The Minimum Javascript You Should Know

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of Contents
Introduction 1.1
0. Data Types 1.2
1. Scopes 1.3
2. Functions 1.4
3. Inheritance 1.5
4. Immutability 1.6
5. Async 1.7
6. Module 1.8
7. Language Quirks & Features 1.9
8. Epilogue 1.10
The Minimum JavaScript You
Should Know When You Code
React & Redux

About The Book

Well, okay, the title is a bit exaggerated. It should probably read “The
Recommended JavaScript You Should Know When You Code React &
Redux”. But then again, it will be less click-baity, less controversial, and most
certainly generate less sales!

That aside, if you pick this book, chances are your team is migrating to React/
Redux or your architecture team has decided that the React/ Redux is the
“strategic” UI framework to adopt for the enterprise.

You searched on Google for “react redux tutorial” and you found lots of
JavaScript syntaxes alien (probably because you’re from a Java/ C#
background and the last time you coded JavaScript was a tiny validation
script using JQuery in 2008). But that’s no biggie! You embrace the virtue of
continuous learning. You brag about: “I’m a polyglot developer yo!”. And
then, you decided to get several books on JavaScript: probably Eloquent
JavaScript, JavaScript Allonge or even Understanding ES6. But Argh! they
are all too verbose. Most of all, you are not a programming noob! You know
what variables and conditional constructs are. You simply don’t have time to
waste on these basics. Well, I’ve been there too buddy. And that’s why I wrote
this pocket book (aka cheatsheet) to prep people like you transition quickly
from basic JavaScript & intermediate programming knowledge to being able
to productively follow through React/ Redux tutorials on the web.

Since this book will only cover subtleties & nuances of JavaScript, you
should at least have the below prerequisites to follow along:

Prior programming experience in any other programming language (e.g.

knowledge of conditionals, loops, data types, etc.)
Basic JavaScript syntax (incl. JSON)
Basic Computer Science theories (e.g. immutability, data structure,
How to run things in Chrome Dev Tools Console or Node.js
environment (otherwise, you can’t experiment with the code samples!)
The book will present JavaScript features accompanied by code examples,
explanations, and occasionally exercises for you to check your understanding.
I will also try to add snippets of React/ Redux code to illustrate where those
features might be used in React/ Redux environment.
If there’s any material here which you believe is not accurate, let me know
via Twitter @tomyjaya2.
Finally, I have to say that most the examples I used are not my original work.
The value I would like to bring is that of an aggregator and communicator,
definitely not a thinker, let alone an inventor. Thus, where appropriate, I
shamelessly copy pasted materials from online sources such as MDN and
tried my best to credit them in the References section at the end of the book.
To Eric: May the passion to learn and share always be with you..
0. Data Types1

You might have heard that JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language. That’s

very liberating if you come from Java/ C# background. So, in this chapter,
we’ll examine powerful idioms made possible by this dynamic typing feature
and conversely, several caveats to watch out for when ‘exploiting’ it.
Mixing different variable types
JavaScript has a nifty automatic type conversion feature. When you do
operation on an “unexpected value”, JavaScript will silently try to convert/
coerce the unexpected types to the ones it expects.

Let’s see what happens if you mix 2 different types (e.g. String and
Number ):

console.log('10' + 20); //=> "1020"

Hmm.. It’s quite intuitive. + acts as a concat method and as the first argument
is String , JavaScript will convert the second one as String as well. What
if we reverse it, though (i.e. Number + String ):

console.log(10 + '20'); //=> "1020"

Whoa! It’s still the same! We can still rationalize and say that String is
somehow stronger than Number . Also, you might come from Java
background and say that this is also in line with the behavior in Java. Just
when you think you get the hang of it:

console.log(10 * null) //=> 0

console.log("6" - 2) //=> 4
console.log("six" * 3) //=> NaN
console.log(false == 0) //=> true

Whoa Whoa Whoa! What’s happening here? Rather than trying to explain the
actual complicated and baffling rules deriving the above results, I’ll just leave
you with a quote and a meme :
“Oh! It’s just JavaScript being JavaScript.”.

Hence, lessons to be learnt are:

1. Don’t mix your types. It sometimes behaves intuitively, but other times,
it doesn’t. You don’t want to end up spending countless hours debugging
the latter scenario.
2. When there’s no compiler to help you with types. Unit test is your best
3. Don’t rely on JavaScript’s automatic type conversion. You don’t want to
memorize all its rules and certainly should not expect the reader of your
code to know of all of them by heart.
Type Coercion Comparison
There are 2 types of equality comparators in JavaScript: == (double equals)
and === (triple equals).

The former will use automatic type conversion (type coercion) if the 2
operands are not of the same type:

console.log('6' == 6); //=> true

while the latter won’t:

console.log('6' === 6); //=> false

You might think this == is an awesome convenience feature, but I will

advise you against using it. Always use === (or !== for the inequality
counterpart). Again, the reason is unpredictability:

console.log(false == 'false') //=> false

console.log(false == '0') //=> true
console.log(false == null) //=> false
console.log(false == undefined) //=> false

console.log('' == '0') //=> false

console.log(0 == '') //=> true

The lack of commutative & transitive properties will produce hard to trace
Truthy & Falsy value
Unlike in strongly typed languages, any values in JavaScript can be used as a
boolean check. When JavaScript expect a boolean type but given a non-
boolean type, JavaScript will convert it to its corresponding boolean value. A
non-boolean value which converts to true is called truthy; otherwise, if it
converts to false , it’s called falsy.

const aTruthyNonBoolean = 'hello';

if (aTruthyNonBoolean) { // I can use string as a predicate!

} //=> 'Whoa!'

const aFalsyNonBoolean = '';

if (aFalsyNonBoolean) { // I can use string as a predicate!

console.log('Not printed :(');

The below are some of the truthy or falsy values worth remembering:

JS Value I.e. Truthy or Falsy

{} Empty Object Truthy
[] Empty Array Truthy
” Empty String Falsy
0 Zero Falsy
‘0’ String with value Zero Truthy
‘false’ String with value false Truthy
‘true’ String with value true Truthy
To easily find if a type is truthy or falsy, you can easily prefix the value with
double exclamation marks ( !! ):

!!{} //=> true

!![] //=> true
!!'' //=> false
// ...
Short Circuit Operators
In JavaScript, the boolean && conjunction returns the right value if the left
value is truthy. It will not evaluate the right operand if the left operand is
falsy. It will just return the left operand itself. See example below:

// 1 is truthy, so, the right operand 'YO!' will be returned

1 && 'YO!' //=> YO!

