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Decay Kinetics of an Interferon Gamma Release Assay

with Anti-Tuberculosis Therapy in Newly Diagnosed

Tuberculosis Cases
Ifedayo M. O. Adetifa1*, Martin O. C. Ota1, Brigitte Walther2, Abdulrahman S. Hammond1, Moses D.
Lugos1, David J. Jeffries2, Simon A. Donkor1, Richard A. Adegbola1, Philip C. Hill1
1 Bacterial Diseases Programme, Medical Research Council (United Kingdom) Laboratories, Fajara, The Gambia, 2 Statistics and Data Support Unit, Medical Research
Council (United Kingdom) Laboratories, Fajara, The Gambia

Background: Qualitative and quantitative changes in IGRA response offer promise as biomarkers to monitor Tuberculosis
(TB) drug therapy, and for the comparison of new interventions. We studied the decay kinetics of TB-specific antigen T-cell
responses measured with an in-house ELISPOT assay during the course of therapy.

Methods: Newly diagnosed sputum smear positive TB cases with typical TB chest radiographs were recruited. All patients
were given standard anti-TB treatment. Each subject was followed up for 6 months and treatment outcomes were
documented. Blood samples were obtained for the ESAT-6 and CFP-10 (EC) ELISPOT at diagnosis, 1-, 2-, 4- and 6-months.
Qualitative and quantitative reversion of the ELISPOT results were assessed with McNemar test, conditional logistic
regression and mixed-effects hierarchical Poisson models.

Results: A total of 116 cases were recruited and EC ELISPOT was positive for 87% (95 of 109) at recruitment. There was a
significant decrease in the proportion of EC ELISPOT positive cases over the treatment period (p,0.001). Most of the
reversion occurred between the start and first month of treatment and at completion at 6 months. ESAT-6 had higher
median counts compared to CFP-10 at all time points. Counts for each antigen declined significantly with therapy
(p,0.001). Reverters had lower median SFUs at the start of treatment compared to non-Reverters for both antigens. Apart
from the higher median counts for non-Reverters, no other risk factors for non-reversion were found.

Conclusions: TB treatment induces qualitative and quantitative reversion of a positive in-house IGRA in newly diagnosed
cases of active TB disease. As this does not occur reliably in the majority of cured individuals, qualitative and quantitative
reversion of an IGRA ELISPOT has limited clinical utility as a surrogate marker of treatment efficacy.

Citation: Adetifa IMO, Ota MOC, Walther B, Hammond AS, Lugos MD, et al. (2010) Decay Kinetics of an Interferon Gamma Release Assay with Anti-Tuberculosis
Therapy in Newly Diagnosed Tuberculosis Cases. PLoS ONE 5(9): e12502. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012502
Editor: Keertan Dheda, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Received July 9, 2010; Accepted August 6, 2010; Published September 1, 2010
Copyright: ß 2010 Adetifa et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This study was funded by the Medical Research Council, The Gambia. IMOA received funding from the European and Developing Countries Trials
Partnership through a career development fellowship (grant CG_ta_2005_40203_001). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction of the infecting organism in human and animal models.[5,6] We

have shown that the quantitative response, as measured by
Tuberculosis (TB) is responsible for the greatest number of ELISPOT, correlates with exposure to a TB case, reflecting the
deaths attributable to a single infectious agent worldwide and most infectious load of M. tuberculosis. Sharply rising counts following
of this mortality is in developing countries.[1] New diagnostic exposure may be predictive of TB disease.[7,8] Effective treatment
tools, and enhanced treatment strategies, are needed to help for LTBI is associated with a decrease in the measured response to
combat the TB epidemic. These need to be shown to be useful in ESAT-6 and CFP-10 antigens.[9,10] Studies have also shown
TB-endemic tropical settings. Interferon gamma release assays significant qualitative and quantitative reversion of the response
(IGRAs) are utilised in the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection following treatment of adult and paediatric TB cases in different
(LTBI).[2,3] However, their performance appears to vary between settings.[11,12,13]
high burden, resource limited settings and low burden coun- Qualitative and quantitative changes in IGRA response offer
tries.[4] They may also have value in the evaluation of new tools promise as biomarkers to monitor the response to TB drug
against TB. therapy, and for the comparison of new interventions. However,
The magnitude of the Mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis antigen- more needs to be known about the nature of the changes in the
specific interferon gamma (IFN-g) T-cell response to infecting M. IGRA response. Having determined that, even in a TB-endemic
tuberculosis is hypothesized to be proportional to the antigenic load tropical setting, ELISPOT counts decrease significantly in TB

PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 1 September 2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 9 | e12502

IGRA Reversion with TB Therapy

cases after treatment[14], we studied the decay kinetics of TB- were not met. With respect to reproducibility, we have previously
specific antigen T-cell responses during the course of treatment. shown that within-subject variability of our ELISPOT assay is very
small compared to between-subject variability.[14]
Data management and analysis
Participants All data were double entered into an Access relational database.
Newly diagnosed TB cases at the Medical Research Council Statistical analyses were performed using Stata 11.1 (Stata Corp
(MRC) out-patient clinic and the major government TB chest LP, College Station, Texas). The main outcomes of interest were
clinic were consecutively recruited to the study. They were eligible qualitative and quantitative reversion of the EC ELISPOT during
if they were $15 years old, were sputum smear positive and had a the period TB treatment. The impact of HIV status, age, sputum
typical TB chest x-ray. Blood samples were obtained for full blood smear grade and findings on chest radiographs on reversion was
count, HIV testing and EC ELISPOT at recruitment. In addition, also evaluated. McNemar tests were used to assess the relationship
follow-up samples were collected at 1-, 2-, 4- and 6-months of between qualitative CFP-10, ESAT-6, final EC ELISPOT and
treatment. All patients received standard anti-tuberculosis treat- time points at testing. Conditional logistic regression was used to
ment provided free by the Gambian National TB Control test for trend across time points. Quantitative reversion was
Programme. Patients’ clinical outcomes were reviewed at each assessed by Wilcoxon signed-rank test and mixed-effect hierarchi-
follow-up visit and their treatment cards checked for compliance/ cal Poisson models adjusting for possible confounding factors, such
adherence to treatment. Treatment outcomes were documented as as age, gender, HIV status, BCG scar, sputum smear grade and
cured, completed treatment, defaulted, treatment failure, trans- severity of radiologic disease. A p-value ,0.05 was considered
ferred out and died according to standard World Health significant.
Organization (WHO) definitions.[15] Each subject was followed
for total period of 6 months. At the end of the follow-up period we
documented if the patient was alive/dead, the presence of clinical
symptoms suggestive of TB (chronic cough, weight loss, night Study population
sweats, etc), a new diagnosis of TB, ongoing re-treatment or One hundred and sixteen smear positive TB cases were eligible;
treatment for mono- or multi-drug resistant TB. 113 (97%,) were culture positive. The median age was 27.5 years
(minimum: 15 years, maximum: 71 years), there were 3 times
Ethics Statement more males than females and less than 10% were HIV infected
The joint MRC-Gambian Government Ethics committee gave (Table 1). Ninety-six (82.8%) cases completed treatment in 6
ethical approval for this study. Written informed consent was months, 4 (3.4%) defaulted, 1(0.9%) died, 11(9.5%) transferred out
obtained from all enrolled study participants. and for 4 (3.4%) treatment outcome could not be determined.
There were 112 with 2 or more EC ELISPOT results and 86 with
Laboratory Procedures 3 or more results.
Sputum smear microscopy was done on samples stained with
auramine phenol and Ziehl-Neelsen. Isolation and identification of Qualitative results over time
M. tuberculosis was as previously described using Lowenstein-Jensen At recruitment, 95 of 109 cases (87.2%; 95% confidence
