C. C. Norkin, J. White, T. W. Malone - Measurement of Joint Motion - A Guide To Goniometry, Fourth Edition - F.A. Davis Company (2009) PDF

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The book provides guidelines for accurately measuring range of motion of different joints in the body using various techniques.

The book measures range of motion in joints of the upper extremity, lower extremity, spine, and temporomandibular joint, including motions like flexion, extension, abduction, and rotation.

The book describes using a universal goniometer, tape measure, inclinometers, and other devices to measure range of motion of different joints and regions of the body.


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Measurement of
Joint Motion
A Guide to Goniometry
fourth edition

Cynthia C. Norkin, EdD, PT

Former Associate Professor and Director
School of Physical Therapy
College of Health and Human Services
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio

D. Joyce White, DSc, PT

Associate Professor of Physical Therapy
School of Health and Environment
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Lowell, Massachusetts

Photographs by Jocelyn Greene Molleur and Lucia Grochowska Littlefield

Technical Advisor George Kalem, III
Illustrations by Timothy Wayne Malone

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F. A. Davis Company
1915 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Copyright © 2009 by F. A. Davis Company

Copyright © 2009 by F. A. Davis Company. All rights reserved. This product is protected by copyright. No part
of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

Last digit indicates print number: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Acquisitions Editor: Melissa Duffield

Publisher: Margaret Biblis
Manager of Content Development: George W. Lang
Developmental Editor: Karen Carter
Art and Design Manager: Carolyn O’Brien

As new scientific information becomes available through basic and clinical research, recommended treatments
and drug therapies undergo changes. The author(s) and publisher have done everything possible to make this
book accurate, up to date, and in accord with accepted standards at the time of publication. The author(s),
editors, and publisher are not responsible for errors or omissions or for consequences from application of the
book, and make no warranty, expressed or implied, in regard to the contents of the book. Any practice described
in this book should be applied by the reader in accordance with professional standards of care used in regard to
the unique circumstances that may apply in each situation. The reader is advised always to check product infor-
mation (package inserts) for changes and new information regarding dose and contraindications before adminis-
tering any drug. Caution is especially urged when using new or infrequently ordered drugs.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Norkin, Cynthia C.
Measurement of joint motion : a guide to goniometry / Cynthia C. Norkin, D. Joyce White ; photographs by Jocelyn
Greene Molleur and Lucia Grochowska Littlefield ; illustrations by Timothy Wayne Malone. -- 4th ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-2066-7
ISBN-10: 0-8036-2066-7
1. Joints--Range of motion--Measurement. I. White, D. Joyce. II. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Arthrometry, Articular--methods. 2. Joint Diseases--diagnosis. 3. Joints--physiology.
WE 300 N841m 2009]
RD734.N67 2009

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To our families and students, who give meaning and enjoyment

to our lives.
—CCN and DJW
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The measurement of joint motion is an important component anatomical descriptions of joint structures and landmarks
of a thorough physical examination of the extremities and used in goniometer alignment directly to the measurement
spine, one which helps health professionals identify impair- procedures. Information summarizing research findings now
ments and assess rehabilitative status. The need for a compre- follows, rather than precedes, the measurement procedures.
hensive text with sufficient written detail and photographs to This restructuring makes it easier for readers that are focused
allow for the standardization of goniometric measurement on learning measurement technique, as well as readers that are
methods—both for the purposes of teaching and clinical prac- focused on reviewing the research literature for evidence-
tice led to the development of the first edition of the Measure- based practice, to find what they are seeking. Similar to earlier
ment of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry in 1985. Our editions we have incorporated new information on normative
approach included a discussion and illustration of testing range of motion values for various age and gender groups, as
position, stabilization, end-feel, and goniometer alignment for well as the range of motion needed to perform common func-
each measurable joint in the body. The resulting text was tional tasks. We added current information on the effects of
extremely well received by a variety of health professional subject characteristics, such as body mass, occupational and
educational programs and was used as a reference in many recreational activities, and the effects of the testing process,
clinical settings. such as the testing position and type of measuring instrument,
In the years following initial publication, a considerable on range of motion. In the fourth edition we added and re-
amount of research on the measurement of joint motion structured more measurement techniques to the spine chapters
appeared in the literature. Consequently, a second edition, and added several commonly used methods to assess finger
published in 1995, included a chapter on the reliability and and thumb range of motion. The TMJ chapter was enhanced
validity of joint measurement as well as joint-specific re- with clear photographs and illustrations of measurement tech-
search sections in each existing chapter. We also expanded the niques. In addition, over 90 new photographs and illustrations
text by adding structure, osteokinematics, arthrokinematics, replaced many of the older, dated art work.
capsular and noncapsular patterns of limitation, and func- This book continues to present goniometry logically
tional ranges of motion for each joint. and clearly. Chapter 1 discusses basic concepts regarding
The third edition included extensive new research find- the use of goniometry to assess range of motion and muscle
ings related to joint motion. New to the third edition was the length in patient evaluation. Arthrokinematic and osteokine-
inclusion of muscle length testing at joints where muscle matic movements, elements of active and passive range of
length is often a factor affecting range of motion. This addi- motion, hypomobility, hypermobility, and factors affecting
tion integrated the measurement procedures used in this book joint motion are included. The inclusion of end-feels and
with the American Physical Therapy Association’s Guide to capsular and noncapsular patterns of joint limitation intro-
Physical Therapy Practice. Inclinometer techniques for mea- duces readers to current concepts in orthopedic manual ther-
suring range of motion of the spine were added to coincide apy and encourages them to consider joint structure while
with current practice in some clinical settings. Illustrations measuring joint motion.
were included to accompany anatomical descriptions so that Chapter 2 takes the reader through a step-by-step process
the reader had a visual reminder of the joint structures in- to master the techniques of goniometric evaluation, including:
volved in range of motion. New illustrations of bony anatom- positioning, stabilization, instruments used for measurement,
ical landmarks and photographs of surface anatomy were goniometer alignment, and the recording of results. Exercises
added to help the reader align the goniometer accurately. that help develop necessary psychomotor skills and demon-
In the fourth edition we reorganized the content in strate direct application of theoretical concepts facilitate
Chapters 4 to 13 to create a more logical progression from learning.

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vi Preface

Chapter 3 discusses the validity and reliability of mea- arthrokinematic motion, and capsular patterns of restrictions.
surement. The results of validity and reliability studies on the A review of current literature regarding normal range of
measurement of joint motion are summarized to help the motion values; the effects of age, gender, and other factors
reader focus on ways of improving and interpreting goniomet- on range of motion; functional range of motion; and reliabil-
ric measurements. Mathematical methods of evaluating relia- ity and validity of measurement procedures are also presented
bility are shown along with examples and exercises so that the for each body region to assist the reader to comply with
readers can assess their reliability in taking measurements. evidence-based practice.
Chapters 4 to 13 present detailed information on gonio- We hope this book makes the teaching and learning
metric testing procedures for the upper and lower extremities, of goniometry easier and improves the standardization and
spine, and temporomandibular joint. When appropriate, mus- thus the reliability and validity of this examination tool.
cle length testing procedures are also included. The text We believe that the fourth edition provides a comprehensive
presents the anatomical landmarks, testing position, stabiliza- coverage of the clinical measurement of joint motion and
tion, testing motion, normal end-feel, and goniometer align- muscle length. We hope that the additions will motivate health
ment for each joint and motion, in a format that reinforces a professionals to conduct research and to use research results
consistent approach to evaluation. The extensive use of pho- in evaluation. We encourage our readers to provide us with
tographs and captions eliminates the need for repeated feedback on our current efforts to bring you a high-quality,
demonstrations by an instructor and provides the reader with user-friendly text.
a permanent reference for visualizing the procedures. Also CCN
included is information on joint structure, osteokinematic and DJW
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We are very grateful for the contributions of the many peo- Melissa Duffield, Acquisitions Editor, for their encouragement
ple who were involved in the development and production and commitment to excellence. Our thanks are also extended
of this text. Photographer Jocelyn Molleur applied her skill to George Lang, Manager of Content Development; David
and patience during many sessions at the physical therapy Orzechowski, Managing Editor; Robert Butler, Production
laboratory at the University of Massachusetts Lowell to Manager; Karen Carter, Developmental Editor; Carolyn
produce the high-quality photographs that appear in both O'Brien, Manager of Art and Design; Katharine L. Margeson,
the third and fourth editions. Her efforts combined with Illustration Coordinator; Elizabeth Stepchin, Developmental
those of Lucia Grochowska Littlefield, who took the pho- Associate; Stephanie Casey, Administrative Assistant; and
tographs for the first edition, are responsible for an impor- Jean-Francois Vilain, Former Publisher for the first and second
tant feature of the book. Timothy Malone, an artist from editions. We are very grateful to the numerous students, fac-
Ohio, used his talents, knowledge of anatomy, and good ulty, and clinicians who over the years have used the book or
humor to create the excellent illustrations that appear in formally reviewed portions of the manuscript and offered in-
this edition. We also offer our thanks to Colleen DeCotret, sightful comments and helpful suggestions that have improved
Alexander White, Claudia Van Bibber, and University of this text.
Massachusetts Lowell physical therapy students: Rachel Finally, we wish to thank our families: Cynthia’s daugh-
Blakeslee, Rebecca D'Amour, and Chris Fournier who gra- ter, Alexandra, and her daughters, Taylor and Kimberly; and
ciously agreed to be subjects for the new photographs and Joyce’s husband, Jonathan, sons, Alexander and Ethan, and
provided painstaking research support for the fourth edition. parents, Dorothy and Emerson, for their continuing encour-
We wish to express our appreciation to these dedicated agement and support. We will always be appreciative.
professionals at F. A. Davis: Margaret Biblis, Publisher, and

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Joni Goldwasser Barry, PT, DPT, NCS Liz L. Harrison, DPT, BPT, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Professor and Associate Dean
School of Health Professions School of Physical Therapy
Maryville University University of Saskatchewan
St. Louis, Missouri Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Rebekah R. Bower, MS, ATC, LAT Suchita Kulkarni-Lambore, PT, PhD

Education Coordinator Associate Professor
Athletic Training Education Program Physical Therapy Department
Health, Phys. Ed. & Recreation Department Chatham College
Wright State University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Dayton, Ohio
Teresa Seefeld, PT, ATC
Marc Campo, PT, MS, OSC, Cert. MDT Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor Athletic Training Department
Physical Therapy Department University of Mary
Mercy College Bismarck, North Dakota
Dobbs Ferry, New York

Gary Steven Chleboun, PhD, PT

School of Physical Therapy
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio

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GONIOMETRY, 1 EXERCISE 3: Goniometer Alignment for
Elbow Flexion, 30
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts, 3 Recording, 31
Goniometry, 3 Numerical Tables, 32
Joint Motion, 4 Pictorial Charts, 32
Arthrokinematics, 4 Sagittal-Frontal-Transverse-Rotation
Osteokinematics, 5 Method, 33
Planes and Axes, 5 American Medical Association Guides to
Range of Motion, 6 Evaluation Method, 34
Active Range of Motion, 8 Procedures, 34
Passive Range of Motion, 8 Explanation Procedure, 35
Hypomobility, 9 Testing Procedure, 35
Hypermobility, 11 EXERCISE 4: Explanation of
Factors Affecting Range of Motion, 12 Goniometric Testing Procedure, 36
Muscle Length Testing, 13 EXERCISE 5: Testing Procedure for
Goniometric Evaluation of Elbow
Chapter 2 Procedures, 19 Flexion ROM, 36
Positioning, 19
Stabilization, 20 Chapter 3 Validity and Reliability, 39
Measurement Instruments, 21 Validity, 39
Universal Goniometer, 21 Face Validity, 39
EXERCISE 1: Determining the End Content Validity, 39
of the Range of Motion and End-Feel, 22 Criterion-Related Validity, 39
Gravity-Dependent Goniometers Construct Validity, 40
(Inclinometers), 25 Reliability, 41
Electrogoniometers, 26 Summary of Goniometric Reliability
Visual Estimation, 26 Studies, 41
EXERCISE 2: The Universal Statistical Methods of Evaluating
Goniometer, 27 Measurement Reliability, 43

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x Contents

Exercises to Evaluate Reliability, 47 Functional Range of Motion, 108

EXERCISE 6: Intratester Reliability, 48 Reliability, 110
EXERCISE 7: Intertester Reliability, 50 Validity, 112

PART II UPPER-EXTREMITY Chapter 6 The Wrist, 115

TESTING, 55 Structure and Function, 115
Radiocarpal and Midcarpal Joints, 115
Chapter 4 The Shoulder, 57 Range of Motion Testing Procedures, 117
Structure and Function, 57 Landmarks for Testing Procedures, 117
Glenohumeral Joint, 57 Flexion, 118
Sternoclavicular Joint, 58 Extension, 120
Acromioclavicular Joint, 58 Radial Deviation, 122
Scalpulothoracic Joint, 59 Ulnar Deviation, 124
Range of Motion Testing Procedures, 60 Muscle Length Testing Procedures, 126
Landmarks for Testing Procedure, 60 Flexor Digitorum Profundus and Flexor
Flexion, 62 Digitorum Superficialis Muscle Length, 126
Extension, 66 Extensor Digitorum, Extensor Indicis, and
Abduction, 70 Extensor Digiti Minimi Muscle Length, 130
Adduction, 74 Research Findings, 134
Medial (Internal) Rotation, 74 Effects of Age, Gender, and Other
Lateral (External) Rotation, 78 Factors, 134
Research Findings, 82 Functional Range of Motion, 137
Effects of Age, Gender, and Other Factors, 82 Reliability, 139
Functional Range of Motion, 85 Validity, 140
Reliability and Validity, 86
Chapter 7 The Hand, 143
Chapter 5 The Elbow and Forearm, 91 Structure and Function, 143
Structure and Function, 91 Fingers: Metacarpophalangeal Joints, 143
Humeroulnar and Humeroradial Joints, 91 Fingers: Proximal Interphalangeal and Distal
Superior and Inferior Radioulnar Joints, 92 Interphalangeal Joints, 144
Range of Motion Testing Procedures, 94 Thumb: Carpometacarpal Joint, 144
Landmarks for Testing Procedures, 94 Thumb: Metacarpophalangeal Joint, 145
Elbow Flexion, 96 Thumb: Interphalangeal Joint, 145
Elbow Extension, 98 Range of Motion Testing Procedures:
Forearm Pronation, 98 Fingers, 147
Forearm Supination, 100 Landmarks for Testing Procedures, 147
Muscle Length Testing Procedures, 102 Metacarpophalangeal Flexion, 148
Biceps Brachii, 102 Metacarpophalangeal Extension, 150
Triceps Brachii, 104 Metacarpophalangeal Abduction, 153
Research Findings, 106 Metacarpophalangeal Adduction, 155
Effects of Age, Gender, and Other Proximal Interphalangeal Flexion, 155
Factors, 106 Proximal Interphalangeal Extension, 157
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Contents xi

Distal Interphalangeal Flexion, 158 Muscle Length Testing Procedures, 212

Distal Interphalangeal Extension, 160 Hip Flexors: Thomas Test, 212
Composite Flexion of MCP, PIP, and DIP The Hamstrings: Semitendinosus,
Joints, 161 Semimembranosus, and Biceps Femoris:
Range of Motion Testing Procedures: Straight Leg Raising Test, 218
Thumb, 162 Tensor Fascia Lata and Iliotibial Band: Ober
Landmarks for Testing Procedures, 162 Test, 224
Carpometacarpal Flexion, 164 Tensor Fascia Lata and Iliotibial Band:
Carpometacarpal Extension, 167 Modified Ober Test, 228
Carpometacarpal Abduction, 170 Research Findings, 229
Carpometacarpal Adduction, 172 Effects of Age, Gender, and Other
Carpometacarpal Opposition, 172 Factors, 229
Metacarpophalangeal Flexion, 176 Functional Range of Motion, 234
Metacarpophalangeal Extension, 178 Reliability and Validity, 235
Interphalangeal Flexion, 179
Interphalangeal Extension, 181 Chapter 9 The Knee, 241
Muscle Length Testing Procedures: Structure and Function, 241
Fingers, 182 Tibiofemoral and Patellofemoral Joints, 241
Lumbricals, Palmar Interossei, and Dorsal Range of Motion Testing Procedures, 243
Interossei, 182 Landmarks for Testing Procedures, 243
Research Findings, 186 Flexion, 244
Effects of Age, Gender, and Other Extension, 246
Factors, 186 Muscle Length Testing Procedures, 246
Functional Range of Motion, 189 Rectus Femoris: Ely Test, 246
Reliability, 190 Hamstring Muscles: Semitendinosus,
Validity, 191 Semimembranosus, and Biceps Femoris:
Distal Hamstring Length Test or Popliteal
TESTING, 195 Research Findings, 254
Effects of Age, Gender, and Other
Chapter 8 The Hip, 197 Factors, 254
Structure and Function, 197 Functional Range of Motion, 256
Iliofemoral Joint, 197 Reliability and Validity, 258
Range of Motion Testing Procedures, 198
Landmarks for Testing Procedures, 198 Chapter 10 The Ankle and Foot, 263
Flexion, 200 Structure and Function, 263
Extension, 202 Proximal and Distal Tibiofibular Joints, 263
Abduction, 204 Talocrural Joint, 263
Adduction, 206 Subtalar Joint, 263
Medial (Internal) Rotation, 208 Transverse Tarsal (Midtarsal) Joint, 265
Lateral (External) Rotation, 210 Tarsometatarsal Joints, 266
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xii Contents

Metatarsophalangeal Joints, 267 PART IV TESTING OF THE SPINE

Interphalangeal Joints, 268 AND TEMPOROMANDIBULAR
Range of Motion Testing Procedures, 269 JOINT, 317
Landmarks for Testing Procedures:
Talocrural Joint, 269 Chapter 11 The Cervical Spine, 319
Dorsiflexion: Talocrural Joint, 270 Structure and Function, 319
Plantarflexion: Talocrural Joint, 273 Atlanto-Occipital and Atlantoaxial
Landmarks for Testing Procedures: Tarsal Joints, 319
Joints, 275 Intervertebral and Zygapophyseal
Inversion: Tarsal Joints, 276 Joints, 321
Eversion: Tarsal Joints, 278 Range of Motion Testing Procedures, 323
Landmarks for Testing Procedures: Subtalar Landmarks for Testing Procedures, 323
Joint (Rearfoot), 281 Cervical Flexion: Universal Goniometer, 326
Inversion: Subtalar Joint (Rearfoot), 282 Cervical Flexion: Tape Measure, 328
Eversion: Subtalar Joint (Rearfoot), 284 Cervical Flexion: Double Inclinometers, 329
Inversion: Transverse Tarsal Joint, 286 Cervical Flexion: Cervical Range of Motion
Eversion: Transverse Tarsal Joint, 288 (CROM) Device, 330
Landmarks for Testing Procedures: Cervical Extension: Universal Goniometer, 331
Metatarsophalangeal Joint, 290 Cervical Extension: Tape Measure, 333
Flexion: Metatarsophalangeal Joint, 292 Cervical Extension: Double
Extension: Metatarsophalangeal Joint, 294 Inclinometers, 334
Abduction: Metatarsophalangeal Joint, 296 Cervical Extension: CROM Device, 335
Adduction: Metatarsophalangeal Joint, 298 Cervical Lateral Flexion: Universal
Flexion: Interphalangeal Joint of the First Goniometer, 336
Toe and Proximal Interphalangeal Joints Cervical Lateral Flexion: Tape
of the Four Lesser Toes, 298 Measure, 338
Extension: Interphalangeal Joint of the First Cervical Lateral Flexion: Double
Toe and Proximal Interphalangeal Joints Inclinometers, 339
of the Four Lesser Toes, 299 Cervical Lateral Flexion: CROM
Flexion: Distal Interphalangeal Joints of the Device, 340
Four Lesser Toes, 299 Cervical Rotation: Universal
Extension: Distal Interphalangeal Joints of Goniometer, 341
the Four Lesser Toes, 299 Cervical Rotation: Tape Measure, 343
Muscle Length Testing Procedures, 300 Cervical Rotation: Inclinometer, 343
Gastrocnemius, 300 Cervical Rotation: CROM Device, 345
Gastrocnemius Length Testing Position: Research Findings, 346
Standing, 303 Effects of Age, Gender, and Other
Research Findings, 304 Factors on Cervical Range of Motion
Effects of Age, Gender, and Other Measurements, 346
Factors, 304 Functional Range of Motion, 352
Functional Range of Motion, 309 Reliability and Validity, 353
Reliability and Validity, 311 Summary, 361
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Contents xiii

Chapter 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Research Findings, 393

Spine, 365 Effects of Age, Gender, and Other
Structure and Function, 365 Factors, 393
Thoracic Spine, 365 Functional Range of Motion, 397
Lumbar Spine, 366 Reliability and Validity, 398
Range of Motion Testing Procedures, 368 Summary, 405
Landmarks for Testing Procedures, 368 Chapter 13 The Temporomandibular
Thoracolumbar Flexion, 369 Joint, 409
Tape Measure, 370
Structure and Function, 409
Fingertip-to-Floor, 371
Temporomandibular Joint, 409
Double Inclinometers, 372
Range of Motion Testing Procedures, 412
Thoracolumbar Extension, 373
Landmarks for Testing Procedures, 412
Tape Measure, 374
Depression of the Mandible (Mouth
Double Inclinometers, 375
Opening), 412
Thoracolumbar Lateral Flexion, 376
Overbite, 416
Universal Goniometer, 377
Protrusion of the Mandible, 417
Fingertip-to-Floor, 378
Lateral Excursion of the Mandible, 418
Fingertip-to-Thigh, 379
Research Findings, 420
Double Inclinometers, 381
Effects of Age, Gender, and Other
Thoracolumbar Rotation, 382
Factors, 420
Universal Goniometer, 382
Reliability and Validity, 422
Double Inclinometers, 384
Lumbar Flexion, 385 APPENDIX A Normative Range of Motion
Modified–Modified Schober Test or Values, 425
Simplified Skin Distraction Test, 385
APPENDIX B Joint Measurements by
Modified Schober Test, 387
Body Position, 431
Double Inclinometers, 387
Lumbar Extension, 388 APPENDIX C Numerical Recording
Simplified Skin Attraction Forms, 433
Test/Modified–Modified Schober Test, 388
INDEX, 439
Modified Schober Test, 388
Double Inclinometers, 390
Lumbar Lateral Flexion, 391
Double Inclinometers, 392
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On completion of Part I, the reader will be able to: • Clinical estimates of range of motion
• Palpating bony landmarks
1. Define: • Recording starting and ending positions
• Goniometry
• Planes and axes 5. Describe the parts of universal, fluid, and
• Range of motion pendulum goniometers
• End-feel
• Muscle length testing 6. List:
• Reliability • Six-step explanation sequence
• Validity • 12-step testing sequence
• 10 items included in recording
2. Identify the appropriate planes and axes for each
of the following motions: 7. Perform a goniometric evaluation of the elbow
Flexion–extension, abduction–adduction, and joint including:
rotation • Clear explanation of the procedure
• Positioning of a subject in the testing position
3. Compare: • Adequate stabilization of the proximal joint com-
• Active and passive ranges of motion ponent
• Arthrokinematic and osteokinematic motions • Correct determination of the end of the range of
• Soft, firm, and hard end-feels motion
• Hypomobility and hypermobility • Correct identification of the end-feel
• Capsular and noncapsular patterns of restricted • Palpation of the correct bony landmarks
motion • Accurate alignment of the goniometer
• One-joint, two-joint, and multijoint muscles • Correct reading of the goniometer and recording
• Reliability and validity of the measurement
• Intratester and intertester reliability
8. Perform and interpret intratester and intertester
4. Explain the importance of: reliability tests including standard deviation,
• Testing positions coefficient of variation, correlation coefficients,
• Stabilization and standard error of measurement.
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Basic Concepts
This book is designed to serve as a guide to learning the tech- the measurement of angles created at human joints by the bones
nique of human joint measurement called goniometry. Back- of the body. The examiner obtains these measurements by plac-
ground information on principles and procedures necessary for ing the parts of the measuring instrument, called a goniometer,
an understanding of goniometry is found in Part 1. Practice along the bones immediately proximal and distal to the joint
exercises are included at appropriate intervals to help the exam- being evaluated. Goniometry may be used to determine both a
iner apply this information and develop the psychomotor skills particular joint position and the total amount of motion avail-
necessary for competency in goniometry. The validity and reli- able at a joint.
ability of goniometric measurements are explored to encourage
Example: The elbow joint is evaluated by placing the
thoughtful and appropriate use of these techniques in clinical
parts of the measuring instrument on the humerus
practice. Procedures for the goniometric examination of joint
(proximal segment) and the forearm (distal segment)
range of motion and muscle length testing of the upper extrem-
and measuring either a specific joint position or the
ity, lower extremity, and spine and temporomandibular joint are
total arc of motion (Fig. 1.1).
presented in Parts II, III, and IV, respectively.
Goniometry is an important part of a comprehensive
examination of joints and surrounding soft tissue. A compre-
hensive examination typically begins by interviewing the sub-
Goniometry ject and reviewing records to obtain an accurate description of
current symptoms; functional abilities; occupational, social,
The term goniometry is derived from two Greek words, gonia, and recreational activities; and medical history. Observation
meaning angle, and metron, meaning measure. Therefore, of the body to assess bone and soft tissue contour, as well as
goniometry refers to the measurement of angles, in particular skin and nail condition, usually follows the interview. Gentle

nt FIGURE 1.1 The left upper

gme extremity of a subject in the
145˚ l se
sta supine position is shown. The
parts of the measuring instrument
have been placed along the
proximal (humerus) and distal
(radius) segments and centered
over the axis of the elbow joint.
When the distal segment has
Proximal segment been moved toward the proximal
segment (elbow flexion), a
measurement of the arc of
motion can be obtained.

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4 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

palpation is used to determine skin temperature and the qual-

ity of soft tissue deformities and to locate pain symptoms in
relation to anatomical structures. Anthropometric measure-
ments such as leg length, circumference, and body volume
may be indicated.
The performance of active joint motions by the subject
during the examination allows the examiner to screen for
abnormal movements and gain information about the sub-
ject’s willingness to move. If abnormal active motions are
found, the examiner performs passive joint motions in an
attempt to determine reasons for joint limitation. Performing
passive joint motions enables the examiner to assess the tissue
that is limiting the motion, detect pain, and make an estimate
of the amount of motion. Goniometry is used to measure and
document the amount of active and passive joint motion as
well as abnormal fixed joint positions. Resisted isometric FIGURE 1.2 A slide is a translatory motion in which the same
point on the moving joint surface comes in contact with new
muscle contractions, joint integrity and mobility tests, and points on the opposing surface, and all the points on the
special tests for specific body regions are used in conjunction moving surface travel the same amount of distance.
with goniometry to help identify the injured anatomical struc-
tures. Tests to assess muscle performance and neurological
function are often included. Diagnostic imaging procedures
and laboratory tests may be required.
Goniometric data used in conjunction with other infor-
mation can provide a basis for the following:

• Determining the presence or absence of impairment
• Establishing a diagnosis
• Developing a prognosis, treatment goals, and plan of care
• Evaluating progress or lack of progress toward
rehabilitative goals
• Modifying treatment
• Motivating the subject
• Researching the effectiveness of therapeutic techniques or
regimens (for example, measuring outcomes following
exercises, medications, and surgical procedures)
• Fabricating orthoses and adaptive equipment

FIGURE 1.3 A spin is a rotary motion in which all the points

Joint Motion on the moving surface rotate around a fixed central axis.
The points on the moving joint surface that are closer to the
axis of motion will travel a smaller distance than the points
Arthrokinematics further from the axis.
Motion at a joint occurs as the result of movement of one joint
surface in relation to another. Arthrokinematics is the term
used to refer to the movement of joint surfaces. The movements allows for increased motion at a joint by postponing the joint
of joint surfaces are described as slides (or glides), spins, and compression and separation that would occur at either side of
rolls.1,2 A slide (glide), which is a translatory motion, is the slid- the joint during a pure roll. The direction of the rolling and
ing of one joint surface over another, as when a braked wheel sliding components of a roll-slide will vary depending on the
skids (Fig. 1.2). A spin is a rotary motion, similar to the spin- shape of the moving joint surface.2,3 If a convex joint surface
ning of a toy top. All points on the moving joint surface rotate is moving, the convex surface will roll in the same direction
around a fixed axis of motion (Fig. 1.3). A roll is a rotary as the angular motion of the shaft of the bone but will slide in
motion similar to the rolling of the bottom of a rocking chair on the opposite direction (Fig. 1.5A). If a concave joint surface
the floor or the rolling of a tire on the road (Fig. 1.4). is moving, the concave surface will roll and slide in the same
In the human body, slides, spins, and rolls usually occur direction as the angular motion of the shaft of the bone
in combination with each other and result in angular move- (Fig. 1.5B).
ment of the shafts of the bones. The combination of the slid- Arthrokinematic motions are examined for amount of
ing and rolling is referred to as roll-sliding or roll-gliding3 and motion, tissue resistance at the end of the motion (end-feel),
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CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts 5

terms of the rotary or angular motion produced, as if the

movement occurs around a fixed axis of motion. Goniometry
measures the angles created by the rotary motion of the shafts
of the bones. Some translatory shifting of the axis of motion
usually occurs during movement; however, most clinicians
find the description of osteokinematic movement in terms of
Axis Axis just rotary motion to be sufficiently accurate and use goniom-
etry to measure osteokinematic movements.

Planes and Axes

Osteokinematic motions are classically described as taking
place in one of the three cardinal planes of the body (sagittal,
frontal, transverse) around three corresponding axes (medial–
FIGURE 1.4 A roll is a rotary motion in which new points on lateral, anterior–posterior, vertical). The three planes lie at right
the moving joint surface come in contact with new points on angles to one another, whereas the three axes lie at right angles
the opposing surface. The axis of rotation has also moved, both to one another and to their corresponding planes.
in this case to the right. The sagittal plane proceeds from the anterior to the
posterior aspect of the body. The median sagittal plane
divides the body into right and left halves. The motions of
and effect on the patient’s symptoms.4 The ranges of
flexion and extension occur in the sagittal plane (Fig. 1.6).
arthrokinematic motions are very small and cannot be mea-
The axis around which the motions of flexion and exten-
sured with a goniometer or standard ruler. Instead, arthrokine-
sion occur may be envisioned as a line that is perpendicu-
matic motions are subjectively compared to the same motion
lar to the sagittal plane and proceeds from one side of the
on the contralateral side of the body, or compared to an exam-
body to the other. This axis is called a medial–lateral axis.
iner’s past experience testing people of similar age and gen-
All motions in the sagittal plane take place around a
der as the patient. These motions are also called accessory or
medial–lateral axis.
joint play motions.
The frontal plane proceeds from one side of the body to
the other and divides the body into front and back halves. The
Osteokinematics motions that occur in the frontal plane are abduction and adduc-
Osteokinematics refers to the gross movement of the shafts tion (Fig. 1.7). The axis around which the motions of abduction
of bones rather than the movement of joint surfaces. The and adduction take place is an anterior–posterior axis. This
movements of the shafts of bones are usually described in axis lies at right angles to the frontal plane and proceeds from





FIGURE 1.5 (A) If the joint surface of the

moving bone is convex, sliding is in the
opposite direction to the rolling and angular
movement of the bone. (B) If the joint surface
of the moving bone is concave, sliding is in
the same direction as the rolling and angular
movement of the bone.
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6 PART I Introduction to Goniometry





FIGURE 1.7 The frontal plane, indicated by the shaded area,

proceeds from one side of the body to the other. Motions in
this plane, such as abduction and adduction of the upper and
lower extremities, take place around an anterior–posterior

FIGURE 1.6 The shaded areas indicate the sagittal plane.

This plane proceeds from the anterior aspect of the body to
the posterior aspect. Motions in this plane, such as flexion joint that allows motion in only one plane is described as having
and extension of the upper and lower extremities, take 1 degree of freedom of motion. The interphalangeal joints of
place around a medial–lateral axis. the digits have 1 degree of freedom of motion. Other joints, such
as the glenohumeral joint, permit motion in three planes around
three axes: flexion and extension in the sagittal plane around a
the anterior to the posterior aspect of the body. Therefore, the
medial–lateral axis, abduction and adduction in the frontal plane
anterior–posterior axis lies in the sagittal plane.
around an anterior–posterior axis, and medial and lateral rota-
The transverse plane is horizontal and divides the body
tion in the transverse plane around a vertical axis. The gleno-
into upper and lower portions. The motion of rotation occurs in
humeral joint has three degrees of freedom of motion.
the transverse plane around a vertical axis (Fig. 1.8A and B).
The planes and axes for each joint and joint motion to be
The vertical axis lies at right angles to the transverse plane and
measured are presented in Chapters 4 through 13.
proceeds in a cranial to caudal direction.
The motions described previously are considered to
occur in a single plane around a single axis. Combination
motions such as circumduction (flexion–abduction–extension–
Range of Motion
adduction) are possible at many joints, but because of the
limitations imposed by the uniaxial design of the measuring Range of motion (ROM) is the arc of motion that occurs at
instrument, only motion occurring in a single plane can be mea- a joint or a series of joints.5 The starting position for measur-
sured in goniometry. ing all ROM, except rotations in the transverse plane, is
The type of motion that is available at a joint varies anatomical position. Three notation systems have been used
according to the structure of the joint. Some joints, such as the to define ROM: the 0 to 180 degree system, the 180 to
interphalangeal joints of the digits, permit a large amount of 0 degree system, and the 360 degree system.
motion in only one plane around a single axis: flexion and In the 0 to 180 degree notation system, the upper-
extension in the sagittal plane around a medial–lateral axis. A extremity and lower-extremity joints are at 0 degrees for
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CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts 7

flexion–extension and abduction–adduction when the body is

in the anatomical position (Fig. 1.9A). A body position in
which the extremity joints are halfway between medial (inter-
nal) and lateral (external) rotation is 0 degrees for the ROM in
rotation (Fig. 1.9B). Normally, a ROM begins at 0 degrees and
proceeds in an arc toward 180 degrees. This 0 to 180 degree sys-
tem of notation, also called the neutral zero method, is
widely used throughout the world. First described by Silver6
in 1923, its use has been supported by many authorities,
including Cave and Roberts,7 Moore,8 the American Academy

A Vertical axis

Anatomical Neutral
position position

plane A B

FIGURE 1.9 (A) In the anatomical position, the forearm is

supinated so that the palms of the hands face anteriorly.
(B) When the forearm is in a neutral position (with respect to
rotation), the palm of the hand faces the side of the body.

of Orthopaedic Surgeons,9,10 and the American Medical

Example: The ROM for shoulder flexion, which
begins with the shoulder in the anatomical position
(0 degrees) and ends with the arm overhead in full flex-
ion (180 degrees), is expressed as 0 to 180 degrees.
In the preceding example, the portion of the extension
ROM from full shoulder flexion back to the zero starting posi-
tion does not need to be measured because this ROM represents
the same arc of motion that was measured in flexion. However,
B Vertical axis Vertical axis
the portion of the extension ROM that is available beyond the
zero starting position must be measured (Fig. 1.10). Documen-
tation of extension ROM usually incorporates only the exten-
sion that occurs beyond the zero starting position. The term
extension, as it is used in this manual, refers to both the motion
that is a return from full flexion to the zero starting position and
the motion that normally occurs beyond the zero starting posi-
tion. The term hyperextension is used to describe a greater
than normal extension ROM.
Two other systems of notation have been described. The
180 to 0 degree notation system defines anatomical position as
FIGURE 1.8 The transverse plane is indicated by the shaded 180 degrees.12 ROM begins at 180 degrees and proceeds in an
area. Movements in this plane take place around a vertical
axis. These motions include rotation of the shoulder (A), arc toward 0 degrees. The 360 degree notation system also
head (B), and hip, as well as pronation and supination of the defines anatomical position as 180 degrees.13,14 The motions of
forearm. flexion and abduction begin at 180 degrees and proceed in an arc
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8 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

If, however, active ROM is limited, painful, or awkward, the

physical examination should include additional testing to
clarify the problem.

Passive Range of Motion

Passive range of motion (PROM) is the arc of motion attained
by an examiner without assistance from the subject. The subject
remains relaxed and plays no active role in producing the
motion. Normally passive ROM is slightly greater than active
ROM15–17 because each joint has a small amount of available
motion that is not under voluntary control. The additional pas-
sive ROM that is available at the end of the normal active ROM
is due to the stretch of tissues surrounding the joint and the
reduced bulk of relaxed compared to contracting muscles. This

additional passive ROM helps to protect joint structures because

n to it allows the joint to absorb extrinsic forces.

Testing passive ROM provides the examiner with informa-

n fr
te n

tion about the integrity of the joint surfaces and the extensibility

of the joint capsule and associated ligaments, muscles, fascia,


and skin. To focus on these issues, passive ROM rather than ac-
Extension tive ROM should be tested in goniometry. Unlike active ROM,
zero passive ROM does not depend on the subject’s muscle strength
and coordination. Comparisons between passive ROMs and
active ROMs provide information about the amount of motion
permitted by the associated joint structures (passive ROM) rela-
to zero
tive to the subject’s ability to produce motion at a joint (active
FIGURE 1.10 Flexion and extension of the shoulder begin ROM). In cases of impairment such as muscle weakness, pas-
with the shoulder in the anatomical position. The ROM in sive ROMs and active ROMs may vary considerably.
flexion proceeds anteriorly from the zero position through
an arc toward 180 degrees. The long, bold arrow shows the Example: An examiner may find that a subject with a
ROM in flexion, which is measured in goniometry. The ROM muscle paralysis has a full passive ROM but no active
in extension proceeds posteriorly from the zero position ROM at the same joint. In this instance, the joint sur-
through an arc toward 180 degrees. The short, bold arrow
faces and the extensibility of the joint capsule, liga-
shows the ROM in extension, which is measured in
goniometry. ments, muscles, tendons, fascia, and skin are sufficient
to allow full passive ROM. The lack of muscle strength
prevents active motion at the joint.
toward 0 degrees. The motions of extension and adduction
The examiner should test passive ROM prior to perform-
begin at 180 degrees and proceed in an arc toward 360 degrees.
ing a manual muscle test of muscle strength because the grad-
These two notation systems are more difficult to interpret than
ing of manual muscle tests is based on completion of the joint
the 0 to 180 degree notation system and are infrequently used.
ROM. An examiner must know the extent of the passive ROM
Therefore, we have not included them in this text.
before initiating a manual muscle test.
If pain occurs during passive ROM, it is often due to
Active Range of Motion moving, stretching, or pinching of noncontractile (inert)
Active range of motion (AROM) is the arc of motion structures. Pain occurring at the end of passive ROM may be
attained by a subject during unassisted voluntary joint motion. due to stretching of contractile structures as well as noncon-
Having a subject perform active ROM provides the examiner tractile structures. Pain during passive ROM is not due to
with information about the subject’s willingness to move, active shortening (contracting) of contractile tissues. By com-
coordination, muscle strength, and joint ROM. If pain occurs paring which motions (active versus passive) cause pain and
during active ROM, it may be due to contracting or stretching noting the location of the pain, the examiner can begin to
of “contractile” tissues, such as muscles, tendons, and their determine which injured tissues are involved. Having the sub-
attachments to bone. Pain may also be due to stretching or ject perform resisted isometric muscle contractions midway
pinching of noncontractile (inert) tissues, such as ligaments, through the ROM, so that no tissues are being stretched, can
joint capsules, bursa, fascia, and skin. Testing active ROM is help to isolate contractile structures. Having the examiner
a good screening technique to help focus a physical examina- perform joint play mobility and joint integrity tests on the
tion. If a subject can complete active ROM easily and pain- subject can help determine which noncontractile structures
lessly, further testing of that motion is probably not needed. are involved. Careful consideration of the end-feel and
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CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts 9

location of tissue tension and pain during passive ROM also Examiners should practice trying to distinguish among
adds information about structures that are limiting ROM. the end-feels. In Chapter 2, Exercise 1 is included for this pur-
pose. However, some additional topics regarding positioning
and stabilization must be addressed before this exercise can
The amount of passive ROM is determined by the unique struc-
be completed.
ture of the joint being tested. Some joints are structured so that
the joint capsules limit the end of the ROM in a particular direc-
tion, whereas other joints are so structured that ligaments limit
the end of a particular ROM. Other normal limitations to motion The term hypomobility refers to a decrease in passive ROM
include passive tension in soft tissue such as muscles, fascia, and that is substantially less than normal values for that joint, given
skin; soft tissue approximation; and contact of joint surfaces. the subject’s age and gender. The end-feel occurs early in the
The type of structure that limits a ROM has a character- ROM and may be different in quality from what is
istic feel that may be detected by the examiner who is per- expected. The limitation in passive ROM may be due to a
forming the passive ROM. This feeling, which is experienced variety of causes including abnormalities of the joint surfaces;
by an examiner as a barrier to further motion at the end of a passive shortening of joint capsules, ligaments, muscles,
passive ROM, is called the end-feel. Developing the ability to fascia, and skin; and inflammation of these structures. Hypomo-
determine the character of the end-feel requires practice and bility has been associated with many orthopedic conditions such
sensitivity. Determination of the end-feel must be carried out as osteoarthritis,29,30 rheumatoid arthritis,31 adhesive capsuli-
slowly and carefully to detect the end of the ROM and to dis- tis,32,33 and spinal disorders.34, 35 Decreased ROM is a common
tinguish among the various normal and abnormal end-feels. consequence of immobilization after fractures36,37 and scar
The ability to detect the end of the ROM is critical to the safe development after burns.38,39 Neurological conditions such as
and accurate performance of goniometry. The ability to distin- stroke, head trauma, cerebral palsy, and complex regional pain
guish among the various end-feels helps the examiner identify syndrome40 can also result in hypomobility owing to loss of vol-
the type of limiting structure. Cyriax,18 Kaltenborn,3 and untary movement, increased muscle tone, immobilization, and
Paris19 have described a variety of normal (physiological) and pain. In addition, metabolic conditions such as diabetes have
abnormal (pathological) end-feels. Table 1.1, which describes been associated with limited joint motion.41–43
normal end-feels, and Table 1.2, which describes abnormal
Capsular Patterns of Restricted Motion
end-feels, have been adapted from the works of these authors.
Cyriax18 has proposed that pathological conditions involving
In Chapters 4 through 13 we describe what we believe are
the entire joint capsule cause a particular pattern of restriction
the normal end-feels and the structures that limit the ROM for
involving all or most of the passive motions of the joint. This
each joint and motion. Because of the paucity of specific liter-
pattern of restriction is called a capsular pattern. The restric-
ature in this area, these descriptions are based on our experi-
tions do not involve a fixed number of degrees for each
ence in evaluating joint motion and on information obtained
motion, but rather a fixed proportion of one motion relative to
from established anatomy20,21 and biomechanics texts.22–28 Con-
another motion.
siderable controversy exists among experts concerning the
structures that limit the ROM in some parts of the body. Also, Example: The capsular pattern for the elbow joint is
normal individual variations in body structure may cause a greater limitation of flexion than of extension. The
instances in which the end-feel differs from our description. elbow joint normally has a passive flexion ROM of

TABLE 1.1 Normal End-Feels

End-Feel Description Example

Soft Soft tissue approximation Knee flexion (contact between soft tissue of posterior leg and
posterior thigh)
Firm Muscular stretch Hip flexion with the knee straight (passive elastic tension of
hamstring muscles)
Capsular stretch Extension of metacarpophalangeal joints of fingers (tension in
the anterior capsule)
Ligamentous stretch Forearm supination (tension in the palmar radioulnar ligament
of the inferior radioulnar joint, interosseous membrane,
oblique cord)
Hard Bone contacting bone Elbow extension (contact between the olecranon process of
the ulna and the olecranon fossa of the humerus)
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10 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

TABLE 1.2 Abnormal End-Feels

End-Feel Description Example

Soft Occurs sooner or later in the ROM Soft tissue edema

than is usual or in a joint that Synovitis
normally has a firm or hard end-
feel. Feels boggy.
Firm Occurs sooner or later in the ROM Increased muscular tonus
than is usual or in a joint that Capsular, muscular, ligamentous, and fascial shortening
normally has a soft or hard
Hard Occurs sooner or later in the ROM Chondromalacia
than is usual or in a joint that Osteoarthritis
normally has a soft or firm end-
Loose bodies in joint
feel. A bony grating or bony
block is felt. Myositis ossificans
Empty No real end-feel because pain Acute joint inflammation
prevents reaching end of ROM. Bursitis
No resistance is felt except for
patient’s protective muscle
splinting or muscle spasm. Fracture
Psychogenic disorder

0 to 150 degrees. If the capsular involvement is mild, which there is considerable joint effusion or synovial inflam-
the subject might lose the last 15 degrees of flexion mation, and (2) conditions in which there is relative capsular
and the last 5 degrees of extension so that the pas- fibrosis.
sive flexion ROM is 5 to 135 degrees. If the capsular Joint effusion and synovial inflammation accompany
involvement is more severe, the subject might lose conditions such as traumatic arthritis, infectious arthritis,
the last 30 degrees of flexion and the first 10 degrees acute rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. In these conditions the
of extension so that the passive flexion ROM is 10 to joint capsule is distended by excessive intra-articular synovial
120 degrees. fluid, causing the joint to maintain a position that allows the
greatest intra-articular joint volume. Pain triggered by stretch-
Capsular patterns vary from joint to joint (Table 1.3). The
ing the capsule and muscle spasms that protect the capsule
capsular patterns for each joint, as presented by Cyriax18 and
from further insult inhibit movement and cause a capsular pat-
Kaltenborn,3 are listed in the beginning of Chapters 4 through
tern of restriction.
13. Studies are needed to test the hypotheses regarding the
Relative capsular fibrosis often occurs during chronic low-
cause of capsular patterns and to determine the capsular pat-
grade capsular inflammation, immobilization of a joint, and the
tern for each joint. Several studies44–46 have examined the con-
resolution of acute capsular inflammation. These conditions
struct validity of Cyriax’s capsular pattern in patients with
increase the relative proportion of collagen compared with that
arthritis or arthrosis of the knee. Although differing opinions
of mucopolysaccharide in the joint capsule, or they change the
exist, the findings seem to support the concept of a capsular
structure of the collagen. The resulting decrease in extensibility
pattern of restriction for the knee but with more liberal inter-
of the entire capsule causes a capsular pattern of restriction.
pretation of the proportions of limitation than suggested by
Cyriax.18 Two studies46,47 examining capsular patterns for the Noncapsular Patterns of Restricted Motion
hip found decreases in all hip motions in osteoarthritic hips as A limitation of passive motion that is not proportioned similarly
compared to nonosteoarthritic hips, but raised questions con- to a capsular pattern is called a noncapsular pattern of
cerning specific patterns of limitation proposed by restricted motion.18,48 A noncapsular pattern is usually caused by
Kaltenborn3 and Cyriax.18 a condition involving structures other than the entire joint cap-
Hertling and Kessler48 have thoughtfully extended Cyr- sule. Internal joint derangement, adhesion of a part of a joint
iax’s concepts on causes of capsular patterns. They suggest capsule, ligament shortening, muscle strains, and muscle
that conditions resulting in a capsular pattern of restriction contractures are examples of conditions that typically result in
can be classified into two general categories: (1) conditions in noncapsular patterns of restriction. Noncapsular patterns usually
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CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts 11

TABLE 1.3 Capsular Pattern of Extremity Joints

Joint Restricted Motions

Glenohumeral joint Greatest loss of lateral rotation, moderate loss of abduction, minimal
loss of medial rotation.
Elbow complex (humeroulnar, Loss of flexion greater than loss of extension. Rotations full and painless
humeroradial, proximal radioulnar except in advanced cases.
Forearm (proximal and distal radioulnar Equal loss of supination and pronation, only occurring if elbow has
joints) marked restrictions of flexion and extension.
Wrist (radiocarpal and midcarpal joints) Equal loss of flexion and extension, slight loss of ulnar and radial
deviation (Cyriax).
Equal loss of all motions (Kaltenborn).
Carpometacarpal joint—digit 1 Loss of abduction (Cyriax). Loss of abduction greater than extension
Carpometacarpal joint—digits 2–5 Equal loss of all motions.
Metacarpophalangeal and Equal loss of flexion and extension (Cyriax).
interphalangeal joints
Restricted in all motions, but loss of flexion greater than loss of other
motions (Kaltenborn).
Hip Greatest loss of medial rotation and flexion, some loss of abduction,
slight loss of extension. Little or no loss of adduction and lateral
rotation (Cyriax).
Greatest loss of medial rotation, followed by less restriction of
extension, abduction, flexion, and lateral rotation (Kaltenborn).
Knee (tibiofemoral joint) Loss of flexion greater than extension.
Ankle (talocrural joint) Loss of plantarflexion greater than dorsiflexion.
Subtalar joint Loss of inversion (varus).
Midtarsal joint Loss of inversion (adduction and medial rotation); other motions full.
Metatarsophalangeal joint—digit 1 Loss of extension greater than flexion.
Metatarsophalangeal joint—digits 2–5 Loss of flexion greater than extension.
Interphalangeal joints Loss of extension greater than flexion.

Reproduced with permission from Dyrek, DA: Assessment and treatment planning strategies for musculoskeletal
deficits. In O’Sullivan, SB, and Schmitz, TJ (eds): Physical Rehabilitation: Assessment and Treatment, ed 3. FA Davis,
Philadelphia, 1994.
Capsular patterns are from Cyriax18 and Kaltenborn.3

involve only one or two motions of a joint, in contrast to capsu- extension at the elbow joint is about 0 degrees.10 A ROM mea-
lar patterns, which involve all or most motions of a joint.3,18 surement of 30 degrees or more of extension at the elbow is
well beyond normal ROM and is indicative of a hypermobile
Example: A strain of the biceps muscle may result in
joint in an adult. Children have some normally occurring spe-
pain and restriction at the end of the range of passive
cific instances of increased ROM as compared with adults.
elbow extension. The passive motion of elbow flexion
For example, neonates 6 to 72 hours old have been found to
would not be affected.
have a mean ankle dorsiflexion passive ROM of 59 degrees,50
which contrasts with mean adult ROM values of between 12
Hypermobility and 20 degrees.9,51 The increased motion that is present in
The term hypermobility refers to an increase in passive ROM these children is normal for their age. If the increased motion
that exceeds normal values for that joint, given the subject’s persists beyond the expected age range, it would be consid-
age and gender. For example, in adults the normal ROM for ered abnormal and hypermobility would be present.
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12 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

Hypermobility is due to the laxity of soft tissue structures According to Grahame,53 the following joint motions should
such as ligaments, capsules, and muscles that normally prevent also be considered: shoulder lateral rotation greater than
excessive motion at a joint. In some instances the hypermobil- 90 degrees, cervical spine lateral flexion greater than 60
ity may be due to abnormalities of the joint surfaces. A frequent degrees, distal interphalangeal joint hyperextension greater
cause of hypermobility is trauma to a joint. Hypermobility also than 60 degrees, and first metatarsophalangeal joint extension
occurs in serious hereditary disorders of connective tissue such greater than 90 degrees.
as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome, rheumatic dis-
eases, and osteogenesis imperfecta. One of the typical physical Factors Affecting Range of Motion
abnormalities of Down syndrome is hypermobility. In this
ROM varies among individuals and is influenced by factors
instance generalized hypotonia is thought to be an important
such as age, gender, and whether the motion is performed
contributing factor to the hypermobility.
actively or passively. A fairly extensive amount of research on
Hypermobility syndrome (HMS) or benign joint hyper-
the effects of age and gender on ROM has been conducted for
mobility syndrome (BJHS) is used to describe otherwise-
the upper and lower extremities as well as the spine. Other
healthy individuals who have generalized hypermobility
factors relating to subject characteristics such as body mass
accompanied by musculoskeletal symptoms.52,53 An inherited
index (BMI), occupational activities, and recreational activi-
abnormality in collagen and regular physical exercise are
ties may affect ROM, but have not been as extensively
thought to be responsible for the joint laxity in these individ-
researched as age and gender. In addition, factors relating to
uals.54,55 Traditionally, the diagnosis of HMS involves the ex-
the testing process, such as the testing position, type of instru-
clusion of other conditions, a score of at least “4” on the
ment employed, experience of the examiner, and even time of
Beighton scale (Table 1-4), and arthralgia for longer than
day have been identified as affecting ROM measurements. A
3 months in four or more joints.56–58 Some researchers have
brief summary of research findings that examine age and gen-
noted that these criteria are inadequate for children because
der effects on ROM is presented later in this chapter. To assist
scores greater than “4” on the Beighton scale have been found
the examiner, more detailed information about the effects of
in 65 percent of a sample of 1120 children ages 4 to 7 years
age and gender on the featured joints is presented at the
in Brazil.55 Other criteria have also been proposed, includ-
end of Chapters 4 through 13. Information on the effects of
ing additional joint motions and extra-articular signs.53,54,58
subject characteristics and the testing process is included if
Ideally, to determine whether a ROM is impaired, the
value of the ROM of the joint under consideration should be
TABLE 1.4 Beighton Hypermobility Score compared with ROM values from people of the same age and
gender and from studies that used the same method of mea-
surement. Often such comparisons are not possible because
The Ability to Points age-related and gender-related norms have not been estab-
Passively appose thumb to forearm
lished for all groups. In such situations the ROM of the joint
should be compared with the same joint of the individual’s
Right 1
contralateral extremity, providing that the contralateral
Left 1 extremity is not impaired or used selectively in athletic or
Passively extend fifth MCP joint occupational activities. Most studies have found little differ-
more than 90 degrees ence between the ROM of the right and left extremi-
Right 1 ties.29,51,59–65 A few studies16,66–68 have found slightly less ROM
Left 1 in some joints of the upper extremity on the dominant or right
Hyperextend elbow more side as compared with the contralateral side, which Allender
than 10 degrees and coworkers66 attribute to increased exposure to stress. If
Right 1
the contralateral extremity is inappropriate for comparison,
the individual’s ROM may be compared with average ROM
Left 1
values in handbooks of the American Academy of
Hyperextend knee more than Orthopaedic Surgeons9,10 and other standard texts.11,69–73 How-
10 degrees ever, in many of these texts, the populations from which the
Right 1 values were derived, as well as the testing positions and type
Left 1 of measuring instruments used, are not identified.
Place palms on floor by flexing trunk 1 Mean ROM values published in several standard texts
with knees straight and studies are summarized at the beginning of the Range of
Total Beighton Score = sum of points. 0–9 Motion Testing Procedures for each motion and in tables at
the end of Chapters 4 through 13. The ROM values presented
Adapted from Beighton, P, Solomon, L, and Soskolne, CL: Articular should serve as only a general guide to identifying normal
mobility in an African population. Ann Rheum Dis 32:23, 1973. versus impaired ROM. Considerable differences in mean
2066_Ch01_001-018.qxd 5/21/09 5:04 PM Page 13

CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts 13

ROM values are sometimes noted between the various of active motion in neck extension and 3 degrees in lateral
references. flexion and rotation. Chen and colleagues,84 in a review of the
literature regarding the effects of aging on cervical spine
ROM, concluded that active cervical ROM decreased by
Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the
4 degrees per decade, which is similar to the findings of
effects of age on ROM of the extremities and spine. General
Youdas and associates.
agreement exists among investigators regarding the age-
related effects on the ROM of the extremity joints of new- Gender
borns, infants, and young children up to about 2 years of The effects of gender on the ROM of the extremities and spine
age.50,74–78 These age effects are joint and motion specific but also appear to be joint and motion specific. If gender differ-
do not seem to be affected by gender; both males and females ences in the amount of ROM are found, females are more
are affected similarly. The youngest age groups have more hip often reported to have slightly greater ROM than males. In
flexion, hip abduction, hip lateral rotation, ankle dorsiflexion, general, gender differences appear to be more prevalent in
and elbow motion as compared to adults. Limitations in hip adults than in young children.
extension, knee extension, and plantar flexion are considered Bell and Hoshizaki85 found that females across an age
to be normal for these youngest age groups. Mean values for range of 18 to 88 years had more flexibility than males in
these age groups differ by more than 2 standard deviations 14 of 17 joint motions tested. Beighton, Solomon, and
from mean values for adults published by the American Acad- Soskolne,56 in a study of an African population, found that
emy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,9 the American Medical Associ- females between 0 and 80 years of age were more mobile than
ation,11 and Boone and Azen.51 Therefore, age-appropriate their male counterparts. Walker and coworkers,86 in a study of
norms should be used whenever possible for newborns, 28 joint motions in 60 to 84 year olds, reported that 8 motions
infants, and young children up to 2 years of age. were greater in females and 4 motions were greater in males,
Most investigators who have studied a wide range of age whereas the other motions showed little gender difference.
groups have found that older adult groups have somewhat less Kalscheur and associates87 measured 24 upper-extremity and
ROM of the extremities than younger adult groups. These age- cervical motions in men and women between the ages of
related changes in the ROM of older adults also are joint and 63 and 86 years. Gender differences were noted for 14 of the
motion specific and may affect males and females differently. motions, and in all cases the older women had greater active
Allander and associates66 found that wrist flexion–extension, hip ROM than the older men. Looking at the thoracolumbar
rotation, and shoulder rotation ROM decreased with increasing spine, Moll and Wright80 found that female left lateral flexion
age, whereas flexion ROM in the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) exceeded male left lateral flexion by 11 percent. However,
joint of the thumb showed no consistent loss of motion. Roach male mobility exceeded female mobility in thoracolumbar
and Miles79 generally found a small decrease (3 to 5 degrees) in flexion and extension.
mean active hip and knee motions between the youngest age
group (25 to 39 years) and the oldest age group (60 to 74 years).
Except for hip extension ROM, these decreases represented less
than 15 percent of the arc of motion. Stubbs, Fernandez, and
Muscle Length Testing
Glenn67 found a decrease of between 4 percent and 30 percent
in 11 of 23 joints studied in men between the ages of 25 and Maximal muscle length is the greatest extensibility of a muscle-
54 years. James and Parker15 found systematic decreases in tendon unit.5 It is the maximal distance between the proximal
10 active and passive lower-extremity motions in subjects who and the distal attachments of a muscle to bone. Clinically, mus-
were between 70 and 92 years of age. cle length is not measured directly; instead, it is measured
As with the extremities, age-related effects on spinal indirectly by determining the maximal passive ROM of the
ROM appear to be motion specific. Investigators have reached joint(s) crossed by the muscle.88–90 Muscle length, in addition
varying conclusions regarding how large a decrease in ROM to the integrity of the joint surfaces and the extensibility of the
occurs with increasing age. Moll and Wright80 found an initial capsule, ligaments, fascia, and skin, affects the amount of pas-
increase in thoracolumbar spinal mobility (flexion, extension, sive ROM of a joint. The purpose of testing muscle length is
lateral flexion) in subjects from 15 to 34 years of age, fol- to ascertain whether hypomobility or hypermobility is caused
lowed by a progressive decrease with increasing age. These by the length of the inactive antagonist muscle or other struc-
authors concluded that age alone may decrease spinal mobility tures. By ascertaining which structures are involved, the
from 25 percent to 52 percent by the seventh decade, depend- health professional can choose more specific and more effec-
ing on the motion. Loebl81 found that thoracolumbar spinal tive treatment procedures.
mobility (flexion–extension) decreases with age an average of Muscles can be categorized by the number of joints they
8 degrees per decade. Fitzgerald and colleagues82 found a sys- cross from their proximal to their distal attachments. One-
tematic decrease in lateral flexion and extension of the lumbar joint muscles cross and therefore influence the motion of
spine at 20-year intervals but no differences in rotation and only one joint. Two-joint muscles cross and influence the
forward flexion. Youdas and associates83 found that with each motion of two joints, whereas multi-joint muscles cross and
decade both females and males lose approximately 5 degrees influence multiple joints.
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14 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

No difference exists between the indirect measurement of muscle crosses a joint the examiner is assessing for ROM, the
the length of a one-joint muscle and the measurement of pas- subject must be positioned so that passive tension in the mus-
sive joint ROM in the direction opposite to the muscle’s cle does not limit the joint’s ROM. To allow full ROM at the
active motion. Usually, one-joint muscles have sufficient joint under consideration and to ensure sufficient length in the
length to allow full passive ROM at the joint they cross. If a muscle, the muscle must be put on slack at all of the joints the
one-joint muscle is shorter than normal, passive ROM in the muscle crosses that are not being assessed. A muscle is put on
direction opposite to the muscle’s action is decreased and slack by passively approximating the origin and insertion of
the end-feel is firm owing to a muscular stretch. At the end of the muscle.
the ROM the examiner may be able to palpate tension within
Example: The triceps is a two-joint muscle that
the muscle-tendon unit if the structures are superficial. In
extends the elbow and shoulder. The triceps is pas-
addition, the subject may complain of pain in the region of the
sively insufficient during full shoulder flexion and full
tight muscle and tendon. These signs and symptoms help to
elbow flexion. When an examiner assesses elbow
confirm muscle shortness as the cause of the joint limitation.
flexion ROM, the shoulder must be in a neutral posi-
If a one-joint muscle is abnormally lax, passive tension in
tion so there is sufficient length in the triceps to allow
the capsule and ligaments may initially maintain a normal
full flexion at the elbow (Fig. 1.12).
ROM. However, with time, these joint structures often
lengthen as well and passive ROM at the joint increases. Be- To assess the length of a two-joint muscle, the subject is
cause the indirect measurement of the length of one-joint positioned so that the muscle is lengthened over the proximal
muscles is the same as the measurement of passive joint or distal joint that the muscle crosses. One joint is held in po-
ROM, we have not presented specific muscle length tests for sition while the examiner attempts to further lengthen the
one-joint muscles. muscle by moving the second joint through full ROM. The
end-feel in this situation is firm owing to the development of
Example: The length of one-joint hip adductors such
passive tension in the stretched muscle. The length of the two-
as the adductor longus, adductor magnus, and adduc-
joint muscle is indirectly assessed by measuring the passive
tor brevis is assessed by measuring passive hip abduc-
ROM in the direction opposite to the muscle’s action at the
tion ROM. The indirect measurement of the length of
second joint.
these hip adductor muscles is identical to the mea-
surement of passive hip abduction ROM (Fig. 1.11). Example: To assess the length of a two-joint muscle
such as the triceps, the shoulder is positioned and
In contrast to one-joint muscles, the length of two-joint
held in full flexion. The elbow is flexed until tension
and multi-joint muscles is usually not sufficient to allow full
is felt in the triceps, creating a firm end-feel. The
passive ROM to occur simultaneously at all joints crossed by
length of the triceps is determined by measuring
these muscles.91 This inability of a muscle to lengthen and
passive ROM of elbow flexion with the shoulder in
allow full ROM at all of the joints the muscle crosses is
flexion (Fig. 1.13).
termed passive insufficiency. If a two-joint or multi-joint

FIGURE 1.11 The indirect measurement of the muscle length of one-joint hip
adductors is the same as measurement of passive hip abduction ROM.
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CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts 15

FIGURE 1.12 During the measurement of

elbow flexion ROM, the shoulder must be
in neutral to avoid passive insufficiency of
the triceps, which would limit the ROM.

The length of multi-joint muscles is assessed in a man-

ner similar to that used in assessing the length of two-joint
muscles. However, the subject is positioned and held so that
the muscle is lengthened over all of the joints that the mus-
cle crosses except for one last joint. The examiner attempts
to further lengthen the muscle by moving the last joint
through full ROM. Again, the end-feel is firm owing to
tension in the stretched muscle. The length of the multi-
joint muscle is indirectly determined by measuring passive
ROM in the direction opposite to the muscle’s action
at the last joint to be moved. Commonly used muscle
length tests that indirectly assess two-joint and multi-joint
muscles have been included in Chapters 4 through 12 as

FIGURE 1.13 To assess the length of the two-joint triceps

muscle, elbow flexion is measured while the shoulder is
positioned in flexion.
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16 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

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2066_Ch02_019-038.qxd 5/21/09 4:44 PM Page 19

Competency in goniometry requires that the examiner acquire knee is extended, hip flexion is prematurely limited
the following knowledge and develop the following skills. by tension in the hamstring muscles.
The examiner must have knowledge of the following for
It is important that examiners use the same testing posi-
each joint and motion:
tion during successive measurements of a joint ROM so that
1. Joint structure and function the relative amounts of tension in the soft tissue structures are
2. Normal end-feels the same as in previous measurements. In this manner, a com-
3. Testing positions parison of ROM measurements taken in the same position
4. Stabilization required should yield similar results. When different testing positions
5. Anatomical bony landmarks are used for successive measurements of a joint ROM, more
6. Instrument alignment variability is added to the measurement1–10 and no basis for
comparison exists. If testing positions vary, it is difficult to
The examiner must have the skill to perform the follow-
determine if differences in successive measurements are the
ing for each joint and motion:
result of changes in the testing position or a true change in
1. Position and stabilize correctly joint ROM.
2. Move a body part through the appropriate range of Testing positions refer to the positions of the body that
motion (ROM) we recommend for obtaining goniometric measurements. The
3. Determine the end of the ROM and end-feel series of testing positions that are presented in this text are
4. Palpate the appropriate bony landmarks designed to do the following:
5. Align the measuring instrument with landmarks
1. Place the joint in a starting position of 0 degrees
6. Read the measuring instrument
2. Permit a complete ROM
7. Record measurements correctly
3. Provide stabilization for the proximal joint segment
If a testing position cannot be attained because of
Positioning restrictions imposed by the environment or limitations of
the subject, the examiner must use creativity to decide how
to obtain a particular joint measurement. The alternative
Positioning is an important part of goniometry because it is
testing position that is created must serve the same three
used to place the joints in a zero starting position and helps to
functions as the recommended testing position. The exam-
stabilize the proximal joint segment. Positioning affects the
iner must describe the position precisely in the subject’s
amount of tension in soft tissue structures (capsule, ligaments,
records so that the same position can be used for all subse-
muscles) surrounding a joint. A testing position in which one
quent measurements.
or more of these soft tissue structures become taut results in a
Testing positions involve a variety of body positions
more limited ROM than a position in which the same struc-
such as supine, prone, sitting, and standing. When an exam-
tures become lax. As can be seen in the following example,
iner intends to test several joints and motions during one test-
the use of different testing positions alters the ROM obtained
ing session, the goniometric examination should be planned
for hip flexion.
to avoid moving the subject unnecessarily. For example, if
Example: A testing position in which the knee is the subject is prone, all possible measurements in this posi-
flexed yields a greater hip flexion ROM than a testing tion should be taken before the subject is moved into another
position in which the knee is extended. When the position. Table 2.1, which lists joint measurements by body

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20 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

TABLE 2.1 Joint Measurements by Body Position

Prone Supine Sitting Standing

Shoulder Extension Flexion

Medial rotation
Lateral rotation
Elbow Flexion
Forearm Pronation
Wrist All motions
Hand All motions
Hip Extension Flexion Medial rotation
Abduction Lateral rotation
Knee Flexion
Ankle and foot Subtalar inversion Dorsiflexion Dorsiflexion
Subtalar eversion Plantar flexion Plantar flexion
Inversion Inversion
Eversion Eversion
Midtarsal inversion Midtarsal inversion
Midtarsal eversion Midtarsal eversion
Toes All motions All motions
Cervical spine Flexion
Lateral flexion
Rotation (I) Rotation
Thoracolumbar spine Rotation Flexion
Lateral flexion
Rotation (I)
Temporomandibular joint Depression
Lateral excursion

I ⫽ measured with inclinometer(s)

position, has been designed to help the examiner plan a a series of joints. Positional stabilization may be supple-
goniometric examination. mented by manual stabilization provided by the examiner.
Example: Measurement of medial rotation of the hip
joint is performed with the subject in a sitting posi-
Stabilization tion (Fig. 2.1A). The pelvis (proximal segment) is par-
tially stabilized by the body weight, but the subject is
The testing position helps to stabilize the subject’s body and moving her trunk and pelvis during hip rotation.
proximal joint segment so that a motion can be isolated to the Additional stabilization should be provided by the
joint being examined. Isolating the motion to one joint helps examiner and the subject (Fig. 2.1B). The examiner
to ensure that a true measurement of the motion is obtained, provides manual stabilization for the pelvis by exert-
rather than a measurement of combined motions that occur at ing a downward pressure on the iliac crest of the side
2066_Ch02_019-038.qxd 5/21/09 4:44 PM Page 21

CHAPTER 2 Procedures 21

FIGURE 2.1 (A) The consequences of inadequate stabilization. The examiner has failed to stabilize the subject’s
pelvis and trunk; therefore, a lateral tilt of the pelvis and lateral flexion of the trunk accompany the motion of
hip medial rotation. The range of medial rotation appears greater than it actually is because of the added
motion from the pelvis and trunk. (B) The use of proper stabilization. The examiner uses her right hand to
stabilize the pelvis (keeping the pelvis from raising off the table) during the passive range of motion (ROM). The
subject assists in stabilizing the pelvis by placing her body weight on the left side. The subject keeps her trunk
straight by placing both hands on the table.

being tested. The subject is instructed to shift her Measurement Instruments

body weight over the hip being tested to help keep
the pelvis stabilized.
A variety of instruments are used to measure joint motion.
For most measurements, the amount of manual stabiliza- These instruments range from simple paper tracings and tape
tion applied by an examiner must be sufficient to keep the measures to electrogoniometers and motion analysis systems.
proximal joint segment fixed during movement of the distal An examiner may choose to use a particular instrument based
joint segment. If both the distal and the proximal joint seg- upon the purpose of the measurement (clinical versus
ments are allowed to move during joint testing, the end of the research); the motion being measured; and the instrument’s
ROM is difficult to determine. Learning how to stabilize accuracy, availability, cost, ease of use, and size.
requires practice because the examiner must stabilize with one
hand while simultaneously moving the distal joint segment
with the other hand. Sometimes in the case of the hip a second
Universal Goniometer
person may be necessary to help either with stabilizing the The universal goniometer is the instrument most commonly
proximal joint segment or with holding the distal joint segment used to measure joint position and motion in the clinical
after the end of the ROM has been determined, so that the setting. Moore11,12 designated this type of goniometer as “uni-
goniometer can be accurately aligned. The techniques of stabi- versal” because of its versatility. It can be used to measure
lizing the proximal joint segment and of determining the end joint position and ROM at almost all joints of the body. The
of a ROM (end-feel) are basic to goniometry and must be mas- majority of measurement techniques presented in this book
tered prior to learning how to use the goniometer. Exercise 1 demonstrate the use of the universal goniometer.
on page 22 is designed to help the examiner learn how to Universal goniometers may be constructed of plastic
stabilize and determine the end of the ROM and end-feel. (Fig. 2.2) or metal (Fig. 2.3) and are produced in many sizes
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22 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

Exercise 1
Determining the End of the Range of Motion and End-Feel
This exercise is designed to help the examiner determine the end of the ROM and to differentiate
among the three normal end-feels: soft, firm, and hard.
ACTIVITIES: See Figure 5.13 in Chapter 5.
1. Select a subject.
2. Position the subject supine with the arm placed close to the side of the body. A towel roll is
placed under the distal end of the humerus to allow space for full elbow extension. The forearm is
placed in full supination with the palm of the hand facing the ceiling.
3. With one hand, stabilize the distal end of the humerus (proximal joint segment) to prevent flexion
of the shoulder.
4. With the other hand, slowly move the forearm through the full passive range of elbow flexion
until you feel resistance limiting the motion.
5. Gently push against the resistance until no further flexion can be achieved. Carefully note the
quality of the resistance. This soft end-feel is caused by compression of the muscle bulk of the
anterior forearm with that of the anterior upper arm.
6. Compare this soft end-feel with the soft end-feel found in knee flexion (see ROM Testing
Procedures for Knee Flexion and Figure 9.6 in Chapter 9).
ACTIVITIES: See Figure 10.11 in Chapter 10.
1. Select a subject.
2. Place the subject sitting so that the lower leg is over the edge of the supporting surface and the
knee is flexed at least 30 degrees.
3. With one hand, stabilize the distal end of the tibia and fibula to prevent knee extension and hip
4. With the other hand on the plantar surface of the metatarsals, slowly move the foot through the
full passive range of ankle dorsiflexion until you feel resistance limiting the motion.
5. Push against the resistance until no further dorsiflexion can be achieved. Carefully note the
quality of the resistance. This firm end-feel is caused by tension in the Achilles tendon, the
posterior portion of the deltoid ligament, the posterior talofibular ligament, the calcaneo-fibular
ligament, the posterior joint capsule, and the wedging of the talus into the mortise formed by the
tibia and fibula.
6. Compare this firm end-feel with the firm end-feel found in metacarpophalangeal (MCP) extension
of the fingers (see ROM Testing Procedures for Fingers MCP Extension and Figure 7.12 in
Chapter 7).
1. Select a subject.
2. Position the subject supine with the arm placed close to the side of the body. A small towel roll is
placed under the distal end of the humerus to allow full elbow extension. The forearm is placed in
full supination with the palm of the hand facing the ceiling.
3. With one hand resting on the towel roll and holding the posterior, distal end of the humerus,
stabilize the humerus (proximal joint segment) to prevent extension of the shoulder.
4. With the other hand, slowly move the forearm through the full passive range of elbow extension
until you feel resistance limiting the motion.
5. Gently push against the resistance until no further extension can be attained. Carefully note the
quality of the resistance. When the end-feel is hard, it has no give to it. This hard end-feel is caused
by contact between the olecranon process of the ulna and the olecranon fossa of the humerus.
6. Compare this hard end-feel with the hard end-feel usually found in radial deviation of the wrist
(see ROM Testing Procedures for Radial Deviation and Figure 6.12 in Chapter 6).
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CHAPTER 2 Procedures 23

FIGURE 2.2 Plastic universal goniometers are available in different shapes and sizes.
Some goniometers have full-circle bodies (A,B,C,E), whereas others have half-circle
bodies (D). The 14-inch goniometer (A) is used to measure large joints such as the hip,
knee, and shoulder. Six- to 8-inch goniometers (B,C,D) are used to assess midsized joints
such as the wrist and ankle. The small goniometer (E) has been cut in length from a 6-inch
goniometer (C) to make it easier to measure the fingers and toes.

FIGURE 2.3 These metal goniometers are of different sizes but all have half-circle
bodies. Metal goniometers with full-circle bodies are also available. The smallest
goniometer (D) is specifically designed to lie on the dorsal or ventral surface of the
fingers and toes while measuring joint motion. Goniometers A and B have a cut-out
portion on the moving arm, whereas goniometers C and D have pointers on the
moving arm to enable the reading of the scale on the bodies.
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24 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

and shapes but adhere to the same basic design. Typically the Increments on the scales may vary from 1 to 10 degrees, but
design includes a body and two thin extensions called arms— 1- and 5-degree increments are the most common.
a stationary arm and a moving arm (Fig. 2.4). Traditionally, the arms of a universal goniometer are des-
The body of a universal goniometer resembles a protractor ignated as moving or stationary according to how they are
and may form a half circle or a full circle (Fig. 2.5). The scales attached to the body of the goniometer (Fig. 2.4). The station-
on a half-circle goniometer read from 0 to 180 degrees and from ary arm is a structural part of the body of the goniometer and
180 to 0 degrees. The scales on a full-circle instrument may read cannot be moved independently from the body. The moving
either from 0 to 180 degrees and from 180 to 0 degrees, or from arm is attached to the center of the body of most plastic go-
0 to 360 degrees and from 360 to 0 degrees. Sometimes full- niometers by a rivet that permits the arm to move freely on the
circle instruments have both 180-degree and 360-degree scales. body. The moving arm may have one or more of the follow-
ing features: a pointed end, a black or white line extending the
length of the arm, or a cut-out portion (window). Goniometers
that are used to measure ROM on radiographs have an opaque
white line extending the length of the arms and opaque mark-
ings on the body. These features help the examiner to read the
The length of the arms varies among instruments from
approximately 1 to 14 inches. These variations in length rep-
resent an attempt on the part of the manufacturers to adapt the
size of the instrument to the size of the joints.
Example: A universal goniometer with 14-inch arms is
appropriate for measuring motion at the knee joint
because the arms are long enough to permit align-
ment with the greater trochanter of the femur and
the lateral malleolus of the tibia (Fig. 2.6A). A univer-
sal goniometer with short arms would be difficult to
FIGURE 2.4 The body of this universal goniometer forms a use because the arms do not extend a sufficient
half circle. The stationary arm is an integral part of the body
of the goniometer. The moving arm is attached to the body distance along the femur and tibia to permit
by a rivet so that it can be moved independently from the alignment with the bony landmarks (Fig. 2.6B). A
body. In this example, a cut-out portion, sometimes referred goniometer with long arms would be awkward for
to as a “window,” is found in the center and at the end of measuring the MCP joints of the hand.
the moving arm. The windows permit the examiner to read
the scale on the body of the goniometer.


FIGURE 2.5 The body of the goniometer

Full-circle may be either a half circle (top) or a full
body circle (bottom).
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CHAPTER 2 Procedures 25

FIGURE 2.6 Selecting the right-sized goniometer makes it easier to measure joint motion.
(A) The examiner is using a full-circle instrument with long arms to measure knee flexion
ROM. The arms of the goniometer extend along the distal and proximal segments of the
joint to within a few inches of the bony landmarks (black dots) that are used to align the
arms. The proximity of the ends of the arms to the landmarks makes alignment easy and
helps ensure that the arms are aligned accurately. (B) The small half-circle metal goniometer
is a poor choice for measuring knee flexion ROM because the landmarks are so far from the
ends of the goniometer’s arms that accurate alignment is difficult.

Gravity-Dependent Goniometers goniometer consists of a 360-degree protractor with a

weighted pointer hanging from the center of the protractor.
(Inclinometers) This device was first described by Fox and Van Breeme13 in
Although not as common as the universal goniometer, several 1934. The fluid (bubble) goniometer, which was developed
other types of manual goniometers may be found in the clin- by Schenkar14 in 1956, has a fluid-filled circular chamber con-
ical setting. Gravity-dependent goniometers or inclinome- taining an air bubble. It is similar to a carpenter’s level but,
ters use gravity’s effect on pointers and fluid levels to being circular, has a 360-degree scale. Other inclinometers
measure joint position and motion (Fig. 2.7). The pendulum such as the Myrin OB Goniometer and the cervical range of
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26 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

FIGURE 2.7 Each of these gravity-

dependent goniometers uses a
weighted pointer (A,B,D) or
bubble (C) to indicate the position
of the goniometer relative to the
vertical pull of gravity. All of these
inclinometers have a rotating dial
so that the scale can be zeroed
with the pointer or bubble in the
starting position.

motion device (CROM) use a pendulum needle that reacts to A potentiometer is connected to the two arms. Changes in
gravity to measure motions in the frontal and sagittal planes joint position cause the resistance in the potentiometer to
and use a compass needle that reacts to the earth’s magnetic vary. The resulting change in voltage can be used to indicate
field to measure motions in the horizontal plane. A fairly large the amount of joint motion. Potentiometers measuring angu-
selection of manual inclinometers and a few digital incli- lar displacement have also been integrated with strain
nometers are commercially available. Generally these instru- gauges26,27 and isokinetic dynamometers28 for measuring resis-
ments are more expensive than universal goniometers. tive torque. Flexible electrogoniometers with two plastic end-
Inclinometers are either attached to or held on the distal blocks connected by a flexible strain gauge have been
segment of the joint being measured. The angle between the designed to measure angular displacement between the end-
long axis of the distal segment and the line of gravity is noted. blocks in one or two planes of motion.19,29
Inclinometers may be easier to use in certain situations than Some electrogoniometers resemble pendulum goniome-
universal goniometers because they do not have to be aligned ters.30,31 Changes in joint position cause a change in contact
with bony landmarks or centered over the axis of motion. between the pendulum and the small resistors. Contact with
However, it is critical that the proximal segment of the joint the resistors produces a change in electric current, which is
being measured be positioned vertically or horizontally to used to indicate the amount of joint motion.
obtain accurate measurements; otherwise, adjustments must Electrogoniometers are expensive and take time to cali-
be made in determining the measurement.12,15 Inclinometers brate accurately and attach to the subject. Given these draw-
are also difficult to use on small joints16 and where there is backs, electrogoniometers are used more often in research
soft tissue deformity or edema.12,15 than in clinical settings. Radiographs, photographs, film,
Although universal and gravity-dependent goniometers videotapes, and computer-assisted video motion analysis
may be available within a clinical setting, they should not be systems are other joint measurement methods used more
used interchangeably.17–20 For example, an examiner should commonly in research settings.
not use a universal goniometer on Tuesday and an inclinome-
ter on Wednesday to measure a subject’s knee ROM. The two Visual Estimation
instruments may provide slightly different results, making
Although some examiners make visual estimates of joint
comparisons for judging changes in ROM inappropriate.
position and motion rather than use a measuring instrument,
we do not recommend this practice. Several authors suggest
Electrogoniometers the use of visual estimates in situations in which the subject
Electrogoniometers, introduced by Karpovich and Karpovich21 has excessive soft tissue covering physical landmarks.32,33
in 1959, are used primarily in research to obtain dynamic joint Most authorities report more accurate and reliable measure-
measurements. Most devices have two arms, similar to those ments with a goniometer than with visual estimates.34–40 Even
of the universal goniometer, which are attached to the when produced by a skilled examiner, visual estimates yield
proximal and distal segments of the joint being measured.22–25 only subjective information in contrast to goniometric
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CHAPTER 2 Procedures 27

measurements, which yield objective information. However, to more accurately visualize the joint segments. These land-
estimates are useful in the learning process. Visual estimates marks, which have been identified for all joint measurements,
made prior to goniometric measurements help to reduce should be exposed so that they may be identified easily and also
errors attributable to incorrect reading of the goniometer. If palpated (Fig. 2.8). The landmarks should be learned and
the goniometric measurement is not in the same quadrant as adhered to when taking all measurements. The careful visual-
the estimate, the examiner is alerted to the possibility that the ization, palpation, and alignment of the arms of the goniometer
wrong scale is being read. with the landmarks improve the accuracy and consistency of
After the examiner has read and studied this section on the measurements.
measurement instruments, Exercise 2 should be completed. The stationary arm is often aligned parallel to the longi-
Given the adaptability and widespread use of the universal tudinal axis of the proximal segment of the joint, and the
goniometer in the clinical setting, this book focuses on teach- moving arm is aligned parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
ing the measurement of joint motion using a universal distal segment of the joint (Fig. 2.9). In some situations,
goniometer. because of limitations imposed by either the goniometer or
the subject (Fig. 2.10A), it may be necessary to reverse the
alignment of the two arms so that the moving arm is aligned
Alignment with the proximal part and the stationary arm is aligned with
Goniometer alignment refers to the alignment of the arms of the distal part (Fig. 2.10B). Therefore, we have decided to use
the goniometer with the proximal and distal segments of the the term proximal arm to refer to the arm of the goniometer
joint being evaluated. Instead of depending on soft tissue that is aligned with the proximal segment of the joint. The
contour, the examiner should use bony anatomical landmarks term distal arm refers to the arm aligned with the distal

Exercise 2
The Universal Goniometer
The following activities are designed to help the examiner become familiar with the universal
EQUIPMENT: Full-circle and half-circle universal goniometers made of plastic and metal.
1. Select a goniometer.
2. Identify the type of goniometer selected (full-circle or half-circle) by noting the shape of the
3. Differentiate between the moving and the stationary arms of the goniometer. (Remember that the
stationary arm is an integral part of the body of the goniometer.)
4. Observe the moving arm to see if it has a cut-out portion.
5. Find the line in the middle of the moving arm and follow it to a number on the scale.
6. Study the body of the goniometer and answer the following questions:
a. Is the scale located on one or both sides?
b. Is it possible to read the scale through the body of the goniometer?
c. What intervals are used?
d. Does the body contain one, two, or more scales?
7. Hold the goniometer in both hands. Position the arms so that they form a continuous straight
line. When the arms are in this position, find the scale that reads 0 degrees.
8. Keep the stationary arm fixed in place and shift the moving arm while watching the numbers on
the scale, either at the tip of the moving arm or in the cut-out portion. Shift the moving arm from
0 to 45, 90, 150, and 180 degrees.
9. Keep the stationary arm fixed and shift the moving arm from 0 degrees through an estimated
45-degree arc of motion. Compare the visual estimate with the actual arc of motion by reading
the scale on the goniometer. Try to estimate other arcs of motion and compare the estimates with
the actual arc of motion.
10. Keep the moving arm fixed in place and move the stationary arm through different arcs of
11. Repeat steps 2 to 10 using different goniometers.
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28 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

FIGURE 2.8 The examiner is using a grease pencil to mark the location of the subject’s left acromion
process. Note that the patient’s clothing has been removed so that the bony landmark can be easily
visualized. The examiner is using the index and middle fingers of her left hand to palpate the bony

segment of the joint (Fig. 2.11). The anatomical landmarks

provide reference points that help to ensure that the alignment
of the arms is correct.
The fulcrum of the goniometer may be placed over the
approximate location of the axis of motion of the joint being
measured. However, because the axis of motion changes dur-
ing movement, the location of the fulcrum must be adjusted
accordingly. Moore12 suggests that careful alignment of the
proximal and distal arms ensures that the fulcrum of the
goniometer is located at the approximate axis of motion.
Therefore, alignment of the arms of the goniometer with the
proximal and distal joint segments should be emphasized
more than placement of the fulcrum over the approximate axis
of motion.
Errors in measuring joint position and motion with a
goniometer can occur if the examiner is not careful. When
aligning the arms and reading the scale of the goniometer, the
examiner must be at eye level with the goniometer to avoid
parallax. If the examiner is higher or lower than the goniome-
FIGURE 2.9 When using a full-circle goniometer to measure ter, the alignment and scales may be distorted. Often a
ROM of elbow flexion, the stationary arm is usually aligned goniometer will have several scales, one going from 0 to
parallel to the longitudinal axis of the proximal part (subject’s 180 degrees and another going from 180 to 0 degrees. Exam-
humerus) and the moving arm is aligned parallel to the
longitudinal axis of the distal part (subject’s forearm). However, iners must carefully determine which scale is correct for the
if the arms of the goniometer are reversed, the same angle measurement. If a visual estimate is made before the measure-
will be measured. ment is taken, gross errors caused by reading the wrong scale
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CHAPTER 2 Procedures 29

FIGURE 2.10 (A) When the examiner uses a half-circle goniometer to measure left elbow flexion,
aligning the moving arm with the subject’s forearm causes the pointer to move beyond the
goniometer body, which makes it impossible to read the scale. (B) Reversing the arms of the
instrument so that the stationary arm is aligned parallel to the distal part and the moving arm is
aligned parallel to the proximal part causes the pointer to remain on the body of the
goniometer, enabling the examiner to read the scale along the pointer.

will be obvious. Another source of error is misinterpretation case the examiner would incorrectly read 91 degrees instead
of the intervals on the scale. For example, the smallest of 95 degrees.
interval of a particular goniometer may be 5 degrees, but an After the examiner has read this section on alignment,
examiner may believe the interval represents 1 degree. In this Exercise 3 should be completed.
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30 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

FIGURE 2.11 Throughout the book we use the term “proximal arm” to indicate the arm
of the goniometer that is aligned with the proximal segment of the joint being examined.
The term “distal arm” is used to indicate the arm of the goniometer that is aligned with
the distal segment of the joint. During the measurement of elbow flexion, the proximal
arm is aligned with the humerus, and the distal arm is aligned with the forearm.

Exercise 3
Goniometer Alignment for Elbow Flexion
The following activities are designed to help the examiner learn how to align and read the goniometer.
EQUIPMENT: Full-circle and half-circle universal goniometers of plastic and metal in various sizes
and a skin-marking pencil.
ACTIVITIES: See Figures 5.9 to 5.15 in Chapter 5.
1. Select a goniometer and a subject.
2. Position the subject so that he or she is supine. The subject’s right arm should be positioned so that it
is close to the side of the body with the forearm in supination (palm of hand faces the ceiling). A
towel roll placed under the distal humerus helps to ensure that the elbow is fully extended.
3. Locate and mark each of the following landmarks with the pencil: acromion process, lateral
epicondyle of the humerus, radial head, and radial styloid process.
4. Align the proximal arm of the goniometer along the longitudinal axis of the humerus, using the
acromion process and the lateral epicondyle as reference landmarks. Make sure that you are
positioned so that the goniometer is at eye level during the alignment process.
5. Align the distal arm of the goniometer along the longitudinal axis of the radius, using the radial
head and the radial styloid process as reference landmarks.
6. The fulcrum should be close to the lateral epicondyle. Check to make sure that the body of the
goniometer is not being deflected by the supporting surface.
7. Recheck the alignment of the arms and readjust the alignment as necessary.
8. Read the scale on the goniometer.
9. Remove the goniometer from the subject’s arm and place it nearby so it is handy for measuring
the next joint position.
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CHAPTER 2 Procedures 31

10. Move the subject’s forearm into various positions in the flexion ROM, including the end of the
flexion ROM. At each joint position, align and read the goniometer. Remember that you must
support the subject’s forearm while aligning the goniometer.
11. Repeat steps 3 to 10 on the subject’s left upper extremity.
12. Repeat steps 4 to 10 using goniometers of different sizes and shapes.
13. Answer the following questions:
a. Did the length of the goniometer arms affect the accuracy of the alignment? Explain.
b. What length goniometer arms would you recommend as being the most appropriate for this
measurement? Why?
c. Did the type of goniometer used (full-circle or half-circle) affect either joint alignment or the
reading of the scale? Explain.
d. Did the side of the body that you were testing make a difference in your ability to align the
goniometer? Why?

Recording If passive ROM appears to be decreased or increased when

compared with normal values, the ROM should be measured
and recorded. Recordings should include both the starting and
Goniometric measurements are recorded in numerical tables, the ending joint positions to define the ROM. A recording that
in pictorial charts, or within the written text of an evaluation. includes only the total ROM, such as 50 degrees of flexion,
Regardless of which method is used, recordings should pro- gives no information as to where a motion begins and ends.
vide enough information to permit an accurate interpretation Likewise, a recording that lists –20 degrees (minus 20 degrees)
of the measurement. The following items are recommended to of flexion is open to misinterpretation because the lack of flex-
be included in the recording: ion could occur at either the end or the beginning of the ROM.
A motion such as flexion that begins at 0 degrees and
1. Subject’s name, age, and gender
ends at 50 degrees of flexion is recorded as 0–50 degrees of
2. Examiner’s name
flexion (Fig. 2.12A). A motion that begins with the joint
3. Date and time of measurement
flexed at 20 degrees and ends at 70 degrees of flexion is
4. Make and type of goniometer used
recorded as 20–70 degrees of flexion (Fig. 2.12B). The total
5. Side of the body, joint, and motion being measured (for
ROM is the same (50 degrees) in both instances, but the arcs
example, left knee flexion)
of motion are different.
6. ROM, including the number of degrees at the beginning
Because both the starting and the ending joint positions
and end of the motion
have been recorded, the measurement can be interpreted
7. Type of motion being measured (that is, passive or
correctly. If we assume that the normal ROM for this move-
active motion)
ment is 0 to 140 degrees, the subject who has a flexion
8. Any subjective information, such as discomfort or pain,
ROM of 0–50 degrees lacks motion at the end of the flexion
that is reported by the subject during the testing
ROM. The subject with a flexion ROM of 20–70 degrees
9. Any objective information obtained by the examiner
lacks motion both at the beginning and at the end of the
during testing, such as a protective muscle spasm,
flexion ROM. The term hypomobile may be applied to
crepitus, or capsular or noncapsular pattern of restriction
both of these joints because both joints have a less-than-
10. A complete description of any deviation from the
normal ROM.
recommended testing positions
Sometimes the opposite situation exists, in which a joint
If a subject has normal pain-free ROM during active or has a greater-than-normal range of motion and is hypermo-
passive motion, the ROM may be recorded as normal (N) or bile. If an elbow joint is hypermobile, the starting position
within normal limits (WNL). To determine whether the ROM for measuring elbow flexion may be in hyperextension
is normal, the examiner should compare the ROM of the joint rather than at 0 degrees. If the elbow was hyperextended
being tested with ROM values from people of the same age 20 degrees in the starting position, the beginning of the flex-
and gender, and from studies that used the same method of ion ROM would be recorded as 20 degrees of hyperexten-
measurement. A selection of normal ROM values for adults is sion (Fig. 2.13). To clarify that the 20 degrees represents
presented at the beginning of testing procedures for each hyperextension rather than limited flexion, a “0” represent-
motion. Text and ROM tables that report normal values by age ing the zero starting position, which is now within the ROM,
with information on gender and methods of measurement are is included. A ROM that begins at 20 degrees of hyperexten-
presented in Research Findings in Chapters 4 through 13. The sion and ends at 140 degrees of flexion is recorded as
ROM of the joint being tested may also be compared with the 20–0–140 degrees of flexion.
same joint of the subject’s contralateral extremity, provided Some authorities have suggested the use of plus (⫹)
that the contralateral extremity is neither impaired nor used and minus (⫺) signs to indicate hypomobility and hyper-
selectively in athletic or occupational activities. mobility. However, the use of these signs varies depending
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32 PART I Introduction to Goniometry


FIGURE 2.12 A recording of ROM should
include the beginning of the range as well as
the end. (A) In this illustration, the motion
begins at 0 degrees and ends at 50 degrees
so that the total ROM is 50 degrees. (B) In this
illustration, the motion begins at 20 degrees of
flexion and ends at 70 degrees, so that the
total ROM is 50 degrees. For both subjects,
the total ROM is the same, 50 degrees, even
though the arcs of motion are different.

on the authority consulted. To avoid confusion, we have noted at the top of the measurement columns. Subsequent
omitted the use of plus and minus signs. A ROM that does measurements are recorded on the same form and identified
not start with 0 degrees or ends prematurely indicates hypo- by the examiner’s initials and the date at the top of the
mobility. The addition of zero, representing the usual start- appropriate measurement column. This format makes it
ing position within the ROM, indicates hypermobility. easy to compare a series of measurements to identify
problem motions and then to track rehabilitative response
Numerical Tables over time.
Numerical tables typically list joint motions in a column
down the center of the form (Fig. 2.14). Space to the left of
Pictorial Charts
the central column is reserved for measurements taken on Pictorial charts may be used in isolation or combined with
the left side of the subject’s body; space to the right is numerical tables to record ROM measurements. Pictorial
reserved for measurements taken on the right side of the charts usually include a diagram of the normal starting and
body. The examiner’s initials and the date of testing are ending positions of the motion (Fig. 2.15).

20˚–0˚– 140˚

FIGURE 2.13 This subject has 20 degrees of

hyperextension at his elbow. In this case,
motion begins at 20 degrees of hyperexten-
sion and proceeds through the 0-degree
position to 140 degrees of flexion.
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CHAPTER 2 Procedures 33

Paul Jones 57 M


4/1/08 3/18/08 3/18/08

0-98 0-73 0-118

0-5 0-5 0-12
0-28 0-18 0-32
0-12 0-6 0-15
0-35 0-24 0-42
0-40 0-35 0-44

FIGURE 2.14 This numerical table records the results of ROM measurements of a subject’s
left and right hips. The examiner has recorded her initials and the date of testing at the
top of each column of ROM measurements. Note that the right hip was tested once, on
March 18, 2008, and the left hip was tested twice, once on March 18, 2008, and again on
April 1, 2008.

Sagittal–Frontal–Transverse–Rotation by Gerhardt and Russe.41,42 Although it is not commonly used

in the United States, it is used in a few countries in Europe
Method and has been described by the American Medical Associa-
Another method of recording, which may be included in a tion.43 In the SFTR method, three numbers are used to
written text or formatted into a table, is the sagittal–frontal– describe all motions in a given plane. The first and last num-
transverse–rotation (SFTR) recording method, developed bers indicate the ends of the ROM in that plane. The middle

3/18/08 4/1/08


FIGURE 2.15 This pictorial chart records the results of flexion ROM measurements of a subject’s
left hip. For measurements taken on March 18, 2008, note the 0 to 73 degrees of left hip flexion;
for measurements taken on April 1, 2008, note the 0 to 98 degrees of left hip flexion. (Adapted
with permission from Range of Motion Test, New York University Medical Center, Rusk Institute of
Rehabilitation Medicine.)
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34 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

number indicates the starting position, which would be 0 in Example: An elbow fixed in 40 degrees of flexion
normal motion. would be recorded: Elbow S: 0–40 degrees.
In the sagittal plane, represented by S, the first number
indicates the end of the extension ROM, the middle number American Medical Association
indicates the starting position, and the last number indicates
the end of the flexion ROM.
Guides to Evaluation Method
Another system of recording restricted motion has been
Example: If a subject has 50 degrees of shoulder
described by the American Medical Association in the Guides
extension and 170 degrees of shoulder flexion,
to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment.43 This book pro-
these motions would be recorded: Shoulder S:
vides ratings of permanent impairment for all major body sys-
50–0–170 degrees.
tems, including the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, and
In the frontal plane, represented by F, the first number visual systems. The longest chapter focuses on impairment
indicates the end of the abduction ROM, the middle number evaluation of the extremities, spine, and pelvis. Restricted
indicates the starting position, and the last number indicates active motion, ankylosis, amputation, sensory loss, vascular
the end of the adduction ROM. The ends of spinal ROM in the changes, loss of strength, pain, joint crepitation, joint
frontal plane (lateral flexion) are listed to the left first and to swelling, joint instability, and deformity are measured and
the right last. converted to percentage of impairment for the body part. The
total percentage of impairment for the body part is converted
Example: If a subject has 45 degrees of hip abduc-
to the percentage of impairment for the extremity and, finally,
tion and 15 degrees of hip adduction, these motions
to a percentage of impairment for the entire body. Often these
would be recorded: Hip F: 45–0–15 degrees.
permanent impairment ratings are used, along with other
In the transverse plane, represented by T, the first num- information, to determine the patient’s level of disability and
ber indicates the end of the horizontal abduction ROM, the the amount of monetary compensation to be expected from
middle number indicates the starting position, and the last the employer or the insurer. Physicians and therapists work-
number indicates the end of the horizontal adduction ROM. ing with patients with permanent impairments who are seek-
ing compensation for their disabilities should refer to this
Example: If a subject has 30 degrees of shoulder hor-
book for more detail.
izontal abduction and 135 degrees of shoulder hori-
The system of recording restricted motion found in the
zontal adduction, these motions would be recorded:
Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment also uses
Shoulder T: 30–0–135 degrees.
the 0 to 180 degree notation method. The neutral starting po-
Rotation is represented by R. Lateral rotation ROM, in- sition is recorded as 0 degrees with motions progressing to-
cluding supination and eversion, is listed first; medial rotation ward 180 degrees. However, the recording system proposed in
ROM, including pronation and inversion, is listed last. Rotation the Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment does
ROM of the spine to the left is listed first; rotation ROM to the differ from other recording systems described in our text. In
right is listed last. Limb position during measurement is noted if this system, when extension exceeds the neutral starting posi-
it varies from anatomical position. “F90” would indicate that a tion, it is referred to as hyperextension and is expressed with
measurement was taken with the limb positioned in 90 degrees the plus (⫹) symbol. For example, motion at the metacar-
of flexion. pophalangeal (MCP) joint of a finger from 15 degrees of
hyperextension to 45 degrees of flexion would be recorded as
Example: If a subject has 35 degrees of lateral
⫹15 to 45 degrees. The plus (⫹) symbol is used to emphasize
rotation ROM of the hip and 45 degrees of medial
the fact that the joint has hyperextension.
rotation ROM of the hip, and these motions were
In this system, the minus (–) symbol is used to emphasize
measured with the hip in 90 degrees of flexion,
the fact that a joint has an extension limitation. When the neu-
these motions would be recorded: Hip R: (F90)
tral (zero) starting position cannot be attained, an extension
35–0–45 degrees.
limitation exists and is expressed with the minus symbol. For
Hypomobility is noted by the lack of 0 as the middle example, motion at the MCP joint of a finger from 15 degrees
number or by less-than-normal values for the first and last of flexion to 45 degrees of flexion would be recorded as –15
numbers, which indicate the ends of the ROM. to 45 degrees. It should be noted that the American Academy
of Orthopaedic Surgeons40 does not use the minus (–) symbol
Example: If elbow flexion ROM was limited and
to indicate an extension limitation or hypomobility.
a subject could move only between 20 and 90 degrees
of flexion, it would be recorded: Elbow S: 0–20–90
degrees. The starting position is 20 degrees of flex-
ion, and the end of the ROM is 90 degrees of flexion. Procedures
A fixed-joint limitation, ankylosis is indicated by the use
of only two numbers. The zero starting position is included to Prior to beginning a goniometric evaluation, the examiner
clarify in which motion the fixed position occurs. must do the following:
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CHAPTER 2 Procedures 35

• Determine which joints and motions need to be tested have to ask you to remove certain articles of clothing,
• Organize the testing sequence by body position such as your shirt. Also, to locate some of the land-
• Gather the necessary equipment, such as goniometers, marks, I may have to press my fingers against your skin.
towel rolls, and recording forms Demonstration: The examiner shows the subject an
• Prepare an explanation of the procedure for the subject easily identified anatomical landmark such as the
radial styloid process.
Explanation Procedure 4. Explain and Demonstrate Recommended Testing
The listed steps and the example that follow provide the
Explanation: Certain testing positions have been
examiner with a suggested format for explaining the gonio-
established to help make joint measurements easier
metric testing procedure to a subject.
and more accurate. Whenever possible, I would like
Steps you to assume these positions. If you need some help
1. Introduce self and explain purpose in getting into a particular position, I will be happy to
2. Explain and demonstrate goniometer assist you. Please let me know if you need assistance.
3. Explain and demonstrate anatomical landmarks Demonstration: The sitting or supine positions.
4. Explain and demonstrate testing position 5. Explain and Demonstrate Examiner’s and
5. Explain and demonstrate examiner’s and subject’s roles Subject’s Roles During Active Motion
6. Confirm subject’s understanding Explanation: I will ask you to move your arm in
exactly the same way that I move your arm.
Lay rather than technical terms are used in the example
Demonstration: The examiner takes the subject’s arm
so that the subject can understand the procedure. During the
through a passive ROM and then asks the subject to
explanation, the examiner should try to establish a good rap-
perform the same motion.
port with the subject and enlist the subject’s participation in
6. Explain and Demonstrate Examiner’s and
the evaluation process. After reading the example, the exam-
Subject’s Roles During Passive Motion
iner should practice Exercise 4 on page 36.
Explanation: I will move your arm and take a mea-
Example: Explanation of Goniometric Testing Proce- surement. You should relax and let me do all of the
dure for Measuring Elbow Flexion work. These measurements should not cause discom-
1. Introduce Self and Explain Purpose fort. Please let me know if you have any discomfort
Introduction: My name is ______________. I am a and I will stop moving your arm.
(occupational title). Demonstration: The examiner moves the subject’s arm
Explanation: I understand that you have been hav- gently and slowly through the range of elbow flexion.
ing some difficulty moving your elbow. I am going 7. Confirm Subject’s Understanding
to measure the amount of motion that you have at Explanation: Do you have any questions? Are you
your elbow joint to see if it is equal to, less than, ready to begin?
or greater than normal. I will use this information
to plan a treatment program and assess its
Testing Procedure
Demonstration: The examiner flexes and extends his The testing procedure is initiated after the explanation has
or her own elbow so that the subject is able to been given and the examiner is assured that the subject under-
observe a joint motion. stands the nature of the testing process. The testing procedure
2. Explain and Demonstrate Goniometer consists of the following 12-step sequence of activities.
Explanation: The instrument that I will be using to
obtain the measurements is called a goniometer. It is
1. Place the subject in the testing position.
similar to a protractor, but it has two extensions
2. Stabilize the proximal joint segment.
called arms. It is placed on the outside of your body,
3. Move the distal joint segment to the zero starting position.
next to your elbow.
If the joint cannot be moved to the zero starting position,
Demonstration: The examiner shows the goniometer
it should be moved as close as possible to the zero starting
to the subject and encourages the subject to ask
position. Slowly move the distal joint segment to the end
questions. The examiner shows the subject how the
of the passive ROM and determine the end-feel. Ask the
goniometer is used by holding it next to his or her
subject if there was any discomfort during the motion.
own elbow.
4. Make a visual estimate of the ROM.
3. Explain and Demonstrate Anatomical Landmarks
5. Return the distal joint segment to the starting position.
Explanation: To obtain accurate measurements, I will
6. Palpate the bony anatomical landmarks.
need to identify some anatomical landmarks. These
7. Align the goniometer.
landmarks help me to align the arms of the goniome-
8. Read and record the starting position. Remove the
ter. Because these landmarks are important, I may
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36 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

9. Stabilize the proximal joint segment. Exercise 5, which is based on the 12-step sequence,
10. Move the distal segment through the full ROM. affords the examiner an opportunity to use the testing proce-
11. Replace and realign the goniometer. Palpate the dure for an evaluation of the elbow joint. This exercise should
anatomical landmarks again if necessary. be practiced until the examiner is able to perform the activi-
12. Read and record the ROM. ties sequentially without reference to the exercise.

Exercise 4
Explanation of Goniometric Testing Procedure
EQUIPMENT: A universal goniometer.
ACTIVITIES: Practice the following six steps with a subject.
1. Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of goniometric testing. Demonstrate a joint ROM on
2. Show the goniometer to your subject and demonstrate how it is used to measure a joint ROM.
3. Explain why bony landmarks must be located and palpated. Demonstrate how you would locate a
bony landmark on yourself, and explain why clothing may have to be removed.
4. Explain and demonstrate why changes in position may be required.
5. Explain the subject’s role in the procedure. Explain and demonstrate your role in the procedure.
6. Obtain confirmation of the subject’s understanding of your explanation.

