Crimes Against Public Interest (Outline)

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Art. Crime Notes Elements Penalty

Counterfeiting the Any person who shall forge reclusion temporal
161 great seal of the the Great seal of the
Government of the Government of the
Philippine Islands, Philippine Islands or the
forging the signature signature or stamp of
or stamp of the Chief the Chief Executive
162 Using forged signature Any person who shall 1. That the Great Seal of the prision mayor
or counterfeit seal or knowingly make use of the Republic was counterfeited or
stamp counterfeit seal or forged the signature or stamp of the
signature or stamp Chief Executive was forged by
mentioned in the preceding another person.
article 2. That the offender knew of
the counterfeiting or forgery.
3. That he used the counterfeit
seal or forged signature or
163 Making and importing Any person who makes, 1. That there be false or 1. Prision mayor in its
and uttering false imports, or utters, false counterfeited coins. minimum and medium
coins coins, in connivance with 2. That the offender either periods and a fine not to
counterfeiters, or importers made, imported, or uttered
exceed P10,000 pesos, if
such coins.
3. That in case of uttering such the counterfeited coin be
false or counterfeited coins, he silver coin of the
connived with the Philippines or coin of the
counterfeiters or importers. Central Bank of the
Philippines of ten centavo
denomination or above.
2. Prision correccional in
its minimum and medium
periods and a fine of not to
exceed P2,000 pesos, if
the counterfeited coins be
any of the minor coinage
of the Philippines or of the
Central Bank of the
Philippines below ten-
centavo denomination.
3. Prision correccional in
its minimum period and a
fine not to exceed P1,000
pesos, if the counterfeited
coin be currency of a
foreign country. (As
amended by R.A. No.
4202, approved June 19,

164 Mutilation of coins; Any person who shall The coin must be in “legal prision correccional in its
Importation and mutilate coins of the legal tender”- “coins of the legal minimum period and a fine
utterance of mutilated currency of the United currency and “current coins” not to exceed P2,000
coins States or of the Philippine
It is indispensable that the
Islands or import or utter mutilated coin be of legal
mutilated current coins, or tender.
in connivance with
mutilators or importers- 1. Mutilating coins of the legal
currency, with the further
Mutilation- means to take requirement that there be
off part of the metal either intent to damage or to defraud
by filling it or substituting it
for another metal of inferior 2. Importing or uttering such
quality mutilated coins, with the further
requirement that there must be
connivance with the mutilator
or importer in case of uttering

165 Selling of false or Any person who knowingly, *Possession of coin, lower by one degree than
mutilated coin, although without the counterfeited, or mutilated by that prescribed in said
without connivance connivance mentioned in another person, with intent to articles
the preceding articles, shall utter the same, knowing
possess false or mutilated (knowledge) that it is false of
coin with intent to utter the mutilated
same, or shall actually
utter such coin *Actually uttering such false
or mutilated coin, knowing
(knowledge) the same to be
false or mutilated
166 Forging treasury or The forging or falsification 1. By reclusion temporal in
bank notes on other of treasury or bank notes or its minimum period and a
documents payable to certificates or other fine not to exceed P10,000
bearer; importing, and obligations and securities
pesos, if the document
uttering such false or payable to bearer and the
forged notes and importation and uttering in which has been falsified,
documents. connivance with forgers or counterfeited, or altered,
importers of such false or is an obligations or
forged obligations or notes security of the United
States or of the Philippines
The word "obligation or
security of the United
States or of the Philippine
Islands" shall be held to
mean all bonds,
certificates of
indebtedness, national
bank notes, fractional
notes, certificates of
deposit, bills, checks, or
drafts for money, drawn
by or upon authorized
officers of the United
States or of the Philippine
Islands, and other
representatives of value,
of whatever
denomination, which have
been or may be issued
under any act of the
Congress of the United
States or of the Philippine
2. By prision mayor in its
maximum period and a
fine not to exceed P5,000
pesos, if the falsified or
altered document is a
circulating note issued by
any banking association
duly authorized by law to
issue the same.
3. By prision mayor in its
medium period and a fine
not to exceed P5,000
pesos, if the falsified or
counterfeited document
was issued by a foreign
4. By prision mayor in its
minimum period and a fine
not to exceed P2,000
pesos, when the forged or
altered document is a
circulating note or bill
issued by a foreign bank
duly authorized therefor.
167 Counterfeiting, Any person who shall 1. That there be an instrument prision correccional in its
importing and uttering forge, import or utter, in payable to order or other medium and maximum
instruments not connivance with the forgers document of credit not payable periods and a fine not
payable to bearer or importers, any to bearer.
exceeding P6,000 pesos.
instrument payable to 2. That the offender either
order or other document of forged, imported, or uttered
credit not payable to bearer such instrument.
3. That in case of uttering, he
connived with the forger or
168 Illegal possession and Unless the act be one of 1. That any treasury or bank penalty next lower in
use of false treasury those coming under the note or certificate or other degree than that
or bank notes and provisions of any of the obligation and security payable prescribed in said articles
other instruments of preceding articles, any to bearer, or any instrument
credit person who shall knowingly payable to order or other
use or have in his document of credit not payable
possession, with intent to to bearer is forged or falsified
use any of the false or by another person.
falsified instruments 2. That the offender knows that
referred to in this section any of those instruments is
forged or falsified.
3. That he performs any of these
a.) using any of such
forged or falsified instruments;
b.) possessing with intent
to use any of such forged or
falsified instruments
170 Falsification of Any person who, without 1. That there be a bill, resolution prision correccional in its
legislative documents proper authority therefor or ordinance enacted or maximum period and a
alters any bill, resolution, approved or pending fine not exceeding P6,000
approval by either House of the
or ordinance enacted or pesos
Legislature or any provincial
approved or pending board or municipal council.
approval by either House of 2. That the offender alters the
the Legislature or any same.
provincial board or 3. That he has no proper
municipal council. authority therefor.
4. That the alteration has
changed the meaning of the
171 Falsification by public Any public officer, 1. That the offender is a public prision mayor and a fine
officer, employee or employee, or notary who, officer, employee, or notary not to exceed P5,000
notary or ecclesiastic taking advantage of his public. pesos
minister 2. That he takes advantage of
official position, shall falsify
his official position.
a document by committing 3. That he falsifies a document The same penalty shall be
any of the following acts: by committing any of the ff acts. imposed upon any
1. Counterfeiting or 4. In case the offender is an ecclesiastical minister who
ecclesiastical minister, the act of
imitating any shall commit any of the
falsification is committed with
handwriting, signature respect to any record or offenses enumerated in
or rubric; document of such character that the preceding paragraphs
Req: 1) that there be an its falsification may affect the of this article, with respect
intent to imitate or an civil status of persons. to any record or document
attempt to imitate and that of such character that its
the two signatures or falsification may affect the
handwritings, the genuine civil status of persons.
and the forged, bear some
resemblance to each other.
2. Causing it to appear
that persons have
participated in any act
or proceeding when
they did not in fact so
Req: 1) that the offender
caused it to appear in a
document that a person or
persons participated in an
act or a proceeding; and 2)
that such person /s didn’t
in fact so participate in the
act or proceeding
3. Attributing to persons
who have participated in
an act or proceeding
statements other than
those in fact made by
Req: 1) that a person or
persons participated in act
or proceeding; 2) that such
person /s made statements
in that act or proceeding;
and 3) that the offender, in
making the document
attributed such person/s
statements other than
those in fact made by such
4. Making untruthful
statements in a
narration of facts;
Req: 1) that the offender
makes in a document
statements in a narration of
facts; 2) that he has a legal
obligation to disclose the
truth of the facts narrated
by him; 3) that the facts
narrated by the offender
are absolutely false and, 4)
that the perversion of truth
in the narration of facts was
made with the wrongful
intent of injuring a third
5. Altering true dates;
6. Making any alteration
or intercalation in a
genuine document
which changes its
Req: 1) that there be an
alteration (change) or
intercalation (insertion) on
a document; 2) that it was
made on a genuine
document; 3) that the
alteration or the
intercalation has changed
the meaning of the
document and 4) that the
change made the
document speak something
7. Issuing in an
authenticated form a
document purporting to
be a copy of an original
document when no such
original exists, or
including in such a copy
a statement contrary to,
or different from, that of
the genuine original; or
8. Intercalating any
instrument or note
relative to the issuance
thereof in a protocol,
registry, or official book.
172 Falsification by private 1. Falsification of public, Elements (No. 1) prision correccional in its
individual and use of official or commercial medium and maximum
falsified documents document by private 1. That the offender is a private periods and a fine of not
individual or a public officer or
individual- Any private more than P5,000 pesos
employee who did not take
individual who shall commit advantage of his official
any of the falsifications position.
enumerated in the next 2. That he committed any of the
preceding article in any acts of falsification enumerated
public or official document in art 171.
or letter of exchange or any
other kind of commercial 3. That the falsification was
document; and committed in a public or official
or commercial document.t
2. Falsification of private
document by any person-
Any person who, to the Elements (No. 2)
damage of a third party, or
with the intent to cause 1. That the offender committed
such damage, shall in any any of the acts of falsification,
private document commit except those in par 7, art 171.
any of the acts of 2. That the falsification was
falsification enumerated in committed in any private
the next preceding article. document.
3. That the falsification caused
damage to a third party or at
3. Use of falsified
least the falsification was
document- Any person who committed with intent to cause
shall knowingly introduce such damage.
in evidence in any judicial
proceeding or to the
damage of another or who,
with the intent to cause
such damage, shall use any
of the false documents
embraced in the next
preceding article, or in any
of the foregoing
subdivisions of this article,
shall be punished by the
penalty next lower in