// 0 is falsy, so it will return 0

// without even evaluating anUndefinedFunction()
0 && anUndefinedFunction() //=> 0

The behavior above gives rise to one of its most popular idioms: short circuit
operator. Basically, instead of doing null or undefined check in an if
guard, you can just use && :

function funcWhichMightReturnNull(shouldReturnNull) {
if (shouldReturnNull) {
return null;
} else {
return {
toPrint: 'print me'
const test = funcWhichMightReturnNull(false);

// instead of verbose:
if (test) {
// you can do:
console.log(test && test.toPrint); //=> print me
const test2 = funcWhichMightReturnNull(true);
// instead of verbose:
if (test2) {
// you can do:
console.log(test2 && test2.toPrint); //=> null
// (But No error/ exception)

You will see a lot of this in React as conditional rendering. E.g.

function Mailbox(props) {
const unreadMessages = props.unreadMessages;
return (
{unreadMessages.length > 0 &&
You have {unreadMessages.length} unread messages.
The || boolean conjunction behaves the opposite of && . So, if the left
operand is falsy, it will evaluate and return the right operand. If the left
operand is truthy, it will just return it.

// Since 0 is falsy, it will return 'right'

0 || 'right' //=> right

// Since 1 is truthy, it will just return itself

1 || 'right' //=> 1

Similar to short circuit check, you will see this common idiom in JavaScript
to provide default values:

function funcWhichMightReturnNull2(shouldReturnNull) {
if (shouldReturnNull) {
return null;
} else {
return 'Result';

const test3 = funcWhichMightReturnNull2(false);

// instead of verbose:
if (test3) {
console.log(test3); //=> Result
} else {
console.log('function returns null');

// you can just do:

console.log(test3 || 'function returns null'); //=> Result
const test4 = funcWhichMightReturnNull2(false);

// instead of verbose:
if (test4) {
} else {
console.log('function returns null'); //=> function returns

console.log(test4 || 'function returns null'); //=> function

returns null

Again, this defaulting is common in React. For instance, when setting default
value for properties:

return (
<button onClick={props.onClick}>{props.message || "Default

1. As array starts with index 0, I started this book with Chapter 0. ↩

2. Apparently, in 2018, the best way to convey your message is by using

memes ↩
1. Scopes
Importance of var
JavaScript has a var keyword which declares a variable within a function

function getTotalSalary(type, baseSalary) {

// GOOD: bonusMultiplier is only
// available within this function scope
// due to the var prefix
var bonusMultiplier = {
developer: 1.1,
manager: 2,
executive: 3.8
return baseSalary * bonusMultiplier[type];

getTotalSalary('developer', 4000); //=> 4400

getTotalSalary('executive', 40000); //=> 152000

console.log(bonusMultiplier); //=> ReferenceError:

// bonusMultiplier is not defined

JavaScript is quite lenient, though. If you forget the var prefix, JavaScript
will just attach your variable to the global scope. But as seen below, it’s a
poor choice of default behavior:

function getTotalSalaryBad(type, baseSalary) {

// BAD! no var means bonusMultiplier
// is attached to the global scope
bonusMultiplier = {
developer: 1.1,
manager: 2,
executive: 3.8
return baseSalary * bonusMultiplier[type];

getTotalSalaryBad('developer', 4000); //=> 4400

// so far so good, but:

console.log(bonusMultiplier); //=> {
// developer: 1.1,
// manager: 2,
// executive: 3.8
// }

Whoa! bonusMultiplier is now available outside of the function! And more

importantly, we, developers, are so underpaid compared to the C-level
executives! Even compared to our managers, our bonus is peanuts! Time to
start a protest! :P

We can use strict mode to prevent this runtime issue, though. Instead of
attaching the variable to global scope, JavaScript in strict mode will default
non-var-prefixed variables to be undefined. We tell the JS compiler to use
strict mode by adding 'use strict'; expression at the top of our JS file:

'use strict';

function getTotalSalaryStrict(type, baseSalary) {

bonusMultiplier = {
developer: 1.1,
manager: 2,
executive: 3.8
return baseSalary * bonusMultiplier[type];

getTotalSalaryStrict('developer', 4000) //=> ReferenceError:

// bonusMultiplier is not

// consequently, bonusMultipler is not leaked out

console.log(bonusMultiplier); //=> ReferenceError:

// bonusMultiplier is not defined

In conclusion, if you forget to use var to declare your function scope, not
only are you polluting/ cluttering the global namespace, you might also leak
out confidential information. Using strict mode can prevent you from doing
this. So, always use strict mode!
Declarations of var s are said to be “hoisted” in JavaScript. What it means is
simple, when you do:

function hoistMe() {
var a = 20;

what the JavaScript compiler will do is actually to bring up the var declaration
to the top of the function:

function hoistMe() {
var a; // Look Ma! declaration moved to the top!
a = 20;

Notice that only the declaration is hoisted, not the assignment. This brings to
a commonly followed style to always declare var s at the top of your
function; because most JavaScript newbies are not aware of this feature.

In addition, you should know that function declarations are also hoisted.
That’s why I can invoke a function even before declaring it:

// invoke function
dosth(); //=> doing something

// declared below
function dosth() {
console.log("doing something");

But function expressions are different, they are not hoisted:

dosth2(); //=> TypeError: dosth2 is not a function

var dosth2 = function dosth2() {

console.log("doing something 2");

Style Purists (aka Nazis) such as Doug Crockford argue that function
expressions are the better way as relying on hoisting is seen as showing lack
of discipline (aka sloppiness).

What would be printed in the below code?


function printMe() {
var a = 0;
var b = 1;


ReferenceError: c is not defined
Block Scope
I haven’t fully emphasized the fact that var is function scoped:

// beware! var is function scoped!

function test() {
// It seems that I'm declaring i only
// within the for-loop block
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
console.log('test: value of i: ' + i); // is it available here?
test(); //=> @ ... 9
//=> test: value of i: 10
// Boy, was I wrong..

what actually happened was something like:

function test() {
var i; // var is hoisted to the top of the function
for (i = 0; i<10; i++) {
console.log('test: value of i: ' + i); // obviously i is
// still available here.