Exercise 5
Testing Procedure for Goniometric Measurement of Elbow Flexion ROM
EQUIPMENT: A universal goniometer, skin-marking pencil, recording form, and pencil.
ACTIVITIES: See Figures 5.9 to 5.15 in Chapter 5.
1. Place the subject in a supine position, with the arm to be tested positioned close to the side of
the body. Place a towel roll under the distal end of the humerus to allow full elbow extension.
Position the forearm in full supination, with the palm of the hand facing the ceiling.
2. Stabilize the distal end of the humerus to prevent flexion of the shoulder.
3. Move the forearm to the zero starting position and determine whether there is any motion
(extension) beyond zero. Move to the end of the passive range of flexion. Evaluate the end-feel.
Usually the end-feel is soft because of compression of the muscle bulk on the anterior forearm
in conjunction with that on the anterior humerus. Ask the subject if there was any discomfort
during the motion. Refer to Figure 5.13.
4. Make a visual estimate of the beginning and end of the ROM.
5. Return the forearm to the starting position.
6. Palpate the bony anatomical landmarks (acromion process, lateral epicondyle of the humerus,
radial head, and radial styloid process) and mark with a skin pencil. Refer to Figures 5.9 to 5.12.
7. Align the arms and the fulcrum of the goniometer. Align the proximal arm with the lateral
midline of the humerus, using the acromion process and lateral epicondyle for reference. Align
the distal arm along the lateral midline of the radius, using the radial head and the radial styloid
process for reference. The fulcrum should be close to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
8. Read the goniometer and record the starting position. Refer to Figure 5.14. Remove the goniometer.
9. Stabilize the proximal joint segment (humerus).
10. Perform the passive ROM, making sure that you complete the available range.
11. When the end of the ROM has been attained, replace and realign the goniometer. Palpate the
anatomical landmarks again if necessary. Refer to Figure 5.15.
12. Read the goniometer and record your reading. Compare your reading with your visual estimate
to make sure that you are reading the correct scale on the goniometer.
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CHAPTER 2 Procedures 37

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suring hip joint motions. Clin Rehabil 12:497, 1998. 29. Ball, P, and Johnson, GR: Reliability of hindfoot goniometry when using
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Validity opinion. However, face validity is the most basic and elemen-
tary form of validity, whereas content validity involves more
rigorous and careful consideration. Gajdosik and Bohannon6
For goniometry to provide meaningful information, measure- state, “Physical therapists judge the validity of most ROM
ments must be valid and reliable. Currier1 states that validity measurements based on their anatomical knowledge and their
is “the degree to which an instrument measures what it is pur- applied skills of visual inspection, palpation of bony land-
ported to measure; the extent to which it fulfills its purpose.” marks, and accurate alignment of the goniometer. Generally,
Stated in another way, the validity of a measurement refers to the accurate application of knowledge and skills, combined
how well the measurement represents the true value of the with interpreting the results as measurement of ROM only,
variable of interest. The purpose of goniometry is to measure provide sufficient evidence to ensure content validity.”
the angle created at a joint by the adjacent bones of the body.
Therefore, a valid goniometric measurement is one that truly Criterion-Related Validity
represents the actual joint angle. The joint angle is used to
describe a specific joint position or, if a beginning and ending Criterion-related validity justifies the validity of the measuring
joint position are compared, a range of motion (ROM). instrument by comparing measurements made with the instru-
ment to a well-established gold standard of measurement—the
Face Validity criterion.2–5 If the measurements made with the instrument and
criterion are taken at approximately the same time, concurrent
There are four main types of validity: face validity, content validity is tested. Concurrent validity is a type of criterion-
validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity.2–5 related validity.3,7 Criterion-related validity can be assessed
Most support for the validity of goniometry is in the form of objectively with statistical methods. In terms of goniometry, an
face, content, and criterion-related validity. Face validity examiner may question the construction of a particular
indicates that the instrument generally appears to measure goniometer on a very basic level and consider whether the
what it proposes to measure—that it is plausible.2–5 Much of degree units of the goniometer accurately represent the degree
the literature on goniometric measurement does not specifi- units of a circle. The angles of the goniometer can be compared
cally address the issue of validity; rather, it assumes that the with known angles of a protractor—the criterion. Usually the
angle created by aligning the arms of a universal goniometer construction of goniometers is adequate, and the issue of valid-
with bony landmarks truly represents the angle created by the ity focuses on whether the goniometer accurately measures the
proximal and distal bones composing the joint. One infers angle of joint position and ROM in a subject.
that changes in goniometer alignment reflect changes in joint
angle and represent a range of joint motion. Portney and Criterion-Related Validity Studies
Watkins3 report that face validity is easily established for of Extremity Joints
some tests, such as the measurement of ROM, because the The best gold standard used to establish criterion-related
instrument measures the variable of interest through direct validity of goniometric measurements of joint position and
observation. ROM is radiography. Several studies that examined extremity
joints for the concurrent validity of goniometric and radi-
ographic measurements are discussed below. When available,
Content Validity summaries of additional studies comparing goniometry to
Content validity is determined by judging whether or not radiographs and/or photographs are included in the Research
an instrument adequately measures and represents the Findings sections of Chapters 4 to 13. Gogia and associates8
domain of content—the substance—of the variable of inter- measured the knee position of 30 subjects with radiography
est.2–5 Both content and face validity are based on subjective and with a universal goniometer. Knee positions ranged from
2066_Ch03_039-054.qxd 5/21/09 5:35 PM Page 40

40 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

0 to 120 degrees. High correlation (correlation coefficient [r] and the radiographs were 0.97 (standard error ⫽ 3.3 degrees).
⫽ 0.97) and agreement (intraclass correlation coefficient Portek and associates,17 in a study of 11 males, found no signif-
[ICC] ⫽ 0.98) were found between the two types of measure- icant difference between lumbar flexion and extension ROM
ments. Therefore goniometric measurement of knee joint measurement taken with a skin distraction method and single
position was considered to be valid. Enwemeka9 studied the inclinometer compared with radiographic evidence, but correla-
validity of measuring knee ROM with a universal goniometer by tion coefficients were low (0.42 to 0.57). Comparisons may have
comparing the goniometric measurements taken on 10 subjects been inappropriate because measurements were made sequen-
with radiographs. No significant differences were found tially rather than concurrently, with subjects in varying testing
between the two types of measurements when ROM was within positions. Radiographs and skin distraction methods were per-
30 to 90 degrees of flexion (mean difference between the formed on standing subjects, whereas inclinometer measure-
two measurements ranged from 0.5 to 3.8 degrees). However, a ments were performed in subjects sitting for flexion and prone
significant difference was found when ROM was within 0 to for extension.
15 degrees of flexion (mean difference 4.6 degrees). Ahlback Burdett, Brown, and Fall,18 in a study of 27 subjects,
and Lindahl10 found that a joint-specific goniometer used to found a fair correlation between measurements taken with a
measure hip flexion and extension in 14 subjects closely agreed single inclinometer and radiographs for lumbar flexion (r ⫽
with radiographic measurements. Kato and coworkers11 com- 0.73) and a very poor correlation for lumbar extension (r ⫽
pared the accuracy of three types of goniometers aligned on the 0.15). Mayer and coworkers19 measured lumbar flexion and
lateral and dorsal surfaces of the proximal interphalangeal joints extension in 12 patients with a single inclinometer, double
of the 16 fixated fingers to radiographs. Mean differences inclinometer, and radiographs. No significant difference was
between the goniometers and radiographs ranged from 0.5 to noted between measurements. Saur and colleagues,20 in a
3.3 degrees. study of 54 patients, found lumbar flexion ROM measurement
taken with two inclinometers correlated highly with radi-
Criterion-Related Validity Studies ographs (r ⫽ 0.98). Extension ROM measurement correlated
of the Spine with radiographs to a fair degree (r ⫽ 0.75). Samo and asso-
Various instruments used to measure ROM of the spine have ciates21 used double inclinometers and radiographs to
also been compared with a radiographic criterion, although measure 30 subjects held in a position of flexion and exten-
some researchers question the use of radiographs as the gold sion. Radiographs resulted in flexion values that were 11 to
standard given the variability of ROM measurement taken from 15 degrees greater than those found with inclinometers and
spinal radiographs.12 Three studies that contrasted cervical extension values that were 4 to 5 degrees less than those
range of motion measurements taken with gravity-dependent found with inclinometers.
goniometers with those recorded on radiographs found concur-
rent validity to be high. Herrmann,13 in a study of 11 subjects,
noted a high correlation (r ⫽ 0.97) and agreement (ICC ⫽
Construct Validity
0.98) between radiographic measures and pendulum goniome- Construct validity is the ability of an instrument to measure
ter measures of head and neck flexion–extension. Ordway and an abstract concept (construct)3 or to be used to make an
colleagues14 simultaneously measured cervical flexion and inferred interpretation.7 There is a movement within rehabili-
extension in 20 healthy subjects with a cervical range of motion tative medicine to develop and validate measurement tools to
device (CROM), a computerized tracking system, and radi- identify functional limitations and predict disability.22 Joint
ographs. There were no significant differences between mea- ROM may be one such measurement tool. In Chapters
surements taken with the CROM and radiographic angles 4 through 13 on measurement procedures, we have included
determined by an occipital line and a vertical line, although the results of research studies that report joint ROM observed
there were differences between the CROM and the radi- during functional tasks. These findings begin to quantify the
ographic angles between the occiput and C-7. Tousignant and joint motion needed to avoid functional limitations. Several
coworkers15 measured cervical flexion and extension in 31 sub- researchers have artificially restricted joint motion with
jects with a CROM goniometer and radiographs that included splints or braces and examined the effect on function.23–25 It
cervical and upper thoracic motion. They found a high correla- appears that many functional tasks can be completed with
tion between the two measurements (r ⫽ 0.97). severely restricted elbow or wrist ROM, providing other adja-
Studies that compared clinical ROM measurement methods cent joints are able to compensate.
for the lumbar spine with radiographic results report high to low Some studies have measured the correlation between ROM
validity. Macrae and Wright16 measured lumbar flexion in values and the ability to perform functional tasks in patient pop-
342 subjects by using a tape measure, according to the Schober ulations. A study by Hermann and Reese26 examined the
and modified Schober method, and compared these results with relationship among impairments, functional limitations, and dis-
those shown in radiographs. Their findings support the validity ability in 80 patients with cervical spine disorders. The highest
of these measures: correlation coefficient values between the correlation (r ⫽ 0.82) occurred between impairment measures
Schober method and the radiographic evidence were 0.90 (stan- and functional limitation measures, with ROM contributing
dard error ⫽ 6.2 degrees) and between the modified Schober more to the relationship than the other two impairment measures
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CHAPTER 3 Validity and Reliability 41

of cervical muscle force and pain. Triffitt27 found significant ROM. Studies that measured a fixed joint position usually
correlations between the amount of shoulder ROM and the abil- have reported higher reliability values than studies that mea-
ity to perform nine functional activities in 125 patients with sured ROM.8,13,32,33 This finding is expected because more
shoulder symptoms. Wagner and colleagues28 measured passive sources of variation and error are present in measuring ROM
ROM of wrist flexion, extension, radial and ulnar deviation, and than in measuring a fixed joint position. Additional sources of
the strength of the wrist extensor and flexor muscles in 18 boys error in measuring ROM include movement of the joint
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. A highly significant nega- axis, variations in manual force applied by the examiner dur-
tive correlation was found between difficulty performing func- ing passive ROM, and variations in a subject’s effort during
tional hand tasks and radial deviation ROM (r ⫽ ⫺0.76 to active ROM.
⫺0.86) and between difficulty performing functional hand tasks The reliability of goniometric ROM measurements varies
and wrist extensor strength (r ⫽ ⫺0.61 to ⫺0.83). somewhat depending on the joint and motion. ROM measure-
ments of upper-extremity joints have been found by several
researchers to be more reliable than ROM measurements of
Reliability lower-extremity joints,34,35 although opposing results have
also been reported.36 Even within the upper or lower extremi-
The reliability of a measurement refers to the amount of ties there are differences in reliability between joints and
consistency between successive measurements of the same motions. For example, Hellebrandt, Duvall, and Moore,37 in a
variable on the same subject under the same conditions. A study of upper-extremity joints, noted that measurements of
goniometric measurement is highly reliable if successive wrist flexion, medial rotation of the shoulder, and abduction
measurements of a joint angle or ROM, on the same subject of the shoulder were less reliable than measurements of other
and under the same conditions, yield the same results. A motions of the upper extremity. Low38 found ROM measure-
highly reliable measurement contains little measurement ments of wrist extension to be less reliable than measure-
error. Assuming that a measurement is valid and highly reli- ments of elbow flexion. Greene and Wolf39 reported ROM
able, an examiner can confidently use its results to determine measurements of shoulder rotation and wrist motions to be
a true absence, presence, or change in dysfunction. For exam- more variable than elbow motion and other shoulder motions.
ple, a highly reliable goniometric measurement could be used Reliability studies on ROM measurement of the cervical and
to determine the presence of joint ROM limitation, to evalu- thoracic spine in which a universal goniometer was used have
ate patient progress toward rehabilitative goals, and to assess generally reported lower reliability values than studies of the
the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. extremity joints.18,40–43 Many devices and techniques have
A measurement with poor reliability contains a large been developed to try to improve the reliability of measuring
amount of measurement error. An unreliable measurement is spinal motions. Gajdosik and Bohannon6 suggested that the
inconsistent and does not produce the same results when the reliability of measuring certain joints and motions might be
same variable is measured on the same subject under the same adversely affected by the complexity of the joint. Measure-
conditions. A measurement that has poor reliability is not ment of motions that are influenced by movement of adjacent
dependable and should not be used in the clinical decision- joints or multijoint muscles may be less reliable than mea-
making process. surement of motions of simple hinge joints. Difficulty palpat-
ing bony landmarks and passively moving heavy body parts
Summary of Goniometric may also play a role in reducing the reliability of measuring
ROM of the lower extremity and spine.6,34
Reliability Studies Many studies of joint measurement methods have found
The reliability of goniometric measurement has been the intratester reliability to be higher than intertester reliabil-
focus of many research studies. Given the variety of study ity.18,32–38,40,41,43–63 Reliability was higher when successive
designs and measurement techniques, it is difficult to compare measurements were taken by the same examiner than when
the results of many of these studies. However, some findings successive measurements were taken by different examiners.
noted in several studies can be summarized. An overview of This is true for studies that measured joint position and ROM
such findings is presented here. More information on reliabil- of the extremities and spine with universal goniometers and
ity studies that pertain to the featured joint is reviewed in other devices such as joint-specific goniometers, pendulum
Chapters 4 through 13. Readers may also wish to refer to sev- goniometers, tape measures, and flexible rulers. Only a few
eral review articles and book chapters on this topic.6,29–31 studies found intertester reliability to be higher than intra-
The measurement of joint position and ROM of the tester reliability.64–67 In most of these studies, the time interval
extremities with a universal goniometer has generally been between repeated measurements by the same examiner was
found to have good-to-excellent reliability. Numerous relia- considerably greater than the time interval between measure-
bility studies have been conducted on joints of the upper and ments by different examiners.
lower extremities. Some studies have examined the reliability The reliability of goniometric measurements is affected
of measuring joints held in a fixed position, whereas others by the measurement procedure. Several studies found that
have examined the reliability of measuring passive or active intertester reliability improved when all the examiners used
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42 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

consistent, well-defined testing positions and measurement take repeated measurements on a subject with the same type
methods.45,47,48,68 Intertester reliability was lower if examiners of measurement device. For example, an examiner should
used a variety of positions and measurement methods. take all repeated measurements of a ROM with a universal
Several investigators have examined the reliability of goniometer, rather than taking the first measurement with a
using the mean (average) of several goniometric measure- universal goniometer and the second measurement with an
ments compared with using one measurement. Low38 recom- inclinometer. We believe most examiners find it easier and
mends using the mean of several measurements made with the more accurate to use a large universal goniometer when
goniometer to increase reliability over one measurement. measuring joints with large body segments and a small
Early studies by Cobe69 and Hewitt70 also used the mean of goniometer when measuring joints with small body seg-
several measurements. However, Boone and associates34 ments. Inexperienced examiners may wish to take several
found no significant difference between repeated measure- measurements and record the mean (average) of those mea-
ments made by the same examiner during one session and surements to improve reliability, but one measurement is usu-
suggested that one measurement taken by an examiner is as ally sufficient for more experienced examiners using good
reliable as the mean of repeated measurements. Rothstein, technique. Finally, it is important to remember that successive
Miller, and Roettger,48 in a study on knee and elbow ROM, measurements are more reliable if taken by the same exam-
found that intertester reliability determined from the means of iner rather than by different examiners.
two measurements improved only slightly from the intertester The mean standard deviation of repeated ROM measure-
reliability determined from single measurements. ment of extremity joints taken by one examiner using a
The authors of some texts on goniometric methods sug- universal goniometer has been found to range from 4 to
gest the use of universal goniometers with longer arms to 5 degrees.34,36 Therefore, to show improvement or worsening
measure joints with large body segments such as the hip and of a joint motion measured by the same examiner, a difference
shoulder.29,71,72 Goniometers with shorter arms are recom- of about 5 degrees (1 standard deviation) to 10 degrees
mended to measure joints with small body segments such as (2 standard deviations) is necessary. The mean standard devi-
the wrist and fingers. Robson,73 using a mathematical model, ation increased to 5 to 6 degrees for repeated measurements
determined that goniometers with longer arms are more accu- taken by different examiners,34,36 so that a difference of about
rate in measuring an angle than goniometers with shorter 6 (1 standard deviation) to 12 degrees (2 standard deviations)
arms. Goniometers with longer arms reduce the effects of is necessary to show true change in this situation. These val-
errors in the placement of the goniometer axis. However, ues serve as a general guideline only and will vary depending
Rothstein, Miller, and Roettger48 found no difference in relia- on the joint and motion being tested, the examiners and
bility among large plastic, large metal, and small plastic procedures used, and the individual being tested. Refer to the
universal goniometers used to measure knee and elbow ROM. Research Findings section of Chapters 4 to 13 for more joint-
Riddle, Rothstein, and Lamb46 also reported no difference in specific information on reliability.
reliability between large and small plastic universal goniome-
ters used to measure shoulder ROM.
Numerous studies have compared the measurement
values and reliability of different types of devices used to TABLE 3.1 Recommendations for
measure joint ROM. Universal, pendulum, and fluid goniome- Improving the Reliability
ters; joint-specific devices; tape measures; and wire tracing are of Goniometric Measurements
some of the devices that have been compared. Studies compar-
• Use consistent, well-defined positions.
ing clinical measurement devices have been conducted on the
shoulder,37,39 elbow,32,37,39,57,74,75 wrist,32,39 hand,33,60,76,77 hip,78,79 • Use consistent, well-defined, and carefully palpated
anatomical landmarks to align the goniometer.
knee,48,78,80,81 ankle,78,82 cervical spine,40,41,65,83 and thoracolum-
bar spine.17,21,42,63,84–91 Many studies have found differences in • Use the same amount of manual force to move
values and reliability between measurement devices, whereas subject’s body part during successive measurements
of passive ROM.
some studies have reported no differences.
In conclusion, on the basis of reliability studies and our • Urge subject to exert the same effort to move the body
clinical experience, we recommend the following procedures part during successive measurements of active ROM.
to improve the reliability of goniometric measurements • Use the same device to take successive measurements.
(Table 3.1). Examiners should use consistent, well-defined • Use a goniometer that is suitable in size to the joint
testing positions and carefully palpated anatomical land- being measured.
marks to align the arms of the goniometer. During successive • If examiner is less experienced, record the mean of
measurements of passive ROM, examiners should strive to several measurements rather than a single
apply the same amount of manual force to move the subject’s measurement.
body. During successive measurements of active ROM, the • Have the same examiner, rather than a different
subject should be urged to exert the same effort to perform a examiner, take successive measurements.
motion. To reduce measurement variability, it is prudent to
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CHAPTER 3 Validity and Reliability 43

Statistical Methods of Evaluating definitional formula is easier to understand, but the computa-
tional formula is easier to calculate.
Measurement Reliability
Σ (x − −x )
Clinical measurements are prone to three main sources of 2
variation: (1) true biological variation, (2) temporal variation, Standard deviation = SD =
and (3) measurement error.92 True biological variation refers n − 1
to variation in measurements from one individual to another,
caused by factors such as age, sex, race, genetics, medical his- ( Σx ) 2
Σ (x ) 2 −
tory, and condition. Temporal variation refers to variation in n
SD =
measurements made on the same individual at different times, n − 1
caused by changes in factors such as a subject’s medical
(physical) condition, activity level, emotional state, and circa- The standard deviation has the same units as the original
dian rhythms. Measurement error refers to variation in data observations. If the data observations have a normal
measurements made on the same individual under the same (bell-shaped) frequency distribution, 1 standard deviation
conditions at different times, caused by factors such as the above and below the mean includes about 68 percent of all the
examiners (testers), measuring instruments, and procedural observations, and 2 standard deviations above and below the
methods. For example, the skill level and experience of the mean include about 95 percent of the observations.
examiners, the accuracy of the measurement instruments, and It is important to note that several standard deviations
the standardization of the measurement methods affect the may be determined from a single study and represent differ-
amount of measurement error. Reliability reflects the degree to ent sources of variation.92 Two of these standard deviations
which a measurement is free of measurement error; therefore, are discussed here. One standard deviation that can be deter-
highly reliable measurements have little measurement error. mined represents mainly intersubject variation around the
Statistics can be used to assess variation in numerical data mean of measurements taken of a group of subjects, indicat-
and hence to assess measurement reliability.92,93 A digression ing biological variation. This standard deviation may be of
into statistical methods of testing and expressing reliability is interest in deciding whether a subject has an abnormal ROM
included to assist the examiner in correctly interpreting gonio- in comparison with other people of the same age and gender.
metric measurements and in understanding the literature on Another standard deviation that can be determined represents
joint measurement. Several statistics—the standard deviation, intrasubject variation around the mean of measurements
coefficient of variation, Pearson product moment correlation taken of an individual, indicating measurement error. This is
coefficient, intraclass correlation coefficient, and standard the standard deviation of interest to indicate measurement
error of measurement—are discussed. Examples that show the reliability.
calculation of these statistical tests are presented. For addi- An example of how to determine these two standard devi-
tional information, including the assumptions underlying the ations is provided. Table 3.2 presents ROM measurements
use of these statistical tests, the reader is referred to the cited taken on five subjects. Three repeated measurements (observa-
references. tions) were taken on each subject by the same examiner.
At the end of this chapter, two exercises are included for The standard deviation indicating biological variation
examiners to assess their reliability in obtaining goniometric (intersubject variation) is determined by first calculating the
measurements. Many authors recommend that clinicians con- mean ROM measurement for each subject. The mean ROM
duct their own studies to determine reliability among their measurement for each of the five subjects is found in the last
staff and patient population. Miller30 has presented a step-by- column of Table 3.2. The grand mean of the mean ROM mea-
step procedure for conducting such studies. surement for each of the five subjects equals 56 degrees. The
Standard Deviation grand mean is symbolized by X̄ . The standard deviation is
In the medical literature, the statistic most frequently used to determined by finding the differences between each of the five
indicate variation is the standard deviation.92,93 The standard subjects’ means and the grand mean. The differences are
deviation is the square root of the mean of the squares of the squared and added together. The sum is used in the defini-
deviations from the data mean. The standard deviation is sym- tional formula for the standard deviation. Calculation of
bolized as SD, s, or sd. If we denote each data observation as the standard deviation indicating biological variation is found
x and the number of observations as n, and the summation in Table 3.3.
notation ⌺ is used, then the mean that is denoted by x̄, is as In the example, the standard deviation indicating biological
follows: variation equals 13.6 degrees. This standard deviation denotes
primarily intersubject variation. Knowledge of intersubject vari-
mean ⫽ x̄ ⫽ ation may be helpful in deciding whether a subject has an abnor-
n mal ROM in comparison with other people of the same age and
Two formulas for the standard deviation are given below. gender. If a normal distribution of the measurements is assumed,
The first is the definitional formula; the second is the compu- one way of interpreting this standard deviation is to predict that
tational formula. Both formulas give the same result. The about 68 percent of all the subjects’ mean ROM measurements
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44 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

TABLE 3.2 Three Repeated ROM Measurements (in Degrees) Taken on Five Subjects

Subject First Second Third Mean of Three

Measurement Measurement Measurement Total Measurements (x̄)

1 57 55 65 177 59
2 66 65 70 201 67
3 66 70 74 210 70
4 35 40 42 117 39
5 45 48 42 135 45
(59 ⫹ 67 ⫹ 70 ⫹ 39 ⫹ 45)
Grand mean (X̄) ⫽ ⫽ 56 degrees.

TABLE 3.3 Calculation of the Standard Deviation Indicating Biological Variation in Degrees

Subject Mean of Three Measurements (x̄) Grand Mean (X̄) (x̄ ⫺ X̄) (x̄ ⫺ X̄)

1 59 56 3 9
2 67 56 11 121
3 70 56 14 196
4 39 56 ⫺17 289
5 45 56 ⫺11 121

− Σ (x− X− 2
Σ(x− − X )2 = 9 + 121 + 196 + 289 + 121 = 736 degrees; SD = = = 13.6 degrees.
(n − 1) (5 − 1)

would fall between 42.4 degrees and 69.6 degrees (plus or standard deviation for subject 3 ⫽ 4.0 degrees, the standard
minus 1 standard deviation around the grand mean of deviation for subject 4 ⫽ 3.6 degrees, and the standard devi-
56 degrees). We would expect that about 95 percent of all ation for subject 5 ⫽ 3.0 degrees. The mean standard devia-
the subjects’ mean ROM measurements would fall between tion for all of the subjects combined is determined by
28.8 degrees and 83.2 degrees (plus or minus 2 standard
deviations around the grand mean of 56 degrees).
The standard deviation indicating measurement error
(intrasubject variation) also is determined by first calculating TABLE 3.4 Calculation of the Standard
the mean ROM measurement for each subject. However, this Deviation Indicating
standard deviation is determined by finding the differences Measurement Error in Degrees
between each of the three repeated measurements taken on a for Subject 1
subject and the mean of that subject’s measurements. The dif- 2
ferences are squared and added together. The sum is used in Measurements (x) Mean (x̄) (x ⫺ x̄) (x ⫺ x̄)
the definitional formula for the standard deviation. Using the 57 59 ⫺2 4
information on subject 1 in the example, the calculation of
55 59 ⫺4 16
the standard deviation indicating measurement error is shown
in Table 3.4. 65 59 6 36
Referring to Table 3.2 for information on the each of the
Σ( x − −
x )2 56
other subjects and using the same procedure as shown in SD = = = 5.3 degrees
Table 3.4, the standard deviation for subject 1 ⫽ 5.3 degrees, ( n − 1) 2
the standard deviation for subject 2 ⫽ 2.6 degrees, the
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CHAPTER 3 Validity and Reliability 45

summing the five subjects’ standard deviations and dividing This statistic is especially useful in comparing the reliability
by the number of subjects, which is 5: of two or more variables that have different units of measure-
ment (for example, comparing ROM measurement methods
5.3 ⫹ 2.6 ⫹ 4.0 ⫹ 3.6 ⫹ 3.0 18.5
SD ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ 3.7 degrees recorded in inches versus degrees).
5 5
Correlation Coefficients
In the example, the standard deviation indicating intra-
Correlation coefficients are traditionally used to measure the
subject variation equals 3.7 degrees. This standard deviation
relationship between two variables. They result in a number
is appropriate for indicating measurement error, especially if
from ⫺1 to ⫹1, which indicates how well an equation can pre-
the repeated measurements on each subject were taken within
dict one variable from another variable.2–4,92 A ⫹1 describes a
a short period of time. Note that in this example the standard
perfect positive linear (straight-line) relationship, whereas a
deviation indicating measurement error (3.7 degrees) is much
⫺1 describes a perfect negative linear relationship. A correla-
smaller than the standard deviation indicating biological vari-
tion coefficient of 0 indicates that there is no linear relationship
ation (13.6 degrees). One way of interpreting the standard
between the two variables. Correlation coefficients are used to
deviation for measurement error is to predict that about
indicate measurement reliability because it is assumed that two
68 percent of the repeated measurements on a subject would
repeated measurements should be highly correlated and
fall within 3.7 degrees (1 standard deviation) above and below
approach ⫹1. One interpretation of correlation coefficients
the mean of the repeated measurements of a subject because
used to indicate reliability is that 0.90 to 0.99 equals high reli-
of measurement error. We would expect that about 95 percent
ability, 0.80 to 0.89 equals good reliability, 0.70 to 0.79 equals
of the repeated measurements on a subject would fall within
fair reliability, and 0.69 and below equals poor reliability.95
7.4 degrees (2 standard deviations) above and below the mean
Another interpretation offered by Portney and Watkins3 states
of the repeated measurements of a subject, again because of
that correlation coefficients higher than 0.75 indicate good
measurement error. The smaller the standard deviation, the
reliability, whereas those less than 0.75 indicate poor to mod-
less the measurement error and the better the reliability.
erate reliability.
Coefficient of Variation
Sometimes it is helpful to consider the percentage of variation Pearson Product Moment Correlation
rather than the standard deviation, which is expressed in the Coefficient
units of the data observation (measurement). The coefficient Because goniometric measurements produce ratio level data,
of variation is a measure of variation that is relative to the the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient has
mean and standardized so that the variations of different vari- been the correlation coefficient usually calculated to indicate
ables can be compared. The coefficient of variation is the reliability of pairs of goniometric measurements. The
the standard deviation divided by the mean and multiplied by Pearson product moment correlation coefficient is symbolized
100 percent. It is a percentage and is not expressed in the units by r, and its formula is presented following this paragraph. If
of the original observation. The coefficient of variation is this statistic is used to indicate reliability, x symbolizes the
symbolized by CV and the formula is as follows: first measurement and y symbolizes the second measurement.
SD Σ(x − − x )(y − −
coefficient of variation ⫽ CV ⫽ (100)% r=
x̄ −
Σ (x − x ) 2
Σ (y − −
y )2
For the example presented in Table 3.2, the coefficient of
variation indicating biological variation uses the standard devia- Referring to the example in Table 3.2, the Pearson corre-
tion for biological variation (standard deviation ⫽ 13.6 degrees). lation coefficient can be used to determine the relationship
between the first and the second ROM measurements on the
SD 13.6 five subjects. Calculation of the Pearson product moment cor-
CV ⫽ (100)% ⫽ (100)% ⫽ 24.3%
x̄ 56 relation coefficient for this example is found in Table 3.5. The
The coefficient of variation indicating measurement error uses resulting value of r ⫽ 0.98 indicates a highly positive linear
the standard deviation for measurement error (standard devi- relationship between the first and the second measurements.
ation ⫽ 3.7 degrees). In other words, the two measurements are highly correlated.

SD 3.7 Σ(x − − x )(y − −

CV ⫽ (100)% ⫽ (100)% ⫽ 6.6% r=
x̄ 56 Σ (x − −x )2 Σ (y − −
y )2
In this example the coefficient of variation for measurement
error (6.6 percent) is less than the coefficient of variation for 650.6 650.6
= = = 0.98
biological variation (24.3 percent). 738.8 597.2 (27.2) (24.4)
Another name for the coefficient of variation indicating
measurement error is the coefficient of variation of replica- The Pearson product moment correlation coefficient indi-
tion.94 The lower the coefficient of variation of replication, the cates association between the pairs of measurements rather
lower the measurement error and the better the reliability. than agreement. Therefore, to decide whether the two
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46 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

TABLE 3.5 Calculation of the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

for the First (x) and Second (y) ROM Measurements in Degrees
2 2
Subject x y (x ⫺ x̄) (y ⫺ ȳ) (x ⫺ x̄)(y ⫺ ȳ) (x ⫺ x̄) (y ⫺ ȳ)

1 57 55 3.2 ⫺0.6 ⫺1.92 10.24 0.36

2 66 65 12.2 9.4 114.68 148.84 88.36
3 66 70 12.2 14.4 175.68 148.84 207.36
4 35 40 ⫺18.8 ⫺15.6 293.28 353.44 243.36
5 45 48 ⫺8.8 ⫺7.6 68.88 77.44 57.76
⌺ ⫽ 650.60 ⌺ ⫽ 738.80 ⌺ ⫽ 597.20

57 ⫹ 66 ⫹ 66 ⫹ 35 ⫹ 45 55 ⫹ 65 ⫹ 70 ⫹ 40 ⫹ 48
x̄ ⫽ ⫽ 53.8 degrees; ȳ ⫽ ⫽ 55.6 degrees.
5 5

measurements are identical, the equation of the straight line This statistic is determined from an analysis of variance
best representing the relationship should be determined. If the model, which compares different sources of variation. The
equation of the straight line representing the relationship ICC is conceptually expressed as the ratio of the variance
includes a slope b equal to 1 and an intercept a equal to 0, associated with the subjects, divided by the sum of the vari-
then an r value that approaches ⫹1 also indicates that the two ance associated with the subjects plus error variance.97 The
measurements are identical. The equation of a straight line is theoretical limits of the ICC are between 0 and ⫹1; ⫹1 indi-
y ⫽ a ⫹ bx, with x symbolizing the first measurement, y the cates perfect agreement (no error variance), whereas 0 indi-
second measurement, a the intercept, and b the slope. The cates no agreement (large amount of error variance).
equation for a slope is There are six different formulas for determining ICC val-
ues based on the design of the study, the purpose of the study,
Σ (x - x̄) (y - ȳ)
slope ⫽ b ⫽ and the type of measurement.3,97,98 Three models have been
Σ (x - x̄)2
described, each with two different forms. In Model l, each
The equation for an intercept is intercept ⫽ a ⫽ ȳ - b x̄ subject is tested by a different set of testers, and the testers are
For our example, the slope and intercept are calculated as considered representative of a larger population of testers—to
follows: allow the results to be generalized to other testers. In Model
Σ (x - x̄) (y - ȳ) 650.6 2, each subject is tested by the same set of testers, and again
b⫽ ⫽ ⫽ 0.88 the testers are considered representative of a larger population
Σ (x - x̄)2 738.8
intercept ⫽ a ⫽ ȳ - b x̄ ⫽ 55.6 ⫺ 0.88(53.8) ⫽ 8.26 of testers. In Model 3, each subject is tested by the same set
of testers, but the testers are the only testers of interest—the
The equation of the straight line best representing the rela- results are not intended to be generalized to other testers. The
tionship between the first and the second measurements in the first form of all three models is used when single measure-
example is y ⫽ 8.26 ⫹ 0.88x. Although the r value indicates ments (1) are compared, whereas the second form is used
high correlation, the two measurements are not identical when the means of multiple measurements (k) are compared.
given the linear equation. The different formulas for the ICC are identified by two num-
One concern in interpreting correlation coefficients is bers enclosed by parentheses. The first number indicates the
that the value of the correlation coefficient is markedly influ- model, and the second number indicates the form. For further
enced by the range of the measurements.3,93,96 The greater the discussion, examples, and formulas, the reader is urged to
biological variation between individuals for the measurement, refer to the referenced texts3 and articles.97–99
the more extreme the r value, so that r is closer to ⫺1 or ⫹1. In our example, a repeated measures analysis of variance
Another limitation is the fact that the Pearson product was conducted and the ICC (3,1) was calculated as 0.94. This
moment correlation coefficient can evaluate the relationship ICC model was used because each measurement was taken by
between only two variables or measurements at a time. the same tester, there was only an interest in applying the
Intraclass Correlation Coefficient results to this tester, and single measurements were compared
To avoid the need for calculating and interpreting both the rather than the means of several measurements. This ICC
correlation coefficient and a linear equation, some investiga- value indicates a high reliability between the three repeated
tors use the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to eval- measurements. However, this value is slightly lower than the
uate reliability. The ICC also allows the comparison of two or Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, perhaps due
more measurements at a time; one can think of it as an aver- to the variability added by the third measurement on each
age correlation among all possible pairs of measurements.96 subject.
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CHAPTER 3 Validity and Reliability 47

Like the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, standard deviation of the repeated measurements or the stan-
the ICC is also influenced by the range of measurements dard error of measurement are the appropriate statistical tests
between the subjects. As the group of subjects becomes more to use.105
homogeneous, the ability of the ICC to detect agreement is Let us return to the example and calculate the standard
reduced and the ICC can erroneously indicate poor reliabil- error of the measurement. The value for the ICC is 0.94. The
ity.3,97,100 Because correlation coefficients are sensitive to the value for SDx, the standard deviation indicating biological
range of the measurements and do not provide an index of variation among the 5 subjects, is 13.6.
reliability in the units of the measurement, some experts pre-
fer the use of the standard deviation of the repeated measure-
ments (intrasubject standard deviation) or the standard error
of measurement to assess reliability.4,100,101
Standard Error of Measurement Likewise, if we use the results of the repeated measures
The standard error of measurement is the final statistic that we analysis of variance to calculate the SEM, the SEM equals
review here to evaluate reliability. It has received support the square root of the mean square of the error ⫽ √10.9 ⫽
because of its practical interpretation in estimating measure- 3.3 degrees. In this example, about two-thirds of the time
ment error in the same units as the measurement. According the true measurement would be within 3.3 degrees of the
to DuBois,102 “The standard error of measurement is the observed measurement.
likely standard deviation of the error made in predicting true
scores when we have knowledge only of the obtained scores.” Exercises to Evaluate Reliability
The true scores (measurements) are forever unknown, but Exercises 6 and 7 have been included to help examiners
several formulas have been developed to estimate this statis- assess their reliability in obtaining goniometric measure-
tic. The standard error of measurement is symbolized as ments. Calculations of the standard deviation and coefficient
SEM, SEmeas, or Smeas. If the standard deviation indicating of variation are included in the belief that understanding is
biological variation is denoted SDx, a correlation coefficient reinforced by practical application. Exercise 6 examines
such as the intraclass correlation coefficient is denoted ICC, intratester reliability. Intratester reliability refers to the
and the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient is amount of agreement between repeated measurements of the
denoted r, the formulas for the SEM are as follows: same joint position or ROM by the same examiner (tester). An
SEM = SD x 1 − ICC intratester reliability study answers the question: How accu-
rately can an examiner reproduce his or her own measure-
ments? Exercise 7 examines intertester reliability. Intertester
reliability refers to the amount of agreement between repeated
measurements of the same joint position or ROM by different
SEM = SD x 1− r examiners (testers). An intertester reliability study answers
The SEM can also be determined from a repeated mea- the question: How accurately can one examiner reproduce
sures analysis of variance model. The SEM is equivalent to measurements taken by other examiners?
the square root of the mean square of the error.103,104 Because
the SEM is a special case of the standard deviation, 1 standard
error of measurement above and below the observed measure-
ment includes the true measurement 68 percent of the time.
Two standard errors of measurement above and below the
observed measurement include the true measurement 95 per-
cent of the time.
It is important to note that another statistic, the standard
error of the mean, is often confused with the standard error of
measurement. The standard error of the mean is symbolized
as SEM, SEM, SE x̄, or S x̄. 2,4,92,93 The use of the same or simi-
lar symbols to represent different statistics has added much
confusion to the reliability literature. These two statistics are
not equivalent, nor do they have the same interpretation. The
standard error of the mean is the standard deviation of a dis-
tribution of means taken from samples of a population.1,2,93 It
describes how much variation can be expected in the means
from future samples of the same size. Because we are inter-
ested in the variation of individual measurements when
evaluating reliability rather than the variation of means, the
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48 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

Exercise 6
Intratester Reliability
1. Select a subject and a universal goniometer.
2. Measure elbow flexion ROM on your subject three times, following the steps outlined in
Chapter 2, Exercise 5.
3. Record each measurement on the recording form (see opposite page) in the column labeled x.
A measurement is denoted by x.
4. Compare the measurements. If a discrepancy of more than 5 degrees exists between
measurements, recheck each step in the procedure to make sure that you are performing the steps
correctly, and then repeat this exercise.
5. Continue practicing until you have obtained three successive measurements that are within
5 degrees of each other.
6. To gain an understanding of several of the statistics used to evaluate intratester reliability,
calculate the standard deviation and coefficient of variation by completing the following steps.
a. Add the three measurements together to determine the sum of the measurements. ⌺ is the
symbol for summation. Record the sum at the bottom of the column labeled x.
b. To determine the mean, divide this sum by 3, which is the number of measurements. The
number of measurements is denoted by n. The mean is denoted by x̄. Space to calculate the
mean is provided on the recording form.
c. To continue the process of calculating the standard deviation, subtract the mean from each of
the three measurements and record the results in the column labeled x ⫺ x̄. Space to calculate
the standard deviation is provided on the recording form.
d. Square each of the numbers in the column labeled x ⫺ x̄, and record the results in the column
labeled (x ⫺ x̄)2.
e. Add the three numbers in column (x ⫺ x̄)2 to determine the sum of the squares. Record the
results at the bottom of the column labeled (x ⫺ x̄)2.
f. Divide this sum by 2, which is the number of measurements minus 1 (n ⫺ 1). Then find the
square root of this number.
g. To determine the coefficient of variation, divide the standard deviation by the mean. Multiply
this number by 100 percent. Space to calculate the coefficient of variation is provided on the
recording form.
7. Repeat this procedure with other joints and motions after you have learned the testing procedures.
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CHAPTER 3 Validity and Reliability 49


Follow the steps outlined in Exercise 6. Use this form to record your measurements and the result of
your calculations.
Subject’s Name ________________________________ Date _______________
Examiner’s Name ___________________________________________________
Joint and Motion ___________________________ Right or Left Side _________
Passive or Active Motion ___________ Type of Goniometer _________________

Measurement x x – x̄ (x – x̄ )2 x2
n⫽3 Σx ⫽ Σ(x ⫺ x̄ )2 ⫽ Σx2 ⫽

Mean of the three measurements ⫽ x̄ ⫽ n ⫽

Σ (x − x−)2
Standard deviation = ⫽

( Σx )2
Σx 2 −
or use SD = n
n −1

Coefficient of variation ⫽ (100)% ⫽

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50 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

Exercise 7
Intertester Reliability
1. Select a subject and a universal goniometer.
2. Measure elbow flexion ROM on your subject once, following the steps outlined in Chapter 2,
Exercise 5.
3. Ask two other examiners to measure the same elbow flexion ROM on your subject, using your
goniometer and following the steps outlined in Chapter 2, Exercise 5.
4. Record each measurement on the recording form (see opposite page) in the column labeled x. A
measurement is denoted by x.
5. Compare the measurements. If a discrepancy of more than 5 degrees exists between
measurements, repeat this exercise. The examiners should observe one another’s measurements to
discover differences in technique that might account for variability, such as faulty alignment, lack
of stabilization, or reading the wrong scale.
6. To gain an understanding of several of the statistics used to evaluate intertester reliability,
calculate the mean deviation, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation by completing the
following steps.
a. Add the three measurements together to determine the sum of the measurements. ⌺ is the
symbol for summation. Record the sum at the bottom of the column labeled x.
b. To determine the mean, divide this sum by 3, which is the number of measurements. The
number of measurements is denoted by n. The mean is denoted by x̄ . Space to calculate the
mean is provided on the recording form.
c. To continue the process of calculating the standard deviation, subtract the mean from each of
the three measurements, and record the results in the column labeled x ⫺ x̄. Space to calculate
the standard deviation is provided on the recording form.
d. Square each of the numbers in the column labeled x ⫺ x̄, and record the results in the column
labeled (x ⫺ x̄)2.
e. Add the three numbers in column (x ⫺ x)2 to determine the sum of the squares. Record the
results at the bottom of column (x ⫺ x̄)2.
f. Divide this sum by 2, which is the number of measurements minus 1 (n ⫺ 1). Then find the
square root of this number.
g. To determine the coefficient of variation, divide the standard deviation by the mean. Multiply
this number by 100 percent. Space to calculate the coefficient of variation is provided on the
recording form.
7. Repeat this exercise with other joints and motions after you have learned the testing procedures.
2066_Ch03_039-054.qxd 5/21/09 5:35 PM Page 51

CHAPTER 3 Validity and Reliability 51


Follow the steps outlined in Exercise 7. Use this form to record your measurements and the results of
your calculations.
Subject’s Name ______________________________ Date _______________
Examiner 1. Name ____________________________
Examiner 2. Name____________________________ Joint and Motion _____________
Examiner 3. Name ____________________________Right or Left Side ____________
Passive or Active Motion ______________Type of Goniometer ____________________

Measurement x x – x̄ (x – x̄ )2 x2
n⫽3 Σx ⫽ Σ(x ⫺ x̄ )2 ⫽ Σx2 ⫽

Mean of the three measurements ⫽ x̄ ⫽ ⫽

Σ (x − x−)2
Standard deviation =

( Σx )2
Σx 2 −
or use SD = n
n −1

Coefficient of variation ⫽ (100)% ⫽

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52 PART I Introduction to Goniometry

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64. Defibaugh, JJ: Measurement of head motion. Part II: An experimental 85. Miller, MH, et al: Measurement of spinal mobility in the sagittal plane:
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ON COMPLETION OF PART II, THE READER WILL BE • Adequate stabilization of the proximal joint
ABLE TO: component
• Correct determination of the end of the range of
1. Identify: motion
• Appropriate planes and axes for each upper- • Correct identification of the end-feel
extremity joint motion • Palpation of the appropriate bony landmarks
• Structures that limit the end of the range of • Accurate alignment of the goniometer and
motion correct reading and recording
• Expected normal end-feels
5. Plan goniometric measurements of the shoulder,
2. Describe: elbow, wrist, and hand that are organized by
• Testing positions used for each upper-extremity body position.
joint motion and muscle length test
6. Assess intratester and intertester reliability of
• Goniometer alignment
goniometric measurements of the upper-
• Capsular pattern of restricted motion
extremity joints using methods described in
• Range of motion necessary for selected functional
Chapter 3.
7. Perform tests of muscle length at the shoulder,
3. Explain:
elbow, wrist, and hand including:
• How age, gender, and other factors can affect the
• A clear explanation of the testing procedure
range of motion
• Proper positioning of the subject in the starting
• How sources of error in measurement can affect
testing results
• Adequate stabilization
4. Perform a goniometric measurement of any • Use of appropriate testing motion
upper-extremity joint including: • Correct identification of the end-feel
• Accurate alignment of the goniometer and
• A clear explanation of the testing procedure
correct reading and recording
• Proper positioning of the subject

The testing positions, stabilization techniques, end-feels, and goniometer alignment for the joints of the upper
extremities are presented in Chapters 4 through 7. The goniometric evaluation should follow the 12-step sequence
presented in Exercise 5 in Chapter 2.
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The Shoulder
Structure and Function rotation and flexion, the surface of the humeral head slides
posteriorly and rolls anteriorly.4,5 In lateral rotation and exten-
sion, the surface of the humeral head slides anteriorly and
Glenohumeral Joint rolls posteriorly on the glenoid fossa.4,5 Arthrokinematic
Anatomy motions during flexion and extension have also been
The glenohumeral joint is a synovial ball-and-socket joint. described as a spin.3
The ball is the convex head of the humerus, which faces
medially, superiorly, and posteriorly with respect to the shaft
of the humerus (Fig. 4.1).1,2 The socket is formed by the con- Coracoid process
Glenoid fossa
cave glenoid fossa of the scapula and faces laterally, superi- Acromion
orly, and anteriorly. The socket is shallow and smaller than
the humeral head but is deepened and enlarged by the fibro- Head of
cartilaginous glenoid labrum. The joint capsule is thin and lax,
blends with the glenoid labrum, and is reinforced by the tendons tubercle
of the rotator cuff muscles and by the glenohumeral (superior,
middle, inferior) and coracohumeral ligaments (Fig. 4.2). tubercle

The glenohumeral joint has 3 degrees of freedom. The
motions permitted at the joint are flexion–extension, abduction–
adduction, and medial–lateral rotation.1,2 In addition, horizon-
tal abduction and horizontal adduction are functional motions
performed at the level of the shoulder and are created by com-
bining abduction and extension, and adduction and flexion,
Glenohumeral Humerus
respectively. Full range of motion (ROM) of the shoulder joint
requires humeral, scapular, and clavicular motion at the
glenohumeral, sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and scapu-
lothoracic joints.
Motion at the glenohumeral joint occurs as a rolling and slid-
ing of the head of the humerus on the glenoid fossa. The
convex joint surface of the head of the humerus slides in the
opposite direction and rolls in the same direction as the
osteokinematic movements of the shaft of the humerus.2,3 The
sliding motions help to maintain contact between the head of
the humerus and the glenoid fossa of the scapular during the
rolling motions and reduce translational movement of the axis
of rotation in the humerus. During abduction the surface of
the humeral head slides inferiorly while rolling superiorly.2–5
The opposite motions occur during adduction. In medial FIGURE 4.1 An anterior view of the left glenohumeral joint.

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58 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Coracoid process protraction. The interclavicular ligament extends from one

clavicle to another and limits excessive inferior movement of
the clavicle.7
ligament Osteokinematics
Greater The SC joint has 3 degrees of freedom, and motion consists of
tubercle movement of the clavicle on the sternum. These motions are
Lesser described by the movement at the lateral end of the clavicle.
tubercle Clavicular motions include elevation–depression, protraction–
retraction, and anterior–posterior rotation.2,7
During clavicular elevation and depression, the convex por-
tion of the joint surface of the clavicle slides on the concave
manubrium in the opposite direction and rolls in the same
direction as movement of the lateral end of the clavicle.2–5 In
ligament protraction and retraction, the concave portion of the clavicu-
lar joint surface slides and rolls on the convex surface of the
manubrium in the same direction as the lateral end of the clav-
icle.2–5 In rotation, the clavicular joint surface spins on the
opposing joint surface. In summary, the clavicle slides inferi-
orly in elevation, superiorly in depression, anteriorly in pro-
traction, and posteriorly in retraction.

Acromioclavicular Joint
The acromioclavicular (AC) joint is a synovial joint linking
the scapula and the clavicle. The scapular joint surface is a


Sternoclavicular joint

FIGURE 4.2 An anterior view of the left glenohumeral joint

showing the coracohumeral and glenohumeral ligaments.

Capsular Pattern disc
1st rib

The greatest restriction of passive motion is in lateral rotation,

followed by some restriction in abduction and less restriction
in medial rotation.5,6
Sternoclavicular Joint sternum
1st costal cartilage

The sternoclavicular (SC) joint is a synovial joint linking the Interclavicular ligament

medial end of the clavicle with the sternum and the cartilage
of the first rib (Fig. 4.3A). The joint surfaces are saddle-
shaped.1,2 The clavicular joint surface is convex cephalocau-
dally and concave anteroposteriorly. The opposing joint
surface, located at the notch formed by the manubrium of the ligament
sternum and the first costal cartilage, is concave cephalocau-
dally and convex anteroposteriorly. An articular disc divides
the joint into two separate compartments.
The associated joint capsule is strong and reinforced by Anterior sternoclavicular
anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments (Fig. 4.3B). B ligament
These ligaments limit anterior–posterior movement of the
FIGURE 4.3 (A) An anterior view of the sternoclavicular joint
medial end of the clavicle. The costoclavicular ligament, showing the bone structures and articular disc. (B) An anterior
which extends from the inferior surface of the medial end of view of the SC joint showing the interclavicular, sternoclavicu-
the clavicle to the first rib, limits clavicular elevation and lar, and costoclavicular ligaments.
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 59

shallow concave facet located on the medial aspect of the Coracoclavicular ligament
acromion of the scapula (Fig. 4.4).4,5 The clavicular joint sur-
face is a slightly convex facet located on the lateral end of the Acromioclavicular ligament
clavicle. However, in some individuals the joint surfaces may
be flat or the reverse pattern of convex–concave shapes.1 The
joint contains a fibrocartilaginous disc and is surrounded by a
weak joint capsule. The superior and inferior acromioclavicu- ligament
lar ligaments reinforce the capsule (Fig. 4.5). The coracocla-
vicular ligament, which extends between the clavicle and the
scapular coracoid process, provides additional stability.
The AC joint has 3 degrees of freedom and permits movement
of the scapula on the clavicle in three planes.2 Numerous
terms have been used to describe these motions. Tilting (tip-
ping) is movement of the scapula in the sagittal plane around
a coronal axis. During anterior tilting the superior border of
the scapula and glenoid fossa move anteriorly, whereas the
inferior angle moves posteriorly. During posterior tilting
(tipping) the superior border of the scapula and glenoid
fossa move posteriorly, whereas the inferior angle moves FIGURE 4.5 An anterior view of the left acromioclavicular
anteriorly. joint showing the coracoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and
Upward and downward rotations of the scapula occur coracoacromial ligaments.
in the frontal plane around an anterior–posterior axis.
During upward rotation the glenoid fossa moves cranially,
whereas during downward rotation the glenoid fossa moves Protraction and retraction of the scapula occur in the
caudally. transverse plane around a vertical axis. During protraction
(also termed medial rotation, or winging) the glenoid fossa
moves medially and anteriorly, whereas the vertebral border
Clavicle of the scapula moves away from the spine. During retraction
(also termed lateral rotation) the glenoid fossa moves laterally
and posteriorly, whereas the vertebral border of the scapula
moves toward the spine. The terms abduction–adduction have
Acromioclavicular joint been used by various authors to indicate the motions of
upward rotation–downward rotation as well as protraction–
If the acromial facet is concave in shape, the acromial facet
will slide and roll on the lateral end of the clavicle in the same
direction as osteokinematic movement of the scapula.5

Scapulothoracic Joint
The scapulothoracic joint is considered to be a functional
rather than an anatomical joint. The joint surfaces are the
anterior surface of the scapula and the posterior surface of the
The motions that occur at the scapulothoracic joint are caused
by the independent or combined motions of the sternoclavic-
ular and acromioclavicular joints. These motions include
scapular elevation–depression, upward–downward rotation,
anterior–posterior tilting, protraction–retraction, and medial–
lateral rotation.1,2
FIGURE 4.4 A posterior–superior view of the left Arthrokinematics
acromioclavicular joint. Motion consists of a sliding of the scapula on the thorax.
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60 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

RANGE OF MOTION TESTING PROCEDURES: motion throughout the shoulder complex, making
isolation of glenohumeral motion difficult. Certain
Shoulder studies have begun establishing some normative
values (Table 4.2 in Research Findings) and assessing
Full ROM of the shoulder requires movement at the
the reliability of this glenohumeral measurement
glenohumeral, SC, AC, and scapulothoracic joints. To
make measurements more informative, we suggest
The second method measures full motion of the
using two methods of measuring the ROM of the
shoulder complex and is useful in evaluating the func-
shoulder. One method measures passive motion pri-
tional ROM of the shoulder. This more traditional
marily at the glenohumeral joint. The other method
method of assessing shoulder motion incorporates
measures passive ROM at all the joints included in the
the stabilization of the thoracic spine and rib cage.
shoulder complex.
Tissue resistance to further motion is typically due to
We have found the method that measures primar-
the stretch of structures connecting the clavicle to the
ily glenohumeral motion is helpful in identifying
sternum, and the scapula to the ribs and spine. ROM
glenohumeral joint problems within the shoulder com-
values for shoulder complex motion are presented in
plex. The ability to differentiate and quantify ROM at
Tables 4.1, 4.3, and 4.4 in Research Findings. Both
the glenohumeral joint from other joints in the shoul-
methods of measuring the ROM of the shoulder are
der complex is important in diagnosing and treating
presented in the following discussions of stabilization
many shoulder conditions. This method of measuring
techniques and end-feels. However, the alignment of
glenohumeral motion requires the use of passive
the goniometer is the same for measuring gleno-
motion and careful stabilization of the scapula. Active
humeral and shoulder complex motions.
motion is avoided because it results in synchronous

Landmarks for Testing Procedure

Coracoid process







FIGURE 4.6 An anterior view of the humerus, clavicle, ster- FIGURE 4.7 An anterior view of the humerus, clavicle, ster-
num, and scapula showing surface anatomy landmarks for num, and scapula showing bony anatomical landmarks for
aligning the goniometer. aligning the goniometer.
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 61

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

Landmarks for Testing Procedure (continued)

FIGURE 4.8 A lateral view of the upper arm showing surface anatomy landmarks for
aligning the goniometer.

Lateral tubercle
epicondyle of humerus

FIGURE 4.9 A lateral view of the upper arm showing bony anatomical landmarks for
aligning the goniometer.
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62 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FLEXION Shoulder Complex Flexion

Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a Stabilize the thorax to prevent extension of the spine
medial–lateral axis. Normal shoulder complex flexion and movement of the ribs. The weight of the trunk
ROM for adults is 180 degrees according to the may assist stabilization.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
(AAOS),8,9 180 degrees according to the American Testing Motion
Medical Association (AMA),10 and 165 degrees Flex the shoulder by lifting the humerus off the exam-
according to Boone and Azen.11 Normal glenohumeral ining table, bringing the hand up over the subject’s
flexion ROM for adults is 106 degrees according to head. Maintain the extremity in neutral abduction and
Lannan, Lehman, and Toland12 and 97 degrees accord- adduction during the motion. Slight rotation is al-
ing to Rundquist and coworkers13 for a small sample lowed to occur as needed to attain maximal flexion.
of older subjects. See Tables 4.1 to 4.4 in Research
Findings for additional normal ROM values by age Glenohumeral Flexion
and gender. The end of glenohumeral flexion ROM occurs when
resistance to further motion is felt and attempts to
Testing Position overcome the resistance cause upward rotation, pos-
Place the subject supine, with the knees flexed to flat- terior tilting, or elevation of the scapula (Fig. 4.10).
ten the lumbar spine. Position the shoulder in 0 de-
grees of abduction, adduction, and rotation. Place the Shoulder Complex Flexion
elbow in extension so that tension in the long head of The end of shoulder complex flexion ROM occurs
the triceps muscle does not limit the motion. Position when resistance to further motion is felt and attempts
the forearm in 0 degrees of supination and pronation to overcome the resistance cause extension of the
so that the palm of the hand faces the body. spine or motion of the ribs (Fig. 4.11).

Glenohumeral Flexion
Stabilize the scapula to prevent posterior tilting,
upward rotation, and elevation of the scapula.
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 63

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FIGURE 4.10 The end of glenohumeral flexion ROM. The examiner stabilizes the lateral border of the
scapula with her hand. The examiner is able to determine that the end of the ROM has been reached
because any attempt to move the extremity into additional flexion causes the lateral border of the
scapula to move anteriorly and laterally.

FIGURE 4.11 The end of shoulder complex flexion ROM. The examiner stabilizes the subject’s trunk
and ribs with her hand. The examiner is able to determine that the end of the ROM has been
reached because any attempt to move the extremity into additional flexion causes extension of the
spine and movement of the ribs.
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64 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

Normal End-Feel Goniometer Alignment

Glenohumeral Flexion This goniometer alignment is used for measuring
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the posterior glenohumeral and shoulder complex flexion
band of the coracohumeral ligament; the posterior (Figs. 4.12 through 4.14).
joint capsule; and the posterior deltoid, teres minor, 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
teres major, and infraspinatus muscles. aspect of the greater tubercle.
2. Align proximal arm parallel to the midaxillary line
Shoulder Complex Flexion of the thorax.
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the costo- 3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
clavicular ligament and SC capsule and ligaments, and humerus. Depending on how much flexion and rota-
the latissimus dorsi, sternocostal fibers of the tion occur, the lateral epicondyle of the humerus or
pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, and rhomboid the olecranon process of the ulnar may be helpful
major and minor muscles. references.

FIGURE 4.12 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of glenohumeral and shoulder complex
flexion ROM.
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 65

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FIGURE 4.13 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of glenohumeral flexion ROM. The exam-
iner’s hand supports the subject’s extremity and maintains the goniometer’s distal arm in correct align-
ment over the lateral epicondyle. The examiner’s other hand releases its stabilization and aligns the
goniometer’s proximal arm with the lateral midline of the thorax.

FIGURE 4.14 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of shoulder complex flexion ROM. More
motion is noted during shoulder complex flexion than in glenohumeral flexion.
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66 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

EXTENSION and anterior tilting (inferior angle moves posteriorly)

Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a of the scapula.
medial–lateral axis. Normal shoulder complex exten-
sion ROM for adults is 50 degrees according to the Shoulder Complex Extension
AMA,10 57 degrees according to Boone and Azen,11 The examining table and the weight of the trunk sta-
and 60 degrees according to the AAOS.8 Normal bilize the thorax to prevent forward flexion of the
glenohumeral extension ROM for adults is 20 degrees spine. The examiner can also stabilize the trunk to
as cited by Lannan, Lehman, and Toland.12 See prevent rotation of the spine.
Tables 4.1 to 4.4 in Research Findings for additional
normal ROM values by age and gender. Testing Motion
Extend the shoulder by lifting the humerus off the
Testing Position examining table. Maintain the extremity in neutral
Position the subject prone, with the face turned away abduction and adduction during the motion.
from the shoulder being tested. A pillow is not used
under the head. Place the shoulder in 0 degrees of Glenohumeral Extension
abduction, adduction, and rotation. Position the The end of ROM occurs when resistance to further
elbow in slight flexion so that tension in the long motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
head of the biceps brachii muscle will not restrict the tance cause anterior tilting or elevation of the scapula
motion. Place the forearm in 0 degrees of supination (Fig. 4.15).
and pronation so that the palm of the hand faces
the body. Shoulder Complex Extension
The end of ROM occurs when resistance to further
Stabilization motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resistance
Glenohumeral Extension cause forward flexion or rotation of the spine (Fig. 4.16).
Stabilize the scapula at the inferior angle or at the
acromion and coracoid processes to prevent elevation
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 67

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FIGURE 4.15 The end of glenohumeral extension ROM. The examiner is stabilizing the inferior
angle of the scapula with her hand. The examiner is able to determine that the end of the ROM in
extension has been reached because any attempt to move the humerus into additional extension
causes the scapula to tilt anteriorly and to elevate, causing the inferior angle of the scapula to
move posteriorly. Alternatively, the examiner may stabilize the acromion and coracoid processes
of the scapula.

FIGURE 4.16 The end shoulder complex extension ROM. The examiner stabilizes the subject’s
trunk and ribs with her hand. The examiner is able to determine that the end of the ROM has
been reached because any attempt to move the extremity into additional extension causes
flexion and rotation of the spine.
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68 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

Normal End-Feel Goniometer Alignment

Glenohumeral Extension This goniometer alignment is used for measuring
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the anterior glenohumeral and shoulder complex extension
band of the coracohumeral ligament; anterior joint (Figs. 4.17 to 4.19).
capsule; and clavicular fibers of the pectoralis major, 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
coracobrachialis, and anterior deltoid muscles. aspect of the greater tubercle.
2. Align proximal arm parallel to the midaxillary line
Shoulder Complex Extension of the thorax.
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the SC 3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
capsule and ligaments and in the serratus anterior humerus, using the lateral epicondyle of the
muscle. humerus for reference.

FIGURE 4.17 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of glenohumeral and shoulder
complex extension ROM.
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 69

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FIGURE 4.18 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of glenohumeral extension ROM. The
examiner’s left hand supports the subject’s extremity and holds the distal arm of the goniometer in
correct alignment over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

FIGURE 4.19 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of shoulder complex extension ROM. The
examiner’s hand that formerly stabilized the subject’s trunk now positions the goniometer.
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70 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

ABDUCTION Shoulder Complex Abduction

Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an Stabilize the thorax to prevent lateral flexion of
anterior–posterior axis. Normal shoulder complex the spine. The weight of the trunk may assist
abduction ROM for adults is 180 degrees according stabilization.
to the AAOS8 and AMA10 and 183 degrees according
to Boone and Azen.11 Normal glenohumeral abduc- Testing Motion
tion ROM for adults is 129 degrees as noted by Abduct the shoulder by moving the humerus laterally
Lannan, Lehman, and Toland,12 100 degrees according away from the subject’s trunk. Maintain the upper
to Rundquist and coworkers13 for a small sample of extremity in lateral rotation and neutral flexion and
older subjects, and ranging from 90 to 120 degrees in extension during the motion.
Levangie and Norkin.2 See Tables 4.1 to 4.4 in
Research Findings for additional normal ROM values Glenohumeral Abduction
by age and gender. The end of ROM occurs when resistance to further
motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
Testing Position tance cause upward rotation or elevation of the
Position the subject supine, with the shoulder in lat- scapula (Fig. 4.20).
eral rotation and 0 degrees of flexion and extension
so that the palm of the hand faces anteriorly. If the Shoulder Complex Abduction
humerus is not laterally rotated, contact between the The end of ROM occurs when resistance to further
greater tubercle of the humerus and the upper por- motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
tion of the glenoid fossa or the acromion process will tance cause lateral flexion of the spine (Fig. 4.21).
restrict the motion. The elbow should be extended so
that tension in the long head of the triceps does not
restrict the motion.

Glenohumeral Abduction
Stabilize the scapula to prevent upward rotation and
elevation of the scapula.
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 71

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FIGURE 4.20 The end of
the ROM of glenohumeral
abduction. The examiner
stabilizes the lateral border
of the scapula with her
hand to detect upward
rotation of the scapula.
Alternatively, the examiner
may stabilize the acromion
and coracoid processes of
the scapula to detect
elevation of the scapula.

FIGURE 4.21 The end of the ROM of shoulder complex

abduction. The examiner stabilizes the subject’s trunk and
ribs with her hand to detect lateral flexion of the spine and
movement of the ribs.
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72 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

Normal End-Feel Goniometer Alignment

Glenohumeral Abduction This goniometer alignment is used for measuring
The end-feel is usually firm because of tension glenohumeral and shoulder complex abduction
in the middle and inferior bands of the gleno- (Figs. 4.22 to 4.24).
humeral ligament, inferior joint capsule, and the 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer close to the
teres major and clavicular fibers of the pectoralis anterior aspect of the acromial process.
major muscles. 2. Align proximal arm so that it is parallel to the mid-
line of the anterior aspect of the sternum.
Shoulder Complex Abduction 3. Align distal arm with the anterior midline of the
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the costocla- humerus. Depending on the amount of abduction
vicular ligament; sternoclavicular capsule and ligaments; and lateral rotation that has occurred, the medial
and latissimus dorsi, sternocostal fibers of the pectoralis epicondyle may be a helpful reference.
major, and major and minor rhomboid muscles.

FIGURE 4.22 The align-

ment of the goniometer at
the beginning of gleno-
humeral and shoulder
complex abduction ROM.
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 73

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FIGURE 4.23 The alignment
of the goniometer at the end
of glenohumeral abduction
ROM. The examining table
or the examiner’s hand can
support the subject’s
extremity and align the
goniometer’s distal arm with
the anterior midline of the
humerus. The examiner’s
other hand has released its
stabilization of the scapula
and is holding the proximal
arm of the goniometer
parallel to the sternum.

FIGURE 4.24 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of

shoulder complex abduction ROM. The humerus has laterally
rotated, and the medial epicondyle is now a helpful
anatomical landmark for aligning the distal arm of the
goniometer. Note that the placement of the stationary and
moving arms of the goniometer with the proximal and distal
joint segments have switched from that in Fig. 4.23, but both
placements will give an accurate measurement of the angle
at the end of motion.
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74 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

ADDUCTION Stabilization
Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior- Glenohumeral Medial Rotation
posterior axis. Adduction is not usually measured and In the beginning of the ROM, stabilization is often
recorded because it is the return to the zero starting needed at the distal end of the humerus to keep the
position from full abduction. shoulder in 90 degrees of abduction. Toward the end
of the ROM, the clavicle and corocoid and acromion
processes of the scapula are stabilized to prevent
MEDIAL (INTERNAL) ROTATION anterior tilting and protraction of the scapula.
When the subject is in anatomical position, the
motion occurs in the transverse plane around a verti-
cal axis. When the subject is in the testing position,
Shoulder Complex Medial Rotation
Stabilization is often needed at the distal end of the
the motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a
humerus to keep the shoulder in 90 degrees of abduc-
medial-lateral (coronal) axis. Normal shoulder complex
tion. The thorax may be stabilized by the weight of the
medial rotation for adults is 67 degrees according to
subject’s trunk or with the examiner’s hand to prevent
Boone and Azen,11 70 degrees according to the
flexion or rotation of the spine.
AAOS,8 and 90 degrees according to the AMA.10
Normal glenohumeral medial rotation for adults is 49
degrees according to Lannan, Lehman, and Toland,12
Testing Motion
Medially rotate the shoulder by moving the forearm an-
and for older childern it is 54 degrees according to
teriorly, bringing the palm of the hand toward the floor.
Ellenbecker14 and 63 degrees according to Boon and
Maintain the shoulder in 90 degrees of abduction and
Smith.15 See Tables 4.1 to 4.4 in Research Findings for
the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion during the motion.
additional normal ROM values by age and gender.

Testing Position Glenohumeral Medial Rotation

Position the subject supine, with the arm being tested The end of ROM occurs when resistance to further
in 90 degrees of shoulder abduction. Place the fore- motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
arm perpendicular to the supporting surface and in tance cause an anterior tilt or protraction of the
0 degrees of supination and pronation so that the scapula (Fig. 4.25).
palm of the hand faces the feet. Rest the full length of
the humerus on the examining table. The elbow is not Shoulder Complex Medial Rotation
supported by the examining table. Place a pad under The end of ROM occurs when resistance to further
the humerus so that the humerus is level with the motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
acromion process. tance cause flexion or rotation of the spine (Fig. 4.26).
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 75

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FIGURE 4.25 The end of glenohumeral medial (internal) rotation ROM. The examiner stabilizes the
acromion and coracoid processes of the scapula. The examiner is able to determine that the end of the
ROM has been reached because any attempt to move the extremity into additional medial rotation
causes the scapula to tilt anteriorly or protract. The examiner should also maintain the shoulder in
90 degrees of abduction and the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion during the motion.

FIGURE 4.26 The end of shoulder complex medial (internal) rotation ROM. The examiner stabilizes
the distal end of the humerus to maintain the shoulder in 90 degrees of abduction and the elbow in
90 degrees of flexion during the motion. Resistance is noted at the end of medial rotation of the
shoulder complex because attempts to move the extremity into further motion cause the spine to
flex or rotate. The clavicle and scapula are allowed to move as they participate in shoulder complex
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76 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

Normal End-Feel Goniometer Alignment

Glenohumeral Medial Rotation This goniometer alignment is used for measuring
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the poste- glenohumeral and shoulder complex medial rotation
rior joint capsule and the infraspinatus and teres (Figs. 4.27 to 4.29).
minor muscles. 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the olecra-
non process.
Shoulder Complex Medial Rotation 2. Align proximal arm so that it is either perpendicu-
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the sterno- lar to or parallel with the floor.
clavicular capsule and ligaments, the costoclavicular 3. Align distal arm with the ulna, using the olecranon
ligament, and the major and minor rhomboid and process and ulnar styloid for reference.
trapezius muscles.

FIGURE 4.27 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of medial rotation ROM of the gleno-
humeral and shoulder complex.
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 77

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FIGURE 4.28 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of medial rotation ROM of the glenohumeral
joint. The examiner uses one hand to support the subject’s forearm and the distal arm of the goniome-
ter. The examiner’s other hand holds the body and the proximal arm of the goniometer.

FIGURE 4.29 The alignment of the goniometer at the end medial rotation ROM of the shoulder
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78 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

LATERAL (EXTERNAL) ROTATION shoulder in 90 degrees of abduction. Toward the end

When the subject is in anatomical position, the of the ROM, the spine of the scapula is stabilized to
motion occurs in the transverse plane around a prevent posterior tilting and retraction.
vertical axis. When the subject is in the testing posi-
tion, the motion occurs in the sagittal plane around Shoulder Complex Lateral Rotation
a medial-lateral (coronal) axis. Normal shoulder Stabilization is often needed at the distal end of the
complex lateral rotation for adults is 90 degrees humerus to keep the shoulder in 90 degrees of
according to the AAOS8 and AMA10 and 100 degrees abduction. To prevent extension or rotation of the
according to Boone and Azen.11 Normal gleno- spine, the thorax may be stabilized by the weight of
humeral medial rotation for adults is 94 degrees the subject’s trunk or by the examiner’s hand.
according to Lannan, Lehman, and Toland,12 and
for older children it is 104 degrees according to Testing Motion
Ellenbecker14 and 108 degrees according to Boon Rotate the shoulder laterally by moving the forearm
and Smith.15 See Tables 4.1 to 4.4 in Research posteriorly, bringing the dorsal surface of the palm of
Findings for additional normal ROM values by age the hand toward the floor. Maintain the shoulder in
and gender. 90 degrees of abduction and the elbow in 90 degrees
of flexion during the motion.
Testing Position
Position the subject supine, with the arm being tested Glenohumeral Lateral Rotation
in 90 degrees of shoulder abduction. Place the fore- The end of ROM occurs when resistance to further
arm perpendicular to the supporting surface and in motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
0 degrees of supination and pronation so that the tance cause a posterior tilt or retraction of the scapula
palm of the hand faces the feet. Rest the full length of (Fig. 4.30).
the humerus on the examining table. The elbow is not
supported by the examining table. Place a pad under Shoulder Complex Lateral Rotation
the humerus so that the humerus is level with the The end of ROM occurs when resistance to further
acromion process. motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resistance
cause extension or rotation of the spine (Fig. 4.31).
Glenohumeral Lateral Rotation
At the beginning of the ROM, stabilization is often
needed at the distal end of the humerus to keep the
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 79

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FIGURE 4.30 The end of lateral rotation ROM of the glenohumeral joint. The examiner’s hand stabi-
lizes the spine of the scapula. The end of the ROM is reached when additional motion causes the
scapula to posteriorly tilt or retract and push against the examiner’s hand.

FIGURE 4.31 The end of lateral rotation ROM of the shoulder complex. The examiner stabilizes the
distal humerus to prevent shoulder abduction beyond 90 degrees. The elbow is maintained in
90 degrees of flexion during the motion.
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80 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

Normal End-Feel Goniometer Alignment

Glenohumeral Lateral Rotation This goniometer alignment is used for measuring
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the anterior glenohumeral and shoulder complex lateral rotation
joint capsule; the three bands of the glenohumeral (Figs. 4.32 to 4.34).
ligament; the coracohumeral ligament; and the sub- 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the olecra-
scapularis, the teres major, and the clavicular fibers of non process.
the pectoralis major muscles. 2. Align proximal arm so that it is either parallel to or
perpendicular to the floor.
Shoulder Complex Lateral Rotation 3. Align distal arm with the ulna, using the olecranon
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the SC process and ulnar styloid for reference.
capsule and ligaments and in the latissimus dorsi,
sternocostal fibers of the pectoralis major, pectoralis
minor, and serratus anterior muscles.

FIGURE 4.32 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of lateral rotation ROM of the
glenohumeral joint and shoulder complex.
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 81

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THE SHOULDER

FIGURE 4.33 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of lateral rotation ROM of the glenohumeral
joint. The examiner’s hand supports the subject’s forearm and the distal arm of the goniometer. The
examiner’s other hand holds the body and proximal arm of the goniometer. The placement of the
examiner’s hands would be reversed if the subject’s right shoulder were being tested.

FIGURE 4.34 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of lateral rotation ROM of the shoulder
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82 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Research Findings More studies are needed to establish normative values for
glenohumeral ROM, especially in older adults.

Effects of Age, Gender, Age

A review of shoulder complex ROM values presented in
and Other Factors Table 4.3 shows very slight differences among children from
Table 4.1 shows normal values of shoulder complex ROM for birth through adolescence. Values from the study by
adults from four sources.8,10,11,16 In general, these values range Wanatabe and coworkers21 were derived from measurements
from 155 to 180 degrees for shoulder complex flexion, 50 to of passive ROM of Japanese males and females. The mean
60 degrees for extension, 165 to 180 degrees for abduction, values listed from Boone22 were derived from measurements
50 to 90 degrees for medial rotation, and 85 to 100 degrees for of active ROM taken with a universal goniometer on Cau-
lateral rotation. The data on age, gender, and number of sub- casian males. Although the values obtained from Wanatabe
jects that were measured to obtain the values reported for the and coworkers21 for infants are greater than those obtained
AAOS8 and AMA10 were not reported. Information on the from Boone22 for children between the ages of 1 and 19 years,
subjects in the studies by Boone and Azen11 and Greene and it is difficult to compare values across studies. Within one
Wolf 16 are noted in Table 4.1; both studies measured active study, Boone22 and Boone and Azen11 found that shoulder
ROM using a universal goniometer. Unless otherwise noted in ROM varied little in boys between 1 and 19 years of age.
this section, Research Findings, the reader should assume that There is some indication that children have greater values
shoulder ROM refers to shoulder complex ROM. than adults for certain shoulder complex motions. Wanatabe
Few studies have specifically measured glenohumeral and coworkers21 found that the ROM in shoulder extension
ROM using clinical tools such as a universal goniometer. In and lateral rotation was greater in Japanese infants than the
general, the overall ratio of glenohumeral to scapulothoracic average values typically reported for adults. Boone and
motion during flexion and abduction is given as 2:1.2,17–19 Azen11 found significantly greater active ROM in all shoulder
Therefore, about two-thirds of shoulder complex motion is motions except for abduction in male children between 1 and
attributed to the glenohumeral joint and one-third to the com- 19 years of age compared with male adults between 20 and
bined SC and AC joints. Table 4.2 shows normal values of 54 years of age.
glenohumeral ROM obtained from three sources.12,14,15 These Table 4.4 summarizes the effects of age on shoulder com-
three studies used manual stabilization of the scapula and uni- plex ROM in adults. There appears to be a trend for older adults
versal goniometers to obtain glenohumeral measurements. In (between 60 and 93 years of age) to have lower values than
another study of 56 healthy male and female athletes ages younger adults (between 20 and 39 years of age) for the motions
13 to 18 years, Awan, Smith, and Boon20 found mean medial of extension, lateral rotation, and abduction. It is interesting to
rotation for the glenohumeral joint to be between 63.2 and note that the standard deviations for the older groups are much
70.2 degrees with the scapula manually stabilized and larger than the values reported for the younger groups. The
between 60.6 and 70.7 degrees using visualized movement of larger standard deviations appear to indicate that ROM is more
the scapula to determine end range. Rundquist and cowork- variable in the older groups than in the younger groups. How-
ers13 also provide some glenohumeral ROM data measured ever, the fact that the measurements of the two oldest groups
with electromagnetic tracking sensors on the humerus and were obtained by different investigators should be considered
scapula in 10 asymptomatic subjects (mean age = 51 years). when drawing conclusions from this information.

TABLE 4.1 Shoulder Complex Motion: Normal Values for Adults in Degrees From Selected Sources

AAOS8 AMA10 Boone and Azen11 Greene and Wolf16

20–54 yrs 18–55 yrs
n = 56 n = 20
Males Males and Females
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 180 180 165.0 (5.0) 155.8 (1.4)
Extension 60 50 57.3 (8.1) — —
Abduction 180 180 182.7 (9.0) 167.6 (1.8)
Medial rotation 70 90 67.1 (4.1) 48.7 (2.8)
Lateral rotation 90 90 99.6 (7.6) 83.6 (3.0)
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 83

TABLE 4.2 Glenohumeral Motion: Normal Values in Degrees From Selected Sources

Lannan et al12 Boon & Smith15 Ellenbecker et al14 Ellenbecker et al14

21–40 yrs 12-18 yrs 11–17 yrs 11–17 yrs
n = 60 n = 50 n = 113 n = 90
Males and Females Males and Females Males Females
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 106.2 (10.2) — — — — — —
Extension 20.1 (5.8) — — — — — —
Abduction 128.9 (9.1) — — — — — —
Medial rotation 49.2 (9.0) 62.8 (12.7) 50.9 (12.6) 56.3 (10.3)
Lateral rotation 94.2 (12.2) 108.1 (14.1) 102.8 (10.9) 104.6 (10.3)

TABLE 4.3 Effects of Age on Shoulder Complex Motions for Newborns Through Adolescents:
Normal Values in Degrees
Wanatabe et al21 Boone22
0–2 yrs 1–5 yrs 6–12 yrs 13–19 yrs
n = 45 n = 19 n = 17 n = 17
Males and Females Males Males Males
Motion Range of Means Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 172–180 168.8 (3.7) 169.0 (3.5) 167.4 (3.9)
Extension 79–89 68.9 (6.6) 69.6 (7.0) 64.0 (9.3)
Medial rotation 72–90 71.2 (3.6) 70.0 (4.7) 70.3 (5.3)
Lateral rotation 118–134 110.0 (10.0) 107.4 (3.6) 106.3 (6.1)
Abduction 177–187 186.3 (2.6) 184.7 (3.8) 185.1 (4.3)

TABLE 4.4 Effects of Age on Shoulder Complex Motion in Adults 20 to 93 Years of Age:
Normal Values in Degrees
Boone22 Walker et al23 Downey et al24
61–93 yrs
20–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–54 yrs 60–85 yrs n = 140
n = 19 n = 18 n = 19 n = 30 Female and
Males Males Males Males 60 Male Shoulders

Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 164.5 (5.9) 165.4 (3.8) 165.1 (5.2) 160.0 (11.0) 165.0 (10.7)
Extension 58.3 (8.3) 57.5 (8.5) 56.1 (7.9) 38.0 (11.0) — —
Medial rotation 65.9 (4.0) 67.1 (4.2) 68.3 (3.8) 59.0 (16.0) 65.0 (11.7)
Lateral rotation 100.0 (7.2) 101.5 (6.9) 97.5 (8.5) 76.0 (13.0) 80.6 (11.0)
Abduction 182.6 (9.8) 182.8 (7.7) 182.6 (9.8) 155.0 (22.0) 157.9 (17.4)
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84 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

In addition to the evidence for age-related changes pre- Testing Position

sented in Tables 4.3 and 4.4, West25 Clarke and coworkers,26 A subject’s posture and testing position have been shown to
and Allander and associates27 have also identified age-related affect certain shoulder complex motions. Kebaetse, McClure,
trends. West25 found that older subjects had between 15 and and Pratt,29 in a study of 34 healthy adults, measured active
20 degrees less shoulder complex flexion ROM and shoulder abduction and scapula ROM while subjects were
10 degrees less extension ROM than younger subjects. Sub- sitting in both erect and slouched trunk postures. There was
jects ranged in age from the first decade to the eighth decade. significantly less active shoulder abduction ROM in the
Clarke and coworkers26 found significant decreases with age slouched than in the erect postures (mean difference ⫽
in passive glenohumeral lateral rotation, total rotation, and 23.6 degrees). The slouched posture also resulted in more
abduction in a study that included 60 normal males and fe- scapula elevation during 0 to 90 degrees of abduction and less
males ranging in age from 21 to 80 years. Mean reduction in scapula posterior tilting in the interval between 90-degree and
these three glenohumeral ROMs in those aged 71 to 80 years, maximal abduction.
compared with those aged 21 to 30 years, ranged from 7 to Sabari and associates30 studied 30 adult subjects and noted
29 degrees. Allander and associates,27 in a study of greater amounts of active and passive shoulder abduction mea-
517 females and 203 males aged 33 to 70 years, also found sured in the supine than in the sitting position. The mean differ-
that passive shoulder complex rotation ROM significantly ences in abduction ranged from 3.0 to 7.1 degrees. On visual
decreased with increasing age. inspection of the data there were also greater amounts of shoul-
Gender der flexion in the supine versus the sitting position; however,
Several studies have noted that females have greater shoulder these differences did not attain significance.
complex ROM than males. Walker and coworkers,23 in a study Body Mass Index
of 30 men and 30 women between 60 and 84 years of age, found Escalante, Lichenstein, and Hazuda28 studied shoulder com-
that women had statistically significant greater ROM than their plex flexion ROM in 695 community-dwelling subjects, aged
male counterparts in all shoulder motions studied except for 65 to 74 years, who participated in the San Antonio Longitu-
medial rotation. The mean differences for women were dinal Study of Aging. They found no relationship between
20 degrees greater than those of males for shoulder abduction, shoulder flexion and body mass index.
11 degrees greater for shoulder extension, and 9 degrees greater
for shoulder flexion and lateral rotation. Allander and associ- Sports
ates,27 in a study of passive shoulder rotation in 208 Swedish Several studies of professional and collegiate baseball players
women and 203 men aged 45 to 70 years, likewise found that have found a significant increase in lateral rotation ROM and
women had a greater ROM in total shoulder rotation than men. a decrease in medial rotation ROM of the shoulder complex
Escalante, Lichenstein, and Hazuda28 studied shoulder flexion in in the dominant shoulder compared with the nondominant
687 community-dwelling adults aged 65 to 74 years and found shoulder. These differences have been found in position play-
that women had 3 degrees more flexion than men. ers as well as in pitchers. Bigliani and coworkers31 studied
Gender differences have also been noted in glenohumeral 148 professional baseball players (72 pitchers and 76 position
ROM. Clarke and associates,26 in a study that included players) with no history of shoulder problems. Mean lateral
60 males and 60 females, found that females had greater rotation ROM measured with the shoulder in 90 degrees of
glenohumeral ROM for shoulder abduction as well as lateral abduction was 113.5 degrees in the dominant arm and
and total rotation. Six age groups with subjects between 99.9 degrees in the nondominant arm. Mean medial rotation
20 and 40 years of age were included in the study. These gen- ROM, recorded as the highest vertebral level reached behind
der differences were present in all age groups. Males had, on the back and converted to a numerical value, was significantly
average, 92 percent of the ROM of their female counterparts, less in the dominant arm. There were no significant differ-
the difference being most marked in abduction. Lannan, ences between the dominant and the nondominant arms in
Lehman, and Toland,12 in a study of 40 women and 20 men shoulder flexion and shoulder lateral rotation measured with
aged 21 to 40 years, found that women had statistically signif- the arm at the side of the body. A study by Baltaci, Johnson,
icant greater amounts of glenohumeral flexion, extension, and Kohl32 of 15 collegiate pitchers and 23 position players
abduction, and medial and lateral rotation than men. The had similar findings. Pitchers had an average of 14 degrees
mean differences typically varied between 3 and 8 degrees. more lateral rotation and 11 degrees less medial rotation in the
Boon and Smith,15 in a study of 32 females and 18 males aged dominant versus nondominant shoulders. Position players had
12 to 18 years, reported that females had significantly more an average of 8 degrees more lateral rotation and 10 degrees
lateral and total rotation than males. The mean difference in less medial rotation in the dominant shoulder. All measure-
lateral and total rotation was 4.5 and 9.1 degrees, respectively. ments of rotation were taken with the shoulder in 90 degrees
Ellenbecker and colleagues14 studied 113 male and 90 female of abduction.
elite tennis players aged 11 to 17 years (see Table 4.2). Their Decreases in shoulder medial rotation ROM have also
data seem to indicate that the females had greater ROM than been noted in the dominant (playing) compared with the non-
males for glenohumeral medial and lateral rotation, although dominant (nonplaying) arms of tennis players. Chinn, Priest,
no statistical tests focused on the effect of gender on ROM. and Kent,33 in a study of 83 national and international men
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 85

and women tennis players aged 14 to 50 years, found a signif- aged-matched male nonlifters were included in the study. The
icant decrease in active medial rotation ROM of the shoulder authors suggest that athletic training programs that emphasize
complex in the playing versus the nonplaying arm (mean dif- muscle-strengthening exercise without stretching exercise
ference = 6.8 degrees in males, 11.9 degrees in females). Men may cause progressive loss of ROM.
also had a significant increase in lateral rotation ROM in the
playing compared with the nonplaying arm. A study by Kibler
and colleagues34 of 39 members of the U. S. Tennis Associa-
Functional Range of Motion
tion National Tennis Team and touring professional program, Numerous activities of daily living (ADL) require adequate
found a decrease in passive glenohumeral medial rotation shoulder ROM. Tiffitt,36 in a study of 25 patients, found a sig-
ROM, an increase in glenohumeral lateral rotation ROM, and nificant correlation between the amount of specific shoulder
a decrease in total rotation ROM in the playing versus the complex motions and the ability to perform activities such as
nonplaying arm. The differences in medial rotation ROM combing the hair, putting on a coat, washing the back, wash-
increased with age and years of tournament play. A study by ing the contralateral axilla, using the toilet, reaching a high
Ellenbecker and associates14 of 203 junior elite tennis players shelf, lifting above the shoulder level, pulling, and sleeping on
aged 11 to 17 years reported a significant decrease in active the affected side. Flexion and adduction ROM correlated best
medial rotation ROM and total rotation ROM of the gleno- with the ability to comb the hair, whereas medial and lateral
humeral joint in the playing versus the nonplaying arm. The rotation ROM correlated best with the ability to wash the back.
average differences in medial rotation ROM were 11 degrees Several studies37–39 have examined the ROM that occurs
in the 113 males and 8 degrees in the 90 females. There were during certain functional tasks (Table 4.5). A large amount of
no significant differences in glenohumeral lateral rotation abduction (112 degrees) and lateral rotation is required to
ROM between playing and nonplaying arms. reach behind the head for activities such as grooming the hair
Power lifters were found to have decreased ROM in (Fig 4.35), positioning a necktie, and fastening a dress zipper.
shoulder complex flexion, extension, and medial and lateral Maximal flexion (148 degrees) is needed to reach a high shelf
rotation compared with nonlifters in a study by Chang, (Fig. 4.36), whereas less flexion (36 to 52 degrees) is needed
Buschbacker, and Edlich.35 Ten male power lifters and 10 for self-feeding tasks (Fig 4.37). To reach behind the back for

TABLE 4.5 Maximal Shoulder Complex Motion Necessary for Functional Activities:
Mean Values in Degrees
Activity Motion Mean (SD) Source
Eating Flexion 52 (8) Matsen*37
Flexion 36 (14) Safaee-Rad et al†38
Abduction 22 (7) Safaee-Rad et al
Medial rotation 18 (10) Safaee-Rad et al
Horizontal adduction‡ 87 (29) Matsen
Drinking with a cup Flexion 43 (16) Safaee-Rad et al
Abduction 31 (9) Safaee-Rad et al
Medial rotation 23 (12) Safaee-Rad et al
Washing axilla Flexion 52 (14) Matsen
Combing hair Horizontal adduction 104 (12) Matsen
Abduction 112 (10) Matsen
Horizontal adduction 54 (27) Matsen
Maximal elevation Flexion/abduction 148 (11) Matsen
Maximal reaching up back Horizontal adduction 55 (17) Matsen
Extension 56 (13) Matsen
Horizontal abduction ‡
69 (11) Matsen
Reaching perineum Extension 38 (10) Matsen
Horizontal abduction 86 (13) Matsen

* Eight normal subjects were assessed with electromagnetic sensors on the humerus.

Ten normal male subjects were assessed with a three-dimensional video recording system.

The 0-degree starting position for measuring horizontal adduction and horizontal abduction was in 90 degrees of abduction.
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86 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

FIGURE 4.35 Reaching behind the head requires a large

amount of abduction (112 degrees)37 and lateral rotation of
the shoulder.

tasks such as fastening a bra (Fig 4.38), tucking in a shirt, and

reaching the perineum to perform hygiene activities, 38 to
56 degrees of extension and considerable medial rotation and
horizontal abduction are necessary. Horizontal adduction is
needed for activities performed in front of the body such as FIGURE 4.36 Reaching objects on a high shelf requires
washing the contralateral axilla (104 degrees) and eating 148 degrees of shoulder flexion.37
(87 degrees). If patients have difficulty performing certain
functional activities, evaluation and treatment procedures
of shoulder complex abduction and medial rotation to be less
need to focus on the shoulder motions necessary for the activ-
than the intratester reliability of shoulder flexion, extension,
ity. Likewise, if patients have known limitations in shoulder
and lateral rotation. The mean difference between the repeated
ROM, therapists and physicians should anticipate patient dif-
measurements ranged from 0.2 to 1.5 degrees. Measurements
ficulty in performing these tasks, and adaptations should be
were taken with a universal goniometer and devices designed
by the U.S. Army for specific joints. For most ROM measure-
ments taken throughout the body, the universal goniometer was
Reliability and Validity a more dependable tool than the special devices.
The intratester and intertester reliability of measurements of Boone and coworkers41 examined the reliability of measur-
shoulder motions with a universal goniometer have been stud- ing passive ROM for lateral rotation of the shoulder complex,
ied by many researchers. Most of these studies have presented elbow extension–flexion, wrist ulnar deviation, hip abduction,
evidence that intratester reliability is better than intertester knee extension–flexion, and foot inversion. Four physical ther-
reliability. Reliability varied according to the motion being apists used universal goniometers to measure these motions in
measured. In other words, the reliability of measuring certain 12 normal males once a week for 4 weeks. Measurement of lat-
shoulder motions was better than the reliability of measuring eral rotation ROM of the shoulder was found to be more
other motions. reliable than that of the other motions tested. For all motions
Hellebrandt, Duvall, and Moore,40 in a study of 77 patients, except lateral rotation of the shoulder, intratester reliability was
found the intratester reliability of measurements of active ROM noted to be greater than intertester reliability. Intratester and
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 87

FIGURE 4.37 Feeding tasks require 36 to 52 degrees of

shoulder flexion.37,38

FIGURE 4.38 Reaching behind the back to fasten a bra or

bathing suit requires 56 degrees of extension, 69 degrees
intertester reliability were similar (r = 0.96 and 0.97, respec- of horizontal abduction,37 and a large amount of medial
tively) for lateral rotation ROM. rotation of the shoulder.
Pandya and associates,42 in a study in which five testers
measured the range of shoulder complex abduction of 150 chil-
dren and young adults with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, was considerably lower for measurements of horizontal abduc-
found that the intratester intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) tion, horizontal adduction, extension, and medial rotation, with
for measurements of shoulder abduction was 0.84. The ICC values ranging from 0.26 to 0.55. The authors concluded
intertester reliability for measuring shoulder abduction was that passive ROM measurements for all shoulder motions can
lower (ICC = 0.67). In comparison with measurements of be reliable when taken by the same physical therapist, regard-
elbow and wrist extension, the measurement of shoulder less of whether large or small goniometers are used. Measure-
abduction was less reliable. ments of flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation can be reliable
Riddle, Rothstein, and Lamb43 conducted a study to when assessed by different therapists. However, because re-
determine intratester and intertester reliability for passive peated measurements of horizontal abduction, horizontal ad-
ROM measurements of the shoulder complex. Sixteen physi- duction, extension, and medial rotation were unreliable when
cal therapists, assessing in pairs, used two different-sized uni- taken by more than one tester, these measurements should be
versal goniometers (large and small) for their measurements taken by the same therapist.
on 50 patients. Patient position and goniometer placement dur- Greene and Wolf16 compared the reliability of the Ortho
ing measurements were not controlled. ICC values for Ranger, an electronic pendulum goniometer, with that of a
intratester reliability for all motions ranged from 0.87 to 0.99. standard universal goniometer for active upper-extremity
ICC values for intertester reliability for flexion, abduction, and motions in 20 healthy adults. Shoulder complex motions were
lateral rotation ranged from 0.84 to 0.90. Intertester reliability measured three times with each instrument during three
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88 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

sessions that occurred over a 2-week period. Both instruments Boon and Smith15 studied 50 high school athletes to de-
demonstrated high intrasession correlations (ICCs ranged termine the reliability of measuring passive shoulder rotation
from 0.98 to 0.87), but correlations were higher and 95 per- ROM with and without manual stabilization of the scapula.
cent confidence levels were much lower for the universal Four experienced physical therapists working in pairs took
goniometer. Measurements of medial rotation and lateral goniometric measurements with the shoulder in 90 degrees of
rotation were less reliable than measurements of flexion, abduction and repeated those measurements 5 days later.
extension, abduction, and adduction. There were significant Scapular stabilization, which resulted in more isolated gleno-
differences between measurements taken with the Ortho humeral motion, produced significantly smaller ROM values
Ranger and the universal goniometer. Interestingly, there were than when the scapula was not stabilized. According to the
significant differences in measurements between sessions for authors, intratester reliability for medial rotation was poor for
both instruments. The authors noted that the daily variations nonstabilized motion (ICC ⫽ 0.23, SEM ⫽ 20.2 degrees) and
that were found might have been caused by normal fluctuation good for stabilized motion (ICC ⫽ 0.60, SEM ⫽ 8.0). The
in ROM, as suggested by Boone and colleagues,41 or by daily authors state that intratester reliability for lateral rotation was
differences in subjects’ efforts while performing active ROM. good for both nonstabilized (ICC ⫽ 0.79, SEM ⫽ 5.6) and
Bovens and associates,44 in a study of the variability and stabilized motion (ICC ⫽ 0.53, SEM ⫽ 9.1). Intertester
reliability of nine joint motions throughout the body, used a reliability for medial rotation improved from nonstabilized
universal goniometer to examine active lateral rotation ROM motion (ICC ⫽ 0.13, SEM ⫽ 21.5) to stabilized motion (ICC
of the shoulder complex with the arm at the side. Three physi- ⫽ 0.38, SEM ⫽ 10.0) and was comparable for both nonstabi-
cian testers and eight healthy subjects participated in the lized and stabilized lateral rotation (ICC ⫽ 0.84, SEM ⫽ 4.9
study. Intratester reliability coefficients for lateral rotation of and ICC ⫽ 0.78, SEM ⫽ 6.6), respectively.
the shoulder ranged from 0.76 to 0.83, whereas the intertester Hayes and coworkers46 measured the intratester reliabil-
reliability coefficient was 0.63. Mean intratester standard ity of active shoulder flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation
deviations for the measurements taken on each subject ranged ROM in nine patients using one tester, and the intertester re-
from 5.0 to 6.6 degrees, whereas the mean intertester standard liability of active shoulder motion in eight patients using four
deviation was 7.4 degrees. The measurement of lateral rota- testers. A universal goniometer was aligned with the humerus
tion ROM of the shoulder was more reliable than ROM mea- and various planes of motion with the subjects in sitting for
surements of the forearm and wrist. Mean standard deviations flexion and abduction and in supine for lateral rotation. Intra-
between repeated measurement of shoulder lateral rotation tester reliability ICC values for the universal goniometer
ROM were similar to those of the forearm and larger than ranged from 0.53 to 0.65, and SEM values ranged from 14 to
those of the wrist. 23 degrees. Intertester reliability ICC values for the universal
Sabari and associates30 examined intrarater reliability in goniometer ranged from 0.64 to 0.69, and SEM values ranged
the measurement of active and passive shoulder complex flex- from 14 to 25 degrees. The reliability of using visual estima-
ion and abduction ROM when 30 adults were positioned in tion and still photography to measure shoulder ROM was also
supine and sitting positions. The ICCs between two trials by studied and produced similar results. However, the use of a
the same tester for each procedure ranged in value from 0.94 tape measure to note distance between T1 and the thumb dur-
to 0.99, indicating high intratester reliability, regardless of ing reaching behind the back produced even worse ICC val-
whether the measurements were active or passive or whether ues of 0.39 and SEM values of 6 centimeters.
they were taken with the subject in the supine or the sitting The reliability of measurement devices other than a
position. ICCs between measurements taken in supine com- universal goniometer for assessing shoulder ROM has also
pared with those taken in sitting positions ranged from 0.64 to been studied and is briefly mentioned here. Intratester and
0.81. There were no significant differences between compara- intertester reliability for the different motions and methods
ble flexion measurements taken in supine and sitting posi- varied widely. Green and associates47 investigated the reliabil-
tions. However, significantly greater abduction ROM was ity of measuring active shoulder complex ROM with a
found in the supine than in the sitting position. Plurimeter-V inclinometer in six patients with shoulder pain
In a study by MacDermid and colleagues,45 two experi- and stiffness. Tiffitt, Wildin, and Hajioff48 studied the reliabil-
enced physical therapists measured passive shoulder complex ity of using an inclinometer to measure active shoulder com-
rotation ROM in 34 patients with a variety of shoulder plex motions in 36 patients with shoulder disorders. Valentine
pathologies. A universal goniometer was used to measure lat- and Lewis49 included 45 subjects with and without shoulder
eral rotation with the shoulder in 20 to 30 degrees of abduc- symptoms in a study of the intratester reliability of shoulder
tion. Intratester ICCs (0.88 and 0.93) and intertester ICCs flexion and abduction using a gravity dependent inclinometer,
(0.85 and 0.80) were high. Intratester standard errors of mea- lateral rotation using a tape measure, and medial rotation
surement (SEMs; 4.9 and 7.0 degrees) and intertester SEMs using visual estimation. Bower50 and Clarke and coworkers26
(7.5 and 8.0 degrees) also indicated good reliability. The examined the reliability of measuring passive glenohumeral
SEMs indicate that differences of 5 to 7 degrees could be at- motions with a hydrogoniometer. Croft and colleagues51
tributed to measurement error when the same tester repeats a investigated the reliability of observing shoulder complex
measurement and about 8 degrees could be attributed to mea- flexion and lateral rotation, and sketching the ROMs onto
surement error when different testers take a measurement. diagrams that were then measured with a protractor.
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CHAPTER 4 The Shoulder 89

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The Elbow
and Forearm
Structure and Function The joints are enclosed in a large, loose, weak joint capsule
that also encloses the superior radioulnar joint. Medial and lat-
eral collateral ligaments reinforce the sides of the capsule and
Humeroulnar and Humeroradial help to provide medial–lateral stability (Figs. 5.3 and 5.4).1
Joints When the arm is in the anatomical position of full elbow ex-
tension and supination, the long axes of the humerus and the
Anatomy forearm form an acute angle at the elbow. This angle is called
The humeroulnar and humeroradial joints between the upper the “carrying angle” (Fig. 5.5) and is approximately 10 to
arm and the forearm are considered to be a hinged compound 12 degrees in men and 13 to 17 degrees in women.2,3 The
synovial joint (Figs. 5.1 and 5.2). The proximal joint surface carrying angle of the dominant arm is reported to be slightly
of the humeroulnar joint consists of the convex trochlea greater (1.5 degrees) than the nondominant arm and slightly
located on the anterior medial surface of the distal humerus. greater (2 degrees) in adults than in children.4 An angle that
The distal joint surface is the concave trochlear notch on the is greater (more acute) than average is called “cubitus valgus.” 5
proximal ulna. An angle that is less than average is called “cubitus varus.”
The proximal joint surface of the humeroradial joint is
the convex capitulum located on the anterior lateral surface of Osteokinematics
the distal humerus. The concave radial head on the proximal The humeroulnar and humeroradial joints have 1 degree of
end of the radius is the opposing joint surface. freedom; flexion–extension occurs in the sagittal plane

Coronoid fossa


Radial fossa
Medial epicondyle
Olecranon fossa
Lateral epicondyle

Lateral epicondyle
epicondyle Humeroradial
joint joint
Humeroulnar joint
Radial head
Coronoid process
Radial head

Radius Ulna

FIGURE 5.1 An anterior view of the right elbow showing the FIGURE 5.2 A posterior view of the right elbow showing the
humeroulnar and humeroradial joints. humeroulnar and humeroradial joints.
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92 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing


Medial epicondyle

Annular ligament

Radius capsule



FIGURE 5.3 A medial view of the right elbow showing the

medial (ulnar) collateral ligament, annular ligament, and
joint capsule.

around a medial–lateral (coronal) axis. In elbow flexion and

extension, the axis of rotation lies approximately through the
center of the trochlea.3
At the humeroulnar joint, posterior sliding of the concave
trochlear notch of the ulna on the convex trochlea of the
humerus continues during extension until the ulnar olecranon
process enters the humeral olecranon fossa. In flexion, the FIGURE 5.5 An anterior view of the right upper extremity
ulna slides anteriorly along the humerus until the coronoid showing the carrying angle between the longitudinal
process of the ulna reaches the floor of the coronoid fossa of midline of the humerus and forearm.
the humerus or until soft tissue in the anterior aspect of the
elbow blocks further flexion.
cases would supination and pronation be slightly limited.7
At the humeroradial joint, the concave radial head slides
The literature varies as to the proportions of limitation in the
posteriorly on the convex surface of the capitulum during
capsular pattern for the elbow. For example, according to
extension. In flexion, the radial head slides anteriorly until the
Cyriax, 30 degrees of limitation in flexion would typically
rim of the radial head enters the radial fossa of the humerus.
correspond to about 10 degrees of limitation in extension.7
Capsular Pattern Kaltenborn notes “that with flexion limited to 90 degrees
Most authorities agree that the range of motion (ROM) in (60-degree limitation) there is only 10 degrees of limited
flexion is more limited than in extension.7–9 Only in severe extension.”8

Superior and Inferior Radioulnar

Humerus Joints
The ulnar portion of the superior radioulnar joint includes
both the radial notch located on the lateral aspect of the
Annular ligament
proximal ulna and the annular ligament (Fig. 5.6). The
Lateral Radius radial notch and the annular ligament form a concave joint
epicondyle surface. The radial aspect of the joint is the convex head of
the radius.
The ulnar component of the inferior radioulnar joint is
Joint capsule the convex ulnar head (see Fig. 5.6). The opposing articular
surface is the ulnar notch of the radius.
The interosseous membrane, a broad sheet of collage-
Lateral collateral ligament Ulna nous tissue linking the radius and ulna, provides stability
FIGURE 5.4 A lateral view of the right elbow showing the for both joints (Fig. 5.7). The following three structures
lateral (radial) collateral ligament, annular ligament, and provide stability for the superior radioulnar joint: the annu-
joint capsule. lar and quadrate ligaments and the oblique cord. Stability of
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 93

Superior radioulnar joint

Radial head
Radial notch

Quadrate ligament
Oblique cord

Radius Ulna

Radius Ulna


Ulnar notch Anterior radioulnar ligament

Ulnar head

Ulnar styloid
Radial styloid process process
Articular disc
Inferior radioulnar joint
FIGURE 5.7 Anterior view of the superior and inferior
FIGURE 5.6 Anterior view of the superior and inferior radioulnar joints showing the annular ligament, quadrate
radioulnar joints of the right forearm. ligament, oblique cord, interosseous membrane, anterior
radioulnar ligament, and articular disc.
the inferior radioulnar joint is provided by the articular
disc and the anterior and posterior radioulnar ligaments posteriorly (in the same direction as the hand) during
(Fig. 5.8).1 supination.
Osteokinematics Capsular Pattern
The superior and inferior radioulnar joints are mechanically The capsular pattern is an equal limitation of supination and
linked. Therefore, motion at one joint is always accompanied pronation according to Cyriax and Cyriax7 and Kaltenborn.8
by motion at the other joint. The axis for motion is a longitu-
dinal axis extending from the radial head to the ulnar head.
The mechanically linked joint is a synovial pivot joint with 1 Posterior radioulnar
Articular disc

degree of freedom. The motions permitted are pronation and ligament

supination. In pronation the radius crosses over the ulna,
whereas in supination the radius and ulna lie parallel to one
Arthrokinematics Ulnar
At the superior radioulnar joint the convex rim of the radial process
Radial styloid
head spins within the annular ligament and the concave radial process
notch of the ulna during pronation and supination. The artic-
ular surface on the radial head spins posteriorly during prona- Head of ulna
tion and anteriorly during supination. Ulnar notch
At the inferior radioulnar joint the concave surface of of radius Anterior radioulnar
the ulnar notch on the radius slides over the ulnar head. The
concave articular surface of the radius slides anteriorly (in FIGURE 5.8 Distal aspect of the inferior radioulnar joint
the same direction as the hand) during pronation and slides showing the articular disc and radioulnar ligaments.
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94 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM


Landmarks for Testing Procedures

Lateral epicondyle
Radial styloid process of humerus

Ulnar styloid process

FIGURE 5.10 Anterior view of the right upper extremity

showing bony anatomical landmarks for goniometer
alignment during the measurement of elbow and forearm
FIGURE 5.9 Anterior view of the right upper extremity ROM.
showing surface anatomy landmarks for goniometer
alignment during the measurement of elbow and forearm
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 95

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM

Landmarks for Testing Procedures (continued)

Acromion process
of scapula
Lateral epicondyle of humerus

Radial head
Radius process

Olecranon Ulnar styloid
process process

FIGURE 5.12 Posterior view of the right upper extremity

showing anatomical landmarks for goniometer alignment
FIGURE 5.11 Posterior view of the right upper extremity during the measurement of elbow and forearm ROM.
showing surface anatomy landmarks for goniometer
alignment during the measurement of elbow and forearm
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96 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM

ELBOW FLEXION resistance to further motion is felt and attempts to over-

Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a come the resistance cause flexion of the shoulder.
medial–lateral axis. Normal ROM values for adults
range from 140 degrees according to the American Normal End-Feel
Medical Association (AMA)12 to 150 degrees accord- Usually the end-feel is soft because of compression
ing to the American Academy of Orthopaedic of the muscle bulk of the anterior forearm with that
Surgeons (AAOS).10,11 See Research Findings and of the anterior upper arm. If the muscle bulk is small,
Tables 5.1 to 5.3 for additional normal ROM values by the end-feel may be hard because of contact
age and gender. between the coronoid process of the ulna and the
coronoid fossa of the humerus and because of con-
Testing Position tact between the head of the radius and the radial
Position the subject supine, with the shoulder in fossa of the humerus. The end-feel may be firm
0 degrees of flexion, extension, and abduction so that because of tension in the posterior joint capsule, the
the arm is close to the side of the body. Place a pad lateral and medial heads of the triceps muscle, and
under the distal end of the humerus to allow full the anconeus muscle.
elbow extension. Position the forearm in full supina-
tion with the palm of the hand facing the ceiling.
Goniometer Alignment
See Figures 5.14 and 5.15.
Stabilize the humerus to prevent flexion of the shoul- 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
der. The pad under the distal humerus and the exam- epicondyle of the humerus.
ining table prevent extension of the shoulder. 2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
humerus, using the center of the acromion process
Testing Motion for reference.
Flex the elbow by moving the hand toward the shoul- 3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
der. Maintain the forearm in supination during the radius, using the radial head and radial styloid
motion (Fig. 5.13). The end of flexion ROM occurs when process for reference.

FIGURE 5.13 End of elbow flexion ROM. The examiner’s hand stabilizes the humerus, but it must be positioned so it does not
limit the motion.
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 97

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM

FIGURE 5.14 Alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of elbow flexion ROM. A towel is placed under the distal humerus
to ensure that the supporting surface does not prevent full elbow extension. As can be seen in this photograph, the subject’s
elbow is in about 5 degrees of hyperextension.

FIGURE 5.15 Alignment of the goniometer at the end of elbow flexion ROM. The proximal and distal arms of the goniometer
have been switched from the starting position so that the ROM can be read from the pointer on the body of this 180-degree
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98 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM


Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a Pronate the forearm by moving the distal radius in a
medial–lateral axis. Elbow extension ROM is not usu- volar direction so that the palm of the hand faces the
ally measured and recorded separately because it is floor. See Figure 5.16. The end of pronation ROM
the return to the starting position from the end of occurs when resistance to further motion is felt and
elbow flexion ROM. If recorded, the normal extension attempts to overcome the resistance cause medial
ROM value for adults is 0 degrees.10–12 See Research rotation and abduction of the shoulder.
Findings and Tables 5.1 to 5.3 for additional normal
ROM values by age and gender. Normal End-Feel
The end-feel may be hard because of contact be-
Testing Position, Stabilization, tween the ulna and the radius, or it may be firm
and Goniometer Alignment
The testing position, stabilization, and alignment are
the same as those used for elbow flexion.

Testing Motion
Extend the elbow by moving the hand dorsally toward
the examining table. Maintain the forearm in supina-
tion during the motion. The end of extension ROM
occurs when resistance to further motion is felt and
attempts to overcome the resistance cause extension
of the shoulder.

Normal End-Feel
Usually the end-feel is hard because of contact
between the olecranon process of the ulna and the
olecranon fossa of the humerus. Sometimes the end-
feel is firm because of tension in the anterior joint cap-
sule, the collateral ligaments, and the brachialis muscle.

Motion occurs in the transverse plane around a verti-
cal axis when the subject is in the anatomical position.
When the subject is in the testing position, the
motion occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior–
posterior axis. Normal ROM values for adults are
76 degrees according to Boone and Azen13 and
84 degrees according to Greene and Wolf.14 Both the
AMA12 and the AAOS10,11 state that normal pronation
ROM is 80 degrees. See Research Findings and
Tables 5.1 to 5.3 for additional normal ROM values by
age and gender.

Testing Position
Position the subject sitting, with the shoulder in
0 degrees of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction,
and rotation so that the upper arm is close to the side
FIGURE 5.16 End of pronation ROM. The subject is sitting
of the body. Flex the elbow to 90 degrees, and sup- on the edge of a table, and the examiner is standing facing
port the forearm. Initially position the forearm midway the subject. The examiner uses one hand to hold the elbow
between supination and pronation so that the thumb close to the subject’s body and in 90 degrees of elbow
points toward the ceiling. flexion, helping to prevent both medial rotation and
abduction of the shoulder. The examiner’s other hand
pushes on the radius rather than on the subject’s hand. If
Stabilization the examiner pushes on the subject’s hand, movement of
Stabilize the distal end of the humerus to prevent the wrist may be mistaken for movement at the radioulnar
medial rotation and abduction of the shoulder. joints.
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 99

because of tension in the dorsal radioulnar ligament 2. Align proximal arm parallel to the anterior midline

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM

of the inferior radioulnar joint, the interosseous mem- of the humerus.
brane, and the supinator muscle. 3. Place distal arm across the dorsal aspect of the
forearm, just proximal to the styloid processes of
Goniometer Alignment the radius and ulna, where the forearm is most level
See Figures 5.17 and 5.18. and free of muscle bulk. The distal arm of the
goniometer should be parallel to the styloid
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer laterally and
processes of the radius and ulna.
proximally to the ulnar styloid process.

FIGURE 5.17 Alignment of the goniometer in the beginning FIGURE 5.18 Alignment of the goniometer at the end of
of pronation ROM. The goniometer is placed laterally to the pronation ROM. The examiner uses one hand to hold the
distal radioulnar joint. The arms of the goniometer are proximal arm of the goniometer parallel to the anterior
aligned parallel to the anterior midline of the humerus. midline of the humerus. The examiner’s other hand supports
the forearm and assists in placing the distal arm of the
goniometer across the dorsum of the forearm just proximal
to the radial and ulnar styloid process. The fulcrum of the
goniometer is proximal and lateral to the ulnar styloid
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100 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM


Motion occurs in the transverse plane around a longi- Position the subject sitting, with the shoulder in
tudinal axis when the subject is in the anatomical 0 degrees of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction,
position. When the subject is in the testing position, and rotation so that the upper arm is close to the side
the motion occurs in the frontal plane around an of the body. Flex the elbow to 90 degrees, and sup-
anterior–posterior axis. Normal ROM values for adults port the forearm. Initially position the forearm midway
are 92 degrees according to Gunal and coworkers,15 between supination and pronation so that the thumb
82 degrees according to Boone and Azen,13 and points toward the ceiling.
77 degrees according to Greene and Wolf.14 Both the
AMA12 and the AAOS10,11 state that normal supination Stabilization
ROM is 80 degrees. See Research Findings and Stabilize the distal end of the humerus to prevent lat-
Tables 5.1 to 5.3 for additional normal ROM values by eral rotation and adduction of the shoulder.
age and gender.

FIGURE 5.19 End of supination ROM. The examiner uses

one hand to hold the elbow close to the subject’s body and
in 90 degrees of elbow flexion, preventing lateral rotation
and adduction of the shoulder. The examiner’s other hand
pushes on the distal radius while supporting the forearm.
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 101

Testing Motion Goniometer Alignment

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM

Supinate the forearm by moving the distal radius in a See Figures 5.20 and 5.21.
dorsal direction so that the palm of the hand faces
1. Place fulcrum of the goniometer medially and just
the ceiling. See Figure 5.19. The end of supination
proximally to the ulnar styloid process.
ROM occurs when resistance to further motion is felt
2. Align proximal arm parallel to the anterior midline
and attempts to overcome the resistance cause lateral
of the humerus.
rotation and adduction of the shoulder.
3. Place distal arm across the ventral aspect of the
forearm, just proximal to the styloid processes,
Normal End-Feel where the forearm is most level and free of muscle
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the palmar
bulk. The distal arm of the goniometer should be
radioulnar ligament of the inferior radioulnar joint,
parallel to the styloid processes of the radius
oblique cord, interosseous membrane, and pronator
and ulna.
teres and pronator quadratus muscles.

FIGURE 5.21 Alignment of the goniometer at the end of

supination ROM. The examiner uses one hand to hold the
proximal arm of the goniometer parallel to the anterior
FIGURE 5.20 Alignment of the goniometer at the beginning
midline of the humerus. The examiner’s other hand supports
of supination ROM. The body of the goniometer is medial
the forearm while holding the distal arm of the goniometer
to the distal radioulnar joint, and the arms of the
across the volar surface of the forearm just proximal to the
goniometer are parallel to the anterior midline of the
radial and ulnar styloid process. The fulcrum of the
goniometer is proximal and medial to the ulnar styloid
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102 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM

MUSCLE LENGTH TESTING PROCEDURES: extension when the shoulder is positioned in full
Elbow and Forearm If elbow extension is limited regardless of shoul-
der position, the limitation is caused by abnormalities
BICEPS BRACHII of the joint surfaces, by shortening of the anterior
The biceps brachii muscle crosses the glenohumeral, joint capsule and collateral ligaments, or by muscles
humeroulnar, humeroradial, and superior radioulnar that cross only the elbow such as the brachialis and
joints. The short head of the biceps brachii originates brachioradialis.
proximally from the coracoid process of the scapula
(Fig. 5.22). The long head originates from the supra- Starting Position
glenoid tubercle of the scapula. The biceps brachii Position the subject supine at the edge of the examin-
attaches distally to the radial tuberosity. ing table. See Figure 5.23. Flex the elbow and posi-
When the biceps brachii contracts, it flexes the tion the shoulder in full extension and 0 degrees of
elbow and shoulder and supinates the forearm. The abduction, adduction, and rotation.
muscle is passively lengthened by placing the shoul-
der and elbow in full extension and the forearm in
pronation. If the biceps brachii is short, it limits elbow

Supraglenoid tubercle
Coracoid process
Glenoid fossa

Acromion process

Long head of the biceps

Short head of
the biceps

Radial tuberosity


FIGURE 5.23 Starting position for testing the length of the

biceps brachii.

FIGURE 5.22 A lateral view of the left upper extremity

showing the origins and insertion of the biceps brachii while
being stretched over the glenohumeral, elbow, and superior
radioulnar joints.
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 103


Muscle Length Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM

Goniometer Alignment
The examiner stabilizes the subject’s humerus. The See Figure 5.25.
examining table and passive tension in the serratus
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
anterior muscle help to stabilize the scapula.
epicondyle of the humerus.
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
Testing Motion
humerus, using the center of the acromion process
Extend the elbow while holding the forearm in prona-
for reference.
tion. See Figures 5.24 and 5.22. The end of the
3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the ulna,
testing motion occurs when resistance is felt and addi-
using the ulna styloid process for reference.
tional elbow extension causes shoulder flexion.

Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the biceps
brachii muscle.

FIGURE 5.24 End of the testing motion for the length of the FIGURE 5.25 Alignment of the goniometer at the end of
biceps brachii. The examiner uses one hand to stabilize the testing the length of the biceps brachii. The examiner
humerus in full shoulder extension while the other hand releases the stabilization of the humerus and now uses her
holds the forearm in pronation and moves the elbow into hand to position the goniometer.
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104 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM

TRICEPS BRACHII surfaces of the humerus. All parts of the triceps

The triceps brachii muscle crosses the glenohumeral brachii insert distally on the olecranon process of the
and humeroulnar joints. The long head of the triceps ulna. When this muscle contracts, it extends the
brachii muscle originates proximally from the infra- shoulder and elbow. The long head of the triceps
glenoid tubercle of the scapula (Fig. 5.26). The lateral brachii is passively lengthened by placing the shoul-
head of the triceps brachii originates from the poste- der and elbow in full flexion. If the long head of the
rior and lateral surfaces of the humerus, whereas the triceps brachii is short, it limits elbow flexion when the
medial head originates from the posterior and medial shoulder is positioned in full flexion.
If elbow flexion is limited regardless of shoulder
position, the limitation is due to abnormalities of the
joint surfaces or shortening of the posterior capsule or
muscles that cross only the elbow, such as the an-
Medial head coneus and the lateral and medial heads of the tri-
of triceps Olecranon
ceps brachii.

Radius Starting Position

Position the subject supine, close to the edge of the
Long head of triceps
examining table. Extend the elbow and position the
shoulder in full flexion and 0 degrees of abduction,
adduction, and rotation. Supinate the forearm
Infraglenoid (Fig. 5.27).

