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(Srere Lnvnl)
Language Test (English/BengaliffIindi/Urdu/I.{epali)
v'm qfuq Rnfrl+ffir/Rfr/E(/ 6{'rfr)
Select only one language to answer the questions and darken the circle against the
selected language in OMR answer sheet.
6s?FFrfq qsF Wta Ew frp qF. Ew"ftE fi-{fu eFR sFafr56 as Ffraf
qr< | s. q{.
TE R3-S crf{frRvftClntrer
State Code Year Code Centre Code

Roll No. t2 | 3
ttl |

Full Marks : 50
TotalTime: 45 minutes (12 O'clockto 12-45 PM) mt7qw e Ba frfrF (Rqt )q,-ooDl retmrRolq )Q-sa frffi)
Instructions to Candidates qfuffcqi qGffiilTft
Read the instructions carefully before you start a?ff{ EEr cq\B{Fr "Ic-dfrffitg fu,Nfr +q frc.{ qwt I
answering the questions. Answers are to be given on a
OMR Answer-Sheet provided. U€--<'efr \s.q{.ql-{. Be<qrq frcs qc< r

1. In this Paper you are to answer 50 questions.

Each question carries 1(one) mark. You are to answer all
: I qq qrq cllt c"F dcf{ EEK frqre Ec< | dGF
the questions.
acK {f{ ) (qs) |

2. BeforeyouproceedtomarkintheOMRAnswer- \ | a,rf"lrq aB amur<FwFTEEK (a), (b), (c)q<(

Sheetfindoutthecorrectanswerfromthefouraltematives (d) ccl6s qfi-s ErerF mcq firl \€.q{.qk. Ere<"n-q GRs
(a), (b), (c) and (d) against each question in the Question
Booklet. Darken the circle with a Black Ball Point Pen, +TKt | \e.q{.ql-<. U€K"lrq qfr$ ffiT
411.1{ T€alIEt
to the corresponding correct answer for the item in the +,tFffi<E kr+ c'F qKtvG+mtr
OMR Answer-Sheet.
Examptej @ O @@ 6qt<.a,t: @O @@
(Here 'b' is the correct answer.) (q{lc{ 'b'qfrs Es< r)
3. If more than one circle is encoded or darken
against a particular answer, it will be treated as a wrong
e I
q$F frffi ar{ q$F{ mFt 1cs GQ-s-$<"t g-{
Bs<<cq <rTtqr{l
4. There will be no penalty marks or negative
marking for a wrong answer.
5. You are to start recordins answers with the
sI c$tcqt sl.tlws gay64 ffi I

'start' instruction from the Officei-in-Charge of your

room/hall. a| "tRw'f+cm< nfiFArc Wfffi-+ qqpfsJ 's+'
6. You are to write your Name and Roll No. in <6TKqlc?tqftcf EE-ff|4 ss$-r{t I

the space provided with for this purpose on the OMR

Answer-Sheet You must encode vour Roll no. in v I q:r.qtT.Vw|rqilfiffiqltrtaF, 6dfEqr{
OMR Answer Sheet. ffitw{{frdogrot<mtl
'7 . The OMR Answer-Sheet shouldbe handed over
to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall.
You may take away the used Question Booklet after 1 | "tRNffievKqfcaiqftsscr€.,ql.qK.Eg-{"|q
completion of the examination. q{tq'Ne t<r<-<EEri'Et {as'kblc{pfrfrm nre "n'cnt t
Q. 1-5. Read the following passage and answer the 4. The western arm of ZanskarValley is habitable
questions given below: AS

Nestling between the Greater Himalayas and the (a) it is well connected by roads with the
Zanskar Range, the ZanskarValley is Ladakh's remotest eastern side.
and loveliest valley. The Zanskar Valley is a part of (b) it is in the plainland and so very fertile.
Ladakh region in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. (c) the capital is located here.
Spread over an area of about 5000 square kilometres (d) it has agricultural land fed by Stod river.
and at an elevation of 4010 metres, it is situated in Kargil
district. Zanskar's western arm (fed by the Stod river) 5. Which of the following statements is true?
is studded with small setlements and agricultural (a) The ZanskarValley is a lush green valley.
expanses, as opposed to its eastern flank (watered by (b) The ZanskarValley has a hot dry weather.
the Lungnak), which is an isolated, forbidding gorge. (c) TheZanskarValley is visitedby foreigners
Prone to heavy snowfall, the Zanskar Valley is sealed
off by snow-locked passes for almost eight months of
(d) The Zanskar Valley has rugged and wild
the year. The passes open only around June and close
by mid-October, beckoning intrepid trekkers and rafters
to its challenging mountain trails and treacherous
waters, for here nature gives no quarter but will reward Q.6-10. Read the following passage and answer the
questions give4 below:
those who dare. Padum, the biggest village and
headquarters of Zanskar, along with Lamayuru, is the From the shores of their Scandinavian homeland,
base for adventure activities here. It comes as no surprise between the Baltic and North Seas, Viking fortune
that the journey, by jeep, raft or even on foot, both to seekers took to the world stage in the mid-eighth
and through this dramatic terrain, ends up being the century, exploring much of Europe over the next three
destination. High passes, fraught with danger and a hundred years. With sleek sailing ships and expert
terrible beauty, are the gateways to this fabulous hidden knowledge of rivers and seas, they journeyed to 37
valley. countries, from Afghanistan to Canada. En route they
chanced upon more than 50 cultures and traded avidly
Choose the correct answer from the options given for luxuries. They donned Eurasian caftans, dressed in
below: silk from China and pocketed heaps of Islamic silver
l. The Zanskar Valley is coins. They built thriving cities at Yort and Kiev,
(a) part of lesser Himalayas colonized large swaths of Great Britain, Iceland, and
(b) very remote France, and established outposts in Greenland and North
(c) popular tourist destination America. No other European seafarers of the day
ventured so fearlessly and so far from their homeland
(d) devoid of any settlement
as the Vikings. Earlier Schandinavia was wracked by
2. 'Prone to snowfall'means turmoil. Along with three dozen petty kingdoms vying
(a) the valley always experiences heavy for power and territory, a vast cloud of dust, formed by
comets or meteorites smashing into Earth and the
eruption of one large volcano, darkenedthe sun lowering
(b) the valley never experiences heavy summer temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere. The
extended cold and darkness brought death and ruin to
(c) the valley always experiences moderate Scandinavia setting the stage for the Vikings to set much
snowfall. of Europe on fire with their brand of violence.
(d) the valley experiences heavy rainfall.
Choose the correct answer from the options given
3. The Zanskar Valley remains cut off for eight below:
months because 6. The Vikings started exploring Europe in the
(a) adventure sports are held during this time. middle of
(b) the roads are repaired during this time. (a) ninth century
(c) the mountain passes are blocked by snow. (b) eighteenth century
(c) eighth century
(d) the rivers become dry during this time. (d) nineteenth century
by generic rePositories and wide ad
' 7. The Vikings could journey to 37 countries -rop
that can offer solutions to
dint of their hunger' AnY threat to the
of rivers
(a) sleek ships and expertknowledge "o.Ling mankind'
a direcl threat to the survival of
and seas' the options given
(b) brave heart and knowledge of rivers and Choose the correct answer from
(c) knowledge and expertise regarding rivers 11. The Convention of Biological Diversity
and seas' recognised
on their
(d) sleek ships and bravery during turmoil' (a) the absolute claim of the countries
national resoufces'
8. The Vikings established outpost at North (b) the nominal rights of the states over their
dmerica and national resources.
(a) Afghanistan (c) the reservation of rights of more than one
(b) Canada country on their national resources'
(c) Greenland (d) the sharing of national resources of
(d) France ParticiPating countries'

g. The turmoil in Scandinavian was caused

12. India was the first country to adknowledge
(a) the importance of the Convention of
Biological DiversitY'
(b) the need for growing more rice for the
cities at
(c) the contributions made by the farmers
10. The Vikings established flourishing their rights'
(a) Great Britain and France (d) the inhuman treatment meted out to nce
(b) York and Kiev growing nations'
(c) Iceland and Kiev
(d) Canada and China 13. Conservation and protection of different
passage and answer the questions varieties of rice is essential as
Q. 11-15. Read the
(a) the scientific laboratories find new areas
of research which it can give'
(b) it is the only means of keeping hunger of
mass at bay and survival of mankind'
(c) itcan generate more employment of
PeoPle all over the
(d) aresolution to this effect has been adopted
bY the World Trade Organisation'

The word similar in meaning to

will be
(a) exorbitant
(b) comPrehensive
(c) amazing
(d) jubilant

15. 'sustainable growth' is associated with

(a) production of more national resources
(b) Production of more farmland
(c) Production of more Parameters
(d) Production of more staPle croP

Q 16-17. The following five sentences come from a Q. 18-19. These questions have the second sCntefice
paragraph. The first and the last sentences are given. missing. Choose the appropriate sentence from the
Choose the order in which the three sentences options given below:
(BQ,R) should appear to complete the paragraph:
18. P - Humans eat, sleep and play, but also speak,
16. S1. The loss of helium on earth would affect plot, rationalise and debate finer points of
society greatly. moralitv.
S2 a-
s3 R- The power of neocortex comes from its
S4 ability to think beyond the present, concrete
55 There it is blended with nitrogen to mitigate
(a) These same sensations also cause
the dangers of inhaling ordinary air under
mammals to develop various types of
high pressure.
social relations and kinship networks.
P - The element actually has many vital (b) Our unique abilities are the result of an
applications in society. expansive third brain-the neocortex-which
engages with logic, reason and ideas.
Q - Probably the most well-known commercial
usage is in airships and blimps. (c) The neocortex is also responsible for the
process by which we decide on and
R - But helium is also instrumental in deep-sea commit to particular courses of action.
(d) The ability to sacrifice our drive for
Choose from the options given below: immediate satisfaction in order to benefit
(a) PQR later is a product of the neocortex.
(b) QPR
(c) RQP
19. P- It seems, art (that is, graphic art-pictures-
and spatial art-sculpture) is divided into
(d) PRQ two broad catesories.

