2005 Peugeot 407 Dag 65058

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4 - Familiarisation

1 - Steering wheel height 7 - Passenger-operated 13 - Steering lock and ignition.

and depth adjustment. electric window control.
14 - Cruise control control.
2 - Lights/Direction indicator 8 - Air conditioned glove box.
15 - Storage compartment
9 - Control panel - Audio (driver's side).
3 - Instrument panel. equipment/Navigator/Air Fuse box.
4 - Wiper/Wash-wipe/Trip 16 - Headlamp height
computer stalk. 10 - Multifunction display. adjustment.

5 - Air diffuser vent grille. 11 - Audio equipment steering 17 - Bonnet release.

wheel stalk.
6 - Speakers
(tweeters). 12 - Hazard lights switch.

Familiarisation - 5

6 - Familiarisation


CONTROL KEY Front and rear lights Automatic windscreen wipers
F Place the ring A in the required 2 Fast wipe
Unfolding/folding the key position. (heavy rain).
To unfold or fold the key, press but- 1 Normal wipe
ton A. Lights off (moderate rain).
AUTO Automatic wipe.
Unlocking 0 Park.
Side lights
F Press button B. â Single wipe
(press down).
Dipped headlamps/
Locking Main beam headlamps In the AUTO position, no further ac-
F Press button C. tion on your part is required.
An extended press on button C per- Front fog lamps and rear fog If the ignition has been switched
mits automatic closing of the windows lamps off for more than one minute with
and sunroof in addition to locking. F Turn ring B forwards to switch on the stalk in the AUTO position, this
and backwards to switch off. function must be reactivated.

Front fog lamps (one press).

Rear fog lamps

(two presses).
: 18 : 56 : 54
Familiarisation - 7


1 - Driver's electric AND DEPTH ADJUSTMENT
window switch. Adjustment
F Move control A to the right or to Manual adjustment
2 - Passenger electric
window switch. the left to select the corresponding When stationary, unlock the steering
mirror. wheel by pushing the control for-
3 - Rear right electric wards then lock by pulling the control
window switch. F Move control B in all four direc- fully.
4 - Rear left electric tions to adjust.
window switch.
5 - Deactivation of the electric Electric folding
window switches located
in the rear. - from inside:
F With the ignition on, move control
A to the central position then pull
it towards the rear.

: 60 : 52 : 50

:: this symbol invites you to refer to the pages which provide details of this function.
Familiarisation - 9

Opening the rear screen

Opening the tailgate of the 407 SW
of the 407 Saloon


The fuel tank must be illed with the
Partial opening of the tailgate ignition off and the vehicle unlocked.
Opening the tailgate (saloon) or rear screen F Open the fuel iller lap.
of the 407 SW (407 SW)
F Turn the cap to the left.
The tailgate and rear screen can-
not be opened at the same time F Remove the cap and hang the
(407 SW). end on the hook on the inside of
With the rear screen and tailgate the lap.
closed, to partially open the tailgate
(saloon) or rear screen (407 SW),
press the unlocking button A on the
remote control.
: 156 : 23
8 - Familiarisation


Forwards-backwards Height and angle of the driver's Seat back angle

seat cushion

: 40
10 - Familiarisation


Automatic program (comfort).

Temperature adjustment.

Air low adjustment.

Air conditioning off.

Air distribution adjustment.

Front visibility control.

Intake of exterior air.

Recirculation of interior air.

Rear screen demisting.

: 118
12 - Familiarisation


Rear parking assistance off.

Locking/unlocking of the doors, from the


Alarm switch.

Hazard warning lights.

Electronically controlled suspension: selec-

tion of the SPORT or AUTO position.

ESP system off.

Child lock in electric mode.

Familiarisation - 13



Volume adjustment
1 - Increase by pressing the back
2 - Decrease by pressing the back Button (A) Keypad (2)
1+2 - Press Mute (cutting off of the ON/OFF and volume adjustment. ESC (Escape): cancellation of the
sound) operation in progress.
Button (B) MENU: displaying of the general menu.
Search/Selection by pressing CD eject. ¯: access to the musical ambience
3 - Higher radio frequency - Keypad (1) settings.
CD/CD changer: next AUDIO: access to the RD4 audio Keypad (3)
4 - Lower radio frequency - equipment displays. The navigator.
CD/CD changer: previous SOURCE: Switching of the source
between the radio, CD, CD changer. Keypad (4)
Sound sources TA: TA function on/off (trafic information
TRIP: trip computer displays.
5 - Change of sound source priority) and access to the PTY function.
TEL: access to the hands-free kit
displays. LIST: displaying of the list of stations
Selection of stored stations/ received, of the tracks on the CD.
CD changer CD (rotation) CLIM: access to the air conditioning
displays. BND: selection of the frequency
6 - Higher stored station - wavebands.
next CD DARK: 1st press: black screen under
7 - Lower stored station - the banner - 2nd press: completely Keypad (5)
previous CD black screen - 3rd press: return to Selection of the stored station, of the
the display. CD depending on the position in the
CD changer.
: 65
Familiarisation - 11


Driver and passenger automatic program


Driver's side temperature adjustment.

Passenger side temperature adjustment.

Air low adjustment.

Air conditioning off.

Driver's air distribution adjustment.

Passenger air distribution adjustment.

Front visibility control.

Intake of exterior air.

Recirculation of interior air.

Rear screen demisting.

: 122
14 - Familiarisation


Button (A) Keypad (2) Keypad (5)

ON/OFF and volume adjustment. ESC (Escape): cancellation of the Selection of the stored radio station.
Button (B) operation in progress. Selection of the station stored, of the
CD eject. MENU: displaying of the general CD depending on the position in the
menu. CD changer.
Keypad (1) C: deletion of the last character en- Telephone keypad - alphanumeric
AUDIO: access to the RT3 audio tered or of the entire line. inputting keypad.
equipment displays.
TEL: access to the telephone displays. Keypad (3) Keypad (6)
TRIP: trip computer displays. The navigator. Audio - CD player controls bar.
NAV: displaying of the navigation -
guidance welcome menu. Keypad (4)
CLIM: displaying of the air condition-
ing settings welcome menu. TEL (green): pick up an incoming call.
DARK: 1st press: black screen under LION: access to the PEUGEOT serv-
the banner - 2nd press: completely ices menu.
black screen - 3rd press: return to TEL (red): hang up.
the display. : 85
Familiarisation - 15


Pick up

- telephone menu: dial,

directory, list of calls,
voice mail
- accept an incoming

Installing the SIM card

(not supplied) Dial

Steering wheel control - dial the number of

1 - Higher stored station - your contact using the
Next CD - Next screen alphanumeric keypad
2 - Pick up/Hang up,
change of sound source,
selection conirmation
3 - Lower stored station -
Previous CD - Previous screen

Hang up
Open the lap by pressing on the cir-
cular opening above it with the tip of - end of call
a pencil.
- refuse an incoming
Insert your SIM card (available from call
a mobile telephone operator) in the
holder as shown on the graphic, then
re-insert the holder.

: 97
16 - Familiarisation

Example 1: permanent Example 2: automatic

"PERSONALISATION- locking of the boot "follow-me-home" lighting
CONFIGURATION" on the 407 Saloon
To activate or deactivate this func- To activate or deactivate this func-
tion, simply follow the following con- tion, simply follow the following con-
irmation windows. irmation windows.
In each window, make your selection In each window, make your selection
using the navigator then conirm by using the navigator then conirm by
pressing the navigator. pressing the navigator.

Access to this menu enables you to

"deine the following vehicle para-
- permanent locking of the boot on
the 407 Saloon (OFF by default),
- automatic switching on of the
lights (ON by default),
- automatic "follow-me-home" light-
ing (OFF by default),
- automatic rear wiping on engaging
reverse gear on the 407 SW (ON
by default).
The parameter is stored if you click
on OK, displayed on the screen.
With the automatic switching on of
the lights and the "follow-me-home"
lighting activated (boxes ticked),
when the ignition is switched off the
side lights and dipped headlamps
remain on for the period of time se-
The parameter is stored if you click lected: 15 s, 30 s or 60 s.
on OK, displayed on the screen.
: 96
18 - Access and starting

ACCESS AND STARTING The remote control ( 0523)

Unlocking and partial opening of
USING THE REMOTE the boot (saloon) or rear screen
This carries out the same functions
as the key, and partial opening of F Press button D.
the boot (saloon) or rear screen This action also unlocks the doors.
(407 SW), at a distance.
It is incorporated in the key and carries
out remote locking and unlocking. Permanent locking of the boot

Locking This function can be ac-

tivated or deactivated by
F Press button B. passing via the "person-
The direction indicators come on for alisation-configuration"
approximately two seconds and the menu and "Deine the
exterior mirrors fold. vehicle parameters" on
Press and hold button B to close the the multifunction display.
windows and sunroof automatically
in addition to locking. F Press button D on the remote
The key control key.
From the driver's door this allows This action will unlock the boot only.
you to lock or unlock the doors, the
boot and the fuel iller lap and fold Unlocking
and unfold the exterior mirrors and F Press button C.
independently it allows you to open Deadlocking
or close the glove box, lock or unlock The direction indicators lash rapidly
and the exterior mirrors unfold. This renders the external and inter-
the access to the boot via the rear nal door controls inoperative.
seats (407 Saloon) and switch on the The "Folding of the exterior mirrors"
ignition. function can be deactivated by a Do not operate the deadlocking
PEUGEOT dealer. function if there is anyone inside
If one of the doors or the boot is the vehicle.
open, the central locking does not Note: if the vehicle is locked and
work. unlocking is activated inadvertently Using the key
without a door being opened within F Lock the vehicle (the direction
the next 30 seconds, the vehicle will indicators come on for approxi-
lock automatically. mately two seconds).
Unfolding/folding the key F Turning the key again within ive
To unfold or fold the key, press seconds deadlocks the vehicle
button A. (the direction indicators come on
for approximately two seconds).

Access and starting - 19

Using the remote control

F Pressing button B locks the vehicle
(the direction indicators come on
for approximately two seconds).
F A second press within ive sec-
onds deadlocks the vehicle (the
direction indicators come on for
approximately two seconds).

A buzzer sounds on opening the THE INSIDE (EMERGENCY MODE)
driver's door, if the key has been left
in the ignition. F Press the button. Driver's door
This allows the doors and the boot to Insert the key in the lock to lock or
be locked or unlocked. unlock the door.
If the vehicle is deadlocked, the Passenger doors
button is not active. In this case,
LOCATING YOUR VEHICLE use the key or the remote control to To lock, insert the key in the control
unlock. located on the edge of the door then
To locate your vehicle, if you have turn to the right.
locked or deadlocked it, in a car Automatic central locking of the
park: doors
F press button B on the remote con- The doors can lock automatically
trol, the courtesy lights come on while driving (speed above 6 mph
and the direction indicators lash [10 km/h]).
for a few seconds. Press and hold the button to activate
or deactivate this function.
Note: driving with the doors locked
may make access to the passenger
compartment by the emergency serv-
ices more dificult in an emergency.

20 - Access and starting


The information is given by an audible F Switch off the ignition. This locks the engine control system as
signal accompanied by a message F Switch the ignition on again. soon as the ignition has been switched
on the multifunction display or by the off and therefore prevents starting of the
service indicator light. F Press the remote control locking vehicle by anyone who does not have
button immediately for a few sec- the key.
The ignition key has an electronic chip
F Switch off the ignition and remove which has a special code. When the ig-
the remote control key from the nition is switched on, the code must be
ignition lock. The remote control recognised for starting to be possible.
is now working again.
If the system does not function
correctly, the following indicator light
comes on:

Service indicator


To change the battery, unclip the Electronic engine

casing using a coin at the notch immobiliser
(CR 1620/3 volt battery). indicator light
If the remote control does not work
after the battery has been changed, It is accompanied by a message on
re-program the remote control. the multi-function display.
Your vehicle will not start.
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.

Access and starting - 21


This prevents opening of both of the
This is given to you on delivery of rear doors from the inside.
your vehicle with the duplicate keys. Manual mode
This prevents each of the rear doors With the ignition on, press the button.
It contains the identiication code
necessary for any work carried out from being opened from inside. A message appears on the multi-
by a PEUGEOT dealer on the elec- F Turn the switch on the edge of the function display.
tronic immobiliser system. This code door a quarter of a turn using the Warning: this system is independent
is hidden by a ilm, which should be ignition key. of the central locking control.
removed only if necessary. A message appears on the display, if
Keep your card in a safe place, the two rear doors are locked. Always remove the ignition key
never inside the vehicle. when leaving the vehicle, even for
When undertaking a long trip or jour- a short time.
ney, however, it is advisable to take
it with you along with your personal

22 - Access and starting

Make a careful note of the Driving with the doors locked may When purchasing a second-hand
number on each key. The make access to the passenger vehicle:
key number is coded on the compartment by the emergency
label attached to the key. services more dificult in an emer-
gency. - ensure that you are given the
conidential card;
If the keys are lost, your PEUGEOT
dealer can rapidly supply you with As a safety precaution (with chil-
new keys. - have the key codes memorised
dren on board), remove the ignition by a PEUGEOT dealer, to ensure
key when you leave the vehicle, that the keys in your possession
The high frequency remote con- even for a short time. are the only ones which can start
trol is a sensitive system; do not the vehicle.
operate it while it is in your pocket Do not repeatedly press the but-
as there is a possibility that it may ton of your remote control out of
unlock your vehicle, without you Do not make any modiications to
range and out of sight of your ve- the electronic engine immobiliser
being aware of it. hicle. You run the risk of stopping system.
it from working and the remote
The remote control does not oper- control would have to be repro-
ate when the key is in the ignition, grammed.
even when the ignition is switched
off, except for reprogramming.

Do not operate the deadlocking

function if there is anyone inside
the vehicle.

Access and starting - 19

Using the remote control

F Pressing button B locks the vehicle
(the direction indicators come on
for approximately two seconds).
F A second press within ive sec-
onds deadlocks the vehicle (the
direction indicators come on for
approximately two seconds).

A buzzer sounds on opening the THE INSIDE (EMERGENCY MODE)
driver's door, if the key has been left
in the ignition. F Press the button. Driver's door
This allows the doors and the boot to Insert the key in the lock to lock or
be locked or unlocked. unlock the door.
If the vehicle is deadlocked, the Passenger doors
button is not active. In this case,
LOCATING YOUR VEHICLE use the key or the remote control to To lock, insert the key in the control
unlock. located on the edge of the door then
To locate your vehicle, if you have turn to the right.
locked or deadlocked it, in a car Automatic central locking of the
park: doors
F press button B on the remote con- The doors can lock automatically
trol, the courtesy lights come on while driving (speed above 6 mph
and the direction indicators lash [10 km/h]).
for a few seconds. Press and hold the button to activate
or deactivate this function.
Note: driving with the doors locked
may make access to the passenger
compartment by the emergency serv-
ices more dificult in an emergency.

20 - Access and starting


The information is given by an audible F Switch off the ignition. This locks the engine control system as
signal accompanied by a message F Switch the ignition on again. soon as the ignition has been switched
on the multifunction display or by the off and therefore prevents starting of the
service indicator light. F Press the remote control locking vehicle by anyone who does not have
button immediately for a few sec- the key.
The ignition key has an electronic chip
F Switch off the ignition and remove which has a special code. When the ig-
the remote control key from the nition is switched on, the code must be
ignition lock. The remote control recognised for starting to be possible.
is now working again.
If the system does not function
correctly, the following indicator light
comes on:

Service indicator


To change the battery, unclip the Electronic engine

casing using a coin at the notch immobiliser
(CR 1620/3 volt battery). indicator light
If the remote control does not work
after the battery has been changed, It is accompanied by a message on
re-program the remote control. the multi-function display.
Your vehicle will not start.
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.

22 - Access and starting

Make a careful note of the Driving with the doors locked may When purchasing a second-hand
number on each key. The make access to the passenger vehicle:
key number is coded on the compartment by the emergency
label attached to the key. services more dificult in an emer-
gency. - ensure that you are given the
conidential card;
If the keys are lost, your PEUGEOT
dealer can rapidly supply you with As a safety precaution (with chil-
new keys. - have the key codes memorised
dren on board), remove the ignition by a PEUGEOT dealer, to ensure
key when you leave the vehicle, that the keys in your possession
The high frequency remote con- even for a short time. are the only ones which can start
trol is a sensitive system; do not the vehicle.
operate it while it is in your pocket Do not repeatedly press the but-
as there is a possibility that it may ton of your remote control out of
unlock your vehicle, without you Do not make any modiications to
range and out of sight of your ve- the electronic engine immobiliser
being aware of it. hicle. You run the risk of stopping system.
it from working and the remote
The remote control does not oper- control would have to be repro-
ate when the key is in the ignition, grammed.
even when the ignition is switched
off, except for reprogramming.

Do not operate the deadlocking

function if there is anyone inside
the vehicle.

Access and starting - 21


This prevents opening of both of the
This is given to you on delivery of rear doors from the inside.
your vehicle with the duplicate keys. Manual mode
This prevents each of the rear doors With the ignition on, press the button.
It contains the identiication code
necessary for any work carried out from being opened from inside. A message appears on the multi-
by a PEUGEOT dealer on the elec- F Turn the switch on the edge of the function display.
tronic immobiliser system. This code door a quarter of a turn using the Warning: this system is independent
is hidden by a ilm, which should be ignition key. of the central locking control.
removed only if necessary. A message appears on the display, if
Keep your card in a safe place, the two rear doors are locked. Always remove the ignition key
never inside the vehicle. when leaving the vehicle, even for
When undertaking a long trip or jour- a short time.
ney, however, it is advisable to take
it with you along with your personal

22 - Access and starting

Make a careful note of the Driving with the doors locked may When purchasing a second-hand
number on each key. The make access to the passenger vehicle:
key number is coded on the compartment by the emergency
label attached to the key. services more dificult in an emer-
gency. - ensure that you are given the
conidential card;
If the keys are lost, your PEUGEOT
dealer can rapidly supply you with As a safety precaution (with chil-
new keys. - have the key codes memorised
dren on board), remove the ignition by a PEUGEOT dealer, to ensure
key when you leave the vehicle, that the keys in your possession
The high frequency remote con- even for a short time. are the only ones which can start
trol is a sensitive system; do not the vehicle.
operate it while it is in your pocket Do not repeatedly press the but-
as there is a possibility that it may ton of your remote control out of
unlock your vehicle, without you Do not make any modiications to
range and out of sight of your ve- the electronic engine immobiliser
being aware of it. hicle. You run the risk of stopping system.
it from working and the remote
The remote control does not oper- control would have to be repro-
ate when the key is in the ignition, grammed.
even when the ignition is switched
off, except for reprogramming.

Do not operate the deadlocking

function if there is anyone inside
the vehicle.

Access and starting - 21


This prevents opening of both of the
This is given to you on delivery of rear doors from the inside.
your vehicle with the duplicate keys. Manual mode
This prevents each of the rear doors With the ignition on, press the button.
It contains the identiication code
necessary for any work carried out from being opened from inside. A message appears on the multi-
by a PEUGEOT dealer on the elec- F Turn the switch on the edge of the function display.
tronic immobiliser system. This code door a quarter of a turn using the Warning: this system is independent
is hidden by a ilm, which should be ignition key. of the central locking control.
removed only if necessary. A message appears on the display, if
Keep your card in a safe place, the two rear doors are locked. Always remove the ignition key
never inside the vehicle. when leaving the vehicle, even for
When undertaking a long trip or jour- a short time.
ney, however, it is advisable to take
it with you along with your personal

Access and starting - 23

FILLING WITH FUEL The ignition must be switched off and Operating fault
the vehicle must be unlocked when A fuel gauge fault is indicated by the
illing with fuel. fuel level indicator needle returning
F Open the fuel iller lap. to zero.
F Turn the cap to the left. Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
F Remove the cap and hang the
end on the hook located on the
inside of the lap.
A label afixed to the inside of the fuel
iller lap indicates which type of fuel
to use.
When you ill your tank, do not con-
tinue after the third cut-off of the
pump. This could cause your vehicle
to malfunction.
The capacity of the tank is approxi-
mately 67 litres.
F After illing the tank, screw on the
cap and close the fuel iller lap.

Fuel warning

When this warning light comes

on in certain driving conditions
and depending on the engine,
the distance which can be
travelled with the fuel remaining may
be less than 30 miles (50 kilometres).
Note: should you run out of fuel, you
must add at least 6 litres.

24 - Instruments and controls


1 - Coolant temperature indicator 4 - Warning lights (cont.): 10 - Trip recorder zero reset and
dial. emission control system. service display button.
air bags. Note: this also permits
2 - Lights on indicator lights: displaying of the trip recorder if
anti-lock braking system (ABS). the cruise control/speed limiter
dipped headlamps. service. is activated.
main beam headlamps. electronic stability control (ESP).
front fog lamps. water in diesel ilter. 11 - Display:
rear fog lamps. Total distance recorder.
5 - Left-hand direction indicator. Trip recorder.
3 - Rev counter dial. Cruise control/speed limiter
6 - Right-hand direction indicator. indicator light.
4 - Warning lights: Service indicator.
stop warning. 7 - Speedometer dial. Oil level indicator.
handbrake applied or brake luid
level or electronic brake force 12 - Instrument panel lighting
distribution fault. 8 - Warning lights:
pre-heat rheostat.
engine oil pressure.
(diesel engine starting).
battery charge.
fuel level.
seat belts not fastened in the
front. passenger air bag disarmed.
punctured tyre.
high coolant temperature. 9 - Fuel level indicator dial.

Instruments and controls - 25

26 - Instruments and controls


1 - Coolant temperature indicator 6 - Warning lights: 10 - CHECK and trip recorder zero
dial. handbrake applied or brake luid reset and service display button.
level or electronic brake force
distribution fault.
2 - Lights on indicators: 11 - Instrument panel display:
right direction indicator.
dipped headlamps. Total distance recorder.
main beam headlamps. Trip recorder.
front fog lamps. 7 - Speedometer dial. Automatic gearbox lever
rear fog lamps. position indicator.
8 - Warning lights: Cruise control/speed limiter
reference value.
3 - Rev counter dial. emission control system.
Service indicator.
anti-lock braking system (ABS).
Direction advice (navigation).
passenger air bag disarmed.
4 - Warning lights: CHECK (vehicle autotest).
pre-heat (diesel engine starting
seat belts not fastened in the sequence). Trip computer information
front. displays.
fuel level. Warning and status displays.
left direction indicator. 9 - Engine oil temperature indicator
12 - Instrument panel lighting
5 - Fuel level indicator dial. rheostat.

Instruments and controls - 27

28 - Instruments and controls

CHECK (vehicle

Automatic CHECK With the engine running and the

vehicle moving, the instrument
With the key in the ignition on posi- panel screen displays the warning
tion, all of the warning lights of the lights (in the event of a fault).
functions tested are displayed. They
are switched off after a few seconds.
At the same time, an automatic The passenger air bag dis-
CHECK (vehicle autotest) is carried armed indicator light* re-
out. mains on while the air bag is

No "major" fault has been

detected: the CHECK OK in-
dicator light is displayed after
two seconds. Manual CHECK
You can start your vehicle. Pressing the "CHECK/000" button
on the instrument panel starts the
manual CHECK (vehicle autotest).
In the presence of a fault This function enables you to ind
A "minor" fault has been detected: out, at any time (with the key in the
when the CHECK OK indicator light ignition on position or with the engine
has been displayed, the warning running):
light(s) is(are) displayed. - the warnings present,
You can start your vehicle; however, - the status of the functions activated
contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon or deactivated (wipers, automatic
as possible. switching on of the lights).
A "major" fault has been detected:
the CHECK OK indicator light does
not appear and the warning light(s)
is(are) displayed.
Do not start your vehicle.
Call a PEUGEOT dealer without
* According to country.

Instruments and controls - 29

WARNING LIGHTS Seat belt warning light Anti-lock braking system

COMMON TO THE (ABS) warning light
When the ignition is switched on, the
warning light comes on if a front oc- If it comes on continuously above
Braking system warning cupant has not fastened his seat belt 6 mph (10 km/h), it indicates an ABS
light or if he unfastens it. fault.
However, the vehicle retains conven-
This indicates: tional servo-assisted braking.
- handbrake applied or incorrectly Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
released, Fuel warning light
- an excessive drop in the brake luid
level, in this case linked with the
STOP warning light, The warning light is re-
- an electronic brake force distribu- peated on the instrument
In certain driving conditions and de- panel screen.
tion malfunction, linked with the pending on the engine, the distance
STOP warning light. which you will be able to travel with
the remaining fuel may be less than
30 miles (50 kilometres) (the capac- Diesel engine pre-heat
ity of the tank is approximately 67 li- warning light
The warning light is re- tres).
peated on the instrument
panel screen in the case Wait for the warning light to switch off
of the last 2 faults. Emission control system before starting. The duration of the
warning light display is determined by the exterior
Stop immediately in the two latter climatic conditions.
cases. Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
This should switch off a few seconds
after the engine is switched on. Passenger air bag
When the engine is running, if the disarmed warning light*
warning light lashes or comes on
continuously, this indicates an emis-
sion control system malfunction. If the warning light remains on, this
indicates that the passenger air bag
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon has been disarmed intentionally.
as possible.

* According to country.
30 - Instruments and controls

WARNING LIGHTS Coolant temperature

SPECIFIC TO THE warning light
PANEL This indicates that the engine tem-
Automatic CHECK perature is high.
With the key in the ignition on posi- It is linked with the STOP warning light.
tion, all of the warning lights tested Stop immediately.
come on. They are switched off after
a few seconds. Wait for the engine to cool
down before topping up the
level, if necessary.
STOP warning light
Battery charge warning
Coolant temperature indicator If this is the only warning light which
When the needle is in zone A, the is on, it indicates a power steering
temperature is correct. fault. When the engine is running, this indi-
cates a charging circuit fault (battery
When the needle is in zone B, the It comes on linked with the engine oil terminals, alternator belt).
temperature is too high. pressure, coolant temperature, brak-
ing system or punctured tyre warning Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
If the coolant temperature warning
light comes on (linked with the STOP lights.
warning light), stop immediately. Stop immediately.
Wait for the engine to cool down Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. Punctured tyre warning
before topping up the level, if neces- light
As the cooling circuit is pressurised, This indicates that one or more punc-
in order to prevent any risk of scald- Engine oil pressure
warning light tured tyres have been detected.
ing, unscrew the cap by two turns to
allow the pressure to drop. A message on the multifunction
display indicates the wheel(s) con-
When the pressure has dropped, re- This indicates that the engine oil cerned.
move the cap and top up the level, if pressure is too low.
necessary. It is linked with the STOP warning light.
It is linked with the STOP warning
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. light. Stop immediately.
Stop immediately if it is displayed Change the damaged wheel.
while the engine is running. Have it repaired by a PEUGEOT dealer.
In the case of a lack of oil in the lubri- The warning light remains on when
cation circuit, top up the oil. a steel wheel which does not have a
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon sensor is itted.
as possible.
30 - Instruments and controls

WARNING LIGHTS Coolant temperature

SPECIFIC TO THE warning light
PANEL This indicates that the engine tem-
Automatic CHECK perature is high.
With the key in the ignition on posi- It is linked with the STOP warning light.
tion, all of the warning lights tested Stop immediately.
come on. They are switched off after
a few seconds. Wait for the engine to cool
down before topping up the
level, if necessary.
STOP warning light
Battery charge warning
Coolant temperature indicator If this is the only warning light which
When the needle is in zone A, the is on, it indicates a power steering
temperature is correct. fault. When the engine is running, this indi-
cates a charging circuit fault (battery
When the needle is in zone B, the It comes on linked with the engine oil terminals, alternator belt).
temperature is too high. pressure, coolant temperature, brak-
ing system or punctured tyre warning Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
If the coolant temperature warning
light comes on (linked with the STOP lights.
warning light), stop immediately. Stop immediately.
Wait for the engine to cool down Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. Punctured tyre warning
before topping up the level, if neces- light
As the cooling circuit is pressurised, This indicates that one or more punc-
in order to prevent any risk of scald- Engine oil pressure
warning light tured tyres have been detected.
ing, unscrew the cap by two turns to
allow the pressure to drop. A message on the multifunction
display indicates the wheel(s) con-
When the pressure has dropped, re- This indicates that the engine oil cerned.
move the cap and top up the level, if pressure is too low.
necessary. It is linked with the STOP warning light.
It is linked with the STOP warning
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. light. Stop immediately.
Stop immediately if it is displayed Change the damaged wheel.
while the engine is running. Have it repaired by a PEUGEOT dealer.
In the case of a lack of oil in the lubri- The warning light remains on when
cation circuit, top up the oil. a steel wheel which does not have a
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon sensor is itted.
as possible.
Instruments and controls - 31

Electronic stability Service warning light

control system (ESP)
warning light

If this is displayed continuously, it in- When this is displayed for the follow- When it is displayed continuously
dicates deactivation or a malfunction ing warnings, contact a PEUGEOT for the following warnings, contact a
of the ESP. dealer: PEUGEOT dealer as soon as pos-
In this case, contact a PEUGEOT - blown bulb, sible:
dealer. - low wash-wipe luid level, - tyre under-inlation,
If the warning light lashes, this indi- - engine oil level, - engine management system fault,
cates that the ESP is in operation. - speed control system, - particle emission ilter saturation
- automatic switching on of the lights (Diesel engine),
system, - one or more doors open at a speed
- obstacle proximity detection sys- above 6 mph (10 kmh),
Water in diesel ilter tem, - low coolant level,
warning light - brake pad wear.
- engine immobiliser system,
- remote control battery lat,
This indicates the presence of water - automatic headlamp beam adjust-
in the diesel ilter. ment system fault,
- low diesel additive reservoir level,
There is a risk of damage to the in-
jection system. - tyre under-inlation detection sys-
tem fault.
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon
as possible.

Air bags warning light

This indicates an air bag fault.

Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.

32 - Instruments and controls

WARNING LIGHTS Engine oil level warning Electronic stability control

SPECIFIC TO THE 5-DIAL light system (ESP) warning lights
INSTRUMENT PANEL Activation warning light
These warning lights are displayed This indicates a critical engine oil
on the instrument panel display. level (too low).
Stop immediately. Operation warning light
STOP warning light
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.

