Peer To Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and Platform Dilemma
Peer To Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and Platform Dilemma
Peer To Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and Platform Dilemma
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1 author:
Anna Omarini
Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi
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Online peer-to-peer lending is a growing industry with huge potential for capturing customers from mainstream financial
institutions and therefore setting a new standard for loan requests and for creating an additional investment opportunity.
To get some benefits from this growth, companies operating in this industry should develop a resilient business model that
aims at attracting the greatest number of lenders out of the whole lenders’ population and the greatest number or borrow-
ers out of the whole borrowers’ population.
The growth of online lending will accelerate in the next years, under certain conditions, and this can be true if they take care
of both investors and borrowers’ needs. The aim of the paper is to investigate the P2P outlining the importance of being
a platform business model. The paper is structured as follows: in paragraph 1. It is given a brief description of Fintech,
Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending. Then paragraph 2 and related outline the main features on the way platforms
perform their activity as well as the types of loans transacted. Paragraph 3 and related describe the issue of being a platform
for a P2P business. In paragraph 4 the main conclusions and managerial implications are outlined.
Keywords: Digital Transformation; FinTech; Techfin; Retail Banking; Business Model; Open Innovation; Platform.
Abbreviations: P2P: Peer To Peer; IDPS: Investor Directed Portfolio Services; RWA: Risk Weighted Asset.
*Corresponding Author:
Anna Eugenia Omarini,
Department of Finance, Bocconi University, Via Roentegen, Milano, Italy.
Tel: 0039(02)5836
Citation: Eugenia Omarini A. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and the Platform Dilemma. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2018;2(3):31-41.
Copyright: Eugenia Omarini A© 2018. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, dis-
tribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Eugenia Omarini A. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and the Platform Dilemma. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2018;2(3):31-41.
Eugenia Omarini A. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and the Platform Dilemma. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2018;2(3):31-41.
over, the risks connected with this new tool can prevent them to against illness or unemployment, the main causes of loan repay-
try at all without the certainty of being able to stop investing [7]. ment impossibility.
The further step is to give a definition of Peer-to-Peer lending World poverty reduction loans: The purpose of this category
(P2P), which might become an alternative to traditional financial of loans is to alleviate world poverty. Usually loans are disbursed
intermediaries. In this way individuals/families and small and me- to citizens of third world countries, mainly to entrepreneurs given
dium enterprises (SMEs) can be financed directly by different in- their higher ability to repay the loan. It is not fully appropriate
vestors. Here, innovation is on developing the business model on to talk about peer-to-peer loans as it is not the borrowers di-
an internet platform, making it easier to gather users, both from rectly who make the loan request (which is evident given the low
the lenders’ and the borrowers’ side. Money transactions under- web-literacy rate that third world countries experience). In fact,
take among unrelated individuals, or peers [8]. The mechanism on between the lender and the borrower there is usually an inter-
how it works requires the following steps (see Figure 1): mediary called Field Partner that is responsible for searching for
local entrepreneurs with interesting business ideas and in need
1. Both investors and borrowers subscribe in the platform; of funding. Usually the interest rate received by the lenders is set
2. Investors and borrowers’ information are verified and to each in advance and it is not as high as “general peer-to-peer loans”.
borrower is assigned a credit score; The reason is that part of the interest payments made by lenders
3. The loan request is displayed on the platform, specifying all the goes directly into the pockets of the Field Partners, which incur
conditions related to it; high costs to screen the potential borrowers. The online platform
4. Investors can decide where to invest: they can do that on their therefore screens the Field Partners rather than the borrowers
own or they can leave this step to the platform, only providing for themselves. Furthermore, many of these platforms are non-profit
some desired characteristics. The interest rate can be either pro- organizations and they receive a small part of the interest pay-
vided by the platform, or decided by investors themselves; ment made by the lender, just to manage their infrastructure.
