set, function,
lattice, Boolean algebra, ideal, filter, topological space, and metric space.
However, these tools are handled in a rather informal way and have been
made to serve philosophical research instead of replacing it. (Beware of
hollow exactness, for it is the same as exact emptiness.) Moreover the
technical slices of the book have been sandwiched between examples
and spiced with comments. This layout should make for leisurely reading.
The reader will undoubtedly apply his readermanship to skim and skip
as he sees fit. However, unless he wishes to skid he will be well advised to
keep in mind the general plan of the book as exhibited by the Table of
Contents. In particular he should not become impatient if truth and
extension show up late and if analyticity and definite description are
found in the periphery. Reasons will be given for such departures from
This work has been conceived both for independent study and as a
textbook for courses and seminars in semantics. It should also be helpful
as collateral reading in courses on the foundations, methodology and
philosophy of science.
This study is an outcome of seminars taught at the Universidad de
Buenos Aires (1958), University of Pennsylvania (1960-61), Universidad
Nacional de Mexico (1968), McGill University (1968-69 and 1970-71),
and ETH Zurich (1973). The program of the investigation and a preview
of some of its results were given at the first conference of the Society for
Exact Philosophy (see Bunge, 1972a) and at the XVth World Congress of
Philosophy (see Bunge, 1973d).

It is a pleasure to thank all those who made useful comments and criti-
cisms, whether constructive or destructive, in the classroom or in writing.
I thank, in particular, my former students Professors Roger Angel and
Charles Castonguay, as well as Messrs Glenn Kessler and Sonmez Soran,
and my former research associates Professors Peter Kirschenmann,
Hiroshi Kurosaki, Carlos Alberto Lungarzo, Franz Oppacher, and
Raimo Tuomela, and my former research assistants Drs David Probst
and David Salt. I have also benefited from remarks by Professors Harry
Beatty, John Corcoran, Walter Felscher, Joachim Lambek, Scott A.
Kleiner, Stelios Negrepontis, Juan A. Nuiio, Roberto Torretti, Ilmar
Tammelo, and Paul Weingartner. But, since my critics saw only frag-
ments of early drafts, they should not be accused of complicity.
I am also happy to record my deep gratitude to the Canada Council for
the Killam grant it awarded this research project and to the John Simon
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation for a fellowship during the tenure of
which this work was given its final shape. Finally I am grateful to the
Aarhus Universitet and the ETH Ziirich for their generous hospitality
during my sabbatical year 1972-73.


Foundations and Philosophy of Science Unit,

McGill University

Set of constructs (concepts, propositions, or theories)

Content (extralogical import)
~ Extension
.f Intension
hnp Import (downward sense)
L Logic
fL' Language
.It Meaning
Q Universe of objects (of any kind)
IP Family of predicates
f!}ut Purport (upward sense)
[Jl Reference
S Set of Statements (propositions)
[/' Sense
[/'i fI Signification
T Theory (hypothetico-deductive system)
f Truth value function

In this Introduction we shall sketch a profile of our field of inquiry. This

is necessary because semantics is too often mistaken for lexicography and
therefore dismissed as trivial, while at other times it is disparaged for
being concerned with reputedly shady characters such as meaning and
allegedly defunct ones like truth. Moreover our special concern, the
semantics of science, is a newcomer - at least as a systematic body - and
therefore in need of an introduction.


Semantics is the field of inquiry centrally concerned with meaning and

truth. It can be empirical or nonempirical. When brought to bear on
concrete objects, such as a community of speakers, semantics seeks to
answer problems concerning certain linguistic facts - such as disclosing
the interpretation code inherent in the language or explaning the speakers'
ability or inability to utter and understand new sentences ofthe language.
This kind of semantics will then be both theoretical and experimental:
it will be a branch of what used to be called 'behavioral science'. Taking
a cue from Chomsky and Miller (1963) we may say that, rather than being

a closely knit and autonomous discipline, this kind of semantics is the
union of two fields: a chapter of linguistics and one of psychology:
Linguistic semantics: the semantics of natural
Empirical Semantics languages

Psycho linguistic semantics: the psychology of

speech acts and contents, or the study of lan-
guage users
If, on the other hand, semantics concerns itself with conceptual objects,
such as mathematical structures or scientific hypotheses, then it remains
nonempirical in the sense that it makes no direct use of observation and

measurement to test its conjectures and models - nor does it need to,
b~cause this kind of semantics does not describe and predict facts. In
other words, nonempirical semantics is concerned not only with linguistic
items but also, and primarily, with the constructs which some such items
stand for as well as with their eventual relation to the real world. (More
on constructs in Ch. 1, Sec. 1.2.) This branch of semantics is then closer
to the theory of knowledge than the theory of language. (We shall take a
look at this point in Ch. 10, Sec. 3.) Moreover, under penalty of being
useless, nonempirical semantics should account for our experience with
conceptual objects - thus being vicariously empirical. In particular, it
should be concerned with our experience in interpreting conceptual
symbols, elucidating the sense of constructs, uncovering their referents,
and estimating truth values. Furthermore, the way it performs this task
should constitute the supreme test of this branch of semantics: there is no
justification for a semantic theory that fits neither mathematics nor sci-
ence nor ordinary knowledge. Conceived in this way, nonempirical
semantics may be split up as follows:

N onempirical Semantics < Basic or general

Applied or special
(model theory)
S. of science
S. of ordinary

This book is concerned with but a fragment of nonempirical semantics

and not at all with empirical semantics. The philosopher as such is not
competent to tackle problems in empirical semantics: the best he can do is
to study it with the hope of ferreting out the methodology and philosophy
of scientific linguistics and psycholinguistics. Of course he may occa-
sionally ask penetrating questions and, with less frequency, propose
valuable insights in this field or any other. But, qua philosopher, he is not
competent to expand such insights into theories proper (i.e. theories in
mathematical linguistics), nor is he equipped to design experiments to
put such theories to the test. The philosopher, as such, is as much of an
amateur in linguistics and psychology as in physics and biology. But he
can be a professional philosophical semanticist.
We shall deal exclusively with nonempirical semantics, i.e. with the

semantic problems that cannot be investigated by empirical means

because they are not concerned with any factual items but, at most, with
certain features of our knowledge of such objects. In particular we shall
not study the bewildering variety of concepts designated by the ambiguous
term 'meaning' (see Schaff, 1962; Cohen, 1966; Hill, 1971). We shall
instead restrict ourselves to the semantic concept of meaning, i.e. the
sense and reference of predicates, propositions, and theories. In particular
we shall not investigate the process by which an organism assigns a
significance to a sign: we regard the pragmatic concept of meaning as a
business of psycholinguistics (see e.g. Osgood et al., 1957; Luria, 1969),
anthropologists, and historians. Likewise we are interested in the semantic
concept(s) of truth rather than in the psychological concepts of personal
truth, strength of belief, credibility, and so on. Our choice does not imply
a rejection of either empirical semantics or pragmatics: it only involves a
deliberate restriction of the field of our inquiry - ergo a choice of method.
A further restriction on the scope of our investigation will be this. We
shall pay special attention to the semantics of factual science, one of the
three branches of applied or special semantics we recognized a while
ago. That is, our inquiry shall focus on the notions of factual reference,
factual sense, and factual truth that are relevant to scientific knowledge.
The ultimate goal of our research is to accomplish for these notions
what model theory has done for the concepts of satisfaction, formal
truth, consequence, and extension - without however hoping to attain
the neatness characterizing model theory. (For the semantics oflogic see
van Fraassen (1971), for the semantics of mathematics consult Robinson
(1963) or Bell and Slomson (1969).)
In the pursuit of our goal we shall attempt to be both systematic and
relevant to real science. To put it in nasty terms: We shall do our best to
avoid the two chief blemishes of most of the available views and theories
in basic semantics. These shortcomings are the lack of comprehensive
systems in which all of the semantic concepts hang together and thus
illumine one another, and the irrelevance to the semantic problems that
pop up in live science. We shall try to give a fairly exact treatment but, if
we have to choose between a fruitful insight on the one hand, and a rigor-
ous but useless formalism on the other hand, we shall prefer the former.
For, as cuckoos and physicists well know, given a fertilized egg there
exists a bird willing to hatch it.

Because our semantic system is frankly unorthodox, its measure of

success should not be gauged by its agreement with any of the extant
views. It should be estimated, rather, by its ability to (a) clarify and codify
hitherto obscure or stray notions, (b) perform suitable semantic analyses
of fragments of current factual science, and (c) help in the systematic
(axiomatic) reconstruction of existing theories in factual science.


Because our primary concern will be with the semantics of scientific

theories, our investigation will rank largely as metatheoretical. Now,
every metatheory is couched in a metalanguage allowing us to express
certain statements about items occurring in the (object) language used
to express the propositions of the object theory. Throughout our quest
we shall use as strong a metalanguage as required, for our aim is rather
to get a few things done than to economize. We shall employ whatever
tool may seem promising to attain precision, unity and clarity: in partic-
ular we shall use elementary set theory, a few algebraic theories, and a
sprinkling of topology. (For a superb precis of the mathematics needed
by the exact philosopher see Hartnett (1963, 1970).) In this sense our
semantics will be in line with the semantics of Tarski and Carnap. It
differs from theirs (a) in its object, which is factual science instead of
mathematics, (b) in its philosophical underpinnings, which are realist
rather than either nominalist, empiricist, of Fregean, and (c) in its
degree of formalization, which is lower. While the first two differences are
clear, the third deserves a short explanation.
Our expose, though quite formal and systematic, will not be formalized
in the metamathematical sense of the word In particular we shall not
specify our metalanguage in advance. We shall not do it partly because
any such specification places a restriction, often unsuspected, upon the
concepts and propositions that can be expressed in that language. And
we do not care for such limitations, particularly when it is not clear which
they are. For example, we want to be able to speak of infinite conjunctions
and disjunctions, such as law statements, and even of nondenumerable
sets of propositions, such as the formulasI representing the successive
positions of a particle in the course of time. To write off such constructs
just because they overflow finitary logic would be unwise, and to try and

find out in each case which logical theory justifies them would be going
beyond the scope of this work. We take it for granted that, given a useful
mathematical or scientific concept, there exists a branch of logic on which
it can roost.
As stated above, we assume that logic and mathematics are sufficient
to uncover the form and structure of every construct. We assume also
that they are necessary to build theories aiming at elucidating and system-
atizing the semantic concepts of factual reference, factual sense, and
factual truth. But, of course, we do not claim that logic, mathematics and
the semantical theories contrived with their help will suffice to reveal the
syntax and the semantics of every particular scientific construct - any
more than geometry suffices to triangulate the universe. However, a
combination oflogic, mathematics, semantics and substantive knowledge
can do the trick of uncovering the formalism and the semantics of a
scientific theory. At any rate nothing else has done it, so it is worth
The preceding assumptions concerning the role of logic and mathem-
atics in constructing philosophical theories, such as semantics, character-
ize what may be called exact philosophy (see Bunge, ed., 1973a). They are
likely to be challenged by philosophers of a traditional cast of mind. But
they may also be doubted by progressives. A case in point is the notion of
sense (or intension or connotation or content) - a favorite with conser-
vatives as well as a bete noire of progressives for being allegedly impreg-
nable to mathematization. We shall meet the challenge by proposing a
mathematical theory of sense - or rather three such theories, one for each
component of the sense of a construct (Chs. 4 and 5). Should these parti-
cular theories fail, others could take their place: approaches and programs
die only if nobody works on them. After all, simpler ideas, like that of
many, or class, were regarded as typically nonmathematical, hence
unclear, until about one century ago. In any event, a bill of difficulties
and failures does not constitute a philosophy.
Ordinary language philosophers and hermeneutic philosophers will
complain that our method is misplaced, because logic and mathematics
are incapable of discerning the structural subtleties of ordinary language
(which one pray?). And if smart they will score a point of two, either
because the locution in question has not yet been tamed or because the
mathematicians have failed to pay proper attention to it. Given chance

and motivation, mathematicians will tackle any problem of form: after

all this is their province.
What holds for the analysis of form is also true of the analysis of mean-
ing. Thus at first sight it would seem that 'or' and 'and' are not commuta-
tive in ordinary language: that their place makes a difference to meaning.
If this were true then logic would be guilty of a gross oversimplification
that would render it incompetent to analyze ordinary language. Example:
ryou should study as well as play.'" (1)
does not mean the same as
ry ou should playas well as study.'" (2)
These statements are obviously different Yet their ostensive structure,
namely s& p, and p& s, is the same. Now, 'ostensive' signifies "superficial".
There are hidden assumptions (presuppositions) that must be unearthed.
In the case of (1) the presupposition is that the interlocutor, who is
supposed to study, is neglecting his studies, whereas in the case of (2) the
presupposition is that he is studying and neglecting his playing. More
suitable formalizations would therefore be
(1)= IS &p& Obi (s &p)
(2)=s& Ip&Obl(s&p)::;6(l),
where 'Obf stands for the deontic operator "ought", taken care of by
deontic logic.

Conclusion: As with structure analysis so with meaning analysis: no

genuine shade of meaning need remain uncovered if our analysis is pushed
far enough. The resulting depth of our analysis will depend on the power
of the analytic tools we have employed. What holds for logical form and
for meaning holds for philosophical problems in general: if genuine they
can be and ought to be tackled in an exact manner. Even though some
exact philosophers may lack the esprit de finesse characterizing some
inexact philosophers, the problems the latter discover can only be solved
with a pinch of esprit de geometrie.
A final remark on method We shall be concerned throughout with
theories and their components, i.e. statements, or the designata of
declarative sentences. Hence we need not investigate nonalethic con-

structs such as problems (expressed by questions or by commands) and

norms (expressed by imperatives). In principle these and other non-
declarative phrases may be treated by either of two methods: the direct
and the indirect. The direct procedure consists in taking the bull by the
horns and building theories (e.g. systems of deontic logic and of erotetic
logic) legalizing, codifying and so cleansing some of our naive ideas on
the subject. The indirect method consists in transforming the problem
by translating the given nondeclarative sentence into a declarative one -
i.e. in shedding the pragmatic trimmings of the original phrase. For
example, 'Run!' may be transformed into 'The subject is ordered to run',
and 'Where is x?' into 'The question is to locate x'. The problem whether
every nondeclarative sentence has a "declarative prototype" (Marhenke,
1950) or a "propositional content" (Searle, 1969) seems open but does not
affect our enterprise. We need not commit ourselves on this matter and
we need not espouse either method for, as" pointed out a while ago,
scientific theories - our chief analysanda - contain just statements: only
the research process leading to and from theories involves questions,
norms, promises, threats, etc. However, our results concf"rning reference,
sense, and truth, can be applied to nonalethic constructs provided the
latter can be translated or distilled into their alethic counterparts. In this
way we can speak of the meaning of problems and norms, or of the signif-
icance of questions and commands. In other words, we shall adopt the
following principle:" If a construct has an alethic counterpart then the
semantics of the former (though not its pragmatics) equals the semantics
of the latter.
Having delineated the goal and method of our endeavor, we proceed
to take off.


The goal of this chapter is to characterize the most basic of all semantic
concepts: that of designation. This concept occurs in statements such as
rSign x designates concept (or proposition) yl. Since a significant sign
is a member of some language or other, we must start by defining the
notion of a language and, in particular, that of a conceptual language, ie.
one capable of expressing propositions. But this will necessitate a clari-
fication of the very nature and status of concepts and propositions. Which
will in turn lead us to discussing some of the philosophical underpinnings
and ramifications of our enterprise - for philosophical semantics, though
a distinct discipline, is not an isolated one.


1.1. Language
An artificial sign, whether written, uttered, or in any other guise, is a
physical object - a thing or a process that a thing undergoes. But of course
it is a very special object, namely one that

(i) represents some other object (physical or conceptual) or is part of

some much proxy,

(ii) belongs to some sign system (= language), within which it can

concatenate with other signs to produce further signs, and such that the
whole system is used for

(iii) the communication or transmission of information concerning

states of affairs, ideas, etc.
For something to be called a sign it need not be spoken or written: the
signs used by bees and apes satisfy all the preceding conditions. Conse-
quently a language need not be symbolic (i.e. involving conventions), let
alone conceptual. Any system of coded signals used for communication
purposes qualifies as a language. Moreover, the coding and decoding

need not be accompanied by understanding: they can be automatic - as

is often the case within humans. In any event we have the following
possible partition of languages.


Designates constructs
instead of, or in addi-
tion to, facts, feelings,
etc. Ex.: English.


individual cir-
Represents anything
cumstances (delayed
but constructs. Ex.:
responses satisfying
mimicry, musical

Represents objects
immediately relevant
to state and drives
of animal.

We are interested only in symbolic languages: the study of our various

systems of growls, snarls, shrieks, and gestures belongs to psychology.
(Moreover we are not interested in individual symbols but rather in
equivalence classes of such: linguistics is concerned with the tee shape
rather than with any concrete instance of the sound or letter tee.) Essenti-
ally, a symbolic language is a set of basic symbols (the alphabet) that can
concatenate forming strings. A formation device picks the subset of ex-
pressions or well formed formulas, which in turn designate certain
objects. And a transformation device converts certain expressions into
others. More precisely, we shall adopt the following characterization of
the overall structure of a finitary symbolic language (whether or not

DEFINITION 1.1 A septuple Ii'K=<~' D, 0, <p, T, Q, ..1), where K, ~ and

Q are sets, D is a distinguished element of ~, ° is an operation on ~,
<p and T are families of mappings, and ..1 is a function, is called a (finitary)
symbolic language for communicating systems of kind K iff
(i) ~, the alphabet of Ii' K, is denumerable and every element of ~ is a
symbol that any member of the class K of things can produce or receive;
(ii) the structure <~*, D, 0), where ~* is the set of finite concatena-
tions (strings) of elements of ~, is the free monoid generated by ~, with
identity (neutral) element D (the blank);
(iii) <p, the formation device, is a collection of maps from the n-tuples
of strings in (~*r to a subset ~** of ~* (the expressions, or complete
utterances, or wffs of Ii' K);
(iv) T, the transformation device, is a collection of maps from the n-
tuples of wff's in (~**r into ~**;
(v) every element of the set Q of objects is associated with (or it evokes)
a definite state in an arbitrary member of the set K of users of Ii' K (but
not conversely: some states of all users correspond to no: members of Q);
(vi) ..1, the coding function (or interpretation map) of Ii' K, is a many-
one function from the expressions in ~** to the family &J(Q) of all the
subsets of Q (i.e . ..1 assigns every complete utterance, e.g., a phrase,
a certain class of objects).
More explicitly, the membership of ~ is the totality of basic (atomic)
signals or letters, including the nonsignal D. These signals concatenate
associatively to form the set of strings (both well formed and ill formed)
~*. For example, if a and b are in~, then ao(bo D)=aob, which may not
be the same as boa, is a member of ~* though not necessarily of ~**. The
maps in <p pick those strings (finite concatenations) that count as correct
expressions (or well formed formulas) of Ii' K, i.e. the elements of ~**.
For example, one of the functions in <p will be that which carries the
couple «x), Px), belonging to (~*)2, into the expression (x) Px, that
belongs to ~**. (Because ~* is denumerable, though infinite, so is ~**. In
other words, the language we are describing contains only a countable
infinity of sentences. This is a serious limitation but it need not concern
us here, as it will have no consequences for our future work.) So far the
basic ideas of the syntax of a language. (For mathematical linguistics see

e.g. Chomsky and Miller (1963), Chomsky (1963), Ginsburg (1966),

Marcus (1967), Arbib (1968), or Harris (1968), each with a different
standpoint.) These basic ideas allow one to define a number of useful
derivative notions, among others the following two.

DEFINITION 1.2 Let E* be the set of strings of a language Ii'K' If x and y

are in E*, then x is a part of y iff there are two strings wand z in E* such
that woxoz=y.
This part-whole relation is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive as
it should be. Should x be an initial (or final) segment of y, then we should
take w (or z) to be the blank O. We shall need this concept in Sec. 2.1.

DEFINITION 1.3 Let E* be the set of strings of a symbolic language Ii'K'

The length of a member x of E* is the number of basic signs (counting
repetitions) that are a part of x.
(N ote the difference between the length of an expression and the
complexity of the corresponding construct if any. Any given construct
may be expressed by a number of strings of varying length. More on the
difference between constructs and their linguistic wrappings in Sec. 1.2.)
So much, or rather little, for the syntax of Ii'K' Its semantics is given by
adding to its syntax a set 0 of objects and a coding function .1. This
function associates every expression in E** with a collection of objects
(perhaps just a singleton) called the denotatum of the corresponding
expression. For example, in arithmetic we have, inter alia,.1: Numerals-+
Numbers. The function .1 is many-one: any collection of objects may
be called by different names. The objects in question may be physical
(occasionally other signs) or conceptual. A particular language is specified
by determining not only its syntax (essentially its vocabulary E and its
< »
grammar y = cp, "C but also its semantics - essentially its denotata 0 and
its coding function .1. While the former decrees what strings are well
formed, the latter decides which are well informed.
Caution: the semantics of a language is sometimes mistaken for a
semantic theory (e.g. by Katz and Fodor, 1963). The former is an integral
part of a language: it consists roughly of its dictionary, i.e. of the coding
function.1 :E**-+&,(O). On the other hand a semantic theory is a hypo-
thetico-deductive system couched in some language and concerned with
explicating semantic concepts. In other words, while the semantics of a

language boils down to its dictionary, a semantic theory may include

a theory about dictionaries but is not supposed to include any particular
dictionary. Likewise a theory of chemical binding does not contain a list
of chemical compounds but enables one to explain and predict their
formation. (For further criticisms of the Katz-Fodor view see Bar-Hillel
(1970).) Enough of this because there are no viable semantic theories of
natural languages anyway.
It has become fashionable to include, in the semantics of a -language,
the conditions under which certain expressions of the language (its
sentences) are true, i.e., their truth conditions. We shall not adopt this
policy for the following reasons. First, because we shall assign truth
values to (some) propositions rather than to their linguistic expressions
(sentences). Second and more important, because the proposing and
discussing of truth conditions or criteria is a task for the special sciences
not for a general theory of language. A language should be rich and
neutral enough to allow one to express in it any number of mutually
incompatible truth conditions. What semantics can do is to study the
general concept of a truth condition - provided it does it in the light of the
experience gained in the sciences instead of legislating a priori. (More on
this in Ch. 8, Sec. 2.4.) So much for the semantics of a language.
A more complete specification of any language !l'K should include its
pragmatics. The pragmatics of !l'K may be construed as a map n K of
the set 1:* of expressions (both sound and lame) into a set of behavior
items of the members of K, the users of !l'K' But since the effective
determination of such a function n K is a matter for empirical investigation
we shall not be concerned with pragmatics here. (True, there have been
attempts to build a priori systems of pragmatics, by abstracting from
concrete linguistic circumstances - in particular from the psychical and
social make-up of the language users. But such attempts are methodo-
logically as misguided as any other aprioristic approach to empirical
matters.) Another reason for leaving pragmatics aside is that, pace
Putnam (1970), pragmatics presupposes semantics in the sense that before
attempting to investigate what person x means by expression y, or how
person z uses the truth concept, one should be reasonably clear about the
semantic concepts of meaning and truth - just as the physicist makes sure
he understands the concept of atomic weight before proceeding to meas-
uring atomic weights. More on this in Ch. 10, Sec. 3.4.

We conclude here our hasty characterization of the concept of a

language. We take language for granted and leave it in competent
hands - those of linguists, psycholinguists, sociolinguists and historical
linguists. Our concern is with what can be said with languages of a special
kind, namely the conceptual ones. That is, we are interested in following
the L1 arrow.

1.2. Construct
From now on we shall restrict our attention to conceptual languages,
which are the ones employed in mathematics, science, and philosophy.
In anticipation ofthe formal definition to be given in Sec. 2.2 we may say
that what characterizes a conceptual language is that some of its ex-
pressions symbolize ideas. If we abstract from ideation, which is a con-
crete brain process, as well as from communication, which is a concrete
physical process, we get constructs: concepts (in particular predicates),
propositions, and bodies of such - for example, theories. Unlike cognitive
psychology, psycholinguistics, and pragmatics, all of which are concerned
with real people engaged in thinking and communicating, philosophical
semantics abstracts from people, and hence does not handle communica-
tion. (Nor does mathematicallingui~tics for that matter.) Philosophical
semantics handles constructs as if they were autonomous - ie., Platonic
Ideas - without however assuming that there are such.
The existence of constructs may be regarded as a pretense on a par
with the infinite plane wave and the self sufficient steppenwolf: all three
are fictions. (See Vaihinger, 1920; Henkin, 1953.) In each case· the real
thing is far more complex but, if we want to theorize, we must start by
building more or less sketchy models: once the modeling is under way we
may contemplate complication and articulation. In any event we shall
agree that a conceptual language is a language suitable for expressing
constructs of some kind, e.g., biological theories. Moreover we assume
that the chief linguistic categories correspond to (but are not identical
with) the conceptual categories: (some) terms correspond to concepts,
(some) sentences to propositions, certain fragments of languages to
theories. (Cf. Kneale, 1972.) See Table 1.1., which summarizes the pre-
ceding informal characterization of the sign-construct relations.
(Note that we .make no use of the notion of a semantic category
[Bedeutungskategorie] introduced by E. Hussed and worked out by S.

Lesniewski and K. Ajdukiewicz It does not improve things for us because

a semantic category, such as a name or a sentence, is supposed to be
"defined by its meaning" (Ajdukiewicz, 1935), and none of those authors
had a theory of meaning to offer. In any case their semantic categories
are actually syntactic categories, and the elucidation of this concept is a
problem for theoretical linguistics not for philosophical semantics. Here
we take languages and linguistics for granted.)

Linguistic categories and conceptual categories

Linguistic Conceptual category

Variable Constant

Individual Unspecified individual x. Specific individual c, or

name Paradigm: arbitrary member individual concept.
of a set. Paradigm: "3"
Class name Unspecified set X. Specific ("concrete") set.
E-< Paradigm: abstract set. Ex. : the set of electrons.

Predicate Unspecified predicate X. Specific predicate P.

letter Paradigm: arbitrary predicate. Ex. : a concept of pressure.

Phrase Definite description schema. Definite description.

Ex.: "The cube of n". Ex.: 'The cube of 2".
0 Sentence Statement schema Specific statement.
en (propositional function). Ex.: "Wolves do not wage wars".
Paradigms: Px, Xa, Xy .
Language Abstract theory. Specific theory ( = theory of a
Paradigm: Boolean algebra. model).
Paradigm: arithmetic.

The unit construct is the concept. The concept of a concept cannot be

defined without circularity but it may be characterized in various ways.
From a logical point of view concepts are the building blocks of state-
ments. (Or the other way around: propositions are certain compounds
of concepts.) Example 1 All three components of the statement r3 > 2'
are concepts. Example 2 Everyone of the components (coordinates) of
the relational structure "(N, +,0)", where 'N' designates the set of natural

numbers, is a concept and so is the structure as a whole. Example 3 Every

symbol in Newton's formula for the gravitational force designates a
concept, and the formula as a whole designates a proposition (which in
tum represents an objective stable pattern).
We may distinguish two kinds of concept: individuaL such as "Mars",
and collective, such as "planet". The latter, i.e. class concepts, are usually
called predicates. Predicates can be unary like "long", binary like "longer
than", ternary like that occurring in "a is b times longer than c", and so on.
Let us for a moment focus our attention upon predicates.

1.3. Predicate
We shall analyze the concept of a predicate with the help of the mathe-
matical concept of a function. A function f is a correspondence between
two sets A and B such that, to every member x of A, there is a single
element y of B. The correspondence is written 'f: A --+ B', where A is
called the domain and B the range of f. The value f takes at XE A is desig-
nated by f (x), in tum an element y of B. That is, f (x) = y. This is the gist
of the general concept of a function.
We are interested in a particular kind offunctions, namely propositional
functions. A propositional function P is a function whose values are
propositions. That is, a propositional function, or predicate, is a function
from individuals to statements. Thus "lives" ("is alive") may be regarded
as a certain mapping L from a set D of objects such that, for an individual
c in D, L(c) is the proposition "c is alive". Briefly, L:D--+S, where the
domain D is in this case the set of organisms and S a certain set of state-
ments, namely the class of propositions in which the concept L occurs.
Likewise "dissolves" may be analyzed as a function from the set of
ordered pairs <solvent, solute) to a set of statements. In general, a predi-
cate (or propositional function) of rank (or order) n, where n is some integer
greater than zero, will be analyzed as a function
P:A l x A2 x ... x An--+S
where each Ai' for I ~ i ~ n, is a set of objects, S is a class of statements
(propositions), and the cross represents the cartesian product of the sets
of objects concerned In simpler terms: a predicate of rank n is that which
combines n objects, say Xl' X2, •.. , X n, not necessarily real nor necessarily
distinct from one another, to produce something else, namely PX l X 2 .•• Xn>

called a statement or proposition, and constituting the value of P at the

point (Xl' X2, ... , xn). Moreover, given an arbitrary function f: A -+ B the
corresponding predicate will be taken to be the propositional function
P:A x B-+S such that Pxy = (f(x) = y} for xEA, YEB.
The previous analysis of a predicate as a function applies to atomic,
i.e. logically simple predicates, such as "between". Because we have
construed atomic predicates as functions we must build complex (molec-
ular) predicates by respecting the formation rules of complex functions
out of simpler functions. Thus just as the sum and the product of two
functions are definable only on their common domain, so the disjunction
and the conjunction of two predicates must be defined on their overlap -
provided the latter is not void Otherwise the predicate letter will fail to
stand for a genuine predicate: it will be a nonsense sign. In short, we
stipulate that, if P and Q are predicates with a common domain
D=AI x A2 X ••• X An' then
iP:D-+S such that (iP) XIX2 ... Xn= i(PX IX2 ... xn}
poQ:D-+S such that (poQ) XIX2 ... Xn=
=PX I X2 ••. x noQX 1 X2 ... Xn
where XiE Ai for 1 ~ i ~ nand is an arbitrary binary connective, such as

"&" or "<:>". The advantages of this construal are multiple. First, it holds
for all predicates. Second, it exhibits the referents of a statement. Third, it
does not require the concept of truth - whence it is independent of any
particular theory of truth. Fourth, it writes off without further ado, as ill
formed, compounds such as 'black thought' and 'cleverly melting at
1()() oK' because their components, though bonafide predicates, are defined
on disjoint domains. Such pseudopredicates can be assigned neither
sense nor reference.
Note that our construal of a predicate differs from Frege's analysis as
a function from individuals to truth values. (Recall Frege (1891), in
Angelelli (1967) p. 133: "ein Begriff ist eine Funktion, deren Jtert immer ein
Wahrheitswert ist".) To put it in contemporary mathematical jargon,
Frege identifies a predicate F with the characteristic function XD of the
domain D of F. In short he sets F = XD:D -+ {O, I}. But then he is unable
to distinguish among the various predicates with the same domain,
because there is only one characteristic function for each set. Frege's

construal of a predicate is therefore unacceptable. Besides, it is inconsis-

tent with his own (wavering) anti-extensionalism and it involves an
unanalyzed concept of truth. (More in Ch. 8, Sec. 3.6.)
On the other hand we accept Frege's conception of a proposition
(which he often called Gedanke, i.e. thought~ namely as the designatum of
a declarative sentence independent of its particular wording. (This is a
rough characterization not a definition.) That was also the manner
Bolzano (1837), the Russell of PM, and Church thought of propositions
as distinct from their linguistic containers (see, e.g. Church, 1956). We
shall not define the concept of a proposition (or statement) but rather the
whole structure of a metric Boolean algebra of propositions - not until
Ch. 8, Sec. 3.2, though. For the time being we shall clarify what we do not
mean by a predicate and its values (propositions).
The vain attempt to frame quick definitions of "concept" and "proposi-
tion" has produced a number of more or less interesting mistakes.
First: "A concept is the designatum of a grammatical predicate or pred-
icate letter". Counterexamples: the artificial. predicate signs 'crittle' and
'analytic or hot' stand for no concepts. Only the converse is true if quali-
fied: every genuine concept can be either named or described by at least
one string in some language. Second: "A concept is anything that has a
sense (Begrijfsinhalt)". Or, which is nearly equivalent: "anything which
is capable of being the sense of a name x is called a concept of x" (Church,
1951, p. 11). Unnecessary: there are unnamed (though describable) con-
cepts - witness the silent majority of real numbers and functions. And
insufficient: propositions and theories too have a sense. Third: "A concept
is anything that can be assigned a referent (Begrijfsgegenstand)". Not
necessarily so: sets are concepts and yet they do not refer to anything.
Fourth: "A proposition is the designatum of a sentence". Close but not
quite: the nonsense sentences in nursery rhymes and in some philosophical
writings express no propositions. Fifth: "A proposition is whatever is
either true or false". Not quite: an untested factual statement has no truth
value (see Ch. 8). To say that it has got one, only we ignore which, is sheer
Platonizing and it does not advance us: the truth of the matter offactual
truth is that truth values are contingent upon tests. (More in Ch. 8.)
Sixth: "A proposition is anything that satisfies the propositional calculus".
Necessary but not sufficient: other objects besides propositions obey the
same algebra Seventh: "A proposition is a collection of synonymous

sentences in a language (i.e., an equivalence class of sentences under the

relation of synonymy in a language}". Tempting but hollow, for it does not
seem possible to give a purely linguistic account of synonymy. In fact we
recognize two sentences as having the same significance, over and above
their linguistic disparities, just in case they happen to stand for the same
proposition. Example: the different sentences 'p & q' and 'q & p' designate
the same proposition In other words equisignificance, a linguistic prop-
erty, ir reducible to a semantic property, namely the identity ofthe under-
lying constructs. (More precisely, as will be argued in Ch. 7, two constructs
are identical just in case they have the same meaning, which happens if
and only if they have the same sense and point to the same referents.)
So much for a preliminary clarification of "concept" and "proposition".
We turn next to theory in relation to language

1.4. Theory and Language

The third category of construct is the theory, or hypothetico-deductive
system. The formulas of a theory may be specific statements or they may
contain unbound variables of some kind In either case the formulas are
formulated in, or expressed by, sentences in some language - the language
of the theory. One and the same language may be used to formulate any
number of alternative theories: when formulating a theory we pick a sub-
set of all the possible expressions of a language and organize this collec-
tion (or rather the corresponding set of statements) in a deductive ma.nner.
The language itself must be neutral with respect to both the selection and
the organization of the material (recall Sec. 1.1). Thus while the language
may contain the sentences 'a is a P' and 'a is not a P', the theory will
pick either or none of them.
The following example should bear out our thesis that theory and
language must be kept as distinct as gift and wrapping. Let !l' be the
following language:
Logical alphabet of !l' = { -', v, 3}
Extralogical alphabet of !l' = {a, b, x; P} with a and b individual con-
stants, x and individual variable, and P a unary predicate letter
Atomic sentences of !l' = {Pa, Pb}
Sentences of !l' = {Pa, Pb, -, Pa, -, Pb, Pa v Pb, -, Pa v Ph, Pa v -, Ph,
-,Pav -,Pb, (3x}Px, -,(3x}Px, (3x) -,Px,
-'(3x) -,Px, ... }

Theory 1 Theory 2
Language of Tl = !l' = Language of T2
Logic of Tl = First order predicate calculus = Logic of T2
Axiom 1 I Pa v Pb. Axiom I (Pa v Pb)
Axiom 2 Pa Theorem 1 I Pa 1\ I Pb.
Theorem 1 Pb Theorem 2 IPa
Theorem 2 (3x) Px Theorem 3 I Pb
Theorem 4 (3x) I Px.

Although the set of sentences of each theory is a subset of the collection

of sentences of their common language, the two subsets do not coincide
and moreover they do not stand in their own right but "say" something
even if this something is abstract for lack of interpretation of the various
symbols involved. Whether a system of signs constitutes a language (and
is consequently neutral) or expresses a theory (and is consequently com-
mitted) can be decided only by finding out whether it makes a choice
among all the possible sentences - i.e. whether it excludes some of the
formulas of the given language.
Nevertheless the language/theory division, though genuine, is relative.
Indeed every universal theory, whether in logic or in pure mathematics,
can be used as a language by another, more specific theory. Thus logic is
used as a language or vehicle of communication by every mathematical
theory, and mathematics is a language of theoretical science. There are
two ways in which a theory can be utilized as a language by another
theory. One is to borrow only some of the concepts of the universal
theory and their corresponding symbols without using any of the axioms
and theorems of that theory. This is how most mathematicians use logic.
It is also the way molecular biologists use information theory: although
they talk of the information carried by a DNA molecule they never
compute or measure that quantity of information. Another, fuller, uti-
lization of a theory by a second theory occurs when the latter employs
some of the statements (hence also some of the concepts) of the former.
This is how physicists use functional analysis and sociologists graph
theory: these theories enter into the very building of the specific factual
theories. In sum, the distinction between language and theory, though
neat, is as relative as the one between means and goals.

However a relative difference is a difference. Hence it is mistaken to

define a theory as a certain set of sentences from some language, and a
model as a structure in which such strings, conceived as inscriptions, are
satisfied. Such an elimination of constructs in favor of their linguistic
embodiments is no mere carelessness but deliberate: it is a necessary
component of nominalism. This philosophy, espoused by eminent lo-
gicians such as Hilbert and Tarski, and at one time Quine, has its ad-
vantages: it simplifies, it avoids the pitfalls of both Platonism and psy-
chologism and last, but not least, any computer can be talked into adopt-
ing it.
However, nominalism does not supply an adequate semantic theory.
For one thing it overrates the importance of notation and wording and
therefore cannot account for the fact that any given proposition can be
formulated in a number of different languages. For another, if one re-
fuses to accept anything beyond signs qua physical objects and their
eventual physical denotata, then he cannot explain why symbols enter
into non-physical (e.g. logical) relations - not to speak of their form and
content, which are likewise non-physical. (Consider: whereas twice 3 is
6, twice '3' is '33'.) Thirdly, for the same reason the Ockhamist is likely
to multiply the number of entities without necessity, as he may take
seriously Eddington's parable of the two tables: the layman's (concept
of a) smooth table and the scientist's (concept of a) mostly hollow one,
both denoted by a single word. The nominalist may thus end up by
positing a plurality of realities, thus committing philosophical suicide -
as Chwistek (1949) did. Fourthly, if the nominalist assigns to some of his
marks, e.g. sentences, certain non-physical properties such as truth or
falsity (as Tarski does), then he slips into hylemorphism - the very Pla-
tonic devil he wishes to exorcise. Fifthly, the nominalist must repudiate
any theory which, like non-standard analysis, teems with nameless con-
structs (Robinson, 1966). (For further criticisms see Frege (1893) in Geach
and Black, Eds. (1952), and Putnam (1971).)
We shall consequently stress the traditional distinction between term
and concept, predicate letter and predicate, sentence and proposition,
and language and theory. We shall say that the first member of each pair
stands for, expresses, or designates the second member. But this relation
of designation deserves a separate section.