As of ES2015, there is an elegant solution for this problem. let and

const are the keywords to define block scoped variables:

// use let instead

function test2() {
for (let i = 0; i<10; i++) {
console.log('test2 - i: ' + i); // i not available anymore
test2(); //=> @ ... 9
//=> Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined
// This makes more sense...

The difference between let and const is as the name implies. const is a
constant, and therefore, it doesn’t allow re-assignment of values:

const person = "Nick";

person = "John"; // Will raise an error, person can't be

let person2 = "Nick";

person2 = "John";
console.log(person2); //=> John
// reassignment is allowed with let

Public Service Announcement (PSA): ditch var and always use let and
const ! Before ES2015, JavaScript doesn’t have any facility for block

scoping and people were doing gymnastics such as IIFE to confine variable
scopes. It’s now 2018. JavaScript have modules and block scope variables
which allows you to easily achieve encapsulation. Utilize them!
Nested Scope
Scopes are nested as how you would expect in other languages. That is, a
child scope has access to its parent scope and child scope can shadow (create
its own copy of its parent’s variables):

function doA() {
var a = 1;
function doB() {
var b = 2;
console.log(a); // a is available from parent
console.log(b); // b was only in doB()

doA(); // => 2
// => 1
// ReferenceError: b is not defined

// How about shadowing?

function doC() {
var c = 3;
function doD() {
var d = 4;
var c = 33; // let's try to shadow c
console.log(c); // Guess what's printed???

doC(); // => 4
// 33 (shadowing works!)
// 3 (parent's variable is untouched!)

I only showed examples of var because for let , nested scope behavior is
pretty much as intuitive as other languages (e.g. C# or Java).
2. Functions

“JavaScript is Lisp in C’s Clothing” - Doug Crockford (JavaScript


JavaScript in its core is a functional language. Its support for functions is

Higher Order Functions
Higher order functions are functions which consume and/or return functions.

// function returning a function

function f1() {
return function() {
console.log("anon function called");

f1()(); //=> anon function called

function executeTwice(funcToExecute) {

executeTwice(function() {
console.log('execute me twice!');
//=> execute me twice!
//=> execute me twice!
Currying & Composition
Being able to pass functions around gives rise to patterns of functional
composition as a way to achieve re-use.

For example, in JavaScript, currying is easy:

// non-curried add
function add(a,b) {
return a + b;


// curried add:
function add(a,b) {
return function(a,b) {
return a +b; };

const increment = add(1); // increment is a reusable function :)

console.log(increment(5)); //=> 6
console.log(increment(99)); //=> 100

To simplify things, you can think of React’s Higher Order Components

(function taking a component, and returning a component) as currying in
practice. It’s a pattern for re-use, by injecting cross-cutting concerns, through
functional composition.

Create a function called prepend, which can be invoked in curried-style. e.g.

const negate = prepend('un');

console.log(negate('happy')); //=> unhappy


function prepend(prefix) {
return function(content) {
return prefix + content;
Arrow Functions
Since ES 2015, there is shorter way to declare anynomous functions:

// pre-ES2015
const traditional = [1, 2, 3].map(function (x) {
return x * 2;

console.log(traditional); //=> [2, 4, 6]

// ES2015
const arrow = [1, 2, 3].map((x) = { return x * 2; });
console.log(arrow); //=> [2, 4, 6]

// Or... // we can omit curlys and return if it's just a one line

const arrowExpression = [1, 2, 3].map((x) => x* 2);


Anonymous and arrow functions are not exactly equivalent, though. For now,
you can take it that they can be replaced one-to-one; nonetheless, we will
revisit arrow functions again when we look at the this keyword binding in
the later chapters.
Collection Style Programming
Collection-style or Box-style programming is a popular way to make use of
higher order functions.

The cornerstone of this style of programming is understanding map ,

filter , and reduce .

1. map simply takes a function which will transform input to an output

2. filter simply takes a predicate function which should return a

boolean value. true means the item is to be included, false means

the item should be filtered out.
3. reduce is a bit harder to explain. I see it as a way to combine (aka fold)

items in a collection one by one through a reducer function and

accumulating the result as it goes through.

// pre-ES2015
const result0 = [1, 2, 3]
.map(function(x) { return 2 * x;})
.filter(function(x) { return x > 2; })
.reduce(function(accu, curr) { return accu +
curr;}, 0)
console.log(result ); //=> 10

// ES2015 - with arrow function

const result = [1, 2, 3]
.map(x => 2 * x)
.filter(x => X > 2)
.reduce((accu, curr) => accu + curr, 0)
console.log(result); //=> 10
Since it’s 2018, why not try to explain things in emoji?

Image credits:

map , filter , reduce might be difficult to understand at first, but once

you get the hang of it, you’ll forget other ways of manipulating collection
without them!

You have an array of users

const users = [{gender:'M', age :20, name: 'John'}, {gender:'F',

age: 21, name: 'Jenny"}];

use collection-style programming to return the just the names of the female

// pre-ES2015
.filter(function(user) { return user.gender === 'F'; })
.map(function(user) { return; });

// ES2015
.filter(u => u.gender === 'F')
.map(u =>;

Collection-style programming is prominent in Redux as it provides

convenient way to preserve immutability. For example, in Redux, if you want
to display the list of to-dos which are pending, you would do:

const pendingTodos = todos.filter(todo => !todo.isDone);

//instead of verbose mutation: (BAD!)

for(var i = todos.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(!todos[i].isDone) {
todos.splice(i, 1);

We’ll discuss more about immutability in the next chapter.

Knowing what the term closure means is not required when coding basic
React/ Redux apps; nevertheless, I got very annoyed when people use the
term closure so loosely. The term closure is misunderstood so much in the
React community until a point where people think a closure is synonymous to
an arrow function.

No, people, closures are not the same as arrow functions. Closures are:

1. functions
2. who still have access to their parent’s scope (fancy term: lexical
3. even while their parent functions have already ended (exited)

Again, an example speaks more:

function makeCounter() {
// counter variable lives in makeCounter's scope
let counter = 0;
return function() {
// this anonymous function has access to counter
return ++counter;
// 3. parent function (makeCounter) exits

const firstCounter = makeCounter();

// firstCounter is a closure!
// 1. it's a function

console.log(firstCounter()); //=> 1
console.log(firstCounter()); //=> 2
// 2. since it keeps incrementing,
// it's clear that variable counter is still retained

const secondCounter = makeCounter();

// new lexical environment means counter is reset
console.log(secondCounter()); //=> 1

In the example above, closure is used for information hiding (encapsulation).

