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Hohe 1t Resor RDBMS: > ee Be Cl yo seeuety + Type | Dans » “Kehusek 2) Object Orieoted 3) Heh D Roams ~> RDBMS (Relational Déitabase ri pens isa Ape | Dans OOo form if) Uble or reltions oe a BF) Darts follows relationa) mulal then it ee O J becomes Roan hick we Datatypes are mondator Datatypes a 4 ot ah FA Bers Jolosis’ €.6. 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Prima ta) Gonsbraint i — ‘¢ Constvaint Ae re c : 4) Pie q}oshg 2 PL os Used fo avoiol re auphi Drocte value * Cha tn aan whick axe ante) hon zB ~ y woorrdl hick. ts used to eotl or a. 1 CP me Aoohaace tes d ming by The table cor has g one pony /EY a » Ss @ ) aa “he e td eC sa! 7/202. k (per > 605 My ee vo); Roogier cdeohf eal a. oa +o igi ipo ie: -table Constraint be un) Paima 4 Paeia) pmo k should bel not nytt ee ts nish a tpibikadion oaiyee. @ Not Null tt is not Imanclactory but design wise P alee a ro Constaaint i i used fo fae the. Conn botwern Dave). gn Wi thane one pot mt by 2g at * not moncle ‘ i ga pam ken a fable) car 07 ore’ i anotrer Cb J eo » fora ea s recent in chi ls “ create ts 9 Peet table enone x + eal be ‘ PEt 4 Renor vey is o. known oA Referancial Dolegs, i tpre : P a Data Me a. Ins cape b. upd ons . Del os sete | 2 Trans 8 ama’ | “ag Gomueye es : 7a oe, sone ‘ 6. Re 4, Dats la oe eT Cie efnation Canpuage. CPDL 1, Daa D ey Cf La a: Creale b. Renome Cc. Altes * d. Twncate e. drop 2X Data Manipuleton low Language CDpNO 2 a. Insevt be update c. Delete ransacton Conte! ee (rer) a Commit 6. Save point C. Roltback, 4 Data pe paper a. Grant b. Revoke Ww (pet) ; Data oe) 7 ae ie. Ava Sellems b. Pwjecton @. selection d. Toing. I a Pam QMH}D P2PPS -v sso Fog | | 4 , 2 woey . Se 2 ter ie ree rs PO + u S sb eaaiiropeeet— a9 el 8 | 4) #7. ele ui ae + preps: waned Ge et | fers ws ()2197- ie © gee ents Rare = suer P 244 5 spoppgou. suse]? % oe ypEog é oof ep er | Lass G17 ao e pnawpee Of Qupu fps » p 2) 99) ye vel Youu vohe) dup g 2 yeMm 4B lus OUP je pore Dp RRodsp tof ayqneodioe 2 wrap PUPS — apdyre v Puag @ orp 7H 2 24D). OF @ 3yor 2A a ¢ ; ee parvo 32) aopouny <— couryene ABU S.-Y sunsobee'e/ eo vasteadha © Wn ‘ Le uk sve cep 9a, Der]? Prat @ = 2 woty b dun) 9> a31r) celjeaonn foinr eae, eee Inc a popes 6 saps & psy7o peetee coupraand capa 4d tt EC Gace So ee “2 3808)? (aoe —[; joa ge wore: wile mE TE heitlso callecl as Astonia /eoiled ‘characte pre. details g° nopamstine + a Pi cael tte golect all + i table gro ul a dapat + Dame ispovli4 F pamer apt ta l, WA n oe... selec mom olept j fF. a Bed olept table cole Dept no nom olapt 5 gd wadtp ath He dlnames ale select Aname, lee Brae oe @ wadtD aie ee be f foam dep Se un. with» Upcation oe Sulsond ie es et which te a table nare whore ome fable names, oll be pre are. presek in dekahast: ea ck 20) al 5 seh page P2PLY 6 sit! peper Sek Lines 100 pages’ '225 Q wadtD alt the enant from iP fable g p select Ename > from &mPs wAaTD af Ha EID he wath theaie ae seleot ata Empn, Joa : Bibs exten eam BRITS 7“ cas a aut a comin ag ol dno. + Comm apt a * ee ab wad fo 2 wear apere fy por Sh 2: Immediate value / valiise a) aces col th ee 16 +210 eo Sal RID = 1200 100 (J wadTD Gm name clon, with 6,month salen Select Cramer, seh¥S c ae emp 3 2 wadrD nome, by salary 3 alco dhsplees Pak Jo‘ rack ravi sah S edelBperane, fal piso Rs wi at} abt: oy select ne, ‘A a0. sori Sere yy oy, } waar Jeb> bo comm, aleng with 12%e) ° clecveton & meng Tasty s golect Job, Comm , Baht s oe Too A wadTD ot ee Emp 5 ‘ qr QwhdtD € ¢ 2 Select job» Comm , som Emp 5 tn Con. j " Ne yb gis NO celect sal, (sale ne Cale 2E> Comm — comme 8 \ a c aes 8 - as : Q wade RRC DSN dl bu. oss +t {G 2) #1625 pep Phe enram® ne wih Ine We locks ert: ate 0 §? emp aatsils f°” emp + (gg waar table 2 wade od ee select an emp | gd wadtD empl pamer of wonees month Sela AZ Me aay. Gs tw a iC. Es ode tad » as ts eolaet Graney 5 Ceacame | er yA I sol, Binal sak ee with anthly <4 12% hike i? select Ename5 sol, al HID er) 7 loo t \ . oe aT, wl MUA Aer eae fan wJoeh9 1 eee ression hich Pa 1 Columman 67” 1 are present in othe tonle table . > Conditions fo wile ALIAS with ov without a the Key toao word 48 wecan wie nana D # Distinct > dan atte vedas mus apie: words ar 0 ALINE q ramalltl: ., J oop 10, bh a “ig 6 (fin => In unolar score(—) 0% enclose: Exir select Erape f= wama., Sal ‘s. Bei b “ Annual Pr site migy_team- Sale mC, ule Emp 5 i io > Ext = en A aes fens | 4 ot Bo, As Nana a 5 di + Sele Bistact i , ee ad yp Beale, values which are Preset dy res uel tobte Be => Tn select clause either * 0% Dishnet shoe! be ther Prest arg vment = for distinct cline we can Pass multip Qxqumants, H—> pestint clawre will removes are ft eet" which are dophicated . le eal Penske] | ° Selo Distnct Dre 20° som Em 5 a olp> Brno 20 to } 30 4 te sal A siabect : d mae iar Empo 5 Ie [gat] as — / x20 20 | | (0 30 Mh Comm mp along wi atl fhe Ree emp ey geoloet Emp- , Comm gan mp . aT ig wage a Ee He safary oles, whit narnt @ wadr> Z C selects Ename J S daa emp j Q wadtD ail Phe a Emp table iJ select Ename ae emp 23 Shea tose > as Selection + 74 es used o relzieve the laa Bx & fom tole selecting wou & Ga? a ae Cj ot Select aycpiavide] Column nom table — name. Cee ‘Sunda’ } 400 i PE tO) Y poner 2) @ wad D> Ename. uf phere na C : leet? Ename » JP? call ” wadTD hore ina’; ) ge i 4 4 vadTD stefrils 4 emp Shane contig a more thar fob seloct * wom ene hare Sal > 2800, wadTD name 5 job A] émP whore woorkiog as salesman celent Gants j25 hom em ae aa : aman ighare Joe = ‘sabe ay 2 waar Soe oo 4 ee soleet Empno, sal, Dro es A oon amp A : idhere Dno, = 20 45 WagTD @p Name , Comro Ger Toots emp F are, mig ite - } a Co thon s e L SEQ: see ~—_ (— F) wadtD with Annvel eds 4 are goth lauet toolgener ) Hee a fe ake. 6 Ann val sealer’ Game, Sal , Salt> A | wm Em whore. Magd >IMooe s salen. Seeks diane Se eae fee yest oft 3! select > gle Decal 4 si enP Where, Hite B ore foie Baoeh 7 O ae wear niReDate Emp op tt were “> bred) games ng “7 s Phy caaye ol = Tan = Ez) Fh a bil waaTp elétach’ J tmp i are ane dn pept n0=/? ay prvsiole seloct #@ nom em, i Cues i aipresvolont were. Ino'= (0 5 ANID p6fosh? + Qpecalors. — 1 Anithmadte perl) (+, a) 2. Compariston aperetores (=, 1s oro) 3. RelbBonral operable rs: Ces ay SD y. oe operofors Cane, oR, Nor.) ca vepeerat Concabination operators C Wea Poe 6 « Special Operators, Cin, raminy, <8) 4. Between, nor Geter! 