2.1. Name
Names are those terms in a language that designate objects of some kind.
Thus the numerals '3' and 'III' name the number three. In a conceptual
language all names designate constructs. But the converse is false: not-
withstanding nominalism, most constructs go unnamed. Thus, only a
few irrational numbers and a few functions have got standard names.
Still, just as anonymous persons can be identified by their features and
actions, so constructs can be identified by their properties even if they are
assigned no individual names. For example, the function "two fifths of
the cube plus seven" has got no special name but it is unambiguously
characterized by the preceding description, which amounts to saying what
the function does - namely sending x into !X3 + 7, where x is a real
number. In short, there are unnamed constructs but not ineffable ones.
There are names of (some) individuals, names of (some) classes (or
common names), of (some) relations, and so on. In either case names
may designate a fixed or an arbitrary member of a collection, i.e. an un-
specified individual. Thus we may agree to call 'x' an arbitrary real
number. (Note that a variable is not quite the same as a blank. While
all blanks or voids are the same, namely nothing, variables can differ
from one another and can be manipulated Thus 'x + y = z' is not the
same as' + = '. Nor is a variable something that varies.)
Names are symbols and as such they act as proxies for their nominata
We should not forget what they stand for - unless we happen to be com-
puters. For example, strictly speaking we should not say 'Let R be the
real line' but rather 'Let R name (deSignate) the real line'. However, as
long as we are alert to the distinction between signs and their designata
we can afford to confuse them in our speech and writing for the sake of
brevity. In short, we can indulge in self-designation provided we keep in
mind that symbols are just that - conventional signs proxying for some-
thing else.
The refusal to distinguish symbols from what they symbolize can be
made into a philosophy. It is, indeed, the core of the nominalist or vulgar
materialist philosophy of mathematics. This philosophy appeals to the
haters of intangibles and the lovers of simplicity: instead of having sym-
bols on the one hand and constructs on the other it offers a single bag of

tangible entities, some natural and others (the signs) artificial. Thus a
member of this persuasion will claim, for example, that "The expression
or string consisting of '(x) ('followed by 'P' followed by 'x:::.' followed by
'P' followed by 'x)' is an analytic sentence of the language r:. And he
will be happy with the nursery school identification of the number one
with a vertical stroke. A simple creed indeed - hence one inadequate to
tackle the complex facts of life. For example the creed makes no room
for the principle that symbols, in particular names, are replaceable be-
cause conventional: that "the real thing" is the designatum not its name:
that no particular sign is indispensable. (For a vigorous defense of this
thesis see Frege (1895). Even Bourbaki (1970, Ch. I), despite its nominalist
flare-ups, warns against confusing symbol with designatum.)
The preceding semantic principle, that although names may be nec-
essary (or convenient) none of them is indispensable, has been credited
to Shakespeare. In fact, in Romeo and Juliet he held that the scent of a
rose is name-invariant This principle, sometimes called the "principle of
reference" (Linsky, 1967), can be given a more exact though far less poetic
formulation, such as the following. Let x be part of an expression e(x)
in a language !l' and let e(y) be the expression resulting from trading x
for y in e(x), where y is yet another sign in !l'. If x and y have the same
designatum, then so have e(x) and e(y~ Consequently the two can be
mutually substituted salva signijicatione et salva veritate. One may adopt
this necessary triviality as part of the definition of the designation rela-
Thus we accept Shakespeare's thesis that nothing is in a name: that
what really matters is the nominatum. If the latter happens to be a con-
struct, not a physical object, then we may say, following Frege and
Church, that the name points to the sense or to the referent of the con-
struct. But we may as well substitute 'and' for 'or', as the concept of
ambiguity has a pragmatic ring about it. In our theory of meaning a sign
that stands for a concept performs both functions: it signifies the sense
as well as the referent of the construct it designates. (See Ch. 7, Sec. 1.)
Thus the class name Homo sapiens symbolizes the technical concept of
man. The sense of this concept is given by some of the hypotheses oc-
curring in the sciences of man, while its reference class is of course the
set of humans. Whether or not this latter set is empty (as some of us are
beginning to suspect) is no business of the semanticist: the determination

of the actual extension of concepts is a task of scientists not of philos-

ophers. But this matter will be taken up in detail in Ch. 2 and in Ch. 9,
Sec. 1.
Names are conventional but they need not be arbitrary. While some
are formed spontaneously others are contrived according to rule. About
the most sophisticated of all rule-directed naming procedures is Godel's,
which assigns to every basic symbol in the linguistic wrapping of a theory
a unique natural number in such a way that, given any natural number,
the corresponding symbol can be effectively retrieved We shall need no
such powerful method: the most modest of all naming procedures will
suffice us - namely the quotation marks technique. We shall employ three
kinds of quotes:
'single' quotes to mention symbols,
"double" quotes to designate constructs, and
rcorners' to name propositions (a kind of construct).

22. The Designation Function

According to Definition 1.1 (Sec. 1.1), a language is a certain septuple
Ii'K=(I;, D, 0, l/J, t, D, ..1), where ..1 is a correspondence between the
signs of Ii' K (formed from items in I; with the help of the operation 0)
and the objects in D. The role of ..1 is then to inject some significance
into a bunch of dumb marks, which would otherwise symbolize nothing.
In the case of conceptual languages, which are the ones we are interested
in, the set D shrinks to a subset C, a collection of constructs, and ..1 be-
comes the designation function, briefly ~. More precisely, we have

DEFINITION 1.4 Let L be a system of predicate logic. Then the septuple

Ii'KL = (E, 0, 0, l/J, t, C, ~) is a conceptual language iff
(i) Ii' KL is a language;
(ii) E contains at least the signs required to designate the basic con-
cepts of the logical system L;
(iii) C is a nonempty set of constructs containing at least all those in L;
(iv) ~ is a many-one function from the set E** of expressions (wff's) of
Ii' KL into (but not onto) the collection 9' (C) of subsets of C;
(v) Any two signs in E** with the same designatum (i.e. for which ~
takes the same value) can be mutually exchanged wherever they occur
in E**.

Note the following points. First, since ~KL is a conceptual language,

not gibberish, every wff in it stands for (proxies) some construct. On the
other hand!!} is not onto: there may be in C nameless constructs, such
as the nonstandard objects in nonstandard analysis. Second, condition
(v), sometimes called 'Leibniz' principle of the substitutivity of identicaIs',
does not warrant any such substitutivety but rather the one of different
expressions provided they happen to designate the same constructs.
Third, this principle has nothing to do with reference. Hence it is not
illustrated by rrhe morning star = The evening star". This last statement
is, strictly speaking, 'false. What is true is that the two descriptions have
the same referent - namely Venus. More on this in the next chapter.
Fourth, the principle (v) has been challenged because it fails for the so-
called "intensional contexts", i.e. in connection with "propositional
attitudes" expressed by verbs like 'to know' and 'to believe'. For example,
although '3' and 'III' designate the same number, the statement rEvery-
body knows that 3 = III' is plainly false (see, e.g., Linsky, 1967). We shall
not take up this question since it belongs in pragmatics or in psychology
(see Ch. 8, Sec. 4.3).
Fifth, the principle (v) is essential to all symbolic thinking. Its explicit
statement should contribute to clarifying the way symbols perform their
function, which is not to live their own life but to stand for, or deputize
for, something else. Thus an equation such as r a = b" informs us that the
letters 'a' and 'b', though different, name the same object. This trivial
remark should help the beginning student of mathematics, who is often
baffled by the apparent inconsistency ofra=b". And the remark should
embarrass the nominalist, for in the formula 'a=b' the two sides are not
the same name. If mathematics were concerned with signs and languages
rather than their designata, we should write: 'a' = 'b', which is false. In
fact, as Frege (1879) noted long ago, we are here concerned with a single
concept, now called 'a', now 'b'. (This does not endorse Frege's view that
the theory of identity concerns only names or terms. The theory of identity
is supposed to be universal, in the sense that it holds for objects of all
Sixth and last, note that we have not defined the designation function
!!}: we have not specified the way it maps expressions into constructs. Any
precise characterization of !!} involves the exact specification of such a
correspondence, therefore of its domain E** and range 9P(C) - hence a

loss of generality. As soon as the designation function is specified, the

conceptual language Ii' KL becomes a particular semantic system. A
customary way of specifying ("defining") a semantic system is to lay
down designation rules such as "Let 'M' designate the Newtonian mass
function" (Carnap, 1942). But of course a formula such as this is a rule
from a pragmatic point of view only, as it expresses a decision or con-
vention. From a semantic point of view it is not a rule but a statement,
namely an instance of "!?t(a)=c", where aEE·· is a sign and c the con-
struct a designates. Besides, designation "rules", though necessary, are
not sufficient for the purpose of formulating a body of factual knowledge,
however modest it may be. Even an address book involves an additional
semantic notion, namely that of denotation, a relation which goes from
signs to factual items, either directly or via constructs. (More on de-
notation in Ch. 2, Se~. 2.4.) This relation includes the directory relation
that matches names of people to names of places (addresses) and rep-
resents the physical relation between people and their dwellings:

Names: Names Names·

linguistic items of of
people places

I ~efi~rentd

In the case of scientific theories we have the composition of two rela-

tions: designation !?t, from signs to constructs, and reference ~, from
constructs to factual items. That is, in addition to the ordinary assump-
tions (construct-construct links) and the designation "rules", scientific
theories also contain construct-fact correspondences. The latter tell us
what the theories are about: which of its constructs refer to what and
which represent what. In other words, the semantic systems of factual
science, unlike those of pure mathematics, include semantic hypotheses
or assumptions, often misnamed 'correspondence rules' (Chs. 2, 3, and 6).
For this reason, and because a language should be a neutral instrument

for expressing ideas, our Definition 1.4 of a conceptual language should

not be mistaken for a definition of a factual theory. In other words,
Definition 1.4 characterizes only a class of languages suitable for ex-
pressing a body of factual knowledge.


3.1. Basic Ontology

Our definition of a language in Sec. 1.1 involved not only signs but also
their denotata, ie. the values of the coding function Lt. The denotata may
be, but mostly are not, linguistic items. In fact the denotata of a sign
system may be anything whatever: individuals, sets, relations, concrete
or abstract, possible or impossible. They are objects in the general philo-
sophical sense of the word, not in the sense of concrete tangible things.
We shall take this general notion of an object as primitive or undefined,
for it is far too basic and important to be definable. And we may let
ontology take care of its characterization even though we reject the very
notion of a general theory of objects of any kind. In any case we shall
assume the following partitions:
(i) Every object is either a factual item (e.g. an event) or a construct
(e.g. a set) and none is both.
(ii) Every factual object is either linguistic or extralinguistic and none
is both.
(iii) Every linguistic object is either a term (a member of some E or
of some E*) or an expression (an element of some E**) or a whole lan-
(iv) Every construct is either a predicate or a propositional function
or a proposition or a set of either (with or without a structure).
In other words, the basic ontology accompanying our semantics ad-
mits the kinds of object shown overleaf.
That there is such a diversity of kinds of object is suggested by the fact
that they satisfy radically different sets oflaws: for example, the concepts
of physics do not obey the same laws as their referents. Whether or not
all objects in our ontology are attributed an autonomous existence is an-
other matter - one for metaphysics not for semantics. However, the
author hastens to declare that in his own metaphysics neither constructs
nor even linguistic items are self-existing: the two are artifacts, hence

dependent upon man - they were and are being created by mankind and
will follow the fate of mankind. Surely signs, e.g. inscriptions, are phys-
ical objects: but they depend upon man for their coming into being as
well as for their functioning as signs (proxies) for whatever they stand
for. As to constructs, they are total fictions: what is real is the brain

process that consists in thinking of some object. Let us elaborate on this
Concrete thing

Property. state. or change of

a thing

~ Complex

~ <

Linguistic Expression



Concept Ie. g. "number")

Propositional scnema Ie. g. "x is a number ")
Proposition Ie. g... 3 is a number")

Icons truc t)
. Contextle.g."(N.O.')")
body ~ Set of formulas
Hypothetico-deductive system

3.2. Beyond Platonism and Nominalism

Consider an external event such as a lightning bolt and a linguistic fact

such as someone's uttering the sentence 'That was lightning'. Between
these two physical processes we have an intermediate brain process - a
thought. Change the speaker or the language and the sentence may
change. However, we may surmise that, if the speakers' genetic make-ups

and their funds of experience are similar, so will be their thought pro-
cesses, whence their various utterances, though possibly different, will
stand for the same statement or proposition. (See Fig. 1.1.)

.....---Natural science-----,,~~Linguistics ~ Semantics--_~

Physical input f/l -----i~~. 8 n

Brain process
~ Sentence



Proposition p

Fig. 1.1. A physical stimulus cp, the brain process p (thinking) it elicits, and its linguistic
outputs l1i. sentences expressing the proposition p.

Propositions are not physical objects: they have no reality aside from
brain processes - just as there is no motion independent of moving
things. It is a fiction, albeit an indispensable not an idle one, to assume
that, in addition to the factual items and independently of them, there
is such a thing as a proposition. For Platonists like Bolzano there are
propositions in themselves, that need not have been thought by anyone,
hence that may never be "discovered" (Bolzano, 1837). We make no such
metaphysical assumption: we make instead the methodological pretense,
or useful fiction, that things happen as though there were autonomously
existing propositions (statements) as the designata of some sentences.
(Cf. Sec. 1.2.) The concept of existence involved herein is that of concep-
tual existence not physical existence (Ch. 10, Sec. 4.1). We can turn the
Platonist and the fictionalist loose in the field of constructs precisely be-
cause these are fictions. It is only where real (concrete, material) entities
are concerned that the restrain advocated by the nominalist is in place.
Let us take another look at the situation depicted by Figure 1.1. The
real events are the lightning, its perception, the thought process triggered
in the subject by that perception, and his linguistic utterances. Each of
these real events can be studied by some factual science. In particular,
linguistics may take care of the sentences - and literary criticism may
decree which sentences are "felicitous". Philosophical semantics starts
thereafter, where linguistics leaves off. The former is not concerned with
speech acts or even with linguistic items for their own sake or as con-
stituents of human behavior but only insofar as they represent constructs.

So much so that philosophical semantics is hardly interested in non-

conceptual signs such as 'ouch!' and 'liquid dream' or even in inscrip-
tions, such as hieroglyphs. In other words, semantics is concerned with
whatever grows at the tip of a conceptual sign. In this sense semantics
is not a part of semiotics conceived as the science of signs (Morris, 1938).
Philosophical semantics is a science of constructs and therefore may be
regarded as a separate philosophical discipline or else as part of episte-
mology (see Ch. 10, Sec. 3).
Our view, though not Platonist, contrasts with the nominalist approach
to semantics. Whether medieval or contemporary, materialist or empir-
icist, nominalism trusts the tangible (things and words) as much as it
mistrusts the intangible - thoughts and constructs. Language is allegedly
ostensible and controllable, whereas thought is hidden and can be wild,
and constructs are admittedly fictions. The nominalist deals in terms and
sentences not in concepts and propositions (see e.g. Zinov'ev, 1973). The
motivations of nominalism are quite sound: to avoid obscurity, wildness,
ghostliness, and Platonic hypostatizations. But the surgery it counsels,
in particular the excision of constructs, eliminates the semantic problem
instead of solving it. The "final solution", consisting in construing every-
thing conceptual as a matter of signs, is in the same vein as the behaviorist
proposal of regarding thinking as imperceptible laryngeal movements or
as a disposition to talk: the former beheads semantics just as the latter
decerebrates psychology. Whatever we may think of nominalist meta-
physics, we cannot subscribe to nominalist semantics if we want to un-
derstand (a) that constructs are not entities on a par with things, (b) the
very idea of a conceptual symbol as distinct from a nonconceptual one,
(c) the dispensable character of every single symbol (but of course not of
symbolization), (d) the fact that conceptual symbols must be adapted to
the laws (logical, mathematical or philosophical) of constructs rather
than the other way around, and (e) that these laws are not factual and
are not subject to empirical tests.
The fruitful stand with respect to intangibles is not writing them off
but to investigate whether they are lawful and whether positing them ex-
plains anything. Thus instead of outlawing the concept of a proposition,
logicians have built propositional calculi. Likewise instead of ostracizing
the concept of meaning for being intangible, we should clarify it by con-
structing a theory of meaning, just as scientists have been taming their

own intangibles - fields, hydrogen bonds, gene pools, learning abilities,

social structures, and the rest Even linguists go beyond facts in order
to understand them: in fact their mathematical models of language dis-
card speakers and speech acts and they contain high brow constructs.
Thus the set E* of strings of a language (Sec. 1.1) is infinite; a phoneme
is not a particular sound but an equivalence class of sounds - such as
the m's uttered by different speakers; and the deep structure of a phrase
is not perceptible either. A mathematical model of a language is not an
empirical item but a more or less coarse representation of actual facts,
to be tested by confrontation with empirical items. In the case of lin-
guistics the empirical items are the finite samples of a language, such as
those produced by Shakespeare, Johnny, and so on. Were the linguist to
confine himself to such samples he would find hardly any stable and
deep regularities: patterns, whether linguistic or chemical, must be hy-
pothesized. Samples suggest and test a model but do not constitute it.
Likewise if the semanticist were to limit himself to words and dictionar-
ies he would never come up with theories of meaning and truth. His
business is not to observe and describe speech acts but to analyze and
systematize the semantic properties of concepts, propositions, and theo-
ries. By so doing he need not hypostatize constructs and meanings:
conceptualists need not, nay they should not be Platonists. The con-
ceptualist shares the nominalist's conviction that there are no universals
in actual discourse - which is a string of concrete events (Goodman, 1951,
p. 288). Only, he cannot see how universals could be dispensed with in
theorizing about "word events", "illocutionary acts", or any other items.
We conclude with Table 1.2, which lists the main philosophies of the
sign-construct relation to be discussed in this book.

Sign and construct: main views

View Sign Concept, Proposition Theory

Platonism A physical object - A constituent of the A body of ideas.

the shadow of an Realm of Ideas, Objects ofa
idea. which is self- mathematical
existent. theory = Concepts.

Psychologism A physical object A thought of some A set of thoughts,

acting as a proxy kind. actual or possible.
for some thought.

Nominalism A physical (or There is none. A set of expressions: a

(materialist or alternatively part of a language.
empiricist) experiential) item Objects ofa
that stands in its mathematical theory =
own right or Signs (marks).
represents some
other item of the
same kind.

Conceptualist A physical object No constructs A set of statements

materialism that stands for aside from mental with deductive
another object (or objects, in turn structure. Objects of
set of objects) - brain processes. mathematical theories
physical, mental, Construct = Equiv- = Constructs.
or abstract. alence class of Scientific theories
brain processes - have an external
i.e. neither a reference.
concrete individual
nor a Platonic Idea.
For the sake of
expediency pretend
constructs exist by


We propose to study now the semantical concept of reference - the sup-

positio of medieval logicians. This concept occurs in statements such as
rShe was referring to witches"', rEcology concerns the organism-environ-
ment relationships"', rEconomics deals with the production and circula-
tion of merchandises"', aqd rpolitical science is about political institu-
tions"'. This semantic concept of reference should be distinguished from
the psychological or pragmatic notion of reference involved in rThat
theory suggests (or makes one think oQ x"', ~his theory is meant to
apply to x"', and rThe intended referent of x is y..,. This other notion of
reference is involved in learning how people actually create, learn, or use
ideas, whereas the semantic concept of reference comes up when asking
what a statement is about quite apart from the way it is conceived, ap-
plied, misapplied, or tested.
It might seem that an investigation of the semantic concept of reference
should be trivial and therefore useless: don't we normally know what we
are talking about? Unfortunately not: there is often endless argument as
to what certain scientific theories are about. Hence we should welcome
any semantic doctrine that could be of some help in spotting the genuine
referents of a scientific theory. Since no such semantic doctrine seems to
be available, we shall have to build one. But before proceeding to this
task let a few examples vindicate our claim that the referents of a state-
ment, or of a set of statements, are not always in evidence and that there
are no obvious tools for bringing them to light.


Consider the following cases gleaned from the literature.

Case 1 Several philosophers have maintained that rp is true'" is
identical to r p"', i.e. that the truth concept is redundant. On the other
hand Bolzano held that the subject (referent) of rp is true'" is p itself,

which is not the case with the latter statement, whence the two are dif-
ferent. He even suggested the possibility of iterating this procedure, thus
coming up with an infinite ladder of statements, everyone of which has
the previous one as its subject or referent (Bolzano, 1851, p. 85).
Case 2 The same philosopher had held previously that rSome people
are literate'" concerns only literate persons while rSome people are not
literate'" is about illiterates only (Bolzano, 1837, III, Sec. 305). True or
false? And how about their equivalents ~ot everyone is illiterate'" and
~ot everyone is literate'" respectively?
Case 3 Aristotle taught that "A single science is one whose domain
is a single genus" (Post. Anal., Bk. I, Ch. 28). Right or wrong? How about
Case 4 Evolutionary biologists are divided on the question of the
referents ("units") of population genetics and of the theory of evolution
(see Williams, 1966, Ch. 4~ Is it individual organisms, species, or popu-
lations? And does the theory state that selection acts on genotypes (in-
dividuals) or rather on phenotypes (populations)?
Case 5 Some proponents of the so-called identity theory argue that,
although neurophysiology and psychology employ concepts with dif-
ferent senses, they have exactly the same referent, namely the person,
whence those sciences constitute different ways of viewing the same facts,
namely mental (=neurophysiological) events. This particular defense of
the identity theory rests then on the semantic hypothesis that Referent =
=Fact. How about the ethology and the physiology of birds, which share
their referents?
Case 6 Eminent physicists have claimed that the special theory of
relativity is about the behavior of clocks and yardsticks. Others have
held that it concerns observers in relative motion. Still others, that the
referents of the theory are point masses inhabited by competent and well
equipped experimenters communicating with one another through light
signals. Finally, there are those who contend the theory to be about any
systems connectible by electromagnetic signals. Take your pick.
Case 7 Most physicists act on the assumption that the quantum theory
refers to autonomously existing microsystems such as neutrons and
photons. But when it comes to "philosophizing" many claim that the
theory is about sealed (unanalyzable) blocks constituted, in arbitrary
proportions, by microsystems, measuring instruments, and observers.

Still others hold that the theory is concerned with the knowledge of
nature rather than the latter (Heisenberg, 1958, p. 1(0).
Case 8 Consider the formula rFor all integers x: x+ 1 = 1 +x-'. Is it
just about integers or rather about the whole system (Z, 1, + (Rosen-
bloom, 1950, p. 110)? In any case, by which criterion is it either?
Case 9 The theory of control systems has been developed by engineers
but has applications in biology and other fields of inquiry concerned with
things, whether inanimate or alive, that have control devices built into
them. Does the theory have a definite reference class at all?
Case 10 What is the reference class of elementary logic? Combinations
of letters? Sentences? Propositions? Argumentative people? The world?
There should remain little doubt that identifying the referents of a
statement or of a theory can be a thorny problem and that we need a
semantic theory capable of helping us to perform that task. We shall
presently expound one such theory. More precisely, we shall first study
the rather unruly relation of reference and shall later on introduce a
couple of law-abiding reference functions - one for predicates, the other
for statements. The outcome may be regarded as a calculus of reference
allowing one to compute the reference class of any composite statement
as a function of the reference classes of its constituents. This calculus
should help us to solve problems of referential ambiguity. By the same
token it should free us from the recourse to authority as the "method"
for ascertaining what scientific theories are about. On the other hand our
calculus will not presume to tell us when a given predicate is applicable,
i.e. what its correct reference or field of validity is: this is a business of
science. In other words, we distinguish reference from extension - a sub-
ject to be studied in Ch. 9, Sees. 1 and 2.


2.1. An Unruly Relation

We stipulate that the reference relation fJl holds between constructs
(concepts, statements, or theories) on the one hand, and objects of any
kind on the other. In other words, we adopt the following

CONVENTION The graph (or extension) of the reference relation fJl is a


set of ordered pairs construct-object, i.e.,

$ (9l) £ C x Q, with CeQ,

where 'C' stands for the class of constructs and 'Q' for the class of objects.
9l has no simple formal properties. In particular 9l is not reflexive
throughout its graph. For example, the concept of a star concerns stars
rather than itself. On the other hand the number 7 refers to nothing. Nor
is 9l either symmetric or anti symmetric. Finally 9l is not transitive either,
as shown by the following counterexample:
r = 'The statement below is false"l (1)
s (2)
where s refers to a third statement t. Clearly, although 9lrs and 9lst, it
is not the case that 9lrt.
This last result has an important application in the foundations and
philosophy of science, namely in relation to the semantic status of meta-
nomological statements, or laws of laws (Bunge, 1961a; Angel, 1970).
Consider the following propositions:
A fundamental physical statement (e.g. equation) should in-
volve no constants other than universal constants. (3)
Newton's laws of motion are invariant under Galilei trans-
formations. (4)
Every quantum-mechanical formula should correspond to
some classical formula. (5)
If a local field theory is relativistically invariant, then it is
also invariant under the combined conceptual inversion of
charge, time, and parity. (6)
These statements and many others - some descriptive, some prescrip-
tive - are often treated on a par with the object statements of a theory.
However, it is apparent that they are metastatements, i.e. that they concern
further statements. (Caution: not every metastatement belongs to some
meta theory. None of the above does. Moreover some metastatements
belong to object theories - as is the case with (4) and (6) above. For a
typical confusion of 'metastatement' and 'metatheoretical statement' see
Freudenthal (1971).) Further, since the reference relation is not transitive,
the above propositions fail to refer to the same object their referents are

about. Thus statement (4) is not a law of motion and (6) is not a field
law - hence neither can be tested by observations on physical objects.
Which suggests that, in spite of operationism, semantics should precede
methodology: before we pose the problem of testing a statement we
should know what it refers to. Enough of this for the moment.
In conclusion, fJI is neither reflexive nor symmetrical nor transitive -
nor, indeed, seems to have any other definite formal trait. It is a wishy-
washy relation and as such not amenable to theory. All our remarks in
this section will therefore be intuitive. To obtain regularity we shall have
to introduce a reference function. This will be done in Sec. 3; but before
that we must take a closer look at fJI.

2.2. Immediate and Mediate Reference

Consider a specific theory, or theoretical model t, of some concrete
system s. Any such specific theory "defines" a model object m, or con-
ceptual image of s, that is hoped to capture some of the traits of the
latter. We may say that, while the immediate referent of t is the model
object m, the ultimate or mediate referent of t is the real thing s (Bunge,
1967a). Table 2.1 exemplifies the idea.

Examples of immediate and mediate reference

Theoretical model t Model object m Real system s

or specific theory = immediate referent of t. = immediate referent of m.
= mediate referent of t.
Enterprise theory Directed graph Enterprise
Contagion theory Diffusion equation Epidemics
Volterra's predation Predator-prey system in Rabbit-fox system or the
equations constant environment like in wild life
Eye dioptrics theory System oflenses Mammalian eye
Magnetostatics of Magnetic dipole Terrestrial magnetic field
magnetic dipoles

In every such case (a) the formulas of the theoretical model (specific
theory) concern directly the model object itself, and mediately the thing
modeled: for example, a theorem in enterprise theory may be about the
degree of a vertex in the hierarchical tree of the enterprise; (b) the for-
mulas are true of the model object (e.g. the unperturbed rabbit-fox econ-

omy) but only approximately true of the real thing - e.g. the rabbit-fox
system in a variable environment subject to droughts, viruses, etc.; (c)
the reference relation holds between every pair: 9ttm&9tms&9tts even
though it is not transitive.
2.3. Reference Class
The set of referents of a given construct c is called its reference class. More
explicitly, we introduce

DEFINITION 2.1 If c is a construct, then the reference class of c is the set

of objects referred to by c (or the collection of items to which c bears 91),
i.e. the relation class [c] of c relative to 91: +-
If c is in C, then [C]=dC{XED 19tcx}=9t'c.
DEFINITION 2.2 A construct c refers partially to a+- class A cD iff A is
included in the reference class of c, i.e., if A~[c]=9t'c.
Some constructs concern a single natural kind while others are
about heterogeneous classes. (We do not apologize for employing the
concept of a natural kind, essential to science, but we leave its elucidation
to ontology.) For example, the reference class of "viscous" is the set of
fluids, while that of "writing" is composed of the set of people and the set
of written symbols. This difference is consecrated in the following

DEFINITION 2.3 A reference class is said to be homogeneous iff it is com-

posed of elements of a single natural kind.

DEFINITION 2.4 A nonempty reference class is called inhomogeneous iff

it is not homogeneous.
Every statement in factual science has a reference class assumed to be
nonempty even though, on closer investigation, that class may prove
void. For this reason it is often advisable to speak of hypothetical (or
assumed) reference classes. A hypothetical reference class is often called
an intended reference. It is not convenient to employ this second term in
semantics, as it suggests the psychological concept of intention. (Whether
or not somebody intends to entertain the hypothesis that a given construct
has a certain reference class is a matter for psychology.) The class of
objects for which a statement or a theory holds true may be called its
actual reference class.

Since a scientific theory is a set of factual statements (with a deductive

structure) every such theory has a reference class. This class is known or
assumed to be nonempty. If the assumption has not yet been substan-
tiated, then the theory itself may point the way to its referents. For
example, a theory concerning a hypothetical extinct biological species
will be instrumental in the search for fossil evidence relevant to the
hypothesis. Should the hypothesis tum out to be false, the actual refer-
ence class of the theory would shrink to nought, but the assumed refer-
ence class would remain non empty though indeterminate and idle, at
least until further notice.
The reference class of a theory, whether it be the assumed or the actual
one, is sometimes called the ontology of the theory. This is a misnomer,
for an ontology is not a set of things but a philosophical theory concerning
the basic traits of the world. Strictly speaking, the ontology of a scientific
theory is the set of ontological (metaphysical, cosmological) hypotheses
presupposed or countenanced by the theory. (See Bunge, 1973b.) For
example, the reference class of classical electrodynamics is constituted
by the set of bodies and the set of electromagnetic fields. On the other
hand the ontology of the same theory is composed of wide ranging
generalizations such as "Every thing is either body or field or a compos i-
tum of body and field", "The world is a plenum not a collection of atoms
in void", "Except at boundaries all properties are continuous", "All
properties are lawfully interrelated", and so on. Alternative systems of
electrodynamics mayor may not have different reference classes. If a
change in scientific theory involves a modified reference class then the
associated ontology mayor may not change. (For example, action at a
distance electrodynamics do not involve the field concept and consequent-
ly their ontology is closer to Greek atomism than to Aristotle's or Des-
cartes' plenistic cosmologies. On the other hand the exact number of
kinds of elementary particle and their precise properties are irrelevant
to metaphysics.) One and the same scientific theory is consistent with a
multitude of ontologies - all of a feather, though. Although science
determines its own metaphysics, it does so only in outline: there is
considerable leeway.
The preceding considerations on the relation between the reference
class of a theory and its ontologies does not apply to formal science. The
reference classes occurring in logic and mathematics are constituted by

conceptual objects. For example, the reference class of the propositional

calculus is the set of all propositions; number theory is concerned with
numbers; topology is about topological spaces - and so on. In general:
in formal science f1t never points to anything outside formal science. In
other words, within formal science f1t pairs off constructs to constructs,
i.e. 8(91)£ C x C. To put it another way, we adopt

THESIS 2.1 If c is a construct in formal science (logic or mathematics) , then

[c] = f1t'c £ C.
This is the postulate of the formal (nonfactual and a fortiori non-
empirical) character of logic and mathematics. (Cf. Kraft, 1970.) If the
thesis of the autonomy of formal science is accepted then it becomes clear
(a) why the semantics of logic and mathematics, i.e. model theory
(including Tarski's theory of truth), is hardly relevant to the semantics of
factual science; (b) why logical and mathematical theories are not tested
in the laboratory, and (c) why logic and mathematics have no associated
ontologies - since ontologies are, by definition, theories about entia or
existents. (If one insists on speaking of the 'ontology of formal objects'
then one ought to identify it with formal science not with a branch of
philosophy.) However, all this is controversial and will be taken up again,
particularly in Ch. 10, Sec. 4.

2.4. Factual Reference and Object Variable

Factual items, such as things and events, are conveniently characterized
as nonconceptual. To be more precise, we introduce

DEFINITION2.5 The totality F offactual objects is the subset of D formed

by nonconceptual elements and such that F is disjoint from C:

F=dJ {xED li(XEC)}..

If a concept, statement, or theory refers to one or more factual objects,

it will be said to be factual. The subrelation f1t F of factual reference pairs
constructs off to factual objects, i.e. its extension is contained in the set
of construct-fact pairs:

This particular concept of reference comes with a particular concept of

reference class as characterized by

DEFINITION 2.6 If c is a construct, then the factual reference class of c is

the set of factual objects referred to by c:
CEC~[C]F=i~c=dl {xEF 191cx}£F.
Factual science contains both factually referential concepts, like the
one of attention, and concepts with an empty factual reference, such as
"2". The same holds for metaphysics or ontology. Having a nonempty
factual reference class suffices for a construct to belong either in science
or in metaphysics. More explicitly, we state

THESIS 2.2 If CE C and 0 c [C]F £ F, then c belongs in factual science or in

Having a precise mathematical form is no indication of ontological
status: a factual concept, i.e. one with factual referents, may have a
precise mathematical form while a nonfactual concept may fail to have
one. Until one century ago some of the concepts of the infinitesimal
calculus were in the latter condition.
Scientific concepts are often partitioned into constants and variables.
Many of them, whether of the first kind or of the second, are quantitative
concepts, and most of these are assigned dimensions and units. Thus the
dimension value of a speed is LT- 1, and a standard speed unit is cm sec -1.
But dimensions and units give no precise indication of semantic status:
any ratio of magnitudes with the same dimension value is dimensionless,
hence unit free, even though it may concern some concrete object or
other. And dimensional constants, like the gravitational constant y,
are not the value of a property of some physical system, so that they
are devoid of factual reference even though they occur in law statements
(Bunge, 1967b). A suitable semantic partition of the specific or technical
concepts of factual science is rather the one shown overleaf.
What we have somewhat improperly called scale concepts, such as L
and cm, have no factual reference. They are ingredients of some other
concepts which do have a factual reference. Thus speeds, with dimension
value LT- 1 and reckoned on a suitable unit, are always speeds of some-
thing. This something, usually hinted at in the context, is of course the

referent of "speed" - car, light wave, or what have you. In contrast,

proportionality constants and dimensional constants, whether or not
universal (independent of any particular material), are factually non-
referential: they concern nothing in particular. Thus unlike the velocity
c~le concepts: dimensions and

~ umts
Proportionality constants
nonreferential Dimensional constants (e.g.
Boltzmann's k)
Spatiotemporal: coordinates,
metric tensors, etc.
Property variables: mass, utility,
Object variables: field, cell,
ecosystem, etc.
of light or the electric charge of the electron, Boltzmann's constant k is
not the value of some property of a physical system.
The variables that are factually referential can in turn be classed into:
(a) object variables, referring to things such as photons or persons; (b)
property variables, representing properties of concrete things and rela-
tions among them, and (c) spatiotemporal variables, concerning the basic
world framework. Variables of all three kinds are likely to occur in one
and the same statement. Examples:
rThe mass of (rocket) r at (time) t, reckonned in tons, equals m.'
i i i i i
Property Object Coordinate Scale / Number

rThe res~probabili~ equals p.'

The object variable (or constant, as the case may be) is not usually
indicated in an explicit manner, except when a number of individuals
(atoms, rats, nations) are involved, in which case each thing is assigned
a numeral, a letter, or some other symbol- as is the case with rp j is the

population of the ith country'. However, of all the variables the object
variables are the most important. Without them the property variables
would be baseless and the spatiotemporal variables would be purely
mathematical constructs. Indeed, a property other than a purely formal
(mathematical) property is a property of some concrete individual or
other, whether actual or conjectural. And the spatiotemporal variables
occurring in factual science have a similar though less apparent concrete
support. Thus in physics every distance value is a distance between two
points in some concrete system. And a time interval is the time separation
between two events, one of which may be taken as the start of a process.
No things, neither properties nor events - nor space or time. However, in
the case of spatiotemporal variables it is usually possible and convenient
to feign that the spatiotemporal framework is given prior to, and in-
dependent of, things and events. This pretense (the hypothesis of absolute
space and time), if taken literally, ensues in an illusion of thinglessness,
hence of absence of factual reference. The illusion is dispelled by a
foundational analysis of spatiotemporal concepts and by the associated
metaphysical construction of a relational theory of spacetime, i.e. one
according to which space and time are defined on the class of facts.
Without such a metaphysical groundwork the semantic analysis of
statements containing spatiotemporal variables would be incomplete
and misleading. Thus semantics and metaphysics, far from being
mutually exclusive, are complementary. (More in Ch. 10, Sec. 4.)

2.5. Denotation
Consider the following table.

Linguistic object-!l}-+ Construct-rJl-+ Object

Proper name Individual Individual
Predicate letter Predicate Property
Declarative Proposition Set of facts

The relations fi) of designation and 91 of reference can be coupled to

produce a relation that pairs off signs to objects. This relation, to be
designated by Ll, will be construed as the (relational) product of fi) and 91.
That is, we adopt

DEFINmON 2.7 Let E** be the set of expressions of a conceptual lan-

guage. The relation A, with domain E** and codomain the set &'(0) of
classes of objects, and such that A = ~n91, is called the denotation

Marks Q - - - - - - - - -.....O Constructs


When the denotatum of a sign happens to be conceptual, A coincides

with@. Thus
'3' designates "3" = '3' denotes "3" .
In other words, within formal science there is no difference between
designation and denotation. But as soon as a construct refers to some
extraconceptual object the difference becomes patent, and with it the
impotence of the semantics of formal science to account for factual
science. This concept of denotation has the advantage that it could not
possibly be mistaken for the notions of reference and extension, as it so
often happens with the presystematic notion of denotation (Geach, 1962).
We can now use it although we shall not need it often.

