Mechanical Metrology and Measurements

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The document discusses different types of measurements like static, drift and dynamic measurements. It also talks about different errors in measuring instruments, classification and fundamentals of measurement systems.

The document discusses three types of measurements - static, which deals with constant quantities, drift which refers to reproducibility of readings, and dynamic which refers to time-varying quantities.

The document lists several factors to consider when selecting measuring instruments like required accuracy, when results are needed, cost, how data should be displayed, and whether the measured quantity is constant or time-varying.



LAB (ME331)




Submitted by: GAURAV KUMAR

Enrl No: 17107015

Semester: 5TH

1 Calibration of Vernier Callipers

2 Calibration of Micrometer Gauge

3 Measurement of gear tooth profile

4 Measurement of angle using Sine bar

5 Measurement of angle using Bevel Protractor

6 IR Camera


Measurement: Measurement is the act or the result of a quantitative comparison between a predetermined
standard and an unknown magnitude. It is essential that the procedure and apparatus employed for obtaining the
comparison must be provable.
The results of measurements be meaningful and followed by all the standard which is used for comparison must
be accurately known and commonly accepted.

Aims of Measurement:
i. In R & D program, measurements and correct interpretation are greater importance.
ii. In the process industries and power plants, and production industries, the aim is to achieve quality of
product and have maximum efficiency.
iii. In automation or automatic controls, the measurement is based on comparison of the actual condition
(known by measurement) and the desired performance (Set value).

Measurement in Design:
There are 3 methods to solve the complex problems in mechanical design.
a. The empirical method – based on previous performance
b. The rational method – is based on accepted scientific theory
c. The experimental method – based on trial and error on existing knowledge.

Classification of methods of measurement:

a. Mechanics type or Self-operated type
- Commonly applied to experimental or developmental programs Ex: mercury in
glass thermometer (Thermal expansion)
b. Power Type
 Used for monitoring of operational measurement in control system.
 Require a source of auxiliary power, such as compressed air, electric power, hydraulic supply or a
 mechanical source of power
c. Self-contained or remote indicating type
 Self contained type means, all parts contained in one physical assembly.
 In remote indicating type, the primary element is located hundreds of feet from the secondary indicating
Fundamental methods of measurement:
There are two basic methods of measurements
i. Direct method – not accurate, not sensitive
ii. Indirect method – Comparison by a standard

Factors in selection of measuring instruments:

The following factors are very essential for the proper selection of a correct instrument for any application.
a. How accurate is the measurement to be made
b. When are the final data required?
c. How expensive can the measuring process be?
d. In what form the data should be displayed.
e. Whether quality to be measured has constant value or is it a time variant

Measurement Systems:
1. Primary sensing device
2. Transducer
3. Intermediate modifying stage
4. Terminating stage i.e. Secondary indicating instrument (recording or information)
Static Measurement: In deals with the measurement of those quantities which remain constant.

Drift: No drift means, the instrument reproduces same readings at different times for same variation in measured

Errors in Measuring Instruments:

i. Assembly Errors – due to displaced scale, non-uniform division of the scale, bent or distorted pointer.
- Rectified easily
ii.Environmental Errors – due to temperature, humidity, altitude etc.,
- more trouble than assembly errors
iii. Random errors – These vary in an unacceptable, manner and it is difficult to list out all the source of errors.
Ex: Friction, backlash, Hysteresis, vibration, parallax error etc.,

Sources of Errors:
i. Noise – signal disturbances
ii. Response time (or time constant) is defined as the time taken by the instrument to show 63.2%
change is reading to a step input.
iii. Design limitations
iv. Effects of friction in the instrument movement
v. Resolving power – it is the ability of the observer to distinguish between nearly equal division.

Sensing Elements: The sensing elements (sensors) sense the condition, state or value of the process variable
and produce an output which reflects this condition, state or value. Thus sensors could be considered as

Transducers: It transforms the energy of the process variable to an output of some other type of energy.
 Primary sensing elements – also called basic detector, transducer elements. It converts into analogous form.
 Secondary Transducers (also simply called transducer) – It converts first stage (analogues) into electrical

Ex: Pressure is measured by a Bourdon Tube which is primary sensing element. Displaying the analogous
measurement into digital by Secondary transducers.
Secondary transducer may be employed to transform the output of primary sensor to still another type of

1. Mechanical members as Primary detectors:

Elastic members are used to change force into displacement.
Ex: Proving Ring, Elastic Torsion member, springs, Bourdon tube, Bellows etc.