The examiner stabilizes the subject’s humerus. The
Lateral head
of triceps weight of the subject’s trunk on the examining table
and the passive tension in the latissumus dorsi,
Head of
humerus pectoralis minor, and rhomboid major and minor mus-
cles help to stabilize the scapula.
FIGURE 5.26 A lateral view of the left upper extremity
showing the origins and insertions of the triceps brachii
while being stretched over the glenohumeral and elbow

FIGURE 5.27 Starting position

for testing the length of the
triceps brachii.
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 105

Testing Motion

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/ELBOW AND FOREARM

Goniometer Alignment
Flex the elbow by moving the hand closer to the See Figure 5.29.
shoulder. See Figures 5.28 and 5.26. The end of the
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
testing motion occurs when resistance is felt and addi-
epicondyle of the humerus.
tional elbow flexion causes shoulder extension.
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
humerus, using the center of the acromion process
Normal End-Feel
for reference.
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the long
3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
head of the triceps brachii muscle.
radius, using the radial styloid process for

FIGURE 5.28 End of the testing motion for the length of the FIGURE 5.29 Alignment of the goniometer at the end of
triceps brachii. The examiner uses one hand to stabilize the testing the length of the triceps brachii. The examiner uses
humerus in full shoulder flexion and the other hand to move one hand to continue to stabilize the humerus and align the
the elbow into flexion. proximal arm of the goniometer. The examiner’s other hand
holds the elbow in flexion and aligns the distal arm of the
goniometer with the radius.
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106 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Research Findings age 19 years or younger and those older than 19 years. Further
analyses found that the group between 6 and 12 years of age
had more elbow flexion and extension than other age groups.
Effects of Age, Gender, The youngest group (between 18 months and 5 years) had a
and Other Factors significantly greater amount of pronation and supination than
other age groups. However, the greatest differences between
Table 5.1 provides normal elbow and forearm ROM values the age groups were small: 6.8 degrees of flexion, 4.4 degrees
for adults.10–15 In addition to the sources listed in Table 5.1, of supination, 3.9 degrees of pronation, and 2.5 degrees of
Goodwin and coworkers16 found mean active elbow flexion to extension.22
be 148.9 degrees in 23 females between 18 and 31 years Older persons appear to have difficulty fully extending
of age. Petherick and associates17 found mean active elbow their elbows to 0 degrees. Walker and associates23 found that
flexion to be 145.8 degrees in 10 males and 20 females with a the older men and women (between 60 and 84 years of age)
mean age of 24.0 years. Sanya and Chinyelu18 studied in their study were unable to extend their elbows to 0 degrees
50 healthy adults (27 females and 23 males) between 20 and to attain a neutral starting position for flexion. The mean value
71 years of age and found mean active elbow flexion to be for the starting position was 6 degrees in men and 1 degree in
137.8 degrees. All of these sources used universal goniome- women. Boone and Azen13 also found that the oldest subjects
ters to obtain measurements. Fiebert, Fuhri, and New19 mea- in their study (between 40 and 54 years of age) had lost elbow
sured elbow flexion and forearm motions with the Ortho extension and began flexion from a slightly flexed position.
Ranger (electronic inclinometer) and elbow extension with a Bergstrom and colleagues,24 in a study of 52 women and
universal goniometer in 124 men and women, 60 to 99 years 37 men aged 79 years, found that 11 percent had flexion con-
of age. They found mean passive elbow flexion ROM to be tractures of the right elbow greater than 5 degrees, and
147 degrees, elbow extension –1 degree, pronation 84 degrees, 7 percent had bilateral flexion contractures.
and supination 85 degrees. Kalscheur and associates25 examined the effects of age in a
study of 61 older women aged 63 to 83 years and the effects of
age and gender in the same sample of 61 older women and
A comparison of cross-sectional studies of normal ROM values
25 older men aged 66 to 86 years.26 Depending on the linear
for various age groups suggests that elbow and forearm ROM
regression models used, they found that elbow flexion declined
decreases slightly with increasing age. The elbow and forearm
about 0.1 to 0.2 degrees per year from age 65 to 85 years; prona-
ROM values in infants reported by Wanatabe and colleagues20
tion declined about 0.1 to 0.4 degrees per year, and supination
and in young male children aged 1 to 7 years reported by Hacker
declined about 0.0 to 1.0 degrees per year. It was projected that
and coworkers21 as noted in Table 5.2 are generally greater than
over a 20-year period elbow flexion could be expected to decline
the normal values for adult males found in Tables 5.1 and 5.3.
approximately 3 degrees, pronation 4 degrees, and right supina-
However, it can be difficult to compare values obtained from
tion 6 degrees.26 Only declines in right supination and pronation
various studies because subject selection and measurement
ROM were statistically significant.
methods can differ.
Within one study of 109 males ranging in age from Gender
18 months to 54 years, Boone and Azen13 noted a significant Studies seem to concur that females have more elbow flexion
difference in elbow flexion and supination between subjects and extension ROM than males, but results are unclear

TABLE 5.1 Normal Elbow and Forearm ROM Values for Adults in Degrees From Selected Sources

AAOS10,11 AMA12 Boone & Azen13 Greene & Wolf14 Gunal et al15
20–54 yrs* 18–55 yrs* 18–22 yrs†
n ⫽ 56 n ⫽ 20 n ⫽ 1000
Males Males and Females Males
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 150 140 140.5 (4.9) 145.3 (1.2) 144.2 (5.8)
Extension 0 0 0.3 (2.7) 4.9 (11.1)
Pronation 80 80 75.0 (5.3) 84.4 (2.2)
Supination 80 80 81.1 (4.0) 76.9 (2.1) 91.7 (9.6)

SD ⫽ standard deviation.
* Values are for active ROM measured with a universal goniometer.

Values are for passive ROM measured with a universal goniometer. Values are extrapolated from tables.
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 107

TABLE 5.2 Effects of Age on Elbow and Forearm Motion: Normal Values in Degrees
for Newborns, Children, and Adolescents
Wanatabe et al20 Hacker er al21 Boone22
2 wks–2 yrs* 1–7 yrs 18 mos–5 yrs †
6–12 yrs† 13–19 yrs†
n = 45 n = 72 n = 19 n = 17 n = 17
Males and Females Males Males Males Males
Motion Range of Means Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 148–158 151.4 (1.8) 144.9 (5.7) 146.5 (4.0) 144.9 (6.0)
Extension 1.1 (3.9) 0.4 (3.4) 2.1 (3.2) 0.1 (3.8)
Pronation 90–96 78.9 (4.4) 76.9 (3.6) 74.1 (5.3)
Supination 81–93 84.5 (3.8) 82.9 (2.7) 81.8 (3.2)

SD = standard deviation.
* Values are for passive ROM.

Values are for active ROM measured with a universal goniometer.

concerning gender effects on forearm supination and prona- Thirty older females and 30 older males, aged 60 to 84
tion ROM. years, were included in a study by Walker and coworkers.23
Bell and Hoshizaki,27 using a Leighton Flexometer, stud- Females had significantly more flexion ROM (1–148 degrees)
ied the ROM of 124 females and 66 males between the ages of than males (5–139 degrees), but males had significantly more
18 and 88 years. Females had significantly more elbow flexion supination (83 degrees) than females (65 degrees). Females
than males. Extrapolating from a graph, the mean differences had more pronation ROM than males, but the difference was
between males and females ranged from 14 degrees in subjects not significant.
aged 32 to 44 years to 2 degrees in subjects older than 75 years. Kalscheru and coworkers26 found that older women had
Although females had greater supination–pronation ROM than more elbow and forearm ROM than older men in a study of a
males, this increase was not statistically significant. 61 women and 25 men ranging in age from 63 to 86 years.
Salter and Darcus,28 measuring forearm supination– These gender differences were statistically significant for
pronation with a specialized arthrometer in 20 males and elbow flexion and pronation with mean differences of 6.2 and
5 females between the ages of 16 and 29 years, found that the 4.9 degrees, respectively. There was no significant difference
females had an average of 8 degrees more forearm rotation than in supination ROM between the men and women.
males, although the difference was not statistically significant.
Escalante, Lichenstein, and Hazuda,29 in a study of Body Mass Index
695 community-dwelling older subjects between 65 and Body mass index (BMI) was found by Escalante, Lichenstein,
74 years of age, found that females had an average of 4 degrees and Hazuda29 to be inversely associated with elbow flexion in
more elbow flexion than males. 695 older subjects. Each unit increase in BMI (kg/m2) was

TABLE 5.3 Effects of Age on Active Elbow and Forearm Motion: Normal Values in Degrees
for Adult Males 20 to 85 Years of Age
Boone22 Walker et al23

20–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–54 yrs 60–85 yrs

n ⫽ 19 n ⫽ 18 n ⫽ 19 n ⫽ 30
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 140.1 (5.2) 141.7 (3.2) 139.0 (14.0) 139.7 (5.8)
Extension 0.7 (3.2) 0.7 (1.7) –6.0* (5.0) –0.4* (3.0)
Pronation 76.2 (3.9) 73.6 (4.3) 68.0 (9.0) 75.0 (7.0)
Supination 80.1 (3.7) 81.7 (4.2) 83.0 (11.0) 81.4 (4.0)

SD ⫽ standard deviation.
* The minus sign indicates flexion.
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108 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

significantly associated with a 0.22 decrease in degrees of elbow extension ROM and 5.5 degrees for elbow flexion
elbow flexion. Hacker and coworkers21 also found an associa- ROM in the dominant versus the nondominant arm of 33 pro-
tion between increased BMI and decreased elbow ROM in fessional pitchers. No significant differences were noted be-
72 healthy boys ages 1 to 7 years. tween the dominant and nondominant sides for supination and
pronation ROM.
Right Versus Left Side
Studies comparing ROM between the right and left sides or Functional Range of Motion
between the dominant and nondominant limbs have generally
found no clinically relevant differences in elbow and forearm The amount of elbow and forearm motion that occurs during
ROM. Studies that had large numbers of subjects had the sta- activities of daily living has been studied by several investiga-
tistical power to find differences of 2 to 3 degrees to be sig- tors. Table 5.4 has been adapted from the works of Morrey
nificant. If differences were found, the left or nondominant and associates,33 Packer and colleagues,34 and Safaee-Rad and
side had more motion. coworkers.35 Morrey and associates33 used a triaxial electro-
Boone and Azen13 studied 109 males between the ages of goniometer to measure elbow and forearm motion in
18 months and 54 years who were subdivided into six age 33 normal subjects during performance of 15 activities. They
groups. They found no significant differences between right concluded that most of the activities of daily living that were
and left elbow flexion, extension, supination, and pronation, studied required a total arc of about 100 degrees of elbow
except for the age group of subjects between 20 and 29 years flexion (between 30 and 130 degrees) and 100 degrees of
of age, whose elbow flexion ROM was greater on the left than rotation (50 degrees of supination and 50 degrees of prona-
on the right. This one significant finding was attributed to tion). Using a telephone necessitated the greatest total ROM.
chance. Hacker and colleagues21 found no significant differ- The greatest amount of flexion was required to reach the back
ence between sides for elbow ROM in 72 healthy boys aged of the head (144 degrees), whereas feeding tasks such as
1 to 7 years. Gunal and coworkers,15 in a study of 1000 males drinking from a cup (Fig. 5.30) and eating with a fork
between 18 to 22 years of age, found significantly greater required about 130 degrees of flexion. Reaching the shoes and
elbow flexion, extension, and supination ROM on the left as rising from a chair (Fig. 5.31) required the greatest amount of
compared to the right; mean differences were 2.6 degrees, extension. Among the tasks studied, the greatest amount of
2.0 degrees, and 2.2 degrees, respectively. Chang, Buschbacher, supination was needed for eating with a fork. Reading a news-
and Edlich30 studied 10 power lifters and 10 age-matched non- paper (Fig. 5.32), pouring from a pitcher, and cutting with a
lifters, all of whom were right handed, and found no differences knife required the most pronation.
between sides in elbow and forearm ROM. Five healthy subjects participated in a study by Packer
Studies on older subjects have noted similar results. and colleagues,34 which examined elbow ROM during three
Escalante, Lichenstein, and Hazudal,29 in a study of 695 older functional tasks. A uniaxial electrogoniometer was used to
subjects, found significantly greater elbow flexion on the left determine ROM required for using a telephone, for rising
than on the right, but the difference averaged only 2 degrees. from a chair to a standing position, and for eating with a
Kalscheur and coworkers25 reported no significant differences spoon. A range of 15 to 140 degrees of flexion was needed for
between sides for elbow flexion and pronation ROM in a these three activities. This ROM is slightly greater than the
study of 61 older women. A statistically significant difference arc reported by Morrey and associates, but the activities that
between sides was noted for pronation ROM, with the left required the minimal and maximal flexion angles did not dif-
side being an average of 3.0 degrees greater than the right. fer. The authors suggest that the height of the chair, the type
of chair arms, and the positioning of the telephone could
Sports account for the different ranges found in the studies.
It appears that the frequent use of the upper extremities in Safaee-Rad and coworkers35 used a three-dimensional
sport activities may reduce elbow and forearm ROM. Possible video system to measure ROM during three feeding activi-
causes for this association include muscle hypertrophy, mus- ties: eating with a spoon, eating with a fork, and drinking
cle tightness, and joint trauma from overuse. from a handled cup. Ten healthy males participated in the
Chinn, Priest, and Kent,31 in a study of 53 male and study. The feeding activities required approximately 70 to
30 female national and international tennis players, found sig- 130 degrees of elbow flexion, 40 degrees of pronation, and
nificantly less active ROM in pronation (mean difference ⫽ 60 degrees of supination. Drinking with a cup required the
5.8 degrees) and supination (4.6 degrees) in the playing arms greatest arc of elbow flexion (58 degrees) of the three activ-
of all subjects. Male players also demonstrated a significant ities, whereas eating with a spoon required the least
decrease (4.1 degrees) in elbow extension in the playing arm (22 degrees). Eating with a fork required the greatest arc of
versus the nonplaying arm. Chang, Buschbacher, and Edlich30 pronation–supination (97 degrees), whereas drinking from a
studied 10 power lifters and 10 age-matched nonlifters and cup required the least (28 degrees). Maximum ROM values
found less active elbow flexion in the power lifters than in the during feeding tasks were comparable with those reported
nonlifters. No significant differences were found between the by Morrey and associates. However, minimum values var-
two groups for supination and pronation ROM. Wright and ied, possibly owing to the different chair and table heights
colleagues32 noted an average decrease of 7.9 degrees for used in the two studies.
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 109

TABLE 5.4 Elbow and Forearm Motion During Functional Activities: Mean Values in Degrees

Activity Flexion Pronation Supination Source

Min Max Arc Max Max Arc

Use telephone 42.8 135.6 92.8 40.9 22.6 63.5 Morrey33

75 140 65 Packer34
Rise from chair 20.3 94.5 74.2 33.8 –9.5* 24.3 Morrey
15 100 85 Packer
Open door 24.0 57.4 33.4 35.4 23.4 58.8 Morrey
Read newspaper 77.9 104.3 26.4 48.8 –7.3* 41.5 Morrey
Pour pitcher 35.6 58.3 22.7 42.9 21.9 64.8 Morrey
Put glass to mouth 44.8 130.0 85.2 10.1 13.4 23.5 Morrey
Drink from cup 71.5 129.2 57.7 –3.4† 31.2 27.8 Safaee-Rad35
Cut with knife 89.2 106.7 17.5 41.9 –26.9* 15.0 Morrey
Eat with fork 85.1 128.3 43.2 10.4 51.8 62.2 Morrey
93.8 122.3 28.5 38.2 58.8 97.0 Safaee-Rad
Eat with spoon 101.2 123.2 22.0 22.9 58.7 81.6 Safaee-Rad
70 115 45 Packer

* The minus sign indicates pronation.

The minus sign indicates supination.

FIGURE 5.31 Studies report that rising from a chair using the
FIGURE 5.30 Drinking from a cup requires about 130 degrees upper extremities requires a large amount of elbow and
of elbow flexion. wrist extension.
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110 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

concurrent validity of these devices with the universal

goniometer. It is recommended that clinicians use the same
device and alignment method to improve reliability because
they are not interchangeable.
In a study published in 1949 by Hellebrandt, Duvall, and
Moore,39 one therapist repeatedly measured 13 active upper-
extremity motions, including elbow flexion and extension and
forearm pronation and supination, in 77 patients. The differ-
ences between the means of two trials ranged from 0.1 degrees
for elbow extension to 1.5 degrees for supination. A significant
difference between the measurements was noted for elbow
flexion, although the difference between the means was only
FIGURE 5.32 Approximately 50 degrees of pronation occur 1.0 degrees. Significant differences were also noted between
during the action of reading a newspaper. measurements taken with a universal goniometer and those
obtained by means of specialized devices, leading the author
to conclude that different measuring devices could not be used
Marco and coworkers36 studied the performance of interchangeably. The universal goniometer was generally
20 activities of daily living in 10 subjects using a goniometer found to be the more reliable device.
and torsiometer system. They concluded that eating activities Boone and colleagues40 examined the reliability of measur-
required the least motion (53 to 129 degrees of elbow flexion ing six passive motions, including elbow extension–flexion.
ROM), instrument use such as writing and telephoning Four physical therapists used universal goniometers to measure
demanded a moderate amount of motion (44 to 130 degrees of these motions in 12 normal males weekly for 4 weeks. They
elbow flexion ROM), and dressing activities required the found that intratester reliability (r = 0.94) was slightly higher
greatest motion (10 to 140 degrees of elbow flexion ROM). than intertester reliability (r = 0.88).
Most instrument and dressing activities required pronation. The Rothstein, Miller, and Roettger41 found high intratester
use of a spoon required the greatest supination (55 degrees). and intertester reliability for passive ROM of elbow flexion
Several investigators have taken a different approach in and extension. Their study involved 12 testers who used three
determining the amount of elbow and forearm motion needed different commonly used universal goniometers (large plastic,
for activities of daily living. Vasen and associates37 studied the small plastic, and large metal) to measure 24 patients. Pearson
ability of 50 healthy adults to comfortably complete 12 activ- product-moment correlation values ranged from 0.89 to 0.97
ities of daily living while their elbows were restricted in an for elbow flexion and extension ROM, whereas intraclass cor-
adjustable Bledsoe brace. Forty-nine subjects were able to relation coefficient (ICC) values ranged from 0.85 to 0.95.
complete all of the tasks with the elbow motion limited to Grohmann,42 in a study involving 40 testers and one
between 75 and 120 degrees of flexion. Subjects used com- subject, found that no significant differences existed between
pensatory motions at adjacent normal joints to complete the elbow measurements obtained by an over-the-joint method
activities. Cooper and colleagues38 studied upper-extremity for goniometer alignment and the traditional lateral method.
motion in subjects during three feeding tasks, with the elbow Differences between the means of the measurements were
unrestricted and then fixed in 110 degrees of flexion with a less than 2 degrees. The elbow was held in two fixed positions
splint. The 19 subjects were assessed with a video-based, (an acute and an obtuse angle) by a plywood stabilizing
three-dimensional motion analysis system while they were device.
drinking with a handled cup, eating with a fork, and eating Petherick and associates,17 in a study in which two testers
with a spoon. Compensatory motions to accommodate the measured 30 healthy subjects, found that intertester reliability
fixed elbow occurred to a large extent at the shoulder and to a for measuring active elbow ROM with a fluid-based goniome-
lesser extent at the wrist. ter was higher than with a universal goniometer. The Pearson
product-moment correlation between the two devices was 0.83,
Reliability whereas a significant difference was found between the two de-
A number of studies have examined the reliability of the mea- vices. The authors concluded that no concurrent validity existed
suring elbow and forearm ROM. Most investigators have between the fluid-based and the universal goniometers and that
found the intratester and intertester reliability of measuring these instruments could not be used interchangeably.
ROM with a universal goniometer at these joints to be good Greene and Wolf14 compared the reliability of the Ortho
to excellent. However, studies indicate that larger differences Ranger, an electronic pendulum goniometer, with the reliabil-
in repeated measurements are needed to detect meaningful ity of a universal goniometer for active upper-extremity mo-
change when examining forearm supination and pronation as tions in 20 healthy adults. Elbow flexion and extension were
compared to elbow flexion and extension. Comparisons measured three times for each instrument during each session.
between ROM measurements taken with different devices The three sessions were conducted by one physical therapist
have also been conducted, giving some indication of the during a 2-week period. Within-session reliability was higher
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 111

for the universal goniometer, as indicated by ICC values and ranged from 0.57 to 0.84 for flexion, 0.66 to 0.92 for elbow
95 percent confidence intervals. Measurements taken with the extension, and 0.85 to 0.94 for supination. The authors
Ortho Ranger correlated poorly with those taken with the uni- concluded that random error, followed by observer and
versal goniometer (r = 0.11 to 0.21), and there was a signifi- patient–observer interaction were the most important sources of
cant difference in measurements between the two devices. variation in these patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
Goodwin and coworkers16 evaluated the reliability of a uni- A study by Gajdosik45 of 31 healthy subjects compared
versal goniometer, a fluid goniometer, and an electrogoniometer three methods of measuring active ROM for supination and
for measuring active elbow ROM in 23 healthy women. Three pronation. All three methods aligned the stationary arm of a
testers took three consecutive readings using each type of universal goniometer parallel to the humerus. However,
goniometer, on two occasions that were 4 weeks apart. Signifi- Method I aligned the movable arm of the goniometer with a
cant differences were found between types of goniometers, pencil held in the hand. Method II placed the movable arm of
testers, and replications. Measurements taken with the universal the goniometer over the anterior or posterior surface of the
and fluid goniometers correlated the best (r ⫽ 0.90), whereas distal forearm, and Method III aligned the movable arm of the
the electrogoniometer correlated poorly with the universal goniometer parallel to a visualized line connecting the distal
goniometer (r ⫽ 0.51) and fluid goniometer (r ⫽ 0.33). Intra- radius and ulna. There was a significant difference in values
tester and intertester reliability was high during each occasion, between the three methods, with Method I having the greatest
with correlation coefficients greater than 0.98 and 0.90, respec- amount of supination and the least amount of pronation. All
tively. Intratester reliability between occasions was highest methods were highly reliable with ICC values ranging from
for the universal goniometer. ICC values ranged from 0.61 to 0.81 to 0.97 for three trials by one tester in one session and
0.92 for the universal goniometer, 0.53 to 0.85 for the fluid from 0.86 to 0.96 for two sessions conducted 30 minutes
goniometer, and 0.00 to 0.61 for the electrogoniometer. Similar apart. The author noted that Method I was the most reliable
to other researchers, the authors do not advise the interchange- but was confounded during supination by movement of the
able use of different types of goniometers in the clinical setting. fourth and fifth metacarpals. Methods II and III were recom-
Armstrong and associates43 examined the intratester, mended as reliable and more valid for clinical use but should
intertester, and interdevice reliability of active ROM measure- not be used interchangeably.
ments of the elbow and forearm in 38 surgical patients. Five Flower and associates46 measured passive supination and
testers measured each motion twice with each of the three pronation ROM in 30 orthopedic patients (31 wrists) with a
devices: a universal goniometer, an electrogoniometer, and a traditional 6-inch universal goniometer aligned with the
mechanical rotation measuring device. Intratester reliability was humerus and placed on the distal forearm and a new offset
high (r values generally greater than 0.90) for all three devices goniometer with a tubular handle and plumbline design.
and all motions. Intertester reliability was high for pronation and Three therapists measured each motion with each device once
supination with all three devices. Intertester reliability for elbow per session and repeated the session 20 minutes later. Intra-
flexion and extension was high for the electrogoniometer and class correlation coefficients for supination were 0.95 for both
moderate for the universal goniometer. Measurements taken the universal and new goniometer and 0.79 and 0.87 for
with different devices varied widely. The authors concluded that pronation with the universal and new goniometer, respec-
meaningful changes in intratester ROM taken with a universal tively. Average standard error of the measurement for supina-
goniometer occur with 95 percent confidence if they are greater tion was 3.7 degrees for both the universal and new
than 6 degrees for flexion, 7 degrees for extension, and 8 degrees goniometer and 7.0 and 6.2 degrees for pronation with the
for pronation and supination. Meaningful changes in intertester universal and new goniometer, respectively. The authors
ROM taken with a universal goniometer occur if they are greater stated that the difference in reliability between the two meth-
than 10 degrees for flexion, extension, and pronation and greater ods is probably not clinically significant.
than 11 degrees for supination. Karagiannopoulos, Sitler, and Michlovitz47 assessed the
Two examiners measured the active ROM of several reliability of two methods of measuring a functional combina-
upper-extremity joints in 29 patients with reflex sympathetic tion of active forearm and wrist rotation in 20 injured and
dystrophy with either an inclinometer or universal goniometer in 20 noninjured subjects. One method placed the stationary arm
a study by Geertzen and coworkers.44 Each examiner measured of a universal goniometer vertically and aligned the movable
the motions of each patient once per session, and the session arm with a pencil held in the hand. The second method uti-
was repeated 30 minutes later. The smallest detectable differ- lized an investigator-constructed tubular handle attached to a
ence, defined as the smallest amount of change in a variable that single-arm plumbline goniometer. Measurements were taken
can be measured with statistical significance, for elbow flexion three times with each method by the two examiners during
and extension with a universal goniometer was 9.6 and one session. Reliability was high and error was low for both
12.1 degrees on the affected side and 7.1 and 12.1 degrees on the methods and subject groups. Intratester and intertester ICC
nonaffected side, respectively. The smallest detectable differ- values ranged from 0.86 to 0.98 and from 0.91 to 0.96,
ence for supination measured with an inclinometer was 19.3 respectively. Intratester SEM values ranged from 1.4 to
degrees on the affected side and 16.5 degrees on the nonaffected 2.1 degrees, whereas intertester SEM values ranged from
side. Correlation coefficients between repeated measurements 2.2 to 3.9 degrees. To assess functional supination and
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112 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

pronation, the authors recommended the clinical use of the 135 degrees of flexion by a splint. In some cases the land-
handheld pencil method over the slightly more reliable marks were prelabeled, whereas in others the testers had to
plumbline method because of the simplicity and greater avail- palpate and identify the landmarks for goniometer alignment.
ability of the equipment for the handheld pencil method. Measurements were also determined from photographs of the
prelabeled, fixed elbow. In addition, passive elbow flexion
ROM was measured in the unsplinted elbow. There were small
Validity but significant differences (ranging from 0.6 to 5.1 degrees)
We are unaware of any published studies that report criterion- between the means of the goniometric measurements as com-
related validity of elbow and forearm ROM measurements pared to the photographic measurements, except in one case.
taken with a universal goniometer to radiographs. However, The standard deviation of the measurements increased from a
if photographic measurements are accepted as valid, then low of 0.7 to 1.1 degrees with photographic measurements to a
some indication of criterion-related validity may be provided high of 3.4 to 4.2 degrees with passive ROM. The authors pro-
by comparing goniometric and photographic measurements. posed that small systematic errors in alignment of the goniome-
In a study by Fish and Wingate,48 46 physical therapy stu- ter, identification of bony landmarks, and variations in the
dents used plastic and metal universal goniometers to mea- amount of torque applied by the tester may account for these
sure the angle of an elbow fixed in approximately 50 and differences.
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CHAPTER 5 The Elbow and Forearm 113

REFERENCES 25. Kalscheur, JA, Emery, LJ, and Costello, PS: Range of motion in older
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22. Boone, DC: Techniques of measurement of joint motion. (Unpublished tion for measuring passive supination and pronation: A preliminary study.
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male subjects. J Bone Joint Surg Am 61:756, 1979.) 47. Karagiannopoulos, C, Sitler, M, and Michlovitz, S: Reliability of 2 func-
23. Walker, JM, et al: Active mobility of the extremities in older subjects. tional goniometric methods for measuring forearm pronation and supina-
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The Wrist
Structure and Function convex surface (Fig. 6.1). The radius articulates with the
scaphoid and lunate, whereas the radioulnar disc articulates
with the triquetrum and, to a lesser extent, the lunate. The
Radiocarpal and Midcarpal Joints pisiform, although found in the proximal row of carpal bones,
Anatomy does not participate in the radiocarpal joint. The joint is
The wrist is comprised of two joints, the radiocarpal and mid- enclosed by a strong capsule and is reinforced by the palmar
carpal joints, both of which are important to function. The radiocarpal, ulnocarpal, dorsal radiocarpal, ulnar collateral,
radiocarpal joint lies closer to the forearm, whereas the mid- and radial collateral ligaments and numerous intercarpal liga-
carpal joint is closer to the hand. The proximal joint surface ments (Figs. 6.2 and 6.3).
of the radiocarpal joint consists of the distal radius and The midcarpal joint is distal to the radiocarpal joint. The
radioulnar articular disc (Fig. 6.1; see also Fig. 5.7).1 The disc predominant central and ulnar portions of the midcarpal joint
connects the medial aspect of the distal radius to the distal consist of the concave surfaces of the scaphoid, lunate, and tri-
ulna. The distal radius and the disc form a continuous concave quetrum proximally and the convex surfaces of the capitate and
surface.2,3 The distal joint surface includes three bones from the hamate distally (Fig. 6.1). On the radial side of the midcarpal
proximal carpal row—the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum— joint, a smaller convex surface of the scaphoid contacts the
which are connected by interosseous ligaments to form a concave surfaces of the trapezium and trapezoid. The midcarpal

Capitate Ulnar collateral

Hamate Trapezoid Radial collateral
Pisiform Trapezium ligament
Midcarpal joint
Radiocarpal joint
Radioulnar disc Ulnocarpal
Ulna Radius ligament Palmar radiocarpal

Ulna Radius

FIGURE 6.1 An anterior (palmar) view of the right wrist FIGURE 6.2 An anterior (palmar) view of the right wrist
showing the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints. showing the palmar radiocarpal, ulnocarpal, and collateral
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116 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

osteokinematic movements of the wrist, but there is more

complexity at the midcarpal joint than at the radiocarpal joint.
During flexion, the large and markedly convex surfaces of the
capitate and hamate roll ventrally and slide dorsally on the
concave surfaces of the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum.3,8,9
The smaller, shallow surfaces of the trapezium and trapezoid
are slightly concave and roll and slide ventrally on the convex
Dorsal radiocarpal
surface of the scaphoid with flexion. The movements during
ligament extension are opposite to that of flexion.
During radial deviation at the midcarpal joint, the convex
surfaces of the capitate and hamate roll in a radial direction
and slide in an ulnar direction on the concave surfaces of the
Radial collateral
ligament scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum. However, the concave sur-
Ulnar collateral
ligament faces of the trapezium and trapezoid roll and slide slightly
dorsally on the scaphoid during radial deviation.2,9,10 With
ulnar deviation, the surfaces on the capitate and hamate roll in
an ulnar direction and slide in a radial direction. The joint sur-
faces of the trapezium and trapezoid roll and slide slightly
Radius Ulna
Capsular Pattern
Cyriax and Cyriax11 report that the capsular pattern at the wrist
FIGURE 6.3 A posterior view of the right wrist showing the is an equal limitation of flexion and extension and a slight lim-
dorsal radiocarpal and collateral ligaments.
itation of radial and ulnar deviation. Kaltenborn3 notes that the
capsular pattern is an equal restriction in all motions.

joint has a joint capsule that is continuous with each intercarpal

joint and some carpometacarpal and intermetacarpal joints.
Many of the ligaments that reinforce the radiocarpal joint also
support the midcarpal joint (Figs. 6.2 and 6.3).

The radiocarpal and midcarpal joints are of the condyloid
type, with 2 degrees of freedom.2 The wrist complex (radio-
carpal and midcarpal joints) permits flexion–extension in the
sagittal plane around a medial–lateral axis and radial–ulnar
deviation in the frontal plane around an anterior–posterior
axis. Both joints contribute to these motions.4–6 Some sources
also report that a small amount of supination–pronation
occurs at the wrist complex,7 but this rotation is not usually
measured in the clinical setting.
Motion at the radiocarpal joint occurs because the convex sur-
faces of the proximal row of carpals roll and slide on the con-
cave surfaces of the radius and radioulnar disc. The proximal
row of carpals rolls in the same direction but slides in the
opposite direction to movement of the hand.3,8,9 The carpals
slide dorsally on the radius and disc during wrist flexion and
ventrally toward the palm during wrist extension. During
ulnar deviation, the carpals roll in an ulnar direction and slide
in a radial direction. During radial deviation, they roll in a ra-
dial direction and slide in an ulnar direction.
Motion at the midcarpal joint occurs because the distal
row of carpals rolls and slides on the proximal row of carpals.
The distal joint surface is predominantly convex and rolls in
the same direction and slides in the opposite direction to the
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 117


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/WRIST

Landmarks for Testing Procedures

FIGURE 6.4 Posterior view of the upper extremity showing surface anatomy landmarks
for goniometer alignment during the measurement of wrist ROM.




Fifth metacarpal
epicondyle of
humerus Ulna Triquetrum


Ulnar styloid process

FIGURE 6.5 Posterior view of the upper extremity showing bony anatomical landmarks for
goniometer alignment during the measurement of wrist ROM.
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118 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/WRIST

Wrist Flexion Testing Motion

This motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a Flex the wrist by pushing on the dorsal surface of
medial–lateral axis. Wrist flexion is sometimes referred the third metacarpal, moving the hand toward the
to as volar or palmar flexion. Normal range of motion floor (Fig. 6.6). Maintain the wrist in 0 degrees
(ROM) values for adults are 60 degrees according to the of radial and ulnar deviation. The end of flexion
American Medical Association (AMA),12 80 degrees ROM occurs when resistance to further motion
according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic is felt and attempts to overcome the resistance
Surgeons (AAOS),13,14 and 75 degrees according to cause the forearm to lift off the supporting
Boone and Azen.15 Refer to Research Findings and surface.
Tables 6.1 to 6.3 for additional normal ROM values by
age and gender. Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the dorsal
Testing Position radiocarpal ligament and the dorsal joint capsule. Ten-
Position the subject sitting next to a supporting surface sion in the extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus
with the shoulder abducted to 90 degrees, the elbow and extensor carpi ulnaris muscles may also con-
flexed to 90 degrees, and the palm of the hand facing tribute to the firm end-feel.
the ground. In this position the forearm will be midway
between supination and pronation. Rest the forearm on Goniometer Alignment
the supporting surface, but leave the hand free to See Figures 6.7 and 6.8.
move. Avoid radial or ulnar deviation of the wrist and 1. Center fulcrum on the lateral aspect of the wrist
flexion of the fingers. If the fingers are flexed, tension in over the triquetrum.
the extensor digitorum communis, extensor indicis, and 2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
extensor digiti minimi muscles will restrict the motion. ulna, using the olecranon and ulnar styloid
processes for reference.
Stabilization 3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the fifth
Stabilize the radius and ulna to prevent supination or metacarpal. Do not use the soft tissue of the
pronation of the forearm and motion of the elbow. hypothenar eminence for reference.

FIGURE 6.6 The end of wrist flexion ROM. Only about three-quarters of the subject’s
forearm is supported by the examining table so that there is sufficient space for the
hand to complete the motion.
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 119

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/WRIST

FIGURE 6.7 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of wrist flexion ROM.

FIGURE 6.8 At the end of wrist flexion ROM the examiner uses one hand to align the
distal arm of the gonimeter with the fifth metacarpal while maintaining the wrist in
flexion. The examiner exerts pressure on the middle of the dorsum of the subject’s
hand and avoids exerting pressure directly on the fifth metacarpal because such
pressure will distort the goniometer alignment.

Alternative Goniometer Alignment: 1. Center fulcrum over the capitate on the dorsal
Dorsal Aspect aspect of the wrist joint.
This alternative goniometer alignment is recom- 2. Align proximal arm with the dorsal midline of the
mended by LaStoya and Wheeler,16 although edema forearm.
may make accurate alignment over the dorsal surfaces 3. Align distal arm with the dorsal aspect of the third
of the forearm and hand difficult. Intratester reliability metacarpal.
is similar to lateral alignment technique (intraclass cor-
relation coefficient [ICC] ⫽ 0.87 to 0.92).
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120 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/WRIST

Wrist Extension dorsal direction toward the ceiling (Fig. 6.9). Maintain
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a the wrist in 0 degrees of radial and ulnar deviation.
medial–lateral axis. Wrist extension is sometimes The end of extension ROM occurs when resistance to
referred to as dorsal flexion. Normal ROM values for further motion is felt and attempts to overcome the
adults are 60 degrees according to the AMA,12 resistance cause the forearm to lift off of the
70 degrees according to the AAOS,13,14 and 74 degrees supporting surface.
according to Boone and Azen.15 See Research Find-
ings and Tables 6.1 to 6.3 for additional normal ROM Normal End-Feel
values by age and gender. Usually the end-feel is firm because of tension
in the palmar radiocarpal ligament, ulnocarpal
Testing Position ligament, and palmar joint capsule. Tension in the
Position the subject sitting next to a supporting surface palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis, and flexor
with the shoulder abducted to 90 degrees, the elbow carpi ulnaris muscles may also contribute to the
flexed to 90 degrees, and the palm of the hand facing firm end-feel. Sometimes the end-feel is hard
the ground. In this position the forearm will be midway because of contact between the radius and the
between supination and pronation. Rest the forearm on carpal bones.
the supporting surface, but leave the hand free to
move. Avoid radial or ulnar deviation of the wrist and Goniometer Alignment
extension of the fingers. If the fingers are held in exten- See Figures 6.10 and 6.11.
sion, tension in the flexor digitorum superficialis and
profundus muscles will restrict the motion. 1. Center fulcrum on the lateral aspect of the wrist
over the triquetrum.
Stabilization 2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
Stabilize the radius and ulna to prevent supination or ulna, using the olecranon and ulnar styloid process
pronation of the forearm and motion of the elbow. for reference.
3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the fifth
Testing Motion metacarpal. Do not use the soft tissue of the
Extend the wrist by pushing evenly across the palmar hypothenar eminence for reference.
surface of the metacarpals, moving the hand in a

FIGURE 6.9 At the end of the wrist extension ROM, the examiner stabilizes the
subject’s forearm with one hand and uses her other hand to hold the subject’s wrist
in extension. The examiner is careful to distribute pressure equally across the
subject’s metacarpals.
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 121

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/WRIST

FIGURE 6.10 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of wrist extension ROM.

FIGURE 6.11 At the end of the ROM of wrist extension, the examiner aligns the distal
goniometer arm with the fifth metacarpal while holding the wrist in extension. The examiner
avoids exerting excessive pressure on the fifth metacarpal.

Alternative Goniometer Alignment: 1. Center fulcrum on the palmar surface of the wrist
Palmar Aspect joint at the level of the capitate.
This alternative goniometer alignment is recommended 2. Align proximal arm with the palmar midline of the
by LaStayo and Wheeler,16 although edema may make forearm.
accurate alignment over the palmar surfaces of the 3. Align distal arm with the palmar midline of the
forearm and hand difficult. Intratester reliability is simi- third metacarpal.
lar to lateral alignment technique (ICC = 0.80 to 0.84).
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122 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/WRIST

Wrist Radial Deviation of flexion and extension, and avoid rotating the hand.
Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior– The end of radial deviation ROM occurs when resis-
posterior axis. Radial deviation is sometimes tance to further motion is felt and attempts to over-
referred to as radial flexion or abduction. Normal come the resistance cause the elbow to flex.
ROM values for adults are 20 degrees according to
the AMA12 and AAOS13,14 and 25 degrees according Normal End-Feel
to Greene and Wolf.17 See Research Findings and Usually the end-feel is hard because of contact be-
Tables 6.1 to 6.3 for additional normal ROM values by tween the radial styloid process and the scaphoid, but
age and gender. it may be firm because of tension in the ulnar collat-
eral ligament, the ulnocarpal ligament, and the ulnar
Testing Position portion of the joint capsule. Tension in the extensor
Position the subject sitting next to a supporting sur- carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles may also
face with the shoulder abducted to 90 degrees, the contribute to the firm end-feel.
elbow flexed to 90 degrees, and the palm of the hand
facing the ground. In this position the forearm will be Goniometer Alignment
midway between supination and pronation. Rest the See Figures 6.13 and 6.14.
forearm and hand on the supporting surface. 1. Center fulcrum on the dorsal aspect of the wrist
over the capitate.
Stabilization 2. Align proximal arm with the dorsal midline of the
Stabilize the radius and ulna to prevent pronation or forearm. If the shoulder is in 90 degrees of abduc-
supination of the forearm and elbow flexion beyond tion and the elbow is in 90 degrees of flexion, the
90 degrees. lateral epicondyle of the humerus can be used for
Testing Motion 3. Align distal arm with the dorsal midline of the
Radially deviate the wrist by moving the hand toward third metacarpal. Do not use the third phalanx
the thumb (Fig. 6.12). Maintain the wrist in 0 degrees for reference.

FIGURE 6.12 The examiner stabilizes the subject’s forearm to prevent flexion of the elbow beyond
90 degrees when the wrist is moved into radial deviation. The examiner avoids moving the wrist into
either flexion or extension.
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 123

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/WRIST

FIGURE 6.13 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of radial deviation ROM. The
examining table can be used to support the hand.

FIGURE 6.14 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of radial deviation ROM. The examiner
must center the fulcrum over the dorsal surface of the capitate. If the fulcrum shifts to the ulnar side
of the wrist, there will be an incorrect measurement of excessive radial deviation.
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124 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/WRIST

WRIST ULNAR DEVIATION wrist in 0 degrees of flexion and extension, and avoid
Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an rotating the hand. The end of ulnar deviation ROM
anterior–posterior axis. Ulnar deviation is sometimes occurs when resistance to further motion is felt and
referred to as ulnar flexion or adduction. Normal ROM attempts to overcome the resistance cause the elbow
values for adults are 30 degrees according to the to extend.
AMA12 and AAOS13,14 and 39 degrees according to
Greene and Wolf.17 See Research Findings and Normal End-Feel
Tables 6.1 to 6.3 for additional normal ROM values by The end-feel is firm because of tension in the radial
age and gender. collateral ligament and the radial portion of the joint
capsule. Tension in the extensor pollicis brevis and
Testing Position abductor pollicis longus muscles may contribute to
Position the subject sitting next to a supporting the firm end-feel.
surface with the shoulder abducted to 90 degrees,
the elbow flexed to 90 degrees, and the palm of the
Goniometer Alignment
hand facing the ground. In this position the forearm
See Figures 6.16 and 6.17.
will be midway between supination and pronation.
Rest the forearm and hand on the supporting surface. 1. Center fulcrum on the dorsal aspect of the wrist
over the capitate.
Stabilization 2. Align proximal arm with the dorsal midline of the
Stabilize the radius and ulna to prevent pronation or forearm. If the shoulder is in 90 degrees of abduc-
supination of the forearm and less than 90 degrees of tion and the elbow is in 90 degrees of flexion, the
elbow flexion. lateral epicondyle of the humerus can be used for
Testing Motion 3. Align distal arm with the dorsal midline of the
Deviate the wrist in the ulnar direction by moving the third metacarpal. Do not use the third phalanx for
hand toward the little finger (Fig. 6.15). Maintain the reference.

FIGURE 6.15 The examiner uses one hand to stabilize the subject’s forearm and maintain the elbow in
90 degrees of flexion. The examiner’s other hand moves the wrist into ulnar deviation, being careful
not to flex or extend the wrist.
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 125

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/WRIST

FIGURE 6.16 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of ulnar deviation ROM. Sometimes
if a half-circle goniometer is used, the proximal and distal arms of the goniometer will have to be
reversed so that the pointer remains on the body of the goniometer at the end of the ROM.

FIGURE 6.17 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of the ulnar deviation ROM. The examiner
must center the fulcrum over the dorsal surface of the capitate. If the fulcrum shifts to the radial side
of the wrist, there will be an incorrect measurement of excessive ulnar deviation.
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126 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/WRIST


FLEXOR DIGITORUM PROFUNDUS head of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle orig-
inates proximally from the medial epicondyle of the
AND FLEXOR DIGITORUM humerus, the ulnar collateral ligament, and the
SUPERFICIALIS MUSCLE LENGTH coronoid process of the ulna (Fig. 6.19). The radial
The flexor digitorum profundus crosses the elbow, head of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle
wrist, metacarpophalangeal (MCP), proximal inter- originates proximally from the anterior surface of the
phalangeal (PIP), and distal interphalangeal (DIP) radius. It inserts distally via two slips into the sides of
joints. The flexor digitorum profundus originates the bases of the middle phalanges of the fingers.
proximally from the upper three-fourths of the ulna, When the flexor digitorum superficialis contracts, it
the coronoid process of the ulna, and the interosseus flexes the MCP and PIP joints of the fingers and
membrane (Fig. 6.18). This muscle inserts distally flexes the wrist. The muscle is passively lengthened
onto the palmar surface of the bases of the distal by placing the elbow, wrist, MCP, and PIP joints in
phalanges of the fingers. When it contracts, it flexes extension.
the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints of the fingers and flexes If the flexor digitorum profundus and flexor
the wrist. The flexor digitorum profundus is passively digitorum superficialis muscles are short, they will
lengthened by placing the elbow, wrist, MCP, PIP, and limit wrist extension when the elbow, MCP, PIP, and
DIP joints in extension. DIP joints are positioned in extension. If passive
The flexor digitorum superficialis crosses the wrist extension is limited regardless of the position
elbow, wrist, MCP, and PIP joints. The humeroulnar of the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints, the limitation is

Flexor digitorum profundus

FIGURE 6.18 An anterior view of the right forearm showing the attachments of the flexor
digitorum profundus muscle.

Medial epicondyle
of humerus Flexor digitorum superficialis



FIGURE 6.19 An anterior view of the right forearm and hand showing the attachments of
the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle.
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 127

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/WRIST

due to abnormalities of wrist joint surfaces or Starting Position
shortening of the palmar joint capsule, palmar ra- Position the subject sitting next to a supporting sur-
diocarpal ligament, ulnocarpal ligament, palmaris face with the upper extremity resting on the surface.
longus, flexor carpi radialis, or flexor carpi ulnaris Place the elbow, MCP, PIP, and DIP joints in extension
muscles. (Fig. 6.20). Pronate the forearm and place the wrist in

FIGURE 6.20 The starting position for testing the length of the flexor digitorum profundus and
flexor digitorum superficialis muscles.
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128 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/WRIST

Stabilization additional wrist extension causes the fingers or elbow

Stabilize the forearm to prevent elbow flexion. to flex.

Testing Motion End-Feel

Hold the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints in extension while The end-feel is firm because of tension in the flexor
extending the wrist (Figs. 6.21 and 6.22). The end of digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum superficialis
the testing motion occurs when resistance is felt and muscles.

FIGURE 6.21 The end of the testing motion for the length of the flexor digitorum profundus
and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles. The examiner uses one hand to stabilize the
forearm, while the other hand holds the fingers in extension and moves the wrist into
extension. The examiner has moved her right thumb from the dorsal surface of the fingers to
allow a clearer photograph, but keeping the thumb placed on the dorsal surface would help
to prevent the fingers from flexing at the PIP joints.

Flexor digitorum superficialis

(radial head)

Flexor digitorum
Flexor digitorum
(humeral + ulnar heads)

FIGURE 6.22 A lateral view of the right forearm and hand showing the flexor digitorum
profundus and flexor digitorum superficialis being stretched over the elbow, wrist, MCP, PIP,
and DIP joints.
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 129

Goniometer Alignment

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/WRIST

See Figure 6.23.
1. Center fulcrum on the lateral aspect of the wrist
over the triquetrum.
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
ulna, using the olecranon and ulnar styloid process
for reference.
3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
fifth metacarpal. Do not use the soft tissue of the
hypothenar eminence for reference.

FIGURE 6.23 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of testing the length of the flexor
digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles.
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130 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/WRIST

The extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, and exten-
sor digiti minimi muscles cross the elbow; wrist; and
MCP, PIP, and DIP joints. When these muscles con-
tract, they extend the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints of the Extensor
fingers and extend the wrist. These muscles are pas- mechanism
sively lengthened by placing the elbow in extension Distal phalanx
and the wrist, MCP, PIP, and DIP joints in full flexion. Middle phalanx
The extensor digitorum originates proximally
from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and inserts
distally onto the middle and distal phalanges of the
Proximal phalanx
fingers via the extensor hood (Fig. 6.24). The exten-
sor indicis originates proximally from the posterior
surface of the ulna and the interosseous membrane.
This muscle inserts distally onto the extensor hood of
the index finger. The extensor digiti minimi also orig-
inates proximally from the lateral epicondyle of the
humerus but inserts distally onto the extensor hood of
the little finger.
If the extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, and Ulna
extensor digiti minimi muscles are short, they will Extensor indicis
limit wrist flexion when the elbow is positioned in
extension and the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints are posi-
tioned in full flexion. If wrist flexion is limited regard- Extensor
Extensor digiti
less of the position of the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints, minimi
the limitation is due to abnormalities of joint surfaces
of the wrist or shortening of the dorsal joint capsule,
dorsal radiocarpal ligament, extensor carpi radialis FIGURE 6.24 A posterior view of the right forearm and hand
longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, or extensor showing the distal attachments of the extensor digitorum,
carpi ulnaris muscles. extensor indicis, and extensor digiti minimi muscles.
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 131

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/WRIST

Starting Position Testing Motion
Position the subject sitting next to a supporting sur- Hold the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints in full flexion while
face. The upper arm and the forearm should rest on flexing the wrist (Figs. 6.26 and 6.27). The end of the
the supporting surface, but the hand should be free testing motion occurs when resistance is felt and addi-
to move into flexion. Place the elbow in full extension tional wrist flexion causes the fingers to extend or the
and the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints in full flexion elbow to flex.
(Fig. 6.25). Place the forearm in pronation and the
wrist in neutral. Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the exten-
Stabilization sor digitorum, extensor indicis, and extensor digiti
Stabilize the forearm to prevent elbow flexion. minimi muscles.

FIGURE 6.25 The starting position for testing the length of the extensor digitorum, extensor
indicis, and extensor digiti minimi muscles. The hand is positioned off the end of the
examining table to allow room for finger and wrist flexion.
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132 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/WRIST

FIGURE 6.26 The end of the testing motion for the length of the extensor digitorum, extensor
indicis, and extensor digiti minimi muscles. One of the examiner’s hands stabilizes the forearm,
while the other hand holds the fingers in full flexion and moves the wrist into flexion.

Extensor digitorum Radius


Lateral epicondyle digiti
of humerus minimi
Extensor indicis

FIGURE 6.27 A posterior view of the right forearm and hand showing the extensor
digitorum, extensor indicis, and extensor digiti minimi muscles stretched over the elbow,
wrist, MCP, PIP, and DIP joints.
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 133

Goniometer Alignment 3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/WRIST

See Figure 6.28. fifth metacarpal. Do not use the soft tissue of the
hypothenar eminence for reference.
1. Center fulcrum on the lateral aspect of the wrist
over the triquetrum.
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
ulna, using the olecranon and ulnar styloid process
for reference.

FIGURE 6.28 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of testing the length of the extensor
digitorum, extensor indicis, and extensor digiti minimi muscles.
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134 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Research Findings Table 6.2 provides normative wrist ROM values for new-
borns and children. Although caution must be used in draw-
ing conclusions from comparisons between values obtained
Effects of Age, Gender, by different researchers, the mean flexion and extension
and Other Factors values for infants from Wanatabe and coworkers22 are larger
than values for males aged 18 months to 19 years reported by
Table 6.1 provides normal wrist ROM values for adults as Boone and Azen.15,23 Within the study by Boone and Azen,
reported by the AAOS,12–15,17,18 AMA,12 Boone and Azen,15 wrist flexion and ulnar and radial deviation motions for the
Greene and Wolf,17 and Ryu and associates.18 In general, these youngest age group (18 months to 5 years) were significantly
values range from 60 to 80 degrees for flexion, 60 to 75 degrees larger than the values for other age groups (see Tables 6.2 and
for extension, 20 to 25 degrees for radial deviation, and 30 to 6.3). Wrist extension values were significantly larger for
40 degrees for ulnar deviation. Other studies that provide wrist males 6 to 12 years of age than for those in the other age
ROM data for adults between the ages of 20 to 60 years include groups.
Solgaard and colleagues,19 Solveborn and Olerud,20 and Stubbs Table 6.3 provides wrist ROM values in male adults from
and coworkers.21 20 to 54 years of age. Boone and Azen15,23 found a significant
Age difference in wrist flexion and extension ROM between males
Most studies support a small, gradual decrease in the amount younger than or equal to 19 years of age and those who were
of wrist motion with increasing age. Age-related ROM older. However, the effects of age on wrist motion in adults
changes appear to be most marked in young children and from 20 to 54 years of age appear to be very slight. A study
seniors, whereas changes in young and middle-aged adults by Stubbs and associates21 placed 55 male subjects between
seem minimal. the ages of 25 and 54 years into three age groups. There was

TABLE 6.1 Normal Wrist ROM Values for Adults in Degrees from Selected Sources

AAOS13,14 AMA12 Boone and Azen15 Greene and Wolf17 Ryu et al18
20–54 yrs 18–55 yrs n = 40
n = 56 n = 20 Males and
Males Males and Females Females
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean
Flexion 80 60 74.8 (6.6) 73.3 (2.1) 79.1
Extension 70 60 74.0 (6.6) 64.9 (2.2) 59.3
Radial deviation 20 20 21.1 (4.0) 25.4 (2.0) 21.1
Ulnar deviation 30 30 35.3 (3.8) 39.2 (2.1) 37.7

TABLE 6.2 Effects of Age on Wrist ROM in Newborns, Children, and Adolescents: Normal Values
in Degrees
Wanatabe et al22 Boone and Azen15,23
2 wks–2 yrs 18 mos–5 yrs 6–12 yrs 13–19 yrs
n = 45 n = 19 n = 17 n = 17
Males and Females Males Males Males
Motion Range of Means Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 88–96 82.2 (3.8) 76.3 (5.6) 75.4 (4.5)
Extension 82–89 76.1 (4.9) 78.4 (5.9) 72.9 (6.4)
Radial deviation 24.2 (3.7) 21.3 (4.1) 19.7 (3.0)
Ulnar deviation 38.7 (3.6) 35.4 (2.4) 35.7 (4.2)
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 135

TABLE 6.3 Effects of Age on Wrist ROM in Men 20 to 54 Years Old: Normal Values in Degrees

Boone and Azen15,23 Stubbs et al21

20–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–54 yrs 25–34 yrs 35–44 yrs 45–54 yrs
n = 19 n = 18 n = 19 n = 15 n = 20 n = 20
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 76.8 (5.5) 74.9 (4.0) 72.8 (8.9) 70.6 (9.3) 73.5 (10.4) 68.9 (8.4)
Extension 77.5 (5.1) 72.8 (6.9) 71.6 (6.3) 78.3 (11.8) 76.4 (10.4) 76.7 (11.7)
Radial deviation 21.4 (3.6) 20.3 (3.1) 21.6 (5.1) 23.8 (9.5) 22.5 (7.9) 18.9 (7.9)
Ulnar deviation 35.1 (3.8) 36.1 (2.9) 34.7 (4.5) 51.1 (9.0) 49.9 (7.0) 44.1 (4.3)

no significant difference among the age groups for wrist differences in the average amount of active motion in various
flexion, extension, and radial deviation ROM. A significant age groups, but no statistical analyses were performed. Allander
difference in ulnar deviation (7 degrees) was found between and coworkers,28 in a study of 309 Icelandic females, 208
the oldest and the youngest age groups, with the oldest group Swedish females, and 203 Swedish males ranging in age from
having less motion. 33 to 70 years, found that with increasing age there was a
Wrist ROM values in males 60 years of age and older are decrease in flexion and extension ROM at both wrists. Males
presented in Table 6.4. Flexion and extension ROM in these lost an average of 2.2 degrees of motion every 5 years. Bell
older adults, as presented by Walker and associates,24 Chap- and Hoshizaki29 studied 124 females and 66 males ranging in
arro and colleagues,25 and Kalscheur and coworkers26 are less age from 18 to 88 years. A significant negative correlation
than the values for the age groups presented in Table 6.3. was noted between ROM and age for wrist flexion–extension
Chaparro and colleagues25 further subdivided the 62 male and radial–ulnar deviation in females and for wrist
subjects in their study into four age groups: 60 to 69 years of flexion–extension in males. As age increased, wrist motions
age, 70 to 79 years of age, 80 to 89 years of age, and 90 years generally decreased. There was a significant difference
of age and older. They found a trend of decreasing ROM with among the five age groups of females for all wrist motions,
increasing age, with the oldest group having significantly although the difference was not significant for males.
lower wrist flexion and ulnar deviation values than the two Kalscheur and associates,30 in a study of 61 women between
youngest groups. the ages of 63 and 85 years, found a significant linear relation-
Four other studies offer additional information on the ship between age and right wrist flexion and extension with
effects of age on wrist motion. Hewitt,27 in a study of ROM decreasing an average of 0.4 to 0.5 degrees per year in
112 females between 11 and 45 years of age, found slight these older women. The relationships between age and left
wrist motions were not statistically significant.
TABLE 6.4 Effects of Age on Wrist ROM The following four studies offer evidence of gender effects on
in Men Older Than 60 Years: the wrist joint, with most supporting the belief that women
Normal Values in Degrees have slightly more wrist ROM than men. Cobe,31 in a study of
100 college men and 15 women ranging in age from 20 to
Walker Chaparro Kalscheur
et al24 et al25 et al26 30 years, found that women had a greater active ROM in all
motions at the wrist than men. Allander and coworkers28 com-
60–85 yrs 60–90+ yrs 66–86 yrs pared wrist flexion and extension ROM in 203 Swedish men
n = 30 n = 62 n = 25 and 208 Swedish women between the ages of 45 and more
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) than 70 years of age and noted that women had significantly
greater motion than men. Both studies measured active
Flexion 62.0 (12.0) 50.8 (13.8) 64.9 (8.7) motion with joint-specific mechanical devices. Walker and as-
Extension 61.0 (6.0) 44.0 (9.9) 58.2 (10.9) sociates,24 in a study of 30 men and 30 women aged 60 to
Radial 20.0 (6.0) 84 years, found that the women had more active wrist exten-
deviation sion and flexion than the men, whereas the men had more
Ulnar 28.0 (7.0) 35.0 (9.5) ulnar and radial deviation than the women. These differences
deviation were statistically significant for wrist extension (4 degrees)
and ulnar deviation (5 degrees). Chaparro and colleagues25
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136 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

examined wrist flexion, extension, and ulnar deviation ROM on the left compared with the right. However, mean differ-
in 62 men and 85 women from 60 to more than 90 years ences between sides were only 2 degrees. The authors con-
of age. Women had significantly greater wrist extension curred with Boone and Azen15 that a patient’s healthy limb
(6.4 degrees) and ulnar deviation (3.0 degrees) than men. can be used to establish a norm for comparing with the
Kalscheur and coworkers26 found that women had more wrist affected side.
flexion and extension ROM than men in a study of 61 women Testing Position
and 25 men between the ages of 63 and 86 years. These dif- Several studies have reported differences in wrist ROM
ferences ranged from 1.7 to 5.3 degrees and were statistically depending on the testing position of the forearm during mea-
significant for right wrist flexion (5.0 degrees) and left wrist surement. These findings support the use of consistent fore-
extension (5.3 degrees). arm positions during wrist measurements. Cobe,31 in a study
Right Versus Left Sides of 100 men and 15 women, found that ulnar deviation ROM
Study results vary as to whether there is a difference between was greater in supination, whereas radial deviation was
left and right wrist ROM. Boone and Azen,15 in a study of 109 greater in pronation. It is interesting that the total amount of
normal males between 18 months and 54 years of age, found ulnar and radial deviation combined was similar between the
no significant difference in wrist flexion, extension, and radial two positions. Hewitt27 measured wrist ROM in 112 females
and ulnar deviation between sides. Likewise, Chang, in supination and pronation and found that ulnar deviation
Buschbacher, and Edlich32 found no significant difference was greater in supination, whereas radial deviation, flexion,
between right and left wrist flexion and extension in the and extension were greater in pronation. Werner and
10 power lifters and 10 nonlifters who were their subjects. Plancher,6 in a review article, also stated that ulnar deviation
Solgaard and coworkers19 studied 8 males and 23 females has a greater ROM when the forearm is supinated than when
aged 24 to 65 years. Right and left wrist extension and radial the forearm is pronated. They noted that radial and ulnar
deviation differed significantly, but the differences were small deviation ROMs become minimal when the wrist is fully
and not significant when the total range (i.e., flexion and flexed or extended. No specific references for these observa-
extension) was assessed. The authors stated that the opposite tions were cited.
wrist could be satisfactorily used as a reference. Spilman and Pinkston28 examined the effect of three fre-
In contrast, several studies have found the left wrist to quently used goniometric testing positions on active wrist
have greater ROM than the right wrist. Cobe31 measured radial and ulnar deviation ROM in 100 subjects (63 males,
wrist motions in the positions of pronation and supination in 37 females). In Position One the subject’s arm was at the side,
100 men and 15 women. He found that men had greater ROM with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees and the forearm fully
in their left wrist than in their right for all motions except pronated. In Position Two the shoulder was in 90 degrees of
ulnar deviation measured in pronation. However, he reported flexion, with the elbow extended and the hand prone. In Posi-
that the women had greater wrist motion on the right except tion Three the subject’s shoulder was in 90 degrees of abduc-
for extension in pronation and radial deviation in supination. tion, with the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion and the hand
No statistical tests were conducted in the 1928 study, but prone (in this position the forearm is in neutral pronation).
Allander and associates28 reported that a recalculation of the Ulnar deviation and the total range of radial and ulnar devia-
original data collected by Cobe found a significantly greater tion were significantly greater when measured in Position
ROM on the left in men. Cobe31 suggests that the heavy work Three. Radial deviation was significantly greater when the
that men performed using their right extremities may account subject was in Position Three or Position Two than in Position
for the decrease in right-side motion in comparison with left- One. The differences between the means for the three posi-
side motion. A study by Kalscheur and associates30 found a tions were small—approximately 3 degrees.
significantly greater range of left wrist extension and right Wrist ROM values have also been found to vary if differ-
wrist flexion as compared to the contralateral side in 61 older ent wrist positions are used during testing. It appears that the
women. The mean differences between sides were small, greatest ROM values are obtained with the wrist in a neutral
ranging from 3 to 5 degrees. position. Marshall, Morzall, and Shealy34 evaluated 35 men
Allander and associates,28 in a study subgroup of 309 Ice- and 19 women for wrist ROM in one plane of motion while
landic women aged 34 to 61 years, found no significant the subjects were fixed in secondary wrist and forearm posi-
difference between the right and the left wrists. However, a tions. For example, during the measurement of radial and
subgroup of 208 women and 203 Swedish men in the study ulnar deviation, the wrist was alternatively positioned in
showed significantly smaller ranges of wrist flexion and 0 degrees, 40 degrees of flexion, and 40 degrees of extension.
extension on the right than on the left, independent of gender. During the measurement of flexion and extension the wrist
The authors state that these differences may be due to a higher was positioned in 0 degrees, 15 degrees radial deviation, and
level of exposure to trauma of the right hand in a predominantly 25 degrees ulnar deviation. The effects of the secondary wrist
right-handed society. Solveborn and Olerud20 measured wrist and forearm postures, although statistically significant, were
ROM in 16 healthy subjects in addition to 123 patients with generally small (less than 5 degrees), with most motions hav-
unilateral tennis elbow. Among the healthy subjects a signifi- ing the greatest range with the wrist in neutral. However,
cantly greater ROM was found for wrist flexion and extension radial deviation ROM was greatest when performed in wrist
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 137

extension. The authors believed that the changes that occur in activities generally required the least amount of extension
wrist ROM with positional alterations might have been due to (6 to 24 degrees) and the smallest arc of motion (13 to
changes in contact between articular surfaces and tautness of 20 degrees). Using the telephone (Fig. 6.29), turning a
ligaments that span the wrist region. In a study of 10 subjects steering wheel or a doorknob and rising from a chair (see
performing active circumduction, Li and associates35 found Fig. 5.31) required the greatest amounts of extension (40 to
that maximum ROM in flexion and extension occurred with 63 degrees) and arc of motion (43 to 85 degrees). Turning a
the wrist near 0 degrees of radial and ulnar deviation. Like- doorknob (Fig. 6.30) involved the greatest amount of flex-
wise, maximum ROM in radial and ulnar deviation occurred ion (40 degrees). The greatest amounts of ulnar deviation
with the wrist near 0 degrees of flexion and extension. Wrist (27 to 32 degrees) were noted while rising from a chair,
deviation from the neutral position in one plane of motion re- turning a doorknob and steering wheel, and pouring from a
duced wrist ROM in other planes of motions. pitcher.
Table 6.6 provides information on wrist position during
the placement of the hand on the body areas commonly
Functional Range of Motion touched during personal care. The majority of positions
Several investigators have examined the range of motion that required wrist flexion and less overall wrist motion than the
occurs at the wrist during activities of daily living (ADLs) and ADLs presented in Table 6.5. Among the positions studied,
during the placement of the hand on the body areas necessary placing the palm to the front of the chest consistently
for personal care. Tables 6.5 and 6.6 are adapted from the required the greatest amount of wrist flexion, whereas plac-
works of Brumfield and Champoux,36 Ryu and associates,18 ing the palm to the sacrum required the greatest amount of
Safaee-Rad and colleagues,37 and Cooper and coworkers.38 Dif- ulnar deviation.
ferences in ROM values reported for certain functional tasks Brumfield and Champoux36 used a uniaxial electrogo-
were most likely the result of variations in task definitions, niometer to determine the range of wrist flexion and extension
measurement methods, and subject selection. However, in spite during 15 ADLs performed by 12 men and 7 women. They
of the range of values reported, certain trends are evident. determined that ADLs such as eating, drinking, and using a
A review of Table 6.5 shows that the majority of ADLs telephone were accomplished with 5 degrees of flexion to
required wrist extension and ulnar deviation. Drinking 35 degrees of extension. Personal care activities that involved

TABLE 6.5 Wrist ROM During Functional Activities: Mean Values in Degrees

Extension* Ulnar Deviation† Source

Activity Min Max Arc Min Max Arc

Put glass to mouth 11.2 24.0 12.8 — — — Brumfield36

Drink from glass 2 22 20 5 20 15 Ryu‡18
Drink from handled cup –7.5* 5.9 13.4 8.3 16.1 7.8 Safaee-Rad37
Eat with fork 9.3 36.5 27.7 — — — Brumfield
3.3 17.7 14.4 3.2 –4.9 †
8.1 Safaee-Rad
Feeding tasks: fork, spoon, cup –6.8* 20.9 27.2 18.7 –2.4† 21.1 Cooper (males)38
Cut with knife –3.5* 20.2 23.7 — — — Brumfield
–30* –5 25 12 27 15 Ryu
Pour from pitcher 8.7 29.7 21.0 — — — Brumfield
–20* 22 42 12 32 20 Ryu
Turn doorknob –40* 45 85 –2† 32 34 Ryu
Use telephone –0.1* 42.6 42.7 — — — Brumfield
–15 40 55 –10 †
12 22 Ryu
Turn steering wheel –15* 45 60 –17† 27 44 Ryu
Rise from chair 0.6 63.4 62.8 — — — Brumfield
–10* 60 70 5 30 25 Ryu

*The minus sign denotes flexion.

The minus sign denotes radial deviation.

Values from Ryu et al were extrapolated from graphs.
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138 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

TABLE 6.6 Wrist Motions During Hand Placement Needed for Personal Care Activities:
Mean Values in Degrees
Extension Flexion Ulnar Deviation Radial Deviation
Activity Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Source

Hand to top of head — — 2.3 (12.5) — — — — Brumfield36

— — 20.9 (13.9) 16.1 (12.7) — — Ryu18
Hand to occiput 12.7 (9.9) — — — — — — Brumfield
— — 0.9 (17.6) 9.7 (11.9) — — Ryu
Hand to front of chest — — 18.9 (8.9) — — — — Brumfield
— — 24.5 (16.7) — — 5.1 (10.3) Ryu
Hand to sacrum — — 0.6 (9.8) — — — — Brumfield
— — 19.5 (19.3) 47.8 (16.8) — — Ryu
Hand to foot 14.2 (10.6) — — — — — — Brumfield
0.8 (14.6) — — 8.7 (12.2) — — Ryu

placing the hand on the body required 20 degrees of flexion to

15 degrees of extension. The authors concluded that an arc of
wrist motion of 45 degrees (10 degrees of flexion to 35 degrees
of extension) is sufficient to perform most of the activities
Palmer and coworkers39 used a triaxial electrogoniometer
to study 10 normal subjects while they performed 52 tasks. A
range of 33 degrees of flexion, 59 degrees of extension, 23 de-
grees of radial deviation, and 22 degrees of ulnar deviation
was used in performing ADLs and personal hygiene. During
these tasks the average amount of motion was about 5 degrees
of flexion, 30 degrees of extension, 10 degrees of radial devi-
ation, and 15 degrees of ulnar deviation. ROM values for in-
dividual tasks were not presented in the study.
Ryu and associates18 found that 31 examined tasks could
be performed with 54 degrees of flexion, 60 degrees of exten-
sion, 17 degrees of radial deviation, and 40 degrees of ulnar
FIGURE 6.29 Using a telephone requires approximately deviation. The 20 men and 20 women were evaluated with a
40 degrees of wrist extension.
biaxial electrogoniometer during performance of palm place-
ment activities, personal care and hygiene, diet and food
preparation, and miscellaneous ADLs.
Studies by Safaee-Rad and coworkers37 and Cooper and
coworkers38 examined wrist ROM with a video-based three-
dimensional motion analysis system during three feeding
tasks: drinking from a cup, eating with a fork, and eating with
a spoon. The 10 males studied by Safaee-Rad and coworkers
used from 10 degrees of wrist flexion to 25 degrees of exten-
sion and from 20 degrees of ulnar deviation to 5 degrees of
radial deviation during the tasks. Cooper and coworkers
examined 10 males and 9 females during feeding tasks, with
the elbow unrestricted and then fixed in 110 degrees of flex-
ion. With the elbow unrestricted, males used from 7 degrees
of wrist flexion to 21 degrees of extension and from 19 degrees
FIGURE 6.30 Turning a doorknob requires 40 degrees of of ulnar deviation to 2 degrees of radial deviation. Females
wrist flexion and 45 degrees of wrist extension. had similar values for flexion and extension but used from
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 139

3 degrees of ulnar deviation to 18 degrees of radial deviation. incidences of injury, studies have been conducted on the wrist
Both studies found that drinking from a cup required less of positions used and the amount and frequency of wrist motions
an arc of wrist motion than eating with a fork or spoon. required during grocery bagging,41 grocery scanning,42 piano
Nelson40 took a different approach to determining the playing,43 industrial work,44 and handrim wheelchair propul-
amount of wrist motion necessary for carrying out functional sion45,46 and in playing sports such as basketball, baseball
tasks. He evaluated the ability of 9 males and 3 females to pitching, and golf.6,47 The reader is advised to refer directly to
perform 123 ADLs with a splint on the dominant wrist that these studies to gain information about the amount of wrist
limited motion to 5 degrees of flexion, 6 degrees of extension, ROM that occurs during these activities. In general, an asso-
7 degrees of radial deviation, and 6 degrees of ulnar deviation. ciation has been noted between activities that require extreme
All 123 activities could be completed with the splint in place, wrist postures and the prevalence of hand/wrist tendinitis.48
with 9 activities having a mean difficulty rating of greater than Tasks that involve repeated wrist flexion and extreme wrist
or equal to 2 (could be done with minimal difficulty or frustra- extension, repetitive work with the hands, and repeated force
tion and with satisfactory outcome). The most difficult activities applied to the base of the palm and wrist have been associated
included putting on/taking off a brassiere (Fig. 6.31), washing with carpal tunnel syndrome.49
legs/back, writing, dusting low surfaces, cutting vegetables,
handling a sharp knife, cutting meat, using a can opener, and
using a manual eggbeater. It should be noted that these sub-
jects were pain free and had normal shoulders and elbows to In early studies of wrist motion conducted by Hewitt27 and
compensate for the restricted wrist motions. The ability to Cobe31 in the 1920s, both authors observed considerable dif-
generalize these results to a patient population with pain and ferences in repeated measurements of active wrist motions.
multiply involved joints may be limited. These differences were attributed to a lack of motor control
Repetitive trauma disorders such as carpal tunnel syn- on the part of the subjects in expending maximal effort. Cobe
drome and wrist/hand tendinitis have been noted to occur suggested that only average values have much validity and
more frequently in performing certain types of work, sports, that changes in ROM should exceed 5 degrees to be consid-
and artistic endeavors. To elucidate the cause of these higher ered clinically significant.
Later studies of intratester and intertester reliability were
conducted by numerous researchers. The majority of these
investigators found that intratester reliability was greater than
intertester reliability, that reliability varied according to the
motion being tested, and that different instruments should not
be used interchangeably during joint measurement.
Hellebrandt, Duvall, and Moore50 found that wrist motions
measured with a universal goniometer were more reliable than
those measured with a joint-specific device. Measurements of
wrist flexion and extension were less reliable than measure-
ments of radial and ulnar deviation, although mean differences
between successive measurements taken with a universal
goniometer by a skilled tester were 1.1 degrees for flexion and
0.9 degrees for extension. The mean differences between suc-
cessive measurements increased to 5.4 degrees for flexion and
5.7 degrees for extension when successive measurements were
taken with different instruments.
In a study by Low,51 50 testers using a universal
goniometer visually estimated and then measured the
author’s active wrist extension and elbow flexion. Five
testers also took 10 repeated measurements over the course
of 5 to 10 days. Mean error improved from 12.8 degrees for
visual estimates to 7.8 degrees for goniometric measure-
ment. Intraobserver error was less than interobserver error.
The measurement of wrist extension was less reliable than
the measurement of elbow flexion, with mean errors of
7.8 and 5.0 degrees, respectively.
Boone et al52 conducted a study in which four testers
FIGURE 6.31 A large amount of wrist flexion is needed to using a universal goniometer measured ulnar deviation on
fasten a bra or bathing suit. This is one of the most difficult 12 male volunteers. Measurements were repeated over a
activities to perform if wrist motion is limited. period of 4 weeks. Intratester reliability was found to be
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140 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

better than intertester reliability. The authors concluded that LaStayo and Wheeler16 studied the intratester and
to determine true change when more than one tester measures intertester reliability of passive ROM measurements of wrist
the same motion, differences in motion should exceed flexion and extension in 120 patients as measured by 32 ran-
5 degrees. domly paired therapists, who used three goniometric align-
In a study by Bird and Stowe,53 two observers repeat- ments (ulnar, radial, and dorsal–volar). The reliability of
edly measured active and passive wrist ROM in three sub- measuring wrist flexion ROM was consistently higher than
jects. They concluded that interobserver error was greatest that of measuring extension ROM. Mean intratester ICCs for
for extension (⫾8 degrees) and least for radial and ulnar wrist flexion were 0.86 for radial, 0.87 for ulnar, and 0.92 for
deviation (⫾2 to 3 degrees). Error during passive ROM dorsal alignment. Mean intratester ICCs for wrist extension
measurements was slightly greater than during active ROM were 0.80 for radial, 0.80 for ulnar, and 0.84 for volar align-
measurements. ment. The authors recommended that these three alignments,
Greene and Wolf17 compared the reliability of the Ortho- although generally having good reliability, should not be used
Ranger, an electronic pendulum goniometer, with a universal interchangeably because there were some significant differ-
goniometer for active upper-extremity motions in 20 healthy ences between the measurements taken with the three align-
adults. Wrist ROM was measured by one therapist three times ments. The authors suggested that the dorsal–volar alignment
with each instrument during each of three sessions over a should be the technique of choice for measuring passive wrist
2-week period. There was a significant difference between flexion and extension, given its higher reliability. In an invited
instruments for wrist extension and ulnar deviation. Within- commentary on this study, Flower55 suggested using the fifth
session reliability was slightly higher for the universal goniome- metacarpal, which is easier to visualize and align with the
ter (ICC = 0.91 to 0.96) than for the OrthoRanger (ICC ⫽ distal arm of the goniometer in the ulnar technique, rather
0.88 to 0.92). The 95 percent confidence level, which represents than the third metacarpal, which was used in the study. Flower
the variability around the mean, ranged from 7.6 to 9.3 degrees noted that the presence and fluctuation of edema on the
for the goniometer and from 18.2 to 25.6 degrees for the Ortho- dorsal surface of the hand may reduce the reliability of the
Ranger. The authors concluded that the OrthoRanger provided dorsal alignment and necessitate the use of the ulnar (fifth
no advantages over the universal goniometer. metacarpal) alignment in the clinical setting.
Solgaard and coworkers19 found intratester standard devi-
ations of 5 to 8 degrees and intertester standard deviations of
6 to 10 degrees in a study of wrist and forearm motions
involving 31 healthy subjects. Measurements were taken with We are unaware of any published studies that report criterion-
a universal goniometer by four testers on three different occa- related validity of wrist ROM measurements taken with a
sions. The coefficients of variation (percent variation) goniometer to radiographs. However, several studies have
between testers were greater for ulnar and radial deviation examined construct validity between impairment measures,
than for flexion, extension, pronation, and supination. such as wrist ROM, and ratings of functional limitation or dis-
Horger54 conducted a study in which 13 randomly paired ability. A review of 32 published wrist outcome instruments
therapists performed repeated measurements of active and noted that ROM was the most frequently included variable,
passive wrist motions on 48 patients. Therapists were free to present in 82 percent of the outcome instruments.56
select their own method of measurement with a universal Wagner and colleagues57 measured passive ROM of wrist
goniometer. The six specialized hand therapists used an ulnar flexion, extension, radial and ulnar deviation, and the strength
alignment for flexion and extension, whereas the nonspecial- of the wrist extensor and flexor muscles in 18 boys with
ized therapists used a radial goniometer alignment. Intratester Duchenne muscular dystrophy. A highly significant negative
reliability of both active and passive wrist motions were correlation was found between difficulty performing func-
highly reliable (all ICCs higher than 0.90) for all motions. tional hand tasks and radial deviation ROM (r = –0.76 to
Intratester reliability was consistently higher than intertester –0.86) and between difficulty performing functional hand
reliability (ICC 0.66 to 0.91). Standard errors of measure- tasks and wrist extensor strength (r = –0.61 to –0.83).
ments (SEM) ranged from 2.6 to 4.4 for intratester values and The relationship between wrist ROM and activity limita-
from 3.0 to 8.2 for intertester values. Agreement between tion, pain, and disability following wrist fractures has been
measures was better for flexion and extension than for radial examined. Tremayne and associates,58 in a study of 20 patients
and ulnar deviation. Intertester reliability coefficients for with distal radius fractures, found strong, significant correla-
measurements of active motion (ICC = 0.78 to 0.91) were tions (r = –0.51 to –0.76) between grip strength and tasks in
slightly higher than were coefficients for passive motion (ICC the Jebsen Test of Hand Function (JTHF) and weaker correla-
= 0.66 to 0.86) except for radial deviation. Generally, reliabil- tions (r = –0.17 to –0.55) between wrist extenson ROM and
ity was higher for the specialized therapists than for the tasks in the JTHF. In a subset of 11 patients with Colles’ type
nonspecialized therapists. The author determined that the fractures, there were significant correlations (r = –0.74 to
presence of pain reduced the reliability of both active and pas- –0.84) between wrist extension ROM and three of seven tasks
sive measurements, but active measurements were affected (turning cards, stimulated feeding, and lifting large light
more than passive measurements. objects) included in the JTHF.
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CHAPTER 6 The Wrist 141

In a study of 120 patients with distal radius fractures, They concluded that grip strength, followed by wrist exten-
MacDermid and coworkers59 found that higher patient-rated sion and forearm pronation, were the most sensitive clinical
pain and disability scores 6 months post-injury (6-month indicators of return of wrist function. In another report of
Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation [PRWE] scores) were moder- 31 patients recovering from distal radial fracture, the same
ately associated (r = –0.41) with lower composite ROM authors noted that flexion–extension and pronation–supination
scores. Composite ROM scores were based on wrist flexion, arcs of motion (expressed as percentages of the unaffected
extension, ulnar and radial deviation, supination, pronation, side) were not significantly associated with total PRWE
and finger flexion. scores in a multiple regression model that included grip
Karnezis and Fragkiadakis,60 in a study of 25 patients re- strength, age, gender, presence of high-energy injury, and
covering from distal radial fractures, reported correlations be- intra-articular fracture.61 The possibility that some of the vari-
tween the “Function Score” of the PRWE score and grip ables included in the regression model may be inadvertent
strength (r = 0.80), wrist extension ROM (r = 0.78), pronation markers for diminished ROM values may have affected the
(r = 0.70), supination (r = 0.63), and wrist flexion (r = 0.62). findings.
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142 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

REFERENCES 30. Kalscheur, JA, et al: Range of motion in older women. Phys Occup Ther
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1981. (Br) 84-B:967, 2002.
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The Hand
Structure and Function Osteokinematics
The MCP joints are biaxial condyloid joints that have 2 degrees
of freedom, allowing flexion–extension in the sagittal plane and
Fingers: Metacarpophalangeal abduction–adduction in the frontal plane. Abduction–adduction
Joints is possible with the MCP joints positioned in extension, but it is
limited with the MCP joints in flexion because of tightening of
Anatomy the collateral ligaments.2 A small amount of passive axial rota-
The metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints of the fingers are
tion has been reported at the MCP joints,2-4 but this motion is not
composed of the convex distal end of each metacarpal and the
usually measured in the clinical setting.
concave base of each proximal phalanx (Fig. 7.1). The joints
are enclosed in fibrous capsules (Figs. 7.2 and 7.3). The ante- Arthrokinematics
rior portion of each capsule has a fibrocartilaginous thicken- The concave base of the phalanx slides and rolls on the convex
ing called the palmar plate (palmar ligament), which is head of the metacarpal in the same direction as movement of
loosely attached to the metacarpals and firmly attached to the the shaft of the phalanx.5 During flexion the base of the phalanx
proximal phalanx.1,2 Ligamentous support is provided by pal- slides and rolls anteriorly toward the palm, whereas during
mar, collateral, and deep transverse metacarpal ligaments. extension the base of the phalanx slides and rolls dorsally. In

Distal interphalangeal
joints 5th
Proximal phalanx Joint
interphalangeal 1st 5th capsules
joints Middle

Metacarpophalangeal 5th
joints Proximal

transverse metacarpal

FIGURE 7.2 An anterior (palmar) view of the hand showing

FIGURE 7.1 An anterior (palmar) view of the hand showing joint capsules and palmar plates of the metacarpophalangeal,
metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints
interphalangeal joints. and the deep transverse metacarpal ligament.
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144 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

extension, the base of the middle phalanx slides and rolls

toward the dorsum of the hand.
Capsular Pattern
The capsular pattern is an equal restriction of both flexion and
Collateral extension, according to Cyriax and Cyriax.6 Kaltenborn7
notes that all motions are restricted with more limitation in

Thumb: Carpometacarpal Joint

Joint ligament The carpometacarpal (CMC) joint of the thumb is the articula-
tion between the trapezium and the base of the first metacarpal
(Fig. 7.4). The saddle-shaped trapezium is concave in the sagit-
tal plane and convex in the frontal plane (Fig. 7.5).1,5 The base
of the first metacarpal has a reciprocal shape that conforms to
that of the trapezium, so that the base of the metacarpal is con-
vex in the sagittal plane and concave in the frontal plane. The
joint capsule is thick but lax and is reinforced by radial, ulnar,
palmar, and dorsal ligaments (Fig. 7.6).1,2
FIGURE 7.3 A lateral view of a finger showing joint capsules
The first CMC joint is a saddle joint with 2 degrees of free-
and collateral ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal, proximal dom: flexion–extension in the frontal plane parallel to the
interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints. palm and abduction–adduction in the sagittal plane perpen-
dicular to the palm.1,5 These planes of movement for the CMC
joint of the thumb are at right angles to the planes of move-
abduction, the base of the phalanx slides and rolls in the same ment of the fingers because the trapezium is anterior to the
direction as the movement of the finger. other carpals, effectively rotating the palmar surface of the
Capsular Pattern thumb medially.1,8 The laxity of the joint capsule also permits
Cyriax and Cyriax6 report that the capsular pattern is an equal
restriction of flexion and extension. Kaltenborn7 notes that all
motions are restricted with more limitation in flexion.
Fingers: Proximal Interphalangeal phalanx
and Distal Interphalangeal Joints
Anatomy Interphalangeal
The structure of both the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and the
distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints is very similar (see Fig. 7.1). Proximal
Each phalanx has a concave base and a convex head. The joint phalanx
surfaces comprise the head of the more proximal phalanx and
the base of the adjacent, more distal phalanx. Each joint is sup- Metacarpophalangeal
ported by a joint capsule, a palmar plate, and two collateral joint
ligaments (see Figs. 7.2 and 7.3).1,2
Osteokinematics 1st Sesamoid
The PIP and DIP joints of the fingers are classified as synovial Metacarpal bones
hinge joints with 1 degree of freedom: flexion–extension in
the sagittal plane.
Arthrokinematics Carpometacarpal
Motion of the joint surfaces includes a sliding and rolling of joint
the concave base of the more distal phalanx on the convex
head of the proximal phalanx. Sliding and rolling of the base
of the moving phalanx occurs in the same direction as the FIGURE 7.4 An anterior (palmar) view of the thumb showing
movement of the shaft.5 For example, in PIP flexion the base carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, and interphalangeal
of the middle phalanx slides and rolls toward the palm. In PIP joints.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 145

The concave joint surface of the first metacarpal slides and
rolls on the convex surface of the trapezium in the same direc-
tion as the metacarpal shaft to produce flexion–extension.5,7
During flexion, the base of the metacarpal slides and rolls in
an ulnar direction. During extension, it slides and rolls in a ra-
dial direction.
To produce abduction–adduction the convex joint surface
of the first metacarpal slides on the concave portion of the
trapezium in the opposite direction to the shaft of the metacarpal
but rolls in the same direction as the shaft of the metacarpal. 5,7
Therefore, the base of the metacarpal slides toward the dorsal
surface of the hand and rolls toward the palmar surface of the
hand during abduction. The base of the first metacarpal slides
toward the palmar surface of the hand and rolls toward the dor-
FIGURE 7.5 The saddle-shaped joint surface of the trapezium sal surface of the hand during adduction.
at the first carpometacarpal (CMC) joint is convex in the frontal
plane (flexion–extension) and concave in the sagittal plane Capsular Pattern
(abduction–adduction). The base of the metacarpal of the The capsular pattern is a limitation of abduction according to
thumb has a shape that is reciprocal to that of the trapezium. Cyriax and Cyriax.6 Kaltenborn7 reports limitations in abduc-
Reproduced with permission from Levangie, PL, and Norkin, tion and extension.
CC: Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis,
ed 4. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2005.
Thumb: Metacarpophalangeal
some axial rotation. This rotation allows the thumb to move
into position for contact with the fingers during opposition.
The metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of the thumb is the artic-
The sequence of motions that combines with rotation and
ulation between the convex head of the first metacarpal and the
results in opposition is as follows: abduction, flexion, medial
concave base of the first proximal phalanx (see Fig. 7.4). The
axial rotation, and adduction.1,5 Reposition returns the thumb
joint is reinforced by a joint capsule, palmar plate, two sesamoid
to the starting position.
bones on the palmar surface, two intersesamoid ligaments (cru-
ciate ligaments), and two collateral ligaments (see Fig. 7.6).1
The MCP joint is a condyloid joint with 2 degrees of free-
ligaments dom.1,8 The motions permitted are flexion–extension and a
minimal amount of abduction–adduction. Motions at this
joint are more restricted than at the MCP joints of the fingers.
Palmar plate

Cruciate At the MCP joint the concave base of the proximal phalanx
ligaments slides and rolls on the convex head of the first metacarpal in
bones Capsule the same direction as the shaft of the phalanx.5,7 The base of
the proximal phalanx moves toward the palmar surface of the
Palmar plate ligaments thumb in flexion and toward the dorsal surface of the thumb
in extension.
Capsular Pattern
The capsular pattern for the MCP joint is a restriction of
motion in all directions, but flexion is more limited than

Thumb: Interphalangeal Joint

The interphalangeal (IP) joint of the thumb is identical in
FIGURE 7.6 An anterior (palmar) view of the thumb showing structure to the IP joints of the fingers. The head of the prox-
joint capsules, collateral ligaments, palmar plates, and cruciate imal phalanx is convex, and the base of the distal phalanx is
(intersesamoid) ligaments. concave (see Fig. 7.4). The joint is supported by a joint
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146 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

capsule, a palmar plate, and two lateral collateral ligaments same direction as the shaft of the phalanx.5,7 The base of the
(see Fig. 7.6). distal phalanx moves toward the palmar surface of the thumb
in flexion and toward the dorsal surface of the thumb in
The IP joint is a synovial hinge joint with 1 degree of free-
dom: flexion–extension.
Capsular Pattern
Arthrokinematics The capsular pattern is an equal restriction in both flexion and
At the IP joint the concave base of the distal phalanx slides extension according to Cyriax.6 Kaltenborn7 notes that all
and rolls on the convex head of the proximal phalanx, in the motions are restricted with more limitation in flexion.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 147

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

RANGE OF MOTION TESTING PROCEDURES: placement of the goniometer was preferred by
73 percent of 231 surveyed therapists.9 However,
Fingers swelling and bony deformities sometimes require that
the examiner either measure the MCP and IP joints
Included in this section are common clinical tech-
from the lateral aspect or create alternative evaluation
niques for measuring joint motions of the fingers and
techniques. Photocopies, photographs, and tracings
thumb. These techniques, which often place the
of the hand at the beginning and end of the range of
goniometer on the dorsal surface of the digits, are
motion (ROM) may be helpful.
appropriate for evaluating motions in the majority
of people. Groth and Ehretsman found that dorsal

Landmarks for Testing Procedures

5th Distal

5th Middle

5th Proximal

5th Metacarpal

FIGURE 7.8 Posterior view of the right hand showing bony

anatomical landmarks for goniometer alignment during the
FIGURE 7.7 Posterior view of the right hand showing measurement of finger range of motion. The index, middle,
surface anatomy landmarks for goniometer alignment ring, and little fingers each have a metacarpal and a proxi-
during measurement of finger range of motion. mal, middle, and distal phalanx.
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148 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FINGERS: extension because tension in the transverse metacarpal

ligament will restrict the motion.
FLEXION Testing Motion
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a Flex the MCP joint by pushing on the dorsal surface
medial–lateral axis. Normal ROM values for adults are of the proximal phalanx, moving the finger toward the
90 degrees according to the American Association of palm (Fig. 7.9). Maintain the MCP joint in a neutral
Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)10 and the American position relative to abduction and adduction. The end
Medical Association (AMA)11 and 100 degrees accord- of flexion ROM occurs when resistance to further
ing to Hume and coworkers.12 MCP flexion appears motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
to increase slightly in an ulnar direction from the tance cause the wrist to flex.
index finger to the little finger. See Research Findings
and Tables 7.1 and 7.2 for additional normal ROM Normal End-Feel
values. The end-feel may be hard because of contact
between the palmar aspect of the proximal phalanx
Testing Position and the metacarpal, or it may be firm because of
Place the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand tension in the dorsal joint capsule and the collateral
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm ligaments.
midway between pronation and supination, the wrist
in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, and radial and Goniometer Alignment
ulnar deviation and the MCP joint in a neutral position See Figures 7.10 and 7.11.
relative to abduction and adduction. Avoid extreme
flexion of the PIP and DIP joints of the finger being 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
examined. aspect of the MCP joint.
2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
Stabilization metacarpal.
Stabilize the metacarpal to prevent wrist motion. 3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the
Do not hold the MCP joints of the other fingers in proximal phalanx.

FIGURE 7.9 During flexion of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint, the examiner uses one hand to
stabilize the subject’s metacarpal and to maintain the wrist in a neutral position. The index finger and
the thumb of the examiner’s other hand grasp the subject’s proximal phalanx to move it into flexion.
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Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FIGURE 7.10 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of metacarpophalangeal (MCP) flexion
range of motion. In this photograph, the examiner is using a 6-inch plastic goniometer in which the
arms have been trimmed to approximately 2 inches to make it easier to align over the small joints of
the hand. Most examiners use goniometers with arms that are 6 inches or shorter when measuring
ROM in the hand.

FIGURE 7.11 At the end of metacarpophalangeal (MCP) flexion range of motion, the examiner uses
one hand to hold the proximal goniometer arm in alignment and to stabilize the subject’s metacarpal.
The examiner’s other hand maintains the proximal phalanx in MCP flexion and aligns the distal
goniometer arm. Note that the goniometer arms make direct contact with the dorsal surfaces of the
metacarpal and proximal phalanx, causing the fulcrum of the goniometer to lie somewhat distal and
dorsal to the MCP joint.
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150 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FINGERS: Stabilization
METACARPOPHALANGEAL Stabilize the metacarpal to prevent wrist motion. Do
not hold the MCP joints of the other fingers in full
EXTENSION flexion because tension in the transverse metacarpal
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a medial- ligament will restrict the motion.
lateral axis. Normal ROM values for adults are
20 degrees according to the AMA11 and 45 degrees Testing Motion
according to the AAOS.10 Passive MCP extension Extend the MCP joint by pushing on the palmar
ROM is greater than active extension. Mallon, Brown, surface of the proximal phalanx, moving the
and Nunley13 report that extension ROM at the MCP finger away from the palm (Fig. 7.12). Maintain the
joints is equal across all fingers, whereas Skvarilova MCP joint in a neutral position relative to abduction
and Plevkova14 and Smahel and Klimova15 note that and adduction. The end of extension ROM occurs
the little finger has the greatest amount of MCP ex- when resistance to further motion is felt and
tension. See Research Findings and Tables 7.1 and attempts to overcome resistance cause the wrist
7.2 for additional normal ROM values. to extend.
Testing Position Normal End-Feel
Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the palmar
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm
joint capsule and in the palmar plate.
midway between pronation and supination; the wrist
in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, and radial and
ulnar deviation; and the MCP joint in a neutral posi-
Goniometer Alignment
See Figures 7.13 and 7.14 for alignment of the
tion relative to abduction and adduction. Avoid exten-
goniometer over the dorsal aspect of the fingers.
sion or extreme flexion of the PIP and DIP joints of
the finger being tested. (If the PIP and DIP joints are 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
positioned in extension, tension in the flexor digito- aspect of the MCP joint.
rum superficialis and profundus muscles may restrict 2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
the motion. If the PIP and DIP joints are positioned in metacarpal.
full flexion, tension in the lumbricalis and interossei 3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the
muscles will restrict the motion.) proximal phalanx.

FIGURE 7.12 During metacarpophalangeal (MCP) extension, the examiner uses her index
finger and thumb to grasp the subject’s proximal phalanx and to move the phalanx dorsally.
The examiner’s other hand maintains the subject’s wrist in the neutral position, stabilizing the
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 151

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FIGURE 7.13 A full-circle, 6-inch plastic goniometer is being used to measure the beginning
range of motion for metacarpophalangeal (MCP) extension. The proximal arm of the goniometer
is slightly longer than necessary for optimal alignment. If a goniometer of the right size is not
available, the examiner can cut the arms of a plastic model to a suitable length.

FIGURE 7.14 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of metacarpophalangeal (MCP)
extension. The body of the goniometer is aligned over the dorsal aspect of the MCP joint,
whereas the goniometer arms are aligned over the dorsal aspect of the metacarpal and
proximal phalanx.
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152 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

Alternative Goniometer Alignment: 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the palmar
Palmar Aspect aspect of the MCP joint.
See Figure 7.15 for alignment of the goniometer over 2. Align proximal arm over the palmar midline of the
the palmar aspect of the finger. This alignment should metacarpal.
not be used if swelling or hypertrophy is present in 3. Align distal arm over the palmar midline of the
the palm of the hand. proximal phalanx.

FIGURE 7.15 An alternative alignment of a finger goniometer over the palmar aspect of the
proximal phalanx, the metacarpophalangeal joint, and the metacarpal. The shorter
goniometer arm must be used over the palmar aspect of the proximal phalanx so that the
proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints are allowed to relax in flexion.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 153

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FINGERS: from the midline of the hand (Fig. 7.16). Maintain the
MCP joint in a neutral position relative to flexion and
METACARPOPHALANGEAL extension. The end of abduction ROM occurs when
ABDUCTION resistance to further motion is felt and attempts to
Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior– overcome the resistance cause the wrist to move into
posterior axis. No sources were found for normal radial or ulnar deviation.
abduction ROM values measured with a universal
goniometer at the MCP joint. Some values have been Normal End-Feel
reported for the maximal angles between adjacent fin- The end-feel is firm because of tension in the collat-
gers using tracings15, and between fingers and the mid- eral ligaments of the MCP joints, the fascia of the web
line of the hand using a gravity-based goniometer.16 space between the fingers, and the palmar interossei
Testing Position
Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand Goniometer Alignment
resting on a supporting surface. Place the wrist in See Figures 7.17 and 7.18.
0 degrees of flexion, extension, and radial and ulnar
deviation; the forearm in full pronation so that the 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
palm of the hand faces the ground; and the MCP joint aspect of the MCP joint.
in 0 degrees of flexion and extension. 2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
Stabilization 3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the
Stabilize the metacarpal to prevent wrist motions. proximal phalanx.

Testing Motion
Abduct the MCP joint by pushing on the medial sur-
face of the proximal phalanx, moving the finger away

FIGURE 7.16 During metacarpophalangeal (MCP) abduction, the examiner uses the index finger of
one hand to press against the subject’s metacarpal and prevent radial deviation at the wrist. With
the other index finger and thumb holding the distal end of the proximal phalanx, the examiner
moves the subject’s second MCP joint into abduction.
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154 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FIGURE 7.17 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of metacarpophalangeal abduction
range of motion.

FIGURE 7.18 At the end of metacarpophalangeal (MCP) abduction, the examiner aligns the arms of
the goniometer with the dorsal midline of the metacarpal and proximal phalanx rather than with the
contour of the hand and finger.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 155

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FINGERS: in the lumbricalis and interossei muscles will restrict
the motion.)
ADDUCTION Stabilization
Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior– Stabilize the proximal phalanx to prevent motion of
posterior axis. MCP adduction is not usually measured the MCP joint.
and recorded because it is the return from full abduc-
tion to the 0 starting position. There is very little ad- Testing Motion
duction ROM beyond the 0 starting position. No Flex the PIP joint by pushing on the dorsal surface of
sources were found for normal MCP adduction ROM the middle phalanx, moving the finger toward the
values. palm (Fig. 7.19). The end of flexion ROM occurs when
resistance to further motion is felt and attempts to
FINGERS: PROXIMAL overcome the resistance cause the MCP joint to flex.


Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a medial– Usually, the end-feel is hard because of contact
lateral axis. Normal ROM values for adults are 100 de- between the palmar aspect of the middle phalanx
grees according to the AAOS10 and the AMA11 and and the proximal phalanx. In some individuals,
105 degrees according to Hume and coworkers12 and the end-feel may be soft because of compression
Mallon, Brown, and Nunley.13 PIP flexion ROM is equal of soft tissue between the palmar aspect of the
for all the fingers.13 See Research Findings and Tables middle and proximal phalanges. In other individuals,
7.1 and 7.2 for additional normal ROM values. the end-feel may be firm because of tension in
the dorsal joint capsule and the collateral
Testing Position ligaments.
Place the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand
resting on a supporting surface. Position the forearm Goniometer Alignment
in 0 degrees of supination and pronation; the wrist in See Figures 7.20 and 7.21.
0 degrees of flexion, extension, and radial and ulnar
deviation; and the MCP joint in 0 degrees of flexion, 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
extension, abduction, and adduction. (If the wrist and aspect of the PIP joint.
MCP joints are positioned in full flexion, tension in the 2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
extensor digitorum communis, extensor indicis, or ex- proximal phalanx.
tensor digiti minimi muscles will restrict the motion. If 3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the
the MCP joint is positioned in full extension, tension middle phalanx.

FIGURE 7.19 During proximal interphalangeal (PIP) flexion, the examiner stabilizes the subject’s
proximal phalanx with her thumb and index finger. The examiner uses her other thumb and index
finger to move the subject’s PIP joint into full flexion.
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156 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FIGURE 7.20 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of proximal interphalangeal (PIP)
flexion range of motion.

FIGURE 7.21 At the end of proximal interphalangeal (PIP) flexion, the examiner continues to stabilize
and align the proximal goniometer arm over the dorsal midline of the proximal phalange with one
hand. The examiner’s other hand maintains the PIP joint in flexion and aligns the distal goniometer arm
with the dorsal midline of the middle phalanx.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 157

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

INTERPHALANGEAL EXTENSION Stabilize the proximal phalanx to prevent motion of
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a the MCP joint.
medial–lateral axis. PIP extension is usually recorded
as the starting position for PIP flexion ROM. Normal Testing Motion
ROM values for adults are 0 degrees according to the Extend the PIP joint by pushing on the palmar surface
AAOS10 and the AMA.11 Mallon, Brown, and Nunley13 of the middle phalanx, moving the finger away from
report a mean of 7 degrees of active PIP extension the palm. The end of extension ROM occurs when
and 16 degrees of passive PIP extension. PIP exten- resistance to further motion is felt and attempts to
sion is generally equal for all fingers.13 See Research overcome the resistance cause the MCP joint to
Findings and Tables 7.1 and 7.2 for additional normal extend.
ROM values.
Normal End-Feel
Testing Position The end-feel is firm because of tension in the palmar
Place the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand joint capsule and palmar plate (palmar ligament).
resting on a supporting surface. Position the forearm
in 0 degrees of supination and pronation; the wrist in Goniometer Alignment
0 degrees of flexion, extension, and radial and ulnar 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
deviation; and the MCP joint in 0 degrees of flexion, aspect of the PIP joint.
extension, abduction, and adduction. (If the MCP joint 2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
and wrist are extended, tension in the flexor digito- proximal phalanx.
rum superficialis and profundus muscles will restrict 3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the mid-
the motion.) dle phalanx.
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158 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FINGERS: DISTAL Stabilization

INTERPHALANGEAL FLEXION Stabilize the middle and proximal phalanx to prevent
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a further flexion of the PIP joint.
medial–lateral axis. Normal ROM values for adults
range from 70 degrees according to the AMA11 to Testing Motion
90 degrees according to the AAOS.10 Hume and Flex the DIP joint by pushing on the dorsal surface
coworkers12 and Skvarilova and Plevkova14 report a of the distal phalanx, moving the finger toward the
mean of 85 degrees of active DIP flexion. DIP flexion palm (Fig. 7.22). The end of flexion ROM occurs
ROM is generally equal for all fingers.13 See Research when resistance to further motion is felt and at-
Findings and Tables 7.1 and 7.2 for additional normal tempts to overcome the resistance cause the PIP
ROM values. joint to flex.

Testing Position Normal End-Feel

Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand The end-feel is firm because of tension in the dorsal
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm in joint capsule, collateral ligaments, and oblique reti-
0 degrees of supination and pronation; the wrist in nacular ligament.
0 degrees of flexion, extension, and radial and ulnar
deviation; and the MCP joint in 0 degrees of flexion, Goniometer Alignment
extension, abduction, and adduction. Place the PIP See Figures 7.23 to 7.25.
joint in approximately 70 to 90 degrees of flexion. (If 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
the wrist and the MCP and PIP joints are fully flexed, aspect of the DIP joint.
tension in the extensor digitorum communis, extensor 2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
indicis, or extensor digiti minimi muscles may restrict middle phalanx.
DIP flexion. If the PIP joint is extended, tension in the 3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the dis-
oblique retinacular ligament may restrict DIP flexion.) tal phalanx.

FIGURE 7.22 During distal interphalangeal (DIP) flexion, the examiner uses one hand to stabilize the
middle phalanx and keep the proximal interphalangeal joint in 70 to 90 degrees of flexion. The
examiner’s other hand pushes on the distal phalanx to flex the DIP joint.
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Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FIGURE 7.23 Measurement of the beginning of distal interphalangeal (DIP) flexion range of motion is
being conducted by means of a half-circle plastic goniometer with 6-inch arms that have been trimmed
to accommodate the small size of the DIP joint.

FIGURE 7.24 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of distal interphalangeal (DIP) flexion
range of motion. Note that the fulcrum of the goniometer lies distal and dorsal to the proximal
interphalangeal joint axis so that the arms of the goniometer stay in direct contact with the dorsal
surfaces of the middle and distal phalanges.
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160 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

FIGURE 7.25 Distal interphalangeal flexion range of motion also can be measured by using a finger
goniometer that is placed on the dorsal surface of the middle and distal phalanges. This type of
goniometer is appropriate for measuring the small joints of the fingers, thumb, and toes.

FINGERS: DISTAL Stabilization

INTERPHALANGEAL EXTENSION Stabilize the middle and proximal phalanx to prevent
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a extension of the PIP joint.
medial–lateral axis. DIP extension is usually recorded
as the starting position for DIP flexion ROM. Most Testing Motion
references, such as the AAOS10 and the AMA,11 report Extend the DIP joint by pushing on the palmar sur-
normal ROM values to be 0 degrees. However, face of the distal phalanx, moving the finger away
Mallon, Brown, and Nunley13 report a mean of from the palm. The end of extension ROM occurs
8 degrees of active DIP extension and 20 degrees of when resistance to further motion is felt and at-
passive DIP extension. DIP extension ROM is gener- tempts to overcome the resistance cause the PIP
ally equal for all fingers.13 See Research Findings and joint to extend.
Tables 7.1 and 7.2 for additional normal ROM values.
Normal End-Feel
Testing Position The end-feel is firm because of tension in the
Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand palmar joint capsule and the palmar plate (palmar
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm in ligament).
0 degrees of supination and pronation; the wrist in
0 degrees of flexion, extension, and radial and ulnar Goniometer Alignment
deviation; and the MCP joint in 0 degrees of flexion, 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
extension, abduction, and adduction. Position the PIP aspect of the DIP joint.
joint in approximately 70 to 90 degrees of flexion. (If 2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
the PIP joint, MCP joint, and wrist are fully extended, middle phalanx.
tension in the flexor digitorum profundus muscle may 3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the dis-
restrict DIP extension.) tal phalanx.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 161

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/FINGERS

OF THE MCP, PIP, AND DIP JOINTS Flex the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints by pushing on
Composite finger flexion (CFF) is a simple method of the dorsal surface of the finger, moving the finger
quickly assessing multiple joints in a finger to indicate toward the palm. The end of flexion ROM occurs
the functional ability to make a fist. However, a disad- when resistance to further motion is felt and
vantage of CFF is the inability to localize an impair- attempts to overcome the resistance cause the
ment or response to treatment in a specific joint. wrist to flex.
Normally when the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints are maxi-
mally flexed, the distance between the fingertip and Normal End-Feel
the distal palmar crease of the hand is zero. Ellis and Usually, the end-feel is soft because of contact
Bruton17 report that repeated CFF measurements fell between the palmar aspect of the proximal, middle,
within 5 to 6 mm 95 percent of the time when taken and distal phalanx and palm of the hand. In other
by the same tester and fell within 7 to 9 mm 95 per- individuals, the end-feel may be firm because of
cent of the time when taken by different testers. tension in the dorsal joint capsules and the collateral
Testing Position
Place the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand Measurement Method
resting on a supporting surface. Position the forearm See Figures 7.26 and 7.27. Measure the perpendicular
in neutral supination and pronation and the wrist in distance between the distal palmar crease and the tip
0 degrees of flexion, extension, and radial and ulnar of the finger.18,19 Alternatively, the distance between
deviation. Alternatively, the forearm could be posi- the distal palmar crease and the distal corner of the
tioned in full supination. nail bed on the radial border of the finger can be
Stabilize the metacarpals to prevent motion of the

FIGURE 7.26 Composite finger flexion (CFF) is determined by measuring the distance between
the distal palmar crease and the tip of the finger at the end of flexion of the MCP, PIP, and
DIP joints. Normally, the tip of the finger is able to touch the palm at the distal palmar crease.
This subject has limited range of motion.
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162 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB


Landmarks for Testing Procedures



Proximal Proximal
digital palmar
crease crease

crease Distal

Distal Proximal
wrist digital crease

FIGURE 7.27 A, B Anterior (palmar) view of the right hand showing the digital and palmar creases used for measuring
composite finger flexion and CMC opposition of the thumb.


Pisiform Trapezium


Radial styloid

FIGURE 7.28 Anterior (palmar) view of the right hand FIGURE 7.29 Anterior (palmar) view of the right hand show-
showing surface anatomy landmarks for goniometer align- ing bony anatomical landmarks for goniometer alignment
ment during the measurement of thumb range of motion. during the measurement of thumb range of motion.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 163

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

Landmarks for Testing Procedures (continued)




1st Proximal
1st MCP joint
1st Metacarpal



Radial styloid

FIGURE 7.31 Posterior view of the right hand showing bony

FIGURE 7.30 Posterior view of the right hand anatomical landmarks for goniometer alignment during the
showing surface anatomy landmarks for go- measurement of thumb range of motion.
niometer alignment during the measurement of
thumb range of motion.
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164 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

THUMB: CARPOMETACARPAL The end of flexion ROM occurs when resistance to

further motion is felt and attempts to overcome the
FLEXION resistance cause the wrist to deviate ulnarly.
Motion occurs in the plane of the hand. When the
subject is in the anatomical position, the motion
occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior– Normal End-Feel
posterior axis. Normal ROM is 15 degrees according The end-feel may be soft because of contact between
to the AAOS.10 muscle bulk of the thenar eminence and the palm of
the hand, or it may be firm because of tension in the
Testing Position dorsal joint capsule and the extensor pollicis brevis
Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand and abductor pollicis brevis muscles.
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm in
full supination; the wrist in 0 degrees of flexion, Goniometer Alignment
extension, and radial and ulnar deviation; and the See Figures 7.33 and 7.34.
CMC joint of the thumb in 0 degrees of abduction.
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the palmar
The MCP and IP joints of the thumb are relaxed in a
aspect of the first CMC joint.
position of slight flexion. (If the MCP and IP joints of
2. Align proximal arm with the ventral midline of the
the thumb are positioned in full flexion, tension in the
radius using the ventral surface of the radial head
extensor pollicis longus and brevis muscles may
and radial styloid process for reference.
restrict the motion.)
3. Align distal arm with the ventral midline of the first
Stabilize the carpals, radius, and ulna to prevent wrist In the beginning position for flexion and exten-
motions. Movement of the wrist will affect the accu- sion, the goniometer will indicate an angle of approxi-
racy of the ROM measurement. mately 30 to 50 degrees rather than 0 degrees,
depending on the shape of the hand and wrist posi-
Testing Motion tion. The difference between the beginning-position
Flex the CMC joint of the thumb by pushing on the degrees and the end-position degrees is the ROM.
dorsal surface of the metacarpal, moving the thumb For example, a measurement that begins at
toward the ulnar aspect of the hand (Fig. 7.32). 35 degrees and ends at 15 degrees should be
Maintain the CMC joint in 0 degrees of abduction. recorded as 0 to 20 degrees.

FIGURE 7.32 During carpometacarpal (CMC) flexion, the examiner uses the index finger and thumb
of one hand to stabilize the carpals, radius, and ulna to prevent ulnar deviation of the wrist. The
examiner’s other index finger and thumb flex the CMC joint by moving the first metacarpal medially.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 165

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

FIGURE 7.33 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of carpometacarpal (CMC) flexion
range of motion of the thumb. Note that the goniometer does not read 0 degrees.

FIGURE 7.34 At the end of carpometacarpal (CMC) flexion range of motion, the examiner uses the
hand that was stabilizing the wrist to align the proximal arm of the goniometer with the radius. The
examiner’s other hand maintains CMC flexion and aligns the distal arm of the goniometer with the first
metacarpal. During the measurement, the examiner must be careful not to move the subject’s wrist
further into ulnar deviation or the goniometer reading will be incorrect (too high).
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166 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

Alternative Goniometer Alignment This alternative alignment method avoids errors in

See Figures 7.35 and 7.36. ROM measurement due to inadvertent movement of
the wrist. The goniometer in the beginning position
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the palmar will indicate an angle of approximately 40 to
aspect of the first CMC joint. 70 degrees rather than 0 degrees, depending on the
2. Align proximal arm with an imaginary line between shape and size of the hand. The difference between
the palmar surfaces of the trapezium and pisiform. the beginning-position degrees and the end-position
This line is often parallel to the distal wrist crease degrees is the ROM.
(refer to Figure 7.27).
3. Align distal arm with the ventral midline of the first

FIGURE 7.35 An alternative

method of measuring the
beginning of carpometacarpal
(CMC) flexion aligns the
proximal arm of the
goniometer with the palmar
surface of the trapezium and
pisiform. Note that the
goniometer does not read
0 degrees.

FIGURE 7.36 An alternative

method of aligning the
goniometer to measure the
end of carpometacarpal
(CMC) flexion range of
motion. The difference
between the degrees on the
goniometer at the beginning
and the end positions is the
range of motion.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 167

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

THUMB: CARPOMETACARPAL The MCP and IP joints of the thumb are relaxed in a
position of slight flexion. (If the MCP and IP joints of
EXTENSION the thumb are positioned in full extension, tension in
Motion occurs in the plane of the hand. When the
the flexor pollicis longus muscle may restrict the
subject is in the anatomical position, the motion
occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior–
posterior axis. This motion is sometimes called radial Stabilization
abduction. Reported values for CMC thumb extension Stabilize the carpals, radius, and ulna to prevent wrist
ROM are 35 degrees according to the AMA11 (this is motions.
the difference between an angle of 15 degrees of
separation between the first and second metacarpal Testing Motion
at the beginning of the motion and an angle of Extend the CMC joint of the thumb by pushing on the
50 degrees at the end of the motion), and vary from palmar surface of the metacarpal, moving the thumb
20 degrees to 80 degrees according to the AAOS.10,18, toward the radial aspect of the hand (Fig. 7.37). Main-
However, the measurement methods used by the tain the CMC joint in 0 degrees of abduction. The end
AAOS and the AMA appear to differ from the method of extension ROM occurs when resistance to further
suggested here. motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
tance cause the wrist to deviate radially.
Testing Position
Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand Normal End-Feel
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm in The end-feel is firm because of tension in the anterior
full supination; the wrist in 0 degrees of flexion, joint capsule and the flexor pollicis brevis, adductor
extension, and radial and ulnar deviation; and the pollicis, opponens pollicis, and first dorsal interossei
CMC joint of the thumb in 0 degrees of abduction. muscles.

FIGURE 7.37 During carpometacarpal (CMC) extension of the thumb, the examiner uses one hand
to stabilize the carpals, radius, and ulna thereby preventing radial deviation of the subject’s wrist.
The examiner’s other hand is used to pull the first metacarpal laterally into extension.
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168 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

Goniometer Alignment In the beginning positions for flexion and exten-

See Figures 7.38 and 7.39. sion, the goniometer will indicate an angle of approxi-
mately 30 to 50 degrees rather than 0 degrees,
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the palmar depending on the shape of the hand and wrist posi-
aspect of the first CMC joint. tion. The difference between the beginning-position
2. Align proximal arm with the ventral midline of the degrees and the end-position degrees is the ROM.
radius, using the ventral surface of the radial head For example, a measurement that begins at
and the radial styloid process for reference. 35 degrees and ends at 55 degrees should be
3. Align distal arm with the ventral midline of the first recorded as 0 to 20 degrees.

FIGURE 7.38 The

goniometer alignment
for measuring the
beginning of
(CMC) extension
range of motion is the
same as for measuring
the beginning of CMC

FIGURE 7.39 The

alignment of the
goniometer at
the end of
(CMC) extension
range of motion of
the thumb. The
examiner must be
careful to move only
the CMC joint into
extension and not to
change the position
of the wrist during the
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 169

Alternative Goniometer Alignment This alternative alignment method avoids errors in

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

See Figures 7.40 and 7.41. ROM measurement due to inadvertent movement of
the wrist. The goniometer in the beginning position will
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the palmar indicate an angle of 40 to 70 degrees rather than
aspect of the first CMC joint. 0 degrees, depending on the shape and size of the
2. Align proximal arm with an imaginary line between hand. The difference between the beginning and
the palmar surface of the trapezium and pisiform. the end-position degrees is the ROM. For example, a
This line is often parallel to the distal wrist crease measurement that begins at 50 degrees and ends at
(refer to Figure 7.27). 30 degrees should be recorded as 0 to 20 degrees.
3. Align distal arm with the ventral midline of the first

FIGURE 7.40 The alternative

method of measuring the
beginning of CMC extension
is the same as the alternative
method for measuring the
beginning of CMC flexion.

