What Is International Relations?: Featured Program

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What is International Relations?

Our richly connected, complex world demands professionals skilled in international relations, an
exciting field of study that presents a globally oriented perspective on issues that transcend
national boundaries.
The study and practice of international relations is interdisciplinary in nature, blending the fields
of economics, history, and political science to examine topics such as human rights, global
poverty, the environment, economics, globalization, security, global ethics, and the political
Featured Program
* The online master's programs from American University's School of International
Service allow professionals to build international and business expertise in 12–24 months.
GRE/GMAT scores not required.

* Fletcher's online Master of Global Business Administration from Tufts University prepares
students to apply advanced business strategy in a global context. Complete in as few as 16
months. No GRE/GMAT required.

* Designed by both Kogod and the top-ranked School of International Service, the MS in
International Relations and Business at American University will help you develop a global
business mindset in as few as 18 months.No GRE/GMAT required.

* Norwich University Online - Master of Arts in International Relations Program - Online

* Norwich University Online - Master of Arts in Diplomacy - Online

Exceptional economic integration, unprecedented threats to peace and security, and an
international focus on human rights and environmental protection all speak to the complexity of
international relations in the twenty-first century. This means the study of international relations
must focus on interdisciplinary research that addresses, anticipates, and ultimately solves public
policy problems.
International relations (often referred to international affairs) has a broad purpose in
contemporary society, as it seeks to understand:

• The origins of war and the maintenance of peace

• The nature and exercise of power within the global system
• The changing character of state and non-state actors who participate in international

For example, some institutions may study the psychological and social-psychological reasoning
behind the actions of foreign policymakers, while others may focus their international studies on
the institutional processes that contribute to the goals and behaviors of states. Ultimately, the
area of international relations studied depends on the goals or objectives of the organization.
The Value of International Relations in a
Globalized Society
Although international relations has taken on a new significance because of our increasingly
interconnected world, it is certainly not a new concept. Historically, the establishment of treaties
between nations served as the earliest form of international relations.
The study and practice of international relations in today’s world is valuable for many reasons:

• International relations promotes successful trade policies between nations.

• International relations encourages travel related to business, tourism, and immigration,
providing people with opportunities to enhance their lives.
• International relations allows nations to cooperate with one another, pool resources, and
share information as a way to face global issues that go beyond any particular country or
region. Contemporary global issues include pandemics, terrorism, and the environment.
• International relations advances human culture through cultural exchanges, diplomacy
and policy development.

The practice of international relations is valuable in a wide array of settings. Some examples

• Humanitarian organizations
o Action Against Hunger
o Oxfam International
o World Food Programme
• Government agencies
o Department of State
o Department of Homeland Security
o Department of Commerce
• International corporations
o General Electric
o BP
o Exxon Mobile
o Toyota
o Nestle
o Siemens
• Media outlets
o Washington Post
o The Guardian
o Der Spiegal
o New York Times
o Forbes
o Wall Street Journal
• Intergovernmental organizations
o World Trade Organization
o United Nations
• International communications
o Amnesty International
o Freedom House
o Human Rights Watch
o Reporters Without Borders
• Research centers/Think tanks
o Brookings Institution
o Center for International Policy
o Council on Foreign Relations
o Global Public Policy Institute

The Theories and Principles of International

International relations may be an offshoot of political science, but this field of study is
exceptionally in-depth in its own right. As our global society evolves and expands, international
relations will evolve and expand along with it as we continue to explore new and exciting way to
link our complex world.
For example, traditional dimensions of international relations related to international peace and
prosperity include topics such as international diplomacy, arms control, and alliance politics.
Contemporary studies in international relations, on other hand, include topics such as
international political economics, environmental politics, refugee and migration issues, and
human rights.
Examining the Levels of State Behavior
Professionals studying international relations often determine the level at which they will analyze
a state’s behavior:

• System Level Analysis: System level analysis looks at the international system; more
specifically, how the international system affects the behavior of nation states, with the
key variable being that the international system includes the power of each state rather
than being independent of them.
• State Level Analysis: State level analysis examines how a state’s characteristics
determine its foreign policy behavior. This type of analysis often views states as having
cultural characteristics based on their religious or social traditions, and their historical
legacy, and includes an analysis of economic and geographic factors.
• Organizational Level Analysis: Organizational level analysis examines how
organizations within a state influence the state’s foreign policy behavior. In other words,
organizational level analysis views that organizations—not states—make the decisions
that create a state’s foreign policy.
• Individual Level Analysis: Individual level analysis views the leaders of states as being
the largest influencers of foreign policy.
Examining the Theories of International Relations
The study of international relations involves theoretical approaches based on solid evidence.
Theories of international relations are essentially a set of ideas aimed at explaining how the
international system works.
The two, major theories of international relations are realism and liberalism:
Realism focuses on the notion that states work to increase their own power relative to other
states. The theory of realism states that the only certainty in the world is power; therefore, a
powerful state—via military power (the most important and reliable form of power)—will
always be able to outlast its weaker competitors. Self-preservation is a major theme in realism, as
states must always seek power to protect themselves.
In realism, the international system drives states to use military force. Although leaders may be
moral, they must not let morality guide their foreign policy. Furthermore, realism recognizes that
international organizations and law have no power and force, and that their existence relies
solely on being recognized and accepted by select states.
Liberalism (Idealism)
Liberalism recognizes that states share broad ties, thus making it difficult to define singular
independent national interests. The theory of liberalism in international relations therefore
involves the decreased use of military power. The theory of realism began to take shape in the
1970s as increasing globalization, communications technology, and international trade made
some scholars argue that realism was outdated.
Liberal approaches to the study of international relations, also referred to as theories of complex
interdependence, claim that the consequences of military power outweigh the benefits and that
international cooperation is in the interest of every state. It also claims that exercising economic
power over military power has proven more effective.
Although the liberal theory of international relations was dominant following World War I while
President Woodrow Wilson promoted the League of Nations and many treaties abolishing war,
realism came back into prominence in the Second World War and continued throughout the Cold

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