Dizon-Pamintuan V. People Facts: Teodoro Encarnacion, Undersecretary, DPWH Testified
Dizon-Pamintuan V. People Facts: Teodoro Encarnacion, Undersecretary, DPWH Testified
Dizon-Pamintuan V. People Facts: Teodoro Encarnacion, Undersecretary, DPWH Testified
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Since Section 5 of P.D. No. 1612 expressly provides that PEOPLE v. DE GUZMAN
"[m]ere possession of any good, article, item, object, or
anything of value which has been the subject of robbery or Facts:
thievery shall be prima facie evidence of fencing," it follows that In 1985, a robbery was committed in Quezon City where
the petitioner is presumed to have knowledge of the fact that jewelries worth millions were stolen. The said jewelries were
the items found in her possession were the proceeds of later found in the possession of a certain Danilo Alcantara in
robbery or theft. The presumption is reasonable for no other his house in Antipolo, Rizal.
natural or logical inference can arise from the established fact
of her possession of the proceeds of the crime of robbery or Subsequently, a Quezon City prosecutor filed an information
theft. This presumption does not offend the presumption of against Alcantara for violation of the Anti-Fencing Law. The
innocence enshrined in the fundamental law. criminal case was filed with the Regional Trial Court of Quezon
City. Alcantara filed a motion to quash the said information on
The petitioner was unable to rebut the presumption under P.D. the ground that the QC-RTC has no jurisdiction over the case.
No. 1612. She relied solely on the testimony of her brother Judge Jose De Guzman ruled in favor of Alcantara.
which was insufficient to overcome the presumption, and, on
the contrary, even disclosed that the petitioner was engaged in The Solicitor General argued that what the judge did was
the purchase and sale of jewelry and that she used to buy from wrong because the crime of fencing is a continuing crime; that
a certain Fredo. an ingredient of the crime, that is, the robbery, happened in
Quezon City, hence, Quezon City courts have jurisdiction over
Fredo was not presented as a witness and it was not the case.
established that he was a licensed dealer or supplier of jewelry.
Section 6 of P.D. No. 1612 provides that "all stores, Issue: Whether or not fencing is a continuing crime.
establishments or entitles dealing in the buy and sell of any
good, article, item, object or anything of value obtained from an Held: No. A “continuing crime” is a single crime consisting of a
unlicensed dealer or supplier thereof, shall before offering the series of acts arising from a single criminal resolution or intent
same for sale to the public, secure the necessary clearance or not susceptible of division. In this case, there are actually two
permit from the station commander of the Integrated National separate crimes which are robbery and fencing. They are
Police in the town or city where such store, establishment or independent of each other. The law on fencing does not
entity is located." Under the Rules and require the accused to have participated in the criminal design
Regulations promulgated to carry out the provisions of Section to commit, or to have been in any wise involved in the
6, an unlicensed dealer/supplier refers to any person, commission of, the crime of robbery or theft. Neither is the
partnership, firm, corporation, association or any other entity or crime of robbery or theft made to depend on an act of fencing
establishment not licensed by the government to engage in the in order that it can be consummated. Alcantara should be
business of dealing in or supplying "used secondhand articles," prosecuted in Antipolo because that’s where the crime of
which refers to any good, article, item, object or anything of fencing was allegedly committed.
value obtained from an unlicensed dealer or supplier,
regardless of whether the same has actually or in fact been
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FRANCISCO v. PEOPLE It bears stressing that, in the absence of direct evidence that
the accused had knowledge that the jewelry was stolen, the
Facts: Jovita Rodriguez hired Pacita Linghon as a household prosecution is burdened to prove facts and circumstances from
helper. Sometime in October Pacita contacted his brother, which it can be concluded that the accused should have known
Macario, and asked him to sell some jewelries, which the latter that the property sold to him were stolen. This requirement
obliged and sold them to Ernesto. After sometime Jovita found serves two basic purposes: (a) to prove one of the elements of
out that her jewelries were gone and accused Pacita for the crime of fencing; and, (b) to enable the trial court to
stealing the same, which was then proved by the court. Later determine the imposable penalty for the crime, since the
on Jovita filed against Ernesto Francisco for violation of PD penalty depends on the value of the property; otherwise, the
1612 or Anti-Fencing Law. court will fix the value of the property at P5.00, conformably to
Accused contends that he did not know Pacita and he only saw our ruling in People v. Dator.
her during the preliminary investigation, and that he never had
transactions with Macario. RTC ruled against him which was In the absence of a conclusive or definite proof relative to their
affirmed by the CA. value, this Court fixed the value of the bag and its contents at
Accused then petitioned that the court erred in proving him P100.00 based on the attendant circumstances of the case.
guilty beyond reasonable doubt and that there was no More pertinently, in the case of People vs. Reyes, this Court
sufficient evidence to prove that he was liable for PD 1612. held that if there is no available evidence to prove the value of
the stolen property or that the prosecution failed to prove it, the
Issues: Whether or not there is sufficient quantum of evidence corresponding penalty to be imposed on the accused-appellant
for the accused to be liable for PD 1612. Whether or not he is should be the minimum penalty corresponding to theft involving
guilty beyond reasonable doubt. the value of P5.00.47
Ruling: Fencing is malum prohibitum, and P.D. No. 1612 IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the petition is
creates a prima facie presumption of fencing from evidence of GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R.
possession by the accused of any good, article, item, object or CR No. 19110 affirming the Decision of the Regional Trial
anything of value which has been the subject of robbery or Court of Malolos, Bulacan, Branch 22, is REVERSED and SET
theft, and prescribes a higher penalty based on the value of the ASIDE. The petitioner is ACQUITTED of the crime of violating
property.33 The stolen property subject of the charge is not P.D. No. 1612 for the prosecution’s failure to prove his guilt
indispensable to prove fencing. It is merely corroborative of the beyond reasonable doubt.
testimonies and other evidence adduced by the prosecution to
prove the crime of fencing.
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