17. 51. The word 'megacity'means a city with

R - The second is 'modern' art, also known as
population of more than ten million people.
abstract or non-representational.
(a) Entirely new forms of art have emerged
S3 during the twentieth century.
s4 (b) The two broad categories of art are fine
55 Its population has risen to over twenty-four art and the rest.
million. (c) This category includes those artworks that
primarily for aesthetic reasons.
are created
P - Tokyo, Japan, is now world's largest
megacity. (d) The first is 'classic' art, by which is meant
representational painting, drawing and
Q - In 1950, New York was the world's only sculpture.
R -Now there are about thirty megacities, and Q 20-29. Choose the word that best fills the blank
the number will continue to grow. from the options given:
Choose from the options given below: 20. Leather is very much in fashion this season as
(a) PQR i5 fte _ denim.
(a) auspicious
(b) RQP
(b) ubiquitous
(c) QPR
(c) conspicuous
(d) QRP
(d) enormous
21. studies show that some forms of 28. Armed with this tenible weapon he was all but
alternative medicines are extremely effective. for a time.
(a) imperial (a) invincible
(b) enthusiastic (b) intolerable
(c) incidental
(c) indefectible
(d) inconigible
(d) experimental

22. The use of chlorofluorocarbons has

29. As a nation our of iunk food is
depleted the ozone layer to a great extent.
(a) acceptance
(a) extended
- (b) consumption
(b) exclusive (c) amount
(c) exorbitant (d) food value
(d) extensive
Q. 30'35. Select the meaning of the given phrases/
23. The furniture in the old house is to be- idioms:
on the following week. 30. Call it a day
(a) audited (a) name a particular day
(b) absorbed (b) stpp working on smething
(c) auctioned (c) slow down pace
(d) altered (d) starting over

24. The little girl her pretty umbrella to 31. Uphill task
flaunt it to her friends. (a) enjoyable tas
(a) undulated
(b) childish task
- (c) difficult task
(b) undermined
(d) tedious task
(c) undetected
(d) unfurled 32. Red tapism
(a) offrcial delay
25. Petroleum and natural gas are taken out from (b) gross mistake
deep within the crust through wells by (c) daring deed
(a) digging (d) stop work
(b) drawing
(c) dredging 33. Null and void
(d) drilling (a) ineffective
(b) insecure
26. A few dried neem leaves down as a (c) inaudible
gentle wind began to blow. (d) intentional
(a) fluttered
34. On queer street
fluctuated (a) in light mood
(c) frustrated (b) in a strange place
(d) flouted (c) in a wrong place
(d) in difficult situation
27. One should not spend an amount of
time on one's appearance. 35. Once in a blue moon
(a) overwhelming (a) happened long ago
(b) innocuous (b) irregular happening
(c) inordinate (c) frequent hapening
(d) importune (d) very rare happening

Q 36-40. In the following passage there are some 43. Misappropriation of money
numbered blanks. Fill in the blanks by selecting the (a) robbery
most appropriate word from the options givenbelow: (b) embezzlement
(c) miscalculation
satellites are man-made objects that (d) forgery
orbit the earth. In order to satellites into
space we need to Earth's gravity. This is Q 44-45. Select the word which means the opposite
sending satellites with powerftrl rockets. of the given word:
There are different types of satellites, each designed 44. Compliment
fora-40-purpose. (a) insult
36. (a) Electronic (b) fulfil
(b) Oriental (c) supplement
(c) Astronomical (d) praise
(d) Artificial 45. Humble
(a) queer
37. (a) land (b) kind
(b) rotate (c) proud
(c) launch (d) simple
(d) revolve
Q46-47. Sele-cl the word which is nearest in meaning
to the given word:
38. (a) attack
(b) overcome 46. Ameliorate
(a) obviate
(c) chase
(b) alleviate
(d) recall (c) improve
(d) inculcate
39. (a) achieved
(b) adjusted 47. Obnoxious
(c) administered (a) repugnant
(d) admitted (b) invigorating
(c) amiable
40. (a) general (d) fastidious
(b) broad Q 43-50. Choose the appropriate phrasal verbs to
(c) speciftc complete the sentence:
(d) commercial 48. You can me to keeP Your secret.
(a) count down
Q 41-43. Out of the given alternatives, choose the (b) count out
one which can be substituted for the given words: (c) count in
41. Incapable ofbeing approached (d) count on
(a) illegible 49. The project for want offunds.
(b) inaudible (a) came round
(c) invincible (b) fell through
(d) inaccessible (c) brought about
(d) turned down
A. A person who hates women
50. Don't --rne I'm trying to concentrate.
(a) misogynist (a) put ..... off
(b) misogamist -
(b) put..... down
(c) mythologist (c) put..... aside
(d) philanthropist (d) put..... over

1-6. ffrur w{rqhtr vf5Et 664
el,rf. "@ e<( 4rc- 5. ?1q +et6qcf
et{sfrRBqfrdtuq<rtt e (") <lQ
O) *r<
nQbr <<r+<, cEt<F<tK <tst etfle& fr6q, 6qq-{ qfrq (c) <Pil
vt-<-e-<dFtqnK <t&N m"il r1{ t q+tt {sc+-{ nin-< q& (d) qlel{
-{tqt cilrs r revmpronQ Fcaficq!r{w< mutr+re
qI r Frlrffi <R6f,{ fir+ e+it q& qne dt bnrq n+et 3gq 6. ascr<:rfmt e+!'frr+<rn<
-$ts (a) $slxlre<val
{r r <t&r+Ru|E<rat tREq( E"r< <+c+< {r<r estr
(b) <rctcqq'Kq-{

<l'<ll qclrq pffic+< q-ql t elqlv'-f q-{qt-q|ql6it ffi. frcq<


q1-6qt qrd cw-<UT w< -"tE qc{ rBd I qK q-q-$lr{R"|E-{ (c) ffit<r<qr<wlt
(d) refrr+t-+<v-+
Gg-<wq-sK cq"[{ In'tcq< scq<qftflfrFRFqrq tqm

ur<-6 <t<n <t <tqfqtpr ffi

<qre smsttfirq-< DlT.st
7-12. foT{ w{rqnF vtrqt Frd o|cvt q<( etEs
p|-cbtFt6 meR $(-< ffi< <ltul s-{t
"ilst, ft6q{ DFt-st Eef enrcfrREwfiffi5a5613
qcrcq I vK Fq< cufs-ff{ qq-{ 5M mFt qrqs q$? "riQ
eBn s qt{N El(rt 1Qq-qo+FK rE{ ql-q{, qK qGR dt ?fr <ryq Rc{-< q<l-cD-(T <WI 4tft | Ts rNt ? rsrr rlf{t
et-Q ffnr6-< qG< qrla sqq es-,ssF fr-o &fr-{ ! srn< s{
qqFtsBR eFEt DKDTsl attGg qtrcrq< qqF frE alc{ qa

<?FnK FGK rpt Aft 'il€rl s|{ rElq{@,

q" ftfr-<
1. trtqBqqtF<<n eil-aqfosqF|cK
(a) wERxlx
ur<trqfre 6f,fq
O) qfuelKls rrdm qt€Trq'\e m <tq"lRqc<, dR elgJtfie' pq 4ffi r
(c) vlqhr sb?lqn-{ -1K-{ Q-sot cfrqr frq
) a o 6vfr6tr'-6q, srtl-c4
fr fr
rt-dK q\e{lq Eho r< > uu csfr(<E qfr Tqlqw-<
(O q|{Vcq "ff

1c-$'e FR-$c"ttTRo
Z. esFRiEp<lqr-{F 4lc< e? c{ wlg {e't q

(a) €+w4
16; frvr +qm qwQq't r mqx"* ffi Frcr< $(-< eK {fuf,{ Nq vtslTl
(c) Frqr fr-cl qrnw <cs-t-<w-tf;tr"m +r< r ffi sqfidKlp{
q-{-sl(< Tf{F-{ {-(K-T6K, .fqcffi Kfs'lT-KfslT q-qs qEqt I

(d) DFM{
w3{6qfr{F{qHtR< crilq "Nenf< "l-{ T<l-{ c<w ctldl selc<
fitrflr< frfr wlt srp qn+re qffi qR?n-slrsm affi
3. <<rrc<ern<q& cic{-Nfr ql1qF qcl c{N etlc<, s{{ {€Dw <l-cl-{ qFs-s-a
R--Eg I

(a) n<qt
7. 1qtrfi-{ rfqKqt\eRtqsd'ce'lt€${lT
o) qmEr (a) +G-oemr<afraq< 6e1-6E I

(c) <td O) $c-r-$r.ttqRqqr calrs t

(d) cll<r{ "fFlE-{ (c) +c-a-+nttfiFr<8< cqco t

(d) $c-{scfi qlsq-< cctrs I

4. TIIq< Nl-d;TqfFilE.ldilr{Iq-{ 8. ftoqqqsffi-rfit

(a) q<'KcT{q-.IIl (a) v-owEfun t

O) qqst{E{F-{Kq-{I I (b) qtlfr-+ er<m t

(c) <lqFrFKnrsrt 1c) 6<ffiotftt

(Q "ro<mffi<vot (d) qsmc{<"ftcl-{ |

9. cefiQlqrq-{.[q<Q-cot cfrqr ft qwtettqesvvRrsAre3Hqrc-Dtfu-TEt€Ttcqnree$F
(a) :uugfrc<-q ffi(, <-c{ cErcF<EFF{&E< mrEfrrf,{ r cel+F {Ftqc{
O) >so Nfrc<-q <E(4, '<13 qq ot DTq$k C'lrflCq{ t fr4, q-ffi qts D;EFI I

(c) vc csfrcT-q EFFI "1rst s6 a-6s frp q6q 6' 1

(d) >lo Csfrt<-{ 13. cv-s|strrqq€+-q-4

(a) lt"tvG
10. fteGfr-{qi<TrKvK{t ssE-r
O) c<rM{G
(a) €mruqffiKqtR$LT-{ eRT I
(c) aFFt
(u) "tffiT<qtrqFrc{-{Wql
(d) qkm
(c) vt"l-+ RK< q1qK R-dR-{ sKc6t I

(d) frfrfu{frRqR€{R"Kr 14. qsapu+r|E'<{

11. frefrfr-{sq-{ (a) wt1<e$btc<Etr
(a) err ffiq r O) Erflte-R-{Et4 r

O) e<StDKDfstffiqlta 1
(c) qt€*trbmsv,lrqll
(c) orrF<qtqt6<qT* r (O DrsKqRlcrqNe{t ?||\e{t r

(d) ssesftffiTr
15. T"ic"R{{' c?ffi aERrg=fr-6<sm
12. ltT{ frfr Fffi-< qraQRq qK rfu<-{
(a) qlrc< srqn ffi+cq< e"K r

(a) Frf,-{E-{ |

(b) qlqrffivatK ffi"|cq< s+< r

o) Tfrcffiq-dl'l
(c) wtgc-<<!Fr< ffi-rco< s"n
(c) ulvpl{v{I t

(d) qR<qal (d) qlkFm-{ neXK d'lcr{ \e"K I


16.'mt+F cqrqEdaal6q'--4qffi c<Ic"tWfrq, sK.t

etd. 13-18. ftTi w$qhF vfrql F[:( o@ e<t etks
ddefrR $s<ftflr{Frfrt g (a) cuvttur+wrefffiqqr
qt<]-< <rtffiEt (b) qr4s{v.l1o+!orn<qRrq{
{R$R qcr cvvkf{ otrq rqsF r

qtts C{q't q'lIq T'l{ 4lI Tt"f{ E{'
(Miser Dream) qcl-<t (c) cqs|bB'nreEor crrc (rdRrt{ |

A€TR brT|q' I q c?Frt{ <k-<j;r qE {R cnRr-T q]K$K (d) qtqs{ slrcqtg< ll<icqbm qcq fi86ffi ri r

QBTI Cclrsbm {C{ {r{ "tfq scR mFH 1A-EN6E1qEr

Q\s{t cclcs Etq-K 4t I c?f4|B fr-6< +r< qqfde ffii 17. h-stns'+ctttr{saf
(Palming) <t EIN:[ E1EN qo <t qs'tfts bl<Ft qfu-{ <T'4I ({ mM+
q<( egE|{ (ctmttst 6il3TK CfitCq< eoK I cqsF$rffi
q? ffiffi cnr+fr{ 6t< eR c?E't cqrtcqqm rer< frRrq O) qsas
qGRq,€Tt cclmilot q<-<t< qzfi,fu qKEK ffiRE r cwts (c) qreo-ecr
ot+ft-+ mmns crfcf{ ; cd$F c?k't bd <qcq, gtR c+ll-gt, (d) Qlcc<Kt
c<q[Gm, 6{q<fr 6q.|S Cal qtffi ffi 1 CFIG{3[ {FrCr Cn<rcqi,
18. cflffi vttn<trbmq|ntvGor<frcs<rlRqw
qqfsm eftcg q<R q< qt"tR qls <iv'idqtqrqtr vrilTr
qvrq< crE{E srt-F Df{ ql vtcrl (a) lFr
btot erq
"rw E-{qlvtt I