The variable counter is only privately accessible within the parent function.
Access to it publicly has to go through the closure.

For example, we actually had seen closure in action in our currying example:

function makeAdder(x) {
// x is a variable in the parent function scope
return function(y) {
// 2. x is accessible in this inner function
return x + y;
// 3. parent function exits

var add5 = makeAdder(5);

// 1. add5 is a function
// add5 is a closure!

var add10 = makeAdder(10);

// So is add10!

console.log(add5(2)); // 7
console.log(add10(2)); // 12

See! We’ve been using closures without even knowing it! Closure is actually
quite intuitive. In fact, without closure, reasoning about your code will be
very hard!

Lastly, it’s fine if you don’t fully grasp what closure is. Just please, for the
posterity’s sake, stop spreading false definitions!
3. Inheritance

Skippable Ramblings
You should have heard that JavaScript is a prototype-based language. Its
mechanism of inheritance is through the prototypes chain (instead of classes
hierarchy). Understanding how prototypical inheritance works in JS is
essential. Sadly, though, people from Java/ C# or other class-based languages
rarely invest their time to learn this paradigm. As a consequence, in ES2015,
JavaScript introduced classes; which is merely a syntactic sugar to help
people from the class-based inheritance camp to adopt JavaScript.

Many experts (incl. Doug Crockford) dislike the idea of introducing

class es because it actually clouds the actual mechanics of how inheritance

works in JavaScript. However, so many React tutorials out there use

class es. (including the official guide!). So, instead of being a purist, I

would decide to go for the pragmatic path. That is, let’s look at how classes
work in JavaScript


// Define a class Car

class Car {
// constructor accepts 2 arguments
// and assigning them as Car's properties
constructor (brand, make) {
this.brand = brand;
this.make = make;
// define a method
getDisplayName() {
return ($(this.brand}) ${this.make}';

As seen above, syntax for defining a class is pretty similar to C#/ Java, except
we don’t need to worry about types and constructor uses the constructor
keyword instead of the class name. Instantiating a class is equally similar:

// let's instantiate my favorite car:

const hondaJazz = new Car ('Honda', 'Jazz');
console.log (hondaJazz.getDisplayName()); //=> 'Honda Jazz'

I know, I know, you must be thinking: who in the right mind has Honda Jazz
as his favorite car? Has he ever heard of Bugatti Veyron? Lamborghini
Veneno? or Ferrari F60? But that’s not important for now. What’s more
important is the fact that you can extend classes:

class AutoCar extends Car {

getDisplayName() {
return super.getDisplayName() + ' [Automatic Transmission]';

You extend a class by using the extends keyword and you can easily
override a super classes’ method by declaring another method with the same
signature. In case you need access to the super class’ method, the keyword
super is there to help.
Again, the syntax is eerily similar to Java, giving you the illusion that
JavaScript inheritance is the same as Java’s inheritance.

You can instantiate the subclass as seen below:

// the only car better than Honda Jazz is the Automatic version
of Honda Jazz
const autoHonda Jazz = new AutoCar ('Honda', 'Jazz');
console.log(autoHonda Jazz.getDisplayName()); //=> 'Honda Jazz
[Automatic Transmission]'

Equipped with this knowledge of classes, the following React snippet should
seem very familiar now (apart from the JSX which is out of scope of this

class HelloComponent extends React.Component {

render() {
return (<h1>Hello World</h1>);

Explanation: HelloComponent is a subclass of React.Component and it

overrides or declares a method called render . React Component is the main
class in React. Extending it allows you to define behavior of React elements.
For instance, to add a lifecycle hook when the component is mounted to the
DOM, you can override the componentDidMount method:

class HelloComponent extends React.Component {

render() {
return (<h1>Hello World</h1>);
// override React's Lifecycle API
componentDidMount() {
console.log('Hello Component mounted to DOM');

Final Notes
There are many good tutorials out there about JavaScript Prototypical
inheritance. One I would recommend reading is the MDN’s official guide:

For completeness sake, below is the example in this chapter written the
prototype way:

function Car(brand, make) {

this.brand = brand;
this.make = make;

Car.prototype.getDisplayName = function () {
return `(${this.brand}) ${this.make}`;

function AutoCar(brand, make) {, brand, make);

AutoCar.prototype = Object.create(Car.prototype);
AutoCar.prototype.constructor = AutoCar;
AutoCar.prototype.getDisplayName = function() {
return + ' [Automatic

const hondaJazz = new Car ('Honda', 'Jazz');

console.log(hondaJazz.getDisplayName()); //=> 'Honda Jazz'

const hondaJazzAuto = new ProtoAutoCar ('Honda', 'Jazz');

console.log (hondaJazzAuto.getDisplayName()); //=> 'Honda Jazz
[Automatic Transmission]'

It’s obviously more verbose; nonetheless, it’s very explicit that AutoCar
inherits directly from an Object ( Car ) through the virtue of the prototype
4. Immutability

You must have heard that immutability is of paramount importance in

multithreaded programming. However, since JavaScript is single-threaded
(more about this next chapter), does that mean immutability is pointless? No,
if you want to use Redux, you should know that an immutable state tree is at
the core of this framework. So, skip this chapter if you don’t plan to use
Redux, but read on otherwise.


// How do we append item to an array?

var arrMutable = [1,2,3];
// Simple, use array.push!
console.log(arrMutable); //=> [1, 2, 3, 4]

The above code is perfectly fine for most use cases. However, Redux state-
tree optimization relies on object reference check ( === ). This means that
modifying the existing array defeats the assumption that “if object reference is
same, the object is equal”. So, a more redux friendly approach is to use
array’s concat :

var arrImmutable = [1,2,3];

var arrImmutableResult = arrImmutable.concat([4]);
//=> [1, 2, 3] (Original array is intact!)
console.log (arrImmutableResult);
//=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
Since ES2015, though, there is a shorter way to immutably append an item to
an array. That is, by using the array spread operator ( ... ):

const arr1 = [1, 2, 3];

// copy over everything from arr1

// and add 4 at the end.
const arr2 = [...arr1, 4];

//=> [1, 2, 3] (Original array is intact!)
//=> [1,2,3,4]
// How do we add an attribute to an object?
var person = {name: "Tomy" };
// Simple, just use the brackets notation!
person['gender'] = 'M';
console.log (person);
//=> {name: "Tomy", gender: "M"}

Again, we are mutating the object which is unacceptable in Redux. The

alternative to mutation is to create a new object and assign it with the
properties of the old object, plus the new attributes.