5. Once the borrower’s request is totally funded, the conditions
are shown; Family and friends loans: These types of loans are disbursed
6. The platform rules the money transactions between borrowers from one family member to another family member and they are
and lenders and intervenes in case there are delays in payments. usually run by the same rules that govern regular loans. Some
Money is deposited on a physical bank account. online platforms were born precisely with the objective of servic-
ing these types of loans. Both borrowers and lenders are part of
Types of loans transacted in a nutshell the same family or group of friends and they have first of all to
agree on the interest rate that the borrower should pay on the loan
Considering the P2P lending industry, in its broadest definition, requested. Once this is set, the online platform intervenes to in-
there are many platforms worldwide. To give a brief overview of stitutionalize the loan: it provides all the papers necessary to give
this segment of the market, these platforms need to be grouped to the loan a legal status, it ensures that all the payments are made,
in four main categories, which have been defined according to the it provides help in case of missing payments; in few words the
type of loan that is transacted on such platforms: online company manages the loan in exchange for a fee. In some
cases, these companies also sell additional products to the partici-
General loans: This is the biggest category of loans transacted pants, such as special accounts or a loan that fills the gap between
by borrowers and lenders on online lending platforms. Upon pay- what required by the borrower and what offered by the lender.
ment of a fee by both borrowers and lenders, the company grants
the possibility to lenders to meet borrowers online and exchange Other: There are three other types of loans: the first one is the
funds. These loans are considered unsecured loans as they are “business loan”. In this case, the loan is often labelled as “p2c”,
not backed by any collateral from the borrower’s side. The lend- people to company, because the consumer lends to businesses
ing platform in addition to earning from fees, often sells comple- directly. The second loan type is represented by a “platform loan”.
mentary services mainly to borrowers, such as insurance products In this case, it is the online peer-to-peer platform itself, which is-
Lending platform
in form
ve a
stm tio
en n
provision of funds
Borrowers Lenders
Client account
Source: Committee on the Global Financial System & Financial Stability Board, (2017). Fintech Credit. Market structure, business models and
financial stability implications, p.11.
Eugenia Omarini A. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and the Platform Dilemma. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2018;2(3):31-41.
sues the loans to borrowers. In addition, the company also sells lowed by the US (34.3 billion $) and the UK (4.1 billion $). In
to investors some financial instruments (usually Certificates of other countries, numbers are relatively small. Even though, the
Deposits, federally insured instruments saving certificates that en- growth is incredibly quick, as shown by Figure 2. In the UK,
sure the payment of a constant interest rate and principal amount which is the biggest European P2P market, Fintech credit was
at a certain maturity date), which promise better financial returns, estimated to be 14% of gross bank lending flows to small busi-
than those offered by banks. In exchange, the investor needs to nesses in 2015, but only 1.37% of consumer and small-business
participate to the payment of the loan instalments of any bor- lending at the end of 2016.
rower at his choice, deciding the amount he wants to contribute.
The third type of loan is represented by the “student loan”. The On the left side of the graph, there has been a huge growth in
main purpose of this category of loans is to help students to the market between 2013 and 2015 (the chart shows the growth
accomplish their university studies without being financially con- in percentage, thus a decline in the line highlights a decline in the
strained. Students usually list their borrowing requests on online growth, not a decline in the amount lent or invested). Two excep-
communities, detailing for what precise activity or expense they tions can be outlined, and they are: in the Nordics, there has been
will need that money. Usually the loan is co-signed by an adult a decline in the growth, connected with the failure of the Swedish
(usually a parent) who ensures that the loan payments will be platform TrustBuddy (the new management team in 2015 found
made on the due time. Then lenders decide to whom they should out signs of misconduct, since the platform was raising capital
lend money and the amount they will grant to the chosen student. from investors only to cover bad debt and previous losses). In
The strong advantage of these loans is that they allow deferred the US, on the other hand, it can be seen a clear decline between
payments: the student/borrower will pay back the loan once he the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017. This decrease only
has graduated and started working. Only a small symbolic amount regarded the larger platforms, so that it can be linked to a loss in
needs to be paid each month, just to show commitment to the their market share. The right side of the chart shows the compo-
loan. In this case, the online platform performs a screening on nents of the Fintech business in each country. In countries such
the borrowers, in order to minimize risk, and on the co-signers. as the US, Germany, Korea, New Zealand and Italy, the biggest
Another interesting feature is that both the interest rate and the part of the market corresponds to consumer credit (in the US,
fees the borrower will end up paying depend on the academic student loans are the larger part of that). In other countries such
performance of the borrower itself. Lenders instead pay a fixed as Australia, Japan and the Netherlands, the Fintech market is fo-
annual fee just to cover the costs of the monthly transaction the cused on business credit, comprising invoice trading. In the UK,
platform needs to ensure. business credit is the most developed, together with real estate
credit. The latter segment is completely undeveloped in the other
In Table 1 is shown a set of examples of the main P2P lending European countries.
companies categorized as above.