When this is displayed alone, it indi- Deactivation warning light

cates a power steering fault. Power steering warning
It comes on linked with the engine oil light
pressure, coolant temperature, brak- Malfunction warning light
ing system or punctured tyre warning
lights. This indicates a power steering fault.
Stop immediately. It is linked with the STOP warning
light. Tyre under-inlation
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. warning light
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.

Low coolant level warning This indicates that the tyre pressure
light is too low.
Handbrake warning light
A message on the multifunction
display indicates the wheel(s) con-
This warning light indicates an insuf- cerned.
icient cooling circuit level.
This indicates that the handbrake is Refer to the information label afixed
Stop immediately. still applied or has not been released to the central pillar of the driver's
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. correctly. door. For your safety, check the tyre
Warning: the cooling circuit is pres- It is linked with the braking system pressures as soon as possible.
surised, wait for the engine to cool warning light.
down before topping up the level.
Low wash-wipe and Battery charge warning
When topping up, and in order to headlamp wash luid level
prevent any risk of scalding, unscrew light
warning light
the cap by two turns to allow the
pressure to drop. When the engine is running, this in-
When the wipers are switched on,
When the pressure has dropped, re- this indicates that the luid level is dicates a charging circuit malfunction
move the cap and top up the level. too low. (battery terminals, alternator belt).
Fill the wash-wipe and headlamp Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
wash luid reservoir.

Instruments and controls - 33

Punctured tyre warning Front brake pads wear Bulb blown warning light
light warning light (halogen lights)

This indicates that the brake pads

This indicates that one or more punc- are worn. When the lights are switched on, this
tured tyres have been detected. indicates that one or more bulbs are
For your safety, have them replaced faulty (excluding the side repeaters
A message on the multifunction dis- by a PEUGEOT dealer.
play identiies the wheel(s) concerned. and the 3rd brake light).
It is linked with the STOP warning light. Have the faulty bulb replaced by a
PEUGEOT dealer.
Stop immediately. Fuel tank cap warning
Change the damaged wheel and have light (according to
version) Automatic headlamp beam
it repaired by a PEUGEOT dealer. adjustment system
With the engine running, this indi- warning light
cates that the fuel tank cap is incor-
Tyre under-inlation rectly secured or absent. This indicates that the automatic
detection system warning It comes on in orange if the vehicle headlamp height adjuster is faulty.
light speed is below 6 mph (10 km/h) and Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
This indicates the absence or mal- in red if the vehicle speed is above
function of one or more tyre pressure 6 mph (10 km/h). Automatic switching on of
sensors or a system fault. the lights system warning
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. Door/boot open warning light
This indicates an automatic switch-
Electronic engine With the engine running, this indi- ing on of the lights system fault.
immobiliser warning light cates that an access has not been Manual control is still possible.
closed correctly. Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
An illustration on the multifunction display
This indicates an electronic engine identiies the access(es) concerned.
immobiliser system malfunction.
It comes on in orange if the vehicle Engine oil pressure
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. speed is below 6 mph (10 km/h) and warning light
in red if the vehicle speed is above
6 mph (10 km/h). This indicates that the engine oil
Water in diesel ilter pressure is too low.
warning light It is linked with the STOP warning light.
Air bags warning light
Stop immediately if it comes on
This indicates the presence of water while the engine is running.
in the diesel ilter. There is a risk of
damage to the injection system. This indicates an air bag fault. If there is a lack of oil in the lubrication
circuit, top up the level and contact a
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. PEUGEOT dealer as soon as possible.
as possible.
34 - Instruments and controls

Particle emission ilter Automatic gearbox fault Electronically

saturation warning light warning light controlled suspension
(Diesel engine) indicator lights
With the engine running, this indi- This indicates an automatic gearbox
cates that the particle emission ilter This comes on when the SPORT
fault. function is activated.
is starting to become saturated (ex-
ceptionally prolonged urban driving The gearbox will operate in down-
type conditions: low speed, long grade mode, locked in 3rd gear. This comes on when the
trafic jams...) or a low diesel additive Never force the selector lever. SPORT function is deacti-
reservoir level. Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. vated.
In order to regenerate the ilter, you
are advised to drive, as soon as pos-
sible when the trafic conditions per- Automatic switching on of
mit, at a speed of 40 mph (60 km/h) the lights indicator light
or above for at least ive minutes (un- Electronically controlled
til the warning light is switched off). suspension fault warning
light This comes on when the AUTO func-
If the warning light remains on, con-
tact a PEUGEOT dealer. This indicates an electronically con- tion is activated.
Following prolonged use of the vehi- trolled suspension malfunction.
cle at very low speeds or at idle, you Select automatic operation and con- Automatic switching on
may, exceptionally, notice an emis- tact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon as of the lights deactivation
sion of water vapour at the exhaust possible. indicator light
during acceleration. This does not
affect the performance of the vehicle Speed control system This comes on when the AUTO func-
or the environment. warning light tion is deactivated.

This indicates a cruise control/speed Automatic wipers indicator

Service warning light limiter fault. light
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
This comes on when the AUTO func-
This is displayed for the following tion is activated.
warnings: Obstacle proximity
detection system warning
- remote control battery lat, light
- engine management system fault. Automatic wipers
deactivation indicator light
In the irst case, replace the remote In reverse gear, this indicates an
control battery. obstacle proximity detection system
In the second case, contact a PEUGEOT fault. This comes on when the AUTO func-
dealer as soon as possible. Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. tion is deactivated.

Instruments and controls - 35

Automatic gearbox lever 4 or 6 speed automatic gearbox

postion indicator lights
"Manual" indicator lights

"Park" indicator These correspond to the manual

lights control of the gearbox, four or six

indicator lights

Engine oil temperature indicator lights
When the ignition is switched on or "Drive" When the engine speed is too low
while the vehicle is moving, this indi- indicator lights or too high in relation to the gear
cates the engine oil temperature. engaged, the gear selected lashes
When the needle is in zone C, the for a few seconds, then the actual
temperature is correct. gear is displayed, the auto-adaptive
The letter S or the symbol T asso- program having taken control tem-
When the needle is in zone D, the ciated with the gate lever position porarily.
temperature is too high. indicator lights, corresponds to the
Reduce your speed to lower the tem- Sport or Snow program selected in-
perature. tentionally.

This indicates an automatic

This indicates an automatic gearbox malfunction.
gearbox program fault.

Instruments and controls - 35

Automatic gearbox lever 4 or 6 speed automatic gearbox

postion indicator lights
"Manual" indicator lights

"Park" indicator These correspond to the manual

lights control of the gearbox, four or six

indicator lights

Engine oil temperature indicator lights
When the ignition is switched on or "Drive" When the engine speed is too low
while the vehicle is moving, this indi- indicator lights or too high in relation to the gear
cates the engine oil temperature. engaged, the gear selected lashes
When the needle is in zone C, the for a few seconds, then the actual
temperature is correct. gear is displayed, the auto-adaptive
The letter S or the symbol T asso- program having taken control tem-
When the needle is in zone D, the ciated with the gate lever position porarily.
temperature is too high. indicator lights, corresponds to the
Reduce your speed to lower the tem- Sport or Snow program selected in-
perature. tentionally.

This indicates an automatic

This indicates an automatic gearbox malfunction.
gearbox program fault.

30 - Instruments and controls

WARNING LIGHTS Coolant temperature

SPECIFIC TO THE warning light
PANEL This indicates that the engine tem-
Automatic CHECK perature is high.
With the key in the ignition on posi- It is linked with the STOP warning light.
tion, all of the warning lights tested Stop immediately.
come on. They are switched off after
a few seconds. Wait for the engine to cool
down before topping up the
level, if necessary.
STOP warning light
Battery charge warning
Coolant temperature indicator If this is the only warning light which
When the needle is in zone A, the is on, it indicates a power steering
temperature is correct. fault. When the engine is running, this indi-
cates a charging circuit fault (battery
When the needle is in zone B, the It comes on linked with the engine oil terminals, alternator belt).
temperature is too high. pressure, coolant temperature, brak-
ing system or punctured tyre warning Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
If the coolant temperature warning
light comes on (linked with the STOP lights.
warning light), stop immediately. Stop immediately.
Wait for the engine to cool down Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. Punctured tyre warning
before topping up the level, if neces- light
As the cooling circuit is pressurised, This indicates that one or more punc-
in order to prevent any risk of scald- Engine oil pressure
warning light tured tyres have been detected.
ing, unscrew the cap by two turns to
allow the pressure to drop. A message on the multifunction
display indicates the wheel(s) con-
When the pressure has dropped, re- This indicates that the engine oil cerned.
move the cap and top up the level, if pressure is too low.
necessary. It is linked with the STOP warning light.
It is linked with the STOP warning
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer. light. Stop immediately.
Stop immediately if it is displayed Change the damaged wheel.
while the engine is running. Have it repaired by a PEUGEOT dealer.
In the case of a lack of oil in the lubri- The warning light remains on when
cation circuit, top up the oil. a steel wheel which does not have a
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon sensor is itted.
as possible.
Instruments and controls - 35

Automatic gearbox lever 4 or 6 speed automatic gearbox

postion indicator lights
"Manual" indicator lights

"Park" indicator These correspond to the manual

lights control of the gearbox, four or six

indicator lights

Engine oil temperature indicator lights
When the ignition is switched on or "Drive" When the engine speed is too low
while the vehicle is moving, this indi- indicator lights or too high in relation to the gear
cates the engine oil temperature. engaged, the gear selected lashes
When the needle is in zone C, the for a few seconds, then the actual
temperature is correct. gear is displayed, the auto-adaptive
The letter S or the symbol T asso- program having taken control tem-
When the needle is in zone D, the ciated with the gate lever position porarily.
temperature is too high. indicator lights, corresponds to the
Reduce your speed to lower the tem- Sport or Snow program selected in-
perature. tentionally.

This indicates an automatic

This indicates an automatic gearbox malfunction.
gearbox program fault.

36 - Instruments and controls

SERVICE INDICATOR If the service is overdue, each Service indicator zero re-set
time the ignition is switched on and Your PEUGEOT dealer carries out
This is a visual reminder of when the for 5 seconds, the distance and the this operation after each service.
next service is due. This service is to service spanner lash.
be carried out according to the man- However, if you carry out the service
ufacturer's servicing schedule. Example: when the ignition is yourself, the re-set procedure is as
switched on and for 5 seconds, the follows:
Operation display indicates that the service F Switch off the ignition,
As soon as the ignition is switched is overdue by 300 miles/km. The
service should be carried out very F Press and hold the trip recorder
on and for 5 seconds, the spanner re-set button,
symbolising ''service operation'' is lit. shortly.
The trip recorder display shows the F Switch on the ignition.
distance remaining (in round igures) The display begins a countdown.
before the next service.
When the display shows "= 0" and
the service symbol disappears, re-
Example: when switching on the lease the button.
ignition and for 5 seconds, the
display shows that 900 miles/km Important: after this operation, if you
remain before the next service is wish to disconnect the battery, lock
due. Once the servicing and oil level infor- the vehicle and wait for at least ive
mation has been displayed, the total minutes, otherwise the zero re-set
distance recorder resumes normal will not be registered.
operation and the symbol remains lit.

The point at which a service is due is

calculated using two parameters:
- the total distance travelled,
- the time elapsed since the last
Once an engine oil level indication The distance remaining may be
has been displayed, the display indi- weighted by the time factor, depend-
cates the total and trip distances. ing on the user's driving habits.

Instruments and controls - 37

Engine oil level indicator Oil level gauge fault Distance recorder
When the ignition is switched on, (lashing segments)
the engine oil level is indicated for
approximately 5 seconds, after the
service information. Check the oil level using the dip-
If the level is correct, the lashing
indicates an engine oil level gauge
Oil level correct Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
The level observed on the dipstick
is only valid if the vehicle is parked
on level ground and the engine has
been off for more than 15 minutes.
Lack of oil

Flashing indicates a lack of oil which The total distance is displayed in

may damage the engine. zone A of the display and the trip
If the lack of oil is conirmed by Dipstick distance in zone B.
checking using the dipstick, it is im-
perative that the level is topped up. There are 2 level marks
on the dipstick: never ex-
ceed level A.
In position B, top up the
level via the oil reservoir
cap, using the type of oil
suited to your engine.
A = max.
B = min.

Trip recorder zero reset

With the trip distance displayed, press
the button for a few seconds.

38 - Instruments and controls

TRIP COMPUTER Distance remaining to be

This is the distance remaining to the
destination, either calculated at any
time by the navigation if guidance
is activated or entered by the user,
Range minus the distance covered since the
distance was entered.
This shows the distance that can still
be covered with the fuel remaining in If digits are missing, dashes are dis-
the tank in accordance with the aver- played in their place.
age consumption over the last few The routes
miles (kilometres). The routes "1" and ''2'' are independ-
or This igure may increase if there is a ent but have identical application.
change in the style of driving or the Route "1" for example allows you
TRIP: access to the road surface, producing a signiicant to make daily calculations and route
trip computer displays. drop in current consumption. "2" monthly calculations.
When the range is less than 20 miles
(30 km), four segments are dis-
played. After illing with fuel, the
range is displayed when it exceeds
Each successive press on the but- 62 miles (100 km).
ton located at the end of the wipers If horizontal segments are displayed
stalk displays different information. for long periods instead of digits,
- the "vehicle" tab with: contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
• the range and the current con-
- tab "1" (route 1) with:
• the average consumption, the dis-
tance travelled and the average
speed calculated over route "1", Current consumption
- tab "2" (route 2) with the same This is the average quantity of fuel con-
characteristics for a second route. sumed during the last few seconds.
Zero reset This function is displayed only when
When the required route is displayed, the vehicle is travelling at a speed
press the control for more than two greater than 20 mph (30 km/h).

Instruments and controls - 39

Average speed Access via the general menu "TRIP" menu

This is the average speed calculated Press the "MENU" button to gain ac-
since the computer was last set to cess to the general menu.
zero (with the ignition on). Select the "Trip computer" ap-
plication using the navigator, then
Average consumption The "Trip computer" menu offers
various options:
This is the average fuel consump- C screen.
tion since the computer was last set - Warnings log,
to zero. - Status of the functions,
- Inputting of the distance to be trav-

Distance travelled Warnings log

This indicates the distance travelled This summarises the active warning
since the computer was last set to messages, displaying them on the
zero. multifunction display in succession.
CT screen.

Status of the functions

This summarises the active or inac-
tive status of the functions present on
the vehicle.

Distance remaining
When guidance is not activated, this
enables you to enter an approximate
distance to be travelled value.

DT screen.

40 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort


Manual mode

Driver's seat cushion height and Seat back angle adjustment

angle adjustment Operate the lever for your comfort.
Pump up or down to the required

Longitudinal adjustment
Lift the control bar and slide the seat
forwards or backwards.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 41

Electric mode
The electrical functions of the driver's
seat are deactivated one minute after
the ignition is switched off.
To reactivate them, open the door or
switch on the ignition.

Driver's seat cushion height and Seat back angle adjustment

angle adjustment Tilt the control forwards or backwards
Height: tilt the rear of the control up for your comfort.
or down.
Tilt: tilt the front of the control up or

Longitudinal adjustment
Push the control fowards or back-
wards to slide the seat.

42 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Head restraint height and angle Front seat active head restraint
adjustment This system prevents "whiplash".
Driver's seat lumbar adjustment To raise or lower the head restraint, In the event of a rear impact, the
Operate the lever to obtain the cor- pull it forwards then slide it. action of the body on the seat back
rect position. To tilt the head restraint, tilt the lower moves the head restraint forwards
part forwards or backwards. and upwards preventing the head
To remove the head restraint, move it from being thrown back.
almost to the highest position, lift the
tab using a coin and pull it forwards
and upwards at the same time.
To reit the head restraint, engage
the stalks in the holes keeping in line
with the seat back.
Never drive with the head restraints
removed and stored in the vehicle.
This is dangerous and they may be
thrown in the event of sharp braking.
They must be in place and adjusted Front armrest
The adjustment is correct when the To change the position of the armrest:
Heated seats adjustment top of the head restraint is aligned F Lift the handle 1.
with the top of the head of the occu- The armrest folds forwards and
With the engine running, turn the pant of the seat.
dial. The temperature of the seat is upwards.
regulated automatically. To return to the initial position, push
the armrest backwards and press it
0: Off. 2: Medium. to engage.
1: Low. 3: High.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 43


Although one of PEUGEOT's main - Statistically, the safest seats in Special points relating to the
criteria when designing your vehicle, your vehicle for the transpor- transportation of children on the
the safety of your children also de- tation of children are the rear front passenger seat*
pends on you. seats. PEUGEOT recommends Children under the age of 10 must not
For maximum safety, please follow that children travel in the rear travel in the forwards facing position,
these precautions: even when a "rearwards facing" unless the rear seats are already oc-
child seat is used. cupied by other children or the rear
- Since 1992, all children under seats cannot be used (absent or
the age of 12 must travel in ap- - If a child is travelling on a booster folded). In this case, adjust the front
proved child seats* suited to seat, check that the lap section of passenger seat to the intermediate
their weight, on seats itted with a the seat belt passes over the child's longitudinal position and leave the
seat belt or ISOFIX mountings**. thighs correctly. The chest section of passenger air bag armed**.
the seat belt must be positioned on The transportation of children in the
the child's shoulder without touching rearwards facing position is permit-
- A child weighing less than 9 kg the neck. PEUGEOT recommends ted. In this position, it is essential
must travel in the rearwards that you use a booster seat with a to disarm the passenger air bag**.
facing position both in the front back, itted with a seat belt guide at Otherwise, the child would risk be-
and in the rear. PEUGEOT recom- shoulder level. ing killed or seriously injured if the air
mends that children should travel bag were to inlate.
in the "rearwards facing" position
up to the age of two. - Remember to fasten the seat belt
or the child seat harness keeping
the slack in relation to the child's
body to a minimum, even for short

* According to current legislation in

the country.
** According to model.
44 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

In the front (407 SW):

- in the "forwards facing" position,
the front passenger seat must be
in the mid-way position, seat back
upright and seat cushion in the low-
est position.
- in the "rear facing" position, the
front passenger seat must be in
the fully forward position so that the
body of the child seat is in contact
with or as close as possible to the
fascia. The angle of the seat cush-
ion* must be in the lowest position.
It can be itted in the "rear facing" When the ISOFIX KIDDY seat is
Available on: position from birth to 13 kg and in installed in the "rear facing" posi-
- the two rear side seats, the "forwards facing" position from 9 tion on the front passenger seat,
- the front passenger seat (407 SW). and 18 kg. it is imperative that the passenger
These seats are itted with ISOFIX air bag is disarmed.
mountings. In the rear:
Otherwise, the child would risk be-
These are two rings, located between - in the "forwards facing" position, ing killed or seriously injured if the
the seat back and the seat cushion. the front seat must be in the com- air bag were to inlate.
pulsory mid-way position, seat
The ISOFIX child seats are itted back upright. Follow the instructions for installing
with two locks which are secured the child seat indicated in the seat
easily on these lower rings. - in the "rear facing" position, the
body of the child seat must be in manufacturer's installation guide.
Incorrect installation of a child seat contact with the back of the corre-
in a vehicle compromises the pro- sponding front seat.
tection of the child in the event of a
The ISOFIX securing system guar-
antees reliable, safe and fast itting
of the child seat in your vehicle.
You can only it the ISOFIX child
seats approved by PEUGEOT and
presented below on your vehicle's
ISOFIX mountings.

* According to version.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 45

CHILD SEATS The deep and strengthened shell is

RECOMMENDED BY designed to guarantee the child opti-
PEUGEOT mum protection in the event of a side
PEUGEOT offers a complete range When one of these seats is installed
of child seats which are secured in the front, it is compulsory to disarm
using the seat belt: the passenger air bag* and the ve-
hicle's seat must be adjusted to the
Group 0+: from birth to 13 kg intermediate longitudinal position.

Groups 1, 2 and 3: from 9 to 36 kg

The ISOFIX RÖMER Duo child
This child seat is only itted in the
rear in the "forwards facing" position
for children weighing between 9 and
18 kg. It is secured without the upper
strap called the Top Tether.
For your child's comfort, three seat
body angles are possible: upright,
reclining and lat. L1 - "BRITAX Babysure": installed
in the rear-facing position using a
When the RÖMER Duo is installed three-point seat belt.
on the rear side seat, the vehicle's
front seat must be adjusted so that
the child's feet do not touch the back L3 - "KIDDY Life": installed using a
of the front seat. three-point seat belt.
Follow the instructions for itting The height and width at the shoulders
these child seats in the seat manu- and the length of the seat cushion
facturer's instruction booklet. must be adjusted according to the
These child seats can also be used age and build of your child.
on seats not itted with ISOFIX For the safety of young children (from
mountings. In this case it is compul- 9 to 18 kg), PEUGEOT recommends
sory to attach them to the vehicle's use of the restraining cushion.
seat by means of the three-point seat
L2 - "ROMER Baby-Safe": installed
in the rear-facing position using a
three-point seat belt. * According to model.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 45

CHILD SEATS The deep and strengthened shell is

RECOMMENDED BY designed to guarantee the child opti-
PEUGEOT mum protection in the event of a side
PEUGEOT offers a complete range When one of these seats is installed
of child seats which are secured in the front, it is compulsory to disarm
using the seat belt: the passenger air bag* and the ve-
hicle's seat must be adjusted to the
Group 0+: from birth to 13 kg intermediate longitudinal position.

Groups 1, 2 and 3: from 9 to 36 kg

The ISOFIX RÖMER Duo child
This child seat is only itted in the
rear in the "forwards facing" position
for children weighing between 9 and
18 kg. It is secured without the upper
strap called the Top Tether.
For your child's comfort, three seat
body angles are possible: upright,
reclining and lat. L1 - "BRITAX Babysure": installed
in the rear-facing position using a
When the RÖMER Duo is installed three-point seat belt.
on the rear side seat, the vehicle's
front seat must be adjusted so that
the child's feet do not touch the back L3 - "KIDDY Life": installed using a
of the front seat. three-point seat belt.
Follow the instructions for itting The height and width at the shoulders
these child seats in the seat manu- and the length of the seat cushion
facturer's instruction booklet. must be adjusted according to the
These child seats can also be used age and build of your child.
on seats not itted with ISOFIX For the safety of young children (from
mountings. In this case it is compul- 9 to 18 kg), PEUGEOT recommends
sory to attach them to the vehicle's use of the restraining cushion.
seat by means of the three-point seat
L2 - "ROMER Baby-Safe": installed
in the rear-facing position using a
three-point seat belt. * According to model.
46 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Groups 2 and 3: from 15 to 36 kg Recommendations Never leave one or more chil-

For optimum installation of a for- dren alone and unsupervised
wards facing child seat, check that in a vehicle.
the back of the child seat is resting Never leave a child or an
against the back of the vehicle's seat animal in a vehicle which is exposed
correctly and that the head restraint to the sun and has the windows
does not cause any discomfort. closed.
If it is necessary to remove the To protect your young children from
head restraint, as in the case of the the sun, it blinds on the rear windows.
"RECARO Start", "KLIPPAN Optima"
and "KIDDY Life" child seats (over Never leave the keys within reach of
6 years of age), ensure that the children inside the vehicle.
head restraint is securely stored or
attached so that it cannot act as Observe strictly the recommenda-
L4 - "RECARO Start'': installed using a projectile in the event of sharp tions for assembling and securing
a three-point seat belt. braking. the child seat as shown in the child
seat instructions.
The height and width at the shoul-
ders and length of the seat cushion Disarm the passenger air bag* To prevent the doors from opening
must be adjusted according to the when installing a "rearwards fac- accidentally, use the child lock*.
age and build of your child. ing" child seat on the front pas- Also, do not open the windows more
senger seat. Otherwise, the child than a third*.
would risk being seriously injured
or killed were the air bag to inlate.

L5 - "KLIPPAN Optima": installed using

a three-point seat belt.
From the age of 6 years (approxi-
mately 22 kg), the booster is used
on its own.
* According to model.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 47


In accordance with the European regulation (Directive 2000/3), this table indicates the options for the installation of child
seats secured using the seat belt and universally approved in relation to weight of the child and the seat in the vehicle.

Group 0+ Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

from birth to 1 year from 1 to 3 years from 3 to 6 years from 6 to 10 years

or weighing or weighing or weighing or weighing
up to 13 kg 9 to 18 kg 15 to 25 kg 22 to 36 kg

U: seats suited to the installation of a child seat secured using the seat belt and universally approved. "Rear facing" child
seats and "forward facing" child seats.

Front passenger seat (*)

with fixed seat
Rear side seats

U (R): seats suited to the installation of a child seat secured using the seat belt and universally approved.
"Rear facing" child seats and "forward facing" child seats. The passenger seat must be adjusted to the highest position.

Front passenger seat (*)

with height U (R) U (R) U (R) U (R)
adjustable seat

X: seat not suited to the installation of a child seat.

Rear centre seat X X X X

(*) The rules for transporting children in the front passenger seat are specific to each country. Consult the current legislation
in your country.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 49

Front seat belts with Detection of fastening of the front

pre-tensioner and force limiter seat belts
In the event of a serious impact, the When the ignition is switched on,
pre-tensioning system instantly tight- if a front passenger has not fastened
ens the seat belts irmly against the his seat belt and if the vehicle speed
bodies of the occupants. is below 13 mph (20 km/h), you are
The pre-tensioning seat belts are warned by lighting of the seat belt
armed when the ignition is on. warning light.
The force limiter reduces the pres- The warning light switches off when
sure of the seat belt on the body the seat belt(s) concerned is(are)
of the occupant in the event of an fastened.
accident. - If the vehicle speed is above
13 mph (20 km/h), you are warned
by lashing of the seat belt warning
Rear seat belts light, an audible signal and a mes-
SEAT BELTS sage on the multifunction screen
The rear seats are all itted with a locating the unfastened seat belt(s).
Front seat belt height adjustment: three-point inertia reel seat belt.
The rear side seat belts have a force Note: a bag or an animal placed on
F To lower the attachment point, limiter and may be itted with a pre-
squeeze control 1 and slide it the front passenger seat may trigger
tensioning inertia reel. the lighting of the warning light.
Before folding the seat back, pull the The audible signal ceases and the
F To raise the attachment point, strap and insert the seat belt buckle warning light switches off when the
slide control 1 upwards. into the clasp. This precaution will seat belt concerned is fastened.
ensure that each seat belt is in place
when the rear seats are lifted again. After two minutes without any action
on the seat belts, the lashing warning
light remains on permanently and the
audible signal ceases. All of the warn-
To fasten the seat belts ings cease when a door is opened or
when the engine is switched off.
F Pull the strap, then insert the end
into the clasp.

To unfasten the seat belts

F Press the button on the clasp.

50 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Wherever you are seated in Clean the seat belt straps with soapy
the vehicle, always fasten water or a textile cleaning product,
your seat belt, even for short sold by PEUGEOT dealers.
journeys. After folding or moving a seat or rear
Do not invert the seat belt buckles as bench seat, ensure that the seat belt
they will not fulil their role fully. is positioned and rolled up correctly.
If the seats have armrests*, the lap Recommendations for child seats:
part of the seat belt must always - use a suitable child seat if the pas-
pass under the armrest. senger is less than 12 years old or
Before and after use, ensure that the shorter than one metre ifty,
seat belt is rolled up correctly. - do not use the strap-guide* when a
child seat is installed.
In order to be effective, a seat belt:
- must be tightened as close to the Depending on the nature and se-
body as possible, riousness of the impacts, the pre-
- must restrain one adult only, tensioning device may be triggered
before and independently of the air MANUAL STEERING WHEEL
- must not bear any trace of cuts or bags. HEIGHT AND DEPTH
- must not be twisted, In all cases, the air bag warning light
- must not be transformed or modiied. comes on.
When the vehicle is stationary, un-
Following an impact, have the seat lock the steering wheel by pushing
belts system checked, and if nec- the control forwards.
essary replaced, by a PEUGEOT
dealer. Adjust the height and depth of the
steering wheel then lock by pulling
the control fully.

Press one of the spokes of the
steering wheel.

* According to model.
50 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Wherever you are seated in Clean the seat belt straps with soapy
the vehicle, always fasten water or a textile cleaning product,
your seat belt, even for short sold by PEUGEOT dealers.
journeys. After folding or moving a seat or rear
Do not invert the seat belt buckles as bench seat, ensure that the seat belt
they will not fulil their role fully. is positioned and rolled up correctly.
If the seats have armrests*, the lap Recommendations for child seats:
part of the seat belt must always - use a suitable child seat if the pas-
pass under the armrest. senger is less than 12 years old or
Before and after use, ensure that the shorter than one metre ifty,
seat belt is rolled up correctly. - do not use the strap-guide* when a
child seat is installed.
In order to be effective, a seat belt:
- must be tightened as close to the Depending on the nature and se-
body as possible, riousness of the impacts, the pre-
- must restrain one adult only, tensioning device may be triggered
before and independently of the air MANUAL STEERING WHEEL
- must not bear any trace of cuts or bags. HEIGHT AND DEPTH
- must not be twisted, In all cases, the air bag warning light
- must not be transformed or modiied. comes on.
When the vehicle is stationary, un-
Following an impact, have the seat lock the steering wheel by pushing
belts system checked, and if nec- the control forwards.
essary replaced, by a PEUGEOT
dealer. Adjust the height and depth of the
steering wheel then lock by pulling
the control fully.

Press one of the spokes of the
steering wheel.

* According to model.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 51

Memorising using the controls on Recalling a memorised driving

the driver's door position
To memorise:
Engine off
F Place the key in the ignition on
position, F Briely press button 1 or 2 to recall
the corresponding memorised
F Adjust your seat and mirrors, position. The end of the setting is
indicated by a bleep.
F Press button M, then button 1
"irst driving position" or button 2 After recalling a memorised position
"second driving position" within a few times in succession, the func-
four seconds. tion will be cancelled until the engine
is started.
An audible signal conirms that a
position has been memorised. Engine running
Memorising a new position cancels
the previous one. F Keep button 1 or 2 pressed down
until the bleep indicates that set-
ting of the corresponding memo-
rised position is complete.
Memorising driving positions*
The electrical adjustments of the seat
and exterior mirrors are memorised.
Two driving positions can be memo-
rised using buttons M/1 and M/2.

* During the year.