173 Falsification of Any officer or employee of penalty of prision

wireless, cable, the Government or of any correccional in its medium
telegraph and private corporation or and maximum periods
telephone messages, concern engaged in the
and use of said service of sending or
receiving wireless, cable or
falsified messages telephone message who
(obsolete) utters a fictitious wireless,
telegraph or telephone
message of any system or
falsifies the same.
174 False medical 1. Any physician or surgeon arresto mayor in its
certificates, false who, in connection, with maximum period to prision
certificates of merits the practice of his correccional in its
or service, etc minimum period and a fine
profession, shall issue a
not to exceed P1,000
false certificate; and pesos
2. Any public officer who
shall issue a false
certificate of merit of The penalty of arresto
service, good conduct or mayor shall be imposed
similar circumstances upon any private person
who shall falsify a
certificate falling within
the classes mentioned in
the two preceding

175 Using false certificates Any one who shall 1. That a physician or arresto menor
knowingly use any of the surgeon had issued a false
false certificates mentioned medical certificate or a public
in the next preceding officer of merit or service or
article good conduct or similar
circumstances, or a private
person had falsified any of said
2. That the offender knew that
the certificate was false.
3. That he used the same.
176 Manufacturing and Any person who shall make prision correccional in its
possession of or introduce into the medium and maximum
instruments or Philippine Islands any periods and a fine not to
implements for stamps, dies, marks, or
exceed P10,000 pesos
falsification. other instruments or
implements intended to be
used in the commission of
the offenses of
counterfeiting or
falsification mentioned in
the preceding sections of
this Chapter- 1) The
making or introducing
into the Philippines any
stamps, dies, marks, or
other instruments or
implements for
counterfeiting or

