Ross Jeffries Palo Alto 1

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And Beyond attraction videos videos focus on creating hyperresponsiveness find who you're

seducing by utilizing her own response has her own process has her own structures this means you
get to do less work you have to say less and the seduction appears much more naturally to her
also would iantha size in these videos are the four core skills that you can use to go beyond your
physical appearance and create incredible attracted us so sit back relax enjoy these videos they
come with a pretty extensive set of notes and remember speed seduction is always moving up and
deferring you that's very best seduction Technologies in the world

I think I think and Yates will correct me on this if I'm wrong I think the last time we were in Palo
Alto is two years ago is that right was it about 2 years ago I seem to have that memory I'm very
happy to be here with you and for those you watching I can tell you the material his advanced way
way way Beyond where it was when it started as good as it was when it started this morning I
want to talk to you about beliefs and the power of beliefs and what they can do for you and just to
illustrate as I often do illustrate by telling stories I was at the Cheesecake Factory which is about
three blocks from my home in Marina del Rey those you want to hunt me down I just gave you a
good clue and as I was leaving I was pulling my car out cuz I had had lunch I pulled my car out and
the parking attendants the ballot to roll all the way there were two women standing there waiting
for their cars one was absolutely drop-dead or just the other was what we call uncharitably a war
Pig this is someone who you sent her picture into Ripley's Believe it or not it would come back
stamp we don't believe this one all right and so I kind of looked out to the the Windows 10 your
lunch ladies and the really beautiful one ghosts soylent share you talk to someone as beautiful as
me scare you and they both burst out laughing cuz that was exactly what she was thinking and
then I said to the ugly when I said see I busted your friend and what a b**** she is for being pretty
and then the really ugly one laughs and smacked her friend on the shoulder now by way of
contrast I had a student call me sometime back and I cannot talk to beautiful women I still can't do
it I got all your products all your tapes I can't I just can't do it now here's the funny part this guy
was a former Special Forces US Special Forces I honestly don't remember whether he was a ranger
or a Navy SEAL or any of these things but he said to me I've been shot at i've shot people I've
jumped out of airplanes high altitude low opening or something like that they drop in from a really
high altitude and he wasn't allowed to open the Chute until he was like near the ground I've been
underwater I blown things off I've been i'd rather go through any of that then talk to a beautiful
girl I might know I said let me think about this the laws of physics say that when you open that
shoot before you open that shoot you're falling at 32 ft per second per second so if that's it shoot
doesn't open you're probably going to hit the ground at what a hundred fifty miles an hour you
could turn turn your bones to jelly are you aware that no problem you'll do that because you're
afraid to talk to a pretty girl he said I'm terrified I said supposing it was an absolutely beautiful girl
20 feet away I said here's 10,000 to her energy to self ask for a phone number could you do it and
you start to shake I can hear him shaking over the phone okay this is a little fun you guys should
watch me letting you know you're shaking Ross he was on the phone pay attention gearhead I
could hear the response to the fun you said I couldn't do it I said let's change the scenario the
Beautiful Girls 20 feet away and this time there's a guy sneaking up behind her with a huge knife
about the slash her could you talk to her then you said of course I'd yell hey lady look out in fact I
probably go tackle a guy I said wait a minute when there's no knife no physical Danger if there's a
homicidal maniac for the night so you could slice an artery your fine yeah they start a fry can hear
in frying over the phone cuz you just didn't make any sense that doesn't make any sense does it
what is a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman someone to joke around with and be terrified of
which is true which is true objective Lee which is true neither one neither one the truth is she's
just a human date that's the fact the fact is she just a human being the truth is whatever you
choose to invest your energy in your belief into I chose I choose to invest my energy and belief
5:52 into ideas like anything she gives me it's just a toy for me to play with or she can do whatever
she wants I control where my energy goes and where my energy remains 6:06 he had a different
set of beliefs what what do you think his beliefs were about beautiful women unapproachable
they have too much power is she says know every vagina in the Universal snap shut to him for
eternity who knows cuz I don't know exactly what was in there it wasn't important 6:25 and I
should be back to my FIT since it was so wait a minute how come you would not be afraid of the
knife was there he should because my intent would be different intent well that's interesting your
intent would be different he said that's right my intent 6:37would be to do something good for her
to save her life I said oh so pretty protecting her from a knife is good flights but protecting her
from a knife is good but introducing yourself into her life is bad 7:00 I can hear the brain starting to
shaky and over the phone intent means beliefs and intense could control our emotions and our
energy how could that be possible to sounds like that new age 7:12 magic ship we heard your into
Ross how many here by the way don't really believe in energy for those of you at home I've
written beliefs intent emotions energy it said my in time would be different how many here have a
little bit of a problem of a protein and absolutely stunningly gorgeous girl who have a problem
doing it alright keep your hands up but what if let's change the scenario what if the following thing
is true she's suffocating to death she is suffocating and the only are available as in your balls and