Dl4 caiDi"Frerqp;l rqK mRm t, 6sErt{Etffi{, cqf$F (b) 'Rst

est, CeTfgK qql<I ettelat ;,4ESq e{T<l DfqlEE, eR<K qjs (c) <Itet
Dldfl6< r
{q*i qr< nmR-qq q't sr< ffi s|cq c4('l crfFf{; (d) "tte

efd. 19-20. ffi
<tq qsFqlcqcwnwfu t qcF 22. <1-6T]{Kc-'6ftq<qtq{, vl(sTCE
e eF {q EF cngrtqm qfr ffi
456qq fr{tn <<t s
(b) Rc!{
19. (r) qqKq<cLALT{ qs celc$ qRsr+ <st s-{R
'6q1 q36 qfu '-qK Tfl E-ffi'u I
(c) fus
o) (d) fr$
23. h"F\s frcqr oq <6IIUGE 4n'- eF fi <_+fl<
(s) dG <q<Dk'ct&mm 6q 6q6qfr-<a' (a) w{6qD-$
(b) fid"r

(q) dRs<t cgt ffisqcq qterr{<fircE (c) q[<q{u-+

E-<qer{ {c$
qfu tt w.f{lm E{ |
(d) qilnT-$
Gt),qRqh?sRqsar< "K'rcUdcqc€t{<Tt
qlq-qs I 24. crr{<ffisqtl{Eqffi"tq c&.1

Rl w-l<re,&sb?sR s +tffi qr : luns ffirq t (a) *ffi<x+<Ft

erFql6E6q4f€ 3 6; aef+fif+tqq?
(c) RnR-ql{r<$q
(a) v vl ?.
(b)? qt s (OffiRq{"r
(c)vlvR 2s. fficqqqp<wc+Fp?
(d) ?. q qt (a) +{Hqtocqlm<+ffic$-{?
q-{ )b)1 (b) sco{tRfttrcq'<r{r
20. (1) {tRGis {FI{"t tlzfl"t'tfic-{-<
(c) Q-<a aG6ow r

R$rcq t

(2) (d) qKm flq qcrcql

G) efd. 26-30. 6sbwF 6E6qde a

(5) >tco RSkqE-K flil"iq6 t

26. qP5{'-16q-sqRRrRq
(s) qRM ffi cqs fr<ra 5F-{' qrqtc{ q'r{E (a) vu +ur'
fi--c+cq{ t
6; w+u{
(qt) 6'K ffg4lrtr1-{-s4tcl I
(c) w(+u{
R) ffi <e arq-s'rdj'fq <5-{I+(<'cq{ |
(d) qf"u-<.+<
qrfter c{cqql\e s
27. seff + Ee[s{{ :
(a)slQs (a) scul'lrcF
(b)e.qqt (b) scPrsq4
(c)vvt ? (c) +crtrcail+rfi
1a;wvR (d) sccfi"fscll
etd.21-25.ff@ffi6@4t€ s
28. "tt.lt{tft WEF Kfr< frqqm <l<el <l-s-fl("i {qI
21. a1w1a|+ifift'Kl6qrBl qr
(a) €flu (a) qalq

o) Rm o) qfr
(c) GqF (c) efw
(d) u<F (d) U"t"in

t10 l
29. mqmftvE+qdRr 36. ml1<ranFgnr
(g Eavmr (a) Raf|*"t
(b) q'cB (b) F.gE
(c) q<q&< (c) qrer
(d) {6q.tre (d) q$r"r
30. Saw@"mml6r 37. <lfl"rqioiBaw{til\
(a) Efrq
(b) {tfib{
(b) qfts*q
(c) frm
(d) Ffu
(c) <fr
(d) Ktu
etd. 31-50. ffitw$tftlqfi'{5aqtrdt 3
38. ?qE]=r T{ qtfr ffi'-<r+iFreftn< eror< e
31. KfrR4fc-r{vrq$.tqFqq sldt qE
(a) qR$r (a) lt{flSu
(u) eRFr (b) "1nt<fu<6{il
(c) uffitn (c) qt{tpt<6fl{
(d) trt (d) ffi{<6{4
32, 'mlR<' xl6q c$'n r+c+* qfo<{ q6tq a 39. Afi{Rsfr lt&NURfrt crtrc ?t&p,
-qqt6r "nR-*
(a) Aau <'FFFqE
(b) "mu|s (a) qRo-*r
(c) wqm o) frtu
(d) w{t{ (c) oet
(d) qefW{
33. fiG > tRil e{rn q{frqfur+n mrlRGwlp
qCTR? 40. qqc{ftr6tmnqmisfer
(a) Rffa (a) <lvlnnMt{h{t r

O) \s-q-<tq\ O) fir*-cqm<Fit+cr I

(c) q&+G (c) <b-Rtzx{eMom r

(d) rNfu (d) el&F "t&Fg-6sc( r

34. wrqrfr4(el<Enq{q 41. cotl-tvFcsfrmFtE prdwqclcq?

(a) mt4o (a) mtaFr
O) fr-{ (b) Rmt
(c) wEt (c) eFnle
(d) qrl (d) q4qF
35.'csra|gTqJ' fiF{ <ftKlT.j 42. Tqly+' <te[rt*ttr<vd
(a) onn|;ttvtwt (a) xftfr-+t
(b) FrEsfqtE{{l
(b) $iAF
(c) csrnvfet qs
(d) Frf,{em
(d) R@

L 11
^^ Ir

t. :
Tqvfr ' *tfr cot-1 ry16s EnRl.t ? 47. q6qq{"lrq-<EqIqfrt{E
(a) vsaf+l (a) @rt"g
1u) sf{m (b) 4ftsr
(c) wilq (c) frn
(d) tu (d) fiRR

csf{{rfir cfcm'E' KfrF eFlr {s ? 'c1'6e1-g ffi'<iQF* mrf+

(a) qqee (a) Rfu<6{ilpil$l{
(b) A"q (b) RtrE<"t{r.It'tt{lr
(c) Qsq (c) ltfr-+<rtlmur
(d) I[q (d) E1-{FtqK<6{dT'tt{rFr

dq<fiT'src.cKR|F ttft'"tqFc$neft{?
1a) vgd (a) eqw
1U; C"nd (b) sw
(c)ffi (c)-mfr
(d) elErr (d) Rcnft

c{{l TFEFF Rcqft w{qf <Kqv r{crcq ?

<tqt <n<ffi w{flft eq {FFJ 6d1F ?
(a) cfi-re <tfu qmtcqr rE Ef,q I
(a) qgftqlgetmtfrrq{r
(b) T<t-EsBREtdmB+* r

(b) e"Ilrr ?TlF crflTirE{ etNsrtl|T I

(c) R"|cr<g* a[c.t cfFFtEGE r

(c) gf,.tl*uffi<iolot t

(d) qqrR-Td ftpq,4qFr I|GTI {f6<r dt I

(d) u{{E fiM( <r?tf gRFT D@r {l I

I tl2'1
(qe t 10 Tfi): fqE r1E rrEi{r dt v.aor, $'rt uaT qoqil
- '
q'rfr c6T dtrdr'-qdtqik w q sT?i t
*'Ycr + ftR st{d f+ftc i[T qq{ qt :- (a) tqq
t teff+qrrs$ tr enm +qitrqr t frr{ €{M (b) enqs
Tt Rrs rTrzt-f,r ro *1 mH qr it eii-t +1 ete tr
qqti i q"c+e afr t Hrer * rqro { qn-qr) (c) ier*
eTril-qril G t, qt +i qtfr ffi1 q frd rfr ar.ni, (O srqq
ene ql lvseqdr t drd-4 t
(a) sTrgrf€ qsqtctrT
O) ene ft1|wrnfr qurf,r
q(eKT ro relr {A erer t fr
.rqq d qrq r w { (c) s{re +1 srmFrsffiTd rTrzr(rr
*q ld stefflT, a erd(.nrti ftccr FTCTuT frqr t, (d) Td'rrq rrfrqrfr qq-flr
freziq q rr6fi | qR tncrr gen dr grFirtor +drn,
f$shff,q gS ffi
e6pa qsqs rfr Elfr, qrfr qerqq
7. 'qq1q q'c+eefr t'- t at-gd t
Tfr Frrfr, tCIf-td qerdr recr t r
(a) qfiFfq
1. uffi q qidqq t frol snsT ir.fi'q1 qqfrr 6r o) cfigtfq
FTqtur ffi{ri f6cr t? (c) qR'{6r
(a) eil-ti (d) qRqdq
1u) qEovi qn- qt etil qt G t'- qd qn-"nt
(c) erersqi
' t ildr4 t
(a) vrftdrwqerqrg
(d) Tq({i (b) wnrrmdrtrsr
2. 'vfiq g fra eirnt' q,t ersf t (c) wq-fq*q
(a) qfqdiwt+,-t (d) vem-vrt
(b) qfir eil gw +ur
9. 'ttd-tterlqq*ar ram t'- t flrg4 t
(a) qfd qrqq dn
(d) vqr *teR€r qnr (b) qqtrR dnr
3. qffi f*q frq d q,,rfr q<ercr rorfr? (c) v+grcaraqq €Hr
(a) t+;qr
(d) @t Etqt
O) tef 10. 'q,o *'qqt6'- t drtrd t
(c) vr+sr (a) ootilterqqrtru
(d) trl (b) sqq frlfr
(c) oo-e-er *1 s{fr
4. tttrdr, errr{ *r} srer t, fr dq-qt qn rfr dr (d) wEinqr6
(a) qqi *r th qq €r qr v+ar t r
11. F{q t dq-qr qrq'qqq['or qqffi rcltZ
(b) e<q-qn.fq Eqr v+fi tr (a) tqg
(c) gF+<r Wr q-r Fn qr vqfi t 1U; rwfr*r
(c) qIFF{
(d) Fnfur-od Tm qT v*er t r
(d) Eqr€{

I 13l
{E TFr
12. 'W'{rE o,r €{af t 19. er*Frfua q drr rsq ll-qtl
(a) eiqr (a) qF(
(b) {{ (b) site
(c) S (c) qr+t
'(d) sr
(d) qd
13.'tfi fr^ferq qqr qrpt'-{q qffi q,ftfr +ftTq, +E ftrd {rqi i qqt?
d dq-qr orc*'t?
(a) *f4
(a) od qrm
(b) €rqt
(b) *,,rq +rco
(c) q{
(c) vwq|;IT[|fr'
(d) ffi
(d) sTqKr{q,r|fi
21. fiHnsdqddtt+qqrw d
t qqq6q66'|l
14. ffietfqa fr t dq-<t vq vET qgffi{ t rgm
drm tt (a) qt Rqqd t erm t r

(a) srol
(b) Tfrq i qrfrq dt rirqr um-<t I

1u) sifq
(c) er+Tq i ETr& t FA dr qm r

(c) qlh (O F{q t d€ rET

(d) tr Frqnsd { t dq-qr v<' gkh' {?
15. eTqrfrrfud t dl, qqre-tq { qmrd qti ti (a) Eqt
(a) tsg (b) qaqr
(b) ra (c) qqwe
(c) qqq, (d) F{q t *i Tfi
(d) *,dq-tl f{qifsil { t dq-qr q'q,dfth, t?
16. frHifsd t dq-qr v-q-gq tkr t? (a) g.emr
(a) dra-qrqr (b) ftqrcrq
(b) v+,.+q{ (c) q_eqqq
(c) cn-(tard (O t EIi r6i
(d) vrg-ria 24. sTrilierfud rd d t qiiq-qr rq,r{HqrqfiTiilr'
17. f+{ dq-vt qrq srsrtgm t? + qfr'fd rqr qrqn?
(a) qr+e (a) rr{d
(b) vqrc (b) HHgr
(c) qqq{ (c) +-fr{
(d) qwnsq (O sreraT