2) Possessing with
intent to use the
instruments or implements
for counterfeiting or
falsification made in or
introduced into the
Philippines by another
177 Usurpation of Any person who shall prision correccional in its
authority or official knowingly and falsely minimum and medium
functions represent himself to be an periods.
officer, agent or
representative of any
department or agency of
the Philippine Government
or of any foreign
government, or who, under
pretense of official position,
shall perform any act
pertaining to any person in
authority or public officer of
the Philippine Government
or any foreign government,
or any agency thereof,
without being lawfully
entitled to do so
178 Using fictitious name Any person who shall 1. That the offender uses a arresto mayor and a fine
and concealing true publicly use a fictitious name other than his real not to exceed 500 pesos
name name for the purpose of name.
concealing a crime, 2. That he uses that fictitious
evading the execution of a name publicly.
judgment or causing 3. That the purpose of the
damage offender is to (a) conceal a
crime; (b) evade the execution
of a judgment or (c) cause
damage to public interest.
arresto menor or a fine not
to exceed 200 pesos
1. That the offender conceals-
Any person who conceals (a)his true name; and (b) all
his true name and other other personal circumstances;
personal circumstances and,
2. That the purpose is only to
conceal his identity.
179 Illegal use of uniforms Any person who shall 1. That the offender makes use arresto mayor
or insignia publicly and improperly of insignia, uniform or dress.
make use of insignia, 2. That the insignia, uniform or
uniforms or dress dress pertains to an office not
pertaining to an office not held by the offender or to a class
held by such person or to a of persons of which he is not a
class of persons of which he member.
is not a member 3. That said insignia, uniform or
dress is used publicly and
180 False testimony Any person who shall give 1. That there be a criminal 1. The penalty of reclusion
against a defendant false testimony against the proceeding. temporal, if the defendant
defendant in any criminal 2. That the offender testifies in said case shall have
case falsely under oath against the
been sentenced to death;
defendant therein.
False Testimony- is 3. That the offender who gives 2. The penalty of prision
committed by a person false testimony knows that it is mayor, if the defendant
who, being under oath and false. shall have been sentenced
required to testify as to the to reclusion temporal or
truth of a certain matter at reclusion perpetua;
a hearing before a
competent authority, shall
deny the truth or say 3. The penalty of prision
something contrary to it. correccional, if the
defendant shall have been
Three Forms:
sentenced to any other
1. In Criminal Cases (Art. afflictive penalty; and
180 & 181) 4. The penalty of arresto
2. In Civil Cases (Art. 182) mayor, if the defendant
3. In Other Cases (Art. shall have been sentenced
183) to a correctional penalty or
a fine, or shall have been
virtual law library
In cases provided in
subdivisions 3 and 4 of this
article the offender shall
further suffer a fine not to
exceed 1,000 pesos.

181 False testimony Any person who shall give arresto mayor in its
favorable to the false testimony in favor of maximum period to prision
defendants the defendant in a criminal correccional in its
minimum period a fine not
to exceed 1,000 pesos, if
the prosecution is for a
felony punishable by an
afflictive penalty, and the
penalty of arresto mayor
in any other case
182 False testimony in civil Any person found guilty of 1. That the testimony must be prision correccional in its
cases false testimony in a civil given in a civil case. minimum period and a fine
case 2. That the testimony must not to exceed 6,000
relate to the issues presented pesos, if the amount in
in said case. controversy shall exceed
3. That the testimony must be 5,000 pesos, and the
false. penalty of arresto mayor
in its maximum period to
4. That the false testimony must prision correccional in its
be given by the defendant minimum period and a fine
knowing the same to be false not to exceed 1,000
5. That the testimony must be pesos, if the amount in
malicious and given with an controversy shall not
intent to affect the issues exceed said amount or
presented in a case. cannot be estimated
183 False testimony in Any person, who knowingly 1. That the accused made a penalty of arresto mayor
other cases and makes untruthful statement under oath or in its maximum period to
perjury in solemn statements and not being executed an affidavit upon a prision correccional in its
affirmation material matter.
included in the provisions minimum period
2. That the statement or
of the next preceding affidavit, the accused made
articles, shall testify under before a competent officer,
oath, or make an affidavit, authorized to receive and
upon any material matter administer oath.
before a competent person 3. That in that statement or
authorized to administer an affidavit, the accused made a
oath in cases in which the willful and deliberate
assertion of a falsehood
law so requires.
4. That the sworn statement or
affidavit containing the falsity is
Any person who, in case of required by law.
a solemn affirmation made
in lieu of an oath, shall
commit any of the
falsehoods mentioned in
this and the three
preceding articles of this
section, shall suffer the
respective penalties
provided therein

*Two ways of committing


1. By falsely testifying
under oath; and,
2. By making a false

*Oath- Any form of

attestation by which a
person signifies that he is
bound in conscience to
perform an act faithfully
and truthfully. It involves
the idea of calling God to
witness what is averred as
truth and it is supposed to
be accompanied with ab
invocation of His
vengeance, or renunciation
of His favor, in the event of

*Affidavit- is a sworn
statement in writing, a
declaration in writing made
upon oath before an
authorized magistrate or
184 Offering false Any person who shall 1. That the offender offered in shall be punished as guilty
testimony in evidence knowingly offer in evidence evidence a false witness or of false testimony and
a false witness or false testimony. shall suffer the respective
testimony in any judicial or 2. That he knew the witness or
penalties provided in this
official proceeding the testimony was false
3. That the offer was made in a section
judicial or official proceeding
185 Machinations in public Any person who shall solicit *Soliciting gift or promise prision correccional in its
auctions any gift or promise as a a. That there be a public minimum period and a fine
consideration for refraining auction. ranging from 10 to 50 per
from taking part in any b. That the accused solicited any
centum of the value of the
public auction, and any gift or a promise from any of the
person who shall attempt bidders. thing auctioned
to cause bidders to stay c. That such gift or promise was
away from an auction by the consideration for his
threats, gifts, promises, or refraining from taking part in
any other artifice, with that public auction
intent to cause the d. That the accused had the
reduction of the price of the intent to cause the reduction of
thing auctioned the price of the thing auctioned.

*Attempting to cause
bidders to stay away
a. That there is public auction
b. That the accused attempted
to cause the bidders to stay
away from that public auction
c. That it was done by threats,
gifts, promises or any other
d. That the accused had the
intent to cause the reduction of
the price of the thing auctioned.

186 Monopolies and 1. Any person who shall prision correccional in its
combinations in enter into any contract or minimum period or a fine
restraint of trade agreement or shall take ranging from 200 to 6,000
part in any conspiracy or pesos, or both
combination in the form of
a trust or otherwise, in
restraint of trade or If the offense mentioned
commerce or to prevent by in this article affects any
artificial means free food substance, motor fuel
competition in the market; or lubricants, or other
2. Any person who shall articles of prime necessity,
monopolize any the penalty shall be that of
merchandise or object of prision mayor in its
trade or commerce, or shall maximum and medium
combine with any other periods it being sufficient
person or persons to for the imposition thereof
monopolize and that the initial steps have
merchandise or object in been taken toward
order to alter the price carrying out the purposes
thereof by spreading false of the combination.
rumors or making use of
any other article to restrain
free competition in the Any property possessed
market; under any contract or by
3. Any person who, being a any combination
manufacturer, producer, or mentioned in the
processor of any preceding paragraphs,
merchandise or object of and being the subject
commerce or an importer thereof, shall be forfeited
of any merchandise or to the Government of the
object of commerce from Philippines
any foreign country, either
as principal or agent, Whenever any of the
wholesaler or retailer, shall offenses described above
combine, conspire or agree is committed by a
in any manner with any corporation or association,
person likewise engaged in the president and each
the manufacture, one of its agents or
production, processing, representatives in the
assembling or importation Philippines in case of a
of such merchandise or foreign corporation or
object of commerce or with association, who shall
any other persons not so have knowingly permitted
similarly engaged for the or failed to prevent the
purpose of making commission of such
transactions prejudicial to offense, shall be held
lawful commerce, or of liable as principals thereof
increasing the market price
in any part of the
Philippines, of any such
merchandise or object of
commerce manufactured,
produced, processed,
assembled in or imported
into the Philippines, or of
any article in the
manufacture of which such
manufactured, produced,
or imported merchandise
or object of commerce is
187 Importation and Any person who shall prision correccional or a
disposition of falsely knowingly import or sell or fine ranging from 200 to
marked articles or dispose of any article or 1,000 pesos, or both
merchandise made of merchandise made of gold,
gold, silver, or other silver, or other precious
precious metals or metals, or their alloys, with
their alloys. stamps, brands, or marks
which fail to indicate the
actual fineness or quality of
said metals or alloys