your dick i'm serious your dick is too too your dick is too too I'm serious, I'm serious do that only
keep your hands up if you get approached her then what what what what else you had this belief
about yourself what did he had this fully the women are walking to the world very mechanically
going through their day the thing that transforms them from the mechanism into a really living
creature is the magic wand of your cock what if you had that belief that your cock is the
transformational bridge to send across your male energy and its your male energy that will
transform her into a tick tock make from a tick tock mechanism into a living breathing human saw
what if you had that belief life would be cool why not why not 08:48 have that belief because it's
no more true or false in the belief that women are horrible terrible creatures of the power to seal
every vagina in the universe against you right none of these things are true or factual yes how do
we get that in 10 Ross I'm going to train you I'm going to teach you how to do that. So I mean raise
your hand again if you're afraid to talk to beautiful girls alright well let's sing about what's the
worst that can happen if you walked up to an absolute beautiful girl. How do you know why are
you holding her genetic handicap against her it's not fair how do you know she be mean to you
past experiences will I be mean to you too what were they mean to you and what in 5th grade
little cooler alert that's just what if that's just her autopilot what if what if that she's so used to
people who are dull and her that that's her response so she just taking along picking long to
keelung taking along you know even a stopped clock is right twice a day so what have you if you
could learn to control your automatic response to her automatic response then you can begin to
introduce some Freedom Into The Interchange she's going along having an automatic response
and you're having an automatic response to her automatic response is oh no I'll never get it wet so
now we have to automatic banging against each other instead of two humans banging each other
you understand this is another thing I'm going to talk about autopilot getting off of autopilot
somebody else who else here is afraid to talk to beautiful girls I think this is just ridiculous but okay
you are did you talk to an ugly girl easier so if she's less attractive and less desirable you what
what state is da okay well who were you born with that state of De is it in your jeans so so it's in
your DNA is what you're telling me I remember when your 4-5 you approached the 20 year old girl
preacher's wife what he went into trance can you been in food trance your whole life and so he's
been at it ever since how old were you yeah I would you let a four-year-old drive your yeah that's
right would you give a four-year-old your they sit down and color at that idea with you all right so
it's autopilot now wait a minute do you think it's possible that maybe these beautiful girls have
their own programs they been running on since there for 5 years old no there's super people
they're not just beautiful they're superhuman stay don't worry they're never afraid they don't
have stuck patterns of behavior they're not only Superior to you and looks are superior to you
olive oil doesn't mean they're not humans doesn't mean they don't have fears limitations hopes
dream and it also doesn't you're not on autopilot in fact is I'm going to teach you they are on
autopilot 90% of the time most humans are on autopilot most human beings are kicking along tick
tick tick tick tick and they do what is familiar not what serves invest what feels the best. What
growing to who they could be but most human beings just do what's familiar and if you don't
believe it walk into any bar and watch people interact in 90% of it is pre-programmed and things
are one encourage you to do is to get off of autopilot give you another illustration I had a guy call
me up different scenario fisk I've been listening to the Unstoppable confidence you kicked in and
he went out there and he started talking to women all of a sudden he was doing great he
approached the most beautiful woman in the club of the bar I really don't remember whether it
was a club or a bar as one of those two just things were clicking ran a few patterns got her phone
number got her phone number and 9 he waits couple of days he goes to undefinedy can't find the
number gets that kind of oil sinkland sinking feeling you're like when you can't find your car keys
right where's my driver's license I got to get on the airplane so turn around look around tear the
house apart can't find it goes into the dumpster behind the apartment building is dumpster still
can't find it he says he came up out of the grease in the muck and the dirty that. Self and come
back he said Ross my old self came back I couldn't talk to a girl for 3 weeks I was depressed I
couldn't even approach a woman his old self came back what the f*** where was it before Pismo
Beach antarctica I said to him when you mean your old self came back where was it before did
invade your body down from the Starship intercourse where oh where oh where did you go where
was your old self in point of fact he had a belief when he was in his new self that he could do this
that he could attract women and when couldn't find the number the old belief no I'll never get it
I'll never come down I'll never get women I'm a loser that all came back and with it came all the
energy all the emotions all the intent of the capability that makes sense oliver phone number now
just just let me tell you a different story I admit this 21 year old girl at a rave party and she had a
neck collar on otherwise I would have after that night she fractured her second cervical vertebrae
in a car accident but I was there with two of my eye my sorry chris and Josh and they're pretty
intense guys 5 minutes this girl eyebrows rubbing her Mound and Craig blind going to give her a
little kiss and she Buckle I had a hold it until the next day I called my brother who's a doctor can I
f*** a girl who has a fracture of the second cervical vertebra cuz I didn't want to break your neck
he said you probably could do it you know just make sure that she probably won't be able to blow
you no more but just make sure that you know you don't put any pressure on her head and