1s, 18 NOT, ae Like , Wor Like). > 4 NY : gene aes Sub eA operates (AIL, ANY, Exists, ok PO Re men, exists) ? teyicl_osnaloas i oe Welk Oi, ‘es =a0 AnD 6 3 Q wadtp detark J ey if faa are woah os moroger Oe aoSdyst selec * 7m Emp ‘ 7 Lokerres +) 6b = WAandgtrr ORO Ish +! anabyet ¥ GOs ite a A wadrD name, oleptna along with Comm if Emp are Comm mere. Har Re ue uo wisest aa Salesman. Sekt Ena, deptne , Comm wm Em where, Comm So moee)2> = “salryman | Leese 's Wi vas Gur }ven Pye cul the Emp 7) Hoy Cat more mesg [1250 ew PMc 6 ai —sekeot, sof ie 59) RS 1 mr = Gy & wWAdTD cletarls ¥ Emps y Hy were wired 2 os Pg he monte & DBeecV) ee Select + Fe fron emp ‘ sed Guheve. Hinenate é30-Nov- 8! : ie AND HIREDATES ‘gy = nares 7009 BZ, Quatro ame, hredati g ath the -t ur g urate & or Bae fey ave. cenild 0 ee. Depino = 20 Gales Ee Grareo ean hom Er \ where (gob =‘ MANarey Mest OF job = | presided ie AnD chepino = 2) @ wrarn uiredele g emps whore Hired 20777) He yc ae ) ye Se iridata ea ee IP COs ge there (hivedate S\a'O/ ogame 8° wr ctetail fe ear ee Phe as ee oe 1 Gal more ie ae tai annual Sak + nin Ue put (assert) thor eek kouatten eee noms emf pnp iebH2. < 25000; Gustave. sol #12 > 12000 | Gf wAaTD « bg emps who were wor er of Clerk or An Gg Salesman os mancs or preside ! Sekect » wm & whare (job = ‘sabsman' OR job = \ ah a Fa yo C yoo yoo =200 X aie yoo = 300 X | 1 i oe | nore In) opeaboy elias) Puasa cal ro oe | +e Cond” ts Fue | ota ad oe an he? | sul as 12506F 30004 OF 5000 sohep Cemam cal have Sof IN-Ci2sd , 3000, s000.): | =) f wake empry Tob s alk ta: emps ho ave working by Heptno 4 F eptno 20 oF Bo ‘ad | ips aes CCE notre) = Fabe yoo! = 300 qoo} = 40d x ct wadrD > delauls gZ “a Emp tp thay are Gorking 59 qa dupt no an i Ja Ce are hg Sal eneept yoo e7 & 2850 Select * nor Emp. / where opto In (10, 30) | PAO ponin (e002, 78), 4) wraty name. /)0b,lefeptnn alt Phe Ems who ere working ab clerk or wr except Rh a (0 oF 2 Od ie Select ename., job, olyetno ey Mare sob IN (Clerk? manager) ANP dleptne wot is ead: age, omen sith 0b A eee aaleomnan Dd wadtD Nome JS hres ta ae ow fara oF P + 30 0% Yo ah } mw C salesman’, presideuk) bo beero sob NOTIN C30, 4); | ie iP Ha em ass with nome sal 6/9 y2s0 1.3000 to al wae TD saf emp Clare geetin G AG select saf, name from & ie dhere Gald7250 ANP Saf <<3000; roe hy 2D 2elisean Opecrabor / = wheneey we have ra Thon @ ihe belareon le} ee * rage > four range 2, vppe re A canes eh irae 3 Gina Srila 3 \ 4] cl hialflll Ween Irae “and : aC fs * 22H) ANDY £ = 60) Va. Bute bh, f ats 200; janis Oly, Adda tno § { att he 1h } ne 2 also +e selec! Crome, sol, Aepine ee emp where sof < svoo AND hiveclata > (eS) Dec - #0” hive date <°0) - TAV 82 a An = hivedale BETWEE! aalaile emp. hak fs, Be but fest Han 300° p or- TAN=8) pnp '3i- Dees! more A wedtP Han Im goloct * rm &M aP Lokare. Saf > ain at ee regal sefueon (257 AND 2998 g ds. . iso AND Peas 0°?) be ‘ € oh g exe Oke A wa SZ wrety sal given fo alt Phe. emp i Jo 3000 Bier: A i sel behwen 1250 em sal {rom emp? ‘ Qone-re fy bauhdoln Tomcamm aoe 4d Nap Between Syatax 3 oy Cd namelene Nor weneent AterarZ AND B A = oat 2 cn AND 2 ig junep one ft ® te se tr : Sxxept whe py ct yo eo : ; colect Coram @ wadartt Ane emp Hee DMR 5 2 No Jokare job 20 Oa Salamon \ ANID Comma NP Between 300 122 SNe pe iaho ane getting sal less weed) to chock the null ov wot Null Rones nuu/Nor nue Select * fle emf? Ouhere Comm |S null 5 coho hoes nok have ary 4 wrdtD alk emp Ma select * rom Em whore. eX 1g NULLS | 2 ugar Name S47 onal Ne Nanie. os king |£ | | select morn Em 4 Where | ~. w= KING 2 ee Sob: Aa? A) ee ‘Rina ; NoTe: =" am tn is es . +. Repair a molchi es om © ae Dine, 7" | hare Ename B Like Operator Ue operator cs useel ee patter na yin + cae cd.nome]en> LIKE ‘peter th mathe : baste ey ae oa n éh aims 3 a? ia val ao spot ta By sob? inn select * son EP. ; , % ah phavenherans: LIKE cma. job f alt He, Emps. Hr J eo d ob endls with wr TD MAN solct #Erome , job hom EmP . whore, job. LIKE Py te™. 3) gu. wadtD name, sel Giver calm te Sas ao ana ge Mawager av dlivk & ty Xe Ck gipiairs ‘sal Soheat Chante: ; sal nom Ep? kore) job. e@ jw) aC MANAGER’, AND (dol Likes wal oa s ay Bs widry) adheil epald » Cif Con A They name includer a4 ‘nN? id. it Selet 4 nom Em - witre Colm fs Nernue ANE Snare re 0's A Sclerk’) oA ATP meth sole on Whar wAATD ¢ And Sele or wok wadrp olelil Ff amps a {heron start 12 wage? ae ea Ses select + nom Emp s Where Crome LIKE AL’ oR Crome Uke ‘Mi ' a QY wrath 4% wadbn emp.No, nares, Higen ate enjas a p Hd Aiveol, in thesiyoaqrrs PY 0% 8F ¢ select EmpN0, Ename., HIReDATE ga Cie ae | here, Pivedates om Prices Oy wad CMe hot por. Bye hivedate Uke Oh ate! ) Le Bakes Aaa BOD eu lon Sita >= [oI TAN -B ip Name emps Whe’e Name Rodan pio wagtP * ap. gw eyes Coat HST Select rane ie, eT o> Ce Cana Nore OR > a WW wear ia 4 eps Pehste Ayres How (Omit Select + fat tak: Where fname. Like. “%e@% ¥ an are oll s ee Pe how Rtas PSE AE Mh. oc ‘ene o ‘here rahe eH Peay a Nie - fo match; sees] CPM Uke * pallern charac ler Te remove aprod bohaviov 7 7 pe Chayacter & moke sk an Orebina Lovaclex hick ° present nett (torte > € once edb namafe np UKE (paler to-mradeh u 2 4 ter? + cae delarac Ce % wild charm : |, 5S Won ane chovailer by special ohseiele* ts ) 1% Dy hts +f @ wAat e g wad QA 4 wad tine SLAG J an eur Cf Pho. employe name. foveg Fr id wAadtD name 1 ie @ ore? atmos Select * yon any Bice Bue Uke epg YA t ede ee URAL io ot 4 wadTD ctatasls § emp d la j'2> having atleast 2A : select nm ae 7 ob ; where Gade UKE CAAA Ls p O wrdtD ia al Fd Pea, jo a exactly 2A golech ~ Ste