18. g+{ dq-qr v-q rs{gfi tz 2s. f+qfrbd qdiq t dc-qr vrq
(a) qraqfl (a) Eddr
O) vnpi o) fud-€
(c) eTRrrtur (c) TEII
(d) eTFTqr (d) srrfuq

t 141
26. frqiffif, qrqT fr t dq-rn wq,voCqfuqr,t2 32. Rr+ 12 qq*qrqfrqqqo]qr+aqrartZ
(a) *+ (a) xqk
O) t€-rT (b) 3rcir6
(c) ftluqr (c) qbqr6
(d) sq$-* q$ (O v+qt+t$tei
27. 5+q t eh-vt qrq'2cfrkq{'+,t 3qgffi ffi 33. '{Ter 3Trq+1qnr qrner Et'- T6*ffi qrq t:
ergqr<$2 (a) Rftr+r+o
(a) Rmq (b) Fqffiq€
(c) {*ffi,-d*.
1u; 6<ltr
(d) lanqrqo
(c) etrfiqrqrufr

(d) sTj-s.qim 34.' enw t

qrq tz
t€ g+ g{w,R frrtm' r+qr.rc gE t
T6 +qr
28.'ffi q1 G qr ta rfr G'- ym eHfm qr (a) fr:rqrq
eTsf (b) qccsrfl
qfff gfr qq{pTr fr rfi qrn qET +.sdT
(a) vrrcn (c) {gffi eTR
O) vryrqqf6 5q qlrq flrel ercr rmr t (d) w{-6q$
(c) vfano rrrl-.T cr ftfdr EffrE€r qrfr t 35. 'R+ \+ E+ E+ E'-F{euil +t€t qtq
(d) *)q e1 qvr q +.{i t gu fr-eFdr t vfr woq qifl?
(a) q-v{a
29. F{q t fw gdet qr erei t ,eaqrT
uge +enfuo (b) oq{d
4-f{l'7 (c) F{d
(a) si'Frt€Hr (d) ftnfr
O) e+c{r{rwrqrrfl 36. fo<i qrq+iqr {'i't*s qoi +.sK eilf,r t?
(c) em+3-qssT6trrT (a) q
(d) em+fuwqqnr (b) z
30. 'Yffitffir'qr vfr rifrr-ffiE
(c) r
t (d) q
(a) ver + ytr{
(b) Ed + tor 37. f{qifud {rEi q Q dq-qr wq ffiqr-f{gqur tr
(a) ftn
(c) smt + mr
(b) q$qq
(d) s*n+Tftl-{ (c) dt-dt
31. sTqrferF€r fr t dc-w {fq fqqr€t{ftq ftt (0 r+qtfi$fti
6( 38. +E m qrqqi q t dq-qr qrfi qr+{q e1 qD
(a) e1+ sGR: er1c-{ tgetz
O) q.+ R{ = rr{rfr (a) qr{, qsq + terq go f+-cro uG r

(c) eE + Bffi{: CEFR (b) qr{, qtc +feq $-sffi g-fr<r r

(c) qri i qet +frrq $gffi qfr<r

(d) srf6 qq r

(O r+qt+t$ftT
[ ls ]
39. frq fu {rqi q t dc-{r w<, qffi +i EE t, 44. it-s q+rRrd tffi {FnrrR-qrT e1 wr $-dr qrdr
ZFsgmtz \^
(a) silqfrei,E
(a) qrwfc+
(b) qrrtrR*.
(c) ffiFsqr O) cri'ffi
(d) sv{-6qqi (c) tF+o
40. er*fufqa vrq q t *c-qr (d) qrRrn
(a) t+sdq
- 50): ti ffi rrE srgffi f{ftc t frm-*qn
161 ur+dr
(c) ftdrut +1 1Fd *t :

(d) Fr+qr
ffi F{Ra m (45) TrEqffisr{
41. f+H t dtq-qt q5q'qq' qrq qt elri-*rfi€ t? qr frfr t r *rd fr qr en Eq (46) dt€ *1
(a) -i-.sr
dqdi A, dfuq 16 ffifi' c|qrFrfidr (47) _ {sfr
o) wM t, {sq €ia rfr r (48) qR sTci ensqrs +'
(c) dffi (49)
qq] B1{qrr $T <1fu€ t*q) w sa dd
(d) Hrfrfr t{R-{d sc t (50)
Eq e[q+ {ft{ h1 Trrl-{T it-ir
42. r+q 8 dr ffi qrf6s + EFildrs + FRgT {Gr v+t t r

q,rc1-fr+trqq t {dfqd rfr tz

(a) +rtnen *lcr
(b) un:*rer as. (a) go O) +,,{ 6r (c) (d) vrfi
(c) qksrcr a6. (a) +S (b) vn (c) qrfr (d) qecn
(d) ttusrcr
a7. (a) 6 (b) .fr (c) ,n (d) t
43. tflil?RT n t fuq ffi Hfs 41'g;qfra' grwn t
g(q,'il f*q rrq t? 48. (a) E+ O) n (c) i (d) ti
(a) eI. *-qrrtrq ffi6 ae. (a) R (b) sE-h (c) emi (d) T{fi
1U; f+tmr s0. (a) g;o O) € (c) rii (d) sr
(c) Ueffi
(d) F{q t +ti qti

-5 -'{ = €' (,-, r. 6Z qtn .- Lt,- i v
L!- :(; f
(A) 97g{;;z(hetV-,Vt" -l
,q(D/L (A)
;ttr(; (B)
\A,F (c)
tt @)
I q(,!qotet,:,u/f1)v,n/0Wtfl-,/
I (A) -2
(B) (A)
(c) (B)
(D) )*r1 (c)
uv{$W tn)

-' /t' ; 4 t4$,

t, ;-
? 9iJ/.4 " -7
rt(fiJ-gdo,V" tTcl{,iz(l'iL,>6" -3

'/L,ul|LL)t (A)
,r;lVly (A)

I '211":0t (B) Jucv 1n)

'Uet4-c)*'iEf (c) 66fli (c)
"E!tglt"J* @) \d,y cl)

tctJcuvtt,jd'A,,((i" -4
tTvc[J'etl6ut -8
17 (A)
.J:ttgrt (A)
9 (B)
Lly'tit/ (B)
24 (c)
etlcj (c)
poa (D)
11 (D)

f &.tv 6 rl it, L'!-* : J,t L f O'n J&. u{ - 13 -9
va{i,flutiv (A)

,V,/1, (A) (B)

"VilJ( tg)
,V,/rr,, (c) (D)

DQ.ci/-:Vat' @)

tU! jt/c){-}L'\utLlL."t}7:but -10

vi)ut-x,e/L,,/{,!i,'v* -r4 C,rOt, (A)

/xf (A) n{lF

/x,lyf tn) ,t'F (c)

,/x=a (c) cltttta,T @)

/L6,,1, (D)

r$ryf'ff/u/,ltao,,!-,n1,r4L*;,.{ -11

tri?uuh,{ffObfu.,* -ls (vt (A)

0w (A) tJ'( (B)

6tr tn) ."(V (Cl

,f (c) ,,{6/-,.r!clt (Dl

Stt; (D)
ftrflttr;(clLPrn*tfrerV4t$srt" -Lt

t(rrr,frVrffuJt,t;,.{u,n:L:O -16 7 - tl (o, Y rli -' ?' 6L

t {rJ

:1.13.t (A) +(7& (A

:11t,& 1n)
.-tLbfc)W (n
:lltp (C) +er'-,t1!(1) (C

:lrlrl 1n) -)9.f(,rr'
-21 4u1f(rHs/*J-t -ti
; (A)
(B) by (B)
(c) 7, (c)
(D) ))) (D)

r tt,il vy^J t iz
t v v g /et, & :,Ij v -22 YYVG'z-u;/fg,./ -18
n{ (A) ; (A)

ti (B) Jv (B)
,JA{ (c) uvt (c)

,,16/.-6st (D) &t (D)

-23 rTyqL{/osuphv( -le

(A) JFt (A)

(B) Jt (B)

c) 7 (c)
(D) &ro)

-24 Yt!:e'V{ek,/ia,F,lL/vy+Jorl -20

(A) -tz-r,5A6 (A)
(B) -ft-|n:6*Ver.ft6!t 1n)
(c) Ult: (c)

@) -,.16/._,tc)t (D)

- "-7Jq=tl7,Jtr,Lvf'vt"i4 " tz>.tra)h,,{nh*.7t,.[
-2g -2s

urr* (A)

(A) ,)/$t,.,ru, (B)

(B) ,)/tlr,sVt (c)

(c) ,)y't$t pl)

4g/:r*,,/z-rc&"10c,.i4'f -26

t i x:bt q | {l/L d u /- L {,,{r-'4il -30

'U/ (A)
!L'tt' (A) '(y (B)

+L,y'. (B) 7 (c)

{LJu. (c)
,,t6/.-,,t ut (D)
{Lo')t' (D)

rTJgvt1{'A,{LJn"t)y''f -27

,rri(1u (A)

(A) oF gr' (B)


f,v (c)
t CIr'f (n)

t7,,7{+1h*)' -ZB

-32 6lz-y, (A)

(A) V.L!t: (B)
(B) ?
$r72-!t: (c)
(c) 'ia
0l V.L!t: (D)

-37 t7t{(rPr$U,&rlfsrnJf _33



(A) t7c[.i,-(i:l/c-:br:' -34
(B) tltr7vr (A).
'hi/ (B)
(D) rrltf (c)
d* co)

-' h.6(6,!At,.P,/ Y, 2,/ri/,i,1.(t rr" -3e

i/at (A)
,/1r (B)
"v(, (c)
uc(t (D)

oM{1t/'2' t;t,}&ctt'itJ;tfid." -40

fTt t/
/., (A)

t1 (B)

uOt(t (c)
:ill (D)

I2r l
-45 { u} I Ut 8. ct f '6 x j, I tb: th.e Lf " D

(A) -.(

,g IJ

(c) slt
(D) tbsln i


Vf{Lr6,Lr.? -46
ti J N - Li : * r { t- t n Ll y, ut g l' ft) it

s'4f (L, (A) ' V

8:tt: (B)
t|:*'ti" (

cxJi (c)
6tL&& |

Extlbi (D)
f'"'u (

i*,* (

J t r t44,/ 1
4 0n t i& et v. e I tJ 6 /*. -47
-,$6.c$ft.1t _?vrra r!) t * r u gt & rl -"? | u/:l f g g( "

,r'v (A) -'4,Y'd

,grU. (B) v,(
0i (c)
u (D)
t!rtt,/,Jq, uk' * f6e.4Jr',(y L( "
,!e,,/ / "t;)"Lt z Z d
/o. r, J 1',
jt/1tt (A)
tJ:*,* (
f,,t u
,)rlrt' (c) thl.&,c,t" (
ui6/-,,t,g, (D) d6/-vtst (
-50 Ot${)'i(tgt,&.grf'-c-vtsve-(ft{', _4s

(A) t-.6
(B) ( (A)
(c) ;'
6; (B)
v( (c)