52 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Automatic tilting of the mirrors in

reverse gear
This function allows you to see the
ground (kerb, wall...) when carrying
out parking manoeuvres in reverse

Initial setting of the function

Engage reverse gear then select and
adjust the left mirror then the right
These settings will be stored when
the vehicle is locked.
Each remote control stores a speciic
Adjustment Tilting the mirror to the parking
F Move control A to the right or to position
the left to select the corresponding F engage reverse gear,
F move control A to the right or the
F Direct control B in all four direc- left to select the corresponding
tions to adjust. mirror.
The exterior mirror corresponding to
the side on which you are parking
Folding back the mirrors electrically tilts downwards.
- from inside: Intentional returning of the mirror to
F With the ignition on, move the the driving position:
control A to the central position F change out of reverse gear or Objects observed in the
then pull it rearwards. deselect the mirror. driver and passenger mirrors
are, in reality, closer than
- from outside: The mirror returns to the driving they appear.
F Lock the vehicle using the remote position automatically if the vehicle
speed exceeds 10 mph (15 km/h), This must be taken into account in or-
control* or the key. der to judge the distance of vehicles
This function can be deactivated. if the engine is switched off or if re-
verse gear is engaged for more than approaching from behind correctly.
Contact your PEUGEOT dealer.
When the vehicle is parked, the exterior 20 seconds.
mirrors can be folded back manually.
* According to version.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 53

Switch on the ignition and press
switch 1:
- Indicator light 2 lit (switch pressed):
automatic operation.
- Indicator light 2 off: automatic sys-
tem off. The mirror remains at its
most clear.

Special feature
To ensure maximum visibility dur-
ing manoeuvres, the mirror clears
automatically when reverse gear is

Manual interior mirror
Automatic day/
night interior mirror The interior mirror has two positions:
This automatically and gradually - day (normal),
changes between the day and night - night (anti-dazzle).
positions. To prevent dazzling, the To change from one to the other,
glass of the mirror darkens auto- push or pull the lever on the lower
matically depending on the intensity edge of the mirror.
of the light from behind. It clears as
the light (headlamps of following ve-
hicles, sunlight) decreases, ensuring
maximum visibility.

54 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

WINDSCREEN WIPER STALK Automatic windscreen wipers

Move the control to position 0 then
return it to the AUTO position.

An indicator light comes

on on the instrument
panel display.
It is accompanied by a
message on the multi-
function display.
In the AUTO position, the wind-
screen wipers operate automatically
and adapt their speed to the intensity
Front windscreen wiper with Front windscreen wiper with of the rainfall.
intermittent wipe automatic wipe
2 Fast wipe 2 Fast wipe If the ignition was switched off
(heavy rain). (heavy rain). more than one minute ago with the
control in the AUTO position, this
1 Normal wipe 1 Normal wipe function must be re-activated.
(moderate rain). (moderate rain).
l Intermittent wipe. AUTO Automatic wipe.
0 Off. 0 Off.
â Single wipe â Single wipe
(press downwards). (press downwards).

In the Intermittent position, the In the AUTO position, no action on

wiping speed is in proportion to the your part is necessary.
vehicle speed.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 55

Disarming Windscreen and headlamp wash

Manual operation of the wiper stalk Pull the windscreen wiper stalk
interrupts the AUTO position, the de- towards you. The windscreen wash
activation indicator light comes on on then the windscreen wipers operate
the 5-dial instrument panel display, for a ixed period.
accompanied by a message on the The headlamp wash is also activat-
multifunction display. ed, if the headlamps are on.
In the event of malfunction, the
windscreen wipers will operate in
intermittent mode.
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer to have
the system checked.


Placing the wiper blades in the

maintenance position
Do not cover the rain sensor F Less than one minute after
located on the windscreen switching off the ignition, press
behind the interior mirror. the windscreen wiper stalk down
When using an automatic car once to position the blades
wash to wash your vehicle, switch off at the top of the windscreen
the ignition or check that the wiper (maintenance position).
stalk is not in the automatic position.
Replacing a blade
In winter, it is advisable to wait for the
windscreen to completely clear of ice F Lift the arm, then unclip the blade
before operating the automatic wipe. and remove it.
F Fit the new blade and fold down
the arm.
To reposition the blades, switch on
the ignition and operate the wind-
screen wiper stalk.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 55

Disarming Windscreen and headlamp wash

Manual operation of the wiper stalk Pull the windscreen wiper stalk
interrupts the AUTO position, the de- towards you. The windscreen wash
activation indicator light comes on on then the windscreen wipers operate
the 5-dial instrument panel display, for a ixed period.
accompanied by a message on the The headlamp wash is also activat-
multifunction display. ed, if the headlamps are on.
In the event of malfunction, the
windscreen wipers will operate in
intermittent mode.
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer to have
the system checked.


Placing the wiper blades in the

maintenance position
Do not cover the rain sensor F Less than one minute after
located on the windscreen switching off the ignition, press
behind the interior mirror. the windscreen wiper stalk down
When using an automatic car once to position the blades
wash to wash your vehicle, switch off at the top of the windscreen
the ignition or check that the wiper (maintenance position).
stalk is not in the automatic position.
Replacing a blade
In winter, it is advisable to wait for the
windscreen to completely clear of ice F Lift the arm, then unclip the blade
before operating the automatic wipe. and remove it.
F Fit the new blade and fold down
the arm.
To reposition the blades, switch on
the ignition and operate the wind-
screen wiper stalk.

56 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Lights on Direction indicators (lashers)

With the ignition off, on opening the
driver's door a buzzer sounds to indi-
cate that you have left your lights on Left: downwards. The
although you are leaving the vehicle. direction arrow indica-
F Switch the lights off. tor light lashes on the
instrument panel.
Right: upwards. The
direction arrow indica-
Front and rear fog lamps (ring B) tor light lashes on the
instrument panel.
F Turn ring B forwards to switch on
and rearwards to swich off. The
LIGHTS status is conirmed by the light on
the instrument panel.
Front and rear lights (ring A) Note: If you forget to return the direc-
tion indicator to its normal position,
F Turn ring A to the position the volume of the audible signal will
required. increase, if you are driving at a speed
greater than 40 mph (60 km/h) or if
the control is maintained for more
Lights off Front fog lamps (one press) than 20 seconds.

These operate with the side lights

Side lights and the dipped or main beam head-

Dipped/main beam
headlamps Rear fog lamps (two presses)

These operate when the front fog

Dipped/main beam change lamps are already on.
F Pull the stalk fully towards you.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 57

Automatic switching on of Activation Manual "Follow-me-home"

the lights lighting
This function is active when the vehi- When the function is activated, When you leave your vehicle, the
cle is supplied to the customer. the indicator light comes on on the side lights and dipped headlamps
The dipped beam headlamps switch 5-dial instrument panel display. can be left on for a few seconds.
on automatically if the light is poor
and when the windscreen wipers Activation:
operate continuously. They switch off F switch off the engine,
when the light is bright enough or the F "lash" the headlamps,
windscreen wipers stop. When the function is disarmed,
the indicator light comes on on the F get out of the vehicle and lock it.
Warning: in foggy weather, the bright-
ness sensor can detect suficient light. 5-dial instrument panel display.
As a consequence, the lights will not
come on automatically. If the sunshine/brightness sensor Automatic "Follow-me-home"
does not function correctly, the lighting
side lights and dipped headlamps When you leave your vehicle with
and the indicator light come on ac- the automatic switching on of the
To disarm or activate the companied by an audible signal lights activated, the side lights and
function, pass via the and a message on the multifunction dipped headlamps remain on for the
"Personalisation-con- display. duration selected after the ignition is
iguration" menu on your switched off.
multifunction display. Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
To deactivate or activate
the "Automatic follow-me-
For safety reasons, activation/ Do not cover the sunshine/ home lighting" function,
deactivation of the "Automatic brightness sensor, located in pass via the "Person-
switching on of the lights" the centre of the windscreen. alisation-coniguration"
function via the menu must be It is used to regulate the air menu on your multifunc-
carried out when stationary. conditioning and for the automatic tion screen.
switching on of the lights.
The duration of timing can
be set via the "Person-
menu of your multifunction

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 57

Automatic switching on of Activation Manual "Follow-me-home"

the lights lighting
This function is active when the vehi- When the function is activated, When you leave your vehicle, the
cle is supplied to the customer. the indicator light comes on on the side lights and dipped headlamps
The dipped beam headlamps switch 5-dial instrument panel display. can be left on for a few seconds.
on automatically if the light is poor
and when the windscreen wipers Activation:
operate continuously. They switch off F switch off the engine,
when the light is bright enough or the F "lash" the headlamps,
windscreen wipers stop. When the function is disarmed,
the indicator light comes on on the F get out of the vehicle and lock it.
Warning: in foggy weather, the bright-
ness sensor can detect suficient light. 5-dial instrument panel display.
As a consequence, the lights will not
come on automatically. If the sunshine/brightness sensor Automatic "Follow-me-home"
does not function correctly, the lighting
side lights and dipped headlamps When you leave your vehicle with
and the indicator light come on ac- the automatic switching on of the
To disarm or activate the companied by an audible signal lights activated, the side lights and
function, pass via the and a message on the multifunction dipped headlamps remain on for the
"Personalisation-con- display. duration selected after the ignition is
iguration" menu on your switched off.
multifunction display. Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
To deactivate or activate
the "Automatic follow-me-
For safety reasons, activation/ Do not cover the sunshine/ home lighting" function,
deactivation of the "Automatic brightness sensor, located in pass via the "Person-
switching on of the lights" the centre of the windscreen. alisation-coniguration"
function via the menu must be It is used to regulate the air menu on your multifunc-
carried out when stationary. conditioning and for the automatic tion screen.
switching on of the lights.
The duration of timing can
be set via the "Person-
menu of your multifunction

58 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort


Press the button, the direction indica-
tors lash. For vehicles itted with halogen On vehicles with xenon bulbs: when
They can operate with the ignition off. bulbs, depending on the load in your stationary, the system automati-
vehicle, adjusting the beam of your cally corrects the height of the beam,
headlamps is recommended. whatever the load of the vehicle.
0 1 or 2 people in the front seats. The driver is then assured of having
Automatic lighting of hazard optimum lighting and not causing a
warning lights* - 3 people. nuisance to other road users.
1 5 people.
When braking in an emergency,
depending on the deceleration, the 2 5 people + maximum authorised
hazard warning lights come on auto- loads.
matically. They switch off automati- 3 Driver + maximum authorised In cases of malfunction, the
cally the irst time you accelerate. loads. warning light comes on on
It is also possible to switch them off Initial setting is position 0. the instrument panel display,
by pressing the button. accompanied by an audible
signal and a message on the multi-
function display. The system places
your headlamps to the low position.
Do not touch the xenon bulbs. Con-
tact a PEUGEOTdealer.

* According to country.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 59

The courtesy light can be deacti-

vated by pressing switch 1 with the
door open. The map reading lights
are not affected by this and may be
switched on.
F To re-activate the lights, press the
switch, with the door open.


With the lights on, press the button 1 - Courtesy light
to vary the intensity of the lighting of 2 - Map reading lights
the instruments and controls. When
the lighting reaches the minimum (or With the key in the ignition on or
maximum) setting, release the button starting position, operate the relevant
then press it again to increase (or re- switch.
duce) the brightness. The front courtesy light comes on
As soon as the lighting is of the re- when the ignition key is removed, on
quired brightness, release the button. unlocking the vehicle or on opening
one of the doors.
It gradually goes off after the ignition
has been switched on or when the
vehicle is locked.
F Pressing switch 1 turns on the
front courtesy light.

60 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Automatic operation: REINITIALISATION OF THE

To open or close the window, press or WINDOWS
pull switch fully: the window opens or
closes completely when the switch is Following reconnection of the bat-
released. Pressing the switch again tery, the safety auto-reverse function
stops the movement of the window. must be reinitialised: the safety auto-
reverse function is not active during
The electric window switches remain these operations.
operational for approximately one
minute after the key has been re- - lower the window completely, then
moved from the ignition. raise it, it will rise in steps of a few
centimetres each time the switch is
Once this time has elapsed, the pressed. Repeat the operation until
electric windows will not operate. To the window closes completely,
reactivate them, switch the ignition
on again. - continue to press the switch for at
least one second after reaching
Safety auto-reverse this position, window closed.
When the window rises and meets
an obstacle, it stops and immediately
ELECTRIC WINDOWS partially lowers again.
1 - Driver's electric window In the event of unwanted opening
of the window on closing, press Always remove the key from
switch. the ignition when leaving
the switch until the window opens
2 - Passenger's electric window completely, then pull the switch im- the vehicle, even for a short
switch. mediately until the window closes. time.
3 - Rear right electric window Continue to hold the switch for ap- In the event of contact during opera-
switch. proximately one second after the tion of the windows, you must reverse
4 - Rear left electric window window has closed. the movement of the window. To do
switch. The safety auto-reverse function is this, press the switch concerned.
5 - Disarming of the rear electric not active during this operation. When the driver operates the pas-
window switches (child lock). senger electric window switches, he
Disarming the rear window must ensure that no one is prevent-
Manual operation: controls ing correct closing of the windows.
To open or close the window, press For the safety of your children, press The driver must ensure that the pas-
or pull the switch gently. The win- switch 5 to prevent operation of the sengers use the electric windows
dow stops as soon as the switch is rear windows irrespective of their correctly.
released. position. Be aware of children when operating
When the button is pressed down, the windows.
the switches are disarmed. When
the button is raised, the switches are
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 61


Air conditioned glove box Front armrest

This is itted with a lock. To open the compartment:
To open the glove box, lift the handle. F lift the lever 1.
Covered storage compartment, The glove box lights when the lid is The storage compartment permits
driver's side opened. the storing of CDs and coins.
This permits the storing of small ob- It is itted with three sockets for con-
jects such as keys, a parking badge necting video equipment (vehicle
or a mobile telephone. itted with a 16/9 colour screen) and
a ventilation nozzle (which can be
Front door trays closed by means of a dial), distrib-
These permit the storing of maps, uting conditioned air at the same
tourist guides or a bottle of water. temperature as the vents of the pas-
senger compartment.
In cold weather, it is advisable to
Front ashtray close this nozzle to conserve the
This is itted with a lighter socket or a ambient air inside the passenger
12 volt socket. compartment. Rear storage container
Press the cover to open the ashtray. The layout allows storage of a pen, a This is located at the rear of the front
pair of spectacles, tokens, etc. armrest.
To empty the ashtray, after opening,
grip the receptacle and remove it. To empty it, open it fully, press the
upper lug then pull to remove it.
Retractable cup/can holder
This is located in front of the front 12 volt accessories socket
armrest. This is a lighter type socket, itted
Press the cover to open the cup/can with a cap. It is supplied with current
holder. from the ignition on position.

62 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Access to the ski lap Removing the mat

Pull the handle down then towards When removing the mat on the driv-
you to open the lap. er's side, push the seat as far back
as possible and remove the ixings.
When reitting, position the mat and
clip the ixings. If the mat is not se-
cured correctly, there is a risk that
it may get caught under the pedal

Storage compartments
There are two storage compartments
Rear armrest located in the boot side trim.
The rear armrest consists of two To gain access to a compartment:
compartments with a hinged cover. F turn the two screws to the right
Storage compartment 1: and remove the panel.
F Lift the cover.
Cup holder 2:
F Fold the second cover forwards.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 63

MONOCHROME DISPLAY C Parameter configuration

(without RD4 audio equipment)
There are four display control buttons:
- "MENU" to display the general menu,
- "MODE" to change the permanent
- "ESC" to abandon the operation in "Personalisation-
progress, Coniguration" menu
- Rotation of the navigator: move- Once this menu has been selected, you
ment on the display or changing of can access the following functions:
a setting,
- Press on the navigator: conirma- - deine the vehicle parameters,
tion of the selection. - display coniguration,
- selection of the language.

It displays the following information:
- the time,
- the date,
- the exterior temperature (the value dis- General menu
played lashes if there is a risk of ice),
- the accesses check, Press the "MENU" button to access
- the vehicle function status mes- the general menu:
sages, displayed temporarily, - trip computer (see corresponding
- the warning messages, section),
- the trip computer displays, - personalisation-coniguration,
- the vehicle parameters, - air conditioning (see corresponding
- the air conditioning displays, section).
- the selection of the languages. Turn the navigator to select the menu
required, then conirm by pressing
the navigator.

64 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Deine the vehicle parameters Display coniguration Selection of the language

Once this menu has been selected, Once this menu has been selected, Once this menu has been selected,
you can activate or deactivate the you can access the following settings: you can change the language used
following equipment: - brightness-video setting, on the display (German, Spanish,
- wiper linked with reverse gear, - date and time setting, French, English, Italian, Dutch, Por-
- automatic switching on of the lights, - selection of the units. tuguese, Brazilian Portuguese).
- "follow-me-home" lighting and du-
- parking assistance.

Example: "Duration of the "follow-me-

home" lighting"

Once you have selected a setting, turn

the navigator to change its value.

Press the navigator to conirm and

record the modiied data.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 65


The RD4 is a radio with a single CD RADIO 6 DISC CD CHANGER
player on the front panel. This is Radio Text compatible.
It is itted with: With random play and track intro (In-
CD PLAYER troscan) function.
- a special socket for connection of
the CD changer, This is CD text compatible. If the TA (Trafic Announcement) func-
- 6 speakers (2 tweeters, 2 woofers If the TA (Trafic Announcement) func- tion is active, interruption by Trafic
and two broad band), tion is active, interruption by Trafic Information is possible.
- a tuner with 18 FM memories Information is possible. JBL HI-FI SYSTEM
(3 wavebands) and 6 AM memories,
- a processor for digital processing of The RD4 is compatible with the JBL
the sound , "DSP" (DIGITAL SOUND audio system in order to beneit from
PROCESSOR). high idelity sound, perfectly suited to
the vehicle's sound space.
Its power is 4x15 W.

66 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Audio equipment steering Button (A) ¯: access to the musical ambience,

wheel control ON/OFF and volume adjustment. automatic volume adjustment, left-
right balance, rear/front balance,
Summarised details of the functions Button (B) loudness, treble and bass settings.
are indicated on the following pages.
CD eject. Keypad (3)
Volume adjustment
Keypad (1) The navigator.
1 - Increase by pressing the back
AUDIO: access to the RD4 audio Keypad (4)
2 - Decrease by pressing the back equipment displays.
1+2 - Press Mute (cutting off of the TA: TA function on/off (trafic informa-
SOURCE: switching of the source be- tion priority) and access to the PTY
sound) tween the radio, CD and CD changer. function (search by type of program if
Search/Selection by pressing TRIP: trip computer displays. the coding is activated by the broad-
3 - Higher radio frequency - TEL: access to the hands-free kit dis- casting stations).
CD/CD changer: next plays. LIST: displaying of the list of stations
4 - Lower radio frequency - CLIM: access to the air conditioning received, of the tracks on the CD.
CD/CD changer: previous displays. BND: selection of the frequency
DARK: 1st press: black screen under wavebands FM1, FM2, FMast (Auto-
Sound sources the banner - 2nd press: completely store function) and AM.
5 - Change of sound source black screen - 3rd press: return to
the display. Keypad (5) (numeric keypad)
Selection of stored stations/CD
changer CD (rotation) Keypad (2) Selection of the stored station, or of
6 - Higher stored station - next CD ESC (Escape): cancellation of the the CD in relation to the position in
operation in progress. the CD changer.
7 - Lower stored station - previous
CD MENU: displaying of the general menu.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 67

Anti-theft system
The audio equipment is coded in such
a way that it can only work in your ve-
hicle. If you wish to install it in another
vehicle, contact your PEUGEOT deal-
er for coniguration of the system.
The anti-theft system is automatic.
No action on your part is required.

Located on the RD4 audio equip-
ment control keypad, this enables
you to select and conirm the func-
tions, commands and parameters
It incorporates:
- the up 5, down 6, left 7, right
8 movement arrows which en-
able you to move the cursor on the
- the central conirmation button.

All selections can be

cancelled prior to conir-
mation by pressing the
"ESC" button or automat-
ically after a few seconds
without any action.
Details of each of the
keypad controls are indicated on the
following pages.

68 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

On/off The bass, treble, loudness and mu- Adjusting the bass
sical ambience settings are speciic When "Bass" is displayed, press the
Press the button to to each source. It is possible to set navigator buttons to vary the setting.
switch the set on or off. them differently for the AM radio, FM
radio, CD, CD changer or auxiliary - "-9" for a minimum bass setting,
equipment. - mid-way for a normal setting,
- "+9" for a maximum bass setting.

Musical ambience
Adjusting the volume This function permits the selection of
a musical ambience: "None", "Classi-
Turn the button clockwise to increase cal", "Jazz-Blues", "Pop-Rock", "Vocal"
the audio equipment volume or anti- or "Techno".
clockwise to decrease it. Adjusting the treble
Press the navigator buttons to select
the ambience required. When "Treble" is displayed, press the
The selection of a musical ambience navigator buttons to vary the setting.
sets the bass and treble automatically. - "-9" for a minimum treble setting,
Audio settings - mid-way for a normal setting,
- "+9" for a maximum treble setting.
Press the ¯ but-
ton several times to
access the musical
ambience, automatic
volume correction,
left/right balance,
rear/front balance, Loudness
loudness, treble and bass setting Press the navigator buttons to switch
windows. the function on or off.
Exit from audio mode is by pressing The loudness automatically empha-
the "ESC" button or is automatic after sises bass and treble tones.
a few seconds without pressing any

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 69

Adjusting the front/rear sound Radio Selecting radio mode

Notes on radio reception Press the "SOURCE"
When "Rear - Front Balance" is dis- button several times
played, press the navigator buttons. The quality of the audio reception is
subject to external phenomena, due until the radio source
Button 8 increases the volume at is obtained.
the front. to the nature of the signals and the
way in which they are transmitted.
Button 7 increases the volume at Both AM and FM reception are sub-
the rear. ject to various forms of interference.
This is no relection on the quality of Selecting a waveband
the equipment.
On MW/LW, interference may be Press the "BAND"
Adjusting the right/left sound button briely to select
distribution noticed when passing under high
voltage power lines or bridges, or in wavebands FM1, FM2,
When "Left - Right Balance" is dis- tunnels. FMast and AM.
played, press the navigator buttons. On FM, interference may be the re- The stored stations for
Button 8 increases the volume on sult of increasing distance from the each waveband are
the right-hand side. transmitter, delection of the signals by displayed.
Button 7 increases the volume on obstacles (mountains, hills, buildings,
the left-hand side. etc.), or of being in an area which is
not covered by a transmitter.
Automatic station search

Automatic volume correction

Briely press but-
This function enables the volume to ton 8 or 7 to
be automatically adjusted depending search for the sta-
on the level of noise produced by the tion immediately
speed of the vehicle. above or below.
Press the 7 and 8 navigator but- The search stops
tons to switch the function on or off. at the irst station
Searching for a station occurs irst in
"LO" sensitivity (selection of the most
powerful transmitters), then in "DX"
sensitivity (selection of the weakest
and most distant transmitters).

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 69

Adjusting the front/rear sound Radio Selecting radio mode

Notes on radio reception Press the "SOURCE"
When "Rear - Front Balance" is dis- button several times
played, press the navigator buttons. The quality of the audio reception is
subject to external phenomena, due until the radio source
Button 8 increases the volume at is obtained.
the front. to the nature of the signals and the
way in which they are transmitted.
Button 7 increases the volume at Both AM and FM reception are sub-
the rear. ject to various forms of interference.
This is no relection on the quality of Selecting a waveband
the equipment.
On MW/LW, interference may be Press the "BAND"
Adjusting the right/left sound button briely to select
distribution noticed when passing under high
voltage power lines or bridges, or in wavebands FM1, FM2,
When "Left - Right Balance" is dis- tunnels. FMast and AM.
played, press the navigator buttons. On FM, interference may be the re- The stored stations for
Button 8 increases the volume on sult of increasing distance from the each waveband are
the right-hand side. transmitter, delection of the signals by displayed.
Button 7 increases the volume on obstacles (mountains, hills, buildings,
the left-hand side. etc.), or of being in an area which is
not covered by a transmitter.
Automatic station search

Automatic volume correction

Briely press but-
This function enables the volume to ton 8 or 7 to
be automatically adjusted depending search for the sta-
on the level of noise produced by the tion immediately
speed of the vehicle. above or below.
Press the 7 and 8 navigator but- The search stops
tons to switch the function on or off. at the irst station
Searching for a station occurs irst in
"LO" sensitivity (selection of the most
powerful transmitters), then in "DX"
sensitivity (selection of the weakest
and most distant transmitters).

70 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Manual station search Automatic storing of FM stations Displaying the stations available
in the memory (autostore)
Briely press button 5
or 6 to decrease or For greater listening You can display
increase the frequency pleasure, it is prefer- the list of stations
displayed. able to activate the received locally by
RDS function. pressing the "LIST"
By continuing to press button. This list can
the button in the direc- Press the "BND" but-
ton for more than one include up to 30 sta-
tion selected, you will tions.
obtain continuous scroll- second.
ing of the frequency. Your radio automatically stores the To update this list during your jour-
6 stations with the strongest signal in ney, press the "LIST" button for more
The scrolling stops as than one second.
soon as the button is FM. These stations are stored in the
released. FMast waveband. To search for an available station:
If it is not possible to ind 6 stations, - press the "LIST" button,
the remaining memories are empty. - when the list of available stations
is displayed, press button 5 or 6
to select a station, then conirm the
Manual storing of stations in the selection using the "OK" button.
memory Note: stations which permit the
Select the station re- Recalling stations stored in the broadcasting of trafic information
quired. memory are indicated by the display TA.
Press one of the For each waveband, briely press
buttons "1" to "6" for one of the buttons "1" to "6" to select
more than one sec- the corresponding station.
ond. A superimposed display listing the
The sound stops then stored stations appears, the station
becomes audible selected being identiied.
again, conirming that
the station has been
stored in the memory.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 71

Trafic information program (TA) Search by type of program (PTY) "RADIO" menu
This is a search by type of program, if
Press the "TA" button the coding is activated by the broad-
to switch the function casting stations.
on or off. It allows you to listen to stations
The multifunction dis- broadcasting a speciic type of pro-
play will show: gram (news, culture, sport, rock,
weather, etc.). Press the "MENU" button to access
- TA if the function is selected, the general menu and select the
- TA crossed out if the function is se- Press and hold the "Audio functions" menu then "FM
lected but not available. "TA" button to access waveband preferences" or press the
Any trafic information lash will this function. "OK" button in radio mode to select
be given priority, whatever source the following functions:
you are listening to (radio, CD, CD - Activate/Deactivate frequency fol-
changer or auxiliary equipment). To search for a type of PTY program: lowing (RDS),
If you wish to interrupt a message, - Activate/Deactivate regional mode
press an audio equipment function (REG),
button to return to the source which - press and hold the - Activate/Deactivate displaying of
was in use prior to the interruption. "TA" button, the radio text (RDTXT).
- press button 5 or 6
Note: the trafic information volume to scroll down the list
is independent of the normal audio of the various types
equipment volume. of programs offered,
You can adjust it using the volume then conirm the se-
dial or the steering wheel control. lection using the "OK"
The setting is stored and will be button.
used when the next messages are The list of stations is
broadcast. available after a period during which
the FM waveband is searched.
- when the list of stations corre-
sponding to the type of program is
EON system displayed, press button 5 or 6 to
This system connects stations which select a station, then conirm the
are part of the same network. It selection using the "OK" button.
enables the broadcasting of TA trafic To switch the PTY function off, select
information by a station that is part "Deactivate PTY" from the list of the
of the same network as the station to various types of program offered.
which you are listening.
This service is available when you
have selected the TA trafic informa-
tion program.
72 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

RDS Regional following mode (REG)

When they are part of a network,
Using the RDS (Radio Data certain stations broadcast regional
System) function on FM programs in the various areas which
The RDS allows you to continue lis- they serve. The regional following
tening to the same station whatever mode enables you to continue listen-
frequency it is using in the region ing to the same program.
you are going through. The display
indicates the name of the station To access the function, press the
selected. "MENU" button, select the "Audio
However, poor coverage of the net- functions" menu then "FM waveband
work or particular environmental preferences" or press the "OK" but-
conditions may interfere with the ton in radio mode.
transmission. The "RADIO" contextual menu ap-
The radio is continually searching pears.
for the transmitter which is transmit- Select "Activate regional mode
ting the same program with the best (REG)" or "Deactivate regional mode
reception. (REG)" depending on the status
of the function on the multifunction
To access the function, press the display.
"MENU" button, select the "Audio The multifunction display will show:
functions" menu then "FM waveband - REG if the function is selected,
preferences" or press the "OK" but- - REG crossed out if the function is
ton in radio mode. selected but not available.
The "RADIO" contextual menu ap-
Select "Activate frequency following
(RDS)" or "Deactivate frequency
following (RDS)" depending on the
status of the function on the multi-
function display.
The multifunction display will show:
- RDS if the function is selected,
- RDS crossed out if the function is
selected but not available.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 73

COMPACT DISC Selecting a track "CD" menu

Press button 8 to select the next
The CD player, incorporated in your track.
audio equipment, is compatible with
displaying of the CD Text mode. Press button 7 to return to the start
CDs which do not use this mode of the current track or to select the
will display the number of each track previous track.
instead of the name of the artist and You can also select a track directly
the title of the song. This function is via the list of tracks on the CD: Press the "MENU" button to access
not available via the CD changer. - press the "LIST" button to display the general menu and select the
the list, "Audio functions" menu then "Audio
- press button 5 or 6 to select the CD preferences" or press the "OK"
track, button in CD mode to select the fol-
lowing functions:
- press the "OK" button to play the
track. - Activate/Deactivate playing of the
track intros (INTRO),
- Activate/Deactivate random playing
of the tracks (RDM).
A function selected from the "CD"
menu remains active when the CD
Accelerated play changer mode is selected.
Keep button 8 or 7 pressed for for-
wards or backwards accelerated play.
Accelerated play stops as soon as
the button is released.
Selecting CD mode
With the audio equipment on and
after insertion of a disc, printed face
upwards, the CD player starts auto-
If a disc is already inserted, press
the "SOURCE" button to select the
CD player.

Insert circular compact discs

Ejection of a disc only.
Press the button to The use of copied compact
eject the disc from the discs may cause malfunctions.

74 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort


Selecting CD changer mode

Press the "SOURCE" button several Selecting a track "CHANGER" menu
times. Press button 8 to select the next
To access the CD changer, you track.
must insert at least one CD in the Press button 7 to return to the start
changer. of the current track or to select the
previous track.

