PSHS RESEARCH Learning Resource Package 2016-07-04 PDF
PSHS RESEARCH Learning Resource Package 2016-07-04 PDF
PSHS RESEARCH Learning Resource Package 2016-07-04 PDF
This Learning Resource Package (LRP) version 1 is intended for use of the Grade 11
teachers and advisers who will be handling Research 2. Because the Research
Program has similar components across the three courses (Research 1, Research 2,
and Research 3), the activities in the package are organized according to the four
stages in the conduct of a research project, instead of being organized on a per-
quarter basis.
This is a work in progress. Most of the materials will be containing suggested formats
of requirements and rubrics. Implementation guides will be included as much as
possible, and updates will be sent to all teachers as soon as new modules are finished.
Since this is for the use of Grade 11 teachers, most of the concepts and skills covered
in the Research 1 curriculum are not included in this LRP. We welcome suggestions,
requests, and contributions, should there be any need for modifications or for new
Specialization Years Program
Research Learning Resource Package
Content Guide
1-01 Protocol Writing Methodology Planning Guid
Protocol writing
1-02 Conducting Research Seminars Guidelines for Making Effective
Presentation Slides
Research Seminars: Preparation and
Guidelines for the Conduct of a
Research Seminar (with Assessment
1-03 Research Proposal Writing Rubrics for Evaluating a Research
1-04 Defense of a Research Proposal Rubrics for Evaluating Students’
Performance in an Oral Defense
1-05 Project Planning Guide to Project Planning
2-01 Project Monitoring Guide to Project Monitoring
Rubrics for Assessing Progress and
Accomplishment of Projects
2-02 Project Documentation Laboratory Journal
ISEF Forms
3-03 Data Organization Guide to Data Organization
Rubrics for Evaluating Data
3-04 Data Analysis Statistical Tools Selection Guide
4-01 Data Presentation Guide to Effective Data Presentation
4-02 Research Paper Writing Format of the Research Paper
Rubrics for Assessment of the Final
Research Paper
4-03 Poster Presentation Making Effective Posters
Guide to Poster Presentation
Specialization Years Program
Research Learning Resource Package
4-04 Final Oral Presentation & Defense of a Guidelines for the Conduct of a Final
Research Project Oral Presentation and Defense of a
Research Project
Rubrics for Assessment of a Final
Oral Presentation and Defense
Activity 1-01.
Protocol Writing
General Capabilities Addressed
Information and Communication Technology
Critical and Creative Thinking
Personal and Social Capability
Ethical Understanding
Global Perspective
Scientific Literacy
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Prepared by:
Specialization Years Program
Research Learning Resource Package
Activity 1-02.
Conducting Research Seminars
General Capabilities Addressed
Information and Communication Technology
Critical and Creative Thinking
Personal and Social Capability
Ethical Understanding
Global Perspective
Scientific Literacy
The Research Seminar is an oral presentation of related literature gathered by the students about
their intended research project. It
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Activity 1-03.
Research Proposal Writing
General Capabilities Addressed
Information and Communication Technology
Critical and Creative Thinking
Personal and Social Capability
Ethical Understanding
Global Perspective
Scientific Literacy
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Prepared by:
Specialization Years Program
Research Learning Resource Package
Activity 1-04.
Defense of a Research Proposal
General Capabilities Addressed
Information and Communication Technology
Critical and Creative Thinking
Student Learning Outcomes Addressed
At the end of the activity, the students should be able to
Prepare a slide presentation for their research proposal/scientific study.
Present a proposal for a scientific research or a scientific study.
Explain all aspects of the study from conceptualization, to data collection and analysis.
Interact with a panel of experts and discuss changes in the proposal or paper to
improve the study.
The oral presentation is an opportunity for the researchers to showcase their proposal or completed
study before an audience. A panel of experts also sits as part of the audience to evaluate the work.
The presenter should prepare a slide presentation to serve as a tool to emphasize certain points of
the study, show important images and serve as a guide for the presenter in the oral presentation.
In preparing the presentation slides, the following must be taken into consideration:
1) The presentation should contain important parts of the study such as: title,
background, statement of the problem, significance, methods, results and discussions,
and the conclusions.
2) The slides should not contain too much text since these details will be explained
during the presentation. It is suggested that texts in presentations should be bulleted
and follow the 7 x 7 rule (do not exceed 7 words, 7 lines per slide).
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3) Proper color combinations must be observed to make sure that the texts and images
are clearly seen.
4) Fonts used should be standard and easy to read. The presentation should have only 1-
2 font styles.
5) Animations should be used sparingly so as not to distract the attention of the
Of course, the most important part in the oral presentation is the content of the presentation itself.
The presenter/s must prepare a concise presentation that highlights the important parts of the study.
Images, charts and tables in the presentation slides must be explained in detail. The whole
presentation should last for about 5-20 minutes, depending on the time limit set by the
organizers/teachers. Presenters should rehearse the entire presentation so they can end within the
time provided.
The presentation may be given by one representative of the group or by all members of the group.
During presentation, the presenter/s should talk in a manner that can be clearly heard and
understood by the audience. Mannerisms/gestures that can distract the audience should be avoided.
Likewise, presenters should not talk too fast just to beat the time limit set. The primary goal of an
oral presentation is to explain to the audience clearly the results of the scientific investigation, so
it must be done in a way that can be understood by the audience.
After the oral presentation, the audience and the panel of experts may ask questions about the
study. The presenter/s should answer the questions concisely. If charts or images are needed, these
should be shown in order to clarify the answers to questions being raised. The panel of experts
may also suggest revisions and these should be noted by the presenters. The question and answer
portion may last for 10-20 minutes.
Rubrics for Assessment
Total points = 35
Presentation 5 4 3 2 1
The ppt. slide contains the 1 part 2 parts 3 parts More than 3
following parts: missing missing missing parts
Title slide missing
Statement of the Problem
Results and Discussions
Page 5 of 53
Styles in 5 4 3 2 1
Presentation The ff. qualities must be 1 quality not 2 qualities 3 qualities 4 or more
Slides present: present not present not present qualities not
1) Texts are clearly seen present
throughout the
2) The presentation is not
overloaded with texts.
3) Images used are clear.
4) Color combinations and
backgrounds are not
5) No distracting
animations present.
Content of Oral Presentation
Introduction The background of the
study is clearly mentioned
with at least 2 valid
sources cited.
Significance Significance of the study
mentions beneficiaries
and how they will benefit
from the study.