Any stamp, brand, label, or

mark shall be deemed to
fail to indicate the actual
fineness of the article on
which it is engraved,
printed, stamped, labeled
or attached, when the rest
of the article shows that the
quality or fineness thereof
is less by more than one-
half karat, if made of gold,
and less by more than four
one-thousandth, if made of
silver, than what is shown
by said stamp, brand, label
or mark. But in case of
watch cases and flatware
made of gold, the actual
fineness of such gold shall
not be less by more than
three one-thousandth than
the fineness indicated by
said stamp, brand, label, or
188 Substituting and 1. Any person who shall prision correccional in its
altering trade-mark, substitute the trade name minimum period or a fine
trade-names, or or trade-mark of some ranging from 50 to 2,000
service marks
other manufacturer or pesos, or both
dealer or a colorable
imitation thereof, for the
trademark of the real
manufacturer or dealer
upon any article of
commerce and shall sell the
2. Any person who shall sell
such articles of commerce
or offer the same for sale,
knowing that the trade-
name or trade- mark has
been fraudulently used in
such goods as described in
the preceding subdivision;
3. Any person who, in the
sale or advertising of his
services, shall use or
substitute the service mark
of some other person, or a
colorable imitation of such
mark; or
4. Any person who,
knowing the purpose for
which the trade-name,
trade-mark, or service
mark of a person is to be
used, prints, lithographs,
or in any way reproduces
such trade-name, trade-
mark, or service mark, or a
colorable imitation thereof,
for another person, to
enable that other person to
fraudulently use such
trade-name, trade-mark,
or service mark on his own
goods or in connection with
the sale or advertising of
his services

A trade-name or trade-
mark as herein used is a
word or words, name, title,
symbol, emblem, sign or
device, or any combination
thereof used as an
advertisement, sign, label,
poster, or otherwise, for
the purpose of enabling the
public to distinguish the
business of the person who
owns and uses said trade-
name or trade-mark.
A service mark as herein
used is a mark used in the
sale or advertising of
services to identify the
services of one person and
distinguish them from the
services of others and
includes without limitation
the marks, names,
symbols, titles,
designations, slogans,
character names, and
distinctive features of radio
or other advertising
189 Unfair competition, Any person who, in unfair *Trademark Infringement
fraudulent registration competition and for the a. The validity of palintiff’s
of trade-mark, trade- purposes of deceiving or mark;
name or service mark, b. The plaintiff’s ownership of
defrauding another of his
fraudulent designation the mark and,
of origin, and false legitimate trade or the c. The use of the mark or its
description public in general, shall sell colorable imitation by the
his goods giving them the alleged infringer results in
general appearance of “likelihood of confusion”
goods of another
manufacturer or dealer,
either as to the goods *Unfair Competition
a. Confusing similarity in the
themselves, or in the
general appearance of the goods
wrapping of the packages and,
in which they are contained b. Intent to deceive the public
or the device or words and defraud a competitor.
thereon or in any other
features of their
appearance which would be
likely to induce the public
to believe that the goods
offered are those of a
manufacturer or dealer
other than the actual
manufacturer or dealer or
shall give other persons a
chance or opportunity to do
the same with a like

2. Any person who shall

affix, apply, annex or use in
connection with any goods
or services or any container
or containers for goods a
false designation of origin
or any false description or
representation and shall
sell such goods or services.

3. Any person who by

means of false or
fraudulent representation
or declarations orally or in
writing or by other
fraudulent means shall
procure from the patent
office or from any other
office which may hereafter
be established by law for
the purposes the
registration of a trade-
name, trade-mark or
service mark or of himself
as the owner of such trade-
name, trade-mark or
service mark or an entry
respecting a trade-name,
trade-mark or service

Who are public officers. — For the purpose of applying the provisions of this and the preceding titles of this book, any person who,
by direct provision of the law, popular election or appointment by competent authority, shall take part in the performance of public
functions in the Government of the Philippine Islands, of shall perform in said Government or in any of its branches public duties
as an employee, agent or subordinate official, of any rank or class, shall be deemed to be a public officer.

Art. Crime Definition Requisites Penalty

204 Knowingly rendering Any judge who shall
unjust judgment knowingly render an prision mayor and
unjust judgment in any perpetual absolute
case submitted to him for disqualification
205 Judgment rendered Any judge who, by reason arresto mayor and
through negligence of inexcusable negligence temporary special
or ignorance shall render a disqualification
manifestly unjust
judgment in any case
submitted to him for
206 Unjust interlocutory order Any judge who shall arresto mayor in its
knowingly render an minimum period and
unjust interlocutory order suspension
or decree

if he shall have acted by

reason of inexcusable suspension
negligence or ignorance
and the interlocutory
order or decree be
manifestly unjust

207 Malicious delay in the any judge guilty of prision correccional in its
administration of justice malicious delay in the minimum period
administration of justice