FIGURE 7.41 The alternative

method of aligning the
goniometer to measure the
end of CMC extension ROM.
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170 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

THUMB: CARPOMETACARPAL of abduction ROM occurs when resistance to further

motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
ABDUCTION tance cause the wrist to flex.
Motion occurs at a right angle to the palm of the
hand. When the subject is in the anatomical position,
the motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a Normal End-Feel
medial–lateral axis. This motion is sometimes called The end-feel is firm because of tension in the fascia
palmar abduction. Abduction ROM is 70 degrees and the skin of the web space between the thumb and
according to the AAOS10,18. However, the measure- the index finger. Tension in the adductor pollicis and
ment method used by the AAOS appears to differ first dorsal interossei muscles also contributes to the
from the method suggested here. firm end-feel.

Testing Position Goniometer Alignment

Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand See Figures 7.43 and 7.44.
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
midway between supination and pronation; the wrist
aspect of the radial styloid process.
in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, and radial and
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
ulnar deviation; and the CMC, MCP, and IP joints of
second metacarpal, using the center of the second
the thumb in 0 degrees of flexion and extension.
MCP joint for reference.
3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the first
Stabilization metacarpal, using the center of the first MCP joint
Stabilize the carpals and the second metacarpal to
for reference.
prevent wrist motions.
Note that the proximal surface of the first
Testing Motion metacarpal contacts the trapezium, while the proxi-
Abduct the CMC joint by moving the metacarpal mal surface of the second metacarpal contacts the
away from the palm of the hand (Fig. 7.42). The end trapezoid. Contact of the metacarpals with two

FIGURE 7.42 During carpometacarpal (CMC) abduction, the examiner uses one hand to stabilize the
subject’s second metacarpal. Her other hand grasps the subject’s first metacarpal just proximal to the
metacarpophalangeal joint to move it away from the palm and into abduction.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 171

different carpals and the palmar position of the

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

MCP joints as easily identifiable landmarks to indi-
trapezium relative to the trapezoid create difficulties cate CMC abduction of the thumb. As the motion
in identifying a fulcrum and alignment for the arms progresses toward the end of CMC abduction, these
of the goniometer in this motion. We have chosen landmarks will be better aligned with the first and
the radial styloid process and the first and second second metacarpals.

FIGURE 7.43 At the beginning of carpometacarpal (CMC) abduction range of motion, the
distal end of the subject’s first metacarpal of the thumb lies over the second metacarpal of
the index finger.

FIGURE 7.44 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of carpometacarpal (CMC) abduction
range of motion.
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172 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

THUMB: CARPOMETACARPAL the thumb so that there is consistency between

repeated measurements on an individual.
Motion occurs at a right angle to the palm of the
Testing Position
hand. When the subject is in the anatomical position,
Position the subject sitting with the forearm and hand
the motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm in
medial–lateral axis. Adduction of the CMC joint of the
full supination and the wrist in 0 degrees of flexion,
thumb is not usually measured and recorded sepa-
extension, and radial and ulnar deviation.
rately because it is the return to the 0 starting posi-
tion from full abduction.
Stabilize the fifth metacarpal to prevent motion at the
THUMB: CARPOMETACARPAL fifth CMC joint and wrist.
This motion is a combination of abduction, flexion, Testing Motion
medial axial rotation (pronation), and adduction at the Grasp the first metacarpal and move it away from the
CMC joints of the thumb. Contact between the tip of palm of the hand (abduction) and then in an ulnar
the thumb and the base of the little finger (proximal direction toward the base of the little finger (flexion
digital crease) is usually possible at the end of opposi- and adduction), allowing the first metacarpal to medi-
tion ROM, providing that some flexion at the MCP ally rotate (Fig. 7.45). The end of opposition ROM oc-
and IP joints of the thumb is allowed. If no flexion of curs when contact is made between the tip of the
the MCP and IP joints of the thumb is allowed, there thumb and the base of the little finger, if some flexion
will be a distance of several centimeters between the of the MCP and IP joints of the thumb is allowed
thumb and base of the little finger at the end of (Fig. 7.46). If no flexion is allowed at the MCP and IP
opposition. Many methods of measuring CMC oppo- joints, the end of opposition will occur when resis-
sition have been suggested.10,11,18–21 It is important to tance to further motion is felt and attempts to over-
note the landmarks that are being used and the come the resistance cause the wrist to deviate or the
amount of motion allowed at the MCP and IP joints of forearm to pronate.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 173

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

FIGURE 7.45 Midway through the range of motion of carpometacarpal (CMC) opposition,
the metacarpal of the thumb is in abduction, flexion, and medial rotation. The fifth
metacarpal is stabilized by the examiner.

FIGURE 7.46 At the end of the range of opposition the tip of the subject’s thumb is normally
in contact with the base of the little finger. The thumb has moved through carpometacarpal
(CMC) abduction, flexion, medial rotation, and adduction, while the metacarpophalangeal
(MCP) joint is allowed to flex.
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174 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

Normal End-Feel digital crease of the little finger at the end of oppo-
The end-feel may be soft because of contact between sition (Fig. 7.47).10,18
the muscle bulk of the thenar eminence and the palm Alternately, the shortest distance between the
or between the tip of the thumb with the base of the center of the proximal digital crease of the thumb
little finger. In some individuals it may be firm because and the distal palmar crease directly over the fifth
of tension in the CMC joint capsule, fascia, and skin of MCP joint can be measured (Fig. 7.48). In this
the web space between the thumb and the index fin- manner, motion at the MCP and IP joints of the
ger and tension in the adductor pollicis, first dorsal thumb will not affect the measurement of opposition.
interossei, extensor pollicis brevis, and extensor polli- The AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent
cis longus muscles. Impairment11 recommends measuring the longest dis-
tance from the flexion crease of the thumb IP joint
Measurement Method to the distal palmar crease directly over the third
The goniometer is not commonly used to measure the MCP joint (Fig. 7.49). However, this measurement
angular range of opposition. Instead, a ruler is often method seems more consistent with the measurement
used to measure the shortest distance between the of CMC abduction. A distance of less than 8 cm is
tip of the thumb and the center of the proximal considered impaired.11

FIGURE 7.47 The range of motion (ROM) in opposition can be determined by measuring the
shortest distance between the tip of the thumb and the proximal digital crease of the little
finger. The examiner is using the arm of a goniometer to measure, but any ruler would
suffice. This subject’s hand does not have full ROM in opposition.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 175

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

FIGURE 7.48 Another method of measuring thumb opposition is to record the distance
between the proximal digital crease of the thumb and the distal palmar crease over the fifth
metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint.

FIGURE 7.49 In an alternative method of measuring thumb opposition proposed by the

American Medical Association, the examiner uses a ruler to find the longest possible
distance between the distal palmar crease directly over the metacarpophalangeal joint of
the middle finger and the flexion crease of the thumb interphalangeal joint. (From Stanley,
BG, and Tribuzi, SM: Concepts in Hand Rehabilitation. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 1992, p 546,
with permission.)
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176 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

THUMB: Testing Motion

METACARPOPHALANGEAL Flex the MCP joint by pushing on the dorsal aspect of
the proximal phalanx, moving the thumb toward the
FLEXION ulnar aspect of the hand (Fig. 7.50). The end of flex-
Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior– ion ROM occurs when resistance to further motion is
posterior axis when the subject is in the anatomical felt and attempts to overcome the resistance cause
position. Normal ROM values for adults are 50 degrees the CMC joint to flex.
according to the AAOS,10,18 60 degrees according to the
AMA,11 and 55 degrees according to DeSmet and col- Normal End-Feel
leagues.22 See Research Findings and Table 7.3 for addi- The end-feel may be hard because of contact
tional normal ROM values. between the palmar aspect of the proximal
phalanx and the first metacarpal, or it may be firm
Testing Position because of tension in the dorsal joint capsule,
Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand the collateral ligaments, and the extensor pollicis
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm in brevis muscle.
full supination; the wrist in 0 degrees of flexion,
extension, and radial and ulnar deviation; the CMC Goniometer Alignment
joint of the thumb in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, See Figures 7.51 and 7.52.
abduction, adduction, and opposition; and the IP joint
of the thumb in 0 degrees of flexion and extension. (If 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
the wrist and IP joint of the thumb are positioned in aspect of the MCP joint.
full flexion, tension in the extensor pollicis longus 2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
muscle will restrict the motion.) metacarpal.
3. Align distal arm with the dorsal midline of the
Stabilization proximal phalanx.
Stabilize the first metacarpal to prevent wrist motion
and flexion of the CMC joint of the thumb.

FIGURE 7.50 During metacarpophalangeal (MCP) flexion of the thumb, the examiner uses the index
finger and thumb of one hand to stabilize the subject’s first metacarpal and maintain the wrist in a
neutral position. The examiner’s other index finger and thumb grasp the subject’s proximal phalanx
to move it into flexion.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 177

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

FIGURE 7.51 The alignment of the goniometer on the dorsal surfaces of the first metacarpal and
proximal phalanx at the beginning of metacarpophalangeal (MCP) flexion range of motion of the
thumb. If a bony deformity or swelling is present, the goniometer may be aligned with the lateral
surface of these bones.

FIGURE 7.52 At the end of metacarpophalangeal (MCP) flexion, the examiner uses one hand to
stabilize the subject’s first metacarpal and align the proximal arm of the goniometer. The examiner
uses her other hand to maintain the proximal phalanx in flexion and align the distal arm of the
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178 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

THUMB: Testing Motion

METACARPOPHALANGEAL Extend the MCP joint by pushing on the palmar
surface of the proximal phalanx, moving the thumb
EXTENSION toward the radial aspect of the hand. The end of
Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior– extension ROM occurs when resistance to further
posterior axis when the subject is in the anatomical motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
position. Normal extension ROM values are 0 degrees tance cause the CMC joint to extend.
according to the AAOS,10,18 40 degrees according to the
AMA,11and 14 degrees (actively) and 23 degrees Normal End-Feel
(passively) according to Skvarilova and Plevkova.14 See The end-feel is firm because of tension in the palmar
Research Findings and Table 7.3 for additional normal joint capsule, palmar plate (palmar ligament), inter-
ROM values. sesamoid (cruciate) ligaments, and flexor pollicis
brevis muscle.
Testing Position
Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand Goniometer Alignment
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm in 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
full supination; the wrist in 0 degrees of flexion, aspect of the MCP joint.
extension, and radial and ulnar deviation; the CMC 2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
joint of the thumb in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, metacarpal.
abduction, and opposition; and the IP joint of the 3. Align distal arm with the dorsal midline of the
thumb in 0 degrees of flexion and extension. (If the proximal phalanx.
wrist and the IP joint of the thumb are positioned in
full extension, tension in the flexor pollicis longus
muscle may restrict the motion.)

Stabilize the first metacarpal to prevent motion at the
wrist and at the CMC joint of the thumb.
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Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

FLEXION Stabilize the proximal phalanx to prevent flexion or
Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an extension of the MCP joint.
anterior–posterior axis when the subject is in the
anatomical position. Normal ROM values for adults Testing Motion
are 67 degrees according to Jenkins and associates23 Flex the IP joint by pushing on the dorsal surface of
and 80 degrees according to the AAOS,10,18 AMA,11 the distal phalanx, moving the tip of the thumb
DeSmet and colleagues,22 and Skvarilova and toward the ulnar aspect of the hand (Fig. 7.53). The
Plevkova.14 See Research Findings and Table 7.3 for end of flexion ROM occurs when resistance to further
additional normal ROM values. motion is felt and attempts to overcome the resis-
tance cause the MCP joint to flex.
Testing Position
Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand Normal End-Feel
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm in full Usually, the end-feel is firm because of tension in
supination; the wrist in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, the collateral ligaments and the dorsal joint capsule.
and radial and ulnar deviation; the CMC joint in In some individuals, the end-feel may be hard
0 degrees of flexion, extension, abduction, and opposi- because of contact between the palmar aspect of
tion; and the MCP joint of the thumb in 0 degrees of the distal phalanx, the palmar plate, and the proxi-
flexion and extension. (If the wrist and MCP joint of the mal phalanx.
thumb are flexed, tension in the extensor pollicis longus
muscle may restrict the motion. If the MCP joint of the
thumb is fully extended, tension in the abductor pollicis
brevis and the oblique fibers of the adductor pollicis
may restrict the motion through their insertion into the
extensor mechanism.)

FIGURE 7.53 During interphalangeal (IP) flexion of the thumb, the examiner uses one hand to stabilize
the proximal phalanx and keep the metacarpophalangeal joint in 0 degrees of flexion and the
carpometacarpal joint in 0 degrees of flexion, abduction, and opposition. The examiner uses her
other index finger and thumb to flex the distal phalanx.
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180 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

Goniometer Alignment 3. Align distal arm with the dorsal midline of the dis-
See Figures 7.54 and 7.55. tal phalanx.
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
surface of the IP joint.
2. Align proximal arm with the dorsal midline of the
proximal phalanx.

FIGURE 7.54 The alignment of the goniometer at the beginning of interphalangeal (IP) flexion range
of motion. The arms of the goniometer are placed on the dorsal surfaces of the proximal and distal
phalanges. However, the arms of the goniometer could instead be placed on the lateral surfaces of
the proximal and distal phalanges if the nail protruded or if there was a bony prominence or swelling.

FIGURE 7.55 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of interphalangeal (IP) flexion range of
motion. The examiner holds the arms of the goniometer so that they maintain close contact with the
dorsal surfaces of the proximal and distal phalanges.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 181


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THUMB

EXTENSION Stabilize the proximal phalanx to prevent extension or
Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior– flexion of the MCP joint.
posterior axis when the subject is in the anatomical
position. Normal extension ROM at the IP joint of the Testing Motion
thumb is 20 degrees according to the AAOS,10 Extend the IP joint by pushing on the palmar surface
30 degrees according to the AMA,11 and 23 degrees of the distal phalanx, moving the thumb toward the
(actively) and 35 degrees (passively) according to radial aspect of the hand. The end of extension ROM
Skvarilova and Plevkova.14 See Research Findings and occurs when resistance to further motion is felt and
Table 7.3 for additional normal ROM values. attempts to overcome the resistance cause the MCP
joint to extend.
Testing Position Normal End-Feel
Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand The end-feel is firm because of tension in the palmar
resting on a supporting surface forearm. Place the joint capsule and the palmar plate (palmar ligament).
forearm in full supination; the wrist in 0 degrees of
flexion, extension, and radial and ulnar deviation; the Goniometer Alignment
CMC joint of the thumb in 0 degrees of flexion, 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
extension, abduction, and opposition; and the MCP surface of the IP joint.
joint of the thumb in 0 degrees of flexion and exten- 2. Align proximal arm with the dorsal midline of the
sion. (If the wrist and MCP joint of the thumb are proximal phalanx.
extended, tension in the flexor pollicis longus muscle 3. Align distal arm with the dorsal midline of the dis-
may restrict the motion.) tal phalanx.
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182 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/FINGERS

MUSCLE LENGTH TESTING PROCEDURES: of the extensor digitorum profundus of the same fin-
ger (Fig. 7.57). The second and third palmar interossei
Fingers muscles originate proximally from the radial sides of
the metacarpal of the ring and little fingers, respec-
LUMBRICALS, PALMAR tively, and insert distally into the ulnar side of the
INTEROSSEI, AND DORSAL proximal phalanx and the extensor mechanism of the
extensor digitorum profundus of the same fingers.
INTEROSSEI The four dorsal interossei are bipenniform mus-
The lumbrical, palmar interossei, and dorsal interossei
cles that originate proximally from two adjacent
muscles cross the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints. The first
metacarpals (Fig. 7.58): the first dorsal interossei
and second lumbricals originate proximally from the
from the metacarpals of the thumb and index finger,
radial sides of the tendons of the flexor digitorum
the second from the metacarpals of the index and
profundus of the index and middle fingers, respec-
middle fingers, the third from the metacarpals of the
tively (Fig. 7.56). The third lumbrical originates on the
middle and ring fingers, and the fourth from the
ulnar side of the tendon of the flexor digitorum pro-
metacarpals of the ring and little fingers. The
fundus of the middle finger and the radial side of the
dorsal interossei insert distally into the bases of the
tendon of the ring finger. The fourth lumbrical origi-
proximal phalanges and the extensor mechanism
nates on the ulnar side of the tendon of the flexor
of the extensor digitorum profundus of the same
digitorum profundus of the ring finger and the radial
side of the tendon of the little finger. Each lumbrical
When these muscles contract, they flex the MCP
passes to the radial side of the corresponding finger
joints and extend the PIP and DIP joints. These muscles
and inserts distally into the extensor mechanism of
are passively lengthened by placing the MCP joints in
the extensor digitorum profundus.
extension and the PIP and DIP joints in full flexion. If
The first palmar interossei muscle originates
the lumbricals and the palmar and dorsal interossei are
proximally from the ulnar side of the metacarpal of
short, they will limit MCP extension when the PIP and
the index finger and inserts distally into the ulnar side
DIP joints are positioned in full flexion.
of the proximal phalanx and the extensor mechanism

1st Palmar interossei

3rd Lumbrical Lumbrical

2nd Palmar
2nd interossei
4th Lumbrical
3rd Palmar

Flexor digitorum

FIGURE 7.57 An anterior (palmar) view of the right hand

showing the proximal and distal attachments of the palmar
FIGURE 7.56 An anterior (palmar) view of the right hand interossei. The palmar interossei also attach distally to the
showing the proximal attachments of the lumbricals. The extensor digitorum on the posterior surface of the hand.
lumbricals insert distally into the extensor digitorum on the
posterior surface of the hand.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 183

If MCP flexion is limited regardless of the position

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/FINGERS

of the PIP and DIP joints, the limitation is due to abnor-
malities of the joint surfaces of the MCP joint or short-
ening of the palmar joint capsule and the palmar plate.

Starting Position
Position the subject sitting, with the forearm and hand
resting on a supporting surface. Place the forearm
4th Dorsal midway between pronation and supination and the
interossei wrist in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, and radial and
2nd Dorsal
ulnar deviation. Flex the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints
interossei 3rd Dorsal (Fig. 7.59). The MCP joints should be in a neutral po-
sition relative to abduction and adduction.
digiti Stabilization
minimi Stabilize the metacarpals and the carpal bones to
1st Dorsal prevent wrist motion.
Extensor digiti
Extensor indicis


FIGURE 7.58 A posterior view of the right hand showing

the proximal attachments of the dorsal interossei on the
metacarpals and the distal attachments into the extensor
mechanism of the extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, and
extensor digiti minimi muscles.

FIGURE 7.59 The starting position for testing the length of the lumbricals and the palmar and dorsal
interossei. The examiner uses one hand to stabilize the subject’s wrist and the other hand to
position the subject’s metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal
joints in full flexion.
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184 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/FINGERS

Testing Motion Goniometer Alignment

Hold the PIP and DIP joints in full flexion while See Figure 7.62.
extending the MCP joint (Figs. 7.60 and 7.61). All of
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
the fingers may be screened together, but if abnor-
aspect of the MCP joint.
malities are found, testing should be conducted on
2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
individual fingers. The end of flexion ROM occurs
when resistance to further motion is felt and attempts
3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the
to overcome the resistance cause the PIP, DIP, or wrist
proximal phalanx.
joints to extend.

Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the lumbri-
cal, palmar, and dorsal interossei muscles.

FIGURE 7.60 The end of the motion for testing the length of the lumbricals and the palmar and
dorsal interossei. The examiner holds the subject’s proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal
joints in full flexion while moving the metacarpophalangeal joint into extension.
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 185

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/FINGERS

1st Lumbrical

Extensor digitorum
1st Dorsal interossei

FIGURE 7.61 A lateral view of the right hand showing the first
lumbrical and the first dorsal interossei muscles being stretched
over the metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and
distal interphalangeal joints.

FIGURE 7.62 The alignment of the goniometer at the end of testing the length of the lumbricals and
the palmar and dorsal interossei muscles. The arms of the goniometer are placed on the dorsal
midline of the metacarpal and proximal phalanx of the finger being tested.
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186 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

Research Findings Only the MCP joints of the fingers have a considerable
amount of abduction–adduction. The amount of abduction–
adduction varies with the position of the MCP joint. Abduc-
Effects of Age, Gender, tion–adduction ROM is greatest in extension and least in full
and Other Factors flexion. The collateral ligaments of the MCP joints are slack
and allow full abduction in extension. However, the collateral
Table 7.1 provides a summary of ROM values for the MCP, ligaments tighten and restrict abduction in the fully flexed
PIP, and DIP joints of the fingers. Certain trends are evident, position.1,3 Some authors note that the index and little fingers
although the values reported by the sources in Table 7.1 vary. have a greater ROM in abduction–adduction than the middle
The PIP joints, followed by the MCP and DIP joints, have the and ring fingers,1 whereas others report that the little finger
greatest amount of flexion. The MCP joints have the greatest has the greatest MCP abduction.16
amount of extension, whereas the PIP joints have the least Table 7.3 presents ROM values for the joints of the
amount of extension. Total active motion (TAM) is the sum of thumb. The greatest amount of flexion and extension ROM is
flexion and extension ROM of the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints reported at the IP joint.10,11,14,18,22,23,25 Studies by Joseph26 and
of a digit. Normal TAM values range from 290 to 310 degrees Yoshida and coworkers25 have identified two general anatom-
for the fingers. ical shapes of the metacarpal head of the thumb. MCP joints
Mallon, Brown, and Nunley13; Skvarilova and Plevkova14; with a round versus a flat metacarpal head had greater motion
and Smahel and Klimova15,24 also studied joint motion in and may account for some of the variations seen in MCP val-
individual fingers (Table 7.2). Some differences in ROM values ues. Sauseng and coworkers27 and Shaw and Morris28 also
are noted between the fingers. Flexion ROM at the MCP joints present some normative data on MCP and IP flexion of the
seems to increase linearly in an ulnar direction from the index thumb. Very little data are available for normal values of
finger to the little finger.13–15 Mallon, Brown, and Nunley13 motions at the CMC joint.
report that extension at the MCP joints is approximately equal
for all fingers. However, Skvarilova and Plevkova14 and Smahel Age
and Klimova15 note that the little finger has the greatest amount Goniometric studies focusing on the effects of age on ROM typ-
of MCP extension. PIP flexion and extension and DIP flexion ically exclude the joints of the fingers and thumb. However,
are generally equal for all fingers.13 Some passive extension among the limited number of studies that examined aging
beyond neutral is possible at the DIP joints, with a minor effects in the hand there appears to be less finger and thumb
increase in a radial direction from the little finger toward the ROM with increasing age. DeSmet and colleagues22 found a sig-
index finger.13 nificant correlation between decreasing MCP and IP flexion of

TABLE 7.1 Active Finger Motion: Normal Values in Degrees from Selected Sources

AAOS10,18 AMA11 Hume12 Mallon*13 Skvarilova†14 Smahel†15,24

26–28 yrs 18–35 yrs 20–25 yrs 18–28 yrs
n = 35 Males n = 60 Males, n = 100 Males, n = 52 Males,
60 Females 100 Females 49 Females
Joint Motion Mean Mean Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
MCP Flexion 90 90 100 95 91.0 (6.2) 91.9 (8.0)
Extension 45 20 0 20 25.8 (6.7) 24.8 (7.2)
PIP Flexion 100 100 105 105 107.9 (5.6) 110.7 (5.3)
Extension 0 0 0 7 — —
DIP Flexion 90 70 85 68 84.5 (7.9) 81.3 (7.0)
Extension 0 0 0 8 — —
Total — — 290 303 309.2 (6.6) 308.7 (6.8)

AAOS = American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons; AMA = American Medical Association; DIP = distal interphalangeal;
MCP = metacarpophalangeal; PIP = proximal interphalangeal; SD = standard deviation.
* Values were averaged from both genders and all fingers.

Values were averaged from both genders, both hands, and all fingers and were converted from a 360-degree to a 180-degree recording
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 187

TABLE 7.2 Individual Finger Motion: Mean Values in Degrees From Selected Sources

Mallon13 Skvarilova*14 Smahel*15,24

Passive ROM Passive ROM Active ROM
18–35 yrs 20–25 yrs 18–28 yrs
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Finger Joint Motion n = 60 n = 60 n = 100 n = 100 n = 52 n = 49
Index MCP Flexion 94 95 97 97 87 87
Extension 29 56 55 56 22 26
PIP Flexion 106 107 115 117 111 113
Extension 11 19 — — — —
DIP Flexion 75 75 87 95 78 80
Extension 22 24 — — — —
Middle MCP Flexion 98 100 102 104 95 94
Extension 34 54 48 48 20 24
PIP Flexion 110 112 115 118 111 114
Extension 10 20 — — — —
DIP Flexion 80 79 87 98 84 83
Extension 19 23 — — — —
Ring MCP Flexion 102 103 104 102 94 93
Extension 29 60 48 49 21 25
PIP Flexion 110 108 115 119 112 115
Extension 14 20 — — — —
DIP Flexion 74 76 83 92 80 78
Extension 17 18 — — — —
Little MCP Flexion 107 107 107 104 93 93
Extension 48 62 63 65 27 32
PIP Flexion 111 110 111 113 104 106
Extension 13 21 — — — —
DIP Flexion 72 72 89 102 83 84
Extension 15 21 — — — —

DIP = distal interphalangeal; MCP = metacarpophalangeal; PIP = proximal interphalangeal.

* Values were converted from a 360-degree to a 180-degree recording system.

the thumb and increasing age. The 58 females and 43 males who of the thumb (with wrist flexion) to the anterior aspect of the
were included in the study ranged in age from 16 to 83 years. forearm and passive hyperextension of the MCP joint of the
Smahel and Klimova,15,24 in studies of 101 university students, fifth finger beyond 90 degrees as indicators of hypermobility
60 senior citizens, and 52 pianists, found that the senior citizens in a study of 456 men and 625 women in an African village.
had significantly less MCP, PIP, and DIP ranges of motion in the They found that joint laxity decreased with age. Lamari and
fingers than the university students, except for total abduction coworkers,30 in a study that included similar measures of
(ability to spread fingers) of the MCP joints in females. The hypermobility in the thumb/wrist and little finger of 1120
mean age differences were 6.3 degrees for active MCP flexion, healthy Brazilian children between the ages of 4 to 7 years,
6.1 degrees for active MCP extension, 20.4 degrees for passive found that lower hypermobility scores were associated with
MCP extension, 9.1 degrees for active PIP flexion, and increasing age, even within this limited age range. Overall, 76
9.5 degrees for active DIP flexion. The age differences in ROM percent of the children were able to apposition the thumb to
were generally greater in males than in females. the forearm and 53 percent were able to hyperextend the MCP
Measures of hypermobility that include motions of the joint of the little finger beyond 90 degrees. Significant age dif-
thumb and little finger have shown a decrease with age. ferences were present in both genders for thumb apposition
Beighton, Solomon, and Soskolne29 used passive apposition but only in boys for little finger hyperextension.
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188 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

TABLE 7.3 Thumb Motion: Mean Values in Degrees from Selected Sources

AAOS10,18 AMA11 Jenkins23 DeSmet22 Yoshida25 Skvarilova*14

16-72 yrs 16-83 yrs 18-63 yrs 20-25 yrs
n = 50 Males, n = 43 Males, n = 51 Males, n=100 Males,
69 Females 58 Females 49 Females 100 Females
Active Active Active Passive
Joint Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

CMC Abduction 70
Flexion 15
Extension 20, 80 35†
MCP Flexion 50 60 59 (11) 54.0 (13.7) 77 57.0 (10.7) 67.0 (9.0)
Extension 0 40 35 13.7 (10.5) 22.6 (10.9)
IP Flexion 80 80 67 (11) 79.8 (10.2) 81 79.1 (8.7) 85.8 (8.3)
Extension 20 30 33 23.2 (13.3) 34.7 (13.3)

CMC  carpometacarpal; IP  interphalangeal; MCP  metacarpophalangeal; SD  standard deviation.

* Values were recalculated to include both thumbs for both genders and were converted from a 360-degree to a 180-degree recording

The AMA reports that in this plane of motion the minimal angle of separation between the first and second metacarpal is 15 degrees,
whereas the maximal angle of separation between the first and second metacarpals is 50 degrees. The ROM value of 35 degrees
is the difference between these two measurements.

One study by Allander and associates31 found that active two general shapes of MCP joints, round and flat, with the
flexion and passive extension of the MCP joint of the thumb round MCP joints having greater range of flexion. Shaw and
demonstrated no consistent pattern of age-related effects in a Morris28 noted no differences in MCP and IP flexion ROM
study of 517 women and 208 men (between 33 and 70 years between 199 males and 149 females aged 16 to 86 years.
of age). These authors stated that the typical reduction in mo- Likewise, DeSmet and colleagues,22 as well as Jenkins and
bility with age resulting from degenerative arthritis found in associates,23 found no differences in MCP and IP flexion of
other joints may be exceeded by an accumulation of ligamen- the thumb owing to gender.
tous ruptures that reduce the stability of the first MCP joint. Allander and associates31 found that, in some age groups,
females showed more mobility in the MCP joint of the thumb
than their male counterparts. Skvarilova and Plevkova14 noted
Studies that examined the effect of gender on the ROM of the
that MCP flexion and extension of the thumb were greater in
fingers reported varying results. Mallon, Brown, and Nunley13
females, whereas gender differences were small and unimpor-
found no significant effect of gender on the amount of flexion
tant at the IP joint. Yoshida and associates,25 in a study of
in any joints of the fingers. However, in this study women
51 healthy men, 49 healthy women, and 70 cadavers, identi-
generally had more extension at all joints of the fingers than
fied two general shapes of the metacarpal head: round and
men. Skvarilova and Plevkova14 found that PIP flexion, DIP
flat. The female gender was associated with greater MCP joint
flexion, and MCP extension of the fingers were greater in
ROM and a higher prevalence of a round metacarpal head. No
women than in men, whereas MCP flexion of the fingers was
gender differences were noted in ROM at the IP joint.
greater in men. Smahel and Klimova15 reported that MCP
Beighton, Solomon, and Soskolne29 in a study of 456 men and
extension was significantly greater in women versus men in
625 women of an African village; Fairbank, Pynsett, and
both groups of young and older adults, whereas no gender dif-
Phillips32 in a study of 227 male and 219 female adolescents;
ferences were noted in MCP flexion. In a study of PIP and
and Lamari and coworkers30 in a study of 1120 young Brazil-
DIP joint ROM of the fingers, Smahel and Klimova24 found
ian children measured passive apposition of the thumb toward
that women had greater PIP flexion than men, but they did not
the anterior surface of the forearm and hyperextension of the
differ in DIP flexion (see Table 7.2).
MCP joints of the fifth or middle fingers. All three studies
Several studies have found no significant differences be-
reported an increase in laxity in females as compared with
tween males and females in the ROM of the thumb, whereas
other studies have reported more mobility in females.
Joseph26 used radiographs to examine MCP and IP flexion Right Versus Left Sides
ROM of the thumb in 90 males and 54 females; no significant The studies that have compared ROM in the right and left joints
differences were found between the two groups. He found of the fingers have generally found no significant difference
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 189

between sides or only a small increase in motion on the left results of Mallon, Brown, and Nunley’s study13 suggest that
side. Mallon, Brown, and Nunley,13 in a study in which half of this finding is normal. The MCP joint had about 6 degrees
the 120 subjects were right-handed and the other half left- more flexion when the wrist was extended than when the wrist
handed, noted no difference between sides in finger motions was flexed, although this difference was not statistically signifi-
at the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints. Skvarilova and Plevkova14 cant. The extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, and extensor dig-
reported only small right-left differences in the majority of the iti minimi were more slack to allow greater flexion of the MCP
joints of the fingers and thumb in 200 subjects. Only MCP joint when the wrist was extended than when flexed. There was
extension of the fingers and thumb and IP flexion of the thumb no effect on PIP motion with changes in MCP joint position.
seemed to have greater ROM values on the left. Smahel and Knutson and associates34 examined eight subjects to study
Klimova,15,24 in studies of 101 university students, 60 senior cit- the effect of seven wrist positions on the torque required to
izens, and 52 pianists, found that in all three groups MCP joint passively move the MCP joint of the index finger. The findings
ROM of the fingers was greater in the left hand. However, in indicated that in many wrist positions, extrinsic tissues (those
most instances, ROM differences between the left and right that cross more than one joint) such as the extensor digitorum,
hands were not significant for PIP and DIP joints of the fingers. extensor indicis, flexor digitorum superficialis, and flexor dig-
Similar to findings in studies of the fingers, most studies itorum profundus muscles offered greater restraint to MCP
have reported no difference in ROM between the right and left flexion and extension than intrinsic tissues (those that cross
thumbs. Joseph26 and Shaw and Morris,28 in a study of 144 only one joint). Intrinsic tissues offered greater resistance to
and 248 subjects, respectively, found no significant difference passive moment at the MCP joint when the wrist was flexed or
between sides in MCP and IP flexion ROM of the thumb. extended enough to slacken the extrinsic tissues.
DeSmet and colleagues22 examined 101 healthy subjects and
reported no difference between sides for the MCP and IP Functional Range of Motion
joints of the thumb. No difference between sides in IP flexion
Joint motion, muscular strength and control, sensation, ade-
of the thumb was found by Jenkins and associates23 in a study
quate finger length, and sufficient palm width and depth are
of 119 subjects. A statistically significant greater amount of
necessary for a hand that is capable of performing functional,
MCP flexion was reported for the right thumb than for the
occupational, and recreational activities. Numerous classifica-
left; however, this difference was only 2 degrees. Allander and
tion systems and terms for describing functional hand patterns
associates31 also found no differences attributed to side in
have been proposed.23,35–38 Some common patterns include
MCP motions of the thumb in 720 subjects.
(1) finger-thumb prehension such as tip (Fig. 7.63), pulp, lat-
Testing Position eral, and three-point pinch (Fig. 7.64); (2) full-hand prehen-
Mallon, Brown, and Nunley,13 in addition to establishing nor- sion, also called a power grip or cylindrical grip (Fig. 7.65);
mative ROM values for the fingers, also studied passive joint (3) nonprehension, which requires parts of the hand to be used
ROM while positioning the next most proximal joint in max- as an extension of the upper extremity; and (4) bilateral pre-
imal flexion and extension. The DIP joint had significantly hension, which requires use of the palmar surfaces of both
more flexion (18 degrees) when the PIP joint was flexed than hands.36 Texts by Stanley and Tribuzi,39 Mackin and associ-
when the PIP joint was extended. This finding has been cited ates,40 and the American Society of Hand Therapists19 have
as an indication of abnormal tightness of the oblique reviewed many functional patterns and tests for the hand.
retinacular ligament (Landsmeer’s ligament).33 However, the Table 7.4 summarizes the active ROM of the dominant
fingers and thumb during 11 activities of daily living that

FIGURE 7.63 Picking up a coin is an example of finger–

thumb prehension that requires use of the tips or pulps of
the digits. In this photograph the pulp of the thumb and the FIGURE 7.64 Writing usually requires finger–thumb prehension
tip of the index finger are being used. in the form of a three-point pinch.
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190 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

TABLE 7.4 Finger and Thumb Motions

During 11 Functional
Activities: Values in Degrees12
Motion Range Mean SD

Finger MCP flexion 33–73 61 (12)

PIP flexion 36–86 60 (12)
IP flexion 20–61 39 (14)
Thumb MCP flexion 10–32 21 (5)
IP flexion 2–43 18 (5)

IP  interphalangeal; MCP  metacarpophalangeal; PIP 

proximalinterphalangeal; SD  standard deviation.
The 11 functional activities include holding a telephone, can, fork,
scissors, toothbrush, and hammer; using a zipper and comb;
turning a key; printing with a pen; and unscrewing a jar.

taken with universal goniometers and finger goniometers

were highly reliable. Measurements taken over the dorsal sur-
face of the digits appear to be similar to those taken laterally.
Consistent with other regions of the body, measurements of
finger and thumb ROM taken by one examiner are more reli-
able than measurements taken by several examiners. Research
studies support the opinions of Bear-Lehman and Abreu43 and
FIGURE 7.65 Holding a cylinder such as a cup requires Adams, Greene, and Topoozian,19 which are that the margin
full-hand prehension (power grip). The amount of of error is generally accepted to be 5 degrees for goniometric
metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal flexion measurement of joints in the hand, provided that measure-
varies, depending on the diameter of the cylinder. ments are taken by the same examiner and that standardized
techniques are employed.
Hamilton and Lachenbruch44 had seven testers take mea-
require various types of finger–thumb prehension or full-hand
surements of MCP, PIP, and DIP flexion in one subject whose
prehension. Hume and coworkers12 used an electrogoniometer
fingers were held in a fixed position. The daily measurements
and a universal goniometer to study 35 right-handed men aged
were taken for 4 days with three types of goniometers. These
26 to 28 years during performance of these 11 tasks. Of the
authors found intertester reliability was lower than intratester
tasks that were included, holding a soda can required the least
reliability. No significant differences existed between mea-
amount of finger and thumb motion, whereas holding a tooth-
surements taken with a dorsal (over-the-joint) finger goniome-
brush required the most motion.
ter, a universal goniometer, or a pendulum goniometer.
Lee and Rim41 examined the amount of motion required
Groth and coworkers45 had 39 therapists measure the PIP
at the joints of the fingers to grip five different-size cylinders.
and DIP joints of the index and middle fingers of one patient,
Data were collected from four subjects by means of markers
both dorsally and laterally, using either a 6-inch plastic univer-
and multi-camera photogrammetry. As cylinder diameter de-
sal goniometer or a DeVore metal finger goniometer. No signif-
creased, the amount of flexion of the MCP and PIP joints in-
icant difference in measurements was found between the two
creased. However, DIP joint flexion remained constant with
instruments. No differences were found between the dorsal and
all cylinder sizes.
lateral measurement methods for seven of the eight joint
Sperling and Jacobson-Sollerman42 used movie film in
motions, with mean differences ranging from 2 to 0 degrees. In
their study of the grip pattern of 15 men and 15 women aged
a subset of six therapists, intertester reliability was high for both
19 to 56 years during serving, eating, and drinking activities.
methods, with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) ranging
The use of different digits, types of grips, contact surfaces of
from 0.86 for lateral methods to 0.99 for dorsal methods.
the hand, and relative position of the digits was reported;
Weiss and associates46 compared measurements of index
however, ROM values were not included.
finger MCP, PIP, and DIP joint positions taken by a dorsal
metal finger goniometer with those taken by the Exos Hand-
Reliability master, a Hall-effect instrumented exoskeleton. Twelve sub-
Several studies have been conducted to assess the reliability jects were measured with each device during one session by
of goniometric measurements in the hand. Most studies found one examiner and again within 2 weeks of the initial session.
that ROM measurements of the fingers and thumb that were Test-retest reliability was high for both devices, with ICCs
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 191

ranging from 0.98 to 0.99. Mean differences between sessions The distance between the fingertip pulp and distal palmar
for each instrument were statistically significant but less than crease has been suggested as a simple and quick method of
1 degree. Measurements taken by the finger goniometer and estimating total finger flexion ROM at the MCP, PIP, and DIP
those taken by the Exos Handmaster were significantly differ- joints.18,19 Ellis and Bruton17 examined the intratester and
ent (mean difference  7 degrees) but highly correlated intertester reliability of composite finger flexion (CFF) and
(r  0.89 to 0.94). compared it to dorsal goniometric measures of PIP flexion of
Ellis, Bruton, and Goddard47 placed one subject in two the index, middle, and ring fingers. One hand was splinted in
splints while a total of 40 therapists measured the MCP, PIP, three positions and measured three times by 51 therapists at
and DIP joints of the middle finger by means of a dorsal fin- 18 hospital sites with a ruler and goniometer. Intratester gonio-
ger goniometer and a wire tracing. Each therapist measured metric measurements fell within 4 to 5 degrees of each other
each joint three times with each device. The goniometer con- 95 percent of the time, whereas intertester goniometric mea-
sistently produced smaller ranges and smaller standard devia- surements fell within 7 to 9 degrees of each other 95 percent of
tions than the wire tracing, indicating better reliability for the the time. CFF measures fell within 5 to 6 mm of each other
goniometer. The 95 percent confidence limit for the difference 95 percent of the time for intratester measurements and within
between measurements ranged from 3.8 to 9.9 degrees for the 7 to 9 mm of each other for intertester measurements. After
goniometer and 8.9 to 13.2 degrees for the wire tracing. Both scaling the two methods to allow comparison, the goniometer
methods had more variability when distal joints were mea- provided better reliability than CFF for measurements taken by
sured, possibly because of the shorter levers used to align the the same tester, but both methods were equally reliable for
goniometer or wire. Intratester reliability was always higher measurements taken by different testers. The authors suggested
than intertester reliability. that CFF may be a useful alternative when multiple joint mea-
Brown and colleagues48 evaluated the ROM of the MCP, sures are needed or when goniometry is impractical.
PIP, and DIP joints of two fingers in 30 patients to calculate
total active motion (TAM) by means of the dorsal finger
goniometer and the computerized Dexter Hand Evaluation
and Treatment System. Three therapists measured each finger Goniometric measurements of the fingers have been compared
three times with each device during one session. Intratester to radiographs, digital photographs, and disability measures in
and intertester reliability were high for both methods, with patient populations. In a study by Groth and coworkers,45
ICCs ranging from 0.97 to 0.99. The mean difference between active ROM of the PIP and DIP joints of the index and mid-
methods ranged from 0.1 degrees to 2.4 degrees. dle fingers of one patient who had sustained a crush injury
Goldsmith and Juzl49 studied the intratester reliability of with multiple fractures was measured by 39 therapists over a
measuring active ROM of the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints of the 3-day period. Measurements were made dorsally and laterally
fingers in 12 healthy subjects and intertester reliability in using either a DeVore metal finger goniometer or a 6-inch
12 patients with hand conditions. A universal goniometer plastic universal goniometer. Prior to the goniometer mea-
adapted for measuring the hand (one short arm) was applied surements, radiographs were taken. In terms of concurrent
over the dorsal surface. The two therapists each took three validity, there were significant differences in measurements
measurements of flexion and extension at each joint in one obtained from radiographs versus those from goniometers
session to assess intratester reliabilty and one measurement of except for laterally measured index finger PIP extension and
flexion and extension at each involved joint in one session to flexion. Differences between radiographic and mean gonio-
assess intertester reliabilty. Both intratester and interester metric measurements ranged from 1 to 2 degrees for laterally
reliability were high with correlation coefficients greater than and dorsally measured index finger PIP motions to 14 degrees
0.99. When agreement was defined as within 3 degrees, the for laterally and dorsally measured middle finger PIP
percent agreement was 93.9 to 94.6 percent for intratester motions. The authors noted that concurrent validity was
reliability and 67.7 percent for interester reliability. When inconclusive because some of these differences may have
agreement was defined as within 5 degrees, the percent agree- been due to variations in the patient instructions for perform-
ment was 99.7 percent to 100 percent for intratester reliabil- ing active motion, patient positioning, and patient fatigue with
ity and 87.1 percent for intertester reliability. multiple active measurements.
Sauseng and coworkers,27 in a study of 50 patients with Kato and coworkers50 compared the accuracy of three
type 1 diabetes mellitus and 44 healthy controls, measured therapists measuring PIP joint angles using three types of uni-
active ROM of the fifth MCP joint, first MCP joint, first IP versal goniometers to lateral x-ray films in 16 fingers fixated
joint, wrist, ankle, and first metatarsal phalangeal joint with with Kirschner wires from four cadavers. Each examiner used
a pocket goniometer. Each motion was measured three a 6-inch plastic goniometer with 6-inch arms, a plastic
times by one tester. The coefficients of variation for the goniometer with a 3.5-inch and a 1-inch arm, and a metal
measurements were between 1.3 percent and 8.2 percent. goniometer with 1.5-inch arms to take measurements on the
The ROM of all tested joints was significantly lower in the lateral and dorsal surfaces of the fingers. Intertester reliability
diabetic versus the control group except for the first IP and was good with Pearson correlation coefficients ranging from
MTP joints. 0.80 to 0.82. The mean angle discrepancies between the
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192 PART II Upper-Extremity Testing

goniometers and x-rays ranged from 1.2 to 3.3 degrees (SD  Field53 studied 100 patients with Colles fractures of the
3.5 to 6.0 degrees) for the lateral method and from 0.5 to wrist for the development of algodystrophy (complex regional
2.9 degrees (SD  3.5 to 6.4 degrees) for the dorsal method. pain syndrome). ROM of the PIP, DIP, and MCP joints of the
There was no difference in angle discrepancies between types fingers was measured at 1, 5, and 9 weeks on the dorsal sur-
of goniometer using the lateral method. However, with two faces with a finger goniometer and summed to generate a
testers using the dorsal method the angle discrepancy was total ROM value for the hand. Pain response to pressure was
greater with the plastic goniometer with 6-inch arms, perhaps assessed with a dolorimeter. Swelling was assessed using a
due to having longer arms than the other two goniometers. water displacement method. Differences between the affected
In a study by Georgeu and associates,51 one therapist and unaffected hands were used in statistical tests. At 9 weeks
measured full active flexion and extension of the MCP, PIP, postfracture, 24 patients were diagnosed with algodystrophy.
and DIP joints of the little or ring finger in 20 patients. A dig- Goniometry ROM measurements at 1 week showed a sensi-
ital camera, aligned with the MCP joint with the hand placed tivity of 96 percent and a specificity of 59 percent in predict-
in a stabilizing device, was integrated with a computer to also ing the development of algodystrophy. The cutoff for a posi-
determine ROM. There was a high correlation between the tive test appeared to be about 70 degrees of ROM loss in the
two methods (r2  0.975). The photograph-computer method affected hand. The combination of dolorimetry and goniome-
averaged 1 degree (95-percent confidence interval  0 to try resulted in a sensitivity of 96 percent and improved speci-
2 degrees, SD  6 degrees) greater than the goniometer ficity to 73 percent.
method but was not significantly different. The 95 percent MacDermid and coworkers54 studied the validity of us-
level of agreement was –11 to 13 degrees. ing fingertip pulp-to-palm distance versus total finger flex-
Goodson and associates52 measured ROM of the wrist, ion (also called composite finger flexion) to predict disabil-
MCP and IP joints of the fingers with goniometers applied to ity as measured by an upper-extremity disability score
the dorsal surface, pinch/grip strength, and pain and disability (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand, or DASH).
scoring (Cochin Scale) in 10 patients with rheumatoid arthri- Active MCP, PIP, and DIP flexion of the most severely af-
tis, 10 patients with osteoarthritis, and 10 healthy control sub- fected finger was measured in 50 patients by one examiner
jects. ROM and pinch/grip measurements were able to clearly who used a dorsally placed electrogoniometer NK Hand
discriminate between patient groups, which pain and disabil- Assessment System. A micrometer tool was used to measure
ity scales were unable to do. Patients with rheumatoid arthri- pulp-to-palm distance in the same patients. The correlation
tis had the greatest reduction in ROM of the MCP, followed between pulp-to-palm distance and total active flexion was
by wrist and PIP joints. Patients with osteoarthritis had the –0.46 to –0.51, indicating that the measures were related but
greatest reduction in ROM at the DIP followed by the PIP were not interchangeable. The relationship between DASH
joints. In the rheumatoid arthritis group, ROM of the MCP scores and total active flexion was stronger (r  0.45) than the
joints correlated with disability scores (R2  0.31) and time relationship between DASH scores and pulp-to-palm dis-
since initial diagnosis (R2  0.32). Wrist ROM was also tances (r  0.21 to 0.30). The authors suggested that total
related to time since diagnosis (R2  0.37). The authors active motion is a more functional measure than pulp-to-palm
concluded that ROM and pinch/grip strength may more accu- distance and that pulp-to-palm distance “should only be used
rately reflect functional impairment associated with arthritis to monitor individual patient progress and not to compare out-
than pain and disability measures. comes between patients or groups of patients.”
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CHAPTER 7 The Hand 193

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ON COMPLETION OF PART III, THE READER WILL BE • Adequate stabilization of the proximal joint
ABLE TO: component
• Use of appropriate testing motion
1. Identify: • Correct determination of the end of the range of
• Appropriate planes and axes for each lower- motion
extremity joint motion • Correct identification of the end-feel
• Structures that limit the end of the range of • Palpation of the appropriate bony landmarks
motion • Accurate alignment of the goniometer and cor-
• Expected normal end-feels rect reading and recording of goniometric
2. Describe:
• Testing positions used for each lower-extremity 5. Plan goniometric measurements of the hip, knee,
joint motion and muscle length test ankle, and foot that are organized by body
• Goniometer alignment position.
• Capsular pattern of limitation
6. Assess the intratester and intertester reliability of
• Range of motion necessary for selected functional
goniometric measurements of the lower-extremity
activities at each major lower-extremity joint
joints using methods described in Chapter 3.
3. Explain:
7. Perform tests of muscle length at the hip, knee,
• How age, gender, and other variables may affect and ankle, including:
the range of motion
• A clear explanation of the testing procedure
• How sources of error in measurement may affect
• Proper placement of the subject in the starting
testing results
4. Perform a goniometric measurement of any • Adequate stabilization
lower-extremity joint, including: • Use of appropriate testing motion
• Correct identification of end-feel
• A clear explanation of the testing procedure
• Accurate alignment of the goniometer and cor-
• Proper positioning of the subject
rect reading and recording

The testing positions, stabilization techniques, testing motions, end-feels, and goniometer alignment for the
joints of the lower extremities are presented in Chapters 8 through 10. The goniometric evaluation should follow
the 12-step sequence that was presented in Exercise 5 in Chapter 2.
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The Hip
Structure and Function Osteokinematics
The hip is a synovial ball-and-socket joint with 3 degrees of
freedom. Motions permitted at the joint are flexion–extension in
Iliofemoral Joint the sagittal plane around a medial–lateral axis, abduction–
Anatomy adduction in the frontal plane around an anterior–posterior axis,
The hip joint, or coxa, links the lower extremity with the and medial and lateral rotation in the transverse plane around a
trunk. The proximal joint surface is the acetabulum, which vertical or longitudinal axis.1 The axis of motion goes through
is formed superiorly by the ilium, posteroinferiorly by the the center of the femoral head.
ischium, and anteroinferiorly by the pubis (Fig. 8.1). The Arthrokinematics
concave acetabulum faces laterally, inferiorly, and anteri- In an open kinematic (non–weight-bearing) chain, the convex
orly and is deepened by a fibrocartilaginous acetabular femoral head rolls in the same direction and slides in the
labrum.1 The distal joint surface is the convex head of the opposite direction, to movement of the shaft of the femur. In
femur. The joint is enclosed by a strong, thick capsule, flexion, the femoral head rolls anteriorly and slides posteri-
which is reinforced anteriorly by the iliofemoral and orly and inferiorly on the acetabulum, whereas in extension,
pubofemoral ligaments (Fig. 8.2) and posteriorly by the the femoral head rolls posteriorly and slides anteriorly and
ischiofemoral ligament (Fig. 8.3). superiorly. In medial rotation, the femoral head rolls anteriorly


Head of femur ligament

Hip joint ligament
FIGURE 8.2 An anterior view of the right hip joint showing
FIGURE 8.1 An anterior view of the right hip joint. the iliofemoral and pubofemoral ligaments.
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198 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

and slides posteriorly on the acetabulum. During lateral rotation,

the femoral head rolls posteriorly and slides anteriorly. In ab-
duction, the femoral head rolls superiorly and slides inferi-
orly, whereas in adduction, the femoral head rolls inferiorly
and slides superiorly.
Capsular Pattern
Ischiofemoral The capsular pattern is characterized by a marked restriction
of medial rotation accompanied by limitations in flexion and
abduction. A slight limitation may be present in extension, but
no limitation is present in either lateral rotation or adduction.2

FIGURE 8.3 A posterior view of the right hip joint showing

the ischiofemoral ligament.


Landmarks for Testing Procedures

FIGURE 8.4 A lateral view of the hip showing surface anatomy landmarks for aligning the goniometer
for measuring hip flexion and extension.

Greater trochanter
Lateral epicondyle

FIGURE 8.5 A lateral view of the hip showing bony anatomical landmarks for aligning the goniometer.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 199

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

Landmarks for Testing Procedures (continued)

Anterior superior Anterior superior

iliac spine iliac spine


FIGURE 8.6 An anterior view of the hip showing surface FIGURE 8.7 An anterior view of the pelvis showing the
anatomy landmarks for aligning the goniometer. anatomical landmarks for aligning the goniometer for
measuring abduction and adduction.
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200 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

HIP FLEXION tension in the hamstring muscles. Maintain the

Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a extremity in neutral rotation and abduction and
medial–lateral axis. Hip flexion range of motion (ROM) adduction throughout the motion (Fig. 8.8). The end
for adults is 120 degrees according to the American of the ROM occurs when resistance to further motion
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)3 and is felt and attempts at overcoming the resistance
100 degrees according to the American Medical Asso- cause posterior tilting of the pelvis.
ciation (AMA).4 The mean ROM for males and females
ranges from a mean of 122 degrees for ages 25 to Normal End-Feel
39 years to 118 degrees for ages 60 to 74 years The end-feel is usually soft because of contact
according to Roach and Miles.5 See Tables 8.1 to between the muscle bulk of the anterior thigh and the
8.4 in the Research Findings section for additional lower abdomen. However, the end-feel may be firm
normal ROM values by age and gender. because of tension in the posterior joint capsule and
the gluteus maximus muscle.
Testing Position
Place the subject in the supine position, with the Goniometer Alignment
knees extended and both hips in 0 degrees of abduc- See Figures 8.9 and 8.10.
tion, adduction, and rotation. 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
aspect of the hip joint, using the greater trochanter
Stabilization of the femur for reference.
Stabilize the pelvis with one hand to prevent posterior 2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
tilting or rotation. Keep the contralateral lower pelvis.
extremity flat on the table in the neutral position to 3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
provide additional stabilization. femur, using the lateral epicondyle as a reference.

Testing Motion
Flex the hip by lifting the thigh off the table. Allow
the knee to flex passively during the motion to reduce

FIGURE 8.8 The end of hip flexion passive ROM. The placement of the examiner’s hand on the pelvis
allows the examiner to stabilize the pelvis and to detect any pelvic motion.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 201

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

FIGURE 8.9 Goniometer alignment in the supine starting position for measuring hip flexion ROM.

FIGURE 8.10 At the end of the left hip flexion ROM, the examiner uses one hand to align the distal
goniometer arm and to maintain the hip in flexion. The examiner’s other hand shifts from the pelvis
to hold the proximal goniometer arm aligned with the lateral midline of the subject’s pelvis.
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202 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

HIP EXTENSION throughout the movement to ensure that tension in

Motion occurs in a sagittal plane around a medial– the two-joint rectus femoris muscle does not limit the
lateral axis. Normal hip extension ROM is 30 degrees hip extension ROM. The end of the ROM occurs
for adults according to the AMA4 and 20 degrees when resistance to further motion of the femur is felt
according to the AAOS.3 Normal hip extension ROM and attempts at overcoming the resistance cause
for adults ages 40 to 59 years is 18 degrees according anterior tilting of the pelvis and/or extension of the
to Roach and Miles.5 See Tables 8.1 to 8.4 in the lumbar spine.
Research Findings section for additional normal ROM
values by age and gender. Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the anterior
Testing Position joint capsule and the iliofemoral ligament and, to a
Place the subject in the prone position, with both lesser extent, the ischiofemoral and pubofemoral
knees extended and the hip to be tested in 0 degrees ligaments. Tension in various muscles that flex the hip,
of abduction, adduction, and rotation. A pillow may such as the iliopsoas, sartorius, tensor fasciae latae,
be placed under the abdomen for comfort, but no pil- gracilis, and adductor longus, may contribute to the
low should be placed under the head. firm end-feel.

Goniometer Alignment
Stabilization See Figures 8.12 and 8.13.
Hold the pelvis with one hand to prevent an anterior
tilt (an assistant could help stabilize the pelvis). Keep 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
the contralateral extremity flat on the table to provide aspect of the hip joint, using the greater trochanter
additional pelvic stabilization. of the femur for reference.
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
Testing Motion pelvis.
Extend the hip by raising the lower extremity from the 3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
table (Fig. 8.11). Maintain the knee in extension femur, using the lateral epicondyle as a reference.

FIGURE 8.11 The subject’s right lower extremity at the end of hip extension ROM. The examiner uses
one hand to support the distal femur and maintain the hip in extension while her other hand grasps
the pelvis at the level of the anterior superior iliac spine. Because the examiner’s hand is on the
subject’s pelvis, the examiner is able to detect pelvic tilting.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 203

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

FIGURE 8.12 Goniometer alignmment in the prone starting position for measuring hip extension

FIGURE 8.13 At the end of hip extension ROM, the examiner uses one hand to hold the proximal
goniometer arm in alignment. The examiner’s other hand supports the subject’s femur and keeps the
distal goniometer arm in alignment.
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204 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

HIP ABDUCTION attempts to overcome the resistance cause lateral

Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior– pelvic tilting, pelvic rotation, or lateral flexion of the
posterior axis. Normal ROM in abduction is trunk.
40 degrees according to the AMA4 and 42 degrees
for adult males and females ages 40 to 59 years Normal End-Feel
according to Roach and Miles.5 See Tables 8.1 to The end-feel is firm because of tension in the inferior
8.5 in the Research Findings section for additional (medial) joint capsule, pubofemoral ligament,
normal ROM values by age and gender. ischiofemoral ligament, and inferior band of the
iliofemoral ligament. Passive tension in the adductor
Testing Position magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, pectineus,
Place the subject in the supine position, with the and gracilis muscles may contribute to the firm
knees extended and the hips in 0 degrees of flexion, end-feel.
extension, and rotation.
Goniometer Alignment
See Figures 8.15 and 8.16.
Keep a hand on the pelvis to prevent lateral tilting 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the anterior
and rotation. Watch the trunk for lateral trunk flexion. superior iliac spine (ASIS) of the extremity being
Testing Motion 2. Align proximal arm with an imaginary horizontal
Abduct the hip by sliding the lower extremity later- line extending from one ASIS to the other.
ally (Fig. 8.14). Do not allow lateral rotation or flex- 3. Align distal arm with the anterior midline of the
ion of the hip. The end of the ROM occurs when femur, using the midline of the patella for
resistance to further motion of the femur is felt and reference.

FIGURE 8.14 The left lower extremity at the end of

the hip abduction ROM. The examiner uses one
hand to pull the subject’s leg into abduction. (The
examiner’s grip on the ankle is designed to prevent
lateral rotation of the hip.) The examiner’s other
hand not only stabilizes the pelvis but also is used to
detect pelvic motion.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 205

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

FIGURE 8.15 In the starting position for measuring hip abduction ROM, the goniometer is at
90 degrees. This position is considered to be the 0-degree starting position. Therefore, the examiner
must transpose her reading from 90 degrees to 0 degrees. For example, an actual reading of 90 to
120 degrees on the goniometer is recorded as 0 - 30 degrees.

FIGURE 8.16 Goniometer alignment at the end of the abduction ROM. The examiner has
determined the end-feel and has moved her right hand from stabilizing the pelvis to hold the
goniometer in correct alignment.
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206 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

HIP ADDUCTION Stabilization

Motion occurs in a frontal plane around an Stabilize the pelvis to prevent lateral tilting.
anterior–posterior axis. Normal adduction ROM for
adults is 20 degrees according to the AMA.4 See Testing Motion
Tables 8.1 to 8.5 in the Research Findings section for Adduct the hip by sliding the lower extremity medially
additional normal ROM values by age and gender. toward the contralateral lower extremity (Fig. 8.17).
Place one hand at the knee to move the extremity
Testing Position into adduction and to maintain the hip in neutral
Place the subject in the supine position, with both flexion and rotation. The end of the ROM occurs
knees extended and the hip being tested in 0 degrees when resistance to further adduction is felt and
of flexion, extension, and rotation. Abduct the con- attempts to overcome the resistance cause lateral
tralateral extremity to provide sufficient space to com- pelvic tilting, pelvic rotation, and/or lateral trunk
plete the full ROM in adduction. flexion.

FIGURE 8.17 At the end of the hip adduction ROM, the

examiner maintains the hip in adduction with one hand and
stabilizes the pelvis with her other hand.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 207

Normal End-Feel

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

Goniometer Alignment
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the superior See Figures 8.18 and 8.19.
(lateral) joint capsule and the superior band of the
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the ASIS of
iliofemoral ligament. Tension in the gluteus medius
the extremity being measured.
and minimus and the tensor fasciae latae muscles may
2. Align proximal arm with an imaginary horizontal
also contribute to the firm end-feel.
line extending from one ASIS to the other.
3. Align distal arm with the anterior midline of the
femur, using the midline of the patella for

FIGURE 8.18 The alignment of the goniometer is at

90 degrees. Therefore, when the examiner records the
measurement, she will have to transpose the reading so
that 90 degrees is equivalent to 0 degrees. For example, FIGURE 8.19 At the end of the hip adduction ROM, the
an actual reading of 90 to 60 degrees is recorded as examiner uses one hand to hold the goniometer body over
0 - 30 degrees. the subject’s anterior superior iliac spine. The examiner
prevents hip rotation by maintaining a firm grasp at the
subject’s knee with her other hand.
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208 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP


ROTATION Stabilize the distal end of the femur to prevent abduc-
Motion occurs in a transverse plane around a vertical tion, adduction, or further flexion of the hip. Avoid
axis when the subject is in anatomical position. Nor- rotations and lateral tilting of the pelvis.
mal medial rotation ROM for adults is 40 degrees
according to the AMA4 and 45 degrees according to Testing Motion
the AAOS.3 Normal medial rotation ROM for adults Place one hand at the distal femur to provide stabi-
ages 40 to 59 years is 31 degrees according to Roach lization, and use the other hand at the distal tibia to
and Miles.5 See Tables 8.1 to 8.5 in the Research Find- move the lower leg laterally. The hand performing the
ings section for additional normal ROM values by age motion also holds the lower leg in a neutral position
and gender. to prevent rotation at the knee joint (Fig. 8.20). The
end of the ROM occurs when attempts at resistance
Testing Position are felt and attempts at further motion cause tilting of
Seat the subject on a supporting surface, with the the pelvis or lateral flexion of the trunk.
knees flexed to 90 degrees over the edge of the sur-
face. Place the hip in 0 degrees of abduction and
adduction and in 90 degrees of flexion. Place a towel
roll under the distal end of the femur to maintain the
femur in a horizontal plane.

FIGURE 8.20 The left lower extremity at the end of the ROM
of hip medial rotation. One of the examiner’s hands is
placed on the subject’s distal femur to prevent hip flexion
and abduction. Her other hand pulls the lower leg laterally.
FIGURE 8.21 In the starting position for measuring hip
medial rotation, the fulcrum of the goniometer is placed
over the patella. Both arms of the instrument are together.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 209

Normal End-Feel

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

Testing Position: Prone
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the poste- Position subject prone with both legs extended. Flex
rior joint capsule and the ischiofemoral ligament. Ten- the knee to 90 degrees in the leg to be tested. (The
sion in the following muscles may also contribute to other leg should remain flat on the table with the
the firm end-feel: piriformis, obturatorii (internus and knee extended.) Place a strap across the pelvis for
externus), gemelli (superior and inferior), quadratus stabilization. Goniometer alignment is the same as in
femoris, gluteus medius (posterior fibers), and gluteus the sitting position (Fig. 8.23). Note: This position
maximus. should only be used if the rectus femoris is of normal
Goniometer Alignment
See Figures 8.21 and 8.22.
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the anterior
aspect of the patella.
2. Align proximal arm so that it is perpendicular to
the floor or parallel to the supporting surface.
3. Align distal arm with the anterior midline of
the lower leg, using the crest of the tibia and
a point midway between the two malleoli for

FIGURE 8.22 At the end of hip medial rotation ROM, the

proximal arm of the goniometer hangs freely so that it is
perpendicular to the floor.

FIGURE 8.23 Hip medial rotation in the prone testing

position with the goniometer aligned at the end of the
motion. Note that a strap is placed across the pelvis for
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210 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP


Stabilize the distal end of the femur to prevent abduc-
ROTATION tion or further flexion of the hip. Avoid rotation and
Motion occurs in a transverse plane around a longitu-
lateral tilting of the pelvis.
dinal axis when the subject is in anatomical position.
Normal lateral rotation ROM for adults is 50 degrees
according to the AMA4 and 45 degrees according to
Testing Motion
Place one hand at the distal femur to provide stabi-
the AAOS.3 The normal ROM value for lateral rotation
lization, and place the other hand on the distal
for adults ages 40 to 59 years is 32 degrees according
fibula to move the lower leg medially (Fig. 8.24).
to Roach and Miles.5 See Tables 8.1 to 8.5 for addi-
The hand on the fibula also prevents rotation at
tional normal ROM values by age and gender.
the knee joint. The end of the motion occurs when
resistance is felt and attempts at overcoming the
Testing Position
resistance cause tilting of the pelvis or trunk lateral
Seat the subject on a supporting surface with knees
flexed to 90 degrees over the edge of the surface.
Place the hip in 0 degrees of abduction and adduc-
tion and in 90 degrees of flexion. Flex the contralat-
eral knee beyond 90 degrees to allow the hip being
measured to complete its full range of lateral

FIGURE 8.24 The left lower extremity is at the end of the

ROM of hip lateral rotation. The examiner places one hand FIGURE 8.25 Goniometer alignment in the starting position
on the subject’s distal femur to prevent hip flexion and hip for measuring hip lateral rotation.
abduction. The subject assists with stabilization by placing
her hands on the supporting surface and shifting her weight
over her left hip. The subject flexes her right knee to allow
the left lower extremity to complete the ROM.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 211

Normal End-Feel

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/HIP

Testing Position: Prone
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the anterior Position the subject prone with both legs extended.
joint capsule, iliofemoral ligament, and pubofemoral Flex the knee to 90 degrees in the leg to be tested.
ligament. Tension in the anterior portion of the glu- (The other leg should remain flat on the table with the
teus medius, gluteus minimus, adductor magnus, knee extended.) Place a strap across the pelvis for
adductor longus, pectineus, and piriformis muscles stabilization. Goniometer alignment is the same as in
also may contribute to the firm end-feel. the sitting position (Fig. 8.27). Note: This position
should be used only if the rectus femoris is of normal
Goniometer Alignment length.
See Figures 8.25 and 8.26.
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the anterior
aspect of the patella.
2. Align proximal arm so that it is perpendicular to
the floor or parallel to the supporting surface.
3. Align distal arm with the anterior midline of
the lower leg, using the crest of the tibia and
a point midway between the two malleoli for

FIGURE 8.26 At the end of hip lateral rotation ROM the

examiner uses one hand to support the subject’s leg and to
maintain alignment of the distal goniometer arm. FIGURE 8.27 Hip lateral rotation in the prone testing position
with the goniometer aligned at the end of the motion. Note
that a strap is placed across the pelvis for stabilization.
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212 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP


T 12
Psoas L 2
L 3
The iliacus and psoas major muscles flex the hip in the L 4
sagittal plane of motion. The rectus femoris flexes the L 5
hip in the sagittal plane but also extends the knee.
Other muscles, because of their attachments, create
hip flexion in combination with other motions. The sar-
Psoas major
torius flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates the hip while
flexing the knee. The tensor fascia lata abducts, flexes, Tensor
and medially rotates the hip and extends the knee. lata
Several muscles that primarily adduct the hip, such as
the pectineus, adductor longus, and adductor brevis,
also lie anterior to the axis of the hip joint and can con-
tribute to hip flexion. Short muscles that flex the hip
limit hip extension ROM. Hip extension can also be
limited by abnormalities of the joint surfaces, shortness
of the anterior joint capsule, and short iliofemoral and
ischiofemoral ligaments.
The anatomy of the major muscles that flex the hip
is illustrated in Figure 8.28A and B. The iliacus origi-
nates proximally from the upper two thirds of the iliac
fossa, the inner lip of the iliac crest, the lateral aspect
(ala) of the sacrum, and the sacroiliac and iliolumbar lig-
aments. It inserts distally on the lesser trochanter of the
femur. The psoas major originates proximally from the A
sides of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs of
T12-L5 and the transverse processes of L1-L5. It inserts Anterior superior iliac
distally on the lesser trochanter of the femur. These two
muscles are commonly referred to as the iliopsoas. If
the iliopsoas is short, it limits hip extension without Anterior
inferior iliac
pulling the hip in another direction of motion; the thigh spine
remains in the sagittal plane. Knee position does not
affect the length of the iliopsoas muscle.
The rectus femoris arises proximally from two
tendons: the anterior tendon from the anterior inferior
iliac spine and the posterior tendon from a groove
superior to the brim of the acetabulum (see Fig. 8.28B). Rectus
It inserts distally into the base of the patella and into the femoris
tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament. A short rectus
femoris limits hip extension and knee flexion. If the rec-
tus femoris is short and hip extension is attempted, the
knee passively moves into extension to accommodate
the shortened muscle. Sometimes, when the rectus
femoris is shortened and hip extension is attempted,
the knee remains flexed but hip extension is limited. Patella
The sartorius (see Fig. 8.28A) arises proximally
from the ASIS and the upper aspect of the iliac notch.
It inserts distally into the proximal aspect of the ligament
medial tibia. If the sartorius is short, it limits hip exten-
sion, hip adduction, and knee extension. If the sarto-
rius is short and hip extension is attempted, the hip
passively moves into hip abduction and knee flexion B
to accommodate the short muscle.
FIGURE 8.28 An anterior view of the hip flexor muscles.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 213

The tensor fascia lata (TFL) arises proximally from the hip passively moves into adduction to accommo-

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

the anterior aspect of the outer lip of the iliac crest and date the shortened muscles.
the lateral surface of the ASIS and iliac notch (see
Fig. 8.28A). It inserts distally into the iliotibial band of Starting Position
the fascia lata about one-third of the distance down the Place the subject in the sitting position at the end of
thigh. The iliotibial band inserts into the lateral anterior the examining table, with the lower thighs, knees,
surface of the proximal tibia. When the tensor fascia lata and legs off the table. Assist the subject into the
is short, it can limit hip adduction, extension and lateral supine position by supporting the subject’s back and
rotation, and knee flexion. If hip extension is attempted, flexing the hips and knees (Fig. 8.29). This sequence
the hip passively moves into abduction and medial rota- is used to avoid placing a strain on the subject’s
tion to accommodate the short muscle. lower back while the starting test position is being
The pectineus originates from the pectineal line of assumed. Once the subject is supine, flex the hips by
the pubis and inserts in a line from the lesser trochanter bringing the knees toward the chest just enough to
to the linea aspera of the femur. The adductor longus flatten the low back and pelvis against the table
arises proximally from the anterior aspect of the pubis (Fig. 8.30). In this position, the pelvis is in about
and inserts distally into the linea aspera of the femur. 10 degrees of posterior pelvic tilt. Avoid pulling the
The adductor brevis originates from the inferior ramus knees too far toward the chest because this will
of the pubis. It inserts into a line that extends from the cause the low back to go into excessive flexion and
lesser trochanter to the linea aspera and the proximal the pelvis to go into an exaggerated posterior tilt.
part of the linea aspera just posterior to the pectineus This low back and pelvis position gives the appear-
and proximal part of the adductor longus. Shortness of ance of tightness in the hip flexors when, in fact, no
these muscles limits hip abduction and extension. If tightness is present.
these muscles are short and hip extension is attempted,

FIGURE 8.29 The examiner assists the subject into the starting position for testing the length of the
hip flexors. Ordinarily the examiner stands on the same side as the hip being tested to visualize the
hip region and take measurements, but the examiner is standing on the contralateral side for the
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214 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

FIGURE 8.30 The starting position for testing the length of the hip flexors. Both knees and hips are
flexed so that the low back and pelvis are flat on the examining table.

Stabilization being tested by lowering the thigh toward the exam-

Either the examiner or the subject holds the hip not ining table. The knee is relaxed in approximately
being tested in flexion (knee toward the chest) to 80 degrees of flexion. The lower extremity should
maintain the low back and pelvis flat against the remain in the sagittal plane.
examining table. If the thigh lies flat on the examining table and
the knee remains in 80 degrees of flexion, the iliop-
Testing Motion soas and rectus femoris muscles are of normal length6
Information as to which muscles are short can be (Figs. 8.31 and 8.32). At the end of the test, the hip is
gained by varying the position of the knee and care- in 10 degrees of extension because the pelvis is being
fully observing passive motions of the hip and knee held in 10 degrees of posterior tilt. At this point, the
while hip extension is attempted. Extend the hip test would be concluded.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 215

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

FIGURE 8.31 The end of the motion for testing the length of the hip flexors. The subject has normal
length of the right hip flexors: the hip is able to extend to 10 degrees (thigh is flat on table), the
knee remains in 80 degrees of flexion, and the lower extremity remains in the sagittal plane.
Ordinarily the examiner would stand on the side of the hip being tested, but she has moved to the
other side so that a photograph could be taken.


Iliacus Psoas

FIGURE 8.32 A lateral view of the hip showing the hip flexors at the end of the Thomas test.
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216 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

If the thigh does not lie flat on the table, hip measured to test more specifically for the length of
extension is limited and further testing is needed to the hip adductors.
determine the cause (Fig. 8.33). Repeat the starting
portion by flexing the hips and bringing the knee Normal End-Feel
toward the chest. Extend the hip by lowering the When the knee remains flexed at the end of hip
thigh toward the examining table, but this time sup- extension ROM, the end-feel is firm owing to tension
port the knee in extension (Fig. 8.34). When the knee in the rectus femoris. When the knee is extended at
is held in extension, the rectus femoris is slack over the end of hip extension ROM, the end-feel is firm
the knee joint. If the hip extends with the knee held in owing to tension in the anterior joint capsule,
extension so that the thigh is able to lie on the exam- iliofemoral ligament, ischiofemoral ligament, and iliop-
ining table, the rectus femoris can be ascertained as soas muscle. If one or more of the following muscles
being short. If the hip cannot extend with the knee are shortened, they may also contribute to a firm end-
held in extension and the thigh does not lie on the feel: sartorius, tensor fascia lata, pectineus, adductor
examining table, the iliopsoas, anterior joint capsule, longus, and adductor brevis.
iliofemoral ligament, and ischiofemoral ligament may
be short.
Goniometer Alignment
When the hip is extending toward the examining
See Figure 8.35.
table, observe carefully to see if the lower extremity
stays in the sagittal plane. If the hip moves into lateral 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
rotation and abduction, the sartorius muscle may be aspect of the hip joint, using the greater trochanter
short. If the hip moves into medial rotation and of the femur for reference.
abduction, the tensor fascia lata may be short. The 2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
Ober test can be used specifically to check the length pelvis.
of the tensor fasciae latae. If the hip moves into ad- 3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
duction, the pectineus, adductor longus, and adduc- femur, using the lateral epicondyle for reference.
tor brevis may be short. Hip abduction ROM can be

FIGURE 8.33 This subject has restricted hip extension. Her thigh is unable to lie on the table with the
knee flexed to 80 degrees. Further testing is needed to determine which structures are short.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 217

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

FIGURE 8.34 Because the subject had restricted hip extension at the end of the testing motion (see
Fig. 8.33), the testing motion needs to be modified and repeated. This time, the knee is held in
extension when the extremity is lowered toward the table. At the end of the test, the hip extends to
10 degrees, and the thigh lies flat on the table. Therefore, one may conclude that the rectus femoris
is short and that the iliopsoas, anterior joint capsule, and iliofemoral and ischiofemoral ligaments are
of normal length.

FIGURE 8.35 Goniometer alignment for measuring the length of the hip flexors.
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218 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

THE HAMSTRINGS: septum (Fig. 8.36A). The biceps femoris inserts onto
the head of the fibula with a small portion extending
SEMITENDINOSUS, to the lateral condyle of the tibia and the lateral
SEMIMEMBRANOSUS, AND collateral ligament.
BICEPS FEMORIS: STRAIGHT The hamstring muscles cross the hip and knee
joints, and if the hamstrings are short, they can limit
LEG RAISING TEST both hip flexion and knee extension. Hip flexion is
The hamstring muscles, composed of the semitendi-
limited when the hamstrings are short and the knee is
nosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris, cross
held in full extension. However, if hip flexion is limited
two joints—the hip and the knee. When they contract,
when the knee is flexed, abnormalities of the joint sur-
they extend the hip and flex the knee. The semitendi-
faces, shortness of the posterior joint capsule, or a
nosus originates proximally from the ischial tuberosity
short gluteus maximus may be present.
and inserts distally on the proximal aspect of the
Hamstring length can be measured using either
medial surface of the tibia (Fig. 8.36A). The semi-
the straight leg raising (SLR) method, wherein the an-
membranosus originates from the ischial tuberosity
gle between the pelvis and the thigh is measured, or
and inserts on the posterior medial aspect of the
by the distal hamstring length method, wherein the
medial condyle of the tibia (Fig. 8.36B). The long
angle between the thigh and the lower leg is mea-
head of the biceps femoris originates from the ischial
sured. The SLR test is presented in the following sec-
tuberosity and the sacrotuberous ligament, whereas
tion, and the distal hamstring length test, also called
the short head of the biceps femoris originates proxi-
the popliteal angle (or PA) test, is covered in the knee
mally from the lateral lip of the linea aspera, the lat-
eral supracondylar line, and the lateral intermuscular
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 219

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

Biceps femoris
(long head)

Biceps femoris
Semimembranosus (short head)


FIGURE 8.36 A posterior view of the hip showing the hamstring muscles (A and B).
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220 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

Starting Position Testing Motion

Place the subject in the supine position, with both Flex the hip by lifting the lower extremity off the table
knees extended and hips in 0 degrees of flexion, (Figs. 8.38 and 8.39). Keep the knee in full extension
extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation by applying firm pressure to the anterior thigh. As the
(Fig. 8.37). If possible, remove clothing covering the hip flexes, the pelvis and low back should flatten
ilium and low back so the pelvis and lumbar spine can against the examining table. The end of the testing
be observed during the test. motion occurs when resistance is felt from tension in
the posterior thigh and further flexion of the hip
Stabilization causes knee flexion, posterior pelvic tilt, or lumbar
Hold the knee of the lower extremity being tested in flexion. If the hip can flex to between 70 and 80 de-
full extension. Keep the other lower extremity flat on grees with the knee extended, the test indicates nor-
the examining table to stabilize the pelvis and prevent mal length of the hamstring muscles.6
excessive amounts of posterior pelvic tilt and lumbar In a study of 214 adults (106 men and 106 women)
flexion. Usually, the weight of the lower extremity pro- aged 20 to 79 years, Youdas and associates7 mea-
vides adequate stabilization, but a strap securing sured hip flexion ROM in the SLR test and found that
the thigh to the examining table can be added if females had a mean hip flexion range of 76.3 (standard
necessary. deviation [SD] = 9.5) degrees and males had a mean
range of 68.5 (SD = 6.8) degrees.

FIGURE 8.37 The starting position for testing the length of the hamstring muscles with the straight
leg raising test (SLR).
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Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

FIGURE 8.38 The end of the testing motion for the length of the hamstring muscles. The subject has
normal length of the hamstrings: the hip can be passively flexed to 70 to 80 degrees with the knee
held in full extension.

Biceps femoris

FIGURE 8.39 A lateral view of the hip showing the biceps femoris at the end of the testing
motion for the length of the hamstrings.
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222 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

Shortness of muscles in the hip and lumbar region excessive amount of posterior pelvic tilt and lumbar
influences the results of the SLR test. If the subject flexion.
has short hip flexors on the side that is not being If the subject has short lumbar extensors, the low
tested, the pelvis is held in an anterior tilt when that back has an excessive lordotic curve and the pelvis is
lower extremity is lying on the examining table. An in an anterior tilt. The distance that the leg can lift off
anterior pelvic tilt decreases the distance that the leg the examining table is decreased if the pelvis is in an
being tested can lift off the examining table, thus giv- anterior tilt, giving the appearance of less hamstring
ing the appearance of less hamstring length than is length than is actually present. In this case, the exam-
actually present. To remedy this situation, have the iner needs to carefully align the proximal arm of the
subject flex the hip not being tested by resting the goniometer with the lateral midline of the pelvis when
foot on the table or by supporting the thigh with a measuring hip flexion ROM and not be misled by the
pillow (Fig. 8.40). This position slackens the short hip height of the lower extremity from the examining
flexors and allows the low back and pelvis to flatten table.
against the examining table. Be careful to avoid an

FIGURE 8.40 If the subject has shortness of the contralateral hip flexors, flex the contralateral hip to
prevent an anterior pelvic tilt.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 223

Normal End-Feel

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

The end-feel is firm owing to tension in the semimem-
branosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris muscles.

Goniometer Alignment
See Figure 8.41.
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
aspect of the hip joint, using the greater trochanter
of the femur for reference.
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
femur, using the lateral epicondyle for reference.

FIGURE 8.41 Goniometer alignment for measuring the length of the hamstring muscles. Another
examiner will need to take the measurement while the first examiner supports the leg being tested.
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224 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

TENSOR FASCIA LATA AND near the edge of the examining table, so that the
examiner can stand directly behind the subject.
ILIOTIBIAL BAND: OBER TEST Initially, extend the uppermost knee and place the
The tensor fascia lata crosses two joints—the hip and
hip in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, adduction,
knee. When this muscle contracts, it abducts, flexes,
abduction, and rotation. The patient flexes the
and medially rotates the hip and extends the knee.
bottom hip and knee to stabilize the trunk, flatten
The tensor fascia lata arises proximally from the ante-
the lumbar curve, and keep the pelvis in a slight
rior aspect of the outer lip of the iliac crest and the
posterior tilt.
lateral surface of the ASIS and the iliac notch
(Fig. 8.42). It attaches distally into the iliotibial band
of the fascia lata about one-third of the way down the Stabilization
thigh. The iliotibial band inserts into the lateral Place one hand on the iliac crest to stabilize the
tuberosity of the tibia, the head of the fibula, the lat- pelvis. Firm pressure is usually required to prevent the
eral condyle of the femur, and the lateral patellar reti- pelvis from laterally tilting during the testing motion.
naculum. If the tensor fascia lata is short, it limits hip Having the patient flex the bottom hip and knee can
adduction and to a lesser extent hip extension, hip also help to stabilize the trunk and pelvis.
lateral rotation, and knee flexion. Shortening of this
structure has been cited as a contributing cause of Testing Motion
low-back pain,8 iliotibial band friction syndrome,9 and Support the leg being tested by holding the medial
patellofemoral pain due to lateral tracking and tilting aspect of the knee and the lower leg. Flex the hip
of the patella.10 and the knee to 90 degrees (Fig. 8.43). Keep the
Some authors have stated that the tensor fasciae knee flexed and move the hip into abduction and
latae is of normal length when the hip adducts to the extension to position the tensor fascia lata over
examining table.11,12 However, according to Kendall the greater trochanter of the femur (Fig. 8.44). Test
and colleagues,6 stabilization of the pelvis to prevent the length of the tensor fascia lata and iliotibial
a lateral tilt and avoidance of hip flexion and medial
rotation will limit hip adduction to 10 degrees during
the testing motion, which causes the thigh to drop
only slightly below the horizontal position. More con-
servative hip adduction values have been reported as
normal by Cade and associates,13 who found that only
7 of 50 young female subjects had normal (or not
short) Ober test values when the horizontal leg posi-
tion or 0 degrees of adduction was used as the test
Gajdosik, Sandler, and Marr14 used a universal
goniometer centered at the ipsilateral ASIS to deter-
mine the effects of knee position and gender on Ober
test values for 49 adults aged 20 to 43 years. The
26 women in the study had a range of 3 degrees of
adduction to 16 degrees of abduction, whereas the
23 men had a range of 4 degrees of adduction to
15 degrees of abduction. According to Wang,15 a nor-
mal value for 36 healthy subjects with a mean age of
24.3 years was found to be 17.8 degrees of adduction
measured at the lateral femoral epicondyle at the knee
with an inclinometer. Reese and Bandy16 also used an
inclinometer over the distal femur to measure the hip
adduction position in 61 healthy subjects with a mean
age of 24 years. The authors obtained a mean value of
18.9 degrees of adduction (SD = 7.6 degrees), which is
similar to the value obtained by Wang.

Starting Position
Place the subject in the sidelying position, with the FIGURE 8.42 A lateral view of the left hip showing the
hip being tested uppermost. Position the subject tensor fascia lata muscle (in red) and the iliotibial band.
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Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

FIGURE 8.43 The first step in the testing motion for the length of the tensor fascia lata and iliotibial
band is to flex the hip and knee.

FIGURE 8.44 The next step in the testing motion for the length of the tensor fascia lata and
iliotibial band is to abduct and extend the hip.
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226 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

band by lowering the leg into hip adduction and Goniometer Alignment
bringing it down toward the examining table See Figure 8.47.
(Figs. 8.45 and 8.46). Do not allow the pelvis to tilt
laterally or the hip to flex because these motions 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the ASIS of
slacken the muscle. Keep the knee flexed to control the extremity being measured.
medial rotation of the hip and to maintain the 2. Align proximal arm with an imaginary line extend-
stretch of the muscle. If the thigh drops to slightly ing from one ASIS to the other.
below horizontal (10 degrees of hip adduction), the 3. Align distal arm with the anterior midline of the fe-
test is negative and the tensor fascia lata and mur, using the midline of the patella for reference.
iliotibial band are of normal length.6 If the thigh Note that at least 0 degrees of hip extension is
remains above horizontal in hip abduction, the ten- needed to perform length testing of the tensor fascia
sor fasciae latae and iliotibial band may be tight. lata and iliotibial band. If the iliopsoas is tight, it pre-
vents the proper positioning of the tensor fascia lata
Normal End-Feel over the greater trochanter. If the rectus femoris is
The end-feel is firm owing to tension in the tensor short, the knee may be extended during the test,6 but
fascia lata. extreme care must be taken to avoid medial rotation of
the hip as the leg is lowered into adduction. This
change in test position is called a Modified Ober test.

FIGURE 8.45 The end of the testing motion for the length of the tensor fascia lata and iliotibial
band. The examiner is firmly holding the iliac crest to prevent a lateral tilt of the pelvis while the hip
is lowered into adduction. No flexion or medial rotation of the hip is allowed. The subject has a
normal length of the tensor fascia lata and iliotibial band; the thigh drops to slightly below
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 227

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

FIGURE 8.46 An anterior view of the hip showing the tensor fascia lata and iliotibial band at the end
of the Ober test.

FIGURE 8.47 Goniometer alignment for measuring the length of the tensor fascia lata and iliotibial
band. The examiner stabilizes the pelvis and positions the leg being tested while another examiner
takes the measurement. If another examiner is not available, a visual estimate will have to be made.
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228 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

TENSOR FASCIA LATA Starting Position

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/HIP

The starting position is the same as for the Ober test

AND ILIOTIBIAL BAND: MODIFIED except that the knee is held in extension throughout
OBER TEST the test.
The Modified Ober test was first proposed by the
Kendalls in 1952 to reduce strain in the medial Stabilization
aspect of the knee joint, to reduce tension on the Stabilization is essentially the same as in the Ober
patella, and to reduce the influence of a tight two- test, but a second person may be needed to assist in
joint rectus femoris muscle.6 Gajdosik, Sandler, and either holding the extended leg or in stabilizing the
Marr14 suggest that the two tests yield different pelvis.
results and should not be used interchangeably. The
results of the authors’ study using a universal Testing Motion
goniometer showed that there was a difference The testing motion is the same as for the Ober test,
between men and women, with men having a range but medial rotation may be more of a concern and
of 20 degrees of adduction to 3 degrees of abduc- must be prevented. The end of the test occurs when
tion, whereas women had a range of 11 degrees of the pelvis begins to tilt laterally or the leg stops
adduction to 5 degrees of abduction. Reese and dropping.
Bandy16 determined that the hip adduction position
measured with an inclinometer over the lateral Goniometer Alignment
femoral epicondyle was 23.4 degrees (SD = Goniometer alignment is the same as in the Ober test
7.0 degrees) in the Modified Ober test. (Fig. 8.48).

FIGURE 8.48 The extended position of the knee is shown at the end of the Modified Ober test.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 229

Research Findings Kozic and colleagues,26 in a study of passive lateral and

medial rotation in 1140 children aged 8 to 9 years, found that
90 percent of the children had less than 10 degrees difference
Effects of Age, Gender, between lateral and medial rotation. Ellison and coworkers,27
and Other Factors in a study of 100 healthy adults and 50 patients with back
problems, found that only 27 percent of healthy subjects com-
Table 8.1 shows nomal hip range of motion (ROM) values pared with 48 percent of patients had greater lateral rotation
from various sources. The age, gender, measurement instru- than medial rotation. The large number of patients who had
ment used, and number of subjects measured to obtain the greater lateral than medial rotation suggests a rotational
AAOS3 and AMA4 values were not reported. In Table 8.1, the imbalance that may be related to back problems.
9.8 degrees of hip extension motion reported by Boone and However, as seen in Table 8.2 and Table 8.3, the most
Azen17 is much smaller than the degrees listed by the other dramatic effect of age is on hip extension ROM in newborns
authors.3–5,18 This finding is most likely due to the fact that and infants because they are unable to extend the hip from full
very young children who often have limitations in hip exten- flexion to the neutral position (returning to 0 degrees from the
sion were included in Boone and Azen’s study. end of the flexion ROM).15–22 Waugh and associates19 found
Age that all 40 infants tested lacked complete hip extension, with
Researchers tend to agree that age affects hip ROM19–25 and limitations ranging from 21.7 degrees to 68.3 degrees. Forero,
that the effects are motion specific in neonates, infants, chil- Okamura, and Larson25 found that all 60 healthy, full-term
dren, and adults. In neonates some motions are larger than in neonates studied had hip extension limitations that ranged from
other age groups and some motions are considerably smaller. 17 to 39 degrees, with a mean range of 30 degrees. Schwarze
Table 8.2 shows passive ROM values for neonates as reported and Denton20 found mean limitations of 19 degrees for boys and
in five studies.19–23 All values presented in Table 8.2 were 21 degrees for girls, and Broughton, Wright, and Menelaus21
obtained by means of a universal goniometer. A comparison found a mean hip extension limitation of 34.1 degrees in
of the neonates’ passive ROM values shown in Table 8.2 with 57 boys and girls.
the values of older children and adults shown in Table 8.1 Limitations in hip extension found in the very young are
reveals that the neonates studied have larger passive ROM in considered to be normal and to decrease with age, as seen in
most hip motions except for extension, which is limited. The Table 8.3. The term “physiological limitation of motion” has
neonates’ ROM in hip lateral and medial rotation and abduc- been used by Waugh and associates19 and Walker29 to describe
tion is much larger than the ROM values of adults and older the normal hip extension limitation of motion in infants.
children for the same motions. Also, the relationship between According to Walker,29 movement into extension evolves
hip lateral and medial rotation appears to differ from that without the need for intervention and should not be consid-
found in a majority of older children and adults. Hip lateral ered pathological in newborns and infants. The extension lim-
rotation values for the neonates are considerably greater than itation has been attributed to the increased flexor tone that is
the values for medial rotation, whereas in children and adults present in neonates and infants and to the flexed position of
the lateral rotation values are either about the same or less the hip in the womb. Usually, a return from flexion to the neu-
than the values for medial rotation.25 tral position is attained in children by 2 years of age, and

TABLE 8.1 Hip Motion: Normal Values in Degrees

AAOS3 AMA4 Boone and Azen17 Svenningsen et al18 Roach and Miles5
18 mos – 54 yrs 23 yrs 23 yrs 25 – 47yrs
Males Males Females Males and Females
n = 109 n = 102 n = 104 n = 1683
Motion Mean (SD) Mean Mean Mean (SD)
Flexion 120 100 122.3 (6.1) 137 141 121.0 (13.0)
Extension 20 30 9.8 (6.8) 23 26 19.0 (8.0)
Abduction 40 45.9 (9.3) 40 42 42.0 (11.0)
Adduction 20 26.9 (4.1) 29 30
Medial rotation 45 40* 47.3 (6.0) 38 52 32.0 (8.0)
Lateral rotation 45 50* 47.2 (6.3) 43 41 32.0 (9.0)

SD ⫽ standard deviation.
* Measurements taken with subjects in the supine position.
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230 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

TABLE 8.2 Age Effects on Hip Motion in Neonates 6 Hours to 4 Weeks of Age: Normal Values
in Degrees
Waugh et al19 Drews et al22 and Denton20 Broughton et al21 Wanatabe et al23 Forero et al25

6 – 65 hrs 12 hrs – 6 days 1 – 3 days 1 – 7 days 4 wks 1 – 3 days

n = 40 n = 54 n = 1000 n = 57 n = 62 n = 60
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean Mean (SD) Mean Mean (SD)
Flexion — — — — 138.0 127.5 (4.8)
Extension* 46.3 (8.2) †
28.3 (6.0) ‡
20.0 34.1 (6.3) 12.0 29.9 (4.0)
Abduction — 55.5 (9.5)† 78.0† — 51.0 38.9 (5.1)
Adduction — 6.4 (3.9) †
15.0 †
— — 17.3 (3.5)
rotation — 79.8 (9.3)† 58.0 — 24.0 76.0 (5.6)
Lateral — 113.7 (10.4)† 80.0 — 66.0 91.9 (3.0)

SD = standard deviation.
* All values in this row represent the magnitude of the extension limitation.

Tested with subjects in the supine position.

Tested with subjects in the side-lying position.

extension ROM beginning at the neutral position usually be viewed as abnormal and not attributable to aging. In the
approaches adult values by early adolescence. data from Roach and Miles,5 hip extension was the only
Broughton, Wright, and Menelaus21 found that by motion in which the difference between the youngest and the
6 months of age, mean hip extension limitations in infants had oldest groups constituted a decrease of more than 20 percent
decreased to 7.5 degrees, and 27 of 57 subjects had no limita- of the available arc of motion.
tion. However, Phelps, Smith, and Hallum24 found that Although Svenningsen and associates18 studied hip ROM
100 percent of the 9- and 12-month-old infants tested (n = 50) in fairly young subjects (761 males and females aged 4 to
had some degree of hip extension limitation. At 18 months of 28 years), these authors found that even in this limited age
age, 89 percent of infants had limitations, and at 24 months, span, the ROM for most hip motions showed a decrease with
72 percent still had limitations. increasing age. However, the reductions in ROM varied
In Table 8.4, very little difference is evident between the according to the motion. Decreases in flexion, abduction,
ROM values for hip flexion and hip abduction across the life medial rotation, and total rotation were greater than decreases
span of 4 to 74 years in contrast to hip medial and lateral in extension, adduction, and lateral rotation.
rotation, which have the greatest decrease in ROM. Roach Nonaka and associates,30 in a study of 77 healthy male
and Miles5 have suggested that differences in active ROM volunteers aged 15 to 73 years, found that passive hip ROM
representing less than 10 percent of the arc of motion are of decreased progressively with increasing age, but no change
little clinical significance and that any substantial loss of was observed in knee ROM in the same population. The
mobility in individuals between 25 and 74 years of age should authors suggested that most activities of daily living can be

TABLE 8.3 Hip Extension Limitations in Infants and Young Children 4 Weeks to 5 Years of Age:
Values in Degrees
Wanatabe et al23 Broughton et al21 Phelps et al24 Boone28

4–8 mos 3 mos 6 mos 9 mos 18 mos 1–5 yrs

n = 54 n = 57 n = 57 n = 25 n = 18 n = 19
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
4.0 18.9 (6.0) 7.5 (5.7) 10.0 (2.6) 4.0 (3.2) 0.8 (3.4)

SD = standard deviation.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 231

TABLE 8.4 Age Effects on Hip Motion in Individuals 4 to 74 Years of Age: Normal
Values in Degrees
Svenningsen18 Boone28 Roach and Miles5
Female Male Males Males and Females
4 yrs 4 yrs 6–12 yrs 13–19 yrs 25–39 yrs 40–59 yrs 60–74 yrs
n = 52 n = 51 n = 17 n = 17 n = 433 n = 727 n = 523
Motion Mean Mean Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 151 149 124.4 (5.9) 122.6 (5.2) 122.0 (12) 120.0 (14) 118.0 (13)
Extension 29 28 10.4 (7.5) 11.6 (5.0) 22.0 (8) 18.0 (7) 17.0 (8)
Abduction 55 53 48.1 (6.3) 46.8 (6.0) 44.0 (11) 42.0 (11) 39.0 (12)
Adduction 30 30 27.6 (3.8) 26.3 (2.9) — — —
Medial rotation 60 51 48.4 (4.8) 47.1 (5.2) 33.0 (7) 31.0 (8) 30.0 (7)
Lateral rotation 44 48 47.5 (3.2) 47.4 (5.2) 34.0 (8) 32.0 (8) 29.0 (9)

SD ⫽ standard deviation.

performed without maximal lengthening of hip joint muscles. abduction. In contrast, hip flexion with the knee either
Therefore, loss of hip ROM with increasing age may result extended or flexed was least affected by age, with a significant
from shortening of muscles or connective tissue due to reduction occurring only in those older than 85 years of age.
reduced compliance of joint structures and degenerative Passive ROM was greater than active ROM for all joint
changes in spinal alignment as a result of a decrease in phys- motions tested, with the largest difference (7 degrees) occur-
ical activities that stretch the musculature surrounding the hip. ring in hip flexion with the knee flexed.
A number of other researchers have investigated age or In a large study by Steinberg and colleagues,35 passive
gender effects on hip ROM.31–34 Allander and colleagues31 mea- hip ROM was compared in 1320 female dancers aged 8 to
sured hip ROM in a population of 517 females and 203 males 16 years and 223 nondancers of similar age. Hip flexion and
between 33 and 70 years of age. These authors found that older medial and lateral rotation decreased in both groups with
groups had significantly less hip rotation ROM than younger increasing age, whereas hip abduction decreased significantly
groups. with increasing age only in the dancers. Hip extension ROM
Walker and colleagues32 measured all active hip motions was found to increase with age in both groups, but the
in 30 women and 30 men ranging from 60 to 84 years of age. increase was only significant in the dancer group.
Although Walker and colleagues32 found no differences in hip
ROM between the group aged 60 to 69 years and the group Gender
aged 75 to 84 years, both age groups demonstrated a reduced The effects of gender on hip ROM are usually age and motion
ability to attain a neutral starting position for hip flexion. The specific and account for only a relatively small amount of
mean starting position for both groups for measurements of total variance in measurement. Gender effects have been found
flexion ROM was 11 degrees instead of 0 degrees. The mean in both children and adults, but these effects have not been
ROM values obtained for both age groups for hip rotation, found in neonates and infants. Phelps, Smith, and Hallum24
abduction, and adduction were 14 to 25 degrees less than the found no gender differences in hip rotation in 86 infants and
average values published by the AAOS.3 This finding appears young children (aged 9 to 24 months). Forero, Okamura, and
to provide support for the use of age-appropriate norms. Larson25 found no significant gender differences in any of six
James and Parker34 measured active and passive ROM at hip motions in 60 neonates (26 females and 34 males).
the hip, knee, and ankle in 80 healthy men and women rang- Some studies have found that female children and
ing from 70 years to 92 years of age. Measurements of hip adults have greater hip flexion ROM than males.18,33,34
abduction ROM were taken with a universal goniometer. All Boone and coworkers33 found significant differences for
other measurements were taken with a Leighton flexometer. most hip motions when gender comparisons were made for
Systematic decreases in both active and passive ROM were three age groupings of males and females. These findings
found in subjects between 70 and 92 years of age. Hip abduc- were age and motion specific. Female children (1 to 9 years
tion decreased the most with age and was 33.4 percent less in of age), young adult females (21 to 29 years of age), and
the oldest group of men and women (those aged 85 to older adult females (61 to 69 years of age) had significantly
92 years) compared with the youngest group (those aged more hip flexion than their male counterparts. However,
70 to 74 years). Medial and lateral rotation also decreased female children and young adult females had less hip adduc-
considerably, but the decrease was not as great as that seen in tion and lateral rotation than males in comparison groups.
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232 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Both young adult females and older adult females had less between the ages of 45 and 68 years. Measurements were
hip extension ROM than males. taken by means of a Myrin inclinometer with the subjects in
Svenningson and associates18 measured the passive ROM the prone position.
of 1552 hips in 761 healthy females and males between 4 and Escalante and coworkers40 determined that there was a loss
28 years of age. Females of all age groups had greater passive of at least 1 degree of passive range of motion in hip flexion for
ROM than males for total passive ROM, total rotation, medial each unit increase in BMI in a group of 687 community-
rotation, and abduction. The following two findings agreed dwelling elders (those who were 65 to 78 years of age). Sub-
with Boone’s findings: female children in the 11- and jects who were severely obese had an average of 18 degrees
15-year-old age groups and female adults had greater passive less hip flexion than nonobese subjects as measured in the
ROM in hip flexion than males in the same age groups, and supine position with an inclinometer. BMI explained a higher
females in the 4- and 6-year-old groups and female adults had proportion of the variance in hip flexion ROM than any other
less hip lateral rotation than males in the same age groups. variable examined by the authors.
However, females had more hip adduction than males, which Lichtenstein and associates41 studied interrelationships
is opposite to Boone’s findings. among the variables in the study by Escalante and cowork-
Allander and colleagues31 determined that in five of eight ers40 and concluded that BMI could be considered a primary
age groups tested, females had a greater amount of hip rotation direct determinant of hip flexion passive ROM. However,
than males. Walker and colleagues32 found that 30 females Bennell and associates42 found no effect of BMI on active
aged 60 to 84 years had 14 degrees more ROM in hip medial ROM in hip rotation in a study comparing 77 novice ballet
rotation than their male counterparts. Simoneau and cowork- dancers and 49 age-matched controls between the ages of
ers36 discovered that females (with a mean age of 21.8 years) 8 and 11 years. The control subjects, who had a higher BMI
had higher mean values in both medial and lateral rotation than than the dancers, also had a significantly greater range of lat-
age-matched male subjects. The authors used a universal eral and medial hip rotation.
metal goniometer to measure active ROM of hip rotation in
Testing Position
39 females and 21 males.
Simoneau and coworkers36 found that measurement position
James and Parker34 found that women were significantly
(sitting versus prone) had little effect on active hip medial
more mobile than men in 7 of the 10 motions tested at the hip, rotation ROM in 60 healthy male and female college students
knee, and ankle. At the hip, women had greater mobility than (aged 18 to 21 years), but position had a significant effect on
men in all hip motions except abduction. Men and women had lateral rotation ROM. Lateral rotation measured in the sitting
similar mean values in hip flexion ROM, both with the knee position was statistically less (mean ⫽ 36 degrees) than it was
flexed and with the knee extended, in the group aged 70 to when measured on subjects in the prone position (mean ⫽
74 years, but in the group between 70 and 85-plus years of age, 45 degrees). Bierma-Zeinstra and associates43 found that both
men had an approximate 25 percent decrease in ROM, whereas lateral and medial rotation ROMs were significantly less
women had a decrease of only about 11 percent. when measured in two males and seven females aged 21 to
In a study by Youdas and colleagues,7 two testers used a 43 years in the sitting and supine positions compared to mea-
360-degree goniometer to measure hamstring length by two surements taken in the prone position (Table 8.5). However,
methods (straight leg raising and popliteal angle) in 214 adults Schwarze and Denton20 found no difference in passive ROM
(108 women and 106 men) aged 20 to 79 years. A significant measurements of hip medial and lateral rotation with neonates
gender effect was found in both testing methods, with women in the prone position compared to measurements of the
having approximately 8 degrees more motion than men in the 1000 neonates taken in the supine position.
SLR test and 11 degrees more motion than men in the popliteal Van Dillen and coworkers44 compared the effects of knee
angle test. and hip position on passive hip extension ROM in 10 patients
In contrast to the previously mentioned studies, Hu and (mean age = 33 years) with low-back pain and 35 healthy sub-
associates,37 using a photographic method, found no signifi- jects (mean age = 31 years). Both groups had less hip exten-
cant gender differences in all six hip motions in 51 male and sion when the hip was in neutral abduction than when the hip
54 female healthy Chinese subjects between the ages of was fully abducted. Both groups also displayed less hip exten-
65 and 85 years living in Beijing, China. sion ROM when the knee was flexed to 80 degrees than when
Sanya and Obi38 found no significant gender differences the knee was fully extended. This finding lends support for
between 50 male and female patients with diabetes and a con- Kendall and colleagues,6 who maintain that changing the knee
trol group of 50 healthy subjects. Both groups ranged in age
joint angle during the Thomas test for hip flexor length can
from 21 to 71 years.
affect the passive ROM in hip extension.
Body Mass Index Gajdosik, Sandler, and Marr14 found that changing the
Increases in body mass index (BMI) seem to decrease the position from knee flexion in the Ober test to knee extension
ROM at the hip. Kettunen and colleagues39 found that former in the Modified Ober test changed the angle of hip adduction
elite athletes with a high BMI had lower total amounts of hip in 49 subjects (26 women and 23 men). The knee flexed
passive ROM compared with former elite athletes with a low position limited hip adduction more than the knee extended
BMI. Subjects in the study included 117 former elite athletes position.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 233

TABLE 8.5 Effects of Position on Hip ROM: Normal Values in Degrees

Author Motion Position

Seated Prone Supine
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean
Simoneau et al36 Lateral rotation* 36 (7) 45 (10) —
Medial rotation* 33 (7) 36 (9) —
Total rotation* 69 (9) 81 (12) —
Bierma-Zeinstra et al43 Lateral rotation* 33.9 47.0 33.1
Medial rotation* 33.6 46.3 36.0
Lateral rotation †
37.6 51.9 34.2
Medial rotation† 38.8 53.2 39.9

SD = standard deviation.
* Active ROM measured with a universal goniometer.

Passive ROM measured with a universal goniometer.

Arts and Sports The authors hypothesized that a shortening of the hip exten-
A sampling of articles related to the effects of ballet and other sors (resulting from constant use) and the dancers’ avoidance
forms of dance, ice hockey, and running on ROM are pre- of full hip medial rotation might account for the fact that the
sented in the following paragraphs. As expected, the effects of dancers had less hip medial rotation than the control subjects.
the activity on ROM vary with the activity and involve Tyler and colleagues46 found that a group of 25 profes-
motions that are specific to the particular activity. sional male ice hockey players had about 10 degrees less hip
Gilbert, Gross, and Klug45 conducted a study of 20 female extension ROM than a group of 25 matched control subjects.
ballet dancers (aged 11 to 14 years) to determine the relation- The authors postulated that the loss of hip extension in the
ship between the dancer’s ROM in hip lateral rotation and the hockey players was probably due to tight anterior hip capsule
turnout angle. An ideal turnout angle is a position in which the structures and tight iliopsoas muscles. The flexed hip and
longitudinal axes of the feet are rotated 180 degrees from each knee posture assumed by the players during skating probably
other. The authors found that turnout angles were significantly contributed to the muscle shortness and loss of hip extension
greater (between 13 and 17 degrees) than measurements of ROM.
hip lateral rotation ROM. This finding indicated that the Van Mechelen and colleagues47 used goniometry to mea-
dancers were using excessive movements at the knee and sure hip ROM in 16 male runners who had sustained running
ankle to attain an acceptable degree of turnout. According to injuries during the year but who were fit at the time of the
the authors, the use of compensatory motions at the knee and study. No right–left differences in hip ROM were found either
ankle predisposes the dancers to injury. The dancers had had in the previously injured group or in a control group of run-
3 years of classical ballet training and still had not been able ners who had not sustained an injury. However, hip ROM
to attain the degree of hip lateral rotation that would give a in the injured group was on average 59.4 degrees, or about
180-degree turnout angle. Consequently, the authors suggest 10 degrees less than the average ROM of 68.1 degrees in run-
that hip ROM may be genetically determined. ners without injuries.
Bennell and associates42 determined that age-matched
control subjects had significantly greater active ROM in hip Disability
lateral and medial rotation than a group of 77 ballet dancers Steultjens and associates48 used a universal goniometer to
(aged 8 to 11 years), although there was no significant differ- measure bilateral active assistive ROM at the hip and knee in
ence in the degree of turnout between the two groups. The 198 patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip or knee. Gen-
amount of non-hip lateral rotation was 40 percent in the erally a decrease in hip ROM was associated with an increase
dancers compared to 20 percent in the control subjects. Non- in disability, but that association was motion specific. Hip
hip lateral rotation increases torsional forces on the medial flexion contractures were present in 15 percent of the patients,
aspect of the knee, ankle, and foot in the young dancers and whereas contractures at the knee were found in 31.5 percent
puts this group at high risk of injury. Similar to the findings of of the patients. Twenty-five percent of the variation in disabil-
Gilbert, Gross, and Klug,45 the authors found no relationship ity levels was accounted for by differences in ROM.
between number of years of training and lateral rotation Mollinger and Steffan,49 in a study of 111 nursing home
ROM, which again suggests a genetic component of ROM. residents, found a mean hip extension of only 4 degrees.
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234 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Beissner, Collins, and Holmes,50 in a study of 22 men and

58 women with an average age of 81 years, concluded that
lower-extremity passive ROM and upper-extremity muscle
force were important predictors of function for elderly indi-
viduals living in assisted living residences or skilled nursing
facilities. Conversely, upper-extremity ROM and age were the
strongest predictors of function in elderly individuals residing
in independent living situations.
Sanya and Obi38 measured the hip flexion and extension
ROM in 50 diabetic and 50 non-diabetic age-matched control
subjects aged 21 to 72 years. The men and women with dia-
betes had less right (mean ⫽ 92.1 degrees) and left hip flex-
ion (mean ⫽ 91.7 degrees) than control subjects, whose mean
right hip flexion was 110.4 degrees and left hip flexion was
111.0 degrees. Hip extension ROM was also less in the group
with diabetes, but the differences were not as large as the dif-
ferences in hip flexion ROM. The authors suggested that the
decreased mobility in this group of patients may affect their
ability to perform normal activities of daily living and that
people involved in their care should be aware that patients
with diabetes may have decreases in ROM that go unnoticed.

Functional Range of Motion

Table 8.6 shows the hip flexion ROM necessary for selected
functional activities as reported in several sources. An adequate
ROM at the hip is important for meeting mobility demands
such as walking, climbing stairs (Fig. 8.49), and performing
many activities of daily living that require sitting and bending.
According to Magee,51 ideal functional ranges are 120 degrees
of flexion, 0 degrees of abduction, and 20 degrees of lateral
rotation. However, as can be seen in Table 8.6, considerably
less ROM is necessary for gait on level surfaces.52
Livingston, Stevenson, and Olney53 studied ascent and
descent on stairs of different dimensions, using 15 female
subjects between 19 and 26 years of age. McFayden and FIGURE 8.49 Ascending stairs requires between 47 and
Winter54 also studied stairclimbing; however, these authors 66 degrees of hip flexion, depending on stair dimensions.53
used eight repeated trials of one subject.
Protopapadaki and colleagues 55 compared the ROM
required for stair ascent and descent in 33 healthy young
individuals using a Vicon Motion Analysis System. No signif-
icant difference in hip ROM was found between right and left

TABLE 8.6 Hip Flexion Range of Motion Required for Functional Activities: Normal Values
in Degrees From Selected Sources
Ranchos Los Amigos McFayden
Livingston, et al53 Medical Center39 and Winter54 Protopapadaki et al55
Activity Range Range Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Walking on 0–30 0–30 44 (4.5) —
level surfaces
Ascending stairs 1–0–66 — 60 65.1 (7.1)
Descending stairs 1–0–45 — 66 (0.1) 49.0 (7.8)
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 235

legs in the 16 males and 17 females (aged 18 to 39 years). The

mean hip flexion ROM of 65.1 degrees required for stair
ascent was greater than the hip flexion ROM of 40.0 degrees
required for descent on stairs with 18-cm risers and a tread
length of 28.5 cm.
In a study to determine the effects of age-related ROM on
functional activity, Oberg, Krazinia, and Oberg56 measured
hip and knee active ROM with an electrogoniometer during
gait in 240 healthy male and female individuals aged 10 to
79 years of age. Age-related changes were slightly more pro-
nounced at slow gait speeds than at fast speeds, but the rate of
changes was less than 1 degree per decade, and no distinct
pattern was evident, except that hip flexion–extension
appeared to be affected less than other motions.
Other functional and self-care activities require a larger
ROM at the hip. For example, sitting requires at least 90 to
112 degrees of hip flexion with the knees flexed (Fig. 8.50).
Additional hip flexion ROM (120 degrees) is necessary for
putting on socks (Fig. 8.51), squatting (115 degrees), and
stooping (125 degrees).54
The daily activities of various cultures may require a dif-
ferent set of functional ROM values. Hemmerich and cowork-
ers57 used a Fastrak electromagnetic tracking system to assess

FIGURE 8.51 Putting on socks requires 120 degrees of flexion,

20 degrees of abduction, and 20 degrees of lateral rotation.51

hip, knee, and ankle ROM in 30 healthy Indian subjects

(10 women and 20 men) with an average age of 48 years.The
daily activities of this group of subjects included squatting
with heels up or down, kneeling with ankles either dorsiflexed
or plantarflexed, and sitting cross-legged on the floor. The
mean maximum amount of hip flexion for squatting with the
heels down was 95.4 degrees. Sitting cross-legged required a
mean maximal angle of hip flexion of 83.5 degrees, a mean
maximal angle of hip abduction of 34 degrees, and a mean
maximal angle of hip lateral rotation of 37 degrees. The
authors suggested that the prayer positions of Muslims and
customs of other cultures may involve additional ROM at the
hips, knees, and ankles.