probably the best thing would be to have her on top. That I asked my dad is a retired chiropractor I
ask my current chiropractor and they all said yeah you got the green light I'm going to wait we
played phone tag I call her she's going to drive to my house for an hour driving like Sunday I said
her her cousin needed a kidney transplant liver transplant whatever actually sounded sincere to
me so I said okay then the second time she flaked on me a second time she said that the truth is I
went out drinking with my friends last night I got really drunk and I'm just Hungover & sick I said
that's a flake you need to make it up to me and I hung up okay A month later I'm going to my
cookie tin of old phone numbers I pull out her number and I called her up I said hello Vanessa I just
going through my cookie cutter my cookie tin of old numbers I'm really surprised you didn't strike
me as the kind of person who would miss her opportunity to explore her prepped with her
pleasure so the next sound you hear will be the card with your phone number on it going through
my paper shredder and I put it to my paper shredder that's exactly what I did and made a lot of
noise I said so if you can find your own reasons to call me here is the number okay 2 minutes later
I get the phone call from her that's the rudest phone message I've ever heard in my life I said for
the work didn't it you're here you're calling me if you respond not to the crass but the slap on the
ass she said yeah you got to have some kind of magic so she wind up driving over to my house but
here's the point is a phone number something that you should panic over and go diving then let
your old self come back or is it something you put through the paper shredder which is true which
is true neither one is true it all depends on what you choose to invest your energy in your tent and
your belief into he chose to believe that that phone number was the what's the Judgment of his
success for the material and who it could be and what he could do I chose the phone number to
be an annoyance that I was going to get rid of so which is true which is true it okay what's true is
where you decide to invest your belief your intent your emotions in your energy I want to suggest
to you guys part of the reason you're where you're at with women is your skills which we're going
to work on your skills with other people but in equal aspect of it is where you've been putting your
belief your intent your motions in your energy what have all the failures you've had with women
up to now what if all these things are not failures what if their resources okay we're silent again so
you know what happens when you're silent you don't want that to you you don't want t t any
questions or comments can any of you identify with any of this so far I want to tell you that I'm not
here just to pump you up and fill you with some positive thinking crap I'm here to get you thinking
in new and innovative ways and then to hand you some tools that you can go and drill with and
get phenomenal success beauty and attractiveness fudi Define characteristics would cause some
of the look at your picture and go yum whether that's a female or a gay guy I don't care but Beauty
okay attracted this I think is something completely different and that's a measure of how deeply
people respond to you in a way where they're eager to give you whatever it is you want and I'm
here to tell you I want you guys to trust me on this and you're going to prove it to yourselves and I
will prove it to you I believe your attractiveness can be virtually Unlimited there is virtually no I can
look at every person in this room and genuinely and honestly say to you each and everyone of you
that there's no limit to how attractive you can be if you can Master the following for skills these
are the four skills I'm going to give them to you we're going to go through in a little bit and my
dedication to this weekend is to give you the tools so that if you work with them you can develop
all these skills for yourself I sincerely mean this now I'm getting some attention but you know you
don't really want to learn this let's talk about something else these two fat blacks and vampires on
roller skates glide into a bar so I'm in here from out of town how do you hold 40 pairs of balls in
suspense let's talk about these things because I really really truly believe this and I believe this
applies not just in terms of being attractive to women but also getting anything you want in life all
right so pay attention and I want questions so far I haven't gotten a single really good question so
the more you yes because it can be tricky because if you separate the emotion from the
information get rid of the emotion and keep the information the information may tell you we're
never to go again good that's a good question I'll take that yes now you're waking up yeah it's still
awkward yeah we'll get rid of all that don't worry trust me alright so here they are you ready the
first skill is the ability to control your energy your awareness your intent and your state i've written
for those you and home your energy your awareness your intent in your state this is skill number
one what made the difference between the response I had to that girl doing and the former
special forces guy had she done that to him but would he have done he would have crumbled this
is the guy who slits people's throat in the Deep of the night you know she's going to Iraq and d-bal
sodeman no problem energy awareness and 10th and State what enable me when that girl snare
did meet do a ride back to her and even tell her what she was thinking my state and my awareness
and also isis put in here belief where are reasons why I'm uniquely suited to teach this material is I
wear ever use it then I've been there and worse I can guarantee you that I'm not up here lying to
you and telling you that no no it's because I do believe we're going to get this today in the craziest
state of onion salt ability where I guarantee you'll be able to go up to anyone anytime anywhere
and say anything you want and not feel anything other than great no matter how she responds
you going to know why Ross yep I didn't Canada we took four guys who are terrified of talking to
women got them up on the first day three of them went out and had no problems only did they do
it but they did it without any fear fourth one I dated you some more work on the second day but I