Press the "MENU" button to access the

general menu and select the "Audio
Selecting a disc Accelerated play functions" menu then "Audio CD prefer-
Press one of the buttons "1" to "6" on Keep button 8 or 7 pressed for ences" or press the "OK" button in CD
the radio to select the corresponding forwards or backwards accelerated changer mode to select the following
disc. play. functions:
Buttons 5 and 6 permit the selec- Accelerated play stops as soon as - Activate/Deactivate playing of the
tion of the previous/next disc in the the button is released. track intros (INTRO),
changer. - Activate/Deactivate CD changer
Each time a disc is selected, a window repeat (RPT),
appears as a superimposed display to - Activate/Deactivate random play-
indicate the presence of discs in the ing of the tracks (RDM).
Insert circular compact discs
changer cartridge: only.
- "Disc" if a CD is present, A function selected in the "changer"
Compact discs of the irst gen- menu remains active when the CD
- "Cannot be played" if the CD is eration of laser technology are
faulty or upside down, mode is selected.
no longer detected.
- Blank line if there is no CD
present. Some anti-pirating systems, on
original discs or CDs copied by a
personal CD writer may cause mal-
functions, irrespective of the quality
of the original player.

The CD Text is not available

when playing a CD via the

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 75

MONOCHROME DISPLAY C The general menu Deine the vehicle parameters

AND COLOUR DISPLAY C* Permits the activation or deactivation
of certain driving and comfort func-
Displays the following information: tions.
- the time,
- the date, Example: Automatic switching on of
- the exterior temperature (the value dis- the lights.
played lashes if there is a risk of ice), Press the "MENU" button to access
- the accesses check, the general menu and select one of
- the vehicle function status mes- the following functions: Audio func-
sages, displayed temporarily, tions, Trip computer, Personalisation/
- the warning displays, coniguration and air conditioning.
- the RD4 audio equipment displays,
- the trip computer displays,
- the vehicle parameters, Example: "Audio functions" display
- the air conditioning displays, selected.
- the language selection.

Management of the displays

The "AUDIO", "TRIP" and "CLIM" Selection of the language
buttons on the RD4 audio equipment The "Personalisation-Coniguration" German, Spanish, French, English,
keypad permit displaying in the main menu provides access to successive Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Bra-
window (on the right). conirmation windows. zilian Portuguese.

Example: TRIP

* During the year.

76 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Display coniguration Changing the date and time Set the parameters one by one, us-
ing the navigator, then conirm using

- Brightness, to be set in accordance From the menu, shown on the display,

with a scale between Moon (-) and select the "Personalisation-Conigu-
Sun (+). ration" icon using the navigator, then
- Selection of the units of measure- conirm.
- Setting the date and time. Your op-
erational area is displayed. Use the From the list displayed, select "Display
navigator to move from one selec- coniguration", then conirm.
tion to another.
Your new parameters are conirmed
one by one, by pressing the naviga-
tor button. All of the parameters are
recorded if you click on OK, shown
on the display.
The ESCape button on the control
panel gives you the option of not
conirming your changes.
- Selection of the colours* (colour
display C only). From the list displayed, select "Date
and time setting", then conirm.

* During the year.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 77

HANDS-FREE TELEPHONE For safety reasons, the driver

KIT (RD4) must match the mobile tele-
phone with the hands-free
This kit permits the use of a Bluetooth kit system and carry out the
mobile telephone in "hands-free" operations which require prolonged
mode. attention while the vehicle is sta-
tionary and with the ignition on.
It uses the following on-board func-
tions: When using the hands-free kit system
- the audio system of the RD4 audio while driving, you must continue to
equipment, pay attention to your driving (concen-
- the steering wheel control or the tration, compliance with the highway
control pad of the RD4 audio equip- code, ...).
- the multifunction display which The system may suffer temporary in- Audio system
permits the display of the main terference by radioelectric emissions It uses the following equipment of the
telephone functions. of a frequency close to that used by RD4 audio equipment:
the system, which may result in in-
terference noise in the speakers. To - the speakers,
avoid this phenomenon, you are in- - the microphone located in the cour-
vited to place your telephone on the tesy light.
upper part of the front armrest.

For reasons of practicality and ergo-

nomics, all operations to be carried
out after this, with the exception of
matching, are described using the
steering wheel control.
However, they can also be carried
out using the corresponding buttons
on the RD4 audio equipment control

78 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Steering wheel control

Action Command executed

1 - Press (behind) Volume increase.

2 - Press (behind) Volume decrease.

Upwards movement of the directory -

3 - Press Selection of the previous element.

Downwards movement of the directory -

4 - Press Selection of the next element.

Conirmation of the current selection -

5 - Press on the end Press for more than 2 seconds: access to the contextual menu.

6 - Rotation (clockwise) Selection of the next element.

7 - Rotation (anti-clockwise) Selection of the previous element.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 79

In addition to the general information,

the multifunction display enables you
to display, depending on the tele-
phone model:
- the list of matched telephones,
- the directories,
- the incoming and outgoing calls, Access via the general menu
- the data relating to the communi- Press the "MENU" button to gain ac-
cation in progress (number, name cess to the general menu.
of the caller or person called, time Select the Telephone icon to open
counter), the main "Telephone" menu, you
- the second call, can choose from:
Multifunction display
- the name of the operator. - consultation of the various directories,
1 - Indicates the reception of an
SMS* or voice message. - coniguration of the Bluetooth system,
The services offered by the hands- - management of a communication.
2 - The format of the telephone free kit depend on the network, the
symbol indicates: SIM card, the compatibility of the
- not crossed out: telephone Bluetooth equipment used and the
connected, content formats supported.
- crossed out: telephone off or Check which services are available
not connected in "hands-free" to you by looking in your telephone's
mode" or access conditions not manual and asking your operator.
met (incorrect PIN code, insuf- A list of mobile telephones which
icient network signal level). offer the best range of services is
3 - Indicates the level of the net- available from our network. Contact
work signal (up to 4 levels). a PEUGEOT dealer.
4 - Indicates that the "mute" is on.

* According to telephone model.

80 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Matching the Bluetooth - Enter the authentication code Use with several Bluetooth
telephone with the hands-free "1234" on the telephone. telephones
kit On completion of this procedure, a
superimposed display informs you of Each matched telephone is associ-
When a telephone is used with the the success or failure of the match. ated with an index (1 to 4) on the list
hands-free kit for the irst time, you of matched telephones.
must match your telephone with the
hands-free kit. Once the telephone is matched, it When the multifunction display is
appears on the list of recognised switched on, the hands-free kit auto-
You can match up to 4 telephones telephones "Selection of the mobile matically tries to connect to the last
with the hands-free kit. to be connected". telephone used, if it fails after 10 sec-
onds, to the telephone with index (1),
This operation is only possible if the if it fails after 10 seconds, to the tele-
Depending on your telephone, the phone with index (2) and so on...
vehicle is stationary with the igni- connection will be made automati-
tion on and there are no telephones cally, otherwise, connect it manually
connected to the hands-free kit. by selecting it from the list. During operation (not in communi-
cation), it is possible to access the
- Activate the Bluetooth function on "Selection of the mobile to be con-
your telephone. nected" menu in order to:
- Search for the Bluetooth accesso- - connect another telephone in
ries present from your telephone. "hands-free" mode, other than the
- After approximately 30 seconds, active telephone.
select the accessory which appears - disconnect the active telephone by
with the name of your vehicle. selecting it.
A conirmation superimposed display
appears on the multifunction display.
Note: to delete a match, select "De-
- Accept the matching by selecting the lete a match" from the "Conigura-
"YES" tab using the navigator and tion" menu, then select the telephone
conirm by pressing the navigator. to be deleted from the list.
- Select one of the four indexes on
the "Consultation of the match-
es" list and conirm by pressing the

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 81

Using the telephone Receiving a call Second incoming call*

directories An incoming call is announced by a This function enables you to receive a
ring and a superimposed display on second call during a communication.
the multifunction display. You are informed by an audible sig-
You can choose: nal and the message "Pick up the
- to accept the call by conirming the call?" appears.
"YES" tab by pressing the end of You can choose:
the steering wheel control, - to accept the call by conirming the
- to refuse the call by selecting the "YES" tab by pressing the end of
You can access the "Consultation of "NO" tab using the dial and con- the steering wheel control,
the Directories" menu from the main irming by pressing the end of the - to refuse the call by selecting the
"Telephone" menu or by pressing the steering wheel control. "NO" tab using the dial and con-
end of the steering wheel control for irming by pressing the end of the
more than 2 seconds. steering wheel control.

Note: if you do not conirm a choice,

Making a call Ending a call the second call will be refused when
During or at the end of communication: the message expires.
You can make a call:
- by selecting a contact from one of - press the end of the steering wheel
control to display the superimposed If you refuse the second call, you
the directories using the steering remain in communication with the
wheel control dial and then press- display "Hang up the call",
- then conirm via the "YES" tab irst, if you accept it, the irst is put
ing the end of the steering wheel on hold.
contol to call this contact, using the dial and conirming by
- by entering the number via the pressing the end of the steering
telephone keypad and then press- wheel control. Note: if you switch to the call put on
ing the "pick up" button on the hold and this has been interrupted
telephone, during your communication, you
- by means of the telephone voice must select the "Hang up the call"
recognition (voice description), tab to delete the "Communication
- by means of the telephone voice in progress" message on the multi-
dialling** (voice command). function display.

* If the option or service is available

** According to country. on your telephone.
82 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Switching between two calls Secret mode Telephone voice recognition

During communication, press the During communication, press the end First of all, a voice description must
end of the steering wheel control for of the steering wheel control for more be associated with the chosen con-
more than 2 seconds to display the than 2 seconds to display the contex- tact and recorded in your telephone
contextual menu: tual menu: while disconnected from the hands-
- "Switch the call", when selected - "Activate secret mode", when free kit (refer to your telephone's
then conirmed by pressing the end selected then conirmed by press- user manual).
of the steering wheel control, ena- ing the end of the steering wheel
bles you to switch from one contact control, permits cutting off of the
to the other, courtesy light microphone.
- "Hang up the call" enables you
to hang up the communication in During communication, press the
progress and resume the call with end of the steering wheel control for
the other contact. more than 2 seconds to display the
contextual menu:
- "Deactivate secret mode", when
Continuity of service selected then conirmed by press-
If you enter your vehicle with your ing the end of the steering wheel
mobile telephone in communication, control, permits reactivation of the
you can continue the call using the courtesy light microphone.
hands-free kit after a few seconds.
To do this, you must "trigger" the
- by switching on the ignition, Handset mode
or During a private conversation or To activate the voice recognition,
when leaving your vehicle, it is possi- press the end of the lights stalk then
- by switching on the audio equip- say the previously recorded voice
ment. ble, from your telephone, to transfer
the audio in order to continue the description.
conversation using your telephone's
Note: if you switch off the ignition handset directly.
while a communication is in progress, Notes:
Conversely, you can, from your tele-
the system remains in "hands-free" phone, transfer the audio to return to Your telephone must be displaying
mode until the call is ended or until "hands-free" mode. the welcome screen.
the telephone is disconnected from An audible signal, emitted by the
the system. To use this function, please refer to
your telephone's user manual. telephone and ampliied by the
speakers, indicates that you must
say the voice description.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 83

Telephone voice dialling** Using the calls log Warning concerning the
To activate the voice dialling, press the "Telephone directories"
end of the lights stalk for more than two In addition to your telephone's di- function
seconds, the system asks you to say rectories, you have a calls log which
the number to be dialled digit by digit. enables you to: The "Consultation of the Directo-
After a double conirmation audible - access the last ten incoming calls, ries" function permits consultation of
signal and within ive seconds, you - access the last ten outgoing calls, the content of these directories and
must say the digits one by one or in - access the last ten missed calls. the making of a call, but in no case
groups of digits ("0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, All of these calls are classiied in does it permit any changes (addition,
8, 9, #, *, +"). chronological order. deletion, ...).
Then wait for the double conirma- The mobile telephone directories are
tion audible signal and the repetition loaded into the system's memory
of the digits by the system. (1 000 numbers maximum) each time
the telephone is connected, after a
Then say the command "Call" to es- few seconds.
tablish the communication.
The mobile telephone directories
which control the "V-card" type iles
If you make a mistake when say- Using the assistance services will also be transferred.
ing the number, say the command In addition to your telephone's direc-
"Change" once to correct the last tories, you have an assistance serv-
digit; then a second time to delete Note: if the telephone contains more
ices directory which enables you to: than 1 000 directory iles, only the
the entire number.
- call the customer contact centre: irst 1 000 iles will be transferred to
"PEUGEOT service", the system (in alphabetical order).
- call the breakdown service: It will be possible to consult the re-
"PEUGEOT Assistance", maining iles directly on the telephone.
- call 112: "Emergency call". If the "V-card" iles contain more than
4 levels of numbers, only the irst
Note: the emergency call can only be 4 levels will be transferred to the sys-
SMS text messages made using the hands-free kit if the tem (in alphabetical order).
The reception of SMS text messages access conditions are met (PIN code,
is indicated by a symbol*, represented suficient network signal level).
by an envelope on the multifunction
The entering, sending or reading of
SMS text messages must be carried
out from the mobile telephone.

* According to telephone model.

** According to country.
84 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort


Your 407 is itted with a JBL Hi-Fi - in the front doors: two Woofers (4) Adjusting in CD or Radio mode
system, designed speciically for for reproduction of the bass (low The basic functions remain those of
the passenger compartment. At the frequencies) in the front. the audio set.
heart of the system, a 240 watt mul- - in the rear doors: two Tweeters (5)
tifunction ampliier (1) independently and two Woofers (6) providing a There is no need for any further ad-
controls 10 speakers and an integral balance of frequencies (from bass justment.
subwoofer. to treble) in the rear. However, in order to take full advan-
This system provides optimum repro- - in the right boot trim: a Sub- tage of your JBL audio system, you
duction and distribution of the sound woofer (7) for reproduction of the are advised to set the AUDIO func-
in the vehicle, both in the front and ultra-bass (very low frequencies) tions (BASS, TREB, FAD, BAL) to
the rear. throughout the whole of the pas- the "mid-way" position, the Loudness
senger compartment. (LOUD) to the "ON" position for CD
The speakers are situated: mode and to the "OFF" position for
You will appreciate the performance
- in the fascia: two Micro Tweeters of the JBL system, noticing that the radio mode.
(2) set in two Medium-range speak- sound ills the whole of the vehicle
ers (3) for frontal reproduction of perfectly.
the sound.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 85


This is itted with: CD PLAYER JBL HI-FI SYSTEM

- a special socket for connection of With direct digital play. The RT3 is compatible with the JBL
the CD changer, If the function is active, interruption by audio system in order to beneit from
- 6 speakers (2 tweeters, 2 woofers Trafic Information (TA) or telephone is high idelity sound, perfectly suited to
and 2 broad band), possible. the sound space of the vehicle.
- an RDS, PTY, TA, REG Radio/single
control panel. 6 DISC CD CHANGER
- a tuner with 18 FM memories With random play and Introscan
(3 wavebands) and 6 AM memories. function.
- a processor for digital process- If the function is active, interruption
ing of the sound, "DSP" (DIGITAL by Trafic Information (TA) or tele-
SOUND PROCESSOR). phone is possible.
- vehicle code protection (contact a
PEUGEOT dealer).
Its power is 4x35 W.

86 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Audio equipment steering Press for conirmation

wheel control 5 - Pick up/Hang up, change of
sound source, selection

Selection of stored stations/CD

changer CD (rotation)
6 - Higher stored station -
Next CD - Next screen
7 - Lower stored station -
Previous CD - Previous screen

Emergency call.

Summarised details of the functions

are indicated on the following pages. Button (A)
ON/OFF and volume adjustment.
Volume adjustment Button (B)
1 - Increase by pressing the back CD eject.
2 - Decrease by pressing the back Keypad (1)
1+2 - Press Mute (cutting off of the AUDIO: access to the RT3 audio
sound) equipment displays.
Search/Selection by pressing TEL: access to the telephone dis-
3 - Higher radio frequency - CD/CD plays.
changer: next TRIP: trip computer displays.
4 - Lower radio frequency - CD/CD NAV: displaying of the navigation -
changer: previous guidance welcome menu.
CLIM: access to the air conditioning
DARK: 1st press: black screen under
the banner - 2nd press: completely
black screen - 3rd press: return to
the display.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 87

Keypad (2) Keypad (6) (Audio controls)

ESC (Escape): cancellation of the SOURCE: switching of the source
operation in progress. between the radio, CD and CD
MENU: displaying of the general changer.
menu. ¯: access to the musical ambience,
C: deletion of the last character bass, treble, loudness, rear/front bal-
entered or of the entire line. ance, left/right balance and automat-
ic volume correction settings.
Keypad (3) 7: accelerated backwards play.
The navigator. LIST: displaying of the list of stations
received, of the tracks of the CD.
8: accelerated forwards play.
Keypad (4)
BAND: Selection of the frequency
TEL (green): Pick up an incoming wavebands FM1, FM2, FMast (auto-
call. store function) and AM.
LION: access to the PEUGEOT serv- TA: TA function on/off - trafic infor- Navigator
ices menu. mation priority.
TEL (red): Hang up. PTY: access to the PTY function Located on the RT3 GPS audio/
(search by type of program if the telephone control keypad, this ena-
coding is activated by the broadcast- bles you to select and conirm the
Keypad (5) (numeric keypad) ing stations). functions, commands and param-
eters displayed.
Selection of the stored radio station
(18 FM memories - 3 wavebands), It incorporates:
(6 AM memories). - the up 5, down 6, left 7, right 8
Selection of the station stored, or of movement arrows which enable you
the CD in relation to the position in to move the cursor on the screen,
the CD changer. - the central button which enables
Telephone keypad - alphanumeric you to move the cursor on the
inputting keypad. screen and conirm.
Note: all selections can be cancelled
prior to conirmation by pressing the
external "ESC" (escape) button.
Details of each of the keypad controls
are indicated on the following pages.
Flap for SIM card (not

88 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

On/off Adjusting the volume Musical ambience

Turn the dial clockwise to increase This function permits the selection of a
Press the button the volume of the audio/telephone or musical ambience: "None", "Classical",
to switch the audio anti-clockwise to decrease it. "Jazz-Blues", "Pop-Rock", "Techno" or
function of the RT3 "Vocal".
GPS audio/telephone The volume setting is speciic to each
on or off. source. It is possible to have different Select the musical ambience using
settings for radio, CD or CD changer, the navigator.
The RT3 GPS audio/ telephone or voice synthesiser.
telephone can operate for approxi- Selecting a musical ambience sets
mately 30 minutes without the vehicle's the bass and treble automatically.
ignition being switched on, under nor-
mal conditions of use and maintenance
of the battery.
After the ignition has been switched Audio settings
off, the audio/telephone can be
switched on again by pressing the Press button ¯ sev-
"TEL" (green) button or by inserting eral times to access
a CD in the player. the Musical Ambi-
ence, Bass, Treble,
Loudness, Rear -
Front Balance, Left -
Anti-theft system Right Balance and
The RT3 GPS audio/telephone is Automatic Volume Adjustment set-
coded in such a way that it can op- ting windows.
erate only on your vehicle. If it is to Exit from audio mode is by pressing
be removed and itted to another the "ESC" button or is automatic after
vehicle, check the feasibility and the a few seconds without any action. Selecting "None" permits ac-
coniguration of the system with your cess to all of the settings de-
PEUGEOT dealer. Bass, treble and loudness settings ined below.
are speciic to each source. It is pos-
The anti-theft system is automatic sible to have different settings for
and requires no action on your part. radio, CD or CD changer.
Adjusting the Bass
When "Bass" is displayed, vary the
setting using the navigator.
- "-9" for minimum bass setting
- mid-way for normal bass setting
- "+9" for maximum bass setting

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 89

Adjusting the Treble Radio Automatic station search

When "Treble" is displayed, vary the Notes on radio reception
setting using the navigator. Briely press button 7
The quality of the radio reception is
- "-9" for minimum treble setting subject to external phenomena, due or 8 to search for the
- mid-way for normal setting to the nature of the signals and the station immediately
- "+9" for maximum treble setting way in which they are transmitted. below or above.
Both MW/LW and FM are subject to The search stops at
various forms of interference. This is the irst station found.
not a relection on the quality of the If the TA trafic infor-
equipment. mation program is se-
Loudness lected, only the most
On MW/LW interference may be
Switch the function on or off using noticed when passing under high powerful stations
the navigator. voltage power lines or bridges, or in broadcasting this type
The loudness automatically empha- tunnels. of program are selected.
sises bass and treble tones when the On FM, interference may be the re- Searching for a station occurs irst in
volume is low. sult of increasing distance from the "LO" sensitivity (selection of the most
transmitter, delection of the signals powerful transmitters) during scan-
by obstacles (mountains, hills, build- ning of the waveband, then in "DX"
Setting the left/right sound ings, etc.) or of being in an area which sensitivity (selection of the weaker
distribution is not covered by a transmitter. and more distant transmitters).
When "Left - Right Balance" is dis- To make a direct search in "DX" sen-
played, vary the setting using the sitivity, briely press button 7 or 8
navigator. twice.

Setting the rear/front sound Selecting radio mode

Manual station search
When "Rear - Front Balance" is dis- Press the "SOURCE"
played, vary the setting using the button several times. Briely press button 5
navigator. or 6 to decrease or
increase the frequency
Automatic volume adjustment
Selecting a waveband By continuing to press
This function allows the volume to the button in the direc-
be adjusted automatically depending tion selected, you will obtain continu-
on the level of noise produced by the Briely press the
"BAND" button sev- ous scrolling of the frequency.
speed of the vehicle.
eral times to select the Scrolling stops at the irst station found
Switch the function on or off using FM1, FM2 , FMast and as soon as the button is released.
the navigator. AM wavebands.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 89

Adjusting the Treble Radio Automatic station search

When "Treble" is displayed, vary the Notes on radio reception
setting using the navigator. Briely press button 7
The quality of the radio reception is
- "-9" for minimum treble setting subject to external phenomena, due or 8 to search for the
- mid-way for normal setting to the nature of the signals and the station immediately
- "+9" for maximum treble setting way in which they are transmitted. below or above.
Both MW/LW and FM are subject to The search stops at
various forms of interference. This is the irst station found.
not a relection on the quality of the If the TA trafic infor-
equipment. mation program is se-
Loudness lected, only the most
On MW/LW interference may be
Switch the function on or off using noticed when passing under high powerful stations
the navigator. voltage power lines or bridges, or in broadcasting this type
The loudness automatically empha- tunnels. of program are selected.
sises bass and treble tones when the On FM, interference may be the re- Searching for a station occurs irst in
volume is low. sult of increasing distance from the "LO" sensitivity (selection of the most
transmitter, delection of the signals powerful transmitters) during scan-
by obstacles (mountains, hills, build- ning of the waveband, then in "DX"
Setting the left/right sound ings, etc.) or of being in an area which sensitivity (selection of the weaker
distribution is not covered by a transmitter. and more distant transmitters).
When "Left - Right Balance" is dis- To make a direct search in "DX" sen-
played, vary the setting using the sitivity, briely press button 7 or 8
navigator. twice.

Setting the rear/front sound Selecting radio mode

Manual station search
When "Rear - Front Balance" is dis- Press the "SOURCE"
played, vary the setting using the button several times. Briely press button 5
navigator. or 6 to decrease or
increase the frequency
Automatic volume adjustment
Selecting a waveband By continuing to press
This function allows the volume to the button in the direc-
be adjusted automatically depending tion selected, you will obtain continu-
on the level of noise produced by the Briely press the
"BAND" button sev- ous scrolling of the frequency.
speed of the vehicle.
eral times to select the Scrolling stops at the irst station found
Switch the function on or off using FM1, FM2 , FMast and as soon as the button is released.
the navigator. AM wavebands.

90 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Manual station storing Trafic information priority (TA) Search by type of program (PTY)
Select the station required. This is a search by type of program, if
Press one of the buttons "1" to "6" for Press the "TA/PTY" the coding is activated by the broad-
more than two seconds. button to switch the casting stations.
The sound is cut off and then returns, function on or off. It allows you to listen to stations
conirming that the station has been The multifunction dis- broadcasting a speciic type of pro-
stored in the memory. play will show: gram (news, culture, sport, rock,
weather, etc.)
- TA if the function is active,
When FM is selected, press the "TA/
- TA crossed out if the function is ac- PTY" button for more than two sec-
tive but not available. onds to switch the function on or off.
Automatic storing of FM stations
in the memory (Autostore) Any trafic information lash will be
given priority, whatever source you If the function is active, to ind a PTY
Press the "BAND" but- are listening to (radio, CD or CD program:
ton for more than two changer).
seconds. If you wish to interrupt the broad-
Your audio/telephone casting of a message, press the - press the "TA/PTY"
automatically stores "SOURCE" button to return to the button for more than
the 6 stations with the strongest sig- source which was in use prior to the two seconds,
nal in FM. These stations are stored interruption.
in the FMast waveband. The trafic information volume is
If it is not possible to ind 6 stations, independent of the normal audio/ - press button 5 or 6 or turn the dial
the remaining memories are empty. telephone volume. You can set it to scroll down the different types of
using the volume dial or the steer- programs offered, then conirm the
ing wheel control. The setting will choice,
be stored and will be used when the The irst station broadcasting the
Displaying the stations available next messages are broadcast. theme selected is tuned to.
In PTY mode, the different types of
You can display the list program can be stored in the memory.
of stations received lo- To do this, press the preselection
cally by pressing the buttons "1" to "6" for more than two
"LIST" button. This seconds. To recall the type of program
list can include up to stored in the memory, briely press the
30 stations. corrresponding button.
To update this list during your journey,
press the "LIST" button for more than
two seconds.
Note: stations which permit the
broadcasting of trafic information
are indicated by the display TA.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 91

EON system "Audio Functions" menu In the permanent audio application,

This system connects stations which press the navigator briely to display
are part of the same network. It per- Select the "Audio Func- the "RADIO" contextual menu.
mits the broadcasting of TA trafic tions" menu from the Activate or deactivate the RDS fre-
information or a PTY program by a general menu: quency following.
station that is part of the same net- - To activate/deactivate the The multifunction display will show:
work as the station to which you are RDS frequency following,
- RDS if the function is active,
listening. - To activate/deactivate the
REG regional following - RDS crossed out or greyed out if the
The service is available when you function is active but not available.
have selected the TA trafic information mode,
program or the PTY search program. - For the TMC trafic information.

Regional following mode (REG)

RDS When they are part of a network,
certain stations broadcast regional
"Radio" menu Using the RDS (Radio Data System) programs in the various areas they
function on FM serve. Regional following mode ena-
bles you to continue listening to the
The RDS allows you to continue lis- same program.
tening to the same station whatever
frequency it is using in the region In the permanent audio application,
you are going through. The display press the navigator briely to display
indicates the name of the station the "RADIO" contextual menu.
By pressing the navigator dial, in the selected. Activate or deactivate regional fol-
permanent radio application, you can: However, poor coverage of the net- lowing mode.
- Enter the frequency, work or particular environmental The multifunction display will show:
conditions may interfere with the - REG if the function is active,
- Activate/Deactivate the RDS fre- transmission.
quency following, - REG crossed out or greyed out if the
- Activate/Deactivate the REG regional The radio is continually searching function is active but not available.
following mode, for the transmitter which is transmit-
ting the same program with the best
- Display Radio Text to display infor- reception.
mation connected with the station
being listened to, if "RT" is dis-
played permanently.

92 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Voice commands Example: to recall the radio station Description of a directory entry
The voice commands enable you to stored on button 3, the key words When a description is associated with a
control a certain number of functions are: directory entry, you can record the de-
of the RT3 GPS audio/telephone us- "Radio" "Memory" "3". scription vocally so that it can be used
ing pre-recorded words or phrases. To use these key words, you must later for direct access by means of
say the word "Radio", wait for the voice commands (e.g.: "Call" "[Name
audible conirmation signal, then of vocal description]" or "Guide to"
say the word "Memory", wait for the "[Name of vocal description]").
Activation of the voice commands audible conirmation signal, then end Select "Consult or modify the entry"
with the word "3", wait for the audible on the "Management of directory
conirmation signal which will carry entries" menu to gain access to the
out the action requested. description inputting and recording
- between saying one key word and
the next, a screen indicates the
time remaining and the key word Press the record button at the end of
recognised, the lights stalk and follow the instruc-
- if no voice commands are uttered, tions.
this function will be deactivated af-
ter approximately ive seconds,
Press the end of the lights stalk to - if a word is not recognised, the
activate or deactivate this function. system says "Pardon" and dis-
plays "Word not recognised" on the

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 93

List of voice commands available Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

The voice commands which can be PREVIOUS LAST NUMBER

recognised by the system
(key words) are organised into three DIRECTORY DESCRIPTION
levels (levels 1, 2, and 3). RADIO MEMORY 1 ... 6
When you say a level 1 command, AUTOSTORE
the system makes the level 2 VOICE BOX
commands available; when you
say a level 2 command, the system PREVIOUS
makes the level 3 commands TRACK
available. SMS DISPLAY
The level 1 commands are (see table
on following page): DISPLAY
(change of permanent application)/ TRACK NUMBER 1 ... 20 DISPLAY
CALL (someone recorded in the CD PLAYER TRAFFIC INFO
(guidance to someone recorded in the SCAN STOP
Saying the words "HELP" or "WHAT NAVIGATION
CAN I SAY?" displays all of the PREVIOUS GUIDANCE
commands available on the screen. TRACK ZOOM OUT
all of the voice commands. SHOW
Miscellaneous words: STOP/ TRACK NUMBER 1 ... 20



94 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Compact disc source Selecting a track "CD" menu

The use of copied compact discs
may cause faults. Press button 8 to se-
Insert circular compact discs only. lect the following track.
Press button 7 to re-
turn to the start of the
current track or to select
the previous track.

Selecting CD mode

After inserting a disc,

printed face upwards, You can also select a track directly
the CD player starts via the list of tracks on the CD:
automatically. - press the "LIST" button to display
If a disc has already the list,
been inserted, press - press button 5 or 6 or turn the dial
the "SOURCE" button to select CD By pressing the navigator, you can
to select the track, activate/deactivate the following
mode. - press the navigator to start playing functions:
the track.
- random play with "Activate Random",
- playing of the start of the track with
Ejecting a disc "Activate Introscan",
- programming of tracks with "Pro-
gram tracks".
Press the button to eject Accelerated play
the disc from the player. Press and hold button 7 or 8 for back-
wards or forwards accelerated play.
Accelerated play stops as soon as
the button is released.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 95

Compact disc changer source Selecting the CD changer source "CHANGER" menu
The CD changer is located in the boot
on the right-hand side and can hold Press the "SOURCE"
6 discs. button several times.