&U-vtu, (D)

vqr l - 10. rw+t r1-SErtrfrc.etmft{qdrcrdtYtrt sqrsrfr qi eilqrq Eftr Hffdifu W .rt
orir dt-q : (a) Rq+retru
qErqR {rE F( { e{FrR qrq*1 q}ffi-qr d t d {iq-d 1u) ffirr+entfu
qt< d r qsdr eTef er{er arr€R A I qrF{q qfi-3ffif firfrdr (c) qw s{qcfs
TrEr*iFII dql w;6gq qelrq{ t511q d gEl-[R E€ |
(d) gGrdenqt
q-(rqrri qtfrq {flsffr, qfi, Fr{rfm, €dfi r srdrfr '964'dffiawe
E€I (a) +dfrr
sffi-fr g5-*i effiT d r qRr-
sftlrq qtrf,Erl qt O) o.Cfrrfr
Frqruiqr qilqrd {g€ TeIr{ sr qqrqrfr qq+t frfq (c) {eedn
nq"rarqnst Erfr gqq-6n, gffi, {q.C r{ Erfi (d) g-nd
qqrsJrdr g*irn, Sf{sR sTf{ g;st+tz ed a.sr {6Jqdl
emk*A 6. gqiraaq Sffir{ sT{rrqqr qrFTsd tr$q$r
qrFTqd sft-ffi'€l q1.rd* sTfr {+ltt{r
(a) S-{dftRqt*tr5{Td
Ei gr"d s{Er[(qr q{ftTrq rdTd {frqrfr qfrsqr ell-drrdet
(b) E;flfiqr+crq'r$rd
ga r vud 'r<t Bqd sfi{ cfr {.rcT {66 r e q<r-{*qr
(c) r+q54 €qd
csqFf, {6€t
1A; ers-vn$ cf{ grsrd'd fiisrt{'d5d
sqqrfr qrfrq65 s-qqrrdr srqrsd qRrqn { qdn
qre-tt*'qqi F{srrd endr qn tea ctRr$ srsq} cf{ 7. 'yqqft6'r{HI+42
f6d rRr*s r s<rqrfr qrf{sts rs, rrc[, v€rE|{ si (a) vEt qqfr rq
owrur+rfr gi gfld aqr vftq q'q-{ Ei Efltl 8fr65 (b) fflqr sTgt qg
q{qt-FrreN-6-tt gryt s<rcrfr FJq ffi
r EsilFId gqlsi
(c) g+ g;{-ril T{ Tf,I5
q5sq sTrT{uT fr 1
(d) Tfrr${qT w eqf€
;[g, T[G[, qggrfr, q-grsr*rfr eilR qr.€6
1. wirff qitrqr +ql Tdtrqt qqi'Rq+1 ez 8.

(a) sqqns{ (a) {il

(b) qtqfiIt
(b) q4nq
(c) Rrwt
(c) v<rqn
(d) fscr
101 gdf{dn
' qErqrr+] 31rq1s' rrqdr + gffl€?
2. rrfl-m Sq qrqrd q-< A? (a) Fr+frcqeraqqqR?
(a) rliid (b) v<ffitr+rv
O) tfqil (c) finfurd r+re
(c) ffi (d) dkoqrqrc
(d) ffi Fqrcrfr qrf{s6s v*gu {w=r d i
3. 'vgrq5q ET+1' er*T eni *d? sqqEq?
(a) s+fr t{ (a) qrcrflrssc
(b) qtqqpqlq{ 16; qilr*rtwsv
(c) qR*flq +1 (c) qaFiqsq
(d) g-<{ 5c Eg (d) S<€sc

(11-17.) Fqd rsi{r qtr ve tq{\rsr crfir ytrr tq : 17. sm qfraiqr*l +fs gt?
" qq61q1 d+qTfiu Fq-Arddr (a) eRsrfr Eqr€r
dffiTiqdErffi (b) ffi4ftnr
Si g-q-ffi dflcrq-6<r-q-dt (c) ertrSwr qc
wgg;{tvwdfqq4" (d) tqcrq +sqTar
11. q,R ftt'qtqr$rr *'ger+ rrt*r yt?
(18-25.) eerfi eqdq eTrafi'rfr ver rte :
(a) cwr
(b) ffiqt
Tflrfr rrer {Rr-{ qqq freTHqI FqE rT+si fUrd, rH !
aifrr+1 T{T g6q1 dcrffi i{sqffi erqrr sTrffifi
(c) fr*vr
t+qr$qz srn rr$t q€rhRUT, 3-{-an$ ygq rrffi frfu
(d) g{fr qu-${ff.r$rsm Efiq1 qd-{ilq e+raftrorer*r
qrf6€ tq+sqcr r+ri erqo6 t-{dt-drs-dr qtdrq-d
12. qq Effi ur*ef eqvn,qrg5T-t'el erpj tsger{
(a) g*gq gE gs{rTq e{ra ftr+-rcr q+en rrt
n-a.T*1 r

qrqrfr {Hqd * gu {6el err6r vq< evnut+r qsd

(b) erqrqfoc Sag
fu-6q-ar EflER I E-{fl*l qrFr g€T
(c) frfi+1 ei<T Eg Eer Hq €-qT vd
tqqur tqfuR *rq r qfr qTUr qrrqn *{rrcni frRa qd t*.
(d) t{Rd qffrr{V-a5
s{ahl 3ff€Tr-ri H'tlET T.f{-naffi rfur fq{6,
13. Sffirrd Fqqrdr Et qqn E frqq srqul qsfiRur, Waffiemvrd eiffin sf€TfTfir€
(a) fi*r*1t{trs-d eilg {tt TdR qq r frcd sr$ eTrq+ sfi€T t{srer eTfu €, id Ed
(b) frfi V<{ ,Tq+l snurd sTrc+ t{qFqrrr FFe qq{ s{+1 t* qffi eqiqr .rt
srrqrc *{rEteTi tdqqffi ecqr{ tdlr
(c) sfrqq HsEr-{ qqdrd
(d) qt++vgpgtrd
18. wirff qsriqr
W rcr*rar*1 d?
14. 'fuqr1' qid q,ffi r{H sr3qR (a) qAqrca
(a) etd frqq (b) nqrqur
(b) gtfl qtqr (c) c$ilq
(c) eiFbqi+{ (d) qr+o
(d) 'rfrfr sfrqr
19. qqFfi-A rrsr {r+eri *n{ g* iq\rfl fi{qZ
15. rqa *.kar d qfrf€ETs€
(a) +il*qr
(a) tffiEsrrt
(b) vqarq {rct
O) qrfs<rfrd'+ffi (c) qr{-EfqTutr r{
(c) Rt
(d) frsfqtq-elri ,nqq rRrsi
(d) g+ffiw
16. 'Eff,'yrq+1 vemq+qqr=f
20. tfiqqshfr {-s{cr q.lildcr ftrsrcr E€rdr
116( A qffif!rd?
(a) a*'et
(a) Wrc+er
(b) cq{r
(b) FmFs{a
(c) q't
(c) {o*r+ qsTer
(d) gtdrd
(d) errc+er

Lzs l
' 21. +er*,rcr gwtsfrrnslil q++pn *.sd rt? 28. qdcarq ffi qrqrqr qrncr qqd rqqr i
(a) *dlrfrd st
(b) rrerrrd (a) qr< tqfrrqq a-*
(b) qrs'rFr qqn
(c) ercqurd
(c) nrgw rmf
(d) tdrrurd
(d) cr6f irnqqncqn
22. Bcirff wriqrqr rrqqaTr$ +q1 {{r @ eir
(a) qffi 29. ffiq-+,,qqgwoffitqEndE1?
(a) {" qtr rfrFs{
(b) T6tr
(b) io gto
(c) S{+trc qr< tqftrqq q+
(d) w5q|;T (d) grrnclal
23. q,,sdr sfiqrcni qfi r*fiqtrqr rffi d?
30. qrf6s ersr<fr g{w,R cfsi cqc ffi cfi
(a) sq-qn ffi qrFtsfrRdgt
o)tffi (a) edt*g<r€
(c) arcqur+1 - (b) FtrFr
(d) 6{qrr+1 (c) frkqgqr
u. f{q cti'wiqr' qt-q*i sesqf*{ffi< Std? (d) crRqrd
(a) T*r1+ €r
(b) v + {Fr-sr
31. {rq'fr {qrgi unsi ffi fi qfoql2
(a) ftrq*n
(c) rv + lvr (b) f{f,sn
(d) q{ + vt+ {rT (c) rn{i
(d) +,er-*.n
25. 'idsqm'q5qa rffi frfr:
(a) erfr sTrgdr qrqr 32. RRqr eFrci rt{r-fl-i Rrc+;fr cTt{€ qi E
(b) gcq t+qq crn.ril q.qn arrnsi.rEqrdri qfasl
(c) srF{Fr+1trcl-{ (a) {'rqg*
(b) 6-d
(d) g<rdreitTw{
(c) it't$
26. ffi qqq rrrrrru qsd wqr rrt*r El? (d) g-n+1
(a) oTlffiq qTgt1ffi sTrs14
33. rtq
(b) qrertqqq

(a) Sf;N
(c) twrq+sqrT (b) -trRg*
(d) arqfr qqrE ts+td (c) Er(-il(
27. ffi qrFtscr sTrcffi sTr<terflsr IisTlTs'd (d) sqrE-€-qrE
34. riq.fr 6fi'+ (qret35gw.R)
(a) q-wfiryem (a) qqre
(b) eppfii5ptq (b) Rr -dbr
(c) ersr<r{ rfuo (c) rq
(d) qqwr$G (d) qrfr

s 42. qTvrifu Er* v0q{r
V€ r:r+ fru En qrrqm q+rr

(a) SIIN €6?

F (a) gfggr*sg
(c) 9W (b) * tttr gg
(d) rrqm (c) dtuqq
36 irffir qiFrqT qa gflr$i rrfr* lrqtr ( / ) fT6 (d) qfr* eg
43. ni*-c-ri*-c E$ Erd, effer ggg ge qirdr!
ffi +d?
(a) o,q.*, qfr (a) qrst
(b) {rq (b) *gqr
(c) def{ (c) sqr$dr
(d) g5r (d) ff'rcr
37, Rrfl qrfli$+1 *o vor t)rs : 44. srsrn ercfr qrqrqreeilq|*Jqrqa *qqq+n$r
q-gr il4rsI qIqFTre sTqrdr q5q
(a) €gr ffiglr qc|gg (a) siffi
(b) Tj (b) sRS
(c) €flar{ (c) v{
(d) qgr etr* qcrs1 (d) ftq6
38. €rd ! sfr g<t T-qrqRi ! q o.qfr Td srEgig ri I 4s. frFqen v&oqg+qq sq Sr d?
*6qwrl (a) q{l-sT<66
yq-d sr#i{rqr gH fd6+4ft!p1 s?
(b) ES-firM
(a) u*-+r+ofq6
(c) <de-1q
(b) 1Mcdq*tua (d) ES-ss{
(c) +Fofu6
(d) ereq f+trq fq6 46. eRfi TsK ffizrd ,TrJr+H €-ra+fr qi+r u{:
' 'gsrRr g<r um ! t ca{qqfr }qffi,
39. g;{sr+cr tdRi vq :
Tqd sFsct errnE\r+i fud gr d?
(a) guer
(b) qqr (a) er*aq fqA
(c) trq (b) frftF*.tde
(d) Efr (c) cr lT6
(d) edtqqqf*
0. tffi arqr\'{ fcEt qqrni <ftnqT qt{€ ,T+
qrretTfl€ qdrsi
W g q6*2 47. gssrcfc gn vF*l fr:
(a) t& (a) sr qFq
(b) qs (b) qsc qFq
(c) ffi (c) t++rfnt*l
(d) <n (d) q6q61si cr{ +Eq
41. ffi ot€ rr<r vtFt tqdr*J 61 ql pq{ rqqi srri: 48. g-r qeq €ustrralinr T+tffiR g1
(a) qrd erd€TqTTJ (a) qrerf.qqq
O) {ritqrrq srrcg (b) ercfrrsrq tsrstcr
(c) erfrrfiqTrr{ 1c; swnr+u futr
(d) .Trdct (d) tqcrq +Eqar

127 I
49. s{Tgi{+iq€fr qerr*]qffi opn sq-'+-cn A 50. gS{ s{rffi sTrdrwni sfT6:

(a) crs (a) er€

(b) s51
o) 6errftr{d
(c) eeil gqF (c) e-ciI
(d) eeTRP{r (d) ffi{TrrJ

128 l
(Srarr Lrvel)

Mental Ability Test

qqfrs{rntrstr €Ft
State Code Year Code Centre Code Serial No.