got him the second day I promise you I'll do with all of you yes I taken this would you listen to me I
taking this material so far beyond where it was when it started all of our products are great I love
on top of a conference types of those are great products to this day but I've got my tears Beyond
those they're still great products yes what was your question if you drill if that's up to you if you
drill and practice yes if you don't you won't i'll tell I'll show you how to do it and and recommend
how the practice it but if you don't practice it know if you do yet sure have you been able to keep
your fear and shyness for years okay there yeah so you know how to do something consistently
right energy awareness intent beliefs and state this is the first skill we're going to get into this and
today I will teach if yes you make me feel like this all the time naturally like without effort can you
send me about that I would say that it's because we're all as well there which start this way
another contact not this fight if you put me into an airplane and shut me out I probably be
screaming all the way down verified okay cuz I have a different set of beliefs about gravity what
happens when my body in packs the ground and little piddly little s*** and wanting to stay in the
plasma I you know that keeps us all intact and I don't like the side of my blood I don't think they're
people this way naturally in every contacts are some people who are naturally good beliefs that
serve them in some context there guys who are naturally good with women who have a lot of
these beliefs but let me put it this way they don't explosively formed there in the back of their
mind and if I ask them the right questions using NLP I could pull them out very she was a natural
the guys who are naturally good with women know what their beliefs are but if you ask them they
probably could come up with oh yeah that's no one of my beliefs when it comes to dealing with
women is anything they offer me it's a toy for me to play with anything they offered me it's
information for me to use your cat into the she don't need to write this down yet I'll get to this
when we get into Craig and state of an insult ability also I have this thing that says they can do
whatever they over my energy goes yes you ever see a really good performer on stage really really
now there's a performer another the people are charismatic who really grab and involve the
audience those people who are grabbing involving the audience I promise you they're using
energy I promise you it's true they're taking energy from the audience channel to themselves
holding it and they giving it back and they're building at the cycle of energy denver CO here's an
interesting pattern this is almost pattern and language river Cities old newsreels of girls waiting for
the Beatles to arrive at the airport yes screaming frenzy girls go into that you know when their
eyes are fainting and passing out yes okay now what would it be like to be in front of 30,000 all
having that responds to you debbie well that's pretty cool but you know that's a lot of energy to
suck up and use for Magic think about that she could do a lot with that energy couldn't share now
did they that's because they cry chi or did they get that energy because they were famous or both
will magic going on here do I believe in magic absolutely I know it I did I used to know didn't
believe in any of it but I can also get laid with beautiful 21 year old girls it's pretty freaking
disgusting that my niece is 22 looks at me and since you're such a pig caca peacock I love you
cocktail I have the most fun job in the universe is no better job will probably because I'm willing to
the only difference is the only reason I'm standing up here and you're not is I'm I'm willing to make
a lot more mistake and if I can't figure something out rather than be frightened I have a what's my
belief my parents taught me that I could learn to learn anything my parents taught me learn to
learn anything my parents taught me if I didn't know the answer get excited go find out and in my
family we were never punished for making mistakes ever ever no we were told that we were
smart enough to figure out anything and I'm here to tell you you're smart enough to learn to use
these tools and change your life massively massively I'm not talking just about successful women
we have so many people coming back to the same you know what I quit my job cuz I was going
nowhere I'm doing something I love I'm making more money I have a fairly new group of friends
what else do you have energy awareness intent let's talk a little bit we're going to be going
through this a lot this is a very quick review intent what the f*** do I mean by intent let's talk
about intent for a minute you see beautiful girl who else has trouble protein beautiful women you
see beautiful girl in absolutely stunningly breathtakingly beautiful girl and you look at her what's
your intent what are you thinking in your mind I want to f*** her hi there I want to shake your
hand but something's in the way you're in tennis I got to f*** her looking turn red that's good
that's good but probably not the first thing to be putting between you and her okay. Might you
know give me watch a cat watch a dog chasing squirrel the dogs ever catch the squirrel almost
Never. Can dogs announce their presence that squirrel and the squirrels up the tree throwing nuts
of the dog in the sausage Roar and the cat makes his eyes wider and wider why it's making the
pictures of squirrel bigger and it's mine so can notice any muscle twitch any movement it's
calculating the exact right trajectory and then totally silently it's got the squirrel doesn't announce
its present so intent well my intent when I see someone is a let's go f*** with that person let's go
find out what they're like a refund for me to play with do you understand it's completely different
at now do I somewhere that yes I'm going to f*** her eventually she passes my test yes that's back
there okay but my major intent of forces let's go play with that person

Minute 31

And the squirrels up the tree throwing nuts of the dog in the sausage Roar cat gets all quiet but
sees a squirrel and the cat makes his eyes wider and wider why it's making the pictures of squirrel
bigger and it's mine so can notice any muscle twitch any movement it's calculating the exact right