Selecting a disc
Press one of the but-
tons "1" to "6" to select
the corresponding disc.
Buttons 5 and 6
permit the selection
of the previous/next
disc in the changer.
Press the navigator to activate/
deactivate the following functions:
- random play with "Activate Random",
Selecting a track - playing of the start of the track with
"Activate Introscan",
Press button 8 to select the next - repeating of the CD with "Activate
track. repeat".
To insert a disc in the changer: Press button 7 to return to the start
- open the sliding lap A, of the current track or to select the
- press button B to eject the cartridge C, previous track.
- open one of the six drawers of the You can also select a track directly Insert circular compact discs
cartridge by pulling the tab D, via the list of tracks on the CD: only.
- insert the disc in the cartridge, - press the "LIST" button to display Compact discs of the irst
printed face upwards, and close the list, generation of laser techno-
the drawer, - press the 5 or 6 down button or logy are no longer detected.
- insert the cartridge in the changer turn the dial to select the track, Some anti-pirating systems, on origi-
following the direction of the arrow, - press the navigator to start paying nal discs or CDs copied by a personal
- close the sliding lap A. the track. writer may cause faults, irrespective
of the quality of the original player.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 97

RT3 TELEPHONE Using the menus Within each menu:

This function is a GSM dual-band tele- Press the "MENU" button to dis- Move around by
phone (900 and 1 800 MHz) incorpo- play the general menu. Select the pressing the 5 or 6
rated in the RT3 GPS audio/telephone. "Telematics" application, then vali- buttons or by turning
It is a "hands-free" telephone. This date "Telephone functions" to access the navigator, then
function is provided by a microphone the principal telephone functions, validate by pressing
located next to the front courtesy then the various menus, in order to the navigator to se-
light, the audio equipment speak- reach the one required. lect a function.
ers, a steering column control and Cancel an operation by means of the
voice commands which allow access "ESC" button.
to most of the functions (the audio/
telephone control panel buttons al-
low access to all of the functions). This menu allows you
Display of the principal "mobile" type to access the following Using the alphanumeric
functions, as well as consultation of functions: keypad
the directories, is provided by the
multi-function display. For a given button, to input a charac-
ter in the second or subsequent rows
This function is active whatever posi- press until you obtain the character
tion the ignition key is in, even after - Network: allows you to select the
network search mode and to see required.
thirty minutes, when the switch to
economy mode message appears the networks available. Buttons Associated characters
on the multi-function display. - Duration of calls: allows you to con- [1] 1 or space
When the ignition has been switched sult the duration recorder of calls [2] 2 or A B C 2 or a b c 2
off, the audio/telephone can be made and zero re-set.
[3] 3 or D E F 3 or d e f 3
switched on again by pressing the - Security: allows you to use or modi-
"TEL" (green) button or by inserting fy the PIN code and to erase the list [4] 4 or G H I 4 or g h i 4
a CD in the player. of calls and text messages (SMS). [5] 5 or J K L 5 or j k l 5
For safety reasons, the driver must - Telephone options: allows you to [6] 6 or M N O 6 or m n o 6
carry out the operations while the conigure the calls with entering of [7] 7 or P Q R S 7 or p q r s 7
vehicle is stationary. my number, automatic answering
after X rings, speciication of ring [8] 8 or T U V 8 or t u v 8
options and allows you to conigure [9] 9 or W X Y Z 9 or w x y z 9
the call diversion number. [0] 0 or + (long press)
[#] # or conirmation
[*] * or erasing of last character
input (long press)

98 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Installing the SIM card Inputting the PIN code Cancelling of PIN code request
(not supplied) In the menu "Telephone functions"
select "Security", then "Process the
PIN code", then validate the "Cancel"
Recommendation: do not lose your
SIM card. Losing it would mean
anyone who inds it would be able to
make unlimited calls.
The PIN code is required each time
the ignition is switched on, unless the
PIN code has been stored or protec-
tion by PIN is not activated on the
SIM card.
Open the lap by pressing the point Input your PIN code using the al-
of a pencil on the circular opening phanumeric keypad and validate by
above the lap. pressing the navigator or button #
to access the network. Connection
Insert your SIM card (available from to the network is validated by the
a mobile telephone operator) in the appearance of a symbol on the multi-
holder as indicated in the graphics, function screen.
then re-insert the holder.
If you make three errors in succes-
Note: removal or insertion of the SIM sion when inputting your PIN code,
card must only be carried out after your SIM card will be blocked. To
the RT3 GPS audio/telephone has unblock it, you will need to input
been switched off. the PUK code. The PUK code will
Handle the SIM card with care. be supplied to you by the person sell-
ing your SIM card (input of the PUK
code allows for 10 errors in succes-
sion; after this the SIM card becomes
permanently unusable).

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 99

Telephone function screens Making a call Receiving a call

Not in use When a ringing sounds
The screen indicates the presence to let you know that a
of voice messages or text messages call is waiting, you can
(SMS) not listened to, the cumulatve choose either to accept
time in use since the last zero reset it by pressing the "Pick
and the status of your telephone. up" button or the end of the steer-
ing wheel control or not to accept it
In use Press the button to display the by pressing the "Hang up" button or
contextual menu of the telephone. by selecting and validating the "NO"
The screen indicates the time
elapsed since the start of the con- Pressing the end of the steering col- button on the "Answer?" screen.
versation, as well as the number* or umn control for more than 2 seconds
name of the person to whom you are calls up a contextual menu limited
speaking (if recorded in the directory) to the "Directory", "List of calls" and If you accept the call, to
and the status of your telephone. "Voice mail" functions. end your communica-
tion, press the "Hang up"
Entering a number button.
If you do not accept the
Select the function "En- call, it is transferred to
ter number" then enter your voice mail or to a call diversion
the number of the per- number.
son you wish to speak to You can activate or deactivate this
using the alphanumeric transfer by pressing the "Hang up"
keypad. button for more than two seconds.
Press the "Pick up" button to make
the call.
Making a call from a directory
Select the "Directory" function to
access all the iles containing a tele-
phone number or the "List of calls"
function to access the list of the
last twenty incoming (if the number
display option is active) or outgoing
There are two directories, the RT3
GPS audio/telephone directory and
the SIM card directory. To consult the
SIM directory, insert your SIM card
* If this option and service are available. and enter your PIN code.
100 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Text messages (SMS) Sending a text message "Telephone options" menu

Before typing your irst text mes- Select the "Telephone options" func-
Accessing text messages sage, check that your text messages tion from the "Telephone functions"
When the buzzer sounds (if the (SMS) centre number is stored cor- menu to access the functions:
SMS text messages buzzer option is rectly in the sub-menu "Server cen-
tre N°". If it is not, any text messages • "Conigure the calls" which permits
active) and a superimposed screen activation and deactivation of the
announces "Do you wish to read typed before this number is entered
will not be sent. "show my number" and "automatic
the new text message (SMS)?", answering after X rings" functions,
you can choose to read the text In the menu "Text messages (SMS)"
message received by selecting and validate the function "Typing of a text • "Ringing options" which permits
validating "YES" or postpone reading message". Type your text message adjustment of the ringing volume
it by selecting and validating "NO", using the alphanumeric keypad and for voice calls, activation of the text
by pressing the "ESC" button or validate it using the "OK" button to messages (SMS) receipt buzzer
by waiting until the announcement store it or validate the "Send" button and selection of a ring tone from
disappears. to send it. Validation of the "Send" the ive offered,
button enables you to enter the • "Diversion number/voice mail"
number of your recipient or select it which permits recording of the call
Note: the old text messages from the directory or from the list of diversion number chosen by the
stored and the new text messages, calls and send the message. customer, otherwise the call will be
the reading of which you wish to transferred to the voice mail.
postpone, can be consulted. Press
the "MENU" button then validate
the "Telematic" icon, select "Text
messages (SMS)" and validate the
function "Reading of text messages
received" by pressing the navigator.
Then scroll through the list by turning "Duration of calls" menu
the knob and press the knob to select Select the "Duration of calls" function
the text message to be read (if the from the "Telephone functions" menu
voice synthesiser is active). to consult the duration counters for
the calls made. The part counter to-
tals the duration of the calls since the
last zero reset carried out using the
"Zero reset" button.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 101

Services* Emergency call*

Press the button to In an emergency, If you have signed the speciic

display the "Services" press and hold the PEUGEOT contract, your call will
menu and select one of "SOS" button until a be located and you will be put in
the following services: signal is heard and contact with a PEUGEOT emergency
a call validation/de- representative.
letion screen is dis- For further details, refer to the gen-
played (delay of 6 seconds) or enter eral conditions of your contract.
112 directly.
• "Customer Contact Centre" con- Make an emergency call when you
tacts the PEUGEOT Customer are involved in a situation which "PEUGEOT Assistance"/
Contact Centre directly and permits leads you to fear serious conse- Emergency call
access to the services offered (this quences (injuries, ...) for those
call is suspended if an emergency A green diode lashes on the RT3
exposed to it (if you witness or are GPS audio/telephone panel, when
or assistance call has been made). involved in an accident resulting in the emergency call procedure or a
• "PEUGEOT Assistance" enables injuries, an attack, ...). call to "PEUGEOT Assistance" be-
you to contact the call centre which Before making a call of this kind, the gins, then lights continuously when
controls the PEUGEOT assistance audio/telephone must detect a cel- the call is taken by the services con-
service directly, make an assist- lular network and you must have cerned.
ance request and receive rapid inserted your SIM card.
assistance (you have 6 seconds It is not possible to make or receive
within which to cancel the call If you have not signed the speciic calls or send or receive SMS text
when it is made). During the as- PEUGEOT contract, the parameters messages during the connection;
sistance call phase it is not pos- of the "SOS" button are set so that a these will be diverted to your voice
sible to make any other calls with call is made to 112 - unique number mail.
the exception of emergency calls. made available by the worldwide
Signing the speciic PEUGEOT GSM network, reserved for emer-
contract means that you will be gency calls.
located; in this case, a star will ap-
pear in the text on the multifunction
• "Operator services" gives access
to the list of services speciic
to your operator (e.g.: customer
service, consumption monitoring,
news, stock market, weather, travel,
games, etc) if access is available.

* If option and service available. * If option and service available.

102 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Directory Creation/Modiication of a ile Recording a description

To create a ile, from the "Directory" associated with a directory ile
General menu, select the "Management of di- When a description is associated
The "Directory" appli- rectory iles" function, then "Add". with a directory ile, you can record
cation gives access to In the ile, select the section to be the description vocally to use it later
400 iles divided into illed in, conirm and then enter the for direct access by means of voice
4 independent sub-direc- information. commands (e.g.: "Call" "[Name of
tories ("User1", "User2", voice description]" or "Guide to"
To modify an existing ile, select it by "[Name of voice description]").
"User3" and "User4"). It means of the "Consult or modify the
enables you to manage these iles, ile" function of the "Management of Select "Consult or modify the ile"
make calls using the SIM card and directory iles" menu, then make the from the "Management of directory
activate guidance. modiications. iles" menu to access the description
entering and recording screen.
When entering the address, the navi-
gation CD ROM must be present to Press the record button and follow
obtain guidance to this destination. the instructions.
Main menu
From the general menu, select the
"Directory" application to access its
main menu and select one of the fol-
lowing functions:
• "Call", to call a number stored in a
RDS TMC (Traffic Message
ile, Channel) Traffic Information
• "Activate guidance to", to initiate You can access the information relat-
guidance to a location stored in a ing to trafic conditions from the "Au-
ile, dio functions" or "Telematics" menu,
• "Management of directory iles", to then from the "TMC Trafic Informa-
add, delete, modify and consult di- tion" function (see section "Satellite
rectory iles or exchange them with navigation system").
the SIM card, The RT3 GPS audio/telephone per-
• "Directory coniguration", to select mits access to the TMC RDS trafic
the working directory and deine information broadcast free on the FM
the default directory when the sys- waveband.
tem is switched on.

96 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

MONOCHROME DISPLAY CT Display coniguration

- Selection of the colours for the 16/9
display: selection of the colours
available for display.
- Sound: selection of the sound am-
The general menu bience, setting of the voice synthe-
siser and of the voice commands.
- Brightness.
Press the "MENU" button to access the
general menu and select one of the fol- - Selection of the units of measure-
lowing parameters and functions: Navi- ment.
gation - Guidance, Audio functions, Trip
16/9 COLOUR DISPLAY computer, Personalisation-coniguration,
Directory, Telematics, Map*, Video* and Selection of the language
Displays the following information: Air Conditioning. German, Spanish, French, English,
- the time, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and
- the date, The "Personalisation-Coniguration" Brazilian Portuguese.
- the exterior temperature (the value dis- menu provides access to successive
played lashes if there is a risk of ice), conirmation windows.
- the accesses check,
- the vehicle function status mes-
sages, displayed temporarily, Deine the vehicle parameters
- the warning displays, Permits the activation or deactivation of
- the RT3 audio equipment displays, certain driving and comfort functions:
the direct inputting of the frequency - permanent locking of the boot on
of a transmitter on the numeric key- the 407 Saloon (OFF by default),
pad, - automatic switching on of the lights
- the telematic systems displays (ON by default),
(telephone, services, ...), - automatic "follow-me-home" lighting
- the trip computer displays, (OFF by default),
- the air conditioning displays, - automatic rear wiping on engaging
- the satellite navigation system dis- reverse gear on the 407 SW (ON
plays. by default).
* With the 16/9 colour display only.

114 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort


You can connect video equipment

(camcorder, digital photographic
equipment, ...) to the three video
sockets, located in the glove box.
Video display is only possible when
Select the Video menu from the gen-
eral menu:
- "Activate video mode" to activate/
deactivate the video,
- "Video parameters" to set the dis-
play format, the brightness, the
contrast and the colours.
Press the "ESC" or "DARK" button to
exit video mode.
Press the "SOURCE" button sev-
eral times in succession to select an
audio source other than that of the

** 16/9 colour screen only.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 103

SATELLITE NAVIGATION The CD-Rom drive The last voice message recall
SYSTEM This is part of the RT3 GPS audio/ control
The satellite navigation system
guides you, by means of vocal and
visual instructions, to your chosen
The heart of the system lies in the
use of a map data base and of the 1. Ejection button on CD-Rom.
GPS system. With this system you 2. CD-Rom housing.
can ix the position of your vehicle by
means of a satellite network.
The navigation CD-Rom contains all Pressing for more than two seconds
The system uses the following the map data. on the button at the end of the
elements: lights stalk repeats the last voice
It must be inserted in the drive,
- the CD-Rom drive, printed face upwards. information.
- the coniguration CD-Rom, Use only CD-Roms approved by
- the navigation CD-Rom, PEUGEOT.
- the last voice message recall control,
- the control keypad, The control panel
- the monochrome screen or the
colour screen. This lets you navigate, select, choose
and validate the functions, from the
parameters displayed.
Certain functions or services de-
scribed may vary depending on the
version of CD-Rom or the country
where the vehicle is sold.

For safety reasons, the in-

putting of navigation infor-
mation by the driver must be
carried out when the vehicle
is stationary.
104 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

"C" button: Pressing the dial-navigator:

- Brief press: deletion of the last This allows:
character entered. - access to the list of controls (con-
- Press for more than two seconds: textual menu) of the permanent
deletion of the entire line. display, if there is no other display
"NAV" button: - conirmation of the selected func-
- Brief press: access to the naviga- tion or the modiied value.
tion - guidance permanent applica- - selection of a 'setting' or 'list'
tion. type parameter for modiication.
"MENU" button:
Rotation of the dial-navigator:
- Brief press: access to the general
menu. This allows you to move round the
- Press for more than two seconds: screen and thus select a function. Permanent locating
access to the help menu. It also allows you: This function enables you to display
- with a 'setting' type parameter, the name of the street along which the
"ESC" button: after selection, to increase or de- vehicle is travelling when guidance is
- Brief press: cancellation of the crease the value, not active, on condition that the navi-
operation in progress or clearing - with a 'list' type parameter, after gation CD-Rom is in the drive.
of the last superimposed display. opening the list, to scroll through Press the dial for more than two
- Press for more than two seconds: the values, seconds to display the name of the
clearing of all of the superimposed - with map guidance, to increase or street along which you are travelling.
displays and return to the perma- reduce the zoom.
nent application.
"5" and "6" buttons:
- Vertical movement in the menus,
screens and on the map on the 16/
9 colour screen.
"3" and "4" buttons:
- Horizontal movement in the men-
us, screens and on the map on the
16/9 colour screen.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 105

The satellite navigation During guidance, if the navigation General menu

system with the CT CD-Rom is present, the screen dis- Switch on the RT3 GPS audio/
monochrome screen or the plays different information depending telephone and insert the navigation
16/9 colour screen on the manoeuvres to be carried CD-Rom.
Press the "MENU" button to access
1. Current manoeuvre or compass the general menu.
General notes on the display or course (if calculation in
progress or zone not mapped). Select the Navigation/
2. Next manoeuvre to be carried Guidance icon using the
out. navigator, then validate
3. Next road to be taken. by pressing the navigator
to access the main "Navi-
4. Current road. gation - Guidance" menu.
5. Estimated time of arrival at
6. Distance to inal destination.
7. Distance to next manoeuvre.

Instrument panel screen Notes:

- depending on the situation of the
vehicle and on the reception of
GPS information, this information
may disappear from the screen
- during guidance, the navigation
CD-Rom must remain in the RT3
CT monochrome screen GPS audio/telephone drive.

16/9 colour screen

106 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Navigation - Guidance Selecting a destination Entering an address

The main "Navigation - Guidance" The "Select a destination" menu The last guidance address is dis-
menu offers various options for acti- offers various options for reaching a played.
vation or management of guidance: destination: To ill in the entry zones, select and
- choice of the type of destination - entering a postal address, validate in succession the zones
address (entering of address, - selecting a service available in a "Town", "Road" then "N°" (the last
service, GPS co-ordinates, stored town (town hall, hotel, cinema, air- two zones are optional).
address), port...), The "OK" function permits validation
- modiication to the initial route, - entering GPS details, of the address and access to the
- displaying of the chosen destina- guidance activation function.
- selecting a destination stored in the
tion, directory, The "Store" function permits record-
- setting of the guidance option pa- ing of the address in a directory ile.
- selecting one of the previous desti-
rameters, nations. The "Curr. loc" function permits
- stop or resume guidance (display- display of the current address.
ing of the message which changes
depending on the previous status).

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 107

Entering the name of the town When the list contains fewer than ive Entering the number of the road
names, these are displayed automat- or junction
ically. Select a town then validate by
pressing the navigator.
When the complete name of the
town is displayed, select the "OK"
function then conirm by pressing the
Note: once the town has been en-
tered, you can conirm by pressing
"OK". You will then be guided to the
centre of this town automatically.

Entering the name of the road

Enter the name of the street in the
same way as the name of the town.
To enter the name of a town, select When the full name of the street is Enter the number of the street previ-
each letter by turning the navigator or displayed, select the "OK" function ously entered.
by pressing the navigation buttons, then conirm by pressing the navigator. Select the "OK" function, then con-
then validate each letter by pressing irm by pressing the navigator.
the navigator.
Note: if the number of the street en-
If an error is made entering the let- tered is not listed, it is rejected. The
ters, the "Change" function or the "C" list of junctions is displayed automati-
button permits erasing of the last let- Entering the town and road using cally.
ter entered. the alphanumeric keypad Select a street from the "Junctions"
Note: following the validation of a Press the numeric key which corre- function, which avoids having to en-
letter, only those which could make sponds to the letter required until the ter the street number.
up a name existing in the database letter appears on the screen, then
appear. conirm by pressing the # key after
As letters are entered, the "List" func- each letter. The full destination is displayed.
tion indicates the number of towns Select the "OK" function, then
beginning with the same letters. Ac- conirm by pressing the navigator
tivation of this function permits selec- to access the guidance activation
tion of a town from the list. function. Follow the instructions
given by the system.

108 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Selecting a service Note: if the service selected is not GPS details

If you wish to be directed to a service, available in the programmed loca-
select the category corresponding to tion, a temporary message informs
the service, then conirm by pressing you of this.
the navigator. Following validation of the location,
The list of services corresponding to the service closest to it is displayed.
the category selected is displayed. The distance indicated is the dis-
tance as the crow lies from the serv-
Select the service then conirm by ice to the selected location.
pressing the navigator to access the
"Choice of a location" function.

The most recent destinations are

There are three possible methods
of deining the location to which you
wish to travel:
- accept the last details input by
means of the "OK" function,
An indication on the edge of the - input the details of your destination,
screen (x/n) shows you the maximum - automatically input the details of
The last address entered is dis- number of establishments providing
played. your current location by means of
the same service within a radius of the "Curr. loc" function.
There are three options for deining 30 miles (50 km), as the crow lies,
the location in which you wish to ob- from the selected location.
tain this service: Use buttons "<" and ">" to consult
- accept the last address entered us- the list provided.
ing the "OK" function, When the establishment of your
- ill in the "Town" and "Road" choice is displayed, you can:
zones, •฀select the "OK" function to activate
- automatically enter the name of guidance towards this service,
your current location using the •฀select the "Store" function to enter
"Curr. loc" function. this establishment in your directory.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 109

Selecting a destination stored in Selection of one of the previous Changing the initial route
the directory destinations

Select the "Directory" function to ac- Select the "Previous destinations" Activate the function "Divert route",
cess the ile in which the address you function to access one of the last then input the distance involved in
are looking for is stored. twenty addresses stored. the change required.
Select the "OK" function then vali-
Select a description by scrolling Select a description by scrolling date by pressing the navigator.
down the list by means of the navi- down the list by means of the navi- The system calculates the change
gator, then conirm by pressing the gator, then conirm it by pressing the which is closest to the value input
navigator. The directory ile is then navigator. The complete address is and gives you the option of whether
displayed. then displayed. or not to use this change.
Select the "OK" function, then press Select the "OK" function, then press
the navigator to access the guidance the navigator to access the guidance
activation function. activation function.
Details of the route
Follow the instructions given by the Follow the instructions given by the
system. system. You can consult the destination
address at any time by activating the
"Chosen destination" function on the
"Navigation - Guidance" menu.

110 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Guidance options Calculation criteria Management of the directory

This function enables you to rename
an address stored in the directory.
Select the description correspond-
ing to the stored address to be
Select the "Rename" function, then
conirm by pressing the navigator.
Select the "OK" function, then
conirm by pressing the navigator to
record the changes made.

Stopping/Resuming guidance
- "Stop guidance"
During guidance, select this function
The menu "Guidance options" pro- The last criterion used is displayed. then validate.
vides access to the following func- Select a criterion from the list, then
tions: - "Resume guidance"
validate by pressing the navigator.
- changing of the route calculation In the absence of guidance, select
When the criterion of your choice this function then validate to activate
criteria, has been selected, select the "OK" guidance to the last destination pro-
- voice synthesis adjustment of guid- function then conirm by pressing the grammed.
ance messages, navigator.
- description of the information relat-
ing to the navigation CD-Rom, Note: after re-starting the engine,
Adjusting the voice synthesiser a screen appears enabling you to
- management of the addresses Select the type of voice "male" or resume guidance activated before
stored in the directory. "female", after inserting the conigu- the ignition was switched off.
ration CD-Rom.
Adjust the volume of the voice syn-
thesis by turning the navigator, then
validate by pressing the navigator.
Note: the volume can also be ad-
justed during a message, using the
audio/telephone button or the steer-
ing wheel control.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 111

"Navigation - Guidance" RDS TMC (Trafic Message Select the "TMC Trafic Information"
contextual menu Channel) Trafic Information function from the "Telematics" menu,
This function enables you to access you can select:
the TMC trafic information mes- - "Consult the messages" to display
sages broadcast free on the FM the list of TMC messages available,
waveband. - "Filter the TMC information" to se-
These messages may appear tem- lect one or more types of message,
porarily as a superimposed display - "Voice synthesiser" to listen to the
or be read by the voice synthesiser TMC messages received,
if it is active.
- "Activate/Deactivate trafic informa-
tion" to display the TMC messages
received or not.

The contextual menu associated with

the "Navigation - Guidance" application
appears as a superimposed display,
when this is the application currently in
use in the main screen window.
This menu is limited to the following
- changing of the initial route*,
- switching to "Selection-Movement
on map" mode**,
- storing of the current location (post-
al address if available or, if it is not,
the GPS co-ordinates),
- changing of the route calculation criteria,
- stopping or resuming of guidance You can read the messages transmit-
(displaying of the message which ted by the TMC station while listening
changes depending on the previ- to another station**.
ous status). In map mode**, special TMC sym-
- displaying of the map in full screen bols are displayed in relation to the
mode or reduced mode on the right type of information.
(displaying of the message which
changes depending on the previ- * CT monochrome screen only.
ous status)**. ** 16/9 colour screen only.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 111

"Navigation - Guidance" RDS TMC (Trafic Message Select the "TMC Trafic Information"
contextual menu Channel) Trafic Information function from the "Telematics" menu,
This function enables you to access you can select:
the TMC trafic information mes- - "Consult the messages" to display
sages broadcast free on the FM the list of TMC messages available,
waveband. - "Filter the TMC information" to se-
These messages may appear tem- lect one or more types of message,
porarily as a superimposed display - "Voice synthesiser" to listen to the
or be read by the voice synthesiser TMC messages received,
if it is active.
- "Activate/Deactivate trafic informa-
tion" to display the TMC messages
received or not.

The contextual menu associated with

the "Navigation - Guidance" application
appears as a superimposed display,
when this is the application currently in
use in the main screen window.
This menu is limited to the following
- changing of the initial route*,
- switching to "Selection-Movement
on map" mode**,
- storing of the current location (post-
al address if available or, if it is not,
the GPS co-ordinates),
- changing of the route calculation criteria,
- stopping or resuming of guidance You can read the messages transmit-
(displaying of the message which ted by the TMC station while listening
changes depending on the previ- to another station**.
ous status). In map mode**, special TMC sym-
- displaying of the map in full screen bols are displayed in relation to the
mode or reduced mode on the right type of information.
(displaying of the message which
changes depending on the previ- * CT monochrome screen only.
ous status)**. ** 16/9 colour screen only.
112 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Filtering the TMC messages General notes on the "Map" A "Zoom" function enables you to
application** enlarge the map, in accordance with
The "Map" application has two dis- the thirteen preset levels relating to
play modes: the following scales:
- "Vehicle following on map" mode, - 50 m/cm, 100 m/cm, 150 m/cm,
representing active guidance on 200 m/cm, 500 m/cm,
the map on the right and a large- - 1 km/cm, 2 km/cm, 5 km/cm,
scale view of the next intersection - 10 km/cm, 20 km/cm, 50 km/cm,
on the left, - 100 km/cm, 200 km/cm.
- "Selection-Movement on map" This is achieved by turning the
mode, representing consultation navigator.
of the map in full screen mode or
reduced mode on the right with a
compass on the left.
"Vehicle following on map" mode
To switch from one mode to the
other, press the dial briely, then se-
lect the "Move on map" or "Exit map
To ilter these messages, select the mode" function.
"Filter TMC information" function
from the "TMC Trafic Information"
menu, you then have: You can see symbols, representing
the various types of services which
- "Filter by route" to obtain the mes- exist, sorted by category:
sages relating to the current guid-
ance path, - "Administration and safety" symbol
on a grey background,
- "Filter by event" to display the mes-
sages relating solely to accidents - "Hotels, bars and restaurants" sym-
or trafic jams, bol on a yellow background, This mode permits:
- "Geographical ilter" to take into ac- - "Other businesses" symbol on a - displaying of the vehicle on the
count the messages within a radius purple background, map with the route proposed by the
of action to be deined around the - "Culture, tourism and entertain- navigation if the guidance is active,
vehicle and/or a location. ment" symbol on a white back- - zooming in on the map in
You can ilter these messages using ground, accordance with the thirteen preset
one or more ilters at the same time. - "Sports centres and open air levels,
centres" symbol on a green back- - displaying of the "Navigation - Guid-
ground, ance" contextual menu.
- "Transporation and automobiles"
symbol on a blue background.
** 16/9 colour screen only.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 113

Map "Selection-Movement on map" "Map" contextual menu


From the general menu, the main This mode permits: The contextual menu associated with
"Map" menu offers various options - selection of any point on the map the "Map" application and with the
for guidance management: to obtain guidance towards it or to "Selection-Movement on map" mode
- switching to "Selection-Movement obtain information about it (postal appears as a superimposed display,
on map" mode, address if available or, if it is not, when these are in use in the main
GPS co-ordinates), screen window.
- direction of the map towards the
North or in the direction of the - movement on the map by means This menu is limited to the following
vehicle, of the four directional arrows, rep- functions:
- recentring of the map around the resenting the four cardinal points - displaying of the information on the
vehicle, (North, East, South, West), location selected on the map,
- opening of the services selection - zooming in on the map in - selection of a location on the map
windows visible on the map, such accordance with the thirteen preset as a destination,
as hotels, service stations, etc. levels, - storing of the location selected
- displaying of the window for enter- - displaying of the "Map" contextual (postal address if available or, if it is
ing the description for recording the menu. not, GPS co-ordinates, so that they
current position of the vehicle in a can be recorded in a directory ile),
directory ile. - switching to "Vehicle following on
map" mode.