Description of Fintech credit activity
According to the report [9] the geographic distribution of P2P
European platforms, excluding the UK where there are more than The nature of FinTech credit activity varies significantly across
40 of them, shows the highest concentration of such platforms and within countries due to the heterogeneity in the business
in Germany (35), France (33), Spain (32) and Italy (26) and the models of each online credit platforms. Notwithstanding, any
Netherlands (19). While individually the Nordic Countries (Den- P2P lending platforms looks for providing a direct exchange be-
mark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) had fewer than 10 tween lenders and borrowers. Given that, an important issue re-
platforms each, the region recorded 32 participating platforms. gards the target market (which means having consumers versus
business platforms), because they have different financial needs,
The market size amounts required and rating information.
For the year 2015 the largest market is China (99.7 billion $), fol- Given that, it is interesting outline there are different ways to
Eugenia Omarini A. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and the Platform Dilemma. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2018;2(3):31-41.
Data are based on four large platforms for the United States (SoFi, Lending Club, Prosper and OnDeck), 29 platforms for the United Kingdom, 31 platforms for the
Europe and three platforms for Australia and New Zealand (SocieltyOne, RateSetter in Australia and Harmony). US data for Q1 2017 are projections. Australia and
New Zealand Data start in Q4 2015 based on data availability for all three platforms. 2 Includes a very small amount of debt-based securities for France, the Netherland
and the United Kingdom.
Source: Committee on the Global Financial System & Financial Stability Board, (2017). Fintech Credit. Market structure, business models and
financial stability implications [5].
match borrowers’ and investors’ financial requests, and they are: can accept it or not.
Diffused model: It is when the platform has an active role in In the automatic matching, the platform sets the interest rates and
both selecting loans applications and matching borrowers and then combine the loans according to the risk and return required
lenders. The platform collects the money from each investor and by the lender. Where there are imbalances, the platform adjusts
allocates it on several loans, taking into account the guidelines the interest rates [10].
given by investors - who can decide over the amount to lend, the
expected return and the risk appetite, i.e. the level of risk expected There is also a third possibility [11], which is similar to the mech-
from the portfolio. The platform works for allocating money, try- anism working in the stock market; from one hand borrowers
ing to minimize risks thanks to a good diversification. In this case, set a maximum interest rate, and on the other hand lenders set a
borrowers obtain money in short time and the platform has a high minimum (not on the same loan, but on all loans offered by the
probability that every borrower gets its request of funds. platform) and the platform matches compatible bids and offers.
Direct model: It is when each investor selects the loan, accord- Finally, credit platform have also different ways to process the
ing to the information given. Investors also decide the amount to financing, and they are client segregated account model; notary
lend to each borrower. This mechanism is more similar to the tra- model; guaranteed return model and balance sheet model.
ditional crowdfunding campaigns, but it is very time-consuming
for investors and it does not assure the right diversification. There - Client segregated account model (see Figure 3); it is when the
is also the possibility that some borrowers can be only satisfied platform matches borrowers and lenders and money is collected
partially, because of not being selected by any investor. in accounts which constitute a separate patrimony, so that, in case
the platform fails, it cannot be used to pay creditors. Financing
Another interest factor regards the mechanism developed to de- is made using a reverse auction procedure, which can be manual
termine the interest rate applied to each loan. Milne and Parbo- or automatized. A peculiar model of this type implies they have
teeah [10] classify platforms according to two alternatives: reverse a common fund whose quotes are on the platform by financiers.