trajectory anatoly silently it's got the squirrel doesn't announce its presence so intent well my
intent when I see someone is a let's go f*** with that person let's go find out what they're like and
feel be fun for me to play with you understand completely different at now do I have somewhere
that yes I'm going to f*** her eventually she passes my test yes that's back there okay so my major
intent of purses go play with that person let's go f*** with this person and see how fun they are
and what they're like you know a good model to take his Bugs Bunny tail who here has ever seen a
Bugs Bunny who's never seen bugs by me you've never seen Bugs Bunny where you from india
okay cool cool well Bugs Bunny giving notice when someone when when the bad guys hunting
Bugs Bunny what's bugs attitude hey Korean Gama suck this guy outside Elmer fudd's got the gun
pointing his face and Bug puts his finger in the Broad Run someone. It's that kind of attitude okay
we'll play with this person let's go play with this person see what they're like have some fun with
them when you start to move to the world with that attitude things start to shift and change
things start to shift and change I just thought I live five blocks from the beach I love my
neighborhood it's a blessing to live in that neighborhood and I was walking on the beach to my
magic and meditation ritual all right I see this woman stunningly hot would like I don't think
there's enough material in that Bikini Bottom to cover until I just walk fire and I go hello and she
jumps the foot oh my God you scared me I said I'm sorry you just look like you were strong enough
to need a potential new friend but I guess I'll be going to a no no no that was my attitude to not oh
my God I got to f*** her once see what she's like is she strong enough to sit and talk to me see
here's the thing I can give you the memorize little things to say but they're far more powerful
there a thousand times more powerful if you also have this backing it up does that make sense
yeah right. Anytime you look at someone who is displaying excellence in some areas of life it's
because they don't just have the technical skill that they all said these things back in these things
are a core competence I had an argument with some absolute idiot on the internet strange the
internet seems to be more than sparsely populated by absolute and you saying forget about this
confidential need compass I said hey the ability to control and design your energy awareness and
10th beliefs and state that is a core competence that is a core skill from which everything else
flows so excited by the science books I would have to run to the bathroom to pee that's how
excited I want you guys to fix a pulled the Pina okay what's your name I know I had you in Sunrise
before Michelin 10th play with us. Extra until you add to that to make sure that you have a like
more flavor to it right from the beginning and make sure will I design my energy to make sure
there's an earthy fun or there's a earth the urge to my energy so some academic Professor here to
talk about things of the mind so that's what that's in your energy and wolves will get to that
absolute EOS r a what does playing compass curiosity having a light staff faster than the other
person observing the responses being very observant like the cat the dog is so busy barking and
slobbering he's not even watching the squirrel could be gone for all the dog knows the cat is
watching that pray you know I'm not that I'm preying on people the cat is watching every move so
I'm observing responses I'm testing i'm busting balls a little bit to see how they respond testing
just a little bit seeing how they respond to my touch will get through this but I'm testing them the
whole time I'm also listening for weirdness and and incongruity and and strange stuff very good
question smart yes so this is very exciting and we're going to give you it's one thing that simply
talked about it but we're going to give you some very powerful tools to actual now this alone will
set you apart from people this is one of the four skills this alone I can promise you will set you
apart from the average person this alone would give you put you way ahead of the pack will you
can have all these things but don't you have to have other skills yes to go with him I mean if you
don't have those other skills these aren't going to work for that all I know these are not enough no
no but it just seems it is very hard to have these skills unless you have other skills match the other
way around the other skills will come much easier once you have days these are the core skills I'll
give you example do you know where you live to know you yes okay don't just give me the
numbers of your address that's PO box give it to me 75137 soundtrack easy enough on the
freeway you were driving a tanker truck with flammable explosive stuff you started to smell smoke
in your engine hot and just that moment Brooke Shields left Through the Windows started and
then I said now give me your numbers I want harder wouldn't it slightly because this should be
screwed up i'm saying this is the core skill there are others I'm going to get too so we started here
using your analogy of the world to end up being the the pattern the rest of the No No but it's
important that you could call it the Carr the glove the core of the Earth this is this is the core of the
earth without this the rest of it falls to pieces this is the foundation Foundation is the founder
phone of fight it is hallelu yah yes hi anything more krishna girl is some you mentioned a few
minutes ago if I can record it how about witness and how would you do that how do you decide
how to do with somebody who's too and I'm not talking about this early if I steal a deep dish
danergy if I feel that they're deeply often times I get a sense that the person has had a lot of
experience were love and abuse have been confused in their mind there's a confusion between
love and abuse and if I sense that I'm going to move away from that person or I will take on the
role I need to take on to have fun with them and then I'll back away from them but often it if you
sense that love and abuse have been confused in that person's mind you can't be a kind and caring
person with that person and get anywhere sexually usually so all he will take on the role of the