2.6. Reference and Evidence

Reference classes should be kept distinct from bodies of evidence or
evidence classes. Thus a hypothesis concerning the last glaciation period
does not refer to the scars left by glaCiers on rocks or to the distribution
·of certain plant species in our day. Likewise a theory about schizophrenia
is not to be mistaken for a theory of the behavioral manifestations of it.
This sounds obvious and has been pointed out before (Feigl, 1950), yet
it has been controverted and is still being denied by die-hard operationists.
In general, the reference class of a scientific theory does not coincide
with the body of evidence relevant to it - which may be nil. The two
relations involved herein are radically different: whereas the relation of

factual reference pairs off constructs to facts or things, the relation of

evidence has the subset of observable facts as its domain and a subset of
the totality of constructs as its codomain. (See Figure 2.1.) In other words,
only some facts - namely those accessible to observation - count as
evidence for or against a statement that refers to any given class of facts.

Theory enriched with specific

assumpt ions & data

Testable statements

Reference Evidence

" -.... ... ,

,/ ",.,- ......... "
I I '\ \
I I \ \
:, !, ', I
Observed facts
,\ .... '-7
'- ',',.... -- // /L Observable
.... ~ ,/

--- LUnobservable facts

Fig. 2. 1, Reference is at best the converse of evidence.

And only some of the statements in a theory, even when adjoined specific
assumptions and data, are susceptible to empirical test: all others must
remain content with vicarious evidence, if any. (For details see ,Bunge,
1967a, Ch. 5 Sec. 5.6; Ch. 8 Sec. 8.4; Ch. 12; 1973a, Ch. 2; and 1973b,
Ch. 10.) In sum Reference # Evidence. Consequently Reference c1ass#
# Evidence class.
The differences between reference and evidence are best understood in
relation ~o any theory concerning entities that are not accessible to direct

observation, such as microphysical theories and economic theories. In

this case the testability of the theory depends not so much on the size and
kind of its reference class as on the existence of auxiliary theories capable
of bridging the gap between the hypothetical referents and their observ-
able concomitants, as well as on the experimental techniques capable of
switching on and recording such unobservable-observable couplings.
The size of the reference class of a theory is irrelevant to the testability
of the theory. Thus a theory explaining a unique process, such as the
formation of our Moon, or the crumbling down of the American Empire,
can have a sizable body of evidence. On the other hand a theory about an
extremely large number of individuals, such as the neutrinos, is bound to
have a comparatively poor evidence class due to the weakness of the inter-
actions among neutrinos and other things. In short, the size of the refer-
ence class of a scientific theory furnishes no indication whatever about its
testability. Conversely, the size ofthe evidence class of a theory is oflittle
help in determining the reference class.
Consequently it is unnecessary, nay impossible, to elaborate on the
testability-reference relation. All we can do is to issue warning notices and
to enunciate the following

THESIS 2.3 If a theory is empirically testable then it has a nonempty

hypothetical reference class.
The converse is false: hypothesized reference does not ensure testa-
bility. (Thus we can imagine, and theorize on, things that are in principle
inscrutable, like the soul of plants.) Nonempty reference is then necessary
for empirical testability. But it is insufficient. Consequently before we
inquire into the possibility of testing a theory we must find out what it
refers to. (Imagine trying to design an experiment for testing a hypothesis
with no definite reference, such as a conjecture about a possible world.)
Consequence for philosophy: The semantics of science should precede the
methodology of science. This conclusion contradicts the so-called verifi-
ability doctrine of meaning, according to which the meaning (and in
particular the reference) of a statement consists in the way it is verified
or, more generally, put to the test. This doctrine has constituted a stum-
bling block in the development of semantics, for it has mixed up questions
of semantics, such as those of sense and reference, with problems of
methodology, such as that of empirical testability. (Worse: it has left

the latter unanalyzed.) Positivist semantics has had its chance and has
failed. Give now realist semantics a chance.

2.7. Misleading Cues in the Search for Referents

Before taking the trouble to build a theory of reference we should check

whether any of the existing views on the matter might help us to spot the
referents of any given scientific formula. Let us therefore make a quick -
hence necessarily somewhat unfair - review of the most popular opinions
on the subject.

(i) Grammaticalism,' "The denotatum of a sentence is always denoted

by the grammatical subject". This view is false if grammatical predicates
are regarded as unary, partially true if their actual complexity is taken
into account. Thus traditional grammar would tell us that the referent
of rwoman is sweeter than man" is the fair sex, while in point of fact
the statement refers to both sexes. A suitable enlargement of the notions
of grammatical predicate and subject might help us out in the case of
ordinary language expressions. But it would be insufficient for spotting
the referents of a statement clad in mathematical language: grammar
cannot and does not want to attain the fine structure accessible to mathe-
matics. It would be pointless to ask the grammarian to find the reference
class of, say, a Gaussian distribution or a differential equation. Only an
analysis of the whole theory in which the formula occurs could produce
the desired result. And such an analysis, which lies within the scope of the
semantics of science, is beyond the scope of grammar - even of the
Chomsky type.

(ii) Psychologism,' "Search for the intentional object, i.e. for the object
of consciousness associated with the given construct". This recipe of
Brentano's is definitely misleading: one and the same formula can be
"read" in different ways by different persons. In other words, the intended
referent of a construct depends not only on the construct but also on the
person who thinks of it and the circumstances under which he or she is
thinking. This is of interest to psychology not to semantics: the latter is
concerned with the hypothetical though possibly real referents of con-

(iii) Linguistic pragmatism: "No expression refers by itself: it is only

some user who, under definite circumstances, can attach a referent to an
expression. Hence the act of referring, not reference, should be the object
of semantic analysis". While it is true that expressions have no reference
unless someone uses them, there is nothing wrong with abstracting from
users and circumstances to speak of the reference class of a construct as
a fixed set. Surely scientific theories would not exist unless there existed
beings capable of making and using them. But the objectivity of such
theories depends on their being assigned reference classes assumed
(rightly or wrongly) to consist of real entities. (The concept of semantic
objectivity is involved herein. That of methodological objectivity will
concern us in Ch. 10, Sec. 1.2.) Paradoxically enough, there is no objec-
tivity without abstraction from users and circumstances. If someone
claims that a certain theory concerns A's rather than B's, he is expected
to substantiate this claim by analyzing the initial assumptions of the
theory rather than his own speech acts. Reference hypotheses must be
impersonal and open to public inspection.

(iv) Classical operationism: "The meaning (= denotation) of a piece of

science is to be sought in the operations aimed at testing it: a formula
is meaningless unless the procedures for verifying it are specified." This
thesis boils down to the confiation of reference and evidence, criticized
in Sec. 2.6. Besides, the operationist criterion does not help us in spotting
the hypothetical referents of a predicate, for predicates are not testable.
And it is misleading in relation to statements, for it diverts our attention
from reference to evidence: from the real thing (e.g. loving) to its observ-
able manifestations (e.g. blushings), from facts to documents about them.
Empirical tests must be preceded by reference analyses: without knowing
or assuming what a given statement is about we would not know how
to put it to the test.

(v) Frege: "Statements denote (bedeuten) truth values". While names

and definite descriptions can denote objects, the denotation (Bedeutung)
of a statement is either truth or falsity. Thus whereas the description "2 2 "
denotes the number four, the statement r2 2 =4' denotes truth, and so
does r2>" I'. Consequently

"is a correct equation" (Frege (1891) in Angelelli, p. 132). The ambiguous

use of the term 'denotation' and the absurdity it leads to would deserve
no mention were it not that this slip has been blown up into a doctrine
that has misled many a contemporary semanticist. Moral: Keep refer-
ence and truth value separate. (Another: Honor the great man's hits not
his misses.) A statement has a reference class, may be supported (or
undermined) by an evidence class, and it may be assigned a truth value.

Reference class

statement Evidence class

Truth value

(vi) Phenomenology: "Referents are a nuisance: just bracket them out".

According to H usserl, to get a direct spiritual vision of an essence (W esens-
schau) we must discard (ausklammern) the external world and drop all
previous knowledge of the object. No comment.
Conclusion: The popular views on reference, in particular operationism
and Wittgenstein's, do not help us to identify the referents of a construct.
Moreover they are misleading. Worse: neither do any of the elaborate
and articulate systems of semantics help us out, particularly in relation
to scientific constructs. Thus Carnap (1942, 1947), whose work was no
doubt exact, elaborate and systematic, did not propose a theory of
reference and was hardly interested in our subject. This may have been
due to the mistaken impression that reference presents no real problem.
Which may be true in the cases of ordinary knowledge and mathematics.
But scientific constructs, which dwell between those two covers, do pose
a challenge, as we saw in Sec. 1. Let us accept this challenge:


3.1. Desiderata
Consider the table on the next page.
A first point to note is that we are tacitly distinguishing reference from
extension. Thus in the 2nd row we state that "Clairvoyance" concerns
mind readers and the like without claiming that there are any such

Construct Referent(s)

1 Human Mankind
2 Clairvoyance Mind readers, soothsayers, etc.
3 Conducting Bodies
4 The moon is round Moon
5 The moon is round or the Moon and cat
cat is fat.
6 The moon is round and the Moon and cat
cat is fat.
7 All quarks are charged. Quarks
8 Nobody has so far observed Quarks and people
any quark.
9 Some people loathe animals. People and animals
10 Nobody loathes animals. People and animals

individuals. Moreover, if pressed we might grant that the extension of

that predicate is nought, while insisting that its assumed reference class
is composed of the individuals who claim to have that ability. Likewise
in the 7th row we talk about the hypothetical entities called quarks,
which at the time of writing have not been identified in the laboratory:
the extension of "Quark" is not known. In short, as a rule 9l(c) # t9'(c),
where 9l and t9' designate the reference and the extension functions
respectively. In this we follow Buridan (cf. Geach, 1962).
Secondly, it can be observed that reference is rather insensitive to the
propositional connectives, i.e. to the gross propositional structure of a
statement. Look at lines 5 and 6: the disjunction and the conjunction
of two given statements are assigned the same referents. And lines 9
and 10 suggest that a statement and its negate should be assigned the
same referents - which is reasonable since they are about the same
things. Finally, lines 7 and 8 suggest that a theoretical statement should
not be mistaken for a pragmatic one: while the former is supposed to
have an objective reference, the latter is bound to concern, at least
partly, the cognitive subject.
The above example and others suggest that a theory of reference
should satisfy the following desiderata.
D1 The theory should define at least one reference function, not just
a relation, if it is to enable one to compute the reference class of a complex
predicate or formula out of the assumed reference classes of its com-

D2 The range of the reference function(s} should be a set of sets

rather than the collection a of objects, since a single construct may
concern a whole class of things.
D3 The reference class of a statement and of its negate should be
the same.
D4 The reference class of an arbitrary propositional compound should
equal the union of the reference classes of the components.
D5 The reference class of a relation should equal the field of the
The functions to be introduced in the next subsection will prove to
satisfy the preceding desiderata.

3.2. Principles and Definitions

We need two reference functions, one for predicates, the other for
statements. These two types of construct are related in the following
way (cf. Ch. 1, Sec. 2.2). An n-ary predicate P is a function
P:A l x A2 x ... x An-+S
from n-tuples of objects (individuals) to statements, such that the value
of P at (a l , a2"'" an> in Al x A2 X ••• X An is the atomic statement
Pal a2 ... an in S. The reference function for predicates will be defined
on a set of predicates, and the one for statements will be defined on
the set of statements formed with those predicates. The former is in-
troduced by

DEFINITION 2.8 The reference class of a predicate is the collection of its

arguments. More precisely, let iP> be a family of n-ary predicates with
domain Al x A2 X ... X An. The function
alp: iP>-+9( U Ai)

from predicates to the power set of the union of the cartesian factors
of the domains of the former is called the predicate reference function
iff it is defined for every P in iP> and

alp(P}= U Ai'

Example 1 al(Mutating} = Organisms. Example 2. Define a binary


relation < on some set A. Then the reference class of < is A. Example
3. Let F:A-'>B be a function. Since F is a particular case of a relation
on A x B, Blp(F)=AuB.

DEFINITION 2.9 Let IP' be a family of n-ary predicates with domain

Al x A2 X ••• X An and let S be the totality of statements formed with
them. The function

Bls:S-,>~( U Ai)

is called the statement reference function iff it is defined for every s in

S and satisfies the following conditions:
(i) The referents of an atomic statement are the arguments of the
predicate concerned. More precisely, for every atomic formula
Pala2 ... an in S

Bls(Pa l a2 ... an) = {al' a2' ... , an}·

(ii) The reference c'ass of an arbitrary propositional compound equals

the union of the reference classes of its components. More exactly, if
S1> S2, ••• , Sm are statements in S and if w is an m-ary propositional

als{W{Sl' S2' ... , Sm» = U als{Sj).


(iii) The reference class of a quantified formula equals the reference

class of the predicate occurring in the formula. More explicitly, if Pis
an n-ary predicate in IP', and the Qi' for 1 ~ i ~ n, are arbitrary quantifiers,

Example 1. Bls(Venus is larger than Mars) = {Venus, Mars}.

Example 2. Bls(P & q)=Bls(P v q)=Bls(P)uBls(q).
Example 3. Bl.(All humans are mammals) = Animal Kingdom.
More on this in the next subsection and in Sec. 5.2.
The relations among the various sets and functions involved in the
preceding definitions are summarized in the diagram on the next page.

Predicate P -----!:.---+
1 ~i:E;n

Domain At x A2 X ••• X An--+ Statement family S
Remark 1 Constructs other than predicates and statements, such as
the individual x and the set y occurring in the statement rxey"', are
assigned no referents in our theory. The reason is that individuals and
collections thereof are to function as referents themselves. Remark 2
According to Definition 9i, r Pa'" is taken to concern the object named
a, not the name 'a'. One might be tempted to introduce a new symbol,
say 'a', for the nominatum of a. But this would start an infinite regress.
Remark 3 Our analysis of reference is applicable in all contexts, whether
or not "extensional" (truth functional). For example,
fIt(Smith knows that p) = {Smith, p} .
A binary epistemic predicate E, such as "knowing", "believing", or
"doubting", will be analyzed as a function
E: People x Statements-+Statements,
fit (E) = Peopleu Statements.
There is nothing opaque about "oblique" reference if analyzed as
multiple rather than single. More on "intensional" contexts in Ch. 4,
Sec. 1.3. Remark 4 Our definitions of the reference functions are nec-
essary but not sufficient for a correct identification of the referents of
a construct. A precise identification requires some fund of knowledge
and it depends upon one's metaphysics. Consider, indeed, the statement
that the weather is fine. The ostensive (or manifest or superficial) referent
of this statement is the weather. But the weather is not a thing: it is a
state of a thing. The deep (or hidden or genuine) referents of the given
statement are the terrestrial atmosphere and mankind. In fact the given
proposition may be construed as short for ~he atmosphere is in a
state that suits humans"'. The metaphysical principle behind this analysis

of the given proposition is that the referents of factual constructs are

concrete systems {things}. For a radically different view concerning the
relations of semantics to metaphysics, see Shwayder {1961}.

3.3. Some Consequences

We proceed to drawing a few consequences from our Definitions 8 and
9 of the reference functions for predicates and for statements.

COROLLARY The reference class of the equality {inequality} relation

equals the set A on which = is defined:

COROLLARY 2.1 b The reference class of a statement of inequality {equal-

ity} is constituted by the individuals concerned. That is, if a, bEA, then
9l.(a#b}= {a, b}, 9l s{a=b}={a}.
COROLLARY 2.2a The reference class of the membership relation E equals
the universe U of sets on which it is defined:
9l p {E} = U.
COROLLARY 2.2b The reference class of a statement of class membership
is constituted by the relata concerned:
Rs(aEA) = {a, A}
Remark. This last corollary gives rise to an apparent paradox. A
membership statement is equivalent to a predicative statement:
Pa iff aES{P}, where S{P}={x I Px}
is the extension of the predicate. But 9ls{Pa} = {a}#91 s {aEA}. That is,
equivalents may have different reference classes. And why should they
unless equivalence be mistaken for identity or reference class for ex-
tension? rpa'" is equivalent to but not identical with raE S {P}.." if only
because the predicates involved in each statement are not only of dif-
ferent rank and different type: while P applies to individuals, E relates
individuals to sets and thus mixes objects of different types. Moral: The
reference class we assign to a statement depends on the way we analyze
the latter.

COROLLARY 2.3a The reference class of a set relation equals the union
of the sets involved: If p is a binary relation between the sets A and
B, then


COROLLARY 2.3b The reference class of a statement of class relation

consists of the classes involved:
Bl.(pAB) = {A,B}.

In particular
Bl.(A~B)={A, B}

COROLLARY 2.4a The reference class ofthe conditional predicate P-=.Q =

-, P v Q equals the domain shared by P and Q. More explicitly: if
P:A-+S and Q:B-+S are unary predicates in IFD, then because

COROLLARY 2.4b The reference class of a universal conditional equals

the intersection of the reference classes of the predicates involved:

Example The reference class of rAIl ravens are black', as well as of

its negate, is the class of birds not that of black things nor any other
one. Indeed, the predicate "R B" is defined on the intersection of the
domains of Rand B, i.e. on Blp(R), because the domain of R is Birds
and that of B is Things. More in Sec. 5.2.

COROLLARY 2.5a The reference class of a tautological predicate equals

the union of the reference classes of the component predicates, whence
it is not generally empty. In particular

(i) Blp(Pv -,P)=Blp(P),

(ii) Bl,((P)PEP(PV -,P))= .UPEPBlp(P).
COROLLARY 2.5b The reference class of a tautological statement equals

the union of the reference classes of the predicates involved, whence it

is not generally empty. In particular
(i) ~s((x)(Pxv -'Px))=~p(P),
(ii) ~S((P)PEi' (x)(Pxv -,Px)= UPEi' ~p(P).

Remark 1 The tautology in (i) is valid in the domain of P, while the

one in (ii) is valid in the total domain of the predicate family Ifll, i.e.
valid without further ado. Remark 2 Reference class and extension
coincide only in the case of tautological predicates, or of tautologies,
involving unary predicates. This coincidence seems to be an important
source of the common confusion between reference class and extension.

COROLLARY 2.6a The reference class of a predicate and its negate are
the same: If P is in Ifll, then

COROLLARY 2.6b The reference class of a statement and of its denial are
the same: if p is in S, then
~S(P) = ~s( -,p).

Example ~s (Some people are cruel)=~s (Nobody is cruel) = People.

COROLLARY 2.7 The reference class of a singular tautological statement,

or of its negate (the corresponding contradiction), equals the union of
the reference classes of its component. In particular

Remark 1 It is often claimed that analytic statements do not inform

about the world because they are not about it. While the claim is right
the reason given in support of it is dubious. r Antarctica is cold or it is
not cold' concerns Antarctica, both for common sense and on our
semantics, even though it "says" nothing, i.e. its factual content is nil.
It is for the latter reason, not because of its alleged lack of reference,
that the tautology is not affected by the recent finding that Antarctica
was not cold during the Triassic. The same holds for analytically false
statements: if singular they refer even if they do not inform. Remark 2
Likewise for tautological predicates: since they hold for anything they

refer to everything. Remark 3 The preceding consideration would seem

to contradict the thesis of the autonomy of logic espoused in Sec. 2.3.
It does not, for what is peculiar to tautological singular statements is
their validity irrespective of their reference, hence the impossibility of
checking them against experimental evidence. Remark 4 Since any given
tautology is equivalent to every other tautology, it would seem that
Corollary 7 leads to contradiction. It does not because we have refrained
from requiring that equivalents be coreferential. Recall the comment to
Corollary 2b. Remark 5 The preceding remarks show the need for a
concept of strong equivalence, or equivalence both syntactical and
semantical. A possible definition is this: Two statements are said to be
strongly equivalent iff they are equivalent and have the same referents.
However, we shall not pursue this matter here. Remark 6 Our reference
functions refer to (are defined on) predicates and statements not on signs
such as predicate letters and sentences. While on Definitions 8 and 9
every predicate or statement is referential (even if it concerns the null
individual), not every expression denotes. A nonsense sign such as
'&(% +' presumably occurs in no conceptual language, hence it de-
signates nothing, whence it denotes nothing. (But of course it may
suggest something - e.g. that the linotype ran amok - and may thus
have a pragmatic meaning.) Even sophisticated signs composed of in-
dividually significant marks in a way that looks well formed may fail
to designate constructs. (Two famous frauds are '1/0' and '{x li(XEX)}'.
These are not, as is sometimes held, irreferential concepts: they are just
nonconceptual signs.) Remark 7 Even logical predicates refer - namely
to constructs. For example, the reference class of the conjunction is the
set of all the statements on which it is defined. This follows from Defini-
tion 8 applied to & construed as a certain function &: S x S -+ s.
What follows will not depend critically on the precise formulation of
our definitions of ~p and ~s: in most cases it will suffice to assume
that these functions are somehow well defined. Moreover, in the sequel
we shall hardly distinguish between these two functions, for we shall
be concerned with constructs in general.

3.4. Context and Coreference

The concepts of reference functions and reference class allow us to
elucidate a number of other concepts. For example the following notions.

DEFlNITION 2.10 The ordered triple C=(S, iP>, D) is called a (con-

ceptual) context (or frame) iff S is a set of statements in which only the
predicate constants in the predicate family iP> occur, and the reference
class of every P in iP> is included in the universe or domain D£Q.

DEFlNITION 2.11 c is called an individual construct in the context of frame

C = (S, iP>, D) iff (i) c is either in iP> or in S, and (ii) the reference class
of c is a unit set or singleton.

DEFlNITION 2.12 c is called a universal construct in the context or frame

C = (S, iP>, D) iff c is in iP> or in S but is not an individual construct.
Remark The preceding definitions of individual and universal rela-
tivize these concepts to a definite conceptual context or frame. This is
as it should be, for one and the same object may be regarded as an
individual in a given context and as a set in another. And a property
may concern every individual in a class but not all individuals. This
gives some precision to the classical distinction formulated by the
Philosopher: "By the term 'universal' I mean that which is of such a
nature as to be predicated of many subjects, by 'individual' that which
is not thus predicated. Thus 'man' is a universal, 'Callias' an individual"
(On Interpretation, Ch. 7).

DEFINITION 2.13 c is said to be an individual construct iff c is an individual

construct in every context.

DEFlNITION 2.14 c is said to be a universal construct iff c is a universal

construct in every context.
Whether these last two concepts have any application must be left to
other disciplines to find out. (Perhaps their only use is to occur in the
conjecture that there are no such constructs.) Let us now tum to the
comparison of reference classes.

DEFlNITION 2.15 Two constructs are called coreferential (or equirefe-

tia/) in a context C = (S, iP>, D) iff (i) they belong to the context C and
(ii) they have the same reference class. Symbolically:
If c and c' are in C, then c- r C' =41 9l(c)=91(c').

Remark The relativization to a context is not really needed if one

proceeds carefully - i.e. with hindsight. For example, in the context of
nonrelativistic physics the concepts of mass and charge are equirefe-
rential: both concern only bodies. But in relativistic physics they cease
to be coreferential (although they are still referentially commensurable).
For, although the two concepts concern bodies, that of mass concerns
now also reference frames, and it is possible to make certain fields serve
as frames. Of course two different concepts of mass are involved in the
two contexts even though the two are usually designated by the same
word. Should this be overlooked, the relativization to a context would
avoid further confusion. (More in Sec. 4.2.)
As is clear from Definition 15, the relation "'r is an equivalence
relation. As such it enables us to form equivalence classes. Thus it
allows us to form

DEFINITION 2.16 The set [c]c of coreferentials of a given construct c in

a context C is
[C]C=df{c'eC I c''''rc}.
Example All of the theories of solids, no matter how different, have
the same reference class, namely the set of solid bodies.
Being an equivalence relation, equireference induces a partition of the
totality C of constructs, i.e. an exhaustive division of C into mutually
disjoint classes of coreferentials. This partition or collection of equiv-
alence classes is the quotient set of C by "'" or C/ '" r for short. We
may call II = Cf '" r the referential partition of the conceptual universe.
This concept allows us to elucidate the intuitive concept of semantic
homogeneity of a theory (Bunge, 1967a, Ch. 7) by means of

DEFINITION 2.17 A theory will be said to be referentially homogeneous

iff it is included in an element of the referential partition Cf "'" i.e. if
its constructs are all in one of the equivalence classes of equireferentials.

DEFINITION 2.18 A theory will be said to be referentially heterogeneous

iff it is not referentially homogeneous.
Example Psychology and physics are referentially heterogeneous. On
the other hand, according to the identity theory, psychology and

neurology are referentially homogeneous since both concern animals.

Let us next specialize the reference functions.


4.1. The Factual Reference Class

In the so-called empirical sciences we are particularly interested in a
special concept of reference, namely reference to concrete (though
perhaps hypothetical) existents. We therefore introduce

DEFINITION 2.19 Let al(c) =A 1 uA 2 u ... uA f ... uAn be the reference class
of a construct c, where the Ai for i between 1 and f < n are sets of non-
conceptual items, i.e: such that Ai ¢ C. Then the factual reference class
of c is the union of the classes of factual items:
alp(C)=Al UA2U ... uAf~al(c).
Example 1 alp (Light rays are represented by straight lines)=Light
rays. The total reference class includes also the set of straight lines.
Example 2 Let f: A - B be a function from a set A of concrete systems
to a set B of numbers. For example,! could represent the relative dilation
of bodies. Then alp (f)=A, whereas alp (f)=AuB. Example 3 Let
g: A x B- R, where A is a set of concrete systems, B the set of conceivable
scale-cum-unit systems associated to the magnitude g, and R the set of
real numbers. Since B is conventional, it is included in the class of
constructs, so that we are left with alp(g)=A.
Not all the constructs occurring in factual science have a factual
reference. For one thing the logical concepts, such as "not" and "all",
have no such reference. Nor do scale concepts, proportionality constants,
and dimensional constants have referents (recall Sec. 2.4). It will therefore
be convenient to coin a name for such constructs. The following con-
ventions will do.

DEFINITION 2.20 A construct which is either tautologous or has an

empty factual reference class is said to be factually vacuous.

DEFINITION 2.21 A construct which is not factually vacuous, i.e. which

is neither tautologous nor has a void factual reference class, is called

Example 1 r1 m = 100 em' is factually vacuous. Example 2 The state

function t/I is a factual construct because it concerns physical entities.
Example 3 The semantic assumption r t/I represents the state of an
individual microsystem' is a factual construct because it is nontau-
tologous and includes the factual concept t/I.
Let us now restrict the concept of a context introduced by Definition

DEFINITION 2.22 The triple CF =(S, iP>, D) is called a factual context iff
(i) it is a context and (ii) iP> includes a nonempty subset of factual pred-

DEFINITION 2.23 Any context that fails to be factual is called a formal


DEFINITION 2.24 Let CF =(S, iP>, D) be a factual context. The predicate

in iP> with the largest factual reference class is called maximal in CF •
Symbol: Pmax •
Remark 1 Logic, mathematics and semantics are formal contexts
since they deal with constructs. On the other hand history, linguistics,
epistemology and metaphysics are factual contexts. Mythology, religion
and science fiction are factual contexts too. Their extension or domain
of truth is another matter. Remark 2 Definition 23 effects a dichotomy
in the set of contexts. However, the factual/formal dichotomy is not
universally accepted: to some even mathematics is au fond factual or
empirical, while a few hold science to be mathematics with a narrow
scope. The semantic method for settling this issue in particular cases
is to perform a semantic analysis of the basic concepts of the context
in dispute. If at least one such concept has a factual (nonconceptual)
reference class then the context 'is factual - otherwise formal. This
semantic analysis can be checked and supplemented by a method-
ological analysis: if at least one validation procedure is empirical (e.g.
experimental) then the context is factual. But of course for such an
empirical test to be possible the context must be factual to begin with.
(Caution: computer simulations do not qualify as empirical even if they
bear on factual contexts.) Remark 3 We saw in Sec. 3.3 that singular
tautologies, like r Antarctica is cold or not cold', can have a factual

referent. It would seem then that logic is a factual context after all,
contrary to our previous contention. Not so, because logic is concerned
with the whole of the conceptual universe C, in particular with statements
- not with their referents. (E.g. the reference class of a propositional
connective is the class of statements on which it is defined.) And, as
we saw in Sec. 2.1, the reference relation is not generally transitive.
Of all the factual contexts the most interesting ones, because the
richest, are the factual sciences. A factual science is a science with a
factual reference, i.e. it is a factual context capable of being tested in
accordance with the scientific method. This quick characterization of a
factual science is of a methodological character. A strictly semantic
definition of science seems to be out of the question: a precise sense
and a factual reference are necessary but insufficient to have a science,
and a high degree of truth, though desirable, is neither necessary nor
sufficient. For this reason we do not give here a formal definition of
factual science: this is a matter for methodology (cf. Bunge, 1967a). But
once we have settled for some characterization of factual science we can
use our semantics to shed some light on certain aspects of the former.
First of all the concept of subject matter of a scientific subject:

DEFINITION 2.25 Let f/ F =<S, P, D) be a factual science. Then the

domain (or subject matter) of f/ F equals the factual reference class of
the maximal predicate P max in P:
Domain (f/ F) = BlF (P max)
Needless to say, a science need not have a homogeneous domain in
the sense of Definition 3 in Sec. 2.3. And a science need have no precise
deductive structure: it can be just a context, which is something slightly
more structured than a mere set of statements, in that a given family
of predicates is shared.
And now to the central referent of our semantics:

DEFINITION 2.26 T is a factual theory iff (i) T is a theory and (ii) T contains
factual predicates.
We leave metamathematics, in particular the theory of theories, the
elucidation of the concept of a theory. Our present concern is with the
objects a factual theory is about:

DEFINITION 2.27 The factual reference class, or universe of discourse, of

a theory T equals the reference class of the maximal factual predicate
P max in T:

Remark 1 Since theories in logic and pure mathematics contain no

factual predicates, their factual reference classes are empty. Remark 2
The factual reference class of a scientific theory is constituted by possibles
not just actuals. For example, the genetics of a given biological species
is about all possible genotypes of that species - only a tiny fraction of
which are ever actualized. Remark 3 The notion of a possible individual,
or a possible factual item, is sometimes regarded as ghostly and at other
times in need of modal logic. Yet it is not ghostly, for science handles
it every day: thus mechanics is the study of the possible motions of
possible bodies. And the concept cannot be characterized by modal
logic, which is too poor a theory. But is easily defined in our semantics,
namely thus: The factual item x is possible according to the theory T
iff x belongs to the factual reference class Domain (T) of T. (In science
we have no use for the absolute modalities handled by modal logics.)
4.2. The Factual Reference Class of Scientific Theories
The determination of the reference class of a factual theory is far from
being a straightforward business. Scientific theories come usually un-
kempt: they are more or less haphazard collections of formulas accom-
panied by extrasystematic remarks. These hints are ambiguous and are
often loaded with an obsolete philosophy, namely, operationism, which
forces the observer, or experimenter, into every reference class. Our
problem has a solution only if the theory is axiomatized with respect to
both its form and its reference. We shall henceforth assume that the
scientific theories which are the object of our analysis have been axiom-
atized in both respects. Not that this is necessary in order to use the
concept of factual reference of a theory, but it is needed for computing
the reference class with precision.
If the theory is formal, its axioms will determine the structure of the
basic (primitive or undefined) concepts as well as their interrelations. For
example, if one of the basic concepts of the theory is a binary associative
operation on a certain set, then one of the axioms of the theory will state

this much. But if the theory is factual such a formal characterization

will be insufficient: it must be supplemented with semantic assumptions
indicating the nature of the referents - whether they are seeds, or birds, or
perhaps both. In other words, a factual theory will be a formal structure
enriched with a set of assumptions concerning the referents of its basic
concepts. In a nutshell, we stipulate

DEFINITION 2.28 T is an axiomatic factual theory iff (i) T is a factual

theory (according to Definition 26), (ii) Tis axiomatized and (iii) every
basic (undefined) factual concept of T is explicitly assigned a definite
nonempty reference class by some of the axioms of T.
This is the kind of axiomatics Hilbert and Bernays (1968) called
inhaltlich, as opposed to formal axiomatics, which abstracts from the
specific content of the original theory. An axiomatic factual theory is
determined by both its formal (mathematical) axioms and by the non-
formal (semantical) assumptions of the theory - roughly those that
indicate the referents of the basic predicates in the theory. The first part
of the preceding statement is a truism from the theory of deductive
systems (Tarski, 1956, Ch. xii). The second part will be proved. As to
the first part: calling d the axiom base of T, we symbolize that statement
in the standard way

which can be read: 'an axiomatic theory is the totality of consequences

of its axioms'. In addition, the (nonformal) axioms of a factual theory
determine not just the referents of its factual predicates but the reference
class of the theory as a whole (as characterized by Definition 27). To show
this we must start by construing the concept of an axiom base as the
conjunction of all the axioms of the theory. We shall limit ourselves to
a finitely axiomatizable theory, but infinitary logic can handle the infinite
case. We stipulate then

DEFINITION 2.29 Let Ai' with I ~i~n, be the n axioms of a theory T.

Then the axiom base of T is

d(T) =df 1\ Ai·

i= 1

We can now state

THEOREM 2.1 Let d 'be the axiom base of a theory T. Then


Proof sketch In an axiomatic theory no theorem contains predicates

other than those occurring in its axiom base. In other words, every
concept in an axiomatic theory is either defining (primitive) or defined.
Hence deduction cannot change the kind or number of referents assigned
the basic factual predicates.

THEOREM 2.2 The factual reference class (or universe of discourse) of an

axiomatic theory equals the union of the factual reference classes of its
axioms: n n
If d(T)= /\ Aj , then 9lF (T)= U 9lF (Aj).
j= 1 j= 1

Proof By Theorem 1, Definition 9, and Definition 19.

Remark 1 The last theorem is the most important in our theory of
reference. It may be called the theorem of reference conservation or
reference invariance under deduction. It constitutes a partial justification
of the dictum that the conclusions must be "contained" in the premises -
a dictum that, as we shall presently see, is not generally valid. Remark 2
The preceding theorem is far from trite: in fact it fails for nonaxiomatic
theories. Indeed, in the latter new predicates, totally alien to the basic
ones, can be adjoined at any step. This adjunction can be made in either
of two ways: via the introduction of new assumptions or via deduction
with the help of the principle of addition of formal logic. The former move
is obvious: informal theories are forever under construction or repair.
The second move is less obvious and deserves special notice. Remark 3
Let t be a formula of an informal theory T. By the principle of addition,
tl- t v u, where u is an arbitrary statement, i.e. one that need bear no
semantical relation to t. In fact, as far as logic is concerned, the reference
classes of t and u need not overlap, let alone coincide - i.e. t and u may
fail to be coreferential. Thus t could be about stars and u about frogs -
and yet u could be counted among the members of the open theory T. In
general: in an open context, the reference of a consequence may be wider
than that of the premises. This violates the principle of the Aristotelian

organon according to which "the indemonstrable premises of a science

( ... ) must be within one genus with its conclusions" (Posterior Analytics,
Bk. I, Ch. 28, 88). If this principle, tacitly obeyed in most cases, is sur-
rendered then anything can be claimed to be relevant to anything else.
The result will be confusion or error or both. Such a move, hardly
avoidable in informal theories (which are open contexts), is automatically
precluded in axiomatic theories, which are closed contexts. While the
former are semantically loose or open, hence both perfectible and
corruptible, axiomatic theories are semantically tight or closed. This last
expression is elucidated by

DEFINITION 2.30 A set S of statements will be said to be semantically tight,

or closed, iff S has the same referents as its logical consequences, i.e. if


Theorem 1 can now be restated in this way: Axiom systems are

semantically closed. For this reason the axiomatic format, though usually
unsuitable during the early construction stage, is mandatory for investi-
gating the semantics of a theory: it is only in axiomatic contexts that we
know exactly what we are talking about. This is because axiomatization
involves fixing in advance the set of basic predicates, hence the universe
of discourse, to be admitted in the given context. Thus axiomatization
suffices to get conclusions that are semantically relevant to the premises.
Should it be objected that the price to pay for semantic coherence or
relevance - namely axiomatization - is too high, it may be rejoined as
follows. First, price is irrelevant. Second, axiomatization is a means for
attaining a number of other goals as well (see Bunge, 1973b). Third, the
alternative procedure for trying to secure relevance is far more expensive
than axiomatization, as it consists in adopting some system of relevant
implication (cf. Anderson, 1972). This change in logic involves not only
new rules of inference but also modalities - none of which seem to be
called for by scientific work. And, despite commanding such a high price,
this alternative procedure does not really guarantee semantic relevance,
as it offers no criteria for it and it places no restrictions upon the principle
of addition.
If we wish deduction to preserve reference even outside semantic
contexts then we must keep a permanent watch on the consequences and

screen out all those that violate semantic closure, i.e. that are not refer-
entially germane to the premises. (One of the rare occasions on which
such a precaution is taken explicitly, is in stating Craig's interpolation
theorem. A standard formulation of this theorem is as follows. Let p and q
be formulas such that I- p ~ q. Then there exists a third formula r, con-
taining only predicates occurring in p and q, such that I- p ~ r and I- r => q.)
The very choice of premises in an argument should be regulated by the
unspoken yet time honored principle of relevance: The premises should be
not only mutually compatible in the formal sense but also semantically
congenial. This principle of argumentation limits the range of applicabil-
ity of the so called rule of augmentation of premises, according to which
if p entails q then q follows also from p conjoined with an arbitrary
premise r. This rule holds only if the additional premise is either idle or
both formally and semantically coherent with the original premises. Once
the initial assumptions have been chosen we may use a deduction tech-
nique that complies automatically with the requisite of semantical
closure and has the additional advantage that it does not require guessing
the conclusions beforehand, so that it may be used by a nonmathemati-
cian - e.g. a computer. (See, e.g., Hilbert and Ackermann, 1950, p. 24.)
This mechanical procedure for extracting reference preserving conclusions
is as follows. (i) Conjoin all the assumptions; (ii) expand the conjunction
in conjunctive normal form, i.e. as a conjunction of binary disjunctions;
(iii) detach every conjunct and every conjunction of such. The detached
formulas constitute the desired set, i.e. the maximal set of consequences
compatible with reference conservation. This subset of consequences is
semantically closed and finite, hence a smallish subset of the infinite set
of all the consequences of the given premises. We cannot have both all
the infinitely many consequences of a finite set of premises, and semantical
Our Theorem 2 of reference conservation allows us to determine the
reference class of any factual theory cast in an axiomatic format and
consequently it enables us to compare theories as to their domains. In
fact the theorem backs up the following conventions.