Full Marks : 50
"tfu e ao
Time: 45 Minutes (10-30 AM to lI-15 AM) qr? s 8a m
@w so-ooay 6<171;q@tq )))a m)
Instructions to Candidates etft*tftrm qGfu.il<fr
Read the instructions carefully before you smn
answering the questions. Answers are to be given on a Ecf{ EE< 6q\errr tfdfrcrte ffiNfr T{ frR q@t I

OMR Answer-Sheet provided. W-<'efr s.qr.qt<. EEK"I@ frre qm r

] In this Paper you are to answer 50 questions.

Each question carries 1(one) mark. you are to a:nswer all
) |
qR 4rq mF coF emFr EER frqrs qr< |
the questions. {cer{ il4 ) (qs) | *r
emK Es< frcs qr{ |
2. r. I
a,tf'frq aG actur<Frq<jEEs (a), (b), (c)€<(
(d) celcsqFs ffi
cqcqfrcl s.ql.qffr. Ee<"|rq GRs
s3r | €.qr.qK. fu-{tq q6-s EE.<F< em'Br
the Qu ae q641
Ball Point Pen, to the corresponding correct answer for sGr{E F{+ c"Fr ql;rtvG+rrlr
the item in the OMR Answer-Sheet.
'Example, @ O @ @
Eqt<.a,t: @O @@
(Here 'b' is the correct answer.)
(q?il6 16,
ffiE Ew rl

3. If more than one circle is encoded or darken |

against a particular answer, it will be treated as a wrons
e ,qsF frffi ems ,4$tr{ c<Ft pGR-q+<q gq
answer. E-sR <rE <;tt qr< |

4. There will be no penalty marks or negative

marking for a wrong answer. sI cs|r{I <rcfleFF qalsa @ I

5. You are to start recording answers with the

'start' instruction from the Officei-in-Charge of yow cI q?mRzq<nfigarcqffi-+qqFfi ,sp,qq1-s
roomftrall. qlTel q'Icat EE-<qT str s-6{t I

Name and Roll No. in

s purpose on the OMR
ode your Roll No. in
v I s. q:r. qFr. Bw"IrqfrfiffiprrqqF, Gl|E{rrir
frr6twgrr Tfi<r[?nl
7 . The OMR Answer-Sheet should be handed over 1 |
{fu'r+W qtgKql6A{ftq<'6ss.q{.qK.Esd4El
g the Examination Hall.
qrtk'Ne t<Kqed,rt'EF {ANclr{gfrfir{ mcs,ilrst
Booklet after I

(Questions 1-10) 4. The mean of x, and xris M, and that of
DIRECTION: Read the questions carefully and x1, x2' x3, x4 is
give answers by filling the circle of the letter \\ is
denoting your selected answer on the O.M.R. a'a
ffu.t g A"Nefr v't61el6< "1.ry1, fr€d Eg.*efr< 11l
ccl6o qfr-s EE-{F fr{Dq srst .q<i €..q{.qFr. Ew"fg<
nffi W'Id.t <ir< csNrr fur ffis
srflt I
(b)4 2

1. If the polynomial f (x)=2f+mf+m-14 (c) -t)M,+zu,f

has (x-1) ar.rd (x + 2) as its factors, find the value *U*
of U. (d) -t)M,*r,)
(a) 27
(c) 3


5. Itf (x + 1) - 3x -9, then what will be the

value of/(r3 - l)?
2. In how many years the ratio of the (a) 3i -9
principal and its interest at 4Vo per annum will be
5:2? (b) 3l - ls
(a) 10 (c) l-10
(b) ls (d) 3r3- l0
(c) 20
(d) None of the above -

6. The area of the whole surface of a certain

3. ff 2' :=3"b.: =!'!tr'., then cube is equal to the area ofthe curved surface ofa
3azb+b1 3x2y+ y3
certain sphere. The ratio of their volumes is
(a) bx= ay (a) n:6,
(b) bY = aY (b) G:G-
(c) b2Y = a276 (c) fi-: G-
(d) b2x=a2y (d) 6: n
(Questions 1.l-20)
7. lf x + y and x, y are,,ry4,qtt*Uers; and
A=*+f-ry-x-Y+1,then " i
DIRECTION: In each question 1L to 20 below
there is a number series with one term
, (a),A>0' '. .
itto*n by '?'. The term is given as one of the
alternatives among four numbers given
below it'
(b) A='0r "l
Fi"a an" term andhdicate your answer by filling
(c) A<0
the circle of the corresponding letter of
(d) 0<A<1 in the O.M.R. Answer-Sheet'
Frrftt ft6< ffit
d({ e+F xrngfi qtcqr aGF
ccfi- -.F sK ES avi
e c{"1t6{ '?' GT <qnnt sftq

qrF ;qffF. ftru u<F fr+,ffi< \wsll 'h ffi <K sc<
qE1(s F e|<'t Tr{t ll
s.ql.W<. Ee{"fc qGE <"ffi-d

8. If sincr, and coscr are the roots of the I

equation l* + mx* n = 0, then 11. 2l;,16,12,9,2
(a) 12+nf +2ln=0 (a) 7
@) P-n? +2ln=0 o)6
(c) t2-n? -2In=O - (c) 6'75
(d) P+ n? -2ln=0 (d) s

12. 2I;34,55,89,144,
(a) 169
g. PQ is the diametre of a semicircle with b) 2t3
radius 4cm and ZPRQ is the angle on the (c) 223
semicircle. If QR - 2ficm,then length of
PR is
(d) 233
(a) 8cm
(b) 6cm
13. 225,100,36,9, r,
(c) 5cm
(a) :7
(d) 2f11cm
(b) -6
(c) o
(d) -1

10. What mustbe added to i+6f +l9i+3lAx

to make it a Perfect square?
14. 2,15,41,80,
(a) 49
(a) 111
(b) 2s
(b) r2o
(c) 10
(c) r2l
(d) r32

15. 462,420,390, ?,306 19. l2l, 126, l4l, 166,201, ?
(a) 322 (a) 206
, (b) 332 (b) 2r2
(c) 342 (c) 230
(d) 3s2 (d) 246

0,6,24,60, ?,210
4,19, ?,100, lg0,2g4 (a) Ir7
(a) 32 (b) rre
(b) 36 (c) r20
(c) 48 (d) 126
(d) 40

(Questions 2l-30)
DIRECTION: In each of the questions 21 to 30,
there are four items, three of which are alike bv
17. (23,29), (37,37), (41, 47)
(1 1, 13), ?,
some means or other while one is out of the class.
(a) (73,17) Find out the odd item and indicateyour answer by
(b) (19,21) filling the circle of the correspondihg letter on the
O.M.R. Answer-Sheet.
(c) (17, 19) ffu{ a 2l cetcs 30 ffs dFr?F desur<Fnr* fiqrq
(d) (13,1S) {kcr &:{F cs|ril 4t 6sf6{lvlrE q$$F:r q<( {|RSr
E]-EI'?i r eR qmm {qftT fr-{p-a ,q6 s.,4{.qK.
fu<"nq{ frffi 1e' 116t T-{F qc{ tl
21. (a) Jagadish Chandra Bose
(b) Debendra Mohan Bose
12 4 5
(c) Satyendra Nath Basu
f8. -E,7,l),f, ^-
vr r vvJj (d) Prafulla Chandra Rov
(a) ;-E
(b) _E (a) Raman Research Institute
I (b) Indian Institute of Science
213 (c) Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
I (d) International Centre for Theoretical
(d) ;J Science

23. (a) Blade 29. (a) The Mahabharat
(b) Axe (b) The Geeta
(c) Scissors (c) The Koran
(d) Needle (d) The Bible

24. (a) India Today 30. (a) Atal Behari Bajpaee

(b) The Hindu (b) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(c) The Hindustan Times (c) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
(d) Times of India (d) Morarji Desai

25. (a) Terrence Tao

(Questiols 3140)
(b) Maryam Mirzakhari
DIRECTION: In each question below there are
(c) Rene Thom two words separated by ':'in the upper row. Below
(d) MichaelAtiyatt that there are some words on each side of the
symbol ':'. Find the relation between two upper
words and select one word from the right side of
':' below which have the same relation as above.
(a) Patna Fill the circle of the letter denoting your selected
answer on the O.M.R. Answer-Sheet.
(b) Kolkata s 31 (etco 40 qt's a,tleft-{ qGF csc S"rr<-<
(c) Baranasi qtRF tF "tq ':' GQ EKI q."tfu | frco-{ nlRts\e cqq
Ge qrfl SRRs qF -trv,< e$F Elrer Sarr< ntR<
(d) Cuttack
{*6 *q firuK qrRcs (?) GRs q6 Oap "mF
c{qt< q-{t a, b, c a d-F cq€Tt .l-qsG-{ qsF <KqF
cr-69 qr{ ,4<( c{F w{fi'rc'4<T@ qr{ et "l4fs $Gt
s.,qr.qt<r. E-s<"i6-f, frffi W 'F6t s-{N Ec< tl
27. (a) Mere
(b) Litre 31. Prashanta Chandra
(c) Nautical mile Mahalanobis : Indian Statistical
(d) Light year
Dr. Mahendralal
Sarkar ; ?

(a) CalcuttaUniversity
2E. (a) May Day (b) Rajabazar Science College
(b) Republic Day (c) Indian Association for the Cultivation
(c) Gandhi Jayanti DaY of Science
(d) Rabindra Jayanti Day (d) Indian Institute of Science

32. Calendar : Dates 35. Coconut: Shell
Dictionary : ? Letter : ?
(a) Sentences (a) Letter-box
(b) Language (b) Envelope
(c) Words (c) Stamp
(d) Books . (d) Mail

1729 : Ramanujan Rabishankar : Sitar

6174 : ? Amjad Ali Khan I ?
(a) SirAsutosh Mulilropadhyay (a) Sitar
(b) Mahan Matraraj (b) Sarod
(c) S.Chandraselfiar (c) Flute
(d) D.R. Kaprekar (d) Guiter

l5thAugust: India 37. Prof. Amarttrya Sen : Economics

? : Pakistan Prof. Ashoke Sen : ?
(a) 2lstFebruary (a) Economics
(b) 16th December @) Physics
(c) l6th August (c) Chemistry
(d) l4thAugust (d) Biology
38. TheGanges India (Questions 41-50)
The Nile
DIRECTION: In questions 4l-50, numbers are
'(a) Pakistan placed in figures on the basis of some rules. One
(b) China place in the figure is indicated by the interrogation
sign (?). Find out the correct alternative to
(c) Egypt replace the question mark and indicate your
(d) Nairobi answer by filling the circle of the corresponding
letter of alternatives in the O.M.R. Answer-Sheet.

tfu{ s 4l cct6F 50 qfr Er|eft-{ mceftqqiql,t6rqr

frm I q$F .?,
vc$ fr'rcq cnsrt qtcq T{Errq F{
cr\ent qtcqt ffi tq ftcDR cq€{t qstlt.s w-{,efr-{
ft{, qfr$F $ils sGT \e.qr.qFr. EET"lrq F t{.t
s-6<t tl


39. Virat Kohli : Cricket

Pankaj Advani :?
(a) Basket ball
(b) Billiard
(c) Snooker
(d) Chess
(a) 66
(b) 72
(c) 7r
(d) 78


40. Apparel : Cloth

Footwear : ?