3 2 1
Methods 1) Appropriate research Lacks 1 Lacks 2
design was presented. quality qualities
2) Methods used in the
study are clearly
presented in diagrams/
3) Methods presented in a
logical manner.
Results and 1) Results are presented Quality 1 is Quality 1 is
Discussions appropriately either as present but absent but
graph or table or text. the the
2) Results are discussed explanations explanations
clearly and explanations are not clear are clear
are given.
2 1
Conclusions The conclusions are Some of the
stated clearly and conclusions
correctly stated. are not
clearly or
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Activity 1-05.
Time: 2 weeks1
Project Planning
General Capabilities Addressed
Information and Communications Technology
Critical and Creative Thinking
Personal and Social Capability
Ethical Understanding
Scientific Literacy
Project management is a necessary tool for efficient management of resources, which includes
time, materials, equipment, facilities, finances, and manpower. It is important for students to learn
to systematically plan and manage resources in order to allow for better efficiency.
This activity is designed to make the students go through the process of project planning, including
the estimation of needed resources, risk determination and contingency planning, scheduling, and
setting up of quality standards of project outputs. Every project should have a plan before
implementation, and students should be encouraged to go through the rigors of each step so that
the habit of planning is imbibed.
The two-week time frame refers to a total of 6 meetings, broken down into several sessions throughout the
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For illustration purposes, the methodology flowchart (see Figure 1-05-01) for the project, “Mango
Seed Kernels as an Alternative Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
will be used.
Procurement of
Production of
Preparation of
Procurement of Selection of
Mango Seed Survey
Rice Flour Testers
Flour Questionnaires
Baking of
Taste Testing
of Biscuits
Figure 1-05-01. Methodology flowchart for the project “Mango Seed Kernels
as an Alternative Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis,
& Redecio (2009)
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After the problem clarification and drafting of the proposal for a research project, a project
management plan should first be made before working on the project. A Project Plan helps in
providing direction in terms of how the project will be executed. It defines the targets at each stage
of the research project, and helps the researchers strategize on how to achieve these targets. It also
sets the limitations of the project in terms of time and use of resources.
The teacher’s role is to guide the students in coming up with a project plan that is well defined,
realistic, and feasible in terms of material resources, facilities, time, and human resources.
We consider a project to be a combination of tasks that must be executed in a certain order before
the entire project can be completed. The tasks are interrelated in a logical sequence such that some
tasks cannot start until the others are completed. Each task is defined to be a job requiring time
and resources for its completion.
For the first two components of the project plan, a simplified version of the PERT-CP/M method
will be used. The Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path
Method (CPM) and are two methods of project planning that were developed independently but
are strikingly similar. The most important difference is that the time estimates for the activities in
CPM were originally deterministic, while those of PERT were probabilistic. Today, they both
comprise one technique, with history being their only difference. Steps 1 to 3 comprise the
definition of the project scope, while Steps 4 and 5 are all about schedule management.
The planning of resources is covered in Steps 6 and 7. Step 8 is about the quality management
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Step 1. Break down the project into distinct tasks. For easier management a project has to be
broken down into smaller chunks, called tasks or activities, which enable the researchers
a) divide the work amongst themselves and work on each assigned task
b) conduct periodic assessment of accomplishments and quality of work done;
c) identify the resources needed and the schedule of procurement or use.
A task should not be too trivial as to take only a few minutes to complete, nor too complex
as to entail several material preparations and output assessments. It generally needs a
particular set resources to be prepared or scheduled, and has a tangible output after
It is best to have a good methodology plan and use the methodology flowchart as a basis
for coming up with the task list.
Table 1-05-01 shows the list of tasks for the methodology flowchart shown on Figure 1-
05-01. Notice that tasks B and C are tasks which are not shown in the methodology
flowchart (refer to Figure 1-05-01), but because they require some time to perform and
are necessary preparatory tasks for C, they are included in the task list.
Observable indicators should be tangible evidences that the teacher may check after each
task is implemented. It is always best to have a set standard of output, as indicated by
the observable indicators for tasks G, I, K, L, and M. For Task G, for example, making
a reservation is different from having the observation confirmed; and the tangible
evidence for this is a signed reservation form.
Step 2. Determine the sequencing of activities. It will be helpful to assign codes to each task,
then use these codes to indicate the immediately preceding tasks of each item in the list.
Some tasks may have no immediately preceding tasks, while some may require one or
more other tasks to be completed before it may be started.
Step 3. Estimate the duration of each task. For each task, place an estimated duration, in days.
It should be taken into consideration that students have other subjects to work on, apart
from their research project, hence a day of actual work on a particular task may stretch
to 7 days if the task is done in portions throughout a week due to other school activities.
In the task list in Table 1-05-01, it should be noted that although actual procurement and
cleaning may actually take only one day, as in the case of tasks B and F, a seven-day
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allotment is given in order to include the reservation process, which may include getting
the adviser to sign, and having the laboratory research assistant prepare the materials for
release. A reasonable allowance should be provided for each activity, so that there will
be time to make adjustments should there be difficulties encountered during execution.
Table 1-05-01. Task List for the Project, “Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative Source of
Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
TASKS (in days)
A Procurement of mangoes - 7
Procurement and cleaning of materials for mango
B - 7
seed flour production
C Extraction and drying of mango seed kernels A, B 14
D Production of mango seed flour C 3
E Procurement of rice flour & other biscuit ingredients - 3
F Procurement and cleaning of materials for baking - 7
G Reservation of food laboratory - 7
H Baking of biscuits D, E, F, G 2
I Formulation of survey questions - 14
J Production of survey questionnaires I 2
K Design of survey procedure - 14
L Sampling plan - 14
M Selection of testers L 14
N Taste-testing of biscuits H, J, K, M 3
O Consolidation of survey results N 7
P Analysis of survey results O 14
Step 4. Construct the PERT-CPM Chart. The PERT-CPM chart, also called a network chart,
is a graphical representation of the interdependencies of tasks within a project.
Constructing the PERT-CPM chart will help determine
the time of project completion;
the critical activities that will delay the entire project is not done according to
the non-critical activities which may be set aside for a given time if necessary;
the probability of being able to meet deadlines;
how much resources will be needed at a time, and when;
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During project implementation, the PERT-CPM chart is also useful for determining if
the project is on track, behind schedule, or ahead of schedule at any given time; and for
assessing the impacts of any changes that occur.
Before beginning the construction of the chart, there are some basic rules that must be
Rule 2. An event is an instance of time in the project which denotes either the
start or the end of a task. The starting point of a task is called the head
event, and the endpoint (with the arrowhead) is called the tail event. An
event is represented by a circle, and is usually labeled with a number.