DEFINITION 2.31 Let Tand T be two axiomatic factual theories. Then T

and T' are said to be referentially commensurable iff their reference classes
overlap, i.e. if

fJlF(T)nfJlF(T')# 0.
DEFINITION 2.32 Let T and T' be two axiomatic factual theories. Then T
is said to be referentially bulkier than T iff
fJlF(T') 2 fJlF(T) .
Example 1 Particle mechanics and the theory of electromagnetic fields
in a vacuum are incommensurable: they are not about the same things.
Example 2 Electrodynamics and mechanics are referentially commen-
surable: they have common referents - bodies. Example 3 Relativistic
mechanics is referentially bulkier than nonrelativistic mechanics because,
unlike the latter, it concerns both bodies and electromagnetic fields.
Hence they are referentially commensurable. Consequently they are
comparable - pace Kuhn and Feyerabend.
Remark 1 If two theories are referentially incomparable then they
are not comparable at all except in strictly formal respects. In particular
they cannot be compared as to explanatory and predictive powers: they
do not explain and predict any shared facts. Remark 2 The concept of
referential commensurability will be supplemented with that of method-
ological commensurability in Sec. 5.1. Remark 3 Our concept of refer-
ential commensurability is at variance with Kuhn's (1962). For Kuhn
two theories are incomparable iff they fit different theory paradigms and
thus are conceptually different even though they may concern the same
things. Behaviorist and cognitivist learning theories would be incommen-
surable in this sense. But, since they concern the same kinds of animal, to
us they are referentially commensurable and thus comparable. If they
were not they could not be regarded as rival. Remark 4 Nor does our
criterion of theory commensurability agree with Feyerabend's, which is
the sharing of statements, hence of concepts. It is of course true that
relativistic mechanics "does not, and cannot, share a single statement
with its predecessor" (Feyerabend, 1970, p. 82). But it is also true that
both refer to bodies (cf. Example 3 above). Moreover the basic concepts
of classical mechanics can be retrieved from the corresponding relativistic
concepts: for example the classical mass function is a certain restriction
of the relativistic mass function (see Bunge, 1970b). Therefore the two
theories are commensurable, hence comparable - which is why they are
being compared all the time. If this were not the case then there would be
no more ground for preferring one of the theories over the other than for

preferring Newton to Vivaldi. Remark 5 The overlapping of two theories,

i.e., their sharing some statements (Feyerabend's criterion) is not only
unnecessary for their commensurability: it is not even sufficient. In fact
two factual theories with different referents may have the same mathe-
matical formalism, as is the case with certain theories of epidemics and
of rumor propagation. It would be preposterous to declare such theories
semantically commensurable even though they share infinitely many
statements. What is decisive (necessary and sufficient) for theory com-
mensurability is not the mere sharing of statements but the sharing of
semantic assumptions, for these are the ones that point to the referents
or their properties. Remark 6 The moral of the preceding remarks is this.
The interesting problem of comparing rival scientific theories and
ascertaining their meaning diversity cannot be approached on the basis
of spotty historical remarks: it requires a full fledged semantics of science
and an analysis of scientific theories in the light of the former.

4.3. Spotting the Factual Referents: Genuine and Spurious

Th~ preceding examination of the factual reference class of a scientific
theory presupposes that the latter has been formulated in a correct way,
both formally and semantically, so that finding its referents is a straight-
forward operation. In other words, we have assumed that the theory to
be analyzed contains detailed analyses of every one of its variables: in
this case Theorem 2 solves our problem. Unfortunately this situation is
exceptional rather than typical: in most cases the referents of a theory
are hinted at in extrasystematic remarks dropped in motivating the
theory or, as we saw in Sec. 1, they are the subject of spirited controversy.
In other words, semantics can be of little help in spotting the genuine
referents of a theory unless the latter has already been axiomatized in
such a way that those referents are clearly exhibited. But at least semantics
can help us to dig up the referents of an untidy theory and can assist us in
formulating the semantic assumptions of the theory. These tasks are
performed in the light of a criterion that, unlike Theorem 2, concerns
unkempt theories. Here it is:

CRITERION An object is a genuine factual referent of a scientific theory iff

it is involved in at least one of the law statements in the theory.
Otherwise, i.e. if an object falls under no law of the theory, then it is a

spurious referent of it, no matter how many authorities may claim the
opposite. For example, if a theory of electrons fails to contain law state-
ments about instruments sensitive to electrons, then the theory does not
refer to such instruments, much less to those in charge of the latter. It
will not do to claim on philosophical grounds that some reference to
instruments or to observers must be "implied" or "presupposed" by the
theory, for otherwise the latter would be neither meaningful nor testable.
The preceding criterion suggests adopting the following

DEFINITION 2.33 A nonconceptual object x is a genuine factual referent

of an informal theory T iff (i) T contains at least one law statement
involving one or more variables concerning x; (ii) such law statements
cease to hold upon the removal of the variable(s) in question, and (iii) T
can be adjoined, without introducing any contradiction, assumptions
effecting a more precise characterization of the variable(s) referring to x.
Whatever passes fot referent but is not genuine is a spurious referent.
Contemporary science contains several theories with spurious referents,
i.e. that purport to but in fact do not refer to certain entities. Such theories
may be called ghostly. We proceed to exhibit three ghosts.
Example 1 Probability is sometimes interpreted in a subjectivist or
semisubjectivist way, occasionally even in the context of natural science.
For instance, it is sometimes held (e.g. by Brillouin 1962) that the distri-
bution function (or else the partition function) in statistical mechanics,
and the various probability densities in quantum mechanics, concern
our own information (or rather want of it) instead of either objective
(though potential) properties or objective random distributions. If this
contention were true then statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics
would concern the cognitive subject and his mental states at least as
much as autonomous physical entities. By our Criterion, if the cognitive
subject were a genuine referent of those theories then these should contain
law statements enabling us to explain and predict our own behavior. But
they do not. Consequently the cognitive subject is a spurious referent of
those theories. Equivalently: those theories are about autonomous
physical systems. This conclusion is reinforced by the consideration that
one learns about such systems by studying them rather than by the method
of transcendental meditation. Example 2 The so called measurement
theories found in the foundations of mathematical psychology happen to

be concerned with certain types of scientific concept not with the empiri-
cal operation scientists call 'measurement'. So much so that they do not
involve any laws of either the measured object or the measuring instru-
ment, whence they are of no help in designing and interpreting any
measurement proper or even in estimating random errors of measure-
ment (see Bunge, 1973c). Example 3 It is usually held that the quantum
theory of measurement (or some variant of it) accounts for actual mea-
surements and moreover concerns the system-apparatus-observer com-
pound. However, this theory fails to contain variables representing any
properties of the observer. A fortiori the latter does not occur among the
referents of the law statements of the theory - to the point that the author
of the standard quantum theory of "measurement" acknowledged that
the observer "remains outside the calculation" in his theory (von Neu-
mann, 1932, pp. 224, 234). And although variables alleged to represent
properties of an instrument do playa role in this theory, they fail to
concern real instruments. As a consequence none of the formulas of this
theory predicts any experimental results. A genuine measurement theory
concerns a specific set-up, hence it contains specific law statements
accounting for the peculiar structure and composition of the apparatus
and its coupling with the measured thing. Such a specificity shows up in
the constitutive equations or, equivalently, in the occurrence of non-
universal parameters and constants, such as the refractive index, the
electric resistivity, or the magnetic permeability. The quantum theory of
"measurement" contains no such constitutive equations, hence it can
refer to no genuine measurement set up. In sum, the quantum theory of
"measurement" is ghostly: both the observer and the apparatus are spu-
rious referents of it. (For details see Bunge, 1967b, Ch. 5; 1973b, Ch. 4.)

4.4. The Strife over Realism in the Philosophy of Contemporary Physics

The assumed referents of a scientific theory may be physical, chemical,
biological, social, or what have you. Whatever their kind, the referents
can be regarded in a number of alternative ways in their relation to the
cognitive subject. The main doctrines that dominate the current philos-
ophy of science in this respect can be summarized as follows.
(i) Conventionalism Scientific theories have no referents: they are just
data summarizing and data processing tools - in particular they are pre-
diction devices.

(ii) Pragmatism, operationism, phenomenalism Scientific theories are

about phenomena, ie. facts in which some cognitive subject is involved
and such as they appear to him: they concern neither the subject alone
(subjectivism) nor an autonomous object (realism).
(iii) Realism If the referents of a scientific theory exist at all then they
exist on their own, i.e. independently of their being perceived or con-
ceived: the cognitive subject creates, tests and applies hypotheses and
theories instead of either creating their referents or posing as the latter.
The defense of any such stand is usually dogmatic: it consists in
quoting authorities. At most it is pragmatic: it derives its strength from
the heuristic power of the given philosophical doctrine, as when opera-
tionism is defended on the ground that it helps in the conceiving of
experiments, or when realism is tolerated because it assists to invent
"theoretical entities". Such lines of defense are weak and they foster
sterile controversy. We need a different strategy, one relying on a se-
mantical and methodological analysis of the theories concerned. We
should be able to use a theory of reference to disclose the genuine ref-
erents of a scientific theory and thus evaluate the conflicting doctrines
concerning such referents. How this can be done will be sketched
From a semantic viewpoint conventionalism is false, since a theory
with no factual reference whatever may qualify as a mathematical
theory, hardly as a scientific theory. It is true that most of the formulas
of a scientific theory do not involve explicitly the object variables or
referents discussed in Sec. 2.4, so that the formulas look reference free,
as if they were formulas in pure mathematics. But the factual reference
is usually indicated or suggested by the accompanying text, sometimes
called 'the prose of the theory'. And when these extrasystematic remarks
are incorporated systematically into the theory, as so many semantic
assumptions, the referents are brought to light. In short conventionalism,
plausible as it may look in relation to the bare mathematical bones of
scientific theories, is mistaken in relation to suitably axiomatized factual
theories. So much for a semantic criticism of conventionalism.
The preceding semantic considerations are reinforced by the following
methodological remarks. First, by refusing to make a semantic (or ref-
erential) commitment, conventionalism fails to draw the line between
the various sciences and even between science and mathematics. (More

on semantic formalism in Ch. 6, Sec. 3.1.) Second and consequently,

conventionalism is incapable of telling us what kind of data are relevant
to a given theory. Third and consequently, conventionalism does not
help us to devise empirical tests, as every test of a scientific theory
presupposes our knowing its reference class. Therefore the conven-
tionalist view that scientific theories are data processing contraptions
fails to do justice to both theories and data.
If conventionalism is discarded then only two serious contenders re-
main: phenomenalism and realism. (The truth might of course belong
to a further party not involved in the current strife, but it will turn out
that semantics and methodology favor just one of the current rivals.)
Before the days of relativity and quanta, physics was usually interpreted
in a realist way. Thus the length L(b) of a bar b (or rather its length
relative to a length standard) was regarded as an intrinsic and objective
property of the body b. With the advent of special relativity (1905) length
became a joint or mutual property or two physical systems: the body
b and a reference frame f Absolute, i.e. frame-free lengths, were swept
aside in principle though not in practice. In other words, the definite
description 'L(b)' was replaced by 'L(b, J)" short for "the length of b
in (or relative to) the frame I". That is, a new length function was intro-
duced: one with a different reference class. While the reference class of
the nonrelativistic length concept was the set of physical systems, the
reference class of the relativistic length concept is the union of the set
of physical systems and the set of reference frames.
Now, the term 'reference frame' may be construed in either of two
ways: as a physical system of a special kind, or as an observer. If the
former, then nothing changes from an epistemological point of view:
a property that had been regarded as absolute (or frame independent)
turned out to be relative (or frame dependent). Equivalently: a rela-
tional metric property was substituted for an intrinsic one. But if reference
frames are conceived as sentient beings equipped with yardsticks, clocks,
mirrors, and other pieces of apparatus, then length ceases to be a strictly
physical property to become a property of compound systems with a
human component And this is epistemologically revolutionary - or
rather counter-revolutionary, as it reinstates anthropocentrism. Thus the
expressions 'apparent length' and 'the length measured by a moving
observer' were coined to indicate that the theory concerns appearances

(to observers) not autonomous reality. The facts that all basic law
statements are required to be frame free (or covariant), and that many
magnitudes (such as the spacetime interval, the electric charge, and the
entropy) are invariant, i.e. the same in (relative to) all frames, were not
taken as evidence against this operationist interpretation. They were just
Two decades later quantum mechanics suffered a similar fate: its
formulas were read in the light of the then dominant philosophy of
physics. According to the usual or Copenhagen interpretation of quantum
mechanics, every formula of the theory is about some microsystem under
the action of an experimental set up controlled in an arbitrary fashion
by an observer. Because of this alleged control and of the supposed
docility of microsystems, which are imagined to behave as commanded
by the observer, the apparatus-observer complex is usually called "the
observer" - even if the whole experiment is automated. And dynamical
variables are christened "observables". In this way no objective physical
properties would seem to remain: they all become, just as with the
operationist interpretation of relativity, observer dependent. For ex-
ample, an eigenvalue is construed as a possible measurement result, an
eigenstate as the corresponding observed state, a superposition of
eigenstates as symbolizing our own uncertainty concerning the state of
the system for not being under observation, and so forth. Consequently
phenomenalism is pronounced victorious and realism dead. From here
on the transition to strait subjectivism is easy: "the basic principles of
physics, embodied in quantum-mechanical theory, deal with connec-
tions between observations, that is, contents of consciousness" (Wigner,
Do these non-realist interpretations of contemporary physics have
any ground other than authority? Could semantics help us to make a
rational choice between phenomenalism and realism? It can indeed,
namely by supplying the criterion and the definition of factual reference
given in Sec. 4.3. To reveal the genuine factual referents of a theory pick
its basic predicates, analyze them and disclose the way they function in
the central law statements of the theory - i.e. before the latter is applied
or tested. Of all the alleged independent variables only those will qualify
as genuine which are characterized by the theory and occur in the
latter's law statements: all others make no difference and thus are

ghostly, ie. they concern spurious referents. Let us see how this criterion
works in weeding out ghostly variables in a couple of important cases.
Example 1 Consider the famous Lorentz "contraction" formula
L(b, f)=L(b, b) [1-u 2(b, f)/c 2(w)]1/2 (SR)
where b denotes a body (in fact any physical system), f a reference
frame, and w an electromagnetic wave in a vacuum. The formula gives
the length of b in (relative to) J, in terms of the length L(b, b) of b relative
to b itself, and of the ratio u(b, f)/c(w) of two velocities: the velocity of
the body with respect to the frame, and the (absolute) speed of light
c(w) in void. The phenomenalist construes f as an observer and inter-
prets L(b, f) as the apparent length measured by f But, according to
our criterion, this interpretation is inadmissible because the theory gives
a strictly physical characterization of J, i.e. one that contains no psy-
chological and sociological concepts. In sum, the referents of SR are b,
J, and w, all three physical objects. Hence realism is upheld in relation
to special relativity.
Example 2 Look at Heisenberg's indeterminacy formula:

If a correct deduction from first principles is performed and analyzed,
it is seen that 1/1((1, (1') represents the state of a microsystem (1 (e.g. an
iron atom) in an environment r:I (e.g. a magnetic field) at a given instant
of time. It is further realized that Ll"'(a,a,)P((1) represents the width ofthe
momentum distribution of the microsystem (1 when the system-envi-
ronment complex is in the state represented by 1/1((1, (1'). Similarly
Ll"'(a,a')Q((1) stands for the width of the position distribution of the
microsystem. In short the object variables or referents of the formula
QM are (1 and (1'. The phenomenalist claims that (1' is the observer-cum-
apparatus complex. However, (a) the formula holds even in the absence
of an environment, i.e. when r:I happens to be the null individual; (b)
the formula holds whether or not r:I includes a measurement device -
for example it holds for the atoms in a star; and (c) the theory does not
specify the properties of either observers or measurement devices: it is
a strictly physical theory and a thoroughly general one, married to no
particular laboratory, let alone ·to a particular mind. Conclusion: the
phenomenalist or operationist interpretation of quantum mechanics is

groundless: as with the case of relativity, that interpretation is a super-

structure that the formulas of the theory fail to support.
In conclusion: there are two main ways of looking at a scientific
theory. One is through a semitransparent mirror, like operationism, that
exhibits the superposed images of the referent and of ourselves. The
second way is by using the non-reflecting magnifying lenses of ax ioma tics
and semantics applied to the theory itself regardless of its philosophical
wrapping. The second method alone guarantees the objectivity char-
acteristic of science. (For details see Bunge, 1973a and 1973b.)


5.1. Kinds of Relevance

The term 'relevance' is very much in vogue these days but it is seldom
analyzed. In particular it is not always realized that relevance is a rela-
tion and that its relata can be of various kinds, as shown in the following
Conceptual relevance
o-----'----------~o{) Construct

[e. g. biology to

Evidential relevanc Referential relevance

(e. g. vision to [e.g. optics to light)

Factual relevance
Fact o--------------~_o Fact
[e. g. finance to politics)

The relevance relations involved in the preceding diagram are these:

(i) construct-construct as regards form, i.e. formal relevance;
(ii) construct-construct as regards reference, or semantical relevance;
(iii) construct-fact, or referential relevance;
(iv) experiential fact-construct, or methodological relevance;
(v) construct-action, or pragmatic relevance;
(vi) fact-fact, or factual relevance.
The last two kinds of relevance may be characterized as follows. A

fact may be said to be relevant to another fact if and only if the former
makes some difference to the latter. And a construct may be regarded
as being pragmatically relevant to an action iff the former is part of a
view or theory that is instrumental in bringing forth or preventing the
given action. We shall be concerned only with the first four types of
relevance. They will be characterized in the following way.

DEFINITION 2.34 Let c and c' be two constructs. Then c is said to be

syntactically relevant to c' iff there is a context in which c is logically
related to c' in such a way that c determines c' at least in part.
Example 1 In a definition, the definiens is syntactically relevant to the
definiendum. Example 2 In an argument, the premises are syntactically
relevant to the conclusions. Example 3 In a function, the independent
variables are syntactically relevant to the dependent variables. If the
function has an inverse, the relevance is mutual.

DEFINITION 2.35 Let c and c' be constructs. Then c is said to be seman-

tically relevant to c' iff (i) c is syntactically relevant to c' and (ii) c and c'
share referents, i.e. 9l(c)n9l(c')#0.
Example 1 The specific gravity function is relevant to the weight
function. Example 2 Let c concern a gene in an organism and c' a molar
or phenotypical trait of the same organism. Then c will be semantically
relevant to c' just in case genetics happens to contain a law according to
which c determines c' at least in part. Example 3 The biological variables
are irrelevant to the psychological ones in the context of behaviorism.

DEFINITION 2.36 A construct c is said to be referentially relevant to a fact

(thing, state, event, process) f itfJ-is in the reference class of c, i.e. if
fE 9l (c).
Example Pure mathematics is syntactially relevant to science, which
is in turn referentially relevant to reality. Example 2 According to the
Copenhagen interpretation of the quantum theories, the latter are rele-
vant to the human mind, while according to the realist interpretation
they are not. Example 3 The concept of thinking (or ideation) is refer-
entially relevant to neural activity.
We may take a further step and introduce an absolute and a compar-
ative concept of degree of referential relevance:

DEFINITION 2.37 The degree of referential relevance of a theory T to a

domain F of facts is equal to 9l (T)nF.

DEFINITION 2.38 Let T and T be two theories that are referentially

relevant to a domain F of facts. Then T is referentially more relevant to F
than T' iff (9l(T)nF)::l (9l(T)nF).
Example Biology is referentially more relevant than ethics to the facts
of animal aggression, altruism, and cooperation; and political science is
more relevant to war than either biology or ethics.
These concepts should not be mixed up with the methodological
concept of evidential relevance, that can be elucidated by

DEFINITION 2.39 An empirical fact e is evidentially relevant to a construct

c iff there is another construct c' such that (i) c' is syntactically relevant
to c and (ii) c' is referentially relevant to e.
Example 1 The conceptual basis of the common lie detector is the
hypothesis that increase in hand sweating is an index of lying. Example 2
Dreams are (so far) irrelevant to the study of personality because there is
no scientific theory in which dream contents and personality traits are
related. Example 3 Prior to the theory of evolution the differences among
species were not normally regarded as pointing to (or against) the hypoth-
esis of evolution.
In Sec. 4.2 we elucidated the concept of semantic commensurability.
We can now supplement this notion with the one of methodological
commensurability, which has recently come to the fore with reference to
scientific revolutions. We first stipulate

DEFINITION 2.40 Let T and T' be two factual theories. Then T and T' are
said to be methodologically commensurable iff there are empirical facts
that are evidentially relevant to both T and T.

DEFINITION 2.41 Let T and T' be two methodologically commensurable

theories. Then T is said to present a larger methodological exposure than
T' iff the set of empirical facts evidentially relevant to T includes the one
evidentially relevant to T'.
Example 1 Relativistic mechanics presents a greater methodological
exposure than classical mechanics because it is inextricably related to

electrodynamics. Example 2 Molecular genetics presents a greater

methodological target than Mendelian genetics because it is sensitive
to an additional set of evidence, namely that of the molecular structure
of genes. Example 3 Any neuropsychological theory presents a greater
methodological exposure (hence more risks) than the corresponding
behaviorist theory (if any) because it can claim both behavioral and
neurophysiological evidence pro and con.
Now, testing a theory presupposes knowing what the theory is about-
not the other way around. In other words, contrary to the verification
tenet of meaning, we hold that the semantics of a theory must precede
its methodology (recall Sec. 2.6). More explicitly, we lay down the

THESIS 2.4 If two scientific theories are methodologically commensurable

then they are semantically (referentially) commensurable as well.
The converse is false. Hence referential and methodological commen-
surability are inequivalent. Thus two rival theories about ghosts are
singly untestable, hence methodologically commensurable in the trivial
sense that no fact of experience is relevant to either. The above principle
contradicts the claim - originally put forth by Kuhn and Feyerabend -
that every new revolutionary theory is methodologically incommen-
surable with its predecessor: that is is accepted for reasons other than
having been shown to be truer. On the other hand our principle fits in with
the actual practices of (a) comparing only semantically commensurable
theories, (b) looking for evidence relevant to the reference class shared by
the rival theories, and (c) making rational (though perhaps wrong)
choices among rival theories after having weighed their respective
empirical (predictive) performances. This does not entail that fact-
worthiness is all-important: but it is necessary.
In examining the performance and the value of alternative factual
theories it is usually taken for granted that they are semantically and
methodologically commensurable. That is, one uses tacitly

DEFINITION 2.40 Two factual theories are commensurable iff they are
referentially as well as evidentially commensurable.
A final convention: Two theories may be regarded as being semantically
rival, or competing, iff, being commensurable, they have different senses,

i.e. if they do not 'say' the same. (Examples: rival theories of learning, or
of social mobility.) If two theories had the same sense then they could
differ only in the organization of the material: in this case they would be
just different formulations or presentations of one and the same body of
knowledge. But the concept of sense lies far ahead.
Before applying the preceding ideas on relevance we note that they are
relevant to the intuitive notion of a "category mistake" (Ryle, 1949). In
the light of the preceding considerations it is clear that there are no
absolute category mistakes: that whether or not a given association of
predicates is mistaken depends on the theory that is adopted. It is
equally clear that any such mistakes are epistemic not linguistic mishaps:
they do not consist in violations of linguistic rules but in departures from
accepted bodies of substantive knowledge. Thus while in the context of
behaviorist psychology (adopted by Ryle) the coupling of mentalistic
concepts to either behavioral or neurological ones would constitute an
unforgivable category faux pas, in either a more backward or more
advanced psychological context such predicate combinations might be
correct. The science of the day, not either grammar or literary criticism,
is competent to judge whether any given predicate association is right or
wrong. In short, category mistakes are scientific mistakes.

5.2. The Paradox of Confirmation as a Fallacy of Relevance

Consider the empirical generalization r All ravens are black', or r(x)
(Rx ~ Bx)' for short. This statement amounts to r(x) (I Rx v Bx)' as
well as to r(x) (IBx~ IRx)'. At first blush, finding anything that is
not a raven, such as a book, or anything black, such as a tunnel, or even
that is not black, such as a carrot, would seem to count as positive
evidence for the generalization. But then almost anything would so count
no matter where we look. Hence experience will have little if any value:
confirmation will be so cheap as to be worthless. This is one of the
paradoxes of confirmation (Hempel, 1945).
This paradox, which occurs neither in real science nor in our semantics,
illustrates the fallacy of irrelevance. Indeed the statement that all ravens
are black happen to concern birds not anything else: this is how orni-
thologists understand it. Therefore to put it to the test the ornithologist
will scan only the relevant evidence, i.e. data about birds, without bothering
about non birds, whether black or colored This procedure, is consecrated

by our semantics, in particular by Definition 2.9 (iii) and Corollary 2.4b.

Indeed, the reference class of the universal conditional r(x) (Rx::;. Bx)'
equals the reference class of the molecular predicate R::;. B. And this
predicate is defined on the intersection of the domains of its components
Rand B, as stipulated in Ch. 1, Sec. 2.3. Now,
Dom R = Birds, and Dom B = Things
[}Is (All ravens are black) = Birds n Things = Birds
[}Is (Anything is either not a raven or black) = [}Ip (IR v B)
=[}Ip (R v B) = Birds
[}Is (All nonblacks are nonravens)= [}Ip (IB::;. IR)
= [}I p (B::;. R) = Birds.

Therefore only an examination of birds will be relevant to the given

generalization and thus be in a position to confirm or infirm it. (The
discovery of albino ravens has refuted the generalization anyway.)
Moral 1: If semantics is to be relevant to actual science it must be con-
sonant with the methodology of science. Moral 2: It is not helpful to
jump from the syntax (or logic) of science to its pragmatics (or meth-
odology) without stopping over its semantics.
Our analysis of the empirical generalization about ravens carries over
to statements in theoretical science. A typical example of a simple
conditional occurring in the latter is rAIl metals are conductors', or
r(x) (Mx::;. Cx)' for short. This is a law proper for, in addition to being
well corroborated, it belongs to a definite scientific theory, namely solid
state theory. (For the underlying criterion oflawfulness cf. Bunge, 1967a,
Vol. I, Ch. 6, Sec. 6.6.) This theory accounts for conductivity (both
thermal and electrical) in terms of metal structure: it explains why
metals should be conductors. In the terminology of the preceding section:
M is semantically relevant to C because there is a definite context,
namely solid state theory, where (a) M and C have common referents
and (b) M determines C. On the other hand in rAIl ravens are black'
the predicate "is a raven" is so far semantically irrelevant to "is black":
at the time of writing there seems to be no confirmed scientific theory
explaining the blackness of ravens in terms of any of their basic properties.
In other words, in the context of present day ornithology "raven" and
"black" are syntactically irrelevant to each other, and a fortiori seman-

tically irrelevant as well. This situation, atypical of science, is typical

of ordinary knowledge: it suggests Hume's and James' ontology of
universal ontic irrelevance. Such a metaphysics can hardly avoid fallacies
of irrelevance. Not so the ontology of science, which is a web of laws.
But this is a different matter. In any case our semantics may be of help
when the metaphysician goes astray.


The notion of reference, though central to the semantics of factual

science, is of little interest to logicians and mathematicians, whence it
has been neglected by semanticists. The only serious attempt to analyze
reference in exact terms seems to have been Goodman's. Unfortunately
the definition he offered was exceedingly complex and at the same time
it did not require predicates to be analyzed as functions from individuals
to statements. Consider: "S is absolutely about k if and only if some
statement T follows from S differentially with respect to k". In turn "a
statement T follows from S differentially with respect to k if T contains
an expression designating k and follows logically from S, while no
generalization of T with respect to any part of that expression also
follows logically from S" (Goodman, 1961, p. 7). The notion of aboutness
is thus made to depend upon the concepts of consequence and denota-
tion, but the latter is left unanalyzed. If only for this reason the elucidans
turns out to be more obscure than the elucidatum (Patton, 1965). No
wonder Goodman's criterion has not been applied to solve any of the
genuine problems of referential ambiguity listed in Sec. 1.
Our approach to the problem of reference has been direct: we have
been concerned with solving the problems mentioned in Sec. 1 and with
proposing a solution that could be checked. Our proposed solution has
consisted, in a nutshell, in bringing to light the domain of the predicate
of interest. Since the responsibility for the characterization of a factual
predicate rests ultimately with a scientific theory, it is to the latter that
we should turn for an identification of the entities it purports to be
about. Mark: to the theories themselves rather than to any extrasys-
tematic ("philosophical") comments about them - the more so since
such comments are often philosophically biased. If somebody claims
that a theory T is about entities of kind K, let him formulate T in such

a way that K occurs in the domain of at least one predicate in T: other-

wise the claim will be groundless. But even showing that a theory refers
to entities of some kind does not prove that it describes or represents
them. For example, a theory ofthe effects offood deprivation in children
will refer to food without describing or representing it. But the concept
of representation deserves a separate chapter: the next.


According to a realist semantics, scientific theories represent their refer-

ents. They constitute conceptual representations of actual or hypothetical
bits of reality - or rather of some of their traits. The same holds for some
of the predicates and some of the formulas of a scientific theory. Just for
some: not all of them represent Thus, while a distance function may
represent the spacing of things, not every one of the infinitely many
functions of a given distance function will represent something. Like-
wise not every line in a deduction within a scientific theory represents
some aspect of a thing: some statements are purely mathematical. What
makes some constructs representational and others not? This is, in a
nutshell, the problem of the present chapter.


There is an analogy between scientific theories and pictures. In both

cases the represented object may be given (rather than invented) and the
representation may be more or less accurate or truthful. This analogy
is the basis for the expressions 'Scientific theories depict (or portray) their
referents' and 'Science mirrors (or reflects) reality'. However, these are
just metaphors, hence they may not go to the heart of the matter. Indeed,
the manner of representing differs in either case. First, while a pictorial
representation is itself a physical object, a conceptual representation is
a thing of reason. Second, while in the former case only appearances can
be pictured and all else can at best be hinted at, scientific representations
do not pause at the skin of reality: they aim at representing the real,
which is mostly hidden to the senses and alien to ordinary experience.
Third and consequently, scientific representations are symbolic (yet not
metaphoric) rather than pictorial even though they may contain a few
pictorial ingredients. Fourth, while a picture is bound to be interpreted
(and often also felt) in as many ways as there are beholders in different
moods, a scientific representation is supposed to be objective. Fifth, while

the aim of the arts is to arouse or to lull, to entertain or to edify - in any

event to play up on our emotions - the aim of a scientific representation
is to describe its referents in a truthful way. Whatever aesthetic emotions
a scientific representation may arouse derive from realizing its logical
and methodological virtues or shortcomings.
In view of these important differences between pictorial representa-
tions and conceptual representations, it seems advisable to speak of con-
ceptual reconstructions rather than images of reality. Reconstructions are
constructions, artifacts resulting from hard and often ingenious work,
not just impressions and images - which can be had for free. Flies have
an image of reality and so have scientists, but the latter possess, in ad-
dition, what they create, namely the conceptual representations of ob-
jects that cannot be grasped with the senses. These representations are
only partial and at best approximately true but they can be checked and
either improved or replaced by truer ones. What is more, unlike images
they are built with mathematical bricks: one more reason for not calling
them 'pictures'. More on the issues of critical realism in Ch. 10, Sec. 3.3.
Not every construct represents. To begin with logical concepts are
nonrepresenting even when they are referential. Thus on our theory of
reference (Ch. 2, Sec. 3.2) disjunction concerns propositions. But it rep-
resents nothing. And analytic statements may refer to anything but they
describe or represent nothing except logical objects: logic does not mirror
reality but rather the structure of human knowledge (cf. Bunge, 1974a).
Likewise with other formal objects: they too are nonrepresentational.
For example the number 8 fails to represent anything. True, 8 happens
to be the number of genuine planets in our solar system and thus looks
as if it did represent a property of a concrete thing. Not so: 8 is not the
property of anyone aggregate although it may be construed as the class
of all octuplets. This is why it may pop up in any context, whether formal
or factual. In other words, although the number of planets equals 8,8 is
not identical with the number of planets. (That is, the relation of equality
involved in rThe number of planets equals 8'" is not symmetrical, hence
it cannot be the one of identity. Consequently instead of writing 'Card
(set of planets) = 8' we should adopt the Algol convention and write 'Card
(set of planets) : = 8'. Likewise to indicate that we assign x the value 8,
or that we set x equal (not identical) to 8, but not vice versa, we should
write 'x:=8' instead of 'x = 8'.) In any event formal constructs need not,

and often cannot, represent anything - except perhaps further formal

constructs, as when a point in a manifold is represented by an n-tuple of
numbers, or when a function is represented by a series.
A neutral construct, such as a set, may represent some concrete thing
or aggregate of things. Thus a portion of a continuum may be made to
represent a body, and a graph may be assumed to represent an institu-
tion. But such constructs stand on their own feet and are portable from
one field of inquiry to another. Hence it is not by analyzing them that
we may discover what if anything they represent. This can be found out
only by examining the role such constructs play in scientific theories.
Such roles are sometimes assigned explicitly, namely by semantic as-
sumptions, as will be seen in Sec. 4. In any case reference and representa-
tion are independent since nonreferential constructs, such as sets, may
be made to represent while referential constructs, such as tautologies,
may not represent anything. In other words it is not the case that what-
ever represents refers and conversely. What is true is that scientific the-
ories both refer and represent.
Moreover not every factual statement, i.e. one with factual referents,
represents facts. Consider the irreducibly negative propositions. We shall
call a statement irreducibly negative if it cannot be transformed into an
equivalent positive statement except by the trick of introducing negative
or disjunctive predicates - none of which can represent properties of real
things. Thus rSnow is not blue' is irreducibly negative although it can
be converted into rSnow is nonblue', which is grammatically affirmative
but semantically negative, since "nonblue" represents no color. Likewise
rThere are no ghosts' can be transformed into rEverything is non-
ghostly', but since "nonghostly" corresponds to no property that can be
pinned down as being possessed by a thing, the statement is irreducibly
negative. Our two examples illustrate a class of statements with factual
reference and moreover true, but that fail to represent any facts. In gen-
eral: If a proposition p represents a fact!, then -,p is just the denial of
p, not a representative of non-f (See Kraft, 1970.) In other words there
are no negative facts: negation is a purely conceptual operation without
an ontic correlate. We must resist the attempt to save the view that lan-
guage is a picture of reality by introducing the fiction of the negative fact
(Russell, 1918). The number of facts cannot be duplicated by just issuing
a semantic decree. In conclusion: irreducibly negative statements do not

represent anything even when true. Hence not everything that refers
On the other hand every positive statement does constitute a partial
representation of its referents. In particular a positive factual statement
represents a fact or rather some facet of it. Thus rb grows faster than c-'
refers to band c and represents (truly or falsely) the fact that b grows
faster than c. The negate of the same proposition has the same reference
class, namely {b, c}, but does not represent the "negative" fact that b fails
to grow faster than c: it is just the denial of the former statement.
The distinction between reference and representation is no idle philo-
sophical technicality: it is relevant to our understanding of topical sci-
entific controversies. For example, biologists are still arguing about the
authentic referents of the synthetic (neodarwinian) theory of evolution.
So far they have produced no conclusive argument for either of the
theses in dispute: that the theory is concerned with individual organisms,
or with populations, or with species. However, a semantic glance at the
typical formulas of the mathematical theory of evolution shows the fol-
lowing. First, the theory refers to populations or aggregates of coexisting
and interacting members of a given kind (species). Hence it uses all three
concepts: those of individual, species, and population. Second the theory
represents both individual and collective traits - among other things the
occasional changes in kind (speciation and extinction) occurring in a
population. The failure to realize that there is no incompatibility among
the three concepts, because they perform different and complementary
roles, may be blamed not only on the obsolete dichotomy Platonism-
nominalism, but also on the backwardness of semantics, which has never
helped science find its way.
The difference between reference and representation becomes partic-
ularly clear in advanced theories such as those in physics. For example,
here a probability function will refer to some system or some state(s) of
it, while the values of that function may be taken to represent certain dis-
positions of the system - much as the mass function M refers to bodies
while a particular value M(c) of M will represent the mass of the body c.
In quantum mechanics, every dynamical property of a system, such as
its linear momentum, is represented by some operator in a Hilbert space.
That is, the operator represents a property of its referent. In statistical
mechanics the partition function of a multicomponent system refers to

the latter but fails to represent any single property of it. It accomplishes
much more: it generates the conceptual representatives of all the thermo-
dynamic properties of the physical system. And in electromagnetic theory
the value E(4), x, t) of the vector valued function E at the field 4> at the
place x and the instant t, represents the strength of the electric component
of the referent 4> at x and t. There are infinitely many constructs in the
theory, such as the powers and derivatives of E, all of them with the same
referent but which represent no trait of it.
To sum up. While in factual contexts the reference relation pairs a
construct off to a thing as a whole, or to a collection of things, the rep-
resentation relation matches a construct with some aspect or property
of the thing or collection of things. Just as we read '~c1' as 'c refers to 1',
so we may abbreviate 'c represents l' to 'c:::;' f'. If c happens to be a quan-
titative construct we may also read 'c:::;' l' as 'c represents the strength of
1', where f is a property not a whole thing or a whole fact. For example,
in mathematical neurobiology the element amn of a certain matrix is as-
sumed to represent the strength of the action (excitatory or inhibitory)
of neuron m on neuron n. Table 3.1 exhibits some typical examples of
conceptual representation that will guide our subsequent investigation.


2.1. A Characterization
The relation :::;, of conceptual representation pairs some constructs off
to some objects, whether conceptual or factual. We shall restrict our
study to the case when the represented object is factual, i.e. when it is a
thing or an aggregate of things, a property of either or a change in one
or more properties of a system - i.e. an event. The main types of rep-
resentative and their respective representees are shown in Table 3.2.
A few comments are in order. Firstly, we have included no individual
constants in our list. And this because they can denote but not represent.
Thus the man Socrates is denoted by his name but is represented only
by certain propositions about him as well as by some definite descrip-
tions of him. And an unspecified individual thing (an arbitrary element
of a set of things) is likewise denoted by an individual variable but not
represented by it. Only a collection of statements can represent an un-
specified individual thing. Individual things, whether specific or unspec-

Constructs: representing and nonrepresenting

Construct Represents Refers to

-; 3
'" Open set of R" Open set of an
.... E.
0 Region ofa Body or force field
~ (.)
0 3-manifold
Q(b) Charge of b Bodyb
] !!J P(s) Probability of s System in state s
"EII> Il>0- 6n dimensional Dynamical states of a System with n components
.... (.)
~ 0
II> (.)
manifold system with n components
~ Partition function Multicomponent system

The lake froze. A freezing of the lake The lake
The lake felt cold. Joint property of lake Lake and subject

There are no
and subject
green people.

