Developing, Managing, and Sustaining An ICT Project For Social Change

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Developing, Managing, 
and Sustaining an ICT 
Project for Social Change 

Information communications technology (ICT) plays a key role in a Country’s

Sustainable Development Goals, providing the infrastructure needed to achieve them. It also
gives a chance for people from around the world to communicate instantaneously. That’s
why With this, Information and Communications Technology is the greatest medium for
social movement leading to the success of various advocacies. This was attained through
ICT project that was made to create an impact to the society. Creating an ICT projects has
four phases: Planning, Development, Release and Promotion and Maintenance respectively.
Knowing how to Manage and sustain an ICT project is also essential for the success of the

Table of contents

A. Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………...2
B. Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………. 3
C. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………... 4
D. Development of an ict project……………………………………………………….…….5
a. Simplified ICT Project Process Overview…………………………….………...5
i. Figure 1.1 ICT Process………………………………………….……….5
b. Writing a project proposal…………………………………….…………………..6
E. Management of an ict project……………………………………………………….…….7
a. Website traffic monitoring ……………………………………….....…………….7
b. Website traffic monitoring platforms...............................................................8
F. Sustaining an ict project……………………………………………………………….…..9
a. Updating website content……………..……….…………………….……….…..9
b. Creating an online survey form to collect user feedback.……….…….….…10
c. Importance of collecting feedback……………………..…...………………….10


ICT is an acronym which means, Information and Communications Technology. It

refers to the technologies used to acquire needed information through
telecommunication.The advent of different ICTs made an enormous impact on society. It
became the medium in the propagation of diverse and fast rising infrastractures, systems
and project, global interactivity, and new human practices. Indeed those creations bring a
roster of convenience to the people in many aspects of living. It would be really hard to
imagine how modern society could continue to function without ICT. Because ICT has a big
impact on society, it is a good tool to use to gear up a promotion for social change. An ICT
project for social change innovates purposeful use of ICT and ICT based platforms to
conduct studies and develop programs that are significant enough, realistic, and doable
within a specified time frame.
ICT backed social change projects can be achieved through careful planning which
involves having a good concept, having access to available data, and conforming to the
limits of available technology, among others.Harnessing ICT to promote meaningful social
Change is a trend that continues to soldier on until today
However, much planning and preparation must be done it to be effective. Learning
how to develop, manage, and sustain an ICT project borne for the reason of effecting
positive social change is crucial for said project to succeed.

Part I


Simplified ICT Project Process Overview

Figure 1.1 Figure 1.1 ICT Process

In order to create an ICT project, one must have the knowledge about the processes
involved in generating the so-called project. The processes that an ICT project goes through
include the following:

1. Planning Phase - From the word itself, this phase involves conceptualizing the
determining the goals, and analyzing the information available.

2. Analysis and Requirement Definition Phase - This phase focuses on analyzing the
finaction, project requirements, target users, and impact of the proposed

3. Design Phase - describes the architectural phase of an ICT project. The desired
features and operation in detail, process diagrams, and documentation are
contained within this stage.

4.Development Phase - involves the actual creation of the written plan in the design

5.Testing Phase - This phase involves testing the results or the performance of ever
phase before it

6.Release and Promotion phase - encompases the actual roll out and the release of
project to be used by the users.

7.Maintenance phase - this phase comprises the correction modification and

updating for improvement of the project.


Part of project planning is writing a project proposal which is a detailed series of

activities involved in the project. The following are the essential potifoanproofitehae
A. Project Information Description - This section is meant to provide an overall picture of
the project that can be seen at a glance as well as convey important project details. It
may include the following:
i. Project Title: (PROJECT TITLE).
ii. Type of Project: (education-training/ health-medical mission/ art
exhibit, etc.)
iii. Project Proponents:(Name of organization/name of the people
iv. Project Beneficiaries:(Urban poor, women, youth, etc.);
v. Date of Implementation/Duration: (Start date/number of
implementation days),
vi. Budget Requirement: (overall amount of budget requirement);
vii. Project Contacts: (List of individuals involved with the project.)
B. Project Background - explains what needs/problems you are trying to solve, and why
these needs/problems are worth solving. The project's brief history, references, and
other supporting documentation may also be provided here.
C. Project Objectives - The goals of the project should already be set from the
D. Desired Impact and Outcome of the Project - describes the long term effect of the
project and specific measures to sustain it.
E. Risk Management Plan -It includes the risks and factors that may hamper or hinder
the successful implementation of the project activities and the achievement of project
outputs. This also includes measures to mitigate the effects of project risks
F. Project Organization and Staffing - describes the people involved and their
responsibil-ities in the project. The following table may be used as a template for this
G. Work Plan — a detailed project schedule. It is a list of tasks that will be performed for
the project. The work plan is a means to expose the project's risks which could be
used to make reasonable estimates of the man hours required to complete it. A
milestone chart can also be used in this section to monitor work progress at any
given time.
H. Budget Requirement -A detailed, line item budget that includes the cost needed for
every part of the project The following table may be used to repeat budget
I. Other Relevant Information - includes any information that will support a request for
funding such as brief enumeration of stakeholders pledge and lined-up projects to
complement the current.
J. Conclusion - a short summary that explains the potential value of the project.
K. Appendix - refers to additional charts, graphs, reports, etc. that were cited in the
proposal, but were not appropriate to be placed in the main body of the document.
Part II


To be able to succeed in the implementation of your ICT Project, it’s the team head or
project management is the discipline of planning, organising, securing and managing
resources for the successful completion of a task for project to meet specific goals and
objectives. The team should follow the stages of a project, development and practice,
effective communication and brainstorming discussion on development. The right mix of
planning, monitoring, and controlling makes a big difference in completing and
accomplishing project with high quality results. Management of a project refers to the art of
controlling, handling, orcamitng, and getting things done by assigning people to work on
certain tasks. Managing an ICT project, specifically a website includes the use of content
management systems that optimize site content for search and the use of Google Analytics
to keep track of website traffic.