116 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Use of the automatic regulation of
the air conditioning is recommended. Advice on operation 1. Centre panel vents.
It permits automatic and optimised 2. Temperature and humidity
control of all of the following func- To obtain even ventilation, avoid sensor.
tions: air low, passenger compart- closing the air diffuser grille 10.
ment temperature, air distribution, 3. Adjustment of the glove box
If, when the vehicle has been parked air low (see section "Interior
economy or air recirculation mode, in the sun for a long time, the interior
by means of various sensors (exteri- layout").
temperature remains very high, do
or temperature, interior temperature, not hesitate to ventilate the passen- 4. Air outlet to passenger
sunshine), so preventing the need ger compartment for a few minutes. footwells.
for you to change your reference set- 5. Two ventilation vents at
tings other than the value displayed. For even air distribution, take care
not to obstruct the exterior air intake the rear at the base of the
In addition, a humidity sensor antici- centre console between the
pates the formation of condensation grille located at the bottom of the
windscreen, the vents, the air out- passengers.
in the vehicle during its use.
lets under the front seats and the air 6. Side vents.
extractor located behind the laps in 7. Front windows de-icing or
the boot. demisting vents.
Do not block sensors 2 and 9. 8. Windscreen de-icing or
When towing a trailer with a consid- demisting vents.
erable load and when the exterior 9. Sunshine sensor.
When the engine is cold, to temperature is very high, the air con-
prevent too great a distribu- 10. Air diffuser grille.
ditioning may be cut off temporar-
tion of cold air, the ventilation ily if the engine cooling makes this
will only reach its optimum necessary.
level progressively.
Pull the blinds on the rear door
On entering the vehicle, the interior windows and the rear screen.
temperature may be much colder (or
warmer) than is comfortable. There Close the windows to beneit from Air diffuser
is no need to change the tempera- the full effectiveness of the air
conditioning. The air diffuser grille, located at the
ture displayed in order to obtain the top of the centre console, signiicantly
comfort required rapidly. improves distribution and lows
The automatic regulation of the air and prevents air currents, while
conditioning will use its maximum maintaining an optimum temperature
performance settings to correct the inside the passenger compartment.
temperature difference as quickly as

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 117

118 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Mono zone: this is the overall regula-
tion of the temperature, distribution and
low in the passenger compartment.
The symbols and messages associat-
ed with the automatic air conditioning
controls appear on the multifunction

General precautions Control by the Auto programme

Do not cover the temperature and
humidity sensor located to the left Automatic
of the glove box. It is used to regu- programme -
late the air conditioning. comfort (1)
Operate the air conditioning system
for 5 to 10 minutes once a month to Press the “AUTO” button. The indi-
keep it in perfect working order. cator light comes on. The “AUTO”
If the system does not produce cold symbol is displayed on the multifunc-
air, do not use it and contact your tion display.
PEUGEOT dealer. The system adjusts automatically to
Note: the condensation created by the value displayed.
the air conditioning system results It controls the distribution, low, tem-
in a low of water under the vehicle perature and intake of air in order to
when stationary which is perfectly guarantee comfort and an adequate
normal. circulation of air in the passenger
compartment. You do not have to
make any adjustments.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 119

Adjustment of the Blower (3) Adjustment of the

temperature (2) air distribution (4)
Air low
F Turn the dial 3 to
The value indicated on the display the right to increase Successive or continuous pressure
corresponds to a level of comfort the air low or to the on button 4 enables you to direct the
and not to a temperature in degrees left to reduce it. low of air.
Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on The symbol (arrows) corresponding
the choice of coniguration validated The air low symbol (fan) is displayed
on the multifunction display and is to the chosen direction is displayed
on the display. on the multifunction display.
illed in in relation to the value re-
F Press the right or left arrow to quired. 5 Windscreen and front side
change it. windows.
To prevent condensation and dete-
A setting around the value 21 makes rioration of the quality of the air in 3 Front and rear ventilation.
it possible to obtain optimum com- the passenger compartment, ensure 6 Front and rear footwells.
fort. However, depending on your that an adequate low of air is main-
requirements, a setting between 18 tained. AUTO Automatic distribution.
and 24 is usual.
Front visibility
The control of the air conditioning control (5)
regulation by the auto-adaptive pro-
gramme guarantees good ventilation Deactivation of the air
inside the passenger compartment. conditioning In certain atmospheric conditions,
F Turn the dial 3 to the comfort programme may not be
the left until the suficient to demist or de-ice the win-
Control via the manual low of air stops. dows (humidity, several passengers,
controls ice).
It is possible to adjust one or more F In this case, select the front vis-
The "OFF" symbol is displayed on ibility control in order to clear the
functions manually. the multifunction display. windows quickly. The indicator
The "AUTO" button indicator light is This action switches off the display light comes on.
switched off. and the indicator lights.
Switching to manual mode may re- It controls the air low and intake and
It deactivates all of the system’s distributes the ventilation to the wind-
sult in discomfort (temperature, hu- functions, with the exception of the
midity, odour, condensation) and is screen and front side windows.
rear screen demisting. The front visibility control symbol is
not advantageous (comfort).
The temperature-related comfort is displayed on the multifunction dis-
To return to automatic mode, press no longer controlled (temperature,
the "AUTO" button. play.
humidity, odour, condensation). Once the inconvenience has been
To reactivate the air conditioning: eliminated, pressing button 1 returns
the system to the comfort setting.
F Press button 1 or 2.
120 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Intake of exterior Rear screen "Webasto" additional heating*

air/Recirculation of demisting (7) Vehicles which are itted with an HDI
interior air (6) engine may be equipped with auto-
matic additional heating to improve
The heated rear screen operates your comfort.
This function enables you to isolate independently of the air conditioning
the passenger compartment from system. When the engine is idling or when
exterior fumes and odours. the vehicle is stationary, a high-
F Press button 7, with the engine pitched whistling noise and the emis-
F Press button 6 several times to running, to demist the rear screen
set the air intake mode, the indi- sion of a small amount of smoke and
and the mirrors. The indicator light odour is normal.
cator light which corresponds to comes on.
the mode set comes on at your
preference: Demisting stops automatically in re-
lation to the exterior temperature.
- intake of exterior air. Forced exte-
rior air intake mode. It may be stopped by pressing but-
ton 7 again or when the engine is
- recirculation of the air inside the switched off but resumes when the
passenger compartment. Pro- engine is switched on again.
longed operation in interior air
recirculation mode may result in
the formation of condensation and
deterioration of the quality of the
interior air.
Do not drive in air recirculation mode
for prolonged periods, except in truly
exceptional atmospheric conditions.
The message associated with the
control is displayed on the multifunc-
tion display.
F Press button 6 to return to auto-
matic control of the air intake.
When the ignition is switched off,
the settings are stored until it is
switched on again.

* According to country.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 121

"AIR CON" menu The "Air Conditioning" main menu Deactivation of the air
appears on the multifunction display conditioning (AC-OFF)
Press the "MENU" as the main display. The symbol "AC OFF" is displayed
button to gain access on the multifunction display.
to the general menu, There is a risk that the temperature
then conirm. setting value may not be reached
and you risk having condensation on
the windows.

The "General menu" appears on

the multifunction display. You can cancel the deactivation by
pressing the "AUTO" button or the
blower 3 on the air conditioning con-
trol panel.

Select the Air Conditioning icon us-

ing the navigator buttons.

122 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Dual zone: this is the differentiated
regulation of the temperature and
distribution on the driver's side and
the front passenger side.

The driver and his front passenger

can each adjust the temperature and
the distribution of the air to suit their
The symbols and messages associat-
ed with the automatic air conditioning
controls appear on the multifunction

General precautions Control by the Auto program

Do not cover the temperature and
humidity sensor located to the left Automatic program
of the glove box. It is used to regu- - driver and
late the air conditioning. passenger comfort
Operate the air conditioning system (1)
for 5 to 10 minutes once a month to Press the "AUTO" button. The indi-
keep it in perfect working order. cator light comes on. The "AUTO"
If the system does not produce cold symbol is displayed on the multifunc-
air, do not use it and contact your tion display.
PEUGEOT dealer. The system adjusts automatically to
the value displayed.
It controls the distribution, low,
Note: the condensation created by temperature and intake of air in
the air conditioning system results order to guarantee comfort and an
in a low of water under the vehicle adequate circulation of air in the
when stationary which is perfectly passenger compartment. You do not
normal. have to make any adjustments.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 123

Adjustment of the Blower (4) Adjustment of

temperature on the the driver's air
driver's side (2) Air low distribution (5)
Adjustment of the Adjustment of
temperature on the F Turn dial 4 to the the passenger air
passenger side (3) right to increase distribution (6)
F Press the up or down arrow to the air low or to
change the temperature on the the left to reduce it. Successive or continuous pressure
driver's side 2 or passenger side 3. on button 5 or 6 enables you to
The value indicated on the display direct the low of air on the driver's
corresponds to a level of comfort The air low symbol (fan) is displayed side or on the passenger side
and not to a temperature in degrees on the multifunction display and is illed independently.
Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on in in relation to the value required. The symbol (arrows) corresponding
the choice of coniguration validated To prevent condensation and to the chosen direction 5 or 6 is dis-
on the display. deterioration of the quality of the played on the multifunction display.
A setting around the value 21 makes air in the passenger compartment, 5 Windscreen and front side win-
it possible to obtain optimum com- ensure that an adequate low of air dows.
fort. However, depending on your is maintained. 3 Front and rear ventilation.
requirements, a setting between 18
and 24 is usual. 6 Front and rear footwells.
The control of the air conditioning Deactivation of the air conditioning AUTO Automatic distribution.
regulation by the auto-adaptive pro-
gram guarantees good ventilation F Turn the dial 4 to
inside the passenger compartment. the left until the
low of air stops.
Control via the manual controls
It is possible to adjust one or more The "OFF" symbol is displayed on
functions manually while leaving the the multifunction display.
other functions in automatic mode. This action switches off the display
The "AUTO" button indicator light is and the indicator lights.
switched off. It deactivates all of the system's
Switching to manual mode may re- functions, with the exception of the
sult in discomfort (temperature, hu- rear screen demisting.
midity, odour, condensation) and is The temperature-related comfort is
not advantageous (comfort). no longer controlled (temperature,
To return to automatic mode, press humidity, odour, condensation).
the "AUTO" button.
To reactivate the air conditioning:
F Press button 1, 2 or 3.
124 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Front visibility Intake of exterior Rear screen

control (7) air/Recirculation of demisting (9)
interior air (8)

In certain atmospheric conditions, This function enables you to isolate The heated rear screen operates
the comfort program may not the passenger compartment from independently of the air conditioning
be suficient to demist or de-ice exterior fumes and odours. system.
the windows (humidity, several F Press button 8 several times to F Press button 9, with the engine
passengers, ice). set the air intake mode, the indi- running, to demist the rear screen
F In this case, select the front vis- cator light which corresponds to and the mirrors. The indicator light
ibility control in order to clear the the mode set comes on at your comes on.
windows quickly. The indicator preference: Demisting stops automatically in
light comes on. - intake of exterior air. Forced exte- relation to the exterior temperature.
It controls the air low and intake and rior air intake mode. It may be stopped by pressing but-
distributes the ventilation to the wind- - recirculation of the air inside the ton 9 again or when the engine is
screen and front side windows. passenger compartment. switched off but resumes when the
The front visibility control symbol The indicator light which corresponds engine is switched on again.
is displayed on the multifunction to the mode set comes on. Prolonged
display. operation in interior air recirculation
Once the inconvenience has been mode may result in the formation of
eliminated, pressing button 1 returns condensation and deterioration of
the system to the comfort setting. the quality of the interior air.
"Webasto" additional heating
Do not drive in air recirculation mode
for prolonged periods, except in truly Vehicles which are itted with an HDI
exceptional atmospheric conditions. engine may be equipped with auto-
matic additional heating to improve
The message associated with the your comfort.
control is displayed on the multifunc-
tion display. When the engine is idling or when
the vehicle is stationary, a high-
F Press button 8 to return to auto- pitched whistling noise and the emis-
matic control of the air intake. sion of a small amount of smoke and
When the ignition is switched off, odour is normal.
the settings are stored until it is
switched on again.

* According to country.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 125

"AIR CON" menu

Press the "MENU"

button to gain access
to the general menu,
then conirm.

The "General menu" appears on

the multifunction display.

Deactivation of the air

Select the Air Conditioning icon using conditioning (AC-OFF)
the navigator buttons. Deactivation may result in discomfort
(temperature, humidity, odour, con-
The "Air Conditioning" menu
appears on the multifunction display
as the main display.

Deactivation or activation of the

You can cancel the deactivation by simultaneous Left-Right control
pressing the "AUTO" button or the
blower 4 on the air conditioning con- Activation of this function permits the
trol panel. transfer of the driver's coniguration
to the passenger.
Deactivation of this function permits
a return to the independent driver/
passenger settings.
Any manual action on button 4 or 6
cancels the simultaneous conigura-
tion setting.

126 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

When the alarm is triggered, the Remote control failure,

siren sounds and the direction indi- alarm set
cator lights lash for approximately
thirty seconds. F Unlock the doors with the key
After triggering, the alarm remains and open the door. The alarm is
set, ten times in succession. triggered.
On the eleventh time it will become F Switch on the ignition. The alarm
inactive again, until the next cycle of is disarmed.
disarming then setting of the alarm.
Warning: if button A indicator light Incorrect operation
lashes rapidly, the alarm has been When the ignition is switched on, if
triggered while you were away from button A lights for ten seconds, there
your vehicle. is a fault in the siren connection.
THE ALARM Note: if the alarm has been triggered Contact a PEUGEOT dealer to have
This provides two types of surveil- in your absence, this lashing stops the system checked.
lance: when the ignition is switched on.
- exterior protection: it sounds if
a door, the boot or the bonnet is Unlock the vehicle with the remote
opened. control key. Automatic activation*
- interior protection: it sounds if the The alarm is disarmed, indicator light A The alarm is activated automatically
volume inside the passenger compart- goes out when the ignition is switched on two minutes after the last closure of a
ment changes (breaking of a window (unless the alarm has been triggered). door or the boot.
or a movement inside the vehicle). To set the alarm with exterior In order to avoid accidental triggering
Setting the alarm protection only of the alarm when a door or the boot
is opened, it is essential to press the
If, while you are away from the ve- unlocking button on the remote con-
F Switch off the ignition and get out hicle, you wish to leave a window
of the vehicle. trol again.
partially open or a pet inside the
F Set the alarm, by locking or dead- vehicle, you should choose exterior
protection only. When the alarm is set, if a
locking using the remote control door, the tailgate or the bon-
(button A indicator light lashes F Switch off the ignition, net is not closed correctly,
once per second). the siren is triggered briely.
F In the next ten seconds, press
If you wish to lock or deadlock your button A until the indicator light is If the vehicle is closed correctly with-
vehicle without setting the alarm, on continuously, in the next 45 seconds, the alarm is
lock it (one turn of the key) or dead- set. In all cases, the alarm is set after
lock it (a second turn within ive sec- F Get out of the vehicle, 45 seconds.
onds maximum) using the lock. F Set the alarm by locking or dead-
locking using the remote control
(button A indicator light lashes
once a second). * According to country.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 133

'PORSCHE TIPTRONIC Gear selection gate Moving Off

GEARBOX F Move the lever in the gate to With the engine running, move off
select a position. from position P:
The four or six speed automatic gear- The indicator light corresponding to F to exit position P, it is essential
box offers, as required, the comfort of the position selected appears on the to press the brake pedal,
the auto-adaptive program enhanced instrument panel screen. F select position R, D or M, then
by a selection suited to dynamic driv- gradually release the pressure
ing conditions: sport, or to driving on on the brake pedal; the vehicle
a slippery road: snow. Park: to immobilise the vehicle and to
start the engine, with the handbrake moves off immediately.
However, manual selection is still on. To move off from position N:
possible using the gear lever.
F with your foot on the brake,
Reverse: to reverse (select this release the handbrake,
position with the vehicle stationary, F select position R, D or M, then
engine at idle). gradually release the pressure
on the brake pedal; the vehicle
Neutral: to start the engine and to moves off immediately.
park, with the handbrake on.
When the engine is at idle, brakes
Note: if position N is inadvertently not applied, if position R, D or M
engaged while driving, allow the en- is selected, the vehicle moves
gine to return to idle before engaging even without the accelerator being
position D then accelerate. pressed.
Do not leave children unsuper-
Drive: to drive in automatic mode. vised inside the vehicle, with
position R, D or M selected, with
Manual: to drive selecting the gears. the engine running, as the vehicle
moves even without the accelera-
tor being pressed.
S: sport program. With the ignition off, if the lever is
not in position P, an audible signal
T: snow program. is heard when the driver's door
is opened, or after approximately
Starting the engine 45 seconds. Move the lever to posi-
tion P. The audible signal ceases.
F with the handbrake on, select When maintenance operations need
position P or N in the gate, to be carried out with the engine run-
F turn the ignition key. ning, apply the handbrake and select
the Park position.
134 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

The auto-adaptive program Sport and Snow programs Notes:

It is only possible to change from one
F select position D in the gate: the These are two special programs. gear to another if the vehicle speed
gearbox operates in auto-adap- The program selected is displayed and engine speed permit. If they do
tive mode, without any action on on the instrument panel screen. not, the vehicle will operate tempo-
your part, taking into account the rarily in automatic mode.
following parameters: Sport program
When the vehicle is stationary or
- the style of driving, F Press button S once the vehicle moving very slowly, the gearbox
- the proile of the road, has been started in position D, the automatically selects gear M1.
- the vehicle load. auto-adaptive program favours Programs S (sport) and T (snow) do
dynamic driving. not operate in manual gear selection
To obtain maximum acceleration
without touching the lever, press the Snow program mode.
accelerator down fully (kick down). This program improves starting and
The program will change down au- drive when traction is poor.
tomatically or will stay in the gear Operating check
selected until the maximum engine F Press button T once the vehicle
speed is reached. has been started and position Any operating abnormality is
D has been selected, the auto- indicated by lighting of this
When the brake is applied, the adaptive program adjusts the warning light, accompanied
program will change down auto- performance of the vehicle to the by an audible signal and a
matically in order to provide eficient condition of the slippery road. message on the multi-function dis-
engine braking. play.
You can deactivate the Sport or
Snow program at any time by press- In this situation the gearbox oper-
Note: ing the button selected. ates in downgrade mode (locked in
Releasing the accelerator sharply 3rd gear). You may feel a substantial
does not have any immediate effect knock when changing from P to R
on the speed of the vehicle. Operation with manual and from N to R (this will not cause
selection of the gears any damage to the gearbox).
WARNING Do not exceed 60 mph (100 km/h) or
F select position M in the gate, keep within local speed limits.
Never select position N when the F push the lever to the + sign to Contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon
vehicle is moving. change up a gear and push again as possible.
Never select positions P or R unless to change up another gear,
If the battery is lat and the lever in
the vehicle is stationary. F pull the lever to the - sign to change is position P, it will be impossible to
Never change between positions down a gear and pull again to change to another position.
to optimise braking on a slippery change down another gear.
In particular, do not force the lever
surface. You can change from position D or there is a risk the gearbox may be
(driving in automatic mode) to posi- damaged.
tion M (driving in manual mode) at
any time.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 135


Reverse To apply
To change to reverse gear, lift the When parking on a slope, turn the
ring under the gear lever knob and wheels towards the kerb and apply
push the gear lever to the left then to the handbrake.
the front. To release
Reverse gear can only be engaged Pull the handle and press the button
when the vehicle is stationary with to release the handbrake.
the engine idling.
The handbrake must not be used to
stop or brake the vehicle while it is

136 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort


The ABS increases the stability and In an emergency, this system enables
manoevrability of your vehicle on the optimum braking pressure to be
braking, in particular on poor or slip- reached more quickly, thus reducing
pery road surfaces. the stopping distance.
This system comes into operation It is triggered by the speed at which
automatically when there is a risk of the brake pedal is activated. The
wheel lock. effect of this is a reduction in the re-
Normal operation of the ABS may sistance of the pedal and an increase
make itself felt by slight vibrations of in braking eficiency.
the brake pedal.
In emergency braking, press very
irmly without releasing the pres-
Note: when changing wheels (tyres
and rims), make sure that these are

This indicates that the ABS

is faulty.

It comes on on the instru-

ment panel screen also.

If it comes on permanently above

6 mph (10 km/h), it indicates an ABS
However, the vehicle retains conven-
tional servo-assisted braking.
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 127

First activation Warning: the vehicle speed must

be above 25 mph (40 km/h) in or-
F Place the dial 1 in the "On" posi- der to be able to activate the cruise
tion to access the cruise control control.
function. On a vehicle itted with a manual
F Position the speedometer needle gearbox, it is also necessary to be in
at the speed required. at least fourth gear.
F Press button 2 "set-" or 3 "set+" to On a vehicle itted with an automatic
activate the cruise control. gearbox, it is necessary to be either
in position D, or in selective driving
At this moment, the vehicle speed is mode in a gear higher than or equal
maintained without any intervention to position 2.
on your part. It is stored as the cruis-
ing speed which is displayed: Adjust your selection
When the cruise control is activated,
pressing button 3 "set+" increases
the cruising speed displayed on the
CRUISE CONTROL instrument panel.
The cruise control function allows you Pressing button 2 "set-" reduces the
to choose and maintain a constant cruising speed displayed on the in-
vehicle speed, called the "cruising strument panel.
speed", irrespective of the proile of Short press: +/- 1 mph (1 km/h)
the road and without any action on Long press: +/- 5 mph (5 km/h)
the part of the driver on the accelera- on the 4-dial instrument panel display
tor pedal or the brake pedal. Maintained press: continuous in-
crease or decrease of the value in
The "cruising speed" is chosen by steps of 5 mph (5 km/h).
the driver and must comply with the
highway regulations in use at local The vehicle gradually reaches the
and national level. new cruising speed displayed on the
instrument panel.
The cruise control function must not
be used on slippery roads or in heavy You can drive faster than the cruising
trafic. speed at any time by pressing the
accelerator pedal. This does not de-
activate the cruise control. When you
release the accelerator pedal, the ve-
hicle returns to the cruising speed.
Pressing button 3 "set+" or 2 "set-"
on the 5-dial instrument panel display while you are driving faster than the
cruising speed stores the current
speed as a new cruising speed.

128 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Deactivating the cruise End of cruise control mode When the cruise control is selected
control and a fault is present, a warning
F Place the dial in the "Off" posi- light comes on, an audible signal is
The cruise control is deactivated by tion. heard and a message appears on
the following actions: Note: after placing the dial 1 in the the multifunction display. Contact a
- pressing cruise control button 4 "Off" position or after switching off PEUGEOT dealer to have the sys-
"Cancel", the engine, it is necessary to repeat tem checked.
- pressing the brake pedal, the "First activation" stage in order to
activate the cruise control.
- pressing the clutch pedal on a vehi-
cle itted with a manual gearbox,
- selecting a gear which is not au-
thorised on a vehicle itted with an Display on the instrument
automatic gearbox. panel
When the dial is in the "ON" position,
The cruise control is also deactivated the cruise control symbol is displayed
in the following circumstances: on the instrument panel associated
- when the vehicle speed falls below with a description "OFF" indicating
22 mph (35 km/h), that the speed reference value has
not yet been entered.
- when the ESP is activated.
To the right of the symbol, dashes
indicate that a irst activation has not
yet taken place.
When the irst activation takes place,
Reactivating the cruise control the description "OFF" disappears
If the conditions necessary for activa- and the dashes are replaced by the
tion are met (see § First activation), display of the cruising speed stored.
the cruise control can be reacti- When the driver exceeds the cruising
vated: speed, it lashes on the instrument
- by pressing button 4 "Cancel" to panel.
regain the cruising speed stored,
- by pressing button 2 "set-" or 3 When the cruise control is deac-
"set+" to store the current speed as tivated, the description "OFF" ap-
the new cruising speed. pears; the cruising speed stored is
still displayed.
When the cruise control is reacti-
vated, lashing of the cruising speed
for a few seconds indicates that the
activation conditions have not been
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 129

Selecting the function Note: It is possible to accelerate

and drive momentarily at a speed
F Place switch 1 in the CRUISE greater than the memorised speed.
position. The cruise control is The value memorised lashes. When
not yet active and no speed has the accelerator pedal is released, the
been memorised. The display in- vehicle will return to the memorised
dicates: speed.

Cancelling the memorised speed

If you wish to cancel the memorised
CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED F Press button 4 or the brake or
LIMITER clutch pedal. The display indicates
Switching the function off (e.g. at 70 mph (110 km/h)):
Cruise control function F Place switch 1 in position 0 or
This enables the vehicle to maintain LIMIT to switch the system off.
a steady speed programmed by the
driver, regardless of the road charac- Activation/memorising a speed
teristics and without the driver hav-
ing to touch the accelerator or brake As soon as you reach the chosen
pedals. speed, press button 2 or 3. This
memorises the speed, which will
In order for it to be memorised, the be maintained automatically. The
vehicle speed must be greater than display indicates (e.g. at 70 mph
25 mph (40 km/h) with at least fourth (110 km/h)):
gear engaged (second gear for the
automatic gearbox), with the engine

130 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Note: the speed memorised is can- Changing a memorised speed Operating check
celled automatically if the vehicle To memorise a speed higher than the In the event of a cruise control mal-
speed is less than 25 mph (40 km/h), previous one, there are two options: function, the memorised speed is
or if the manual gearbox is in a gear erased, the dashes lash for a few
lower than fourth (second gear for Without using the accelerator:
the automatic gearbox) or if the ESP F press button 3;
is activated. Using the accelerator:
F exceed the memorised speed un-
til the required speed is reached,
Recalling the memorised speed
F press button 2 or 3.
After cancellation, press button 4.
Your vehicle will return to the last
memorised speed. The display indi- To memorise a speed lower than the
cates (e.g. at 70 mph (110 km/h)): previous one:
F press button 2;

A warning light comes on, an audible

Short press: +/- 1 mph (1 km/h) signal is heard and a message ap-
Long press: +/- 5 mph (5 km/h) pears on the multifunction display.
Maintained press: continuous in- Contact a PEUGEOT dealer to have
crease or decrease of the value in the system checked.
steps of 5 mph (5 km/h).

Cancelling the memorised speed

F Place switch 1 in position 0 or Do not use the cruise control
LIMIT or switch off the ignition. on slippery roads or in heavy

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 131

Selecting the function Memorising a speed

F Place switch 1 in the LIMIT posi- A speed can be memorised without
tion. The limiter is not yet active. activation of the limiter.
By default the display indicates: Pressing buttons 2 and 3 decreases
or increases the speed.
Short press: +/- 1 mph (1 km/h)
Long press: +/- 5 mph (5 km/h)
Maintained press: continuous in-
crease or decrease of the value in
steps of 5 mph (5 km/h).

Activation/deactivation of the
LIMITER Pressing button 4 activates the lim-
iter, pressing this button again deac-
tivates it.
Limiter function When the limiter is active, the display
Switching the function off indicates (e.g. at 70 mph (110 km/h)):
This prevents the vehicle speed
exceeding the speed programmed F Place switch 1 in position 0 or
by the driver (minimum speed of CRUISE or switch off the ignition
18 mph (30 km/h)). to switch the system off. The last
speed programmed remains in
the memory.
The operations must be carried
out with the engine running.

132 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Exceeding the programmed Operating check

speed In the event of a limiter malfunction,
Additional pressing of the accelera- the memorised speed is erased, the
tor to exceed the programmed speed dashes lash for a few seconds:
will have no effect unless the pedal is
pressed irmly (passing the point of
The limiter is deactivated temporarily
and displays the programmed speed
(e.g. at 70 mph (110 km/h)):

A warning light comes on, an audible

signal is heard and a message ap-
pears on the multifunction display.
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer to have
the system checked.

Note: the speed also lashes when

the speed limiter cannot prevent
the vehicle from exceeding the pro-
grammed speed (on a steep descent
or in the event of sharp accelera-

To re-activate the limiter, release the If a mat is used which is not

accelerator to slow down to a speed recommended by PEUGEOT,
below the programmed speed. there is a risk that it may slide
under the accelerator pedal
and prevent pressing of the pedal
past the point of resistance.
In this case, it will only be possible to
exit from the speed limiter function by
operating the steering wheel stalk.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 137

ELECTRONIC STABILITY Disarming the ESP Operating fault

CONTROL (ESP) In exceptional conditions (starting When a malfunction of the system
the vehicle when it is stuck in the occurs, the warning light comes on,
This system is linked and comple- mud, immobilised in snow, on unsta- accompanied by an audible signal
mentary to the ABS system. ble ground...), it may be advisable to and a message on the multifunction
In the event of a signiicant variation disarm the ESP. display.
between the trajectory of the vehicle Contact a PEUGEOT dealer to have
and the path required by the driver, the system checked.
the ESP monitors wheel by wheel F Press the "ESP OFF" switch, lo-
and acts automatically on the engine cated on the centre console.
and on the brake of one or more The switch lights up and the warning
wheels, to put the vehicle back on light comes on: the ESP no longer
course, within the limit of the laws of acts on the operation of the engine. Instrument panel
physics. indicator light.

ESP operation
Instrument panel
Instrument panel indicator light.
The indicator light indicator light.
Instrument panel The ESP offers exceptional
indicator light. safety during normal driving,
The indicator light but this should not encour-
comes on. age the driver to take extra
risks (late braking) or drive at high
The system is triggered again: speed.
Correct operation of the system de-
F automatically if the ignition is pends on compliance with the manu-
switched off, facturer's recommendations regarding
F automatically above 30 mph the wheels (tyres and rims), the brak-
(50 km/h), ing components, the electronic com-
ponents and the PEUGEOT assembly
F manually by pressing the switch and operation procedures.
After an impact, have the system
checked by a PEUGEOT dealer.

138 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Manual selection of the SPORT Operating check

position This is conirmed by the switch light
F Press switch 1, the indi- and the indicator lights.
cator light comes on and
the SPORT warning light
comes on.
In this position, the suspension is In the event of a fault, it
maintained in the SPORT position. comes on, accompanied by
an audible signal and a mes-
sage on the multifunction
Select automatic operation and
contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon
To return to automatic operation as possible.
F Press switch 1 again. The
The suspension adapts automatically indicator light is switched
and instantly to different driving styles off and the AUTO indica-
and road characteristics, improving tor light comes on.
the comfort of the occupants and
the vehicle's road holding capabili-
ties. The suspension favours smooth
shock absorption, ensuring a comfort-
able ride, but as soon as conditions
demand a change (sporty driving,
tight bends, avoidance action, etc.)
it automatically selects irmer shock
absorption, guaranteeing optimum
road holding.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 139


This system consists of four prox-
imity sensors, located in the rear
This detects any obstacle (person,
cyclist, vehicle, tree, gate, etc.) be-
hind the vehicle. Nevertheless, it
cannot detect obstacles located just
below the bumper.
Warning: an object, such as a stake,
a roadworks cone or any other simi-
lar object detected at the beginning
of the manoeuvre may no longer be
detected during the manoeuvre.
To make manoeuvres in reverse gear
easier, adjust your mirrors in accord-
ance with the "Automatic tilting of the Your vehicle's rear speakers emit an Deactivation
mirrors in reverse gear" function. audible signal:
F Press the switch on the
- on the right if an obstacle is centre console.
Maintenance: ensure that the sen- detected on the right,
sors are not covered with mud, frost - on the left if an obstacle is detected
or snow. on the left, The indicator light on the switch
- on the right and left if an obstacle is comes on and the system becomes
detected in the centre. completely inactive.
When the distance between the rear
of the vehicle and the obstacle is less
than approximately twenty-ive centi-
metres, the audible signal becomes
Activation continuous.
The system is activated as soon as Switching the system off
reverse gear is engaged; an audible If there is an operating fault,
bleep shows that it is active. on changing to reverse gear
F Change to neutral, the system is a warning light on the instru-
The proximity information is given by again inactive. ment panel, an audible signal
an audible signal, which becomes and a message on the multifunction
more rapid as the vehicle approach- display indicate that there is a sys-
es the obstacle. tem malfunction.
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.