black hat in the whip even though it's not who I am just to have some fun with them or I'll just
walk away my response see Stacy's just compassion is to give them a little compassion to move on
you know what you don't score. Cerberus by exploiting people's pain and weakness to get your
rocks off and I don't suggest you do it I only became aware of that when I became aware of my
own tendencies in those areas if you can't see it in yourself you won't see it another people that's
why self-awareness is tool because then you become aware of where other people are at if you're
blind to it in yourself then you've become blind to it and others if you're aware of it in yourself you
would generally speaking see it in others that's why deceptive people are easily taken cuz they
don't see their own deceptions it's so much a part of what they're doing its habitual so they don't
pick it up another people it didn't make it the con man get conned sometimes sometimes not
alright let's move on this is just an overview understand our purposes morning is to get your gears
to grease you would Jeffries lubricant in your brain you know get the wheels go on i'll punish you
with my metaphors alright still number one the next one the next is to end these these next skills
are not necessarily in order of importance establish your Authority in their world authority 40:00

Hu they are on autopilot 90% of the time most humans are on autopilot most human beings are
ticking along tick tick tick tick tick and they do what is familiar not what serves him. Not what feels
the best. Turn in growing to who they could be but most human beings just do what's familiar and
if you don't believe it walk into any bar and watch people interact and 90% of it is pre-
programmed but bulshit and what things are one encourage you to do is to get off of autopilot
give you another illustration I had a guy call me up different scenario this guy I've been listening to
the Unstoppable confidence something kicked in and he went out there and he started talking to
women all of a sudden he was doing great he approached the most beautiful woman in the club at
Levar I really don't remember whether it was a club or a bar as one of those two just things were
quick and ran a few patterns got her phone number got her phone number and he was just on
cloud nine he waits couple of days he goes to kalaniiki gets that kind of oil sinkland sinking feeling
you're like when you can't find your car keys all right where's my driver's license I got to get on the
airplane zip turn around look around Terrace his house apart can't find it goes into the dumpster
behind the apartment building is dumpster our still can't find it he says he came up out of the
grease in the muck and the dirty there in his old self and come back he said Ross my old self came
back I couldn't talk to a girl for 3 weeks I couldn't even approach a woman his old self came back
what the f*** where was it before Pismo Beach antarctica I said to him what do you mean your
old self came back where was it before today's invade your body did you get bean down kip
intercourse where where where did you go where was your old self in point of fact he had a belief
when he was in his new self that he could do this that he could attract women and when he
couldn't find the number the old belief no I'll never get it I'll never come down I'll never get
women I'm a loser that all came back and with it came all the energy all the emotions all the intent
a lack of capability that makes sense oliver phone number now just patras let me tell you different
I admit this 21 year old girl party and that she had a neck collar on otherwise I would have f*****
her that night she had fractured her second cervical vertebrae in a car accident but I was there
with two of my eye my sorry from La Chris and Josh and they're pretty intense guys so within five
minutes I I was like I had this girl ever I was rubbing her Mound it is pretty cool I dinna give her a
little kiss and she Buckle I had a hold it and so the next day I called my brother who's a doctor can I
f*** a girl who has a fracture the second cervical vertebra cuz I didn't want to break your neck he
said you probably could do it you know just make sure that you probably won't be able to blow
you no more but just make sure that you know you don't put any pressure on her head and
probably the best thing would be to have her on top. That ideas for retired chiropractor I ask my
current chiropractor and they all said yeah you got the green light. A Pikachu damn anyway we
played phone tag I call her she's going to drive to my house for an hour drive apps to see me like
Sunday I said her her cousin I said to him what do you mean your old self came back where was it
before did invade your body did you get bean down from the Starship intercourse where oh where
oh where did your old where was your old self in point of fact he had a belief when he was in his
new self that he could do this that he could attract women and we couldn't find the number the
old belief no I'll never get it I'll never come back. I'll never get loser that all came back and with it
came all the energy all the emotions all the enchant off ability that makes sense over phone
number now just by way of contrast let me tell you different I admit this 21 year old girl party and
that collar on otherwise I would have f***** her that night she had fractured her second cervical
vertebrae in a car accident but I was there with two of my eye my sorry from La Chris and Josh and
they're pretty intense guys so within five minutes I I was like I had this girl ever I was rubbing her
Mound and Christian are brasses pretty cool I'm going to give her a little kiss and she Buckle I had
a holder and so the next day I called my brother who's a doctor can I f*** a girl who has a fracture
the second cervical vertebra cuz I didn't want to break your neck he said you probably could do it
you know just make sure that you probably won't be able to blow you no more but just make sure
that you know you don't put any pressure on her head and probably the best thing would be to
have her on top that I asked my dad is a retired chiropractor I ask my current chiropractor and
they all said yeah you got the green light we played phone tag I call her going to drive to my house
for an hour drive an hour to my house to see me flakes on me I said her her cousin needed liver
