Chapter II

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Chapter II


Plants need nutrients to thrive. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and

potassium are required in the highest amounts, and nutrients such as
calcium, manganese, sodium and sulfur are necessary in lower amounts.
Adding banana peels around prized plants is a widespread gardening
practice that can improve your soil

Potassium promotes the movement of water and nutrients between

cells. It also strengthens stems and protects plants from disease. It
can improve the quality and size of any fruit or nuts.

Banana peels contain calcium, which helps nitrogen more available

to plants. They also contain manganese, which helps with
photosynthesis and formation of some enzymes: sodium is involved in
the movement of water and ions between cells; magnesium and sulfur,
both important in the formation of chlorophyll.

Banana peels can break down quickly making those nutrients

available to plants sooner than nutrients from other organic
materials. It can be buried whole near potassium-loving plants; if
there will be no issue with creatures digging them up. The peels are
most effective when composted to blend with nitrogen-rich material.

Kavili Sridhar ( 2016) said, banana peels adds nutrients such

as sulphur, manganese, calcium and sodium to plants. Having this kind
of nutrients will keep your plants healthy. You can also do a Do It
Yourself (DIY) banana peel in jar that contains peels with water and
transfer it to a spraying battle so that you’ll just spray it to the
soil and plants for It to be absorbed. You can do fermented banana
peels, banana peel tea, powdered banana peel, or sliced banana peel,
or slice it to pieces as an elevated fertilizer.

According to Maat Van Uitert (2015) that you can elevate the
effect of banana peels as a fertilizer by doing a banana peel tea,
chopped banana peels, leftover banana peels, dried banana peels, make
banana peel vinegar. You canalso repel aphids (insect/pest) by placing
banana peels under the plant. You can also trap insects by creating an
insect trap with banana peels and water.

According to Kristi Stone (2015),banana peel is the best source

of potassium, but plants can have advantage of it as a fertilizer,
banana peel has a nutrient of manganese that helps plants to begin the
process of photosynthesis, and banana peels contain many nutrients
like calcium that helps plants to be healthy.

Anne Gibson said that banana peels can be added in stag horns or
elk horn are in air plants, air plants are plants that are not
connected to the soil, they get nutrients in the air, banana peels
potassium helps displaced sodium that is harmful to stag horns will be
later mixed with potassium so they will be erased. You can add the
banana peel by soaking it in water spray for 2 days then it will be
mixed in water so you can just spray it only in some plants.

Heather Rhoades (December 24, 2015) said that using banana peels
as a fertilizer is simple, after you eat the banana, simply throw it
to your garden, but it will be longer to be composted or used as a
recycled fertilizer. You can fasten the composting of banana peels by
cutting it into pieces. It gives nutrients that make the plants

Shala Munroe says that banana peels are known healthy because of
its nutrients (such as potassium) you can put the peels in the potted
plants. The Scent of banana peels are attractive (such as bees, fruit
flies, and other flies and insects) so you can make a DIY insects trap
containing banana peels.

Jessie Szalay (2014) writes that banana fruits are very high in
potassium and pectin. You can also gain magnesium and vitamin C & B6
from it. It can be also added to lotion you use for protection from
sunlight because bananas also have high amount of antioxidants which
can protect you from free radical s due to the level of vitamin B6 in
banana fruits. It helps against swelling and helps prevent diabetes it
also increase the production of White Blood Cells (WBC) and
strengthens the nervous system.
Patrick Blair says that banana peels are packed with nutrients
like potassium, calcium and phosphorus. You can elevate the
effectiveness of banana peels by doing the compost tea. You can also
make dried peels as a insects repellent.

Janice Taylor (2014) says, there are many ingenious ways to reuse
banana peels. One can use it for compost and fertilizers. It can also
be used to clean house plants, shine your shoes, polish silver,
improve one’s complexion and even remove warts.

The gathered literatures and studies provide the researchers

sufficient information about the banana peels. Furthermore, this
information elevated our interest in the use of banana peels as
fertilizer and the effect of it to the growth of the Pechay Plant.
Statement of the Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis (H0)

There is no significant difference between pechay cultivated with

just watering and tilling the soil, pechay treated with synthetic
fertilizer, and pechay treated with saba peelings as organic

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is significant difference between pechay cultivated with

just watering and tilling the soil, pechay treated with synthetic
fertilizer, and pechay treated with saba peelings as organic

Cause and Effect

If better growth performance and yield of pechay observed

compared with just tilling soil and watering and those treated with
synthetic fertilizer then, saba peelings as organic fertilizer is an
essential substitute for synthetic fertilizer.

Definition of Terms


Is an erect, biennial herb, cultivated as an annual about 15-30

cm tall in vegetative stage.

Synthetic fertilizer

Are “Man-made” inorganic compounds usually derived from by-

products of petroleum industry.
Conceptual Framework

Saba Peelings Chopping Growth and

Application in Performance of
soil pechay

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