Bài Tập Câu Điều Kiện Loại I

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Miss Linda Tran


 Chia động từ trong ngoặc
1) If I (study) …………………………, I (pass) …………………….. the exams.
2) If the sun (shine) …………………………, we (walk) ………………………… to the town.
3) If he (have) ………………………… a temperature, he (see) ………………………… the doctor.
4) If my friends (come) …………………………, I (be) ………………………… very happy.
5) If she (earn) ………………………… a lot of money, she (fly) ………………………… to New York.
6) If we (travel) ………………………… to London, we (visit) ………………………… the museums.
7) If you (wear) ……………… sandals in the mountains, you (slip) ………………… on the rocks.
8) If Rita (forget) …………… her homework, the teacher (give) ………………… her a low mark.
9) If they (go) ………………………… to the disco, they (listen) ………………………… to loud music.
10) If you (wait) ………………………… a minute, I (ask) ………………………… my parents.
 Điề n thông tin thực củ a nhiều kiể u người khá c nhau vào trong câu với “if +
Present Simple + Present Simple”. Hã y dù ng "you" là m chủ từ củ a cả hai vế câu.
1.Vegetarians don't eat meat.
If you're a vegetarian, ……………………………………………………………………….
2. People who live in a cold country don't like hot weather.
If you live ………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Teachers have to work very hard.
If you're a teacher, …………………………………………………………………………….
4. People who do a lot of exercise stay fit and healthy.
If you ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Mechanics understand engines.
If you're a …………………………………………………………………………………………
6. People who read newspapers know what's happening in the world.
If you ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
 Hoàn thành những câu sau với “if + Present Simple + will/won't”, sử dụng những
từ trong ngoặc đơn ( ). Đôi khi bạn không cần thay đổi những từ trong ngoặc đơn.
Example: If it rains (it/rain), we won't go (we/not/go) fishing.
1. If__________(the weather/be) beautiful tomorrow, ____________(we/drive) tothe beach.
2. If ___________ (she/send) the letter now, ____________ (they/receive) ittomorrow.
3. ____________ (Fred/be) angry if ___________ (Jack/arrive) late again.
4. ______________ (I/come) to your house if ________(I/have) enough time.
5. If ____________ (she/not/pass) this exam, ____________ (she/not/get) the job that she wants.
6. _______________ (you/learn) a lot if _____________ (you/take) this course.
7. If ____________ (I/get) a ticket, ________________(I/go) to the cinema.
8. ____________ (I/buy) that machine if _______________(it/not/cost) too much.
9. ____________ (you/run) very fast, ______________ (you/catch) the taxi.
10. __________(I/go) to the doctor's if ____________ (I/not/feel) better tomorrow.
11.______________ (they/win) this match, ___________ (they/be) the champions.
Miss Linda Tran
 Hoàn thành những đoạ n đó i thoạ i sau với thì hiệ n tạ i đơn hoặc dạ ng "will/won't"
củ a những từ trong ngoạ c đơn ( ). Đôi khi bạn không cần thay đổi từ trong ngoặc
A: We must be at the theatre at 7 o'clock.
-----> B: Well, if we take (we/take) a bus at six o'clock, we won't be (we/not/be) late.
1. A: I'd like a magazine.
B: Well, _________ (I/buy) one for you if _________(I/go) to the shop later.
2. A: Has Jack phoned yet?
B: No, and if ________ (he/not/phone) this afternoon, _________ (I/phone) him this evening.
3. A: Is Mary there, please?
B: No, but if ________ (you/want) to leave a message,_________ (I/give) it to her.
4. A: Is Tom going to pass his exam?
B: Well, ________ (he/fail) if ________ (he/not/study) harder.
5. A: Could I have some information about this year's concerts, please?
B: Yes, if _________ (you/fill in) this form, _________(I/send) it to you in the post
 Hoàn thành các câu sau đây theo điều kiện loại 1 của những từ trong ( ).
1) If we __________ (to send) an invitation, our friends __________ (to come) to our party.
2) He __________ (not/to understand) you if you __________ (to whisper).
3) They __________ (not/to survive) in the desert if they __________ (not/to take) extra water
with them.
4) If you __________ (to press) CTRL + s, you __________ (to save) the file.
5) You __________ (to cross) the Channel if you __________ (to fly) from Paris to London.
6) Fred __________ (to answer) the phone if his wife __________ (to have) a bath.
7) If Claire __________ (to wear) this dress at the party, our guests __________ (not/to stay) any
8) If I __________ (to touch) this snake, my girlfriend __________ (not/to scream).
9) She __________ (to forget) to pick you up if you __________ (not/to phone) her.
10) I __________ (to remember) you if you __________ (to give) me a photo.
 Điền dạng đúng của động từ
1. If she ....................(work) hard, she .....................(pass) the exam.
2. If I ..................(come) soon, I ....................(phone) you.
3. She ...................(feel) sad if you ....................(not, give) her a gift.
4. If Peter ......................(go) to work late again, he .................(be) sacked.
5. No one .........................(know) the truth if you ................(not, reveal)
6. If the boy ....................(eat) that apple, he ....................(be) ill.