where Fab Whe a hank AvP Foo nat Hike he fA D- Job wot ke | * Bike “ncakan 3 he dwar cred an emp es, ona ae eolect Ename fe: eee he (Yowe sh. . amp cantah UKE seer nenes ; yn & + rt th RMR 8" 6 it ( + finctions UNGAR, eg at A male PP y > rt executes noe eed 2 hutti gow fur? (> —> It Rakes “nn. ye bub TE gene ‘ Stogle o/e _ > oe enced ede ba | G2 9. iii | deat” } 1M AKO rr a MINE) Be SON 0 4. Avg 0D 5 un valet maxim | Jo obfain max a lumn Syartan + Oa (calomn-nomes | eP ); 3. Sum OF Q wAGtD a ce is used Po obfain Def values is. -wohe Present in, He geen tolumn- C ! oe + sum (column —name exp) OC ys AVE 0 j= se 4 2g eer > cae uses fo obxain wn volute = ayiten Ave Ceblamn nom / emp); Ss. Count to Spar wie. . Ras: \& WAY, oe da count O we con pq Ss . A A 42 i dent” 2” He table x aul), man confi parr ) yadtD MAX Seto | j 0. mm select maxcsel )siMIh! (comm) from émps dg D wrap titel sol needed fo Pe fe au Pha = Bearers AS MANAG seleot sur (sot) qwoxkiny som doaiale 8 wAbTD AVG Comm Givei’ fo mips who've working in oloptne 20 oF 30° select AvG (comm ) 7m Em Where oe In (20,30); | Soaeine te Snes mii dap ro 20 Select | CountiCr’) 70, at lave lypths 2 20 fob IN MANAGER”: - i maya gy ‘wad Max MIN SO a i Hie Eno whose, na” 0, se ava lsat tax C5. select Count (#) ene ond wa dal ARIZ, Bo dace ov hinedote | Like yest) wrdtp ptel sof neodeal salud Opts dhe enyos hose Kom acl te a and chav select sum (sal) \or OM Erm} wad TD aie emps tee Comm in oop? ao orU30 } are. salsaman Select couch O*- select Court C#) mm) Where Comm ps Not Mui AND daptna In (29, aa) AND %. Sicalnan’ 4 ¥ Select couche Comm) from ¢ Where, i In (29, 20) ANS J°° = SALES nian! he ol Dino. Bl Ze he escape é ay aaate ar wate On waar Q wr by waaro 72° vax Chivedata) mP os ae hired emp* hivecate i} Yo etuct tel hiredate ) (ae wd present waarD aaa dept no t- = Emps tablet Count Seloot EEO (Distinct clipt ne) ak, emp) : 2 \ ., Au wWAdTD Sah: pe es Emp Hab lel pistinet select Count (job) ee emp : Q wader : ‘ & eS { a Bese are tacludles — ar ex raster OY Bnd Lart chayartor select court C+) (eae Whe Chane Ukes ' — 1 jhhoncel) pi 0 Resa, wee SPR score ty? ear 8 po waar ete hivecl uring #4 Cf } o vt or 3 select court C¥ ) from bm Vere hhredate @ LiKe hivedast Like SRP OS hivedafi > “39- DEC = 27; 7 sa Prag Comm 2 waaTD ver] enps who eae i m witha. aa nol) select 20 Em where Comm Like | % “ D waar max sabe, Prout cn kyetno 10 select Max (yah) 69,92" OK 70r) Em, de. Ty = 10; | ¢ wad7D max sab prose oy olaptns 20 Select max (sal) Cael dipha = 2a 2 Abt mak sal prasush ig bhi oe ey ory yd waa ~ C200 a | A we Can Hee fe 2d ee a ly Re, fe Paths oF - * Group oY — fro we tords Cre. Seca! f Brel ne uate, al) 27; / . ¢ 70/2 . she. exocufion { from clause J g by Clause e@xecw a Wie sl towe € ‘ > with oy with £ sins ; wre tua by Ciba => Gry Chg Stee 2) Gem oa dae aie” ff Toor clause + Credler rups. bus cloure which. le Her tho > So, thet a ‘ G@lxoetea rr: ud ia 2 louse I+ > we con Pass pan. uly ‘a cal- peal XP es an soja to ae hi louse muh 20 - x Expresston The. Column name/. (3 Which ts wartten on Ones clause GUS se ele pret ppc Select nae g f From tab < namd Chere raat: i. ie ree” In each je cf a 5 = is whore sal S100 me er a por J or 40 AY nd, Deptne Select Cou m Emp dSiove clept no wor IN (19,42) foe ae t. De waatD mar sal needesl te PJ o i ‘ “= aes pee Ca eee Select max (sal) nor EmP : ae. oe a CAnabyt’, Caanater); Qe wadTD no. Ff emps who'Fe oRkin sal more =~ than aw Sess Mauk Citentts alap E SaWect Count Or), deptne gun & | whore Sal between Oop) AND 3999 ge Goat: G4 WhATD Max mi, sum sal Given -fp att Phe Emps who're rot hinesl Whe moth | Dee in ene Job. d "pane De Eames select Max (al), , nom Eng > eee Treat por uke ° Zo peck’ et Gmup by job ; - dO , rk cae ag wa dt AES ol ivan PN , 7X who've getting sal mare tran 2k baths ( Lesser Uthaly °K Jin each olept - €) 3 Solbet max Caal tere Gon, Emp ohare 7 hefurg Qa0% ANP S499 Cela, dapt no } Qu wadrD max sal) Given, Bs emps who're. ae eal more ton 2200 bu max tec¥er Phan U200 In cath dept - Pt Select mar (sab) om ! Whore ‘Sail >}2200 4 2 U Group b daptns . ane One ars : Ok Al wea) { 0 Ope uh ape Orwwiss Praorr ( iy Joke GB CA 7 A HAVING Clause i = Tt ts vo sed ae filter AP sedis Swcbes qoy cH ve —> Having clause clause wi aa Ha cl Og are by clause Pas fae Having cloure Lieg clescre Cond!” on Hovis re can VSe tn ae an wrte mul { > we sya tan ? Lect 9r0uF ont(niee)/ group by- exp” # 20m 0 TS d ig A Crohere xeewion } Shed Cont eh Beg 7 ch p> gis - Groop ~---9 Grup “ey Group may, |4 cach otept EX wAdTD man Sal pret a sal more fhah $00 es select Max (sal), P7? a from Emp Zs Cqroup by Lepr? ae, 5005 ao pasty, | ap EEL rs ad Lh —— Goye by oor clause o as bi. here clause & Hows = ch ces blu 7 AI sere Pe Velorelt > 3 shevag ola. ole vseel di Heath es 9704Ps Having clause ts uses! d: — 4 = 4 > lore clawe erecute, ww by 2700 Bahay SY : ie. clause ereete now Cf car = ¢ = i} > where clause eneciks before moup 6 a & ola Clause qd fp bu . oy aed call wre Nee om where cdaure Bot in having clause we! Can \igntel P we Cannof Use Group expression wn Where Clause but in havilg Clause we con wate r We Can Use caloma- name, th, whore clause but in having clones we Can't We Can yee ee. te) oierel = aleuire Bige? ie “7 tien & we Cann BL ee Abe “8c g & oF © 03 vyyD0W | oF 00% vepuns 5 Th 01 005 “pwo Oe 0G vue Spd Dead M doony dlp the eee me ag wratP as Se sO a Beets fron EmP A Gadop by JP ¢ Havin Ob (gat) > 100% i the salesrar Q nessledliactS aa) fe he exole is a & each objet ae fi befwesn Yso0 +o 3400 select avé (sal) Lp? B im, gn ene " : Cuore Job iy Usalesman. nae v Group ba alapine “a Ava (Sal) Behoetn, 200 ANe Su00 J. 43 wadrD total sal anol oon Glven fo | alt the Ems cn each job? etfing, total Com > JP "Add Be. select som Ceal?, sum (comm), Tob = ¢ hom “Emy m4 Sie uw a ‘Sum ((omm) > 0; ae SY waar Mag sups working. in ech A i wr + ‘mn each LE pt Boo! deptno io which Herd a Emps are Work! ve atleast 2 NIN Select Court C Piette 7m Em eure tno