// Better.. immutable
var originalPerson = {name: "Tomy" };
var personWithGender = Object.assign({}, originalPerson, {gender:
'M' });

console.log (originalPerson);
//=> {name: "Tomy"} (Original object is intact!)
console.log (personWithGender);
//=> {name: "Tomy", gender: "M"}

This Object.assign construct is rather verbose. I included this syntax since

some old Redux tutorials still make use of it, though. Luckily, similar to array
spread operator, ES7 has a more succinct alternative called Object Spread

In short, the ... (spread) notation, lets you copy over the properties of the
old object:

// Let's define an object iPhone7

const iPhone7 = {
version: 7,
model: 'Iphone',
ram: '3GB',
batteryLifeInHours: 10,
price: 700

// Apple launches annually, we need iPhone8

// But innovation runs dry,

// let's just copy iPhone7 and label it differently

// And hope customers don't realize it

const iPhone8 = {...iPhone7, version: 8};

// let's increase the price so that customers

// still think they are buying something new:

const iPhone8InMarket = {...iPhone7, version: 8, price: 1000};

//=> {version: 7, model: "Iphone", ram: "3GB",
batteryLifeInHours: 10, price: 700}
// original object intact!

//=> {version: 8, model: "Iphone", ram: "3GB",
batteryLifeInHours: 10, price: 700}

//=> {version: 8, model: "Iphone", ram: "3GB",
batteryLifeInHours: 10, price: 1000}

The above is purely for fun. No harm or foul intended. In fact, to be honest,
I’m actually an Apple fanboy.
Conceptual Check!
Does using const guarantee immutability?

I’ll let you think for a while..

Okay. Let’s answer that question by using an easy counter example.

const ben = { name: 'Ben Solo', alterEgo: 'Kylo Ren',

affiliation: 'Dark side' };

console.log(ben); //=> {name: "Ben Solo", alterEgo: "Kylo Ren",

affiliation: "Dark side"}

// I can easily mutate ben below

// there will be no error thrown by JS
ben.affiliation = 'Light side';

// And indeed! Rei is right! We could persuade Ben to come back

to the way of the Jedi.
console.log(ben); //=> {name: "Ben Solo", alterEgo: "Kylo Ren",
affiliation: "Light side"}

In conclusion, NO! Using const doesn’t mean that your data structure is
safe from being mutated. It just means that it can’t be reassigned to another
item. The item itself, though, can be easily altered. Don’t mix immutability
the const !

Apologies for those who don’t get the Star Wars reference, though.

Use Object spread operator to fill in the Fill me branch below:
// state is defined as
const state = {
name: 'Bob',
gender: 'M'

// action has this shape:

const action = {
type: 'CHANGE_NAME',
name: 'Tomy'

// We have a reducer function which accepts state and action

function reducer (state, action) (
// If the action's type is CHANGE_NAME,
// I should return a new state with name modified to be
// action's name
if (action.type === 'CHANGE_NAME') {
// --- Fill me ---
} else {
return state;

// Expected result:
console.log(reducer(state, action)); //=>


return {...state, name:;

Notes on performance
What if your object is large? Or your array contains millions of items?
Copying them over everytime you need some change seems like a terribly bad
performance idea right? That’s true. But fret not, there are libraries like Mori
and Immutable JS which can help you avoid this performance penalty by
employing advance techniques of Persistent Data Structure. So if you ever
find that your object or array grows too large and your profiling shows
copying them over and over is the bottleneck, do check out those libraries.
5. Async

Hard prerequisites:
Event loop is the concurrency model adopted by JavaScript. I will now
outsource the explanation of how the event loop works to the guy who does
this best, Philip Roberts: What the heck is the event loop anyway?

Do not, I repeat, do not continue reading without watching the above video!

To check your understanding of the event loop, let’s have a small quiz. What
would the below print out?

(function() {
setTimeout(function() {console.log(2); }, 1000);
setTimeout(function() {console.log(3); }, 0);


//=> 1
//=> 4
//=> 3
//=> 2 (1 second later)
If you still don’t understand why? I’d advice you to re-watch the event loop
video recommended above.

Now that you’ve understood the mechanics underlying concurrency in

Javascript, let’s evaluate the many syntaxes JavaScript offers to achieve

1. Callback
2. Promise
3. Async-Await

We’ll look at the free weather API here: as

a worked example. Our objective is to get the weather forecast for a city (e.g.
Singapore). To do so, we require 2 steps:

1. Use /api/location/search/?query=(query) endpoint to query the

woeid (where on earth id) of our city.

2. Use /api/location/(woeid) endpoint to get the weather details.

The most popular way to handle asynchrony in JavaScript is via a callback
function. JQuery is the most commonly used callback-based AJAX library:

var city = 'Singapore';

var localSearchUrlPrefix =
var locationUrlPrefix =
'' ;

url: localSearchUrlPrefix + city,
success: function(result) {
console.log('woeid: ' + result[0]['woeid']);
url: locationUrlPrefix + result[0]['woeid'] + '/',
success: function (result) {
console.log('Result:', result.consolidated_weather);
console.log('Weather today:',
}); //=> woeid: 1062617
//=> Result: <...>
//=> Weather today: <...>

As seen above, callback has a problem: it nests rightward. As my call

dependencies increase, nesting will become more cumbersome. This
particular issue with deep nesting of callback is known as callback hell or the
Christmas tree problem (‘coz the jagged left indentation looks like a
Christmas tree). A meme to describe the above problem can be found below:
Promise To the Rescue
Luckily there exist a better library now to handle ajax: fetch . You can think
of fetch as jQuery’s ajax which is Promise-based.