Reliability and Validity

Studies of the reliability of hip measurements have included
both active and passive motion and different types of measuring
instruments. Also, reliability has been assessed in different
age and patient populations.58–63 Therefore, comparisons among
FIGURE 8.50 Sitting in a chair with an average seat height
studies are difficult. Boone and associates64 and Clapper and
requires 112 degrees of hip flexion.51
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236 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Wolf65 investigated the reliability of measurements of active Ekstrand and associates66 measured the passive ROM of hip
ROM, whereas other researchers27,44,47,60,61,66–68 studied passive flexion, extension, and abduction in 22 healthy men aged 20 to
motion. Bierma-Zeinstra and associates43 studied the reliabil- 30 years in two testing series. In the first series, the testing pro-
ity of both active and passive ROM. Table 8.7 and Table 8.8 cedures were not controlled. In the second series, procedures
provide a sampling of intratester and intertester reliability were standardized and anatomical landmarks were indicated.
studies. The intratester coefficient of variation was lower than the
Boone and associates64 conducted a study in which four intertester coefficient of variation for both series, but standard-
physical therapists used a universal goniometer to measure ization of procedures improved reliability considerably.
active hip abduction ROM in 12 healthy male volunteers aged Ellison and coworkers27 compared passive ROM measure-
26 to 54 years. Three measurements were taken by each tester ments of hip rotation taken with an inclinometer and a universal
at each of four sessions scheduled on a weekly basis for goniometer and found no significant differences between the
4 weeks. Intratester reliability for hip abduction was r ⫽ 0.75, means. Both instruments were found to be reliable, but the
with a total standard deviation between measurements of authors preferred the inclinometer because it was easier to use.
4 degrees taken by the same testers. Intertester reliability for Bierma-Zeinstra and associates43 compared the reliability
hip abduction was r = 0.55, with a total standard deviation of of hip ROM measurements taken with an electronic incli-
5.2 degrees between measurements taken by different testers. nometer with those taken by a universal goniometer. The two
Clapper and Wolf65 compared the reliability of the Ortho- instruments showed equal intratester reliability for both active
Ranger (Orthotronics, Daytona Beach, Fla.), an electronic and passive hip ROM in general and passive hip flexion and
computed pendulum goniometer, with that of the universal passive extension ROM. The intratester reliability of the incli-
goniometer in a study of active hip motion involving 10 males nometer was higher than that of the goniometer for passive
and 10 healthy females between the ages of 23 and 40 years. hip lateral rotation and sitting medial rotation. The goniome-
The authors found that the universal goniometer showed ter had higher reliability for active and passive medial rotation
significantly less variation within sessions than the Ortho- in the prone position. The authors concluded that because the
Ranger, except for measurements of hip adduction and lateral inclinometer and goniometer do not result in the same ROM
rotation. The authors concluded that the universal goniometer values, the instruments should not be used interchangeably.
was a more reliable instrument than the OrthoRanger, and, Gajdosik, Sandler, and Marr14 assessed the intratester
due to the poor correlation between the two instruments, the reliability of measurements of hip abduction or adduction
authors cautioned that the instruments should not be used during both the Ober and Modified Ober tests. One therapist
interchangeably administered all of the tests, and an assistant positioned and

TABLE 8.7 Intratester Reliability

Author n Sample Position Motion ICC

Van Dillen et al 44
35 Healthy subjects Supine: Hip in neutral Extension Right hip 0.70
and knee in Left hip 0.89
80 degrees flexion
Hip in neutral and Extension Right hip 0.72
knee in full Left hip 0.76
Hip in full abduction Extension Right hip 0.87
and knee in Left hip 0.76
80 degrees flexion
Hip in full abduction Extension Right hip 0.96
flexion and knee Left hip 0.90
in full extension
Ellison et al27 22 Healthy subjects Prone: hip in neutral Medial rotation Right hip 0.99
position and knee Lateral rotation Right hip 0.96
flexed to 90 degrees
Cadenhead et al68 6 Adults with Supine Abduction Right hip 0.99
cerebral palsy Prone Extension Right hip 0.98
Supine Lateral rotation Right hip 0.79

ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient.

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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 237

TABLE 8.8 Intertester Reliability

Author n Sample Position Motion ICC

Simoneau et al 36
60 Healthy subjects (18–27 yrs) Prone Medial rotation 0.82, 0.96, 0.97
Seated Medial rotation 0.89, 0.85, 0.93
Prone Lateral rotation 0.89, 0.79, 0.98
Seated Lateral rotation 0.90, 0.76, 0.95
Ellison et al27 22 Healthy subjects (20–41 yrs) Prone Left medial rotation 0.98
Prone Left lateral rotation 0.97
Prone Right medial rotation 0.99
Prone Right lateral rotation 0.96
15 Adults with back pain (23–61 yrs) Prone Left medial rotation 0.97
Prone Left lateral rotation 0.95
Prone Right medial rotation 0.96
Prone Right lateral rotation 0.95

ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient.

read the universal goniometer. The intraclass correlation coef- motions including hip extension in 105 children and adoles-
ficients (ICCs) among three trials for women were 0.87 for cents, aged 1 to 20 years, who had Duchenne muscular dys-
the Ober test and 0.92 for the Modified Ober test. The ICCs trophy. The intratester reliability for measurements of hip
for men were slightly lower, with an ICC of 0.83 for the Ober extension was good (ICC ⫽ 0.85), and the intertester reliabil-
test and an ICC of 0.82 for the Modified Ober test. ity for measurements of hip extension was fair (ICC ⫽ 0.74).
Reese and Bandy,16 in a study involving 61 healthy sub- The results indicated the need for the same examiner to take
jects with a mean age of 24 years, used an inclinometer to measurements for long-term follow-up and to assess the
determine the intratester reliability of the repeated measure- results of therapeutic intervention.
ments of the Ober and Modified Ober tests. Intertester relia- McWhirk and Glanzman58 employed two therapists (one
bility was greater than an ICC of 0.90 for both tests using the with 10 years of experience and one with 1 year of experi-
inclinometer. T tests showed a significant difference in hip ence) to measure abduction and extension ROM in both hips
adduction ROM between the Ober test (18.9 degrees) and the of 25 children aged 2 to 18 years with spastic cerebral palsy.
Modified Ober test (23.4 degrees), but the actual difference To achieve the standarized positioning recommended by
between the two tests was 4.5 degrees. Norkin and White, the therapists assisted each other to help
Youdas and associates7 had two experienced testers mea- support and stabilize the limbs. Hip extension was measured
sure hamstring length with a 360-degree goniometer using the using the Thomas test and was the least reliable intertester
passive SLR test in 214 adults (108 women and 106 men measurement with ICC ⫽ 0.58 (95 percent confidence inter-
between the ages of 20 and 79 years. ICCs were 0.97 for the val (CI) for mean absolute difference ⫽ 3.96 ⫾ 1.87 degrees),
right side and 0.98 for the left side. but intertester reliability for hip abduction ROM had an ICC
Piva and colleagues69 determined the intertester reliability of 0.91 (95 percent CI for mean absolute difference ⫽ 3.47 ⫾
of measurements of the length of the hamstrings, tensor fasciae 1.47 degrees). The authors demonstrated that therapists with
latae, and the quadriceps. Two pairs of testers took the measure- differing levels of pediatric experience can achieve moderate
ments with an inclinometer in 30 subjects with a mean age of to high levels of intertester reliability. The effect of a strict
28.1 years. All ICCs were higher than 0.80. (Hamstring length protocol and the use of a second person to either stabilize or
ICC ⫽ 0.92 and tensor fascia latae ICC = 0.97). help hold the test limb in patients with cerebral palsy
Steinberg and associates35 calculated intratester reliability appeared to contribute to the high level of reliability.
coefficients on test-retest ROM measurements on 20 subjects. Kilgour, McNair, and Stott 62 conducted a study in which
Intratester Pearson values ranged from r ⫽ 0.90 for hip medial three testers used a pediatric plastic goniometer with 10-cm
rotation to r ⫽ 0.96 for both hip abduction and hip flexion. moveable arms to measure straight leg raise, popliteal angle,
Predictably, intertester reliability r values were lower, ranging prone hip extension, and hip extension in supine in the
from 0.74 to 0.95. Thomas test and other joints in 25 children with spastic cere-
In a study by Pandya and colleagues,60 five physical ther- bral palsy aged 6 to 17 years and 25 age- and sex-matched
apists using universal goniometers measured passive joint healthy controls. The ICCs for intrasessional measures for
2066_Ch08_195-240.qxd 5/22/09 8:03 PM Page 238

238 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

straight leg raise (hip flexion) and for the popliteal angle were made by the single persons when compared to measurements
0.95 and higher in both groups. The ICCs for the Thomas tests made by two people working together, except for internal
were poor for both groups, although there were low median rotation. The authors concluded that to obtain the most accu-
absolute differences. Intersessional variation in both groups rate results, measurements should be performed by two peo-
was high, indicating that the measurement variability was not ple working together. No significant differences were found
influenced by the presence of spasticity. Measurement of a between goniometric measurements and visual estimates or
fixed joint by the three physical therapists was very reliable, between measurements from the first and second sessions for
with a maximum difference of 5 degrees and a between- the same team with the exception of hip abduction. Repro-
sessions difference of 6.5 degrees. Therefore, the authors con- ducibility of meaurements was best for hip flexion.
cluded that a major source of error in the study was difficulty Cliborne and associates70 determined the ROM and intra-
in determining the correct end-range joint positioning. tester reliability of hip flexion in 22 patients with osteoarthritis
Mutlu and associates 63 conducted a study in which pas- of the knee (mean age ⫽ 61.2 years) and 17 subjects without
sive range of motion was measured in 38 patients aged 18 to symptoms. Intratester reliability for hip flexion for two pairs of
108 months with spastic cerebral palsy. Three physical thera- testers using an inclinometer was an ICC of 0.94 (95% CI ⫽
pists used a 360-degree goniometer to measure each child’s 0.89–0.97).
hip ROM once in each session on two different occasions Owen and colleagues71 followed the goniometric proto-
1 week apart. The highest intertester reliability (ICC ⫽ 0.95) cols used by the AAOS to measure 82 children aged 4 to
was for hip extension using the Thomas test, and the lowest 10 years with femoral shaft fractures at 15 and 24 months
(ICC = 0.61) was for hip abduction. Intrareliability and inter- post-fracture. Hip abduction and adduction were measured
reliability was also high for hip flexion with the knee flexed in the supine position, and hip rotation was measured in the
and the opposite leg extended. prone position. Active hip extension was measured using
Croft and associates61 had six clinicians use a fluid-filled the Thomas test. The most reliable measure was for hip
inclinometer called a Plurimeter to take passive hip flexion flexion ROM, but that was low with an ICC of 0.48 (95%
and rotation ROM measurements of both hips in six patients CI ⫽ 0.29–0.63). The authors concluded that standarized
with osteoarthritis involving only one hip joint. The results protocols for hip ROM in this population had low reliabil-
showed that the degree of agreement among testers was great- ity because only when differences in rotation exceeded at
est for measurements of hip flexion. least 30 degrees and ROM in flexion–extension exceeded
Cibulka and colleagues,67 in a study of passive ROM in 50 degrees could clinicians conclude that true change has
medial and lateral hip rotation in 100 patients with low-back occurred.
pain, determined that for this group of patients, measurements In a reliability and validity study by Sprigle and associ-
of rotation taken in the prone position were more reliable than ates,72 radiographs were taken as 10 healthy male subjects sat
those taken in the sitting position. in erect, anterior, and posterior postures. An electromagnetic
Holm and associates59compared the reliability of gonio- tracking device (Flock of Birds) was used to digitize the ante-
metric and visual measurements in 25 patients with hip rior and posterior superior iliac spines as a 6 degree of freedom
osteoarthritis symptoms and a mean age of 64 years. Two sensor was mounted on the thigh and sacrum. The variables
teams consisting of two therapists each and one team consist- were pelvic tilt and hip thigh flexion angle. Intratester reliabil-
ing of a single experienced therapist took passive standard- ity was calculated using nine radiographs and two testers.
ized goniometric measurements using a half-circle metal Intertester reliability was calculated from 30 radiographs and
goniometer. The fourth team was an orthopedic surgeon who two testers. The ICCs for both intratester and intertester
made visual estimates. Each team took measurements on two reliability were 0.98 or higher. Validity was determined by
occasions with a week between sessions. There were highly comparison of Flock of Birds measurements with radiographic
significant differences in degrees between measurements measurements.
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CHAPTER 8 The Hip 239

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The Knee
Structure and Function longer medial condyle is separated from the lateral condyle
by a deep groove called the intercondylar notch. Anteriorly,
the condyles are separated by a shallow area of bone called
Tibiofemoral and Patellofemoral the femoral patellar surface. The distal articulating surfaces
Joints are the two shallow concave medial and lateral condyles on
the proximal end of the tibia. Two bony spines called the
Anatomy intercondylar tubercles separate the medial condyle from the
The knee is composed of two distinct articulations enclosed lateral condyle. Two joint discs called menisci are attached to
within a single joint capsule: the tibiofemoral joint and the the articulating surfaces on the tibial condyles (Fig. 9.2). At
patellofemoral joint. At the tibiofemoral joint, the proximal the patellofemoral joint, the articulating surfaces are the pos-
joint surfaces are the convex medial and the lateral condyles terior surface of the patella and the femoral patellar surface
of the distal femur (Fig. 9.1). Posteriorly and inferiorly, the (Fig. 9.3).
The joint capsule that encloses both joints is large, loose,
and reinforced by tendons and expansions from the surround-
ing muscles and ligaments. The quadriceps tendon, patellar
ligament, and expansions from the extensor muscles provide
anterior stability (see Fig. 9.3). The lateral and medial collat-
eral ligaments, iliotibial band, and pes anserinus help to
Femur provide medial–lateral stability, and the knee flexors help to

Anterior cruciate ligament

Posterior cruciate ligament


Lateral Patella
condyle Medial condyle Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle
Tibiofemoral joint
Lateral condyle Medial condyle
Lateral Medial condyle
condyle Lateral meniscus Medial meniscus

tubercles Lateral (fibular)
collateral ligament Medial (tibial)
collateral ligament
Fibula Tibia

Fibula Tibia

FIGURE 9.2 An anterior view of a right knee in the flexed

FIGURE 9.1 An anterior view of a right knee showing the position showing femoral and tibial condyles, medial and
tibiofemoral joint. lateral menisci, and cruciate and collateral ligaments.
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242 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Femur The greatest range of voluntary knee rotation occurs at

90 degrees of flexion; at this point, about 45 degrees of lateral
rotation and 15 degrees of medial rotation are possible.
joint Arthrokinematics
Semitendinosus In non–weight-bearing active motion, the concave tibial artic-
ulating surfaces slide on the convex femoral condyles in the
same direction as the movement of the shaft of the tibia. The
Patella tibial condyles slide posteriorly on the femoral condyles dur-
Gracilis ing flexion, and the tibial condyles slide anteriorly on the
femoral condyles during extension.
Sartorius The incongruence of the tibiofemoral joint and the fact
that the femoral articulating surfaces are larger than the tibial
articulating surfaces dictate that when the femoral condyles
are moving on the tibial condyles (in a weight-bearing situa-
Pes anserinus tion) the femoral condyles must roll and slide to remain on the
tibia. In weight-bearing flexion, the femoral condyles roll
posteriorly and slide anteriorly. The menisci follow the roll
of the condyles by distorting posteriorly in flexion. In exten-
Tibia sion, the femoral condyles roll anteriorly and slide posteriorly.1
In the last portion of extension, motion stops at the lateral
FIGURE 9.3 A view of a right knee showing the medial
aspect, where the cut tendons of the three muscles that femoral condyle, but sliding continues on the medial femoral
insert into the anteromedial aspect of the tibia make up the condyle to produce locking of the knee.
pes anserinus. Also included are the patellofemoral joint, The patella slides superiorly in extension and inferiorly
the patellar ligament, and the patellar tendon. in flexion. Some patellar rotation and tilting accompany the
sliding during flexion and extension.1
provide posterior stability. In addition, the tibiofemoral joint Capsular Pattern
is reinforced by the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, The capsular pattern at the knee is characterized by a smaller
which are located within the joint (see Fig. 9.2). limitation of extension than of flexion and no restriction of
rotations.4,5 Fritz and associates6 found that patients with a
capsular pattern, defined as a ratio of extension loss to flexion
The tibiofemoral joint is a double condyloid joint with 2 degrees
loss between 0.03 and 0.50, were 3.2 times more likely to
of freedom. Flexion–extension occurs in the sagittal plane
have arthritis or arthroses of the knee. Hayes reported a mean
around a medial–lateral axis; rotation occurs in the transverse
ratio of extension loss to flexion loss of 0.40 in a study of
plane around a vertical (longitudinal) axis.1 The incongruence
79 patients with osteoarthritis.7,8
and asymmetry of the tibiofemoral joint surfaces combined
with muscle activity and ligamentous restraints produce an
automatic rotation. This automatic rotation is involuntary and
occurs primarily toward the end of extension when motion
stops on the shorter lateral femoral condyle but continues on
the longer medial condylar surface. During the last portion
of active extension range of motion (ROM) automatic rotation
produces what is referred to as either the screw-home mecha-
nism, or “locking,” of the knee. For example, during non–
weight-bearing active knee extension with the tibia moving
on the femur, the tibia laterally rotates during the last
10 to 15 degrees of extension to lock the knee.2 Therefore, in
the fully extended position of the knee, the tibia is laterally
rotated in relation to the femur. To unlock the knee, either the
tibia has to rotate medially or the femur has to rotate laterally
to unlock the knee. This rotation is not under voluntary con-
trol and should not be confused with the voluntary rotation
movement possible at the joint when the knee is flexed.
Passive ROM in flexion is generally considered to be
between 130 and 140 degrees. The range of extension beyond
0 degrees is about 5 to 10 degrees in young children, whereas
0 degrees is considered to be within normal limits for adults.3
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CHAPTER 9 The Knee 243


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/KNEE

Landmarks for Testing Procedures

FIGURE 9.4 A lateral view of the subject’s right lower extremity showing surface anatomy landmarks
for goniometer alignment.

Greater trochanter
of femur Lateral femoral
epicondyle Lateral malleolus
of fibula

FIGURE 9.5 A lateral view of the subject’s right lower extremity showing bony anatomical landmarks for
goniometer alignment for measuring knee flexion ROM.
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244 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/KNEE

KNEE FLEXION prevent further motion and guide the lower leg into
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a knee flexion. The end of the range of knee flexion oc-
medial–lateral axis. According to the American curs when resistance is felt and attempts to overcome
Medical Association (AMA),9 the normal flexion the resistance cause additional hip flexion.
ROM for adults is 150 degrees. According to Boone
and Azen,10 the mean flexion ROM for males age Normal End-Feel
18 months to 54 years is 142.5 degrees. Roach Usually, the end-feel is soft because of contact
and Miles11 found a mean knee flexion range of between the muscle bulk of the posterior calf and the
132.0 degrees for males and females 25 to 74 years thigh or between the heel and the buttocks. The
of age. Please refer to Tables 9.1 through 9.4 in the end-feel may be firm because of tension in the vastus
Research Findings section for additional normal ROM medialis, vastus lateralis, and vastus intermedialis
values by age and gender. muscles.

Testing Position Goniometer Alignment

Place the subject supine, with the knee in extension. See Figures 9.7 and 9.8.
Position the hip in 0 degrees of extension, abduction, 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
and adduction. Place a towel roll under the ankle to epicondyle of the femur.
allow the knee to extend as much as possible. 2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
femur, using the greater trochanter for reference.
Stabilization 3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
Stabilize the femur to prevent rotation, abduction, fibula, using the lateral malleolus and fibular head
and adduction of the hip. for reference.

Testing Motion
Hold the subject’s ankle in one hand and the posterior
thigh with the other hand. Move the subject’s thigh to
approximately 90 degrees of hip flexion and move
the knee into flexion (Fig. 9.6). Stabilize the thigh to

FIGURE 9.6 The right lower extremity at the end of knee flexion ROM. The examiner uses one hand
to move the subject’s thigh to approximately 90 degrees of hip flexion and then stabilizes the femur
to prevent further flexion. The examiner’s other hand guides the subject’s lower leg through full knee
flexion ROM.
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CHAPTER 9 The Knee 245

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/KNEE

FIGURE 9.7 In the starting position for measuring knee flexion ROM, the subject is supine with the upper
thigh exposed so that the greater trochanter can be visualized and palpated. The examiner either kneels or
sits on a stool to align and read the goniometer at eye level.

FIGURE 9.8 At the end of the knee flexion ROM, the examiner uses one hand to maintain knee
flexion and also to keep the distal arm of the goniometer aligned with the lateral midline of
the leg.
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246 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/KNEE

KNEE EXTENSION Starting Position

Extension occurs in the sagittal plane around a Place the subject prone, with both feet off the end of
medial–lateral axis and may be described as a the examining table. Extend the knees and position
return to the 0 starting position from the end of the hips in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, abduction,
the knee flexion ROM. Knee extension is usually adduction, and rotation (Fig. 9.10).
recorded as the starting position for flexion. An
extension limitation (inability to reach the 0 starting Stabilization
position) is present when the starting position for Stabilize the hip to maintain the neutral position. Do
flexion ROM does not begin at 0 degrees but in not allow the hip to flex.
some amount of flexion. When extension goes
beyond the 0 starting position, it may be within
normal limits in children, but when it exceeds 5 or
more degrees in the adult, it is called hyperexten-
sion or genu recurvatum. See Table 9.2 in the
Research Findings section for normal extension
limitations in neonates, and see Table 9.3 for
normal extension beyond 0 in children 0 to
12 years of age.

Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the poste-
rior joint capsule, the oblique and arcuate popliteal
ligaments, the collateral ligaments, and the anterior
and posterior cruciate ligaments.


The rectus femoris is one of the four muscles that
make up the muscle group called the quadriceps
femoris. The rectus femoris is the only one of the four
muscles that crosses both the hip and the knee joints.
The muscle arises proximally from two tendons: an
anterior tendon from the anterior inferior iliac spine
and a posterior tendon from a groove superior to the
brim of the acetabulum. Distally, the muscle attaches
to the base of the patella by way of the thick, flat
quadriceps tendon and attaches to the tibial tuberos-
ity by way of the patellar ligament (Fig. 9.9).
When the rectus femoris muscle contracts, it flexes
the hip and extends the knee. If the rectus femoris is
short, knee flexion is limited when the hip is maintained
in a neutral position. If knee flexion is limited when the
hip is in a flexed position, the limitation is not due to a
short rectus femoris muscle but to abnormalities of
joint structures or short one-joint knee extensor mus-
cles. In a study by Piva and associates, the mean of four
tester’s measurements of the length of the rectus
femoris in 30 patients with patellofemoral pain
syndrome aged 14 to 47 years was 138.5 degrees,
with a standard deviation (SD) of 12.3 degrees.12
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CHAPTER 9 The Knee 247

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/KNEE

Anterior inferior
iliac spine

Rectus femoris


Tibial tuberosity

FIGURE 9.9 An anterior view of the left lower extremity

showing the attachments of the rectus femoris muscle.

FIGURE 9.10 The subject is shown in the prone starting position for testing the length of the rectus
femoris muscle.
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248 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/KNEE

FIGURE 9.11 A lateral view of the subject at the end of the testing motion for the length of the left
rectus femoris muscle.

FIGURE 9.12 A lateral view of the left rectus femoris muscle being stretched over the hip and knee joints
at the end of the testing motion.
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CHAPTER 9 The Knee 249

Testing Motion Goniometer Alignment

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/KNEE

Flex the knee by lifting the lower leg off the table. See Figure 9.13.
The end of the ROM occurs when resistance is felt
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
from tension in the anterior thigh and further knee
epicondyle of the femur.
flexion causes the hip to flex. If the knee can be
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
flexed to at least 90 degrees with the hip in the
femur, using the greater trochanter as a reference.
neutral position, the length of the rectus femoris is
3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
normal (Figs. 9.11 and 9.12).
fibula, using the lateral malleolus and the fibular
head for reference.

FIGURE 9.13 Goniometer alignment for measuring the position of the knee.
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250 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/KNEE

HAMSTRING MUSCLES: whereas the short head attaches along the lateral lip
linear aspera, the lateral supracondylar line, and the lat-
SEMITENDINOSUS, eral intermuscular septum. The distal attachments of
SEMIMEMBRANOSUS, the biceps femoris are on the head of the fibula, with a
AND BICEPS FEMORIS: DISTAL small portion attaching to the lateral tibial condyle and
the lateral collateral ligament (see Fig. 9.14A).
HAMSTRING LENGTH TEST When the hamstring muscles contract, they ex-
OR POPLITEAL ANGLE TEST tend the hip and flex the knee. In the following test,
The distal hamstring length test is also called the the hip is maintained in 90 degrees of flexion while
popliteal angle (PA) test because the angle that is the knee is extended to determine whether the mus-
being measured is the popliteal angle between the cles are of normal length. If the hamstrings are short,
femur and the lower leg. The hamstring muscles are the muscles limit knee extension ROM when the hip is
composed of the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, positioned at 90 degrees of flexion.
and biceps femoris. The semitendinosus, semimem- Gajdosik and associates,13 in a study of 30 healthy
branosus, and the long head of the biceps femoris males aged 18 to 40 years, found a mean value of
cross both the hip and the knee joints. The proximal 31 degrees (SD = 7.5 degrees) for passive knee exten-
attachment of the semitendinosus is on the ischial sion during this test with a large range of values from
tuberosity, and the distal attachment is on the proxi- 17 to 45 degrees. Testers noted that knee extension
mal aspect of the medial surface of the tibia end-feel was firm and easily identified. Intrarater reliabil-
(Fig. 9.14A). The proximal attachment of the semi- ity intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for the test
membranosus is on the ischial tuberosity, and the dis- were 0.86 when knee extension was performed actively
tal attachment is on the medial aspect of the medial and 0.90 when performed passively. Some researchers
tibial condyle (Fig. 9.14B). The biceps femoris muscle have reported the supplementary angles to those noted
arises from two heads; the long head attaches to the by Gajdosik and associates. Youdas and colleagues14
ischial tuberosity and the sacrotuberous ligament, used a 360-degree universal goniometer to measure the

Ischial Ischial
tuberosity tuberosity

Biceps femoris
(long head)

Biceps femoris
Semimembranosus (short head)

Head of Head of
Tibia fibula Tibia fibula

FIGURE 9.14 A: A posterior view of the thigh showing the attachments of the semitendinosus and the biceps femoris
muscles. B: A posterior view of the thigh showing the attachments of the semimembranosus muscle, which lies under
the two hamstring muscles shown in A.
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Muscle Length Testing Procedures/KNEE

PA in 214 subjects (108 women and 106 men) between of abduction, adduction, and rotation (Fig. 9.15). Ini-
the ages of 20 and 79 years. The mean value for the tially, the knee being tested is allowed to relax in flex-
women of 152.0 degrees (SD = 10.6 degrees) was ion. The lower extremity that is not being tested rests
greater than the mean value for men of 141.4 degrees on the examining table with the knee fully extended
(SD = 8.1 degrees). The supplementary angles of these and the hip in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, abduc-
values for women and men are 28.0 and 38.6 degrees tion, adduction, and rotation.
respectively, which is generally consistent with the val-
ues noted by Gajdosik and associates. Stabilization
Two testers in a study by Fredriksen and colleagues15 Stabilize the femur to prevent rotation, abduction,
found that passive knee extension angle measurements and adduction at the hip and to maintain the hip in
for a single female subject tested 16 times per side 90 degrees of flexion.
ranged from 153 to 159 degrees for the left leg and from
154 to 165 degrees for the right leg. The supplemen- Testing Motion
tary angles of these values range from 27 to 21 degrees Extend the knee to the end of the ROM. The end of
for the left leg and from 26 to 15 degrees for the right the testing motion occurs when resistance is felt from
leg. A standardized force using a dynamometer was tension in the posterior thigh and further knee exten-
used to extend the knee, and the pelvis was stabilized sion causes the hip to move toward extension
by a belt. The hip was positioned in 120 degrees of flex- (Figs. 9.16 and 9.17).
ion, which is a considerably larger angle of flexion than
the 90 degrees of hip flexion used by both Youdas and Normal End-Feel
associates14 and Gadjosik and associates.13 The end-feel is firm owing to tension in the semimem-
branosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris
Starting Position
Position the subject supine with the hip on the side
being tested in 90 degrees of flexion and 0 degrees

FIGURE 9.15 Starting position for measuring the length of the hamstring muscles.
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252 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/KNEE

FIGURE 9.16 End of the testing motion for the length of the right hamstring muscles.

FIGURE 9.17 A lateral view of the right lower extremity shows the hamstring muscles being stretched over the
hip and knee joints at the end of the testing motion.
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CHAPTER 9 The Knee 253

Goniometer Alignment

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/KNEE

See Figure 9.18.
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
epicondyle of the femur.
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of
the femur, using the greater trochanter for a
3. Align distal arm with the lateral midline of the
fibula, using the lateral malleolus and fibular head
for reference.

FIGURE 9.18 Goniometer alignment for measuring knee position.

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254 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Research Findings and coworkers18 found that newborns lacked approximately

15 to 20 degrees of knee extension. Schwarze and Denton,19
in a study of 1000 neonates (527 girls and 473 boys) in the
This section of the chapter includes not only age and gender first 3 days of life, found a mean extension limitation of
effects on knee ROM but also the effects of body mass. Also 15 degrees. These findings agree with the findings of
included is the range of functional knee ROM required for Wanatabe and associates,20 who found that newborns lacked
stairs and other activities of daily living followed by a sam- 14 degrees of knee extension. The extension limitation grad-
pling of reliability and validity studies in normal and patient ually disappears, as shown by comparing Tables 9.2 and 9.3.
populations. Table 9.1 provides knee ROM values from Broughton, Wright, and Menelaus21 measured extension
selected sources.9–11 See Tables 9.2 to 9.4 for additional ROM limitations in normal neonates at birth and again at 3 months and
values by age and gender. 6 months. At birth, 53 of the 57 (93 percent) neonates had
extension limitations of 15 degrees or greater, whereas only
Effects of Age, Gender, 30 of 57 (53 percent) infants had extension limitations at
and Other Factors 6 months of age. The mean reduction in extension limitations
was 3.5 degrees per month from birth to 3 months and
Age 2.8 degrees between 3 and 6 months (see Table 9.3). The 2 year
Knee extension limitations at birth are normal and similar to olds in the study conducted by Wanatabe and associates20 (see
extension limitations found at the hip joint at birth. The term Table 9.3) had no evidence of a knee extension limitation.
“extension limitation” is used rather than “flexion contrac- Knee extension beyond 0 degrees (often referred to as
ture” because contracture refers to an abnormal condition hyperextension) is considered to be a normal finding in young
caused by fixed muscle shortness, which may be permanent.16 children but is not usually observed in adults,3 who may have
Knee extension limitations in the neonate gradually disap- slightly less than full knee extension. Wanatabe and associates20
pear, and extension, instead of being limited, may become found that the 2 year olds had up to 5 degrees of extension
excessive in the toddler. Waugh and colleagues17 and Drews beyond 0. This finding is similar to the mean of 5.4 degrees of
extension beyond 0 noted by Boone22 for the group of children
between 1 year and 5 years of age. Beighton, Solomon, and
Soskolne,23 in a study of joint laxity in 1081 males and
females, found that joint laxity decreased rapidly throughout
TABLE 9.1 Knee Flexion Range
childhood in both genders and decreased at a slower rate
of Motion: Normal Values during adulthood. The authors used a ROM of greater than
in Degrees 10 degrees of knee extension beyond 0 as one of the criteria
AMA9 Boone10 Roach and Miles11 of joint laxity. Cheng and colleagues,24 in a study of 2360
Chinese children, found that the average of 16 degrees of knee
Males Males and Females
18 mos–54 yrs 25–74 yrs extension beyond 0 in children of 3 years of age decreased to
n = 109 n = 1683 7 degrees by the time the children reached 9 years of age. A
comparison of the knee extension beyond 0 mean values for
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) the group aged 13 to 19 years in Table 9.4 with the extension
Flexion 150 142.5 (5.4) 132.0 (10.0) values for the group aged 1 to 5 years in Table 9.3, demon-
strates the decrease in extension beyond 0 that occurs in
(SD) = standard deviation. childhood.

TABLE 9.2 Knee Extension Limitations in Neonates 6 Hours to 7 Days of Age:

Normal Values in Degrees
Waugh et al17 Drews et al18 Schwarze and Denton19 Broughton et al21

6–65 hrs 12 hrs–6 days 1–3 days 1–7 days

n = 40 n = 54 n = 1000 n = 57
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean Mean (SD)
Extension 15.3 (9.9) 20.4 (6.7) 15.0 21.4 (7.7)

(SD) = standard deviation.

All values were obtained from passive range of motion measurements with use of a universal goniometer.
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CHAPTER 9 The Knee 255

TABLE 9.3 Knee Range of Motion in Infants and Young Children 0 to 12 Years of Age:
Normal Values in Degrees
Broughton et al21 Wanatabe et al20 Boone22

3 mos 6 mos 0–2 yrs 1–5 yrs 6–12 yrs

n = 57 n = 57 n = 109 n = 19 n = 17
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Range of means Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 145.5 (5.3) 141.7 (6.3) 148–159 141.7 (6.2) 147.1 (3.5)
Extension 10.7 (5.1)* 3.3 (4.3)* 5.4 (3.1)† 0.4 (0.9)

(SD) ⫽ standard deviation.

* Indicates extension limitations.

Indicates extension beyond 0 degrees.

In Table 9.4 the mean values obtained by Boone22 are at the knee was much smaller than that found at the hip joint.
from male subjects, whereas the values obtained by Roach According to the American Association of Orthopaedic Sur-
and Miles11 are from both genders. If values presented for the geons (AAOS) handbook,3 extension limitations of 2 degrees are
oldest groups (those aged 40 to 74 years) in both studies are considered to be normal in adults. Extension limitations greater
compared with the values for the youngest group (those aged than 5 degrees in adults may be considered as knee flexion con-
13 to 19 years), it can be seen that the oldest groups have smaller tractures. These contractures often occur in the elderly because
mean values of flexion. However, with a SD of 11 degrees in the of disease, sedentary lifestyles, and the effects of the aging
oldest groups, the difference between the youngest and the old- process on connective tissues.
est groups is not more than 1 SD. Roach and Miles11 concluded Mollinger and Steffan26 used a universal goniometer
that, at least in individuals up to 74 years of age, any substan- (UG) to assess knee ROM among 112 nursing home residents
tial loss (greater than 10 percent of the arc of motion) in joint with an average age of 83 years. The authors found that only
mobility should be viewed as abnormal and not attributable to 13 percent of the subjects had full (0 degrees) passive knee
the aging process. The flexion values obtained by these extension bilaterally. Thirty-seven of the 112 subjects (33 per-
authors were considerably smaller than the 150-degree aver- cent) had bilateral knee extension limitations of 5 degrees or
age value published by the AMA.9 less bilaterally, which the AAOS considers to be normal in
Walker and colleagues25 studied active ROM of the extrem- older adults. Forty-seven subjects (42 percent) had greater
ity joints in 30 men and 30 women (ranging in age from 60 to than 10 degrees of limitations in extension (flexion contrac-
84 years) from recreational centers. No differences were found tures). Residents with a 30-degree loss of knee extension had
in knee ROM between subjects aged 60 to 69 years and subjects an increase in resistance to passive motion and a loss of
aged 75 to 84 years. However, average values indicated that the ambulation.
subjects had an extension limitation (inability to attain a neutral Steultjens and coworkers27 found knee flexion contractures
0-degree starting position). This finding was similar to the loss in 31.5 percent of 198 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee or
of extension noted at the hip, elbow, and first metatarsopha- hip. (It should be noted that these authors considered knee flex-
langeal (MTP) joints. The 2-degree extension limitation found ion contractures as an inability to attain the horizontal 0 position

TABLE 9.4 Age Effects on Knee Motion in Individuals 13 to 74 Years of Age:

Mean Values in Degrees
Boone22 Roach and Miles11

13–19 yrs 20–29 yrs 40–45 yrs 40–59 yrs 60–74 yrs
n = 17 n = 19 n = 19 n = 727 n = 523
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 142.9 (3.7) 140.2 (5.2) 142.6 (5.6) 132.0 (11.0) 131.0 (11.0)
Extension 0.0 (0.0) 0.4 (0.9) 1.6 (2.4)

(SD) ⫽ standard deviation.

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256 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

starting position for measuring flexion.) Flexion contractures of position, where the two-joint rectus femoris muscle may have
the knee or hip or both were found in 73 percent of patients. limited the ROM.
Generally, a decrease in active assistive ROM was associated In contrast to the findings of James and Parker,33
with an increase in disability but was motion specific. The Escalante and coworkers29 found that female subjects had
motions that had the strongest relationship with disability were reduced passive knee flexion ROM compared with males of
knee flexion, hip extension, and lateral rotation. Ersoz and the same age. However, the women had on average only
Ergun28 found that in a group of 44- to 76-year-old patients with 2 degrees less knee flexion than men. The women also had a
primary knee osteoarthritis, 33 out of the 40 knees tested (82.5 higher body mass index (BMI) than the men, which may have
percent) had extension limitations ranging from 1 to 14 degrees. contributed to their reduced knee flexion.
Despite the knee flexion contractures found in the elderly Schwarze and Denton19 observed no differences owing to
by Mollinger and Steffan,26 many elderly individuals appear gender in a study of 527 girls and 473 boys aged 1 to 3 days.
to have at least a functional flexion ROM. Escalante and Likewise, Cleffken and colleagues34 found no gender differ-
coworkers29 used a universal goniometer (UG) to measure ences in active and passive knee flexion and extension ROM
knee flexion passive ROM in 687 community-dwelling el- in 23 male and 19 female healthy volunteers aged 19 to
derly subjects between the ages of 65 and 79 years. More than 27 years.
90 degrees of knee flexion was found in 619 (90.1 percent) of
Body Mass Index
the subjects. The authors used a cutoff value of 124 degrees
Lichtenstein and associates35 found that among 647 community-
of flexion as being within normal limits. Subjects who failed
dwelling elderly subjects (aged 64 to 78 years), those with
to reach 124 degrees of flexion were classified as having an
high BMI had lower knee ROM than their counterparts with
abnormal ROM. Using this criterion, 76 (11 percent) right
low BMI. Elderly subjects who were severely obese had an
knees and 63 (9 percent) left knees were below this value and
average loss of 13 degrees of knee flexion ROM compared
thus had abnormal (limited) passive ROM in flexion.
with their counterparts who were not obese. The authors
Nonaka and colleagues30 examined age-related changes
determined that a loss of knee ROM of at least 1 degree
at the hip and knee in 77 healthy male volunteers aged 15 to
occurred for each unit increase in BMI. Escalante and
73 years. The authors found that passive range of motion
coworkers29 found that obesity was significantly associated
(PROM) of the hip joint decreased with increasing age but the
with a decreased passive knee flexion ROM. Knees of
knee joint PROM remained unchanged. However, interactive
subjects who were overweight had a flexion ROM that was
motion of the hip and knee showed an age-related reduction,
5 degrees less than subjects who were not obese. Sobti and
which the authors attributed to shortening of muscle and
colleagues36 found that obesity was significantly associated
connective tissue.
with the risk of pain or stiffness at the knee or hip in a survey
Gender of 5042 Post Office pensioners. Knees of subjects who were
Beighton, Solomon, and Soskolne23 defined more than overweight had a knee flexion ROM that was 5 degrees less
10 degrees of knee extension beyond 0 as hyperextension than subjects who were not obese.
and included this criterion in a study of joint laxity in 1081
males and females. Females in the study had more joint lax-
ity than males at any age. Loudon, Goist, and Loudon31
Functional Range of Motion
operationally defined knee hyperextension (genu recurva- Table 9.5 provides knee ROM values required for various
tum) as more than 5 degrees of extension beyond the 0 posi- functional activities. Figures 9.19 to 9.21 show a variety of
tion. Clinically, the authors had observed that not only was functional activities requiring different amounts of knee flex-
hyperextension more common in females than males, but ion. Of the activities measured by Jevsevar and coworkers37
that the condition might be associated with functional (stair ascent and descent, gait, and rising from a chair), stair
deficits in muscle strength, instability, and poor propriocep- ascent required the greatest range of knee motion.
tive control of terminal knee extension. The authors Livingston and associates38 used three testing staircases
cautioned that the female athlete with hyperextended knees with different dimensions. Shorter subjects had a greater maxi-
may be at risk for anterior cruciate ligament injury. Hall and mum mean knee flexion range (92 to 105 degrees) for stair
colleagues32 found that 10 female patients diagnosed with ascent in comparison with taller subjects (83 to 96 degrees).
hypermobility syndrome had alterations in proprioceptive Laubenthal, Smidt, and Kettlekamp39 used an electrogoniomet-
acuity at the knee compared with an age-matched and ric method to measure knee motion in three planes (sagittal,
gender-matched control group. coronal, and transverse). Stair dimensions used by McFayden
James and Parker33 studied knee flexion ROM in 80 men and Winter40 were 22 cm for stair height and 28 cm for stair
and women who ranged in age from 70 years to older than tread. Similar dimension stairs were used by Protopapadaki and
85 years. Women in this group had greater ROM in both ac- associates,41who used a rise height of 18 cm and a stair tread
tive and passive knee flexion than men. Overall knee flexion length of 28.5 cm to determine the knee motion during stair
values were lower than expected for both genders, possibly ascent and descent of 33 young healthy male and female sub-
owing to the fact that the subjects were measured in the prone jects ranging in age from 18 to 39 years. The mean knee flexion
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CHAPTER 9 The Knee 257

TABLE 9.5 Knee Flexion Range of Motion Necessary for Functional Activities:
Normal Values in Degrees
Jevsevar et al*37 Livingston et al38 Laubenthal et al39 and Winter40 Rowe et al42
Healthy Subjects
(6M, 5F) Healthy Women Healthy Men Healthy Male* Normal Elderly
Mean = 53 yrs Range 19-26 yrs Mean = 25 yrs Mean = 67 yrs
n = 11 n = 15 n = 30 n=1 n = 20
Motion Mean (SD) Mean range Mean range (SD) Mean range Mean (SD)
Walk on level 63.1 (7.7) 64.5 (5.9)
Ascend stairs 92.9 (9.4) 2–105.0 0–83.0 (8.4) 10–100.0 80.3 (8.1)
Descend stairs 86.9 (5.7) 1–107.0 0–83.0 (8.2) 20–100.0 77.8 (8.3)
Rise from chair 90.1 (9.8) 89.8 (9.4)
Sit in chair 0–93.0 (10.3) 91.0 (11.8)
Tie shoes 0–106.0 (9.3)
Lift object 0–117.0 (13.1)
from floor

(SD) ⫽ standard deviation.

Sample consisted of one subject measured during eight trials.

FIGURE 9.20 Rising from a chair requires a mean range of

knee flexion of 90.137 to 95.0 degrees.41

FIGURE 9.19 Descending stairs requires between 86.937 and

10738 degrees of knee flexion depending on the stair
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258 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Only minor changes were attributable to age, and the authors

determined that an increase in knee angle of about 0.5 degrees
per decade occurred at midstance and a decrease of 0.5 to
0.8 degrees in knee angle occurred in swing phase. According
to Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center,45 the mean range of
values for knee motion in gait on level surfaces is 5 to
60 degrees; however, the age, sex, and health status of the pop-
ulation used to obtain these values is unknown.
Mullholland and Wyss46 reviewed the literature on the
functional range of knee motions that are required in non-
Western cultures for normal activities of daily living. The
review revealed that in many parts of Asia, chairs were not
commonly used and floor sitting, squatting, kneeling, or sitting
cross-legged were the preferred positions. Hemmerich and
colleagues47 used an electrogoniometry motion tracking device
to determine the range of motion needed to perform some of
the activities identified by Mullholland and Wyss.46 Thirty
healthy Indian subjects (10 women and 20 men) with an aver-
age age of 48.2 years performed squatting with the heels up
and down, cross-legged sitting, and kneeling with ankles dor-
siflexed and plantarflexed. The authors found that medial rota-
tion at the knee accompanied hip flexion in all activities. The
greatest mean maximum knee medial rotation (33 degrees)
was necessary for sitting cross-legged. Mean maximum knee
flexion angles reached values greater than 150 degrees for both
types of squatting and for kneeling with the ankles dorsiflexed.
The maximal angle of knee flexion needed for kneeling with
FIGURE 9.21 Putting on socks requires approximately ankles plantarflexed was 144.4 degrees, whereas the mean
117 degrees of knee flexion.39 maximum angle of knee flexion for squatting with the heels up
was 156.9 degrees. The ranges of motion results found in this
study are far greater than can be accommodated by any exist-
angles were 93.9 degrees for stair ascent and 90.5 degrees for ing prostheses and are many degrees more than the clinical
stair descent. guideline of 110 degrees of knee flexion suggested by Rowe
Rowe and associates42 used a flexible electrogoniome- and associates.42
ter to measure knee joint motion in gait, stairs, and getting
in and out of a chair and a bath. Walking required the least Reliability and Validity
amount of knee flexion for the 20 elderly subjects (aged Reliability studies of active and passive range of knee motion
54 to 90 years) in the study, whereas getting in and out of a have been conducted in healthy subjects48–52 and in patient
bath required the most knee flexion (135 degrees). The populations.53–59 Similar to findings at other joints, the results
authors suggested that a clinical guideline of at least of knee studies show that intratester reliability is higher than
110 degrees of flexion is necessary to allow patients to be intertester reliability.48,55 Reliability and ROM values also
able to walk, negotiate stairs, and get in and out of chairs. appear to be affected by measurement instruments and testing
A goal of 90 degrees of knee flexion is not adequate to positions and by the type of motion (active or passive) tested.
allow patients to carry out normal activities. Factors that have been shown to improve reliability include
Lark and colleagues43 compared knee ROM in stair training of testers, use of more than one person to assist with
descent in six healthy elderly males (mean age ⫽ 64 years) stabilization (especially in the presence of spasticity), holding
and six height- and weight-matched young males (mean of heavy extremities, and marking of landmarks.
age ⫽ 25 years). Knee flexion ROM was 12 percent less in the
elderly group than in the younger group, but there was no dif- Reliability: Universal Goniometer
ference between the groups in knee extension. However, the in Healthy Populations
elderly group used 80 percent to 100 percent of their passive Boone and associates48 had four testers use UGs to measure
knee ROM, whereas the younger males used only 70 percent active knee flexion and extension ROM at four weekly ses-
to 80 percent. sions. Intratester reliability was higher than intertester reliabil-
Oberg, Karsznia, and Oberg44 used electrogoniometers to ity, and the total intratester SD for measurements at the knee
measure knee joint motion in midstance and swing phases of was 4 degrees, whereas the intertester SD was 5.9 degrees. The
gait in 233 healthy males and females aged 10 to 79 years. authors recommended that when more than one tester
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CHAPTER 9 The Knee 259

measures the range of knee motion, changes in ROM should reliable instruments for measuring passive knee flexion. ICCs
exceed 6 degrees to show that a real change has occurred. for the UG were 0.97, and ICCs for the fluid inclinometer
Rheault and coworkers50 found good intertester reliability were 0.98. However, there were significant differences in the
for the UG (Table 9.6) and the fluid-based inclinometer ROM values obtained among the three devices used, and the
(r ⫽ 0.83) for measurements of active knee flexion. However, authors caution that these instruments should not be used
significant differences in the ROM values were found between interchangeably.
the instruments. Therefore, the authors concluded that, although Mollinger and Steffan26 collected intratester reliability
the universal and fluid-based goniometers each appeared to data on measurement of knee extension made by two testers
have good reliability, they should not be used interchangeably using a UG. ICCs for repeated measurements of knee exten-
in the clinical setting. sion were high (see Table 9.6), with differences between mea-
Bartholomy, Chandler, and Kaplan51 had similar findings. surements averaging 1 degree.
These authors compared measurements of passive knee flex- Brosseau and associates60 used a UG and a parallel
ion ROM taken with a UG with measurements taken with a goniometer (PG) to measure two flexion-angle positions in
fluid-based inclinometer and an Optotrak motion analysis sys- the right knees of 60 healthy subjects (44 females and
tem. Eighty subjects aged 22 to 43 years were measured. 16 males). Intratester reliability of the smaller-angle (about
Individually, the UG and the inclinometer were found to be 20 degrees) and larger-angle (about 100 degrees) positions

TABLE 9.6 Intratester and Intertester Reliability: Knee Range of Motion Measured
with a Universal Goniometer
Author n Sample Motion Intra ICC Inter ICC Intra r Inter r

Boone et al 48
12 Healthy adult AROM 0.87 0.50
males Flexion
(25–54 yrs)
Brosseau et al60 60 Healthy Flexion fixed 0.86–0.97 0.91–0.94
adults (mean angles
age 20.6 yrs)
Rheault et al 50
20 Healthy adults AROM 0.87
(mean age Flexion
24.8 yrs)
Gogia et al 49
30 Healthy adults PROM
(20–60 yrs) Flexion 0.99 0.98
Drews et al 18
9 Healthy infants PROM 0.69 left
(12 hrs–6 days) Flexion 0.89 right
Rothstein et al 53
12 Patients (ages PROM
not reported) Flexion 0.97–0.99 0.84–0.99 0.97–0.99 0.83–0.92
Extension 0.91–0.97 0.59–0.80 0.91–0.96 0.57–0.79
Watkins et al 54
43 Patients (mean PROM
age 39.5 yrs) Flexion 0.99 0.90
Extension 0.98 0.86
Pandya et al 55
150* Duchenne PROM 0.93 0.73
muscular Extension
21† (<1 yr–20 yrs)
Mollinger and 10 Nursing home Extension 0.99 0.97
Steffan 26 residents
Beissner et al 56
10 Nursing home and PROM
Independent Flexion 0.70–0.93
living residents Extension 0.70–0.93
(mean age
81.0 yrs)

AROM ⫽ active range of motion; ICC ⫽ intraclass correlation coefficient; PROM ⫽ passive range of motion;
r ⫽ pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
*150 subjects were used to calculate intratester ICC.

21 subjects were used to calculate intertester ICC.
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260 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

were good to excellent for the UG and good for the PG. 19.0 degrees difference between the two testers. ICC values
Intertester reliability was lower than intratester reliability for for intertester reliability were highest for active and passive
both positions and goniometers, however, the smaller angle flexion while sitting.
had lower intertester reliability compared to the large angle Kilgour, McNair, and Stott59 had three pediatric physical
(see Table 9.6). therapists measure bilateral knee extension in 25 children
with spastic cerebral palsy ranging in age from 6 to 17 years
Reliability: Universal Goniometer
and 25 age- and sex-matched controls. Intrasessional absolute
in Patient Populations
differences ranged from 0 to 2.7 degrees in the control group
Rothstein, Miller, and Roettger53 investigated intratester,
and 0 to 2.4 degrees in the cerebral palsy (CP) group. Intrases-
intertester, and interdevice reliability in a study involving
sional ICCs were good in the control group (ICC ⫽ 0.79 to
12 patients referred to physical therapy for their knee. Intratester
0.87) and excellent in the CP group (ICC ⫽ 0.97 to 0.99). Inter-
reliability for passive ROM measurements for knee flexion and
sessional ICCs were lower for both the control and CP group,
extension was high. Intertester reliability also was high among
but only the control group had unacceptable ICCs (0.34 to 0.67)
the 12 testers for passive ROM measurements for flexion but
compared to an ICC of 0.89 to 0.92 for the CP group. The
was lower for knee extension measurements (see Table 9.6).
authors concluded that sagittal plane ROM measures have sim-
Intertester reliability was not improved by repeated measure-
ilar levels of reliability in children with spastic CP compared
ments but was improved when testers used the same patient
with healthy controls both within and between sessions.
positioning. Interdevice reliability was high for all measure-
ments. Neither the composition of the UG (metal or plastic) Reliability: Electronic Digital Inclinometer
nor the size (large or small) had a significant effect on the (CYBEX EDI320)
measurements. Cleffken and associates34conducted a study to determine both
Watkins and associates54 compared passive ROM mea- intratester and intertester reproducibility for measurements of
surements of the knees of 43 patients made by 14 physical active and passive knee flexion and extension in 42 healthy
therapists who used a UG and visual estimates. These authors volunteers. Each motion was measured by two testers three
found that intratester reliability with the UG was high for both times in four measurements sessions. Measurements of pas-
knee flexion and knee extension. Intertester reliability for sive maximum flexion of the knee resulted in a smaller
goniometric measurements also was high for knee flexion but detectable difference (SDD ⫽ 0 ⫾ 6.4 degrees) than active
only good for knee extension (see Table 9.6). Both intratester knee flexion (SDD = 0 ⫾ 7.4 degrees) for intertester compar-
and intertester reliability were lower for visual estimation isons. Intratester reliability showed better reproducibility with
than for goniometric measurement. The authors suggested SDDs reduced by 0.4 to 1.9 degrees over intertester values.
that therapists should not substitute visual estimates for
goniometric measurements when assessing a patient’s range Reliability: Electrogoniometer
of knee motion because of the additional error that is intro- Piriyaprasarth and colleagues61 assessed intratester and
duced with use of visual estimation. intertester reliability of measurements using a flexible electro-
Pandya and colleagues55 studied intratester and intertester goniometer of two different fixed flexion angles (45 and
75 degrees) in sitting, supine, and standing positions Thirty-
reliability of passive knee extension measurements in 150 chil-
seven healthy volunteers (mean age 31 years) participated in
dren aged 1 to 20 years who had a diagnosis of Duchenne mus-
the intratester study, and 35 healthy volunteers (mean age
cular dystrophy. Intratester reliability with use of the UG was
30 years) participated in the intertester reliability study. Ten
high, but intertester reliability was only fair (see Table 9.6).
repetitions of joint angles were taken by two testers. Intra-
McWhirk and Glanzman57 had two physical therapists
tester reliability of measurements ranged from fair for supine
measure the knee ROM and the popliteal angle in 46 knees in
(ICC ⫽ 0.75 to 0.76), good in sitting (ICC ⫽ 0.86 to 0.87), to
25 children (aged 2 to 18 years) with spastic cerebral palsy. The
very good in standing (ICC ⫽ 0.87 to 0.88). Intertester relia-
intertester reliability of knee extension measurements was an
bility was poor to fair for supine (ICC ⫽ 0.58 to 0.71), poor
ICC of 0.78 with a 95% confidence interval (CI) ⫽ ⫾1.75, and
to fair for sitting (ICC ⫽ 0.68 to 0.79), and poor to good for
the popliteal angle measurement had an ICC of 0.93 with a
standing (ICC ⫽ 0.57 to 0.80). The sitting position had larger
95% CI ⫽ ⫾1.47. The therapists helped each other during the
ICCs and lower standard errors of measurement (SEMs) for
measurements by having one or the other either provide support
both intratester and intertester reliability compared to the supine
for the test leg or stabilize the other extremity.
position. One drawback of the study was that only angles less
In a study by Lessen and associates,58 two physical ther-
than 90 degrees were measured. The SEM was less than
apists used a long arm UG to measure active and passive knee
1.7 degrees when the same tester repeated the measurements.
flexion and extension in 30 patients within the first 4 days
after total knee arthoplasty. Measurements were taken with Reliability: Inclinometer
the patients supine in a hospital bed and in the sitting position The mean knee flexion ROM for the Ely test was 138.5 degrees
on an examination table. The highest levels of agreement for four testers using an inclinometer in a study by Piva and
between the testers were found for passive flexion and exten- associates.12 Measurements were taken of 30 patients with
sion in the sitting position. The lowest level of agreement was patellofemoral pain syndrome ranging in age from 14 to
found for passive flexion in the supine position with 16.2 to 47 years. The intertester reliability ICC was 0.91.
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CHAPTER 9 The Knee 261

Validity: Universal Goniometer extension, and medial and lateral rotation taken with a UG
Gogia and colleagues49 measured knee joint angles between and radiographs. For example, limitations in internal rotation
0 and 120 degrees of flexion. These measurements were ROM provided a prediction of advanced disease in the lateral
immediately followed by radiographs. Intertester reliability knee compartment. The authors concluded that measurements
was high (Table 9.6). The ICC for validity also was high of joint ROM were helpful in the determination of the compart-
(0.99). The authors concluded that the knee angle measure- ment or compartments that were affected by the disease process.
ments taken with a UG were both reliable and valid. Brousseau and associates60 measured active knee flexion in
Enwemeka52 compared the measurements of six knee two positions in 60 healthy university students (44 females and
joint positions (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees) taken with 16 males) with a mean age of 21 years. Two trained testers
a UG with bone angle measurements provided by radio- alternately used either a universal (UG) or a pendulum (PG)
graphs. The measurements were taken on 10 healthy adult goniometer for the measurements. Eight measurements were
volunteers (four women and six men) between 21 and taken with the knee flexed in the supine position and eight with
35 years of age. The mean differences ranged from 0.52 to the knee in the first 20 degrees of flexion in the supine position.
3.81 degrees between goniometric and radiographic measure- A radiograph was taken of each subject in each knee position.
ments taken between 30 and 90 degrees of flexion. However, Criterion validity was determined by calculating Pearson prod-
mean differences were higher (4.59 degrees) between gonio- uct moment correlation coefficients between each goniometric
metric and radiographic measurements of the smaller angles and radiologic measurement. Results showed that both the PGs
between 0 and 15 degrees. and UGs had higher validity when measuring the larger fixed
Ersoz and Ergun28 used a UG with 25-cm arms and knee flexion angle compared to the smaller angle when using
1-degree increments to measure the ROM in both knees of radiographs as the gold standard.
20 patients with bilateral knee osteoarthritis. Radiographs were Rheault and coworkers50 investigated the concurrent
taken of tibiofemoral, lateral tibiofemoral, and patellofemoral validity of a UG and an inclinometer for measurements of
compartments of the same knees. The authors found a clear active knee flexion. Each instrument had good validity, but
relationship between knee ROM measurements of flexion, instruments could not be used interchangeably.
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262 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

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The Ankle and Foot
Structure and Function tibial and fibular malleoli. Distally, the joint surface is the
convex dome of the talus. The joint capsule is thin and weak
anteriorly and posteriorly, and the joint is reinforced by lateral
Proximal and Distal Tibiofibular and medial ligaments. Anterior and posterior talofibular liga-
Joints ments and the calcaneofibular ligament provide lateral sup-
port for the capsule and joint (Fig. 10.2A and B). The deltoid
Anatomy ligament provides medial support (Fig. 10.3).
The proximal tibiofibular joint is formed by a slightly convex
tibial facet and a slightly concave fibular facet and is sur- Osteokinematics
rounded by a joint capsule that is reinforced by anterior and The talocrural joint is a synovial hinge joint with 1 degree of
posterior ligaments. The distal tibiofibular joint is formed freedom. The motions available are dorsiflexion and plan-
by a fibrous union between a concave facet on the lateral tarflexion. These motions occur around an oblique axis and
aspect of the distal tibia and a convex facet on the distal fibula thus do not occur purely in the sagittal plane. The motions
(Fig. 10.1A). Both joints are supported by the interosseous cross three planes and therefore are considered to be triplanar.
membrane, which is located between the tibia and the fibula Dorsiflexion of the ankle brings the foot up and slightly lat-
(Fig. 10.1B). The distal joint does not have a joint capsule but eral, whereas plantarflexion brings the foot down and slightly
is supported by anterior and posterior ligaments and the crural medial. The ankle is considered to be in the 0-degree neutral
interosseous tibiofibular ligament (Fig. 10.1C). position when the foot is at a right angle to the tibia.
Osteokinematics Arthrokinematics
The proximal and distal tibiofibular joints are anatomically During dorsiflexion in the non–weight-bearing position, the
distinct from the talocrural joint but function to serve the talus moves posteriorly. During plantarflexion, the talus
ankle. The proximal joint is a plane synovial joint that allows moves anteriorly. During dorsiflexion, in the weight-bearing
a small amount of superior and inferior sliding of the fibula on position, the tibia moves anteriorly. During plantarflexion, the
the tibia and a slight amount of rotation. The distal joint is a tibia moves posteriorly.
syndesmosis, or fibrous union, but it also allows a small Capsular Pattern
amount of motion. The pattern is a greater limitation in plantarflexion than in
Arthrokinematics dorsiflexion.
During dorsiflexion of the ankle, the fibula moves proximally
and slightly posteriorly (lateral rotation) away from the tibia. Subtalar Joint
During plantarflexion, the fibula glides distally and slightly
anteriorly toward the tibia.
The subtalar (talocalcaneal) joint is composed of three sepa-
Capsular Pattern rate plane articulations: the posterior, anterior, and middle
The capsular pattern is not defined for the tibiofibular joints. articulations between the talus and the calcaneus. The poste-
rior articulation, which is the largest, includes a concave facet
on the inferior surface of the talus and a convex facet on the
Talocrural Joint body of the calcaneus. The anterior and middle articulations
Anatomy are formed by two convex facets on the talus and two concave
The talocrural joint comprises the articulations between the facets on the calcaneus. The anterior and middle articulations
talus and the distal tibia and fibula. Proximally, the joint is share a joint capsule with the talonavicular joint; the posterior
formed by the concave surfaces of the distal tibia and the articulation has its own capsule. The subtalar joint is
2066_Ch10_263-316.qxd 5/22/09 8:05 PM Page 264

264 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Proximal tibiofibular Posterior ligament of

joint fibular head

of fibular


Fibula Tibia

Distal tibiofibular Posterior tibiofibular
joint ligament

FIGURE 10.1 A: The anterior aspect of the proximal and distal tibiofibular joints of a right lower extremity. B: The anterior
tibiofibular ligaments and the interosseous membrane. C: The posterior aspect of the tibiofibular joints and the posterior
tibiofibular ligaments of a right lower extremity.

Fibula Tibia


Talocrural Posterior Talus

Talus ligament Talocrural
Posterior joint
ligament Posterior talofibular

5th metatarsal Anterior
talofibular Calcaneus
A Cuboid B
FIGURE 10.2 A: A lateral view of a left talocrural joint with the anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments and the
calcaneofibular ligament. B: A posterior view of a left talocrural joint shows the posterior talofibular ligament and the
calcaneofibular ligament.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 265

Posterior tibiotalar
Tibiocalcaneal Deltoid
Anterior tibiotalar ligament



FIGURE 10.3 The deltoid ligament in a medial view of a left talocrural joint.

reinforced by anterior, posterior, lateral, and medial talocal- talus. During eversion, the calcaneus slides medially on
caneal ligaments and the interosseus talocalcaneal ligament the talus.
(Figs. 10.4 and 10.5).
Capsular Pattern
Osteokinematics The capsular pattern consists of a greater limitation in
The motions permitted at the joint are inversion and eversion, inversion.2
which occur around an oblique axis. These motions are
composite motions consisting of abduction–adduction, Transverse Tarsal (Midtarsal) Joint
flexion–extension, and supination–pronation.1 During non–
weight-bearing inversion, the calcaneus adducts around an
The transverse tarsal, or midtarsal, joint is a compound joint
anterior–posterior axis, supinates around a longitudinal axis,
formed by the talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints
and plantarflexes around a medial–lateral axis. During ever-
(Fig. 10.6A). The talonavicular joint is composed of the large
sion, the calcaneus abducts, pronates, and dorsiflexes.
convex head of the talus and the concave posterior portion of
Arthrokinematics the navicular bone. The concavity is enlarged by the plantar
The alternating convex and concave facets limit mobility and calcaneonavicular ligament (spring ligament). The joint
create a twisting motion of the calcaneus on the talus. During shares a capsule with the anterior and middle portions of
inversion of the foot, the calcaneus slides laterally on a fixed the subtalar joint and is reinforced by the spring, bifurcate

Talus Subtalar
joint Posterior joint
Lateral talocalcaneal
Interosseus ligament

Calcaneus Calcaneus Medial talocalcaneal

FIGURE 10.4 The interosseus talocalcaneal and lateral
talocalcaneal ligaments in a lateral view of a left subtalar FIGURE 10.5 The medial and posterior talocalcaneal ligaments
joint. in a medial view of a left subtalar joint.
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266 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

(calcaneocuboid and calcaneonavicular), and dorsal talona- laterally and toward the plantar surface; the cuboid slides
vicular ligaments (Fig. 10.6B). laterally and toward the dorsal surface.
The calcaneocuboid joint is composed of the shallow
Capsular Pattern
convex–concave surfaces on the anterior calcaneus and the
The capsular pattern consists of a limitation in inversion
convex–concave surfaces on the posterior cuboid. The joint is
(adduction and supination). Other motions are full.
enclosed in a capsule that is reinforced by the bifurcate (calca-
neocuboid and calcaneonavicular), dorsal calcaneocuboid, plan-
tar calcaneocuboid, and long plantar ligaments (Fig. 10.6C).
Tarsometatarsal Joints
The five tarsometatarsal (TMT) joints link the distal tarsals
The joint is considered to have two axes, one longitudinal and
with the bases of the five metatarsals (Fig. 10.7). The concave
one oblique. Motions around both axes are triplanar and con-
base of the first metatarsal articulates with the convex surface
sist of inversion and eversion. The transverse tarsal joint is the
of the medial cuneiform. The base of the second metatarsal
transitional link between the hindfoot and the forefoot.
articulates with the mortise formed by the intermediate
Arthrokinematics cuneiform and the sides of the medial and lateral cuneiforms.
During inversion in a non-weight-bearing position, the con- The base of the third metatarsal articulates with the lateral
cave navicular slides medially and dorsally on the convex cuneiform, and the base of the fourth metatarsal articulates
talus. The cuboid slides medially and toward the plantar sur- with the lateral cunieform and the cuboid. The fifth metatarsal
face on the calcaneus. During eversion, the navicular slides articulates with the cuboid. The first joint has its own capsule,



Talonavicular joint

Transverse tarsal
(midtarsal) joint
Calcaneocuboid joint

Dorsal talonavicular ligament Talus
Cuboid Navicular Calcaneonavicular
A Calcaneus

Dorsal talonavicular ligament Calcaneocuboid


Dorsal calcaneocuboid
B ligament Calcaneus

Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament

(spring ligament)
First metatarsal
C Long plantar ligament

FIGURE 10.6 A: The two joints that make up the transverse tarsal joint are shown in a lateral view of a left ankle. B: The
dorsal talonavicular ligament, the bifurcate ligament (calcaneonavicular and calcaneocuboid ligaments), and the dorsal
calcaneocuboid ligament in a lateral view of a left ankle. C: The long plantar ligament, the plantar calcaneonavicular
ligament, and the dorsal talonavicular ligament in a medial view.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 267

whereas the second and third joints and the fourth and fifth deep transverse metatarsal ligament (Fig. 10.8B). The plantar
joints share capsules. Each joint is reinforced by numerous aponeurosis helps to provide stability and limits extension.
dorsal, plantar, and interosseous ligaments.
Osteokinematics The five MTP joints are condyloid synovial joints with
The TMT joints are plane synovial joints that permit gliding 2 degrees of freedom, permitting flexion–extension and
motions, including flexion–extension, a minimal amount of abduction–adduction. The axis for flexion–extension is oblique
abduction–adduction, and rotation. The type and amount of and is referred to as the metatarsal break. The range of motion
motion vary at each joint. For example, at the third TMT joint, (ROM) in extension is greater than in flexion, but the total
the predominant motion is flexion–extension. The combina- ROM varies according to the relative lengths of the metatarsals
tion of motions at the various joints contributes to the hollow- and the weight-bearing status.
ing and flattening of the foot, which helps the foot conform to
a supporting surface.
In flexion, the bases of the phalanges slide in a plantar direc-
Arthrokinematics tion on the heads of the metatarsals. In abduction, the concave
The distal joint surfaces glide in the same direction as the bases of the phalanges slide on the convex heads of the
shafts of the metatarsals.
Distal interphalangeal joints
Metatarsophalangeal Joints
The five metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints are formed proxi-
mally by the convex heads of the five metatarsals and distally
by the concave bases of the proximal phalanges (Fig. 10.8A).
The first MTP joint has two sesamoid bones that lie in two
grooves on the plantar surface of the distal metatarsal. The four Interphalangeal
lesser toes are interconnected on the plantar surface by the

Distal phalanx
Middle phalanx joint

Proximal phalanx


(1 through 5)
Plantar ligaments

cuneiform Intermediate
Deep transverse
metatarsal ligaments

Cuboid joint

FIGURE 10.8 A: The metatarsophalangeal, interphalangeal,
and distal interphalangeal joints in a dorsal view of a left
FIGURE 10.7 The tarsometatarsal joints and transverse tarsal foot. B: The deep transverse metatarsal ligaments and the
joint in a dorsal view of a left foot. plantar plates in a plantar view of a left foot.
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268 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

metatarsals in a lateral direction away from the second toe. In composed of the concave base of a distal phalanx and the con-
adduction, the bases of the phalanges slide in a medial direc- vex head of a proximal phalanx (see Fig. 10.8A).
tion toward the second toe.
Capsular Pattern The IP joints are synovial hinge joints with 1 degree of free-
The pattern at the first MTP joint is gross limitation of exten- dom. The motions permitted are flexion and extension in the
sion and slight limitation of flexion. At the other joints sagittal plane. Each joint is enclosed in a capsule and rein-
(second to fifth), the limitation is more restriction of flexion forced with collateral ligaments.
than extension.2
The concave base of the distal phalanx slides on the convex
Interphalangeal Joints head of the proximal phalanx in the same direction as the
Anatomy shaft of the distal bone. The concave base slides toward the
The structure of the interphalangeal (IP) joints of the feet is plantar surface of the foot during flexion and toward the dor-
identical to that of the IP joints of the fingers. Each IP joint is sum of the foot during extension.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 269


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Landmarks for Testing Procedures: Talocrural Joint

FIGURE 10.9 The subject’s right lower extremity showing surface anatomy landmarks for goniometer
alignment in measurement of dorsiflexion and plantarflexion range of motion.

Head of fibula
Lateral malleolus

Fifth metatarsal

FIGURE 10.10 The subject’s right lower extremity shows the bony anatomical landmarks for goniometer
alignment for measurement of dorsiflexion and plantarflexion range of motion.
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270 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

DORSIFLEXION: TALOCRURAL usually greater than non–weight-bearing measure-

ments, and these positions should not be used inter-
JOINT changeably.
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a
medial–lateral axis. The mean dorsiflexion ROM in
Testing Position
adults according to both the American Academy of
Place the subject sitting, with the knee flexed to
Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)3,4 and the American
90 degrees. The foot should be in 0 degrees of inver-
Medical Association (AMA)5 is 20 degrees. The mean
sion and eversion.
active dorsiflexion ROM in the non–weight-bearing
position is 12.6 degrees according to Boone and
Azen.6 Refer to Tables 10.1 through 10.7 in the
Stabilize the tibia and fibula to prevent knee motion
Research Findings section for additional normal ROM
and hip rotation.
values by age and gender.
Dorsiflexion ROM is affected by the testing posi-
Testing Motion
tion (knee flexed or extended) and by whether the
Use one hand to move the foot into dorsiflexion by
measurement is taken in either a weight-bearing or
pushing on the bottom of the foot (Fig. 10.11). Avoid
non–weight-bearing position. Dorsiflexion ROM mea-
pressure on the lateral border of the foot under the
sured with the knee flexed is usually greater than that
fifth metatarsal and the toes. A considerable amount
measured with the knee extended. Knee flexion slack-
of force is necessary to overcome the passive tension
ens the gastrocnemius muscles, so passive tension in
in the soleus and Achilles musculotendinous unit.
the muscle does not limit dorsiflexion ROM. Knee
Often, a comparison of the active and passive ROMs
extension stretches the gastrocnemius muscle, and
for a particular individual helps to determine the
ROM measured in this position represents the length
amount of upward force necessary to complete the
of the muscle. Weight-bearing dorsiflexion ROM is

FIGURE 10.11 The subject’s left ankle at the end of dorsiflex-

ion range of motion. The examiner holds the distal portion
of the lower leg with one hand to prevent knee motion and
uses her other hand to push on the palmar surface of the
foot to maintain dorsiflexion.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 271

passive ROM in dorsiflexion. The end of the ROM 2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

occurs when resistance to further motion is felt and fibula, using the head of the fibula for reference.
attempts to produce additional motion cause knee 3. Align distal arm parallel to the lateral aspect of the
extension. fifth metatarsal. Although it is usually easier to pal-
pate and align the distal arm parallel to the fifth
Normal End-Feel metatarsal, an alternative method is to align the
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the poste- distal arm parallel to the inferior aspect of the cal-
rior joint capsule, the soleus muscle, the Achilles ten- caneus. However, if the latter landmark is used, the
don, the posterior portion of the deltoid ligament, the full cycle ROM in the sagittal plane (dorsiflexion
posterior talofibular ligament, and the calcaneofibular plus plantarflexion) may be similar to the total ROM
ligament. of the preferred technique, but the separate ROM
values for dorsiflexion and plantarflexion will differ
Goniometer Alignment considerably.
See Figures 10.12 and 10.13.
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
aspect of the lateral malleolus.

FIGURE 10.13 At the end of dorsiflexion range of motion,

FIGURE 10.12 In the starting position for measuring dorsi- the examiner uses one hand to align the proximal goniome-
flexion range of motion the ankle is positioned so that the ter arm while the other hand maintains dorsiflexion and
goniometer is at 90 degrees. This goniometer reading is alignment of the distal goniometer arm.
transposed and recorded as 0 degrees. The examiner sits
on a stool or kneels in order to align the goniometer and
perform the readings at eye level.
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272 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Non–Weight-Bearing Dorsiflexion ROM:

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

non–weight-bearing positions; therefore, the two

Supine Position (Knee Flexed) positions should not be used interchangeably.
Place the subject supine with the knee flexed to Weight-bearing measurements may be able to pro-
30 degrees and supported by a pillow. Goniometer vide the examiner with information that is relevant to
alignment is the same as that for the seated position. the performance of functional activities such as walk-
ing. However, it may be difficult to control substitute
Non–Weight-Bearing Dorsiflexion ROM: motions of the hindfoot and forefoot in the weight-
Prone Position bearing position. Also, some subjects may not have
Position the subject prone with the knee on the side the strength and balance necessary to assume the
being tested flexed to 90 degrees. Position the foot weight-bearing position.
in 0 degrees of inversion, eversion, and plantarflexion Position the subject standing with all his or her
(Fig.10.14). Goniometer alignment is the same as that weight on the leg to be tested. The knee of the test
for the seated position. leg should be flexed as far as possible while main-
taining the foot flat on the floor. The end of the
Weight-Bearing Dorsiflexion ROM: Standing motion occurs when additional motion causes
(Knee Flexed) the heel to raise from the floor (Fig. 10.15).
Usually measurements taken in the standing position Goniometer alignment is the same as that for the
are considerably larger than measurements taken in seated position.

FIGURE 10.15 Goniometer alignment at the end of dorsiflex-

ion range of motion. The subject is in an alternative weight-
bearing position with the knee flexed.

FIGURE 10.14 Goniometer alignment at the end of dorsiflex-

ion range of motion. The subject is in an alternative prone
position with the knee flexed to 90 degrees.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 273


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Stabilize the tibia and fibula to prevent knee flexion
JOINT and hip rotation.
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a medial–
lateral axis. The ROM is 50 degrees for adults accord-
ing to the AAOS,3,4 40 degrees for adults according to
Testing Motion
Push downward with one hand on the dorsum of the
the AMA,5 and 56.1 degrees for males ages 1 to
subject’s foot to produce plantarflexion (Fig. 10.16). Do
54 years according to Boone and Azen.6 Refer to
not exert any force on the subject’s toes, and be care-
Tables 10.1 through 10.4 in the Research Findings sec-
ful to avoid pushing the ankle into inversion or ever-
tion for additional normal ROM values by age and
sion. The end of the ROM is reached when resistance is
felt and attempts to produce additional plantarflexion
result in knee flexion.
Testing Position
Place the subject sitting with the knee flexed to
90 degrees. Position the foot in 0 degrees of inver-
sion and eversion. Alternatively, it is possible to place
the subject in the supine position.

FIGURE 10.16 The subject’s left ankle at the end of plan-

tarflexion range of motion.
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274 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Normal End-Feel 3. Align distal arm parallel to the lateral aspect of the
Usually, the end-feel is firm because of tension in the fifth metatarsal. Although it is usually easier to pal-
anterior joint capsule; the anterior portion of the pate and align the distal arm parallel to the fifth
deltoid ligament; the anterior talofibular ligament; metatarsal, as an alternative, the distal arm can be
and the tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, and aligned parallel to the inferior aspect of the calca-
extensor digitorum longus muscles. The end-feel neus. If the alternative landmark is used, full cycle
may be hard because of contact between the poste- ROM in the sagittal plane (dorsiflexion plus plan-
rior tubercles of the talus and the posterior margin tarflexion) may be similar to full cycle ROM
of the tibia. measurement using the fifth metatarsal as a land-
mark, but the single cycle ROM values for dorsiflex-
Goniometer Alignment ion and plantarflexion will differ considerably. Mea-
See Figures 10.17 and 10.18. surements taken with the alternative landmark
should not be used interchangeably with those
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral taken using the fifth metatarsal landmark.
aspect of the lateral malleolus.
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
fibula, using the head of the fibula for reference.

FIGURE 10.17 Goniometer alignment in the starting position FIGURE 10.18 At the end of the plantarflexion range of
for measuring plantarflexion range of motion. motion, the examiner uses one hand to maintain plantarflex-
ion and to align the distal goniometer arm. The examiner
holds the dorsum and sides of the subject’s foot to avoid
exerting pressure on the toes. She uses her other hand to
stabilize the tibia and align the proximal arm of the
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 275

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Landmarks for Testing Procedures: Tarsal Joints




FIGURE 10.19 An anterior view of the subject’s left ankle FIGURE 10.20 An anterior view of the subject’s left ankle
with surface anatomy landmarks to indicate goniometer with bony anatomical landmarks to indicate goniometer
alignment for measuring inversion and eversion range of alignment for measuring inversion and eversion range of
motion. motion.
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276 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

INVERSION: TARSAL JOINTS of the supporting surface. Position the hip in 0 degrees
Inversion is a combination of supination, adduction, of rotation, adduction, and abduction. Alternatively, it is
and plantarflexion occurring in varying degrees at the possible to place the subject in the supine position,
subtalar, transverse tarsal (talocalcaneonavicular and with the foot over the edge of the supporting surface.
calcaneocuboid), cuboideonavicular, cuneonavicular,
intercuneiform, cuneocuboid, tarsometarsal (TMT), Stabilization
and intermetatarsal joints. The functional ability of the Stabilize the tibia and the fibula to prevent medial
foot to adapt to the ground and to absorb contact rotation and extension of the knee and lateral rotation
forces depends on the combined movement of all of and abduction of the hip.
these joints. Because of the uniaxial limitations of the
goniometer, inversion is measured in the frontal plane Testing Motion
around an anterior–posterior axis. Push the forefoot downward into plantarflexion,
Menadue and colleagues measured active inver- medially into adduction, and turn the sole of the
sion in both ankles in 30 male and female subjects foot medially into supination to produce inversion
with a mean age of 35 years. Mean values obtained (Fig. 10.21). The end of the ROM occurs when resis-
with a universal goniometer ranged from 30 degrees tance is felt and attempts at further motion produce
to 35.0 degrees.7 medial rotation of the knee and/or lateral rotation
and abduction at the hip.
Testing Position
Place the subject in the sitting position, with the knee
flexed to 90 degrees and the lower leg over the edge

FIGURE 10.21 The subject’s left foot and ankle at the end of
inversion range of motion. The examiner uses one hand on
the subject’s distal lower leg to prevent knee and hip motion
while her other hand maintains inversion.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 277

Normal End-Feel Goniometer Alignment

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

The end-feel is firm because of tension in the joint cap- See Figures 10.22 and 10.23.
sules; the anterior and posterior talofibular ligament;
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the anterior
the calcaneofibular ligament; the anterior, posterior,
aspect of the ankle midway between the malleoli.
lateral, and interosseous talocalcaneal ligaments; the
(The flexibility of a plastic goniometer makes this
dorsal calcaneal ligaments; the dorsal calcaneocuboid
instrument easier to use for measuring inversion
ligament; the dorsal talonavicular ligament; the lateral
than a metal goniometer.)
band of the bifurcate ligament; the transverse
2. Align proximal arm of the goniometer with the
metatarsal ligament; and various dorsal, plantar, and
anterior midline of the lower leg, using the tibial
interosseous ligaments of the cuboideonavicular,
tuberosity for reference.
cuneonavicular, intercuneiform, cuneocuboid, TMT, and
3. Align distal arm with the anterior midline of the
intermetatarsal joints; and the peroneus longus and
second metatarsal.
brevis muscles.

FIGURE 10.23 At the end of the range of motion, the exam-

iner uses her one hand to maintain inversion and to align
FIGURE 10.22 Goniometer alignment in the starting position
the distal goniometer arm.
for measuring inversion range of motion.
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278 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Eversion: Tarsal Joints possible to place the subject in the supine position, with
Eversion is a combination of pronation, abduction, and the foot over the edge of the supporting surface.
dorsiflexion occurring in varying degrees at the subtalar,
transverse tarsal (talocalcaneonavicular and calca- Stabilization
neocuboid), cuboideonavicular, cuneonavicular, inter- Stabilize the tibia and fibula to prevent lateral rotation
cuneiform, cuneocuboid, TMT, and intermetatarsal and flexion of the knee and medial rotation and
joints. The functional ability of the foot to adapt to the adduction of the hip.
ground and to absorb contact forces depends on the
combined movement of all of these joints. Because of Testing Motion
the uniaxial limitations of the goniometer, this motion is Pull the forefoot laterally into abduction and upward
measured in the frontal plane around an anterior– into dorsiflexion, turning the forefoot into pronation so
posterior axis. Menadue and colleagues7 measured that the lateral side of the foot is higher than the medial
active eversion in both ankles in 30 male and female side to produce eversion (Fig. 10.24). The end of the
subjects with a mean age of 35 years. Mean values
obtained with a universal goniometer ranged from
11.0 degrees to 12.0 degrees.7 (Methods for measuring
eversion isolated to the rearfoot and the forefoot are
included in the sections on the subtalar and transverse
tarsal joints.)

Testing Position
Place the subject in the sitting position, with the knee
flexed to 90 degrees and the lower leg over the edge
of the supporting surface. Position the hip in 0 degrees
of rotation, adduction, and abduction. Alternatively, it is

FIGURE 10.24 The left ankle and foot at the end of the range
of motion in eversion. The examiner uses one hand on the
subject’s distal lower leg to prevent knee flexion and lateral
rotation. The examiner’s other hand maintains eversion.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 279

ROM occurs when resistance is felt and attempts at fur- medial talocalcaneal ligament; the plantar calcaneo-

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

ther motion cause lateral rotation at the knee and/or navicular and calcaneocuboid ligaments; the dorsal
medial rotation and adduction at the hip. talonavicular ligament; the medial band of the bifur-
cated ligament; the transverse metatarsal ligament;
Normal End-Feel various dorsal, plantar, and interosseous ligaments of
The end-feel may be hard because of contact be- the cuboideonavicular, cuneonavicular, intercuneiform,
tween the calcaneus and the floor of the sinus tarsi. cuneocuboid, TMT, and intermetatarsal joints; and the
In some cases, the end-feel may be firm because of tibialis posterior muscle.
tension in the joint capsules; the deltoid ligament; the
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280 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Goniometer Alignment
See Figures 10.25 and 10.26.
1. Center the fulcrum of the goniometer over the
anterior aspect of the ankle midway between the
malleoli. (The flexibility of a plastic goniometer
makes this instrument easier to use than a metal
goniometer for measuring inversion.)
2. Align proximal arm of the goniometer with the
anterior midline of the lower leg, using the tibial
tuberosity for reference.
3. Align distal arm with the anterior midline of the
second metatarsal.

FIGURE 10.25 Goniometer alignment in the starting position

for measuring eversion range of motion. FIGURE 10.26 At the end of the eversion range of motion,
the examiner’s left hand maintains eversion and keeps the
distal goniometer arm aligned with the subject’s second
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 281

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Landmarks for Testing Procedures: Subtalar Joint (Rearfoot)

malleolus Calcaneus

FIGURE 10.27 Surface anatomy landmarks indicate FIGURE 10.28 Bony anatomical landmarks for measuring
goniometer alignment for measuring rearfoot inversion subtalar (rearfoot) inversion and eversion range of mo-
and eversion range of motion in a posterior view of a tion in a posterior view of the subject’s left lower leg
subject’s left lower leg and foot. and foot.
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282 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT


(REARFOOT) Stabilize the tibia and fibula to prevent lateral hip and
Inversion is a combination of supination, adduction, knee rotation and hip adduction.
and plantarflexion. Because of the uniaxial limitations
of the goniometer, inversion of the subtalar joint is Testing Motion
measured in the frontal plane around an anterior– Hold the subject’s lower leg with one hand and use
posterior axis. The ROM is about 5 degrees according the other hand to pull the subject’s calcaneus medially
to the AAOS 3 and a mean ROM of 15 degrees into adduction and to rotate it into supination, thereby
according to Menadue and colleagues,7 who mea- producing rearfoot subtalar inversion (Fig. 10.29).
sured active inversion in 60 ankles in the prone Avoid pushing on the forefoot. The end of the ROM is
position. reached when resistance to further motion is felt and
attempts at overcoming the resistance produce lateral
Testing Position rotation at the hip or knee.
Place the subject in the prone position, with the hip in
0 degrees of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction,
and rotation. Position the knee in 0 degrees of flexion
and extension. Position the foot over the edge of the
supporting surface.

FIGURE 10.29 The left lower extremity at the end of subtalar

(rearfoot) inversion range of motion.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 283

Normal End-Feel

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Goniometer Alignment
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the lateral See Figures 10.30 and 10.31.
joint capsule; the anterior and posterior talofibular
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the poste-
ligaments; the calcaneofibular ligament; and the lat-
rior aspect of the ankle midway between the
eral, posterior, anterior, and interosseous talocalcaneal
2. Align proximal arm with the posterior midline of
the lower leg.
3. Align distal arm with the posterior midline of the

FIGURE 10.30 Goniometer alignment in the starting position

for measuring subtalar (rearfoot) inversion range of motion. FIGURE 10.31 At the end of subtalar (rearfoot) inversion, the
Normally, the examiner’s hand would be holding the distal examiner’s hand maintains inversion and keeps the distal
goniometer arm, but for the purpose of this photograph, goniometer arm in alignment.
she has removed her hand.
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284 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

EVERSION: SUBTALAR JOINT Position the knee in 0 degrees of flexion and exten-
sion. Place the foot over the edge of the supporting
(REARFOOT) surface.
Eversion is a combination of pronation, abduction,
and dorsiflexion. Because of the uniaxial limitations
of the goniometer, eversion of the subtalar joint is
Stabilize the tibia and fibula to prevent medial hip and
measured in the frontal plane around an anterior–
knee rotation and hip abduction.
posterior axis. The ROM is about 5 degrees according
to the AAOS3 and between 8 and 9 degrees for active
Testing Motion
eversion according to Menadue and colleagues.7
Pull the calcaneus laterally into abduction and rotate it
into pronation to produce subtalar eversion (Fig. 10.32).
Testing Position The end of the ROM occurs when resistance to further
Place the subject prone, with the hip in 0 degrees of
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation.

FIGURE 10.32 The left lower extremity at the end of subtalar

(rearfoot) eversion range of motion. One can observe that
this subject’s eversion is quite limited. The examiner’s hand
maintains subtalar eversion by pulling the calcaneus laterally.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 285

movement is felt and additional attempts to move the Goniometer Alignment

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

calcaneus result in medial hip or knee rotation. See Figures 10.33 and 10.34.

Normal End-Feel 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the posterior

The end-feel may be hard because of contact aspect of the ankle midway between the malleoli.
between the calcaneus and the floor of the sinus tarsi, 2. Align proximal arm with the posterior midline of
or it may be firm because of tension in the deltoid the lower leg.
ligament, the medial talocalcaneal ligament, and the 3. Align distal arm with the posterior midline of the
tibialis posterior muscle. calcaneus.

FIGURE 10.33 Goniometer alignment in the starting position

for measuring subtalar (rearfoot) eversion. FIGURE 10.34 At the end of subtalar eversion, the examiner’s
hand maintains eversion and keeps the distal goniometer
arm aligned.
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286 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

INVERSION: TRANSVERSE TARSAL supporting surface. The hip is in 0 degrees of rota-

tion, adduction, and abduction, and the subtalar joint
JOINT is placed in the 0 starting position. Alternatively, it is
Most of the motion in the midfoot and forefoot
possible to place the subject in the supine position,
occurs at the transverse tarsal joint which comprises
with the foot over the edge of the supporting surface.
the talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints. Some
additional motion occurs at the cuboideonavicular,
cuneonavicular, intercuneiform, cuneocuboid, and
Stabilize the calcaneus to prevent dorsiflexion of the
TMT joints.
ankle and inversion of the subtalar joint.
Inversion is a combination of supination, adduc-
tion, and plantarflexion. Because of the uniaxial limita-
Testing Motion
tion of the goniometer, inversion of the transverse
Grasp the metatarsals rather than the toes and push
tarsal joint is measured in the frontal plane around an
the forefoot slightly into plantarflexion and medially
anterior–posterior axis. The normal ROM for adults for
into adduction. Turn the sole of foot medially into
forefoot inversion is 35 degrees.3,6
supination, being careful not to dorsiflex the ankle
(Fig. 10.35). The end of the ROM occurs when resis-
Testing Position tance is felt and attempts at further motion cause dor-
Place the subject sitting, with the knee flexed to
siflexion and/or subtalar eversion.
90 degrees and the lower leg over the edge of the

FIGURE 10.35 The left lower extremity at the end of trans-

verse tarsal inversion range of motion (ROM). The exam-
iner’s hand stabilizes the calcaneus to prevent subtalar
inversion. Notice that the ROM for the transverse tarsal joint
is less than that of all of the tarsal joints combined.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 287

Normal End-Feel Goniometer Alignment

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

The end-feel is firm because of tension in the joint See Figures 10.36 and 10.37.
capsules; the dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament; the dor-
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the anterior
sal talonavicular ligament; the lateral band of the bifur-
aspect of the ankle slightly distal to a point midway
cated ligament; the transverse metatarsal ligament;
between the malleoli.
various dorsal, plantar, and interosseous ligaments of
2. Align proximal arm with the anterior midline of the
the cuboideonavicular, cuneonavicular, intercuneiform,
lower leg, using the tibial tuberosity for reference.
cuneocuboid, TMT, and intermetatarsal joints; and the
3. Align distal arm with the anterior midline of the
peroneus longus and brevis muscles.
second metatarsal.

FIGURE 10.36 Goniometer alignment in the starting position FIGURE 10.37 At the end of transverse tarsal inversion, one
for measuring transverse tarsal inversion. of the examiner’s hands releases the calcaneus and aligns
the proximal goniometer arm with the lower leg. The exam-
iner’s other hand maintains inversion and holds the distal
goniometer arm aligned with the second metatarsal.
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288 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

EVERSION: TRANSVERSE TARSAL place the subject in the supine position, with the foot
over the edge of the supporting surface.
Eversion is a combination of pronation, abduction,
and dorsiflexion. Because of the uniaxial limitations of
Stabilize the calcaneus and talus to prevent plantarflex-
the goniometer, eversion of the transverse tarsal joint
ion of the ankle and eversion of the subtalar joint.
is measured in the frontal plane around an anterior–
posterior axis. The normal ROM for forefoot eversion
Testing Motion
ranges from 15 to 21 degrees.5,6
Pull the forefoot laterally into abduction and upward
into dorsiflexion. Turn the forefoot into pronation so
Testing Position that the lateral side of the foot is higher than the
Place the subject sitting, with the knee flexed to
medial side (Fig. 10.38). The end of the ROM occurs
90 degrees and the lower leg over the edge of the
when resistance is felt and attempts to produce addi-
supporting surface. Position the hip in 0 degrees of ro-
tional motion cause plantarflexion and/or subtalar
tation, adduction, and abduction and the subtalar joint
in the 0 starting position. Alternatively, it is possible to

FIGURE 10.38 The end of transverse tarsal eversion range of

motion. The examiner’s hand stabilizes the calcaneus to pre-
vent subtalar eversion. As can be seen in the photograph,
only a small amount of motion is available at the transverse
tarsal joint in this subject.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 289

Normal End-Feel Goniometer Alignment

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

The end-feel is firm because of tension in the joint See Figures 10.39 and 10.40.
capsules; the deltoid ligament; the plantar calcaneo-
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the anterior
navicular and calcaneocuboid ligaments; the dorsal
aspect of the ankle slightly distal to a point midway
talonavicular ligament; the medial band of the bifur-
between the malleoli.
cated ligament; the transverse metatarsal ligament;
2. Align proximal arm with the anterior midline of the
various dorsal, plantar, and interosseous ligaments of
lower leg, using the tibial tuberosity for reference.
the cuboideonavicular, cuneonavicular, intercuneiform,
3. Align distal arm with the anterior midline of the
cuneocuboid, TMT, and intermetatarsal joints; and the
second metatarsal.
tibialis posterior muscle.

FIGURE 10.40 At the end of the transverse tarsal eversion

FIGURE 10.39 Goniometer alignment in the starting position range of motion, one of the examiner’s hands releases the
for measuring transverse tarsal eversion range of motion. calcaneus and aligns the proximal goniometer arm with the
lower leg. The examiner’s other hand maintains eversion
and alignment of the distal goniometer arm.
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290 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Landmarks for Testing Procedures: Metarsophalangeal Joint

See Figures 10.41 A and B and 10.42 A and B.

Distal phalanx

Proximal phalanx

1st metatarsal

FIGURE 10.41 A: Surface anatomy landmarks for measuring flexion and extension at the first
metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint and first interphalangeal (IP) joint in a medial view of the sub-
ject’s left foot. B: Bony anatomical landmarks for measuring flexion and extension at the first
MTP and IP joints.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 291

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Landmarks for Testing Procedures: Metarsophalangeal Joint (continued)

1st metatarsal

Proximal phalanx

Distal phalanx

FIGURE 10.42 A: Surface anatomy landmarks for goniometer alignment for measur-
ing flexion and extension range of motion at the first and second MTP and IP joints
and abduction and adduction at the first MTP joint. B: Bony anatomical landmarks
for flexion and extension at the first and second MTP and IP joints and abduction
and adduction at the first MTP joint.
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292 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing


FLEXION: Normal End-Feel

The end-feel is firm because of tension in the dorsal
METATARSOPHALANGEAL JOINT joint capsule and the collateral ligaments. Tension in
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a
the extensor digitorum brevis muscle may contribute
medial–lateral axis. Flexion ROM at the fist MTP joint
to the firm end-feel.
ranges between 30 degrees5 and 45 degrees.3

Testing Position Goniometer Alignment

Place the subject in the supine or sitting position, with See Figures 10.44 and 10.45.
the ankle and foot in 0 degrees of dorsiflexion, plan- 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
tarflexion, inversion, and eversion. Position the MTP aspect of the MTP joint.
joint in 0 degrees of abduction and adduction and the 2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
IP joints in 0 degrees of flexion and extension. (If the metatarsal.
ankle is plantarflexed and the IP joints of the toe 3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the
being tested are flexed, tension in the extensor hallu- proximal phalanx.
cis longus or extensor digitorum longus muscle will
restrict the motion.) Alternative Goniometer Alignment
Stabilization for First Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Stabilize the metatarsal to prevent plantarflexion of 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the medial
the ankle and inversion or eversion of the foot. Do aspect of the first MTP joint.
not hold the MTP joints of the other toes in extension 2. Align proximal arm with the medial midline of the
because tension in the transverse metatarsal ligament first metatarsal.
will restrict the motion. 3. Align distal arm with the medial midline of the
proximal phalanx of the first toe.
Testing Motion
Pull the great toe downward toward the plantar sur-
face into flexion (Fig. 10.43). Avoid pushing on the
distal phalanx and causing interphalangeal flexion.
The end of the ROM is reached when resistance is felt
and attempts at further motion cause plantarflexion at
the ankle.

FIGURE 10.43 The left first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint at the end of the flexion range of motion. The
subject is supine, with her foot and ankle placed over the edge of the supporting surface. However, the
subject’s foot could rest on the supporting surface. The examiner uses her thumb across the metatarsals to
prevent ankle plantarflexion. The examiner’s other hand maintains the first MTP joint in flexion.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 293

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

FIGURE 10.44 Goniometer alignment in the starting position for mea-
suring metatarsophalangeal flexion range of motion. The arms of this
goniometer have been cut short to accommodate the relative short-
ness of the proximal and distal joint segments.

FIGURE 10.45 At the end of the range of motion, the examiner uses
one hand to align the goniometer while her other hand maintains
metatarsophalangeal flexion.
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294 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

EXTENSION: resistance is felt and attempts at further motion cause

dorsiflexion at the ankle.
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a medial–
Normal End-Feel
lateral axis. The ROM ranges between 50 degrees5
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the plantar
and 70 degrees.3
joint capsule; the plantar pad (plantar fibrocartilagi-
nous plate); and the flexor hallucis brevis, flexor digi-
Testing Position torum brevis, and flexor digiti minimi muscles.
The testing position is the same as that for measuring
flexion of the MTP joint. (If the ankle is dorsiflexed
Goniometer Alignment
and the IP joints of the toe being tested are
See Figures 10.47 and 10.48.
extended, tension in the flexor hallucis longus or
flexor digitorum longus muscle will restrict the 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
motion. If the IP joints of the toe being tested are in aspect of the MTP joint.
extreme flexion, tension in the lumbricalis and 2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
interosseus muscles may restrict the motion.) metatarsal.
3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the
Stabilization proximal phalanx.
Stabilize the metatarsal to prevent dorsiflexion of the
ankle and inversion or eversion of the foot. Do not Alternative Goniometer Alignment
hold the MTP joints of the other toes in extreme for First Metatarsophalangeal Joint
flexion because tension in the transverse metatarsal 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the medial
ligament will restrict the motion. aspect of the first MTP joint.
2. Align proximal arm with the medial midline of the
Testing Motion first metatarsal.
Push the proximal phalanx toward the dorsum of the 3. Align distal arm with the medial midline of the
foot, moving the MTP joint into extension (Fig. 10.46). proximal phalanx of the first toe.
Avoid pushing on the distal phalanx, which causes IP
extension. The end of the motion occurs when

FIGURE 10.46 The left first metatarsophalangeal joint at the end of extension range of motion. The
examiner places her digits on the dorsum of the subject’s foot to prevent dorsiflexion and uses the
thumb on her other hand to push the proximal phalanx into extension.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 295

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

FIGURE 10.47 Goniometer alignment in the starting position for mea-
suring extension at the first metatarsophalangeal joint.

FIGURE 10.48 At the end of metatarsophalangeal extension, the

examiner maintains goniometer alignment with one hand while
using the index finger of her other hand to maintain extension.
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296 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

ABDUCTION: Testing Motion

METATARSOPHALANGEAL JOINT Pull the proximal phalanx of the toe laterally away from
Motion occurs in the transverse plane around a the midline of the foot into abduction (Fig. 10.49).
vertical axis when the subject is in anatomical Avoid pushing on the distal phalanx, which places a
position. strain on the IP joint. The end of the ROM occurs when
resistance is felt and attempts at further motion cause
Testing Position either inversion or eversion of the foot.
Place the subject supine or sitting, with the foot in
0 degrees of inversion and eversion. Position the MTP Normal End-Feel
and IP joints in 0 degrees of flexion and extension. The end-feel is firm because of tension in the joint
Stabilize the metatarsal to prevent inversion or ever- capsule, the collateral ligaments, the fascia of the web
sion of the foot. space between the toes, and the adductor hallucis
and plantar interosseus muscles.
Stabilize the metatarsal to prevent inversion or ever-
sion of the foot.

FIGURE 10.49 The subject’s right first toe at the end of

abduction range of motion. The examiner uses one thumb
to prevent transverse tarsal inversion. She uses the index
finger and thumb of her other hand to pull the proximal
phalanx into abduction.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 297

Goniometer Alignment 2. Align proximal arm with the dorsal midline of the

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

See Figures 10.50 and 10.51. metatarsal.
3. Align distal arm with the dorsal midline of the
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal proximal phalanx.
aspect of the MTP joint.

FIGURE 10.50 Goniometer alignment in the starting position FIGURE 10.51 At the end of metatarsophalangeal (MTP) ab-
for measuring metatarsophalangeal abduction range of duction, the examiner’s hand maintains alignment of the dis-
motion. tal goniometer arm while keeping the MTP in abduction.
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298 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

ADDUCTION: Testing Motion

METATARSOPHALANGEAL JOINT Pull the distal phalanx of the first toe or the middle
Motion occurs in the transverse plane around a verti- phalanx of the lesser toes down toward the plantar
cal axis when the subject is in anatomical position. surface of the foot. The end of the ROM occurs when
Adduction is the return from abduction to the 0 start- resistance is felt and attempts at further flexion cause
ing position and is not usually measured. plantarflexion of the ankle or flexion at the MTP joint.

Normal End-Feel
FLEXION: INTERPHALANGEAL The end-feel for flexion of the IP joint of the big toe
JOINT OF THE FIRST TOE and the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints of the
smaller toes may be soft because of compression of
AND PROXIMAL soft tissues between the plantar surfaces of the pha-
INTERPHALANGEAL JOINTS langes. Sometimes, the end-feel is firm because of
OF THE FOUR LESSER TOES tension in the dorsal joint capsule and the collateral
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a medial– ligaments.
lateral axis. The ROM is between 30 degrees5 and
90 degrees for the first toe.3 See Table 10.2 in the Goniometer Alignment
Research Findings section for normal ROM values for 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
the four lesser toes. aspect of the interphalangeal joint being tested.
2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
Testing Position proximal phalanx.
Place the subject supine or sitting, with the ankle and 3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the pha-
foot in 0 degrees of dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, lanx distal to the joint being tested.
inversion, and eversion. Position the MTP joint in
0 degrees of flexion, extension, abduction, and
adduction. (If the ankle is positioned in plantarflexion
and the MTP joint is flexed, tension in the extensor
hallucis longus or extensor digitorum longus muscles
will restrict the motion. If the MTP joint is positioned
in full extension, tension in the lumbricalis and
interosseus muscles may restrict the motion.)

Stabilize the metatarsal and proximal phalanx to pre-
vent dorsiflexion or plantarflexion of the ankle and
inversion or eversion of the foot. Avoid flexion and
extension of the MTP joint.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 299


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

JOINTS OF THE FOUR LESSER Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a medial–
lateral axis. Usually this motion is not measured
TOES because it is a return from flexion to the 0 starting
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a position.
medial–lateral axis. Usually this motion is not
measured because it is a return from flexion to the
0 starting position.

Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a medial–
lateral axis. Flexion ROM is 0 to 30 degrees.4

Testing Position
Place the subject supine or sitting, with the ankle and
foot in 0 degrees of dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inver-
sion, and eversion. Position the MTP and PIP joints in
0 degrees of flexion, extension, abduction, and

Stabilize the metatarsal, proximal, and middle phalanx
to prevent dorsiflexion or plantarflexion of the ankle
and inversion or eversion of the foot. Avoid flexion
and extension of the MTP and PIP joints of the toe
being tested.

Testing Motion
Push the distal phalanx toward the plantar surface of
the foot. The end of the motion occurs when resis-
tance is felt and attempts to produce further flexion
cause flexion at the MTP and PIP joints and/or plan-
tarflexion of the ankle.

Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm because of tension in the dorsal
joint capsule, the collateral ligaments, and the oblique
retinacular ligament.

Goniometer Alignment
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the dorsal
aspect of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint.
2. Align proximal arm over the dorsal midline of the
middle phalanx.
3. Align distal arm over the dorsal midline of the dis-
tal phalanx.
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300 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

MUSCLE LENGTH TESTING PROCEDURES: Normal values for dorsiflexion of the ankle with
the knee in extension vary. See Tables 10.6 and 10.7
The Ankle and Foot in the Research Findings section for normal ROM val-
ues by age and gender.
The gastrocnemius muscle is a two-joint muscle that Starting Position
crosses both the ankle and knee. The medial head of Place the subject supine, with the knee extended and
the gastrocnemius originates proximally from the pos- the foot in 0 degrees of inversion and eversion.
terior aspect of the medial condyle of the femur,
whereas the lateral head of the gastrocnemius origi- Stabilization
nates from the posterior lateral aspect of the lateral Hold the knee in full extension. Usually, the weight of
condyle (Fig. 10.52). Both heads join with the tendon of the limb and hand pressure on the anterior leg can
the soleus muscle to form the tendocalcaneus (Achilles) maintain an extended knee position.
tendon, which inserts distally into the posterior surface
of the calcaneus. When the gastrocnemius contracts, it
plantarflexes the ankle and flexes the knee.
A short gastrocnemius can limit ankle dorsiflexion
and knee extension. During the test for the length of
the gastrocnemius the knee is held in full extension. A
short gastrocnemius results in a decrease in ankle dor-
siflexion ROM when the knee is extended. If, however,
ankle dorsiflexion ROM is decreased with the knee in Femoral
a flexed position, the dorsiflexion limitation is due to
shortness of the one-joint soleus muscle or other joint

head of Lateral
gastrocnemius head of



FIGURE 10.52 A posterior view of a right lower extremity

shows the attachments of the gastrocnemius muscle.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 301

Testing Motion

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

and knee and further ankle dorsiflexion causes the
Dorsiflex the ankle to the end of the ROM by pushing knee to flex.
upward across the plantar surface of the metatarsal
heads (Fig. 10.53 and Fig. 10.54). Do not allow the Normal End-Feel
foot to rotate and move into inversion or eversion. The end-feel is firm owing to tension in the gastrocne-
The end of the testing motion occurs when consider- mius muscle.
able resistance is felt from tension in the posterior calf

FIGURE 10.53 The subject’s right ankle at the end of the testing motion for the length of the gastrocne-
mius muscle.

FIGURE 10.54 The gastrocnemius muscle is stretched over the extended knee and dorsi-
flexed ankle.
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302 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

Goniometer Alignment
See Figure 10.55.
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
aspect of the lateral malleolus.
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
fibula, using the head of the fibula for reference.
3. Align distal arm parallel to the lateral aspect of the
fifth metatarsal.

FIGURE 10.55 Goniometer alignment at the end of the testing motion for the length of the gastrocne-
mius muscle.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 303

GASTROCNEMIUS LENGTH occurs when the patient feels tension in the posterior

Muscle Length Testing Procedures/ANKLE AND FOOT

calf and knee and further ankle dorsiflexion causes the
Place the subject in the standing position, with the
knee extended and the foot in 0 degrees of inversion
Goniometer Alignment
and eversion. The foot is in line (sagittal plane) with
See Figure 10.57.
the lower leg and knee. The subject stands facing a
wall or examining table, which can be used for bal- 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the lateral
ance and support. aspect of the lateral malleolus.
2. Align proximal arm with the lateral midline of the
Stabilization fibula, using the head of the fibula for reference.
Maintain the knee in full extension, and ensure the 3. Align distal arm parallel to the lateral aspect of the
heel remains in total contact with the floor. The exam- fifth metatarsal.
iner may hold the heel in contact with the floor.

Testing Motion
The patient dorsiflexes the ankle by leaning the body
forward (Fig. 10.56). The end of the testing motion

FIGURE 10.56 The subject’s left ankle at the end of the FIGURE 10.57 Goniometer alignment in the alternative test-
weight-bearing testing motion for the length of the gastroc- ing position.
nemius muscle.
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304 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

Research Findings
TABLE 10.2 Toe Motion: Values in Degrees
from Selected Sources
Tables 10.1 and 10.2 provide ankle and toe ROM values from
various sources. The 1994 AAOS4 edition includes ROM val- Extension Flexion
ues from various research studies, including the same values Joint AMA 5
from Boone and Azen6 that are found in Table 10.1, and a few
values from the 1965 edition. Boone and Azen,6 using a uni- MTP 1 50 70 30 45
versal goniometer, measured active ROM on male subjects. 2 40 40 30 40
3 30 40 20 40
Effects of Age, Gender, 4 20 40 10 40
and Other Factors 5 10 40 10 40
Age IP 1 — — 30 90
Table 10.3 shows that newborns, infants, and 2 year olds have PIP 2–5 — — — 35
a larger dorsiflexion ROM than older children. The mean val- DIP 2–5 — — — 60
ues for dorsiflexion in the youngest age groups are more than
double the average adult values presented in Tables 10.1 and AMA  American Medical Association; AAOS  American
10.4. However, between 1 and 5 years of age, dorsiflexion val- Associaion of Orthopaedic Surgeons; DIP  distal interphalangeal;
ues show a decrease (Table 10.3). Plantarflexion ROM in IP  interphalangeal; MTP  metatarsophalangeal; PIP  proximal
newborns is smaller compared to adults, but newborns attain
adult values in the first few weeks of life. According to
Walker,11 the persistence in infants of a limited ROM in plan-
tarflexion may indicate pathology. values also varied widely, ranging from 30 to 80 degrees.
Table 10.4 provides evidence that decreases in both dor- Intraindividual differences of greater than 5 to 10 degrees
siflexion and plantarflexion ROM occur with increases in age. were found between children’s right and left ankles, leading
However, the difference between dorsiflexion values in the the authors to caution testers about using the ROM in one
youngest and oldest groups constitutes less than 1 standard ankle as a normal ROM for the opposite ankle in this young
deviation (SD). Plantarflexion values in the oldest group are age group.
slightly more than 1 SD less than values for the youngest Saxena and Kim14 tested dorsiflexion ROM in 40 high
group. school athletes ages 14 to 17 years. An experienced tester
Alanen and colleagues13 found a wide variation in maxi- used a goniometer to measure ankle dorsiflexion in the supine
mum passive ROM measurements of dorsiflexion and plan- position in both ankles with the knees extended and flexed. In
tarflexion in 245 boys and girls with a mean age of 10 years contrast to the findings of Alenan and colleagues,13 no signif-
and an age range of 7 to 14 years. ROM values varied from icant differences were found between measurements of right
5 to 50 degrees for maximum dorsiflexion with the knee and left ankles or between girls and boys. However, the age
extended in the prone position and from 21 to 61 degrees with groups are considerably different between the two studies.
the knee flexed in the weight-bearing position. Plantarflexion Ankle dorsiflexion in this group of adolescent athletes was

TABLE 10.1 Ankle Motion: Values in Degrees from Selected Sources

AAOS3 AAOS4 AMA5 Boone and Azen*6

Motion Mean (SD)
Dorsiflexion 20 20 20 12.6 (4.4)
Plantarflexion 50 50 40 56.2 (6.1)
Inversion 35 — 30 36.8 (4.5)
Eversion 15 — 20 20.7 (5.0)
Subtalar inversion 5 — — — —
Subtalar eversion 5 — — — —

AMA  American Medical Association; AAOS  American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons;

SD  standard deviation.
* Subjects were 109 males 1 to 54 years of age.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 305

TABLE 10.3 Effects of Age on Ankle Motion in Newborns and Children Aged 6 to 12 Years:
Mean Values in Degrees
Waugh et al8 Wanatabe et al9 Boone10

6–72 hrs 2–4 wks 4–8 mos 2 yrs 1–5 yrs 6–12 yrs
n = 40 n = 57 n = 54 n = 57 n = 19 n = 17
Motion Mean (SD) Mean range Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Dorsiflexion 58.9 (7.9) 0–53.0 0–51.0 0–41.0 14.5 (5.0) 13.8 (4.4)
Plantarflexion 25.7 (6.3) 0–58.0 0–60.0 0–62.0 59.7 (5.4) 59.6 (4.7)

SD  standard deviation.

found to be 0.35 (SD = 2.2) degrees with the knees extended in dorsiflexion in the older women was associated with a de-
and just less than 5 degrees with the knees flexed. These val- crease in plantarflexor muscle-tendon unit extensibility.
ues for dorsiflexion are below the normal values and less than In a subsequent study, Gajdosik and colleagues17 com-
the 10 degrees needed for normal gait. The authors did not pared the passive stretch and release characteristics of the calf
offer any explanation for the limited ROM, but it is possible muscles of 15 healthy older women with a mean age of
that it is related to either developmental changes in this group 79 years with that of 15 healthy young women with a mean age
of adolescents or athletic activities that decreased the extensi- of 24 years. The right ankles of all subjects were stretched from
bility of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. plantarflexion to maximal dorsiflexion and then released into
James and Parker15 found a consistent reduction in both plantarflexion. Older women had less calf muscle length exten-
active and passive ROM with increasing age in all ankle joint sibility, less passive resistive force, less stored passive-elastic
motions in a group of 80 active men and women ranging in energy, and less mean maximum passive dorsiflexion ROM
age from 70 to 92 years. The most rapid reduction in ROM (10.3 degrees) compared to younger women (28.0 degrees).
occurred for individuals in the ninth decade. Ankle dorsiflex- Nigg and associates18 found that age-related changes in
ion measured with the knee extended (a test of the length of ankle ROM were motion specific and differed between males
the gastrocnemius muscle) showed the most marked change. and females. The authors measured active ROM in 121 subjects
The investigators suggested that the decrease in extensibility (61 males and 60 females) between the ages of 20 and 79 years.
of the plantarflexor muscle-tendon unit was due to connective For the entire group of subjects, decreases in active ROM with
tissue changes associated with the aging process. In another increases in age occurred in plantarflexion, inversion, abduction,
study that examined the effects of aging on dorsiflexion and adduction but not in eversion and dorsiflexion (tested in the
ROM, Gajdosik, VanderLinden, and Williams16 used an isoki- sitting position with the knee flexed). Plantarflexion decreased
netic dynamometer to passively stretch the calf muscles in about 8 degrees from the youngest to the oldest group.
74 females (aged 20 to 84 years). The older women (aged
60 to 84 years) had a significantly smaller mean dorsiflexion Gender
angle of 15.4 degrees than the younger women (aged 20 to Gender effects on ROM are joint specific and motion specific
39 years), who had a mean of 25.8 degrees, and the middle- and are often related to age. Nigg and associates18 found gender
aged women, who had a mean of 22.8 degrees. The decrease differences in ankle motion but determined that the differences

TABLE 10.4 Effects of Age on Active Ankle Motion for Individuals 13 to 69 Years of Age:
Normal Values in Degrees
Boone10 Boone et al11

13–19 yrs 20–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–54 yrs 61–69 yrs
n = 17 n = 19 n = 18 n = 19 n = 10
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Dorsiflexion 10.6 (3.7) 12.1 (3.4) 12.2 (4.3) 12.4 (4.7) 8.2 (4.6)
Plantarflexion 55.5 (5.7) 55.4 (3.6) 54.6 (6.0) 52.9 (7.6) 46.2 (7.7)

SD  standard deviation.
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306 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

changed with increasing age. Only in the oldest group did In a study conducted by Baggett and Young22 of 18 to
women have more (8 degrees) plantarflexion than men. The 66 year olds, males compared to females had less dorsiflexion
only gender differences noted by Boone, Walker, and Perry12 ROM in non–weight-bearing and a greater ROM in weight-
were that females in the 1-year-old to 9-year-old group and bearing. However the differences in ROM were small between
those in the 61-year-old to 69-year-old group had significantly the genders and probably not of clinical importance.
more ROM in plantarflexion than their male counterparts. Four Grimston and associates23 measured active ROM in
other studies also found that females had more plantarflexion than 120 subjects (58 males and 62 females) ranging in age from 9 to
males.13,15,19,20 Alanen and colleagues,13 in a study of ankle joint 20 years. These authors found that females generally had a
mobility in 245 children ages 7 to 14 years (mean age 10 years), greater ROM in all ankle motions than males. Both males and
found that girls had a significantly greater range of passive females showed a consistent trend toward decreasing ROM with
plantarflexion compared to the boys in the study. However, increasing age, but females had a larger decrease than males.
according to the authors, the differences were small and proba- In contrast to the findings of the previously mentioned
bly not of clinical inportance. studies, Saxena and Kim14 found no differences in dorsiflex-
Bell and Hoshizaki19 studied 17 joint motions in ion ROM values between 24 boys and 16 girls ages 14 to
124 females and 66 males ranging in age from 18 to 88 years. 17 years. However, the age range in this study was relatively
Females between 17 and 30 years of age had a greater ROM small compared to Grimston’s23 study.
in plantarflexion and dorsiflexion than males in the same age
groups. Walker and colleagues20 studied active ROM in 30 men Testing Position
and 30 women ranging in age from 60 to 84 years. Women A variety of positions are used to measure dorsiflexion ROM,
had 11 degrees more ankle plantarflexion than men. including sitting with the knee flexed, supine with the knee
James and Parker15 found that the only motion that either flexed or extended, prone with the knee either flexed or
showed a significant difference between the genders was extended, and standing with the knee either flexed or
plantarflexion measured with the knee extended. Women and extended. Positions in which the knee is flexed bring the dis-
men had similar mean values in the group between 70 and tal and proximal attachments of the gastrocnemius muscle
74 years of age, but the reduction in active and passive ROM closer together and result in relaxing the muscle so that its
over the entire age range was greater for men (25.2 percent) effect on dorsiflexion ROM is reduced. Positions in which the
than for women (11.3 percent). High-heeled shoe wear has knee is extended generally are used for testing the length of
been proposed by Nigg and associates18 as one reason why the gastrocnemius muscle (Tables 10.6 and 10.7). Dorsiflex-
women have a greater ROM in plantarflexion than men. ion measurements taken in the weight-bearing position are
In contrast to the findings that women have greater ROM usually greater than measurements taken in non–weight-
in plantarflexion than men, a few investigators have found that bearing positions.22
females have less active and passive dorsiflexion ROM than McPoil and Cornwall28 compared dorsiflexion ROM mea-
males.18,20,21 In a study by Nigg and associates,18 males in the surements taken with the knee flexed with measurements taken
oldest group had a greater active ROM in dorsiflexion with the knee extended in 27 healthy young adults. As might
(8 degrees) measured with the knee flexed than females in the be expected, the mean dorsiflexion ROM (16.2 degrees) with
same age group (Table 10.5). Females showed a significant the knee flexed was greater than the mean (10.1 degrees) with
decrease in active dorsiflexion ROM with increasing age, the knee extended (Table 10.7). In a study of dorsiflexion
from 26.0 degrees in the youngest group to 18.5 degrees in the ROM in 7 to 14 year olds, Alanen and colleagues13 found that
oldest group. Females also showed a significant decrease in dorsiflexion measurements taken with the knee flexed to
eversion of 5.8 degrees with increasing age. Males, however, 90 degrees were 10 to 19 degrees greater than measurements
had little or no change in either active dorsiflexion or eversion taken with the knee extended.
ROM from the youngest to the oldest group. Vandervoort and Riemann and coworkers29 measured the resistance to pas-
coworkers21 experienced similar findings in a study measuring sive dorsiflexion from 23 degrees of plantarflexion to 13 degrees
passive dorsiflexion ROM with the knee flexed. The end of of dorsiflexion in 12 physically active men (mean age 22 years)
the ROM was defined as the maximum degree of dorsiflexion and 12 women (mean age 20 years). Passive movements at a
possible before muscle contraction occurred, or when the constant angular velocity were applied using a Biodex System
subject felt discomfort, or when the heel lifted from a floor 2 Isokinetic Dynamometer in passive mode. Significantly higher
plate. Females in the study showed a decrease in passive dor- stiffness values were found in the knee extended position com-
siflexion ROM, from a high of 19.3 degrees in the youngest pared with the knee flexed position. The stiffness values in the
group (aged 55 to 60 years) to a low of 12.1 degrees in the gastrocnemius increased significantly as the ankle moved from
oldest group (aged 81 to 85 years; Table 10.5). In comparison, plantarflexion toward dorsiflexion. Stiffness was defined by the
male subjects showed a decrease of only 2.3 degrees in dorsi- authors as representing the amount of deformation proportional
flexion from the youngest group (mean  15.4 degrees) to the to the load applied.
oldest group (mean  13.1 degrees). Males had greater Moseley, Crosbie, and Adams24 quantified the passive dor-
passive elastic stiffness than females, with 10 degrees of siflexion ROM resulting from a 12-Nm torque applied by a dy-
dorsiflexion. namometer to the soles of both feet of 300 healthy male and
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 307

TABLE 10.5 Effects of Age and Gender on Dorsiflexion Range of Motion in Males and Females
Aged 40 to 85 Years: Normal Values in Degrees
Nigg et al*18 Vandervoort et al†21
40–59 yrs 70–79 yrs 55–60 yrs 81–85 yrs
Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females
n = 15 n = 15 n = 15 n = 15 n = 20 n = 16 n = 18 n = 17
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
25.0 (7.0) 26.0 (6.4) 26.4 (4.7) 18.5 (4.8) 15.4 (4.3) 19.3 (3.2) 13.1 (3.5) 12.1 (5.5)

ROM = range of motion; SD = standard deviation.