7. If you .....................(not, hurry), you .....................(miss) the bus.
8. Tell him about this story if you .........................(see) him.
9. If you ..........................(have) a day off where you..............(go)?
10. If he ..................(cook) the meal himself, help him.
11. If few people .....................(come) to the meeting, please postpone to the other day.
12. If it .......................(not, be) warm this afternoon, we ...................(put off) the game.
Miss Linda Tran
13. Your father ...............(pick) you up if you ..................(come) back late?
14. What you ..................(speak) if you ....................(meet) a foreigner?
15. Unless he .................(answer) all my questions, I ...................(not, help) him.
 Viết lại câu không đổi nghĩa
1. Turn off all the lights and you will not pay more money.
If ..........................................................................................................
2. Unless she wears warm clothes, she will have a cold.
If ..........................................................................................................
3. Be careful or you may have an accident.
If ..........................................................................................................
4. phone your parents or you have a trouble.
If ..........................................................................................................
5. Unless she whispers, everyone knows what she is saying.
If ..........................................................................................................
6. Stay here and you will feel save.
If ..........................................................................................................
7. Pay electricity bill today or your electricity will be cut off.
If ..........................................................................................................
8. Stop smoking otherwise your cough may be worse.
If ..........................................................................................................
9. Unless we use less fossil fuel, they will be run out soon.
If ..........................................................................................................
10. Unless it stops raining today, we may be faced with a serious flood.
If ..........................................................................................................
11. Do morning exercises regularly, your body will be fitter.
If ..........................................................................................................
12. Unless we renewable energy, we will have nothing for the future generation.
If ..........................................................................................................
13. The climate will change unless we reduce the use of non-renewable energy.
If ..........................................................................................................
14. Lock all the doors and noone can break into your house.
If ..........................................................................................................
15. Unless we continue hunting polar bears, they will become extinct in near future.
If ..........................................................................................................
 Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc
1. If It (not rain) ………today, they ( go)…………camping.
2. Peter (play) ………soccer with his friends if he (have) …….free time.
3. If Jane (study) ………..harder, she (pass) …………….the entrance exams.
4. David (come and see) ……………….his girlfriend if he (not have to/work) ……..on a night
5. This machine (break) ……..down if it (not use) ……..quite often.
Miss Linda Tran
6. Helen (come)…….. to class late if she (not run)…………….fast enough.
7. Giang’s parents (be)……..very happy if she (get) ……….good marks at school.
8. Thomas (visit) …….Ha Long Bay if he (earn) ……enough money.
9. If you (brush) ….your teeth regularly, you ( not have)……….a toothache.
10. If Carol (have) ….enough qualifications for the job she applied, she ( get) ……..it.
 Bài tập biến đổi Unless = if …….not.
1. If Andrew is not lazy, he will pass the final examination. (unless)
2. John will not catch the train unless he runs more quickly. (If)
3. The tree will die if it isn’t watered every day. (unless)
4. Life won’t be very easy if we don’t earn lots of money. (unless)
5. If you don’t practice more often, your English won’t be better.
6. Jack will be dismissed if he doesn’t try to work harder.
 Thành lập câu điều kiện 1 dựa vào các tình huống cụ thể sau.
1. Work harder or you will lose your job.
2. Pay attention to the teacher or you won’t understand the lessons.
3. Go to bed early or you can’t get up early the next morning.
4. Save money now or you will be in debt in the future.
5. Read more referent books if you want to win a place at university.
6. Driving more carefully or you will have an accident.
7. Brush your teeth often in order not to get toothache.
8. Listen carefully or you won’t know what to do.

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