2. Mass – sensing elements:

The inertia of a concentrated mass provides another basic mechanical detector – transducer element, used
in accelerometers and serves to measure the characteristics of dynamic motion, i.e., displacement, velocity,
acceleration etc.,
Ex: Pendulum, manometer

3. Thermal Detectors:
Thermal detectors are the devices used to measure the temperature of solids, liquids and gases.
The following factors will affect due to temperature change:
 Change in physical state
 Change in chemical state
 Altered physical dimensions
 Change in electrical properties
 Change in radiating ability
The most commonly used thermal detectors are:
i. Glass thermometers
ii. Bimetallic Thermometers
iii. Thermocouples
iv. Resistance thermometers
v. Thermistors
vi. Pyrometers (optical, radiation, fusion)

The strain gauge is an example of a passive transducer (externally powered) that converts a mechanical
displacement into a change of resistance. A strain gauge is a thin, wafer like device that can be attached (bonded)
to a variety of materials to measure applied strain. Metallic strain gauges are manufactured from small diameter
resistance wires such as Constantan or etched from thin foil sheets. The resistance of the wire or metal foil
changes with length as the material to which the gauge is attached undergoes tension or compression. This change
in resistance is proportional to the applied strain and is measured with a specially adapted „Wheatstone bridge‟.

Gauge factor is sensitivity of strain gauge.

Gauge configuration:
i. Uniaxial
ii. Biaxial
iii. Multi directional

Metrology is a science of measurements and the measurement is the language of science.

It is divided depending upon the quantity like metrology of length, metrology of time etc.,. Also, it is
divided depending upon the field of application as Industrial metrology, Medical metrology etc.,

Metrology is mainly concerned with

1. Establishing the units of measurements, reproducing these units in the form of standards and ensuring the
uniformity of measurement.
2. Developing methods of measurement
3. Analyzing the accuracy of methods of measurement, reaching into the causes of measuring errors and
eliminating these.
4. design, manufacturing and testing of gauges of all kinds
5. measuring instruments and devices

Dynamic Metrology: It is concerned with measuring small variations of continuous nature:

Ex: Temp, pressure

Legal Metrology: It is concerned with units of measurement, methods of measurement and the measuring
instruments, in relation to the statutory technical and legal requirements. It is directed by National Organization is
called National Service of Legal Metrology (NSLM). Its object is to maintain uniformity of measurement
throughout the world.
Function of Legal Metrology are – to ensure conservation of national standards, to guarantee their
accuracy by comparison with international standards, to impart proper accuracy to the secondary standards of the
country by comparison with national standards and to carryout technical and scientific works.

Deterministic Metrology: This is a new philosophy is which, part measurement is replaced by process
measurement. In deterministic metrology, full advantage is taken of the deterministic nature of production
machines and all of the manufacturing sub-systems are optimized to maintain deterministic performance within
acceptable quality levels.

Passive Metrology: Checking the components by using gauges is Passive metrology.

Active Metrology: Checking the gauges with instruments is Active metrology.
Need of Inspection:
Inspection can be defined as the process of checking the materials, whether they satisfy design standards.
The need of inspection can be summarized as:
 to ensure that the part confirms to the established standard
  to meet the interchange ability of manufacture
 To maintain customer relation by ensuring that no faulty product reaches the customers.
 Helps purchase of good quality raw materials, tools, equipment etc.,
 It gives necessary steps, so as to produce acceptable parts and reduce scrap.