medium and BACTEC 9000 liquid media.[16] HIV status was interval (95% CI): 79.4–92.8%) with valid results had a positive
determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (Murex EC ELISPOT. As seen in Figure 1, there was a significant change
1.2.0, Abbott-Murex Biotec, Dartford, Kent, UK), Hexagon HIV in the proportion EC ELISPOT positive over the time of
(Human Diagnostics GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany) and type treatment (coefficient (coeff): 20.38, 95% CI: 20.54 to 20.22,
specific immunoblotting kit (Pepti-LAV I/II, BIORAD, Marnes- p,0.001). Most of the qualitative reversion seen occurred between
la-Coquette, France) for confirmation. recruitment and first month of therapy (87.2% vs. 70.0% (95% CI:
The ex-vivo ELISPOT assays for IFN-c were performed as 56.8–81.2%) positive, p,0.001, McNemar’s test) and at comple-
previously described.[17,18] The antigens used in this study were tion of treatment at 6 months (87.2% vs. 54.3% (95% CI: 41.9–
15 amino acids long synthetic, sequential peptides spanning the 66.3%) positive p,0.001, McNemar’s test).
length of ESAT-6 and CFP-10 (ABC, Imperial College, London, Four (4.7%) cases did not achieve sputum conversion to
UK). Each peptide overlapped its adjacent peptide by 10 residues. negative at 2 months. Their EC ELISPOT remained positive for
ESAT-6 and CFP-10 peptide pools were used at 5mg/ml while the entire course of therapy, although they were declared cured by
Phytohaemaglutinin (PHA 5 mg/ml; Sigma, Aldrich, UK) was completion of the standard treatment regimen. Of the cases with
used as positive control with medium as negative control. ELISPOT results at 6 months, only 1 (14.3%) out of 7 with
Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMCs) separation and negative results at recruitment had conversion to a positive result.
fresh ex vivo ELISPOT were done within 4 hours of sampling by This subject’s sputum had the maximum smear grade at diagnosis,
laboratory staff blind to clinical information: 200,000 PBMCs, per the TB affected 3 lung zones and was one of those for whom
well were incubated with all antigens and tested in duplicate wells. treatment outcome could not be determined.
Spot forming units (SFUs) were counted with an automated ESAT-6. There were 85 cases (73.3%; 95% CI: 65.1–81.4%)
ELISPOT reader (AID-GmbH, Strasberg, Germany). Positive test with positive ESAT-6 results. Following 1 and 6 months of
wells were pre-defined as containing at least 8 SFUs/well/26105 treatment, 49.2% (95%CI: 36.5–61.9%) and 41.0% (95%CI:
PBMCs more than negative control wells.[19] For a positive 29.9–52.2) remained positive respectively. Overall, there was 24%
ESAT-6/CFP-10 result it was necessary for one or more pools of reversion at 1-month and 33% reversion at 6-months. The change
overlapping peptides to be positive. PHA wells were set to at least in proportion of positive ESAT-6 results decreased significantly
150 SFUs/well/26105 PBMCs above negative control wells. from recruitment to the end of the first month of treatment
Negative control wells were required to have less than 20 SFUs/ (p = 0.028, McNemar test) and between recruitment and 6 months
well/26105 PBMCs.[19] The ELISPOT was considered to have of therapy (p,0.001, McNemar test). Overall the positivity rate
failed if the specifications for the negative control and PHA wells changed significantly with duration of treatment (coeff: 20.35,

PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 2 September 2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 9 | e12502