Rule 3. There is only one starting node in the network chart. All tasks with no
immediately preceding tasks should start from this one node.
Rule 4. Each task is represented by one and only one arrow, and always has a
head event (starting point) and a tail event (end of task).
Rule 5. No two tasks can be identified by the same head and tail events. If such
a situation arises, a dummy task (with zero time duration) is created and
inserted into the chart.
1 2 1
1 2 B B
d d
A 1
1 2
d B B A
Page 13 of 53
D 2
Rule 6. There is only one ending node for the project. All terminal tasks should
point towards one node only.
The resulting network chart for the project, “Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative
Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009) is shown in Figure 1-
J=2 9
A=7 0
L = 14 10
C = 14
D=3 12
3 6
Figure 1-05-02. Network chart for the project “Mango Seed Kernels as
an Alternative Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay,
Asis, & Redecio (2009)
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Step 5. Indicate the estimated duration of each task on the network chart and determine
the expected project duration and critical path. The critical path is a chain of tasks,
where a delay in the start or end of any task within the path will mean a delay in the
completion of the entire project. To determine the critical path,
a. Determine the earliest start time (EST) at every node. This is called a
forward pass, because the computations begin from the starting node. To do
1) Assign the time, t=0 to the starting node. Since the EST at Node 0 is
zero, all tasks with no preceding tasks have an EST of zero.
2) Compute for the earliest completion time (ECT) of each task by
adding the estimated duration of the task to the EST of its starting
3) At every node after the starting node, consider the ECT of all tasks that
end at that event. The highest ECT value shall be the EST of all tasks
starting from that node. For easier reference, enclose the EST values
at every node in a triangle.
b. Determine if the estimated duration of the project. This is the ECT, or the
EST, at the ending node in the network chart.
Assess if this estimated duration will fit with the available time for execution
of the project, and make adjustments to shorten the estimated duration of
some tasks, if necessary.
c. Determine the latest completion time (LCT) of every task. This is called
the backward pass because the starting point is the last node. To do this,
1) Begin the process at the ending node, assigning the EST value of that
node as the LCT.
2) Compute for the latest start time (LST) of each activity by subtracting
the estimated duration of each task from the LCT of its ending node.
3) Moving backward from the last node, consider all LSTs of all the tasks
starting at each node. If there is more than one task starting from that
node, take the smallest LST value. This will be the LCT. For easier
reference, enclose the LCT in a box.
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d. Identify the critical tasks. A critical task is one which is expected to cause a
delay in the entire project duration of it is started or ended late. A task is
critical if the EST=LST and the ECT= LCT. The critical path is the
sequence of critical activities.
The computed ESTs and LCTs for the project, “Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative
Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009) are shown in Figure 1-
05-03. The earliest completion times (ECTs) are indicated in red at the end point of each
task. From the ECTs going into each node, the largest value is identified as the EST, and
is enclosed in a triangle. The LSTs are all in blue, place at the starting point of the
activities. The least LST value at each node is considered as the LCT at that node, and
is enclosed in a box.
8 9
14 14 28
12 14 31
7 A=7 14 14
1 2 0 10
0 L = 14 0
9 19 31
23 19
2 7
3 11
9 7
C = 14
4 38
26 26
3 5
7 52
D=3 7 26 52
23 12
3 6
Figure 1-05-03. Earliest Start Times (ESTs) of tasks for the project
“Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative Source of
Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
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For Nodes 1, 3, 4, 7, 8,10, 11, and 12 in the network chart, there is only one task ending
in these events, hence the ECTs at these node are the ESTs. Nodes 2, 5, 6, and 9, have
multiple tasks ending in that event.
At node 5, the dummy task, d2, and Task F both end at this event, with the dummy task
carrying the EST from Node 4 since the duration of d2 is zero. Between the ECT of d2
(3) and Task F (7), the greater value is 7, hence the EST at Node 5 is 7.
At node 9, Tasks H, J, K and M are all ending at this event, with respective ECTs of 26,
16, 14, and 28. The EST at node 9 is therefore 28, and when the ECT of Task N is
computed, the EST at node9 is added to the estimated duration (T) of Task N:
= 28 + 3
= 31
The ending node (Node 12), has an ECT, or EST, of 52, hence the estimated duration of
the project is 52 days.
Only one node in the example has more than one task starting at that event, and that is
the starting node. The tasks, A, B, E, F, G, I, K, and L, have respective LSTs of 2, 19,
23, 19, 19, 12, 14, and 0. Zero, being the least value, is the LCT at Node 0.
The nodes with EST = LCT are Nodes 0, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Connecting Nodes 0 and
7 is Task L; connecting Nodes 7 and 9 is Task M; connecting Nodes 9 and 10 is Task N;
connecting Nodes 10 and 11 is Task O; and connecting Nodes 11 and 12 is Task P. These
are the critical tasks, comprising the critical path, L-M-N-O-P.
Step 6. Construct the Gantt Chart. The Gantt chart is a representation of the project’s time
line using a bar chart. The tasks are represented as horizontal bars, and along the x-axis
is a time scale whose starting point is the expected start date of the project. The length
and position of the bars are indicative of their duration and schedule of execution.
It will be helpful to construct a table of the start and completion time of the tasks, as
shown in Table 1-05-02. Using the network chart as reference, record the EST, ECT,
LST, and LCT of each task. It may be noted that the critical activities have values
EST=LST, and ECT=LCT, indicating that having a delay in start or completion of these
tasks would mean that the planned completion of the entire project will be delayed, hence
particular attention should be given to the preparation and implementation of these tasks
so as not to delay the project’s completion.
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Table 1-05-02. Start and Completion Times of Tasks for the project “Mango Seed Kernels as
an Alternative Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
A - 7 0 7 2 9
B - 7 0 7 2 9
C A, B 14 7 21 9 23
D C 3 21 24 23 26
E - 3 0 3 23 26
F - 7 0 7 19 26
G - 7 0 7 19 26
H D, E, F, G 2 24 26 26 28
I - 14 0 14 12 26
J I 2 14 16 26 28
K - 14 0 14 14 28
L - 14 0 14 0 14
M L 14 14 28 14 28
N H, J, K, M 3 28 31 28 31
O N 7 31 38 31 38
P O 14 38 52 38 52
To construct the Gantt chart, use the ESTs as starting point of each task. Each cell on
the Gantt chart should correspond to a day, hence a task that is estimated to have a
duration of n days should be have n cells shaded, starting at the EST to the ECT (see
Figure 1-05-03).