Promise is just like callback, except that you pass the callback function by

invoking a .then function of the promise. The .then is chainable as it

wraps the return again in a Promise . It is such a powerful construct as
then it can unnest (i.e. flatten) nested promises. In the functional

programming jargon, Promise is a Monad (did I just say the M-word?).

That aside, below is the callback example above in promise-style:

let city = 'Singapore';

let localSearchUrlPrefix =
let locationUrlPrefix =
'' ;

fetch(localSearchUrlPrefix + city)
.then((response) => response.json()) // you need to explicitly
// get the JSON body
.then((result) => {
console.log('woeid: ' + result[0]['woeid']);
// returning Promise inside a Promise below
return fetch(locationUrlPrefix + result[0]['woeid'] + '/');
.then((response) => response.json()) // indeed having to do
// is quite annoying..
.then((result) => {
console.log('Result:', result.consolidated_weather);
console.log('Weather today:',
//=> woeid: 1062617
//=> Result: <...>
//=> Weather today: <...>

As seen above, the code with Promise expands top-to-bottom as Promise of

Promise can be flattened with just one then invocation. The benefit of
Promise will even be more obvious as the number of dependent ajax calls
grows. While in the case of callback, code indents from left to right, Promise
will chain top to bottom.
Async/Await is the latest addition to the JavaScript’s concurrency arsenal
(circa ES7). Async/ Await should not be alien to readers who are C#, Python,
or Kotlin developers. In fact, JavaScript Async/Await’s syntax is remarkably
similar to the stated languages (probably because Erik Meijer is behind all of
them?). Anyways, suppose we have the below code in Promise-based style:

function resolveAfter1Second(x) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);

function addTraditional() {
return resolveAfter1Second(20)
.then((a) => resolveAfter1Second(30)
.then((b) => a + b)

//=> 50 (2 seconds later)

We can rewrite it in Async/ Await style as follows:

async function addAsyncAwait() {

const a = await resolveAfter1Second(20);
const b = await resolveAfter1Second(30);
return a + b;
addAsyncAwait() .then(console.log);
//=> 50 (2 seconds later)

There is no doubt the above code reads clearer. Async await is indeed the way
of the future. Nevertheless, its underlying mechanism still relies on Promises
(and Generators). Moreover, plenty of React articles out there still use
Promises. Thus, knowing how Promise works is still essential.

Internally, there’s no runtime level magic in Async Await. The async

keyword indicates that the compiler needs to wrap the function’s return value
in a Promise . The await keyword will then wait until the async function’s
return value resolve and assign the result to the variable on the left. As a
result, the code reads as if things are happening sequentially.

One last note: the above example still resolves after 2 seconds. What if I want
it to execute in parallel and end in 1 second? Well, for that, we need the help
of our good friend, Promise.all :

async function addAsyncAwaitParallel() {

const results = await Promise.all([resolveAfter1Second(20),
return results[0] + results[1];

//=> 50 (1 second later)

Let’s wrap up this chapter with an exercise.

Rewrite the Promise-based weather example in Async/ Await style.

let city = 'Singapore';

let localSearchUrlPrefix =
let locationUrlPrefix =
'' ;

let response1 = await fetch(localSearchUrlPrefix + city);

let result1 = await response1.json();
console.log('woeid: ' + result1[0]['woeid']);

let response2 = await fetch(locationUrlPrefix + result1[0]

['woeid'] + '/');
let result2 = await response2.json();
console.log('Result: ', result2.consolidated_weather);
console.log('Weather today:',
//=> woeid: 1062617
//=> Result: <...>
//=> Weather today: <...>
6. Module

Before I start the discussion about modules, I have the confession to make. I,
myself, still get confused by it. Unlike in Java/ C# (where you can just auto-
import stuffs), working with JavaScript’s module is still mostly manual (I
don’t recall Visual Studio Code has the feature to optimize imports yet).
Moreover, module has been a hot debate topic causing its proposals and
implementations to have been revised numerously. So, to avoid confusion,
let’s start with a history lesson, shall we?
IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function
In the olden days, there is no way to encapsulate pieces of JavaScript code
together in a module. Ben Alman noticed that functions can be used to
encapsulate scope and proposed that very way to simulate ‘module pattern’.
IIFE is short for Immediately Invoked Function Expression. As the name
imply, it’s a function expression (i.e. (function() { ... }) ) and it’s
immediately invoked (i.e. () suffix) . Let’s see the example below:

(function() {
var a = "1";
var b = "2";
console.log(a + b);
//=> 3

Neither a nor b are available outside of the function anymore. In a sense,

we’ve achieved modularity.

Since IIFE was the only way to hide variable access in the past, the world of
JavaScript is rampant with the above idioms. Another pattern is to leverage on
closure to create module which can expose selective functions/ attributes,
appropriately named as the Revealing Module Pattern:

var counter = (function() {

// your module code goes here
var sum = 0 ;

return {
add: function() {
sum = sum + 1;
return sum;
reset: function() {
return sum = 0;

console.log(counter.add()); //=> 1
counter.reset(); //=> 0
Node.js came along and as any other server-side solution, support for
modularity is a must. Node’s module implementation is based on CommonJS
specification. In a nutshell, CommonJS has:

1. exports variable to expose module contents

2. a require function to declare your dependencies

So, for example, we can define the below module in a file called mod1.js :

// ----- mod1.js -----

// define 2 functions
const myFunc1 = function(){ console.log('myFunc1');};
const myFunc2 = function(){ console.log('myFunc2');};

// expose the above 2 functions

module.exports.myFunc1 = myFunc1;
module.exports.myFunc2 = myFunc2;

// module.exports is aliased as exports,

// so the below also works:
exports.myFunc1 = myFunc1;
exports.myFunc2 = myFunc2;

Now that these functions are exposed, we can use them in mod2.js as long
as we declare our dependencies:

// ----- mod2.js -----

const mod1 = require('./mod1'); // omit the .js suffix!

mod1.myFunc1(); //=> myFunc1

mod1.myFunc2(); //=> myFunc2

We can also export classes as classes are just syntatic sugar for functions

// ----- Person.js -----

class Person {
constructor(name) { = name;

sayHello() {
// search about JavaScript Template Literals
// if you're amazed with the below syntax.
console.log(`Hello! I am ${}. `);

module.exports = Person;