Physical Measurements: It is defined as the act of deriving quantitative information about a physical object or
action by comparison with a reference.
There are 3 important elements of measurement:
i. Measurand – physical quantity or property like length, angle etc., being measure
ii. Comparison (or) Comparator – the means of comparing measured with some reference to render a
iii. Reference: The physical quantity or property to which quantitative comparisons made.
Ex: Surface Table (Measurand), Scale or steel rule (Reference), Comparison by eye (Comparator)

Measuring System: A measuring system is made of five basic elements (SWIPE). These are
Standard - S
Work piece - W
Instrument - I
Person - P
Environment - E

Measuring Instruments: These are measuring devices that transform the measured quantity or a related quantity
into an indication or information. It can indicate either directly the value of the measured quantity or only indicated
its equality to a known measure of the same quantity (equal arm balance, or null detecting galvanometer).


Measuring Range: It is the range of values of the measured quantity. The error does not exceed the maximum
permissible error. It is limited by the maximum capacity (upper limit) and minimum capacity (minimum limit). It
may or may not coincide with the range of scale indication.

Scale Interval: It is the difference between two successive scale marks in units of the measured quantity. It is an
important parameter that determines the ability of the instrument to give accurate indication of the value of the
measured quantity.

Discrimination: It is the ability of the measuring instrument to react to small changes of the measured quantity.

Hysteresis: It is the difference between the indications of a measuring instrument when the same value of the
measured quantity is reached by increasing or by decreasing that quantity. It is due to the presence of dry friction as
well as to the properties of elastic elements. It results in the loading and unloading curves of the instrument being
separated by a difference called the Hysteresis error. Hysteresis results in the pointer not returning completely to
zero when the load is removed. Hysteresis in materials is due to presence of internal stresses. It reduced by proper
heat treatment.

Response Time: It is the time which elapses after a sudden change in the measured quantity until the instrument
gives an indication differing from the true value by an amount less than a given permissible error. It is an
exponential curve. It the inertia forces are not negligible, we get second order response. There are 3 possibilities.
Those are Over damped system, under damped system and critically damped.

Bias: It is the characteristics of a measure or a measuring instrument to give indications of the value of a measured
quantity whose average differs from the true value of that quantity.

Inaccuracy: It is the total error of a measure or measuring instrument under specified conditions of use and
including bias and repeatability errors. This inaccuracy is called the “Uncertainty of measurement”.

Accuracy Class: Measuring instruments are classified into accuracy classes according to their metrological
properties. There are two methods for classifying instruments into accuracy classes.
i. Expressed by a class ordinal number that gives an idea but no direct indication of the accuracy. (Ex:
block gauges 0, 1, 2, etc.)
ii. Expressed by a number stating the maximum permissible inaccuracy as % of the highest indication
given by the instrument. (Ex: 0.2 ie., 0.2 for 0 – 100)

Precision: It is the repeatability of the measuring process. It refers to the group of measurements for the same
characteristics taken under identical conditions. If the instrument is not precise it will give different results for the
same dimension when measure again and again.

Accuracy: It is the agreement of the result of measurement with the true value of the measured quantity. For
good accuracy avoid errors in manufacture and in measuring those errors during inspection. Highly accurate
instrument possesses both great sensitivity and consistency. But the instrument which is sensitive and consistence
need not necessarily be accurate. Higher the accuracy, higher will be the cost.
According to the thumb rule, the instrument accuracy is more than component accuracy. In calibration,
accuracy of master instrument is more than instrument accuracy (approximately by 10 times).

Error: Error is the difference between true value and the measured value. It the error is less, accuracy will be

Repeatability: It is the ability of the measuring instrument to give the same value every time the measurement
of a given quantity is repeated, when the measurement are carried out - by the same observer, with the same
instrument, under the same conditions, without any change in location, without change in method of
measurement. And the measurements are carried out in short intervals.

Sensitivity: Sensitivity refers to the ability of measuring device to detect small differences in quantity being
measured. It is ratio of the scale spacing to the scale division value. It is also called amplification factor or gearing
ratio. It may by constant (linear scale) or variable (non-linear scale) along the scale.
High sensitivity instruments may lead to drifts due to thermal or other effects and less repeatable or less precise.

Readability: Readability refers to the ease with which the reading of a measuring instrument can read. It is the
susceptibility of a measuring device to have its indications converted into meaningful number. Fine and widely
spaced graduation lines improve the readability. By using magnifying devices, the readability improves.