auction and automatic matching. In the reverse auction, lenders
set their minimum interest rate and borrower their maximum in- • Notary model (see Figure 4); it is when the loan is generated by
terest rate and the matching is when there is a correspondence. All a partnering bank. Online platform only acts as a broker, connect-
investors can see it and decide for a certain interest rate to offer, ing borrowers and lenders, and it is the bank that originates loans
knowing that the higher it is, the lower is the possibility to finance and sells them to investors.
the loan, because only the lowest ones will be selected and offered
to the borrower. Once the investors’ offer is selected, then the - Guaranteed return model (see Figure 5); It is when the platform
average interest rate is computed and shown to the borrower, who collects funds and applies an interest rate, which is the outcome
Eugenia Omarini A. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and the Platform Dilemma. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2018;2(3):31-41.
Lending platform
in form
ve a
stm tio
en n
provision of funds
Borrowers Lenders
Client account
Source: Committee on the Global Financial System, Financial Stability Board, (2017). Fintech Credit. Market structure, business models and
financial stability implications [5].
Figure 4. Notary model.
in form
Lending platform
sis k
ve a
aly ris
stm tio
an dit
en n
loa ds
no f fun
Borrowers rep rig o nt Lenders
ina ion e
aym tio
n r ovis signm ims
en p a s c la
t of
cre Optional securitisation
an it ris
aly k Fronting bank
sis Institutional
Source: Committee on the Global Financial System, Financial Stability Board, (2017). Fintech Credit. Market structure, business models and
financial stability implications [5].
Figure 5. Guaranteed return model.
sis k
Lending platform
aly ris
in form
ve a
an dit
stm tio
en n
Source: Committee on the Global Financial System, Financial Stability Board, (2017). Fintech Credit. Market structure, business models and
financial stability implications [5].
Figure 6. Balance sheet lending model.
le lo funds assignment keeps
an s invested of claims loans
credit risk analysis
Borrowers Lending platform
provision of funds
Source: Committee on the Global Financial System, Financial Stability Board, (2017). Fintech Credit. Market structure, business models and
financial stability implications [5].
Eugenia Omarini A. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and the Platform Dilemma. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2018;2(3):31-41.
considering the borrower’s risk and the loans features. This can be the intensity of competitive rivalry) still apply, but behave differ-
done throughout two different methods: the first one implies the ently in a platform, while new factors come into play. Interac-
research and the pre-screening of financers outside the platform; tions, participants’ access, and new performance metrics become
after that, the loan request is displayed on the platform website so the new drivers. When managing a pipeline business the focus is
that lenders can make their offers. This method is well widespread on growing sales. Therefore, those goods and services delivered
in China where there is an excess of supply compared to the de- (and the revenues and profits from them) are the units of analy-
mand. The second method requires to have an algorithm which sis. For platforms, the focus shifts to interactions-exchanges of
automatically invests the funds collected. In this case, there is a value between producers and consumers on the platform. The
remuneration depending on the rates and loan duration. number of interactions and the associated network effects are the
ultimate source of competitive advantage, because the focus of
- The balance sheet model (see Figure 6); it is when the platform strategy shifts to eliminating barriers to production and consump-
retains loans in their balance sheet, so that it can sell them to tion in order to maximize value creation. To that end, platform
institutional investors, or other retail investors financing loans. In executives must make smart choices about access (whom to let
this case, the platform obtains the money from these investors onto the platform) and governance (or “control”-what consum-
and provides it to borrowers, which pays interests to the lending ers, producers, providers, and even competitors are allowed to do
platform. In case of failure of the platform, investors will have there) [4].
difficulties to obtain their money back.
Therefore, the main feature of platforms is represented by net-
The Issue of being a Platform work effects, which drive demand-side economies of scale. This
means that the more users join the platform the more valuable the
The value of a platform relies in its capacity to create interactions, platform becomes for each user. Throughout social networking
which are the main sources of value for it. Platforms are good at and demand aggregation, companies can attract a higher number
reducing search and transaction costs for participants [12]. of customers so to increase the average value per transaction, be-
cause the larger the network, the better the matches between de-
In order to assess the concept of platform, it is interesting to mand and supply. Behind this, there is a virtuous circle: the larger
take the perspective of defining pipelines first. They have been the network, the higher the appeal for other customers, whose
the dominant model of business, when the main business idea is presence attracts more customers. In contrast to what happens in
that to produce something, push it out and sell it to customers. traditional companies, for what concerns platforms, value-creat-
Value is produced upstream, and consumed downstream, where ing activities take place outside the company [13].