Again, depending on this class is a matter of specifying your dependency in

the require function:

const Person = require('./Person'); // another reminder: omit the

.js suffix!
const bob = new Person('Bob');
bob.sayHello(); //=> Hello I am Bob

Many React examples will use this way to declaring module dependencies
and now you know how to decipher those examples :)
AMD (Asynchronous Module
Folks on the browser-side were not satisfied with CommonJS, though.
Specifically, they complained about the lack of asynchronous loading support
in the browser environment. That’s why they decided to fork commonJS and
created a new module API called Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD).
One implementation of AMD is RequireJS. You will rarely encounter React
examples using RequireJS, though. It is simply because by the time React
came about, module bundler such as Webpack rose to fame and Webpack
doesn’t favor this RequireJS syntax. Nevertheless, for completeness sake, I’ll
show a snippet for AMD:

define('module/id/string', ['module', 'dependency', 'array'],

function(module, factory function) {
return ModuleContents;

The key addition is the define function which takes 3 arguments:

1. module name
2. array of module dependencies
3. function defining the module body.
The ES6/ ES2015 Module
ES6 module relies on 2 keywords: import & export . Let’s look at the
simplest example, default export/ import.

Default Export/ Import

Each module can only have one default export, you can define it as follows:

// ----- file1.js -----

export default myDefaultFunction() {

importing this default export is as simple as:

// ----- file2.js -----

import myDefaultFunction from './file1';

myDefaultFunction(); //=> myDefaultFunction

Notice that since it’s a default export, the “imported name” doesn’t really
matter. As seen below, you can assign the imported function as any other

// ----- file3.js -----

import temporaryName from './file1';

temporaryName(); //=> myDefaultFunction

Classes and expressions can also be exported:

// ----- Person.js -----

export default class Person {
// ... same as the CommonJS example

// ----- Numbers.js -----

// exporting
export default 7*5;

Now we can easily import them:

import Person from './Person';

const tim = new Person('Tim');

tim.sayHello(); //=> Hello! I am Tim.

import someNumber from './Numbers';

console.log(someNumber); //=> 35

Named Export/ Import

Another flavor of ES6 module is named export/ import. See the example

// ----- Constants.js -----

export const pi = 3.14;

export const e = 2.71;

The user of this constants can import them (notice the curly braces!):

import {pi} from './Constants';

import {e} from './Constants';

console.log(pi); //=> 3.14

console.log(e); //=> 2.71

There are 2 notable difference of named imports:

1. the curly braces (it’s mandatory)

2. the name of the variable you import should match the actual one you

Hence, the below won’t work:

import {euler} from './Constants'; // It won't work!

If you really need to name it as another variable, there is an as keyword to

help you:

import {e as euler} from './Constants';

Finally, if you want to import all exported items from a module, you can use
* wildcard import:

import {* as constants} from './Constants';

console.log(constants.pi); //=> 3.14

console.log(constants.e); //=> 2.71

Mixing Named and Default Export/ Import

Finally, ES6 supports ways to mix named and default export/ import. It’s not
that hard to figure out the syntax once you know each of them individually:
// ----- React.js -----

// Named export
export class Component {
// ...

// Default export
export default {
// ...

// ----- yourClass.js ----

// React is default import, Component is a named import

import React, {Component} from 'react';

Convert the below CommonJS-based modules to ES2015:

// ----- lib.js -----

function add(a,b) {
return a + b;
function multiply(a,b) {
return a * b;

module.exports = {
add: add,
multiply: multiply

// ----- main.js -----

var lib = require('./lib');
console.log(lib.add(10,20)); //=> 30
console.log(lib.multiply(10,20)); //=> 200


Since it’s a multiple export, default exports will not cut it.

// ----- lib.js -----

export function add(a,b) {
return a + b;
export function multiply(a,b) {
return a * b;

I chose to use wildcard import below, but a selective named imports will also

// ----- main.js -----

import {* as lib} from './lib';

console.log(lib.add(10,20)); //=> 30
console.log(lib.multiply(10,20)); //=> 200
7. Language Quirks & Features

If I were to choose one most mystical feature of JavaScript, I would have to

go with this binding. It’s because it has so many rules on how this
variable is resolved (pun intended). Let’s go through all the rules:

implicit/ dot binding

When invoked on an object, this is bound to the object’s on the left of the dot.

function sayName() {
console.log('Hello I am ' +;

const ben = {
name: 'Ben',
sayName: sayName

ben.sayName(); //=> Hello I am Ben

// this is bound to object ben

const bob = {
name: 'Bob',
friend: ben,
sayName: sayName

bob.sayName(); //=> Hello I am Bob

// this is bound to object bob
bob.friend.sayName(); //=> Hello I am Ben
// this is bound to object bob.friend which is ben
new binding
The new keyword creates a new lexical scope.

class Car {
constructor (brand, make) {
this.brand = brand;
this.make = make;

getDisplayName() {
return `(${this.brand}) ${this.make}` ;

const hondaJazz = new Car ('Honda', 'Jazz');

// hondaJazz now has its own lexical scope

console.log(hondaJazz.getDisplayName()); //=> (Honda) Jazz

Explicit binding ( apply , bind , call )

You can explicit bound this by using helper functions apply , bind , or
call :

function greet(isLoud) {
if (isLoud) {
console.log('YOYOYOYO! I am ' + + '!!!');
} else {
console.log('Hi, I am ' +;

console.log('// apply - a for array')

greet.apply(ben, [true]); //=> YOYOYOYO! I am Ben!!!
console.log('// call ');, false); //=> Hi, I am Ben

console.log('// bind');
const benGreeting = greet.bind(ben);
benGreeting(true); //=> YOYOYOYO! I am Ben!!!

Let’s test our understanding with an example:

var batman = {
_name: 'Bruce Wayne',
getSecretIdentity: function() {
return this._name;

var stealIdentity = batman.getSecretIdentity;

// stealIdentity's lexical scope is now empty.
// How can we make this point to batman?

// i.e. How to make the below stealIdentity work?

console.log(stealIdentity()); //=> should be: 'Bruce Wayne'


console.log(stealIdentity.bind(batman)()); // bind returns a

function, and we immediately invoke it.
// OR:
// OR:
Note that since getSecretIdentity doesn’t require any argument, the
solution using apply and call look exactly the same.