* A laboratory coordinate system ROM instrument was used to measure active ROM in subjects sitting with
the knee flexed.

An electric computer-controlled torque motor system was used to produce passive ROM in
subjects positioned prone with the knee flexed.

TABLE 10.6 Dorsiflexion Range of Motion Measured in Non–Weight-Bearing Positions with the Knee
Extended in Male and Female Subjects Aged 20 to 85 Years: Normal Values in Degrees
Gajdosik et al*16 Moseley et al†24 Jonson and Gross‡25 Vandervoort et al§21

20–24 yrs 40–59 yrs 60–84 yrs 15–34 yrs 18–30 yrs 55–60 yrs 80–85 yrs
n = 24 n = 24 n = 33 n = 298 n = 57 n = 36 n = 35
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
25.83 (5.5) 22.8 (4.4) 15.4 (5.8) 18.1 (6.9) 16.2 (3.7) 20.3 (4.6) 11.8 (5.2)

ROM = range of motion; SD = standard deviation.

* All measurements are of passive ROM in female subjects taken in the supine position with a universal goniometer.

All measurements are of passive ROM in both genders taken in the prone position with use of a protractor
and with the application of 12.0 Nm of torque.

All measurements are of active assistive ROM in the prone position.
All measurements are of active ROM in the prone position with use of a footplate and a potentiometer.

TABLE 10.7 Comparison Between Dorsiflexion Range of Motion Measurements Taken With the Knee
Flexed and Extended in Subjects Aged 8 to 87 Years: Normal Values in Degrees
Bennell et al*26 Ekstrand et al†27 McPoil and Cornwall‡23 Mecagni et al§24

8–11 yrs 8.2–11 yrs 20–25 yrs 22–30 yrs Mean 26.1 yrs 64–87 yrs
n = 77 n = 49 n = 10 n = 12 n = 56 feet n = 34
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Knee flexed 31.9 (6.8) 29.2 (6.4) 26.6 (2.5) 24.9 (0.8) 16.2 (3.2) 10.9 (4.2)
Knee extended 25.0 (7.6) 25.4 (8.5) 22.9 (2.5) 22.5 (0.7) 10.1 (2.2) 8.5 (3.1)

ROM = range of motion; SD = standard deviation.

* All measurements were taken in weight-bearing positions with use of an inclinometer.

All measurements were taken in weight-bearing positions with use of a Leighton Flexometer
(a type of gravity inclinometer). The flexed-knee testing position was greater than 90 degrees.

All measurements were taken by one tester using a masked goniometer. The testing position
was not reported, but in the flexed-knee position, the knee was flexed to 90 degrees.
All measurements were taken in non–weight-bearing positions with use of an active assistive ROM technique.
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308 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

female subjects who were in the supine position with the knee results showed that the positions could not be used interchange-
extended. Based on the results, the authors proposed a scheme ably, with the exception of the heel rise and seated non–weight-
in which application of the same Nm torque would classify bearing positions.
passive dorsiflexion ROM less than 4 degrees as hypomobile,
11.2 to 25 degrees as normal, and 32 degrees as hypermobile. Injury/Disease
Baggett and Young22 compared measurements of dorsi- Wilson and Gansneder33 measured physical impairments (loss of
flexion ROM taken in the non–weight-bearing supine position passive ankle dorsiflexion, plantarflexion ROM, and swelling),
with those taken in the standing weight-bearing position in functional limitations, and disability duration in 21 athletes with
10 males and 20 female patients aged 18 to 66 years. Both acute ankle sprains. ROM loss was obtained by subtracting the
supine and standing measurements were taken with the knees passive ROM total of the affected ankle from the passive ROM
extended. The average dorsiflexion ROM in the supine posi- measurements taken on the unaffected ankle. The authors found
tion was 8.3 degrees, whereas the average dorsiflexion ROM that the combination of ROM loss and swelling predicted an ac-
in the standing position was 20.9 degrees. Little correlation ceptable estimate of disability duration, accounting for one third
was found between measurements taken in the non–weight- of the variance. Functional limitation measures alone provided a
bearing position with those taken in the weight-bearing posi- better estimate of disability duration, accounting for 67 percent
tion. Consequently, the authors recommended to examiners of the variance in the number of days the athletes were unable
that the non–weight-bearing and weight-bearing positions to work after the acute ankle sprain.
should not be used interchangeably and that the weight- Morrison and Kaminski34 reviewed the literature for the
bearing position might be more clinically relevant. years 1965 to 2005 for information that identified the risk fac-
Bohannon, Tiberio, and Waters,30 in a study involving tors for acute and chronic ankle inversion injuries and for the
11 males and 11 females aged 21 to 43 years, investigated role that the foot played in these types of injuries.The authors
passive ROM for ankle dorsiflexion by means of different go- found that the most commonly identified risk factors were a
niometer alignments. In one alignment, the arms of the go- high longitudal arch, large foot width, cavovarus foot defor-
niometer were arranged parallel with the fibula and the heel. mity, open chain large calcaneal eversion ROM in women,
The second alignment used the fibula and a line parallel to the subtalar joint instability, and a large ROM in MTP extension.
fifth metatarsal. These authors found that passive ROM mea- However, the authors suggested that a great deal of research
surements for dorsiflexion differed significantly according to was necessary to adequately evaluate these risk factors.
which landmarks were used. Kaufman and associates35 tracked 449 trainees at a Naval
Menadue and colleagues7 compared measurements of Special Warfare Training Center to determine whether an
inversion and eversion in both ankles of 60 male and female association existed between foot structure and the develop-
patients between the ages of 21 and 59 years. Some of the ment of musculoskeletal overuse injuries of the lower extrem-
patients had a past history of a variety of orthopedic ankle ities. Restricted dorsiflexion ROM was one of the five risk
conditions. Three testers used universal goniometers to per- factors associated with overuse injury.
form the measurements in the sitting and prone positions. Full Chesworth and Vandervoort36 measured dorsiflexion
cycle (inversion-eversion) ROM was 43.1 degrees in the sitting ROM after ankle fractures due to snowboarding accidents.
position and 24.2 degrees in the prone position. Naturally, the They found that large differences occurred in the maximum
two positions should not be used interchangeably. passive dorsiflexion ROM between fractured ankles and the
Lattanza, Gray, and Kanter31 measured subtalar joint contralateral uninvolved ankles. Maximum passive dorsiflex-
eversion in weight-bearing and non–weight-bearing postures ion was defined as that point just prior to the initiation of
in 15 females and 2 males. Measurements of subtalar joint muscle activity in the plantarflexor muscles. The authors
eversion in a weight-bearing posture were found to be signif- hypothesized that the reflex length-tension relationship was
icantly greater than those in a non–weight-bearing posture. altered in the fractured ankles and that this reflex activity
The authors advocated measurement in both positions. acted as a protective mechanism to prevent overstretching of
Nawoczenski, Baumjauer, and Umberger32 measured active the fragile plantarflexors after a period of immobilization.
and passive extension ROM of the MTP joint of the first toe in Reynolds and colleagues37 found that in rats, 6 weeks of
different positions in 14 women and 19 men between the ages immobilization of a healthy hind limb resulted in a significant
of 20 and 54 years. Active and passive toe extension measure- (70 percent) loss of dorsiflexion ROM when a fixed torque
ments were taken with the subject standing on a platform with was applied. The authors suggested that loss of extensibility
toes extending over the edge. Passive measurements were taken of the musculotendinous unit was probably caused by tissue
in the non–weight-bearing seated position and during heel rise remodeling that occurred during extended immobilization.
in standing. Mean values in the weight-bearing position were Hastings and coworkers38 studied a single patient with
37.0 degrees for passive MTP extension and 44.0 degrees for diabetes mellitus who had received a tendo-achilles lengthen-
active extension, compared with a mean value of 57.0 degrees ing procedure. The operation resulted in an increase in dorsi-
obtained in the non–weight-bearing seated position and flexion ROM with the knee extended from a preoperative
58 degrees during heel rise in the standing position. Similar to level of 0 degrees to a 7-month postoperative level of
the effects of different testing positions on ankle ROM, the 18 degrees. Plantar pressure during gait was considerably
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 309

reduced by 55 percent when the patient was wearing shoes,

and the patient’s scores on the performance of a number of
functional tasks was improved by 24 percent.
Salsich, Mueller, and Sahrmann39 found that patients with
diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy demonstrated less
dorsiflexion ROM (extensibility of the musculotendinous unit)
than a group of age-matched control subjects. Salsich, Brown,
and Mueller40 determined that there was a positive relationship
between body size and passive plantar flexor muscle stiffness.
Rao and colleagues41 compared ankle ROM and stiffness in
25 individuals with diabetes mellitus (mean age 54 years) and
64 people without diabetes who were similar in age and gender.
Significantly lower peak dorsiflexion ROM and higher passive
ankle stiffness were found in the group with diabetes compared
to the controls. Peak dorsiflexion with the knee extended was
13 degrees in the group with diabetes and 21 degrees in the con-
trols. Peak dorsiflexion with the knee flexed was 20 degrees in
the group with diabetes and 28 degrees in controls. The authors
suggested that the resistance to passive elongation may be attrib-
uted to change in the properties of the contractile and elastic
elements of the plantarflexors in people with diabetes.

Functional Range of Motion

An adequate ROM at the ankle, foot, and toes is necessary for
normal gait. At least 1042,43 to 1544 degrees of dorsiflexion is
necessary in the stance phase of gait so that the tibia can
advance over the foot (Table 10.8), and 15 degrees of plan-
tarflexion is necessary in preswing phase of gait.42 Five
degrees of eversion is necessary at loading response to unlock
the midtarsal joint for shock absorption.42 When the midtarsal
joint is unlocked, the foot is able to accommodate to various
surfaces by tilting medially and laterally. In normal walking
the first toe extends at every step, and it has been estimated FIGURE 10.58 Standing on tiptoe requires a full range of
motion in plantarflexion and 58 to 60 degrees of extension32
that this MTP extension occurs about 900 times in walking a
at the first metatarsophalangeal joint.
mile.45 About 30 degrees of extension is required at the MTP
joints in the terminal stance phase of gait. In preswing, exten-
sion at the MTP joints reaches a maximum of approximately
60 degrees when the toes maintain contact with the floor after
heel rise. The subject standing on her toes in Figure 10.58 has

TABLE 10.8 Range of Ankle Motion Necessary for Functional Locomotor Activities:
Values in Degrees
Gait Level Surfaces Stair Ascent Stair Descent
Dorsiflexion 0–10 (Murray) 43
14–27 (Livingston et al)* 48
21–36 (Livingston et al)* 48
0–10 (Rancho Los Amigos) 42
15–25 (McFayden and Winter)* 47
21.1 (Protopadaki et al) †49
0–15 (Ostrosky et al) 44
11.2 (Protopadaki et al) † 49

Plantarflexion 15–30 (Murray)* 43

23–30 (Livingston et al)*48 24–31 (Livingston et al)* 48
0–15 (Rancho Los Amigos) 42
15–25 (McFayden and Winter)* 47
40.1 (Protopadaki et al) †49
0–31 (Ostrosky et al) 44
31.3 (Protopadaki et al)†49

* Range of maximum mean angles observed during the activity.

Mean maximum angle observed during the activity.
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310 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

an adequate extension ROM at the MTP joints for normal elderly used 200 percent of their passive dorsiflexion ROM so
gait. If the ROM at the MTP joints is limited, it will interfere that they could spend more time in foot flat to increase their
with forward progression, and the step length of the contralat- stability.
eral leg will be decreased.42 Mecagni and colleagues51 suggested that decreases in
Running requires 0 to 20 degrees of dorsiflexion and 0 to dorsiflexion ROM constituted a risk factor for decreased bal-
30 degrees of plantarflexion.46 These ROMs are similar to the ance and alteration of movement patterns. Hastings and
amount of motion required for stair ascent and descent, as coworkers38 identified limited dorsiflexion ROM as a risk
shown in Table 10.8. Ascending stairs requires between 11 factor for increased plantar pressures during walking and
and 27 degrees of dorsiflexion,47 whereas descending stairs decreased functional performance in patients with diabetes
requires a maximum of between 21 and 36 degrees of dorsi- mellitus.
flexion48 (Fig. 10.59) and between 24 and 40 degrees of plan- Torburn, Perry, and Gronley52 found that when subjects
tarflexion.49 The height of the stair risers will affect the amount assumed a relaxed, one-legged standing position in three
of ROM required. Another activity requiring maximum dorsi- trials, they stood with the rearfoot in approximately the same
flexion is rising from a chair (Fig. 10.60). everted position (mean of 9.8 degrees). This position of the
In a study by Lark and associates,50 six elderly and six rearfoot during one-legged standing could be used as an indi-
young subjects performed a stepping-down task from a range cation of the maximum eversion ROM needed for the single
of stair heights. At all stair heights, the maximum dorsiflexion support phase of gait. Garbalosa and associates53 measured
angle during descent was significantly greater in the elderly forefoot–rearfoot frontal plane relationships in 234 feet (120
than in the younger subjects. The authors determined that the healthy males and females with a mean age of 28.1 years).

FIGURE 10.59 Descending stairs requires an average of FIGURE 10.60 Getting out of a chair may require a full
21 to 36 degrees of dorsiflexion.48 dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM), depending on the
height of the chair seat. The lower the seat, the greater the
ROM required.
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 311

Approximately 87 percent of the measured feet had forefoot for measuring dorsiflexion. Four examiners used an incli-
varus, 8.8 percent had forefoot valgus, and 4.6 percent had a nometer to measure the angle between the anterior border and
neutral forefoot–rearfoot relationship. the vertical border of the tibia and a tape measure to deter-
Hemmerich and associates,54 in a study of activities of mine the distance of the lunging toe from the wall. Intratester
daily living in a non-Western culture, found that the largest and intertester reliability was extremely high (ICC = 0.97 to
mean dorsiflexion angle required by 30 Indian subjects was 0.99) for the four examiners with both methods of assessment
39.7 degrees for kneeling with the ankles dorsiflexed. Squat- (Table 10.9).
ting with the heels down required 38.5 degrees of dorsiflex- Three testers in a study by Evans and Scutter60 used
ion. These amounts of dorsiflexion are much larger than visual estimation to assess dorsiflexion ROM in 29 healthy
required for many activities of daily living in Western cul- children ages 4 to 6 years. The estimates were made with chil-
tures, such as getting in and out of a chair or bed or walking dren in the prone position with the knee both flexed and
up and down stairs. Cross-legged sitting on the floor is extended. Intertester reliability of measures in both positions
another common posture assumed in non–Western cultures, was very poor and highly variable between testers.
and that activity was found to require a maximum angle of Alanen and colleagues13 used a universal goniometer to
17 degrees of eversion. Because health-care workers are apt to assess the ROM of the ankle in 245 healthy children ages 7 to
encounter people of many different cultures, it is important 14 years. Passive dorsiflexion was measured in the prone
that they are aware that other cultures may require different position with the knee extended and flexed. Plantarflexion
ROM goals for rehabilitation. was measured in the supine position. Dorsiflexion in the
weight-bearing position was measured from photographs. The
range of ICCs varied from a low of 0.51 for right eversion to
Reliability and Validity
0.88 for weight-bearing dorsiflexion measurements.
Reliability studies involving one or more motions at the ankle
Reliability: Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion
have been conducted on healthy subjects13,56–60 and on patient
in Patient Populations
populations.66–68 Also, motions of the subtalar joint, the subta-
Allington, Leroy, and Doneux61 had two testers follow a strict
lar joint neutral position, and the forefoot position have been
protocol to assess intratester and intertester reliability and
reproducibility of ankle ROM in 24 children ages 3 to 14 years
In 2004 Martin and McPoil55 reviewed the existing ankle
with cerebral palsy. Pearson’s correlation coefficients for
literature and found ample evidence for intratester reliability
intratester and intertester reliability for both the universal
for dorsiflexion and plantarflexion ROM, some evidence for
goniometer and visual estimates were excellent (r >90) for
intertester reliability of dorsiflexion, but little evidence of
dorsiflexion with the knee flexed and extended. The Pearson’s
intertertester reliability for plantarflexion ROM. The authors
correlation coefficients for intratester and intertester reliabil-
also determined that subject diagnosis, with the exception of
ity for plantarflexion for both goniometric and visual esti-
cerebral palsy, did not appear to affect intratester reliability.
mates were in the good category (r >0.80) and in the fair to
Training sessions prior to measurement appeared to have a
good category for inversion and eversion. The SEM for dorsi-
positive effect on intrarater reliability. However, the authors
flexion and plantarflexion was 4 to 5 degrees; the SEM for
concluded that on the basis of the literature review, the
eversion was 6 to 9 degrees; and the SEM for inversion was
responsiveness of ankle measurements was uncertain.
5 to 9 degrees. Even though both goniometric and visual esti-
Reliability: Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion mates were reliable, the mean measurement error of 5 degrees
in Healthy Populations plus the standard deviation of 5 degrees produced a 0- to
Some joints and motions can be measured more reliably than 10.degree error that would have to be taken into account in
others. Boone and associates56 found that intratester reliabil- clinical decision-making.
ity for selected motions at the ankle was better than that McWhirk and Glanzman62 assessed intertester reliability
obtained for hip and wrist motions, but it was not as good as of measurements of ankle dorsiflexion in 25 children (ages
that obtained for selected motions at the shoulder, elbow, 2 to 18 years) with spastic cerebral palsy. The two therapists
and knee. who took the measurements succesively on the same day
Clapper and Wolf57 found that both the universal goniome- helped each other hold the limbs at end range. Intertester
ter and the OrthoRanger (Orthotronics, Daytona Beach, FL) relaibility was very good, with an ICC  0.87 and a mean
were reliable instruments for measuring dorsiflexion and plan- absolute difference of 3.6 degrees. The 95 percent confidence
tarflexion but that the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) interval around the mean absolute difference was 1.2 degrees.
were higher for the universal goniometer. The ICC for measure- Mutlu, Livanelioglu, and Gunel63 assessed the intratester
ments of active dorsiflexion for the universal goniometer was and intertester reliability of goniometric measurements of
0.92, in comparison with 0.80 for the OrthoRanger. The ICC ankle dorsiflexion that were taken by three therapists in
for the universal goniometer for plantarflexion was 0.96, 38 children (ages 18 to 108 months) with spastic cerebral
whereas the ICC for the OrthoRanger was 0.93. palsy. The therapists used a 360-degree universal goniometer
Bennell and colleagues58 determined intertester and to measure dorsiflexion once in two different sessions a week
intratester reliability using the weight-bearing lunge method apart. Intratester reliability was determined using Pearson’s
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312 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

TABLE 10.9 Intratester and Intertester Reliability: Dorsiflexion

Authors n Sample Position Intra ICC Inter ICC SEM

Bennell et al 58
13 Healthy adults Weight bearing 0.98 0.97 1.1º (Intra)
(mean age lunge with knee 1.4º (Inter)
18.8 yrs) flexed
Clapper and 20 Healthy adults 0.92
Wolfe56 (20–36 yrs)
McPoil and 27 Healthy adults Knee flexed to 90º 0.97
Cornwall28 (mean age Knee extended 0.98
26.1 yrs)
Jonson and 18 Healthy adults Knee extended— 0.74 0.65
Gross25 (18–30 yrs) prone position
Salsich et al39 34 One-half healthy/ Knee extended— 0.95
one-half with prone position
(59–63 yrs)
Elveru et al64 43 Patients with Passive ROM— 0.90 0.50
orthopedic or no standard
neurological position used
(12–81 yrs)
Youdas et al65 38 Patients with Active ROM— 0.64–0.96 0.28
orthopedic no standard
problems position used* Median 0.83
(13–71 yrs)

ICC = Intertester or intertester correlation coefficient, as noted; ROM = range of motion;

SEM = standard error of the measurement.
* Knee was extended in 87.7 percent of measurement sessions.

reliability coefficient (r) and ICCs. The r values ranged from movement in neurological patients, and difficulties encoun-
0.65 to 0.81, and ICCs ranged from 0.81 to 0.90, with the tered by the examiner in maintaining the foot and ankle in the
most experienced tester obtaining the highest reliability. desired position while holding the goniometer. It would
Intertester reliability r values ranged from 0.65 to 0.75, and appear that the latter problem could be solved by having
the ICC value was very good (0.88). Based on the findings of another person either maintain the foot and ankle in position
this study and the previous study, it appears to be possible to or hold the goniometer.
obtain reliable goniometric measurements in this population Youdas, Bogard, and Suman65 used 10 examiners in a
of children with spastic cerebral palsy. The authors suggested study to determine the intratester and intertester reliability for
that this study needs to be followed with a validity study. active ROM in dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. The authors
Elveru and associates64 employed 12 physical therapists compared measurements made by a universal goniometer
using universal goniometers to measure the passive ankle with visual estimates on 38 patients with orthopedic prob-
ROM in 43 patients with either neurological or orthopedic lems. Fair to excellent reliability was noted when repeated
problems. The ICCs for intratester reliability for inversion and measurements were made by the same therapist using a
eversion were 0.74 and 0.75, respectively, and intertester goniometer. Reliability was higher using the mean of two
reliability was poor (see Tables 10.9, 10.10, and 10.11). repeated measurements than using one measurement. A
Intertester reliability also was poor for dorsiflexion, and considerable measurement error was found to exist when
patient diagnosis affected the reliability of dorsiflexion mea- two or more therapists made either repeated goniometric or
surements. Sources of error were identified as variable visual estimates of the ankle ROM on the same patient
amounts of force being exerted by the therapist, resistance to (see Tables 10.9 and 10.10). Therapists used various patient
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 313

TABLE 10.10 Intratester and Intertester Reliability: Plantarflexion

Author n Sample Type of Motion Intra ICC Inter ICC

Clapper and Wolf 57
20 Healthy adults (20–36 yrs) Active ROM 0.96 —
Elveru et al64 43 Patients with orthopedic Passive ROM 0.86 0.72
or neurological problems
(12–81 yrs)
Youdas et al65 38 Patients with orthopedic Active ROM 0.47–0.98 0.25
problems (13–71 yrs) Median 0.87

ICC  intertester or intratester coefficient, as noted.; ROM  range of motion

positions and goniometer alignment methods. The authors tently reduced reliability (see Table 10.11). Based on the study
suggested that the same therapist should make two goniomet- of Elveru, Rothstein, and Lamb64 and information from the fol-
ric measurements and record the average value when making lowing studies, we have decided not to use the subtalar neutral
repeated measurements of ankle ROM. position as defined by Elveru and associates67 in this text.
Bailey, Perillo, and Forman68 used tomography to study
Reliability: Eversion and Inversion the subtalar joint neutral position in 2 female and 13 male vol-
The subtalar joint neutral position, which has been the subject unteers aged 20 to 30 years. These authors found that the neu-
of numerous studies, is not the same as the 0 starting position tral subtalar joint position was quite variable in relation to the
for the subtalar joint as used in this book and many others, total ROM and that it was not always found at one third of the
including those of the AAOS,3,4 the AMA,5 and Clarkson.66 The total ROM from the maximally everted position. Furthermore,
subtalar joint neutral position is defined as one in which the the neutral position varied not only from subject to subject but
calcaneus inverts twice as many degrees as it everts. also between right and left sides of each subject.
According to Elveru and associates,67 this position can be Picciano, Rowlands, and Worrell69 conducted a study to de-
found when the head of the talus either cannot be palpated or termine the intratester and intertester reliability of measure-
is equally extended at the medial and lateral borders of the ments of open-chain and closed-chain subtalar joint neutral po-
talonavicular joint. This is the position usually used in the cast- sitions. Both ankles of 15 volunteer subjects (with a mean age
ing of foot orthotics, but it also has been used for measurement of 27 years) were measured by two inexperienced physical ther-
of joint motion. However, Elveru, Rothstein, and Lamb64 apy students. The students had a 2-hour training session using a
found that referencing passive ROM measurements for inver- universal goniometer prior to data collection. The method of
sion and eversion to the subtalar joint neutral position consis- taking measurements was based on the work of Elveru and

TABLE 10.11 Intratester and Intertester Reliability: Inversion and Eversion

Author n Sample Motion Intra ICC Inter ICC

McPoil and 27 Healthy adults (mean age Inversion 0.95 —

Cornwall28 26.1 yrs) Eversion 0.96
Torburn et al52 42 — Inversion — 0.37
Eversion 0.39
Menadue et al7 60 ankles Nonacute ankle conditions Inversion in sitting 0.92, 0.91, 0.96 0.73 (0.61–0.82)
in 11 of the 30 subjects Eversion in sitting 0.90, 0.82, 0.93 0.62 (0.49–0.74)
(ages 21–59 years) Inversion prone 0.94, 0.94, 0.94 0.54 (0.33–0.70)
Eversion prone 0.94, 0.83, 0.88 0.41 (0.25–0.56)
Elveru et al64 43 Patients with orthopedic Inversion 0.62* 0.15*
and neurological Eversion 0.74 0.32
problems 0.59* 0.12*
0.75 0.17

ICC = Intertester and intratester correlation coefficient as noted.

* Referenced to subtalar joint neutral.
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314 PART III Lower-Extremity Testing

associates.67 Intratester reliability of open-chain measurements values measured with a universal goniometer have been
of the subtalar joint neutral position was an ICC of 0.27 for one compared to values taken with another device. Menadue and
tester and ICC of 0.06 for the other tester. Intertester reliability colleagues7 found low correlations between full-cycle active
was 0.00. Intratester and intertester reliability also were poor for inversion and eversion measurements taken with the 3Space
closed-kinematic-chain measurements. The authors69 concluded Fastrak electromagnetic tracking system and the universal
that subtalar joint neutral measurements taken by inexperienced goniometer. Only 18 percent of the variance in Fastrak mea-
testers were unreliable; they recommended that clinicians surements could be explained by the goniometric measure-
should practice taking measurements and performing repeated ments. The discrepancy between the goniometric and Fastrak
measurements to determine their own reliability for these mea- measurements may be partially explained by the fact that the
surements. However, Torburn, Perry, and Gronley52 suggested Fastrak system records motion in all planes, whereas the uni-
that inaccuracy of measurement technique with use of a univer- versal goniometer measures motion in one plane.
sal goniometer, rather than the ability of examiners to position Ankle ROM values have been compared to functional
the subtalar joint in the neutral position, might be responsible for assessment measures. Mecagni and coworkers51 assessed ac-
poor reliability findings for subtalar joint neutral positioning. tive assistive and passive ankle ROM and balance perfor-
The ICC for intertester reliability for three examiners was an mance using the Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment
ICC of 0.76 for positioning the subtalar joint in the neutral po- (POMA) in 34 healthy elderly women ages 64 to 87 years.
sition. In this study, the examiners palpated the head of the talus Correlations between the POMA gait subtest indicated that all
in 10 subjects lying in the prone position while an electrogo- ankle motions contributed to the maintenance of balance dur-
niometer was used to record the position (see Table 10.11). ing gait: inversion (r  0.50), dorsiflexion with knee flexed
already inserted Table 10.11 (r  0.44), plantarflexion (r  0.42), and eversion (r  0.32).
Keenan, App, and Bach70 used a prone measurement posi- Active assistive ROM had higher correlations compared to
tion system described by Elveru et al67 to assess the non–weight- passive ROM. The highest correlation was between active
bearing subtalar neutral position and subtalar inversion and assistive ROM and the POMA gait subtest (r  0.63).
eversion in 24 healthy subjects. Static and dynamic measure-
Reliability: Metatarsophalangeal Extension
ments were made on two different occasions by four experi-
Hopson, McPoil, and Cornwall71 conducted four static clinical
enced clinicians using a universal goniometer. Intertester
tests to measure extension ROM of the first MTP joint in
reliability was poor and so was test-retest reliability for static
20 healthy adult subjects between 21 and 45 years of age. All
measurements. Reliability was also poor for visual assessments
measurement techniques were found to be reliable but not
of dynamic measurements. The most experienced clinician had
interchangeable. Approximately 65 degrees of first MTP exten-
the highest overall reliability, whereas the clinician with only a
sion was required for normal walking as determined from video
year’s experience had the lowest reliability. However, the same
recordings. The values from the four clinical tests of first MTP
trend was not evident in static measurements.
extension ROM exceeded the amount required for walking.
In contrast to the low reliability found in the aforemen-
tioned studies, McPoil and Cornwall46 found high intratester Validity: Metatarsophalangeal Extension
reliability for both subtalar inversion and eversion ROM mea- No studies were noted that examined the concurrent validity of
surements taken by two testers (see Table 10.11). MTP motions measured with a universal goniometer to radio-
Menadue and colleagues7 assessed active inversion and graphs. Construct validity of clinical measures of first MTP
eversion ROM in the prone lying position with the ankle extension ROM to indicate ROM during gait have been initally
over the edge of the table. The 30 subjects in the study had explored.71,32 Nawoczenski, Baumjauer, and Umberger32 used
both ankles measured by three testers using a blinded uni- four clinical tests to measure the first MTP joint extension:
versal goniometer. Test and retest measurements were made active and passive ROM and heel rise in the weight-bearing po-
2 weeks apart. Within-session intratester reliability for sition, and passive ROM in the non–weight-bearing position.
inversion was excellent (ICC  0.94) for all testers, whereas Test values were compared with measurements of MTP exten-
intratester reliability for eversion was slightly lower and sion during normal walking. Active ROM in the weight-bearing
ranged from good (ICC  0.83) to excellent (ICC  0.96) position (44 degrees) and extension measured during heel rise
among the three testers. Intertester reliability ranged from (58 degrees) had the strongest correlations with motion of the
poor (ICC  0.33) to fair (ICC  0.70) for inversion MTP joint (42 degrees) during normal walking (r  0.80 and
and was unacceptable for eversion. Between-sessions mea- 0.87, respectively).
surement error ranged from 4 degrees to 8 degrees. (See
Table 10.11 for additional information.)
Validity: Eversion, Inversion, Dorsiflexion,
and Plantarflexion
We are unaware of any studies that compared ankle and foot
ROM values measured with a universal goniometer to values
measured with radiographs. However, eversion and inversion
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CHAPTER 10 The Ankle and Foot 315

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ON COMPLETION OF PART IV, THE READER WILL BE Perform a range of motion assessment of the
ABLE TO: thoracic and lumbar spines using the universal
goniometer, tape measure, and inclinometers.
1. Identify: Please include the following in your assessment:
• Appropriate planes and axes for each spinal and • A clear explanation of the testing procedure
jaw motion • Placement of the subject in the appropriate
• Expected normal end-feels testing position
• Structures (contractile and noncontractile) that • Adequate stabilization of the proximal joint
have the potential to limit the end of the range of component
motion • Correct determination of the end of the range
of motion
2. Describe:
• Correct identification of the end-feel
• Testing positions for motions of the spine and jaw • Palpation and marking of the correct bony
• Goniometer, tape measure, and inclinometer landmarks
alignments • Accurate alignment of the goniometer
• Capsular patterns of restrictions • Correct reading and recording
• Range of motion necessary for functional tasks
5. Perform a range of motion assessment of the
3. Explain: temporomandibular joint using a ruler.
• How age, gender, and other factors may affect
the range of motion 6. Assess the intratester and intertester reliability
• How sources of error in measurement may affect of measurements of the spine and
testing results temporomandibular joint.

4. Perform a range of motion assessment of the 7. Discuss the reliability and validity of range
cervical spine using the universal goniometer, of motion measurements using the universal
tape measure, inclinometers (double and single), goniometer, tape measure, inclinometers, CROM
and cervical range of motion (CROM) device. device, and ruler.

Chapters 11 through 13 present common clinical techniques for measuring gross motions of the cervical,
thoracic, and lumbar spine and the temporomandibular joint. Evaluation of the range of motion and end-feels of
individual facet joints of the spine are not included.
2066_Ch11_317-364.qxd 5/21/09 5:18 PM Page 318
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The Cervical Spine
Structure and Function (Fig.11.3A) and posteriorly by the posterior atlanto-occipital,
atlantoaxial, and tectorial membranes (Fig.11.3B).

Atlanto-Occipital and Atlantoaxial Osteokinematics

The atlanto-occipital joint is a condylar synovial joint that
Joints permits active flexion–extension as a nodding motion.1
Anatomy However, a very limited amount of axial rotation and lateral
The atlanto-occipital joint is composed of the right and left flexion may be produced passively.1 Flexion–extension
deep concave superior facets of the atlas (C1) that articulate takes place in the sagittal plane around a medial–lateral
with the right and left convex occipital condyles of the skull axis. Extremes of flexion are limited by osseous contact of
(Fig. 11.1). the anterior ring of the foramen magnum with the dens.
The atlantoaxial joint is composed of three separate artic- Normally flexion is limited by tension in the posterior neck
ulations: the median atlantoaxial and two lateral joints. The muscles and tectorial membrane and by impaction of
median atlantoaxial joint consists of an anterior facet on the the submandibular tissues against the throat. Extension is
dens (the odontoid process of C2) that articulates with a facet limited by the occiput compressing the suboccipital muscles.1
on the internal surface of the atlas (C1). The two lateral joints Combined flexion–extension is reported to be between
are composed of the right and left superior facets of the axis 20 degrees2 and 30 degrees3 and is usually described as the
(C2) that articulate with the right and left slightly convex amount of motion that occurs during nodding of the head.
inferior facets on the atlas (C1) (Fig. 11.2). However, according to Cailliet,4 the range of motion (ROM)
The atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial joints are reinforced in flexion is 10 degrees and the range in extension is
anteriorly by the anterior-occipital and atlantoaxial membranes 30 degrees. Maximum rotation at the atlanto-occipital joint
is between approximately 2.5 percent and 5 percent of
the total cervical spine rotation.5 Lateral flexion is approx-
imately 10 degrees.2
Occipital condyle

Superior band
Occipital cruciate ligament Transverse band cruciate ligament
Superior articular

joint Lateral atlantoaxial
Spinous process joint
Atlas Atlas Inferior articular
(C1) (C1) facet
Superior atlantal Median atlantoaxial
articular process

Transverse process Axis

Inferior band
cruciate ligament
FIGURE 11.1 A lateral view of a portion of the atlanto-occipital
joint shows the superior atlantal articular process of the atlas FIGURE 11.2 A posterior view of the atlantoaxial joint and
(C1) and the corresponding occipital condyle. The joint space the superior, inferior, and transverse bands of the cruciate
has been widened to show the articular processes. ligament.
2066_Ch11_317-364.qxd 5/21/09 5:18 PM Page 320

320 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Anterior aspect

Atlanto-occipital membrane

Atlas (transverse process)


Axis (transverse process)

Anterior longitudinal ligament

Posterior aspect




FIGURE 11.3 A: The anterior atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial membranes help to support the anterior aspect of the atlanto-
occipital and atlantoaxial joints. B: The posterior atlanto-occipital, atlantoaxial, and tectorial membranes help to support the
posterior aspect of the atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial joints. The tectorial membrane is an extension of the posterior longi-
tudinal ligament.

The two lateral atlantoaxial joints are plane synovial of the top of the head. For example, in flexion, the occipital
joints that allow flexion–extension, lateral flexion, and condyles roll anteriorly and glide posteriorly on the concave
rotation. The median atlantoaxial joint is a synovial trochoid articular surfaces of the atlas. In extension, the occipital
(pivot) joint that permits rotation. Approximately 55 percent condyles roll posteriorly and glide anteriorly on the atlas and
of the total cervical range of rotation occurs at the atlantoaxial the back of the head moves posteriorly.1
joint. Rotation at the median atlantoaxial joint is limited At the lateral atlantoaxial joints the inferior zygapophy-
primarily by the two alar ligaments, with minor restraint seal articular facets of the atlas are convex and articulate with
being provided by the capsules of the lateral atlantoaxial the superior concave articular facets of the axis. At the median
joints.1 About 45 degrees of rotation to the right and left joint the atlas forms a ring with the transverse ligament (band)
sides are available. The motions permitted at the three of the cruciate ligament, and this ring rotates around the dens
atlantoaxial articulations are flexion–extension, lateral flexion, (odontoid process), which serves as a pivot for rotation. The
and rotation.6 dens articulates with a small facet in the central area of the
anterior arch of the atlas.
At the atlanto-occipital joint when the head moves on the Capsular Pattern
atlas (convex surfaces moving on concave surfaces), the The capsular pattern for the atlanto-occipital joint is an equal
occipital condyles roll in the same direction as the top of restriction of extension and lateral flexion. Rotation and
the head and glide in the direction opposite to the movement flexion are not affected.2
2066_Ch11_317-364.qxd 5/21/09 5:19 PM Page 321

CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 321

Intervertebral and Zygapophyseal Lateral aspect

The intervertebral joints are composed of the superior and
inferior surfaces of the vertebral bodies and the adjacent inter- C3
vertebral discs (Fig. 11.4). The joints are reinforced anteriorly
by the anterior longitudinal ligament, which limits extension C4
(Fig. 11.5), and posteriorly by the posterior longitudinal
ligament, ligamentum nuchae, ligamentum flavum, supraspin- Anterior
ous and interspinous ligaments (Fig. 11.6), and the back longitudinal
extensors, which help to limit flexion. C6
The zygapophyseal joints are formed by the right and
left superior articular facets (processes) of one vertebra and C7
the right and left inferior articular facets of an adjacent supe-
rior vertebra (Fig. 11.7). Each joint has its own capsule and
capsular ligaments, which are lax and permit a relatively
large ROM. The ligamentum flavum helps to reinforce the
joint capsules.
Osteokinematics FIGURE 11.5 The anterior longitudinal ligament reinforces the
According to White and Punjabi,7 one vertebra can move in anterior portion of the discs and helps to prevent extremes of
relation to an adjacent vertebra in six different directions extension.
(three translations and three rotations) along and around three
axes. The compound effects of sliding and tilting at a series flexion from C2 to C5 is accompanied by rotation to the left
of vertebrae produce a large ROM for the column as a whole, (spinous processes move to the right) and forward flexion. In
including flexion–extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. the cervical region from C2 to C7, flexion and extension are
Some motions in the vertebral column are coupled with other the only motions that are not coupled.7
motions; this coupling varies from region to region. A The intervertebral joints are cartilaginous joints of the
coupled motion is one in which one motion around one axis symphysis type. The zygapophyseal joints are synovial plane
is consistently associated with another motion or motions joints. In the cervical region, the facets are oriented at
around a different axis or axes. For example, left lateral 45 degrees to the transverse plane. The inferior facets of the

joints Lateral aspect


C4 C4
Vertebral C5
body C

6 C7


FIGURE 11.6 The posterior longitudinal ligament reinforces
FIGURE 11.4 The lateral view of the cervical spine shows the the posterior portion of the discs and helps to prevent
intervertebral and zygapophyseal joints from C3 to C7. extremes of forward flexion.
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322 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Uncinate processes inferior facets of the superior vertebrae slide anteriorly and
superiorly on the superior facets of the inferior vertebrae. In
extension, the inferior facets of the superior vertebrae slide
posteriorly and inferiorly on the superior facets of the inferior
vertebrae. In lateral flexion and rotation, one inferior facet of
Inferior articular
facet the superior vertebra slides inferiorly and posteriorly on the
superior facet of the inferior vertebra on the side to which
the spine is laterally flexed. The opposite inferior facet of the
superior vertebra slides superiorly and anteriorly on the supe-
rior facet of the adjacent inferior vertebra.
Capsular Pattern
The capsular pattern for C2 to C7 is recognizable by pain and
Superior equal limitation of all motions except flexion, which is
articular usually minimally restricted. The capsular pattern for unilat-
joint eral facet involvement is a greater restriction of movement in
lateral flexion to the opposite side and in rotation to the same
FIGURE 11.7 An anterior view of the right and left zygapophy- side. For example, if the right articular facet joint capsule is
seal joints between two cervical vertebrae. The vertebrae involved, lateral flexion to the left and rotation to the right are
have been separated to provide a clear view of the inferior
articular facets of the superior vertebra and the superior the motions most restricted.8
articular facets of the adjacent inferior vertebra. Measurement of the cervical spine ROM is complicated
by the region’s multiple joint structure, lack of well-defined
and standardized landmarks, lack of an accurate and
workable definition of the neutral position, and lack of a
superior vertebrae face anteriorly and inferiorly. The superior
standardized method of stabilization to isolate cervical
facets of the inferior vertebrae face posteriorly and superiorly.
motion from thoracic spine motion. The search for instru-
The orientation of the articular facets, which varies from
ments and methods that are capable of providing accurate
region to region, determines the direction of the tilting and
and affordable measurements of the cervical spine ROM is
sliding of the vertebra, whereas the size of the disc determines
ongoing. Tables 11.1 through 11.4 in the Research Findings
the amount of motion. In addition, passive tension in a num-
Section provide normal cervical spine ROM values from var-
ber of soft tissues and bony contacts controls and limits
ious sources and with use of a variety of methods. Additional
motions of the vertebral column. In general, although regional
tables and text in the Research Findings section provide
variations exist, the soft tissues that control and limit extremes
ROM values by age and gender. This information is followed
of motion in forward flexion include the supraspinous and
by functional ranges of motion and a review of research stud-
interspinous ligaments, zygapophyseal joint capsules, liga-
ies on the reliability and validity of the various instruments
mentum flavum, posterior longitudinal ligament, posterior
used to measure cervical range of motion.
fibers of the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc, and
back extensors.
Extension is limited by bony contact of the spinous
processes and by passive tension in the zygapophyseal joint
capsules, anterior fibers of the annulus fibrosus, anterior lon-
gitudinal ligament, and anterior trunk muscles. Lateral flexion
is limited by the intertransverse ligaments, by passive tension
in the annulus fibrosus on the side opposite the motion on the
convexity of the curve, and by the uncinate processes. Rota-
tion is limited by fibers of the annulus fibrosus.
The intervertebral joints permit a small amount of sliding and
tilting of one vertebra on another. In all of the motions at the
intervertebral joints, the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral
disc acts as a pivot for the tilting and sliding motions of the
vertebrae. Flexion is a result of anterior sliding and tilting of a
superior vertebra on the interposed disc of an adjacent inferior
vertebra. Extension is the result of posterior sliding and tilting.
The zygapophyseal joints permit small amounts of
sliding of the right and left inferior facets on the right and left
superior facets of an adjacent inferior vertebra. In flexion, the
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 323


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

Landmarks for Testing Procedures

FIGURE 11.8 Surface anatomy landmarks for

goniometer alignment and tape measure alignment
for measuring cervical motions.


Base of Mastoid FIGURE 11.9 Bony anatomical landmarks for

nares process goniometer alignment for measuring cervical
flexion and extension.
Tip of


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324 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

Landmarks for Testing Procedures (continued)

FIGURE 11.10 Surface anatomy landmarks used to

measure cervical motion with a tape measure: tip
of the chin, sternal notch, and acromion process.
The mastoid process, which is used to measure
lateral flexion, is included in Figure 11.8.

Tip of nose

FIGURE 11.11 Bony anatomical landmarks

for measuring cervical spine range of mo-
tion with a tape measure and universal
Tip of chin goniometer.

Acromion Acromion
process process
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 325

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

Landmarks for Testing Procedures (continued)

FIGURE 11.12 A posterior view of the subject’s head and

cervical spine shows the surface anatomy landmarks
used for measuring lateral flexion with a goniometer and
flexion and extension with dual inclinometers.

Top of


FIGURE 11.13 Bony anatomical landmarks used to align the

goniometer, inclinometers, and cervical range of motion
Acromion C7
device. The goniometer uses the spinous process of the
process T1 seventh cervical vertebra as a landmark for the measure-
ment of at least one cervical motion. The inclinometers
use the spinous process of the T1 vertebra.

Spine of scapula
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326 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE


GONIOMETER Put one hand on the back of the subject’s head and,
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a medial– with the other hand, hold the subject’s chin. Push
lateral axis. The mean cervical flexion ROM measured gently but firmly on the back of the subject’s head to
with a universal goniometer is 40 degrees (standard move the head anteriorly. Pull the subject’s chin in to-
deviation [SD] = 12 degrees) in adults.9 See Youdas, ward the chest to move the subject through flexion
Carey, and Garrett9 in Table 11.1 in the Research Find- ROM (Fig. 11.14). The end of the ROM occurs when
ings section for additional normal ROM values by age resistance to further motion is felt and further attempts
and gender. at flexion cause forward flexion of the trunk.

Testing Position Normal End-Feel

Place the subject in the sitting position, with the tho- The normal end-feel is firm owing to stretching of the
racic and lumbar spine well supported by the back of a posterior ligaments (supraspinous, infraspinous, liga-
chair. Position the head in 0 degrees of rotation and lat- mentum flavum, and ligamentum nuchae), posterior
eral flexion. fibers of the annulus fibrosus in the intervertebral
disks, and the zygapophyseal joint capsules and be-
Stabilization cause of impaction of the submandibular tissues
Stabilize the shoulder girdle and chest by using a against the throat and passive tension in the following
strap because the examiner’s hands are involved in muscles: iliocostalis cervicis, longissimus capitis,
the measurement. Have the subject place his or her longissimus cervicis, obliquus capitis superior, rectus
hands on their knees. capitis posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor,
semispinalis capitis, semispinalis cervicis, splenius
cervicis, splenius capitis, spinalis capitis, spinalis cervi-
cis, and upper trapezius.

FIGURE 11.14 The subject at the end of cervical flexion

range of motion.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 327

Goniometer Alignment ➧ NOTE: The same testing position, testing motion,

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

See Figures 11.15 and 11.16. and stabilization described for measuring flexion
using a goniometer are to be used for all of the fol-
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the external lowing alternative methods.
auditory meatus.
2. Align proximal arm so that it is either perpendicu-
lar or parallel to the ground.
3. Align distal arm with the base of the nares. If a
tongue depressor is used, align the arm of the
goniometer parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
tongue depressor.

FIGURE 11.15 In the 0 starting position for measuring cervical FIGURE 11.16 The goniometer reads 135 degrees at the end
flexion range of motion, the goniometer reads 90 degrees. of the range of motion (ROM) but the ROM should be
This reading should be transposed and recorded as 0 degrees. recorded as 0-45 degrees.
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328 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE


Use a skin marking pencil to place marks on the fol-
MEASURE lowing landmarks: the lower edge of the sternal notch
The mean cervical flexion ROM obtained with a tape
and the middle of the tip of the chin. Ask the subject
measure ranges from 1.0 to 4.3 cm10,11 for ages 14 to
to tuck his or her chin in and bend his or her head as
31 years. See Table 11.2 in the Research Findings sec-
far forward as possible without moving the trunk.
tion for normal values, but remember that you need
Measure the distance between the mark on the
to check that the landmarks that are being used by
tip of the chin and the mark at the lower edge of the
the researchers are the same as the ones that you
sternal notch at the end of the ROM. Make sure that
are using.
the subject’s mouth remains closed during the motion
(Fig. 11.17).

FIGURE 11.17 The examiner uses a tape measure for cervical

flexion by determining the distance from the tip of the chin
to the sternal notch.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 329

CERVICAL FLEXION: DOUBLE Inclinometer Alignment

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

1. Place one inclinometer directly over the spinous
INCLINOMETERS process of the T-1 vertebra, making sure that the
The double inclinometer method is included because
inclinometer is adjusted to 0 degrees.
the fifth edition of the Guides to Evaluation of Perma-
2. Place the second inclinometer firmly on the top of
nent Impairment12 published by the American Medical
the head, making sure that the inclinometer is
Assocation (AMA) requires the use of double incli-
adjusted to 0 degrees (Fig. 11.18).
nometers for measurements of the spine. However,
not enough studies have been done to establish the
reliability and validity of this method of measurement
Testing Motion
Instruct the subject to bring the head forward into
and hence to provide normative data.
flexion while keeping the trunk straight (Fig. 11.19).
Both inclinometers must be zeroed after they are
(Note that active ROM [AROM] is being measured.)
positioned on the subject and prior to the beginning of
At the end of the motion, read and record the
the measurement. To zero the inclinometer, adjust the
degrees on the dials of each inclinometer. The ROM
rotating dial so the bubble or pointer is at 0 degrees on
is the difference between the readings of the two
the scale.

FIGURE 11.18 Inclinometer alignment in the starting position FIGURE 11.19 Inclinometer alignment at the end of cervical
for measuring cervical flexion range of motion. flexion range of motion.
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330 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

CERVICAL FLEXION: CERVICAL situated over the top of the head in the transverse
plane and is used to measure rotation. A neckpiece
RANGE OF MOTION (CROM) containing two strong magnets is placed around the
DEVICE subject’s neck to ensure the accuracy of the compass
The mean flexion ROM for the CROM device ranges inclinometer.
from 64 degrees in subjects aged 11 to 19 years to The CROM device should fit comfortably over the
40 degrees in subjects aged 80 to 89 years.13 For bridge of the subject’s nose. A Velcro strap that goes
additional ROM values by age and gender, refer to around the back of the head can be adjusted to make
Capuano-Pucci14 and Tousignant15 in Table 11.1 in the a snug fit. One size instrument fits all, and it is rela-
Research Findings section; to Nilsson16 in Tables 11.5, tively easy for an examiner to fit the device to a sub-
11.6, and 11.7; and to Youdas13 in Tables 11.4, 11.8, ject.17 Remember to stabilize the subject’s trunk to
and 11.9. prevent thoracic motion.
Familiarize yourself with the CROM device prior to
beginning the measurement. The CROM device consists CROM Device Alignment17
of a headpiece that supports two gravity inclinometers 1. Place the CROM device carefully on the subject’s
and a compass inclinometer. One gravity inclinometer is head so that the nosepiece is on the bridge of the
located on the side of the head in the sagittal plane and nose and the Velcro strap fits snugly across the
is used to measure flexion and extension. The other back of the subject’s head (Fig. 11.20).
gravity inclinometer is located over the forehead in the 2. Position the subject’s head so that the inclinometer
frontal plane and is used to measure lateral flexion. on the side of the head reads 0 degrees.
The compass inclinometer has a gravity needle and is

FIGURE 11.20 The CROM device positioned on the subject’s FIGURE 11.21 The examiner is shown stabilizing the trunk
head in the starting position for measuring cervical flexion with one hand and maintaining the end of the flexion range
range of motion. The dial on the gravity inclinometer of motion with her other hand.
located on the side of the subjects head is at 0 degrees.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 331

Testing Motion Normal End-Feel

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

Push gently but firmly on the back of the subject’s The normal end-feel is firm owing to the passive
head to move it anteriorly and inferiorly through flex- tension developed by stretching of the anterior lon-
ion ROM (Fig. 11.21). At the end of the motion, read gitudinal ligament, anterior fibers of the annulus
the dial on the inclinometer on the side of the head fibrosus, zygapophyseal joint capsules, and the
and record the reading. following muscles: sternocleidomastoid, longus
capitis, longus colli, rectus capitis anterior, and
scalenus anterior. Extremes of extension may be
limited by contact between the spinous processes.
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a medial–
lateral axis. Mean cervical extension ROM measured
with a universal goniometer is 50 degrees (SD =
14 degrees)9 in adults. Refer to Youdas et al9 in
Table 11.1 in the Research Findings section for addi-
tional normal ROM values by age and gender.

Testing Position
Place the subject in the sitting position, with the tho-
racic and lumbar spine well supported by the back of
a chair. Position the cervical spine in 0 degrees of
rotation and lateral flexion. A tongue depressor can
be held between the teeth for reference.

Stabilize the shoulder girdle and chest to prevent
extension of the thoracic and lumbar spine. Usually,
the stabilization is achieved through the cooperation
of the patient and support from the back of the chair.
A strap placed around the chest and the back of the
chair also may be used.

Testing Motion
Put one hand on the back of the subject’s head
and, with the other hand, hold the subject’s chin.
Push gently but firmly upward and posteriorly on
the chin to move the head through the ROM in
extension (Fig. 11.22). The end of the ROM occurs
when resistance to further motion is felt and
further attempts at extension cause extension of
the trunk.

FIGURE 11.22 The end of cervical extension ROM. The

examiner helps to prevent cervical rotation and lateral
flexion by holding the back of the subject's head. Ideally the
examiner’s other hand should be on the subject’s chin in
order to move the head into extension.
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332 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

Goniometer Alignment 3. Align distal arm with the base of the nares. If a
See Figures 11.23 and 11.24. tongue depressor is used, align the arm of the
goniometer parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the external tongue depressor.
auditory meatus.
2. Align proximal arm so that it is either perpendicu- ➧ NOTE: The same testing position, testing
lar or parallel to the ground. motions, and stabilization decribed for measuring
extension with a goniometer should be used for all
of the following alternative measurement methods.

FIGURE 11.23 In the 0 starting position for measuring FIGURE 11.24 At the end of cervical extension, the examiner
cervical extension range of motion the goniometer reads maintains the perpendicular alignment of the proximal
90 degrees. This reading should be transposed and goniometer arm and keeps the distal arm aligned with the
recorded as 0 degrees. base of the nares.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 333

CERVICAL EXTENSION: TAPE move his or her head posteriorly as far as possible,

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

being careful not to extend the trunk. Measure the
MEASURE distance between the mark at the sternal notch and
The mean cervical extension ROM measured with a
the mark on the tip of the chin at the end of cervical
tape measure ranges from 18.5 to 22.4 cm10,11 in
extension ROM (Fig. 11.25). The distance between
adults. See Table 11.2 in the Research Findings sec-
the two points of reference is recorded in centime-
tion for additional normal ROM values by age and
ters. Be sure that the subject’s mouth remains closed
during the measurement.
Use a skin marking pencil to place a mark at the
lower edge of the sternal notch and on the tip of the
chin. Ask the subject to look straight ahead and then

FIGURE 11.25 In the tape measure method for measuring

cervical extension one end of the tape measure is placed on
the tip of the subject's chin; the other end is placed at the
subject's sternal notch.
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334 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE


Instruct the subject to move the head into exten-
INCLINOMETERS sion while keeping the trunk straight (Fig. 11.27).
Inclinometer Alignment (Note that AROM is being measured.) At the end
1. Place one inclinometer directly over the spine of of the motion, read and record the information on
the scapula. Adjust the dial of the inclinometer so the dials of each inclinometer. The ROM is the
that it reads 0 degrees. (If the inclinometer is difference between the readings of the two
placed over the first thoracic vertebra, it may instruments.
contact the back of the head in full extension.)
2. Place the second inclinometer firmly on the top of
the head, making sure that the inclinometer reads
0 degrees (Fig. 11.26).

FIGURE 11.26 Inclinometer alignment in the starting position FIGURE 11.27 Inclinometer alignment at the end of cervical
for measuring cervical extension range of motion. The extension range of motion.
examiner has zeroed both inclinometers prior to beginning
the motion.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 335

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

1. Place the CROM device carefully on the subject’s
DEVICE head so that the nosepiece is on the bridge of the
The mean cervical ROM in extension measured with
nose and the Velcro strap fits snugly across the
the CROM device ranges from 86 degrees in males
back of the subject’s head (Fig. 11.28).
aged 11 to 19 years and to 49 degrees in males aged
2. Position the subject’s head so that the gravity incli-
80 to 89 years.13 For additional normal ROM values by
nometer on the side of the head reads 0 degrees.
age and gender, refer to ROM values listed under
Capuano-Pucci14 and Tousignant15 in Table 11.1; to
Nilsson16 in Tables 11.5, 11.6, and 11.7; and to
Testing Motion
Guide the subject’s head posteriorly and inferiorly
Youdas13 in Tables 11.8 and 11.9 in the Research
through extension ROM (Fig. 11.29). At the end of
Findings section.
the motion read the dial on the inclinometer on the
side of the head.

FIGURE 11.28 The subject is positioned in the starting FIGURE 11.29 At the end of cervical extension range of
position with the CROM device in place. The gravity motion (ROM), the examiner is stabilizing the trunk with one
inclinometer located at the side of the subject’s head is at hand and maintaining the end of the ROM with her other
0 degrees prior to beginning the motion. hand on top of the subject’s head.
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336 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE


Stabilize the shoulder girdle and chest to prevent lat-
UNIVERSAL GONIOMETER eral flexion of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
Motion occurs in the frontal plane around an anterior–
posterior axis. The mean cervical lateral flexion ROM Testing Motion
to one side, measured with a universal goniometer, is Grasp the subject’s head at the top and side (opposite
22 degrees (SD = 7 to 8 degrees) in adults. 9 See to the direction of the motion). Pull the head toward
Youdas9 in Table 11.1 in the Research Findings section the shoulder. Do not allow the head to rotate, forward
for additional normal ROM values by age and gender. flex, or extend during the motion (Fig. 11.30). The end
of the motion occurs when resistance to motion is felt
Testing Position
and attempts to produce additional motion cause lat-
Place the subject sitting with the cervical spine in
eral trunk flexion.
0 degrees of flexion, extension, and rotation.
Normal End-Feel
The normal end-feel is firm owing to the passive tension
developed in the intertransverse ligaments, the lateral
annulus fibrosus fibers, and the following contralateral

FIGURE 11.30 The end of the cervical lateral flexion range of

motion. The examiner’s hand holds the subject’s left
shoulder to prevent lateral flexion of the thoracic and
lumbar spine. The examiner’s other hand maintains cervical
lateral flexion by pulling the subject’s head laterally.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 337

muscles: longus capitis, longus colli, scalenus anterior, ➧ NOTE: The same testing position, testing motion,

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

and sternocleidomastoid. and stabilization decribed for measuring lateral
flexion with a goniometer should be used for all of
Goniometer Alignment the following lateral flexion measurement methods.
See Figures 11.31 and 11.32.
1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the spinous
process of the C7 vertebra.
2. Align proximal arm with the spinous processes of
the thoracic vertebrae so that the arm is perpendic-
ular to the ground.
3. Align distal arm with the dorsal midline of the head,
using the occipital protuberance for reference.

FIGURE 11.32 At the end of cervical lateral flexion ROM, the

FIGURE 11.31 In the starting position for measuring cervical examiner maintains alignment of the proximal goniometer
lateral flexion range of motion, the proximal goniometer arm. In practice, the examiner would have one hand on the
arm is perpendicular to the floor. subject's head to maintain lateral flexion.
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338 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE


The mean cervical lateral flexion ROM measured with
a tape measure ranges from 10.7 to 12.9 cm for sub-
jects 14 to 31 years of age. Refer to Table 11.2 in the
Research Findings section for additional normal ROM
values by age and gender.
Use a skin marking pencil to place marks on the
subject’s mastoid process and on the lateral tip of the
acromial process. Measure the distance between the
two marks at the end of cervical lateral flexion ROM
(Fig. 11.33).

FIGURE 11.33 The subject is shown at the end of cervical

lateral flexion range of motion.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 339


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

Instruct the subject to move the head into lateral flex-
DOUBLE INCLINOMETERS ion while keeping the trunk straight (Fig. 11.35). (Note
Inclinometer Alignment that AROM is being measured.) The ROM is the dif-
1. Position one inclinometer directly over the spinous ference between the two instruments.
process of the T1 vertebra. Adjust the rotating dial
so that the bubble is at 0 on the scale.
2. Place the second inclinometer firmly on the top of
the subject’s head and adjust the dial so that it
reads 0 (Fig. 11.34).

FIGURE 11.34 In the starting position for measuring cervical FIGURE 11.35 Inclinometer alignment at the end of lateral
lateral flexion range of motion, one inclinometer is flexion range of motion. At the end of the motion, the
positioned at the level of the spinous process of the first examiner reads and records the information on the dials of
thoracic vertebra. A piece of tape has been placed at that each inclinometer. The range of motion is the difference
level to help align the inclinometer. The examiner has between the readings of the two instruments.
zeroed both inclinometers prior to beginning the motion.
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340 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE


CROM DEVICE 1. Place the CROM device on the subject’s head so that
The ROM in lateral flexion using the CROM device the nosepiece is on the bridge of the nose and the
ranges from a mean of 45 degrees in subjects aged band fits snugly across the back of the subject’s head.
11 to 19 years to a mean of 24 in male subjects and 2. Position the subject in the testing position so that
26 degrees in female subjects aged 80 to 89 years.13 the gravity inclinometer on the front of the CROM
For additional normal ROM values by age and gender, device reads 0 degrees (Fig. 11.36).
see Capuano-Pucci14 and Tousignant15 in Table 11.1;
and Nilsson16 in Tables 11.4, 11.5, and 11.6; and Testing Motion
Youdas13 in Tables 11.7 and 11.8 in the Research Guide the subject’s head into lateral flexion (Fig.11.37).
Findings section. At the end of the motion, read the dial located in
front of the forehead and record the number of

FIGURE 11.36 The subject is placed in the starting position FIGURE 11.37 At the end of lateral flexion range of motion
for measuring cervical lateral flexion range of motion so that (ROM), the examiner is stabilizing the subject’s shoulder
the inclinometer located in front of the subject’s forehead is with one hand and maintaining the end of the ROM with
zeroed before starting the motion. her other hand on the subject’s head.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 341


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

Normal End-Feel
GONIOMETER The normal end-feel is firm owing to stretching of the
Motion occurs in the transverse plane around a vertical alar ligament, the fibers of the zygapophyseal joint
axis. The mean cervical ROM in rotation measured with capsules, and the following contralateral muscles:
a universal goniometer is 49 degrees to the left longus capitis, longus colli, and scalenus anterior. Pas-
(SD = 9 degrees) and 51 degrees to the right (SD = sive tension in the ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid may
11 degrees) in adults.9 See Youdas9 in Table 11.1 in limit extremes of rotation.
the Research Findings section for additional normal
ROM values by age and gender. Magee2 reports that Goniometer Alignment
the ROM in rotation is between 70 and 90 degrees See Figures 11.39 and 11.40.
but cautions that cervical rotation past 50 degrees 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the center
may lead to kinking of the contralateral vertebral of the cranial aspect of the head.
artery. The ipsilateral artery may kink at 45 degrees 2. Align proximal arm parallel to an imaginary line
of rotation.2 between the two acromial processes.
3. Align distal arm with the tip of the nose. If a
Testing Position tongue depressor is used, align the arm of the
Place the subject sitting, with the thoracic and lum- goniometer parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
bar spine well supported by the back of the chair. tongue depressor.
Position the cervical spine in 0 degrees of flexion,
extension, and lateral flexion. The subject may hold
a tongue depressor between the front teeth for

Stabilize the shoulder girdle and chest to prevent
rotation of the thoracic and lumbar spine. A strap
across the chest may be used to keep the trunk from

Testing Motion
Grasp the subject’s chin and rotate the head by
moving the head toward the shoulder, as shown in
Figure 11.38. The end of the ROM occurs when
resistance to movement is felt and further movement
causes rotation of the trunk.

FIGURE 11.38 The end of the cervical rotation range of

motion. One of the examiner’s hands maintains rotation and
prevents cervical flexion and extension. The examiner’s
other hand is placed on the subject’s left shoulder to
prevent rotation of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
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342 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

FIGURE 11.39 To align the goniometer at the starting position for measuring cervical rotation
range of motion, the examiner stands in back of the subject, who is seated in a low chair.

FIGURE 11.40 At the end of the range of right cervical rotation, one of the the examiner’s hands
maintains alignment of the distal goniometer arm with the tip of the subject’s nose. The
examiner’s other hand keeps the proximal arm aligned parallel to the imaginary line between
the acromial processes.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 343


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

The mean cervical rotation ROM to the left measured The normal ROM for rotation using an inclinometer is
with a tape measure ranges from 11.0 to 13.2 cm10,11 80 degrees to each side, according to the AMA.12
in 14 to 31 year olds. See Table 11.2 in the Research
Findings section for additional normal ROM values by Testing Position
age and gender. Place the subject supine with the head in neutral rota-
Use a skin marking pencil to place marks on the tion, lateral flexion, flexion, and extension.
tip of the chin and the acromial process. Have the
subject look straight ahead and then turn his or her Inclinometer Alignment
head to the right as far as possible without rotating 1. Place the inclinometer in the middle of the subject’s
the trunk. Measure the distance between the two forehead, and zero the inclinometer (Fig. 11.42).
marks at the end of the motion (Fig. 11.41). Have 2. Hold the inclinometer firmly while the subject’s
the subject return his or her head to the neutral head moves through rotation ROM (Fig. 11.43).
starting position and then turn the head as far to
the left as possible wihtout rotating the trunk. Testing Motion
Instruct the subject to roll the head into rotation. The
ROM can be read on the inclinometer at the end of
the ROM.

FIGURE 11.41 At the end of the right cervical range of motion, the examiner is using a tape measure
to determine the distance between the tip of the subject’s chin and her right acromial process.
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344 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

FIGURE 11.42 Inclinometer alignment in the starting position for measuring

cervical rotation range of motion. Only one inclinometer is used for this

FIGURE 11.43 Inclinometer alignment at the end of cervical rotation range of motion (ROM). The
number of degrees on the dial of the inclinometer equals the ROM in rotation.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 345

CERVICAL ROTATION: CROM head. The arrow on the magnetic yoke should be

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/CERVICAL SPINE

pointing north (Fig. 11.44).
DEVICE 2. To ensure that the compass inclinometer is level,
The mean ROM in right rotation with use of the
adjust the position of the subject’s head so that
CROM device varies from 75 degrees in female
both gravity inclinometers read 0 degrees
subjects aged 11 to 19 years to 46 degrees in male
(Fig. 11.45).
subjects aged 80 years.13 For additional ROM values
3. After leveling the compass inclinometer, turn the
by age and gender, refer to Capuano-Pucci14 and
rotation meter on the compass inclinometer until
Tousignant15 in Table 11.1; to Nilsson16 in Tables 11.4,
the pointer is at 0 degrees.
11.5, and 11.6; and to Youdas13 in Tables 11.7 and
11.8 in the Research Findings section.
Testing Motion
Guide the subject’s head into rotation and read the
CROM Device Alignment17 inclinometer at the end of the ROM.
1. Place the CROM device on the subject’s head so
that the nosepiece is on the bridge of the nose and
the band fits snugly across the back of the subject’s

FIGURE 11.44 The compass inclinometer on the top of the FIGURE 11.45 At the end of right rotation range of motion
CROM device has been leveled so that the examiner is able (ROM), the examiner is stabilizing the subject’s shoulder
to zero it prior to the beginning of the motion. with one hand and maintaining the end of rotation ROM
with the other hand. The examiner will read the dial of the
inclinometer on the top of the CROM device. Rotation
ROM will be the number of degrees on the dial at the end
of the ROM.
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346 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Research Findings account for a large amount of the variance in cervical ROM,
but age appears to have a stronger effect than gender.
O’Driscoll and Tomenson20 studied cervical ROM across
Measurement of the cervical spine ROM is complicated by the age groups using a type of inclinometer. They measured
region’s multiple joint structure and lack of well-defined land- 79 females and 80 males ranging in age from 0 to 79 years
marks, a workable definition of the neutral position, and a stan- and found that ROM decreased with increasing age and dif-
dardized method of stabilization to isolate cervical motion from ferences existed between males and females. In another study
thoracic motion. The search for instruments and methods capa- that included a relatively large number of subjects (250) and
ble of providing accurate and affordable measurements of the a large age range (from 14 to 70 years), Feipel and col-
cervical spine is ongoing. At this time the universal goniometer leagues28 found a significant decrease in all cervical motions
appears to be the most commonly used instrument in the clinic, with increasing age. Kulman30 compared the range of motion
although relatively few research studies are available to provide of 42 subjects aged 70 to 90 years and 31 subjects aged 20 to
normative data and to attest to the goniometer’s reliability 30 years and found that the elderly group had significantly
and validity. ROM values from one study are presented in less motion than the younger group for all motions measured,
Table 11.1. The tape measure also is used in the clinical setting including rotation. Sforza and coworkers,35 who studied the
and ROM values can be found in Table 11.2. Single inclinome- effects of age on ROM in 20 male adolescents (mean age
ter values are found in Table 11.3. 16 years), 30 young adult males (mean age 23 years), and
20 middle-aged men (mean age 37 years) also found that all
Effects of Age, Gender, and Other cervical AROMs decreased between the youngest group and
Factors on Cervical Range the oldest group.
Pellachia and Bohannon26 found that the mean values for
of Motion Measurements lateral flexion in subjects younger than 30 years of age
Age exceeded 42 degrees, whereas mean values for lateral flexion in
A large number of researchers have investigated the effects of subjects older than 79 years of age were less than 25 degrees.
age on active cervical ROM,13,16,20–36 but differences between Nilsson, Hartvigsen, and Christensen,16 in a study of 90 healthy
the populations tested and the wide variety of instruments and men and women aged 20 to 60 years, concluded that the
procedures employed in these studies make it difficult to com- decrease in half cycle cervical passive range of motion (PROM)
pare results. Generally, most researchers agree that in adults a with increasing age could be explained by using a simple linear
tendency exists for cervical ROM to decrease with increasing regression of ROM as a function of age. Chen and colleagues,27
age. The only exception that has been found by some authors in a detailed review of the literature regarding the effects of
is that axial rotation (occurring primarily at the atlantoaxial aging on cervical spine ROM, concluded that active cervical
joint) has been shown either to stay the same or to increase ROM decreased by 4 degrees per decade. This finding is
with increasing age to compensate for an age-related decrease very close to the 5-degree decrease found by Youdas and
in rotation in the lower cervical spine.22,29 Age may not associates.13

TABLE 11.1 Cervical Spine Range of Motion: Normal Values in Degrees

Lantz, Chen, AMA†12 Capuano- Youdas et al9 Tousignant et al15

and Buch34 Pucci et al14
CA-6000 Spine Inclinometer CROM Universal CROM
Motion Analyzer Goniometer
Mean age = Mean age = Mean age =
Ages 20–39 yrs 23.5 yrs 59.1 yrs 51.5 yrs
n = 63 n = 20 n = 20 n = 55
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 60 (8) 50 51 (9) 40 (12) 47 (11)
Extension 56 (11) 60 70 (9) 50 (14) 50 (14)
Right lateral flexion 43 (8) 45 — 22 (8) 30 (9)
Left lateral flexion 41 (7) 45 44 (8) 22 (7) 33 (9)
Right rotation 72 (7) 80 — 51 (11) 56 (10)
Left rotation 73 (6) 80 71 (5) 49 (9) 56 (12)

CROM ⫽ cervical range of motion device; ROM ⫽ range of motion; SD ⫽ standard deviation.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 347

TABLE 11.2 Cervical Spine Range of Motion Measured With a Tape Measure: Normal Values
in Centimeters
Hsieh and Yeung*10 Balogun et al†11
Ages 14–31 yrs Ages 18–26 yrs
Tester 1 Tester 2
n = 17 n = 17 n = 21
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 1.0 (1.7) 1.8 (1.6) 4.3 (2.0)
Extension 22.4 (1.6) 20.8 (2.4) 18.5 (2.0)
Right lateral flexion 11.0 (1.9) 11.5 (2.1) 12.9 (2.4)
Left lateral flexion 10.7 (1.9) 11.1 (2.1) 12.8 (2.5)
Right rotation 11.6 (1.7) 12.6 (2.5) 11.0 (2.5)
Left rotation 11.2 (1.9) 13.2 (2.4) 11.0 (2.5)

CI = confidence interval; r = Pearson product moment correlation coefficient; SD = standard deviation.

* 99% CI of measurement error ranged from 1.4 cm to 2.6 cm for tester 1 (experienced).
CI ranged from 1.9 cm to 3.3 cm for tester 2 (inexperienced).

r values ranged from 0.26 to 0.88 for intratester reliability and from 0.30 to 0.92 for intertester reliability.

In Table 11.4 the mean values for active neck flexion in the rotation occurred between 20 and 29 year olds and 30 and
two oldest groups of males and females ages 80 to 90 years have 39 year olds in their study of 84 asymptomatic men and
about 20 degrees less motion than the youngest group of 1 to women. Demaille-Wlodyka,32 in a study of 232 healthy volun-
19 year olds. Both men and women were measured using the teers ranging in age from 15 to 65 years of age or older, found
CROM device; therefore, the values presented in the table that all cervical motions decreased after age 25 and that the
should be used for reference only if the examiners are using the age effect was significant. Nilsson and associates16 measured
CROM as their measuring instrument. Ideally, the examiner PROM using the CROM device in 90 healthy men and
should use norms that are appropriate to the method of measure- women with a mean age of 39 years and an age range of 21 to
ment and the age and gender of the individuals being examined. 60 years. The authors determined that the decrease in PROM
Hole, Cook, and Bolton33 determined that the loss of as age increases could be described by a simple linear regres-
cervical mobility equals to approximately 4 percent per sion. See Tables 11.5, 11.6, and 11.7.
decade in flexion and lateral flexion and 6 to 7 percent for Other investigators have postulated that the effects of age
extension. The decrease in extension, lateral flexion, and on ROM may be motion specific and age specific; however,

TABLE 11.3 Cervical Spine ROM Measured With the Myrin Single Inclinometer: Normal Values
in Degrees
Balogen et al11 Malstrom et al18 Alaranta et al19
Healthy young people Healthy men and women White and blue collar employees
Mean age = 22 yrs Ages 22–58 yrs Ages 35–54 yrs
n = 21 n = 60 n = 508
Motions Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Extension 64 (17) 67 (12) 120* (16)
Flexion 32 (13) 65 (8) —
Left lateral flexion 41 (9) 41 (7) 37† (6)
Right lateral flexion 42 (9) 42 (7) —
Left rotation 64 (17) 76 (8) 75 (7)
Right rotation 68 (15) 76 (9) —

* Full cycle (flexion plus extension)

Mean of two measurements
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348 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

TABLE 11.4 Age Effects on Active Cervical Flexion ROM in Males and Females Aged 11 to 89 Years:
Normal Values in Degrees Using the CROM Device
11–19 yrs 20–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49yrs 50–59 yrs 60–69 yrs 70–79 yrs 80–89 yrs
n = 40 n = 42 n = 41 n = 42 n = 40 n = 40 n = 40 n = 38

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
64 (9) 54 (9) 47 (10) 50 (11) 46 (9) 41 (8) 39 (9) 40 (9)

SD ⫽ standard deviation; CROM ⫽ cervical range of motion device.

Adapted from Youdas, JW, et al13: Reprinted from Physical Therapy with the permission of the American Physical Therapy Association.

the evidence appears to be somewhat controversial. Trott and Lantz, Chen, and Buch,34 in a study of 52 matched males
colleagues25 found a significant decrease in the means of all and females, found a significant age effect, with subjects in
motions (flexion–extension, lateral flexion, and axial rotation) the third decade having greater ROM in rotation and
with increasing age, but they determined that most coupled flexion–extension than subjects in the fourth decade. Dvorak
motions were not affected by age. In contrast to Trott’s find- and associates22 determined that the most dramatic decrease
ings, Damaille-Wlodyka32 found that lateral flexion, which in ROM in 150 healthy men and women (aged 20 to 60 years
was always coupled with axial rotation, decreased with and older) occurred between the 30-year-old group and the
increasing age, whereas axial rotation increased. In fact, these 40-year-old group. A somewhat similar result was found by
authors found that coupled motions showed a tendency to Peolsson and colleagues,36 who investigated the age effects on
decrease with age in all three planes. cervical motion in 101 volunteers including 51 men ages 25 to
Pearson and Walmsley23 and Walmsley, Kimber, and 63 years and 50 women ages 25 to 60 years. These authors
Culham24 were the only authors to include the cervical spine found that AROM in all planes decreased by about 30 degrees
motions of retraction and protraction in their studies. Pearson from the 25- to 34-year-old group to the 55- to 64-year-old
and Walmsley23 found that the older age groups had less ROM group. The decrease in AROM was statistically significant in
in retraction but that they showed no age difference in the neu- all planes but was most pronounced in extension and least
tral resting position. In contrast to Pearson and Walmsley’s23 evident in flexion (0.3 degrees/year).
findings, Walmsley, Kimber, and Culham24 found age-related In contrast to the findings of Dvorak and associates22 and
decreases in both protraction and retraction. Peolsson and colleagues, 36 Trott and colleagues25 found that

TABLE 11.5 Age and Gender Effects on Cervical Lateral Flexion ROM: Normal Values in Degrees*

Nilsson et al†16 Dvorak et al‡22 Castro et al§29 Nilsson et al16 Dvorak et al22 Castro et al29

Males Males Males Females Females Females

n = 31 n = 86 n = 71 n = 59 n = 64 n = 86
Age Groups Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
20–29 yrs 122 (4) 101 (13) 92 (14) 116 (18) 100 (9) 90 (13)
30–39 yrs 111 (12) 95 (10) 89 (23) 108 (14) 106 (18) 86 (18)
40–49 yrs 102 (15) 84 (14) 74 (15) 99 (11) 88 (16) 77 (12)
50–59 yrs 104 (12) 88 (29) 70 (12) 97 (7) 76 (10) 69 (15)
60–69 yrs — 74 (14) 65 (14) — 80 (18) 68 (12)
70–79 yrs — — 47 (12) — — 70 (14)
80+ yrs — — — — — 50 (18)

SD =standard deviation.
* The values in this table represent the combined total of right and left lateral flexion range of motion.

Nilsson et al used the cervical range of motion (CROM) device to measure passive range of motion.

Dvorak et al used the CA-6000 Spine Motion Analyzer to measure passive range of motion.
Castro et al used an ultasound-based coordinate measuring system, the CMS 50, to measure active range of
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 349

TABLE 11.6 Age and Gender Effects on Cervical Flexion–Extension ROM: Normal Values
in Degrees*
Nilsson et al†16 Dvorak et al‡22 Castro et al§29 Nilsson et al16 Dvorak et al22 Castro et al29

Males Males Males Females Females Females

n = 31 n = 86 n = 71 n = 59 n = 64 n = 86
Age Groups Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
20–29 yrs 129 (6) 153 (20) 149 (18) 128 (12) 149 (12) 152 (15)
30–39 yrs 120 (8) 141 (11) 135 (26) 120 (12) 156 (23) 141 (12)
40–49 yrs 110 (6) 131 (19) 129 (21) 114 (10) 140 (13) 125 (13)
50–59 yrs 111 (8) 136 (16) 116 (14) 117 (19) 127 (15) 124 (24)
60–69 yrs — 116 (19) 110 (16) — 133 (8) 117 (15)
70–79 yrs — — 102 (13) — — 121 (21)
80+ yrs — — — — — 98 (11)

SD = standard deviation.
* The values in this table represent the combined total of flexion and extension range of motion.

Nilsson et al used the cervical range of motion device (CROM) to measure passive range of motion.

Dvorak et al used the CA-6000 Spine Motion Analyzer to measure passive ROM.
Castro et al used an ultasound-based coordinate measuring system, the CMS 50, to measure
active range of motion.

the greatest decrease in flexion–extension ROM in 60 healthy Gender

men and women (aged 20 to 59 years) occurred between the Many of the same researchers who looked at the effects of age
20-year-old group and the 30-year-old group. The decrease in on cervical ROM also studied the effects of gender, but the
ROM as one ages after adulthood appears to be different in results of these studies appear to be more inconsistent and
young children. Arbogast31 found that in 67 young children controversial than the results of the age studies. In some stud-
AROM in cervical flexion and right and left rotation mea- ies, the trend for women to have a greater ROM than men was
sured by the CROM device actually increased slightly apparent, although differences were small and generally not
between 3 and 12 years of age. significant. Also, in some instances, the effects of gender

TABLE 11.7 Age and Gender Effects on Cervical Rotation ROM: Normal Values in Degrees*

Nilsson et al†16 Dvorak et al‡22 Castro et al§29 Nilsson et al16 Dvorak et al22 Castro et al29

Males Males Males Females Females Females

n = 31 n = 86 n = 71 n = 59 n = 64 n = 86
Age Groups Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
20–29 yrs 174 (13) 184 (12) 161 (16) 174 (13) 182 (10) 160 (14)
30–39 yrs 166 (12) 175 (10) 156 (32) 167 (13) 186 (10) 150 (15)
40–49 yrs 161 (21) 157 (20) 141 (15) 170 (10) 169 (14) 142 (15)
50–59 yrs 158 (10) 166 (14) 145 (11) 163 (12) 152 (16) 139 (19)
60–69 yrs — 146 (13) 136 (18) — 154 (15) 126 (14)
70–79 yrs — — 121 (14) — — 135 (16)
80+ yrs —
— — — — 113 (21)

SD = standard deviation.
* The values in this table represent the combined total of right and left rotation range of motion.

Nilsson et al used the cervical range of motion device (CROM) to measure passive range of motion.

Dvorak et al used the CA-6000 Spine Motion Analyzer to measure passive ROM.
Castro et al used an ultasound-based coordinate measuring system, the CMS 50, to measure
active range of motion.
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350 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

appeared to be motion specific and age specific in that some group of 84 healthy men and women 20 to 69 years of age.
motions at some ages were affected more than others. Mannion39 also found no effects of gender in 10 men and
Castro29 was one of the authors who found significant women whose AROM was measured in all cervical motions.
gender differences in cervical ROM, but this author noted that
the differences occurred primarily in the motions of lateral Active Versus Passive ROM
flexion and flexion–extension in subjects between the ages of The AMA’s fifth edition of the Guides to the Evaluation of
70 and 79 years (see Tables 11.5, 11.6, and 11.7). Women Permanent Impairment recommends that AROM be per-
older than 70 years of age were on the average more mobile formed.12 The authors of the Guides are aware that a number
in flexion–extension than men of the same age. Nilsson, of factors may affect a person’s performance of AROM, such
Hartvigsen, and Christensen16 found a significant difference as pain, fear of injury, and motivation; therefore, they stress
between genders in lateral flexion ROM, but, in this study, that a patient must be encouraged to put forth a maximal
males were more mobile than females, as seen in Table 11.6. effort. They also state that AROM is probably much closer
Lantz, Chen, and Buch34 studied a total of 56 healthy men and than PROM to the type of motion that a patient would use
women aged 20 to 39 years. The authors found no difference functionally and therefore is more relevant to impairment.
between genders in total combined left and right lateral flex- Furthermore, PROM is dependent on the amount of force
ion, but women had greater ranges of active and passive axial applied by the examiner, and a patient could be at risk of
rotation and flexion–extension than men of the same age. injury. Also, if a patient can perform a full ROM actively, then
Women had an average of 12.7 degrees more active flexion– there is no reason to perform PROM.12
extension and an average of 6.50 degrees more active axial Other reasons for using AROM rather than PROM have
rotation than men of the same age. Women also had greater pas- been investigated by the following researchers, who have
sive ROM in all cervical motions. Dvorak and associates22 found that AROM is more reliably measured than PROM and
found that women between 40 and 49 years of age had greater has less variability. Assink and coworkers 40 determined that
ROM in all motions than men in the same age group. However, the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of AROM mea-
within each of the other age groups—20 to 29 years, 60 to surements were higher than the ICCs of PROM measurements
69 years, 70 to 79 years, and 80 to 89 years—no differences in in 30 symptomatic and 30 unsymptomatic volunteers. In
cervical ROM were found between genders. Tables 11.8 and asymptomatic subjects, PROM was generally larger than in
11.9 contain information from a study by Youdas and associ- AROM. In symptomatic subjects, the percentage of paired
ates13 that shows that females in almost all age groups appear observations within 5 degrees varied from a low of 17 percent
to have greater mean values for active cervical motion than for PROM in extension to a high of 60 percent for AROM in
males. Ferrario and associates37 used a digital optoelectronic rotation.
instrument to measure cervical motion in 30 women and Nilsson41 used the CROM device to measure half cycle
30 men and found that the women had greater ROM in PROM in 14 asymptomatic volunteers (seven men and seven
all motions than the men. More support for a gender differ- women between the ages of 23 and 45 years). All motions
ence comes from Demaille-Wlodyka,32 who found that of were measured by two testers from neutral 0, and intratester
232 healthy subjects aged 15 to 79 years, females had greater reliability was found to be acceptable to the author, ranging
range of motion in flexion–extension and lateral flexion than from an r of 0.61 for right lateral flexion to an r of 0.85 for
males but not in axial rotation. extension. Intertester reliability was unacceptable because the
Youdas and associates13 found a significant gender effect in correlation coefficients fell below 0.60 in four out of the six
all motions except flexion and determined that both males and directions, ranging from an r of 0.29 for left rotation to an r of
females lose about 5 degrees of active extension and 3 degrees 0.71 for flexion.
of active lateral flexion and rotation with each 10-year increase Nilsson, Christensen, and Hartvigsen42 conducted a study
in age. If the measurements using the CROM device are valid, to correct any problems with the previous study. More exten-
one can expect to find approximately 15 degrees to 20 degrees sive training was arranged for the testers, and the number of
less active neck extension in a healthy 60-year-old individual subjects was increased from 14 to 35 (17 men and 18 women)
compared with a healthy 20-year-old individual of the same who ranged in age from 20 to 28 years. Intertester reliability
gender. still was unacceptable for half cycle PROM because three out
In contrast to the preceding studies, a number of investi- of six measurements fell below an r of 0.60. Intertester relia-
gators concluded that gender had no effect on cervical bility for full cycle PROM was much better with r values in
ROM.24,25,27,28,33 Ordway and associates38 found a nonsignifi- three planes ranging from 0.61 to 0.88. It appears as if the half
cant gender effect, and Pellachia and Bohannon,26 in a study cycle motions may be contributing more than the passive
of 135 subjects aged 15 to 95 years with a history of neck range of motion to the poor intertester reliability.
pain, concluded that neither neck pain nor gender had any Bergman and associates43 found that the highest variation
effect on ROM. Arbogast and coworkers31 also found no in both 58 subjects in the symptomatic group and the 48 men
effects of gender in the 67 children tested between the ages of and women in the asymptomatic group occurred in PROM
3 and 12. Hole, Cook, and Bolton33 determined that gender testing versus AROM testing. The variation over a 12-week
had no significant effect on cervical range of motion in a period ranged from 20.4 degrees for passive lateral flexion in
TABLE 11.8 Age and Gender Effects on Half Cycle Active Cervical Spine Motion in Males and Females Aged 11 to 49 Years:
Normal Values in Degrees Using the CROM Device

Ages 11–19 yrs Ages 20–29 yrs Ages 30–39 yrs Ages 40–49 yrs

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 21 n = 20 n = 22

Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Extension 86 (12) 84 (15) 77 (13) 86 (11) 68 (13) 78 (14) 63 (12) 78 (13)
Right lateral flexion 45 (8) 49 (7) 45 (7) 46 (7) 43 (9) 47 (8) 38 (11) 42 (9)
5:19 PM

Left lateral flexion 46 (7) 47 (7) 41 (7) 43 (5) 41 (10) 44 (8) 36 (8) 41 (9)
Right rotation 74 (8) 75 (10) 70 (6) 75 (6) 67 (7) 72 (6) 65 (10) 70 (7)
Left rotation 72 (7) 71 (10) 69 (7) 72 (6) 65 (9) 66 (8) 62 (8) 64 (8)
Page 351

SD = standard deviation; CROM = cervical range of motion device.

Adapted from Youdas, JW, et al13: Reprinted from Physical Therapy with the permission of the American Physical Therapy Association.

TABLE 11.9 Age and Gender on Half Cycle Active Cervical Spine Motion in Subjects Aged 50 to 89 Years: Mean Values
in Degrees Using the CROM Device
Ages 50–59 yrs Ages 60–69 yrs Ages 70–79 yrs Ages 80–89 yrs

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 18
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

Extension 60 (10) 65 (16) 57 (11) 65 (13) 54 (14) 55 (10) 49 (11) 50 (15)

Right lateral flexion 36 (5) 37 (7) 30 (5) 33 (10) 26 (7) 28 (7) 24 (6) 26 (6)
Left lateral flexion 35 (7) 35 (6) 30 (5) 34 (8) 25 (8) 27 (7) 24 (7) 23 (7)
Right rotation 61 (8) 61 (9) 54 (7) 65 (10) 50 (10) 53 (9) 46 (8) 53 (11)
Left rotation 58 (9) 63 (8) 57 (7) 60 (9) 50 (9) 53 (9) 47 (9) 51 (11)

SD ⫽ standard deviation; CROM ⫽ cervical range of motion device.

Adapted from Youdas, JW, et al13: Reprinted from Physical Therapy with the permission of the American Physical Therapy Association.
The Cervical Spine
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352 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

the asymptomatic group to 85.2 degrees for passive rotation ability to return their heads to a self-defined neutral position
in the symptomatic group. The fact that a substantial amount after performing a cervical ROM. However, Owens,47 who
of variation occurred in PROM measurement prompted the used a computer interface electrogoniometer to measure head
authors to question whether PROM should be used as an out- position in 48 students (36 males and 12 females) with a mean
come measure in intervention studies. Demaille-Wlodyka and age of 28 years, found that active contractions of the posterior
colleagues32 recommended that PROM should not be used neck muscles caused subjects to undershoot their target neu-
because it overestimates a subject’s mobility. tral position by 2.1 degrees. This finding demonstrated that a
recent history of cervical paraspinal muscle contraction can
Testing Position
influence head repositioning in flexion–extension.
The lack of a well-defined neutral cervical spine position is
In a study using the 3Space Isotrak System, Pearson and
thought to be responsible for the lower reliability of cervical
Walmsley23 found a significant difference in the neutral resting
spine motions starting in the neutral position (half cycle
position (it became more retracted) after repeated neck retrac-
motions) compared with those starting at the end of one ROM
tions performed by 30 healthy subjects, but no statistically sig-
and continuing to the end of another ROM (full cycle mo-
nificant difference was found in the neck retraction ROM.
tions). An example of a half cycle motion is flexion, whereas
Another potential positional problem that testers need to
an example of a full cycle motion is flexion-extension.
be aware of has been identified by Lantz, Chen, and Buch.34
Studies that have attempted to better define the neutral
These authors found that ROM measurements of the cervical
position have used either radiographs38,44 or motion analysis
spine taken in the seated position were consistently about
systems.45,46 In the radiographic study conducted by Ordway
2.6 degrees greater than measurements taken in the standing
and associates,38 the authors determined that when the cervi-
position in all planes of motion. Greater differences occurred
cal spine is in the neutral position, the upper segments are in
between seated and standing positions when flexion and
flexion and the lower segments have progressively less flex-
extension were measured as half cycle motions starting in the
ion; therefore, at C6 to C7, the spine is in a considerable
neutral 0 position as opposed to measurement of full cycle
amount of extension. Miller, Polissar, and Haas,44 in the other
motions. For axial rotation there was no significant difference
radiographic study, found that the cervical spine is in the neu-
in half cycle motions between sitting and standing.
tral position when the hard palate is in the horizontal plane.
Although these findings are of considerable interest, they Body Size
provide little help to the average clinician, who does not have Castro29 found that patients who were obese were not as mobile
access to radiographs for patient positioning. as patients who were not obese. Mean values for motions in
Two studies that are more clinically relevant used the all planes decreased with increasing body weight. Chibnall,
CA-6000 Spine Motion Analyzer.45,46 This motion analysis Duckro, and Baumer,48 in a study of 42 male and female sub-
system is capable of giving the location of neutral 0 position jects, found that body size reflected by distances between
as coordinates in three dimensions corresponding to the three specific anatomical landmarks (e.g., between the chin and the
planes of motion. Christensen and Nilsson45 found that the acromial process) influenced ROM measurements taken with a
ability of 38 young (20 to 30 years of age) subjects to repro- tape measure. Any variation in body size among subjects re-
duce the neutral spine position with eyes and mouth closed sulted in an underestimation of ROM for subjects with large
was very good. The mean difference from neutral 0 in three distances between landmarks and an overestimation of ROM for
motion planes was 2.7 degrees in the sagittal plane, 1.0 degrees subjects with small distances between landmarks. The authors
in the horizontal plane, and 0.65 degrees in the frontal plane. concluded that the use of proportion of distance (POD) should
Possibly, patients may be able to find the neutral position be used when comparing testing results among subjects. The use
on their own, but the subjects in this study were healthy indi- of POD (calculated by dividing the distance between the at-rest
viduals, and the ability of patients to reproduce the neutral value and the end-of-range value by the at-rest value) helps to
position is unknown. Solinger, Chen, and Lantz46 attempted to eliminate the effect of body size on ROM values obtained with
standardize a neutral head position when measuring cervical a tape measure. Obviously, calculation of POD is not necessary
motion in 20 subjects. For flexion and extension, the authors if the progress of only one subject is measured. Peolsson and
described a neutral position as one in which the corner of the colleagues36 found no significant correlation between body mass
eye was aligned with the upper angle of the ear, at the point index (BMI) and AROM, with the exception of extension for
where it meets the scalp. For lateral flexion, neutral was both men and women and flexion for men.
defined as the point at which the axis of the head was per-
ceived to be vertically aligned. Compared with data collected
using a less stringent head positioning, Solinger, Chen, and
Functional Range of Motion
Lantz46 demonstrated that by standardizing head position they Motion of the cervical spine is necessary for most activities of
obtained increases in reliability of 3 percent to 15 percent for daily living and for most recreational and occupational activ-
rotation and lateral flexion but showed a decrease in reliability ities. Bennett and asssociates49 used the CROM device to de-
of up to 14 percent for flexion–extension. termine the range of cervical motion required for 13 daily
Demaille-Wlodyka and colleagues32 determined that tasks performed by 28 college students. The greatest amount
neither age nor gender affected the 232 healthy volunteers’ of motion was required by the following activities: backing up
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 353

a car, tying shoes, and crossing the street. Relatively small range of flexion. A full ROM in cervical rotation is essential for
amounts of flexion, extension, and rotation are required for safe driving of cars or trucks (Fig. 11.47).
eating, reading, writing, and using a computer. Drinking
requires more cervical extension ROM than eating, and star- Reliability and Validity
gazing or simply looking up at the ceiling requires a full ROM An article by Jordan51 provides an excellent review of reliabil-
in extension (Fig. 11.46). Using a telephone requires lateral ity studies and the instruments and methods used to evaluate
flexion and rotation. Bathing and grooming require a consid- cervical range of motion. The author identifies a number of
erable amount of motion.49 problems with studies, including among others, the lack of an
Sports activities such as serving a tennis ball, catching or adequate sample size, appropriate statistical methods, and
batting a baseball, canoeing, and kayaking may require a full standardized protocols for measurement and for performance
ROM in all planes. Different types of sports activities may have of the motions. These deficits make it difficult to compare
effects on ROM. For example, Guth50 compared cervical rota- studies and to be able to use the data that they generate.
tion ROM in a group of 40 swimmers with that in 40 nonath- Many different methods and instruments have been
letic volunteers. The swimmers, aged 14 to 17 years, had a employed to assess motion of the head and neck. Similar to
mean total rotation ROM that was 9 degrees greater than the other areas of the body, intratester reliability generally is bet-
ROM of those aged 14 to 17 years in the control group. Certain ter than intertester reliability, no matter what instrument is
occupational activities such as house painting or wallpapering used. Also, some motions seems to be more reliably measured
require a full range of cervical extension and, possibly, a full than others. For example, the full cycle motions such as
flexion–extension and right–left lateral flexion measured from
one extreme of the range to the other appear to be more reli-
ably measured than half cycle motions such as flexion mea-
sured from the neutral position.18,32,40–43,52 This finding may be
owed to the variability of the neutral position and the lack of
a standardized method that an examiner can use for placing a
subject’s head in the neutral position. However, the problem
with only measuring full cycle motions is that full cycle mea-
surements do not provide any information about where unilat-
eral limitations in motion occur.
Nilsson41 found that intratester reliability was good when
measuring half cycle motions, but intertester reliability was
poor. Nilsson, Christensen, and Hartvigsen42 found that the
intertester reliability of passive range of motion measurements
of half cycle motions was poor (r ⫽ 0.39 to 0.70), but the
intertester reliability of passive range of motion measurements
of full cycle motions was acceptable (r ⫽ 0.61 to 0.70). Jordan
and colleagues,52 who used the three-dimensional Fastrak sys-
tem to measure cervical ROM, also found that the intertester
reliability of full cycle motions (intraclass correlation coeffi-
cients [ICCs] ⫽ 0.81 to 0.89) was better than the reliability of
half cycle motions (ICCs ⫽ 0.61 to 0.80) in 40 healthy subjects
with two testers. The same was true for intratester reliability in
which the ICCs for full cycle motions ranged from 0.76 to 0.82,
whereas the ICCs for half cycle motions ranged from 0.54 to
0.70 in 32 healthy subjects with one tester on three occasions.
Malstrom and colleagues,18 using both the Zebris ultrasonic
system and the Myrin inclinometer, found that the full cycle
motions showed less variability than the half cycle motions in
60 healthy volunteers (25 men and 35 women) 22 to 58 years of
age. The ICCs ranged from 0.92 to 0.97 for full cycle motions
and from 0.88 to 0.93 for half cycle motions. The full cycle
motions also showed better concurrent validity with the Zebris
than did half cycle measurements.
FIGURE 11.46 One needs at least 40 to 50 degrees of Damaille-Wlodyka,32 in a study of 232 subjects, deter-
cervical extension range of motion (ROM) to look up at the
ceiling.2 If cervical extension ROM is limited, the person mined that full cycle motions had better validity than half
must extend the entire spine in an effort to place the head cycle motions but half cycle motions allow for better assess-
in a position whereby the eyes can look up at the ceiling. ment of unilateral limitations. Piva and associates,53 using a
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354 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

FIGURE 11.47 One needs a minimum of 60 to 70 degrees of cervical rotation to look over the
shoulder.2 If cervical rotation range of motion is limited, the person has to rotate the entire trunk to
position the head to check for oncoming traffic.

single gravity goniometer to measure half cycle motions in 0.75 indicate good reliability and coefficients of less than
30 patients with neck pain, found that the standard error of 0.75 indicate poor to moderate reliability.
measurement (SEM) ranged from 3.7 degrees for right lateral
flexion to 5.6 degrees for extension. ICCs ranged from 0.78 Reliability: Universal Goniometer
for flexion to 0.91 for axial rotation, and intertester reliability Tucci and coworkers55 found that the ICCs for intertester reli-
was moderate to substantial for measuring active ROM in the ability of cervical spine motion ranged from –0.08 for flexion
sagittal and transverse planes of motion. to 0.82 for extension for measurements taken with the univer-
According to Chen and colleagues,27 it is not possible to sal goniometer by two experienced testers on 10 volunteer
obtain a true validation of cervical ROM measurements subjects.
because radiographic measurement has not been subjected to Youdas, Carey, and Garrett9 measured half cycle AROM
reliability and validity studies. Therefore, no valid gold stan- in 60 patients with orthopedic problems ranging in age from
dard exists. The only option available for investigators at the 21 to 84 years. The patients were divided into three groups of
present time is to conduct concurrent validity studies to obtain 20 people. Each subject performed five repetitions of the
agreement between instruments and procedures.27 However, motion in each plane to increase the compliance of the neck’s
many researchers still consider radiographic measurement to soft tissues. Intratester reliability was good for flexion (ICC ⫽
be the gold standard. 0.83), extension (ICC ⫽ 0.86), right lateral flexion (ICC ⫽
Some of the studies that have been conducted to assess 0.85), left lateral flexion (ICC⫽0.84 and right rotation
reliability or validity (or both) of the various instruments and (ICC⫽0.90). Intratester reliability was fair for left rotation
methods are reviewed in the following section. The terms (ICC⫽0.78). Intertester reliability was fair (ICC⫽0.72 to
high, good, fair, poor, and unacceptable are used to designate 0.79) for extension, left lateral flexion, and right lateral flex-
different degrees of reliability. High reliability refers to ICCs ion. Intertester reliability was poor (ICC ⫽ 0.54 to 0.62) for
of 90 to 99, good reliability refers to ICCs of 80 to 89, fair flexion and left and right rotation.
reliability refers to ICCs of 70 to 79, low or poor reliability is Pile and associates56 used a universal goniometer to mea-
an ICC of 60 to 69, and unacceptable reliability is an ICC sure half cycle lateral flexion and flexion and extension in
of less than 0.60. These definitions of reliability appear to be 10 patients with ankylosing spondylitis with minimal disease
the most commonly used terms in the following studies, al- activity and ranging from 28 to 73 years of age. The testers
though a few authors have used the interpretation by Portney included a rheumatologist, a rheumatology registrar, and three
and Watkins54 in which correlation coefficients higher than physical therapists. For intratester reliability each tester
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 355

measured one patient four times. The authors did not present for all three therapists. Intratester reliability for extension was
intratester reliability coefficients. The intertester reliability very good for two therapists and fair for one therapist. The
coefficient for right lateral flexion was 0.74; for left lateral intratester values for left and right rotation ranged from an r
flexion it was 0.68. The landmarks used for the lateral flexion of 0.58 to 0.86. The fact that the interval between the first and
measurement were the sternal notch as the axis and a line second sessions was so long may have had an adverse effect
through the nose and forehead for the proximal arm. Flexion on the intratester values. Intertester values ranged from an r of
and extension were measured in the same way as the 0.35 to 0.90 in Session I and from an r of 0.47 for left lateral
goniometer is used in this text. The intertester reliability coef- flexion to an r of 0.92 for extension in Session II.
ficient for flexion was unacceptable (0.21), whereas the coef- Haywood and associates58 used a plastic tape measure for
ficient for extension was somewhat better (0.59). measuring half cycle AROM in 159 patients with ankylosing
Maksymowych and colleagues57measured full cycle rota- spondylitis. The authors used the tip of the nose and the
tion AROM using a plastic universal goniometer in 44 patients acromioclavicular joint as landmarks to measure right and left
with ankylosing spondylitis with a mean age of 42.7 years. All cervical rotation. The ROM was the difference between the
measurements were taken by two testers (a trained clinical tape measurement in the neutral position and the measure-
nurse and a rheumatologist) in mid-morning to avoid the ment in maximal ipsilateral rotation. Fifty-five patients partic-
effects of early morning stiffness. Intratester reliability was ipated in the reliability study. The intratester reliability (test-
high for two testers (ICC ⫽ 0.98 and 0.97), and intertester retest at 2-week interval) was high (ICC >0.90), but intertester
reliability also was high (ICC ⫽ 0.95). reliability was unacceptable for the neutral starting position.
Maksymowych and coworkers57 measured full cycle rota-
Validity: Universal Goniometer tion AROM on 263 patients with ankylosing spondylitis from
In a search of the literature, no validity studies were found for three different countries. Forty-four of the patients were
the universal goniometer in which radiographs were used as involved in the reliability study. Landmarks used for measur-
the gold standard. ing rotation were the tragus of the right ear and the superster-
nal notch. Measurements were taken with a tape-based tool at
Reliability: Tape Measure
full right rotation (D1) and at full left rotation (D2). Full
The fact that the landmarks used to obtain the measurements
cycle rotation was defined as the distance between the two
varied from study to study diminishes the usefulness of some
measurements (D1-D2). Intratester reliability was good for
of the following information. Landmarks and methods need to
the two testers (ICC ⫽ 0.80 and 0.89); intertester reliability
be standardized to make valid comparisons. The landmarks
also was good (ICC ⫽ 0.82).
and results of studies by the authors10,11 in Table 11.2 and by
Viitanen and associates59 measured cervical lateral flex-
others are described in the following paragraphs.
ion and rotation in a series of 52 male patients with idiopathic
Hsieh and Young10 used two testers (one experienced and
ankylosing spondylitis with a mean age of 45 years. Testing
one inexperienced) to measure half cycle AROM in 34
was done by two physical therapists. Intratester aand
healthy volunteers (27 men and 7 women) with an average
intertester reliability coefficients for tape measurements were
age of 18 years. The landmarks used in the study for flexion
excellent for cervical lateral flexion (ICCs ⫽ 0.96 and ICC ⫽
and extension were the sternal notch and the chin. The land-
0.97, respectively) and for rotation (ICC ⫽ 0.98 and ICC ⫽
marks for rotation were the acromial process and the chin, and
0.97, respectively).
the landmarks for lateral flexion were the acromion process
and the lowest point of the earlobe. One tester measured Validity: Tape Measure
17 subjects, and the other tester measured a different group of Balogun and associates11 compared measurements taken
17 subjects. Intratester reliability coefficents (Pearson’s r) with a tape measure with measurements taken with a Myrin
ranged from 0.80 to 0.95 for the experienced tester and from Reference Goniometer (Inclinometer). The r values of each
0.78 to 0.91 for the inexperienced tester. Measurement error of the three testers were higher for the tape measuring
for the experienced tester at the 99 percent confidence inter- method than for the inclinometer method. Therefore, the au-
val (CI) was approximately ⫾1 cm for sagittal motions and thors recommended that the tape measure method be used
⫾ 2 cm for other motions. The inexperienced tester had a more widely.
higher measurement error of approximately ⫾2 to 3 cm for Viitanen and associates59 compared cervical rotation and
sagittal motions and ⫾3 cm for other motions. lateral flexion tape measurements with radiologic changes
Balogen and associates11 employed three physical thera- such as changes in the apophyseal joints, calcification of
pists to measure half cycle AROM in 21 physical therapy stu- discs, and ossification of spinal ligaments. Cervical rotation
dents. The test-retest interval ranged from 4 to 110 days. The and lateral flexion measurements correlated significantly with
landmarks used to measure cervical flexion were the tip of the cervical radiologic changes and, therefore, according to the
chin and the sternal notch. Landmarks for measuring lateral authors, the tape measure was an appropriate method for
flexion were the anterior dimples in the shoulder to the lowest assessing disease severity and progression.
point of the earlobe. For rotation, the landmarks were the tip Maksymowych and coworkers57 compared measure-
of the chin and the anterior dimples in the shoulder. Intratester ments of cervical AROM taken with a tape measure with mea-
reliability coefficients (r) for measuring neck flexion was poor surements of cervical rotation AROM taken with a plastic
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356 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

universal goniometer. The authors found that the tape mea- Therefore, only changes greater than these values can be
sure approach was comparable to the universal goniometer, detected beyond measurement error when a single therapist
which the authors used as the gold standard. performs the measurements. The SDD values were higher if
two different raters performed the measurements.
Reliability: Inclinometer
Piva and coworkers53 measured half cycle AROM with a
Viitanen and associates59 used the Myrin Gravity Reference
gravity goniometer (MIE) in 30 patients ages 18 to 75 years
Goniometer to measure AROM in 52 male patients with anky-
of age who had symptoms in their neck, scapula, or head. ICC
losing spondylitis with a mean age of 44.7 years. Two physi-
values ranged from fair to high (ICC ⫽ 0.78 to ICC ⫽ 0.91).
cal therapists measured patients on successive days. Both
The minimal detectable change (MDC) the authors considered
intratester reliability and intertester reliability were high with
to be adequate for clinical use ranged from 9 degrees for left
ICCs of 0.89 to 0.98.
rotation in flexion to 16 degrees for the motions of flexion and
Balogun and coworkers11 employed three testers to use
extension. The SEM was as follows: extension ⫽ 5.6 degrees,
the Myrin Gravity Reference Goniometer to measure the
flexion ⫽ 5.8 degrees, left lateral flexion ⫽ 4.2 degrees, right
AROM of half cycle motions. Twenty-one healthy students
lateral flexion ⫽ 3.7 degrees, left rotation ⫽ 4.1 degrees, and
were measured over a period of several days (between 4 and
right rotation ⫽ 4.8 degrees.
110). Intratester reliability coefficients (r) values for all
Malstrom and associates18 used the Myrin Gravity Refer-
motions ranged from unacceptable (r ⫽ 0.31) for flexion to
ence Goniometer to measure both full and half cycle AROM in
good (r ⫽ 0.86) for extension. Intertester reliability coeffi-
60 “neck healthy” volunteers (35 women and 25 men) ranging
cients across two testing sessions ranged from unacceptable
in age from 22 to 58 years of age (Table 11.10). Intratester re-
(r ⫽ 0.26) for left rotation to good (r ⫽ 0.84) for extension.
liability was high, with ICCs of 0.90 and higher for full
Alaranta and associates19 used a liquid single inclinome-
cycle flexion–extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. Intra-
ter, the MIE (Medical Research Ltd, London), which they
tester reliability was lower for half cycle motions, with the
attached by Velcro to a cloth helmet to the top of the subject’s
ICC ranging from 0.69 for left rotation to 0.89 for extension.
head to measure half cycle AROM flexion and extension and
Bush and associates61 evaluated the reliability of the fol-
lateral flexion. A gravitational inclinometer was attached to
lowing inclinometers: a single inclinometer, double incli-
the helmet, and the subject was placed in a supine position to
nometers, and a single inclinometer with stabilization. Six
measure rotation. Ninety-nine subjects participated in the
Gerhardts Uni-Level pendulum inclinometers were used by
intratester reliability part of the study in which one physio-
34 practicing physical therapists to take half cycle measure-
therapist measured all subjects twice at an interval of 1 year.
ments of AROM of neck motions in three healthy models. The
The correlation coefficient values for half cycle motions were
reliability between the three methods was unacceptable, with
an r of 0.68 for flexion and extension, r of 0.61 for lateral flex-
ICC values of 0.13 for extension, 0.31 for right lateral flexion,
ion, and unacceptable (r ⫽ 0.37) for rotation. Forty-eight sub-
and 0.20 for left lateral flexion.
jects participated in the intertester reliability study in which
two physiotherapists did the testing at a 1-week interval. The Validity: Inclinometer
values for full cycle motions ranged from an r of 0.69 for Herrmann62 took radiographic measurements of passive ROM
flexion-extension to an r of 0.86 for left-right rotation. of neck flexion–extension in 16 individuals aged 2 to 68 years.
Hole, Cook, and Bolton33 also had two testers use an MIE The radiographic measurements were compared with those
single inclinometer to measure AROM in 30 healthy volun- obtained by means of a pendulum goniometer (inclinometer).
teers ages 20 to 69 years. Intratester reliability for flexion- ICCs of 0.98 indicated a good agreement between the two
extension, right lateral flexion, and right rotation was high methods.
(ICC ⫽ 0.93 to 0.94) and intratester reliability for left lateral Lanz, Chen, and Buch 34 compared the double inclinometer
flexion and left rotation was good (ICC ⫽ 0.84 to 0.88). Dualer digital dual inclinometer and the CA-6000 electrogo-
Intertester reliability was good (ICC ⫽ 0.81 to 0.86) for niometer. Simultaneous measurements by the two instruments
flexion-extension, both right and left lateral flexion as well as were performed twice over a 1-week interval. Concurrent valid-
left rotation. However, intertester reliability was only fair for ity of the two instruments showed almost identical mean values
right rotation (ICC ⫽ 0.76). for flexion, extension, and lateral flexion. The ICC for between-
Hoving and associates60 used a Cybex Electronic Digital instrument comparison in the same session was high.
Inclinometer-320 (EDI-320) to measure full cycle AROM in Malstrom and associates18 compared the Myrin Gravity
32 patients 18 to 70 years of age with neck pain, neck stiff- Reference Goniometer with a three-dimensional ultra-
ness, or both. Intratester reliability was high for motions in sound motion device—the Zebris, CMS 30/70P system (Zebris
three planes, with values ranging from an ICC of 0.93 for lat- Medizintechnik GmbH, Isny, Germany). Both instruments were
eral flexion for both raters to an ICC of 0.97 for flexion– used to measure full cycle AROM in 60 healthy volunteers
extension for one rater. Intertester reliability was good to high (35 women and 25 men) ranging in age from 22 to 58 years of
with ICCs of 0.89 and higher. The smallest detectable differ- age. The test and retest ICC was high, greater than 0.90 for
ences (SDDs) based upon intratester agreement results for intradevice reliability. The ICC was greater than 0.93 for con-
one of the testers were 11.1 degrees for flexion–extension, current validity. The authors concluded that their research sup-
10.4 degrees for lateral flexion, and 13.5 degrees for rotation. ports the continued use of the Myrin in routine clinical work.
TABLE 11.10 Cervical Range of Motion (CROM) Device: Intratester and Intertester Reliability

Tester Subject Mean Sample Motions Intra Inter Intra r Inter r SEM
Author n n Age ICC ICC

Cupuano- 2 20 23.5 yrs Healthy Flexion


Pucci et al Tester 1 0.63
Tester 2 0.91
5:19 PM

Tester 1 0.90
Tester 2 0.82
Right lateral
Page 357

Tester 1 0.79 0.84

Tester 2 0.89
Right rotation
Tester 1 0.85 0.84
Tester 2 0.62
Youdas et al13 5 6 (Intratester) 27.2 yrs Healthy Flexion 0.88 0.83
20 (Intertester) 33.0 yrs Extension 0.94 0.90
Right lateral 0.88 0.87
Right rotation 0.82 0.82
Nilsson 2 14 20–45 yrs Healthy Flexion 0.76 0.71 6°*
Extension 0.85 0.47 5°
Right lateral 0.61 0.58 5°

Right rotation 0.75 0.66 6°

Nilsson et al*42 2 35 20–28 yrs Healthy Flexion 0.65 0.70
Extension 0.54 0.55
Right lateral flexion 0.64 0.70
Right rotation 0.41 0.41
Flexion–extension 0.60 0.61
Right–left lateral 0.69 0.71
The Cervical Spine

Right–left rotation 0.88 0.88


TABLE 11.10 Cervical Range of Motion (CROM) Device: Intratester and Intertester Reliability––cont’d

Tester Subject Mean Sample Motions Intra Inter Intra r Inter r SEM


Author n n Age ICC ICC

Rheault et al63 22 37.4 yrs Hx of Flexion 0.76
cervical Extension 0.98

spine Right lateral 0.87

pathology flexion
Right rotation 0.81
5:19 PM

Peolsson et al36 2 31 32.3 yrs Healthy Flexion-

extension 0.91 0.90 2°
Right and Left 0.94 0.90 3°
lateral flexion
Page 358

Olson et al72 4 12 21-47 yrs Healthy Flexion 0.88 0.58 4°†

Extension 0.99 0.97 3°
Right lateral 0.98 0.96 2°
Right rotation 0.99 0.96 3°
Youdas et al 11 20 55.9 yrs Orthopedic Flexion 0.95 0.86
disorders Extension 0.90 0.86
20 60.7 yrs Right lateral 0.92 0.88
Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

20 60.8 yrs Left lateral 0.93 0.92

ICC ⫽ intraclass correlation coefficient, r ⫽ Pearson product moment correlation coefficient; SEM ⫽ standard error of measurement.
* 95% confidence interval for single subject measurement.