ECT = 9
C EST = 4
0 7 14
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It is advisable to organize the days into weeks, since the students’ activities are normally
organized on a weekly basis.
Figure 1-05-04 shows the resulting Gantt chart for the project, “Mango Seed Kernels as
an Alternative Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009). The
critical tasks, L, M, N, O, and P are in red.
Figure 1-05-04. Gantt chart for the project, “Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative Source of
Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
Step 7. Schedule the manpower, materials, facilities, and financial requirements. The Gantt
chart does not only provide a graphical guide for the targeted start of implementation of
each task. It also shows which tasks may be done simultaneously, which translates to
issues of manpower, materials, facilities, and financial scheduling.
Slack Time is the allowable time in which a non-critical task may be delayed. This may
be computed by the subtracting the EST from the LST. It is best to indicate the allowable
movement of a task on the Gantt chart by placing an arrow from the LST to the LCT on
the bar chart for each task, as shown on Figure 1-05-04.
Referring to Table 1-05-02, the slack time of Task A is 2, hence it may start on the 2nd
day instead of Day 1, and end on the 9th day instead of the 7th. The possible movements
of the non-critical tasks to a later schedule are visually shown by the arrows on the chart
in Figure 1-05-05. The slack times are the extensions of the activities from the end of
the task’s bar to the end of the arrow.
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Figure 1-05-05. Gantt chart with indicated slack times for the project, “Mango Seed Kernels
as an Alternative Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio
Figure 1-05-06. Modified Gantt chart for the project, “Mango Seed Kernels as an
Alternative Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
Task E has may start on the 24th day, instead of Day 1. Its slack time is 23 days, which
is much longer than its estimated duration of 3 days, which is why 20 days in the
extension line of Task E is presented as a dotted line, with the solid arrow being on Days
24 to 26.
The start of the arrows (solid line only) indicate the latest start times (LST) of the tasks,
the ends indicate the latest completion time (LCT) of the task.
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Manpower planning is essential when there are simultaneous tasks that need to be done
with a limited number of team members. As in the case of Galamay, et al. (2009), there
are eight starting activities (A, B, E, F, G, I, K, and L). With only three team members,
the eight tasks may be managed by moving the implementation dates of the non-critical
activities. Figure 1-05-06 shows the modified Gantt chart, where the tasks are moved
about to minimize the number of tasks projected to be implemented at a time.
Given that Tasks A, B, C and D are about the production of the flour to be used for biscuit
production, they were prioritized, and thus were not moved. Task I is not labor-intensive,
in terms of laboratory work, and may be done anywhere at any time, so it may be
interleaved with other tasks. Tasks E, F, and G are preparatory activities which may be
done on-and-off within the prescribed period, so they may be simultaneously attended to
as well. Since the longer part of Task C is the drying process, which entails periodic
checking only, having this simultaneously done with the other activities is also easily
possible. Task J may actually be done in two one-hour sessions, or done at home (coding,
printing, and photocopying) by one person, while Task K required drafting by one person
and an occasional meeting.
In re-scheduling the tasks and considering which may be assigned simultaneously to one
person, the nature of the tasks should be considered. Laboratory work normally takes
precedence, and is usually a task where all members should be present in. Procurement
and conceptualization activities are usually the ones that may be done by one person
intermittently within a time frame since they do not require full attention, and may be
interspersed with one another.
The assigned personnel may either be marked on the Gantt chart, or a table may be
created to contain the manpower assignments, as shown in Table 1-05-03. Some tasks
are intended to be a collective effort of the entire team, hence everyone is assigned to do
certain tasks.
Given that the students have other subjects and activities to work on apart from their
Research project, having set times of work or meetings where everyone should
participate would also be helpful. After agreement of all members on the task
distribution, indvidual task lists should be formed and distributed to all members (Tables
1-05-04, 1-05-05, and 1-05-06).
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Having individual task lists helps in creating independence of the members from one another in terms of accomplishing certain
tasks for the project. More importantly, independent tasks that may be done simultaneously by different members of the team
will mean an efficient use of time.
In the case of individual projects, some tasks may be done simultaneously as well, as shown in the task list of Galamay in Table
1-05-06, where two tasks, A and B, are scheduled to be done simultaneously. This is because the time allocation has inherent
slack times, which are those spent waiting for responses of suppliers (for Task A), and for the time lapses between the lodging
of requests for materials and the release (for Task B).
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Materials and Facilities Planning is about the anticipation of needed raw materials,
glassware, apparatuses, equipment, and laboratory time. While listing down tasks for
project planning, these are almost always (and should be) included. There are however,
other logistical issues which should be taken into account, and these include
Transportation and communications requirements
Financial requirements
In most instances, arrangements for transport of materials are not taken into account,
affecting the set timeline. Travel to certain locations, especially in cases where live
specimens are obtained from different localities, should be taken into account. For
materials and facilities planning, having a list of all materials, equipment, and facilities
with potential sources helps in the planning and preparation for each task.
Tables 1-05-09, 1-05-10, and 1-05-11 are examples of a material, equipment, and
facilities sourcing tables. Even in the methodology-planning stage, scouting for sources
of materials, equipment, and facilities should be done, since availability of these
resources should be one of the factors considered when selecting the methods to be used
for the project. The listing of resources and their sources will also help in the process of
prioritization of tasks. During the project planning phase, the needed resources should be
organized according to protocol to help facilitate the procurement and reservation
Table 1-05-09. Material sourcing plan for the project, , “Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative Source
of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
Production of Sep 14 10 Kg indian mango Batangas farm; Approximate cost is
Mango Seed (mature but not Local market P25/Kg
Flour ripe) Transportation to
Batangas and driver
3 pcs kitchen knives PSHS Research Lab
2 pcs 3-Liter basins PSHS Research Lab
3 pcs Aluminum PSHS Research Lab
Cookie sheets
2 pcs Flour sifter grocery Approximate cost is
P250 each
2 pcs spatula grocery Approximate cost is
P80 each
1 pc 500-mL cap. grocery Approximate cost is
plastic container P100
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Table 1-05-10. Equipment sourcing plan for the project, , “Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative
Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
Table 1-05-11. Facilities sourcing plan for the project, , “Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative Source
of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
Production of Sep 14- Food Laboratory PSHS Reservation time is at
Mango Seed Flour 27 least two days before use
UP Letter of request needed;
allow for two-week
Home Kitchen Last resort
Various aspects of the project which may entail shelling out of financial resources are the
Page 26 of 53
After the budget for the project is finalized, it is also important to plan out how the
finances will be divided up among the members of the team, when the finances will be
needed, how it will be managed.