IGRA Reversion with TB Therapy

Table 1. Clinical and demographic characteristics of study CFP-10. There were 70 cases (62.0%; 95% CI: 52.3–70.9%)
population. positive for CFP-10 at recruitment. This declined to 44.4% (95%CI:
31.9–57.1%) after one month of anti-tuberculosis treatment and to
32.1% (95%CI: 21.5–42.6%) after 6 months of treatment. The
Characteristic All cases (n = 116) reversion of test results at the 1st and 6th months of therapy
compared to baseline were statistically significant (p = 0.023 and
Age, years
p,0.001 at 1 and 6 months, respectively). Across follow-up periods
Median (IQR) 27.5 (22–36) and with treatment, the change in positivity was also significant
Sex (coeff.: 20.23, 95% CI: 20.35 to 20.12, p,0.001). CFP-10 results
Female 31 (26.7) were available at 6 months for 78 cases. Five (16.8%) of those with
Male 85 (73.3)
negative results at recruitment (30) became CFP-10 positive after
completion of TB therapy. All 5 had the maximum smear grade on
Ethnic group
sputum microscopy at diagnosis, 3–4 lung zones affected by TB and
Mandinka 46 (39.7) 4 of 5 were cured at 6 months. The other did not have adequate
Jola 27 (23.3) treatment outcome data.
Wolof 14 (12.1) The difference in proportions of reverters for both antigens was
Fula 7 (6.0) not significant (ESAT-6: 28/71 (58.3%), CFP-10: 28/85 (47.5%),
Others 22 (19.0)
p = 0.26).
Sputum smear grade
Low 2 (1.7)
Quantitative results with treatment over time
ESAT-6. The median decline in SFUs was 1.7 and 5.5-fold
Medium 25 (21.6)
from recruitment to the end of the 1st and 6th month of treatment,
High 89 (76.7) respectively (Figure 2). The median SFUs at the start of treatment
BCG scar was 20.8 [interquartile range (IQR): 8.5–57.8], dropping to
Present 39 (33.6) 8.5 [IQR 2.0–25.0] at 1-month and 4.5 [IQR 0.5–19.0] on
Absent 61 (52.6) completion of treatment. Similar to the qualitative results, ESAT-6
SFUs showed a 2-step decline in SFUs within the first month of
Unknown 16 (13.8)
therapy (p = 0.06) and between the 1st and 6th month of treatment
HIV status
(p,0.001). Overall, there was a significant decline in SFUs over
Positive 10 (8.6) time with increasing duration of treatment (p,0.0001). The effect
Negative 101 (87.1) of treatment and time on ESAT-6 SFUs remained significant after
Unknown 5 (4.3) adjusting for age, gender, ethnicity, HIV status, BCG scar status,
sputum grade, and severity of radiologic disease.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012502.t001 CFP-10. Median values of CFP-10 were significantly lower
than those for ESAT-6 SFUs at diagnosis (p = 0.002) and all other
95% CI: 20.48 to 20.21, p,0.001). Only 1(5.2%) out of 19 cases time points but after the 1st month of treatment (p = 0.16,
with a negative result at recruitment for whom 6-month results p = 0.029, p = 0.006, and 0.06, respectively). There was a 2-fold
were available (78) became positive. This subject had a sputum median decline in CFP-10 SFUs between recruitment and the first
smear grade of 2+, 3 lung zones affected by disease without cavities month of treatment increasing to a 4.5-fold median decline
on chest radiograph and was declared cured at the end of TB between recruitment and 6th months of treatment. The declines in
therapy. median SFUs between recruitment (13.5, [IQR 4.5–34.3]) and 1-
month (7.0, [IQR 3.0–17.5]) and between recruitment and 6-
months, were statistically significant (p = 0.03 and p,0.001
respectively). Overall, there was a significant decline in SFUs
over time with increasing duration of treatment (p,0.001). This
was unaffected by sputum grade, gender, severity of radiologic
disease, BCG scar status and ethnicity.