140 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

TYRE UNDER-INFLATION Stop immediately, avoiding any sud- All repairs and changing of
DETECTION den movement of the steering wheel tyres on a wheel itted with
and the brakes. this system must be carried
Sensors check the tyre pressure dur- Change the damaged wheel (punc- out by a PEUGEOT dealer.
ing driving and trigger a warning in tured or very delated tyre), and have If, when changing a tyre, you install a
the event of malfunction. the tyre pressure checked as soon wheel which is not detected by your
as possible. vehicle, you must have the system
reinitialised by a PEUGEOT dealer.
Flat tyre
The tyre under-inlation detection
Instrument panel Sensor(s) not detected or faulty system is an aid to driving which
warning light. does not replace the need for the
This is accompa- Instrument panel driver to be vigilant or to drive re-
nied by the message on the multi- warning light. sponsibly.
function display locating the wheel This is accompa-
concerned. nied by the mesage
on the multifunction display which indi- This system does not eliminate
Instrument panel cates that under-inlation detection is the need to have the tyre pressure
display warning absent from one (or several) wheel(s) checked regularly (see manufactur-
light. or that there is a fault in the system. er's label on the door pillar) to ensure
This is accompanied by the audible that the optimum dynamic perform-
signal and the message on the multi- ance of the vehicle is maintained and
Instrument panel prevent premature wear of the tyres,
function display locating the wheel display warning
concerned. particularly in arduous driving condi-
light. tions (heavy load, high speed).
If this warning light comes on, have This is accom-
the tyre pressure checked as soon The tyre pressures must be checked
as possible. panied by the audible signal and cold, at least once a month. Remem-
the message on the multi-function ber to check the pressure of the
display which indicates that under- spare wheel.
Puncture inlation detection is absent from one
(or several) wheel(s) or that there is The tyre under-inlation detection
a fault in the system. system may experience temporary
interference due to radioelectric
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer to re- emissions on a frequency close to
place the faulty sensor(s). that used by the system.
This warning light, accompanied by
the audible signal and the message Note: this message is also displayed
on the multi-function display locating when one of the wheels is away from
the wheel concerned, is followed by the vehicle (being repaired) or when
illumination of the 'STOP' warning one or more wheels without a sensor
light. are itted.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 141

CHANGING A WHEEL Tools available Removal

The following tools are located in F For vehicles with steel wheels,
F Park the vehicle on level, stable the holder in the centre of the spare detach the trim using extension 2
and non-slippery ground. wheel: pulling at the valve passage hole.
F Apply the handbrake, switch off 1 - Wheelbrace. F For vehicles with alloy wheels, re-
the ignition and engage irst or 2 - Wheelbrace extension. move the trim covers using tool 5.
reverse gear (position P for the 3 - Jack.
automatic gearbox). F Loosen the wheel bolts.
4 - Removable towing eye.
F Never go underneath a vehicle F Take the jack from the tool kit.
5 - Alloy wheel trim cover tool.
which is supported only by a jack. F Place the jack 3 in one of the four
locations underneath the vehicle
(the nearest one to the wheel to
be changed).
Access to the spare wheel and F Extend the jack using wheelbrace
the jack in the boot. 1 and the extension 2.
F Lift the loor using the lifting han- F Unscrew the bolts and remove the
dle. Secure the handle behind the wheel.
boot seal.

142 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

Fitting a wheel Reminder: for your safety, always Information on the instrument
change a wheel: panel:
F Position the wheel.
- on level, stable, non-slippery Punctured tyre warning
F Tighten the bolts by hand. ground, light
F Partly tighten the bolts using the - with the handbrake applied,
wheelbrace. - with irst or reverse gear engaged
F Fold the jack and remove it. (position P for the automatic gear- Tyre under-inlation
box), detection system warning
F Fully tighten the bolts using the - never go underneath a vehicle
wheelbrace. light
which is supported only by a jack.
F For vehicles with steel wheels, re- These original wheels are itted with
it the wheel trim starting by plac- a pressure sensor (see paragraph
ing its notch facing the valve and "Tyre under-inlation detection"). The
press with the palm of the hand. alarm which detects the removal or
absence of a wheel itted with the
F For vehicles with alloy wheels, After changing the wheel: indicator sensor signals the anom-
reit the trim covers. - have the tightening of the bolts and aly. Have the wheel repaired and
the tyre pressure of the spare wheel checked by a PEUGEOT dealer.
F Put the tool holder back in posi-
tion. This helps to keep the boot checked as soon as possible.
loor in its correct position, to pre- - have the punctured wheel repaired
vent any deformation of the loor and reit it to the vehicle as soon as
when loaded. possible.
F Tighten the spare wheel securing - have the spare wheel checked and
strap to prevent noise and for your replace it in its boot recess.
safety in the event of impact.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 143

Special features of alloy Fitting the spare wheel PARTIAL REMOVABLE

wheels If your vehicle is itted with a steel CLOSER*
spare wheel, when itting it, it is
normal when tightening the bolts to The partial removable closer is a
notice that the washers do not come cover which is clipped onto the air
into contact with the rim. The spare intake grille to prevent the accumula-
wheel is secured by the cone shape tion of snow due to direct splashes.
of each bolt.
Once it has been itted on your vehi-
Fitting snow tyres cle, it is imperative that it is removed
If you it snow tyres mounted on steel when the ambient temperature con-
wheels onto your vehicle, it is es- ditions rise above 10 °C again.
sential to use special bolts available Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
from your PEUGEOT dealer.

Anti-theft bolts
Your wheels are itted with anti-
theft bolts (one per wheel), placed
under chrome trims which must be
removed using tool 6, before the
bolts are unscrewed using one of the
two anti-theft sockets and the wheel
brace 1.
Note: these anti-theft sockets were
given to you on delivery of your ve-
hicle with the duplicate keys and the
conidential card. Make a careful note
of the code number engraved on the
head of the anti-theft socket. This will Tyres of size 215/55 R 17
enable you to obtain a duplicate anti- cannot be itted with stand-
theft socket from a PEUGEOT dealer. ard snow chains, contact a
Bolt covers You are advised to do the same for PEUGEOT dealer.
the duplicate keys and not to leave
Alloy wheel bolts are covered by the conidential card in the vehicle.
chrome trims.
Use the yellow tool 6 to remove the
trims before slackening the bolts.
* According to country.
407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 143

Special features of alloy Fitting the spare wheel PARTIAL REMOVABLE

wheels If your vehicle is itted with a steel CLOSER*
spare wheel, when itting it, it is
normal when tightening the bolts to The partial removable closer is a
notice that the washers do not come cover which is clipped onto the air
into contact with the rim. The spare intake grille to prevent the accumula-
wheel is secured by the cone shape tion of snow due to direct splashes.
of each bolt.
Once it has been itted on your vehi-
Fitting snow tyres cle, it is imperative that it is removed
If you it snow tyres mounted on steel when the ambient temperature con-
wheels onto your vehicle, it is es- ditions rise above 10 °C again.
sential to use special bolts available Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
from your PEUGEOT dealer.

Anti-theft bolts
Your wheels are itted with anti-
theft bolts (one per wheel), placed
under chrome trims which must be
removed using tool 6, before the
bolts are unscrewed using one of the
two anti-theft sockets and the wheel
brace 1.
Note: these anti-theft sockets were
given to you on delivery of your ve-
hicle with the duplicate keys and the
conidential card. Make a careful note
of the code number engraved on the
head of the anti-theft socket. This will Tyres of size 215/55 R 17
enable you to obtain a duplicate anti- cannot be itted with stand-
theft socket from a PEUGEOT dealer. ard snow chains, contact a
Bolt covers You are advised to do the same for PEUGEOT dealer.
the duplicate keys and not to leave
Alloy wheel bolts are covered by the conidential card in the vehicle.
chrome trims.
Use the yellow tool 6 to remove the
trims before slackening the bolts.
* According to country.
144 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

2 - Main beam headlamps: 4 - Direction indicators:

H7-55 W. PY 21 W (amber).
F Remove the protective cover cor- F Turn the bulb holder a quarter turn
responding to the faulty bulb. and remove it.
F Disconnect the connector. F Change the bulb.
F Press the end of the securing Amber coloured bulbs (direction in-
clips to free the bulb. Change the dicators and side repeaters) must
bulb. be replaced with bulbs of identical
F When itting the new bulb, ensure speciication and colour.
that the direction notches are
positioned correctly and the se- 5 - Front fog lamps: H11-55 W.
curing clips are ixed properly. Turn the wheels to full lock.
F Reconnect the connector. Access to the bulb is via the lap in
F Reit the protective cover. the front mud lap.
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
Handle the bulbs with a dry cloth. 3 - Side lights: W 5 W. The headlamps are itted with poly-
F Remove the protective cover, dis- carbonate glass with a protective
connect the connector and then coating. Do not clean them with a dry
Front lights or abrasive cloth, nor with a deter-
remove the bulb and change it.
gent or solvent product.
In the engine compartment, remove F Put the connector back in place.
the cover secured by one or two but- Ensure that the liquid used to ill the
F Reconnect the connector. wash-wipe and headlamp wash res-
terly screws, a plastic retainer clip
and two quarter turn screws. F Reit the protective cover. ervoir is of good quality.
In certain climatic conditions (low
temperature, humidity), condensa-
1 - Dipped beam headlamps: tion on the inside surface of the
H1-55 W or D2S-35 W Xenon headlamp glass is normal; it disap-
bulb. pears a few minutes after the lights
are switched on.
Xenon bulbs must be replaced by a
PEUGEOT dealer.

407 saloon and 407 SW comfort - 145

Direction indicator side repeaters:

WY 5 W (amber).
F Push the repeater forwards
or backwards and release the
F Hold the connector and turn the
transparent cover a quarter turn.
F Change the bulb.

Amber coloured bulbs (direction in-

dicators and side repeaters), must
be replaced with bulbs of identical
speciication and colour.

148 - 407 saloon comfort

REAR SEATS Note: the seat cushion 1 can be Locking/unlocking the access to
removed with care to increase the the boot via the rear seats
To fold down the rear left seat or the volume of the load space.
rear right seat, always start with the Your vehicle's boot can be isolated
seat, never with the seat back (risk of Squeeze the seat cushion ixings to from the passenger compartment.
damage): detach them from their fastenings. The red indicator on the control 3
F move the front seat(s) forward if When repositioning: should no longer be visible. If it is,
necessary, F fold up the seat back 2 and lock push the seat fully.
F place the head restraints in the it (the red marker of control 3 Insert the ignition key in the lock 4.
low position or remove them if should no longer be visible),
necessary, F fold up the seat 1,
Check that the seat belt strap is po- F reit the head restraints if they
sitioned correctly at the side of the were removed.
seat back,
Take care not to trap the seat belt
Ensure that the side seat belt straps and to position the buckle of each
are fastened in their clasp (the centre strap correctly in its respective clasp
seat belt must not be fastened), before folding down the seat back.
F lift the front of the seat cushion 1, This will enable you to reposition the
F tilt the seat cushion 1 against the seat backs with their seat belts and
front seat(s), clasps ready to accommodate your
F pull control 3 forwards to unlock rear passengers.
the seat back 2,
F fold down the seat back 2.
407 saloon comfort - 149

Notes: Always remove the key from

After reconnecting the battery, you must the ignition when leaving
reinitialise the safety auto-reverse: the vehicle, even for a short
- place the control in the maximum
partial opening position (3rd notch In the event of contact during opera-
to the right), tion of the roof, you must reverse the
- wait until the roof is in the maxi- movement of the roof. To do this,
mum partially open position, press the switch concerned.
- press the control for at least one When the driver operates the roof
second. switch, he must ensure that no one
is preventing correct closing of the
In the event of unwanted opening of The driver must ensure that the pas-
the roof on closing (for example, in sengers use the sunroof correctly.
the presence of ice), and immedi-
ately after the roof stops: Be aware of children when operating
SUNROOF the roof.
- move the control to the "O" position
- To partially open the roof: Turn the and press the control immediately,
switch to the right (three possible - continue to press the control until
settings). the roof is fully closed.
- To open the roof completely: Turn
the switch to the left (six possible In the partially open position, the roof
settings). closes automatically above 60 mph
- To close it completely: Turn the (100 km/h).
switch back to position "O".
- Safety auto-reverse: When the To partially open it again:
sunroof is closing and meets an ob- - move the control back to the "O"
stacle, it stops then partially opens position,
again. - turn the control to the right.
The sunroof shutter is manual.
The safety auto-reverse function is
not active during these operations.

150 - 407 saloon comfort


Lashing rings
Use the 4 lashing rings on the lug-
gage compartment loor to secure
your luggage.

Luggage retaining net

Hooked onto the lashing rings, this
enables you to secure your luggage.
To open the boot, press the push but-
ton and raise the tailgate. FITTING ROOF BARS
When itting transverse roof bars,
use the four quick-it ixings provided 1 - Courtesy light
for this purpose. Lift the concealing 2 - Map reading lights
laps and adjust the roof bar quick-it
ixings. With the key in the ignition on or
starting position, operate the relevant
Maximum authorised weight The rear courtesy light comes on
on the roof rack, for a loading when the ignition key is removed, on
height not exceeding 40 cm unlocking the vehicle or on opening
(with the exception of bicycle one of the doors.
carriers): 80 kg. It gradually goes off after the ignition
has been switched on or the vehicle
is locked.
Tailgate release If the height exceeds 40 cm, adapt
the speed of the vehicle to the proile F Pressing switch 1 turns on the
This enables the tailgate to be un- rear courtesy light.
locked in the event of a central lock- of the road to avoid damaging the
ing fault. roof bars and the ixings on the roof. The courtesy light can be deacti-
Be sure to refer to national legisation vated by pressing switch 1 with the
- Fold back the rear seats to gain door open. The map reading lights
access to the lock from inside the in order to comply with the regula-
tions for transporting objects which are not affected by this and may be
boot, switched on.
- Insert a small screwdriver into hole are longer than the vehicle.
F To re-activate the lights, press the
A of the lock to unlock the tailgate. switch, with the door open.
407 saloon comfort - 151

F Disconnect the connector. Third brake light:

F Unscrew the light ixing nuts in- Five W 5 W bulbs.
side the boot using the towing eye F Remove the plastic cover care-
(stored inside the spare wheel), if fully by unclipping it at the centre
necessary. and on either side, perpendicular
F Remove the seal. to its direction of engagement.
F Unclip the bulb holder moving F Press on the two tabs located at
aside the 5 tabs. the rear, near the rear screen.
F Unscrew the bulb and change it. F Pull the red transparent cover
1 - Direction indicators: outwards while maintaining the
PY 21 W (amber). F Lock the bulb holder in place. pressure on the tabs.
2 - Reversing lights: P 21 W. F Reposition the seal. F Change the faulty bulb.
3 - Fog lamps/side lights: F Screw on the light ixing nuts F When reitting, ensure that the
P 21/4 W. inside the boot using the towing tabs of the red transparent cover
4 - Side lights: P 21/4 W. eye, if necessary. When reitting, are engaged correctly and that
5 - Brake lights/side lights: ensure that the light is positioned the upper trim has been put back
P 21/4 W. and ixed correctly. in place correctly.
F Reconnect the connector.

Number plate lights: W 5 W.

F Remove the transparent cover us-
ing a screwdriver blade.
F Change the faulty bulb.

407 SW comfort - 153

REAR SEATS Note: the seat cushion 1 can be Take care not to trap the seat belt
removed with care to increase the and to position the buckle of each
To fold down the rear left seat or the volume of the load space. strap correctly in its respective clasp
rear right seat, always start with the Squeeze the seat cushion ixings to before folding down the seat back.
seat, never with the seat back (risk of detach them from their fastenings. This will enable you to reposition the
damage): seat backs with their seat belts and
When repositioning: clasps ready to accommodate your
F move the front seat(s) forward if
necessary, F fold up the seat back 2 and lock rear passengers.
F place the head restraints in the it (the red marker of control 3
low position or remove them if should no longer be visible),
necessary, F fold up the seat 1,
Check that the seat belt strap is po- F reit the head restraints if they
sitioned correctly at the side of the were removed.
seat back,
Ensure that side seat belt straps are
fastened in their clasp (the centre
seat belt must not be fastened),
F lift the front of the seat cushion 1,
F tilt the seat cushion 1 against the
front seat(s),
F pull control 3 forwards to unlock
the seat back 2,
F fold down the seat back 2.
154 - 407 SW comfort


Front passenger seat: Rear seat (see corresponding Note: when repositioning, ensure
F Tilt the seat back approximately paragraph): that the front and rear seat backs are
25° towards the rear (in relation F Tilt the seat cushion, secured correctly.
to the vertical position) using F Remove the head restraints,
the seat back angle adjustment Precautions
control (see corresponding para- F Tilt the seat back. - The long object must be placed on
graph). the end of the front seat back and
F Lift control A upwards to release on the rear seat cushion.
the seat back. - Do not place a load in excess of
30 kg on the front of the seat back.
F Without releasing control A, press - Do not load sharp objects, this
on the top of the seat back and could damage the rear of the
move with it until it is folded. front seat back (storage pocket).

407 SW comfort - 155


Turn the ring beyond the irst notch,
Turn the ring to the irst notch for in- the wash-wipe then the wiper oper-
termittent wiping. ate for a set period of time.
The control must be reactivated if Note: the rear wiper and rear wash-
the ignition has been switched off. wipe functions are deactivated au-
To do this, move the control to any tomatically when the rear screen is
position then return it to the required opened.
Automatic rear wiper
If the windscreen wipers control is
activated and you engage reverse
gear, the rear wiper operates in inter-
mittent mode.
Note: if a bicycle carrier is used, de-
activate this function by going to the
"personalisation-coniguration" menu
on the multifunction display or install
a special bicycle carrier approved by

156 - 407 SW comfort

"Rear screen open" warning

When the engine is running, if the
rear screen is not fully closed, you
are warned by a message on the
multifunction display.
When the vehicle is moving (speed
greater than 6 mph (10 km/h)), if the
rear screen is not fully closed, you
are warned by an audible signal, a
message on the multifunction display
and lighting of the service warning

TAILGATE AND REAR Partial opening of the rear screen

SCREEN With the tailgate closed, to partially
open the rear screen, press the
The locking or unlocking of the tail- unlocking button C on the remote
gate and rear screen is simultaneous control.
with that of the doors.
Notes: the tailgate and rear screen
Opening the tailgate and rear lock automatically when driving at
screen 6 mph (10 km/h) and unlock when
The tailgate and rear screen can- one of the doors is opened.
not be opened at the same time. When the rear wiper is in a wiping
With the rear screen closed, to open position, the rear screen cannot be
the tailgate, operate the handle A, opened until the end of the cycle.
then lift the tailgate. Close the rear screen using the wiper
With the tailgate closed, to open the arm or by pressing the centre of the Emergency control
rear screen, operate the handle B, glass. This permits unlocking of the tailgate
then lift the rear screen. in the event of a central locking op-
The lighting is controlled by opening eration fault.
the tailgate or the rear screen. - Fold the rear seats to gain access
to the lock from inside the boot,
- Insert a small screwdriver in the
opening A in the lock to unlock the

407 SW comfort - 157


With the key in the ignition on or

starting position, press the corre-
sponding switch.
The rear reading lights come on
when the key is removed from the
ignition and when the vehicle is un-
They switch off gradually when the
ignition is switched on or when the
vehicle is locked.

F Pressing switch 1 switches on the

rear reading light concerned for
ten minutes.

To fold To unfold

158 - 407 SW comfort


1. 12 V accessories socket and

boot light
This is a lighter type 12 volt
socket. It is installed on the rear
left trim and is supplied from the
ignition on position.
The boot light is controlled by
opening the tailgate or rear

2. Storage boxes 3. Load space cover 4. Stowing rings

There are two side storage box- To remove: There are four stowing rings on
es which can contain: F Unclip the front ends and the boot loor to which the lug-
- on the left: a can of oil, a remove the load space cover. gage retaining net can be at-
irst aid kit, a puncture repair tached.
To install:
- on the right (except when a F Position the front ends of
JBL Hi-Fi system is itted): the load space cover on its
a box of bulbs, a warning support and press lightly to
triangle (support provided for put it in place.
this purpose), the luggage
retaining net.
407 SW comfort - 159

High load retaining net

The high load retaining net can be
used behind the front seats (row 1) or
behind the rear bench seat (row 2).

Note: if it is used behind the front

seats, the rear seat backs and cush-
ions must be folded (see section on
rear seats).

F push the roller (in the direction of To use it in row 1:

the length) from right to left to se- F fold the rear seat backs,
cure it,
F open the covers 7 of the corre-
F put the rear seat backs back in sponding upper ixings,
F unroll the high load retaining net
and position one end of the metal
bar in the corresponding ixing
cover. Ensure that the hook is
seated correctly in the rail located
inside the cover 7,
F pull the metal bar on the high load
retaining net to position the other
To install it: hook in the second ixing cover.
F fold the rear seat backs,
F position the high load retaining net
roller above the two rails 5 located
behind the rear seats (2/3 bench
seat). The two notches 6 must be
placed above the two rails,
F slide the two rails 5 in the notches 6,

160 - 407 SW comfort

To use it in row 2:
F open the covers 8 of the corre-
sponding upper ixings,
F from the rear bench seat, unroll
the high load retaining net push- FITTING ROOF BARS Maximum authorised weight
ing it to detach it from the retain- on the roof bars, for a loading
ing hooks, When itting transverse roof bars, height not exceeding 40 cm (ex-
F position one of the ends of the ensure that they are positioned cor- cept bicycle carriers): 100 kg.
metal bar of the net in the corre- rectly. If the height exceeds 40 cm, adapt
sponding ixing cover. Ensure that The correct positions are shown by the speed of the vehicle to the condi-
the hook is seated correctly in the marks on each of the longitudinal tion of the road, to avoid damaging
rail located inside the cover 8, bars. the roof bars.
F position the other hook in the sec- Use accessories approved by Please refer to national legislation
ond ixing cover and pull the metal PEUGEOT and follow the manufac- to comply with the regulations re-
bar towards you. turer's itting instructions. garding the transportation of objects
which are longer than the vehicle.

407 SW comfort - 161

Safety auto-reverse In the event of contact during

If the shutter encounters an obstacle operation of the shutter, you
during closing, it stops and partially must reverse its movement.
opens again. To do this, press the control
You must reinitialise the safety auto-
reverse within a maximum of ive When the driver operates the shutter
seconds after the concealing shutter control, he must ensure that no one
has stopped: is preventing the shutter from closing
- press part A of the control until the
shutter is completely closed (clos- The driver must ensure that the pas-
ing in stages of a few centimetres). sengers use the concealing shutter
Notes Pay attention to children during op-
Following reconnection of the battery, eration of the shutter.
PANORAMIC ROOF in the event of a shutter malfunction
while it is moving or immediately af-
Your vehicle is itted with a tinted ter it has stopped, you must reinitial-
glass panoramic roof which in- ise the safety auto-reverse:
creases the light and visibility in the - place the control in the fully open
passenger compartment. Its electric position (position "0"),
concealing shutter improves tem- - wait until the shutter is in the fully
perature conditions. open position,
- press section A of the control for at
The concealing shutter is control- least three seconds.
led electrically by a dial with nine In the event of unwanted opening of
opening positions. the shutter on closing, and immedi-
ately after the shutter has stopped:
To close: turn the dial to the left - move the control to the fully closed
(nine possible settings). position (9th setting to the left) then
To open: return the dial to the initial press part A of the control straight
position "0". away,
- continue to press the control until
the shutter is fully closed.
The safety auto-reverse function
is not active during these opera-

160 - 407 SW comfort

To use it in row 2:
F open the covers 8 of the corre-
sponding upper ixings,
F from the rear bench seat, unroll
the high load retaining net push- FITTING ROOF BARS Maximum authorised weight
ing it to detach it from the retain- on the roof bars, for a loading
ing hooks, When itting transverse roof bars, height not exceeding 40 cm (ex-
F position one of the ends of the ensure that they are positioned cor- cept bicycle carriers): 100 kg.
metal bar of the net in the corre- rectly. If the height exceeds 40 cm, adapt
sponding ixing cover. Ensure that The correct positions are shown by the speed of the vehicle to the condi-
the hook is seated correctly in the marks on each of the longitudinal tion of the road, to avoid damaging
rail located inside the cover 8, bars. the roof bars.
F position the other hook in the sec- Use accessories approved by Please refer to national legislation
ond ixing cover and pull the metal PEUGEOT and follow the manufac- to comply with the regulations re-
bar towards you. turer's itting instructions. garding the transportation of objects
which are longer than the vehicle.

162 - 407 SW comfort

F Unclip the light (2 clips). Left and right fog lamps: P 21 W.

F Disconnect the connector and re- F Carefully unclip the tailgate inte-
move the light. rior trim.
F Unclip the bulb holder moving F Detach the sealing sheet located
aside the 4 tabs. behind the light concerned.
F Unscrew the bulb and change it. F Remove the bulb holder turning it
F Reconnect the connector. a quarter of a turn.
F Lock the bulb holder in place. F Change the faulty bulb.
When reitting it, ensure that the When reitting, ensure that the bulb
lamp is correctly positioned and is positioned correctly in the bulb
secured, reclipping the rear part holder.
then the front part.

Wing lights Number plate lights: W 5 W. Third brake light (diodes)

1 - Brake lights/side lights: F Insert a thin screwdriver in one of All work on the diode lights must be
P 21/5 W. the exterior holes of the transpar- carried out by a PEUGEOT dealer.
2 - Reversing lights: ent cover.
P 21 W. F Push it towards the outside to un-
3 - Direction indicators: clip it.
P 21 W. F Remove the transparent cover.
These three bulbs are changed by F Change the faulty bulb.
removing the light.
F Remove the corresponding boot
side lap to gain access to the
F Remove the light ixing nut inside
the boot.
Note: if necessary, use the wheel-
brace to remove the nuts.

Safety - 163

Front air bags Steering column Side air bags Curtain air bags
air bag
164 - Safety

AIR BAGS Front air bags In the event of a malfunction

The air bags are only operational These are folded in the centre of the
when the ignition is on. steering wheel for the driver and in Instrument panel
the fascia for the front passenger. indicator light.
The air bags have been designed to They are deployed simultaneously,
maximise the safety of the occupants except in cases where the passenger
in the event of violent collisions. air bag is disarmed.
They supplement the action of the Instrument panel
force-limiting seat belts. In this case, indicator light.
the electronic detectors record and
analyse the sharp deceleration of the Steering column air bag*
vehicle: if the deployment threshold If this indicator light comes on, ac-
is reached, the air bags are deployed The steering column air bag is incor- companied by the audible signal and
instantaneously and protect the oc- porated in the fascia below the steer- the message on the multi-function
cupants of the vehicle. ing column. display, contact a PEUGEOT dealer
to have the system checked.
Immediately after the impact, the air It protects the driver's lower limbs.
bags deflate rapidly so that they do It is deployed at the same time as the
not hinder the visibility of the occu- front air bags.
pants or their exit from the vehicle.
The gas released by the deployed air
bags may cause slight irritation.
The air bags will not be deployed in
the case of minor impacts for which Front/rear* side air bags and
the seat belt is sufficient to provide curtain air bags
maximum protection. The serious- The side air bags are incorporated
ness of the impact depends on the into the front seat backs and in the
nature of the obstacle, the location of rear door armrests*.
the impact and the speed of the vehi-
cle at the time of the collision. The curtain air bags are incorporated
into the door pillars and the upper
part of the passenger compartment.
They are deployed independently of
each other depending on which side
the collision occurs.

* According to country.
Safety - 165

For the front, side*, curtain Front air bags Curtain air bags
and steering column* air
bags to be fully effective, • Do not drive holding the steering • Do not ix or glue anything to the
observe the following safety wheel by its spokes or resting your pillars or the roof. This could cause
rules: hands on the centre part of the injury to the head when the curtain
wheel. air bag inlates.

• Wear a correctly adjusted seat • Passengers must not place their • Do not remove the grab handles in-
belt. feet on the fascia. stalled on the roof, they play a part
in securing the curtain air bags.
• Sit in a normal upright position. • Smoke as little as possible; deploy-
ment of the air bags can cause
• Do not leave anything between the burns or the risk of injury from a Steering column air bag*
occupants and the air bags (a child, cigarette or pipe.
pet, object...). • Do not sit with your knees any
• Never remove or pierce the steer- nearer to the steering wheel than
This could hamper the operation ing wheel or hit it violently. necessary.
of the air bags or injure the occu-
pants. Side air bags*
• All work on the air bag system is
strictly forbidden unless it is carried • Only put approved covers on the
out by qualiied personnel of the seats. Contact your PEUGEOT
PEUGEOT network. dealer.
• After an accident or if the vehicle • Do not ix or glue anything to the
has been stolen or broken into, seat backs. This could cause injury
have the air bag systems checked. to the chest or arms when the side
air bag inlates.
• Do not sit with the upper part of the
body any nearer to the door than

* According to country.
48 - 407 saloon and 407 SW comfort

In the "OFF" position, the passenger

air bag will not be triggered in the
event of an impact.
As soon as the child seat is removed,
turn the air bag slot to the "ON" po-
sition to re-activate the air bag and
thus ensure its safety function.