NOTIN 10 a basal Qe wadTe each C £ Pee cma JPG Omnanrk ck ‘ select max Csal), job from erp GDahore serra 1N 22? e2 yob (sal) < 5000; p nos eps Working. n each dept 10 Cthere are Tatmack & Emyps o7e we Group by inoup by Having max a Select Count C+) os por émP Group b pobdyptne Nevint ‘coubt (<= s ; pmax ba) and sw'som sal Given Do all Ho dn each, fob en whieh o, bub otmest, 6 Emps tre at wadaT. “% Emps exc tA there are . atleas works : -sdlack maxlsal), 8gum (sat), joe foom emp i h 3 eases eam NOK In ee Group. jae whe Count (#))>=2 AND court (x) © <= 6) or Having coukh GH) Bekveen 2 and 6, ated [oper G8 wrdtD sal which are FP yp sdect eS ij fen nh Gop * af Nout Coal) >) havin cf (89 wagro hivedtafe which 4 eelect hireclate mom EP Gop yy pirectohe * nig cau Chg?! aur ect G10 wadtD no-~F Em a ae one sao et jn Same ape a Count Wy ab a) aie aed Ev oi ce oly ds avy — 34 ae Bie hd arhaw ae pes WO eG (3 in each Kote alkeoiro tp houeens © 80 oe kept p waar 7° q = CG selbet count OD nom & ‘ Lokore! toh Nom BLK... 4 BY fre a deptro dQ watt eal in bacco order. Select “soll he pe Get if dase: 0: & more ne-g med 4 waltD Sal es one d Soloet, Ss roy Ben Grevp b gal ae Couict ()= (select max (4) rom ( select Couto sage Em p ; frovp 4 sal) is J Group? by Jt) lon” CRE yy) group - d select _-97°Y select JPG) Prorw taele—* LF Hew Column name /exp sitew— cond > C where Group & Having < 9 20UP = mages. Ovoler by Column - nome. /enf>/afias / mols ey Gasc}/ DES 5 x One 5] execution 1, $700 aa [where] 3. Group b ye Having s Select be aprnicy a NOTE $ —> where olaure 2s, will work fe boolean = seleot + a =" “Select 0) iS Be 7M emp where B24; where Y=4; Op - ir i p= no 700% lick yp sai) 20.05 «2 4 Selectect . ae/osh? al Soh Cases ts Known Svb- je » * Working Daineiole as £ ms eee cer UO at an X av . Bi ~ frst dner gue will 2necale Aner les Fh oudpuk ote > ihe output enevites! porn toner gece cs 4 aa + Ute o JO As an enput >? ie ouler gue Lakes the tnpul ton taney pe hs aes demic d z a? Fhe. enreudion it generis Phe vey > Without oder gy Vaney , Oder quar wh Seek ee al paeec oes hack Pre. ofey ye fe dlaoonclent on nea ‘ f bit cer Ss Knatin’ aw ae He Sis eee Oe yivalucs tr wero d 5 have unknown oan ap kbp Care APT Phan 600 salon dG ees ne m emp ave, bal 6005 J wks oder $F wadTD name 1 an &m yp whe are & ciel C = Poses Cire ey fete gk “ek Select Ename L- 60 ute” 70. émp ante 92% | Crshecre sel mi sad Tp qe" EnpP ’ », where, Ename. = ‘sun yndn X BD Dn aaa? Machka,= sundy x Sunda 2 Sounds Machhi = Sunda x wouderr Foo >600 V %6 >600 x A 10600 'S 600 & Joos 600 reid: Machly “goles dvs 4 Sub gue ‘ Ge + only 00% colurnn con selec of Fr . salacteat prora inne” JUTE 9 Qwad® wn Tile, CL cle Vea per column pave g howle be 4 , J 4 fies : 6 age al more s nate ctelacls 4 emp ugho re than Cents sal bine d wAaTt : =e 508 Chshere Sab > ( golect 5a ‘ hom Em Giokere . ‘9 @name2 “smith /): itt Ds £ wadTD name. + ak Phas ar whe ave hired) offer ‘martin pet aa hivedadts om Er : ; Cha A} Wedate > Cachet ved La \ \ ‘ he 4 wat : hare. han Maes Vion to a ‘ \ J i ape id an mp ol , by a iy oT orking | % mill 3] oe ene jb ee + fom &mp Adhere. ctepino = (select deptno i nom &ry _ where Cname = Adame’); g wadtD name & hiecleile J all. Pie, amps a with 7 Je they ave L900 as Salaman my ave hi 4 cott Select Ename , ivedlale , job nom Sry Lokave ‘ob in) ‘Salesman’ AND hive dake < ( select hivedate ae bmp phere, Ename = ‘scott’ ); raat F 9 wadTD lia 4 ep ps who a Salary. more thon smith Shut coh are hi wal at 8), sb Select oon, fred ST ga huD o RC a Sal > Cher.) ; pra em P Mdhere Enamo = 'smith’)- oe a ay. aa Sali mon Qwadry oletah 4 émps fhe 7% s 5 : aes de if tess Pan Ap “yl than smithy aelect ¢ g nom én cals C select sal 7... Oe Grain _temitts) anal gabe C select caf ooh emp have: Crome emps hired Ts blake bub cf x Case 2 | r aTD 10 Te an truf befere~ Sam => Data select? count Om) 3 : 3 Cae sedate > (select hveclaté Se hom @mP ‘ hare Ename. = Blake! & T F And ee Cseleet Lew ae : = |Sp othe ‘hiredto tt o* 9 » Be £mP . Where eure * Jams PS a y WAR dwar max at all Ha salman é bee are workings in’ ‘sama, Supt as martin 's rho Sok select max (sal) 70m Em Feel ae oe bat hey ope BL a “a _s tn one # Coset pata be olis ras nl ton “Gite, be exeeed table & the eebre another table ther Rand” Sub- ) os wAaTtD a gondat pepe ‘ Ga) ‘sleet Dnare c "OR? Dept x ee Dro}! = MGelect Deo | 1@) los ay x Lom emp ots 20 im where eA (Surda} secs a ye Bitie esol MAK WReachtad suinola * ) c 7" cunts = gurl Sage Niaakhi = Sund2 aclect 7 07 whore scott a WART. rat LD oleptra zi select Lnrame ee adopt [rlae Dao = Cselect 70 feet Seas tee 2 waar Rearend smith wae, dete select Loe dept. hom oLept Select where aS = (seleet DV? 0m data emP wher uphare! Ename- = ‘mith’ y wAadsD “aac oq. emp who pe ee fo Sale olept J e a BL wn bt> Select ¥- rh ave, Bhs : Og Sulec ver rom Emp re ar = Cooked as * wh _7”" Ber exp lapt \ = Ceelect deptre ey d. hs ‘saDosman?) Cphave Saptnd Loker’ joe ParepcBphend = “sees; s who axe ee 0 ale Qwadtp tals J emp: ZA ny F oa Select som &mpP Pvreré clapine = (select cteptna £ tohere Dnome = 0m ne are} Is oY wesea’ 4 wAbtP gah exps who axe working 00 ale 4 cart. J Select ous : ee = Cselect Septno «qoam dept hare Drama 1 G ‘actoustiat, f Preah eLp) RY C { eA + Ty pes _Sob-4 dary xs cal 3 eS eae aS vbbi - 1909 82°F a e: from < » whore , 2 sub a 2 sop co eee single - % sub, fo subyee Known +A 4 [pe # Bae wee ae subye ‘ me ee Or — raed os 6 wae By t35 ie F e g wAdt> < oy io }3 whan Sobpty a fhe sub return le a... a : 7 2 % te Knbeon cs es, » Opiore. Pian 0 multi = 2 - 0 comp: es a i dik) oe Can PP Use Car VSe es o x 5 Nor iw, AL s R lee Wore ee ee ones ee ; g wordy ‘os Salesman a ealoch Dem) loc Bom obpt Eire clapine pr Cseloet hate ak m emP Y (‘cakesman', ‘ Arabyst 0; wAgt> clofat Emp whe are oN an Clerk jn sales’ 0%, gesearch olept ) select nora emP where job mm tclerk’ ane leptre in C select depine 20m olept Whore Dname / gwndt ee ff emp in chi aa Select Noe 70M & Coheres See sins