208 Prosecution of offenses; prision correccional in its

negligence and tolerance any public officer, or minimum period and
officer of the law, who, in suspension
dereliction of the duties of
his office, shall maliciously
refrain from instituting
prosecution for the
punishment of violators of
the law, or shall tolerate
the commission of
209 Betrayal of trust by an any attorney-at-law or In addition to the proper
attorney or solicitor solicitor ( procurador administrative action, the
— Revelation of secrets judicial) who, by any penalty of prision
malicious breach of correccional in its
professional duty or of minimum period, or a fine
inexcusable negligence or ranging from 200 to 1,000
ignorance, shall prejudice pesos, or both
his client, or reveal any of
the secrets of the latter
learned by him in his
professional capacity
210 Direct bribery Any public officer who prision mayor in its
shall agree to perform an medium and maximum
act constituting a crime, in periods and a fine [of not
connection with the
less than the value of the
performance of this official
duties, in consideration of gift and] not less than
any offer, promise, gift or three times the value of
present received by such the gift in addition to the
officer, personally or penalty corresponding to
through the mediation of the crime agreed upon, if
another the same shall have been
If the gift was accepted by
the officer in consideration
of the execution of an act
which does not constitute prision correccional in its
a crime, and the officer maximum period and a
executed said act, he shall fine [of not less than the
suffer the same penalty value of the gift and] not
provided in the preceding less than three times the
paragraph; and if said act value of such gift
shall not have been
In addition to the
penalties provided in the
preceding paragraphs, the
culprit shall suffer the
penalty of special

The provisions contained

in the preceding
paragraphs shall be made
applicable to assessors,
arbitrators, appraisal and
claim commissioners,
experts or any other
persons performing public
duties. (As amended by
Batas Pambansa Blg. 872,
June 10, 1985).

211 Indirect bribery any public officer who prision correccional in its
shall accept gifts offered medium and maximum
to him by reason of his periods, and public
office. (As amended by
Batas Pambansa Blg. 872,
June 10, 1985).

212 Corruption of public The same penalties

officials imposed upon the officer
corrupted, except those of
disqualification and
suspension, shall be
imposed upon any person
who shall have made the
offers or promises or
given the gifts or presents
as described in the
preceding articles.
213 Frauds against the public any public officer who: prision correccional in its
treasury and similar 1. In his official capacity, medium period to prision
offenses in dealing with any person mayor in its minimum
period, or a fine ranging
with regard to furnishing
from 200 to 10,000 pesos,
supplies, the making of or both
contracts, or the
adjustment or settlement
of accounts relating to
public property or funds,
shall enter into an
agreement with any
interested party or
speculator or make use of
any other scheme, to
defraud the Government;
2. Being entrusted with
the collection of taxes,
licenses, fees and other
imposts, shall be guilty or
any of the following acts or

(a) Demanding, directly,

or indirectly, the payment
of sums different from or
larger than those
authorized by law
(b) Failing voluntarily to
issue a receipt, as
provided by law, for any
sum of money collected by
him officially.
(c) Collecting or receiving,
directly or indirectly, by
way of payment or
otherwise things or
objects of a nature
different from that
provided by law.
When the culprit is an
officer or employee of the
Bureau of Internal
Revenue or the Bureau of
Customs, the provisions of
the Administrative Code
shall be applied.
214 Other frauds — In addition to the
penalties prescribed in the
provisions of Chapter Six,
Title Ten, Book Two, of
this Code, the penalty of
temporary special
disqualification in its
maximum period to
perpetual special
disqualification shall be
imposed upon any public
officer who, taking
advantage of his official
position, shall commit any
of the frauds or deceits
enumerated in said
215 Prohibited transactions any appointive public prision correccional in its
officer who, during his maximum period or a fine
incumbency, shall directly ranging from 200 to 1,000
or indirectly become pesos, or both
interested in any
transaction of exchange or
speculation within the
territory subject to his
216 Possession of prohibited a public officer who penalty of arresto mayor
interest by a public directly or indirectly, shall in its medium period to
officer become interested in any prision correccional in its
contract or business in minimum period, or a fine
which it is his official duty ranging from 200 to 1,000
to intervene pesos, or both
217 Malversation of public Any public officer who, by
funds or property; reason of the duties of his 1. The penalty of prision
Presumption of office, is accountable for correccional in its medium
malversation public funds or property,
and maximum periods, if
shall appropriate the same
or shall take or the amount involved in
misappropriate or shall the misappropriation or
consent, through malversation does not
abandonment or exceed two hundred
negligence, shall permit pesos.
any other person to take 2. The penalty of prision
such public funds, or
mayor in its minimum and
property, wholly or
partially, or shall medium periods, if the
otherwise be guilty of the amount involved is more
misappropriation or than two hundred pesos
malversation of such but does not exceed six
funds or property thousand pesos.
3. The penalty of prision
mayor in its maximum
period to reclusion
temporal in its minimum
period, if the amount
involved is more than six
thousand pesos but is less
than twelve thousand
4. The penalty of reclusion
temporal, in its medium
and maximum periods, if
the amount involved is
more than twelve
thousand pesos but is less
than twenty-two thousand
pesos. If the amount
exceeds the latter, the
penalty shall be reclusion
temporal in its maximum
period to reclusion
In all cases, persons guilty
of malversation shall also
suffer the penalty of
perpetual special
disqualification and a fine
equal to the amount of the
funds malversed or equal
to the total value of the
property embezzled.
The failure of a public
officer to have duly
forthcoming any public
funds or property with
which he is chargeable,
upon demand by any duly
authorized officer, shall be
prima facie evidence that
he has put such missing
funds or property to
personal use. (As
amended by RA 1060).

218 Failure of accountable Any public officer,

officer to render accounts whether in the service or
separated therefrom by prision correccional in its
resignation or any other minimum period, or by a
cause, who is required by fine ranging from 200 to
law or regulation to render
6,000 pesos, or both
account to the Insular
Auditor, or to a provincial
auditor and who fails to do
so for a period of two
months after such
accounts should be
219 Failure of a responsible — Any public officer who arresto mayor, or a fine
public officer to render unlawfully leaves or ranging from 200 to 1,000
accounts before leaving attempts to leave the pesos or both
the country Philippine Islands without
securing a certificate from
the Insular Auditor
showing that his accounts
have been finally settled
220 Illegal use of public funds Any public officer who prision correccional in its
or property shall apply any public fund minimum period or a fine
or property under his ranging from one-half to
administration to any the total of the sum
public use other than for misapplied, if by reason of
which such fund or such misapplication, any
property were damages or
appropriated by law or embarrassment shall have
ordinance resulted to the public
service. In either case, the
offender shall also suffer
the penalty of temporary
special disqualification

If no damage or
embarrassment to the
public service has
resulted, the penalty shall
be a fine from 5 to 50 per
cent of the sum

221 Failure to make delivery Any public officer under arresto mayor and a fine
of public funds or obligation to make from 5 to 25 per cent of
property payment from the sum which he failed to
Government funds in his pay
possession, who shall fail
to make such payment This provision shall apply
to any public officer who,
being ordered by
competent authority to
deliver any property in his
custody or under his
administration, shall
refuse to make such
The fine shall be
graduated in such case by
the value of the thing,
provided that it shall not
less than 50 pesos
222 Officers included in the
preceding provisions. —
The provisions of this
chapter shall apply to
private individuals who in
any capacity whatever,
have charge of any
insular, provincial or
municipal funds,
revenues, or property and
to any administrator or
depository of funds or
property attached, seized
or deposited by public
authority, even if such
property belongs to a
private individual
223 Conniving with or Any public officer who 1. By prision correccional
consenting to evasion shall consent to the in its medium and
escape of a prisoner in his maximum periods and
custody or charge
temporary special
disqualification in its
maximum period to
perpetual special
disqualification, if the
fugitive shall have been
sentenced by final
judgment to any penalty.