(a) Material (a) 38

(b) Leather (b) 66
(c) Cobbler (c) 68
(d) Shoes (d) 70

43 4C 28 3A
28A 45B
7C 8A 158

(a) P
(a) t6C
(b) H
(b) r2c
(c) M
(c) 13C
(d) L
(d) 7c

(a) 110
(a) 60
(b) 1
(b) 50
(c) 25
(c) 5s
(d) ur
(d) 40

(a) 100
(b) 10
(c) 200
(d) e
49. 3 ) 7 9 15 13

8 26 48 82 ? r70

(a) r2l
(b) 224
(c) 120 (a) 18
(d) 225 (b) 9
(c) 10
(d) 20

t 10l
(Siern Lever)
Scholastic Aptitude Test
efs1lE-s {fur
State Code Year Code Centre Code Serial No.

Roll No.
FuIl Marks : 100 "!ffi\+: >oo
Time: 90 minutes (1:30 PM to 3:00 pM) 4w 3 .;o frffi (Ro/E )-soFf 5<1p Rotq re-"" Dt)
Instructions to Candidates {futftrtr qGFirffi
Read the instructions carefully before you start
an-swering the questions. Answers are to be given on a dcFr EEK cqsrf{ tr{frcflg MrcA r{ frc-T qwt I

OMR Answer-Sheet provided. Eg<'efr s.q{.qK. frKqrg frcs qc< r

l. In this Paper you are to answer 100 questions. ) | qR cRq mF : offi dcf{ EE< fr{N er< | AGF
Each question carries 1(one) mark. You are to dnswer all
the questions. dcf{ l|r ) (q$) | q?T a(TK EeT frcs qc< r

r. IErt"fc atr Ec{ur*FrsFjEEK (a), (b), (c)q<(

(d) calcsq6-sffi c<cqfrcs \e.qr.qf{. Es<4coFRE
$-Grt I s.q\.q3r. EEK4-6q qfr$ EEKFT 4r K acre'615a1
sG< qqeF{+ cah q|<t vF orst r

Exampte'@O@@ 6rr<s,r, @o @@
(Here 'b' is the correct answer.)
(.4q1r{ 'b' {6s fu< rl
3. If more than one circle is encoded
against particular answer, it will be treated
or darken e |
,qsF frffi deS e$tr{ mft lcsGR-s-sR"t W
a as a wrong Ee< <rE <3tt qc{ |
4. There will be no penalty marks or negative s I cslr{t {cilwsqfla4 ffi1
marking for a wrong answer.
5. You are to start recording answers with the | (ss,
'start' instruction from the Officei-in-Charge of your c
"tft+'t+r+< nRFaT€ qtR-stR-s :t-Q[*[T
room/hall. <6il3T Cl-cq q|TclEE-<IT{ BT S-Kt I

Roll No. in
s I s. qr. qn. Eq"Eqr fiffi"ak{ qF, 6tl6r 4Tt
".iut""?yt} ffirw$rm 1m+aill
7. TheOMRAnswer-Sheetshouldbehandedover
to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall. 1 | {As]omqw{q6aftp6€.q{.qK.Ee-{'fE
You may take away the used Question Booklet after qrtqNe r<r<qsdrteffi {fts.mr{pfrfr-cq mp
completion of the examination. "rro r
1. If ax2+bx+"=o(r-p)', the relation 1. ax2 +bx+c=o(r- p)' RC{ a, b, c-{qT TC<l
:rmong a, b and, c is q-efffi qq
(a) abc = 1 (a) abc = |
(b) 2b=a+c b) 2b=a+c
(c) b2 = ac (c) b2 =ac
@) b2 = 4ac @) b2 =4ac

2. The identity x+ 4)2 =x+4is possible, 2. . = x*4q@TFW<rqK, TrFr

(a) x<-4 (a) x<-4
(b) x> -a (b) r>-a
(c) x < -16 (c) x < -16
(d) Not possible (d) qrB< m

3. The number of real roots of the quadratic 3* + 4= 0 fu qft{r{qfi* qv< ftqq\qn q6q
(a) o (a) o
(b) z (b) z
(c) t (c) t
(d) 4 (d) 4

4. The solution of the equation V + tr = 2.4 4, 9 + tr = 2.#qftfiq$rfttHF qE

(a) o
(c) t2
(c) x2 (d)

5. Iffli) =?-.f -3x+4,thevalue offix)+fl-x) 5. f (x) = ?-f - 3x + 4q6 f @) +,f (-x)<n q|d

(a) 4 (a) 4
(b) 6 o)6
(c) o (c) o
(d) 8
(d) 8

& y2
6. If 22
=_:t the 6. =L- Y' =
by+cz cz+ax 0c+by " =2q6q
by+cz cz+ec ax+by
cba .cba
value of
2c+z 2b+v 2a+x-- 2c+z 2b+v 2a+x Tf{
(a) 2 (a) 2
(b) (b)
t t
(c) 4 (c) 4
(d) (d)
4 7

7. If. loga [toga {toga (loga x)}] = o, 'r' is 7. <fr loga [toga {toga (toga x)}]= 0 qr sc<
equal to 't'.qTTFq6<t
(a) 256 (a) 256
(b) 4t6 o) 4t6
(c) 2512 (c) 2sr2
' (d) 2564 @) 2564

8. If x2 + y2 = 22, the value of f*y'=72qgq.

11 logr-rx logr*rx
TrTrs (a) x.
rOSr:y X h0gz+y x (b) y -*-<qlTFt
(a) x (c) x+y
(b) y (d) 2
(c) x+y
(d) 2-

9, If (x + 2) and (2x - 1) are factors of 9. (Lr3 + a* + bx + IO) TfiF{ EF Eq4lno

(2i + a* + bx + 10), the value of (a2 + D2) is (x + 2)s (b - 1) qcq (a2 +DF)<<l|r
(a) 338 (a) 338
(b) 218 o) 218
(c) 74 (c) 74
(d) 1e8 (d) 198

10. lfa+b=2c,thevalueof o + b i, 10. lfra+ b=2cqn,\e-f<
o * b *uof,
(a) 0
a-c b-c a-c b-c
(a) o
(b) 1 (b) I
(c) 2 (c) 2
(d) -1 (d) -1

11. The compound interest for two years of the 11. R <qr< <tffi+ 82, Rkn 7,500 br+n uE-G fq
amount Rs. 7,500 at the rate of
8Vo per arunrm would EC<
(a) 1,248 h
(a) Rs. I,248
(b) 1,260bFt
(b) Rs. 1,260
(c) 1,300bFI
(c) Rs. 1,300
(d) -1,352 lrot
(d) Rs. 1,352

12. A businessman fixed the selling price of an 12. qss?r <r-<nfft 6sfnt q'cErd @TWErd Eqq 4OEo
article after increasing the cost price by 40Vo.Then
ffr om frff-{qni qffsrtrn I qprr ffi sorm z0Z,
he allowed his customer a discount of 20Vo and qg ftr 43 ?tot qlg <rfrrffi | q<itr{ qqEr {E
gained Rs. 48. The cost price of the article is
(a) 200 DRit
(a) Rs.200
(b) 248 Drsr
(b) Rs.248
(c) 400 B1-ot
(c) Rs.400
(d) Rs.448 (d) 448 Drsr

13. The curved surface area of a right circular 13. qrsF qqlg.ffi{ 6D'ts q{( ,.qrfr c't|qrs( <EFsctr{
cylinder and that of a sphere are equal. If their radii
6Fcl{'f, T{R I el'cGr VW{mF qrE, qFlvGir w{efls
are equal, the ratio of their volume is
(a) 3:2 (a) 3 2
(b) 2:3 (b) 2 3
(c) 3:4 (c) 3 4
(d) 4:3 (d) 4 3

14, The sum of the length, breadth and height 14. esfr {vcotft d'rrq* ?'4-qF, qE s Ewsn q{E
of a rectangular parallelopiped is 25 cm and its
whole surface area is 264 sq. cm. The area of the
25 cqfr q<( UEK wN-ffid ffiqm' 264<z ffi r

square whose sides are equal to the length of the

d"rqFK sc.fR ffi( qTlr <tERfiB <efuefr{ eFGrrFq
diagonal of that parallelopiped is
(a) 256 sq. cm. (a) 256<s frfr
(b) 361 sq. cm. (b) 361 <s ffi
(c) 225 sq. cm. (c) 225 <affi
(d) 324 sq. cm. (d) 324 + ffi

15. The radii of two circles with centre atA and 15. A ,q<i B coEfrRB dB
B are 11 cm and 6 cm respectively. If PQ is the l1 cqfr s 6 ffit{fr w.arl-{
dommon tangent of the circles ani Rn =13 cm,
length of PQ is
q<( AB =13 ffi qs, vr< pe-qr bilf q6q
(a) 13 ffi
(a) 13 cm
(b) 12 6qfr
O) 12 cm
(c) 17ffi
, (c) 17 cm
(d) 8.s cqft
(d) 8.5 cm

16. The chords PQ and RS of a circle are 16. e+F 1m pQ s RS qlr1F <fdb o-{!q O R1ro
extended to meet at the point O. If PQ = 6cm, frfu q* | {fr Pe = f ffi, oe = 8 cqfi, os = 7 mft
OQ = 8cm, OS =/cm, then RS = {fr,96<t RS =
(a) 12cm (a) 12 crR
(b) 9 cm (b) 9 c{F
(c) 10cm (c) 10ffi
(d) 16cm (d) 16 mR

tl. ABC is a right angled triangle and AD is 17. ABC esFwcoft frWt qegq BC-r E4=r
perpendicular to the hypotenuse BC. If AC =2A8, AD .qsF qr | {fr AC = 2AB q-q, EG BC =
then BC =
(a) 2BD
(a) 2BD
(b) BD
(b) BD
(c) 5BD
(c) 5BD
(d) 4BD
(d) 4BD

18. (x + 2),x and (x l) are the frequencies
- of 18. ffi q.ctfi 12,15 re 2Gq< {R.qi?Bl Teil-qn
the number s 12, 15 and 20 respectively. ff th"
of the distribution is 14.5, the value of x is
-"- (x + 2),.r rB (.r - t) r qfr ffi
a|v 14.5 qr, vc<
riq? IFI
(a) 2
(a) 2
(b) :
(c) 4
(c) 4
(d) s
(d) 5

19. . If two angles of a triangle are 97"24, 54" and 19. qsF frErq.i fF mq 97"24'54" s 32"31,6',
32o31'6", the third angle is qrq, yqr mnF qc<

h\! 6 @\L
@i @.;
@: @+
i (d)

20. If x sin3 a+y cos3 d = sin d, cosa and 20. {fr x sin3 a + y cost a =sina cosa €Ri
xsina-ycoscz=0, the value of x2+y2 is
x sina - y cosrz = 0 q-{, g54 x2 + y2 _q3 q-4
(a) o (a) o
(b) I (b) I

l' (c)
, ,
I '1
(d) (d)
, 3

Physics {defu
2L. Two particles of masses m, and m2 are 21. ffire ffir.vtt-<-<@qgn"ttr+R+<t{it{ctfqcl
allowed to fall freely from height 4 hr. They hrs hrbm-st cqlro mdrtEE rVRp cfrqrevfnwll-q;6r
reach the ground at,time t, and r, respectively. r,s fr{+*fr@
(b)f: t