Goh' 2", ce ue) mel Mae i Yon ™ rer Em, there job Not iN (Presidlert!).” nl ales’, ‘vesearch)} aencept proved who are ce or paces otetadls aries wad? he ave” C) hept gon el & Hoe operabion ig of d p ¢ more Bhar Looe yet» and Phay are getting Sw Bee f ohare of fect x ‘al $2000 AND daptno iw A bet Dna me wl! weseareh , € ae «account Coperadion = ‘bag sah mare * wadtp delails J emps who weg? at mavin GeU seleet * from &m) Geokore Fad ewp( select sa) den enpP ' yk »: Wi ach eae Li Sata Q wadt> wondta ceptname» f &P who are aan as mang: me . st select D. ) hom ; a “a in (select fapiro 5 d fron Emi bine maser) P wadrp okeptnaims. amps wioiare. geting sal mare“! miller d i d d Siloct Lnomot Giiear) ae tA olept hore. lepine nw Geet ‘Abe ok tn sal > (select sa) From &mP ») Where Crame iN {pillex) _ De Sali atenps Sohne aang in ale ober yee ey seg , ; eg oy ory re eS i d 4 tap v0 no nifentaet AP f m chop ik 5 Accoundin im) Chore aa a in By And sal < (selec pom eR Ke? Adhere, Enane IY king’) , ( ae Eg lpi’ Pig ere Mableent > 2) oe r ee Eee ae 2 colect™ pa yor’ olep ie a Licpie im (select ee ioe ‘ob ae cman Gru by aept” ao oe a yy, oD uwndt> rome J me who are ome in eee patos jrannger oF clerk si S0bect Cname er Em here. orn Gc sleet eer’ ale i in Chicage’ ) Chon! ¢ lerk'); ofelasseetsios) § wadrD dele J emp who are gists ea) more Han jones jaw); g wAat? duran wadrD detal ] emp whe E att skal catomen nen aut select & nom ex a ere eau operator select € =r hie m & a epee il AU SINRA es on gone AN accepts mhuckbvelveccte Rus & A Oke ae a Las ale) with -relled eee i RAS a a bs : wadT> ie Rell tatinel Aid Cus Ys 292 = al operilor DP see ee: SF y Aw Cieo, 20% 3025 % Uudh 300 >100 T _g00p200 7 | false 30a) 30% F — oy opiate poe ore, ott fhe 2. 7 oy Operedor Cae A wader col is Ailotinal'ep Avy (vy, Vy =< --Vn); = | a a Any (190,200,392); a wWAQTI 30d} 300F An. : : a ponbr retums Thee cohen 7 ( tne con! Dewaart PUR oe jae Au Oashere sal > anejer') 5 g oe O where sal > Cselect max (sal) om EmP 4 where job 1 are) , ' ; Did adore > f waa detail | sare who axecy® iF s sman atleast & Select * yom ery es a af > Any Csolect sal yom © ; \ there, job 1 Esalesmar’ )) os Select + diare sat d Cselect sD OS io in ‘salemmon” y ae a wadrd’ max ‘sal v {rom Emp Table Select max (sal) or Emp 3 d AbD first max ical ' select max (sel) mM Eni. pA ait alate amp: wha) are 92 ihe arty ( ea site af nm select max (sal) a emp), eae max saf qd e ti as a wAdTD ant max S& lane 3 . leet d jestedl - Sub ¥“7] aquell mar De select monte a) * genet on ag Lahore ip can select masteall ow emp); 1 Foo £100 Foo 00 ane 2 wo * Food one id G00 4900 ~~ sou €400 97 waar 3m min salary, Seleet min (sal!) rn Eng O.rhave “Sal > Check iste cal) ei i bere ‘sal-> € select Pc) 9 wad dotails ha “ae d Me whe are. of he 4 aac sal hom, emp f. ; Ws here sal "Glee te) 7m emp (sy Ola sal ¢ (select marx coal) ra RU, 8 Fe ane4 Cgeleet max (sa!) ela wont dy Beto saae , alge ‘ Wy a i aac ackeet 20¢ nom apt ohare, U waAadtD “ats select * om if whore « bef * § wade “°C f t foc ¢ selec prom Lt are daptno 1% C selec aoleef min sal) pied den'shi> C select min (sal) G2 EBay Cadac minted) upkere'S¢ me, 2) po max sal d ae defails i cept who are gt (ois soi bi mete phe TN) (celbrct Lapin om &mP where: sal tin (select ae yom EmP Dkmersaletseleot o* (sat) f¥om &mP where eal < (select max ( rant m Emp wharel Sol < Cscfect mar coupon emp where sal < ( select ment | aoe Em whire sal < ( select mox ‘sat 70 nA &P where sal < (-sehoct el ue on pty wal < (select max Lal) i ORS a C select max teal) som EP © Sl < (select max ioe rh) i, tee xh Or Mago: 2) NA. Gad aes ie marcel ee ee Ra ee d waar alelails J emp 7 a gd 30/o8/4 Nor edopt Q wAdt> gelact MEY yom Emp where em’ Q waarD * Dw wad manager name jones 3 a ns. dd QwadtD S solect Enant 4 ner Bryf> ser whore’ ei Geleck a mon op I ames=.) 0 ) guest -sjonca_). woKere 2 shi sua oe etl iron MaKe, ‘Cran abe ‘blake’); 4 wadTL where Spa sar rege Mn em Share, Job 1! cler!) a wadrD PC ree OT miller's are colect toc age ehept : : pase where eve darth, Ccelect dapin® nom Emf> cohave Empro IN Cselect M4¥ som Emf> } D. Johove Enama rv Miller 2) Jwadt> smith’s “aie ati ace name. geloct Ma Erome er emp whare EmPNo IN. (select mar Heng enp uohare emPno IN) Ceelect MAX Ge EmpP whore see * null=2X Upharve Ename , eae s D* yatX Q wade @ wadtD “? emps repontig to Tal Selec count ly) ie. emp ca lah (select enpro aia aes kure: nana = "Of B, GwadD ae Emps oho are ag to salesn cots select * mer EmP » there gen) Caclich empxs {, 70 Em \ s eles 5598 wikere jo prs ‘soleaman ! 8 wads : Bn? eh = » Nome v Li 2 . Blake. an’ Eins Whe ave. eA to select Grams. a wad Corr = a ‘ " ig? oC select econ 20m y there frame, in ‘Blake (8 ny un Aapirame f emproher weportiopicte Keg US aut oe 907 whore hoplro (select Loptro Bor cect empro fror? emP- lave yg m Cs Ghore Ename IN ‘Keeps 6 § wadtD no. 4 EmPs who ave. Freer ae ae a0 = dernerd) ma ial Ecetaet cont gemerh. Shave rig ' (Select Fe ae emP kare. Empno te ees Gee hog Enda. 10 'terne5) J or Select Cout Cy vom “Emp to here doesn ect MGR en Em Sohne exams. 1 ‘Turner’ ) ) ‘e 4 WATER © setisl 2s who a’ out Salles ia at a net mn " ie Saket S gees select could @) men EmP Where NGR IN (Select MGR Or whare Job / Ni solesman’) | Ais as h are acre an emp FD wrors name d weportin manoger ee I Select fname from emp Fic R Cotere,enpre 1 SN emp) gener: Bena, ae = ie od . Q waarn ciel empar waho, Ae not ae oF oa Tepe re Wa select + ‘ from emp ‘ ; 9 ae’ where. Emp oT CSdlect NOR nom Em Wiihere MGR 1s aT Mull) 2 wanda delels eps who are having afleast 3 Select + 20m Em % ‘ohare /Omp no in) ag Raab orm. Em hore oe hs not nol) thes Poi Group Select MGR | ree fer ene co 4) wads no) 4 SPs toho (are Direc eect WAOTD ne Enps iad rir vd. “to ig tae Ba Me nd (select Gere sadtte sel hich are zapeatedd select # sof get Soup bye pee Comt CSI 5 wadTD are émps tho are gett same sol select * Gere iraiea) iy (select cal fem exp 1G wy i ere Sol cad) dw # Asi American prtiena! eHrdocedl SEnsktete > Rebrval data from multiple ts. 7 called Goins Car in fore / &9ui_J° jo'o Jrteft coker}? 