Magnification: Magnification means increasing the magnitude of output signal of measuring instrument many
times to make it more readable. The magnification is possible on mechanical, pneumatic, optical, electrical
principles or combination of these.

Reproducibility: Reproducibility is the consistency of pattern of variation in measurement i.e., closeness of the
agreement between the result of measurement of the same quantity, when by different observers, by different
methods, using different instruments, under different conditions, locations, times etc.,,

Calibration: The calibration of any measuring system is very important to get meaningful results. It measures
the quantity in terms of standards unit. It is carried out by making adjustments such that readout device produces
zero output for zero measured input. It should display an output equivalent to the known measured input near the
full scale input value.
Accuracy of the instrument depends upon the calibration. Calibration depends upon the severity of use,
environmental conditions and accuracy of measurement required etc.,
Traceability: Concept of establishing a valid calibration of a measuring instrument of measurement standard by
step by step comparing with better standards up to acceptable specified standards.

Uncertainty: Uncertainty is a parameter to quantify the reliability of measurand. Uncertainty of measurement

determines the measurement capability of a laboratory.
The objective of a measurement is to provide the required accuracy at minimum cost.
The objectives of metrology are:
i. To evaluate, newly developed products, to ensure that components designed are within the process and
measuring instrument capabilities available in the plant.
ii. To determine the process capabilities and ensure that these are better than the relevant component
iii. To determine the measuring instrument capabilities
capabilities and ensure that these are adequate for their
respective measurements.
iv. To minimize the cost of inspection by effective and efficient use of available facilities and to reduce the
cost of rejects and rework.
v. Standardization of measuring methods.
vi. Maintenance of the accuracies of measurements
vii. Solution of problems arising on the shop floor
viii. Preparation of designs for all gauges and special inspection fixtures.

A standard is defined as something that is setup and established by auth
authority as rule
for measurement of quantity, weight, extent, value or quality etc., any system of measurement must be related to
known standard otherwise the measurement has no meaning. The role of standards is to support the system which
makes uniform measurement
urement throughout the world and helps to maintain interchange ability in mass production.

Sub-Division of Standards:
Primary Standards
IBWM (England),
BIPM (Paris)
Secondary Standards

Tertiary Standards
National Reference Standards, NPL
(India, UK), NIST (USA), DIB (Germany))

Working Standards

Plants/Lab Reference Standards

(Slip gauges OO, CMM)
Work shops
Plants/Lab Working Standards
(Slip Gauges 2, 1)

Shop floor Standards

(Vernier Calliper, Micrometer, Dial gauge etc.,)

Measurement: In industries, various quantities like length, width and other parameters are expressed in
meaningful numbers by comparing them with standards. This result of quantitative comparison of unknown
magnitude with the pre-determined
determined standard is called measurement.

Gauging: Gauging is the method of checking the dimensions of manufactured parts and it does not indicate
the actual value of the inspected dimension on on the work and also used for determining as to whether the
inspected parts are made within the specified limits.
In precision measurements various methods of measurements are followed depending upon the
accuracy required and the amount of permissible error.
The different methods are as follows:
1. Direct method of measurement
2. Indirect method of measurement
3. Fundamental method of measurement
4. Substitution method of measurement
5. Comparison method of measurement
6. Transposition method of measurement
7. Differential method of measurement
8. Coincidence method of measurement
9. Null method of measurement
10. Deflection method of measurement.
11. Interpolation method of measurement.
12. Extrapolation method of measurement.
13. Composite method of measurement.
14. Element method of measurement.
15. Contact and Contact less method of measurement.

Classification of Measuring Instruments:

According to the functions, the measuring instruments are classified as:
i. Length Measuring instruments
ii. Angle Measuring instruments
iii. Instruments for checking deviations from geometrical forms
iv. Instruments for determining the quality of surface finish.

According to the accuracy of measurement, the measuring instruments are classified as follows:
i. Most Accurate Instruments: Ex: Light interference instruments
ii. Second group consists of less accurate instruments such as tool room microscopes,
comparators, optical instruments etc.,
iii. The third group comprises still less accurate instruments. Ex: Dial indicators, Vernier callipers
and rules with vernier scales.