transplant whatever then the second time she flaked on me a second time she said the truth is I
went out drinking with my friends last night I got really drunk and I'm just Hungover & sick I said
that's a flake you need to make it up to me and I hung up okay I'm up later I'm going to my cookie
tin of old phone numbers I pull out her number and I called her out they say hello Vanessa this is
Ross I just going through my cookie cutter my my cookie tin of old numbers I'm really surprised
you didn't strike me as the kind of person who would miss her opportunity to explore her Pratt
with her pleasure so the next sound you hear will be the card with your phone number on it going
to my paper shredder and I put it to my paper shredder this exactly what I did and made a lot of
noise I said so if you can find your own reasons to call me here's the okay 2 minutes later I get the
phone call from her house phone message I've ever heard in my life I said for the work didn't
you're here you're calling me if you respond not to the crass but the slap on the ass said yeah he
had to have some kind of magic so she wind up driving over to my house but here's the point is a
phone number something that you should panic over and go. Stirring done let your old self come
back or is it something you put through the paper shredder which is true which is true neither one
is true it all depends on what you choose to invest your energy in your tent and your belief in to
chose to believe that that phone number was the what's the Judgment of his success with the
material and who he could be in what he could do I chose the phone number to be an annoyance
that I was going to get rid of so which is true which is true it was okay what's true is where you
decide to invest your belief your intent your emotions in your energy I want to suggest to you guys
part of the reason you're where you're at with women is your skills which we're going to work on
your skills with other people but in equal aspect of it is where you've been putting your belief your
intent your emotions in your energy what if failures you've had with women up to now what if all
these things are not failures what if their resources okay we're silent again so you know what
happens when you're silent you don't want that to you you don't want t t any questions or
comments can any of you identify with any of this so far I want to tell you that I'm not here just to
pump you up and fill you with some positive thinking crap I'm here to get you thinking in new and
innovative ways and then to hand you some tools so you can go and drill with and get phenomenal
success beauty and attractiveness a beauty I Define is whatever characteristics would cause some
of the look at your picture and go yum whether that's a female or a gay guy I don't care but Beauty
okay attractive this I think is something completely different and that's a measure of how deeply
people respond to you in a way where there are eager to give you whatever it is you want and I'm
here to tell you I want you guys to trust me on this and you're going to prove it to yourselves and I
will prove it to you I believe your attractiveness can be virtually Unlimited there is virtually no I can
look at every person in this room and genuinely and honestly say to you each and everyone of you
that there's no limit to how attractive you can be if you can Master the following for skills these
are the four skills I'm going to give them to you we're going to go through in a little bit and might
dedication to this weekend is to give you the tools so that if you work with them you can develop
all the skills for yourself I sincerely mean this now I'm getting some attention but you know you
don't really want to learn this let's talk about something else these two black Siamese twin lesbian
vampires on roller skates glide into a bar so anyone here from out of town how do you hold 40
pairs of balls in suspense I always talk about these things because I really really truly believe this
and I believe this applies not just in terms of being attracted to women but also get anything you
want in life all right so pay attention and I want questions so far I haven't gotten a single really
good question so good morning yes because if you separate the emotion from the information get
rid of the emotion and keep the information the information may tell you we're never to go again
good that's a good question I'll take yes now you're waking up yeah... Yeah we'll get rid of all that
don't worry about it trust me alright so here they are you ready all right the first skill is the ability
to control your energy your awareness your intent and your state i've written for those you home
your energy your awareness your intent in your state this is skill number one what made the
difference between the response I had to that girl doing this and the former special forces guy had
she done that to him what would he have done he would have crumbled this is the guy who splits
people's throat in the Deep of the night you know she's going to Iraq in t-ball sonneman no
problem energy awareness and 10th and State what enable need when that girl snared me do it
right back to her and even tell her what she was thinking my state and my awareness and also isis
put in here belief one of the reasons why I'm uniquely suited to teach this material is I wear ever
use it then works I can guarantee you that I'm not up here lying to you I'm telling you the truth no
no it's because I do believe we're going to get this today in the craziest state of I'm insulted ability
where I guarantee you'll be able to go out to anyone anytime anywhere and say anything you
want and not feel anything other than great no matter how she responds you going to know why
Ross yep I did in Canada we took for guys who were terrified of talking to women got them up on
the first day three of them went out and had no problem cuz they did it without any fear the
fourth one I needed to do some more work on the second day but I got him the second day I
promise you I'll do it all if it yes I taken this mature listen to me I have taken this material so far
beyond where it was when it started all of our products are great I love are unstoppable
confidence types of those are great products to this day but I've gotten light-years Beyond they're
still great products yes what was your question if you drill to you if you drill and practice yes if you