2. By prision correccional
in its minimum period and
temporary special
disqualification, in case
the fugitive shall not have
been finally convicted but
only held as a detention
prisoner for any crime or
violation of law or
municipal ordinance
224 Evasion through If the evasion of the arresto mayor in its
negligence prisoner shall have taken maximum period to
place through the prision correccional in its
negligence of the officer minimum period and
charged with the temporary special
conveyance or custody of disqualification
the escaping prisoner
225 Escape of prisoner under Any private person to
the custody of a person whom the conveyance or the penalty next lower in
not a public officer custody or a prisoner or degree than that
person under arrest shall prescribed for the public
have been confided, who officer
shall commit any of the
offenses mentioned in the
two preceding articles
226 Removal, concealment or Any public officer who whenever serious damage
destruction of documents shall remove, destroy or shall have been caused
conceal documents or thereby to a third party or
papers officially entrusted
to the public interest
to him
2. The penalty of prision
correccional in its
minimum and medium
period and a fine not
exceeding 1,000 pesos,
whenever the damage to a
third party or to the public
interest shall not have
been serious.
In either case, the
additional penalty of
temporary special
disqualification in its
maximum period to
perpetual disqualification
shall be imposed
227 Officer breaking seal Any public officer charged prision correccional in its
with the custody of papers minimum and medium
or property sealed by periods, temporary
proper authority, who special disqualification
shall break the seals or and a fine not exceeding
permit them to be broken 2,000 pesos.
228 Opening of closed Any public officer not arresto mayor, temporary
documents included in the provisions special disqualification
of the next preceding and a fine of not
article who, without exceeding 2,000 pesos
proper authority, shall
open or shall permit to be
opened any closed papers,
documents or objects
entrusted to his custody
229 Revelation of secrets by Any public officer who prision correccional in its
an officer shall reveal any secret medium and maximum
known to him by reason of periods, perpetual special
his official capacity, or disqualification and a fine
shall wrongfully deliver not exceeding 2,000
papers or copies of papers
pesos if the revelation of
of which he may have
charge and which should such secrets or the
not be published delivery of such papers
shall have caused serious
damage to the public
interest; otherwise, the
penalties of prision
correccional in its
minimum period,
temporary special
disqualification and a fine
not exceeding 50 pesos
shall be imposed.

230 Public officer revealing Any public officer to whom arresto mayor and a fine
secrets of private the secrets of any private not exceeding 1,000
individual individual shall become pesos
known by reason of his
office who shall reveal
such secrets
231 Open disobedience Any judicial or executive arresto mayor in its
officer who shall openly medium period to prision
refuse to execute the correccional in its
judgment, decision or minimum period,
order of any superior temporary special
authority made within the disqualification in its
scope of the jurisdiction of maximum period and a
the latter and issued with fine not exceeding 1,000
all the legal formalities pesos.

232 Disobedience to order of Any public officer who,

superior officers, when having for any reason prision correccional in its
said order was suspended suspended the execution minimum and medium
by inferior officer of the orders of his
superiors, shall disobey periods and perpetual
such superiors after the special disqualification
latter have disapproved
the suspension
233 Refusal of assistance a public officer who, arresto mayor in its
upon demand from medium period to prision
competent authority, shall correccional in its
fail to lend his cooperation minimum period,
towards the perpetual special
administration of justice disqualification and a fine
or other public service, if not exceeding 1,000
such failure shall result in pesos
serious damage to the
public interest, or to a otherwise, arresto mayor
third party in its medium and
maximum periods and a
fine not exceeding 500
pesos shall be imposed
234 Refusal to discharge any person who, having arresto mayor or a fine
elective office been elected by popular not exceeding 1,000
election to a public office, pesos, or both
shall refuse without legal
motive to be sworn in or to
discharge the duties of
said office
235 Maltreatment of prisoners any public officer or arresto mayor in its
employee who shall medium period to prision
overdo himself in the correccional in its
correction or handling of a minimum period, in
prisoner or detention addition to his liability for
prisoner under his charge, the physical injuries or
by the imposition of damage caused
punishment not
authorized by the If the purpose of the
regulations, or by inflicting maltreatment is to extort
such punishment in a cruel a confession, or to obtain
and humiliating manner some information from
the prisoner, the offender
shall be punished by
prision correccional in its
minimum period,
temporary special
disqualification and a fine
not exceeding 500 pesos,
in addition to his liability
for the physical injuries or
damage caused
236 Anticipation of duties of a Any person who shall suspended from such
public office assume the performance office or employment until
of the duties and powers he shall have complied
of any public officer or with the respective
employment without first formalities and shall be
being sworn in or having fined from 200 to 500
given the bond required pesos
by law
237 Prolonging performance Any public officer shall prision correccional in its
of duties and powers continue to exercise the minimum period, special
duties and powers of his temporary disqualification
office, employment or in its minimum period and
commission, beyond the a fine not exceeding 500
period provided by law, pesos
regulation or special
provisions applicable to
the case
238 Abandonment of office or Any public officer who, penalty of arresto mayor.
position before the acceptance of If such office shall have
his resignation, shall been abandoned in order
abandon his office to the to evade the discharge of
detriment of the public the duties of preventing,
service prosecuting or punishing
any of the crime falling
within Title One, and
Chapter One of Title Three
of Book Two of this Code,
the offender shall be
punished by prision
correccional in its
minimum and medium
periods, and by arresto
mayor if the purpose of
such abandonment is to
evade the duty of
preventing, prosecuting or
punishing any other crime
239 Usurpation of legislative any public officer who prision correccional in its
powers shall encroach upon the minimum period,
powers of the legislative temporary special
branch of the disqualification and a fine
Government, either by not exceeding 1,000
making general rules or pesos
regulations beyond the
scope of his authority, or
by attempting to repeal a
law or suspending the
execution thereof
240 Usurpation of executive Any judge who shall arresto mayor in its
functions assume any power medium period to prision
pertaining to the correccional in its
executive authorities, or minimum period
shall obstruct the latter in
the lawful exercise of their
241 Usurpation of judicial any officer of the arresto mayor in its
functions executive branch of the medium period to prision
Government who shall correccional in its
assume judicial powers or minimum period
shall obstruct the
execution of any order or
decision rendered by any
judge within its
242 Disobeying request for Any public officer who,
disqualification before the question of arresto mayor and a fine
jurisdiction is decided, not exceeding 500 pesos
shall continue any
proceeding after having
been lawfully required to
refrain from so doing
243 Orders or requests by Any executive officer who arresto mayor and a fine
executive officers to any shall address any order or not exceeding 500 pesos
judicial authority suggestion to any judicial
authority with respect to
any case or business
coming within the
exclusive jurisdiction of
the courts of justice
244 Unlawful appointments Any public officer who arresto mayor and a fine
shall knowingly nominate not exceeding 1,000
or appoint to any public pesos
office any person lacking
the legal qualifications
245 Abuses against chastity any public officer who prision correccional in its
shall solicit or make medium and maximum
immoral or indecent periods and temporary
special disqualification
advances to a woman
interested in matters
pending before such
officer for decision, or with
respect to which he is
required to submit a
report to or consult with a
superior officer;
2. Any warden or other
public officer directly
charged with the care and
custody of prisoners or
persons under arrest who
shall solicit or make
immoral or indecent
advances to a woman
under his custody.
If the person solicited be prision correccional in its
the wife, daughter, sister minimum and medium
of relative within the same periods and temporary
degree by affinity of any special disqualification
person in the custody of
such warden or officer