Error is the difference between the actual value and the indicated value of the
measured quantity.
Errors may be classified in the following ways:
I. a) Static Errors – result from the physical nature of various components of the measuring system
Ex: Internal imperfections, environmental effects, calibration effects, reading erros
b) Dynamic Errors – result by time variations in the measurand like inertia, clamping
friction or other physical constraints in the measuring system.

II. Controllable or systematic or fixed errors:

i. Calibration erros
ii. Ambient conditions
iii. Stylus pressure
iv. Random or accidental errors

III. Illegitimate Errors:

i. Blunders or mistakes
ii. Computational errors
iii. Chaotic errors

Aim: To determine the angle of the given specimen using sine bar/sine center/bevel protractor.

Apparatus: Specimen, sine bar/sine centre/bevel protractor.

The angle is defined as the opening between two lines which meet at a point. The basic unit in
angular measurement is the right angle (90 ), which is defined as the angle between two lines which
interest so as to make the adjacent angle equals (four equal parts). 1 = 60‟ (60 equal parts), 1‟=60” (60
equal parts).
Before 1,000 BC, the degree, minutes and seconds referred as „Sexagecimal System‟.

The difference between angular and linear division, is that in angular division no reference is
necessary to an arbitrary standard (Like wave length of light in linear division) to establish angular units
and that the calibration of angular subdivision is a self-checking process.
Alternative method for angular units is radian. This is the relationship between the radius and arc
of a circle. Radian is defined as the angle subtended at the center by an arc of a circle of length equal to its
2 radians = 360 degrees
The degrees system is used for engineering purposes; the radian system is used for mathematical
Linear units, such as 1 in 30 or mm/m are often used for specifying tapers.

Angular measurement may be broadly be classified as follows:

1. Measurement of angular features on components or gauges.
2. Measurement of the angular rotation of a divided circle.

Angle Standards:
1. End standard takes the form of either angle gauges or polygon.
2. Line standards takes the form of uniformly defined circles with the lines engraved at regular
intervals of say one degree.

Instruments for Angular Measurements:

The selection of an instrument depends upon the component and the accuracy of measurement
1. Bevel protractors (Vernier, optical, universal) (Accuracy : 2 ½ min, 2 min)
2. Sine Bar (Seconds) and Sine center
3. Angle gauges (3 seconds)
4. Clinometers
5. Angle dekkor
6. Autocollimator
a. Angle Measurement Using Sine – Bar

Aim: To find out the unknown angle of the given specimen-using sine–bar and slip gauges.
Apparatus: A surface plate, Sine Bar, Slip gauges, Specimen. Dial gauge.

Experimental Setup:

Theory: Sine bar is common and most precise way of getting the angle or finding the angle.
The angle is found out by knowing the ratio of the length of two sides of a right angle. The
angle to be measured or determined by indirect method as a function of sine, for this reason,
the device is called a „Sine bar‟. Angles are measured accurately by sine bars with the help
of other auxiliary instruments such as slip gauges, indicating devices etc.
The sine bar consists of a steel bar and two rollers. It is made from high carbon, high
chromium corrosion resistant steel, suitably hardened, precision ground and stabilized.
Rollers or cylinders are of accurate and equal diameters.
The sine principle uses the ratio of the length of two sides of a right triangle in
deriving a given angle. It may be noted that devices operating on sine principle are capable of
“self generation.” The measurement is usually limited to 45 from loss of accuracy point of
Precautions in use of Sine bars:
1. Sine bar not used for angle greater than 45 (impractical) fairly reliable for
angles less than 15 .
2. Longer sine bars should be used, since many errors are used by using longer
sine bar.

sin 
  sin1 

l = 200 mm
1. Fix up the work specimen on the sine bar for which the angle is to be measured.
2. One of the cylinders or rollers of sine bar is placed on the surface plate and other roller is
placed on the slip gauges of height „h‟.
3. The height „h‟ is to be adjusted by introducing the slip gauges in such a way that the dial
gauges show zero reading on both the ends. Now the top surface of the work is parallel to
the surface plate.
4. This height „h‟ is obtained by trial and error method. After obtaining zero deflection on
both ends, note down the slip gauge height „h‟.
5. Find out the angle using the formula,
Sin θ = h / l