don't you won't i'll tell I'll show you how to do it and then recommend how to practice it but if you
don't practice it know if you do yet have you been able to keep your fear and shyness for years
okay there yeah so you know how to do something consistently right energy awareness intent
beliefs and state this is the first scale we're going to get into this and today I will teach you how to
crate it yes give me the life is all the time naturally without effort can you I would say that it's
because as well as well there it's there this and other contacts are probably not this white if you
put me into an airplane and shut me out I'd probably be screaming all the way down terrified okay
cuz I have a different set of beliefs about gravity what happens when my body in packs the ground
and little piddly little s*** and wanting to stay in the plasma I know you know that keep this all
intact and I don't like the side of my blood I don't think they're people this way naturally in every
contacts are some people who are naturally good beliefs that serve them in some contacts there
guys who are naturally good with women who have a lot of these beliefs but let me put it this way
they don't explicitly formed there in the back of their mind and if I ask them the right questions
using NLP I could pull them out very few of the naturally the guys who are naturally good with
lemon know what their beliefs are but if you ask them they probably could come up with oh yeah
that's now one of my beliefs when it comes to dealing with women is anything they offer me it's a
toy for me to play with anything they offer me it's information for me to use a walk at into this you
don't need to write this down yet I'll get for this when we getting the craving state of an insult to
build also can do whatever they want I control where my energy goes yes you ever see a really
good performer on stage really really now there's a performer or none of the people are
charismatic really grabbing involve the audience those people who are grabbing involving the
audience I promise you they're using energy I promise you it's true they're taking energy from the
audience channel to themselves holding it and they giving it back and they're building up the cycle
of energy ever see here's the interesting pattern this is almost pattern language you ever see
these old newsreels of girls waiting for the Beatles to arrive at the airport yes screaming frenzy
girls go into that do you know when they're they're fainting and passing out yes okay now what
would it be like to be in front of 30,000 all having that responds to you debbie well that's pretty
cool but you know that's a lot of energy to suck up and use her magic think about that she could
chew a lot with that energy couldn't ship now. List because they created that energy or did they
get that energy because they were famous or both will magic going on here do I believe in magic
absolutely I know it I did I used to know to believe in any of it but I can also get laid with beautiful
21 year old girls it's pretty freaking disgusting man my niece is 22 looks at me and says she's such a
pig caca that's me Kaka what your pig have the most fun job in the universe has no battery. We'll
probably because I'm willing to the only difference is the only reason I'm standing up here and
you're not is I'm I'm willing to make a lot more mistakes if I can't figure something out rather than
be frightened I have a belief what's my belief my parents taught me that I could learn to learn
anything my parents taught me that I could learn to learn anything my parents taught me if I didn't
know the answer get excited go find out say and in my family we were never punished for making
mistakes ever ever no we were told that we were smart enough to figure out anything k and I'm
here to tell you you're smart enough to learn to use these tools and change your life massively
massively I'm not talking just about successful women we have people coming back to the same
you know what I quit my job cuz I was going nowhere I'm doing something I love I'm making more
money I have a tiling new group of friends I'm getting laid what else do you have energy
awareness intent let's talk a little bit we're going to be going through this a lot this is a very quick
review intent what the f*** do I mean by in sand let's talk about intense for a minute you see
beautiful girl who else has trouble Pro two beautiful women you see beautiful girl and absolutely
stunningly breathtaking beautiful girl and you look at her what's your intent what are you thinking
in your mind hi there antennas I got to look and turn red that's good that's good but probably not
the first thing to be put in between you and her okay. My off you know you ever watch a cat or
watch a dog chasing squirrel the dogs ever catch the squirrel almost never wrong can dogs
announce their presence that squirrel and the squirrels up the tree throwing nuts of the dog in the
sock drawer and the cat makes its eyes wider and wider why it's making the pictures of squirrel
bigger and it's mine so can notice any muscle twitch any movement it's calculating the exact right
trajectory and then totally silently it's got the squirrel doesn't announce its presence so intent well
my intent when I see someone is a let's go f*** with that person let's go find out what they're like
and feel be fun for me to play with do you understand it's completely different at now do I
somewhere that yes I'm going to f*** her eventually she passes my tasks yes that's back there
okay so my major intent of purses let's go play with that person let's go f*** with this person and
see how fun they are and what they're like you know a good model to take funny video who here
has ever seen a Bugs Bunny who's never seen Bugs Bunny you've never seen Bugs Bunny where
you from india okay cool well Bugs Bunny you ever notice when someone that went when the bad
guys hunting Bugs Bunny what's bugs attitude bacon, f*** this guy outside Elmer fudd's got the
gun pointing his face and bugs puts his finger in the Broad Run someone. Haystack can attitude
okay we'll play with this person let's go play with this person see what they're like have some fun
with them we start to move to the world with that attitude things start to shift and change thank

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