there is a linear flow of information, data, etc. Prior to the inter-
net, much of the services industry ran on the pipe model, which In a technological platform, each side has its own process of value
was brought over just after the internet. This is because Internet, proposition, capture and creation. Value proposition is addressed
being a participatory network, is a platform itself and allows any to complementary and interdependent customer groups; while
business, building on top of it, to leverage platform properties. value creation and capture need to have organized on a platform,
There is a different mind-set behind the two business models, be- which can connect sides and create network effects [14]. These
cause of pipe charges consumers for value created, and platform network effects lead to demand-side economies of scale. This is
creates value and look for who to charge for that. The two models because fixed costs are high at the beginning, and marginal costs
can coexist, as Apple demonstrates. In order to move from pipe- are lower. Thus, the volume of transactions is very important, be-
line to platform three key shifts are necessary [4]: cause if the volume is large, platforms can charge customer with
a lower price. This develops a virtuous circle, since the lower the
1. From resource control to resource orchestration. The resource-based view of price, the bigger the volume [4].
competition holds that firms gain advantage by controlling scarce and valuable
assets. (…) With platforms, the assets that are hard to copy are the commu- Network effects can be on the same side or can be indirect (cross-
nity and the resources its members own and contribute. (…) side network effects). In the first case, each customer obtains a
2. From internal optimization to external interaction. Pipeline firms organ- benefit when the number of customers on its side is high, while
ize their internal labor and resources to create value by optimizing an entire in the second case, each customer benefits from a higher number
chain of product activities, from materials sourcing to sales and service. Plat- of customers in the other side [15]. There are many other factors
forms create value by facilitating interactions between external producers and related to platform and they are outline in Box 1.
consumers. (…) The emphasis (…) persuading participants and ecosystem
governance become essential skills. According to Parmentier et al., [14], the success for a platform is
3. From a focus on customer value to a focus on ecosystem value. Pipelines based on the presence of the following factors:
seek to maximize the lifetime value of individual customers of products and
services, who, in effect, sit at the end of a linear process. By contrast, platforms • Provision of services for unserved customers;
seek to maximize the total value of an expanding ecosystem in a circular, • Tools able to engage customers and suppliers;
iterative, feedback-driven process. Sometimes that requires subsidizing one • Service reliability made possible by the computerization of the
type of consumer in order to attract another type. customer service;
• Continuous improvement of the offer and in understanding
Given that, competing becomes more complicated and dynamic customers thanks to data collection.
in a platform world. The competitive forces described by Michael
Porter (the threat of new entrants and substitute products or The first factor belongs to all companies, but it is extremely im-
services, the bargaining power of customers and suppliers, and portant in the case of platforms, where network effects are fun-
damental. In addition, the identification of new customer groups
Eugenia Omarini A. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and the Platform Dilemma. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2018;2(3):31-41.
Box 1. Platforms and the issues of openness, closeness, chicken-egg problem, pricing structures.
Openness and closeness questions regard to who is allowed to join and what are they allowed to do? On this issue, there is
an important trade-off: if the entrance rules are too strict, they could undermine network effects, but if they are too loose,
the quality could be lower than expected. This in peer-to-peer lending could mean having worse quality loans, which can have
bad reputation effect on the business (the so-called “lemon market failure”). On this issue, also prices could be good tools for
that. Related to this same issue there is the switching costs dilemma: how high should they be to be a sufficient entry barrier?
They should not be too high to discourage the participation of customers at all. They could be identified in P2P platforms as
registration [12].