Note: First calculate the approximate angle (θ1) of the given specimen using bevel protractor,
then calculate the approximate height of slip gauges for the length of sine bar (h1).
Pre viva questions:
1. What is the difference between slip gauge and pitch gauge
2. Explain how you measure minor and effective diameter

Specimen calculations:

1. l = Length of the sine bar = Distance between two centres of cylinders = 200 mm
2. h = Height of the slip gauge. = 50+1.76 = 51.76
3. The angle of the given specimen,
sin 𝜃 =
So, 𝜃 = sin = 14.998°

Results: By using Sine bar, the angle of the given specimen is calculated.

Conclusion: The angle of the specimen measured from a Sine bar is 14.998°.

Post Viva Questions:

1. Which is instrument used to find the effective diameter very accurately
2. Name the instrument used to find the screw thread parameters
3. What is error?
4. Mention the two important requirements of measurements
5. Why we use Sine bars to find angles?
6. What are the sources of errors in sine bars?
c. Angle Measurement Using Universal Bevel Protractor:

Aim: To find the angle of the given specimen using Universal Bevel Protractor.

Apparatus: Surface plate, Bevel protractor, and specimen whose angle is to be measured.

Theory: The bevel protractor is simplest instrument for measuring the angles between two
faces of a component. It consists of important parts such as stock, blade, body, Vernier, scale
etc., Back of the instrument is flat and there are no projections beyond its back. The blade has
150mm to 300mm long, 13mm wide and 2mm thick. Its ends are bevelled at angles of 45
and 60 . These are hardened and tempered to reduce wear.
It is used for measuring and lying out of angles accurately and23 precisely within 5
minutes. The protractor dial is slotted to hold a blade, which can be rotated with the dial
to the required angle and also independently adjusted to any desired length. The blade can be
0 0
locked in any position. It is capable of measuring any angle from 0 to 360 . This is widely
used in workshops for angular measurement. The acute angle attachment enables very small
angles to be measured.

1. The blade is clamped to the body of the bevel protractor.
2. Base plate is held against one of the plane surface which forms an angle.
3. The adjustable plate is survived with respect to the base plate and the angular
position is adjusted and locked.

4. The angle between the two surfaces is determined by referring the position of the
5. Also the sides of the given components are measured suing vernier callipers.
Calculation of Least count of Bevel Protractor:
The main scale is graduated in degrees of arc, which are grouped into four 90 quadrants.
The degrees are numbered to read either way: from zero to 90, then back to zero which is opposite
the zero you started at.
The vernier scale of the protractor had 24 equal divisions with 12 divisions on each side of zero. On
each side 12 divisions are marked from 0-60 and occupying 23 divisions on the main scale. Each
division on vernier scale measures 23/12°. Therefore least count is the difference between one main
scale division and one vernier scale division [2° – 23/12° = 1/12° = 5’] Once the least count was known
the method of taking the reading is as usual.
The reading of bevel protractor equals
a) The largest „whole‟ degree on the main scale indicated by the vernier zero division, plus
b) The reading on the vernier scale in line with a main scale division.

Tabular Column:

Sr. Main Sale Reading Vernier Scale Divisions X Least Count Reading Measured
No. (MSR+VSD X LC) Angle

1 33° 3 X 5’ = (3 X 5 / 60) ° 33+(15/60)° 33.25°

2 57° 1 X 5’ = (1 X 5 / 60) ° 57+(5/60)° 57.083°

3 46° 9 X 5’ = (9 X 5 / 60) ° 46+(45/60)° 46.75°

Result: By using the Universal Bevel Protractor, the angle of the given specimen is calculated.

Conclusion: The angles of the specimen which are measured by Bevel Protractor are 33.25°, 57.083°
and 46.75°
Aim: a. To Measure the tooth thickness of the given gear using Gear Tooth Vernier Calliper.
Apparatus: A gear tooth vernier calliper, gear specimen.