Maxwell's field Structure and spreading Electromagnetic fields

theory of electromagnetic fields
Theory of evolution Emergence, evolution and Populations or organisms
extinction of populations
·c belonging to different
Eo-< Theory of social Changes in occupation, Groups of people
mobility social class, income
bracket, or dwelling

What represents what

Representing construct Represented object

Set of statements (e.g. theory) System (individual or aggregate)

Predicate or structure (e.g. a set together Property of a system, relation or connection
with a relation on it) among systems
Set of singular or existential statements Fact involving one or more systems
(state, circumstance, or event)
Set of universal statements (e.g. law Pattern of a system's composition,
statements) structure, or change

ified, are best represented by logically organized sets of statements, i.e.

by theories.
Secondly and as a consequence: sets devoid of structure do not rep-
resent either. Thus we may stipulate that 'E' denotes the population of
African elephants, but E is incapable of representing anything. Only a
structured set, such as a set together with certain functions, or a family
of subsets of a given set, can represent something. And structured sets
are structures, such as a semigroup or a topological space.
Thirdly, we have included existential statements among the represent-
ing constructs. It might be objected that a proposition such as rThere
are flies'" hardly represents a fact Yet it does represent a condition of
the world, albeit in an imprecise fashion. rThere are flies in this room'"
is a more precise statement - quite apart from its truth value. A whole
sequence of such statements, each more precise than its predecessor, can
be imagined. They will have different contents but everyone of them,
even the first statement of unqualified existence, may be regarded as rep-
resenting. In sum an existential statement, if referring to some things,
does constitute a partial albeit hazy representation of some facts involving
those things.
Fourthly, note that we distinguish between a law statement and that
which such a proposition is supposed to represent - an objective pattern.
We distinguish, that is, between a law and a law statement. This distinc-
tion, emphasized by the physicist-philosopher Ampere and denied or
overlooked by a number of philosophers (notably Hume, Kant, Peirce,
Boutroux and their respective followers), is necessary to account for the
fact that each objective pattern can be represented in a number of dif-
ferent ways, as will be seen in Sec. 2.2 It is also needed to explain both
the process of theory construction and the history of science - which
history may be regarded as a sequence of attempts to build improved
conceptual representations of objective patterns or laws.
We summarize the preceding remarks in the following rather informal

DEFINITION 3.1 The relation';' of/actual representation is a relation from

constructs to facts (i.e. such that 8' ( ,;, ) c C x F) subject to the following
(i) the properties of real things (including their interactions with other
things) are. represented by predicates (in particular functions);

(ii) real things are represented by sets structured by relations, func-

tions, or operations;
(iii) facts (e.g. events) are represented by sets of singular or existential
(iv) the stable (recurrent and invariant) patterns of the constitution
and behavior of real things are represented by sets of universal state-
Aside from this, as here construed ,;, has no simple properties. In
particular it is not symmetric: the represented objects do not represent
back their representatives. Consequently ,;, is not reflexive: constructs
do not represent themselves. And the question whether ,;, is transitive is
pointless, since facts do not represent anything.
When the representing construct is a theory (hypothetico-deductive
system) we try and be more precise, speaking of a representation function
rather than just relation. In fact we propose

DEFINITION 3.2 Let T be a theory about entities of kind K and call S(x)
the collection of possible states (i.e. the state space) ofthingxEK. Further,
call S = U K S (x) the union of the state spaces of all the members of K

(so that an arbitrary state of an arbitrary element of K is in S). Then T

is said to be a representation of K's iff there exists a function ,;, : S ~ T
assigning to every state s ES a statement t E T. In this case 't = ,;, (s), is
read 't represents s'.
Now, a representation may be poor, fair or good, depending upon
how complete and true it is. The ideal is characterized by

DEFINITION 3.3 Let';': S ~ T be a representation of things of some kind.

Then ,;, is said to be accurate iff (i) it is bijective and (ii) ,;, (s) is true for
every SES.
As a matter of fact there are no accurate theoretical representations
of real systems: every theory misses some possible states, or it includes
some impossible states, or the formulas of it are only approximately
true. Nevertheless one often reads that probability does constitute an
isomorphic and true representation of chance events. The argument
usually runs like this. Consider the possible outcomes of a random
experiment such as the simultaneous flipping of two coins. Form the
set E of all possible outcomes, such as getting at least one head, or not

getting any head in the trial. I~ is easily seen that E has a Boolean
structure. Now form the set T of statements describing such possible
events. This set, too, will be a Boolean algebra. Hence there is a bijection
,;, that maps E on to T in such a way that, if e 1 and e2 are in E, then
';'(e 1)=11 ET, ';'(e2)=12ET, ';'(el ne2)= ';'(el) & ';'(e2), ';'(el ue 2 )=
';'(e 1 ) v ';'(e2)' and finally ,;, (e) = I ';'(e). The weakness of this rea-
soning is, of course, that E is not a set of actual facts but of possible
facts: actual events are "positive" and "definite" (simple or composite
but never alternative). Hence there is no bijection mapping actual
chance events on to a theory. What is true is, that probability theory is
part of the formal background of any stochastic theory furnishing a
(never fully accurate) representation of some factual domain.
We postpone a fuller discussion of ,;, to Ch. 6, Sec. 3. Here we note
the relations between ,;, and other semantic relations, as summarized in
Figure 3.1.



Thing Aspect(s) of a
as a thing or fact or
whole whole thing or fact

Fig. 3.1. Relations between designation (D), reference (91), denotation (,1), representation
( ,;, ), and proxying (II).

The new relation occurring in the diagram, i.e. the intersection II of

designation ~ and representation ,;" can be interpreted as the relation of
proxying or deputizing. Thus we may say that, in a certain context, the
symbol 'V' designates the (or rather a) velocity concept, which in turn
TABLE 3.3 1.0
Theory of the vibrating string: its main constructs and what they represent

Construct Represents Status

x Projection of arbitrary point of string on Ox axis Basic concept

I Length of projection of string on Ox axis Basic concept
t Arbitrary instant of time Basic concept
u(x, t) Vertical displacement of arbitrary point of string at time t Basic concept
T String tension Basic concept
P String mass density Basic concept
(T/p)1/2 Velocity of travelling waves Defined concept
tp(OU/ot)2 dx Kinetic energy of element dx of string Defined concept
tT(OU/OX)2 dx Potential energy of element dx of string Defined concept
E=dJ tJ~ dx [P(OU/ot)2 - T(ou/oxj2J Total energy of string Defined concept ==
Excess of kinetic over potential energy densities (lagrangian density) Defined concept '"CI
If' =dJ t [P(OU/ot)2 - T(OU/OX)2J >-l
J:~ dt J~ dx If' = maximum or Pattern of all vibrations of string as a whole over an arbitrary time Basic law statement ttl
minimum interval [t l , t 2 J (global law)
T(a 2u/ox 2)-pWu/ot2)=0 Pattern of all vibrations of an arbitrary point of string at an Derived law statement
arbitrary instant (local law)
ul =rPl(X- Vt) Wave travelling along Ox axis from left to right with speed V Derived law statement
schema (arbitrary rPl)
U2=rP2(X+ Vt) Wave travelling along Ox axis from right to left with speed V Derived law statement
schema (arbitrary rP2)
E=const Total energy of string remains constant in course of time Derived law statement
u(x, 0)= f(x) } (Initial Initial shape of string Subsidiary hypothesis
conditions with or datum
(ou/ot) (x, t) = g(x) f and g given) Initial velocity of arbitrary point of string Subsidiary hypothesis
or datum
u(O, t)=u(l, t)=O Ends of string fixed at all times Subsidiary hypothesis
(boundary conditions) or datum

represents speed. But we may also say that (in the same context) , V' stands
for, or proxies, speed.
We close this section with Table 3.3, that exhibits the many items of
one of the simplest and most characteristic of specific scientific theories.
It shows clearly that the representation assumptions are an integral part
of the theory: without them the latter reduces to a mathematical

2.2. The Multiplicity of Representations

Representations are not unique: one and the same factual item may be
represented in alternative ways. Some such alternatives are equivalent,
others not. For example, a region of physical space S may be represented
as a subset of a certain manifold M, which may in turn be mapped onto
some subset of the collection R of triples of real numbers. Hence physical
space can be represented either as a portion of M or as a portion of R3:
see Figure 3.2. These two representations are inequivalent. But in turn

patch in R 3

Fig. 3.2. The coordinate patch constitutes a construct representing another construct,
namely a region of a manifold. And each of them constitutes a sui generis representation
of a region of physical space.

every region of the number space may be mapped onto some other region
of the same space by means of a coordinate transformation. Since there
are infinitely many possible coordinate transformations, there are infi-
nitely many possible representations of a given region of the manifold
M, hence just as many numerical representations of the original region

of physical space. The latter representations, i.e. the various coordinate

patches mirroring one and the same region of M (or of S), are mutually
equivalent. Consequently the choice among them is a matter of con-
venience not of truth. (Hence if meaning were dependent on truth, as
conventional semantics has it, coordinate transformations should be
pronounced meaningless.)
To compare alternative representations we need, at the very least, def-
inite criteria for deciding whether any two given representing constructs
represent the same factual item in different though equivalent ways.
Physics abounds in such criteria, which are of a considerable epistemo-
logical and methodological interest. Example 1 In classical mechanics any
two solutions of the equations of motion, referring to the same system but
to different reference frames, are equivalent representations of the same
state of motion of the system provided they can be converted into one
another by a Galilei transformation. Example 2 In the relativistic theory
of gravitation it is postulated that two solutions of the field equations
referring to the same field and which can be transformed into one an-
other by a continuous coordinate transformation represent the same
state of the field. Example 3 In the theory of the spinning electron every
component of the electron spin is represented by an operator that is in
turn representable by alternative matrices. Two such matrices represent
the same spin component provided there exists a unitary transformation
that carries one into the other.
Everyone of the preceding criteria of equivalent representation has a
definite place in some theory or other: there seems to be no theory free
criterion. In any case the definitions we shall presently propose are theory
bound. The first of them will concern alternative constructs in a theory,
the second will handle the translation code relating mutually equivalent
representations, and the third will concern equivalent theories.
The first of our forthcoming definitions hinges on the concept of basic
law statement. This is a metascientific rather than a semantic concept,
but we owe no apology for such an intrusion: it is unavoidable if our
semantic theory is to be relevant to science. In any case the concept in
question can be elucidated in the philosophy of science (Bunge, 1967a,
Ch. 6). A hypothesis is called a law statement if and only if (i) it is uni-
versal in some respect (rather than restricted to a finite number of cases),
(ii) it is systematic, i.e. a member of some hypothetico-deductive system,

and (iii) it has been corroborated in some domain by scientific methods.

And a proposition of this kind is called a basic (or fundamental) law state-
ment of a theory T if and only if it derives from no other statement in T.
We are now ready to state

DEFINITION 3.4 Let c and c' be two representing constructs belonging to

a factual theory T. Then c and c' are equivalent representations of the same
factual item [state, event or process] if and only if they can be freely
substituted (i.e. substituted salva significatione and salva veritate) for
one another in all the basic law statements of T, i.e. if the latter are in-
variant under the exchange of c for c'.
Example 1 The choice of different coordinate systems ensues in different
representations of physical quantities. These representations are equiv-
alent if they satisfy the same laws of motion and field laws. Example 2
Let P and Q be two quantum mechanical operators representing dynam-
ical variables. They will represent the same property of a physical system
provided there exists a similarity transformation S between them, i.e.
iff Q = SPS - 1. Proof: Similarity transformations leave operator equa-
tions invariant. For example, pZ+P+I=O, where I stands for the
identity operator, goes over into SPS- 1 SPS- 1 +SPS- 1 +SIS- 1 =O.
Calling SPS- 1 = Q, we retrieve the original statement in a different
notation, i.e., QZ + Q + 1=0. Example 3 Let the hamiltonian of a two
component system be H = Hi + Hz + H 12 . Perform a canonical (unitary)
transformation of the Q's and P's that "eliminates" the unperturbed
energies, i.e. that makes H collapse into H 12 . The new variables con-
stitute the so called 'interaction representation' of the system.
Definition 4 bears on a basic aspect of concept formation in factual
science, namely the representation of properties of concrete systems.
Chief among such representatives are physical magnitudes such as force,
stress, concentration, and temperature. Every magnitUde or quantity is
representable by at least one function whose values depend not only
upon the physical system itself but perhaps also on the conventional
units agreed upon. In other words, magnitudes and their corresponding
units (a whole class of them per magnitude) must be introduced at one
stroke: the set of possible units for any given magnitude should occur in
the very domain of "definition" of the function. For example, in ele-
mentary electrostatics the electric force F between any two point charges

is a certain function F: B x B x UF ---. R 3 , where B is the set of bodies, UF

the set of force units, and R3 the set of ordered triples of real nwnbers.
There are infinitely many units in UFo Every choice among them will
ensue in one force value. Similarly for every other magnitude provided
it is endowed with a dimension.
A way of solving this problem in a general manner is by adopting, for
every scalar quantity and every component of a vector or a tensor valued
quantity, the following assumption (Bunge 1971a):

AXIOM Let A, B, ... , N be n kinds of physical system endowed with a

(mutual or joint) property P. And let R designate the real nwnber system
and &(R) the power set of R, i.e. the family of all real number intervals.
Then for every property P there exists a nonempty set U M, called the set
of M-units, and there is at least one function
M: A x B x ... x N x U M ---. V, with

called a magnitude, such that M represents P.

At first sight this assumption is redundant since, for every domain D,
there are infinitely many functions "defined" on D with values in R or
in &(R). (There are RD such functions in the first case and (&(R))D in
the second.) But our axiom is not concerned with such functions except
in their representative capacity. It postulates that, given any property
of a system, whether known or unknown, there is at least one function
that will represent it, i.e. that will satisfy the law statements that charac-
terize the system. This postulate is almost in the nature of a hope: there
might well exist a property not so representable. But then we would not
know of its existence, for our knowledge of things and their properties
consists in our representations of them. Furthermore the postulate does
not assert that the representation of every property is unique: realistic-
ally enough the existential quantifier in it is indefinite. Different theories
are likely to represent differently one and the same property. It is not up
to semanties to decide which is the best representation of a given property:
this is a task for science. What philosophy can do is to render explicit
and systematize the criteria at work in the choice among the possible
representations of a given property. One such (methodological) criterion
is this: Given a property of a complex system, the best representation of

it will be the one occurring in the truest and most numerous law state-
ments concerning the given system.

2.3. Transformation Formulas and Equivalent Theories

To go back to the equivalent representations of a given set of factual
items: how are those representations related? The answer is supplied by

DEFINITION 3.5 A statement in a theory T is called a transformation

formula of T iff the statement relates equivalent representations of the
same factual items [in accordance with Definition 4].
Example 1 The Lorentz transformation formulas relate the spatio-
temporal coordinates of one and the same physical system in relation to
equivalent frames of reference: they are transformation formulas of
special relativity physics. Example 2 The canonical (or contact) transfor-
mations relate different representations of the generalized coordinates
and momenta of a system. Since they leave the basic (canonical)
equations invariant, they are among the transformation formulas of
any canonical theory.
Some remarks are in order. First, transformation formulas are not
law statements and they are not data either, even though they belong in
every factual theory containing spatiotemporal concepts. They just re-
late different representations. This point, which is obvious in the light
of the preceding discussion, is very often misunderstood. Thus the Lo-
rentz (and also the Galilei) transformation formulas are often interpreted
as representing the switching on of a uniform motion - which of course
would correspond to an acceleration not to a uniform relative motion.
And at one time the quantal theory of canonical (unitary) transforma-
tions was regarded as the very kernel of the physical theory, whereas in
fact it has no factual content of its own, being just the collection of
bridges among different but equivalent representations.
We are now in a position to elucidate the notion of equivalent theo-
retical representation, which came to prominence in Galilei's trial and
has been at the center of the realism vs. instrumentalism dispute ever
since. (In fact one of the thesis of Cardinal Belarmino was that Galilei
erred in holding that the heliocentric "system of the world" was true to
fact while the geocentric system was false: he should have said instead
that the two systems were equivalent. The same view has been advocated

in recent times by conventionalists like Poincare and by positivists like

Frank and Reichenbach. However, the very notion of theory equiva-
lence was never too clear in these debates.) We propose the following

DEFINITION 3.6 Let T and T' be two theories with the same factual refer-
ents. CalllP and IP' their respective predicate bases. Then T and T' are
said to be semantically equivalent (or to constitute equivalent representa-
tions of their referents) if and only if there exists a set of transformation
formulas for IP and IP' that effects the conversion of T into T' and vice
Example 1 Lagrangian and hamiltonian dynamics are equivalent rep-
resentations of systems in general even though their formalisms are dif-
ferent. Indeed, there is a bridge or transformation formula between the
two theories, namely H = pi] - L, that leaves the content invariant. Ex-
ample 2 On the other hand the geocentric and the heliocentric "systems
of the world" are not semantically equivalent if only because the former
has no equations of motion (but only equations for the trajectories).
Only the planet trajectories, when written in geocentric or in heliocentric
coordinates, are equivalent representations. Since such trajectories is all
one can observe, an empiricist must conclude to the overall equivalence
of the two representations. However, they are really different in every
other respect: "factual" and "empirical" are not identical concepts. For
example the Copernicus-Kepler-Newton representation of the solar sys-
tem refers not only to the bodies in the system but also to the gravitational
field that keeps them together, which the Ptolemaic representation did
not. (Cf. Bunge, 1961c.)
We close this section by laying down some tenets that are germane to
the preceding considerations although they belong in the pragmatics of
science rather than in its semantics. Whichever their proper location
here they come.
PI For any factual item (thing, thing property, event) it is possible to
build at least one construct that represents it.
P2 Given any representing construct it is possible to form at least one
other construct that is semantically equivalent to the former.
P3 Given any representing construct it is possible to build a seman-
tically stronger construct.


3.1. From Schema to Theory

A single predicate, such as "round" or "competitive", can represent a
trait of a complex system, never the total system. An adequate represen-
tation of a whole system, even if either is comparatively simple, requires
a cluster of concepts - better, a whole theory, i.e. a body of logically
interconnected statements. However, for ordinary life purposes as well
as for restricted scientific purposes a mere list of salient properties is
often sufficient. For example, "Brunette, medium height, 35-25-35, pret-
ty, witty" can pass for a representation of a girl- actually a whole class
of girls. Beyond this our conceptual representations of things actual or
hypothetical come in all degrees of complexity and generality. It is con-
venient to distinguish the following kinds of representation of a system,
in order of increasing complexity and generality (cf. Bunge, 1973a and
1 Schema or model object = List of outstanding properties of an ob-
ject of a given species. Example A neutral pion is a particle with mass
135 MeV and half life 10- 16 sec, that decays mostly into two gamma
2 Sketch or diagram = Graph of the components of an object of a
given species and their functions and relationships. Example Flow dia-
gram of a factory.
3 Theoretical model or specific theory = Hypothetico-deductive system
of statements representing some of the salient features of a thing of a
given species. Example A stochastic learning model.
4 Framework or generic theory = Theory representing the features
common to all things of a given genus. Example The theory of evolution.
To put it more briefly: a schema lists items; a sketch displays in out-
line the relationships among the items of a schema; a theoretical model
spells out the sketch; and a generic theory is a theory free from specifics
but convertible into a theoretical model (specific theory) upon being ad-
joined a schema or model object. All four constructs are supposed to
represent some real thing but each of them is necessarily incomplete as
well as, at best, fairly faithful (true). These two shortcomings of our con-
ceptual representations of the world cannot be helped except little by
little and in two ways. First, by mUltiplying the number of conceptual

representations (e.g. theoretical models) of the same object, having each

of them focus on a different aspect of it: that is, by varying the viewpoint.
Second, by improving on each of these partial representations. Actually
this is what happens: at any given moment we have a stack of snapshots
of an object, and at successive moments we have different and thicker
stacks. (Proviso: that research be continued.) But enough of metaphors.
The various kinds of conceptual representation can also be character-
ized as follows.
Referents: objects g of genus G
Primitive base: dI(TG) = (G, Representatives of generic
basic properties of the g's)
Axiom base: d(TG) = Basic assumptions "defining" dI(TG)
Referents: objects s in species 8
Primitive base: dI(Ts) = (8, Representatives of basic
properties of the S's)
Axiom base: d(Ts) = Basic assumptions "defining" dI(Ts)
Referents: objects s in species 8
Concepts = dI(Ts)
Hypotheses: The bare bones of d(Ts).
The relations and differences between the four kinds of conceptual
representation are now clearer. They can be summarized as follows:
(i) Whereas a schema is just a bunch of concepts, a sketch is a struc-
ture such as an oriented graph. A sketch includes a schema.
(ii) There is no logical difference between a theoretical model and a
generic theory: both are hypothetico-deductive systems. The difference
resides in their respective reference classes, and is reflected in the greater
specificity of the basic assumptions ofa theoretical model. Briefly, where-
as fJt(TG)=G, fJt(Ts)=8 c G.
(iii) dI(Ts) =dI(TG)uMs , i.e. dI(TG)= nsc:::
G dI(Ts)·
(iv) d(Ts)=d(TG)uHs, where Hs is a set of assumptions represent-

ing the specific characteristics of the members of S as outlined by the

corresponding sketch or diagram.
(v) Neither is a picture of its referent: conceptual representations are
all symbolic. Even scientific diagrams are symbolic and can be replaced
by sets of statements. No theory can possibly resemble its referents. Thus
there is no analogy whatever between a field and the differential equa-
tions representing it. Even Bohr's pictorial representation of the atom
symbolizes but a small part of Bohr's model: it leaves out the equations
of motion, the quantization conditions, and the resulting jump equations.
Table 3.4 displays some examples of the four kinds of construct we
have just characterized.
Some examples of conceptual representation

Object Schema Sketch Theoretical Generic

model theory

Coin flipping Ideal coin = Random sequence Theory of Probability

<Head, Tail) of Heads and Bernou1lian theory
Tails sequences
Hierarchically Partially Dominance graph Theory of
organized group ordered set or dominance dominance
Prey-predator Instantaneous Numbers of Theory of Volterra-
system with 2 numbers of foxes and rabbits fox-rabbit Lotka theory
components, e.g. foxes and in successive economy of predator-
foxes & rabbits rabbits generations prey system
Corpuscle Mass, position, Hamiltonian Theory of Particle
attached by velocity, of system the harmonic mechanics
spring elastic force oscillator
Deuteron Proton and Potential well Quantum Quantum
neutron mechanics of mechanics
potential well

3.2. Problems of Modeling

The conceptual representation of things raises a number of interesting
problems, some semantical, some methodological, and some technical,
i.e. tractable with the resources of a special science. We can only mention
a few such problems.
1 Given two representations find out whether they are equivalent rep-

resentations of the same system. For example, find out whether these
two network diagrams are equivalent. (They are: see Seshu and Reed,
1961, pp. 1-2.)

2 ~----~ r----~ 3

'------~ 2

~----MN~------~ 3

2 Given two inequivalent representations find out whether they con-

cern the same system. For example, letA be a block diagram of an orga-
nism. This sketch is built with objects (e.g. sets) and mappings (e.g. func-
tions) taken from a certain category A (e.g. the category of sets or the
category of topological spaces). Now consider another category Band
a functor F from category A to category B. Call F(,1) the image of the
original block diagram under the functor F. This image is an alternative
block diagram of the same system just in case Fsatisfies rather restrictive
conditions : if it is faithful, regular, and multiplicative (Rosen, 1958).
3 Given a real system decide which of its traits to chop off and which
ones, going beyond the data at hand, to invent. The decision will depend
on the goal no less than on the available information and on the con-
ceptual tools accessible to the theoretician : there is no unique solution
to this problem because there are no recipes for building theoretical
4 Given a real system decide which kind of representation to build:
(a) a black box (exogenous variables only), (b) a grey box (both exogenous
variables and internal states), or (c) a translucid box (both exogenous and
endogenous variables, the latter representing features of the inner work-
ings of the system). In this case an additional factor intervenes - namely
the theoretician's philosophy. Thus while positivism favors the black

box, realism encourages translucid boxes - and spiritualism cares for

Finally let us list a few topical problems in the current philosophy of
science involving the concept of representation.
1 Is it necessary for a successful concrete representation of some ob-
ject, i.e. for a simulate, to resemble the modeled object? Undoubtedly,
for otherwise the simulate would not qualify as such: it could not pos-
sibly take the place of the original in any respect. However, resemblance
is required only in the respects we want to imitate. For example, a blue-
print of a house must respect the relative positions of the components
of the house, and so must a ball and spoke model of a molecule. Other
kinds of simulate of the same objects will seize on different features,
such as behavior or gross output. For example a binary digital computer
bears no detailed anatomical resemblance to a brain but its net behavior
is in some sort of correspondence with the functioning of a brain engaged
in algorithmic thinking.
2 Does every conceptual representation have to resemble its referents?
No, it need not share any properties (substantial analogy) nor need it be
a homomorphic image of the represented thing (formal analogy). For
example, the theory of evolution does not resemble evolution.
3 Can a theoretical model represent every trait of each of its referents?
Of course not. A basic procedure of scientific theorizing, in contrast to
describing, is the discarding of details and idiosyncrasies, e.g. the treat-
ment of equivalents as if they were identicals. In other words, it is a basic
methodological principle of theoretical science that equivalents (or gen-
identicals) be represented as being identical.
4 Are theoretical entities real or fictitious? This is an ill conceived
question. First, because the "entities" concerned are not entities at all
but constructs occurring in scientific theories. Second, because they may
not concern entities but properties of (hypothesized) entities, such as the
energy of a collapsing star. The correct question is not whether "theo-
retical entities" are real but whether our theoretical concepts refer to
real entities and, if so, which of them represent them correctly and, if so,
to what extent. And these are hardly questions that can be answered with
exclusively philosophical resources: they are matters for experimental
5 It has been claimed, without any supporting arguments, that "what

we have called the laws of nature are the laws of our methods of repre-
senting it. The laws themselves do not show anything about the world"
(Watson,1950, p. 52). True or false? Neither: just confused. The goal of
natural science is to represent nature - an objective it achieves when
finding its laws. The investigation of the patterns of representation, on
the other hand, belongs to psychology, epistemology and methodology.
An analysis of both laws statements and the concept of representation
would have avoided the confusion.
To conclude: all science aims at producing conceptual representations
of its referents. (See however MacKay (1969) for the claim that the
making of representations is the concern of information theory.) In the
process of building such representations scientists meet challenging
methodological problems that cannot be appraised if hypothesizing,
modeling and theorizing are conceived as data summarizing. Whereas
some such problems are peculiar to the given field of research others are
undisguised epistemological problems. Philosophy can help in under-
standing them or at least in realizing that they involve philosophical


4.1. Denotation Rules and Semantic Assumptions

In contemporary science theories are expressed by systems of symbols,
or symbolisms. What these symbols stand for is more or less clear from
(a) the formulas in which they occur and (b) the explicit designation rules
that assign constructs to those symbols. An example of a designation rule
(or proposal) is: rLet 'S' designate (name, represent, stand for, symbolize)
a set'. Such rules are .conventional in the sense that the precise symbol
chosen to represent a construct is immaterial as long as every time the
symbol occurs it be assigned the same construct. The resulting mathe-
matical formalism is not an abstract mathematical theory (e.g. the gen-
eral theory of groups) but an interpreted one - e.g. a theory describing
a group of transformations of the Euclidean plane.
Such a mathematical formalism is by itself neutral with respect to
matters of fact. So, unless the formalism is "read" in factual terms, it will
"say" nothing about reality. Take, for example, the mathematical theory
of natural selection - the hard core" of the contemporary theory of evo-

lution. As Waddington (1967, p. 14) says in colorful terms, "the whole

real guts of evolution - which is, how do you come to have horses and
tigers, and things - is outside the mathematical theory (... ) The sheer
mathematical statement is largely vacuous. The actual way it is applied,
not by the mathematical theorist but by the biologist working with the
subject, is not vacuous at all". This does not mean that "the whole real
guts" of a scientific theory has to remain detached from its formalism:
it can and must be blended with it That is, the mathematical formalism
becomes a factual theory, or rather one of a number of possible factual
theories with the same underlying formalism, if the suitable factual in-
terpretation is supplied.
The typical situation is exhibited in the following block diagram. (For
a detailed analysis see Ch. 6.)

Abstract Mathematical Mathematical Factual Factual

theory interpretation formalism interpretation theory

The factual interpretation of a theory is superimposed on a mathe-

matical framework with a definite mathematical meaning and is deter-
mined by two disjoint sets of semantic rules. One is formed by the de-
notation rules or symbol-thing correspondences identifying the referents
of the theory. This set constitutes what Campbell (1920, pp. 122-128)
called the "dictionary" of the theory. The other is the set of semantic as-
sumptions or function-property correspondences. Whereas the former
point to and baptize the referents of the theory, the semantic assump-
tions link constructs to factual items by indicating the traits of things that
the constructs are supposed, rightly or wrongly, to represent A fewex-
amples will help getting these ideas across.
Example 1 In mechanics we find, among others, the following semantic
DR1 n denotes (names, stands for) a particle.
SAl X(n,J, t) represents (or measures) the position of the particle
n relative to the reference frame f at the instant of time t.
Example 2 In the genetics of populations we meet
DR2 Let a be (denote, name, stand for) an allele.

SA2 W dt represents the total increase in fitness of the popUlation

of interest through the time interval dt.

Example 3 In mathematical sociology we come across

DR3 Let k denote a rung in a hierarchy.

SA3 Lk k· nk represents the status of an individual with nk subor-
dinates on the kth rung of the hierarchy.

Because names are conventional, denotation rules are partly conven-

tional. That is, the same factual items might be relabelled without qualms,
as this would ensue in a different symbolism not in a new body of theory.
However, inasmuch as the denotation rules indicate the hypothetical
referents of the theory, they are not conventional: the theory might turn
out to refer to different entities or to no real entities at all. And it is even
clearer that the semantic assumptions are full blown hypotheses not just
a matter of notation. They are not hypotheses about reality but about
the theory-reality correspondence. Consequently a change in the seman-
tic assumptions of a theory will ensue in a different theory with the same
mathematical formalism. For example SAl above is unacceptable to an
operationist, who would reformulate it in terms of the measurable posi-
tion values obtained by an observer attached to (or constituting) the
frame f As to SA2, it might not hold in a theory other than Fisher's
mathematical theory of natural selection. Finally SA3 might read dif-
ferently in an organization theory focusing on effective power instead of
The distinction we have drawn is seldom made explicitly in the sci-
entific literature. Here one finds careless statements such as rT is the
absolute temperature', which may be interpreted either as a designation
rule or as a semantic assumption. It behooves the semanticist and the
foundations worker to find out in each case whether the blanket word
'is' is intended to stand for "designates", "denotes", or "represents". Such
distinctions are not pedantic: they make the difference between conven-
tion and conjecture. And this difference is of course of paramount meth-
odological difference. Yet it is not made in the contemporary philosophy
of science, where semantic rules and semantic hypotheses go by the
common name of correspondence rules.
Since denotation rules are only partly conventional and semantic as-

sumptions are wholly hypothetical, they ought not to be accepted on

authority as they sometimes are. It should be possible to argue about
them and even to put them to the test - though not independently of the
mathematical formalism they serve. Let us try and explain. A theory
constitutes no factual theory unless it includes a set of semantic formulas
interpreting its basic concepts in factual terms. (Whether these semantic
ingredients are displayed within the body of the theory, or hinted at in
casual remarks, they are attached to the mathematical formalism.) Con-
sequently it is the theory as a whole, i.e. the mathematical formalism to-
gether with the set of semantic formulas, that is subject to empirical tests.
Fancy sending either a fleshless formalism or a boneless semantics to the
If the empirical tests prove favorable and are themselves reliable, the
formalism-semantics composite is declared confirmed until new notice.
Otherwise there are three possibilities: to blame the formalism, to bhime
the semantic formulas, or to scrap both. The former alternative invites
mending the formulas without touching the interpretation: this is a
common enough procedure and one that succeeds often. The third al-
ternative calls for a fresh start and may end up in a scientific revolution
such as the founding of quantum mechanics. The middle alternative, viz.,
repairing the semantic formulas, seems to be less well known to philos-
ophers but it is tried more often than radical upheavals. The following
examples are well known to physicists and they show how significant a
change in the semantics of a theory can be.
Example 1 The main impact of special relativity upon classical electro-
dynamics was forcing it to abandon all reference to the mechanical ether.
From then on the theory was deemed to refer to, and represent, electro-
magnetic fields. Consequently all the questions concerning the properties
of the ether and motions relative to it disappeared overnight Example 2
In the beginnings of wave mechanics the l/I function was regarded either
as a real wave or as a mere mathematical auxiliary (an intervening vari-
able). Later on its square was assumed to represent the mass density of
the system associated with l/I. Eventually the so called statistical inter-
pretation was adopted on reasonable grounds and all the rival interpre-
tations shown to be responsible for consequences incompatible with the
empirical evidence. Example 3 Yukawa's theory of nuclear forces as-
sumed that it was concerned with j.l-mesons. But the latter refused to

conform to the theory. Eventually it was found that 7l:-mesons did satisfy
the theory reasonably well. Accordingly the original semantic assump-
tion was changed.
The semanticist cannot decide whether to change the formalism or the
semantics of a scientific theory in the face of adverse empirical evidence.
All he can do is to insist that the semantic formulas be formulated ex-
plicitly and clearly in order to better keep them under control. He can
also alert to the philosophical concomitants of any given semantic - but
this point deserves another section.

4.2. Philosophical Commitment of the SA's

The foregoing examples of semantic formulas (denotation rules and se-
mantic assumptions) suggest laying down the following methodological

RULE In a well formulated scientific theory

(i) the referents should be indicated by explicit denotation rules bearing
on the class symbols of the theory;
(ii) a denotation rule has the form: 'a denotes a (member of the class
or species) E';
(iii) explicit semantic assumptions should establish which if any prop-
erty of the referent(s) does a basic predicate of a theory represent;
(iv) a semantic assumption has the form: 'P represents the ... of a a
in E', where the blank names the property or relationship represented
by the predicate P;
(v) the denotation of every defined symbol, as well as the representing
function of every defined concept, should be consistent with the semantic
formulas in which the defining items occur.
Needless to say, reference and property assignments must be consis-
tent with the structure of the symbol or construct concerned. Thus if a
single class symbol occurs in a theory then it can denote a single kind of
entities rather than, say, the set of ordered pairs thing-apparatus or thing-
observer. (This condition is ignored by the operationist interpretations.)
And if a certain function is not time dependent then it cannot represent
a change in the course of time. Secondly: it is not mandatory for every
predicate in a theory to represent some property. Many predicates, par-
ticularly in sophisticated theories, represent no definite property even
when (a) they have definite referents and (b) they help defining constructs

that do represent. This is the case with lagrangians, partition functions,

and the eigenfunctions of quantum mechanical operators other than the
energy operator. Thirdly, denotation rules and semantic assumptions
sketch factual meanings but do not exhaust them. No single piece of a
factual theory, not even its semantic assumptions, gives a full character-
ization of the factual meaning of the theory: only the theory as a whole
is fully meaningful. More on this in Ch. 5, Sec. 6.
The preceding rule can be implemented in alternative ways for any
given theory. In other words, given a mathematical formalism and the
above rule, there is still play enough to obtain a number of alternative
factual theories - as many as alternative sets of semantic formulas be
superimposed on the formalism. Which is just as well, for we want to
try out different theories before we choose one of them.
Moreover, the implementation of the preceding rule depends upon
one's philosophy. In particular, a semantic assumption may be con-

strued in at least three different ways:

Objective property Realism

Construct ~o Empirical operation Operation ism

a Subjective property Subjectivism

In the first case the theory, even should it refer to brains, would be as-
signed a strictly objective meaning, i.e. one independent of the cognitive
subject or observer. In the second case the theory, even should it refer
to galaxies far out of reach, would be assigned an operational meaning,
i.e. every predicate in it would be correlated to an object-subject com-
positum. And in the third case the theory would concern the theoretician
himself, e.g. his state of knowledge, the strength of his beliefs, and the
span of his uncertainties.
These three lines in the semantic spectrum are particularly bright in
relation with stochastic theories. Thus a transition probability P(a-+b)
from state a to state b of some system is usually interpreted in either of
the following ways.
Realist SA P(a-+b)';"The tendency for the system to evolve from
state a to state b.
Operationist SA P(a-+b) = The frequency with which the system, when

subject to some experimental condition, is observed to evolve from state

a to state b.
Subjectivist SA P(a~b)';' My rational degree of belief in the system's
transition from state a into state b.
Often either of these semantic assumptions is adopted on faith or on
the strength (or weakness) of some philosophical tradition, and in any
case with little concern for the structure of the concept concerned or for
the role it plays in the law statements of the theory. If the probability
function P occurring above is analyzed it is found that a and b denote
states of some system quite apart from any experimental considerations:
if there is a single object variable involved then there is no room for a
second object variable such as an apparatus, much less for a third object
variable representing an observer. The object variable must then rep-
resent either an external object or the theoretician (or his mind). If the
former, then all the law statements in which P occurs must concern ex-
ternal objects whence they must be testable by handling and observing
such objects. But if the referent of P is the theoretician himself, then all
the statements in which P occurs must likewise refer to him (at least) and
so the empirical tests of such formulas must include introspections.
We should then realize what our semantic assumptions commit us to
and what their philosophical underpinnings are. And we must demand
that every semantic assumption, far from being accepted on authority,
be testable both conceptually and empirically, namely thus:
(i) A semantic assumption should fit the structure of the concept con-
cerned and it should not violate any of the basic formulas in which the
construct occurs. Checking this condition is of course a matter of pencil
and paper: it is a conceptual test.
(ii) The construct involved in a semantic assumption should in fact
describe what it is assumed to represent. Checking this condition calls
for empirical tests of some of the formulas interpreted by the semantic
Thus if a theory contains semantic assumptions of the operationist
type, we should check (a) whether the mathematical formalism does make
room for such assumptions (e.g. whether there are enough variables to
represent not only the system but also the experimental set up and the
observer), (b) whether the theory allows one to compute quantities rep-
resenting properties of something that is not being subjected to experi-

mental conditions, and (c) whether the experimental results are in fact
critically dependent upon the observer and his equipment. And if the
theory contains semantic assumptions of the subjectivist type, we should
check (a) whether the theory does issue predictions about the theoret-
ician's (or the observer's) mental states or behavior and (b) whether the
available empirical data do bear on the cognitive subject himself rather
than on objects external to him - e.g. other people. In conclusion, the
semantic assumptions of a scientific theory are not conventions and they
are not dicta beyond controversy: they are testable hypotheses. (Only,
they cannot be put to the test separately from the formulas they endow
a factual content with.) That they are hypotheses, and often controversial
ones, can be seen from the debates on the interpretation of the mathe-
matical formalisms of the quantum theories, to which we now turn.