2 ORgrt callers join iy fifi ote po 5} _sefP join qs » Carfesion join /Crmss joo > Records § table + will be Pe cath xl Ha C) records 4. table 2 > Total no- i talumne Cen Pha, cea Pablet wo!) be CO @ (col! present in-foble 1 Stab! Total no. f columns = Trt To §) Tota no. 4 records én tha resuth taisle. -'!| be roduet Veco vols Preent tq table % Gble 2 : Tata no. "records. = T+ Te ee alan ae fs nla 2 i Select Proc. eo ‘table .namet Cross ja table name?) r Js SSS, a Jota neg d= TAT = 34275" 1 & Te Total no a recorcls = Ti ES =4 SR nem = CA 2) us | ) Liner joi | Spe 18g > Tt ts Used #0, obkeia only matched records. ea ays ANSE t- d CT calect column-nome ; lgcathee. from table - a! iia. table 2 wnar> on Se leet column nam & A , gen eR ois tables Tien Q wade Mighere< jain = condition di uw gael? 4 join = Conclifiond t= oe “niche een _table-rame2 Ca lemn-nd + Cains Conall 27 bait a ce toatl on which, 2 tobles ae Sous > ed ; Sein wadtD Brame: D. Deplre j ; a ee. EPS = : Dname a wadTD> Ename cclons Bee 5 j Bin deegte et eA awin 6. Select Cnams. , Daame- gon ep aH, AwD jee aigler/a; here @rolepio =D: Zaptno £8) BE select Ename 5 DIAM ae Pee tS bake Dept D> NE. Deptno = De D Where Jobs "clerk } D wad Brame of Eps who are wot tis Salrsman th) sales Dept. be e Sule ae wen po i Ceebect mo “Sale from Em here fi Ie salesmen”) ‘ ose” BUR ae. ¢ LZ sleet Drtme: fraps Beer ae is 7 €. daping =, dephno 1a pha a Deas anol _Jeb= BR onan): WE aktaintng = EE dentro og cape tapas SU TC, aeats ee * “yeseaveh’) Q weatp os tall! sean with Poe | ae” "de Aer e presiotent J ae collate eae Empe* » lor from emp , dart ‘Le,cleotno and) sara emp diet = ne Jee eT Aaa 6At4a OE wad: a Pha ow zm DP sSnOTSH CFime 5aSgh ane voit Poe co eo a whe ave located to) obey RONG Setting sal more than 900. arg Select Exam, Sal, Doe 10m emp, dapt shia tro = Hest Leptno’” Anal 1K fi Shall Doo ini‘ chicago’ AND sal > oor! Qs , Z M6 uw» 4 Aapt details 4 alt re 4 a “re Con én re deptny anc! om Ana), ; mS elas si A sales’); sor Twn j Toh eta A emp ype woholre wor Kin fo Salesmon or clerk j Be} 7 3 sgaatP = (5p 83 eT. OE negeraC a0 g elect f.* Ps Hom empe, Aapt : E (leeks p.daptno AID loc NO t vk?) ancl pe pw (Salesman ,'<' tye Dna rane ne etre 0) wAdTD Game ts Fe oe nen auc = thery name select Grame, saly ‘Depo, Drama from En €, dept P Pg @ f mo. Like ZH Gsieed €, apne = D.ceplne ana) Gana Dike Za Ae , OF wAdTD Game, sal, jal, foc emps whore spt 260% was x elesk 0% preset janbiges’g select Ent ath jo Hoc | cp Ole l i workig. in mai ___“¢—__ hom EmPE dive ue g o= > 10 and -depino 1nd (20532) fn job (iclerk’, ‘presiglent); Cie ; 96 wad TD name, sal ,Dramd, Pe | all He on 4 re gekfing 181 max Sal selec? Game, Sal, Drama, Poe hom Emp Ej Dept D whore. & Laptro =Deelyp tno fncl Sal 1v ae (select max. (sal) ak) emp); we Can use are yrs Sal” nevolad +0 rede aet the > ack cbept Cncept Pres no which » al are working j =, © Axe, afldast 3 emps Og . pela eee from emyre, lop D : il ecdmp te ridept And job Y°7’” ao 43 C. doptnd ‘ hav ag Count (w)> ab U > Nt , wAOTD max sal alang with Dram Given to oll He pe Emps in each atept Except aept to Select max (sal), Dramt rom enpe, dept P if NOTE + Olore € depind 2B dLepind and gio? E- deptnn natin) 40 Say a Dram Vo Column- name table name L ef Ura Poom Poin table-nam22 ; le. syntax becaure | we wo ate. the Chgnnatyrel joi sh wil) become Cr0ss c Joie oracle syntax > when we Dest ‘Kreis PH tai cor sfeet ie?- Note zp Natu mal min und give onner Jo? © “SOL eh the prot? jain ofp coke re ? nafomall fain will give Cartesian Ahere: 180.5 PK FR vel” fap ex; ) £42 solect + ae empe Natural Join dept; : Ip ai we are: colactes! Checaure thor isa PK Fk rol” mship ) >» No_o7TAc Syntax blo stouetuze Han ww f> shew ere Et select u a ‘nal emp Nadel jin SHyrede 5 ‘P art, ae vealectedt ( bee ea is no PR Fk wel” "sup res : F Pin Fe resi? table aa cep ~ - waif Gi CN hg Column. a: WAgTI> name > olno cal mp Emps select fname, Lory Sal § ~ gleahe Gz cone sep matched veco~ ls Letorals than we whenever vith unmedch a fox oder feu las Pentel remy ee 5 Be table will C oe Unmalehad -recovels ce oe over point Avsl— “select Column —reme Be foreelci table —namez nom table-namet =table-namez - Day table namedyecoluman- name Column -rname 5 Orecle — Select Column —rame nom -teble-namat , table -namer where table -hamet Co Shr wAATD ath fhe moLrheel wacorels akong: uve unmetchoal mare pet ante ee ty Select > ann Bays B , Grade ¢ wheye B cD = G. GID U4); = table -name2+ lumn.name = ecluma—name CH) ; Fe Sy otat Ans a Te obfein male heal records allon { Raith Unmatched wt Fables will ° ie records 4] 29 4 sat ¢ O aiter jeir ei U Salect column-n9™ je on table -namez e Ail outer j Gilinak tare Steen hon, table- ramet Chis-tustepnam ues Column -n92 5 select column Gas +table-namet » [tere table -ramet- Colum enome fable -name2 nename (+) = +able- « Column=name 5 named \e Select * 0m pe 8, Girls ¢ Qn. GI>D H= 4 4IBs where Passo join : ll wa TE Shifkin madhhesh setae ed es eels Can weg both Phe. omn. J mn name wiple -nvee > named Col_na, a _name.t Full(outex)j2"7 Bl 5 £ +a be- Yon table name 1. columa-name ws = wo oracle syitin because we ae wrt e om at bo the side it wil) cancel o become enner_ join: g wadre madched reeds ales Ce rbonmabekadd 7ecore §) both #uGble Chay > devls J Select » fom Boys B, Be Full outer ) Sn GID = G.GEDS fain Gixls G Result = exp [ume [aw [ard | véremes | ji Munna } 2 Dy Nunn) Rapha Maccha Daame Select froma s+ { ii f \ er /217 fear oayoh yea cure Son t U on oop Ulaypino Sap 25 Q wadtD Crome ee Gl 2a SAvet Crome ;Drame 20m Emp @ Full ular join a On Enprdapino aetipt ithe, é emps are enot “ee. e be a wWAOTD Ename , Donat Cee act Game, Depe ey a ne Emp 0 = «ole a Where ‘Drama is nol; Sib QD WAATED Sname & Dname i oh opt any emps wworkidg) to it. choes nat hove Select frames, Drome m7 Emp alc Owes Join clip? on expe a Where Ename ts roll ava known 0d