Table 1-05-12 shows a sample financial planning document. Since students are
dependent on their parents, a confirmation of the budget, availability, and schedule of
funds by the parents is an option.
Page 27 of 53
Table 1-05-12. Projected Expenses for the Project, “Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative
Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
Personnel Services
none - n/a
Consumable Materials
Indian mango 10 Kg 35.00 350.00 local wet market
Rice flour 0.5 Kg 180.00 90.00 grocery
Salt 1 Pack 15.00 15.00 grocery
White sugar 2 Kg 50.00 100.00 grocery
Baking powder 1 pack 40.00 40.00 grocery
Shortening 4 slabs 35.00 140.00 grocery
Milk 2 Liters 120.00 240.00 grocery
Non-consumable materials
Kitchen knives 3 pcs - PSHS Laboratory
3-Liter basins 2 pcs - PSHS Laboratory
Aluminum cookie sheets 3 pcs - PSHS Laboratory
Flour sifter 2 pcs 250.00 500.00 grocery
Spatula 2 pcs 80.00 160.00 grocery
500-mL capacity plastic container
with cover 1 pc 100.00 100.00 grocery
Cheese cloth (40 cm2) 3 pcs 130.00 390.00 grocery
Osterizer/blender 1 unit - PSHS Lab (Sept 21-27)
Drying oven 1 unit - PSHS Lab (Sept 14-27)
Baking oven 1 unit - PSHS Lab (Oct 1 & 2)
Food Mixer 1 unit - PSHS Lab (Oct 1 & 2)
PSHS Lab (Sept 7-8, Sept
Food Laboratory - 14-28, Oct 1-2)
Page 28 of 53
Step 8. Define the quality of outputs per task. At the end of every task, there has to be a way
to ascertain if the task has been done successfully. Each task, therefore, should have a
corresponding set of observable indicators, or tangible products, upon completion, as
shown in Table 1-05-13. It is important to note that an observable indicator should
include the both the quantity and quality of the expected tangible products.
Table 1-05-13. Task List and corresponding observable indicators for the Project, “Mango
Seed Kernels as an Alternative Source of Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, &
Redecio (2009)
TASKS (in days)
10 Kg of mature but not
A Procurement of mangoes - 7
ripe indian mangoes
Procurement and cleaning See list of materials in
B of materials for mango seed - 7 protocol of production of
flour production mango seed flour
Extraction and drying of Dried mango seed kernels
C A, B 14
mango seed kernels
Production of mango seed At least 2 cups of mango
D C 3
flour seed flour
Procurement of rice flour & See list of ingredients for
E - 3
other biscuit ingredients biscuits
Procurement and cleaning See list of materials for
F - 7
of materials for baking baking of biscuits
Reservation of food Confirmed laboratory
G - 7
laboratory schedule (signed form)
35 pcs each of the mango
H Baking of biscuits D, E, F, G 2 seed flour biscuits and the
rice flour biscuits
Formulation of survey Approved survey
I - 14
questions questionnaire
Production of survey 40 copies of the approved
J I 2
questionnaires survey questionnaire
Approved procedure and
K Design of survey procedure - 14 scripts for conducting the
L Sampling plan - 14 Approved sampling plan
30 testers selected, with
M Selection of testers L 14
consent forms signed
N Taste-testing of biscuits J, K, M 3 30 survey sheets
Consolidation of survey Data tables and graphs
O N 7
Complete draft of Results
P Analysis of survey results O 14
and Discussion write-up
* observable indicators may be set when the task list is initially formulated
Page 29 of 53
Step 9. Identify, assess, and manage risks. During project implementation, problems which
cause a change in specifications or delay in completion are not uncommon. When
planning, it would be beneficial to identify the aspects of the project which have a
potential to escalate into a problem, so that safeguards may be put in place. Being aware
of potential problems is the first step to minimizing the probability of its occurrence. By
identifying and assessing risks, steps may be done to avoid delays.
The identification of potential problems, their possible impacts, and the control of factors
that may cause problems, is called risk management. Table 1-05-14 lists some usual
aspects of projects which constitute risks, and some possible ways to manage the risk.
Table 1-05-14. Common risk factors and possible ways to manage the risks
Critical Activities. Because critical tasks Whenever possible, advanced execution should be
have no slack time, careful planning and done in order to avoid delays.
monitoring of its execution must be done. Assign the task to the most responsible and able
member of the group, if possible.
Availability of materials, equipment, and Find out the procedures for procurement and release
facilities. For materials which need to be of materials and equipment even before the earliest
purchased, possibilities of having depleted start time of the task where it will be needed
stocks, lengthy ordering time, or complex Where there is a high demand of a resource, start
documentations have to be taken into early on request and reservation
account. Equipment and facilities are usually If there is a possibility of costs being incurred, know
shared resources, hence demand for it may the amount needed and source out the funds early
be higher than the available time for use. Cost
of purchase, rental, or services may also be a
limiting factor.
Skills set of researchers. When researchers Conduct practice sessions for the execution of
are doing an experiment or procedure for the procedures
first time, the pace of execution may either be Check and double check the specifications of
slower than anticipated, or errors in execution materials and equipment, and ensure that no
may cause delays. consumable items are expired or about to expire
Page 30 of 53
Part of risk management is contingency planning. In the event that something does go
wrong, having an alternative plan ready will be useful rather than thinking about it when
the problem arises. Being prepared will help in avoiding further delay and unnecessary
stress to the researcher.
Table 1-05-15 is a sample list of risk factors identified and how the risks will be managed
for the project, “Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative Source of Starch in Flour” by
Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009). In the list, Task C is seen to have the largest impact
in terms of scheduling if not done on time, due to the available slack time of only 2 days.
This is an instance where the researchers should be prepared to identify which succeeding
tasks may be shortened so that the target date of project completion will still be met.
Every project should have an implementation plan before actual execution of the methodology is
done. In actuality, it is possible to start implementing the project after having a research proposal
is approved. Having a detailed methodology write-up in itself is already a plan; however, the
advantage of going through the exercise of producing a well thought-out and documented Project
Plan, is that safeguards of quality is implemented, and resource optimization is done.
The formulation of the Project Plan document does not actually start after the methodology is
approved. Even while the methodology is being conceptualized, the list of materials is already
being compiled, and the scanning of the environment for the sources of materials, equipment, and
facilities are already being done.