4.3. Application to Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is probably the scientific field with the largest
number and variety of semantic assumptions. (See Bunge (1956) and
'Quantum-mechanics debate', Physics Today 24 (1971), No.4, pp. 36-44.)
Quite often pairs of mutually incompatible semantic assumptions are
nonchalantly attached to a given formula in one and the same paper.
Table 3.5 exhibits a modest sample of such alternative semantic assump-
tions in relation to just two formulas of daily use. These formulas are
the eigenvalue equation Aopuk = aku k, where Aop';' Property A,
the eigenfunction expansion t/I = Lk CkUk·
Only a detailed analysis of the whole theory enables one to side with one
or the other alternative set of semantic assumptions. An analysis per-
formed elsewhere (Bunge, 1967b, 1967e, 1969) shows that only the realist
interpretation is allowed by the mathematical formalism of quantum
mechanics. We cannot go into details here but we will give a couple of
reasons for rejecting the standard or operationist (or Copenhagen) ver-
sion of the semantics of quantum mechanics.
A first reason why a semantic assumption cannot correlate theoretical
constructs with empirical items is that the former are just not roomy
enough to make place to instruments and observers. In other words, the

Two sets of rival semantic assumptions (operationist and realist) for the eigenvalue equation
and the eigenfunction expansion. Aop: operator other than hamiltonian
Symbol Mathematical Operationist Realist
status semantic assumption semantic assumption

Operator in a Refers to an object- Refers to a physical

Hilbert space apparatus-observer system irrespective
block. Represents a of environment.
dynamical variable Represents intrinsic
of the whole. property of system.
Function in a Same referent as Aop. Refers to system (no
Hilbert space Represents state of environment).
block when Represents nothing.
measurement yields (Eigenfunction expansions
value ak. are mathematical
auxiliaries. )
Real number Possible value one finds Possible value of
upon measuring dynamical variable Aop.
dynamical variable
represented by Aopo
Function in a State of observer's State of physical system
Hilbert space knowledge before in some environment
performing any (eventually null or
measurement. nonexistent).
Positive real Probability of getting Propensity or tendency
number value ak upon measuring of value ak of A
dynamical variable
represented by A op, or
strength of one's belief
that ak will turn up
upon measurement.

formulas do not contain enough variables that could refer to experimen-

tal situations: this is a semantic argument A methodological reason why
a semantic assumption cannot assign empirical items to a theoretical
construct is that theories cannot possibly concern their own tests. Every
empirical test ropes in objects other than those represented by the theory,
namely pieces of apparatus. And these additional objects must be rep-
resented by additional theories. These, the auxiliary theories representing
the object-experimental set-up complex, will differ according to the
nature of the experimental set-up, which is rarely unique. For example,
thermodynamics contains the pressure concept but no provisions for

designing pressure gauges. And the latter are often employed in testing
quantum mechanics but the very notion of pressure is absent from the
latter. Another example: electromagnetic fields affect the growth of plants
and their shape. Hence one might think of using plants as low sensitivity
instruments for measuring some traits of the electromagnetic field. But
it would be preposterous to claim that the electromagnetic theory, let
alone quantum electrodynamics, represent plants. In general, any state-
ments concerning the nature or the strength of the empirical evidence
relevant to a scientific theory are built with the help of at least one other
theory (Bunge, 1967a, 1973b). However, this is another matter - one for
methodology not semantics.


In this chapter we have initiated an investigation of the notion of rep-

resentation which will be completed in Ch. 6, Sec. 3. This notion is con-
spicuously absent from the conventionalist, formalist, and empiricist se-
mantics of science. In particular the latter, which is the best known, has
no use for the concept of representation because it rejects the realist
thesis and holds nonlogical concepts to be ultimately percepts or logical
constructions out of the latter. According to empiricism scientific theories
have an observational or empirical content given them by the "corre-
spondence rules" of the theory, which rules link the theoretical terms to
observational terms, which are in turn theory-free. The notion of a real
or autonomous thing, which to the realist is the object of both theory
and scientific experience, does not occur, at all in that doctrine.
An analysis of real specimens of scientific theory would have shown
that the sole support enjoyed by empiricist semantics is tradition - a
tr:adition of exact analyses and careful reconstructions of a nonexistent
science. A case study work of the type sponsored by Tornebohm's In-
stitutionen fOr Vetenskapteori in Goteborg would have shown that (a)
the aim and outcome of theorizing is not canning sensations or even
data but representing selected aspects of putatively real things, (b) the-
oretical concepts are sophisticated mathematical constructions that can
neither be defined in terms of empirical operations nor construed as log-
ical functions of observational concepts, and (c) empirical tests, which
are conducted in order to estimate the truth value of hypotheses and

theories, consist in operations planned in the light of further theories - a

process that Agassi has aptly named a bootstrap operation.
Experience - controllable not subjective, refined not coarse - is the
methodological link between theory and reality. This link does not be-
long to the theory: if it did then either of them would be redundant. And
it is not the sole bridge that spans the chasm between theory and reality:
there is also the semantic bridge constituted by the semantic assump-
tions of the theory. (We do not include among them the semantic con-
ventions or designation rules, which are conventional symbol-construct
links.) Those hypotheses are of two kinds:
(a) denotation rules of the form "Symbol s denotes thing fJ";
(b) representation assumptiQns of the form "Function F represents
property P of thing fJ".
The semantic assumptions of a scientific theory couple symbols and
their designata with supposedly real things and their properties. Since
they have putatively real referents and fail to be tautologous, by Ch. 2,
Sec. 4 our semantic assumptions are factual statements. Hence they have
a factual content. Moreover since they are the only systematic indication
concerning whatever the theory is supposed to represent, the semantic
assumptions determine, at least in outline, the factual meaning of the
extralogical constructs involved in them In other words, the corrigible
assumptions concerning what concepts in a theory represent which fea-
tures of the world contribute to endowing a scientific theory with a
factual content. Which takes us to the subject of the next chapter.


rPeople make mistakes"" and rPeople learn to correct some mistakes""

have the same referents but different senses. They represent different
traits of mankind, and this quite apart from their truth values. Yet the
senses of these two statements, whatever 'sense' be taken to signify, cannot
be disjoint since the second proposition implies the first. The question is:
What exactly are their senses and how are they related? This is the
problem we face in this chapter. However, a complete solution to it will
ensue only as a merger of the present chapter with the next: in this chapter
only one sense of "sense" will be investigated.


1.1. Concepts of Sense

Whereas the concept of form is presumably clear, that of content is rep-
utedly obscure. However, there is no denying that we handle contents
all the time. Thus we are likely to praise logic (or to debase it, as the
case may be) for being content free, hence for treating rDolphins are
mammals"" on a par with rFractions are real numbers"". But it is equally
clear that in order to find out the form of a construct we must know
something about its content or lack of it Change the content and the
form may alter. For example, prima facie "longer than" is a dyadic rela-
tion but, when analyzed in relativistic physics, it proved to be triadic:
here we must write r x is longer than y relative to z"".
Scientific constructs come with both a form and a content. These two
aspects can be distinguished but not separated: only logic can afford to
deal with pure form. But distinguished they must be if we wish to under-
stand what makes logic different from the rest, and if we are to explain
the recurrence of the same mathematical structures in different fields.
Take for instance "fitter than" and "more intelligent than". The two are
isomorphic in the sense that they are different interpretations of the re-
lation >, and so they have different contents. Even coextensive concepts,

i.e. concepts with the same instances, may have different contents. For
example, "mammal" and "hairy" are isomorphic and coextensive, yet
they have ostensibly different contents. Likewise "avian" and "feathery",
"the successor of 1" and "the smallest prime number", and so on and so
forth. In short, a scientific construct is not characterized by its form and
extension alone.
Granted then that, outside logic, there is something, variously called
'content', 'sense', 'intension', or 'meaning', that is not to be written off.
Granted also that reference and extension are of little if any help in de-
termining contents, as coreferentials and even coextensives, such as
"human" and "cruel", can have different senses. Granted, in sum, that
contents or senses are sui generis objects, distinct from forms, reference
classes, and extensions, and thus far more difficult to pin down than
either of these. The question is: What do we do with those elusive ob-
jects? Two attitudes are possible: retreat or attack. The former is argued
for in this way: "Senses have always been obscure. They have defied the
best philosophical minds. Therefore they are hopelessly obscure. Conse-
quently we had better give up any attempt to clarify them". The outcome
of this policy is to allow the beast to roam in the wilderness of obscur-
antist philosophy: after all, "man is a sense-making animal" (Quine, 1966,
p. 175), and nothing human is reputedly alien to philosophers. We refuse
to adopt the defeatist stand We propose to launch an attack with a view
to taming the wild beast. Our motto will be "Divide and conquer".
In fact our point of departure is recognizing that there is not a single
concept of sense but rather three different concepts. We shall show later
on that they are related, but we begin by distinguishing them as so many
dimensions of sense. Indeed we shall propose and explain the thesis that
a construct may have the following kinds of sense:
(i) the totality of its conceptual determiners, or purport:
(ii) the set of constructs it subsumes or embraces - its intension;
(iii) the totality of its implicates, or import.
In each case the sense of a construct is a set of constructs. (Note the
difference with respect to both reference and extension: a scientific con-
struct will refer to, and extend over, sets of factual items.) In each case
the content of a construct is logically related to the construct itself. (Note
again the difference with respect to both reference and extension.) But
in the case of purport we look upwards, at the impliers; in the case of

intension we look horizontally, into the construct; and in the case of

import we look downwards, at the consequents:
Upward view Determiners (purport) of c

Horizontal view What c embraces or subsumes: the

intension of c

Downward view Implications (import) of c

Example The concept ..1 of Euclidean triangle.
Purport (..1) = The (finite) set T of statements in Euclidean geometry
sufficient to characterize all the properties of ..1.
Intension (..1) = {..1 is a closed plane figure with 3 rectilinear finite sides}.
Import (..1) = {..1 is a polygon, The inner angles of..1 add up to n, etc.,
Referents (..1) = The (infinite) set of plane figures.
Extension (..1) = The (infinite) subset of plane figures satisfying the con-
ditions T of triangularity.
Of these three concepts of sense that of purport seems to be new al-
though it sounds quite natural. It will be shown to embrace the concept
of gist, or basic purport, of everyday use. The second concept of sense,
viz., "intension", seems to elucidate the significatio of Medieval logiCians
as well as the comprehension of the Port Royal Logique (Arnauld and
Nicole, 1662). The latter was translated by Sir William Hamilton as in-
tension, a term that has been with us - and often against us - ever since
(see Kneale and Kneale, 1962). A similar concept occurs in Bolzano (1837),
Meinong and many others as Inhalt. Frege used it under the label of Sinn
(sense) though without subjecting it to an exact theory. And, at least
formally, our concept of intension is close to the L-content of Carnap
(1942). Finally the third dimension of sense, namely import, is near the
C-content of Carnap (1942), the intension of Lewis (1944, 1951) and of
Castonguay (1971), and the truth content of Popper (1963b, 1966).
Our three concepts of sense have then roots in common sense or in
technical philosophy. However, our theories of them exhibit important
differences with respect to previous theories. For example, our theory of
import does not involve any notion of truth: it is a purely syntactic theory

employing the algebraic theory of filters. Besides, our calculus of import

joins with our views on the nature of a factual theory, to yield new ideas
on factual content as well as on meaning changes. Moreover we shall
show that the three concepts - those of purport, intension, and import -
are interrelated. (For example, purport and import are mutually dual in
the algebraic sense, and in the case of axiomatic systems the intension is
included in the union of purport and import.) Finally it will be seen that
none of our concepts of sense can be equated with that of semantic in-
formation, and that they must also be kept separate from the concepts
of testability.
Since we shall deal systematically with three different concepts, we may
expect one theory for each. In point of fact we shall evolve the three
theories independently and shall explore their relations at the end. We
shall find it convenient to start at the middle, i.e. from intension. Purport
and import will be tackled in the next chapter. But before proceeding to
build a theory of intensions we must show why we need one and we must
guard against confusing 'intensional' with 'intentional', 'nonextensional',
and 'non truth functional'.

1.2. Extension Insufficient

The set theoretic and model theoretic treatments of mathematical con-
cepts have been so effective, and they have had such a clarifying and uni-
fying power, that they have buttressed the belief that only extensions
(domains of individuals) matter. This belief may be spelled out in the
following tenets:
E1 Every mathematical entity is either an individual or a set.
E2 Reference is the same as extension.
E3 Senses or intensions are either ghostly or reducible to extensions.
Criticism of E1 This thesis is particularly apparent in the theory of re-
lations as treated in set theory. Here it takes the form: "Every relation
may be defined simply as a set of ordered n-tuples". This claim is ex-
aggerated: the predication relation in logic (i.e. the relation between a
predicate and its subject or subjects, as in rpa'), the membership rela-
tion in set theory, and the relation of satisfaction in model theory, are
not definable as sets of ordered couples. Hence although sets, in partic-
ular the extensions of relations, are extensional objects, their theories
are not purely extensional. What is true is that, in most cases in pure

mathematics (not so in factual science), only the extension of a relation

need be taken into consideration for purposes of proof In any case it is
incorrect to identify a relation with its graph or extension. Bourbaki,
for one (or rather many), draws a careful distinction between a relation
and its graph (extension), in particular between a correspondence (e.g. a
function) and its graph. A correspondence between the sets A and B is
defined as a certain triple F=(G, A, B), where G is the graph of F
(Bourbaki, 1970, Sec. 3). Finally, it is not true that all mathematical the-
ories are reducible to set theory - nor, a fortiori, that they can dispense
with intensions. The basic concepts of category theory, namely those of
object and morphism, are not so reducible. It is rather the other way
around: the set theoretic predicates may be defined in categorial terms
(Lawvere, 1966). In sum, the extensionalist program of reducing every
mathematical object to either an individual or an aggregate of individuals
subject to the postulates of (some) set theory, though remarkably suc-
cessful, is not fully feasible.
Criticism of E2 To begin with, while both predicates and propositions
can be assigned referents, ~mly predicates are normally said to have an
extension. And even in the case of predicates a distinction between ex-
tension and reference class is needed. For example,

BI (Prime number) = Natural numbers,

tI (Prime number) = Prime numbers.

The difference is even more pronounced outside mathematics. Thus

BI (Flying on a broomstick) = Witches,

tI (Flying on a broomstick) = 0.

A more respectable example is this:

BI (Rational) = Mankind, tI (Rational) c Mankind.

Finally an example from recent science: while the (hypothetical) reference

class of "parton" is the set of partons, nobody knows what the actual
extension of that theoretical predicate might be, not even whether it is
nonvoid In conclusion, Reference=l=Extension. And, as we shall see in
Ch. 9, Sec. 1.1, in general extensions are not subsets ofreference classes:
only the extensions of unary predicates are.

Criticism of E3 The thesis that senses can be written off altogether

is false even for set theory, the paradigm of a "purely extensional theory".
Indeed set theory distinguishes a predicate from its extension. So much
so that it devotes an entire axiom (schema) to the relation between a
predicate and its extension, namely the princ;iple of abstraction or its
improved version the principle of separation (Aussonderung). According
to this axiom schema, to every well formed formula Px of the lower
predicate calculus and to every set A there corresponds another set B
whose elements are exactly those members x of A for which Px holds
(cf. Suppes, 1960, p. 21):
(3B) (x) (xeB~xeA & Px).
In our terminology A is included in the reference class of P while B=4(P)
is the extension of P. In the case of monadic predicates, like the one
involved in the previous formula, 4(P)~91(P). Example. Let A =lL = The
set of integers, and px=rx is prime"', with xelL. Then 91(P)=lL and
4(P)=The set of prime numbers elL. The axiom of separation is not a
device for getting rid of whatever sense a predicate may have: it just
clarifies the relation between a predicate (whichever its sense may be)
and its extension. Finally, the extensionalist program fails altogether in
factual science. For example, the predicates "metallic", "good thermal
conductor", and "good electric conductor" have the same extension
although their senses are obviously different If only for this reason the
predicates occurring in theoretical science cannot be defined within set
theory, i.e. in the last analysis solely in terms of membership in some
set, as Suppes (1967,1969) has been advocating untiringly. We also need
semantic assumptions concerning reference and representation, as we
have seen in Chapters 2 and 3.
To sum up, the extensionalist thesis is false even within mathematics:
we may refrain from looking at intensions for a while but we cannot
suppress them. Nor should we mistake them for other characters, such
as psychological intentions and modalities. This confusion deserves a
separate subsection.

1.3. 'Intensional': Neither Pragmatic nor Modal

Principia Mathematica (Whitehead and Russell, 1927, pp. 72ffand 659ft)
misled several generations of philosophers by its quaint use of the word

'intensional'. What PM meant by this term was not one of the semantic
concepts of sense but a certain class of pragmatic concepts, often called
'propositional attitudes', "such as what somebody believes or affirms,
or the emotions aroused by some fact". Typical "intensional" terms
would be 'doubts', 'is puzzled by', 'believes', 'knows', and 'asserts', which
designate relations between a person and a proposition. Correspondingly
a statement of the form r x believes that y'" is often called an intensional
context. And any attempt to clarify and systematize such pragmatic
statements is often said to belong to intensional logic.
To find out what such misnomers designate let us examine a typical
example of an "intensional context". Consider the statements
q = rBaby believes that p"'. (2)
Whereas p is allegedly a perfectly "extensional" construct, q would be
an "intensional" one, for its truth value is not a function of the truth
value of the subordinate statement p alone. If it were, the truth value
of q would remain invariant upon replacing p by any of its equivalents
- which is not the case. Indeed, p is equivalent to
r=p&(sv-,s) (3)
which, substituted for p in (2), yields
t = rBaby believes that milk is good and (s v -, s).'" (4)
which, unlike q, is false.
All this has nothing to do with intensions although it might be claimed
to concern intentions. In fact, since tautologies are void of content, p
and r above have the same intension. But they fail to have the same
effect on all persons: whereas to a logician the utterance of r conveys
just as much information as p does, to a layman r may sound more
informative than p and to a baby r is likely to sound as gibberish. (More
on information in Sec. 3.2.) All of this is pragmatics not semantics.
The actual situation is simply this. The statement q in (2) depends
not just on the statement p but also upon a person, namely Baby, and a
circumstance or time t. In brief, q=B(Baby, p, t) where 'B' stands for

the belief function. In general, pragmatic statements involving prop-

ositions are of the form: q=P(person, p, t), where 'P' stands for a
pragmatic function such as that of knowing. No wonder logic cannot
cope with such hybrids. Little wonder that the truth value of such a
statement q depends not just on the truth values of its subordinate
statement p but also on the background knowledge and the state of the
person concerned. In other words P is not a truth function - more
accurately, it is not a truth preserving map. P is a non truth preserving
pragmatic function - or, if preferred, an intentional function. To call it
'intensional' is to equivocate.
Pragmatic functions constitute a subclass of the class of non truth
preserving functions. Some of the latter may not involve any person in
an overt way. For example, rp is conceivable', rp is doubtful', rp is
puzzling', rp is beautiful', rp is suggestive', rp is useful', and rp is
provable' are not ostensibly pragmatic statements. Yet they can be con-
strued as covert pragmatic statements. For example, rp is conceivable'
may be construed as short for rThere is at least one person who can
conceive of p'. But this is irrelevant to semantics. What is relevant to
it is what all such statements have in common. And this is that they
resist the substitution of equivalents. More explicitly: In all of these
cases the subordinate proposition may not be replaced by any of its
logical equivalents salva veritate, i.e. with preservation of the truth value
of the total proposition. To paraphrase PM: A function of a construct
will be called a truth preserving function when its truth value with any
argument is the same as with any formally equivalent argument. Other-
wise it will be called a non truth preserving function - by no means an
"intensional function".
Modal statements are of course the best studied of all those that
violate the principle of the substitutivity of equivalents. Since they, too,
fall outside ordinary ("extensional") logic, Lewis and Carnap concluded
(probably misled by the unorthodox use of 'intensional' in PM) that
they must obey some systems of "intensional logic". Thus we have a
first confusion: "Whatever is modal is intensional". Now indulge in the
most common fallacy and obtain "Whatever is intensional is modal".
These two mistakes engender the now rather popular misconception
that modal logic is the key to whatever boxes ordinary logic cannot
open: not only possibility but also intensions and "propositional at-

titudes". This conflation of "modal" with "intensional" can only vitiate

We shall keep clear of these confusions and will make no use of that
all purpose tool, modal logic. The very idea of an "intensional concept",
as opposed to an extensional one, is a misfit: if a concept has an inten-
sion it also has an extension even if nil. (The converse is false: sets have
no intensions.) Hence the expressions 'intensional function' and 'inten-
sional context' are misnomers. Frege's name for them, namely ungerade
(oblique), and Quine's 'referentially opaque', are preferable. However,
since 'referential opacity' has at least three different significations
(Sharvy, 1972), we prefer the longer but nonmetaphorical and more ex-
plicit name 'non truth preserving'. And we shall gladly leave the study
of non truth preserving functions (or intentional concepts) to pragmatics,
epistemic logic, modal logic, and any other discipline that be deemed
competent to handle them.
We now turn to a study of intensions conceived as semantic objects.


2.1. Desiderata
Our aim is to build a calculus of intensions enabling us (a) to exactify the
notion of intension and (b) to compute the intension of a complex con-
struct, such as a conjunction, out of the intensions of its components.
And we wish our calculus to formalize and articulate the following in-
tuitive desiderata:
DI All and only predicates and statements shall have an intension.
D2 The intension of a construct shall be a set.
D3 The intension of a construct in a context C=(S, P, D) shall be
comprised between 0 and C, i.e. if PeC, then 0s;;;J(P)s;;;C.
D4 If P and Q are both either predicates or statements, then
(a) J(P & Q)2J(P), J(Q)
(b) J(PvQ)s;;;J(P), J(Q)

D5 If J(P)s;;;J(Q), then

(a) J(P & Q)=J(Q)

(b) J(Pv Q)=J(P)

D6 If two constructs are identical so are their intensions.

D7 Tautologies are intensionally minimal and contradictions are in-
tensionally maximal.
DB The intension ofrp&{P==-Q)'" is the same as that ofrp&Q"'.
D9 Cointensives are coextensive - but not conversely.
D10 The smaller the intension of a construct the larger its extension.
We proceed to exhibit an axiom system that satisfies all these desid-
erata. (For interesting alternatives see Leonard (1967), Suszko (1967),
Castonguay (1972), and Weingartner (1973).)

2.2. Principles and Definitions

Intension shall be construed as a certain function that assigns to every
element of a conceptual universe of discourse a certain subset of the
latter. More precisely, we lay down the following axiomatic

DEFINITION 4.1 Let U be a set of predicates or of statements. The inten-

sion function $ is the function from U onto the family 9{U) of subsets
of U such that, for any P and Q in U,
(i) If P & Q is defined, then $(P & Q)=${P)u${Q);
(ii) .I"(-'P}=.I"(P};
(iii) If P=Q then $(P}=$(Q).
Example 1 $(Female human} = $ (Female) u $ (Human). Example 2
${Unattached}=${Attached}. Example 3 Since rt +2=3'" is the same
proposition (though not the same sentence) as r3= 1 +2"', $(1 +2=3)=
$(3=1+2). Note that, pragmatically, the two sentences are different:
while the first expresses the unique outcome of a correct addition opera-
tion, the second summarizes one of the possible results of a correct de-
composition of 3.
Remark 1 The generalization of the first axiom to mUltiple conjunc-
tions, whether finite or infinite, is immediate:

Remark 2 Definition 1 tells us, so to say, how intensions behave not

what they are. Indeed, it fails to prescribe how to find the intensions of
the constituents of the compound constructs. {Likewise truth functional
logic shows us to compute the truth value of a compound statement

given the truth values of its components.) The problem of determining

the basic intensions will be faced in the next Chapter. Remark 3 The
converse of clause (iii) in Definition 1 is false. Thus rTemperature (b) = {1
and ~emperature (b')=t'''', though cointensive, are not identical (unless
of course the referents band b' happen to be the same).
We can now elucidate certain interesting derivative concepts.

DEFINITION 4.2 A construct is said to be intensionally empty iff its in-

tension is equal to the empty set.

DEFINITION 4.3 A construct in U is said to be intensionally universal in U

iff its intension equals U.

DEFINITION 4.4 If P and Q are in U, then P is said to be intensionally

included in Q (or intensionally poorer than Q) iff oF (P) £; oF (Q).

DEFINITION 4.5 Two constructs in U are said to be co intensive in U iff

their intensions are the same: oF(P)=oF(Q).

DEFINITION 4.6 Two constructs are said to be intensionally independent

("perpendicular") iff their intensions are disjoint:
P .lQ=df oF(P)noF(Q)=0.

DEFINITION 4.7 Two constructs are called intensionally dependent iff

they are not independent - i.e. if their intensions overlap.
Before looking at the consequences of our assumptions and definitions
let us note that an intensionally empty construct is a construct all right -
not a nonconstruct. For example tautologies will prove to be intension-
ally void (Theorem 5). The intension function oF is defined for predicates
and statements and for them only, hence sets and nonconstructs fail to
have a definite intension. One such nonconstruct results from the con-
junction of predicates defined on disjoint domains, such as "wind" and
"stupid". Our axiom (i) does not apply to "stupid wind" (Yeats) be-
cause there is rio nonvoid domain on which "stupid wind", or any other
such freak, is defined. In other words, for a predicate to have a definite
intension, even a null one, it must be well constructed to begin with:

recall the rule in Ch. I, Sec. 1.3. This does not entail throwing poetry
away but just noting that some poetic expressions, though pragmatically
significant, are semantically nonsignificant.

2.3. Main Theorems

Firstly an immediate consequence of Definition I:

COROLLARY 4.1 For any constructs P, Q, R such that P= Q & R is

J(P)2J(Q), J(R).
Example By definition, x < y = x ~ y&x =F y. Since" =F" equals "not =",
J( =F )=f{ =) is nonempty. Hence J( <)=J( ~)UJ( =F )2J( ~). Brief-
ly, "~" is intensionally poorer than "<".

THEOREM 4.1 If P and Q are either predicates or statements, and P v Q

is defined,
J(Pv Q)=J(P)nJ(Q).
Proof BylogicPv Q= I(IP & IQ). By Definition I (iii), J(Pv Q)=
= J (I (I P & I Q)). By (ii), the RHS is J (I P & I Q). By (i) the last
formula equals J(IP)UJ(IQ). Finally, by (ii) we get J(P)uJ(Q)
which, by one of de Morgan's theorems in the algebra of sets, gives the
desired result.
Example Elucidate possibility of the conceptual kind as 0 p = df P V q
with q indeterminate. Then J(Op)=J(p)nJ(q)£;J(p). That is, possi-
bility statements are intensionally included in their "extensional" bases -
which is one reason for avoiding them (whenever possible I).

COROLLARY 4.2 If J(P)£;J(Q), then J(P)=J(Pv Q).

Proof By the algebra of sets J(P)£;J(Q) iff J(P)nJ(Q)=J(P).
Apply Theorem I to the LHS of the last equation.
Remark This result shows that the converse of axiom (iii) is false:
cointensiveness does not imply identity. For, if it did, we should have
P = P v Q. This suggests that our concept of intension does not coincide
with that of sense. We shall see in Ch. 5 that the former is included in
the latter.

THEOREM 4.2 If P and Q are either predicates or statements, then

J(P~ Q) =::T(PJ n J(Q)= J(Q) - J (P)!;;J(Q).
COROLLARY 4.3 If P and Q are either predicates or statements, then
J(P<=>Q)=J(Q)-J(P)uJ(P)-J(Q)=J(P) LtJ(Q)
where 'Lt' designates the symmetric difference or Boolean sum.
We shall use this result in Sec. 2.6 in relation to differences in intension.
It will turn out that "J(P) LtJ(Q)" is a good measure ofthe intensional
difference between P and Q. Hence while the extension function 8
obliterates the differences between equivalents, the intension function J
brings those differences into the open: see Figure 4.1


Fig.4.1. The intension of an equivalence equals the (symmetric) difference between the
intensions of the members of the equivalence (Corollary 3).

THEOREM 4.3 For any two predicates (or statements) P and Q, if P~Q
is defined then

J(P &(P~Q))=J(P & Q).

Proof By Definition l(i) and Theorem 2,

J(P &(P~Q))=J(P)u(J(P)nJ(Q))=
= (J(P) u:7(P}Jn (J(P)uJ(Q)) by distributivity.

, equals U and its intersection with the second factor

The first factor
equals the latter, which by Definition l(i) in tum equals J (P & Q).

THEOREM 4.4 For any predicate (or statement) P in U

(i) J(iiP)=J(P);
(ii) J(P viP) =0;
(iii) J(P & iP)= U.
A generalization of Theorem 4(ii) is

THEOREM 4.5 Tautologies are intensionally void.

Proof Consider an arbitrary construct P and a tautologous one T.
Because the collection of intensions is an algebra of classes, intersec-
tions determine greatest lower bounds or infima. Hence in particular
inf{J(T),J(P)}=J(T)nJ(P~ By Theorem 1 the RHS equalsJ(Tv P).
Since the least intension is 0, we have J(T v P)=0. And, since the in-
tension of P is comprised between 0 and U, we conclude that J(T)=0.
An obvious consequence of this theorem is that logic cannot alter
contents. More precisely, we have

COROLLARY 4.4 Tautologies, if conjoined, do not add; if disjoined they

deplete. I.e., for any predicate (or statement) P in U and any tautologous
construct T of the same rank,
(i) J(P & T)=J(P)
(ii) J(Pv T)=0
Proof By Definition 1 and Theorems I and 5.

COROLLARY 4.5 Contradictions, if conjoined, blow up; if disjoined they

change nothing:
(i) J(P & -, T)= U
(ii) J(P v -, T)=J(P).
Proof Similar to the previous proof.

COROLLARY 4.6 Repetition is futile:

J(P & P)=J(Pv P)=J(P).

Consequently 'P', 'P & P' and 'P v P' are not different concepts but
different signs representing the same concept.
Finally a couple of results concerning the relations in intension between
constructs that hold logical relations.

THEOREM 4.6 Whatever entails contains: If P entails Q, then P contains

Q in intension and conversely:

f- P=Q iff Jf(P)2Jf(Q).

Proof First the left to right implication. By Theorem 2, Jf (P = Q) =
= Jf(P) n Jf (Q). But by hypothesis the conditional is analytic and, by
Theorem 5, analytic conditionals are intensionally empty. That is,
7{P) n Jf (Q) = 0, which amounts to Jf (P) 2 Jf (Q). Now the converse, i.e.:
If Jf(P)2Jf(Q) then f- P= Q. Assume the antecedent. Then, since Jf is
by hypothesis a one to one map, there is a construct R such that
P=Q&R. And by logic Pf-Q.

COROLLARY 4.7 If two constructs are analytically equivalent then they

are coextensive and conversely:
f- P~Q iff Jf(P)=Jf(Q) .
Contingent biconditionals, whether formal or factual , do not enjoy the
same privilege - hence nonanalytic equivalents are not everywhere sub-
stitutable salva significatione. For example, in Euclidean geometry the
propositional schemata "x is an equilateral triangle" and "x is an equi-
angular triangle" are equivalent but not analytically so - hence the two
predicates are not cointensive. There would be little point in keeping the
two concepts, as we do, if they were cointensive. As noted with reference
to Corollary 3, the intension of an equivalence consists in whatever is not
common to the equivalents. Coextensiveness is a bridge not a gate. This
is a reason for not couching definitions, which are identities, in the form
r A iff B'. We shall return to this question in Ch. 10, Sec. 2.2.

?o ?0
L lp~~ P"o
J )0
.I(P )

J(P) uJtO)

~ 6u
Fig. 4.2. The lattice of predicates and the lattice of intensions: anti-isomorphic.

Definition I and the preceding theorems and their corollaries show that
there is a duality, or anti-isomorphism, between constructs and their in-
tensions, in the sense that f carries meets into joins and conversely.
Look at Figure 4.2.

2.4. Intensional Difference and Family Resemblance

The poorer the intension of a construct the more general it is. In other
words, the more general (or less specific) of two constructs is the one with
the smaller intension. Thus "atom" is more general than "helium atom"
precisely because it is the weaker of the two. The difference in intension
between a species concept S and a genus concept G, i.e. their differentia
specijica, consists in whatever characterizes S but not G. Since in our
semantics intensions are sets, it is natural to exactify the notion in this
(j{S, G)=f{S)-f{G)=f{S)nf(G).
The generalization of this concept to an arbitrary pair of constructs
calls for the notion of symmetric difference, or Boolean sum, of sets. In
this way we assure that the richer or stronger construct will show through.
More explicitly, we introduce

DEFINITION 4.8 Let P and Q be either predicates or propositions. Then

the difference in intension between them is the symmetric difference be-
tween their individual intensions:
(j{P, Q)=f{P) Llf{Q)=f{P)-f{Q)uf{Q)-f{P).
Example Let T and T' be two axiomatized theories with axiom bases
(taken conjunctively) A and A' =A & B respectively. T' is the stronger of
the two theories, i.e. the one with the richer intension, whereas T is the
more general (less specific). For example, T could be the general theory
of groups and T' the theory of Abelian groups: in this case the extra
axiom B would be the commutative law. The difference in intension
between the two theories is (j{T, T')=f{A&B) Llf{A)=f{B)nf(A).
This is the newness in intension, relative to A, contributed by the additi-
onal axiom. This enrichment in sense is balanced by a shrinking in
coverage or extension: tI{A&B)=tI{A)ntl{B)s;;;tI{A).
Let us apply the newly won concept to the case of independent or
"perpendicular" constructs characterized by Definition 6:

THEOREM 4.7 The difference in intension between two intensionally

independent construct equals the union of their separate intensions:

If P .lQ, i.e. J(P)nJ(Q) =0, then b(P, Q)=J(P)uJ(Q):

Proof By Definition 8 and recalling that, if A and B are disjoint sets,

Example Aristotle's metaphysical categories (substance, quality, time,
etc.) are intensionally disjoint. Hence any two of them differ in whatever
both connote.
Corollary 3 can now be reworded as

THEOREM 4.8 The intensional difference between two constructs equals

the intension of their equivalence:

b(P, Q)=J(P<=>Q).
Proof By Corollary 3 and Definition 8.
Although equivalences obliterate extensional differences, they bring
out differences in intension. This was to be expected in view of the anti-
isomorphism between constructs and their intensions noted at the end
of Sec. 2.3. Indeed, if the logical difference between two constructs is
exhibited by their inequivalence, their semantical difference must be
given by their equivalence. In other words, the function b defined by
Definition 8 does the opposite of its counterpart, the function
d: U x U ~ U that takes pairs of constructs into their inequivalences, i.e.
such that
d(P, Q)=(P & iQ)v(P(iP & Q)=P<l>Q for Pand Q in U.
Furthermore any mapping f: U" ~ U preserving all the values of the log-
ical distance d may be regarded as a tautological transformation. On the
other hand any mapping g: U" ~ U that preserves all the values of the
seman tical distance b may be interpreted as a transformation (whether
logically valid or not) that does nothing to bring the constructs either
closer together or farther apart. We shall.not make a detailed investiga-
tion of the algebraic structure given to U by b in analogy to the one
induced by d on U. (For the latter see Blumenthal and Menger 1970.)
For our purposes it will be enough to prove

THEOREM 4.9 Let U be a Boolean algebra of either predicates or state-

ments. Then the family of their intensions, i.e.
0= {J(P) IPe U} = {J(P)e&'(U)}
is a ring of sets to be called the ring of intensions of U.
Proof To begin with 0 is not empty: even if all the P's in U are
tautologies, 0 contains the empty set. Next, by Definition 1, the union
of any two intensions is an intension - namely the intension of a con-
junction. Likewise for the differences. Consequently the intersection of
two intensions is an intension. Hence 0 is a ring of sets.
This theorem is just a formal prerequisite for the following investiga-
tion, which is of interest to semantics. The set valued function () is a
non-numerical measure of the "distance" in intension between two con-
structs. This is no metaphor: we shall presently show that () is formally
similar to the distance function in a one dimensional quasimetric space.
(While in a metric space two points are the same just in case they are
not separated, in a quasimetric space distinct points need not be separated.
In these spaces the weaker condition {)(x, x)=O holds instead of {)(x, y)=O
iff x= y.) We shall call pseudoquasimetric space any nonempty set equip-
ped with such a metric b. We proceed to prove that intensions form such
a space.

THEOREM 4.10 Let 0 be a ring of intensions. Then the structure (0, (),
where (): 02 -+ 0 is the difference in intension, is a pseudoquasimetric
space, i.e. the function () satisfies all of the following requisites:
(i) {)(P, Q)~0;
(ii) {)(P, Q)={)(Q, P);
(iii) {)(P, Q) A{)(Q, R)={)(P, R);
(iv) {)(P, P)=0
for any P, Q, R in the substrate U of o.
Proof All four properties but the third are easily checked by recalling
Definition 8. The "triangle equality"_ (iii) follows from the associativity
ofthe Boolean sum and the equations: AAA=0 and AA0=A.
The interest of this theorem is twofold First, it reinforces our decision
to regard "J(P) AJ(Q)" as the difference or distance in intension be-
tween P and Q. We may now picture intensions as points on a line: see

Figure 4.3. Second, we can now define neighborhoods,

x x
J(P) +-l)(P, Q)-+J(Q)
Fig. 4.3. The intension space is one-dimensional

that will prove to be both mathematically and philosophically significant:

DEFINITION 4.9 Let 0 be a ring of intensions over an algebra U of con-

structs and call A a fixed subset of D. Then for P in U we call

N.... (P)={J(Q)! QeU and l)(P, Q)c:A}

the A-neighborhood of P.
This concept of neighborhood in the space of intensions elucidates the
fuzzy notion of family resemblance which the second Wittgenstein and
his followers made so much of. Indeed, the A-neighborhood of a con-
struct P is the collection of intensions such that their distance to the
intension of P falls within the given intension interval A. Every N.... (P)
is thus a collection of constructs near P.The smaller A the closer the
Furthermore the neighborhoods introduced by Definition 9 generate
two different topologies. More precisely, we can prove

THEOREM 4.11 The collections of neighborhoods

£W 1 ={N.... (P)!PeU and Ac:D}
£W 2 ={N.... (P)! PeU and AeU}
each constitute a base for a topology on U. That is, in each case (a) the
union of neighborhoods equals U; (b) if a construct P belongs to the
intersection of two given neighborhoods, then there is a neighborhood
of P that is included in the intersection.
By virtue of the first clause of tJ;lis theorem, no construct in a given
universe of discourse is isolated, and the various families of constructs
cover the entire universe. By virtue of the second clause any construct
belonging to two families can be placed in a third family included in the
overlap of the former and therefore constituting a set of close relatives.
We shall not pursue this line here although it sounds promising because

topology - rather than natural language - is the natural tool for refining
concepts of vicinity and togetherness.
In closing we note that the semantic concept of family resemblance is
not reducible to pragmatic (e.g. psychological or linguistic) concepts.
Thus the semantic distance between two constructs is determined by the
theory in which they occur not by the way they are conceived or mentioned
by a subject under certain circumstances. In particular, semantic distance
is unrelated to both psychological association and linguistic correlation.
Whether or not two constructs are semantically close in a given context,
they may be strongly correlated for some subjects and uncorrelated for
others, particularly if they have never thought ofthem before. This being
so, the attempts to account for semantic sense in psychological or in
linguistic terms are bound to fail.