Experimental setup:

Theory: The gear tooth vernier calliper can be conveniently used to measure the tooth thickness at a
specified position on the teeth. The tooth thickness is measured at the pitch circle and is therefore referred
to as the pitch line thickness of the tooth. This calliper has two vernier scales and they are set for width
(„w‟) of the tooth and depth („d‟) from the top at which („w‟) is measured.
Gear Tooth Vernier Calliper Procedure: (To measure the gear tooth thickness)

1. Find out the least count of the calliper.

2. Calculate the diametral pitch, pitch circle diameter and module.
3. Find out the theoretical thickness „Wt‟ and Chordal depth (h).
4. Set the vernier depth gauge (y-axis) of the vernier gear tooth calliper for the dimension of
chordal depth (h).
5. Measure the gear tooth thickness (Wm) using the gear tooth vernier calliper.
6. Repeat the procedure for different teeth (at least for three teeth) and note down the
7. Compare the actual measurement with calculated readings and find out the errors.

Module, m = d/N
Diametral Pitch, dp = N

N 2
d D
Where D = Outside Diameter of Gear
 90 
Theoretical Thickness, Wt = N m sin  

 N
Nm 2  90 
1  cos
Chordal Height or depth, h =    

2  N  N 

% Error = (Wt – Wm)/Wt x 100

Least count of gear tooth Vernier calliper
X – axis =0.02mm
Y – axis =0.02mm
Number of teeth on the given gear , N = 33
Outside Diameter of the Gear, D =52.5mm
(Take minimum three trials)

Tabular Column:
Measured Thickness “Wm”
Sr. No

1 2.44 mm
2 2.54 mm
3 2.47 mm
Average = 2.483 mm

Tooth thickness
Theoretical Thickness of the given gear = 2.498 mm
Measured Thickness of the given gear = 2.483 mm
% Error = 100 X (2.483-2.498)/2.498 = -0.60048 %

Conclusions: By using Gear tooth vernier callipers, the thickness of teeth of a spur gear is measured.
Aim: To calibrate the givenVerneir Callipers and to draw the calibration curve.
Apparatus: Vernier Callipers, slip gauges

Experimental setup:

Theory: The Verniercalipers consists of two scales: One is fixed while other is movable. The fixed scale called
main scale is calibrated on L shaped frame and carries a fixed jaw. The movable scale called Vernier scale slides
over the main scale and carries a movable jaw. In addition, an arrangement is provided to lock the sliding scale on
the fixed main scale. For the precise setting of movable jaw, an adjustment screw is provided. The least count of
Vernier calliper is 0.02mm.

1. Find out the least count of the vernier calliper.
2. Select slip gauges of different sizes, which are to be measured.
3. Find out the thickness of each slip gauge and note down the reading.
4. Calculate the error.
5. Calculate the % error.
6. Plot the graph of error vs. actual reading.

Specimen Calculations:
1. L.C. = 1MSR

No. of divisions on the vernier scale

Reading = (Main scale reading) + (Coinciding Vernier x L.C.)

2. Error, E = Rm – Ra= = (E/Ra) x 100.
Tabular Column :

Sr.No. Actual Reading Measured Reading Correction Value Error % of Error

(RA, mm) (RM, mm) RA-RM(mm) RM-RA

1 2.47 2.45 -0.02 +0.02 +0.8097 %

2 2.57 2.55 -0.02 +0.02 +0.7782 %
3 2.95 2.95 -0.02 +0.02 +0.6779 %
4 2.82 2.80 -0.02 +0.02 +0.7092 %
5 2.22 2.20 -0.02 +0.02 +0.9009 %

Results: The given Vernier Callipers is having a positive error of +0.02mm. For calibration the
correction value for vernier calliper was measured to be -0.02mm.

Calibration Curves

Aim: To calibrate the given micrometer and to draw the calibration curve.
Apparatus: micrometer, slip gauges

Experimental setup:

Theory: The micrometer screw is fitted with a threaded spindle as the movable part for measuring
length. The micrometer collar is generally marked with a scale containing 50 intervals. The pitch is 0.5
mm with one rotation of the collar. Therefore the measuring pin advances by 0.5 mm. One interval of
the collar scale therefore equals 0.5 mm. 50 = 0.01 mm. Whole millimetres and half millimetres are read
off the main scale.