The chicken-egg problem regards the question: which party should be brought on board before and with the higher effort
in order to make the other party enter the business automatically? This has to do with the indirect network effects: the value
perceived by one party increases as the number of participants the other side of the platform increases. There is also a second
question, which regards how to attract the parties: Should customers be charged anything or not? Sometimes, not charging
anything is economically sustainable and can enlarge the network in an efficient way. It is also possible delivering all services
free, so that one part should be chosen. The basic rule, according to Parker et al., [16] is to avoid charging users who before
had the service for free; if the transition from free to fee cannot be avoided, it is needed to create an additional value that justi-
fies the fee. However, this was not true in the case of Meetup, a platform for events organization: when the service was free,
only the 1-2% of events were successful; once the subscription fee was introduced, the success percentage increased to 50%,
even though it lost 95% of users [17].
The pricing strategy regards the choice to charge or not one group if this could make profits coming from the other group or
if the presence of a free-of-charge group -“subsidy side” - [18] can attract the others. Thus, the side that benefits more from
the presence of the other should charge more. The higher value extracted from the other side, should be paid by that party
with a higher price (“money side” [12, 18]). In order to achieve an effective choice on this issue it is important taking into
consideration the following points:
- The ability to capture cross-side effects, which means to be aware that the subsidy side is not transacting with another plat-
form’s money side;
- The user sensitivity to prices, which makes sense to subsidize the party that is more price sensitive;
- The user sensitivity to quality, which means charging the party that provides quality. This is done to discourage those from
providing lower quality due to a moral hazard behavior;
- The same-side network effects: platforms must assess the presence of negative same-side network effects. In this case, they
should consider excluding someone, deciding carefully whether to exclude some buyers or some suppliers;
- The users’ brand value: platforms sometimes have to attract “marquee users”, namely users that can be especially important
for the users on the other side. Even if this can be expensive, platforms may think of binding this marquee users in order to
prevent them from using other platforms [18].
Eugenia Omarini A. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and the Platform Dilemma. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2018;2(3):31-41.
able to lock them-in in the community since the beginning, there- already showing, however, is a strong commitment to the con-
fore increasing the potential number of users in the community, cept of “peer-to-peer lending” as they assume that this is a more
which also increases the market share of the company. This may transparent and social way of transacting money, than what of-
happen thanks to the feedback effect, which increases the attrac- fered by mainstream financial institutions. This commitment to
tion of new borrowers and lenders. Additionally, due to density the concept creates a natural lock-in effect that platforms will
economies, the higher the number of borrowers and lenders, the be able to exploit once the lock-in effect, explained so far, is in
more intensively the firm resources are utilized and the lower the place; the peer-to-peer platform is in a perfect condition to extract
unit costs per user incurred to set up the business activities. Once economic value from both lenders and borrowers [19]. So far,
both the population of borrower and the population of lenders the company has simply attracted borrowers and lenders to the
are attracted in the network, there is a lock-in effect, influenced platform and has earned a fee from the subscription of these us-
by three important factors, one naturally implicit in peer-to-peer ers, granting them the possibility to use the platform to lend and
loan contractual schemes and two that area consequence of hu- borrow money.
man nature:
Given that, there is big earnings potential that can be obtained
Loan contract: once a loan contract is stipulated, both borrow- from selling products and services complementary to the loans
ers and lenders enter into an agreement lasting for a prolonged the borrowers receive or to the investment the lenders make.
period of time (inmost of the cases three years) whereby the lend-
ers hand over a certain amount of capital to borrowers. On the To prove this, according to Ziegler et al., [20] it is outlined that
other hand, borrowers commit themselves to monthly payments alternative finance models that generate larger volumes are also those which
of principal and interest back to borrowers. Since this relation- report the most significant changes to their product offerings and business
ship is supposed to last for the whole length of the loan, it is in models. The converse is applicable to models associated with lower volumes.
both borrowers and lenders interest to stay within the community.
Lenders need to recover the money they gave away in the first Therefore, two vectors become important and critical for this
instance; borrowers instead need to return money so as to avoid business, and they are attractiveness for borrowers and attractive-
big consequences on their credit history or even judiciary actions. ness for lenders as these two basic indicators define a successful
P2P business model, capable of attracting and locking-in users.