3.1. Logical Strength

Our concept of intension is coextensive with that of logical strength. In
fact, by Theorem 6 the stronger a construct the richer it is and conversely:
PI-Q iff .1"(P)~.1"(Q). Moreover our calculus of intensions satisfies a
number of conditions characterizing the notion of logical strength or
deductive power. In particular, the desiderata D4, DS, D7, D8 and D9
listed in Sec. 2.1 are fulfilled by the two notions. In tum, the concept
of logical strength coincides with that of specificity: the more specific
(less generic) a construct the stronger it is. Thus the concept of reading
skill is logically stronger and intensionally richer than the generic concept
of skill. Consequently a theory of reading skill would be more specific
(stronger) than a general theory of skills.
Although the concepts of strength and of intension are coextensive,
they are not cointensive. (Logical strength is cointensive with import, to
be studied in Ch. 5, Sec. 3.) In fact our Definition 1, which determines
the intension of "intension" , does not contain the concept of deducibility,
which is on the other hand the very kernel of the concept of logical
strength, and which defines both Carnap's and Popper's concepts of
strength. This situation exemplifies our thesis that coextensives need not
be cointensive or, for that matter, not even coreferential. A simpler exam-
ple is this: rOrmazd is unhappy iff Ahriman is happy"'. A more sophistic-

ated example: "consistency" and "satisfiability" (or "validity in a

model") are coextensive, whence finding a model of a set of formulas
proves the latter's consistency; nevertheless the syntactic notion is not
cointensive with the semantic one.
We now tum to a few other notions that are often mixed up with that
of intension.

3.2. Information
Intension is often equated with information content. Thus it is frequently
asserted that, whereas synthetic propositions convey information, ana-
lytic formulas do not. No doubt there is a relation between intension and
information: the greater the former the richer the latter. However, the
two are not identical. To begin with a construct has a content whereas a
signal, such as a written sentence, conveys (carries, transmits) information
to someone. In other words, whereas intension is defined on the set of
constructs, information is defined on the set of pairs signal-subject, where
a subject is a viewer or hearer competent to decode the signal. Informa-
tion, to be received, requires a receiver, i.e. a system equipped with
suitable receiving and decoding devices. The sentence '( - 1)2 = 1', which
expresses or conveys the statement that the square of minus one equals
unity, transmits no information to a baby and it may convey the wrong
information to a mathematician under the influence of LSD. In short,
whereas the concept of intension is semantical, that of information is
pragmatical: the former is subject free, the latter is tied to a subject.
Upon shoving aside the all important information receiver and the no
less important information channel, it is possible to build an impersonal
or semantic concept of information. In fact, upon removing the concept
of a subject from the foregoing considerations and rendering them more
explicit, we are left with the following principles.

INF 1 If a signal (mark, sign, inscription, sound, etc.) is a sentence or rep-

resents a sentence, then the information conveyed by the signal is the
proposition designated by the sentence.

INF 2 If Sand S' are sets of signals representing the sets of propositions
P and P' respectively, then
(i) the information conveyed by S is larger than or equal to the one

conveyed by S' iff P '2 P' ;

(ii) the information gain accompanying the substitution of S for S'
equals P- P' =P n P'.
These three propositions define what will be called our semantic concept
of information. It boils down to this: The information or message
conveyed by a signal consists of the proposition or propositions the signal
stands for. It follows (a) that nonpropositional signals convey no informa-
tion, (b) that the greater the content of a proposition the richer the in-
formation carried by the signal representing that proposition, and (c)
that the truer a proposition the more accurate the information carried by
the signal representing that proposition. These platitudes may be baptized
Simple Simon's semantic view on information.
Simple Simon's view contrasts with the quantitative theories of se-
mantic information proposed over the past two decades, from that of
Bar-Hillel and Carnap (1953) to Hintikka's (1968, 1970). In particular,
Simple Simon's view is at variance with the former, which initiated what
is today a bulky body ofliterature on the subject. This theory boils down
to identifying the amount of information conveyed by a statement s with
its improbability:
cont s = 1- Pr(s).
(For a similar proposal see Popper, 1963b.) Once this formula is ac-
cepted the whole of the elementary theory of probability can be rewritten
in terms of the cont function and exploited for semantic purposes. The
outcome is as tidy as the probability calculus, of which it is a rewrite
- but it is, alas, hollow. Indeed the cont function can hardly be said to
exactify any intuitive concept of content For one thing contradictions
turn out to have maximal content, while alternations such that the
probabilities of the disjuncts are complementary are assigned zero con-
tent. For another the theory assigns coextensives the same probability,
hence the same content, and is therefore at a loss to distinguish rThe
grass is green'" from rThe weather has been mild and wet', which do
not even have the same referent Worse, the theory is not applicable,
because neither it nor inductive logic (with which it is sometimes as-
sociated) tell us how to assign probabilities to the constituent statements
- nor even how to interpret the expression 'Pr(s)=p'. Whence there is
no point in claiming that every formula, for example the Schrodinger

equation, conveys a definite amount of information lying between 0 and

1. Thou shalt not take the name of the Number thy God in vain.
Other quantitative theories of information are paraphrases of, or
heavily indebted to, the much talked about but little understood math-
ematical theory of communication, or statistical information theory
(Shannon and Weaver, 1949). The problem this theory set out to solve
was to identify and measure the information carried by physical signals
di$totted by random perturbations causing noise. The basic notion in
this theory is that of the probability of a random binary physical signal
- not of a proposition or statement This probability is a number that
can be estimated provided something is known or assumed about the
source-channel-receiver-environment system. It is, let us emphasize, the
probability of occurrence of a random physical event, not the probability
of a construct, let alone an orderly one such as a scientific hypothesis.
The theory postulates that the amount of information carried by such
a signal Si' which pops up with probability Pi at the receiving end of a
communication channel, depends only on this probability, namely thus:
l(si)= -log2Pi bits.
Consequently the average amount of information H conveyed by a string
of N mutually independent random signals is given by Shannon's
H= L pJ (Si) = - L Pi log2 Pi bits/signal, with L Pi = 1.
i=l i=l i=i
H all N signals are equally probable then Pi = 1/N, whence H = log2 N
bits/signal. In information theory H is often interpreted as a measure
of the unexpectedness or news value of the message. Or, what is equiv-
alent, the amount of information measures the ignorance or uncertainty
of the receiver concerning the signal about to be received. All these are
pragmatic or psychological concepts not semantic ones. Not even Kol-
mogoroff's generalization of Shannon's formula is relevant to semantics,
as his information theoretic "entropy" is defined only for random
variables, i.e. for variables associated with some probability distribution.
The preceding information theoretic concepts are far removed from
the semantic concepts of intension and content. For one thing the con-
cept of randomness, central to any application of probability theory,
makes no sense with reference to propositions. (The idea of stumbling

on a given proposition with a certain probability does make sense but

only in the context of pragmatics - and in any case bears no relation
to the content ofthe proposition.) For another the information theoretic
concept of amount of information is in a sense the very opposite of the
semantic concept of content, inasmuch as a signal conveying a proposi-
tion with a definite and rich content, such as a law of conservation of
energy, has zero information content for a physicist, as it comes as no
surprise to him. For all these reasons the statistical theory of information
is irrelevant to semantics.
In view of the fundamental difficulties met by the quantitative theories
of semantic information utilizing the statistical information theory, we
shall stick by Simple Simon's concept of information. However we find
no use for it precisely because it is a semantic concept, whereas informa-
tion and communication belong in pragmatics. Whether or not a sign
carries information to someone depends on the receiver's background
knowledge aQd thirst for new knowledge as much as on the content of
the statement being transmitted. Thus a tautology new to a given subject
is informative to him, whereas a factual sentence he knows by heart is
not. In any case neither the semantic concept of information nor any
of the pragmatic concepts of information can be equated with the con-
cept of intension.

3.3. Testability
Peirce, Frege, the Vienna Circle and the first Wittgenstein held the
identity of meaning and verifiability. Carnap transformed this thesis into
the equation of meaning with test procedures: "the meaning of a sentence
is in a certain sense identical with the way we determine its truth and
falsehood; and a sentence has meaning only if such a determination is
possible" (Carnap, 1936). This thesis was subjected to such devastating
criticisms (see, e.g., Williams, 1937; Russel~ 1948; and Hempel, 1965)
that it has now been almost abandoned by philosophers. (Quine, 1971,
is about the only faithful left.) However, it survives among scientists and
even, in a watered-down form, in Popper's thesis that "the degree of
testability of a statement increases with its content" (Popper, 1963a,
1963b). Prima facie this thesis is plausible enough: tautologies have no
content and are insensitive to empirical tests, whereas factual statements
have a content and are presumably susceptible to such tests. Moreover,

a disjunction is both intensionally poorer and less vulnerable to expe-

rience than either of its disjuncts, and "It is possible that p" says less
and therefore risks less than "p".
It is difficult to assess the above thesis in the absence of a full fledged
theory of degrees of testability (not just a posteriori confirmation) in rela-
tion to content - not to speak of a theory of content. However, the thesis
is ruined by the following counterexamples. A singular observational
statement such as "That apple is red" is both intensionally indigent and
eminently testable. On the other hand any of the partial differential
equations of physics has such a rich content that it is not fully testable.
In fact one can check only a few of its (infinitely many) solutions at some
of the argument values. Of course such a rich statement has more op-
portunities of being tested and clashing with data than a scientifically
trivial statement such as "That apple is red", which can be checked at a
glance. That is, the richer the intension of a statement the more tests it
calls for in order to find out its truth value, i.e. the greater the target it
offers to experience. But this can hardly be called 'testability'. It might
be more aptly be called untestability: the more a statement "says" (the
richer its sense) the more there is to be checked, hence the less fully can
this task be performed. This capacity of a statement to come to grips,
or making contact, with experience (Popper's 'testability') we shall call
empirical sensitivity (or target or cross section). The empirical sensitivity
of a statement (or of a collection of statements) is, intuitively speaking,
inversely related to its testability proper, or capacity of being checked
for truth.
This is not the place to elaborate on this problem. Therefore let me
express telegraphically my views on the relations between sense and the
methodological concepts we are discussing.
(i) The concepts of sense, empirical sensitivity, and testability, are
heterogeneous, hence not mutually reducible. The first is semantic whereas
the other two are methodological. The determination of sense is a theo-
retical affair and moreover it precedes the determination of both em-
pirical sensitivity and testability. Besides, the degree of testability of a
statement must be assessed in relation to a host of items, both theoretical
and empirical, in the background knowledge.
(ii) The empirical sensitivity (target, cross section) a statement offers
to data increases with its sense.

(iii) The testability of a statement is inversely related to its sense and

increases with its systemicity, i.e. with the strength of the ties it hokis to
other members of a body of knowledge. (A strictly stray statement would
be untestable. A statement belonging to a theory that partially overlaps
with another theory may have the chance of being double checked: di-
rectly and via the other theory.)
(iv) The degree of confirmation (empirical validation, corroboration)
of a testable statement decreases with its sense. Unlike empirical sensi-
tivity and testability, which are estimated prior to tests, degrees of con-
firmation are assigned, if at all, a posteriori. And they bear no fixed re-
lation to either empirical sensitivity or testability; in particular, a highly
testable statement may prove utterly false. On the other hand degrees of
confirmation depend critically upon test procedures: different techniques
will corroborate (or infirm) a hypothesis to different degrees.


Our theory of intensions boils down to the calculus in Sec. 2. This cal-
culus enables one to clarify a number of obscure notions, such as those
of intensional inclusion and intensional independence. We shall see in
Ch. 9, Sec. 1.6, that our theory also allows us to state and even prove the
reciprocal relation between intensions and extensions. Moreover, it en-
ables us to compute the sense of a whole as a function of the senses of
its parts - provided we either know the latter or do not care too much
for them, for remaining satisfied with finding intensional relations. This
shortcoming will be remedied in part in the next chapter, where we shall
learn to find the full sense of a theoretical construct. It will turn out that
the intension of a construct is included in its full sense.
Our theory construes intensions as basic or irreducible semantic ob-
jects. It is couched in set theoretic terms but it does not reduce intensions
to either extensions or reference classes. Nor does our theory make use
of modal concepts. In particular, our Definition 4 is at variance with the
following construals of the notion of intensional inclusion (Lambert and
van Fraassen, 1970):

P is intensionally included in Q iff ~ecessarily, all the in-

dividuals which are Pare Q'" is true.

P is intensionally included in Q iff r All (possible) individuals
which are Pare Q'.
We have kept our semantics free from modalities and independent of
modal logics for several reasons. Firstly because we do not need them.
Secondly because it is far from clear how modal prefixes should be in-
terpreted If all 'necessarily' is intended to mean is logical necessity, then
the concepts of entailment do this job and much better: they elucidate
a notion of relative (not absolute) necessity - the necessity of a conclusion
relative to its premises and to the accepted rules of inference. And if what
is meant is ontic (or physical) necessity, then it has no place in semantics
- nor, for that matter, does modal logic supply an adequate elucidation
of that concept. In sum, I find no use for modal logic in semantics. On
the other hand semantics should be used to try and solve some of the
riddles of modal logic, such as whether or not the statement rrhat trick
may work' means the same as rrhat trick may not work'.
So far we have looked, into one of the dimensions of sense. We now
turn to the remaining dimensions - purport and import.


Our analysis of sense in the previous chapter has been "local" or "hor-
izontal": it was limited to the given construct with little regard for its
logical relatives. The limitations of such an approach are obvious. For
one thing it cannot do justice to propositions of the form r A means B',
where 'means' stands for "entails" or for "is entailed by". For example,
that x is loved "means" (follows from) somebody loving x; it also "means"
(entails) that x is lovable. In the present chapter we shall supplement the
"horizontal" or "local" approach to sense with a "vertical" or "global"
analysis. We shall in fact ask ourselves the questions: What is the an-
cestry (or set of implicants) of a construct?, and What is the progeny (or
set of implicates) of a construct? In other words, we will elucidate the
notions we have called purport and import.
We shall formalize the ideas (a) that the purport of a construct in a
given context is the collection of constructs upon which it depends, or
which determine it (logically), and (b) that the import of a construct in
a given context is the collection of constructs that hang from it, or that
are determined by it (logically). The concepts of purport and import are
thus mutually dual. And both are context-dependent: the purport and
the import of a construct depend on the body of knowledge in which it
occurs. This relativization of sense to context curtails a certain freedom
- the freedom to make arbitrary meaning shifts. The advantage of such
a relativization is clear: it is well-nigh impossible to determine the exact
sense of a stray predicate - whence the endless semantic disputes in the
young growing fields as well as in the old undisciplined areas. Only
systemic predicates and statements, i.e. constructs belonging to definite
deductive systems, have definite purports and imports. (When trans-
planted to a different theory, if not rejected, a construct may well acquire
a new sense - i.e. it may become a somewhat new construct.)
Finally the full sense of a construct in a given context may be taken
to equal the union of its purport and its import in that context. Conse-
quently the intension or "inner sense" of the construct will be included

in its full sense. But, since enjoying a definite place in an axiomatic

pecking order is the exception rather than the rule, we shall be well ad-
vised to keep the theory of intensions even if intensions are only parts
of full senses.

1.1. Closed Contexts and Their Structure

Recall the notion of a context introduced in Ch. 2, Sec. 3.4. A context
C=<S, [Ill, D) is a construct composed of a set S of statements, the
extralogical predicates occurring in which belong to a family [Ill of pred-
icates all of which refer to individuals in a domain D of objects.
A context may be amorphous or structured. See Table 5.1.

Conceptual systems

Item Structure Semantics

Set of constructs
Context Referential homogeneity
Closed context Boolean algebra Referential homogeneity
Theory Filter Referential homogeneity
Consistent theory UI trafil ter Referential homogeneity

We get a structured context if we keep D and [Ill fixed and allow all and
only logical operations in the sets [Ill and S. Such a context will be closed
both formally (syntactically) and as regards reference (semantically). The
former because logical processing will produce nothing outside S, the
latter because no referents foreign to D will be allowed to intervene in
the course of that processing. (Such a double closure need not stifle
research: we are always at liberty to leap to a different context.) More
explicitly, we lay down

DEFINITION 5.1 The structure C=<S, [Ill, D) is called a closed context iff
(i) C is a context and (ii) S is closed under negation, conjunction, disjunc-
tion, and generalization (both existential and universal).
From an algebraic point of view the statements in a closed context
constitute a complemented lattice. Indeed every member s of S has its
opposite number is in S and, for any two elements sand t of S, both

the join s v t and the meet s /\ t (i.e. the conjunction s & t) are in S. More-
over v distributes over /\ and conversely, so that the lattice is distri-
butive in addition to being complemented. And because of the latter
property S contains a null element 0 as well as a universal element o.
Every extensionally void statement equals 0 and every extensionally uni-
versal statement equals O. In brief, we have

THEOREM 5.1 The statements in a closed context constitute a distributive

complemented lattice with zero element and unit element - i.e. a Boolean
A similar result holds for certain subsets of the collection of predicates
in a closed context. To prove this we recall how the basic connectives
are defined for predicates (Ch. 1, Sec. 2.2).

DEFINITION 5.2 Let C=(S, P, D) be a closed context. If P and Q belong

to P, and are both defined on a subset Er;;;.D, then
(i) -,P:E-+ S, with -,Px= -'(Px) for every x in E;
(ii) P /\ Q : E -+ S, with (P /\ Q) x = Px /\ Qx for every x in E.
Consider now the totality of predicates in P with domain Er;;;.D, i.e.
IPE=SE. Since by hypothesis S is a lattice and moreover a Boolean alge-
bra, mathematics tells us that P E = SE has the same algebraic structure. In
other words, we have

THEOREM 5.2 The totality of predicates defined on the same domain and
belonging to a closed context form a complemented distributive lattice
with zero element and unit element - i.e. a Boolean algebra.
By virtue of the algebraic similarity between the set S of statements
and the subset P of predicates in a closed context, we may call the two
by the generic name closed set of constructs. In this way Theorems 1 and
2 can be lumped into the·

PROPOSITION Every closed set of constructs is a Boolean algebra.

This formal unification of statements and predicates will save us ink
provided we remember that it is not the whole set P of predicates in a
closed context, but only those subsets of P constituted by predicates with
equal domains, that have the said Boolean structure. For example, "wave
length" and "refractive index" belong to wave optics, which is a theory

and therefore a closed context, but since they are not defined on a
common domain they do not belong to a closed predicate context.

1.2. The Logical Ancestry of a Construct

Since the purport of a construct in a context will prove to be the
principal ideal generated by the construct, it will pay to recall the ABC
of ideals. An ideal in a lattice L is that subset I of L that contains all
the predecessors of any given element of L as well as all the joins of any
two elements of I (including of course the join of a member with its
complement). More explicitly we have the following definition:
If L is a lattice, then I is an ideal in L iff I is a nonempty subset of L
satisfying the following conditions:
Il For all XEI and YEL, if Y~x then YEI.
n For all x, YEI, x v YEI.
Clearly every lattice is an ideal. (Even the singleton composed of the
null construct is an ideal.) In particular, our closed sets of constructs are
ideals. And removing the universal element 0 from I turns I into a proper
ideal Ie L. Finally, making sure that D is in a proper ideal authorizes
us to pronounce it a maximal ideal. In other words, a proper ideal is a
maximal ideal iff, for every xEL, both x and its complement i are in I.
Let us apply these algebraic concepts to our lattices of constructs in
closed contexts. Such an application requires only one more step, namely
to identify the order relation. If the basic set happens to be one of either
predicates or statements, then the order relation is that of entailment ~.
That is, if x and yare in a closed set C of constructs, then
x~y iff X~ y.

It is now easy to check that every closed set of constructs from which
the universal construct is missing, is a maximal ideal. For reference:

THEOREM 5.3 Let C be a closed set of constructs partially ordered by the

relation ~ of entailment. Then C, /\, v, I, D> is a maximal ideal.
Every ideal can be analyzed into as mapy partial ideals (or subideals)
as elements in the base lattice. Indeed, every element in the lattice drags
the whole lot of its predecessors to form its own private ideal or family
tree. More precisely, we have the following definition:

For every element x in a lattice L, the set {YEL Iy~x} is called the
principal ideal generated by x in L. Symbol: (x)L-
The adaptation of these algebraic concepts to our needs yields the

DEFINITION 5.3 Let x be in a closed set of constructs C. Then the logical

ancestry of x in C is the principal ideal generated by x in C:

(X)C={YEC lyl-x}.

Note that the ancestry of a construct depends on the context in which

it occurs.
We proceed to put the preceding ideas to work in semantics.


2.1. Purport and Gist

The purport of a construct, we said in Sec. 1, may be regarded as the
totality of its conceptual determiners, i.e. the collection of constructs that
"define" or prove it. A natural explication of this intuitive idea is that of
logical ancestry introduced by Definition 3. More explicitly we stipulate

DEFINITION Let x be a construct belonging to a closed set of constructs

C. Then the purport of x in C equals the logical ancestry of x in C, i.e.
the principal ideal generated by x in C:

&'«-tC(X)=(X)C={YEC lyl-x}.

For example, because different proofs of a given theorem may exhibit

different connections, the purport of a theorem will depend on the prem-
ises employed to prove it. This change in purport is corresponsible for
the diversity in pragmatic meanings, i.e. for the fact that the same
theorem may mean different things to different people (cf. Wang, 1966).
Of all the determiners of any given construct x some may be more basic
than others and, by the same token, they may point to whatever is essen-
tial in x. In other words, the set of ultimate determiners sufficient to
determine x constitute the basic purport or gist of x. More explicitly,
we make

DEFINITION 5.5 If x is a member of a closed set of constructs C, then the

gist (or basic purport) of x in C is the smallest subset of elements of C
that entail x.
For example, the gist of "0" in the algebra of sets consists of two
statements: one to the effect that the union of 0 with an arbitrary set
equals the latter, and the other to the effect that the intersection of 0
with an arbitrary set equals the former. We shall return to the concept
of gist in the next subsection.
If an ideal containing the null element 0 is deprived of the unit ele-
ment D, it turns into a maximal ideal. (Recall Sec. 1.2.) Now, removing
the universal construct D from a closed set of constructs amounts to
keeping only the nontautologous constructs, i.e. the extralogical ones.
This justifies

DEFINITION 5.6 Let x belong to a closed set of constructs Co Then the

extralogical purport of x in C is the maximal principal ideal generated
by x in C, i.e.
&'a~cL(X)={YEClyf-x and y#D}
Remark 1 The extralogical purport of a logical item in C = L is nil.
Remark 2 If C is a nonlogical theory (in the sense that it includes not
only logical predicates but also extralogical ones), then the extralogical
purport of any construct in C consists of a set of mathematical or factual
items. Remark 3 It is not that tautologies are taken out of the way of
deduction in order to find the extralogical purport of some construct:
if this were done then deduction would hardly be possible. Tautologies
are removed once the deductive process is completed. They are counted
as midwives or catalyzers rather than as ancestors of the constructs we
are interested in.
Example Consider the most famous, though not the best understood,
of all law statements: Newton's law of gravitation N =rF=ymm'jr2 -,. In
the context of Newton's own theory of gravity the law is an axiom and
thus constitutes its own purport. But in a wider context, such as the
classical theory of gravitation, N is derived from a far more general law
(Poisson's) as a special case, namely when the source mass m is concen-
trated at a point. In this case the mass density can be set equal to
mt5(r)jr2 , where t5 is the Dirac delta The skeleton of the deductive tree

(i.e. if all the mathematical auxiliaries are discarded) is this:

General law (Poisson) Special condition (point mass) Definition

V 2U +4nyp=O p=mlJ(r)/r2 F= -m'VU

Special law U = ym/r

N =rF=mm'/r2-, Reformulation of special law

Purport of N={V 2U+4nyp=O, p=mlJ(r)jr2, F=df-m'VU, u=

= ymjr, N} (Actually this, when "read in factual terms", i.e. upon being
enriched with the requisite semantic assumptions, is thefactual purport of
Newton's law of gravity: see Sec. 2.3.)
The next desirable step in the development of our theory would be to
set up a calculus of purports enabling one to compute, say, (JJuJtc (x /\ y)
out of Bi'uJtc(x) and (JJU{c (y~ Yet, it is not apparent how this could be
done: there are no obviously regular or lawful relations among the prin-
cipal ideals in a given lattice. In particular, it is not the case that, for
arbitrary elements x, y in a general lattice L, (x v y) will equal either

(x) u (y) or (x) n (y). A simple counterexample is this:


x z Y (xv y) = (x) u(y) u (z)


The only apparent simple relations between purports are shown in

THEOREM 4 For any two constructs x, y in a set of closed constructs C,

(i) (JJuJtc (x)=.9'u,zc(y) iff x=y
(ii) If x I- y then .9'u,zc (x) s;; (JJu,zc(y).

2.2. The Gist of a Basic Construct

Let us now apply the foregoing considerations to the most important
constructs in a well organized theory, namely its basic (primitive) con-

cepts and its basic assumptions (axioms). Since such constructs have no
logical ancestry other than themselves, they are their own purports and
moreover their own gists. More precisely, we have the following

COROLLARY 5.1 In an axiomatized theory the gist of an axiom is the

singleton constituted by the axiom itself, and the gist of a primitive
concept is the set of axioms in which it occurs.
Example 1 In classical particle mechanics (as axiomatized in Bunge,
1967b) the gist of the primitive concept M of mass is determined jointly
by the following postulates:
Mathematical axiom M is an additive function from the set P of par-
ticles to the non-negative real numbers.
Factual axiom Newton's second law of motion.
Semantic axiom M(p) represents the inertia of particle pEP.
Example 2 The gist of the concept ~ of biological ancestry, a prim-
itive in the theory of evolution as axiomatized by Williams (1970), could
be given by the following postulates:
Mathematical axiom ~ is a strict partial ordering of the set B [of
organisms ].
Factual axiom For every x in B: I(X~ x).
Semantic axiom ~ ,; ancestry relation. [I.e. if x and yare distinct in-
dividuals in the set B of organisms, then '~y' designates r x is an an-
cestor of Y'.]
Finally an important qualification. Since independent axioms (i.e. not
interdeducible postulates) are separate objects, it makes sense to speak
of their separate gists - i.e. of themselves. In some cases it is also meaning-
ful to speak of the gists of distinct basic concepts, or primitives. For ex-
ample, in a meet semilattice (S, ~, /\) the gist of ~ does not overlap
with that of /\, as these two concepts are not only mutually independent
but also subject to separate axioms. However, this situation is excep-
tional: usually an axiom contains two or more primitive concepts that
determine one another, so that it becomes impossible to reckon their
individual gists even though the concepts themselves are distinct and not
interdefinable. In other words, in general mutually independent concepts
fail to have disjoint gists. An example will make this clear.
Suppose we enrich a meet semilattice with the join operation y to
obtain a lattice (S, ~, /\, y). Now the two operations, meet and join,

intertwine in such a way that it is no longer possible to disentangle their

separate gists. Better: they have no separate gists. In effect, on top of the
separate axioms for /\ and v, such as those of associativity, we now have
the typical absorption laws
x/\(xvy)=x, xv(x/\y)=x.
We can still distinguish the two concepts: meets precede joins. But we
cannot disentangle their individual senses, for they overlap. In other
words, the meet and the join operations have no separate gists. Only
the theory of /\ and vasa whole, to wit, lattice theory, has a definite
gist - namely the set of its postulates.
Because the gist of a construct is included in its full purport, which is
in turn part of the full sense of the construct, we conclude that the unit
of sense is the whole body of theories in which the construct occurs. A single
statement never suffices and a single theory is often insufficient because
a concept may do different things at different places. Unless this point
is kept in mind, our thesis that purport is included in sense may be crit-
icized by exhibiting alleged consequences that are counterintuitive (Cas-
tonguay, 1972). Thus take a biological theory B containing the assump-
tion that all organisms contain carbon. If one forgets where "carbon"
comes from, namely chemistry, one will set f!lJu't ("carbon") = {"organ-
ism"}, which is obviously inadequate. The force of this argument against
purport consists in its very weakness - i.e. that it ignores that the concept
of carbon is not fully characterized by the biological theory B, which
borrows it from chemistry. It is the latter that determines the gist (though
not the full sense) of "carbon" as consisting of a set of statements con-
taining inter alia the definite description "The element with atomic
number 6". Our view is that the full sense of "carbon" is determined by
the whole lot of theories containing this concept. B is one of them and
it contributes just one ofthe genuine ingredients of the sense of "carbon",
namely the statement that carbon enters the composition of all orga-
nisms. In conclusion, a meaning analysis of an isolated construct is bound
to yield only a partial, hence misleading result.
Let us now take a closer look at the gist of theories.

2.3. The Gist of a Theory

We shall now apply the Definition 5 of gist to a theory, or hypothetico-

deductive system. This is a very special kind of closed set of constructs:

it is a set of statements glued by the relation of deducibility. (In algebraic
terms to be clarified in the next section: A theory is a certain subset of
a Boolean algebra of statements, namely that which does not contain
the null element but contains all the followers of any given element as
well as the meet of any two elements. A theory is, in short, a proper
filter on a Boolean algebra of statements. And a consistent theory is an
ultrafilter, i.e. a proper filter such that, for any element in the Boolean
algebra, either the element or its complement is in the filter but not both.)
To determine the gist of a theory it is best to axiomatize the latter.
Indeed, the process of tracing the logical ancestry of any formula in the
theory leads to and terminates in some or all of the initial statements
of the theory. Among such initial formulas we count not just the specific
axioms of the theory but also all of its basic presuppositions, i.e. all the
axioms belonging to different contexts and employed in the theory (e.g.
as lemmas) without being questioned. The totality of such basic presup-
positions may be called the background of the theory. For example, or-
dinary logic and variable portions of mathematics belong to the back-
ground of every scientific theory. Many scientific theories presuppose, in
addition to such formal theories, other (more fundamental) scientific
theories. For example modem solid state theories presuppose quantum
mechanics. In sum the search for the gist of a theory must not overlook
the background of the theory.
The preceding considerations justify

DEFINITION 5.7 Let T be a theory based on a set A of axioms and on a

background B, and call L the set of tautologies included in A or in B.
(i) the gist of T equals A u B;
(ii) the extralogical gist of T equals (A u B) - L;
(iii) the specific extralogical gist of T equals A.
A theory will have a factual purport just in case it includes semantic
formulas (in the sense of Ch. 3) specifying what factual items the basic
concepts of the theory refer to and which if any traits of the referents
those concepts are deemed to represent (whether accurately or not). Such
semantic assumptions accompany two other sets of axioms in an axiom-
atized scientific theory (Bunge, 1967d, 1967f, 1973a, 1973b). One of the

sets is constituted by the basic factual formulas of the theory, such as the
hypotheses concerning the constitution, structure, and mode of change of
the systems concerned. The other set of basic elements is formed by the
assumptions concerning the mathematical nature of the concept occur-
ring in the previous statements. In other words, the axiom base A of a
scientific theory can he partitioned into the following sets:
M = The mathematical postulates (e.g. function differentiability)
F= The basic factual formulas (e.g. law statements)
S= The semantic formulas (designation and denotation rules and rep-
resentation assumptions).

M F 5

Fig. 5.1. The foundations of a scientific theory: the background B, the mathematical
assumptions M, the factual hypotheses F, and the semantic formulas S.

Prima facie F is purely factual whereas M and S are nonfactual. How-

ever, a formula has a factual purport provided it is "read in the light" of
both the mathematical postulates and the semantic assumptions: other-
wise the formula is mathematically as well as factually senseless. Hence
it is impossible to single out a subset of A as constituting the factual gist
of T. Put in a positive way: All of the nonlogical axioms of a theory
constitute its specific factual gist. To repeat with solemnity:

DEFINITION 5.8 Let The a theory with axiom base A=MuFuS, where
M is the set of mathematical axioms, F the specific factual assumptions,
and S the semantic formulas of T. Then
(i) the specific mathematical gist of T equals M u F;
(ii) the specific factual gist of T equals M u Fu S, i.e. the specific extra-
logical gist of T - in short the whole of A.
This is no concession to semantic holism. We are not claiming that the

factual purport of a theory is unanalyzable, but that it is the outcome

of combining three distinct reactants: mathematical postulates, factual
hypotheses, and semantic formulas. We can distinguish these ingredients
but not separate them: M is idle without F, F meaningless without both
M and S, and S pointless without F. The three components are no less
united and no less distinguishable than the sides of a triangle.

2.4. Changes in Gist

The 1960's heard a number of spirited quarrels concerning the changes in
meaning accompanying scientific revolutions. Unfortunately there was
more noise than light about them, for they were not preceded by an
elucidation of what was rightly deemed to change, namely meaning. Let
us see whether we can do any better with the help of the tools wrought in
Sec. 2.3. (A fuller investigation of the question will have to wait until Ch.
7, Sec. 3.3.)
Our Definitions 7 and 8 provide a simple way of elucidating the con-
cept of change in one of the components of meaning, namely basic
purport or gist. Let us see how this works in a simple case before
proceeding to a general definition.
The simplest algebraic structure is a set S together with a binary
operation in S. This structure, called a groupoid, may be characterized

by a single axiom;
A =ro is a binary operation on the set S.'
Let us now add the condition that be associative. The ensuing struc-

ture is called a semigroup. The axioms of the theory of semigroups are

the previous statement A and
B=ro is associative in S.'
Consequently by Definition 7 the specific extralogical gist of the theory
of semigroups is {A, B}. The only difference between this theory and the
theory of groupoids is constituted by the additional postulate B. That is
() (Semigroup theory, Groupoid theory) = {A, B} - {A} = {B}.
The generalization suggests itself: The difference in basic purport (gist)
between two theories consists of the axioms they do not share. More
explicitly we propose

DEFINITION 5.9 Let T and T' be two nonlogical theories with axiom
bases A and A' respectively. Then the difference in specific extralogical
gist between T and T' equals the symmetric difference between A and A' :
c5(T, T')=AAA'=A-A'uA' -A.
It sometimes happens that two scientific theories share a mathematical
formalism but interpret it differently: that is, they have the same M's
and F's but different S's. At times this semantic difference is due to a
difference in the referents, at other times the referents are the same but
the predicates are assumed to represent different traits of their referents.
An example of the first kind of semantic unlikeness is afforded by the
theories of contagion and of the spread of rumours. An example of the
second kind of semantic difference is the variety of rival interpretations
of quantum mechanics. In either case the difference lies in the semantic
formulas of the theory. More exactly we have

DEFINITION 5.10 Let T and T' be two theories with the same mathematical
gist but different sets Sand S' respectively of semantic formulas. Then
the difference in specific factual gist between T and T' equals the sym-
metric difference between Sand S':
c5(T, T')= SAS'.
From a semantic point of view it does not matter whether T and T'
are coexistent or successive. Nor is it indispensable, in order ot use the
concept of change in gist, to axiomatize the theories of interest. Axiom-
atization is needed only to determine the exact amount of change in
basic purport or gist.
The problem of changes in both full sense and reference, i.e. the ques-
tion of meaning change, will be taken up in Ch. 7, Sec. 3.3. We must now
tum to the dual of purport, namely import, which is the other component
of sense. (Since constructs deriving from the same source have the same
purport, they must differ in import if they are to differ at all.)


3.1. The Logical Progeny of a Construct

In Sec. 1 we characterized the import of a construct as its logical off-

spring. Since the concept of a filter will allow us to elucidate the notion
of logical progeny, we may as well take a look at filters. We can do it
quickly because a filter is the dual of an ideal - a character we met in
Sec. 1.2.
In Sec. 1.1 we learned that every closed set of constructs is a Boolean
algebra B and, a fortiori, a lattice. When tracing down the followers of
an element (predicate or statement) in such an algebra we wish to avoid
the surprise of ending up in the null element, for this spells disaster just
as the unit element spells triviality. To get rid of 0 we take a certain
subset of B known as a proper filter. But first the general notion.
A filter in a lattice L is that subset F of L which contains all the fol-
lowers of any given element of L as well as the meets of any two ele-
ments of F. More precisely,
If L is a lattice, then F is a filter in L iff F is a nonempty subset of L
satisfying the following conditions:
Fl For all xeF and yeL, if x~y then yeF.
F2 For all x, yeF, x l\yeF.
If the null element is missing from F the filter is called proper. Since our
construct lattices are Boolean, our filters are more than proper: they are
ultrafilters. In other words, a proper filter F in a Boolean algebra B is
called an ultrafilter just in case, for each xe B, either x or its complement
:i is in F but not both.
Our closed sets of constructs are ultrafilters provided we remove the
null construct from them. This will suffice to guarantee that they are con-
sistent. For, if x is in F, then :i will be automatically excluded from F,
as a consequence of which x I\:i will be out as well. In short, we have
the following

LEMMA A closed set of constructs is consistent iff it is an ultrafilter.

Finally, a filter can be analyzed into partial filters (subfilters). Every
member of the base lattice generates its own family, that constitutes the
private filter of that element. Formally:
For every element x in a lattice L, the set {yeL x~y} is called the
principal filter generated by x. Symbol: }X(L.
Since in the case of constructs the ordering relation is that of entail-
ment, for our purposes we need

DEFlNITION 5.11 Let x be in a closed set C of constructs. Then the logical

offspring of x in C is the principal filter generated by x in C:

)x(c={yeC I xf-y}.