7. Find out the least count of the micrometer.
8. Select slip gauges of different sizes, which are to be measured.
9. Find out the thickness of each slip gauge and note down the reading.
10. Calculate the error.
11. Calculate the % error.
12. Plot the graph of error vs. actual reading.

Specimen Calculations:
2. Pitch = No. of divisions moved on the main scale No. of
rotations given to thimble

L.C. = Pitch
No. of divisions on the thimble

Reading = (Main scale reading) + (Coinciding Vernier x L.C.)

2. Error, E = Rm – Ra= = (E/Ra) x 100.
Tabular Column :

Sr.No. Actual Reading Measured Reading Correction Value Error % of Error

(RA, mm) (RM, mm) RA-RM(mm) RM-RA

1 2.47 2.48 -0.01 +0.01 +0.4048 %

2 2.57 2.58 -0.01 +0.01 +0.3891 %
3 2.95 2.96 -0.01 +0.01 +0.3389 %
4 2.85 2.86 -0.01 +0.01 +0.3508 %
5 2.25 2.26 -0.01 +0.01 +0.4444 %

Results: The given Micrometer is having a positive error of +0.01mm. For calibration the correction
value for micrometer was measured to be -0.01mm.

Calibration Curves
Infrared Thermometry

1. Aim: To understand the basics of infrared thermometry analysis and to measure the spatial distribution of

2. Theory: An infrared thermometer is a device that measures infrared radiation, a type of electromagnetic
radiation below the visible spectrum of light emitted by an object. The most basic design of infrared
thermometers is a lens to focus infrared thermal radiation on a detector, which converts radiant energy into an
electrical signal. This setting facilitates remote temperature measurement without the need for contact with the
object to be measured. The device is useful for measuring temperature in circumstances where thermocouples
or other probe type sensors cannot be used.
3. Perquisites:
a) Radiative Heat Transfer, Geometrical Operations on images, Map Scaling
b) Windows operating system environment, Microsoft excel
4. Material:
a) Infrared Camera
b) Tripod
c) ResearchIR (software)
d) Matt Finish Paint of known emissivity
e) SS-304 shim sheet
f) GB Ethernet cable

5. Method: The infrared thermometry is based on similar principles as of a normal camera. The only difference
is that in normal camera the wavelength of the 400-700 nanometres whereas, the IR camera can detect the
temperature up to wavelength of 14000 nanometres. The radiation emitted from a surface is dependent on the
surface temperature and is given by

𝐸 = 𝜀𝜎𝑇
This includes radiation over all wavelengths. The emissivity ( of a body is a quantification of ability to emit
blackbody thermal radiation and is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant. It is extremely important to identify the
emissivity of the object to be analysed before proceeding.
The thermal image obtained through the infrared camera is distributed on 240 X 320 grids over a field of view
(24o). The IR camera has a minimum focus distance of 0.4 meters and an object to be visualised must be kept
at a distance of more than 0.4 m.

6. Procedure: To obtain the temperature distribution over the target surface

 The distance (h) between the heater plate (painted black on the visual side) and the IR camera is to be
 The power switch on the DC Power supply should be activated and a small current (less than 10 Amp) is
to be initiated in the line.
 The emissivity of 0.99 is to be manually fed into the ResearchIR interface.
 The Image observed in the Interface software ResearchIR is then exported into a CSV file
 The image is exported in a CSV file and must be saved in excel format then and there.
 All 320columns will contain 240-row elements with a pitch of
ℎ tan 12
𝐷 =
Where h is the distance between the IR camera lens and the target surface.
 These excel file are then suitably can be analysed with either Tecplot, SigmaPlot or Origin software.
7. Precautions:
a. The IR camera lens should not be touched
b. The heater target must be coloured properly.
c. The temperature of the heater plate should not increase above 100oC. If in case it goes above the current
and voltage must be reduced to 0 in the DC power supply first.
d. The input to the DC Power supply is fed from the 440 V 3 phase line and should be carefully handled.

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