Represents intertester SEM.
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 359

Bush and associates61 compared three methods of incli- at 20-minute intervals. Intratester reliability was considered to
nometry measurements of sagittal and frontal plane cervical be acceptable (r ⫽ 0.61 to 0.86). Intertester reliability was
motion with radiographic measurements. Transverse plane unacceptable (r ⫽ 0.29 to 0.66) based on the mean of five
motion measurements were compared with computed tomog- repeated measures and the fact that in four out of six motions
raphy scan measurements. The authors defined validity as the r was less than 0.60.
those inclinometry measurements that fell within ±5 degrees Hole, Cook, and Bolton33 selected 30 of 84 asymptomatic
of radiographic measurements. Using this standard, only the subjects for the reliability portion of a study of full cycle
single and double inclinometer methods were valid for mea- AROM. Intratester reliability was high (ICC ⫽ 0.96) for the
suring flexion; only the single and single stabilization meth- full cycle combined motion of flexion and extension, and
ods were valid for measuring extension. No methods were intertester reliability was good (ICC ⫽ 0.88). Intratester reli-
valid for measuring either lateral flexion or rotation. The sin- ability was high (ICC ⫽ 0.96) for full cycle right-left lateral
gle inclinometer method had the highest validity among the flexion, and intertester reliability was good (ICC ⫽ 0.84).
three methods. Both intratester and intertester reliability were high (ICC ⫽
0.92) for the full cycle motion of left-right rotation.
Reliability: CROM Device Nilsson, Christiansen, and Hartvigsen42 measured half
Capuano-Pucci14 in 1981 conducted one of the earliest studies and full cycle PROM on 17 males and 18 females 20 to
on the CROM device in which two testers took measurements 28 years of age. Subjects were asked to close their eyes and
of each half cycle AROM performed by 20 subjects (16 women position their heads in neutral while the dials on the CROM
and 4 men) with a mean age of 23.5 years. The author found device were set to 0. Intertester reliability was acceptable (r ⫽
good intratester reliability for four out of six half cycle motions 0.61 to 0.88) for full cycle motions, but intertester reliability
for one tester and for five out six motions for the second tester. for measuring single cycle motions was an r of 0.39 to 0.70.
All correlation coefficients were greater than 0.80 for intertester Rheault and colleagues63 found only small mean differences
reliability, which was slightly higher than intratester reliability. ranging from 0.5 degrees to 3.6 degrees between two testers
This unusual finding was attributed to the fact that the time who measured half cycle extension AROM with the CROM
interval between testers was only minutes, whereas the time device.
interval between the first and second trials by one tester was Lindell, Eriksson, and Strender64 compared the perfor-
2 days. More detailed information about this study and other mance of a medically untrained tester with an experienced
studies in the section can be found in Table 11.10. physical therapist using the therapist as the gold standard. The
In the 1991 study by Youdas, Carey, and Garrett,9 11 vol- untrained tester received 4 hours of training and practice in
unteer physical therapists were given a 1-hour training session 10 tests including measurements of half cycle cervical flexion
on the CROM device prior to measuring half cycle AROM in and extension and rotation taken with the CROM device. The
60 patients (39 women and 21 men) with orthopedic disor- subjects in the study included 30 patients with neck and back
ders. The patients, ranging in age from 21 to 84 years, were pain and 20 healthy subjects. In the interrater reliability study,
divided into groups of 20 and were tested twice by two thera- all 50 subjects were tested once by each tester. In the
pists. The results of the testing showed high intratester relia- intertester study, each tester measured neck motions twice in
bility and good intertester reliability for both flexion and 10 of the 20 healthy subjects. Intratester reliability for the
extension. Intratester reliability was good for left neck lateral therapist was good for flexion (ICC ⫽ 0.86) and high for
flexion (ICC ⫽ 0.84) and was high for right lateral flexion extension (ICC ⫽ 0.98), with an SEM of 2 degrees for each
(ICC ⫽ 0.92). Intertester reliability was fair for left lateral measurement. The ICCs for intratester reliabilty for the other
flexion and good for right lateral flexion. Intratester reliability tester were 0.62 for flexion and 0.80 for extension. The ICC
was high for both left and right rotation, and intertester relia- for the therapist for right rotation was high; for left rotation
bility for rotation ranged from good for left rotation to high the ICC was good. The other tester had good ICCs for both
for right rotation. right and left rotation and slightly higher SEMs compared to
Youdas and associates13 used five testers to measure the therapist. Cervical flexion and extension had poor
half cycle AROM in 337 healthy subjects (171 women and 166 intertester reliability, which the authors attributed to the need
men) who were 11 to 97 years of age. Each subject performed for manual stabilization. Other tests that required manual sta-
three repetitions of each motion, and each subject was tested by bilization also had poor intertester reliability, but overall, the
three testers within minutes of each other. Intratester reliability medically untrained tester was able to perform acceptably in
was low for flexion (ICC ⫽ 0.76), high for extension (ICC ⫽ 7 out of 10 tests.
0.94), and good for left and right lateral flexion. Intratester reli-
ability for rotation also was good, with ICCs of 0.84 for left Validity: CROM Device
rotation and 0.80 for right rotation. The intertester reliability of Ordway and coworkers65 simultaneously measured full cycle
all half cycle neck motion measurements was good except for AROM of combined flexion-extension with the CROM
left rotation, which was poor (ICC ⫽ 0.66). device, 3Space system, and radiographs in 20 healthy volun-
Nilsson41 measured half cycle PROM on 14 volunteers teers (11 women and 9 men) between 20 and 49 years of age.
23 to 45 years of age. Each subject was measured three times The authors found no significant difference between CROM
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360 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

device measurements and the radiographic angle between the between the two instruments when measuring AROM in the
occipital line and the vertical body, nor between the 3Space sagittal and coronal planes, and concurrent validity was sup-
system and radiographic angle between the occipital line and ported for flexion–extension and for right–left lateral flexion,
the C7 vertebral body. However, there was a significant differ- but there was no agreement when measuring rotation in the
ence between flexion and extension measurements taken with transverse plane because, according to the authors, motion was
the CROM device and the 3Space system. Therefore, these consistently overestimated by the MIE.
methods could not be used interchangeably. The authors
determined that full cycle flexion–extension could be reliably Reliability: CA-6000 Electrogoniometer
measured by all three methods but that standardization of Lantz, Chen, and Buch34 measured active and passive half
positioning was required to minimize upper thoracic motion cycle motions in healthy students with the CA-6000. Intra-
with the CROM device. Protraction and retraction measured tester reliability ICC ranged from fair (0.76) to high (0.97) for
with the 3Space system were in agreement with the radio- AROM for full cycle motions and from poor (0.58) to high
graphic measurements but differed significantly from the (0.95) for PROM for full cycle motions. Intertester ICCs for
measurements taken with the CROM device The CROM full cycle AROM were higher, ranging from good (0.84) to
device’s advantages over the 3Space system were lower cost high (0.91), compared to ICCs for full cycle PROM, which
and ease of use. were fair (0.74) to good (0.86).
Tousignant66 used radiographs to determine the criterion Solinger, Chen, and Lantz46 measured half and full cycle
validity of the CROM device for measuring half cycle flexion AROM in 20 healthy volunteer subjects (9 men and 11 women)
and extension on 31 healthy participants who were 18 to ranging in age from 20 to 40 years. Each subject’s ROM was
25 years of age. CROM measurements were highly correlated measured twice by two experienced testers. Intertester and
with measurements obtained by the radiographic method for intratester reliability for full cycle motions of rotation and lat-
extension (r ⫽ 0.98, P ⬍0.001) and flexion (r ⫽ 0.97, eral flexion had high ICCs, ranging from 0.93 to 0.97, whereas
P ⬍0.001) so that the validity of the CROM device for mea- intertester and intratester reliability ICCs for half cycle motions
suring flexion and extension was supported. ranged from good (0.83) to high (0.95). Reliability values were
Tousignant and associates67 determined that the CROM consistently lower for measurements beginning in the neutral
measurements of half cycle AROM of lateral flexion demon- position compared with full cycle motions. The ICCs indicated
strated a very good linear relationship with radiographic mea- that the electrogoniometer performed very reliably for rotation
surements. A physiotherapist who had received 4 hours of and lateral flexion but only at an acceptable level for flexion–
instruction in using the CROM device measured right and left extension (0.75 to 0.93). Flexion from the neutral position was
lateral flexion in 24 patients with neck pain. The measure- the least reliable measurement even when taken by a single
ments of left lateral flexion and right lateral flexion were com- tester.
pared with radiographic measurements as the gold standard. Christensen and Nilsson68 found good intratester and
The correlation between the CROM device and radiographic intertester reliability for measurements of AROM in 40 indi-
measurements was good for both left (r ⫽ 0.82) and right (r ⫽ viduals tested by two testers. Intratester reliability was also
0.84) lateral flexion. Therefore, the criterion validity of the good for PROM, but intertester reliability was good only for
CROM device for measuring lateral flexion was supported. full cycle motions.
Tousignant and associates,15 in another criterion validity Validity: CA-6000 Spine Motion Analyzer
study, compared half cycle AROM measurements taken with Electrogoniometer
the CROM device with measurements taken with the Optotrak Mannion and associates39 compared cervical CROM mea-
(an optoelectronic system). Subjects in the study included surements taken with the CA-6000 Spine Motion Analyzer
34 women (21 to 85 years of age) and 21 men (19 to 80 years with measurements taken with a three-dimensional ultrasound
of age) recruited from the community. The results showed a motion device called the Zebris CMS System. Initial mea-
very strong linear relationship between cervical rotation mea- surements by both systems were taken in 19 healthy volun-
sured with the CROM device and the values obtained with the teers, and the same measurements were taken 3 days later.
Optotrak. Pearson correlation coefficients (r) between CROM Test-retest reliability was good for each instrument, but a
values and Optotrak values were good to excellent for rotation small significant difference (1 to 10 percent) between the val-
and for all other cervical motions. Based on their findings, the ues obtained by each instrument occurred.
authors concluded that the validity of the CROM device was Petersen and coworkers69 determined that there was a
supported for the measurement of half cycle rotation in healthy large difference between the measurements obtained with the
individuals. CA-6000 Spine Motion Analyzer and radiographs.
Hole, Cook, and Bolton33 compared measurements of full
cycle AROM taken with the CROM device to measurements Reliability: Visual Estimation
taken with a single gravity inclinometer (MIE) to determine The reliability of visual estimates has been studied by Viikari-
the reliability and concurrent validity of the two instruments Juntura71 in a neurological patient population and by Youdas,
for measuring cervical motion. Eighty-four asymptomatic sub- Carey, and Garrett 9 in an orthopedic patient population. In the
jects were included in the study. There was good agreement study by Viikari-Juntura,71 the subjects were 52 male and
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CHAPTER 11 The Cervical Spine 361

female neurological patients ranging in age from 13 to Generally, intratester reliability is better than intertester relia-
66 years who had been referred for cervical myelography. bility. Therefore, if these methods are used to determine a
Intertester reliability between two testers of visual estimates patient’s progress, repeated measurements should be taken by
of cervical ROM was determined by the authors to be fair. a single therapist. However, both the universal goniometer
The weighted kappa reliability coefficient for intratester and tape measure require more extensive research to validate
agreement in categories of normal, limited, or markedly lim- their continued use in the clinic.
ited ROM ranged from 0.50 to 0.56. In consideration of the cost and availability of the various
In the study by Youdas, Carey, and Garrett,9 the subjects instruments for measuring cervical ROM, and because of the
were 60 orthopedic patients ranging in age from 21 to fact that the intratester reliability of the universal goniometer
84 years. Intertester reliability for visual estimates of both active and tape measure appears comparable with that of measure-
flexion and extension was poor (ICC ⫽ 0.42). Intertester relia- ments taken with other instruments, we have retained the uni-
bility for visual estimates of active neck lateral flexion ROM versal goniometer and tape measure methods in this edition,
was fair. The ICC for left lateral flexion was 0.63; for right lat- but we added methods using the double inclinometer and the
eral flexion it was 0.70. The intertester reliability for visual esti- CROM device. We included the double inclinometer because
mates of rotation was poor for left rotation (ICC ⫽ 0.69) and this method is advocated for measuring the cervical spine by
good for right rotation (ICC ⫽ 0.82). the American Medical Association, although research on the
reliability and validity of this method is lacking. The reliabil-
Summary ity and validity of the CROM device has been very well
researched, as presented in this section. If the tape measure is
Each of the techniques for measuring cervical ROM discussed
being used to compare ROM among subjects, calculation of
in this chapter has certain advantages and disadvantages. The
proportion of distance (POD) should help to eliminate the
universal goniometer and tape measure are the least inexpen-
effects of different body sizes on measurements (refer to
sive and easiest to obtain, transport, and use, and therefore
Body Size in the Research Findings section).48
may be more acceptable clinically than other instruments.
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362 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

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The Thoracic
and Lumbar Spine
Structure and Function ligament, surrounds the costovertebral joints. An intra-articular
ligament lies within the capsule and holds the head of the rib to
the annulus pulposus.
Thoracic Spine The costotransverse joints are the articulations between
the costal tubercles of the 1st to the 10th ribs and the costal
Anatomy of the Vertebrae
facets on the transverse processes of the 1st to the 10th tho-
The 12 vertebrae of the thoracic spine form a curve that is
racic vertebrae. The costal tubercles of the 1st to the 7th ribs
convex posteriorly (Fig. 12.1A). These vertebrae have a
are slightly convex, and the costal facets on the corresponding
number of unique features. Spinous processes slope inferi-
transverse processes are slightly concave. The articular
orly from T1 to T10 and overlap from T5 to T8, whereas
surfaces of the costal and vertebral facets are quite flat from
the spinous processes of T11 and T12 take on the horizontal
about T7 to T10. The costotransverse joint capsules are
orientation of the lumbar region’s spinous processes. The
strengthened by the medial, lateral, and superior costotrans-
transverse processes from T1 to T10 are large, with thick-
verse ligaments.
ened ends that support paired costal facets for articulation
with the ribs. Paired demifacets (superior and inferior cos- Osteokinematics
tovertebral facets), also for articulation with the ribs, are The zygapophyseal articular facets lie in the frontal plane
located on the posterolateral corners of the vertebral bodies from T1 to T6 and therefore limit flexion and extension in this
from T2 to T9. region. The articular facets in the lower thoracic region are
oriented more in the sagittal plane and thus permit somewhat
Anatomy of the Joints
more flexion and extension. The ribs and costal joints restrict
The intervertebral and zygapophyseal joints in the thoracic
lateral flexion in the upper and middle thoracic region, but in
region have essentially the same structure as described
the lower thoracic segments, lateral flexion and rotation are
for the cervical region, except that the superior articular
relatively free because these segments are not limited by the
zygapophyseal facets face posteriorly, somewhat laterally,
ribs. In general, the thoracic region is less flexible than
and cranially. The superior articular facet surfaces are
the cervical spine because of the limitations on movement
slightly convex, whereas the inferior articular facet surfaces
imposed by the overlapping spinous processes, the tighter
are slightly concave. The inferior articular facets face ante-
joint capsules, and the rib cage.
riorly and slightly medially and caudally. In addition, the
joint capsules are tighter than those in the cervical region. Arthrokinematics
The costovertebral joints are formed by slightly convex In flexion, the body of the superior thoracic vertebra tilts
costal superior and inferior demifacets (costovertebral anteriorly, translates anteriorly, and rotates slightly on the
facets) on the head of a rib and corresponding demifacets on adjacent inferior vertebra. At the zygapophyseal joints,
the vertebral bodies of a superior and an inferior vertebra the inferior articular facets of the superior vertebra slide
(Fig. 12.1B). From T2 to T8, the costovertebral facets artic- upwards on the superior articular facets of the adjacent
ulate with concave demifacets located on the inferior body inferior vertebra. In extension, the opposite motions occur:
of one vertebra and on the superior aspect of the adjacent the superior vertebra tilts and translates posteriorly and the
inferior vertebral body. Some of the costovertebral facets inferior articular facets glide downward on the superior
also articulate with the interposed intervertebral disc, articular facets of the adjacent inferior vertebra.
whereas the 1st, 11th, and 12th ribs articulate with only one In lateral flexion to the right, the right inferior articular
vertebra. A thin, fibrous capsule, which is strengthened by facets of the superior vertebra glide downward on the right
radiate ligaments (see Fig. 12.1B) and the posterior longitudinal superior articular facets of the inferior vertebra. On the

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366 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Transverse process rotation is allowed in the gliding that occurs at the lower
joints (T7 to T10). The movements at the costal joints are
Spinous process
T1 primarily for ventilation of the lungs but also allow some
Costal facets flexibility of the thoracic region.
Zygapophyseal Capsular Pattern
The capsular pattern for the thoracic spine is a greater limita-
Superior and tion of extension, lateral flexion, and rotation than of forward
inferior costovertebral
facets flexion.1
Vertebral body
Lumbar Spine
Anatomy of the Vertebrae
The bodies of the five lumbar vertebrae are more massive than
those in the other regions of the spine in order to support the
T12 weight of the trunk. Spinous processes are broad and thick
A and extend almost horizontally (Fig. 12.2A). The fifth lumbar
Vertebral body
vertebra differs from the other four vertebrae in having a
wedge-shaped body, with the anterior height greater than
Radiate ligament
Costovertebral joint the posterior height. The inferior articular facets of the fifth
vertebra are widely spaced for articulation with the sacrum.
Rib Anatomy of the Joints
The surfaces of the superior articular facets at the zygapophy-
Costotransverse Costotransverse joint
seal joints are concave and face medially and posteriorly. The
inferior articular facet surfaces are convex and face laterally
Rib and anteriorly. Joint capsules are strong and ligaments of the
region are essentially the same as those for the thoracic
region, except for the addition of the iliolumbar ligament and
Superior articular processes (facets)
Joint capsule thoracolumbar fascia and the fact that the posterior longitudi-
Lateral costotransverse
Spinous process nal ligament is not well developed in the lumbar area. The
ligament supraspinous ligament is well developed only in the upper
B lumbar spine. However, the intertransverse ligament is well
FIGURE 12.1 A: A lateral view of the thoracic spine shows developed in the lumbar area, and the anterior longitudinal
the costal facets on the enlarged ends of the transverse ligament is strongest in this area (Fig. 12.2B). The inter-
processes from T1 to T10 and the costovertebral facets on spinous ligaments connect one spinous process to another,
the lateral edges of the superior and inferior aspects of the and the iliolumbar ligament helps to stabilize the lumbosacral
vertebral bodies. The zygapophyseal joints are shown between joint and prevent anterior displacement.
the inferior articular facets of the superior vertebrae and the
superior articular facets of the adjacent inferior vertebra.
B: A superior view of a thoracic vertebra shows the articulations
between the vertebra and the ribs: the left and right costover- The zygapophyseal articular facets of L1 to L4 lie primarily
tebral joints, the costotransverse joints between the costal in the sagittal plane, which favors flexion and extension and
facets on the left and right transverse processes, and the costal limits lateral flexion and rotation. However, flexion is more
tubercles on the corresponding ribs. limited than extension. During combined flexion and exten-
sion, the greatest mobility takes place between L4 and L5,
contralateral side, the left inferior articular facets of the whereas the greatest amount of flexion takes place at the lum-
superior vertebra glide upward on the left superior articular bosacral joint, L5-S1. Lateral flexion and rotation are greatest
facets of the adjacent inferior vertebra. in the upper lumbar region, and little or no lateral flexion is
In axial rotation, the superior vertebra rotates on the infe- present at the lumbosacral joint because of the orientation of
rior vertebra, and the inferior articular surfaces of the superior the facets.
vertebra impact on the superior articular surfaces of the adja-
cent inferior vertebra. For example, in rotation to the left, the Arthrokinematics
right inferior articular facet impacts on the right superior According to Bogduk,2 flexion at the lumbar intervertebral
articular facet of the adjacent inferior vertebra. Rotation and joints consistently involves a combination of 8 to 13 degrees
gliding motions occur between the ribs and the vertebral bod- of anterior rotation (tilting), 1 to 3 mm of anterior translation
ies at the costovertebral joints. A slight amount of rotation (sliding), and some axial rotation. The superior vertebral body
is possible between the joint surfaces of the ribs and the trans- rotates, tilts, and translates (slides) anteriorly on the adjacent
verse processes at the upper costotransverse joints, and more inferior vertebral body. During flexion at the zygapophyseal
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 367

the superior vertebra slide upward on the left superior facets

of the adjacent inferior vertebra.
In axial rotation, the superior vertebra rotates on the infe-
Spinous process rior vertebra, and the inferior articular surfaces of the superior
vertebra impact on the superior articular facet surfaces of the
adjacent inferior vertebra. In rotation to the left, the right
inferior articular facet impacts on the right superior facet of
Body the adjacent inferior vertebra.
Transverse process
Disc Capsular Pattern
The capsular pattern for the lumbar spine is a marked and
L5 equal restriction of lateral flexion followed by restriction of
Sacrum flexion and extension.1


Anterior longitudinal ligament

FIGURE 12.2 A: A lateral view of the lumbar spine shows the
broad, thick, horizontally oriented spinous processes and
large vertebral bodies. B: A lateral view of the lumbar spine
shows the anterior longitudinal, supraspinous, and interspinous

joints, the inferior articular facets of the superior vertebra

slide upward on the superior articular facets of the adjacent
inferior vertebra. In extension, the opposite motions occur:
the vertebral body of the superior vertebra tilts and slides
posteriorly on the adjacent inferior vertebra, and the inferior
articular facets of the superior vertebra slide downward on the
superior articular facets of the adjacent inferior vertebra.
In lateral flexion, the superior vertebra tilts and translates
laterally on the adjacent vertebra below. In lateral flexion to
the right side, the right inferior articular facets of the superior
vertebra slide downward on the right superior facets of the
adjacent inferior vertebra. The left inferior articular facets of
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368 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

RANGE OF MOTION TESTING PROCEDURES Evaluation of Permanent Impairment4 requires that this
method be used to obtain reliable spinal mobility mea-
Measurement of the thoracic and lumbar spines is com- surements for disability determination. According to
plicated by the regions’ multiple joint structure, lack of the Guides, full ROM is interpreted as no impairment,
well-defined landmarks, and difficulty separating tho- and restriction of movement in one or more directions
racic and lumbar motion from hip motion. These diffi- is interpreted as a degree of impairment.
culties have given rise to the variety of different meth- Normal thoracic and lumbar spine ROM values us-
ods used to measure ROM. The testing procedures ing a variety of instruments are located in the Research
presented in this section include the tape measure Findings section, where Tables 12.1 to 12.5 provide in-
method, the Modified Schober technique (MST) as de- formation about the effects of age and gender on tho-
scribed by Macrae and Wright,3 the Modified–Modified racic and lumber ROM. This information is followed by
Schober Test (MMST), the universal goniometer (UG) functional ranges of motion and a review of research
method, and the double inclinometer method. The first studies on the reliability and validity of the various in-
four methods were selected because they are inexpen- struments and methods used to measure thoracic and
sive, are relatively easy to use, and have acceptable re- lumbar ROM (see Tables 12.6 to 12.8 in the Research
liability. The double inclinometer method has been in- Findings section). Note that in the following testing
cluded in this edition because the fifth edition of the procedures we are measuring active range of motion
American Medical Association’s (AMA) Guides to the (AROM).

Landmarks for Testing Procedures







FIGURE 12.3 Surface anatomy landmarks for tape measure, FIGURE 12.4 Bony anatomical landmarks for tape measure,
universal goniometer, and inclinometer alignment for universal goniometer, and inclinometer alignment for mea-
measuring the thoracolumbar spine motion. The dots are suring thoracolumbar spine motion.
located over spinous processes of C7, T1, T12, L1, L5, and
S2 and over the right and left posterior superior iliac spines
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 369


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

Normal End-Feel
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a The normal end-feel is firm owing to the stretching
medial–lateral axis. of the posterior longitudinal ligament (in the thoracic
region), the ligamentum flavum, the supraspinous and
Testing Position interspinous ligaments, and the posterior fibers of the
Place the subject standing with feet shoulder width annulus pulposus of the intervertebral discs and the
apart and with the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine zygapophyseal joint capsules. Passive tension in the
in 0 degrees of lateral flexion and rotation. thoracolumbar fascia and the following muscles may
contribute to the end-feel: spinalis thoracis, semi-
Stabilization spinalis thoracis, iliocostalis lumborum and iliocostalis
Stabilize the pelvis to prevent anterior tilting. thoracis, interspinales, intertransversarii, longissimus
thoracis, and multifidus. The orientation of the
Testing Motion zygapophyseal facets from T1 to T6 restricts flexion
Direct the subject to bend forward gradually while in the upper thoracic spine.
keeping the arms relaxed (Fig. 12.5) and the knees
➧ NOTE: Use the same testing position, stabiliza-
straight. The end of the motion occurs when resis-
tion, testing motion, and normal end-feel described
tance to additional flexion is experienced by the sub-
in the Thoracolumbar Flexion section above for the
ject and the examiner feels the pelvis start to tilt
following flexion measurement methods unless
changes are noted.

FIGURE 12.5 The subject is shown at the end of thoracolum-

bar flexion ROM. The examiner is shown stabilizing the sub-
ject’s pelvis to prevent anterior pelvic tilting.
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370 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

THORACOLUMBAR FLEXION: TAPE identify than the spinous process of S1, and there is
no motion between S1 and S2.
MEASURE 2. Align the tape measure between the two spinous
Four inches (10 cm) is considered to be an average
processes and record the distance at the starting of
measurement for healthy adults.5
the ROM (Fig. 12.6).
3. Hold the tape measure in place as the subject
Procedure performs flexion ROM. (Allow the tape measure to
1. Mark the spinous processes of the C7 and S2 verte-
unwind and accommodate the motion.)
brae using a skin marking pencil, with the subject in
4. Record the distance at the end of the ROM
the standing position. The spinous process of S2 is
(Fig. 12.7). The difference between the first and
on a horizontal level with the posterior superior
the second measurements indicates the amount of
iliac spines [PSIS]. We have chosen to use the spin-
thoracolumbar flexion ROM.
ous process of S2 for a landmark as it is easier to

FIGURE 12.6 Tape measure alignment in the starting posi- FIGURE 12.7 Tape measure alignment at the end of thora-
tion for measuring thoracolumbar flexion ROM. columbar flexion ROM. The metal tape measure case (not
visible in the photo) is in the examiner’s right hand.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 371


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

1. Ask the subject to slowly bend forward as far as pos-
FINGERTIP-TO-FLOOR sible in an attempt to touch the floor with the fingers
In a study by Quack and associates, the fingertip-
while keeping the knees extended and feet to-
to-floor distance was 0.1 cm for 70 healthy females
with a mean age of 53 years.8 In another study the
2. No stabilization is provided by the examiner.
ROM was 2.2 cm for 6 males and 14 females ranging
3. At the end of the motion, measure the perpendicu-
in age from 22 to 55 years.9
lar distance between the tip of the subject’s middle
According to Perret and associates,10 this test
finger and the floor either with a tape measure or
has excellent intratester and intertester reliability
ruler (Fig.12.8).
(intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.99) and
validity. However, this test only can be used to assess
general body flexibility11–13 because it combines spinal
and hip flexion, making it impossible to isolate either

FIGURE 12.8 At the end of trunk and hip flexion the exam-
iner measures the distance between the tip of the subject’s
middle finger and the floor with either a centimeter ruler or
a tape measure.
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372 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

THORACOLUMBAR FLEXION: at the level of S2. Then zero both inclinometers

(Fig. 12.9).
DOUBLE INCLINOMETER 3. At the end of the motion, read and record the val-
Procedure ues on both inclinometers (Fig. 12.10). The differ-
1. Use a skin marking pencil to mark the spinous ence between the two inclinometers indicates the
process of the T1 vertebra and the spinous process amount of thoracolumbar flexion ROM.
of the S2 vertebra (which is on a level with the pos-
terior superior iliac spines [PSIS]), with the subject
in the standing position.
2. Position one inclinometer over the spinous process
of T1 and the second inclinometer over the sacrum

FIGURE 12.9 The starting position for measuring thoracolum- FIGURE 12.10 Inclinometer alignment at the end of thora-
bar flexion with both inclinometers aligned and zeroed. columbar flexion ROM.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 373


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

Normal End-Feel
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a The end-feel is firm owing to stretching of the
medial–lateral axis. zygapophyseal joint capsules, anterior fibers of the
annulus fibrosus, anterior longitudinal ligament, rectus
Testing Position abdominis, and external and internal oblique abdomi-
Place the subject standing with feet shoulder width nals. The end-feel also may be hard owing to contact
apart and with the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine by the spinous processes and the zygapophyseal
in 0 degrees of lateral flexion and rotation. facets.
➧ NOTE: Use the same testing position, stabiliza-
Stabilization tion, testing motion, and normal end-feel described
Stabilize the pelvis to prevent posterior tilting.
in the Thoracolumbar Extension section above for
the following extension measurement methods
Testing Motion unless changes are noted.
Ask the subject to extend the spine as far as possible
(Fig. 12.11). The end of the extension ROM occurs
when the pelvis begins to tilt posteriorly.

FIGURE 12.11 At the end of thoracolumbar extension ROM,

the examiner uses her hands on the subject’s iliac crests to
prevent posterior pelvic tilting. If the subject has balance
problems or muscle weakness in the lower extremities, the
measurement can be taken in either the prone or side-lying
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374 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

THORACOLUMBAR EXTENSION: 3. Keep the tape measure aligned during the motion
and record the measurement at the end of the
TAPE MEASURE ROM (Fig. 12.13). The difference between the
Procedure measurement taken at the beginning of the motion
1. Mark the spinous processes of the C7 and S2 verte- and that taken at the end indicates the amount of
brae using a skin marking pencil, with the subject in thoracic and lumbar extension.
the standing positon.
2. Align the tape measure between the two spinous
processes and record the measurement (Fig. 12.12).

FIGURE 12.12 Tape measure alignment in the starting posi- FIGURE 12.13 At the end of thoracolumbar extension ROM,
tion for measurement of thoracolumbar extension. When the distance between the two landmarks is less than it was
the subject moves into extension, the tape slides into the in the starting position.
tape measure case in the examiner’s hand.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 375

THORACOLUMBAR EXTENSION: 3. At the end of the motion, read and record the val-

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

ues on both inclinometers (Fig. 12.15). The differ-
DOUBLE INCLINOMETERS ence between the two inclinometers indicates the
Procedure amount of thoracolumbar extension ROM.
1. Mark the spinous processes of the T1 and S2 verte-
brae using a skin marking pencil, with the subject in
the standing position.
2. Position one inclinometer over the spinous process
of T1 and the second inclinometer over the sacrum
at the level of S2. Then zero both inclinometers.
(Fig. 12.14).

FIGURE 12.14 The starting position for measuring thoracolum- FIGURE 12.15 Inclinometer alignment at the end of thora-
bar extension with both inclinometers aligned and zeroed. columbar extension.
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376 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

THORACOLUMBAR LATERAL occurs when the heel begins to rise on the foot oppo-
site to the side of the motion and the pelvis begins to
FLEXION tilt laterally.
Testing Position
Place the subject standing with the feet shoulder
width apart and the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar Normal End-Feel
spine in 0 degrees of flexion, extension, and rotation. The end-feel is firm owing to the stretching of the con-
tralateral fibers of the annulus fibrosus, zygapophyseal
Stabilization joint capsules, intertransverse ligaments, thoracolumbar
Stabilize the pelvis to prevent lateral tilting. fascia, and the following muscles: external and oblique
abdominals, longissimus thoracis, iliocostalis lumborum
Testing Motion and thoracis lumborum, quadratus lumborum, multi-
Ask the subject to bend the trunk to one side while fidus, spinalis thoracis, and serratus posterior inferior.
keeping the arms in a relaxed position at the sides of The end-feel may also be hard owing to impact of the
the body. Keep both feet flat on the floor with the ipsilateral zygapophyseal facets (right facets when
knees extended (Fig. 12.16). The end of the motion

FIGURE 12.16 The end of thoracolumbar lateral flexion ROM. The examiner
places both hands on the subject’s pelvis to prevent lateral pelvic tilting.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 377

bending to the right) and the restrictions imposed by to 29 year olds) to 18.0 degrees (in a group of 70 to 79

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

the ribs and costal joints in the upper thoracic spine. year olds). See Table 12.2 in the Research Findings sec-
tion for additional information.14 According to
➧ NOTE: Use the same testing position, stabiliza-
Sahrmann,15 more than three-fourths of thoracic and
tion, testing motion, and normal end-feel described
lumbar lateral flexion ROM takes place in the thoracic
in the Thoracolumbar Lateral Flexion section above
for the following lateral flexion measurement
methods unless changes are noted.
1. Mark the spinous processes of C7 and S2 vertebrae
THORACOLUMBAR LATERAL using a skin marking pencil.
FLEXION: UNIVERSAL 2. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the poste-
GONIOMETER rior aspect of the spinous process of S2 (Fig. 12.17).
According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic 3. Align proximal arm so that it is perpendicular to
Surgeons (AAOS),6 the ROM is 35 degrees to each side the ground.
(see Table 12.1 in the Research Findings section). 4. Align distal arm with the posterior aspect of the
Fitzgerald and associates14 found that normal values spinous process of C7 (Fig. 12.18).
ranged from a mean of 37.6 degrees (in a group of 20

FIGURE 12.18 At the end of thoracolumbar lateral flexion,

the examiner keeps the distal goniometer arm aligned with
FIGURE 12.17 The subject is shown with the goniometer the subject’s C7 vertebra. The examiner makes no attempt
aligned in the starting position for measurement of thora- to align the distal arm with the subject’s vertebral column.
columbar lateral flexion. As can be seen in the photograph, the lower thoracic and
upper lumbar spine become convex to the left during right
lateral flexion.
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378 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE


1. Have the subject stand with feet shoulder width
FLEXION: FINGERTIP-TO-FLOOR apart and arms hanging freely at the sides of the
The normal values for females with a mean age of body. Ask the subject to bend to the side as far as
53 years was determined to be 15.9 cm for right lat- possible while keeping both feet flat on the ground
eral flexion and 16.9 cm for left lateral flexion.8 One with knees extended.
problem with this method is that it will be affected by 2. At the end of the ROM, make a mark on the leg
the subject’s body proportions. Therefore, it should level with the tip of the middle finger and use a tape
be used only to compare repeated measurements for measure or ruler to measure the distance between
a single subject and not for comparing one subject the mark on the leg and the floor (Fig. 12.19).
with another subject.

FIGURE 12.19 At the end of thoracolumbar lateral flexion

range of motion, the examiner is using a tape measure to
determine the distance from the tip of the subject’s third
finger to the floor. Lateral pelvic tilting should be avoided.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 379


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

1. Have the subject stand with his or her back against
FLEXON: FINGERTIP-TO-THIGH the wall with feet shoulder width apart and arms
This method is a variation of the fingertip-to-floor
hanging freely at the sides of the body.
method, designed to account for differences in body
2. Place a mark on the thigh where the tip of the
size.16 The normal ROM values for children ages 11 to
subject’s third finger rests (Fig. 12.20).
16 years were 21.0 cm for both right and left lateral
3. Ask the subject to bend to the side as far as possi-
flexion.17 ROM values derived from 39 healthy adults
ble while keeping the back and shoulders against
were 21.6 cm.16 Lindell and associates9 found similar
the wall and both feet flat on the ground with
values for 20 healthy adults ages 22 to 55 years. Right
knees extended.
lateral flexion was 21.2 cm, and left lateral flexion was
4. At the end of the ROM, make a second mark on
21.0 cm. Alaranta and colleagues,18 in a study of 119
the leg level with the tip of the middle finger
blue and white collar workers ages 35 to 59 years,
(Fig. 12.21).
found a mean value of 19.1 cm. See Table 12.7 in the
5. Use a tape measure or ruler to measure the dis-
Research Findings section for reliability information on
tance between the first mark on the leg and the
this procedure.
second mark on the leg (Fig. 12.22). The distance
between the two marks is the value for thoracolum-
bar lateral flexion ROM.

FIGURE 12.21 At the end of thoracolumbar lateral flexion

FIGURE 12.20 In the starting position for measuring thora- the examiner places a second mark on the thigh on a
columbar lateral flexion the examiner marks the thigh at level with the new position of the tip of the subject’s mid-
the level of the tip of the subject’s middle finger. dle finger.
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380 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

FIGURE 12.22 The examiner uses a tape measure or ruler

to measure the distance between the two thigh marks to
obtain the ROM.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 381

THORACOLUMBAR LATERAL 3. Ask the subject to bend to the side as far as possi-

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

ble while keeping both knees straight and both
FLEXION: DOUBLE INCLINOMETER feet firmly on the ground (Fig. 12.24).
Procedure 4. At the end of the ROM, read and record the infor-
1. Mark the spinous processes of the T1 and S2 verte- mation on both inclinometers. Subtract the degrees
brae using a skin marking pencil, with the subject in on the sacral inclinometer from the degrees on the
the standing position. thoracic inclinometer to obtain the lateral flexion
2. Place one inclinometer over the T1 spinous ROM.
process and the second inclinometer over the 5. Repeat the measurement process to measure
sacrum at the level of S2. Then zero both incli- lateral flexion ROM on the other side.
nometers (Fig. 12.23).

FIGURE 12.24 Inclinometer alignment at the end of thora-

columbar lateral flexion ROM.
FIGURE 12.23 The subject is in the starting position for
measurement of thoracolumbar lateral flexion with both
inclinometers aligned and zeroed.
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382 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE


Motion occurs in the transverse plane around a verti- UNIVERSAL GONIOMETER
cal axis. According to the AMA, the normal ROM value for
Testing Position thoracolumbar rotation using the universal goniome-
Place the subject sitting, with the feet on the floor ter is 45 degrees.6 See Figures 12.26 and 12.27.
to help stabilize the pelvis. A seat without a back
support is preferred so that rotation of the spine can Procedure
occur freely. The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine are 1. Center fulcrum of the goniometer over the center
in 0 degrees of flexion, -extension, and lateral flexion. of the cranial aspect of the subject’s head.
2. Align proximal arm parallel to an imaginary line
Stabilization between the two prominent tubercles on the iliac
Stabilize the pelvis to prevent rotation. Avoid flexion, crests.
extension, and lateral flexion of the spine. 3. Align distal arm with an imaginary line between
the two acromial processes.
Testing Motion
Ask the subject to turn his or her body to one side as
far as possible, keeping the trunk erect and feet flat on
the floor (Fig. 12.25). The end of the motion occurs
when the examiner feels the pelvis start to rotate.

Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm owing to stretching of the fibers
of the contralateral annulus fibrosus and zygapophy-
seal joint capsules; costotransverse and costovertebral
joint capsules; supraspinous, interspinous, and iliolum-
bar ligaments; and the following muscles: rectus
abdominis, external and internal obliques and multi-
fidus, and semispinalis thoracis and rotatores. The
end-feel may also be hard owing to contact between
the zygapophyseal facets.
➧ NOTE: Use the same testing position, stabiliza-
tion, testing motion, and normal end-feel described
in the Thoracolumbar Rotation section above for
the following rotation measurement methods
unless changes are noted.

FIGURE 12.25 The subject is shown at the end of the thora-

columbar rotation ROM. The subject is seated on a low
stool without a back rest so that spinal movement can occur
without interference. The examiner positions her hands on
the subject’s iliac crests to prevent pelvic rotation.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 383

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

FIGURE 12.26 In the starting position for measurement of rotation range of motion, the examiner
stands behind the seated subject. The examiner positions the fulcrum of the goniometer on the su-
perior aspect of the subject’s head. One of the examiner’s hands is holding both arms of the go-
niometer aligned with the subject’s acromion processes. The subject should be positioned so that
the acromion processes are aligned directly over the iliac tubercles.

FIGURE 12.27 At the end of rotation, one of the examiner’s hands keeps the proximal goniometer
arm aligned with the subject’s iliac tubercles while keeping the distal goniometer arm aligned with
the subject’s right acromion process.
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384 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/THORACIC AND LUMBAR SPINE

THORACOLUMBAR ROTATION: 4. Ask the subject to rotate the trunk as far as possi-
ble without moving into extension (Fig. 12.29). The
DOUBLE INCLINOMETER examiner needs to hold the inclinometers firmly
Procedure against the subject’s back during the motion.
1. Mark the spinous processes of the T1 and S2 verte- 5. Note the degrees shown on the inclinometers at
brae using a skin marking pencil the end of the motion. The difference between
2. Place the subject in a forward flexed standing posi- inclinometer readings is the rotation ROM.
tion so that the subject’s back is parallel to the floor.
3. Place one inclinometer over the spinous process of
T1 and the second inclinometer over the sacrum at
the level of S2. Then zero both inclinometers
(Fig. 12.28).

FIGURE 12.28 The subject is in the starting position for mea-

surement of thoracolumbar rotation with inclinometers
aligned and zeroed.
FIGURE 12.29 The subject is shown with the inclinometers
aligned at the end of thoracolumbar range of motion.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 385

LUMBAR FLEXION were able to eliminate one potential source of error in

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/LUMBAR SPINE

Testing Position the original Schober and Modified Schober tests.
Place the subject standing, with the cervical, thoracic, Normal values for the MMST for subjects between
and lumbar spine in 0 degrees of lateral flexion and 15 and 18 years of age are 6.7 cm for males and
rotation. 5.8 cm for females in the same age group.20 Jones
and associates17 found a slightly larger normal value
Stabilization of 7.7 cm in a study of 89 healthy children between
Stabilize the pelvis to prevent anterior tilting. the ages of 11 and 16 years.

Testing Motion 1. Use a ruler to locate and place a first mark at a
Ask the subject to bend forward as far as possible
midline point on the sacrum that is level with the
while keeping the knees straight.
posterior superior iliac spines (this mark will be over
the spinous process of S2). Make a second mark
Normal End-Feel 15 cm above the midline sacral mark (Fig. 12.30).
The end-feel is firm owing to stretching of the ligamen-
2. Align the tape measure between the superior and
tum flavum; posterior fibers of the annulus fibrosus and
inferior marks (Fig. 12.31). Ask the subject to bend
zygapophyseal joint capsules; thoracolumbar fascia; illio-
forward as far as possible while keeping the knees
lumbar ligaments; and the multifidus, quadratus lumbo-
straight. Maintain the tape measure against the sub-
rum, and iliocostalis lumborum muscles. The location of
ject’s back during the motion, but allow the tape
the following muscles suggests that they may limit flex-
measure to unwind to accommodate the motion.
ion, but the actual actions of the interspinales and inter-
3. At the end of flexion ROM, note the distance
transversaii mediales and laterales are unknown.2
between the two marks (Fig. 12.32). The ROM is
the difference between 15 cm and length measured
LUMBAR FLEXION: at the end of the motion.
In the original Schober method, the examiner made
only two marks on the subject’s back. The first mark
was made at the lumbosacral junction, and the sec-
ond mark was made 10 cm above the first mark on L1
the spine. Macrae and Wright3 decided to modify the
Schober method (Modified Schober test) because
they found that skin movement was a problem in the 15cm
original method. They believed that the skin was more
firmly attached in the region below the lumbosacral
junction and therefore decided to use three marks—
the first mark at the lumbosacral junction, the second
mark 10 cm above the first mark, and the third mark
5 cm below the lumbosacral junction. The tape mea-
surement is placed between the most superior and PSIS
the most inferior marks. However, difficulty in cor-
rectly identifying the lumbosacral junction led to
another modification of the original Schober test, Sacrum
called the Modified–Modified Schober Test (or MMST),
which was proposed by van Adrichem and van der
Korst.20 The MMST is sometimes referred to as the
simplified skin distraction test21 and is described in
the next paragraph.
The MMST uses two marks: one over the sacral
FIGURE 12.30 A line is drawn between the two posterior
spine on a line connecting the two PSISs and the other superior iliac spines and the point at which the lower end of
mark over the spine 15 cm superior to the first mark. the tape measure should be positioned. The location of the
Because the PSISs are much easier to identify than the 15-cm mark shows that all five of the lumbar vertebrae in
lumbosacral junction, van Adrichem and van der Korst20 this subject are included.
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386 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/LUMBAR SPINE

FIGURE 12.31 The tape measure is aligned between the

upper and the lower landmarks at the beginning of lumbar
flexion range of motion. Paper tape was placed over the
skin marking pencil dots to improve visibility of landmarks
for the photograph.

FIGURE 12.32 The tape mea-

sure is stretched between the
upper and the lower land-
marks at the end of lumbar
flexion range of motion.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 387


Range of Motion Testing Procedures/LUMBAR SPINE

Macrae and Wright3 found an average of 6.3 cm of flex- The normal adult ROM is 60 degrees according to the
ion in healthy adults, and Battie and coworkers22 found AMA4,6 and 0 to 66 degrees (for males 15 to 30 years
an average of 6.9 cm in a similar group of subjects. of age) according to Loebl.23 Ng and associates24 found
a mean value of 52 degrees for 35 healthy men with a
Procedure mean age of 29 years.
1. Place the first mark at the lumbosacral junction
with a skin marking pencil. Place a second mark Procedure
10 cm above the first mark. Place a third mark 5 cm 1. Mark the spinous processes of the T12 and S2 ver-
below the first mark at the lumbosacral junction. tebrae using a skin marking pencil, with the subject
2. Align the tape measure between the most superior in the standing position.
and the most inferior marks. Ask the subject to 2. Place one inclinometer over the spinous process of
bend forward as far as possible while keeping the T12 and the second inclinometer over the sacrum at
knees straight. the level of S2. Zero both inclinometers (Fig. 12.33).
3. Maintain the tape measure against the subject’s 3. Ask the subject to bend forward as far as possible
back during the movement, and note the distance while keeping the knees straight. Maintain the incli-
between the most superior and the most inferior nometers firmly against the spine during the motion.
marks at the end of the ROM. The ROM is the dif- 4. Note the information on the inclinometers at the end
ference between 15 cm and the length measured of flexion ROM (Fig. 12.34). Calculate the ROM by
at the end of the motion. subtracting the degrees on the sacral inclinometer
from the degrees on T12 inclinometer. The degrees
on the sacral inclinometer are supposed to represent
hip flexion ROM, and that is why they are subtracted.21

FIGURE 12.33 The starting position for measurement of FIGURE 12.34 The end of lumbar flexion range of motion,
lumbar flexion range of motion, with inclinometers aligned with inclinometers aligned over the spinous processes of
and zeroed. T12 and S2.
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388 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/LUMBAR SPINE


Place the subject standing, with the cervical, thoracic,
and lumbar spine in 0 degrees of lateral flexion and
rotation. TEST (MMST)
Stabilization 1. Hold a ruler between two posterior superior iliac
Stabilize the pelvis to prevent posterior tilting. spines (PSIS) and place a first mark on a midline
point of the sacrum that is on a level with the PSIS;
Testing Motion this will be over the spinous process of S2. A sec-
Ask the subject to extend the spine as far as possible. ond mark should be made on the lumbar spine that
The end of the extension ROM occurs when the pelvis is 15 cm above the first mark.
begins to tilt posteriorly. 2. Align the tape measure between the first and sec-
ond marks on the spine (Fig. 12.35), and ask the
Normal End-Feel subject to bend backward as far as possible.
The end-feel is firm owing to stretching of the anterior 3. At the end of the ROM, note the distance between
longitudinal ligament, anterior fibers of the annulus the superior and the inferior marks (Fig. 12.36). The
fibrosus, zygapophyseal joint capsules, rectus abdo- ROM is the difference between 15 cm and the
minis, and external and internal oblique muscles. The length measured at the end of the motion.
end-feel may also be hard owing to contact between
the spinous processes.
➧ NOTE: Use the same testing position, stabiliza- SCHOBER TEST
tion, testing motion, and normal end-feel described Battie and coworkers22 found a normal value of 1.6 cm
in the Lumbar Extension section above for the fol- in 100 healthy adults.
lowing extension measurement methods unless
changes are noted. Procedure
1. Use a skin-marking pencil to place a first mark at
the lumbosacral junction. Place a second mark
10 cm above the first mark. Place a third mark
5 cm below the first mark (lumbosacral junction).
2. Align the tape measure between the most superior
and the most inferior marks.
3. Ask the subject to put the hands on the buttocks
and to bend backward as far as possible.
4. Note the distance between the most superior and
the most inferior marks at the end of the ROM,
and subtract the final measurement from the ini-
tial 15 cm. The ROM is the difference between
15 cm and the length measured at the end of the
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 389

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/LUMBAR SPINE

FIGURE 12.35 Tape measure alignment in the starting FIGURE 12.36 Tape measure alignment at the end of lumbar
position for measurement of lumbar extension range of mo- extension range of motion, with use of the simplified skin
tion with use of the simplified skin distraction method distraction method.
(modified–modified Schober method).
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390 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/LUMBAR SPINE

LUMBAR EXTENSION: DOUBLE 3. Ask the subject to bend backward as far as possi-
ble. Maintain the inclinometers firmly against the
INCLINOMETER spine during the motion (Fig. 12.38).
The normal ROM values for young-adult males (15 to
4. Read and record the degrees from both inclinome-
30 years) is 38 degrees, whereas the value for middle-
ters at the end of the motion. Subtract the degrees
age males (31 to 60 years) is 35 degrees. In males older
on the sacral inclinometer from the degrees on
than age 60 years the ROM is 33 degrees. In young-
the T12 inclinometer to obtain the lumbar
adult females the ROM is 42 degrees, in middle-aged
extension ROM.
females the ROM is 40 degrees, and in females older
than 60 years the ROM is 36 degrees.23 According to
the AMA,6 the normal ROM for adults is from 207 to
254 degrees; both of these values are considerably less
than the values that were found by Loebl.23

1. Mark the spinous processes of the T12 and S2 ver-
tebrae using a skin marking pencil, with the subject
in the standing position.
2. Place one inclinometer over the spinous process of
T12 and the second inclinometer over the midline
of the sacrum at S2. Then zero both inclinometers
(Fig 12.37).

FIGURE 12.38 At the end of the lumbar extension range of

FIGURE 12.37 Starting position for measuring lumbar exten- motion (ROM), read and record the degrees on both incli-
sion range of motion with double inclinometers placed over nometers. Subtract the degrees on the sacral inclinometer
the T12 and S2 spinous processes. from the T12 reading to obtain the ROM.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 391

LUMBAR LATERAL FLEXION annulus fibrosus, and zygapophyseal joint capsules.

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/LUMBAR SPINE

Testing Position The following contralateral muscles may contract ec-
Place the subject standing with the feet shoulder centrically to control and resist lateral flexion when
width apart and the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar gravity begins to affect the motion: quadratus lumbo-
spine in 0 degrees of lateral flexion and rotation. rum, interspinales, and iliocostales lumborum. The
end-feel could be hard due to contact of the ipsilat-
Stabilization eral apophyseal joints.
Stabilize the pelvis to prevent lateral tilting. ➧ NOTE: Use the same testing position, stabiliza-
tion, testing motion and normal end-feel described
Testing Motion in the Lumbar Lateral Flexion section above for the
Ask the subject to bend to the side as far as possible. following lateral flexion measurement methods
The end of the lateral flexion ROM occurs when the unless changes are noted.
pelvis begins to tilt laterally.

Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm owing to stretching of the con-
tralateral band of the iliolumbar ligament, contralat-
eral thoracolumbar fascia, contralateral fibers of the
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392 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/LUMBAR SPINE

LUMBAR LATERAL FLEXION: 3. Ask the subject to bend the trunk laterally while
keeping both feet flat on the ground and the knees
DOUBLE INCLINOMETER straight (Fig. 12.40).
According to the AMA, the ROM value is 25 to
4. Read and record the degrees on both inclinome-
30 degrees to each side.4,7
ters. Subtract the degrees on the sacral inclinome-
ter from the degrees on the T12 inclinometer to
Procedure obtain the lumbar lateral flexion ROM to one side.
1. Mark the spinous processes of the T12 and S2 ver-
5. Repeat the measurement process to measure lumbar
tebrae using a skin marking pencil, with the subject
lateral flexion ROM on the other side.
in the standing position.
2. Position one inclinometer over the T12 spinous
process and the second inclinometer over the
sacrum at the level of S2. Then, zero both incli-
nometers (Fig. 12.39).

FIGURE 12.39 Starting position for measuring lumbar lateral FIGURE 12.40 At the end of lumbar lateral flexion range of
flexion range of motion with double inclinometers placed motion (ROM), read and record the degrees on each incli-
over the spinous processes of T12 and S2. nometer. Subtract the degrees on the sacral inclinometer
from the T12 reading to obtain the ROM.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 393

Research Findings The findings of Troke and associates31,32 were similar in

that these authors found no change in lumbar axial rotation in
405 asymptomatic subjects (196 females and 209 males) ages
Table 12.1 shows thoracolumbar spine ROM values from the 16 to 90 years. Likewise, lumbar extension showed the great-
AAOS and lumbar spine ROM values from the AMA. est decline in ROM (approximately 76 percent). Male and
female lumbar spine flexion range of motion declined consid-
Effects of Age, Gender, erably less, by about 40 percent over the age span, and right
and left lateral flexion each declined about 43 percent. These
and Other Factors authors used the CA-6000 Spine Motion Analyzer to measure
Age half cycle motions at different times of the day to account for
Many instruments and methods have been used to determine diurnal variations.
the range of thoracic, thoracolumbar, and lumbar motion. In another fairly large study, Moll and Wright26 used skin
Therefore, comparisons between studies are difficult. As is markings and a plumb line to measure the range of lumbar
true for other regions of the body, conflicting evidence exists extension in a study involving 237 subjects (119 men and
regarding the effects of age on ROM. However, the majority 118 women) aged 20 to 90 years. These authors found a wide
of studies appear to indicate that age-related decreases in variation in normal values but detected a gradual decrease in
spinal ROM occur and that these changes may affect certain lumbar extension in subjects between 35 and 90 years of age.
motions more than others at the same joint or region.3,18,23–33 Van Herp and associates,33 in a study of 100 healthy male
The following two studies with relatively large numbers and female subjects 20 to 77 years of age, used the 3Space
of subjects and extended age ranges arrived at similar conclu- System to measure lumbar ROM from T12 to S1. The authors
sions regarding the motions that showed the greatest and least found a constant decrease with increasing age in all lumbar
decrease in ROM with increasing age. Extension was one of motions except for flexion in 50- to 59-year-old males.
the motions that showed the greatest decrease, and axial rota- Fitzgerald and associates14 determined that the oldest
tion showed the least decrease. group had considerably less motion than the youngest group
McGregor, McCarthy, and Hughes29 found that, although in all motions except for flexion. Also, the coefficients of vari-
age had a significant effect on all planes of motion, the effect ation (CV) indicated that a greater amount of variability
varied for each motion, and age accounted for only a small existed in the ROM in the oldest groups (Table 12.2).
portion of the variability seen in the 203 normal subjects stud- Alaranta and coworkers18 used both a tape measure and an
ied. Maximum extension was the most affected motion, with inclinometer to assess lumbar ROM in 508 males and females
significant decreases between each decade. Lateral flexion 35 to 45 years of age. Some of these subjects had either neck
decreased after age 40 and each decade thereafter. Flexion or back pain, but all were actively employed. Lumbar flexion
decreased initially after age 30 years but stayed the same showed more than a 10 percent decrease when comparing the
until an additional decrease after age 50 years. No similar youngest to the oldest subjects, but lateral flexion showed an
decreases or trends were found in axial rotation. even greater decrease (19 percent) with increasing age. This

TABLE 12.1 Thoracolumbar and Lumbar Spine Motion: Normal Values for Adults in Inches
and Degrees From Selected Sources
Instrument Tape Measure & Double BROM II 3Space Inclinometer
Goniometer Inclinometers isotrak system
Motion Thoracolumbar Lumbar Lumbar Lumbar Lumbar
Authors AAOS*5 AMA† 6 Breum et al70 VanHerp et al 33 Ng et al24
Sample 18–38 years 20–29 years 30 yrs
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 4 inches 60 degrees 56.3 (1.3) degrees 56.4 (7.1) degrees 52 (90) degrees
Extension 20–30 degrees 25 degrees 21.5 (8.2) degrees 22.5 (7.8) degrees 19 (9) degrees
Right lateral flexion 35 degrees 25 degrees 33.3 (5.9) degrees 26.2 (8.4) degrees 31 (6) degrees
Left lateral flexion 35 degrees 25 degrees 33.6 (6.2) degrees 25.8 (7.8) degrees 30 (6) degrees
Right rotation 45 degrees 14.4 (5.1) degrees 33 (9) degrees

AAOS = American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons; AMA = American Medical Association.

* Flexion measurement in inches was obtained with a tape measure with use of the spinous processes
of C7 and S1 as reference points. The remaining motions were measured with a universal goniometer and are in degrees.

Lumbar motion was measured from sacrum (S1) to T12.
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394 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

TABLE 12.2 Age Effects on Lumbar and Thoracolumbar Spine Motion in 20- to 79-Year-Old Adults:
Normal Values in Centimeters and Degrees
20–29 yrs 30–39 yrs 40–49 yrs 50–59 yrs 60–69 yrs 70–79 yrs
Sample n = 31 n = 42 n = 16 n = 43 n = 26 n=9

Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion* 3.7 (0.7) 3.9 (1.0) 3.1 (0.8) 3.0 (1.1) 2.4 (0.7) 2.2 (0.6)
Extension 41.2 (9.6) 40.0 (8.8) 31.1 (8.9) 27.4 (8.0) 17.4 (7.5) 16.6 (8.8)
Right lateral flexion 37.6 (5.8) 35.3 (6.5) 27.1 (6.5) 25.3 (6.2) 20.2 (4.8) 18.0 (4.7)
Left lateral flexion 38.7 (5.7) 36.5 (6.0) 28.5 (5.2) 26.8 (6.4) 20.3 (5.3) 18.9 (6.0)

SD = standard deviation.
* Flexion measurements were obtained with use of the Schober method and are reported in centimeters.
All other measurements were obtained with use of a universal goniometer and are reported in degrees.
Adapted from Fitzgerald, GK, et al: Objective assessment with establishment of normal values for lumbar
spine range of motion. Phys Ther 63:1776, 1983.14 With the permission of the American Physical Therapy Association.

decrease in lateral flexion is similar to the findings of McGregor, The following two studies investigated segmental mobility.
McCarthy, and Hughes,29 who found that lateral flexion Gracovetsky and associates28 found a significant difference
showed a slightly higher decrease in ROM (43 percent) than between young and old in a group of 40 subjects aged 19 to
the decrease in forward flexion (40 percent). 64 years. Older subjects had decreased segmental mobility in
In other studies the authors reported that both flexion and the lower lumbar spine compared with younger subjects. To
extension ROM were found to decline with increasing age, compensate for the decrease in mobility, the older subjects
but in some of the studies the motions were full cycle increased the contribution of the pelvis to flexion and extension.
motions, so it is difficult to tell whether the decrease was in Wong and colleagues35 assessed intervertebral lumbar
flexion or in extension. flexion and extension in 100 healthy volunteers (50 males and
In one of the earlier studies, in 1967 Loebl23 used an 50 females) ages 20 to 76 years. The results showed that all
inclinometer to measure active sagittal plane ROM of the segmental lumbar spinal motion profiles within the ROM of
thoracic and lumbar spine of 126 males and females between 10 degrees of extension to 40 degrees of flexion did not
15 and 84 years of age. He found age-related effects for both change as age increased until subjects were 51 years of age or
males and females and concluded that both genders should older. Subjects in the oldest age group had a decrease in max-
expect a loss of about 8 degrees of spinal ROM per decade imum flexion and extension ROM, but an increase in the
with increases in age. slopes of the intervertebral flexion-extension curves at each
In a more recent study, Sullivan, Dickinson, and Troup25 lumbar segment.
used double inclinometers to measure sagittal plane lumbar
motion in 1126 healthy male and female subjects. These Gender
authors found that when gender was controlled, flexion and Investigations of the effects of gender on lumbar spine ROM
extension decreased with increasing age. The authors sug- indicate that the effects may be motion specific and possibly
gested that the ROM thresholds that determine impairment age specific, but controversy still exists concerning which
ratings should take age into consideration. motions are affected, and some authors report that gender has
In 1969 Macrae and Wright3 used a modification of the no effects. The fact that investigators used different instru-
Schober technique to measure forward lumbar flexion in ments and methods makes comparisons between studies diffi-
195 women and 147 men (18 to 71 years of age). The authors cult. However, the following five studies appear to agree that
found that active flexion ROM decreased with age. the ROM in flexion is greater in males than in females, at least
Anderson and Sweetman27 used a device that combined a in subjects 15 to 65 years of age. This difference in flexion
flexible rule and a hydrogoniometer to measure the ROM of ROM between males and females is apparent even in children
432 working men aged 20 to 59 years. Increasing age was between the ages of 5 to 11 years.30 At the other end of the age
associated with a lower total lumbar spine ROM (flexion and spectrum, this difference between the genders in flexion ROM
extension) in this group of subjects. may have evened out by the time men and women were in
The preceding studies are fairly consistent in concluding their 80s.31,32
that both thoracolumbar and lumbar ROM decreases with Macrae and Wright3 found that females had signifi-
increasing age, and that extension and lateral flexion may be cantly less forward flexion than males across all age
affected more than flexion. Axial rotation was not measured groups. Sullivan, Dickinson, and Troup25 also found that
in the majority of studies, but when it was measured, no age- when age was controlled, mean flexion ROM was greater in
related changes in ROM were found. males. However, mean extension ROM and total ROM were
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 395

significantly greater in females. Subjects in the study were spine ROM. Loebl23 found no significant gender differences
1126 healthy male and female volunteers aged 15 to 65 years. between the 126 males and females aged 15 to 84 years of age
The authors noted that, although female total ROM was sig- for measurements of lumbar flexion and extension. Bookstein
nificantly greater than male total ROM, the difference of 1.5 and associates34 used a tape measure to measure the lumbar
degrees was not clinically relevant. Age and gender combined extension ROM in 75 elementary school children aged 6 to 11
accounted for only 14 percent of the variance in flexion, 25 years. The authors found no differences for age or gender, but
percent in extension, and 20 percent of the variance in total they found a significant difference for age–gender interaction
ROM (Table 12.3). Alaranta and associates,18 in a study of in the 6-year-old group. Girls aged 6 years had a mean range
508 males and females ages 35 to 45 years, also determined of extension of 4.1 cm, in contrast to the 6-year-old boys, who
that men had greater flexion ROM than women. However, had a mean range of extension of 2.1 cm. Wong and col-
these authors found no difference between the sexes in exten- leagues35 used an electrogoniometer and videofluoroscopy to
sion ROM. Kondratek and associates,30 in a study of 116 girls assess the flexion–extension profile of the lumbar spine in
and 109 boys aged 5 to 11 years of age, found a statistically different genders and age groups. A total of 100 healthy vol-
significant difference between the youngest and oldest sub- unteers (50 females and 50 males) ages 21 to 51 years and
jects in active lumbar flexion in girls and active lumbar lateral older participated in the study, but no statistically significant
flexion and rotation in both girls and boys. The older girls, differences in the pattern of motion were found between the
aged 11 years, consistently demonstrated less motion in genders.
forward flexion and right and left lateral flexion than the boys.
Diurnal Effects
Extension varied very little in either gender. Troke and col-
Ensink and coworkers 36 determined that the average increase
leagues31,32 found that men had greater ROM in flexion at
in height in the morning after 8 hours of bed rest was 2 mm,
16 years than women, but in the final decade (80 to 90 years)
with 40 percent of the increase occurring in the lumbar spine.
men and women were equal.
The increase in height was due to the hydration of the discs
Moll and Wright’s26 findings are directly opposite to the
that occurred during bed rest. Lumbar spine ROM in flexion
findings of the previous three studies in that Moll and Wright
was decreased in the morning but increased during the day as
determined that male mobility in extension significantly
water was squeezed out of the discs. ROM in extension was
exceeded female mobility by 7 percent. Differences in findings
not affected. Consequently, examiners should try to test and
between studies may have resulted from the fact that Moll and
retest lumbar flexion ROM during the same time of day.
Wright26 did not control for age. These authors measured the
range of lumbar extension in a study involving 237 subjects Occupation and Lifestyle
(119 males and 118 females) aged 15 to 90 years, who were Researchers have investigated the following factors among
clinically and radiologically normal relatives of patients with others in relation to their effects on lumbar ROM: occupa-
psoriatic arthritis (Tables 12.4 and 12.5). tion,37 lifestyle,29,37–39 time of day,36 and disability.25,40–44 Simi-
Van Herp and associates,33 in an investigation of lumbar lar to the findings related to age and gender, the results have
range of motion in 100 subjects (50 male and 50 female) 20 to been controversial.
77 years of age, found that females consistently showed greater Sughara and colleagues,37 using a device called a spin-
flexibility than males in lumbar flexion–extension, lateral flex- ometer, studied age-related and occupation-related changes in
ion, and axial rotation throughout the age range. Because flex- thoracolumbar active ROM in 1071 men and 1243 women
ion was not separated from extension, it is difficult to know aged 20 to 60 years. Subjects were selected from three occu-
which motion was responsible for the increase. pational groups: fishermen, farmers, and industrial workers.
In contrast to the preceding authors, the following three Although both flexion and extension were found to decrease
studies reported no significant effects for gender on lumbar with increasing age, decreases in the extension ROM were

TABLE 12.3 Age and Gender Effects on Lumbar Motion in Individuals 15 to 65 Years Old:
Normal Values in Degrees Using a Fluid-Filled Inclinometer
Sample 16-24 yrs 15–24 yrs 25–34 yrs 25–34 yrs 35–65 yrs 35–65 yrs
Male Female Male Female Male Female
n = 122 n = 161 n = 295 n = 143 n = 269 n= 136
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion 33 (9) 26 (9) 31 (8) 24 (8) 27 (8) 22 (8)
Extension 54 (10) 63 (9) 52 (9) 60 (10) 47 (9) 53 (9)

SD = standard deviation.
Adapted from Sullivan, MS, Dickinson, CE, and Troup, JDG: The influence of age and gender on lumbar spine sagittal plane range of
motion: A study of 1126 healthy subjects. Spine 19:682, 1994.40
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396 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

TABLE 12.4 Age and Gender Effects on Lumbar and Thoracolumbar Motion in Individuals
Ages 15 to 44 Years: Normal Values in Centimeters
Sample 15–24 yrs 25–34 yrs 35–44 yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female

n = 21 n = 10 n = 13 n = 16 n = 14 n = 18
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion* 7.23 (0.92) 6.66 (1.03) 7.48 (0.82) 6.69 (1.09) 6.88 (0.88) 6.29 (1.04)
Extension* 4.21 (1.64) 4.34 (1.52) 5.05 (1.41) 4.76 (1.53) 3.73 (1.47) 3.09 (1.31)
Right lateral flexion† 5.43 (1.30) 6.85 (1.46) 5.34 (1.06) 6.32 (1.93) 4.83 (1.34) 5.30 (1.61)
Left lateral flexion† 5.06 (1.40) 7.20 (1.66) 5.93 (1.07) 6.13 (1.42) 4.83 (0.99) 5.48 (1.30)

Adapted from Moll, JMH, and Wright, V: Normal range of spinal mobility: An objective clinical study. Ann Rheum
Dis 30:381, 1971.26 The authors used skin markings and a plumb line on the thorax for lateral flexion.
SD = standard deviation.
*Lumbar motion.

Thoracolumbar motion.

greater than decreases in flexion. Decreases in active exten- exist between school bus use and physical performance was
sion ROM were less in fishermen and their wives than in the confirmed. The distance traveled by the school bus was
other occupational groups in the study. The researchers con- inversely associated with hamstring flexibility and other hip
cluded that because both fishermen and their wives had more motions but not with low-back flexion. Walking or bicycling to
extension than other groups, other variables than the physical leisure activities was positively associated with low-back
demands of fishing were affecting the maintenance of exten- strength, low-back extension ROM, and hip flexion and
sion ROM. extension.
Sjolie39 compared low-back strength and low-back and hip Freidrich and colleagues38 conducted a comprehensive
mobility between a group of 38 adolescents living in a commu- examination of spinal posture during stooped walking in
nity without access to pedestrian roads and a group of 50 ado- 22 male sewer workers aged 24 to 49 years. Working in a
lescents with excellent access to pedestrian roads. Low-back stooped posture has been identified as one of the risk factors
mobility was measured by means of the modified Schober tech- associated with spinal disorders. Five posture levels corre-
nique. The results showed that adolescents living in rural areas sponding to standardized sewer heights ranging in decreasing
without easy access to pedestrian roads had less low-back size from 150 to 105 cm were taped by a video-based motion
extension and hamstring flexibility than their counterparts in analysis system. The results showed that the lumbar spine
urban areas. The hypothesis that negative associations would abruptly changed from the usual lordotic position in normal

TABLE 12.5 Age and Gender Effects on Lumbar and Thoracolumbar Motion in Individuals
Ages 45 to 74 Years: Normal Values in Centimeters
Sample 45–54 yrs 55–64 yrs 65–74 yrs

Male Female Male Female Male Female

n = 19 n = 23 n = 34 n = 30 n = 14 n = 14
Motion Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Flexion* 7.17 (1.20) 6.02 (1.32) 6.87 (0.89) 6.08 (1.32) 5.67 (1.31) 4.93 (0.90)
Extension* 3.88 (1.19) 3.12 (1.36) 3.56 (1.28) 3.57 (1.32) 3.41 (1.56) 2.72 (0.95)
Right lateral flexion† 4.71 (1.35) 5.37 (1.54) 5.05 (1.30) 5.10 (1.85) 4.44 (1.03) 5.56 (2.04)
Left lateral flexion† 4.55 (0.94) 5.14 (1.54) 4.94 (1.22) 4.88 (1.61) 4.38 (0.98) 5.55 (2.16)

Adapted from Moll, JMH, and Wright, V: Normal range of spinal mobility: An objective clinical study.
Ann Rheum Dis 30:381, 1971.26 The authors used skin markings and a plumb line on the thorax for lateral flexion.
SD = standard deviation.
*Lumbar motion.

Thoracolumbar motion.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 397

upright walking to a kyphotic position in mild, 150-cm head- only 16 percent of the variance between groups with and with-
room restriction. As ceiling height decreased, the neck out low-back pain. A decreased ROM in the lower lumbar seg-
progressively assumed a more extended lordotic position; the ments, low maximal ROM in extension, and high body weight
thoracic spine extended and flattened, becoming less were predictive of low-back pain in females and accounted for
kyphotic; and the lumbar spine became more kyphotic. As 31 percent of the variability between groups.
expected, the older workers showed decreased segmental Alaranta and associates,18 in a study of 508 male and
mobility in the lumbar spine and an increase in cervical lor- female white and blue collar employees ages 35 to 54 years,
dosis with decreasing ceiling height. found that the strongest connections were between trunk lateral
flexion ROM and low-back pain during the preceding year.
The relationship between ROM findings and disability is a
topic of considerable interest and importance to health profes-
Functional Range of Motion
sionals. Researchers have reported conflicting results, so that Hsieh and Pringle45 used a CA-6000 Spinal Motion Analyzer
there appears to be no clear relationship between range of (Orthopedic Systems, Inc., Hayward, CA) to measure the
motion and disability at the present time. amount of lumbar motion required for selected activities of
Sullivan, Dickinson, and Troup25 used dual inclinometers daily living performed by 48 healthy subjects with a mean age
to measure lumbar spine sagittal motion in 1126 healthy indi- of 26.5 years. Activities included stand to sit, sit to stand,
viduals. The authors found a large variation in measurements putting on socks, and picking up an object from the floor. The
and suggested that detection of ROM impairments might be individual’s peak flexion angles for the activities were
difficult because 95% confidence intervals yielded up to a normalized to the subject’s own peak flexion angle in erect
36-degree spread in normal ROM values. Sullivan, Shoaf, and standing. Stand to sit and sit to stand (Fig. 12.41) required
Riddle40examined the relationship between impairment of approximately 56 percent to 66 percent of lumbar flexion. The
active lumbar flexion ROM and disability. The authors used mean was 34.6 degrees for sit to stand and 41.8 degrees for
normative data to determine when an impairment in flexion stand to sit. Putting on socks (Fig. 12.42) required 90 percent
ROM was present and used the judgment of physical thera- of lumbar flexion ROM (mean 56.4 degrees), and picking up
pists to determine whether flexion ROM impairment was rel- an object from the floor (Fig. 12.43) required 95 percent of
evant to the patient’s disability. Low correlations between lumbar flexion (mean 60.4 degrees). In view of these findings,
lumbar ROM and disability were found, and the authors con- one can understand how limitations in lumbar ROM may
cluded that active lumbar ROM measurements should not be
used as treatment goals.
Nattrass and associates43 used a long-arm goniometer to
measure thoracolumbar ROM and dual inclinometers to mea-
sure low-back ROM in 34 patients aged 20 to 65 years with
chronic low-back pain. ROM for all subjects was compared with
ratings on commonly used impairment and disability
indexes. Only flexion measured with the goniometer demon-
strated greater than 50 percent of the variance in common with
one of the disability measues. The authors concluded that lum-
bar ROM alone is not enough to represent impairment and,
therefore, the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent
Impairment should not limit impairment ratings to ROM be-
cause ROM seems to represent only one aspect of impairment.
However, Lundberg and Gerdle,41 who investigated
spinal and peripheral joint mobility and spinal posture in
607 female home care employees (mean age 40.5 years),
found that lumbar sagittal hypomobility alone was associated
with higher disability, and a combination of positive pain
provocation tests and lumbar sagittal hypomobility was asso-
ciated with particularly high disability levels. Peripheral joint
mobility, spinal sagittal posture, and thoracic sagittal mobility
showed low correlations with disability.
Kujala and coworkers42 conducted a 3-year longitudinal
study of lumbar mobility and occurrence of low-back pain in
98 adolescents. The subjects included 33 nonathletes (16 males
and 17 females), 34 male athletes, and 31 female athletes. Par-
ticipation in sports and low maximal lumbar flexion predicted FIGURE 12.41 Sit to stand requires an average of 35 degrees
low-back pain during the follow-up in males, but accounted for of lumbar flexion.45
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398 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

FIGURE 12.42 Putting on socks requires an average of

FIGURE 12.43 Picking up an object from the floor requires
56 degrees of lumbar flexion.45
an average of 60 degrees of lumbar flexion.45

affect an individual’s ability to independently carry out dress- Littlewood and May47 conducted a systematic review of
ing and other activities of daily living. 86 ROM studies to determine what low tech measurement
Levine and associates46 conducted a study with 20 healthy methods were valid for measuring lumbar spine ROM. Only
women (mean age 23.4 years) from a university student popu- four studies—those by Samo and colleagues,48 Saur and
lation to determine changes in lumbar spine motion in stand- colleagues,49 Williams and colleagues,19 and Tousignant and
ing, walking, and running on a treadmill at three different colleagues50—were found to meet the criteria of English
gradients. According to results obtained from the Vicon language only, evaluated validity by comparison to radiographs,
Motion Analysis System, total lumbar spine ROM was greater included adult subjects with non-specific low back pain, and in-
during running than during walking, and greater walking cluded measurement accuracy to enable judgement on validity.
downhill than walking uphill or on a level surface. However, All failed to meet the criteria of blinding the examiners. Double
the maximum amount of lumbar extension (anterior pelvic tilt) inclinometers were used in three of the four studies, and the
was found in standing at the three gradients. Modified-Modified-Schober Test (MMST) was used in the other
study. Littlewood and May4 performed a qualitative analysis but
did not perform a meta-analysis. In regard to the double incli-
Reliability and Validity nometer method, they concluded that there was only limited
The following section on reliability and validity has been positive supporting evidence for the validity of measuring total
divided according to the instruments and methods used to lumbar ROM in comparison to radiographic analysis; there was
obtain the measurements. However, some overlap occurs conflicting evidence for the validity of measuring lumbar flex-
between the sections because several investigators have com- ion ROM; and there was limited positive evidence for the lack
pared different methods and instruments within one study. of validity of measuring lumbar extenson. In regard to the
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 399

MMST they determined that there was limited positive evidence Saur and colleagues49 used Pleurimeter V inclinometers to
for the lack of validity for measuring lumbar flexion ROM. The measure lumbar ROM in 54 patients with chronic low-back
authors concluded that there is a need for scientific evidence on pain who were between 18 and 60 years of age. Measurements
the validity of these measurement procedures. were taken with and without radiographic verification of the
In another review, Essendrop and colleagues51 screened T12 and S1 landmarks used for positioning the inclinometers.
databases from 1980 to 1999 for reliability studies regarding Intertester reliability of the inclinometry technique for full
the measurement of low-back ROM, strength, and endurance. cycle flexion–extension in a subgroup of 48 patients was high
Seventy-nine studies were located, 6 of which met the predeter- (r  0.94) and half cycle flexion was good (r  0.88), but half
mined criteria for a quality study and focused on the measure- cycle extension was poor (r  0.42). The authors concluded
ment of low back ROM. Noting the difficulty in making that the Pleurimeter V was a reliable and valid method for
definite conclusions based on these limited studies, the authors measuring lumbar ROM and that with use of this instrument it
reported that the tape measure was the most reliable instrument was possible to differentiate lumbar spine movements from
for flexion measurements. Reliable extension measurements hip movements.
were difficult to achieve with any of the reviewed instruments. Chen and associates54 investigated intertester and intra-
The tape measure and Cybex EDI 320 goniometer were reliable tester reliability using three health professionals to measure
for trunk lateral flexion when comparing groups but not individ- lumbar ROM using a Pleurimeter V (double inclinometer), a
uals. Trunk rotation measurements were the most unreliable for carpenter’s double inclinometer, and a computed single-
all instruments including the double inclinometer, Myrin incli- sensor inclinometer. Intertester reliability was poor, with all
nometer, tape measure, and universal goniometer. ICCs less than 0.75; with a single exception, intratester relia-
Reliability:Inclinometer bility was less than 0.90. The authors determined that the
The AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment4 largest source of measurement error was attributable to the
states that “measurement techniques using inclinometers are examiners and associated factors and concluded that these
necessary to obtain reliable spinal mobility measurements.” three surface methods had only limited clinical usefulness.
However, in a study by Williams and coworkers19 that com- Mayer and colleagues55 used a Cybex EDI-320 (Lumex,
pared the measurements of the inclinometer with those of the Ronkonkoma, NY), a computed inclinometer with a single
tape measure, the authors found that the double inclinometer sensor, to measure lumbar ROM in 38 healthy individuals.
technique had questionable intertester reliability (Table 12.6). Full cycle sagittal ROM was the most accurate measurement,
Reliability problems with the use of double inclinometers are and extension was the least accurate. Clinical utility of lum-
often related to difficulty in identifying landmarks and in hold- bar sagittal plane ROM measurement appeared to be highly
ing the inclinometers correctly. Other problems include too sensitive to the training of the test administrator in aspects of
long a time period between test and retest and lack of sufficient the process such as locating bony landmarks of T12 and S1 and
practice to familiarize the examiner with the instruments. maintaining inclinometer placement without rocking on the
Loebl23 has stated that the only reliable technique for sacrum. Device error was negligible relative to the error associ-
measuring lumbar spine motion is radiography. However, ated with the test process itself. The authors found that practice
radiography is expensive and may pose a health risk to the was the most significant factor in eliminating the largest source
subject; moreover, the validity of radiographic assessment of of error when inexperienced examiners were used.
ROM is unreported. Loebl23 used an inclinometer to measure Nitschke and colleagues56 compared the following mea-
flexion and extension in nine subjects. He found that in five surement methods in a study involving 34 male and female
repeated active measurements, the ROM varied by 5 degrees subjects with chronic low-back pain and two examiners:
in the most consistent subject and by 23 degrees in the most dual inclinometers for lumbar spine ROM (flexion, exten-
inconsistent subject. Variability decreased when measure- sion, and lateral flexion) and a plastic long-arm goniometer
ments were taken on an hourly basis rather than on a daily for thoracolumbar ROM (flexion, extension, lateral flexion,
basis. Patel,52 who used the double inclinometer method to and rotation). Intertester reliability was poor for all mea-
measure lumbar flexion on 25 subjects aged 21 to 37 years, surements except for flexion taken with the long-arm
found intratester reliability to be high (r  0.91), but goniometer (Table 12.6). The dual inclinometer method had
intertester reliability was considerably lower (r  0.68). no systematic error, but there was a large random error for
Mayer and associates53 compared repeated measurements all measurements. The authors concluded that the standard
of lumbar ROM of 18 healthy subjects taken by 14 different error of measurement might be a better indicator of reliabil-
examiners using three different instruments: a fluid-filled ity than the ICC.
inclinometer, the kyphometer, and the electrical inclinometer. Reynolds57 compared intratester and intertester reliability
The three instruments were found to be equally reliable, but with use of a spondylometer, a plumb line and skin distraction,
significant differences were found between examiners. Poor and an inclinometer. Intertester error was calculated by com-
intertester reliability was the most significant source of vari- paring the results of two testers taking 10 repeated measure-
ance. The authors identified sources of error as being caused ments of lumbar flexion, extension, and lateral flexion on 30
by differences in instrument placement among examiners and volunteers with a mean age of 38.1 years. Highly significant
inability to locate the necessary landmarks. positive correlations were found between flexion–extension
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400 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

TABLE 12.6 Intratester and Intertester Reliability for Thoracolumbar and Lumbar ROM

Author Subject Sample Instrument Motions Intra Inter Intra Inter

n ICC ICC r r

Fitzgerald14 17 Healthy adults Tape measure* Flexion 1.0

Universal Extension 0.88
goniometer+ R. lat. flexion 0.76
L. lat. flexion 0.91
Nitschke et al56 34 Patients with Universal Flexion 0.92 0.84
back pain goniometer+ Extension 0.81 0.63
20–65 yrs +
R. lat. flexion 0.76 0.62
Flexion 0.90 0.52
Dual Extension 0.70 0.35
inclinometers* R. lat. flexion 0.90 0.18
Williams et al19 15 Patients with Dual Flexion 0.60 0.13 –
CLBP inclinometers* 0.87
Extension 0.48 0.28 –
Madson et al67 40 Healthy BROM* Flexion 0.67
adults Extension 0.78
20–40 yrs R. lat. flexion 0.95
R. rotation 0.93
Kachingwe 91 Healthy BROM* Lat. flexion 0.83 –
and Phillips68 adults 0.85
mean age Flexion 0.79 –
= 28 yrs 0.84
Kondratek 15 Healthy BROM II* Flexion 0.53 –
et al30 Children 0.71
5–11 yrs Extension 0.82 –
Petersen et al70 21 Healthy OSI CA- Flexion 0.90 0.85
subjects 6000+ Extension 0.96 0.96
10–79 yrs +
R. lat. flexion 0.89 0.85
R. rotation 0.95 0.90

BROM  Back Range of Motion Device; OSI CA-6000  Spine Motion Analyzer.
* Lumbar ROM.
+ Thoracolumbar ROM.

ROM measured with the inclinometer and that measured with In contrast to the findings of Saur and colleagues,49
the spondylometer. The inclinometer had acceptable intertester Samo and coworkers48 reported poor criterion validity with
reliability, with the highest reliability for measurement of lat- the use of inclinometers. Samo and coworkers48 compared
eral flexion to the right. radiographic measurements of lumbar ROM in 30 subjects
with measurements taken with the following three instru-
Validity: Double Inclinometers ments: a Pleurimeter V (double inclinometer), a carpenter’s
Saur and colleagues49 found that the correlation of radiographic double inclinometer, and a computed single-sensor incli-
ROM measurements with inclinometer ROM measurements nometer. All ICCs between radiographs and each method
demonstrated an almost linear correlation for flexion (r  0.98) were less than the 0.90 established by the authors as the cri-
and total lumbar flexion–extension ROM (r  0.97), but exten- terion. Therefore, the authors judged that each method had
sion did not correlate as well (r  0.75). poor validity.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 401

Reliability: Universal Goniometer reliability was excellent (ICC  0.94) and so was intertester
Nitschke and colleagues56 compared lumbar spine ROM mea- reliability (ICC  0.96).
surements taken with the universal goniometer and the double Jones and associates17 conducted a repeated measures
inclinometer in a study involving 34 males and females with study of 119 children aged 11 to 16 years to assess the mea-
low-back pain. The goniometer was used to measure all surement error associated with spinal mobility measures.
ranges of lumbar spine motion. Intertester reliability was poor Thirty children in the sample reported recurrent low-back
for all measurements for both instruments except for flexion pain, and 89 children were asymptomatic (Table 12.8). The
using the goniometers (see Table 12.6). correlation coefficient for lumbar flexion using the MST was
Fitztgerald and associates14 used the universal goniome- 0.99 for the asymptomatic group and 0.93 for the sympto-
ter to measure thoracolumbar lateral flexion and extension. matic group. Little systematic error was present, but the
Two testers measured half cycle motions in 17 volunteers who 95 percent limits of agreement showed that all measures
were physical therapy students. The intertester reliability was exhibited random error, which was greater in the symptomatic
high for left lateral flexion (r  0.91), good for extension (r  group and could affect the reliability of spinal mobility tests
0.88), and fair for right lateral flexion (r  0.76). in children with back pain.
Reynolds57 calculated intertester error by comparing the
Validity: Universal Goniometer results of two testers taking 10 repeated measurements of
Nattrass and coworkers43 compared measurements of the tho- lumbar flexion and extension on 30 volunteers with a mean
racolumbar spine taken with the universal goniometer and age of 38.1 years. The MST had acceptable intertester relia-
measurements of the lumbar spine with the Dualer Electric bility only for extension.
Inclinometer with three measures of impairment. Thirty-four Pile and colleagues60 had five testers (three physical ther-
patients between 20 and 65 years of age with chronic low- apists, a rheumatologist, and a rheumatology registrar) use
back pain were the subjects for the study. The results showed the MST to measure lumbar flexion twice in each of
that only flexion ROM measured with the goniometer demon- 10 patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Intertester reliability
strated greater than 50 percent of the variance in common was fair (r  0.78).
with one of the disability measures. Lindell and coworkers9 conducted a study with one med-
Reliability: Schober Test ically trained physiotherapist and one medically untrained
Fitzgerald and associates14 used the Schober technique to tester (research assistant) using the MST to measure lumbar
measure lumbar flexion and the universal goniometer to flexion in 50 subjects (30 patients with low-back or neck pain,
measure thoracolumbar lateral flexion and extension. In- and 20 healthy participants). The intratester reliability was an
tertester reliability was calculated from measurements taken ICC of 0.87 with a standard error of the measurement (SEM)
by two testers on 17 volunteers who were physical therapy of 0.3 cm for the medically trained tester, and an ICC of 0.79
students. Pearson reliability coefficients were calculated on with a SEM of 0.7 cm for the other tester. Intertester reliabil-
paired results of the two testers (see Table 12.6). Intertester ity ranged from an ICC of 0.94 (SEM0.4 cm) when testing
reliability using the Schober Test was excellent with an patients to an ICC of 0.22 (SEM1.0 cm) when testing
r value of 1.0. healthy participants. The intertester ICC for all subjects was
0.79 (SEM0.7 cm). The authors concluded that reliable
Reliability: Modified Schober Test measurements could be taken by medically untrained testers
Many of the following reliability studies were conducted on using tests like the MST, forward bending fingertip-to-floor
patient populations that usually have lower reliability scores test, and lateral bending fingertip-to-thigh test that did not re-
than healthy populations. However, one can see by looking at quire manual stabilization.
Table 12.7 that some of the intrareliability and interreliability Gill and coworkers37 compared the reliability of four
coefficients for the modified Schober test (MST) are in the methods of measurement including fingertip-to-floor dis-
good to excellent category for patient populations. tance, the Modified Schober technique, the two-inclinometer
Haywood and colleagues58 used the MST to evaluate the method, and a photometric technique. The subjects of the
measurement properties of spinal mobility in 159 patients study were 10 volunteers (5 men and 5 women) aged 24 to
with ankylosing spondylitis (133 males and 26 females, 20 to 34 years. Repeatability of the fingertip-to-floor method
74 years of age). Fifty-one patients participated in the reliabil- was poor (coefficient of variation (CV)  14.1 percent).
ity study in which both intratester (ICC  0.94) and in- Repeatability of the inclinometer for the measurement of
tertester (ICC  0.90) reliability were high. Also, the MST full flexion was also poor (CV  33.9 percent). The MST
had a strong relationship with all mobility measures. yielded a CV of 0.9 percent for full flexion and a CV of
Viitanen and associates59 employed two physical thera- 2.8 percent for extension.
pists to use the MST to measure lumbar flexion ROM in Validity: Schober and Modified Schober Tests
52 patients with ankylosing spondylitis with a mean age of Macrae and Wright3 tested the validity of both the original
45 years. Repeat tests were performed within 72 hours from two-mark Schober technique and a three-mark modification
entry on successive days at the same time of day. Intratester of the Schober technique (modified Schober). The authors
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402 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

TABLE 12.7 Reliability of Schober Tests: Modified Schober Test (MST) and Modified–Modified
Schober Test (MMST)
Author Lindell Haywood Jones Pile Williams Tousignant
et al9 et al58 et al17 et al60 et al19 et al50
Sample 20 healthy Patients with 89 healthy and Patients Patients Patients
and 30 patients ankylosing 30 patients with with with
with back/neck spondylitis with LBP AS CLBP LBP
pain (AS)
20–63 yrs 18–75 yrs 11–16 yrs 26–73 yrs 25–53 yrs Mean age = 44 yrs
n = 20 n = 50 n = 26 n = 51 n = 30 n = 89 n = 10 n = 15 n = 31
Motion Intra Inter Intra Inter Inter Inter Intra Inter Intra Inter
Flexion 0.87 0.79 0.90 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.78 0.78 - 0.72 0.95 0.91
Extension 0.69 - 0.76

CLBP  chronic low-back pain; LBP  low-back pain. ICC  intraclass correlation coefficient;
r  pearson product moment correlation coefficient; Intra  intratester reliability; Inter  intertester reliability.

found a linear relationship between measurements of lum- faulty placement of skin marks seriously impaired the accu-
bar flexion obtained by these methods and radiographic racy of the unmodified Schober technique. Placement of
measurements. The correlation coefficient was 0.90 be- marks 2 cm too low led to an overestimate of 14 degrees.
tween the Schober technique and radiographs (x-rays), with Marks placed 2 cm too high led to an underestimate of
an SE of 6.2 degrees. The correlation coefficient was 0.97 15 degrees. In the MST, the same errors in placement led
between the modified Schober measurement and the radi- to overestimates and underestimates of 5 and 3 degrees,
ographic measurements, with an SE of 3.25 degrees. Clinical respectively.
identification of the lumbosacral junction was not easy, and

TABLE 12.8 Reliability of Thoracolumbar Lateral Flexion ROM: Tape Measure

Test Fingertip- Fingertip- Fingertip- Fingertip- Fingertip-

to-Thigh to-Thigh to-Thigh to-Floor to-Floor
Author Alaranta et al18 Lindell et al9 Jones et al17 Haywood et al58 Pile et al60
Sample 508 employed 20 healthy and 89 healthy and Patients Patients
workers* 30 patients with 30 patients with AS with AS†
back/neck pain with LBP
35–45 yrs 22–55 yrs 11–16 yrs 18–75 yrs 28–73 yrs
n = 34 n = 93 n = 20 n =30 n = 89 n = 30 n=26 n=51 n= 10
Intra Inter Intra Inter Intra Intra Intra Inter Inter
Motion r r ICC ICC r r ICC ICC
Right and 0.81 0.91
Right 0.99 0.93 0.99 0.93 0.98 0.98 0.83
Left 0.94 0.95 0.99 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.79

AS  ankylosing spondylitis; ICC  intraclass correlation coefficient; LBP  low-back pain; r  Pearson product moment correlation
coefficient; Intra  intratester reliability; Inter  intertester reliability.
* Some workers had back or neck pain, and some had no pain.
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 403

Viitanen and associates59 found that the MST, thora- authors compared these measurements with measurements
columbar lateral flexion, and fingertip-to-floor test using a calculated on x-rays as the gold standard. The comparison
tape measure had the most significant correlations with thora- showed that the MMST had moderate validity (r  0.67; 95%
columbar changes seen on x-ray (calcifications of discs, ossi- confidence interval  0.44 to 0.84). The minimum metrically
fication of liagments, and changes in the apophyseal joints). detectable change (MMDC) of 1 cm was determined to be
In constrast to the preceding studies, the following two excellent in this group of patients, but because of the moder-
studies did not find good evidence for the validity of the ate validity finding, the authors suggest that further studies
Schober and the MST. Portek and colleagues63 compared the need to perfomed to establish the test’s validity.
MST and two other clinical methods with each other and with
Reliability: Prone Press-Up (for Extension)
radiographs. These authors found little correlation either
Bandy and Reese64 compared the reliability of the prone
among the measurements obtained by two testers using three
press-up to measure lumbar extension under two conditions:
clinical techniques to measure lumbar flexion in 11 subjects
with and without a strap to control pelvic motion. Sixty-three
or among the three clinical techniques and radiographs. A
unimpaired individuals with a mean age of 26 years partici-
Pearson’s reliability coefficient of 0.43 was found between
pated as subjects in the study. Measurements of extension
the MST and the radiographic measurement. The intertester
ROM were taken by an experienced group and a student
error for the MST for lumbar flexion showed significant dif-
group using a tape measure. Intratester reliability was excel-
ferences between testers according to paired t-tests. However,
lent for the experienced group in both the strapped (ICC 
intertester error was calculated between 10 measurements on
0.91) and unstrapped (ICC  0.90) conditions and good for
10 different days, and the authors attributed the error to diffi-
the student group. Intertester reliability for both the strapped
culties in reestablishing a neutral starting position and the
and unstrapped conditions was good (ICC  0.87 and ICC 
mobility of the skin over the landmarks.
0.85, respectively).
Quack and colleagues,8 in a study involving 112 female
subjects with a mean age of 53 years, compared the MST with Reliability and Validity: Fingertip-to-Floor
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. The authors did Test (for Forward Flexion)
not find any statistically significant findings between the MST Perret and colleagues10 included 32 patients with low-back pain
and MRI findings. Therefore, the validity for the MST with with a mean age of 52 years in a reliability study. Intratester and
respect to segmental lumbar degeneration was questioned. intertester reliability were excellent (ICC  0.99). Ten patients
with low-back pain (mean age of 42 years) participated in the
Reliability: Modified–Modified Schober Test
validity study. Two lateral radiographs were taken: one of the
Williams and coworkers19 measured flexion and extension on
dorsal spine with the patients in the neutral standing position
15 patient volunteers with a mean age of 36 years who had
and one taken in full trunk flexion. Spearman’s correlation
chronic low-back pain. The authors compared the MMST,20
coefficient for this validity test of trunk flexion was excellent
which is also referred to as the simplified skin distraction
(r  0.96). Seventy-two patients with low-back pain partici-
method,21 with the double inclinometer method. Intratester
pated in the responsiveness study. High values were found for
Pearson correlation coefficients for the MMST were an r of
responsiveness for the fingertip-to-floor method, which showed
0.89 for tester 1, an r of 0.78 for tester 2, and an r of 0.83 for
that the fingertip test has very good sensitivity to change.
tester 3. Intertester Pearson correlation coefficients between
Haywood and colleagues58 also assessed reliability, valid-
the three physical therapist testers were an r of 0.72 for flex-
ity, and responsiveness of the fingertip-to-floor forward flex-
ion and an r of 0.77 for extension with use of the MMST. The
ion test in 77 patients with ankylosing spondylitis. The
therapists underwent training in the use of standardized pro-
authors found both intratester and intertester reliability to be
cedures for each method prior to testing. According to the
excellent, with ICCs between 0.94 and 0.99. Also, the test was
testers, the MMST was easier and quicker to use than the dou-
the most responsive to self-perceived changes in health at
ble inclinometer method. The only disadvantage to using the
6 months. Authors recommended this test for clinical practice
MMST method is that norms have not been established for all
and research.
age groups.
Viitanen and associates59 found that the fingertip-to-floor
Tousignant and associates50 used the MMST to obtain lum-
test had significant correlations with thoracolumbar changes
bar flexion ROM measurements in 31 patients with low-back
seen on x-ray (calcifications of disc, ossification of ligaments,
pain. The authors found excellent intratester reliability (ICC 
and changes in apophyseal joints).
0.95) and very good intertester reliability (ICC  0.91).
Pile and associates60 found that the sagittal plane fingertip-
Validity: Modified–Modified Schober Test to-floor test had an excellent intertester reliability (ICC  0.95)
The ease of finding landmarks for measuring lumbar flexion in a study in which three physical therapists, a rheumatologist,
and extension with the MMST appears to make this method a and a rheumatology registrar measured 10 patients twice.
better choice over the Schober and MST; however, more stud- Lindell and coworkers9, in a study of 50 subjects
ies need to be performed to confirm its validity. Tousignant (30 patients with low-back or neck pain, and 20 healthy par-
and associates50 used the MMST to obtain lumbar flexion ticipants), found intratester reliability to be excellent with an
ROM measurements in 31 patients with low-back pain. The ICC  0.95 and SEM0.9 cm for both an experienced
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404 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

physiotherapist and a medically untrained research assis- Reliability: Back Range of Motion Device
tant. Intertester reliability was also excellent with ICC values Reliability results are inconclusive, and it appears that
greater than 0.95 and SEM values ranging from 0.9 to additional research needs to be done on this method of mea-
1.2 cm. surement to warrant the expenditure involved in purchasing
Gauvin, Riddle, and Rothstein65 used a modified version the back range of motion (BROM) device. The BROM II
of the fingertip-to-floor test by placing subjects on a stool and device (Performance Attainment Associates, Roseville, MN)
then measuring the distance from the tip of the subject’s mid- is a revised and improved version of the original BROM.
dle finger to the stool. Seventy-three patients with low-back Two groups of researchers investigating the reliability of the
pain participated in the study, and both intratester (ICC  BROM II device agreed that the instrument had high relia-
0.98) and intertester (ICC  0.95) reliability were excellent. bility for measuring lumbar lateral flexion and low reliabil-
The modified version of the test is supposed to account for the ity for measuring extension. However, the two groups
fact that many people can reach the floor, and in this study differed regarding the reliability of the BROM II device
27 percent of the subjects were able to reach the top of the for measuring flexion and rotation. Breum, Wiberg, and
stool or beyond the top. Bolton66 concluded that the BROM II device could measure
In contrast to the preceding studies, the following study flexion and rotation reliably, whereas Madson, Youdas, and
did not find acceptable retest reliability. Gill and coworkers61 Suman67 determined that rotation but not flexion could be
compared the reliability of four methods of measurement reliably measured (see Table 12.6). Potential sources of
including fingertip-to-floor distance, the Modified Schober error identified by the authors67 included slippage of the
technique, the two-inclinometer method, and a photometric device over the sacrum during flexion and extension and
technique. The subjects of the study were 10 volunteers variations in the identification of landmarks from one mea-
(5 men and 5 women) aged 24 to 34 years. Repeatability of surement to another.
the fingertip-to-floor method was poor (CV  14.1 percent). Kondratek and colleagues30 used the BROM II to conduct
Repeatability of the inclinometer for the measurement of full one of the few studies on lumbar ROM in children. The subjects
flexion was also poor (CV  33.9 percent). were 225 normally developing children ages 5 to 11 years of
age. Two physical therapists experienced working with children
Reliability: Fingertip-to-Thigh Test were trained in the use of the BROM II. Intrarater reliability on
(for Lateral Flexion) 15 childern was good to excellent for one tester for all half
Alaranta and associates,18 in a study involving 508 white and cycle motions except for flexion, which was unacceptable (ICC
blue collar workers between the ages of 35 and 54 years,  0.53). The intratester reliability for the second tester ranged
found that the intertester reliability was high at an interval of from an ICC of 0.71 for flexion and an ICC of 0.76 for right lat-
1 week for the fingertip-to-thigh method of assessing thora- eral flexion, to an ICC of 0.91 for right rotation.
columbar lateral flexion. Intratester reliability at the interval Kachingwe and Phillips68 employed two testers to use the
of 1 year was remarkably good for the large time interval be- BROM to measure lumbar motions in 91 healthy men and
tween tests (see Table 12.8). women with a mean age of 28 years. Intratester reliability for
Jones and colleagues,17 in a study of 119 children ages 11 lateral flexion was good (ICC  0.85 to 0.83), forward flex-
to 16 years (30 children with low-back pain and 89 asympto- ion was good to fair (ICC  0.84 to 0.79), and extension and
matic children), found excellent correlation coefficients for right rotation was fair to poor (ICC  0.76 to 0.58). Intertester
and left lateral flexion in the low-back pain group (r  0.93 to reliability was fair to poor for all lumbar motions and for
0.95) and in the asymptomatic group (r  0.99). Limits of pelvic inclination (ICC  0.76 to 0.58).
agreement, expressed as the mean difference between test and
retest  1.96  SD of the difference between test and retest, Reliability: Motion Analysis Systems
were 0.16 mm ± 6.78 for right lateral flexion for the asympto- A number of researchers have investigated the reliability of
matic children but much larger for the symptomatic group motion analysis systems including, among others, the CA-6000
(0.50 mm  16.93 mm). The authors concluded that there was Spine Motion Analyzer,14,29 the SPINETRAK,71 and the
very little systematic bias but all measures exhibited random FASTRAK (Polhemus, Colchester, VT).69 Two research groups
error, which was larger in the symptomatic group (see Table 12.8). found that intratester reliability for measuring lumbar flexion
Lindell and coworkers9 conducted a study of 50 subjects was very high with use of the CA-6000.29,45 In one of the stud-
(30 patients with low-back or neck pain, and 20 healthy sub- ies, both intratester and intertester reliability ranged from good
jects) who were tested by two examiners. The intratester reli- to high for lumbar forward flexion and extension, but intratester
ability for the fingertip-to-thigh test for lateral bending was and intertester reliability were poor for rotation.29
excellent for the experienced physiotherapist (ICC  0.94- In a study using the SPINETRAK,72 ICCs were 0.89 or
0.99, SEM  0.5-1.0 cm) and fair for the medically untrained greater for intratester reliability. ICCs for intertester reliabil-
tester (ICC  0.73-0.86, SEM  1.4-1.6 cm). Intertester reli- ity ranged from 0.77 for thoracolumbar flexion to 0.95 for
ability was fair to excellent depending on the group and side thoracolumbopelvic flexion. Steffan and colleagues69 used the
tested, with ICCs ranging from 0.79 to 0.98 and SEMs rang- FASTRAK system to measure segmental motion in forward
ing from 0.9 to 1.5 cm. lumbar flexion by tracking sensors attached to Kirschner
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CHAPTER 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 405

wires that had been inserted into the spinous processes of L3 Summary
and L4 in 16 healthy men. Segmental forward flexion showed
large intersubject variation. The sampling of studies reviewed in this chapter reflects the
Van Herp and associates33 used the Polhemus Navigation amount of effort that has been directed toward finding reliable
Sciences 3 Space System to measure ROM in 100 healthy and valid methods for measuring spinal motion. Each method
subjects (50 male and 50 female subjects) ranging in age reviewed has advantages and disadvantages, and clinicians
from 20 to 77 years of age. Recorded ranges of motion should select a method that appears to be appropriate for their
including flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation particular clinical situation.
showed a level of agreement with x-ray data indicating good
concurrent validity.
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406 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

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The 13
Structure and Function

Temporomandibular Joint
Zygomatic arch
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the articulation between
the mandible, the articular disc, and the temporal bone of the Articular
skull (Fig. 13.1A, B). The disc divides the joint into two distinct eminence of
temporal bone
parts, which are referred to as the upper and lower joints. The Mandibular
larger upper joint is formed by the convex articular eminence, fossa
concave mandibular fossa of the temporal bone, and the supe- Mastoid
rior surface of the disc. The lower joint consists of the convex
surface of the mandibular condyle and the concave inferior sur-
face of the disc.1–3 The articular disc helps the convex mandible Maxilla
Mandibular condyloid
conform to the convex articular surface of the temporal bone.2 process
The TMJ capsule is described as being thin and loose Styloid process
above the disc but taut below the disc in the lower joint. Short
capsular fibers surround the joint and extend between the
mandibular condyle and the articular disc and between the Mandible

disc and the temporal eminence.3 Longer capsular fibers A

extend from the temporal bone to the mandible.
The primary ligament associated with the TMJ is the tem- Articular disc
poromandibular ligament. The stylomandibular and the spheno-
mandibular ligaments (Fig. 13.2) are considered to be accessory
ligaments.4,5 The muscles associated with the TMJ are the
medial and lateral pterygoids, temporalis, masseter, digastric,
stylohyoid, mylohyoid, and geniohyoid.
The upper joint is an amphiarthrodial gliding joint, and the
lower joint is a hinge joint. The TMJ as a whole allows Joint capsule
motions in three planes around three axes. All of the motions
except mouth closing begin from the resting position of the B
joint in which the teeth are slightly separated (freeway
FIGURE 13.1 A: Lateral view of the skull showing the
space).3,6 The amount of freeway space, which usually varies temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and surrounding structures.
from 2 mm to 4 mm, allows free anterior, posterior, and lat- B: A lateral view of the TMJ showing the articular disc and a
eral movement of the mandible. portion of the joint capsule.

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410 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Reinforcement of the TMJ is provided primarily by the

temporomandibular ligament, which limits mouth opening,
retrusion, and lateral excursion. The functions of the stylo-
mandibular and sphenomandibular ligaments are somewhat
controversial, but these ligaments appear to help suspend
capsule the mandible from the cranium.4 According to Magee,7 the
ligaments keep the condyle, disc, and temporal bone in close
approximation. These ligaments also may prevent excessive
mandibular protrusion, but their exact function has not been verified.
ligament Temporomandibular
ligament The inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscles and
the digastric muscles produce mandibular depression (mouth
ligament opening),1,3–7 whereas the mylohyoid and geniohyoid mus-
cles assist in the motion, especially against resistance.3,7
A Mandibular angle
Mandibular elevation (mouth closing) is produced by bilat-
eral contractions of the temporalis, masseter, and medial
pterygoid muscles.1,3–7 Mandibular protrusion is a result of
bilateral action of the masseter,1,7 medial,1,3,7 and lateral3–8
Joint capsule
pterygoid muscles, which may be assisted by the mylohyoid,
stylohyoid, and digastric muscles.7 Retrusion is brought
about by bilateral action of the posterior fibers of the tempo-
ligament ligament ralis muscles1,3–7; by the digastric,1,3–7 middle, and deep fibers
of the masseter3,7; and by the stylohyoid, mylohyoid,1,7
and geniohyoid1,3,7 muscles. Mandibular lateral excursion is
produced by a unilateral contraction of the medial and lateral
B pterygoid muscles,1–7 which produce contralateral motion,
FIGURE 13.2 A: A lateral view of the temporomandibular whereas a unilateral contraction of the temporalis muscle
joint showing the oblique fibers of the temporomandibular causes lateral motion to the same side.
ligament and the stylomandibular and sphenomandibular Cervical spine muscles may be activated in conjunction
ligaments. B: A medial view of the temporomandibular joint with TMJ muscles because of the close functional relation-
showing the medial portion of the joint capsule and the
ship that exists between the head and the neck.1,4–11 Extension
stylomandibular and sphenomandibular ligaments.
of the head and neck has been found to occur simultaneously
with mouth opening, whereas flexion of the head and neck
The functional motions permitted are mandibular depres- accompanies mouth closing. These coordinated and parallel
sion (mouth opening), mandibular elevation (mouth closing), movements at the TMJ and cervical spine joints have been
protrusion (anterior translation; Fig.13.3) and retrusion (poste- observed in studies, and researchers suggest that prepro-
rior translation; Fig.13.4), and right and left lateral excursion or grammed neural commands may simultaneously activate both
laterotrusion (lateral deviation; Fig. 13.5). Maximal contact of jaw and neck muscles.9–11
the teeth in mouth closing is called centric occlusion.