Quantitative ELISPOT results in Reverters compared to

A group of cases with positive results at onset of treatment and
negative results after 6 months of therapy i.e. Reverters were
compared to non-Reverters. For ESAT-6, there was approxi-
mately a median 15.2-fold change in SFUs from start of to
completion of treatment for Reverters and a 2-fold change for
non-Reverters. Similarly, there was a 17.4- and 3.3-fold change for
CFP-10 for the 2 groups respectively over the same periods. As
shown in Figure 3A and 3B, the median ESAT-6 in Reverters at
the start and end of treatment was 19.5 [IQR 8.5–36.0] SFUs and
1.5 [IQR 0.0–3.5] SFUs compared to 44 [IQR 19.0–120.0] SFUs
Figure 1. Changes in proportions of tuberculosis cases positive
for combined and individual antigen ELISPOT assay during TB and 19.0 [IQR 11.5–54.5] SFUs respectively in non-Reverters.
treatment and follow-up. For CFP-10, median SFUs at the start and completion of
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012502.g001 treatment were 13.0 [IQR 4.5–24.0] SFUs and 0.5 [IQR 0.0–

PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 3 September 2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 9 | e12502

IGRA Reversion with TB Therapy

Figure 2. Comparison of median SFUs across time points for ESAT-6 and CFP-10. Error bars represent the interquartile range (IQR).

3.0] SFUs respectively for Reverters compared to 35.5 [IQR 21.5– treatment to values below those seen in healthy, but latently
68.5] and SFUs 14.5 [IQR 6.5–34.0] for non-Reverters. Apart infected TB contacts. [17,20]
from these higher median counts at onset of treatment, no other Our findings of qualitative and quantitative reversion of the EC
risk factors for non-reversion were found. For ESAT-6, 28 of 59 ELISPOT test are in agreement with our data previously reported
(47.5%) reverted on completion of therapy compared to 58.3% (28 by us and other authors for both commercial and in-house
of 48) for CFP-10. However, the difference in proportions of IGRAs.[12,13,14,21–26] The 2-step reversion we found had been
Reverters for both antigens was not significant (p = 0.26). previously described for contacts and cases given antituberculosis
For ESAT-6 and CFP-10, 15 and 21 cases respectively drugs as part of regimens for prophylaxis and treatment in other
experienced reversion and then at least one conversion. No risk settings.[9] Reports of initial increases in median antigen SFUs
factors for this phenomenon were identified and the SFUs at start following treatment before a decline over period of therapy are not
of treatment, during the reversion and conversion episodes were supported by our study.[27,28] Neither do our data support a
not closer to the cut-off for positive results than other episodes. report of an increase in median CFP-10 SFUs following
completion of treatment after an initial 3-fold decline.[23]
Discussion Higher median ESAT-6 SFUs than those of CFP-10 found here
is consistent with similar findings in TB disease and latent TB
This study describes the decay kinetics of an in-house TB infection in The Gambia.[17] That the reversion followed the
specific ELISPOT test with antituberculosis treatment in newly same pattern across time points is comparable to findings reported
diagnosed TB cases in a high burden setting. We found by others. [24,29] Dominguez et al, found higher median SFUs for
approximately 17.2% of cases had qualitative reversion within CFP-10 at the start of and throughout the treatment period in
the 1st month of treatment with an increase to 32.9% by 6 months. their study compared to ESAT-6. [23] Also reversion just for CFP-
Our data show a 2-step decline in qualitative and quantitative test 10 and not with ESAT-6 has been reported following treatment in
results: the 1st and 6th month of follow-up showed the most latent M. tuberculosis infection.[10,30] The presence of a significant
significant change in ELISPOT count. Comparison of quantitative minority of individuals with EC-ELISPOT conversion after an
responses between reverters and non-reverters showed that non- initial reversion has also been reported by others.[22,23,25]
reverters started at a much higher level, with some differences seen EC-ELISPOT measures the frequencies of effector T-cells
according to the antigen assessed. These results provide a sensitised to ESAT-6 and CFP-10 antigens. These cells are
complete picture of ELISPOT decay kinetics in TB cases and thought to closely correlate with antigen load, driven by the
provide insights into the usefulness of the readout as a Biomarker burden of M.tuberculosis.[5,6,31,32] Therefore it is not surprising
in TB research and practice. that we found significant qualitative and quantitative test reversion
The only factor associated with non-reversion was the presence with effective therapy. However, 54.3% of our cases remained EC-
of higher SFUs for each antigen at baseline and throughout the ELISPOT positive after TB treatment. The short incubation times
treatment follow-up period. Interestingly, the decline in median for the ELISPOT test are aimed at measurement of interferon
SFUs for both antigens were similar for the reverter and non- gamma produced by short lived effector T-cells. However, it is
reverter groups. It appears that there is a threshold for the amount possible that some memory T-cells come into play despite the
of decline possible in the number of sensitised effector cells (SFUs) short incubation period. Furthermore, it has been shown that in
per unit time with treatment, depending on the initial result. some people effector cells continue to circulate in the absence of
Interestingly, when compared to contacts in the community using antigen.[33] Persistent T-cell responses despite clinical and
the same test, the median SFUs for reverters decline with bacteriologically confirmed resolution of active TB or latent TB

PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 4 September 2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 9 | e12502

IGRA Reversion with TB Therapy

Figure 3. Comparison of median SFUs across time points in Reverters and non-Reverters. A) CFP-10, B) ESAT-6. Error bars represent the
interquartile range (IQR).

PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 5 September 2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 9 | e12502

IGRA Reversion with TB Therapy

infection may be due to host, pathogen or environmental Conclusions

components.[10,13,22,34,35] An alternative explanation is that We found TB treatment induces qualitative and quantitative
the mycobacterial burden is simply reduced by effective therapy, reversion of a positive IGRA in newly diagnosed cases of active TB
rather than eliminated. This may be the case as there is evidence disease that occurs in a 2-step manner: there is a significant decline
of recurrence of TB of the same molecular fingerprint in treated within the first month of treatment and then on completion.
cases.[36,37] However, qualitative and quantitative reversion of a IGRA
The immediate consequence of the ‘high proportion of non- ELISPOT has limited clinical utility as a surrogate marker of
reversion’ of a T-cell response, and significant interindividual treatment efficacy as it does not occur reliably in the majority of
differences, is the limited utility of qualitative and quantitative cured individuals.
reversion of EC ELISPOT as a marker of treatment efficacy. It is
also clearly not a reliable predictor of treatment failure/adverse
outcomes. Furthermore, conversion to a positive test in a small
number of cases with negative results at the start of treatment was The National Leprosy and TB Programme for continued collaboration, all
also unrelated to the usual surrogates of disease severity (smear study participants for their participation and patience, all the field
grade, cavitatory radiologic disease) and not predictive of adverse supervisors, assistants and drivers; the laboratory team, especially Joseph
outcomes (clinical and bacteriologic). Mendy.
Our study was conducted with an in-house ELISPOT test and
not the now commercially available versions. However, our in- Author Contributions
house test results are similar to results with the commercial test in Conceived and designed the experiments: IMOA MOCO PCH.
The Gamiba.[14,17,38,39,40] No mycobacterial cultures were Performed the experiments: ASH MDL. Analyzed the data: IMOA BW
done for confirmation of sputum conversion at 2 months and to ASH MDL. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MOCO DJJ.
declare a cured status after 6 months of therapy. Our TB cases Wrote the paper: IMOA MOCO BW PCH. Supervised recruitment,
were treated in the government chest clinics according to national follow-up and other field activities: IMOA. Helped plan study and
TB guidelines. In addition, we did not have results from all cases at supervised data analysis: DJJ. Helped plan and conduct study and was
all time points. However, about three-quarters of the study responsible for data management: SAD. Helped plan and report study
results, overall supervision: RAA.
population had samples taken at 3 or more timepoints.

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