same. Avo tabks aC es je » why do we 72) Dhow) Cats Pree Gyo P ave preseat. ' aye Bola Gg Synlane Oa ANSI — Boas Columa—name- ae +able-named T Jon Habe -nameat Fe ON T+ Column name. =: column » Empne; 3-1 a en | tal x oPs) x Zs Ie Null | ol By a ehvsemamerns fats x | 2°>* Be sib 5 at ash ee perms yas i Ni eas Maa ay De aa emp ee iB ike e jue hor rmpno| Cnarne ae eae 2 a | Spe oe c 2 y wA f ago foun | emp! e | r bp é wepters cletas Ce.) ( —— 1 me | En MGR e : Qs wad B nud) 2 2 ¥ wit ea Sy Phere managers ‘ita wWAATD €mps Sennen a ae a L a att Pha, EmPs, Select Er Eames Bas from Emp Er , Semper hh = Fa.Smpno 5 wheres a a oe wy Bins x dé with herr moragers Comm = 4 ax salesman ia ‘. ec pro. an| age IN Salesme ae pe. sno. Ard Cy. Emp 3 PR salen and *&- po ™ salesmen” 5 ) -there monogecrs tehasle if erage oF? sng, corm J Select Er Eneme, E-* from empl , emp & Guoher #6, Marge Gi8 Eg2r 0 biel 6. Comm is ea Null 5 ds we dtd emp cefads abe with managers details = l a te. oy iy emps name doobd't start olaptno 20 0730 Saket E35 Ea dem Seal 2 emp Ex whave €). Nar= En Empr? Ane) Ey» Game not Like °*AY' Ane) Ey. depine | ws WATD Emps anol their>, managers Ename. , cottt Brig cs sal mord/than 2000 but ret Lay sal Bes’ than $000 ie ues 6) tee), G,.. Gamo, 6..sel we? ann & 5 ‘Emp ay whore &. NGe =) Gs.1empno And) G.'sal S$ 2000 And E.. Sal ¢ 5000, Quwear “mo LD emp clubs th fe ¥ Be 3 wee es woh their ] } iw IK [I Tae OR wal ’ of "qe comm a BS Select €,:#, 6 CE hom emp, Empl Where 6). 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Cname 5 Ex+ Crome s Exe OO a from Emp & Join Emp & ON G.MGR = E. empno Join Emp & 2 ON ExyeNGR = Es: OmPred big ait ame Muy) sir Loc A wad emps name. & his me aerg manager's: mays eames Leng | ex jain Dept Do, er \91n Dept Ds Are? memps manager datas!’ seleqts ea harene Seite iho enP ca Jen Emp ex ON Em, -NGR = EG. Empre er’: be emps ave ers ATL J wnat emp name Sea wordjaqidns dept no.20. Ibu mo lacatek oh x Eps Letails — Cagpan mans ee Select’ G. Game y @Ds. loc om emp & join Emp er . © On &NGR= G:gepno, Tnnex join Dep? Pe ON. £2» Do = Da Dao Dwnorm & = Aaptname |. blake's manger ee A select ms hies oan Cane 4a eye (i: wad i. redno (Select Damme epino Hit, Se from apt Sy “oe d Ookere. dagen Csetect agpre “G7 t Cm , <'plake’); [hore Exame 3 { aapt ! Select DarDname ga tom Emp & join Emp ex a ON 3 tee eten sie join Dapt Do ON Eq. Dro = Ds Dre whare Cy. Grama = blake 5 2 ee. Q war: a wAOTD eos emps who're reper tiot a 2 iE Select foe 207 cLapt here. , Fam emP yon Gy prukens MGkIN (Select eEmpno loom emp ‘ i a Whore Ename = king )); Mag ey Q wai Q waar emprome & sal a emps are getting same sof Fae Seleat Gi Curt 2% sof jaa é nem? Emp G » Emp le Oe < ? i 0 , sal = €,-sa) andl Em. Empno} = 6, Pmpre! Bideciocn An! | = 1 CAD a ly. ua siden CE) AMP) 2 26 A Ren olccn Ae ia Gr) oS 7 gaeee See expro| Srana.\ Saf al anl2ce 2 | B {100 fc | 22° Q wadTD name and) Comm an ems d ia ee = J yh Same Comm: J Select G. Cnamt. » E,. 8009 dee emp & en Emp G— 09 es Camm = Ez.tomm soll ceaaepmt® where E;, mpno He Ge. emps QD waorr name & Nae 5 Wa) are havisg Same ig Meperieg ek d g pistnt Seloct, Gj. name, Ge NAR 7mm empG yen emp ON 6 -NGR = Er MGR er whore, . Emprol= &. empio 5 wfo9)l9 os Eg) we can nest SRF fase ond usheges Cleves 4 Sengle 20 forctions rect NRE bub SRE in Select c Stee cannot —> we can use / jokes used) 4 table which «ts ‘used es hae ral cs a dumm odpae. 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ANGALOR By 9 —#) ALORE not ~~ ~ —2,F PEs , x opie Ui) va ~4,4 7 64NG 53 ‘att ol < 4 ot) ee Hii. 3 2 NGALORE i, 2 ara Ee bP é DQ EE ee 4 saa) Jd an emp d Fhe job stare emt g Select seh a ane &mp / - Qhere. subst Job, 1 DoS ark with S OF 3 WARTD Name | an aoa | fhe name Star ult ic Select Ehame hom Em) P er Ne ; ere State (a Gunes !9 Lan 6s); : encls with 2 wAdTD defails Oat fie’ “enps porns Select + som &my Sere Pasta (Frame ~ -b)) = J wadrD details 5) emp.) 2 emp: ave geting 4 ob Ly Bre cal 3 . ic d a : 6 choaaclers aye. re wa@TD name 4 an emp On Beverse 4 Cx kisploy job an lowe “Comm, 0° Name ms lowe eeepeens. 07 getting 3- ot detect witn ha ae colect @anse Recan(Sname), Lower joe) en emp . Uphere elle Gear =e oe | Be a Ceara cbs | | 2 ene dost bey “Select Lower Yen | e ran ; | hcAeeGre Za where Sufste Fesrae Enamels 13 Jena C enpte/ey fer Phe emp name in lower Case Select 8 lbwer (sobste ienare > peice Cenamtye)} > a emp 5 fi oe ); king te = > KL SX wear @ wadrd first ral i Pho name (on lower Cast but § f\ should be, #e rere format a) lowe” ama) # { select (subsite C Games» tp ea (ae Rane — Veverse (subitir.Ceiane sO" ) EE st Qwrar | ae EmP 5 % S i 3) Replace 05 as sgdigies trae x | ate, i atin ¢ Replce (0% ined — 2 fre 5 Ry root es veal te place asm 4 sae ee ek: aghed Replace (' ‘spiders: a om dal j ” es Sk wadrD clefeils J Emp 4 emp nome with S select * P som ry 5S Foo const Centre = “8 gnasniTa ; Pegierres "Al occutes in -yoursname |“QwaatD ” J | elle Cont Ox select Length (sHasmira d= Pe ess aes | | it Dud ; — | Biggin Csnsuit) ae Ce 3 pene ped, en f the empname. i a tu > Sdlect * > ary EmP (f£nome) ~ Hay (Replace Céname yt ge! i the Emp name has ne 24 : u | 5 ee % STR BETRAO \ es ) Se The “i & sell to oben inde val scm Te Svbstong in the cok _ Sindlewe 9 — poses tei : shon [or ocoren 1. Copignel tvs ‘subs P™ “ee sre AEBS SRAM, 92 Ee aaa sy fe»,'29 di ee orien 5 2), yf Se ma ca an: s ‘ j ; ty 5 i at me, ur 8 > tee sae | we ee ae a cage pubs id e shia) |i nom EMP F [ohere Insty CGname., A) 15 emaneare* an emp | iE € Select fname 70m Emp Pubes trste(Shame,'4’, ' 5!) +0 ave Thats (&name,A) 12) =O 5 fhe names have exactly LA BLAKE Peon Aviat O-O => ADAMS oe i AY 3-0 FSF KING ov OF ANB o=0 T? & MARTRINA On TT Fits aco Fe i ay isused fo obtain corent alate ory The ake RDEMS is installeal — dr sus dg als em — St ts used Fo obfiin clete, Pime “ with time zone LA! salect syermesramPC? from cea dJp =" 16 sePp-14 130 1.49. 