Maxilla Maxilla

Mandible Mandible

FIGURE 13.3 Protrusion is an anterior motion of the FIGURE 13.4 Retrusion is a posterior motion of the mandible
mandible in relation to the maxilla. in relation to the maxilla.
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CHAPTER 13 The Temporomandibular Joint 411

Maxilla Arthrokinematics
Mandibular depression (mouth opening) occurs in the sagittal
plane and is accomplished by rotation and sliding of the
mandibular condyles. Condylar rotation is combined with
anterior and inferior sliding of the condyles on the inferior
surface of the discs, which also slide anteriorly (translate)
along the temporal articular eminences. Mandibular elevation
(mouth closing) is accomplished by rotation of the mandibu-
lar condyles on the discs and sliding of the discs with the
condyles posteriorly and superiorly on the temporal articular
In protrusion, the bilateral condyles and discs translate
together anteriorly and inferiorly along the temporal articular
eminences. The movement takes place at the upper joint, and
no rotation occurs during this motion. In lateral excursion, one
mandibular condyle and disc slide inferiorly, anteriorly, and
medially along the articular eminence. The other mandibular
FIGURE 13.5 Lateral excursion is a lateral motion of the condyle rotates about a vertical axis and slides medially within
mandible to either side.
the mandibular fossa. For example, in left lateral excursion,
the left condyle spins and the right condyle slides anteriorly.
Capsular Pattern
In the capsular pattern, mandibular depression is limited.7
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412 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT


Landmarks for Testing Procedures

Maxilla Lateral incisor

Canines Central incisors


FIGURE 13.6 The adult has between 28 and 32 permanent

teeth, including 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, and 8 to
12 molars. The central incisors serve as landmarks for ruler

DEPRESSION OF THE MANDIBLE The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporo-

mandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) recommends that
(MOUTH OPENING) the examiner observe pain-free active mouth opening
Motion occurs in the sagittal plane around a
and describe fully any deviations of the mandible that
medial–lateral axis. Functionally, the mandible is able
take place during the motion.13 The observation of
to depress approximately 35 mm to 50 mm so that
active mouth opening should be followed with mea-
the subject’s three fingers or two knuckles can be
surements of maximal active mouth opening and pas-
placed between the upper and the lower central
sive mouth opening.
incisor teeth.7 According to the consensus judgments
of the Permanent Impairment Conference in 1995, the
normal range of motion (ROM) for mouth opening
ranges between 40 mm and 50 mm.12 See Table 13.1
in the Research Findings section for additional normal
values. The mean ROM for depression of the mandible
in Table 13.1 ranges from 41 mm to 58.6 mm.
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CHAPTER 13 The Temporomandibular Joint 413

active movement, no lateral mandibular motion

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT

Testing Position
Place the subject sitting, with the cervical spine in occurs during mandibular depression (Fig. 13.7). If
0 degrees of flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and lateral excursion does occur, it may take the form of
rotation. either a C-shaped or an S-shaped curve. With a
C-shaped curve, the lateral excursion is to one side
Stabilization and should be noted on the recording form
Stabilize the posterior aspect of the subject’s head (Fig. 13.8). With an S-shaped curve, the lateral excu-
and neck to prevent flexion, extension, lateral flexion, sion occurs first to one side and then to the opposite
and rotation of the cervical spine. side.7 Include a description of the deviation on the
recording form (Fig. 13.9).
Testing Motions
Active Pain Free Mouth Opening Active Mouth Opening
Ask the subject to open his or her mouth slowly and Ask the subject to make an effort to open his or her
as far as possible without pain. Observe the motion mouth as wide as possible even if pain is present.
for any lateral excursion of the mandible. In normal

FIGURE 13.7 Normal maximal active mouth opening.

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414 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT

FIGURE 13.8 Abnormal mouth opening with lateral deviation

to the left.

FIGURE 13.9 Examples of recording temporomandibular motions. A: Lateral deviation R and L on

opening, maximal opening is 4 cm; lateral excursions are equal and 1 cm in each direction; protrusion
on functional opening (dashed line). B: Opening limited to 1 cm; deviation to the left on opening;
lateral excursion greater to the R than to L. C: Protrusion is 1 cm; lateral deviation to R on protrusion
(indicates weak pterygoid on opposite side). Adapted from Magee, DJ: Orthopedic Physical
Assessment, ed 3. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 1997, p. 165, with permission.
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CHAPTER 13 The Temporomandibular Joint 415

Testing Motions ligament; and the masseter, temporalis, and medial

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT

pterygoid muscles.6,7
Passive Mouth Opening
Grasp the mandible so that it fits between the thumb Measurement Method
and the index finger, and pull the mandible inferiorly Use a millimeter ruler to measure the vertical distance
(Fig. 13.10). The subject may assist with the motion by between the edge of the upper central incisor and
opening the mouth as far as possible. The end of the the corresponding edge of the lower central incisor.
motion occurs when resistance is felt and attempts to The correct ruler placement is shown in Figure 13.11.
produce additional motion cause the head to nod for-
ward (cervical flexion).

Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm owing to stretching of the joint
capsule; retrodiscal tissue; the temporomandibular

FIGURE 13.10 At the end of passive mandibular depression FIGURE 13.11 Use a millimeter ruler to measure the vertical
(mouth opening), one of the examiner’s hands maintains the distance between the edge of a lower central incisor and
end of the range of motion by pulling the jaw inferiorly. The the edge of the opposing upper central incisor to measure
examiner’s other hand holds the back of the subject’s head mouth opening.
to prevent cervical motion.
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416 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT

OVERBITE Measurement Method

Overbite, which is the amount that the upper teeth When the person’s mouth is closed, use a nontoxic
extend over the lower teeth when the mouth is marking pencil to make a horizontal line on the lower
closed, is usually added to the mouth opening mea- central incisors at the bottom edge of the overlapping
surements. This addition provides a more accurate upper central incisors14 (Fig.13.12). After the line is
measurement of mouth opening ROM, especially in drawn and the person’s mouth is opened, measure
persons with a large overbite. Most normal values the amount of overbite between the horizontal line
published from research studies add the amount of and upper edge of the mandibular central incisors
overbite to mouth opening values as recommended (Fig.13.13).
by the RDC/TMD criteria.

FIGURE 13.12 To measure the amount of overbite that is

present use a nontoxic marking pencil to draw a horizontal
line across the lower central incisors where the upper FIGURE 13.13 Ask the subject to open the mouth slightly so
central incisors overlap when the mouth is closed. that it is possible to measure the amount of overbite as the
distance from the horizontal line drawn on the lower central
incisors to the top edge of the lower incisors.
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CHAPTER 13 The Temporomandibular Joint 417

Passive Protrusion

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT

Protrusion of the mandible is a translatory motion that Grasp the mandible between the thumb and the fin-
occurs in the transverse plane. Normally, the lower gers from underneath the chin. The subject may assist
central incisor teeth are able to protrude 6 mm to with the movement by pushing the chin anteriorly as
9 mm beyond the upper central incisor teeth. How- far as possible. The end of the motion occurs when
ever, the normal ROM for adults may range from resistance is felt and attempts at additional motion
3 mm7 to 10 mm.6 See Table 13.2 in the Research cause anterior motion of the head (Fig. 13.14).
Findings section for additional normal values and the
effects of age and gender on ROM. Normal End-Feel
The end-feel is firm owing to stretching of the joint
Testing Position capsule; stylomandibular and sphenomandibular liga-
Place the subject sitting, with the cervical spine in ments; and the temporalis, masseter, digastric, stylo-
0 degrees of flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and hyoid, mylohyoid, and geniohyoid muscles.3,7
rotation. The TMJ is opened slightly.
Measurement Method
Stabilization Measure the distance between the lower central
Stabilize the posterior aspect of the head and neck to incisor and the upper central incisor teeth with a tape
prevent flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation measure or ruler (Fig. 13.15). Alternatively, two verti-
of the cervical spine. cal lines drawn on the upper and lower canines or
Testing Motion lateral incisors may be used as the landmarks for
Active Protrusion
Have the subject push the lower jaw as far forward as
possible without moving the head forward.

FIGURE 13.14 At the end of passive mandibular protrusion FIGURE 13.15 At the end of mandibular protrusion range of
range of motion, the examiner uses one hand to stabilize motion, the examiner uses the end of a plastic goniometer
the posterior aspect of the subject’s head while her other to measure the distance between the subject’s upper and
hand moves the mandible into protrusion. lower central incisors. The subject maintains the position.
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418 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT


OF THE MANDIBLE Active Lateral Excursion
This translatory motion occurs in the transverse Have the subject slide his or her lower jaw as far to
plane. The amount of lateral movement to the right the right as possible. Have the subject move the
and left sides is not usually symmetrical, and there is lower jaw as far to the left as possible.
some evidence that movement to the left is greater
than to the right.15 The normal ROM for adults is Passive Lateral Excursion
between 10 mm and 12 mm2 but may range from Grasp the mandible between the fingers and the
10 mm to 15 mm.7 According to the consensus thumb and move it to the side. The end of the motion
judgment of the Permanent Impairment Conference, occurs when resistance is felt and attempts to pro-
the normal ROM is between 8 mm and 12 mm.12 duce additional motion causes lateral cervical flexion
See Table 13.2 in the Research Findings section for (be careful to avoid depression, elevation, and protru-
additional normal values and the effects of age and sion and retrusion during the movement; Fig. 13.16).
gender on ROM.
Normal End-Feel
Testing Position The normal end-feel is firm owing to stretching of the
Place the subject sitting, with the cervical spine in joint capsule; the temporomandibular ligaments; and
0 degrees of flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and the temporalis, medial, and lateral pterygoid muscles.
rotation. The TMJ is opened slightly so that the sub-
ject’s upper and lower teeth are not touching prior to Measurement Method
the start of the motion. Measure the lateral distance between the center of
the lower incisors and the center of the upper central
Stabilization incisors with a millimeter ruler (Fig. 13.17). The
Stabilize the posterior aspect of the head and neck to distance that the mandible has moved laterally in rela-
prevent flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation tion to the maxilla is evident by comparing the
of the cervical spine. position of the upper and lower central incisors in
Figures 13.17 and 13.18.


FIGURE 13.16 At the end of passive mandibular lateral excursion range of motion, the
examiner uses one hand to prevent cervical motion and the other hand to maintain a lateral
pull on the mandible.
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CHAPTER 13 The Temporomandibular Joint 419

Range of Motion Testing Procedures/TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT

FIGURE 13.17 The examiner uses a millimeter ruler to measure the lateral distance between
the center of the two upper incisors and the center of the two low incisors. Align the ruler
with the upper incisors first as these teeth have not moved during the motion.


FIGURE 13.18 Note the difference between the alignment of the lower and upper central
incisors in the neutral position compared to alignment of these incisors at the end of lateral
excursion as shown in Figs. 3.16 and 3.17.
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420 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

Research Findings 6.6:1 between vertical and horizontal ROM. Therefore, based
on the results of this study, the authors concluded that the 4:1
ratio between vertical and horizontal ROM that has been used
The search for normative ROM values for TMJ joint motions is as a standard in the past19 should be replaced by the approxi-
ongoing and includes various age groups of males and females mately 6:1 ratio found in this study. However, the authors
in different populations and ethnic groups. A sampling of these found that the ratio has poor predictive value.
studies is included in this section and in the sections that follow
on the effects of age and gender on TMJ ROM. Effects of Age, Gender,
In one of the few studies conducted to determine refer-
and Other Factors
ence values for children, Cortese, Oliver, and Biondi16 found
that the normal range of mouth opening in boys and girls with Age
a mean age of 4.6 years was 38.6 mm. For children in the Temporomandibular joint ROM in children tends to show an
study with a mean age of 6.9 years, the ROM was found to be increase in ROM as age increases between the ages of 3 and
42.0 mm.16 Hirsch and colleagues,17 in a study involving chil- 17 years.16,17 Similar to other areas of the body, the ROM in
dren and adolescents 10 to 17 years old, found that the mean adults tends to decrease rather than increase as age increases
ROM for mouth opening was 50.6 mm. from ages 16 or 17 years onward. Also, like other areas of the
Functional mouth opening is a distance sufficient for the body, some TMJ motions appear to be affected by age more
subject to place two or three flexed proximal interphalangeal than other TMJ motions in both adults and children.
joints within the opening. That distance in adults may range Cortese, Oliver, and Biondi16 determined ROM values in
from 35 mm to 50 mm, although an opening of only 25 mm a sample of 212 boys and girls ages 3 to 11 years of age. The
to 35 mm is needed for normal activities.7 A slightly more re- ROM in mouth opening and lateral excursion was found to be
stricted normal range of adult values (40 to 50 mm) was ar- smaller in young children (3 to 4 years) compared to slightly
rived at by consensus judgments made at a 1995 Permanent older children (11 years), but no change in protrusion ROM
Impairment Conference by representatives of all major soci- was observed.
eties and academies whose members treat TMJ disorders.12 In a population-based study involving 1011 German male
Similar normative mean values for adult mouth opening, from and female children and adolescents between the ages of 10 and
a low of 41 mm to a high of 58.6 mm, are presented in 17 years, Hirsch and colleagues17 also found an increase in the
Table 13.1. Normal mean values for the ROM in protrusion ROM of some motions as age increased. A significant difference
and lateral excursive motions are presented from four sources occurred between maximum active mouth opening in the 10- to
in Table 13.2. 13-year-old group and in the 14- to 17-year-old group, with the
Dijkstra and coworkers18 investigated the relationship older adolescent group having a greater range of mouth opening.
between vertical and horizontal mandibular ROM in The authors determined that maximal unassisted mouth opening
91 healthy subjects (59 women and 32 men) with a mean age increased by 0.4 mm per year of age. Lateral excursion and
of 27.2 years. A mean ratio was found ranging from 6.0:1 to protrusion also were influenced by age, with lateral excursion

TABLE 13.1 Maximum Active Mouth Opening ROM in Subjects 10 to 99 Years of Age:
Normal Linear Distance in Millimeters*
Hirsch Marklund and Goulet Celic Gallagher Turp
Author et al17 Wunman20 et al21 et al22 et al23 et al15
Sample Male and Male and Male and Male Males and Male and
female female female Croatian females from female German
German Swedish volunteers dental population dental students
school dental students in Ireland and staff
children students
Mean age Mean age
10–17 yrs 18–48 yrs 29 yrs 19–28 yrs 16–99 yrs 26.1 yrs
Males Females Males Females
n = 1011 n = 371 n = 36 n = 60 n = 657 n = 856 n = 58 n = 83

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean Mean Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

ROM 50.6 (6.4) 55.3 (6.1) 52.6 (6.3) 50.8 (5.0) 43 41 58.6 (7.1) 54.6 (7.9)

SD = standard deviation;.
* All measurements were obtained with a millimeter ruler, and all measurements include the amount of overbite except for measurements
taken by Gallagher et al.
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CHAPTER 13 The Temporomandibular Joint 421

TABLE 13.2 Mandibular Protrusion and Lateral Excursion Range of Motion: Normal Linear Distance
in Millimeters*
Author Hirsch et al17 Celic et al22 Walker et al14 Turp et al15
Sample 486 male and Males and 3 males and Male and female
525 female females 12 females students and staff
students Mean age = 26.1 yrs
10–17 yrs 19–28 yrs 21–61 yrs n = 141
n = 1011 n = 60 n = 15 Male Female
Motion Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Protrusion 8.2 (2.5) 1–22 7.9 (2.5) 3–13 7.1 (2.3) 4–11 —
Left lateral excursion 10.6 (2.3) 3–21 10.1 (3.0) 3–15 8.6 (2.1) 5–12 12.1 (2.3) 11.5 (2.4)
Right lateral excursion 10.2 (2.2) 3–17 10.0 (2.8) 4–15 9.2 (2.6) 6–14 11.0 (2.6) 10.9 (2.1)

SD = standard deviation.
* All measurements were obtained with a millimeter ruler.

increasing 0.1 mm per year of age and protrusion decreasing Thurnwald24 found that the subject’s gender significantly
0.1 mm per year of age. affected both mouth opening and lateral excursion. The
Gallagher and coworkers23 conducted a population-based 50 males in this study had a greater mean range of mouth
study of mouth opening in 1513 Irish adults ages 16 to opening (59.4 mm) than the 50 females (54.0 mm). The males
99 years. Maximum mouth opening showed a decrease in also had a greater mean ROM in right lateral excursion, but the
ROM from 45 mm in the 16- to 24-year-old group of males to difference between genders in this instance was small. The
41 mm in the 65- to 99-year-old group of males. A similar de- healthy 26-year-old males in a study by Turp, Alpaslan,
crease in mouth opening ROM occurred in females from the and Gerds15 had significantly larger maximum ROM in mouth
youngest to the oldest group. Thurnwald24 also found that opening and in both right and left lateral excursion in
mouth opening decreased with increasing age. The decrease comparison to healthy females of the same age (see Table
was about 5 mm from a mean of 59.4 mm in the 17-year-old 13.1). Lewis, Buschang, and Throckmorton26 determined that
group to 54.3 mm in the 65-year-old group. In fact, active males had significantly greater mouth opening ROM (mean =
ROM in all TMJ motions except for retrusion decreased with 52.1 mm) than females (mean = 46.0 mm).
increasing age in the 100 subjects in the study. However, when mouth opening was measured as the an-
In contrast to the preceding studies Hassel, Rammelsberg, gular displacement of the mandible in relation to the cranium
and Schmitter,25 in a comparison of ROM between a group of (angle of mouth opening), Westling and Helkimo27 found that
44 young adults ages 18 to 45 years and a group of 43 elderly maximal jaw opening in adolescents was slightly larger in fe-
patients ages 68 to 96 years, found that mouth opening ROM males than in males. This finding might have been influenced
did not decrease from the youngest to the oldest groups. How- by the fact that females generally reach adult ROM values by
ever, the ROM in protrusion and lateral excursion followed the 10 years of age, whereas males do not reach adult ROM val-
normal pattern and decreased from the youngest to the oldest ues until 15 years of age.28
Mandibular Length
Gender The ROM in mouth opening appears to be related to the length
A definite gender difference appears to be present in adults of the mandible. Dijkstra and colleagues,29 in a study of mouth
16 to 99 years of age, with males having larger ROM in opening in 13 females and 15 males, found that the linear
mouth opening than females.23,24,26 Studies also have found distance between the upper and the lower incisors during
that male adults have a larger ROM in lateral excursion than mandibular depression was significantly influenced by
females.15,24 Furthermore, Hirsch and colleagues17detected a mandibular length. In a subsequent study, Dijkstra and associ-
gender effect in 10 to 17 year olds, with males having a sig- ates30 investigated the relationship between incisor distances,
nificantly larger (1.8 mm) ROM in maximum active mouth mandibular length, and angle of mouth opening in 91 healthy
opening than females. However, according to Cortese, Oliver, subjects (59 women and 32 men) ranging from 13 to 56 years
and Biondi,16 the gender effect on mouth opening does not ap- of age (mean 27.2 years). Mouth opening was influenced by
pear to be present in young children 3 to 11 years of age. both mandibular length and angle of mouth opening. There-
Gallagher and coworkers,23 in a study of mouth opening in fore, it is possible that subjects with the same mouth opening
1513 Irish males and females, determined that the 657 males distance may differ from each other in regard to TMJ mobility.
16 to 99 years of age had greater maximum active mouth Lewis, Buschang, and Throckmorton26 found that mandibular
opening ROM compared to the 856 females in the study. length accounted for some of the gender differences in mouth
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422 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

opening and for most of the gender differences in condylar musculature to injury, mechanical problems, and degenerative
translation in mouth opening. Westling and Helkimo27 found changes. For example, the articular disc may become entrapped,
that passive mouth opening ROM was strongly correlated to deformed, or torn; the capsule may become thickened; the liga-
mandibular length. ments may become shortened or lengthened; and the muscles
To adjust for mandibular length, Miller and coworkers31 may become inflamed, contracted, and hypertrophied. These
developed a “mouth opening index,” called the temporo- problems may give rise to a variety of symptoms and signs that
mandibular opening index (TOI), which was determined by are included in the TMD classification.
using the following formula: TOI = (PO – MVO/PO + MVO) ⫻ Restricted mouth opening ROM is considered to be one
100. PO is passive opening, and MVO refers to maximal volun- of the important signs of TMD.36 Popping or clicking noises
tary opening. In a subsequent study, Miller and associates32 (or both) in the joint during mouth opening and/or closing and
compared the TOI in patients with a temporomandibular disor- deviation of the mandible during mouth opening and closing
der (TMD) with the TOI in a control group of individuals may be present.36–39 Other signs and symptoms include facial
without TMDs. Based on the results of the study, the authors pain; muscular pain36; tenderness in the region of the TMJ,
concluded that the TOI appeared to be independent of age, gen- either unilaterally or bilaterally; headaches; and stiffness of
der, and mandibular length. Moipolai, Karic, and Miller,33 in a the neck. TMDs appear to be more prevalent in females of all
study of 42 asymptomatic patients, used analysis of covariance ages after puberty, although the actual percentages of women
to assess the association between the TOI and age, gender, affected varies among investigators.36,39–43
ramus length, and gonial angle. No relationship between the A number of studies have investigated TMJ disorders in
variables and the TOI was found. In a more recent study, populations of children, adolescents, and elderly individu-
Miller34 found that the TOI was able to distinquish between two als.17,20,22,25,39,44–46 Celic and colleagues22 investigated the range
groups of patients with myogenous TMD, a finding that should of mandibular movements in a young male population of
make the TOI valuable as a diagnostic tool. 180 patients with TMD disorders and 60 control subjects. A
significant difference was found in maximal active mouth
Head and Neck Positions and Motions
opening and active lateral excursion and protrusion between
Head and neck positions and motions are closely linked with
the controls and patients with TMD, but the authors con-
mouth opening and closing movements. Also, the ROM of
cluded that it was not possible to discriminate among the fol-
mouth opening is affected by the static position of the head
lowing three patient groups: myogenous, disc, and combined
and neck, so examiners need to be aware of the subject’s head
myogenous and disc.
and neck position during measurements of the TMJ. Accord-
Cooper and Kleinberg 47 reviewed the records of 4528 men,
ing to Zafar,9,10 there is a functional linkage between the tem-
women, and children patients between the ages of 11 and
poromandibular and craniocervical regions, with head and
70 years and found that the prevalence of TMDs was highest
neck extension movements being an integral part of natural
between the ages of 21 and 50 years of age. The authors also
active mouth opening and head and neck flexion being an
found a gender difference in that 77 percent of the patients were
integral part of mouth closing.
Higbie and associates35 investigated the effects of static
In a study of 114 males and 194 female university stu-
head positions (forward, neutral, and retracted) on mouth
dents with a mean age of 23 years, Marklund and Wanman20
opening in 20 healthy males and 20 healthy females between
found that the persistence of signs and symptoms over the
18 and 54 years of age. Mouth opening ROM measured with
period of a year was higher in female students. However, the
a millimeter ruler was significantly different among the three
1-year incidence of TMJ signs and symptoms (12 percent)
positions. Mouth opening was greatest (mean = 44.5 mm,
was not significantly different between men and women.
standard deviation [SD] = 5.3) in the forward head position,
Possible reasons for a gender preference have been attrib-
which includes extension of the upper cervical region; it was
uted to a number of factors including, among others, greater
less in the neutral head position (mean = 41.5 mm, SD = 4.8);
stress levels in women,42 hormonal influences,43 and habits of
and it was least (mean = 36.2 mm, SD = 4.5) in the retracted
adolescent girls that are extremely harmful to the temporo-
head position, which includes cervical flexion. Day-to-day
mandibular joints (e.g., intensive gum chewing, continuous
reliability was found to vary from an r value of 0.90 to 0.97,
arm leaning, ice crushing, nail biting, biting foreign objects,
depending on head position, and the standard error of mea-
jaw play, clenching, and bruxism).37,38
surement (SEM) ranged from 0.77 to 1.69 mm, also depend-
ing on head position. As a result of the findings, the authors
concluded that the head position should be controlled when Reliability and Validity
mouth opening measurements are taken. However, the authors
As is the case in other areas of the body, some TMJ motions
found that an error of 1 mm to 2 mm occurred regardless of
appear to be more reliably measured than other motions in
the position in which the head was placed.
both asymptomatic and symptomatic subjects. Mouth open-
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) ing (active and passive) measured with a millimeter ruler as
The structure of the TMJs and the fact that these joints get the vertical distance between the upper and lower central
so much use predisposes the joints, associated ligaments, and incisors has consistently demonstrated good to excellent
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CHAPTER 13 The Temporomandibular Joint 423

reliability (see Table 13.3).14,35,47–50 Measurements of protru- and test-retest reliability varied between 0.90 and 0.96. How-
sion have also shown good reliability, but lateral excursion ever, in contrast to the findings of Walker, Bohannon, and
has consistently shown poor to good reliability.25,48,50–53 Cameron14 and those of Higbie and associates,35 the authors
Walker, Bohannon, and Cameron14 determined that all six found that the smallest detectable difference of maximal
TMJ motions measured with a millimeter ruler were reliable. mouth opening in this group of subjects varied from 9 mm to
Measurements were taken by two testers at three sessions, 6 mm. Based on these results, a clinician would have to mea-
each of which were separated by a week. The 30 subjects who sure at least 9 mm of improvement in maximal mouth open-
were measured included 15 patients with a TMJ disorder ing in this group of patients to say that improvement had
(13 females and 2 males with a mean age of 35.2 years) and occurred.
15 subjects without a TMJ disorder (12 females and 3 males Reliability appears to be improved when examiners par-
with a mean age of 42.9 years). The intratester reliability ticipate in a calibration training program in which examiners
intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for tester 1 ranged are calibrated to a standarized set of examination procedures
from 0.82 to 0.99, and the intratester reliability for tester and criteria, as described by the RDC/TMD. Lobbezoo and
2 ranged from 0.70 to 0.90. However, only mouth opening colleagues52 found that calibration training resulted in good to
measurements had construct validity and were useful for dis- excellent interexaminer reliability of both active and passive
criminating between subjects with and without TMJ disor- mouth opening measurements and protrusion ROM. Only
ders. The technical error of measurement (difference between lateral excursion ROM measurements had fair interexaminer
measurements that would have to be exceeded if the measure- reliability.
ments were to be truly different) was 2.5 mm for mouth open- In a study by Leher and colleagues,51 no significant differ-
ing measurement in subjects without a TMJ disorder. ence was found in the reliability of ROM measurements
Higbie and associates35 also found that ROM measure- between inexperienced dental students and experienced practi-
ments of mouth opening were highly reliable with the use of tioners who had participated in a calibration program. The
a millimeter ruler. Twenty males and 20 females with a mean authors concluded that calibration training was more important
age of 32.9 years were measured by two examiners. Intra- than experience. However, both groups had unacceptable relia-
tester, intertester, and test-retest reliability ICCs ranged from bility scores for lateral excursive motions. Lausten, Glaros, and
0.90 to 0.97, depending on head position. SEM values indi- Williams 53 compared nonexpert and expert examiners’ ability
cated that an error of 1 mm to 2 mm existed for the measure- to measure TMJ ROM following calibration training. The non-
ment technique used in the study. experts were able to measure maximum active mouth opening
Kropmans and colleagues48 found similar high reliability ROM with a high degree of reliability, but, similar to Leher’s
in a study of mouth opening involving 5 male and 20 female results, neither group was able to measure lateral excursive
patients with painfully restricted TMJs. Intratester, intertester, motions reliably.

TABLE 13.3 Intertester Reliability of Mandibular Measurements Using a Millimeter Ruler

Author Goulet et al21 Walker et al14 Walker et al14 John et al50

Testers 5 experienced 2 experienced 2 experienced 4 experienced
Sample 10 males and 2 male and 3 males and 11 patients
62 females; 13 female patients 12 females with TMD and
36 patients with TMD with TMD without TMD 25 without TMD
and 36 without TMD
Mean age 29 yrs 20–52 yrs 21–61 yrs 17–71 yrs
n = 72 n = 15 n = 15 n = 36
Mouth opening 0.87 0.99 0.98 0.93
Right lateral excursion 0.59 0.96 0.90 0.73
Left lateral excursion 0.68 0.94 0.95 0.79
Protrusion — 0.98 0.95 0.91

ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient; TMD = temporomandibular disorder.

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424 PART IV Testing of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint

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16. Cortese, SG, Oliver, LM, and Biondi, AM: Determination of mandibular 43. Warren, MP, and Fried, JL: Temporomandibular disorders and hormones
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17. Hirsch,C, et al: Mandibular jaw movement capacity in 10–17-yr-old chil- Turkish children with mixed and permanent dentition. J Oral Rehabil
dren and adolescents: Normative values and the influence of gender, age, 28:280, 2001.
and temporomandibular disorders. Eur J Oral Sci 114:465, 2006. 45. Alamoudi, N, et al: Temporomandibular disorders among school chil-
18. Dijkstra, PU, et al: Ratio between vertical and horizontal mandibular dren. J Clin Pediatr Dent 22:323, 1998.
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2066_App-A_425-430.qxd 5/21/09 5:23 PM Page 425

Normative Range
of Motion Values

TABLE A.1 Shoulder, Elbow, Forearm, and Wrist Motion: Mean Values in Degrees

Wanatabe Boone and Green and Walker Downey AAOS6 AMA7

et al*1 Azen2 Wolf3 et al4 et al5

0–2 yrs 1–54 yrs 18–55 yrs 65–85yrs 61–93 yrs

n = 45 n = 109 n = 20 n = 60 n = 106

Motion (M) (10 M, 10 F) (30 M, 30 F) (60 M, 140

F shoulders)
Shoulder Complex
Flexion 172–180 167 156 165 165 180 180
Extension 78–89 62 — 44 — 60 50
Abduction 177–187 184 168 165 158 180 180
Medial rotation 72–90 69 49 62 65 70 90
Lateral rotation 118–134 104 84 81 81 90 90
Elbow and Forearm
Flexion 148–158 143 145 143 — 150 140
Extension — 1 0 4† — 0 0
Pronation 90–96 76 84 71 — 80 80
Supination 81–93 82 77 74 — 80 80
Flexion 88–96 76 73 64 — 80 60
Extension 82–89 75 65 63 — 70 60
Radial deviation — 22 25 19 — 20 20
Ulnar deviation — 36 39 26 — 30 30

AAOS ⫽ American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons; AMA ⫽ American Medical Association;

M ⫽ males; F ⫽ females.
All values obtained with a universal goniometer.
* Values in this column represent a range of means.

Value refers to extension limitation.

2066_App-A_425-430.qxd 5/21/09 5:23 PM Page 426

426 APPENDIX A Normative Range of Motion Values

TABLE A.2 Glenohumeral Motion: Mean Values in Degrees

Author Ellenbecker et al8 Ellenbecker et al8 Boon & Smith9 Lannan et al10

11–17 yrs 11–17 yrs 12–18 yrs 21–40 yrs

n = 113 n = 90 n = 50 n = 60
Motion (M) (F) (18 M, 32 F) (20 M, 40 F)
Flexion — — — 106
Extension — — — 20
Abduction — — — 129
Medial rotation 51 56 63 49
Lateral rotation 103 105 108 94

M ⫽ males; F ⫽ females.
Values obtained with a universal goniometer.

TABLE A.3 Finger Motions: Mean Values in Degrees

Author Skarilova & Mallon et al‡, 12 Smahel & Hume et al†,15 AAOS6 AMA7
Plevkova*,11 Klimova*,13,14

20–25 yrs 18–35 yrs 18–28 yrs 26–28 yrs

n = 200 n = 120 n = 101 n = 35
Motion (100 M, 100 F) (60 M, 60 F) (52 M, 49 F) (M)
Finger MCP
Flexion 91 95 92 100 90 90
Extension 26 20 25 — 45 20
Finger PIP
Flexion 108 105 111 105 100 100
Extension — 7 — 0 0 0
Finger DIP
Flexion 85 68 81 85 90 70
Extension — 8 — 0 0 0

CMC ⫽ carpometacarpal; IP ⫽ interphalangeal; MCP ⫽ metacarpophalangeal; AAOS ⫽ American Association

of Orthopaedic Surgeons; AMA ⫽ American Medical Association; F ⫽ females ; M ⫽ males.
* Values obtained with a metallic slide goniometer on dorsal aspect.

Values obtained with a computerized Greenleaf goniometer.

Values obtained with a gonimeter applied to the dorsal aspect.
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APPENDIX A Normative Range of Motion Values 427

TABLE A.4 Thumb Motions: Mean Values in Degrees

Author Skarilova and Skarilova and Jenkins et al†,16 DeSmet et al‡,17 AAOS6 AMA7
Plevkova*,11 Plevkova*,11
20–25 yrs 20–25 yrs 16–72 yrs 16–83 yrs
n = 200 n = 200 n = 119 n = 101
(100 M, 100 F) (100 M, 100 F) (50 M, 69 F) (43 M, 58 F)
Motion Active Passive Active
Thumb CMC
Abduction — — — — 70 —
Flexion — — — — 15 —
Extension — — — — 20, 80 35§
Thumb MCP
Flexion 57 67 59 54 50 60
Extension 14 23 — — 0 40
Thumb IP
Flexion 79 86 67 80 80 80
Extension 23 35 — — 20 30

DIP ⫽ Distal interphalangeal; MCP ⫽ metacarpophalangeal; PIP ⫽ proximal interphalangeal;

AAOS ⫽ American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons; AMA ⫽ American Medical Association; M ⫽ Males; F ⫽ females.
* Values obtained with a metallic slide goniometer on dorsal aspect.

Values obtained with a universal goniometer on lateral aspect.

Values obtained with a digital goniometer on dorsal aspect.
Range of motion value of 35 degrees is the difference between the minimal angle (15 degrees)
of separation between first and second metacarpals and the maximal angle (50 degrees) of separation.

TABLE A.5 Hip and Knee Motions: Mean Values in Degrees

Author Waugh Drews Schwarze Wanatabe Phelps Boone Roach AAOS6 AMA7
et al18 et al 19 and et al1 et al21 and and
Denton20 Azen2 Miles22
12 hrs–
6–65 hrs 6 days 1–3 days 4 weeks 9 mos 1–54 yrs 25–74 yrs
n = 40 n = 54 n = 1000 n = 62 n = 25 n = 109 n = 1683
Motion (26 M, (473 M, (821 M,
28 F) 527 F) (M and F) (109 M) 862 F)
Flexion — — — 138 — 122 121 120 100
Extension 46* 28*† 20* 12* 10* 10 19 20 30
Abduction — 55‡ 78‡ 51 — 46 42 40
Adduction — 6‡ 15‡ — — 27 — 20
Medial rotation — 80‡ 58 24 52 47 32 45 50
Lateral rotation — 114‡ 80 66 47 47 32 45 50
Flexion — — 150 — — 142 132 135 150
Extension 15* 20* 15* — — — — 10 —

AAOS ⫽ American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons; AMA ⫽ American Medical Association;

M ⫽ males; F ⫽ females.
* Values refer to extension limitations.

Tested witth subjects in sidelying position
‡Tested with subjects in supine position
2066_App-A_425-430.qxd 5/21/09 5:23 PM Page 428

428 APPENDIX A Normative Range of Motion Values

TABLE A.6 Ankle and Foot Motions: Mean Values in Degrees

Author Waugh Wanatabe Boone McPoil and Mecagni AAOS6 AMA7

et al18 et al1 and Azen2 Cornwall25 et al24

6–65 hrs 4–8 mos 1–54 yrs 26.1 yrs 64–87 yrs
n = 40 n = 54 n = 109 n = 27 (54 feet) n = 34
Motion (18 M, 22 F) (M) (9 M, 18 F) (F)
Dorsiflexion 59 51 13 16 11 20 20
Plantar flexion 26 60 56 — 64 50 40
Inversion — — 37 19 (Subtalar) 26 35 30
Eversion — — 21 12 (Subtalar) 17 15 20
First MTP
Flexion — — — — — 45 30
Extension — — — 86 — 70 50

AAOS ⫽ American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons; AMA ⫽ American Medical Association;

M ⫽males; F ⫽ females.
All range of motion values in the table obtained with a universal goniometer.

TABLE A.7 Cervical Spine Motions: Mean Values in Centimeters and Degrees

Author Youdas Lantz Hsieh and Balogun AAOS6 AMA7

et al*,26 et al†,27 Young‡,28 et al§,29
11–19 yrs 30–39 yrs 70–79 yrs 20–39 yrs 14–31 yrs 18–26 yrs 26–39 yrs
n = 40 n = 41 n = 40 n = 63 n = 34 n = 21 n = 63
(20M, 20F) (20 M, 21 F) (20 M, 20 F) (27 M, 7 F) (15 M, 6 F)
Motion M F M F M F Active Passive
Flexion 64 — 47 — 39 — 60 74 1.0 cm 4.3 cm 32 45 50
Extension 86 84 68 78 54 55 56 53 22 cm 19 cm 64 45 60
Right lateral 45 49 43 47 26 28 43 48 11 cm 13 cm 41 45 45
Right 74 75 67 72 50 53 72 79 12 cm 11 cm 64 60 80

AAOS ⫽ American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons; AMA ⫽ American Medical

Association; F ⫽ female; M ⫽ male.
* Values in degrees were obtained for active range of motion using the cervical range
of motion (CROM) instrument.

Values in degrees were obtained for active and passive range of motion with use of
the OSI CA-6000 Spinal Motion Analyzer.

Values in centimeters were obtained with a tape measure.
Values in centimeters obtained with a tape measure appear in the last column, whereas values in
degrees obtained with a Myrin gravity-referenced goniometer appear in the second column.
NB: AMA values in degrees were obtained with use of a universal goniometer, and AAOS
values in degrees were obtained with use of an inclinometer.
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APPENDIX A Normative Range of Motion Values 429

TABLE A.8 Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Motions: Mean Values in Centimeters and Degrees

Author Haley Moll and Van Adrichem and Breum McGregor Fitzgerald AAOS6 AMA7
et al*,30 Wright*,31 van der Korst†,32 et al‡,33 et al§,34 et al¶,35
5–9 yrs 15–75 yrs 15–18 yrs 18–38 yrs 50–59 yrs 20–82 yrs
n = 282 n = 237 n = 66 n = 47 n = 41 n = 172
(140 M, (119 M, (34 M, (27 M, (21 M, (168 M,
142 F) 118 F) 32 F) 20 F) 20 F) 4 F)
Motion M F M F M F M F
Flexion 6–7 cm 5–7 cm 7 cm 6 cm 56 54 55 60 — 80 60
Extension — — — — 22 21 21 18 16–41 25 25
Right lateral
flexion — — — — 33 31 30 30 18–38 35 25
Right — — — — 8 8 26 26 — 45 30

AAOS ⫽ American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons; AMA ⫽ American Medical Association;

F ⫽ female; M ⫽ male.
* Lumbar values obtained with use of the Modified Schober method.

Lumbar values obtained using the Modified–Modified Schober (simplified skin distraction) method.

Lumbar values in the first column were obtained with the BROM II. Lumbar values in the second
column were obtained with double inclinometers.
Lumbar values obtained with the OSI CA-6000.

Range of motion (ROM) values for thoracolumbar extension and lateral flexion were
obtained with a universal goniometer. Lower values are for ages 70–79 years and higher
values are for ages 20–29 years.
NB: AAOS values for thoracolumbar motions were obtained with a universal goniometer.
AMA values were obtained with use of the two-inclinometer method for lumbar motions
of flexion, extension, and lateral flexion. The AMA value for rotation is for the thoracic spine.

TABLE A.9 Tempomandibular Motions: Mean Values in Millimeters

Author Walker et al*,36 Hirsch et al*,37 Thurnwald†,38

21–61 yrs 10–17yrs 17–25 yrs 50–65 yrs
n = 15 n = 1011 n = 50 n = 50
(3 M, 12 F) (486 M, 525 F) (25 M, 25 F) (25 M, 25 F)
Motion M F M F M F
Opening 43 51 51 61 55 58 51
Left lateral excursion 9 11 10 9 8 8 6
Right lateral excursion 9 10 10 10 9 7 9
Protrusion 7 8 8 5 5 5 4

* Values were obtained for active range of motion (ROM) with an 11-cm plastic ruler marked in millimeters.

Values were obtained for active ROM with Vernier calipers as the measuring instrument.
2066_App-A_425-430.qxd 5/21/09 5:23 PM Page 430

430 APPENDIX A Normative Range of Motion Values

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2066_App-B_431-432.qxd 5/21/09 8:41 PM Page 431

Joint Measurements
by Body Position
Prone Supine Sitting Standing

Shoulder Extension Flexion

Medial rotation
Lateral rotation
Elbow Flexion
Forearm Pronation
Wrist Flexion
Radial deviation
Ulnar deviation
Hand All motions
Hip Extension Flexion Medial rotation
Medial rotation†† Abduction Lateral rotation
Lateral rotation†† Adduction
Knee Flexion
Ankle and foot Subtalar inversion Dorsiflexion Dorsiflexion
Subtalar eversion Plantar flexion Plantar flexion
Inversion Inversion
Eversion Eversion
Midtarsal inversion Midtarsal inversion
Midtarsal eversion Midtarsal eversion
Toes All motions All motions
Cervical spine Rotation* Flexion
Lateral flexion
Thoracic and lumbar spine Rotation Flexion
Lateral flexion
Temporomandibular joint Depression (opening)
Lateral excursion

* Measurement position using single inclinometer.

Measurement position using universal goniometer, tape measure, and cervical
range of motion device (CROM).
Alternative position.

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2066_App-C_433-438.qxd 5/21/09 5:25 PM Page 433

Numerical Recording
Range of Motion—Temporomandibular Joint and Spine

Patient’s Name:______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ___________

Left Right
Examiner’s Initials
Temporomandibular Joint
Depression (opening)
Lateral Excursion
Cervical Spine
Lateral Flexion
Thoracolumbar Spine
Lateral Flexion
Lumbar Spine
Lateral Flexion

2066_App-C_433-438.qxd 5/21/09 5:25 PM Page 434

434 APPENDIX C Numerical Recording Forms

Range of Motion—Upper Extremity

Patient’s Name:______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ____________

Left Right


Examiner’s Initials

Shoulder Complex




Medial Rotation

Lateral Rotation






Medial Rotation

Lateral Rotation


Elbow and Forearm








Ulnar Deviation

Radial Deviation

2066_App-C_433-438.qxd 5/21/09 5:25 PM Page 435

APPENDIX C Numerical Recording Forms 435

Range of Motion—Hand

Patient’s Name:______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ____________

Left Right
Examiner’s Initials
CMC Flexion
CMC Extension
CMC Abduction
CMC Opposition
MCP Flexion
IP Flexion
IP Extension
Index Finger
MCP Flexion
MCP Extension
MCP Abduction
PIP Flexion
DIP Flexion
Middle Finger
MCP Flexion
MCP Extension
MCP Radial Abduction
MCP Ulnar Abduction
PIP Flexion
DIP Flexion
Ring Finger
MCP Flexion
MCP Extension
MCP Abduction
PIP Flexion
DIP Flexion
Little Finger
MCP Flexion
MCP Extension
MCP Abduction
PIP Flexion
DIP Flexion
2066_App-C_433-438.qxd 5/21/09 5:25 PM Page 436

436 APPENDIX C Numerical Recording Forms

Range of Motion—Lower Extremity

Patient’s Name:______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth_________

Left Right
Examiner’s Initials
Medial Rotation
Lateral Rotation
Great Toe
MTP Flexion
MTP Extension
MTP Abduction
IP Flexion
Toe _____
MTP Flexion
MTP Extension
MTP Abduction
PIP Flexion
DIP Flexion
2066_App-C_433-438.qxd 5/21/09 5:25 PM Page 437

APPENDIX C Numerical Recording Forms 437

Muscle Length

Patient’s Name:______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ____________

Left Right


Examiner’s Initials

Upper Extremity

Biceps Brachii

Triceps Brachii

Flexor Digitorum Profundus and Superficialis

Extensor Digitorum, Indicis, and Digiti Minimi

Lumbricals, Palmar and Dorsal Interossei


Lower Extremity

Hip Flexors—Thomas Test

Rectus Femoris—Ely Test


Hamstrings—Distal Hamstring Length Test

Tensor Fascia Lata—Ober Test


2066_App-C_433-438.qxd 5/21/09 5:25 PM Page 438
2066_Ind_439-450.qxd 5/22/09 6:32 PM Page 439

A knee, 255t, 255–256
shoulder, 82, 82t–83t, 84
for pronation, 99, 99f
for supination, 101, 101f
Abduction. See specific joints
temporomandibular joint, 420t–421t, general procedures for, 27–30, 28f–30f
Acromioclavicular joint
430–421 exercise for, 30–31
anatomy of, 58–59, 59f
thoracolumbar, 393–394, 394t–396t in hand testing
arthrokinematics of, 59
wrist, 134t–135t, 134–135 for abduction, 153, 153f, 170, 171f
osteokinematics of, 59
Age anatomical landmarks for, 147f, 162f–163f
Active range of motion. See also Range of motion
range of motion and, 13 for extension, 150, 151f–152f, 152, 157,
defined, 8
ankle and foot, 304t–305t, 304–305, 307t 160, 168f–169f, 168–169, 178
testing of, 8, 8f
cervical spine, 346–349, 347t–349t, 351t for flexion, 148, 149f, 155, 156f, 158,
Activities of daily living
elbow, 106, 106t–107t 159f–160f, 164, 165f–166f, 166
cultural differences and, 235, 258, 311
hand, 186t–188t, 186–188 for muscle length, 184, 185f
functional range of motion in
hip, 229t–231t, 229–231 in hip testing
ankle and foot, 309f–310f, 309t, 309–311
knee, 254t–255t, 254–256 for abduction, 204, 205f
cervical spine, 352–354, 353f–354f
shoulder, 82, 83t, 84 for adduction, 207, 207f
elbow, 108, 109f–110f, 109t, 110
temporomandibular joint, 420t–421t, anatomical landmarks for, 198f–199f
hand, 189–190, 190t
420–421 for extension, 202, 203f
hip, 234f–235f, 234t, 234–235
thoracic and lumbar spine, 393–394, for flexion, 200, 201f
knee, 256, 257f–258f, 257t, 258
394t–396t for lateral rotation, 210f–211f, 211
shoulder, 85t, 85–86, 86f–87f
wrist, 134t–135t, 134–135 for medial rotation, 209, 209f
thoracic and lumbar spine, 397f, 397–398
Algodystrophy for muscle length, 216, 217f, 223, 223f, 226,
wrist, 137t–138t, 137–139, 138f–139f
hand testing for, 192 227f–228f, 228
Adduction. See specific joints
Alignment in knee testing
Adductor longis and brevis muscles
in ankle and foot testing anatomical landmarks for, 243f
anatomy of, 213
for abduction, 297, 297f for flexion, 244, 245f
in Thomas test, 212f–217f, 212–214, 216
anatomical landmarks for, 269f, 281f, for muscle length, 249, 249f, 253, 253f
Adductor longus, magnus, and brevis muscles
290f–291f in shoulder testing
muscle length testing in, 14, 14f
for dorsiflexion, 271f–272f, 271–272 for abduction, 72, 72f–73f
for eversion, 280, 280f, 285, 285f, 289, 289f anatomical landmarks for, 60, 60f–61f
range of motion in, 13
for extension, 294, 295f for extension, 68, 68f–69f
ankle and foot, 304–305, 305t, 307t
for flexion, 292, 293f, 298–299 for flexion, 64, 64f–65f
cervical spine, 346, 348t, 351t
for inversion, 277, 277f, 283, 283f, 287, for lateral rotation, 80, 80f–81f
elbow, 106–107, 107t
287f for medial rotation, 76, 76f–77f
hand, 188t
for muscle length, 302f–303f, 302–303 in temporomandibular joint testing
hip, 229–230, 231t
for plantarflexion, 274, 274f anatomical landmarks for, 412f
knee, 254, 255t
in cervical spine testing in thoracic and lumbar spine testing
shoulder, 82, 83t
anatomical landmarks for, 323f–325f anatomical landmarks for, 368f
temporomandibular joint, 420t–421t,
for extension, 332, 332f, 334f–335f, for extension, 373–375, 373f–375f, 388,
334–335 389f–390f, 390
thoracolumbar, 395, 395t–396t, 397
for flexion, 327f–330f, 327–330 for flexion, 369–372, 369f–372f, 385,
wrist, 134, 134t
for lateral flexion, 337, 337f, 339f–340f, 385f–387f, 387
339–340 for lateral flexion, 376–379, 376f–381f, 381,
permanent teeth in, 412f
for rotation, 341, 342f, 343, 344f–345f, 345 391–392, 392f
range of motion in, 13
in elbow testing for rotation, 382, 382f–384f, 384
ankle and foot, 304t–305t, 305, 307t
anatomical landmarks for, 94f–95f in wrist testing
cervical spine, 346t–349t, 346–349, 351t
for extension, 98 anatomical landmarks for, 117f
elbow, 106t–107t, 106–107
for flexion, 27–31, 28f–30f, 96, 96f–97f for extension, 120–121, 121f
hand, 186t–188t, 186–188
of muscle length, 103, 103f, 105, 105f for flexion, 118–119, 119f
hip, 229t, 229–231, 231t
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440 Index

of muscle length, 129, 129f, 133, 133f inversion of of subtalar joint, 265
for radial deviation, 122, 123f reliability and validity of testing of, 313t, of tarsometatarsal joints, 267
for ulnar deviation, 124, 125f 313–314 of temporomandibular joint, 411
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons tarsal testing of, 276f–277f, 276–277 of thoracic spine, 365–366
range of motion findings of muscle length testing in, 300f–303f, 300–303 of tibiofibular joints, 263
ankle, 304t, 428t osteokinematics of, 263, 265–268 of wrist, 116
elbow, 106, 106t, 425t plantarflexion of Arts
foot, 304t, 428t age and gender and, 304t–305t, 304–306 range of hip motion and, 233
hand, 186, 186t, 426t–427t reliability and validity of testing of, Ascending stairs
hip, 229, 229t, 427t 311–314, 313t range of motion necessary for
shoulder, 82, 82t, 425t–426t talocrural testing of, 273f–274f, 273–274 ankle and foot, 310
spine, 393t, 428t–429t range of motion of hip, 234, 234f, 234t
wrist, 134, 134t, 425t age and, 304t–305t, 304–305, 307t knee, 256, 257t, 258
American Medical Association functional, 309f–310f, 309t, 309–311 Athletes
range of motion findings of gender and, 305–306, 307t body mass index of, 232
ankle, 304t, 428t injury and, 308–309 Atlantoaxial joint. See also Cervical spine
elbow, 106, 106t, 425t normative values for, 304, 304t, 428t anatomy of, 319, 319f–320f
foot, 304t, 428t numerical recording form for, 436t arthrokinematics of, 320
hand, 186, 186t, 426t–427t reliability and validity in testing of, capsular pattern in, 320
hip, 229, 229t, 427t 311–314, 312t–313t osteokinematics of, 319–320
knee, 254t, 427t research findings in, 304t–305t, 304–314, Atlanto-occipital joint. See also Cervical spine
shoulder, 82, 82t, 425t–426t 307t, 309f–310f, 309t, 312t–313t anatomy of, 319, 319f–320f
spine, 346t, 393t, 428t–429t testing position and, 20t, 306, 308, 431t arthrokinematics of, 320
wrist, 134, 134t, 425t subtalar eversion of capsular pattern in, 320
recording guide of, 34 testing of, 284f–285f, 284–285 osteokinematics of, 319–320
Anatomical landmarks subtalar inversion of Axes
goniometer alignment using, 27–28, 28f–30f testing of, 282f–283f, 282–283 in osteokinematics, 5–6, 6f–7f
ankle, 269f, 275f, 281f talocrural dorsiflexion of
cervical spine, 323f–325f testing of, 270f–272f, 270–272
elbow, 94f–95f talocrural plantarflexion of
Back range of motion device
foot, 269f, 281f, 290f–291f testing of, 273f–274f, 273–274
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing
hand, 147f, 162f–163f tarsal eversion of
reliability of, 404
hip, 198f–199f, 212, 212f, 218, 219f testing of, 278f, 278–280, 280f
knee, 243f tarsal inversion of
range of hip motion and, 233
shoulder, 60f–61f testing of, 276f–277f, 276–277
Baseball players
temporomandibular joint, 412f Anterior-posterior axis
shoulder range of motion in, 84
thoracic and lumbar spine, 368f defined, 5–6, 6f
Beighton hypermobility score, 12, 12t
wrist, 117f Arm. See also specific joints; Upper–extremity
Benign joint hypermobility syndrome
Anatomical position testing
defined, 12
forearm, 7f structure and function of, 57f–60f, 57–59,
Biceps brachii muscle
Anatomy 91f–95f, 91–93
muscle length testing of, 102f–103, 102–103
cervical spine, 319f–325f, 319–321 Arthralgia
strain of
elbow and forearm, 91f–95f, 91–93 in hypermobility syndrome, 12
example of, 11b
hand, 143f–145f, 143–146, 147f Arthritis
Biceps femoris muscle
hip, 197f–199f, 197–198, 219f capsular patterns in, 10
anatomy of, 218, 219f
knee, 241f–243f, 241–242, 246, 247f, 250, 250f Arthrokinematics
in straight leg raising test, 218, 219f–223f, 220,
lumbar spine, 366, 367f–368f of acromioclavicular joint, 59
shoulder, 57f–61f, 57–59 of atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial joints, 320
Biological variation
temporomandibular joint, 409, 409f–412f basic concepts of, 4f–5f, 4–5
standard deviation indicating, 43–44, 44t
thoracic spine, 365, 366f, 368f of carpometacarpal joint, 145
Body mass index
wrist, 115f–117f, 115–116, 126f, 128f, 130, defined, 4
range of motion and
132f of elbow, 92–93
elbow, 107–108
Ankle, 263–314. See also Foot of glenohumeral joint, 58
hip, 232
anatomical landmarks of, 269f, 275f, 281f of hand, 143–146
knee, 256
anatomy of, 263, 264f–266f, 265–267, 269f of iliofemoral joint, 197–198
shoulder, 84
arthrokinematics of, 263, 265–268 of interphalangeal joints
Body position
dorsiflexion of fingers, 144
joint measurements and, 431t
age and gender and, 304t–305t, 304–306, 307t thumb, 146
Body size
end-feel determinations and, 22 toes, 268
cervical spine mobility and, 352
reliability and validity of testing of, of intervertebral and zygapophyseal joints, 322
Bony landmarks. See Anatomical landmarks
311–314, 312t of knee, 242
Bubble goniometers, 25, 26f
talocrural testing of, 270f–272f, 270–272 of lumbar spine, 366–367
testing position and, 306, 308 of metacarpophalangeal joints, 143–145
eversion of of metatarsophalangeal joints, 267–268 C
reliability and validity of testing of, 313t, of midtarsal joint, 266 Calibration training
313–314 of scapulothoracic joint, 59 in temporomandibular joint testing
tarsal testing of, 278f, 278–280, 280f of sternoclavicular joint, 58 reliability and, 423
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Index 441

Capsular fibrosis gender and, 348t–349t, 349–350, 351t Cylindrical grip

capsular pattern in, 10 normative values for, 346, 346t–347t, 428t range of motion necessary for, 189–190, 190f
Capsular pattern of restricted motion numerical recording form for, 433t
of atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial joints, 320 reliability in testing of, 353–356, 357t–358t,
of carpometacarpal joints, 11t 359–361 D
defined, 9 research findings in, 346t–349t, 346–361, Dancers
of elbow, 11t 351t, 353f, 357t–358t range of hip motion in, 233
example of, 9b–10b testing position and, 20t, 352, 431t Degrees of freedom of motion
of glenohumeral joint, 11t, 58 validity in testing of, 353–356, 359–361 defined, 6
of hip, 11t, 198 validity of testing of, 40–41 Degrees of range of motion. See also Range of
of humeroulnar joint, 92 rotation of motion; specific joints
of iliofemoral joint, 198 age and, 346–349, 349t, 351t notation systems for, 6–8, 7f–8f
of interphalangeal joints, 11t testing of, 341f–345f, 341–345 Depression
of intervertebral and zygapophyseal joints, 322 Children mandibular, 410f, 410–413, 413f–415f
of knee, 242 hypermobility syndrome in, 12 Descending stairs
of lumbar spine, 367 range of motion in, 13 range of motion necessary for
of metacarpophalangeal joints, 11t, 144–145 ankle and foot, 304, 305t, 307t ankle and foot, 310, 310f
of metatarsophalangeal joints, 11t, 268 cervical spine, 349, 351t hip, 234, 234t
of midtarsal joint, 11t, 266 elbow, 106–107, 107t knee, 256, 257f, 257t, 258
of radioulnar joints, 11t, 93 hand, 187 DeVore goniometer
of subtalar joint, 11t, 265 hip, 229t–231t, 229–230 reliability and validity of
of talocrural joints, 11t, 263 knee, 254, 254t–255t in hand testing, 190
of temporomandibular joint, 411 shoulder, 82, 83t Dexter Hand Evaluation and Treatment System
of thoracic spine, 366 temporomandibular joint, 420t–421t, reliability of, 191
of tibiofemoral joints, 11t, 263 420–421 Diabetes mellitus
variability among joints of, 10, 11t thoracolumbar, 395 range of motion and
of wrist, 11t, 116 wrist, 134, 134t ankle and foot, 308–309
Cardinal planes Clavicle hip, 234
defined, 5, 6f as shoulder anatomical landmark, 60f Disability
Carpal tunnel syndrome Coefficients range of motion and
wrist position and, 139 correlation, 45 hip, 233–234
Carpometacarpal joint. See also Hand intraclass, 46–47 thoracic and lumbar spine, 397
anatomy of, 144, 144f–145f Pearson product moment, 45–46, 46t Disability scoring
arthrokinematics of, 145 of variation goniometry versus
osteokinematics of, 144–145 defined, 45 in hand testing, 192
range of motion of, 186, 188t in reliability evaluation, 45 Disorders. See also specific conditions
Carrying angle of replication, 45 ankle and foot, 308–309
elbow, 91, 92f Composite finger flexion Distal hamstring length test, 250f–253f, 250–251,
Cervical range of motion device, 25–26 reliability and validity of 253
in cervical spine testing in hand testing, 191–192 Distal interphalangeal joints. See Interphalangeal
of extension, 335, 335f Concurrent validity joints
of flexion, 330f, 330–331 criterion-related validity and, 39 Distal tibiofibular joint. See Tibiofibular joints
of lateral flexion, 340, 340f Construct validity Diurnal effects
reliability of, 359 applications of, 40–41 range of motion and
of rotation, 345, 345f defined, 40 thoracic and lumbar spine, 395
validity of, 40, 359–360 Content validity Doorknob turning
Cervical spine, 319–361 defined, 39 range of motion necessary for
anatomical landmarks of, 323f–325f Correlation coefficients wrist, 137, 137t, 138f
anatomy of, 319f–325f, 319–321 intraclass, 46–47 Dorsiflexion. See Ankle; Foot
arthrokinematics of, 320, 322 Pearson product moment, 45–46, 46t Double inclinometers
extension of in reliability evaluation, 45–47, 46t in cervical spine testing
age and, 346–349, 349t, 351t Criterion-related validity, 39–40 of extension, 334, 334f
testing of, 331f–335f, 331–335 of extremity joint studies, 39–40 of flexion, 329, 329f
flexion of of spinal studies, 40 of lateral flexion, 339, 339f
age and, 346–349, 348t–349t, 351t Crossed-legged sitting of rotation, 343, 343f–344f
testing of, 326f–331f, 326–331 range of motion necessary for in thoracic and lumbar spine testing
lateral flexion of ankle and foot, 311 of extension, 375, 375f, 390, 390f
age and, 346–349, 348t, 351t hip, 235 of flexion, 372, 372f, 387, 387f
testing of, 336–340. 336f–340f knee, 258 of lateral flexion, 381, 381f
muscles of Cultural differences reliability and validity of, 399–400
temporomandibular joint muscles and, 410 activities of daily living and, 235, 258, 311 of rotation, 384, 384f
osteokinematics of, 319–322 Cup holding Dressing. See Personal care activities
range of motion of range of motion necessary for, 189, 190f Drinking
active versus passive, 350, 352 Cybex inclinometer range of motion necessary for
age and, 346–349, 347t–349t, 351t reliability of elbow, 108, 109f, 109t, 110
body size and, 352 in knee testing, 260 shoulder, 85, 85t, 87f
functional, 352–353, 353f in thoracic and lumbar spine testing, 399 wrist, 137, 137t
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442 Index

Driving reliability of in thoracic and lumbar spine testing, 369,

range of motion necessary for in cervical spine testing, 360 373, 376, 382, 385, 388, 391
cervical spine, 352–354, 354f in hip testing, 236 in wrist testing, 118, 120, 122, 124,
in knee testing, 260 128, 131
validity of in range of motion testing, 9
E in cervical spine testing, 360 in shoulder
Eating Electronic digital inclinometer abduction of, 72
range of motion necessary for reliability of extension of, 68
elbow, 108, 109t, 110 in knee testing, 260 flexion of, 64
shoulder, 85, 85t, 87f Elevation lateral rotation of, 80
wrist, 137t, 137–139 mandibular, 410f, 410–411 medial rotation of, 76
Elbow, 91–112. See also specific joints Ely test in temporomandibular joint
anatomical landmarks of, 94f–95f of rectus femoris muscle length, 246, depression of, 415
anatomy of, 91f–95f, 91–93, 102f, 104f 247f–249f, 249 lateral excursion of, 418
arthrokinematics of, 92–93 End-feels protrusion of, 417
capsular pattern in, 11t, 92–93 abnormal, 9, 10t in thoracic and lumbar spine
example of, 9b–10b in ankle and foot extension of, 373, 388
carrying angle of, 91, 92f abduction of, 296 flexion of, 369, 385
extension of dorsiflexion of, 22, 271 lateral flexion of, 376, 391
end-feel determinations and, 22, 98 eversion of, 279, 285, 289 rotation of, 382
testing of, 98, 98f extension of, 294 in wrist
flexion of flexion of, 292, 298–299 extension of, 120
end-feel determinations and, 22, 96 inversion of, 277, 283, 287 flexion of, 118
exercise for, 36 muscle length testing in, 301 muscle length testing in, 128, 131
goniometer alignment for, 27–31, 28f–30f, plantarflexion of, 274 radial deviation of, 122
96, 97f in cervical spine ulnar deviation of, 124
recordings of, 31–32, 32f, 34b flexion of, 326 Errors
reliability studies of, 41 lateral flexion of, 336–337 measurement, 28–29, 41, 43–45, 44t
testing of, 14, 15f, 96f–97f, 96–97 rotation of, 341 Eversion. See Ankle; Foot
ligaments of, 91, 92f–93f defined, 9 Exos Handmaster
muscle length testing in, 102f–105f, 102–105 in elbow reliability of, 190–191
example of, 14, 15f extension of, 22, 98–99 Explanation procedures, 35–36
osteokinematics of, 92–93 flexion of, 22, 96 example of, 35
pronation of muscle length testing in, 103, 105 exercise for, 36
testing of, 98f–99f, 98–99 pronation of, 98–99 Extension. See also specific joints
range of motion of, 94f–101f, 94–101 supination of, 101 defined, 7
age and, 106, 106t–107t in hand Extensor digiti minimi muscle
body mass index and, 107–108 abduction of, 153, 170 muscle length testing of, 130f–133f, 130–132,
functional, 108, 109f–110f, 109t, 110 extension of, 150, 157, 160, 167, 178, 181 133
gender and, 106t–107t, 106–107 flexion of, 148, 155, 158, 161, 164, 176, 179 Extensor digitorum muscle
normative values for, 425t muscle length testing in, 184 muscle length testing of, 130f–133f, 130–132,
numerical recording form for, 434t opposition of, 174 133
reliability in testing of, 110–112 in hip Extensor indicis muscle
research findings in, 106t–107t, 106–108, abduction of, 204 muscle length testing of, 130f–133f, 130–132,
109f–110f, 109t adduction of, 207 133
right versus left side and, 108 extension of, 202 Extremity joint studies
sports and, 108 flexion of, 200 criterion-related validity of, 39–40
testing position and, 431t lateral rotation of, 211
validity in testing of, 112 medial rotation of, 209
supination of muscle length testing in, 216, 223, 226 F
testing of, 100f–101f, 100–101 in knee Face validity
Elderly adults extension of, 246 types of, 39
range of motion in, 13 flexion of, 244 FASTRAK system
ankle and foot, 305, 305t, 307t muscle length testing in, 251 in thoracic and lumbar spine testing
cervical spine, 346–349, 348t–349t, 351t normal, 9, 9t reliability of, 404–405
elbow, 106–107, 107t in ankle and foot testing, 271, 274, 277, 279, Finger. See also Hand
hand, 188t 283, 285, 287, 289, 292, 294, 296 anatomical landmarks of, 147, 147f
hip, 230–231, 231t in cervical spine testing, 326, 336–337, 341 anatomy of, 143f–145f, 143–146
knee, 255t, 255–256 in elbow testing, 96, 98–99, 101, 103, 105 arthrokinematics of, 143–144
shoulder, 83t, 84 in hand testing, 148, 150, 152–153, 155, capsular pattern in, 144
temporomandibular joint, 420t–421t, 157–158, 160–161, 164, 167, 170, 174, osteokinematics of, 143–144
430–421 176 range of motion of, 186, 186t–188t
thoracolumbar, 393–394, 394t, 396t in hip testing, 200, 202, 204, 207, 209, 211 age and, 186t–188t, 186–188
wrist, 135, 135t in knee testing, 244, 246, 251 functional, 189–190
Electrogoniometers in shoulder testing, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80 gender and, 186t–188t, 188
in elbow testing, 108, 111 in temporomandibular joint testing, 415, normative values for, 426t
overview of, 26 417–418 numerical recording form for, 435t
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Index 443

reliability and validity testing and, 190–192 normative values for, 304, 304t, 428t arthrokinematics of, 57–58
right versus left sides and, 188–189 numerical recording form for, 436t capsular pattern in, 58
Fingertip-to-floor test reliability and validity in testing of, osteokinematics of, 57
of thoracolumbar flexion, 371, 371f 311–314, 312t–313t range of motion of
reliability and validity of, 403–404 research findings in, 304t–305t, 304–314, abduction in, 70, 71f–73f, 72
of thoracolumbar lateral flexion, 378, 378f 307t, 309f–310f, 309t, 312t–313t extension in, 66, 67f–69f, 68
Fingertip-to-thigh test testing position and, 20t, 306, 308, 431t flexion in, 62, 63f–65f, 64
of thoracolumbar lateral flexion, 379, transverse tarsal eversion of, 288f–289f, lateral rotation in, 78, 79f–81f, 80
379f–380f 288–289 medial rotation in, 74, 75f–77f, 76
reliability of, 404 transverse tarsal inversion of, 286f–287f, normative values for, 426t
Flexion. See also specific joints 286–287 research findings in, 82, 83t
basic concepts of, 7, 7b, 8f Forearm. See also Elbow testing procedures for, 60f–61f, 60–61
Flexor digitorum muscles anatomical landmarks of, 94f–95f Glide
muscle length testing of, 126f–130f, 126–130 anatomical position of, 7f in arthrokinematics, 4
Flexor muscles of hip neutral position of, 7f Goniometers
anatomy of, 212, 212f range of motion of, 96–101, 96–101f alignment of, 27–31, 28f–30f. See also
muscle length testing in, 212f–217f, 212–214, normative values for, 425t Alignment
216 numerical recording form for, 434t cervical range of motion device as, 25–26
Flock of Birds tracking device testing position for, 20t electrogoniometers as, 26
reliability and validity of structure and function of, 91f–93f, 91–93 fluid (bubble), 25, 26f
in hip testing, 238 Forefoot. See also Foot gravity-dependent, 25–26, 26f
Fluid goniometers, 25, 26f in transverse tarsal eversion testing, 288f–289f, Myrin OB, 25–26
reliability of 288–289 pendulum, 25, 26f
in elbow testing, 110 in transverse tarsal inversion testing, reliability of, 42, 42t
Foot. See also Ankle 286f–287f, 286–287 in cervical spine testing, 354–355, 360
abduction of Freedom of motion degrees in elbow testing, 110–112
metatarsophalangeal testing of, 296f–297f, defined, 6 in hand testing, 190–191
296–297 Frontal plane in hip testing, 236–238
adduction of defined, 5, 6f in knee testing, 258–260
metatarsophalangeal testing of, 298 Fulcrum in shoulder testing, 86–88
anatomical landmarks of, 269f, 281f, in goniometer alignment, 28 in wrist testing, 139–140
290f–291f Functional hand patterns, 189 universal, 21–22, 23f–25f, 24. See also
anatomy of, 263, 264f–267f, 265–268, 269f Functional range of motion Universal goniometer
arthrokinematics of, 263, 265–268 ankle and foot, 309f–310f, 309t, 309–311 validity of
eversion of cervical spine, 352–353, 353f in knee testing, 261
transverse tarsal testing of, 288f–289f, elbow, 108, 109f–110f, 109t, 110 visual estimation versus, 26–27
288–289 hand, 189f–190f, 189–190, 190t Goniometry
extension of hip, 234f–235f, 234t, 234–235 basic concepts in, 3f–8f, 3–15, 9t–12t, 14f–15f
interphalangeal testing of, 299 knee, 256, 257f–258f, 257t, 258 basic objectives in, 1
metatarsophalangeal testing of, 294, shoulder, 85t, 85–86, 86f–87f defined, 3
294f–295f thoracic and lumbar spine, 397f–398f, 397–398 example of, 3b, 3f
flexion of wrist, 137t–138t, 137–139, 138f–139f indications for, 4
interphalangeal testing of, 298–299 instruments in, 21–22, 23f–25f, 24–31, 28f–30f
metatarsophalangeal testing of, 292, skills required for, 19
292f–293f G testing procedures in, 19–36. See also
interphalangeal extension of Gastrocnemius muscle Procedures; specific procedures and
testing of, 299 anatomy of, 300, 300f–301f structures
interphalangeal flexion of muscle length testing in, 300f–303f, 300–303 Gravity-dependent goniometers
testing of, 298–299 Gender overview of, 25–26, 26f
inversion of range of motion and, 13 Great toe
transverse tarsal testing of, 286f–287f, ankle and foot, 305–306, 307t range of motion of
286–287 cervical spine, 348t–349t, 349–350, 351t numerical recording form for, 436t
metatarsophalangeal abduction of elbow, 106t–107t, 106–107 Grip strength
testing of, 296f–297f, 296–297 hand, 186t–188t, 188 post-wrist fracture function and, 141
metatarsophalangeal adduction of hip, 229t–231t, 231–232 Gripping
testing of, 298 knee, 256 range of motion necessary for, 189–190, 190f
metatarsophalangeal extension of shoulder, 82t–83t, 84 Grooming. See Personal care activities
reliability and validity of testing of, 314 temporomandibular joint, 420t–421t, Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment,
testing of, 294, 294f–295f 421–422 34, 174, 399
metatarsophalangeal flexion of thoracic and lumbar spine, 394t–396t,
testing of, 292, 292f–293f 394–395
osteokinematics of, 263, 265–268 wrist, 134t–135t, 135–136 H
range of motion of Glenohumeral joint Hamstrings
age and, 304t–305t, 304–305, 307t range of motion of anatomy of, 218, 219f
functional, 309f–310f, 309t, 309–311 numerical recording form for, 434t muscle length testing in, 218, 219f–223f,
gender and, 305–306, 307t Glenohumeral joint 222–223
injury and, 308–309 anatomy of, 57, 57f–58f distal, 250f–253f, 250–251, 253
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444 Index

Hand, 143–192. See also specific joints muscle length testing in Iliotibial band
anatomical landmarks of, 147f, 162f–163f of adductors, 14, 14f anatomy of, 224, 224f
anatomy of, 143f–145f, 143–146, 147f example of, 14, 14f in Ober test, 224, 224f–228f, 226, 228
arthrokinematics of, 143–146 of flexors, 212f–217f, 212–214, 216 Inclinometers
capsular pattern in, 144–146 of hamstrings, 218, 219f–223f, 222–223 in cervical spine testing
carpometacarpal abduction of of iliotibial band, 224, 224f–228f, 226, 228 of extension, 334, 334f
testing of, 170f–171f, 170–171 Ober test in, 224, 224f–228f, 226, 228 of flexion, 329, 329f
carpometacarpal adduction of straight leg raising test in, 218, 219f–223f, of lateral flexion, 339, 339f
testing of, 172 222–223 reliability and validity of, 356, 359
carpometacarpal extension of of tensor fascia lata, 224, 224f–228f, 226, 228 of rotation, 343, 343f–344f
testing of, 167f–169f, 167–169 Thomas test in, 212f–217f, 212–214, 216 overview of, 25–26, 26f
carpometacarpal flexion of osteokinematics of, 197 reliability of
testing of, 164, 164f–166f, 166 range of motion of in cervical spine testing, 356
carpometacarpal opposition of age and, 229t–231t, 229–231 in elbow testing, 111
testing of, 172, 173f–175f, 174 arts and, 233 in hip testing, 237–238
interphalangeal extension of body mass index and, 232 in knee testing, 260
testing of, 157, 160, 181 disability and, 233–234 in shoulder testing, 88
interphalangeal flexion of functional, 234f–235f, 234t, 234–235 in thoracic and lumbar spine testing
testing of, 155, 155f–156f, 158, 158f–160f, gender and, 229t–231t, 231–232 of extension, 375, 375f, 390, 390f
161, 161f, 179, 179f normative values for, 427t of flexion, 372, 372f, 387, 387f
metacarpophalangeal abduction of numerical recording form for, 436t of lateral flexion, 381, 381f
testing of, 153, 153f–154f reliability and validity in testing of, reliability of, 399–400, 400t
metacarpophalangeal adduction of 235–238, 236t–237t of rotation, 384, 384f
testing of, 155 sports and, 233 validity of
metacarpophalangeal extension of testing position and, 20t, 232, 431t in cervical spine testing, 356, 359
testing of, 150, 150f–152f, 152, 178 Hockey players Index finger. See also Hand
metacarpophalangeal flexion of range of hip motion in, 233 range of motion of, 187t
testing of, 148, 148f–149f, 161, 161f, 176, Humeroulnar joint. See also Elbow numerical recording form for, 435t
176f–177f anatomy of, 91, 91f–92f Infants. See also Children
muscle length testing in, 182f–185f, 182–184 arthrokinematics of, 92 range of motion in, 13
osteokinematics of, 143–146 capsular pattern in, 92 ankle and foot, 304, 305t
range of motion of, 147–192 osteokinematics of, 91–92 hip, 229–230, 230t
age and, 186t–188t, 186–188 Humerus knee, 254, 254t–255t
functional, 189f–190f, 189–190, 190t as shoulder anatomical landmark, 60f–61f Injury
gender and, 186t–188t, 188 Hydrogoniometers ankle and foot, 308–309
normative values for, 425t–427t reliability of dance-related, 233
numerical recording form for, 435t in shoulder testing, 88 repetitive wrist, 139
reliability and validity in testing of, 190–192 Hyperextension Instruments, 21, 23f–26f, 24–31, 28f–30f. See
research findings in, 186t–188t, 186–192, defined, 7 also specific instruments
189f–190f, 190t Hypermobility electrogoniometers as, 26
right versus left sides and, 188–189 causes of, 12 gravity-dependent goniometers as, 25–26, 26f
testing position and, 20t, 189, 431t defined, 11 universal goniometer as, 21, 23f–25f, 24
Head. See Cervical spine; Temporomandibular in goniometry recordings, 31–32, 33f visual estimation versus, 26–27
joint in range of motion testing, 11–12, 12t Interossei muscles
Hip, 197–238 Hypermobility syndrome muscle length testing in, 182f–185f, 182–184
abduction of defined, 12 Interphalangeal joints
recordings of, 34b Hypomobility foot. See also Foot
testing of, 204, 204f–205f causes of, 9–11 anatomy of, 267f, 268
adduction of defined, 9 arthrokinematics of, 268
recordings of, 34b in goniometry recordings, 31–32, 32f extension of, 299
testing of, 206f–207f, 206–207 in range of motion testing, 9–11, 11t flexion of, 298–299
anatomical landmarks of, 198f–199f examples of, 9b–11b osteokinematics of, 268
anatomy of, 197f–199f, 197–198, 212, 212f, hand. See also Hand
218, 219f anatomy of, 143f–145f, 144–146
arthrokinematics of, 197–198 I arthrokinematics of, 144, 146
extension of Ice hockey players capsular pattern in, 146
testing of, 202, 202f–203f range of hip motion in, 233 extension of, 155, 156f, 157, 160, 181
flexion of Iliacus muscle flexion of, 158, 158f–160f, 161, 161f,
recordings of, 33f anatomy of, 212, 212f 179f–180f, 179–180
testing of, 200, 200f–201f in Thomas test, 212f–217f, 212–214, 216 osteokinematics of, 144, 146
lateral rotation of Iliofemoral joint. See also Hip range of motion of, 186, 186t–188t
recordings of, 34b anatomy of, 197, 197f–198f Intersubject variation
testing of, 210f–211f, 210–211 arthrokinematics of, 197–198 standard deviation indicating, 43
medial rotation of capsular pattern in, 198 Intertester reliability
example of, 20b–21b, 21f osteokinematics of, 197 defined, 47
recordings of, 34b Iliopsoas muscles evaluation of, 41
testing of, 208f–209f, 208–209 anatomy of, 212, 212f in ankle and foot testing, 311–314, 312t–313t
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in cervical spine testing, 353–356, muscle length testing in osteokinematics of, 366
357t–358t, 359–361 distal hamstring length test in, 250f–253f, range of motion of
in elbow testing, 110–112 250–251, 253 age and, 393–394, 394t–396t
exercise for, 50–51 Ely test in, 246, 247f–249f, 249 disability and, 397
in hand testing, 190–191 osteokinematics of, 242 diurnal effects on, 395
in hip testing, 236–238, 238t range of motion of functional, 397f–398f, 397–398
in knee testing, 258–260, 259t age and, 254t–255t, 254–256 gender and, 394t–396t, 394–395
in shoulder testing, 86–88 body mass index and, 256 normative values for, 393t, 429t
in temporomandibular joint testing, functional, 256, 257f–258f, 257t, 258 numerical recording form for, 433t
423, 423t gender and, 256 occupation and lifestyle and, 395–397
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing, normative values for, 254, 254t, 427t reliability and validity of, 398–405, 400t,
399–404, 400t numerical recording form for, 436t 402t
in wrist testing, 139–140 reliability in testing of, 258–260, 259t research findings in, 393t–396t, 393–405,
Intervertebral joints. See also Cervical research findings in, 254t–255t, 254–261, 397f–398f, 400t, 402t
spine 257f–258f, 257t, 259t testing position and, 20t, 431t
anatomy of, 321, 321f–322f testing position and, 19b, 20t, 244, 431t rotation of
arthrokinematics of, 322 validity in testing of, 261 testing of, 382, 382f–384f, 384
capsular pattern in, 322 Lumbrical muscles
osteokinematics of, 321–322 muscle length testing in, 182f–185f,
Intraclass correlation coefficients L 182–184
in reliability evaluation, 45–47, 46t Landmarks
Intrasubject variation anatomical. See Anatomical landmarks
standard deviation indicating, 43 Lateral excursion M
Intratester reliability mandibular, 410–411, 411f, 414f, 418, 418f–419f Mandibular length. See also Temporomandibular
defined, 47 Lifestyle joint
evaluation of, 41 range of motion and range of motion and
in ankle and foot testing, 311–314, thoracic and lumbar spine, 395–397 temporomandibular joint, 421–422
312t–313t Ligaments Mandibular motions, 410, 410f–411f
in cervical spine testing, 353–356, elbow, 91, 92f–93f Mean
357t–358t, 359–361 hip, 197, 198f–198f defined, 43
in elbow testing, 110–112 shoulder, 58f–60f, 58–59 standard error of, 47
exercise for, 48–49 Little finger. See also Hand Measurement
in hand testing, 190–191 range of motion of, 187t standard error of, 47
in hip testing, 236–238, 237t numerical recording form for, 435t Measurement errors
in knee testing, 258–260, 259t Looking upward defined, 43
in shoulder testing, 86–88 range of motion necessary for goniometer-related, 28–29
in temporomandibular joint testing, 423 cervical spine, 353, 353f reliability and, 41
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing, Lordosis standard deviation indicating, 44t, 44–45
399–404, 400t occupational, 396–397 Measurement instruments, 21, 23f–26f, 24–31,
in wrist testing, 139–140 Low-back pain 28f–30f. See also Goniometers; Instruments;
Inversion. See Ankle; Foot in adolescents, 397 other instruments
range of motion and, 397 Medial-lateral axis
Lower-extremity testing. See also specific defined, 5, 6f
J structures Men. See Adults; Gender
Jaw. See Temporomandibular joint
ankle and foot in, 263–314 Metacarpophalangeal joints. See also Hand
Joint effusions
hip in, 197–238 abduction of
capsular patterns in, 10
knee in, 241–261 testing of, 153, 153f–154f
Joint measurements
numerical recording forms for, 436t–437t adduction of
body position and, 431t
objectives in, 195 testing of, 155
Joint motion testing
reliability studies of, 41–42 arthrokinematics of, 143–145
basic concepts in, 4f–7f, 4–6
Lumbar spine capsular pattern in, 144–145
instruments for, 21–22, 23f–25f, 24–31,
anatomical landmarks of, 368f extension of
anatomy of, 366, 367f–368f testing of, 150, 150f–152f, 152, 178
procedures for, 12–13, 19–21, 20t, 21f
arthrokinematics of, 366–367 flexion of
recording of, 31–34, 32f–33f
capsular pattern in, 367 testing of, 148, 148f–149f, 161, 161f, 176,
extension of 176f–177f
K age and, 394, 394t osteokinematics of, 143, 145
Knee, 241–261 testing of, 373f–375f, 373–375, 388, range of motion of, 186t–188t, 1186
anatomical landmarks of, 243f 389f–390f, 390 age and, 186t–188t, 186–188
anatomy of, 241f–243f, 241–242, 246, 247f, flexion of functional, 189f–190f, 189–190, 190t
250, 250f age and, 393–394, 394t gender and, 186t–188t, 188
arthrokinematics of, 242 testing of, 369f–372f, 369–372, 385, reliability and validity in testing of,
capsular pattern in, 242 385f–387f, 387 190–192
extension of lateral flexion of right versus left sides and, 188–189
testing of, 246 age and, 394, 394t testing position and, 189
flexion of testing of, 376f–381f, 376–379, 381, Metal goniometers
testing of, 244f, 244–245 391–392, 392f universal, 21, 23f, 24
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446 Index

Metatarsophalangeal joints. See also Foot of lumbricals and interossei, 182f–185f, basic concepts of, 5
abduction of 182–184 of carpometacarpal joint, 144–145
testing of, 296f–297f, 296–297 numerical recording form for, 437t defined, 5
adduction of of popliteal angle, 250f–253f, 250–251, of elbow, 92–93
testing of, 298 253 of glenohumeral joint, 57
anatomical landmarks of, 290f–291f of rectus femoris, 246, 247f–249f, 249 of iliofemoral joint, 197
anatomy of, 267, 267f of tensor fascia lata, 224, 224f–228f, 226, of interphalangeal joints
arthrokinematics of, 267–268 228 fingers, 144
capsular pattern in, 268 of triceps brachii, 104f–105f, 104–105 thumb, 146
extension of Muscle paralysis toes, 268
reliability and validity of testing of, 314 range of motion and of intervertebral and zygapophyseal joints,
testing of, 294, 294f–295f example of, 8b 321–322
flexion of Myrin OB Goniometer, 25, 26f of knee, 242
testing of, 292, 292f–293f of lumbar spine, 366
osteokinematics of, 267 of metacarpophalangeal joints, 143, 145
Midcarpal joint. See also Wrist
N of metatarsophalangeal joints, 267
Neck. See Cervical spine; Temporomandibular
anatomy of, 115f–116f, 115–116 of midtarsal joint, 266
arthrokinematics of, 116 of scapulothoracic joint, 59
Neutral position
osteokinematics of, 116 of sternoclavicular joint, 58
forearm, 7f
Middle finger. See also Hand of subtalar joint, 265
Neutral zero method
range of motion of, 187t of tarsometatarsal joints, 267
in range of motion testing, 7, 7f–8f
numerical recording form for, 435t of temporomandibular joint, 409–410,
Noncapsular pattern of restricted motion
Midtarsal joint. See also Ankle 410f–411f
defined, 10
anatomy of, 265–266, 266f of thoracic spine, 365
example of, 11b
arthrokinematics of, 266 of tibiofibular joints, 263
in range of motion testing, 10–11
capsular pattern of, 266 of wrist, 116
Normative values
osteokinematics of, 266 Overbite
range of motion
Modified Ober test defined, 416
ankle and foot, 304, 304t, 428t
of tensor fascia lata muscle length, 228, 228f testing for, 416, 416f
cervical spine, 346, 346t–347t, 428t
reliability of, 236–237
elbow and forearm, 425t
Modified Schober test
finger, 426t
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing
glenohumeral joint, 426t
of extension, 388 Pain
hip, 427t
of flexion, 387, 387f causes in passive range of motion of, 8–9
knee, 254, 254t, 427t
reliability and of, 401–403, 402t Passive insufficiency
shoulder, 425t–426t
Modified-modified Schober test defined, 14
temporomandibular joint, 429t
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing Passive range of motion. See also Range of
thoracic and lumbar spine, 393t, 429t
of extension, 388 motion
thumb, 427t
of flexion, 385, 385f–386f causes of pain during, 8–9
wrist, 425t
procedure for, 385, 388 defined, 8
Numerical recording forms
reliability of, 398, 402t, 403 testing of, 8–9
instructions for completing, 32, 33f
Motion example of, 8b
for muscle length, 437t
range of. See Range of motion; specific joints Patellofemoral joint. See also Knee
for range of motion, 433t–436t
testing. See Testing motion anatomy of, 241–242, 242f
Motion analysis systems Pearson product moment correlation coefficient
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing O in reliability evaluation, 45–46, 46t
reliability of, 404–405 OB Myrin Goniometer, 25, 26f Pectineus muscle
Mouth opening Ober test anatomy of, 213
temporomandibular joint in of tensor fascia lata muscle length, 224, in Thomas test, 212f–217f, 212–214, 216
disorders of, 422 224f–228f, 226, 228 Pelvis
functional motions in, 410f–411f, 410–411 reliability of, 236–237 anatomical landmarks in, 199f
maximum, 420, 420t Obesity. See also Body mass index Pendulum goniometers
testing of, 412–413, 413f–419f, 415–418 cervical spine mobility and, 352 reliability of
Muscle length Occupation in shoulder testing, 87–88
defined, 13 range of motion and Pendulum goniometers, 25, 26f
testing of, 13–15, 14f–15f cervical spine, 352–354 reliability of
of biceps brachii, 102f–103f, 102–103 thoracic and lumbar spine, 395–397 in elbow testing, 110–111
examples of, 14, 14f–15f Opposition in wrist testing, 140
of extensor digitorum muscles, 130f–133f, thumb, 172, 173f–175f, 174 Personal care activities
130–131, 133 Ortho Ranger goniometer range of motion necessary for
of flexor digitorum muscles, 126f–129f, reliability of elbow, 108, 110
126–129 in elbow testing, 110–111 hip, 235, 235f
of gastrocnemius, 300f–303f, 300–303 in hip testing, 236 shoulder, 85t, 85–86, 86f–87
of hamstrings, 218, 219f–223f, 222–223, Osteokinematics wrist, 137–139, 138t, 139f
250f–253f, 250–251, 253 of acromioclavicular joint, 59 Picking up coin
of hip flexors, 212f–217f, 212–214, 216 of atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial joints, range of motion necessary for
of iliotibial band, 224, 224f–228f, 226, 228 319–320 hand, 189, 189f
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Picking up objects from floor Putting on socks evaluation of, 43–51

range of motion necessary for range of motion necessary for coefficient of variation in, 45
knee, 257t hip, 235, 235f correlation coefficients in, 45–47, 46t
thoracolumbar, 397, 398f knee, 258f exercises for, 48–51
Pictorial charts thoracolumbar, 397, 398f intertester, 41, 50–51
in goniometry recordings, 32, 33f intratester, 41, 48–49
Planes standard deviation in, 43–45, 44t
in osteokinematics, 5–6, 6f–7f R standard error of measurement in, 47
Plantarflexion. See Ankle; Foot Radiocarpal joint. See also Wrist goniometric study summary of, 41–42
Plastic goniometers anatomy of, 115f–116f, 115–116 of hand testing, 190–191
universal, 21, 23f, 24 arthrokinematics of, 116 of hip testing, 235–238, 236t–237t
Pleurimeter inclinometer osteokinematics of, 116 of knee testing, 258–261, 259t
reliability of Radiography recommendations for improving, 42, 42t
in hip testing, 238 goniometry versus of shoulder testing, 86–88
in shoulder testing, 88 in hand testing, 191–192 of thoracic and lumbar spine testing, 398–405,
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing, 399 Radioulnar joint. See also Elbow 400t, 402t
Plumb lines anatomy of, 92–93, 93f of wrist testing, 139–140
skin markings and. See Skin markings arthrokinematics of, 93 Repetitive trauma
Polhemus Navigation Science system capsular pattern in, 93 wrist, 139
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing osteokinematics of, 93 Replication
reliability of, 405 Range of motion. See also specific joints coefficient of variation of, 45
Popliteal angle test, 250f–253f, 250–251, 253 active, 8, 8f Restricted motion
Positioning. See also Testing positions basic concepts in, 6–13, 7f–8f, 9t–12t capsular pattern of, 9b–10b, 9–10, 11t. See also
general procedures for, 19–20, 20t defined, 6 Capsular pattern of restricted motion
example of, 19b end-feels in, 9, 9t–10t noncapsular pattern of, 10–11, 11b
in range of motion testing, 19–20, 20t factors affecting, 12–13 Retrusion
Positions functional. See Functional range of motion mandibular, 410, 410f, 416, 416f
testing. See Positioning; Testing positions hypermobility in, 11–12, 12t Right versus left side
Posture hypomobility in, 9b–11b, 9–11, 11t range of motion and, 12
spinal neutral zero method of testing, 7, 7f elbow, 91, 108
disability and, 397 example of, 7b hand, 188–189
effects of stooped, 396–397 normative values for, 425t–429t wrist, 136
Pouring from pitcher notation systems for, 6–8, 7f–8f Ring finger. See also Hand
range of motion necessary for numerical recording forms for, 433t–436t range of motion of, 187t
wrist, 137, 137t passive, 8b, 8–9 numerical recording form for, 435t
Power grip recording of, 31–34, 32f–33f Rising from chair
range of motion necessary for, 189–190, reliability studies of, 41–42 range of motion necessary for
190f exercises for, 48–51 ankle and foot, 310, 310f
Power lifters statistical methods in, 43–47 elbow, 108, 109f, 109t
elbow range of motion in, 108 testing procedures for, 12–13, 19–21, 20t, 21f. knee, 257f, 257t, 258
shoulder range of motion in, 85 See also Procedures; specific procedures and wrist, 137, 137t
Procedures, 19–36 structures Roll
for alignment, 27–30, 28f–30f validity studies of, 40–41 in arthrokinematics, 4, 5f
explanation of, 35–36 Reaching Rotation. See also specific joints
instruments in, 21, 23f–26f, 24–31, range of motion necessary for sagittal-frontal-transverse-rotation method of
28f–30f. See also Instruments; specific shoulder, 85t, 85–86, 86f–87f recording, 33–34
instruments Reading a newspaper Rulers
for muscle length testing, 13–15, 14f–15f range of motion necessary for in temporomandibular joint testing
for positioning, 19b, 19–20, 20t elbow, 108, 109t, 110f in lateral excursion, 418, 419f
for range of motion testing, 12–13, 19–21, Rearfoot. See Subtalar joint of mouth opening, 415, 415f
20t, 21f. See also specific joints and Recordings of overbite, 416, 416f
structures procedures for, 31–34, 32f–33f in protrusion, 417, 417f
for stabilization, 20b, 20–21, 21f AMA guides in, 34 reliability and, 422–423
testing, 35–36 numerical tables in, 32, 33f Running
Pronation. See Elbow pictorial charts in, 32, 33f range of motion necessary for
Prone press–up sagittal-frontal-transverse-rotation method ankle and foot, 310
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing in, 33–34
reliability of, 403 Rectus femoris muscle S
Protrusion anatomy of, 212, 212f, 246, 247f–248f Sagittal plane
mandibular, 410f, 410–411, 417, 417f in Ely test, 246, 247f–249f, 249 defined, 5, 6f
Proximal interphalangeal joints. See Interphalangeal in Thomas test, 212f–217f, 212–214, 216 Sagittal-frontal-transverse–rotation method
joints Reliability, 41–51 in goniometry recordings, 33–34
Proximal tibiofibular joint. See Tibiofibular of ankle and foot testing, 311–314, 312t–313t Sartorius muscle
joints of cervical spine testing, 353–356, 357t–358t, anatomy of, 212, 212f
Psoas major muscle 359–361 in Thomas test, 212f–217f, 212–214, 216
anatomy of, 212, 212f defined, 41 Scapula
in Thomas test, 212f–217f, 212–214, 216 of elbow testing, 110–112 as shoulder anatomical landmark, 60f
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448 Index

Scapulothoracic joint Sit to stand Standard deviation

anatomy of, 59 range of motion necessary for defined, 43
arthrokinematics of, 59 elbow, 108, 109f, 109t formulas for, 43
osteokinematics of, 59 thoracolumbar, 397, 397f in reliability evaluation, 43–45, 44t
Schober test wrist, 137, 137t biological variation and, 43–44, 44t
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing Sitting determination of mean and, 44t, 44–45
reliability and validity of, 401–402, range of motion necessary for measurement error and, 44t, 44–45
402t hip, 235, 235f Standard error of mean
School bus use knee, 257t standard error of measurement versus, 47
low-back mobility and, 396 Skin markings Standard error of measurement
Semimembranosus muscle in thoracic and lumbar spine testing, 379, in reliability evaluation, 47
anatomy of, 218, 219f, 250, 250f 379f–380f, 385, 385f–386f, 387–388 Standing on tiptoe
in straight leg raising test, 218, 219f–223f, 220, age and, 393 range of motion necessary for
222–223 reliability of, 399–400 ankle and foot, 309f, 309–310
Semitendinosus muscle Slide Statistical methods
anatomy of, 218, 219f, 250, 250t in arthrokinematics, 4, 4f–5f of evaluating measurement reliability, 43–47,
in straight leg raising test, 218, 219f–223f, 220, Spin 44t
222–223 in arthrokinematics, 4, 4f Steering wheel turning
Sewer workers Spinal Motion Analyzer range of motion necessary for
stooped posture in, 396–397 activities of daily living and, 397 wrist, 137, 137t
Shoulder, 57–88. See also specific joints Spine Sternoclavicular joint
abduction cervical, 319–361. See also Cervical spine anatomy of, 58, 58f
recording of, 34b range of motion of arthrokinematics of, 58
reliability studies of, 41 numerical recording form for, 433t osteokinematics of, 58
testing of, 70, 71f–73f, 72 studies of Sternum
adduction criterion-related validity of, 40 as shoulder anatomical landmark, 60f
recording of, 34b reliability of, 41–42 Straight leg raising test
testing of, 74 testing objectives in, 317 of hamstring muscle length, 218, 219f–223f,
anatomical landmarks of, 60f–61f thoracic and lumbar, 365–405. See also 222–223
anatomy and function of, 57–59 Lumbar spine; Thoracic spine Subtalar joint. See also Ankle
acromioclavicular joint, 58–59, 59f SPINETRAK system anatomical landmarks of, 281f
glenohumeral joint, 57, 57f–58f in thoracic and lumbar spine testing anatomy of, 263, 265, 265f
scapulothoracic joint, 59 reliability of, 404–405 arthrokinematics of, 265
sternoclavicular joint, 58, 58f Spondylometers capsular pattern in, 265
extension of in thoracic and lumbar spine testing eversion of
recordings of, 34b reliability of, 399–400 testing of, 284f–285f, 284–285
testing of, 66, 67f–69f, 68 Sports inversion of
flexion of range of motion and testing of, 282f–283f, 282–283
notation of, 7, 7b cervical spine, 353 osteokinematics of, 265
recordings of, 34b elbow, 108 Supination. See Elbow
testing of, 7, 8f, 62, 63f–65f hip, 233 Swimmers
range of motion of shoulder, 84–85 range of cervical spine motion in, 353
age and, 82, 83t, 84 Squatting Synovial inflammation
alignment for testing of, 60, range of motion necessary for capsular patterns in, 10
60f–61f ankle and foot, 311
basic concepts in, 7, 7b, 8f Stabilization T
body mass index and, 84 procedures for, 20–21 Talocrural joint. See also Ankle
functional, 85t, 85–86, 86f–87f ankle and foot, 270, 273, 276, 278, 282, 284, anatomical landmarks of, 269f
gender and, 82t–83t, 84 288, 292, 294, 298–299 anatomy of, 263, 264f–265f
normative values for, 425t–426t cervical spine, 326, 331, 336, 341 arthrokinematics of, 263
numerical recording form for, 434t elbow, 96, 98, 100, 103–104 capsular pattern in, 263
reliability and validity of, 86–88 example of, 20b–21b, 21f dorsiflexion of
research findings in, 82, 82t–83t, 84–88, 85t, hand, 148, 150, 153, 155, 157–158, testing of, 270f–272f, 270–272
86f–87f 160–161, 164, 167, 170, 172, 176 osteokinematics of, 263
sports and, 84–85 hip, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 214, 220, plantarflexion of
testing position for, 20t, 62, 66, 70, 74, 78, 224, 228 testing of, 273f–274f, 273–274
84, 431t knee, 244, 246, 251 Tape measure
rotation of shoulder, 62, 66, 70, 74, 78 in cervical spine testing
lateral, 78, 79f–81f, 80 temporomandibular joint, 413, 417–418 of extension, 333, 333f
medial, 74, 75f–77f, 76 thoracic and lumbar spine, 369, 373, 376, of flexion, 328, 328f
reliability studies of, 41 382, 385, 388, 391 of lateral flexion, 338, 338f
sports and, 84–85 wrist, 118, 120, 122, 124, 128, 131 reliability and validity of, 355–356
Simplified skin attraction test Stair ascent and descent of rotation, 343, 343f
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing, 388 range of motion necessary for in thoracic and lumbar spine testing
Simplified skin distraction test ankle and foot, 310, 310f age and, 393–394
in thoracic and lumbar spine testing, 385, hip, 234, 234f234t of extension, 374, 374f, 388, 389f
385f–386f knee, 256, 257f, 257t, 258 of flexion, 370, 370f, 385, 386f
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Index 449

of lateral flexion, 378f–380f, 378–380 extension of, 294, 294f foot, 20t
reliability of, 401, 402t, 403 flexion of, 292, 292f, 298–299 forearm, 20t
Tarsal joints. See also Ankle; Foot inversion of, 276, 276f, 282, 282f, 286, 286f hand, 20t, 148, 150, 153, 155, 157–158,
anatomical landmarks of, 275f muscle length in, 301, 301f, 303, 303f 160–161, 164, 167, 170, 172, 176, 189
eversion of plantarflexion of, 273, 273f hip, 20t, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 232,
testing of, 278f, 278–280, 280f cervical spine 233t
inversion of extension of, 331, 331f, 334f–335f, 334–335 knee, 19b, 20t, 244
testing of, 276f–277f, 276–277 flexion of, 326, 326f, 329, 329f–330f, 331 overview of, 431t
Tarsometatarsal joints. See also Foot lateral flexion of, 336, 336f, 339f–340f, procedures for, 19–21, 20b–21b, 20t, 21f
anatomy of, 266–267 339–340 shoulder, 20t, 62, 66, 70, 74, 78
arthrokinematics of, 267 rotation of, 341, 341f, 343, 345 temporomandibular joint, 20t, 413, 417–418
osteokinematics of, 267 elbow thoracic and lumbar spine, 369, 373, 376, 382,
Teeth extension of, 98 385, 388, 391
permanent, 412f flexion of, 96, 96f thoracolumbar spine, 20t
Telephone use muscle length in, 103, 103f, 105, 105f wrist, 20t, 118, 120, 122, 124, 136–137
range of motion necessary for pronation of, 98 Testing procedures. See Procedures; specific
elbow, 108, 109t supination of, 101 procedures and structures
wrist, 137, 137t, 138f hand Thomas test
Temporal variation abduction of, 153, 153f, 170, 170f of hip flexor muscle length, 212f–217f,
defined, 43 extension of, 150, 150f, 157, 160, 167, 167f, 212–214, 216
Temporomandibular joint, 409–423 178, 181 reliability of, 237–238
anatomical landmarks of, 412f flexion of, 148, 148f, 155, 155f, 158, 158f, Thoracic spine
anatomy of, 409, 409f–412f 161, 164, 164f, 176, 176f, 179 anatomical landmarks of, 368f
arthrokinematics of, 411 muscle length in, 184 anatomy of, 365, 366f, 368f
capsular pattern in, 411 opposition of, 172, 173f arthrokinematics of, 365–366
disorders of, 422 hip capsular pattern in, 366
mandibular depression of, 410f, 410–411 abduction of, 204, 204f extension of
testing of, 412–413, 413f–415f, 415 adduction of, 206, 206f testing of, 373f–375f, 373–375
mandibular lateral excursion of, 410, 411f, extension of, 202, 202f flexion of
414f flexion of, 200, 200f testing of, 369f–372f, 369–372
testing of, 418, 418f–419f lateral rotation of, 210, 210f lateral flexion of
mandibular protrusion of, 410, 410f medial rotation of, 208, 208f testing of, 376f–381f, 376–379, 381
testing of, 417, 417f muscle length in, 214, 215t, 216, 220, osteokinematics of, 365
mandibular retrusion of, 410, 410f 221f–222f, 222, 224, 225f–227f, 226, 228 range of motion of
testing of, 416, 416f knee age and, 393–394, 394t–396t
osteokinematics of, 409–410, 410f–411f flexion of, 244, 244f disability and, 397
overbite of muscle length in, 248f, 249, 251, 252f diurnal effects on, 395
testing for, 416, 416f shoulder functional, 397f–398f, 397–398
range of motion of abduction of, 70, 71f gender and, 394t–396t, 394–395
age and, 420t–421t, 420–421 extension of, 66, 67f normative values for, 393t, 429t
gender and, 420t–421t, 421–422 flexion of, 62, 63f numerical recording form for, 433t
head and neck positions and, 422 lateral rotation of, 78, 79f occupation and lifestyle and, 395–397
mandibular length and, 421–422 medial rotation of, 74, 75f reliability and validity of, 398–405, 400t,
normative values for, 429t temporomandibular joint 402t
numerical recording form for, 433t depression of, 413, 413f–415f, 415 research findings in, 393t–396t, 393–405,
reliability and validity of testing of, 422–423 lateral excursion of, 418, 418f 397f–398f, 400t, 402t
research findings in, 420t–421t, 420–423, protrusion of, 417, 417f testing position and, 20t, 431t
423t thoracic and lumbar spine rotation of
testing position and, 20t, 413, 417, 422, 431t extension of, 373, 373f, 388 testing of, 382, 382f–384f, 384
recording of motions of, 413, 414f flexion of, 369, 369f, 385 Thumb. See also Hand
testing objectives in, 317 lateral flexion of, 376, 376f, 391 anatomical landmarks of, 162f–163f
Temporomandibular ligament rotation of, 382, 382f anatomy of, 144f–145f, 145–146
function of, 410, 410f wrist arthrokinematics of, 145–146
Tendinitis extension of, 120, 120f capsular pattern in, 145–146
wrist, 139 flexion of, 118, 118f carpometacarpal joint testing in, 164,
Tennis players muscle length in, 128, 128f, 131, 131f–132f 164f–171f, 166–172, 173f–175f, 174
elbow range of motion in, 108 radial deviation of, 122, 122f interphalangeal joint testing in, 179f–180f,
shoulder range of motion in, 84–85 ulnar deviation of, 124, 124f 179–180, 181
Tensor fascia lata muscle Testing positions metacarpophalangeal joint testing in, 176,
anatomy of, 212f, 213, 224, 224f ankle, 20t 176f–177f, 178
in Ober test, 224, 224f–228f, 226, 228 ankle and foot, 270, 273, 276, 278, 282, 284, opposition of, 172, 173f–175f, 174
Testing motion 286, 288, 292, 294, 296, 298–299 osteokinematics of, 145–146
ankle and foot cervical spine, 20t, 326, 331, 336, 341, 352 range of motion of, 186, 188t
abduction of, 296, 296f defined, 19 age and, 186t–188t, 186–188
dorsiflexion of, 270f, 270–271 elbow, 20t, 96, 96f, 98, 98f, 99, 99f, 100, 100f, functional, 189–190
eversion of, 278f, 278–279, 284f, 284–285, 102, 102f, 104, 104f gender and, 186t–188t, 188
288, 288f example of, 19b normative values for, 427t
2066_Ind_439-450.qxd 5/22/09 6:32 PM Page 450

450 Index

numerical recording form for, 435t metal, 21, 23f, 24 Visual estimation
reliability and validity testing of, 190–192 plastic, 21, 23f, 24 in cervical spine testing
research findings in, 186t–188t, 186–192, reliability of, 42 reliability of, 360–361
189f–190f, 190t in cervical spine testing, 354–355 goniometer use versus, 26–27
right versus left sides and, 188–189 in elbow testing, 110–112
testing position and, 189
Tibiofemoral joint. See also Knee
in hand testing, 190–191
in hip testing, 236–237
anatomy of, 241f–242f, 241–242 in knee testing, 258–260 range of motion necessary for
arthrokinematics of, 242 in shoulder testing, 86–88 hip, 234t
osteokinematics of, 242 in wrist testing, 139–140 knee, 257t, 258
Tibiofibular joints in thoracic and lumbar spine testing Women. See Adults; Gender
anatomy of, 263, 264f of lateral flexion, 377, 377f Wrist, 115–141. See also specific joints
arthrokinematics of, 263 reliability and validity of, 401 anatomical landmarks of, 117f
capsular pattern in, 263 of rotation, 382, 383f anatomy of, 115f–117f, 115–116, 126f, 128f,
osteokinematics of, 263 uses of, 21 130f, 132f
Toe. See also Foot validity of arthrokinematics of, 116
anatomy of, 267f in cervical spine testing, 355 capsular pattern in, 116
arthrokinematics of, 268 in knee testing, 261 extension of
osteokinematics of, 268 Upper-extremity testing. See also specific reliability studies of, 41
range of motion of structures testing of, 120f–121f, 120–121
interphalangeal testing in, 298–299 elbow and forearm in, 91–112 flexion of
numerical recording form for, 436t hand in, 143–192 reliability studies of, 41
research findings in, 304, 304t numerical recording forms for, 434t–435t, 437t testing of, 118f–119f, 118–119
testing position and, 20t, 431t objectives in, 55 muscle length testing in, 126f–133f, 126–131,
Total active motion reliability studies of, 41–42 133
defined, 186 shoulder in, 57–88 osteokinematics of, 116
Transverse plane wrist in, 115–141 radial deviation of
defined, 6, 7f testing of, 122, 122f–123f
Transverse tarsal joint. See also Ankle; Foot
anatomy of, 265–266, 266f
V range of motion of
Validity, 39–41 age and, 134t–135t, 134–135
arthrokinematics of, 266 of ankle and foot testing, 314 functional, 137t–138t, 137–139,
capsular pattern of, 266 of cervical spine testing, 353–356, 359–361 138f–139f
eversion of concurrent, 39 gender and, 134t–135t, 135–136
testing of, 288f–289f, 288–289 construct, 40–41 normative values for, 425t
inversion of content, 39 numerical recording form for, 434t
testing of, 286f–287f, 286–287 criterion–related, 39–40 reliability in testing of, 139–140
osteokinematics of, 266 defined, 39 research findings in, 134t–135t, 134–141,
Triceps brachii muscle of elbow testing, 112 137t–138t, 138f–139f
muscle length testing of, 104f–105f, 104–105 face, 39 right versus left sides and, 136
example of, 14, 15f of hand testing, 191–192 testing position and, 20t, 136–137, 431t
True biological variation of hip testing, 235–238 validity in testing of, 140–141
defined, 43 of knee testing, 261 repetitive trauma of, 139
Tying shoes of shoulder testing, 86–88 ulnar deviation of
range of motion necessary for of thoracic and lumbar spine testing, testing of, 124, 124f–125f
knee, 257t 398–403 Writing
of wrist testing, 140–141 range of motion necessary for, 189, 189f
U Variation elbow, 110
Universal goniometer, 21, 23f–25f, 24 coefficient of, 45
in cervical spine testing intrasubject and intersubject, 43
of extension, 331f–332f, 331–332 temporal, 43 Z
of flexion, 326f–327f, 326–327 true biological, 43 Zygapophyseal joints. See also Cervical
of lateral flexion, 336f–337f, 336–337 Vertebrae. See also Cervical spine; Lumbar spine; spine
of rotation, 341f–342f, 341–342 Thoracic spine anatomy of, 321, 321f–322f
components of, 23f–24f, 24 anatomy of, 365–366, 366f–367f arthrokinematics of, 322
example of, 24, 25f Vertical axis capsular pattern in, 322
exercise for, 22 defined, 6, 7f osteokinematics of, 321–322
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Testing Procedures
Flexion, 164–166
Chapter 4 The Shoulder Extension, 167–169
Flexion, 62–65 Abduction, 170–171
Extension, 66–69 Adduction, 172
Abduction, 70–73 Opposition, 172–175
Medial (Internal) Rotation, 74–77 THUMB: Metacarpophalangeal Joint
Lateral (External) Rotation, 78–81 Flexion, 176–177
Chapter 5 The Elbow and Forearm Extension, 178
Flexion, 96–97 THUMB: Interphalangeal Joint
Extension, 98 Flexion, 179–180
Pronation, 98–99 Extension, 181
Supination, 100–101 Muscle Length Testing Procedures
Muscle Length Testing Procedures Lumbricals, Palmar Interossei, and Dorsal
Biceps Brachii, 102–103 Interossei, 182–185
Triceps Brachii, 104–105


Flexion, 118–119
Extension, 120–121 Chapter 8 The Hip
Radial Deviation, 122–123 Flexion, 200–201
Ulnar Deviation, 124–125 Extension, 202–203
Muscle Length Testing Procedures Abduction, 204–205
Flexor Digitorum Profundus and Flexor Digitorum Adduction, 206–207
Superficialis Muscle Length, 126–129 Medial (Internal) Rotation, 208–209
Extensor Digitorum, Extensor Indicis, and Lateral (External) Rotation, 210–211
Extensor Digiti Minimi Muscle Length, 130–133 Muscle Length Testing Procedures
Hip Flexors: Thomas Test, 212–217
Chapter 7 The Hand Hamstring Muscles: Straight Leg Raising Test,
FINGERS: Metacarpophalangeal Joints
Flexion, 148–149
Tensor Fascia Lata and Iliotibial Band: Ober Test,
Extension, 150–152
Abduction, 153–154
Tensor Fascia Lata and Iliotibial Band: Modified
Adduction, 155
Ober Test, 228
FINGERS: Proximal Interphalangeal Joints
Flexion, 155–156 Chapter 9 The Knee
Extension, 157 Flexion, 244–245
FINGERS: Distal Interphalangeal Joints Extension, 246
Flexion, 158–159 Muscle Length Testing Procedures
Extension, 160 Rectus Femoris: Ely Test, 246–249
Composite Flexion (MCP, PIP, and DIP Hamstring Muscles: Distal Hamstring Length Test
Joints), 161 or Popliteal Angle Test, 250–253
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Chapter 10 The Ankle and Foot Cervical Lateral Flexion

Talocrural Joint Universal Goniometer, 336–337
Dorsiflexion, 270–272 Tape Measure, 338
Plantarflexion, 273–274 Double Inclinometers, 339
Tarsal Joints CROM Device, 340
Inversion, 276–277 Cervical Rotation
Eversion, 278–280 Universal Goniometer, 341–342
Subtalar Joint (Rearfoot) Tape Measure, 343
Inversion, 282–283 Inclinometer, 343–344
Eversion, 284–285 CROM Device, 345
Transverse Tarsal Joint
Inversion, 286–287
Chapter 12 The Thoracic and Lumbar Spine
Thoracolumbar Flexion
Eversion, 288–289
Tape Measure, 370
Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Fingertip-to-Floor, 371
Flexion, 292–293
Double Inclinometers, 372
Extension, 294–295
Thoracolumbar Extension
Abduction, 296–297
Tape Measure, 374
Adduction, 298
Double Inclinometers, 375
Interphalangeal Joint of the First Toe
Thoracolumbar Lateral Flexion
and Proximal Interphalangeal Joints
Universal Goniometer, 377
of the Four Lesser Toes
Fingertip-to-floor, 378
Flexion, 298
Fingertip-to-thigh, 379–380
Extension, 299
Double Inclinometers, 381
Distal Interphalangeal Joints
Thoracolumbar Rotation
of the Four Lesser Toes
Universal Goniometer, 382–383
Flexion, 299
Double Inclinometers, 384
Extension, 299
Lumbar Flexion
Muscle Length Testing Procedures
Modified-Modified Schober Test or Simplified
Gastrocnemius, 300–303
Skin Distraction Test, 385–386
Modified Schober Test, 387
PART IV TESTING OF THE SPINE Double Inclinometers, 387
Modified-Modified Schober Test or Simplified
Chapter 11 The Cervical Spine Skin Attraction Test, 388
Cervical Flexion Modified Schober Test, 388–389
Universal Goniometer, 326–327 Double Inclinometers, 390
Tape Measure, 328 Lumbar Lateral Flexion
Double Inclinometers, 329 Double Inclinometers, 392
Cervical Range of Motion (CROM) Device,
330–331 Chapter 13 The Temporomandibular Joint
Cervical Extension Depression of the Mandible (Mouth Opening),
Universal Goniometer, 331–332 412–415
Tape Measure, 333 Overbite, 416
Double Inclinometers, 334 Protrusion of the Mandible, 417
CROM Device, 335 Lateral Excursion of the Mandible, 418–419

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