Towards the end of proposal writing, what is left to do is just to put together all plans into a formal
cohesive document that will be used to assess the researchers’ progress during the project
implementation phase.
The final Project Plan document should therefore have the following components:
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Table 1-05-15. Identified Risks and Risk Management Plan for the project, “Mango Seed Kernels as an Alternative Source of
Starch in Flour” by Galamay, Asis, & Redecio (2009)
CODE TASKS (in days)
Farm will not deliver on time Confirm availability during planning Buy from local market and
Procurement of
A - 7 stage and arrange for visit to farm
mangoes to pick up mangoes
Prone to molding during the Get info on oven capacity and Extend task by 2 days (covering
Extraction and drying process perform drying in batches; slack time of Task H);
Get a small sample from the Eat into the flour production time of
C drying of mango A, B 14 market before the actual mangoes 3 days;
seed kernels come and test the procedure Last resort: extend by a week and
shorten analysis time (Task P)
Food laboratory is fully booked Early booking of the lab; Use an alternative laboratory;
Reservation of food
G - 7 Scout for alternative labs even if Use the kitchen at home to bake
laboratory the foof lab is available the biscuits
Biscuit recipe is not good; Test the recipe at home, using rice Will accept the negative results of
Student skills in baking not flour and other types of flour to the survey
tested check differences;
D, E, F, Produce more than the needed
H Baking of biscuits 2 amount of mango seed flour to
have extra;
Come up with a second batch of
flour as back-up
Adviser availability for Schedule at least 6 consultations Consult with another adviser if
Formulation of consultations with adviser; bring copies of past assigned adviser is not available
I - 14 projects’ surveys for reference one week into the task’s time frame
survey questions
during meetings
Adviser availability for Schedule at least 6 consultations Consult with another adviser if
Design of survey consultations with adviser; bring copies of past assigned adviser is not available
K - 14 projects’ surveys for reference one week into the task’s time frame
during meetings
Adviser availability for Schedule at least 6 consultations Consult with another adviser if
L Sampling plan - 14 consultations with adviser; identify population assigned adviser is not available
early one week into the task’s time frame
Consent forms not submitted by Get more than the intended testers Proceed to conduct survey with the
testers testers that gave forms on time;
M Selection of testers L 14 Cook a new batch of biscuits for
the remaining testers
Page 32 of 53
Table 1-05-16. Approximate time spent by students on the conceptualization of the project
plan component and the production of documents
Time Spent
(in Hours)
It is suggested that the teacher use the class periods as consultation time. Students may
conceptualize and create drafts of the documents during class, or outside of their classes,
as long as the entire set of documents is submitted before the proposal defense.
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Assessment of Students
Project Planning involves conceptualization (design activity) and the production of
documents. Students will be rated based on their collective effort if the project is team-
For the conceptualization stage, the initial submission of each component will be scored
using the corresponding rubrics below. Promptness in submissions and return of revisions
will also be scored, as this reflects the personal and social capability of the students, as well
as the being part of ethical understanding. The number of revisions before approval is given
for every component will also be rated, as an added reflection of the students’ critical and
creative thinking skills, as well as their numeracy and scientific literacy.
The final output will be rated separately, dealing more with the format of submission and
the presentation of the output. Part of the assessment criteria are compliance to
specifications and proper use of ICT.
The suggested impact of each stage on the final grade for the rating period will be as
Design activities refer to the different project planning tasks that will be done by the
students in succession, and may be treated as graded exercises. The following is the
recommended point distribution:
Task List (with observable indicators) 10
Network Chart 10
Gantt Charts 15
Manpower Assignments 5
Resource Plan 30
Risk Management Plan 10
Page 34 of 53
The activities to be graded refer to the initial output of the students. Corrections made,
with the teacher’s inputs, are not to be graded anymore. Tables 1-05-17 to Tables 1-05-22
are the suggested rubrics for grading of the various design activities.
Table 1-05-17. Rubrics for the grading of the Task List (10
POINTS 1.5 1.0 0
All aspects of the project are missing less Missing 25- More than 50%
included in the task list than 25% 50% missing
Up to 25% are 25-50% are > 50% are
Project breakdown into tasks
trivial or may trivial or may trivial or may
are not too trivial nor too 2
still be broken still be broken still be broken
down down down
Up to 25% of 25-50% of > 50% of
Immediately preceding stated tasks stated tasks stated tasks
activities (IPAs) are correctly 2 have have have
identified erroneously erroneously erroneously
identified IPAs identified IPAs identified IPAs
Up to 25% of 25-50% of > 50% of tasks
tasks have tasks have have over/
Time estimates are
2 over/ over/ underestimated
underestimated underestimated time durations
time durations time durations
Up to 25% of 25-50% of > 50% of tasks
tasks have tasks have have
Observable indicators are incomplete or incomplete or incomplete or
tangible and complete intangible intangible intangible
output output output
indicators indicators indicators
Table 1-05-18. Rubrics for the grading of the Network Chart (10 pts)
POINTS 1.5 1.0 0
Correct representation of tasks and events,
with indicated task weights*
Correct sequencing of activities 2 Up to 25% 25-50% More than
Correct computation of ESTs and LCTs 2 are are 50% are
erroneous erroneous erroneous
Correct identification of critical path 2
Correct table of ESTs, LSTs, ECTs, LCTs 2
* allow revision of the document if the tasks and events are not correctly represented using arrows and circles,
respectively, before scoring the submission
Page 35 of 53
Table 1-05-19. Rubrics for the grading of the Gantt Chart with indicated slack times (10 pts)
0.5 - Missing
Proper labeling of x- and y-axes 1 or erroneous
axis labels
1.5 - In days,
Chart organized into 7-day weeks 2 but no weekly NO
1.0 – 25-50% 0 – More
Correct placement of activities on 2.0 – Error of
3 error than 50%
the chart up to 25%
1.5 - Error of 1.0 - 25-50% 0 - More than
Slack times correctly represented 2
up to 25% error 50% error
0.5 – error in
Critical tasks are indicated
1 critical task
Table 1-05-20. Rubrics for the grading of the Adjusted Gantt Chart with indicated slack times (5
Realistic adjustments made on 1.5 - Error of 1.0 - 25-50% 0 - More than