Art. Crime Definition Requisites Penalty

267 Kidnapping and Any private individual who 1. If the kidnapping or detention reclusion perpetua to
serious illegal shall kidnap or detain shall have lasted more than five death
detention another, or in any other days
manner deprive him of his
2. If it shall have been
committed simulating public
3. If any serious physical
injuries shall have been inflicted
upon the person kidnapped or
detained; or if threats to kill him
shall have been made.
4. If the person kidnapped or
detained shall be a minor,
female or a public officer.

The penalty shall be death

where the kidnapping or
detention was committed for the
purpose of extorting ransom
from the victim or any other
person, even if none of the
circumstances above-mentioned
were present in the commission
of the offense
268 Slight illegal detention any private individual who reclusion temporal
shall commit the crimes
described in the next
preceding article without
the attendance of any of
circumstances enumerated

anyone who shall furnish

the place for the
perpetration of the crime

If the offender shall

voluntarily release the
person so kidnapped or prision mayor in its
detained within three days minimum and medium
from the commencement of periods and a fine not
the detention, without exceeding seven hundred
having attained the pesos
purpose intended, and
before the institution of
criminal proceedings
against him

269 Unlawful arrest any person who, in any arresto mayor and a fine
case other than those not exceeding 500 pesos
authorized by law, or
without reasonable ground
therefor, shall arrest or
detain another for the
purpose of delivering him
to the proper authorities
270 Kidnapping and failure any person who, being reclusion perpetua
to return a minor entrusted with the custody
of a minor person, shall
deliberately fail to restore
the latter to his parents or
271 Inducing a minor to anyone who shall induce a prision correccional and a
abandon his home minor to abandon the home fine not exceeding seven
of his parent or guardians hundred pesos
or the persons entrusted
with his custody If the person committing
any of the crimes covered
by the two preceding
articles shall be the father
or the mother of the
minor, the penalty shall be
arresto mayor or a fine not
exceeding three hundred
pesos, or both.
272 Slavery anyone who shall purchase, prision mayor and a fine of
sell, kidnap or detain a not exceeding 10,000
human being for the pesos
purpose of enslaving him.

If the crime be committed

penalty shall be imposed
for the purpose of
in its maximum period
assigning the offended
party to some immoral
273 Exploitation of child anyone who, under prision correccional in its
labor the pretext of reimbursing minimum and medium
himself of a debt incurred periods and a fine not
by an ascendant, guardian exceeding 500 pesos
or person entrusted with
the custody of a minor,
shall, against the latter's
will, retain him in his
274 Services rendered any person who, in order to arresto mayor in its
under compulsion in require or enforce the maximum period to prision
payment of debt payment of a debt, shall correccional in its
compel the debtor to work minimum period
for him, against his will, as
household servant or farm

275 Abandonment of 1. Any one who shall fail to arresto mayor

person in danger and render assistance to any person
abandonment of one's whom he shall find in an
own victim
uninhabited place wounded or in
danger of dying, when he can
render such assistance without
detriment to himself, unless
such omission shall constitute a
more serious offense.
2. Anyone who shall fail to help
or render assistance to another
whom he has accidentally
wounded or injured.
3. Anyone who, having found an
abandoned child under seven
years of age, shall fail to deliver
said child to the authorities or to
his family, or shall fail to take
him to a safe place.
276 Abandoning a minor any one who shall abandon arresto mayor and
a child under seven years a fine not exceeding 500
of age, the custody of pesos
which is incumbent upon
him When the death of the
minor shall result from
such abandonment, the
culprit shall be punished
by prision correccional in
its medium and maximum
periods; but if the life of
the minor shall have been
in danger only, the penalty
shall be prision
correccional in its
minimum and medium

The provisions contained

in the two preceding
paragraphs shall not
prevent the imposition of
the penalty provided for
the act committed, when
the same shall constitute a
more serious offense
277 Abandonment of anyone who, having charge arresto mayor and a fine
minor by person of the rearing or education not exceeding 500
entrusted with his of a minor, shall deliver
custody; indifference said minor to a public The same penalty shall be
of parents institution or other imposed upon the parents
persons, without the who shall neglect their
consent of the one who children by not giving
entrusted such child to his them the education which
care or in the absence of their station in life require
the latter, without the and financial conditions
consent of the proper permit.