Global/ Window Binding

Finally, if this is invoked at the top level scope, it will be assigned with the
global/ window object:

function useThis() {

useThis(); //=> window in the browser, global in Node

Lexical Scope of Arrow Function vs. Normal

Throughout the examples in this book, it should come to your attention that
functions create new lexical scopes. This is very much true for this
keyword too. When you use the function keyword, new lexical
environment (with its own this and arguments object).

Arrow functions are exempt from this rule, though. Since arrow function was
initially designed to be lightweight, it’s just right that it doesn’t need their
own lexical scope (i.e. can borrow from its parents).

Let’s try to discern this with an example:

const mark = {
name: 'Mark',
friends: [{name: 'Eduardo'}, {name: 'Dustin'}],
listFriends: function() {
this.friends.forEach(function(friend) {
// ----- FIX ME -----
// If I uncomment the below,
// the compiler will say that this is undefined:
// this.greetFriend (; });
greetFriend: function(name) {
console.log('Hi ' + name + "!");

// I want the below to work:

mark.listFriends(); // => Hi Eduardo !
// => Hi Dustin!

// How to fix the above?

// 1. self = this
listFriends: function() {
const self = this;
this.friends.forEach (function (friend) {
self.greetFriend (;

// 2. use arrow function since it uses parent's lexical scope

listFriends: function() {
this.friends.forEach((friend) => (
this.greetFriend (;

// 3. use bind
listFriends: function() {
const greetFriend = this.greetFriend.bind(this);
this.friends.forEach(function(friend) {
What will be printed below?

var myObject = {
foo: 'bar',
func: function() {
var self = this;
console.log("outer func: = " +;
console.log("outer func: = " +;
(function() {
console.log("inner func: = " +;
console.log("inner func: = " +;
})(); // IIFE



//=> outer func: = bar

//=> outer func: = bar
//=> inner func: = undefined
//=> inner fung: = bar
Automatic Semi-colon Insertion
Let’s say we have the below function:

function foo1() {
return {
bar: "hello"

But, you know, people have different formatting preferences:

function foo2()
bar: "hello"

This seems pretty harmless. But let’s look at what actually happens when we
invoke these 2 functions:

console.log("fool returns: ");

console.log(foo1()); //=> {bar: "hello"}
console.log("foo2 returns:");
console.log(fo02() ); //=> undefined!!

Oops! You’ve just become the victim of JavaScript’s Automatic Semicolon

Insertion feature. The second function is actually interpreted as such:

function foo2()
return; // JS ASI in Action!
// The lines below are dead/ unreachable code
bar: "hello"

We all agree ASI is terrible idea, it promotes sloppy coding practices.

Nevertheless, it’s been there in JS since its inception. We can only work
around it by: Always using K&R curly braces style (i.e. the former function)1.
Object Property Shorthand
Suppose you have the below code:

const func1 = () => console.log('Yay!');

const var1 = 'abc';

const objOld = {
func1: func1,
var1: var1

//=> { func1: [Function: func1], varl: 'abc' }

As the names of the object’s property and the variable are the same, you can
omit repeating the declaration and assignment:

const objPropertyShorthand = {

//=> { funcl: [Function: func1], varl: 'abc' }

The below function should return an object with below properties:

1. type: 'CHANGE_NAME'

2. name: <name_in_the_argument>
function onChangeName(name) {
// ---- Fill me -----

const changeToTomy = onChangeName('Tomy');

console.log(changeToTomy); // should be:
//=> {type: 'CHANGE_NAME', name:
'Tomy' }

Just return the object literal, as a small optimization, use object property
shorthand for name .

return {
type: 'CHANGE_NAME',
name // Object Property Shorthand
Destructuring Operator
The below example illustrates a new convenience feature of JavaScript,
Destructing Operator:

const inputTuple = [1, 2];

function addTwoNumbers ([a, b]) {

return a + b;

var o= { p: 42, q: true };

var { p, q} = o;
// var p = o.p:
// var q = o.q ;
console.log(p); //=> 42
console.log(q); //=> true

var o2 = { p: 42, q: true };

var { p: foo, q: bar } = 02;

console.log(foo); //=> 42
console.log(bar); //=> true

1. Most JS linters will notify you of this type of error nowadays. ↩

8. Epilogue

One of the reasons why the community loves React is the fact that when they
learn React, they are learning more JavaScript than just framework specific
hooks and directives (e.g. ng-if ) . In that very spirit, I would encourage you
to further your exploration of this misunderstood language. Master JavaScript
and its ecosystem and you wouldn’t be daunted by any new front-end
frameworks coming in your way. Goodspeed!
Where to Go From Here
Functional Programming in JavaScript
Functional Programming (FP) seems to be the in thing lately. In the
discussion about Promise, I mentioned in passing that Promise is a Monad.
Interested to know more about this? I would recommend:

1. Reading the excellent book by Brian Lornsdorf: Mostly Adequate Guide

to Functional Programming
2. Watching the awesome companion course in Egghead IO: Professor
Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript

I love the above materials so much that I compiled my own notes here: Tomy
Jaya’s Composable Functional JS Notes

React and Redux

This book is supposed to be a prelude to React and Redux, so it’s apt for me
to suggest some of the materials I found useful during my journey to learn
React and Redux. They are:

1. Building Applications with React and Redux in ES6 by Cory House (A

thorough and comprehensive course in Pluralsight)
2. Getting Started with Redux (Dan Abramov’s free course in Egghead IO)
3. Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux (Advanced course by
Dan Abramov on building idiomatic React/ Redux app)

Back to the Core

If you’re not satisfied with the depth of how I explain this keyword and
want to know more about how JavaScript’s prototype works. I would
recommend these JavaScript materials:

1. JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford (curated videos by

2. Understanding ES6 by Nicholas C. Zakas
3. Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke

A Taste of Another Framework

We learn best through building mental models and by making comparisons
and classifications. If you’re interested to try another framework to strengthen
your learning or if you’re just purely fed up with React/ Redux, I would
recommend you have a shot at VueJS. Compare and contrast the approaches
taken by these 2 frameworks, pick one which better suits your or your
organization’s needs.

Going Native with JavaScript

The world is crazy about native apps now and guess what? Equipped with just
the knowledge of JavaScript and React, you too, now can code native apps,
thanks to React Native. With the hype on blockchain and machine learning,
people sometimes forget how revolutionary React Native is. Don’t take my
word for it, try out the getting started page now!

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