the timeline up to 25% error 50% error
Correct adjustments made on 1.5 - Error of 1.0 - 25-50% 0 - More than
slack time representation up to 25% error 50% error
Sequencing of activities correctly 0.5 – Error of 0 – More than
maintained up to 25% 25% error
Page 36 of 53
Table 1-05-22. Rubrics for the grading of Resource Plan (30 pts)
50-75% are Less than
Up to 25%
accomplished 50%
Materials (14 pts)
Complete list of
consumable and non-
2 1.5 1.0 0.5
consumable materials
Sources of materials are
2 1.5 1.0 0.5
completely identified
Alternative sources
provided for 2 1.5 1.0 0.5
unconfirmed availability
Cost of materials
provided, with evidence
4 3 2 1
of canvassing provided,
as needed
Material data sheets
2 1.5 1.0 0.5
provided as necessary
Necessary forms for
handling of materials
2 1.5 1.0 0.5
filled out properly and
Equipment (10 pts)
Complete list of
2 1.5 1.0 0.5
equipment are provided
Sources of equipment
2 1.5 1.0 0.5
are completely identified
Costing and reservation
of equipment
use/rentals are provided 4 3.0 2.0 1.0
with evidence of
canvassing, as needed
Operational procedures
2 1.5 1.0 0.5
provided as needed
Facilities (8 pts)
All facilities needed are
2 1.5 1.0 0.5
Evidence of availability
of facilities are 2 1.5 1.0 0.5
Procedure for
scheduling of facilities
2 1.5 1.0 0.5
provided or
Page 37 of 53
Table 1-05-21. Rubrics for the grading of Risk Management Plan (10 pts)
1.5 1.0 0
More than 25-50% are Less than
Major risks identified correctly 2 50% are identified 25% are
identified identified
More than 25-50% are Less than
Risks identified are justified 2 50% are identified 25% are
identified identified
Quality of risk management plans
More than 25-50% are Less than
All are Logical/appropriate 2 50% are logical 25% are
logical logical
More than 25-50% are Less than
All are Feasible 2 50% are feasible 25% are
feasible feasible
More than 25-50% have Less than
50% have good 25% have
All are Comprehensive 2 good management good
management plan management
plan plan
The final documentation of the Project Plan is just a compilation of the different
requirements done for the project. Since the different components have already been
graded and corrected or commented on, as necessary, the submission of the compiled
documentation is assessed more on the format and the diligence of submission.
Table 1-05-22. Rubrics for the grading of Final Project Plan (5 pts)
1.5 - More 1.0 - 25-50% zero - Less
Compliance with prescribed are compliant than 25% are
2 than 50% are
format compliant
Completion time – submitted 0.5 – submitted after the Zero - Did not
within the general deadline set 1 general deadline, but within the submit on
for the grading period set special deadline time
Quality of submission 1.5 - More 1.0 - 25-50% zero - Less
(corrections made, as 2 than 50% are are than 25% are
prescribed) satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory
Page 38 of 53
Resource Plan
Network Chart
Gantt Charts
Final Project
Task List
Information and Communications
Ethical Understanding
Scientific Literacy
Page 39 of 53
Appendix A
A-01 Protocol for Titrimetry
A-02 Extraction Protocols
A-03 Spectrophotometry
A-04 Phytochemical Screening
A-05 Microbiology
A-06 Marine Field Biology
A-07 Protocols in Terrestrial Field Biology
A-08 Animal Studies
A-09 Computer Software Development
Page 40 of 53
Specialization Years Program
Research Learning Resource Package
Appendix A-01
Protocol for Titrimetry
Titrimetry (also called volumetry) analysis involves the determination of the concentration
of a substance A (called the analyte) through the addition of increasing amounts of another
substance T (called the titrant), which has a known concentration. The titrant reacts
quantitatively with the analyte. The general equation is
aA + tT products
To set-up titration, the following materials are needed: burette, burette stand, Erlenmeyer
flask, standard solution (titrant), volumetric pipet, indicator, and your analyte. The set-up
is shown in Figure 1.
Page 41 of 53
The equivalence point of the reaction is the point at which the reaction between substances
A and B is complete. To recognize the equivalence point, indicators are used. Indicators
provide a visible color change at or near the equivalence point. The choice of an indicator
spells the success of the titration.
In a typical titration procedure, very large changes in concentrations take place. The
indicator chosen should show a sharp change visually. This may exhibit a change in hue,
or a change in color intensity. In some cases, a mixed indicator is employed.
The common types of titration based on the relationship of reactants A and B are classified
as acid-base, complexometric, and oxidation-reduction reactions. Types of titration can
also be expressed in terms of the nature of the titrant and these include acidimetric,
alkalimetric, and iodimetric. Other types are based on the detection of the endpoint such
as amperometric, potentiometric, and turbidimetric.
1. Acid-Base Titration
Acids and bases react through the process of neutralization. The analyte may
be the acid or the base. In either case, the titrant is the opposite. For example,
if the acid is the analyte, the titrant is the base.
Acids may be strongly or weakly dissociated. Likewise, bases may be strong
or weak. There are indicators that are useful for the types of reactants involved.
Example: Determining the Acetic Acid Content of Vinegar
2. Complexometric Titration
In complexometry, the formation of a colored complex indicates the endpoint
of a titration. A common application is the analysis of metal ions in solution.
Page 42 of 53
3. Redox Titration
As the name implies, redox titration involves reduction and oxidization
reactions. The analyte may be the reducing or the oxidizing agent with the
titrant being the opposite.
Titration Curves
A titration curve is plot of relevant concentration against the volume of titrant during
titration. For example the analysis of a strong acid using a strong base as a titrant would
show the volume of the base in the x-axes and the pH on the y-axis.
Vocabulary Words
(Skoog, D. A., West, D. M., & Holler, F. J. (2001). Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry,(1996). International Edition by
Saunders College Publishing.)
Buret – a narrow tube with graduations that allow accurate measurement of volume.
Primary Standard – a substance of high purity against which the titrant is calibrated.
Page 43 of 53
Featured Procedure:
Complexometric Titration with EDTA
Adapted from:
Skoog, D. A., West, D. M., & Holler, F. J. (2001). Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry. International Edition by Saunders College Publishing
1. pH-10 buffer: Dilute 57 mL of conc NH3 and 7 g of NH4Cl in water to give 100 mL solution.
2. Eriochrome Black T IndicatorDissolve 20 mg of the indicator in a solution containing 3 mL
ethanolamine and 1 mL ethanol
3. 0.1 M EDTA Solution Dry pure disodium EDTA dehydrate at 80 oC for 1 hr. Weigh 3.800 g .
Dissolve in water about 600 mL volume. Swirl periodically until dissolve (about 15 minutes or
longer). When solid has dissolved, dilute with water to the 1-L mark of the volumetric flask.