The offspring or progeny of a nontautologous construct depends on the

context in which it occurs. (Tautologies, being deductively barren, have
no progeny.)
It should come as no surprise the manner in which these concepts,
taken from the algebra of logic, will presently be exploited for semantic

3.2. Import
We are now in a position to elucidate the idea that the import of a
construct is the collection of constructs it generates or "contains":

DEFINITION 5.12 The import of a construct x in a closed set of constructs

C equals the former's logical offspring, i.e. the principal filter it gen-

Jmfic(x)=)x(c={yeC xf-y}. I
Example 1 The import of a tautology is nil. Example 2 Take identity
to be defined by Leibniz' law. Then the import of "=" includes the
reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity of" = ". (This would have puzzled
Austin, who regarded "same" as being devoid of positive meaning. But
this is excusable: neither Wittgenstein nor his followers had a semantic
theory of meaning.) Example 3 The import of the law of the vibrating
string includes the superposition principle fThe superposition of any
two oscillations is a third oscillation."')
If C happens to be a consistent closed set of constructs, i.e. one in
which no contradictions occur, then the import of a construct x in C
will be the principal ultrafilter generated by x in C. Because filters are
the duals of ideals, and ultrafllters the duals of maximal ideals, we see
that import and purport are the dual of one another, hence mutually
complementary rather than rivals. (More on this in Sec. 4.)
It would be pleasant, but it seems chimerical, to obtain general rela-
tions among the principal filters generated by arbitrary constructs in a

closed set of constructs, so as to compute, say, the import of the con-

junction of two statements in terms of their individual imports. A simi-
lar obstacle was met in Sec. 2.1 with reference to principal ideals. A defi-
nite algebraic structure is found only in each offspring of a given con-
struct as well as in the total context. The only simple statement we can
make about the relations in import between two constructs is the dual of
Theorem 4, namely

THEOREM 5.5 For any two constructs x , y in a closed set of constructs C,

(i) .fmjzc(x)=.fmjzC<Y) iff X=y;
(ii) If xl- y then .fm/tcCX) 2.fmpc<Y)
On the other hand it is possible and advantageous to extend the con-
cept of import to both a set of constructs and their conjunctions. Let Co
be a subset of a closed set of constructs C. Usually there will be a num-
ber of filters containing Co. And the intersection of any nonempty set of
filters is a filter provided it is nonempty. It is, of course, the smallest
filter containing Co and for this reason it is called the least filter generated
by Co. Accordingly we stipulate

DEFINITION 5.13 Let Co be a subset of a closed set of constructs C. Then

the minimal import of Co equals the least filter generated by Co in C.
Example Let C be a theory and Co some of its axioms. Then .fmpc
(Co) is the smallest collection of theorems (including Co) entailed by Co.
Look at the picture:

.fmlle {A \, A2 }
/-A------------------ A--',
I"~ ... -2 -,
, I 'v\
,,< \ I 1\
I \ \ I \
I \ I \
I \ I \
I \ / \
I \ I \
, \ I \

/ \ / \

I \ ' \
Y m P.e ( A \ ) / \ / \ .f mi'e (A 2)
\ / \
\ \
/ ,/ \ \
\ " ~ - ....}~ ;
'-- --------- --- -- ---':,. ....._----- - - ------- --- _./

We shall get a far more interesting semantic concept if we consider

the offspring of a bunch of axioms taken jointly. Let us look into this.

3.3. Theory Content

Consider a scientific theory T based on a set {A1' A 2 , ••• , Am} of specific
axioms as well as on a background {B1' B2 , ... , En} of presuppositions.
The latter include, among others, all the logical and mathematical theo-
ries underlying T. Let us conjoin all such initial assumptions and examine
their import. Call
A = A 1 & A2 & ... & Am,
The import of A & B is, of course, the offspring of A & B. One part of
this import is purely logical: it consists of the set L of tautologies in-
cluded in B or entailed by A & B. If we remove this part L we are left
with the extralogical import, or content, of the axiom basis A & B. More
explicitly, we make B=B 1 & B2 & ... & Bn'

DEFINmON 5.14 Let T be a theory based on a conjunction A of axioms

and another conjunction B of presuppositions, and call L the set of tau-
tologies in B or in the offspring of A & B. Then
(i) the import of the axiom base A & B equals the principal filter gen-
erated by A & B, i.e.
Jmft(A &B}=
(ii) the content, or extralogical import, of the axiom base A & B equals
the complement of the import of A & B relative to L:
~(A & B) = Jmft(A & B)-L.

Going into some details of the composition of a scientific theory will

allow us to grasp the elusive concept of theory content. As may be re-
called from Sec. 2.3, the axiom base of a theory in factual science con-
sists of (a) purely mathematical axioms M, (b) specific factual premises
(such as law statements and subsidiary hypotheses) F couched in the
terms characterized by M, and (c) semantic formulas S. Is it possible to
isolate the factual content of these basic assumptions from their mathe-
matical ingredients? No, because the factual components cannot even be
stated, let alone processed and interpreted, in isolation from the other

two. What can be neatly detached is the mathematical content of the

initial assumptions: this is done by simply removing the semantic axioms
S and finding the progeny of the remaining premises. All this is encap-
sulated in

DEFINITION 5.15 Let The a theory with background B, mathematical as-

sumptions M, factual assumptions F, and semantic formulas S, where
B, M, F and S are taken jointly. Then
(i) the mathematical content of the axiom base A & B, or formalism of
the theory T, equals the offspring of B & M & F with exclusion of L, i.e.
C(j M(A & B}=.Ymft(B & M & F}-L;

(ii) the factual import of the axiom base, or factual content of the
theory T, equals the offspring of B & M & F & S with exclusion of L, i.e.
C(jF(A & B}=.Ymft(B & M & F & S}-L.

That is, the factual content of a scientific theory coincides with the
factual import of its axiom base, which is in turn identical to its extra-
logical import. In other words, while scientific theories have detachable,
hence portable mathematical formalisms, their factual content is not
detachable from the formalism. (A fortiori they have no purely empirical
or observational content.) The extralogical import of the axiom base of
a theory in factual science is both mathematical and factual.
Note that the notion of content, though dependent upon the metalogi-
cal concept of deducibility, is independent of the semantic concept of
truth of fact. Hence a theory with a rich content may well prove to be
false whereas a more modest theory may turn out to be approximately
true. Consequently, pace Popper (1966), the degree of truth of a theory
cannot be measured by its content. If it were so measurable then no
actual empirical tests for truth would be called for: a semantic analysis
of a theory would determine its truth value.
We close by noting a possible application of the foregoing ideas to
model theory. Intuitively the richer an abstract theory ("formalized lan-
guage") the fewer models it is bound to have. Thus there are less ex-
amples of a semigroup with unit element than of a semigroup. This
suggests introducing a comparative concept of theory versatility, or its
dual, rigidity, namely thus:

DEFINITION 5.16 Let T and T' be two abstract theories with comparable
mathematical contents ~(T) and ~(T') respectively. Then Tis more ver-
satile (or less rigid) than T' iff ~(T)!;;;~(T').
3.4. Empirical and Factual Content
The various philosophies of science may be regarded as so many views
on the content of scientific theories - i.e. as so many semantics of science.
Here goes, in telegraphic fashion, a sample of the most interesting among
those views:
(1) Conventionalism. Scientific theories are handy tools for the pro-
cessing of experience (or the systematization of appearances). They have
neither a factual nor an empjrical content: ~F(T)=~E(T) =0.
(2) Positivism. Scientific theories are economic summaries arid artic-
ulations of data They have an empirical (observational, operational)
content only: ~(T)=~E(T).
(3) Mellowed positivism (standard view). Scientific theories are system-
atizations of experience propped up by heuristic devices, i.e. the so-called
theoretical terms, which have no representational function. Part of the
content (our "import") of a statement s in a scientific theory is observa-
tional (empirical, phenomenal) provided s is linked to observational
items via correspondence rules: ~E(S)!;;;~(s).
(4) Empirical realism. Theoretical constructs may refer to unobserv-
abIes even though their meaning is given by the connections established
within the theory between the constructs and observational statements
built with the observational vocabulary of the theory. Every scientific
statement s has both an empirical content and a factual one (its "surplus
meaning"): ~(S)=~E(S)U~F(S).
Of these four views the closest to our own is the last, according to which
sc\entific hypotheses have "a surplus meaning over against their eviden-
tial basis" (Feigl, 1950). (For elaborations see Rozeboom (1962,1970). For
criticisms see Hempel (1950) and Nagel (1950).) Although timid realism
is preferable to the previous forms of empiricism, it is not completely
satisfactory: keeping the myth of the observational vocabulary as be-
longing to every theory and as the source of meaning of the theoretical
vocabulary does violence to scientific theories, all the concepts of which
are theoretical. Furthermore it has the fatal consequence that it becomes
impossible to ascertain what exactly the theory is about: reference be-

comes indeterminate (Rozeboom, 1962, 1970~ Rather than tolerate such

reference uncertainty, as Rozeboom advocates, we regard it as sufficient
for disqualifying the theory: reference indeterminacy makes not only for
meaning indeterminacy but renders empirical tests impossible. We must
either retreat to undiluted empiricism or go realists all the way. Since
the former has proved a failure we shall try the latter.
We claim that no scientific theory could possibly embrace its own
evidence, and that only theories concerning sentient organisms may be
said to have an empirical content. The reasons for denying that the evi-
dence relevant to a theory is part of its content have been given in detail
elsewhere (Bunge, 1967a, 1969, 1973b). They will be summarized here.
Firstly, the computing of a prediction with the help of a theory requires
additional theoretical assumptions (e.g. on the particular composition
or structure of the referent) as well as empirical data - and neither can
be found in a theory unless it happens to be an ad hoc systematization
of data. (If the special assumptions were already included in the theory
then the latter would be inapplicable to further problems. And if the data
were part ofthe theory then observations would be redundant.) Secondly,
the production of empirical data that could serve as evidence for or
against a theory calls for the cooperation of auxiliary theories employed
in the design and interpretation of the empirical operations - i.e. the
evidence could not have been predicted on the strength of the substantive
theory alone. Should a scientific theory have an empirical content, then
this content would not consist in any evidence but in statements con-
cerning some sector of human experience, such as learning or working,
considered as an external item. (More on this in a while.) These are some
of the reasons for adopting a realist semantics.
Of the three other views sketched above, conventionalism is untenable
if only because it renders empirical testing, as well as the quest for truer
and deeper theories, utterly pointless. The second view, undiluted posi-
tivism, is still popular in scientific circles but it has been discredited by
philosophers long ago, so it need not detain us. (Which does not mean
disparaging catechisms for the conversion of the infidel.) Only the third
view, which we have dubbed mellowed positivism, is still alive and influ-
ential though on the decline. It is also the only view that has been ex-
pounded and examined in detail (Carnap, 1956, 1963a, 1963b, 1966;
Hempel, 1958; Braithwaite, 1959, 1962; Wojcick~ 1966; Przelecki, 1969;

etc.). The way this doctrine handles the concept of empirical or observa-
tional content is roughly as follows.
The standard view assumes, first of all, that every scientific theory
contains not only theoretical terms, such as 'temperature', but also ob-
servational or phenomenal ones such as 'hot'. Second, only the theo-
retical terms are assumed to be subject to the theoretical statements fa
of the theory. They are interpreted, albeit only in part, by reference to
the observational terms: this interpretation is performed by the so called
"correspondence rules" C of the theory. Third, the content of a statement
is, roughly, what we have called its import. And the observational (or
empirical) content of a statement s is defined as the class of all non-
logically true observational statements implied by s - i.e. the set of all
those consequences ors that contain observational terms but no theo-
retical ones. In particular, the observational content of s relative to a
theory composed of theoretical statements fa and correspondence rules
C (both sets taken conjunctively), is the observational content of s & fa
& c. (For a brief and lucid expose see Carnap (1963b). For details cf.
Suppe (1971). For the alleged definability of theoretical terms as functions
of empirical ones: Carnap (1961, 1966).)
The root trouble with this view is, of course, that it rests on the un-
questioned assumption that every scientific theory does contain obser-
vational or phenomenal terms such as 'hot', 'blue', and 'rough'. In point
of fact theories contain only theoretical concepts and these are not in-
terpreted with reference to qualia but to supposedly real things (e.g.
genes) and their properties (e.g. the mutation frequency of a given gene).
The semantic assumptions in a well constructed theory are not concept-
concept affairs in which one of the two partners concerns an experiential
item: they are concept-fact correspondences (Ch. 3, Sec. 4.1). Now, if
there are no purely observational (hence unanalyzed) concepts in a sci-
entific theory, then there is no observational (or phenomenal or oper-
ational or empirical) content left. And since (unlike Feigl) Carnap, Hempel
and Braithwaite make no room for factual reference, no content at all is
This unintended disaster could have been averted if any real scientific
theories had been analyzed in the light of the standard semantics, and if
the quest for" the Holy Grail of the empirical "basis" of science had been
given up in time. If theories are regarded instead as partial and symbolic

representations of reality, then a far simpler and realistic semantics of

science emerges. Every concept in a theory is pronounced theoretical if
it is elucidated by the theory or borrowed from the background of the
theory. And if the concept has a factual reference then any statement
that contains the concept has a factual sense. The facts referred to, or
represented by, the theoretical statement are not those the empirical
evidence is concerned with. (In fact an evidence statement is restricted
to observational items, often under control with the help of instruments
describable with the assistance of a number of theories.) No scientific
theory is concerned with its own test, much less with the mental states
of the experimenter. Finally, the factual content of a statement in a sci-
entific theory is determined by all three basic components of the theory:
M, F, and S. (Recall the preceding subsection.)
According to our view, then, all scientific theories have a factual con-
tent and none of them embraces its own evidential or empirical "basis".
However, a scientific theory can have an empirical content - provided
it is about experience. This is the case with most, perhaps all, theories
in the sciences of man. Like all other scientific theories, those in psy-
chology, sociology and history concern facts and so have a factual con-
tent (even if inaccurate~ But (a) these facts are treated as external objects
epistemologically on a par with physical facts - which is necessary for
objectivity, and (b) those theories contain no reference to their own em-
pirical tests - which alone renders tests significant. For example, a model
of the decay of empires may refer to feelings and motives - of the imperial
subjects not the historian's; and its evidence may consist in documents
and material testimonials unearthed with advanced physical techniques
- but the model won't be concerned with such means for its own valida-
tion or invalidation.
In summary, if s is a theoretical statement then the factual content of
s equals its extralogical import. Should s belong in natural science, its
empirical content will be nil. But if s belongs in the sciences of man, then
s will have an empirical content included in its factual content and in-
dependent of any evidence relevant to s. No theory has an observational
or experiential or phenomenal content: experience is lived through (er-
lebt) not beaten into theory. This view may be dubbed realist semantics.
It boils down to shifting the focus from experience (always subjective)
to fact, and consequently prevents us from falling into subjectivism. It

suggests that we stop chasing the ghost of the alleged observational con-
tent of theories as well as its attendant ghosts - Ramsey sentences and
Craig's reduction.
Now that operationism lies buried we can afford to write a nice epitaph
on it. The deceased, though mistaken in the means it employed, was
sincere in pursuing a worthy goal- namely the uprooting of inscrutables
and the testability of hypotheses. This explains the large following it had
and still has in the scientific community. Such a noble cause can now be
defended in the following way: Although theoretical statements may lack
an empirical import, they should acquire one when conjoined with suit-
able empirical statements relevant to the former. How this strategy can
be implemented may be exemplified as follows.
Consider the statement schema

r'fhere is a gravitational field in region x." (1)

belonging to some theory of gravitation. Although fields defy direct ob-

servation, according to operationism (1) means that, if somebody places
a test body y in region x, he will observe y to move (cf. Camap, 1936).
But we know this to be a gross misinterpretation of (1), which refers only
to a field, not to a test body, let alone to an observer. However, our
construal of the notion of sense as import suggests the following repair:
conjoin (1) with

r A body acted on by a gravitational field is accelerated & y

is an observable body &, y is at x [whether or not it was put
there by somebody] & z is suitably equipped to observe y & z
observes y." (2)
This new statement schema has one theoretical component, viz., the first
conjunct, which is a law statement The remaining components of (2)
are empirical and moreover relevant to both the theoretical component
and the original formula (1~ As a consequence of this empirical ingredi-
ent, the conjunction (1)& (2) will entail observational statements and con-
sequently will have an empirical import Part of the latter will be

r z sees y moving", (3)

which is in fact entailed by (1) & (2). In short, although the "operationally

meaningful" statement (3) is not in the import of the original theoretical

statement (1), it is in the import of the conjunction of the latter with
further items, some of which are empirical. What holds for a single state-
ment is true, a fortiori, of entire theories. That is, any substantive scientific
theory can be enriched with further statements, at least some of them
empirical, to yield observational consequences and thus get ready for
observational tests. Thus the goal of operationism, namely to ensure
testability, is saved without tergiversating the nature of scientific theories.
Requiescat in pace.

3.5. Changes in Import and Content

The content of a theory is determined by its axiom base but is never
known in its entirety. The content of a theory is fixed, however, once its
axioms have been adopted. Moreover the content is infinite because so
is the set oflogical consequences of the axioms. And if the theory involves
continua, then its content is nondenumerably infinite: the axioms gen-
erate an uncountable offspring. On the other hand the known part of
the total content of a theory is of course finite and keeps growing as long
as the theory stays alive - i.e. as more theorems in it are proved and fresh
applications of it are made. This is the case not only with new theories
but also with old theories that are still going strong, such as classical
mechanics. There is growth in both cases although the growth tempi and
mechanisms are not the same.
The growth of knowledge and its mechanisms, internal and external,
is a fascinating subject but it lies outside the scope of semantics: they
are the concern of the philosophy, history, psychology, and sociology of
science. What the semanticist can do in this respect is to compare the
import of alternative axiom bases, whether successive or contemporane-
ous. He can thus help other scholars by supplying measures of the net
differences in import or in content, differences that may be interpreted
as accompanying the replacement of one theory by another in the favor
of the scientific community. Definition 15 will help us to contrive such
a measure of change in scientific theories.
According to Definition 15, the factual content of a scientific theory
equals the sum total of its nonlogical formulas. Hence the difference in
content between two theories boils down to whatever nonlogical formulas
the theories faill to share. More precisely, we introduce

DEFINITION 5.17 Let T and T' be two scientific theories with backgrounds
Band B', mathematical assumptions M and M', factual assumptions F
and F', and semantic assumptions Sand S' respectively. Then the dif-
ference in factual content between T and T' equals the symmetric dif-
ference of their factual contents:
b(T, T')=,fmjt(B & M & F & S) A,fmjt(B' & M' & F & S')-L.
Since T and T' are infinite sets, their difference may prove infinite as
well. On the other hand the gist differences introduced in Sec. 2.4 (Defi-
nitions 9 and 10) look more manageable because they concern only the
axiom bases. However, this greater simplicity of the difference in gist
does not render it more suitable as a measure of the difference in sense.
In fact, since a theory can usually be axiomatized in alternative ways,
the gists of two different axiomatizations of a given body of knowledge
are bound to differ even though the total content of the theory is un-
altered by the different axiomatic arrangement. Obviously we need both
measures. And none of them is needed for practical purposes, such as
rewarding the scientist who manages to produce the richest of two rival
theories. The assumptions, definitions and theorems in our semantics
serve only the modest purpose of elucidating some interesting meta-
scientific ideas. (We shall come back to meaning change in Ch. 7.)


In the previous chapter we studied the content or interior of a construct

apart from its exterior or extension and regardless of its place in a body
of knowledge. The corresponding concept of sense, i.e. intension, is the
one that suits constructs which, without being totally stray, belong to
no definite system or closed context.
In the present chapter we have focused on systemic constructs and
have distinguished two components of their sense - namely their purport
and their import. The purport and the import of a construct are cer-
tainly not external to it but they are not strictly intrinsic either: they are
essentially context-dependent. A closed context C may be pictured as a
tree oriented from top to bottom. An arbitrary node or branching point
x of C, i.e. a systemic predicate or proposition, is assigned two basic
sense components. One is its purport or upward sense .9u-tc(x), which

equals the principal ideal generated by x in C. The other component is

the import or downward sense fm/tc(x), equal to the principal filter
generated by x in C. See Figure 5.2.

11 Jmft(x)=)X(

Fig. 5.2. A fragment of a conceptual system. The two components of the sense of a
construct x in the system: the purport and the import

The sense of a construct in a closed context has no components other

than its purport and its import. Since both are sets, or may be taken as
such, we can build their union. It seems natural then to regard this union
as the full sense of the construct of interest. More precisely, we offer

DEFINITION 5.18 Let x be a construct in a closed set of constructs C.

Then the full sense of x in C is the union of the purport and the import
of x in C:

This decomposition of the total sense of a construct is consonant with

the scientific practice of regarding meanings as being either assumed or
derived. Thus if it is assumed that the values of a certain function X of
time represent positions (or concentrations or population densities), then

it can be inferred that the value of its time derivative j( at t=O represents
the initial velocity (or rate of change of concentration or population
density). For this reason only the factual primitives of a theory need be
assigned a factual sense by semantic formulas: the derived (defined or
proved) constructs get their meaning from the source, i.e. the axiom
base. In other words, in a scientific theory sense flows downwards, from
assumption to consequence - not upwards, as the positivist doctrine
has it.
Since a tautology follows from any proposition and entails all of the
ot~er tautologies in a given logic, the full sense of a tautological con-
struct in a context equals the totality of propositions in it plus the under-
lying logic. Likewise all contradictions are interdeducible, so that the
sense of any of them includes all; and since a contradiction entails any-
thing, its sense is the totality of propositions in its context. That is, we
have proved

COROLLARY 5.2 Let t be an analytic construct occurring in the logic L

underlying a context C = (S, Ill, D). Then
(i) Y'c(t)=SuL;
(ii) 9"c(it)=S.
In a strictly logical context, i.e. for S = L, the sense of a tautology
equals logic itself. In other words, logical truths "say" nothing when con-
fined to logical theories and they "say" too much - in fact everything -
when associated with extralogical bodies of knowledge.
Because an arbitrary proposition entails all of the tautologies, it falls
between the above extremes of minimal and maximal sense:

COROLLARY 5.3 Letp be a statement occurring in a context C= (S, Ill, D)

with underlying logic L. Then

To obtain the extralogical (in particular factual) sense of a proposition
we must then subtract L from its full sense:

DEFINITION 5.19 Let P be a proposition in a context C = (S, iP', D) with

underlying logic L. Then the extralogical sense of p in C is
9"et (P) = Y'c (P)-L.

If we know the full senses of two constructs we can ascertain whether

they are comparable and, if so, which contains which. Thus the sense of
"river" is included in that of "mountain river": the latter is the richer of
the two. In general we have

DEFINITION 5.20 Of two constructs with comparable senses, the richer (or
more complex) is the one including the other:
If c and c' are in C, then cis richer than c' = df 9'C(c) 2 9'c (c').

The richer of two concepts is also the more specific and complex, i.e.
the less generic and less simple. The last convention serves then as a defi-
nition of semantic complexity - or its dual, semantic simplicity. But of
course even if two constructs are not comparable in sense they may share
a grain of sense. This notion of sense overlapping is exactified by

DEFINITION 5.21 The core sense of a set {CiEC II~i~n} of constructs

equals their shared sense:

9'eo~,,{CiEC 11~i~n}=dJ n
i= 1
S(ci )
Example Each of the different explicata ej, for 1 ~ i ~ n, of a given
coarse or intuitive concept c, is supposed to recapture a part of the sense
of the latter:

If we focus on the specific contribution a basic construct makes, and

brush aside the background of the theory, i.e. if the search for ancestors
is stopped at the basic construct a itself, the purport of a will include
just a, which is already included in its principal filter or import JmftAa).
Hence we have

COROLLARY 5.4 The full specific sense of a basic construct a, character-

istic of an axiomatized theory T, equals the import of a, i.e.

Hence the import of a construct measures its importance. On the other


hand the greater the purport of a construct, Le. the larger its depen-
dence upon other constructs, the smaller its importance.
Because in a closed context C there is no source of sense other than C
itself, intension has no separate existence in it: it is part of the full sense.
More explicitly, we conjecture

PROPOSITION 5.1 The intension of a construct x in a closed set of con-

structs C is included in the full sense of x:
IfxeC, then J(x)!;9'c(x).
Example Consider the predicates "triangular" (~), "equiangular" (A),
and "equilateral" (L), all of them referred to closed plane figures in Eu-
cliden geometry (E). Since A =lL, J(~ & A)=lJ(~ & L). But, because
triangle equiangularity implies triangle equilaterality and conversely,
9'E(~ & A)=gE(~ & L). Moreover the full sense of either complex
predicate includes not just A and L but also the whole lot of derived
properties of equilateral triangles, which their intensions do not.
From the preceding it follows that, if a construct happens to be basic
(Le. undefined or assumed) in a given context, then its intension coin-
cides with its full sense and also with its import:

PROPOSITION 5.2 The intension of a basic construct a in a closed set C

of constructs equals the full sense of a:
IfaeC is basic in C, then J(a)=9'c(a)=Jmpc (a)
A change in the basic principles that determine the sense of a con-
struct may alter the latter even if we keep calling it by the same name.
As Hilbert explained to Frege (who disliked axiomatic definitions), "Each
axiom contributes something to the definition [of the concept of interest]
and, as new axioms are introduced, the concept is accordingly changed"
(Hilbert, 1900). In short, meaning is contextual.
This concludes the study of the concepts of sense we started in Ch. 4.
It may well happen that our exactifications fail to capture the reader's
intuitions. One man's sense is another's nonsense. This is quite in order:
no technical concept is supposed to satisfy everybody's presystematic
ideas. (Recall the example illustrating Proposition 5.1.) If the proposed
elucidations are found unacceptable for technical reasons, then surely

better theories can be contrived. But once a theoretical explication is ac-

cepted, be it in science or in philosophy, it is one's intuitions that are
expected to adjust to the theoretical concept - until a better exactifica-
tion becomes available. (Cf. Bunge, 1962.)


There are two main views on sense. One is extensionalism, according to

which constructs have an exterior, or extension, but no interior or sense.
We have found this, the hollow construct view, unacceptable not only in
relation to factual science but also to pure mathematics (Ch. 4, Sec. 1.2).
The opposite view regards all constructs other than sets as having a con-
tent. But there are many differences of opinion concerning the nature of
this content (Ch. 4, Sec. 1.1). These differences are manifested, in particular
in the question of the relations between the sense of a whole and the
sense of its parts. There are two extreme views on this matter: semantic
atomism and semantic holism. Let us take a glimpse at them and locate
our own view in this perspective.
Semantic atomism holds that "The sense of the whole is determined
by the senses of its parts". It has been the most popular view among
illuminist philosophers from Hobbes right down to Montague (1970) and
Scott (1970). But no semantic atomist seems to have constructed a suitable
theory containing formulas that determine the sense of a construct as a
function of the sense of its components. In short, semantic atomism has
remained at a programmatic stage. The opposite extreme, semantic
holism, maintains that "The sense of every item is determined by the
whole of knowledge". Its most eminent proponent in recent times has
been Quine (1952). This view too is programmatic and moreover doomed
to stay in this stage, because nobody can handle the sum total of human
Our own semantic theory takes a via media and therefore cannot be as
charming as either of the extremes. Indeed, on the one hand we have
proposed definite formulas for the intension of a composite construct in
terms of the intensions of its components (Ch. 4, Sec. 2). However, this
analysis is not a term by term resolution and, moreover, it offers no
means for determining the sense of a component. If asked how the latter
is to be determined, we offer still another theory, according to which the

sense of a construct can be determined provided the construct occupies

a definite place in a conceptual system. Hence, to the extent to which
our theory provides for the sense analysis of a whole, it implements a
modest version of the atomistic program. And since the full sense of a
part is shown to depend on its role in a whole, our theory satisfies the
holistic injunction not to isolate. In short our semantics constitutes a
merger of the best (others would say the worse) of both extremes. If ac-
cepted, it becomes understandable why each of the two extremes has its
appeal- and why none of them got beyond the program stage.
At first blush our via media, by admitting that the sense of a (theo-
retical) construct is relative to the theory in which it occurs, and is thus
liable to become a different construct if inserted in a different theory,
would seem to encourage subjectivism. Perish the thought. Firstly, only
the sense of a theoretical or systemic construct is determined by the
whole theory in which it occurs. Extrasystematic constructs, such as the
common observational statements, are not theory-dependent - but then
their sense is uncertain. Secondly, it is not that "the meaning of a scien-
tific construct is theory-laden", as the fashionable trend has it, but the
other way around: theories (even logical theories) are meaning-laden.
The meaning of any component of a theory is relative to the theory,
i.e. it depends on the role it plays in the theory, but is not "theory-
laden" - whatever this metaphor may mean. Thirdly, every authentic
scientific theory, even if false, is objective - ergo so is every factual com-
ponent of it. It is objective both semantically (by its reference to entities
that are supposedly out there) and methodologically - for being publicly
scrutable. On the other hand the attempts to defend the objectivity of
science by anchoring it to an experiential rock bottom may easily lead
back to subjectivism, as witnessed by operationism.
To sum up, we have proposed a contextual but not holistic theory of
sense. The contextual nature of sense explains why one and the same
symbol can be interpreted differently in different contexts and never fully
outside some well delineated conceptual framework. But the matter of
interpretation deserves another chapter. As a matter of fact we shall de-
vote it the initial chapter of Part II of this work.



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Ackermann, W. 66 Galilei, Galileo 97

Agassi, Joseph 114 Geach, Peter 49
Ajdukiewicz, Kazimierz 14 Ginsburg, S. II
Anderson, Alan Ross 65 Goodman, Nelson 30,81
Angel, Roger B. xiii, 35
Arbib, Michael A. II
Hamilton, William 117
Aristotle 33, 65
Harris, Zelig II
Arnauld, Antoine 117
Hartnett, William E. 4
Heisenberg, Werner 34
Beatty, Harry xiii
Hempel, Carl G. 79, 138, 160-162
Belarmino, Cardinal 97
Henkin, Leon 13
Bell, J. L. 33
Hilbert, David 20, 63, 66, 170
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua 136
Hill, Thomas English 3
Bernays, Paul 63
Hintikka, Jaako 136
Blumenthal, L. M. 131
Hume, David 81,89
Bolzano, Bernard 17,28,32,33,117
Husserl, Edmund 13,48
Bourbaki, Nicholas 22, 119
Boutroux, Emile 89
Braithwaite, Richard B. 161-162 James, William 81
Brillouin, Leon 69
Bunge, Mario 5, 35, 38, 40, 58, 67, 70, Kant, Immanuel 89
75,80,111,113,149,151,161,171 Kessler, Glenn xiii
Buridan, Jean 49 Kirschenmann, Peter xiii
Kleiner, Scott A. Xlii
Carnap, Rudolf 4,48, 117, 122, 134, Kneale, Martha 117
136,138,161-162r l64 Kneale, William 13, 117
Castonguay, Charles xiii, 117, 124, 150 Kolmogoroff, Aleksander N. 137
Chomsky, Noam I, 11 Kraft, Viktor 85
Church, Alonzo 17, 22 Kuhn, Thomas 67,78
Chwistek, Leon 20 Kurosaki, Hiroshi xiii
Cohen, L. Jonathan 3
Corcoran, John xiii
Lambek, Joachim xiii
Eddington, Arthur Stanley 20 Lambert, Karel 140
Lawvere, F. William 119
Feigl, Herbert 43, 160, 162 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 24
Felscher, Walter xiii Leonard, Henry 124
Feyerabend, Paul K. 67-68, 78 Lewis, Irving Clarence 117, 122
Frege, Gottlob 4,16-17,20,22,24, Linsky, Leonard 22, 24
47-48, 123 Lungarzo, Carlos Alberto xiii
Freudenthal, Hans 35 Luria, A. R. 3

MacKay, David M. 104 Salt, David Xlii

Marcus, Solomon II Schaff, Adam 3
Marhenke, Paul 7 Seshu, S. 102
Miller, George Armitage I, II Scott, Dana 171
Meinong, Alexius 117 Searle, John R. 7
Menger, Karl 131 Shakespeare, William 22
Montague, Richard 171 Shannon, Claude 137
Morris, Charles 29 Sharvy, Richard 123
Shwayder, D. S. 53
Nagel, Ernest 160 Simon, Simple 136
Negrepontis, Stelios xiii Slomson, A. B. 3
Neumann, John von 70 Soran, Somnez xiii
Nicole, Pierre 117 Suppe, Frederick 162
NuD.o, Juan A. xiii Suppes, Patrick 120
Suszko, Roman 124
Ockham, William 20
Oppacher, Franz xiii Tammelo, Ilmar Xlii
Osgood, Charles 3 Tarski, Alfred 4,20,39,63
Tornebom, Hakan 113
Patton, Thomas 81 Torretti, Roberto xiii
Peirce, Charles Sanders 89, 138 Tuomela, Raimo xiii
Popper, Karl R. 117,134,136,138,139,
159 Vaihinger, Hans 13
Przelecki, Marian 161 Van Fraassen, Bas C. 3, 140
Probst, David xiii Vienna Circle 138
Putnam, Hilary 20
Wang, Hao 146
Quine, Willard Van Orman 20, 123, Watson, W. H. 104
138, 171 Weaver, Warren 137
Weingartner, Paul xiii, 124
Reed, M. B. 102 Whitehead, Alfred North 120
Robinson, Abraham 3, 20 Williams, Donald 138
Rosen, Robert 102 Williams, George 33
Rosenbloom, Paul C. 34 Williams, Mary B. 149
Rozeboom, William W. 160-161 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 48, 133, 156
Russell, Bertrand 17,85, 120, 138 Wojcicki, Ryszard 161
Ryle, Gilbert 79
Zinov'ev, A. A. 29

Analogy 103 Data 70

Analytic 55-56. See also Tautology Denotation 25, 42-43
Assumption, semantic 104-114 rule 25, 105-109
Axiom 149 Designation 11,21-25,42
function 23-25
Background of a theory 151-152
Boolean algebra 144, 151 rule 25
Difference in gist 154
Category, Aristotelian 131 intensional 130-133
mistake 79 Differentia specijica 130
semantic 13-14
Closure, semantical 65 Empiricism 113. See also Operation-
Coextensiveness 134-135 ism, Phenomenalism, Positivism
Cointensiveness 125 Entailment 128-129, 145
Commensurability of theories, Equivalence, logical 53, 130
methodological 77-78 of representations 95
referential 66-68,77-78 Evidence 44-45, 163
Communication 8 relevant 79
Complexity, semantic 169 Expression 10-11, 14,24,26
Concept 14-18 Extension 34-35,49, 118-120, 130. See
factual 59 also Volume 2, Chapter 9, Sec. 1
formal 60 Extensionalism 118-120
modal 122-123
pragmatic 121-122 Family resemblance 133
Confirmation 140 Filter 155-156
paradox of 79-80 Form, logical 115-116
Construct 13, 31,43, 57, 88, 92 Formalism, mathematical 104-105
Content 158-166 Foundations of a theory 152
changes in 166
empirical 161-163 Gist 147, 149-154
Context 57, 143 changesin 153-154
closed 143-145 extralogical 151-153
factual 60 Grammar 11, 46
formal 60 Grammaticalism 46
Conventionalism 70-72, 160-161
Core sense 169 Holism, semantic 152, 171
Coreference 57-58 Hypothesis 111
Correspondence rule 25, 106. See also
Denotation rule, Semantic assump- Ideal 145-146
tion Import 116-117, 134, 142, 156-165
Craig's interpolation theorem 66 extralogical: see Content
reduction 164 Information, semantic 121, 135-138

statistical 137 -138 Positivism 160

Intension 115-141, 170 Pragmatics 12, 71, 98
Intensional context 121-122 Pragmatism 47,71
Interpretation, factual 105-114. See Predicate 15-17,50
also Volume 2, Chapter 6 maximal 60-61
mathematical 105 Presupposition 151
Primitive 149
Language 8-13, 18-20 Probability 69,86,90-91, 109-110, 136
conceptual 23-26 Proposition 8, 13, 15, 17-18, 28. See
Lattice 143-145, 155 also Statement
Law statement 89,94 Propositional function 15. See also
Logic 4-5, 39, 64 Predicate
intensional 121 Proxying relation 91-93
Pseudopredicate 16
Magnitude 95-97 Psycholingnistics 1-2
Materialism, conceptualist 32 Psychologism 46
Mathematics 4-5, 39, 120 Psychology 69-70
Meaning 3, 6, 29,45, 109, 172. See also Purport 116-117, 142, 146-148
Intension, Reference, Sense, and extralogical 147-148
Volume 2, Chapter 7
change 153-154 Quantum mechanics 73-74, 111-113
surplus 160 Quotation marks 23
Metaphysics 26-30, 40, 42, 52-53, 81.
See also Ontology Ramsey sentence 164
Metastatement 35 Realism 71-75,109
Metatheory 4 empirical 160-161
Methodology 45, 139-140 Reference 32-82, 119
Modalities 141 class 37-80
Model, theoretical 99-100. See also deep 52
Theory, specific factual 39-42,59-75
Model object: see Schema functions 49-52
Model theory 3, 39 genuine 68-70
Modeling 99-104 immediate 36
Monoid 10 mediate 36
oblique 52
Name 21-23 ostensive 52
Negation 85-86 relation 25, 34-43, 86-87
Nominalism 20-22,29-32 spurious 68-70
Referential heterogeneity 58
Object 26-27 homogeneity 58
Observer 72-73 partition 58
Ontology 26, 38, 39. See also Relativity theory 58,73-74
Metaphysics Relevance 75-77
Operationism 47, 109, 160-165. See principle of 66
also Positivism Representation, conceptual 82-114
accurate 90-91
Philosophy, exact 5 assumption 105-114
Phenomenalism 71-75 equivalent 94-95,97-98, 101-102
Platonism 28-31 relation 87-93

Ring of intensions 132-133 Theoretical entity 71

Theory 18-20,83
Scale concept 40-41 axiomatic 62-67
Schema 99-101 content 158-165
Semantics ix, 1-7, 11-12,45-46, 68, 96 exposure 77-78
Sense 5,116-117,142-172 factual 61-75, 105
Sentence 10,14,17-20,27-28 generic 99-100
Set theory 120 reference 62-75
Sign 8,27,31 rival 78-79
Statement 16, 19,51-52. See also semantic components 104-114
Proposition semantically equivalent 98
Strength, logical 134 specific 99-100
String 10,30. See also Term, universe of discourse 62
Expression versatility 160
Subjectivism 109 vibrating string 92
Syntax 10 Topology in intension space 133
System, semantic 25 Transformation formula 97-98
Truth 39,47-48, 159. See also
Tautology, intension of 128 Volume 2, Chapter 8
reference of 54-56 condition 12
sense of 168
Term 14,26 Wff. See Expression
Testability 138-140
The companion of this book is Volume 2 of the

Treatise on Basic Philosophy




6 Interpretation
7 Meaning
8 Truth
9 Offshoots
10 Neighbors



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