Website promotion includes the use of techniques that direct traffic (visitors) to your
websites. this is very important to businesses or entrepreneurs who earn a living through
online selling, online marketing, and the like. The more clients a website has the bigger
chance to pin the more income and sales. The following are some of the helpful tips to do
online promotion:
● E-mail marketing - involves sending e-mail messages to a list of prospects or
current Customers as a way to promote products and stay in touch with your
● Blog marketing - is the process of reaching targets through a blog.
● Social media marketing - this technique is done by lin *ng the website URL
with any social media posts to attract more interested visitors.
● Search engine marketing - involves processes and tasks that help search
engines find And rank websites.


Website monitoring is one of the key parts of website management which includes the
process of testing and logging the status and uptime performance of a website. Website
traffic monitoring is an integral part of website maintenance and development because it is
the process of reviewing and analyzing website performance, stability, and overall user
experience. Its key objective is to evaluate the website's performance from the end users'
standpoint. Some of the things that can be monitored in website traffic include:
● A Number of users visiting the website within specific time;
● Overall visit length
● Most popular page or website component;
● Website speed (page download speed or website access speed);

● Website bounce rate; and
● Popular visitor channels (referred by website or search engine).
Website traffic monitoring helps improve a website's user experience and overall
purpose. It is also used to analyze customer demographics and popular search content.


Statistical data based on website traffic is used in managing and sustaining a

website. Management decisions are largely based on the actual data gathered. Today,
website traffic monitoring can be considered stress-free because of the availability of several
platforms/ software intended for this purpose.

Google Analytics is one of the most widely used free website analytics platform that
provides statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and
marketing purposes. As mentioned earlier, it is free and anyone can use it provided that they
have a Google account. Its key features include data visualization, segmentation for analysis
Googk of subsets, custom reports, e-mail based sharing and communication and integration
with other Google products such as AdWords, Public Data Explorer, and Website Optimizer.

Part III


Having a website or any ICT project is like having a pet or plant which requires e care
and maintenance. Your website might be a critical tool for communicating what you do and
indeed an effective and inexpensive medium for announce-ments, product promotions and
simply a tool for sharing reliable information. Website nowz Jays, easily get outdated and
static due to fast phase growth of technology therefore it needs to be continuously and
regularly updated and dynamic.


A regularly updated website content is essential to potential clients and visitors,

especially for those who are engaged in online business or uses the website as an
information sharing tool. Also, it makes search engine index your site more often which gives
you more chances to rank for more terms. Updating website content means putting the most
relevant and up to date information based on its objectives and nature. The following tips
may be consid-ered for updating your website content:

1. Define and set up goals (Conversion). Goals measure how well your site or app
fulfills your target objectives. A goal represents a completed activity, called a conversion that
contributes to the success of-your business. Examples of goals include making a purchase
(for an e-commerce site), completing a game level (for a mobile gaming app), or submitting a
contact information form (for a marketing or lead generation site).
2. Content inventory to identify update. This includes assessment and review of the
information written on the different pages of NMI the website. Review may include checking
of blogs, photos, and other multimedia content with regards to its last modified date and
other relevant information.
3. Performance analysis This is done by checking the generated analytics reports to
see what people are doing on your website, what keywords are bringing traffic, what are the
frequently visited webpages and which pages are they bouncing from. Data captured on the
said report can be used as basis for priorities in updating your site.
4. Collect user feedback User feedback is an information coming directly from the
clients, customers, or visitors about the satisfaction or dissatisfaction they felt with a product
or service. This is an impor-tant aspect in updating the website content because it helps in
making decisions regarding adjustments to, usability, and operability of the site.
5. Create a content plan With all the information gathered from the mentioned

you may now come up with a concrete plan for updating the website content. In this plan,
you should identify the priority area of updates or identify new content to address
unanswered questions and needs. Alongside this is setting the deadline or timeframe
covered for each update.
6. Update/replace old content and add new content This is the phase where updates
are actually executed to replace the old content. This is also the time to proofread and check
the facts on the site.


Online surveys and feedback forms are the most widely used way to collect user
feedback. There are plenty of platforms that can be used to gather this feedback for free.


Users are the ones who directly interact with your website or ICT project. You may
know the ins and outs of the project, how great its features are, and all its potential uses.
However, if these are not reflected on the user's side, then all that knowledge will have no
bearing to them. Hence, collecting user feedback allows you to bridge the gap between what
the users think of your ICT project and what you believe your project is capable of. For
example, perhaps your users will send feedback that they would like to see more videos
posted on your website because they find that format more enjoyable to consume. At the
very least, knowing that this is an issue on their side allows you to address it. Maybe the
next update, you can post a new video or two to grant their request.


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