Mix well.
4. 0.1 M NaOH. Dissolve 4.00 g NaOH in 20-30 mL water. Transfer quantitatively to a 100-ml
volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with water.
5. CaCO3 standard
6. 1 M HCl
7. 2 M NH4OH
Preparation of Primary Standard
Weigh to the nearest mg 0.1 g of dried calcium carbonate. Transfer to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add
21 mL of 1 M HCl dropwise. Swirl to dissolve carbonate. Add 200 mL water and boil to expel carbon
dioxide. Add a few drops of methyl red indicator and adjust color to intermediate orange using 1 M
NH4OH or 1 M HCL. The solution has a concentration of 1 mg CaCO3/mL.
E CaCO3 = 20 x 1 mg CaCO3
Volume of EDTA, mL
Page 44 of 53
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Appendix A-02
Extraction Protocols
Of foremost concern in the study of plant components is the extraction method. Extraction
methods may be conventional or novel. Conventional methods employ solvent extraction.
A variety of novel methods are continually being developed such as supercritical fluid
extraction and microwave assisted extraction. This guide is focused conventional methods.
The choice of solvent is dictated by the target plant metabolite. Choosing the right solvent
is important as different solvents will give different extracts and different yields (Wang &
Weller, 2006). Solvents used are based on polarity and the common ones are petroleum
ether, hexane, chloroform, acetone, methanol, and ethanol. Another consideration is that
the solvent should not interfere with the bioassay procedure. An emerging concern is the
potential health and environmental hazard of the extracting solvent (Eloff, 1997).
The typical method begins with sample preparation. Fresh or dried materials can be used.
Dried materials offer several advantages: flexibility, removal of water content as water
may interfere with the extraction procedure, and an implied assurance of the stability of the
plant metabolite. Leaves are air-dried in the shade. The stem and thick veins are discarded,
and the leaves are ground to a fine powder. The material is passed through a sieve to ensure
uniform size. Aside from the choice of solvent, the parameters in choosing the method
include quantity of material, rate of extraction, and handling of the extract (Eloff, 1997).
When thermolabile constituents are of interest, other methods may be resorted to. Nostro,
Germano, D’Angelo, Marino & Cannatelli (2000) employed sequential extraction of
Page 46 of 53
various solvents of increasing polarity at room temperature. The extracts were concentrated
in a rotary evaporator at 40oC. Obeidat, Shatnawi, Al-alawi, Al-Zu’bi, Al-Dmoor, Al-
Qudah, El-Qudah & Otri (2012) also employed sequential extraction with shaking for 24
hours using water, ethanol, methanol and acetone with sample-solvent ratio of 1:10. The
filtrates of the extracts were dried similarly at 40oC and resuspended to a concentration of
500 mg/mL with Phosphate Buffered Saline.
Maceration is another room temperature extraction method. The plant sample is placed in
a stoppered container with the solvent and agitated frequently for three days or more. The
mixture is strained and filtered to separate the liquid from the marc. A modification of
maceration that employs a similar procedure at moderate temperatures is the digestion
Decoction is a common method used for stable, water-soluble constituents. A known ratio
of sample to solvent is used (e.g. 1:4). The mixture is boiled for a definite time, cooled,
and filtered.
The overall objective of the extraction method is to prepare the plant material to a form
suitable for subsequent procedures.
The following list identifies the classes of phytochemicals and their solubilities in various
Page 47 of 53
Featured Procedure:
Adapted from:
Guevara, B. Q. (2005). A guidebook to plant screening: Phytochemical and biological. University of
Santo Tomas Publishing House.
This procedure may be used or adapted if suitable for the material to be studied.
1. Accurately weigh 100 g of plant sample and place in an Erlenmeyer flask. Pour
measured amounts of 95% ethanol until the material is completely submerged. Note the
volume of alcohol used.
2. Stopper the flask and leave for 24-48 hours.
3. Filter the mixture through a Buchner funnel with gentle suction.
4. Rinse the flask with small, fresh portions of the solvent. Transfer the washings to the
funnel. Apply gentle suction, combining the washings with the first filtrate.
5. Discard the plant residue,
6. Concentrate the filtrate in a rotary evaporator at 40oC to obtain about 20 mL sample.
Measure the exact volume of the concentrated extract.
7. Record the concentration in terms of grams of dried material per mL of the extract
8. Label the container with:
Name of the plant
Concentration of plant material in terms of dried material per mL of extract
Date of extraction.
9. Store the extract in a tightly stoppered container in the refrigerator.
10. For subsequent determinations:
Water soluble extracts should be dissolved in normal saline solutions
and diluted to a known volume.
Oily and resinous extracts should be suspended in saline solution
containing 0.2% Tween 80.
Page 48 of 53
Agarwal, S. K., Singh, S. S., Verma, S., & Kumar, S. (2000). Antifungal activity of
anthraquinone derivatives from Rheum emodi. Journal of
ethnopharmacology, 72(1), 43-46.
Dinan, L., Harmatha, J., & Lafont, R. (2001). Chromatographic procedures the isolation of
plant steroids. Journal of Chromatography A, 935(1), 105-123.
Gao, M., & Liu, C. Z. (2005). Comparison of techniques for the extraction of flavonoids
from cultured cells of Saussurea medusa Maxim. World Journal of Microbiology
and Biotechnology, 21(8-9), 1461-1463.
Kähkönen, M. P., Hopia, A. I., Vuorela, H. J., Rauha, J. P., Pihlaja, K., Kujala, T. S., &
Heinonen, M. (1999). Antioxidant activity of plant extracts containing phenolic
compounds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47(10), 3954- 3962.
Kaur, G., Pandhair, V., & Cheema, G. S. (2014). Extraction and characterization of
steviol glycosides from Stevia rebaudiana bertoni leaves. Journal of Medicinal
Plants, 2(5), 41-45.
Péres, V. F., Saffi, J., Melecchi, M. I. S., Abad, F. C., de Assis Jacques, R., Martinez, M.
M. & Caramão, E. B. (2006). Comparison of soxhlet, ultrasound-assisted and
pressurized liquid extraction of terpenes, fatty acids and Vitamin E from Piper
gaudichaudianum Kunth. Journal of Chromatography A, 1105(1), 115-118.
Sultana, B., Anwar, F., & Ashraf, M. (2009). Effect of extraction solvent/technique on the
antioxidant activity of selected medicinal plant extracts. Molecules, 14(6), 2167-
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