278 Exploitation of minors Any person who shall cause any prision correccional in its
boy or girl under sixteen years minimum and medium
of age to perform any dangerous periods and a fine not
exceeding 500 pesos
feat of balancing, physical
strength, or contortion.
2. Any person who, being an
acrobat, gymnast, rope-walker,
diver, wild-animal tamer or
circus manager or engaged in a
similar calling, shall employ in
exhibitions of these kinds
children under sixteen years of
age who are not his children or
3. Any person engaged in any of
the callings enumerated in the
next paragraph preceding who
shall employ any descendant of
his under twelve years of age in
such dangerous exhibitions.
4. Any ascendant, guardian,
teacher or person entrusted in
any capacity with the care of a
child under sixteen years of age,
who shall deliver such child
gratuitously to any person
following any of the callings
enumerated in paragraph 2
hereof, or to any
If the delivery shall have been
made in consideration of any
price, compensation, or
promise, the penalty shall in
every case be imposed in its
maximum period.
In either case, the guardian or
curator convicted shall also be
removed from office as guardian
or curator; and in the case of the
parents of the child, they may
be deprived, temporarily or
perpetually, in the discretion of
the court, of their parental
5. Any person who shall induce
any child under sixteen years of
age to abandon the home of its
ascendants, guardians,
curators, or teachers to follow
any person engaged in any of
the callings mentioned in
paragraph 2 hereof, or to
accompany any habitual vagrant
or beggar.

279 Additional penalties for

other offenses
280 Qualified trespass to Any private person who arresto mayor and a fine
dwelling shall enter the dwelling of not exceeding 1,000
another against the latter's pesos.

The provisions of this prision correccional in its

article shall not be If the offense be committed by medium and maximum
applicable to any person means of violence or
periods and a fine not
who shall enter another's intimidation, exceeding 1,000 pesos.
dwelling for the purpose of
preventing some serious
harm to himself, the
occupants of the dwelling
or a third person, nor shall
it be applicable to any
person who shall enter a
dwelling for the purpose of
rendering some service to
humanity or justice, nor to
anyone who shall enter
cafes, taverns, inn and
other public houses, while
the same are open
281 Other forms of any person who shall enter arresto menor or a fine not
trespass the closed premises or the exceeding 200 pesos, or
fenced estate of another, both
while either or them are
uninhabited, if the
prohibition to enter be
manifest and the
trespasser has not secured
the permission of the
owner or the caretaker
282 Grave threats Any person who shall 1. if the offender shall have penalty next lower in
threaten another with the made the threat demanding degree than that
infliction upon the person, money or imposing any other prescribed by law for the
honor or property of the condition, even though not crime be threatened to
latter or of his family of any unlawful, and said offender shall commit
wrong amounting to a have attained his purpose
If the offender shall not have
attained his purpose
penalty lower by two
If the threat be made in writing degrees
or through a middleman
penalty in its maximum
2. if the threat shall not have period
been made subject to a
arresto mayor and a fine
not exceeding 500 pesos
283 Light threats Any threat to commit a arresto mayor
wrong not constituting a
crime, made in the manner
expressed in subdivision 1
of the next preceding
284 Bond for good behavior In all cases falling within
the two next preceding
articles, the person
making the threats may
also be required to give
bail not to molest the
person threatened, or if he
shall fail to give such bail,
he shall be sentenced to
285 Other light threats 1. Any person who, without arresto menor in its
being included in the provisions minimum period or a fine
of the next preceding article, not exceeding 200 pesos
shall threaten another with a
weapon or draw such weapon in
a quarrel, unless it be in lawful
2. Any person who, in the heat
of anger, shall orally threaten
another with some harm not
constituting a crime, and who by
subsequent acts show that he
did not persist in the idea
involved in his threat, provided
that the circumstances of the
offense shall not bring it within
the provisions of Article 282 of
this Code.
3. Any person who shall orally
threaten to do another any harm
not constituting a felony.
286 Grave coercions any person who, without arresto mayor and a fine
authority of law, shall, by not exceeding 500 pesos
means of violence, prevent
another from doing
something not prohibited
by law, or compel him to do
something against his will,
whether it be right or

287 Light coercions Any person who, by means arresto mayor in its
of violence, shall seize minimum period and a fine
anything belonging to his equivalent to the value of
debtor for the purpose of the thing, but in no case
applying the same to the less than 75 pesos
payment of the debt
288 Other similar any person, agent or arresto mayor or a fine
coercions; officer, of any association ranging from 200 to 500
(Compulsory purchase or corporation who shall pesos, or both
of merchandise and
force or compel, directly or
payment of wages by The same penalties shall
means of tokens.) indirectly, or shall
be imposed upon any
knowingly permit any
person who shall pay the
laborer or employee
wages due a laborer or
employed by him or by
employee employed by
such firm or corporation to
him, by means of tokens
be forced or compelled, to
or objects other than the
purchase merchandise or
legal tender currency of
commodities of any kind.
the laborer or employee.

289 Formation, any person who, for the arresto mayor and a fine
maintenance and purpose of organizing, not exceeding 300 pesos
prohibition of maintaining or preventing
combination of capital coalitions or capital or
or labor through labor, strike of laborers or
violence or threats lock-out of employees,
shall employ violence or
threats in such a degree as
to compel or force the
laborers or employers in
the free and legal exercise
of their industry or work, if
the act shall not constitute
a more serious offense in
accordance with the
provisions of this Code
290 Discovering secrets any private individual who prision correccional in its
through seizure of in order to discover the minimum and medium
correspondence secrets of another, shall periods and a fine not
seize his papers or letters exceeding 500 pesos
and reveal the contents
thereof If the offender shall not
reveal such secrets, the
The provision shall not be penalty shall be arresto
applicable to parents,
mayor and a fine not
guardians, or persons
entrusted with the custody exceeding 500 pesos.
of minors with respect to
the papers or letters of the
children or minors placed
under their care or study,
nor to spouses with respect
to the papers or letters of
either of them.

291 Revealing secrets with any manager, employee, or arresto mayor and a fine
abuse of office servant who, in such not exceeding 500 pesos
capacity, shall learn the
secrets of his principal or
master and shall reveal
such secrets
292 Revelation of the person in charge, prision correccional in its
industrial secrets employee or workman of minimum and medium
any manufacturing or periods and a fine not
industrial establishment exceeding 500 pesos
who, to the prejudice of the
owner thereof, shall reveal
the secrets of the industry
of the latter

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