Pluralism and Inclusiveness: History of Jakarta
Pluralism and Inclusiveness: History of Jakarta
Everyone has the right to receive the same treatments and to feel included within the community. The people believe its important to
abolish discrimination because people are allowed to have different views. With those different views, they also earn the right to be
2. Freedom of Beliefs
There are six officiated religion in Indonesia including Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. People
are free to express their beliefs in a way that they do not harm any other people. Religions are important in the working of the societies in
Indonesia. They influence values, traditions and cultures.
The freedom of beliefs itself is a value that people uphold. The suppression of any belief is considered to be unfair and cruel. People are
encouraged to practice their religions without facing any discriminations. However, atheism is still forbidden and strongly frowned upon in
They put aside those differences and respect other people’s beliefs. Hence, conflict is seen as unnecessary and people try to avoid it.
They do not want to cause a scene or trouble that might disturb the community. Once, even there are big differences in order to keep their
own religions, Indonesians still try to being democracy first to solve the problems together.
See also:
Indonesian Democracy
Traditions in Bali
4. Communal Work
Communal means gotong royong in Bahasa Indonesia. Throughout the generations, this concept is proudly carried out on certain events.
It is one of the values that Indonesian believe is important to always remain within society. It works when a group of people are working
together to reach a certain goal. Other than that, it can also serve the purpose of helping one another.
Communal work does not ask for anything in return. It strengthens the feeling of community amongst the people. Those who may not
really know their neighbors well can begin to introduce themselves. The communal work reminds everyone that people needs other
people. They cannot always live only by themselves.
The decision depends on what is best for the situation at hand. Therefore, people usually avoid selfishness because they understand it is
for the common good. Since a lot of people are involved, this discussion and consensus is a good way to see a problem from different
perspectives too.
See also: Why is Indonesia Important
6. Loyalty to Parents
Family is an important aspect in Indonesia. The people believe that one should understand how to respect parents from an early age. A
reason for this is because parents provide everything that a child needs even when they are not yet born.
It is common when a grown adult still lives with his or her parents. Even though they can provide for themselves, they still have the duty
of taking care for the parents.
The adult can also contribute to the welfare of the whole family. Loyalty to parents is a value that Indonesians take seriously.
For example, there is a folklore entitled Malin Kundang that Indonesians know so well. It tells the story of a young man who disowns his
mother when he achieved greatness and material wealth. The mother cursed him and turned him to stone. Clearly it shows that anybody
who disrespects their parents and dismiss their love will face a misfortune.
7. Respecting Elders
Indonesians believe in the concept of respecting the elders. The elders are seen as wiser and experienced. Thus, the young ones must
not display arrogance. Younger people are encouraged to show their respect for the elders in an open manner. This could be in the form
of using polite languages when speaking directly with them.
Another way is to mind body language. The young one must avoid rude gestures and show good manner to the older person.This
particular attitude shows the value of humbleness. Humbling oneself in the presence of an older person is a morally right thing to do.
8. Civilized Humanity
In Indonesia, people believe that nobody should be physically or spiritually restrained against their will. In addition, Indonesian also
upholds the value whereby the people earn the right to be protected from unjust treatments. Nobody is allowed to be the subject of
oppression. The people have the right to be treated fairly and accordingly.
The people have equal chances to pursue their dreams and happiness while living within their communities. Furthermore, the people can
also use natural resources of the nation to improve their livelihoods. Every work and every effort has the purpose of improving the quality
of the citizens. In result, people can attain prosperity.
This belief called Sumarah in Javanese cultures. Sumarah’s attitude implies a total submissive attitude to God. Inner attitude will only
manifest in people who have faith about the existence of the almighty God who give us life. As well as believe that the God has created
the world in its own way.
The culture of Indonesia has been shaped by long interaction between original indigenous customs
and multiple foreign influences. Indonesia is centrally-located along ancient trading routes between
the Far East, South Asia and the Middle East, resulting in many cultural practices being strongly
influenced by a multitude of religions, including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism,
and Christianity, all strong in the major trading cities. The result is a complex cultural mixture very
different from the original indigenous cultures.
Examples of the fusion of Islam with Hinduism include Javanese Abangan belief, the fusion of
Hinduism, Buddhism and animism in Bodha, and the fusion of Hinduism and animism in Kaharingan;
others could be cited. Balinese dances have stories about ancient Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms,
while Islamic art forms and architecture are present in Sumatra, especially in
the Minangkabau and Aceh regions. Traditional art, music and sport are combined in a martial art form
called Pencak Silat.
The Western world has influenced Indonesia in science, technology and modern entertainment such as
television shows, film and music, as well as political system and issues. India has notably influenced
Indonesian songs and movies. A popular type of song is the Indian-rhythmical dangdut, which is often
mixed with Arab and Malay folk music.
Despite the influences of foreign culture, some remote Indonesian regions still preserve uniquely
indigenous culture. Indigenous ethnic groups Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja and many others
are still practising their ethnic rituals, customs and wearing traditional clothes.
Traditions of Indonesia are traditions, beliefs, values, and customs that belong within the culture of
Indonesian people. Indonesia is a vast country of sprawling archipelago with a diverse demographic range of
over 300 ethnic groups,[1] and speaking more than 700 living languages.[2]
With 202.9 million Muslim s (93.2% of the total population as of 2009),[3] Indonesia has the
largest Muslim population in the world. Indonesia also has significant numbers
of Christians. Protestant and Catholics population are the majority, with other Christian groups existing as well. The
majority of Hindu demographics in Indonesia live in the island of Bali. Buddhist Indonesian are located throughout
the country, and are ethnically identified as Chinese Indonesians.