49 Seana a To-DATEW stn 102 ae ‘ bn > ct is used fo canvert. Avalaie s ‘ad alate formal a qos ae aio - EL~ Select Syspate =| 1S - om Dovel ; ap - er207 inate asians : 4 see- 19fjgeee £% sdect _SysDATE. bY STIMESTANP ©) : MESTANP ¢ . | seg ae EY select To-cme dati gear) er eraser a *yyyy — 2019 yy 3 19 seplember Month =— Se Mon — SeP | MM — 09 | a | aA a DY Tue pe It a — 2 HHQY — 10 Heise trol st SS Dee J wate a c eg sohest AT 0 i Select wo Rae gees hom © mp ‘ where PR rik? 5 Dee’ é aa woke are’ hivedl Rn he! mon’ Pipe lire 0 dhe pail emps Byut) = 8) sok Fe ey i y mn 4 ° Le d "A RUC. incl on 14% oa 19 or 20 Select Ename, job, hivedlats POM Emp Ce Css oe @mme substs (Enamtey Lea i 61/02) ov M8 To char ( Kredafe DD) ICI 192% WATS hiredate in us format -yy!) Select To_ char Chivedlacte , SNM= PP ae aa emp ; ns (Suasniza) cae nome ~ Lost eo ae ia n Ee 4 wedty Nam = == 3 e, job, hy m ) : ») relate of all fhe &mp ig d. Emp none, sts “ eClesane oa ; x? \o g = a Sal + Nv!l (Comm, 2) _ Sal + Comm 200 + 20 = QVO Q0O+ UWL (20) 999 spo # NUM = Null 2o S00 + nv (nett) = yoo + 30 = 30 cs t) = sD0 490+ NvL (30) = 430 30 -selict athe (eens, subatr (eroneis) u ie Emp pe @) g ce Ww af vs! ¥ Sade kenga z g > Psevds elecd are athe alsa tole hielo euill be Present an each & C wees table hick) 7 { Present on the cats bare eee tS evde columns have +o.,call oplaan : — 3 Pothere axe two Peeve cols yO ‘ | > RowtDp @ 2 Row num * RowID p 7) tn en > Roz tsa Psevdo column which will be fee ecords - the tobles. 2 which 25 sive: to -alb te “og RowE> %s Useol fo pace access oy bolete - 4the record ; ‘om “ble - 2D Row ts uni 3} RowID és nof- nul) + we can vse RowZD as f bs ; nF have pat an key. Bat ain “ena” We Lae mee) | a» RowNum ; yc Num & 2 BT Grncend for otf he record will be. in the. dotahdse- + serial no. tn the vresull table 4° pepe = Seve L ; s ays begins with 1. ° . : gf enecution fl 23 Rownum ¢ ere 3 Rouwum if yuna fs eC generates at She, Himes a ngdic, in nature 4S Row exis Seleat Rowen, RowrD , &mp* ij vom &mP S$ an Aoheve. Sal 32000; pes 2a; ei 2939 KING — = + 6 dick! 6 dietly/ vrigat olen} fica! sere RowlD, Emp-* ’ Irom &m) ; da. Vike, =sannriePanennnngg ie? 5 P En eS wadt> 2 zecord from Sto foble Select » Dorn Em Cee (a | Rownurr ey Rowan “ee Nees ba Ay car | eee selects Penaale no 70> SePeC' record selected emer s ~ oe one , Bisnis: CELLOS wie ial x? a we. € Ee n Tee ITH ak Cp = ONS» MBYO (dug shee gedug COUIS WNUOY POPS yale a wAdTD th = Sipe ee 20m She table grapinkaa Ay CH= Dv Select ¥ arm Cseleet Rownum sino, &m?-¥ cpom,emp) where, eos * a)" WAATTS th vetord dno! 10% revord ae Select + oe | Gag ( select Rowmurr sLvoo a qr emp) where gL, id Osu a ee |» mertoble > % wadrp bottem ae ; i Select > gr ( eeleet Roa af 8 waa7e first Pracenth se Last zece~ elect * ae €C select Romy SNe, emp On emp ed x Ba sino > (cekoct Couto) -! where SLND =! aa ee ‘ * ae Bnd ot man oe P™ pn selon 00e rps do ass". ase Gragg Gr sal ° Select sof mom (select Rownyn Sinoy sa) deo select Distind } sab) jun &P , evelor py Ae) eee Mere stvos & s “diesen order He records Q wast? eo BP, 10% max a 1 Select saf ora (select Rownem sine, sof a (select Distinct sof wm Emp? der Dese ohare sivo WodeG, 2 5e\ Sy 10) 5 Lo min Saf We wadtp aletails d “emp whose is gout Select m emP dex b by age») WARD Fop ae ax 4 ee _ ew rae ] - Bottom = may ¢ é => mad wart R Leet or> clin AO ottom © min © cluemel 4 | from (Calect Rowen sad 3 | prom (select Diskin’ \ dg porn aie order 4 oD) where SLNO a 07 Woo ML Slokemedt " for s losuage Nt, essai ag peste A Creat ans | } Dati Definalion ( nator longne, Goch. , or 4 eas cng Gl byact “4 aoe Tis Stolement ta usaf 40 ered ame a ( : to the clalabase i - | "> we can Crreafe table, views, proce? a Tigges ce 4 em Create table table-name £2 (outing Column_namer Datetype notmoll/ mets . Column —namen Daletype wobson niet (col- [names Constraint Constraint f-name Creek cele Primary key Ccol-name), 5 : Constraint Constroint. xe a name. Unigit Constraint ” is ‘| | constraint a ce a ated parent table. 5 ‘ ] as | create, table product @ PIP umber (2) wotnul) , varchar (rs) notne!) 5 Pname ere G9.2) "5 cost BEAL) Con caleaiet -PTD- PR Prim Conshaint Cost- CH wee OF sos th (Phons)| = 10))-PH; PED- aN ists table name ‘ Present Cin the data base= S ere a - c = 1 frame. Curvent.table name TOmmammmmme =? ee — Ren Sename “Product To Pad : J 9A : E | ? ALLOY his statement os usedectamaraly ee... structure (a Pe tener solar aa " ee. + To add a edn 2 eit: Alter Table. tabler APD célymn—-nome. | : Col -reawne, , Le consteaints User Conskeaints tel aa = table where alt Phe Conskrai name 5 table- name Gelect Constraint Por veer — Constrainkt ; d a 3 Te choot the Dats; si io aa arte table lable -rome Modify Co lumn—neme. ened datatype 5 U SO ay Alter able Custome nod Cname Charl; H 2 4 To Be ee not nell. constmaint + Aiter table tablé-rame atom e- end wodily Coun name grange dalehipe voll] 0r uy “(name Charla) vot vel ; impr. silo home To neo name ; pee mG — = BA? cae CaS 3 : et? Const To . 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Enter valua ae cost $ 2999.9 wteho oar SF dupsele + Tt ts vsell fo modi the datas which ore Prevent an the pare - 42 =» update table—name s& cal) = vi 5 Cel = Va Ewhere iis condifon> ks > Col =Vn S paite prod so Prame Cost = 350 | Where Prame = Lipstick’ Res We \ ie) Tt is used fo okelete a particular tay a DAO hom Fable ~ name. hove Zfilter— Condition)» ter condition)’ « Li > Q SF Nee ( Touncale i J is used to vernee aaaa ae, bthea* alteney tae tad 3. i dg =~ @ ma f it back ai) he recor? used #o zemove along with Hable struct che table = Aue a Flash backe-btebe) che falile, ospqch bat A Roll Back Greco) ies At) 2S 2 Bypant Control Languase ements ave called eat aut statamants [ except Do ait states sve none Lo — Commit S ett the Cransachons tie, Aah reuse fala dn the table not 2 iA ose ) Save. pon 5) = ey a savepont savepeinS nares. SD Rollback :- T+ & coed! $0.90 back to He povingly/ { aecently Commites!! point: VU ot :. = sf ea te) aecords. 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