Favourable financial conditions: Unless their loans default,
lenders will find it interesting to see that their investment was Conclusions and Managerial Implications: The
successful and that they managed to earn a good return, anyway, Platform Dilemma
while doing a good deed to the society. Therefore, it will be a
normal attitude to undertake other loans and therefore being Looking at P2P lending platforms, one of the strength points
locked-in the community for an even longer period. It is impor- is lower rates for borrowers and higher rates for investors; this
tant to notice that some online peer-to-peer lending communities can work overall in comparison with banks but not with other
actually feature an auto-lending tool as a standard function: once competitors necessarily. In fact, the price lever is difficult to use
the borrowers repay their monthly rates to lenders, this money is to compare platforms, because it would lead to different set of
allocated to new borrowers requests automatically, which satisfy commissions, which are the bigger source of revenues, but overall
the requirements of the lender. Crucial in this continuous lend- price competition has not to become the lever to compete in the
ing procedure is the risk of default that a lender incurs, which market. Otherwise, it could face the same “end” as some areas
must obviously be low. While this perpetual relationship between of the retail banking business have been experiencing for some
the lenders and the platform could be a good natural strategy to time, because they are perceived to be commodities by customers,
lock-in customers, this cannot be true for borrowers. In this re- which think of them being similar apart from the price that has
gard, borrowers tend to be one time demanders of a peer-to-peer become the main competitive lever in the market [21].
loan. However only time will prove if this phrase is correct; infact,
considering all peer-to-peer lending platforms most of the loans Given that, differentiation could be the right strategy for a plat-
have not yet reached maturity and in most of the platforms it is form both to attract and retain customers, overall because there
not possible to ask for two loans at the same time. For this reason, is the assumption that peer-to-peer lending platforms, in order to
before inferring a borrower habit, it would be advisable to wait be successful, need to have both a balanced demand/supply of
until most of the loans in the industry have been paid back and capital (demand should equal supply in each economic relation-
borrowers ask new loans. A logical assumption would be that if ship). Platforms also need to have a high number of lenders and
borrowers manage to find financing on an online community at a borrowers (in order to exploit both the positive feedback effects
rate that is much lower than what they could receive in their clos- characterizing social networks, and density economies, which go
est alternative, they will surely revert back to peer-to-peer lending in the same direction of lowering costs). All this above is required
incase of future financial needs. However, this is not a sequential because attractiveness for lenders and borrowers are the main is-
process as this “come-back” is strictly dependent on the financing sues to manage for platforms. Given that, taking care of custom-
needs of the borrower. ers first is likely to become the biggest driver for Fintechs, and
specifically within the online lending market, which have to take
Concept commitment: In the financial world, the brand is an care of consumers, as they have become both the lenders and the
extremely important asset, as the customers usually perceive it as borrowers.
a sign of professionalism and safety of the financial institution
(“brand stickiness”). Now, however, it is too early for customers The growth of online lending will accelerate in the next years
to show a true commitment to a certain platform brand given the [22], under certain conditions, and this can be true if they take
relatively young age of this phenomenon. What customers are
Eugenia Omarini A. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Business Model Analysis and the Platform Dilemma. Int J Financ Econ Trade. 2018;2(3):31-41.
care of both investors and borrowers’ needs. Notwithstanding, it with the ever-evolving way in which they are delivered, will surely
must be underlined that the engine for platform to be profitable lead to an extremely interesting period of financial services de-
is based on the capacity to keep the credit risk low and a slim cost velopment. As always happens, changes in dynamic will lead to
structure with a stable source of recurring revenues. Infect, these other changes, which will not only pose new challenges for Fin-
companies would not long survive if the “fin” part of the prod- tech companies and the financial sector as a whole, but will also
uct is neglected. If a company failed to observe good credit risk likely raise some very interesting questions and challenges for the
process decision and poor lending practices, for example, these regulators of these markets around the world. These challenges,
products - and with it the companies - would fail. among others, will be those in terms of business models’ resil-
iency; customers’ transparency and sustainability; and market li-
Moving back to focus on investors, it has been observed the need quidity. All this above takes us to the next frontier in financial ser-
for them to hold liquid assets so that the organization of second- vices, which is that of establishing Open Ecosystems. The market
ary markets for online loans is emerging in the industry. Assets has experienced that closed systems do not scale or may implode.