Disarming check
This is conirmed by the indicator
With the ignition on, illumina-
tion of this warning light indi-
Disarming the front cates that the front passenger
passenger air bag* air bag is disarmed (switch in
To ensure the safety of your child, the "OFF" position).
it is essential to disarm the pas-
senger air bag when you install a
rear-facing child seat on the front
passenger seat. Otherwise, the
child would risk being seriously
injured or killed if the air bag were
to inlate.
F With the ignition switched off,
insert the key into the passenger
air bag disarming switch, turn it to
the "OFF" position, then remove
the key keeping the slot in this
The air bag warning light on the
instrument panel remains lit for the
duration of disarming.

* According to country.

166 - Practical information

ACCESSORIES FOR "Protection": "Styling":

YOUR 407
Anti-theft alarm, engraved Alloy wheels, wheel trims,
A wide range of accessories recom- windows, wheel anti-theft spoiler, leather steering
mended by PEUGEOT and original devices, irst aid kit, warn- wheel, styling strips, door
parts are offered by the Network. ing triangle, high visibility spoilers, stainless steel sill
They all beneit from PEUGEOT's safety jacket, snow chains, protectors.
recommendation. dog guard, etc.
These accessories and parts, having
been tested and approved for reli-
ability and safety, are all adapted to
your PEUGEOT vehicle.
The product range offered by "Touring": "Universal":
PEUGEOT Accessories is struc-
tured around 5 categories: PRO- Covers compatible with Windscreen wash luid, in-
TECTION - TOURING - IN-CAR side air bags, mats, boot terior and exterior cleaning
TECHNOLOGY - STYLING - UNI- tray. and maintenance products.
VERSAL. For leisure pursuits: roof
bars, transportation ac-
cessories (bicycle carrier,
ski carrier), roof box, child
seats and booster cushions, rear
screen blind, audio/telephone con- The itting of electrical equip-
sole, side blinds, cool box. ment or accessories which
Trailer towbar which must be itted by are not recommended by
the PEUGEOT Network. PEUGEOT may result in a
failure of your vehicle's elec-
tronic system.
Please note this speciic warning.
"In-Car Technology": You are advised to contact a repre-
sentative of the Marque to be shown
Telephone, hands-free kits, the range of recommended equip-
satellite navigation, CD ment and accessories.
changer, multimedia.

Practical information - 167


These are normal maintenance op-
erations which keep your vehicle
in good working order. Consult the
instructions in the PEUGEOT Net-
work, on the Infotec site or in the
servicing booklet enclosed with this
Important: if you have to remove/
reit the engine style cover, handle
it with care to avoid damaging the
ixing clips.

Oil level
F Check the level regularly and top
up between changes.
Bonnet strut
Check the level with the vehicle level,
Secure the strut in its housing to hold the engine having been off for more
the bonnet open. than 15 minutes, using the dipstick.
Before closing the bonnet, replace
the strut in its clip.

To close Dipstick
Lower the bonnet and release it at
the end of its travel. Check that the There are two marks on
OPENING THE BONNET bonnet is properly locked. the dipstick:
From inside: pull the handle on the A = maximum
left-hand side under the fascia to- Never ill past this mark.
wards you.
B = minimum
From outside: move the catch to the
left and up then raise the bonnet. To maintain the reliability
of engines and emission
control systems, the use
of additives in engine oil
is prohibited.

Practical information - 167


These are normal maintenance op-
erations which keep your vehicle
in good working order. Consult the
instructions in the PEUGEOT Net-
work, on the Infotec site or in the
servicing booklet enclosed with this
Important: if you have to remove/
reit the engine style cover, handle
it with care to avoid damaging the
ixing clips.

Oil level
F Check the level regularly and top
up between changes.
Bonnet strut
Check the level with the vehicle level,
Secure the strut in its housing to hold the engine having been off for more
the bonnet open. than 15 minutes, using the dipstick.
Before closing the bonnet, replace
the strut in its clip.

To close Dipstick
Lower the bonnet and release it at
the end of its travel. Check that the There are two marks on
OPENING THE BONNET bonnet is properly locked. the dipstick:
From inside: pull the handle on the A = maximum
left-hand side under the fascia to- Never ill past this mark.
wards you.
B = minimum
From outside: move the catch to the
left and up then raise the bonnet. To maintain the reliability
of engines and emission
control systems, the use
of additives in engine oil
is prohibited.

168 - Practical information

Oil change Cooling system Windscreen and headlamp

It is imperative that this is carried out Use the luid recommended by the wash level
at the intervals speciied and the vis- manufacturer. For best quality cleaning and for
cosity of the oil chosen must meet the When the engine is warm, the tem- your safety, to see and be seen, we
requirements laid down in the manu- perature of the coolant is controlled would advise that you use products
facturer's servicing schedule. Consult by the engine fan. As this fan can op- of the Tecnic range recommended by
the instructions in the PEUGEOT Net- erate with the ignition key removed PEUGEOT, of particular beneit if
work or on the Infotec site. and because the cooling system is your 407 is itted with Xenon bulbs.
Note: avoid used oil coming into pressurised, wait for at least one To prevent damage to the electrical
prolonged contact with the skin. hour after the engine has stopped units, avoid washing the engine.
Empty the used oil into the contain- before carrying out any work.
ers provided for this purpose in the Slacken the cap to the irst notch to
PEUGEOT Network. release the pressure to prevent any
risk of scalding. When the pressure CHECKS
Oil filter has dropped, remove the cap and
Replace the cartridge regularly in ac- top up the level.
cordance with the recommendations Note: the coolant does not need to Battery
of the servicing schedule. be changed.
At the start of winter, have
Brake luid change Used oil your battery checked by a
PEUGEOT dealer.
Use the luid recommended by the
manufacturer, which fulils DOT4 Do not dispose of used oil, brake
Standards. luid or coolant into drains or onto Air filter and passenger
the ground. compartment filter
It is imperative that the brake luid is
changed at the intervals speciied in Power steering reservoir Have the ilter elements re-
accordance with the manufacturer's placed regularly. If you drive
servicing schedule. Use the luid recommended by the in dusty conditions, change
Note: avoid all contact with the skin, manufacturer. them twice as often.
the brake luid is harmful to health F Open the reservoir, with the en-
and very corrosive. gine at ambient temperature. The Brake pads
level should always be above the
MIN. mark and close to the MAX. Brake pad wear depends
mark. on the style of driving, in
particular for vehicles which
are used in town, over short
It may be necessary to check the
thickness of the pads, even between
168 - Practical information

Oil change Cooling system Windscreen and headlamp

It is imperative that this is carried out Use the luid recommended by the wash level
at the intervals speciied and the vis- manufacturer. For best quality cleaning and for
cosity of the oil chosen must meet the When the engine is warm, the tem- your safety, to see and be seen, we
requirements laid down in the manu- perature of the coolant is controlled would advise that you use products
facturer's servicing schedule. Consult by the engine fan. As this fan can op- of the Tecnic range recommended by
the instructions in the PEUGEOT Net- erate with the ignition key removed PEUGEOT, of particular beneit if
work or on the Infotec site. and because the cooling system is your 407 is itted with Xenon bulbs.
Note: avoid used oil coming into pressurised, wait for at least one To prevent damage to the electrical
prolonged contact with the skin. hour after the engine has stopped units, avoid washing the engine.
Empty the used oil into the contain- before carrying out any work.
ers provided for this purpose in the Slacken the cap to the irst notch to
PEUGEOT Network. release the pressure to prevent any
risk of scalding. When the pressure CHECKS
Oil filter has dropped, remove the cap and
Replace the cartridge regularly in ac- top up the level.
cordance with the recommendations Note: the coolant does not need to Battery
of the servicing schedule. be changed.
At the start of winter, have
Brake luid change Used oil your battery checked by a
PEUGEOT dealer.
Use the luid recommended by the
manufacturer, which fulils DOT4 Do not dispose of used oil, brake
Standards. luid or coolant into drains or onto Air filter and passenger
the ground. compartment filter
It is imperative that the brake luid is
changed at the intervals speciied in Power steering reservoir Have the ilter elements re-
accordance with the manufacturer's placed regularly. If you drive
servicing schedule. Use the luid recommended by the in dusty conditions, change
Note: avoid all contact with the skin, manufacturer. them twice as often.
the brake luid is harmful to health F Open the reservoir, with the en-
and very corrosive. gine at ambient temperature. The Brake pads
level should always be above the
MIN. mark and close to the MAX. Brake pad wear depends
mark. on the style of driving, in
particular for vehicles which
are used in town, over short
It may be necessary to check the
thickness of the pads, even between
Practical information - 169


After the engine has stopped, certain
Where the handbrake travel functions (audio equipment, wind-
is too great or there is a re- If you should run out of fuel, it is
necessary to re-prime the circuit. screen wiper, electric windows, sun-
duction in the performance roof, electric seats, telephone etc)
of the system, the handbrake The repriming pump and the degas
screw are located under the bonnet are only supplied with power for ap-
should be adjusted. proximately thirty minutes, to prevent
Have the system checked by a (see corresponding illustration in the
technical data section): complete discharging of the battery.
PEUGEOT dealer. Once the thirty minutes are over, a
message appears on the multi-func-
tion display and the active functions
1.6 litre 16V HDI engine are put on standby.
To ensure the best perform- - ill the fuel tank with at least ive These functions are automatically reac-
ance from components as litres of diesel, tivated when the vehicle is started.
important as the power steer- - squeeze and release the manual If the telephone is being used when
ing and the braking system, re-priming pump, until fuel appears economy mode starts, it will still be
the manufacturer selects and offers in the transparent pipe, possible to inish the call.
speciic products, only use products - operate the starter until the engine
recommended by PEUGEOT. starts.

2 litre 16V HDI engine A lat battery prevents the

- ill the fuel tank with at least ive engine from starting.
litres of diesel, As winter approaches, have
FUEL SUPPLY CUT-OFF - unscrew the degas screw, your battery checked by a
(PETROL) - squeeze and release the manual PEUGEOT dealer.
repriming pump until diesel is seen
As a safety precaution, in certain cir- escaping via the degas screw,
cumstances, a mechanism prevents - retighten the degas screw,
fuel from reaching the engine. - operate the starter until the engine
To re-establish the fuel supply: starts.
F press the red button on the angle
of the front right-hand suspension
assembly, under the bonnet.

Practical information - 169


After the engine has stopped, certain
Where the handbrake travel functions (audio equipment, wind-
is too great or there is a re- If you should run out of fuel, it is
necessary to re-prime the circuit. screen wiper, electric windows, sun-
duction in the performance roof, electric seats, telephone etc)
of the system, the handbrake The repriming pump and the degas
screw are located under the bonnet are only supplied with power for ap-
should be adjusted. proximately thirty minutes, to prevent
Have the system checked by a (see corresponding illustration in the
technical data section): complete discharging of the battery.
PEUGEOT dealer. Once the thirty minutes are over, a
message appears on the multi-func-
tion display and the active functions
1.6 litre 16V HDI engine are put on standby.
To ensure the best perform- - ill the fuel tank with at least ive These functions are automatically reac-
ance from components as litres of diesel, tivated when the vehicle is started.
important as the power steer- - squeeze and release the manual If the telephone is being used when
ing and the braking system, re-priming pump, until fuel appears economy mode starts, it will still be
the manufacturer selects and offers in the transparent pipe, possible to inish the call.
speciic products, only use products - operate the starter until the engine
recommended by PEUGEOT. starts.

2 litre 16V HDI engine A lat battery prevents the

- ill the fuel tank with at least ive engine from starting.
litres of diesel, As winter approaches, have
FUEL SUPPLY CUT-OFF - unscrew the degas screw, your battery checked by a
(PETROL) - squeeze and release the manual PEUGEOT dealer.
repriming pump until diesel is seen
As a safety precaution, in certain cir- escaping via the degas screw,
cumstances, a mechanism prevents - retighten the degas screw,
fuel from reaching the engine. - operate the starter until the engine
To re-establish the fuel supply: starts.
F press the red button on the angle
of the front right-hand suspension
assembly, under the bonnet.

170 - Practical information

BATTERY To start the vehicle from - Before disconnecting the

another battery: battery, you must wait for
2 minutes after switching
- Connect the red cable to the positive off the igntion.
(+) terminals of the two batteries,
- Connect one end of the green or - Never disconnect a terminal when
black cable to the negative (-) ter- the engine is running.
minal of the slave battery, - Never charge a battery without irst
- Connect the other end of the green disconnecting the terminals.
or black cable to an earth point on - Close the windows and sunroof
the broken down vehicle as far as before disconnecting the battery.
possible from the battery. If they do not operate normally fol-
Operate the starter, let the engine lowing reconnection of the battery,
run. they must be reinitialised (see sec-
tions "Reinitialisation of the electric
Wait for the engine to return to idle, windows" and "Sunroof").
then disconnect the cables. - After every reconnection of the
It is advisable to disconnect the bat- battery, switch on the ignition and
tery if the vehicle is not to be used for wait 1 minute before starting to
To charge the battery a period of more than one month. allow the electronic systems to
using a battery be initialised. If slight dificulties
are experienced after this, please
charger: contact a PEUGEOT dealer.

- Disconnect the battery,

- Follow the instructions for use
given by the battery charger manu-
- Reconnect starting with the nega-
tive (-) terminal,
- Check that the terminals and con-
nectors are clean. If they are cov-
ered with sulphate (white or greenish
deposit), disconnect them and clean

Practical information - 171

TOWING A TRAILER, In all cases, pay attention to the cool-

CARAVAN, BOAT, ETC... ant temperature.
Note: in certain cases of particularly
Only use original PEUGEOT tow- arduous use (towing the maximum
bars which have been tested and load in high temperatures), the en-
approved from the design stage of gine automatically limits its power
your vehicle. and selects the appropriate auto-
The towbar must be itted by a matic gearbox gear in manual mode.
PEUGEOT dealer. In this case, cutting off the air condi-
tioning allows the engine power to be
recovered, and therefore the towing
capacity to be increased.
If the coolant temperature warning
Driving advice light comes on, stop the vehicle and Lighting
switch off the engine as soon as pos-
Distribution of loads: distribute the sible. Manual adjustment
load in the trailer so that the heavi- Adjust your headlamps so as not to
est loads are as close as possible to Tyres: check the tyre pressures of dazzle other road users. Check the
the axle and the nose weight is close the towing vehicle (label on the cen- electrical signalling of the trailer.
to the maximum authorised without, tral door pillar on the driver's side)
however, exceeding it. and of the trailer towed, observing
the recommended pressure.
Cooling: towing a trailer on a slope
increases the coolant temperature. Brakes: towing increases the brak-
As the fan is electrically controlled, ing distance. Drive at a moderate
its cooling capacity is not dependent speed, change down early and brake
on the engine speed. gradually.

Side wind: sensitivity to side wind is

increased. Drive smoothly and at a
moderate speed.

172 - Practical information

Special features of the

automatic gearbox
When towing with four wheels on the
ground, the following rules must be
- lever in position N,
- tow the vehicle at less than 30 mph
(50 km/h) over a maximum dis-
tance of 30 miles (50 km),
- do not add oil to the gearbox.


F Unclip the cover,
Without lifting F Screw in the towing eye as far as
(4 wheels on the ground) it will go.
You must always use a tow bar.
The removable towing eye is inside
the spare wheel. Lifting
(2 wheels only on the ground)
It is preferable to raise the vehicle
From the front: with a professional lifting device.
F Unclip the cover, by pressing the
bottom part, When towing with the engine
F Screw in the towing eye as far as switched off, there is no brak-
it will go. ing or steering assistance.

Technical data - 173

The fuse boxes are placed in the
lower part of the fascia (driver's side),
in the engine compartment (left-hand
side) and in the left boot trim.

Replacing a fuse
Before replacing a fuse, the cause
of the incident must be found and
rectiied. The fuse numbers are
indicated on the fuse box.
Always replace a faulty fuse with
a fuse of the same rating (same
Use the special pliers located on the
support next to the fuse box, this
support also contains the replace-
ment fuses.

Fascia fuses
To access the fuses, open the cover
of the storage compartment on
the driver's side. Tilt the fuse box

Technical data - 177

The electrical system of your

vehicle is designed to oper-
ate with standard or optional
Before installing other electrical
equipment or accessories on your
vehicle, contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
PEUGEOT will not accept responsi-
bility for the cost incurred in repairing
your vehicle or for rectifying the mal-
functions resulting from the installa-
tion of accessories not supplied and
not recommended by PEUGEOT
and not installed in accordance with
its instructions, in particular where
the equipment in question consumes
more than 10 milliamperes.

The maxi-fuses provide additional

protection for the electrical systems.
All work must be carried out by a
PEUGEOT dealer.

Boot fuses
To access the fuses located in the boot, open the storage compartment lap
(left-hand side) by turning the two screws to the right and remove the panel.

Fuse N° Rating Functions

F1 15 A Rear wiper.

F2 15 A Fuel iller lap locking.

F3 15 A Rear 12 V accessories socket.

F4 15 A Particle emission ilter.

F5 40 A Heated rear screen.

176 - Technical data

Fuse N° Rating Functions

1 20 A Engine management control unit.

2 15 A Horn.

3 10 A Front and rear wash-wipe.

4 20 A Headlamp wash.

5 15 A Fuel pump.

6 10 A Automatic gearbox control unit.

Power steering control unit, engine coolant

7 10 A level sensor.

8 20 A Starter coil.

Xenon bulb electronic supply, halogen

9 10 A
Engine compartment fuses headlamps height adjusters.
To access the fuses located in the
engine compartment (next to the bat- Engine management actuators (ignition coil,
10 30 A
tery), remove the battery cover and solenoid valves, oxygen sensors).
unclip the fuse box cover.
Close the fuse box cover carefully 11 40 A Air conditioning blower or not used.
and reit the battery cover when you
have inished.
12 30 A Windscreen wipers.

Built-in system interface supply

13 40 A (ignition positive).

14 30 A Air pump.

Technical data - 173

The fuse boxes are placed in the
lower part of the fascia (driver's side),
in the engine compartment (left-hand
side) and in the left boot trim.

Replacing a fuse
Before replacing a fuse, the cause
of the incident must be found and
rectiied. The fuse numbers are
indicated on the fuse box.
Always replace a faulty fuse with
a fuse of the same rating (same
Use the special pliers located on the
support next to the fuse box, this
support also contains the replace-
ment fuses.

Fascia fuses
To access the fuses, open the cover
of the storage compartment on
the driver's side. Tilt the fuse box

174 - Technical data

Fuse N° Rating Functions

F1 15 A Boot fusebox, diagnostics socket, low current steering lock.

Steering wheel controls, audio equipment, alarm, navigation-telematics, multifunction

F4 20 A display, automatic gearbox, electric seat memory unit.

F5 15 A Alarm siren, tyre under-inlation detection unit.

STOP switch, automatic gearbox electronics, clutch switch, electrochromatic mirror,

F6 10 A courtesy mirror, map reading lights, diagnostic connector, steering wheel angle sensor,
ESP dual function sensor, panoramic roof concealing shutter (407 SW).

F7 15 A Alarm (accessory).

F9 30 A Rear one-touch electric windows.

F10 20 A Front 12 V accessories socket, lighter, glove box switch.

F11 15 A Electric child lock, rear doors deadlocking.

F12 30 A Front one-touch electric windows, sunroof.

F14 10 A Engine fusebox, boot fusebox, trailer fusebox (accessory), wipers relay.

Instrument panel, air conditioning control panel, rain and brightness sensors, electric seats,
F15 15 A air bags control unit.

Technical data - 175

Fuse N° Rating Functions

F16 30 A Central locking/deadlocking.

F20 10 A Not used.

F21 15 A Not used.

F22 20 A Not used.

FS1 - PARC shunt.

Fuse N° Rating Functions

G36 30 A Audio Hi-Fi assembly.

G37 15 A Six-speed automatic gearbox supply.

G38 30 A Right and left heated seats.

G39 30 A Right electric seat.

G40 30 A Left electric seat.

178 - Technical data

1 - Power steering reservoir.

2 - Engine coolant reservoir

(expansion bottle).

3 - Engine oil iller cap.

4 - Brake luid reservoir.

5 - Air ilter.

6 - Dipstick.

7 - Windscreen and headlamp*

wash iller cap.

Important: if you have to remove or reit the engine style cover, handle it with
care to avoid damaging the ixing clips.
Check the levels!

* According to country.
Technical data - 179

1 - Power steering reservoir.

2 - Engine coolant reservoir

(expansion bottle).

3 - Engine oil iller cap.

4 - Brake luid reservoir.

5 - Air ilter.

6 - Dipstick.

7 - Windscreen and headlamp

wash* iller cap.

8 - Priming pump.

9 - Degas screw.

Important: if you have to remove/reit the engine style cover, handle it with care
to avoid damaging the ixing clips.
Check the levels!

* According to country.
180 - Technical data


Model codes: 6D.../6E...

3 litre V6
ENGINES 1.8 litre 2 litre 16V 2.2 litre 16V 24V

Cubic capacity (cm3) 1 749 1 997 2 231 2 946

Bore x stroke (mm) 82.7 x 81.4 85 x 88 86 x 96 87 x 82.6

EU standard maximum power (kW) 85 100 116 155

Maximum power engine speed (rpm) 5 500 6 000 5 650 6 000

EU standard maximum torque (Nm) 163 191 220 290

Maximum torque engine speed (rpm) 4 500 4 100 3 900 3 750

Fuel Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded

Catalytic converter Yes Yes Yes Yes

Manual Manual Auto Manual Auto Auto

Gearbox (5-speed) (5-speed) (4-speed) (6-speed) (4-speed) (6-speed)

Oil capacity (in litres)

Engine (with cartridge replacement)* 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.75

Gearbox-Final drive 1.9 1.9 3.0 2.6 3.0 3.0

* Draining by gravity with oil iller cap open.

Technical data - 181


Model codes: 6D.../6E...

ENGINES 1.6 litre HDI 16V 2 litre HDI 16V

Cubic capacity (cm3) 1 560 1 997

Bore x stroke (mm) 75 x 88.3 85 x 88

EU standard maximum power (kW) 80 100

Maximum power engine speed (rpm) 4 000 4 000

EU standard maximum torque (Nm) 240 320

Maximum torque engine speed (rpm) 1 750 2 000

Fuel Diesel Diesel

Catalytic converter Yes Yes

Particle emission ilter (PEF) Yes No Yes No Yes

Manual Manual Automatic

Gearbox (5-speed) (6-speed) (4-speed)

Oil capacity (in litres)

Engine (with cartridge replacement)* 3.5 5.25 5.25

Gearbox-Final drive 1.9 2.6 3.0

* Draining by gravity with oil iller cap open.

182 - Technical data


In accordance with directive 1999/100/CE

Urban driving Inter-urban Mixed driving Emission

Engines Model
Gearboxes mpg driving mpg mpg of CO2 by mass
codes (litres/100 km) (litres/100 km) (litres/100 km) (g/km) mixed

6D6FZC/IF 24.6 (11.5) 47.1 (6.0) 35.3 (8.0) 190

1.8 litre Manual 6D6FZB 25.0 (11.3) 47.1 (6.0) 35.8 (7.9) 187

2 litre 16V 6DRFNC/IF 24.4 (11.6) 44.1 (6.4) 34.0 (8.3) 197
Manual 6DRFNB 24.8 (11.4) 44.1 (6.4) 34.4 (8.2) 194

6DRFNF/IF 21.9 (12.9) 44.1 (6.4) 32.1 (8.8) 210

2 litre 16V Automatic 6DRFNE 22.2 (12.7) 44.1 (6.4) 32.4 (8.7) 207

2.2 litre 16V Manual 6D3FZH/IF 21.9 (12.9) 41.5 (6.8) 31.1 (9.0) 214

2.2 litre 16V Automatic 6D3FZF/IF 20.3 (13.9) 40.9 (6.9) 30.1 (9.4) 224

3 litre V6 Automatic 6DXFVJ 19.4 (14.5) 40.4 (7.0) 28.8 (9.8) 233

1.6 litre HDI 16V Manual 6D9HZC 40.4 (7.0) 61.4 (4.6) 51.4 (5.5) 145

2 litre HDI 16V Manual 6DRHRG/SF - - - -

2 litre HDI 16V Manual 6DRHRH 36.6 (7.7) 57.6 (4.9) 47.9 (5.9) 155

2 litre HDI 16V Automatic 6DRHRE/SF - - - -

2 litre HDI 16V Automatic 6DRHRE 30.7 (9.2) 53.3 (5.3) 42.2 (6.7) 178

The consumption igures shown here correspond to the values communicated at the time of printing. These were obtained
under conditions of use which conform to current standards, in particular Directive 1999/100/CE.

Technical data - 183


In accordance with directive 1999/100/CE

Urban driving Inter-urban Mixed driving Emission of

Engines Model
Gearboxes mpg driving mpg mpg CO2 by mass
codes (litres/100 km) (litres/100 km) (litres/100 km) (g/km) mixed

6E6FZC/IF 24.4 (11.6) 45.6 (6.2) 34.4 (8.2) 195

1.8 litre Manual 6E6FZB 24.8 (11.4) 45.6 (6.2) 34.9 (8.1) 192

6ERFNC/IF 24.2 (11.7) 43.5 (6.5) 33.6 (8.4) 200

2 litre 16V Manual 6ERFNB 24.6 (11.5) 43.5 (6.5) 34.0 (8.3) 197

6ERFNF/IF 21.7 (13.0) 44.1 (6.4) 31.7 (8.9) 213

2 litre 16V Automatic 6ERFNE 22.1 (12.8) 44.1 (6.4) 32.1 (8.8) 210

2.2 litre 16V Manual 6E3FZH/IF 21.9 (12.9) 41.5 (6.8) 31.1 (9.0) 214

2.2 litre 16V Automatic 6E3FZF/IF 19.9 (14.2) 40.4 (7.0) 29.4 (9.6) 228

3 litre V6 Automatic 6EXFVJ 19.3 (14.6) 39.8 (7.1) 28.5 (9.9) 236

1.6 litre HDI 16V Manual 6E9HZC 39.2 (7.2) 60.1 (4.7) 50.4 (5.6) 148

2 litre HDI 16V Manual 6ERHRG/SF - - - -

2 litre HDI 16V Manual 6ERHRH 35.8 (7.9) 56.5 (5.0) 47.1 (6.0) 159

2 litre HDI 16V Automatic 6ERHRE/SF - - - -

2 litre HDI 16V Automatic 6ERHRE 30.1 (9.4) 51.4 (5.5) 40.9 (6.9) 182

The consumption igures shown here correspond to the values communicated at the time of printing. These were obtained
under conditions of use which conform to current standards, in particular Directive 1999/100/CE.

184 - Technical data


Engines 1.8 litre 2 litre 16V 2 litre 16V 2.2 litre 16V 2.2 litre 16V 3 litre V6
Gearbox Manual Manual Automatic Manual Automatic Automatic
Model codes: 6D3FZH/IF 6D3FZF/IF 6DXFVJ
• Kerb weight* 1 559 1 582 1 613 1 624 1 660 1 729

• Gross vehicle weight (GVW) 1 980 1 995 2 020 2 040 2 075 2 140

• Gross train weight (GTW)** 3 280 3 495 3 520 3 540 3 575 3 740

• Unbraked trailer weight 735 745 750 750 750 750

• Braked trailer weight (a) 1 300 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 600
• Recommended nose weight 60 60 60 60 60 60

Engines 1.6 litre HDI 16V 2 litre HDI 16V

Gearbox Manual Manual Automatic
• Kerb weight* 1 596 1 660 1 672 1 696 1 708

• Gross vehicle weight (GVW) 2 020 2 080 2 080 2 110 2 110

• Gross train weight (GTW)** 3 020 3 680 3 680 3 210 3 210

• Unbraked trailer weight 750 750 750 750 750

• Braked trailer weight (a) 1 000 (1) 1 600 1 600 1 100 (1) 1 100 (1)
• Recommended nose weight 60 65 65 60 60
* The kerb weight is equal to the unladen vehicle + driver (75 kg) + fuel tank illed to 95 % capacity.
** The speed of a towing vehicle is limited to 60 mph (100 km/h).
(a) The braked trailer value corresponds to the towing capacity of the vehicle on a 12 % incline.
The braked trailer weight may be increased by (1) 300 kg, on condition that the load in the vehicle is reduced so that the GTW
is not exceeded.
Technical data - 185


Engines 1.8 litre 2 litre 16V 2 litre 16V 2.2 litre 16V 2.2 litre 16V 3 litre V6
Gearbox Manual Manual Automatic Manual Automatic Automatic
Model codes: 6E3FZH/IF 6E3FZF/IF 6EXFVJ
• Kerb weight* 1 622 1 645 1 676 1 687 1 723 1 792

• Gross vehicle weight (GVW) 2 090 2 105 2 136 2 155 2 195 2 260

• Gross train weight (GTW)** 3 390 3 605 3 636 3 655 3 595 3 760

• Unbraked trailer weight 750 750 750 750 750 750

• Braked trailer weight (a) 1 300 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 400 1 500
• Recommended nose weight 60 60 60 60 60 60

Engines 1.6 litre HDI 16V 2 litre HDI 16V

Gearbox Manual Manual Automatic
• Kerb weight* 1 659 1 723 1 735 1 759 1 771

• Gross vehicle weight (GVW) 2 127 2 183 2 195 2 219 2 210

• Gross train weight (GTW)** 3 127 3 783 3 795 3 219 3 210

• Unbraked trailer weight 750 750 750 750 750

• Braked trailer weight (a) 1 000 (1) 1 600 1 600 1 000 (1) 1 000 (1)
• Recommended nose weight 60 65 65 60 60
* The kerb weight is equal to the unladen vehicle + driver (75 kg) + fuel tank illed to 95 % capacity.
** The speed of a towing vehicle is limited to 60 mph (100 km/h).
(a) The braked trailer value corresponds to the towing capacity of the vehicle on a 12 % incline.
The braked trailer weight can be increased by (1) 300 kg, on condition that the load in the vehicle is reduced so that the GTW
is not exceeded.
186 - Technical data


407 saloon 407 SW

Technical data - 187


A - Manufacturer's plate. The label D on the driver's side cen- E - Front number plate.
B - Serial number on the bodywork. tre door pillar indicates: In the event of replacement, a front
C - Serial number on the fascia - the wheel and tyre sizes, number plate of a height less than
(visible at the bottom of the - the brands of tyres approved by the or equal to 110 mm must be itted
windscreen). manufacturer, provided that this size conforms to
- the tyre pressures (the pressure current regulations.
D - Tyre pressure and paint colour
reference label. must be checked cold, at least Otherwise, contact a PEUGEOT
once a month), dealer.
- the paint colour reference.


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