have to be liquid and costs free for them. On the same side of in- Marketplace lending needs to be ubiquitous. To do this, they must
vestors, there is the strategic opportunity to differentiate the plat- maintain an open dialogue, educate and share information with
form, especially in markets where there is a fierce competition or their stakeholders and create a broader understanding of both
there is a higher fragmentation. Given that, the next step, we are platforms and products, because the main rule is that change is
already experiencing in the market, is the emerging and interesting inevitable. Notwithstanding the industry has not to lose sight of
idea of re-bundling, which will give birth to at least some major its important goals: to give people access to affordable credit, as
consumer products innovation, which are going to satisfy both well as putting them in the condition to sustain it. Therefore, if
lenders and borrowers. This is becoming a critical issue otherwise, the change is inevitable, it is always required to look for a certain
even though online lending has become an interesting and success amount of resilience.
story, this is going to be not because of the advent of a new finan-
cial product, but rather through making an old, in-demand finan- Given all that above, it is also interesting to conclude with some
cial services product more accessible to consumers. The products ideas on the relationships between P2P lending platforms and the
on offer and the types of loans available through these platforms framework of the next Basle IV agreement on banks’ stability.
still very closely resemble the more traditional loan types, with Apart from the debate between US and European banks in terms
the online accessibility and speed of access being the main dif- of the way they approach the credit risk calculation for their Risk
ferentiators. Only over the last two years has the UK seen some Weighted Assets (RWA), it is interesting to outline that the situ-
“newer” products to trade in the platform such as the Innova- ation is not going to be homogeneous in the market. Different
tive Finance ISA (, but P2P banks with different assets and liabilities structures will be impact-
lending platforms need to upgrade their value proposition. We ed differently. It is said that there is going to be an increased need
think that this can be done also developing a strategy of re-bun- of capital for certain banks, given their present credit portfolio,
dling, which stands behind the idea that suggesting one-product, while others could benefit from the new situation.
volume-driven online providers would gradually develop broader
product ranges and therefore more opportunities to create prof- I could expect to see some more requests moving towards the
itable relationships with their customers. Therefore becoming a P2P platforms because of many reasons, such as more selected
multi-product company is a strategy that online marketplace lend- banks’ credit processes, a reduction on some forms of credit, a
ers can decide to perceive, such as the move done by Goldman different allocation between business and retail customers, an in-
Sachs’s platform, Marcus, to purchase the personal money man- creased requests of covenants, etc. But I think that this will de-
agement app Clarity Money, which may represent an acknowl- pend overall on the strategic decisions banks will take at present.
edgement that Marcus needs to create deeper relationships with I also think that according to what has been outlined before an
customers across more products. This underlines the need to have increased number of borrowers and lenders will benefit the P2P
a clear strategy before any choice of buying or making new busi- platforms, but in order to make them more resilient and increased
ness units internally. In the case of Goldman Sach’s, the main specialization and credit selection could be useful also to develop
idea behind may that of putting together credit education and their reputation and customers’ trust, which are both linked to
monitoring, which could develop a strong engagement for cus- the way they manage their risks. I think this last point is going to
tomers to stay in the market. What is important to underline here, be mandatory overall if the credit decisions in banks will be more
is that it is not like buying another company to integrate in the selective, given the above constraints. Otherwise we could find
platform, but every choice must be integrated and link strictly to that some P2P lending platforms are going to face the lemon mar-
the previous steps also having a clear vision about the next steps ket problems if they do not develop effective proprietary credit
to develop, but each one has to get going itself. risk assessment and management approaches. I think that credit
bureau information might not be effective enough for them in
Strategic decisions like that of re-bundling lie behind the critical future also because new borrowers will enter the market. Given
issue to manage, which is that developing a building blocks ap- that, platforms’ development and reputation will depend overall
proach in online lending is the beauty side of being a platform, on their ability to reduce credit risks and keep a lean cost structure
but in order to keep going from good to great it has to be imple- organization, which could also benefit from a diversification of
ment without underestimate the risk to let prevailing a pipeline the range of services offered, as outlined before.
culture. In my opinion, this is going to be the platform dilemma.
The risk is not in the early stage, when you have gone a step fur- References
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