(c) t^r:Eh^
(c) 7:3
(d) 7:+
(d) t:+

22. x-axis 22. x -WtF <-{K{ qfufrlE cslrll s6fFI q{{q

Position of a particle moving along
isgivenbyx = 3t -4P + /3, wherexisinmetre and x=3t -4P + /3, crrffFxffirm €<( /-c,TGF-N efqfisr
r is in second. Find the average velocity of the t = 2 cqc<:s cal6s / - 4 mms wFnlr{ s"fitr{ N
to etGr<q +sr
particle in the time interval from / = 2 second
/=4second' (a) Tmrs
(a) 7 m/s
1u) I m/s
(b) lm/s (c) 13 m/s
(c) 13 m/s (d) 5 m/s
(d) 5 m/s

23. A lightwave of certain frequency moves 23. frffi o-ettre< qsF qra|o-rc_ffi <R ccl6s sku
from air to glass, then its elqq +-+m, bqi<

(a) wavelength does not change. (a) q+qffi' "tffi qr 4t I

(b) frequency does not change but (b) F-'fl-s 4ffi8 E{ dl frE E-<q?qf
wavelenlth "tffi ql r

(c) frequency changes. (c) ovtfe qffi qt r

(d) frequency and wavelength both (d) F-'tfs s q+ffi'@ qffis q{ r


24. In an atomic reactor, which of the 24. 'fffitRs FRN qntR Rrtr< ffiR-eeF<
following is used as fuel? rl<i 6sf{F <FRs q{?
(a) Ht (a) 11t
(b) H2 (b) H2
(c) Dro (c) Dro
(d) u23s (d) u23s

25. The linear momentum p of abody having 25. n-v-{ {-',lTI 6+1r{I {q{ dG.tG E qrq, bqR
mass r?4 is given by t{R-s e{trrlt p-6s efsFt tr-{t {lTr

(a) p:Jffi (a) p:'|ffi,

(b) (b) o:E*
(c) (c) 'p: 6
(d) P:
(d) p:f*
26. What is the equivalent resistance between 26. q:NE{< R c{t{ frca esF DE6q< aGF rR
any two opposite corner points of a quadrilateral, if {t{ F-{t Ec{cqt DEfrF< c{ mtr+r 1F A{4" dfto
the sides of the quadrilateral are of equal resistance Fl-T( TC$ EEI mlE $E qr{?
(a) 3R
(a) 3R
(b) 2R
(b) 2R
(c) R
(c) R

(d) 2R
(d) +
27. Two electrodes are maintained at a 27, v&q ql-cffi TC<i fr-w
potential difference of 50V. An electron moving
EF "nqfoi 50V., siluet|u
cqr+ qsFQm-$b{ wlc{l-6g cam Ee $E rtF.tG qc?'{
from cathode to anode gains kinetic energy equal
(a) 50 x 10-te erg
(a) 50 x 10-te erg
(b) 50 Joule
(b) 50 Joule
(c) 80 x 10-1e Joule
(c) 80 x l0-te Joule
(d) 80 erg
(d) 80 erg

28. What will be the power consumed by a 28. 2oo v fu< q$F 5oo cfl<RftB qr
50Q wire if it is kept across a potential difference se r:tEI <fu q617
of 200 V?
(a) 0.8 kw
(a) 0.8 kW (b) 80 kw
(b) 80 kw (c) 400W
(c) 400 W
(d) 0.4 kw
(d) 0.4 kw

29. The Thff uto undergoes successive o 29. *ff *t 6e156 5asfr cr,stt s P-c
and p decays to the end product to;:t. The fi5fu q{K T-FI q?rc.'l-ct pu Sqr* qq r q
number of cr and B particles emitted in the process dfrflT frufu o \e p-s6fl{ qi{n {el|qr5l
respectively are
(a) 4,6
(a) 4,6
(b) 4,4 - (b) 4,4
(c) 6,6
(c) 6,6
(d) 6,4
(d) 6,4

30. A particle is executing simple harmonic 30. ,4$F S"tt {{E mldtqG {-'Ft srRt Uqt
motion. If its amplitude of vibration increases by oF trffi RW< ZOZo 1ft orca crF {tft-s tfuT $ <
20Vo, what will be the increase of its total (a) MVo
mechanical energy?
(b) 2l%o
(a) 44Vo
(c) 2OVo
(b) 2l%o
(d) lOVo
(c) 20Vo
(d) rU%o

31. When a body is orbiting near the surface 31. qsF {vr V-"1c6{ +.RtstR caf6s stFql
of the earth. what will be the ratio of its orbital "tRfts "tR-eqq Grce afFFrE E-qt-< m sfir c{5'tqr E]
velocity to the escape velocity from earth? q6q&z<ceK w{'1v EE
(a) t:J-z (a) YJ2
(b) Ji:t (D
(c) 2:I (c) 2:1
(d) I:2 (d) I :2
I 10l
(a) 16
(c) 4
(d) 2

33. 'For a definite colour of light, absolute 33. qrfr fiffi <ef* qtlilR qql q,ffir
refractive index of water is 413 and absolute qGq*ts 4/3 q<\ "t-?r5r
refractive index of glass is 312, then what will be
qlc'ksFofcxt fuql <t;sr 'lRrr dfrT{ts 3/2 qrq,
the refractive index of glass with respect to water?
(a) 1.125
(a) r,125
o) _.1.33
o) r.33 (c) 1.56
(c) 1.56
(d) 2
(d) z

t 1l.l
34. Chlorine atom does not differ from the 34. ffiRe R cscr m|R{ 'FNI"I e er*W
"ilcFst d., ffiqq
Chloride ion in which of the following context? qlTlrffi{C<i
(a) Electron (a) Rcq+Eq
(b) Volume (b) qlN{
(c) Proton (c) cdFa
(d) Chemical reactivity (d) rffisqfuEr
35. Which one of the following statements is 35. c;c2 ft{ srf,{ "mg-cr{ lcqr'<$Hrltt s
applicable regarding the number of bonds and the R RF* {<rcfir <nq <ffq wq< {-'|c6 m'F R--{&fr
nature of bonds between two carbon atoms in em-qt?
CaC2compound? (a) coF frqlt (o) <rffi q<( esF {R, (nl
(a) One Sigma (o) bond and one Pi (n) <IFI I

bond. (b) .e+FfruFrt (o) <q-{q<(EF "tR, (n) <q,{

(b) One Sigma (o) bond and two Pi (t) (c) e$F frutqt (o) <rn;I q<( qs s .qrF qr
bonds. (n) <nq
"tR r

(c) One Sigma (o) bond and one and half

Pi (n)bonds.
- (d) q$F fr'Frt (o) qtq t
(d) One Sigma bond.

36. 1f3 mole of KOH is added to 10 litres of 36. 25'6 $aav1r 10 FDr< R'eq qG 10-3 crF
pure water at 25"C. The pH will change by KOH cqtst s-rt qq (E-{c.Fr qlTq{ qqffis) | pHrqi
(assume no change in volume occurs) qffiqc<
(a) 3 (a) 3
(b) 4 (b) 4
(c) 7 (c) 7
(d) 11 (d) 11
37, Formula of a metallic oxide is MrOr. 37. qTF {e-{ q-SRg< rtriFs MrO, | {ls:
Upon reduction with hydrogen the metaltc oxide qgM qfutql Em ffi {c{ freq {lv € w
gives pure metal and water. 0.L12 gm metal is bq4Er q{ | 0.LI2 gm {lp Eq"ta +*cs 6 mg qRqtm
produced by 6 mg of hydrogen after complete el[rfwr q{ | {lET 41-qqfr-Eq qa
reduction. Atomic mass of the metal is (a) 28
(a) 28
(b) 160
(b) 160
(c) 56
(c) 56
(d) 8 (d) 8

38. Which of the following group below 3E. foo< con mfr wq$B-s ffiffiqft{ cilt
represents a set of isoelectronic species? Frc6tor<a
(a) N3-, F, Na* (a) N3-, F-, Na*
(b) Na*, Ca2*, Mg'* (b) Na*, Ca2*, Mrg'*
(c) Be, A13*, cl- (c) Be, A13+, Cl-
(d) K*,Na*, A13* (d) K+,Na*, Al3+
39. Concentrated aqueous solution of sodium 39. fizu-{ R
hydroxide is used for separation of pairs of {-qsqrr-{ 1+fi-orct me-{\
qffiw otF q.ftT k?Tct <l+{-s qr q EE

(a) (a) Al3+ ,4<( sn2+

Al3+ and Sn2+
(b) (b) Al3+ q<( Fe3+
Al3* and Fe3*
(c) (c) Al3+ q<( zn2+
AJ3* and Znz*
(d) Mg'* (d) Mg'* €R( p6z+
and Pb2*

40. 10 ml of an aqueous solution contans222 40. 10 ml q'frs q<-cq 222 me CaCt, (qtqR-s
mg dissolved CaCl, (molecular weight = 111). e*g = 111) uQEE q11qt E?rcc61 q6-s4 100 ml s-{t
What will be the concentration of chl,oride ion in
qcq @FRs qTttrFr rilpy sE qc<?
the resulting solution when it is diluted to 100 mt?
(a) O.l2Molellit (a) 0.02 m|E/FFK
(b) 0.01 Mole/Lit (b) 0.01 m|E/GFrs
(c) 0.04 Mole/Lit (c) 0.04 crtE/FFK
(d) z.}Mole/Li (d) 2.}mlq/FFR

lla Among Ethanol, Dimethyl ether, Methanol 41. Qqt+q, vffiqp-q*,

and Propanal the isomers are frqil-+q \e cAl4Fl.tdrcK
(a) Ethanol, Dimethyl ether, Methanol
and Propanal
(a) Qqn+q, vRfr{RE Qqk, fretr{E q<(
(b) Ethanol and Methanol
(c) Ethanol (b) R${E \e frelrl-{
and Dimethyl erher
(d) Ethanol and propanal
(c) Q+r+e s vEFaREEeilr
(d) Q{TE € 6q['if{fE

42. Which molecule of the followins 42. frcflB frqefi< qtp, TfrE {Es
compounds contain formyl radical? RtTtr{
(a) Acetone
(a) wtFrtn
(b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Acetic Acid (u)wffi
(d) Acetic anhvdride (c) wfrF-s qrtfiv
(d) wfrtrswiqfufu

43. The quantity of oxygen required for 43. I m|{

complete combustion of 1 mole of an organic Hvoz <R
q-t{q*il{ wj
compound CxHrO, is
l-- rz\
(a) dro
(a) (".*) mores [x+i]
l-- rz\
(b) (x+t]
(b) (".f) mores mlE

(c) (".I-Z) -or", (c) (".I-Z) ,*

(d) (x+v+Z) (d) (x+v+z) mrq

44. Which of the following pairs have 4, ftslu csld ffi'Wd qlQ e/m xF qK?
identical values of (a) e<rfr cdFa e q$F ftEt{
(a) A proton and aneuffon (b) q<rFwfifuF e q+F o sfi
(b) A deuterium and an a (c) q<fi?rc<tr s T {ft
(c) An electron and y (d) .q$0 cqbr e er,fu vTitfr{t{
(d) A proton and a deuterium

45. cH=cH+Hr-+cttr-cHz 45, cH=cH+Hr4cHz=CHzi

'A'in this reaction is 'RRfuiltl 'y't' qE
(a) Ni/250"C (a) Ni/250"C
(b) Raney Nift.{ormal temperature (b) TItft Nih{fdq q?Frfql
(c) pd/Basoo Quinoline (c) pd/Basoo fr(rtR{
(d) Pd/Normal temperature (d) Pdh{R.tsttilEt

46. Container made of Copper metal on 46, sFrl {q ftFfo tqroQffi[{WN calldTt \Fqt{
exposure to air for longtime to*r gt"rn. The green 6{R frm q{q {{q
TF I qlE3rqF qq
layer is due to (a) CuO
(a) CUO (b) CuCO' Cu(OH),
(b) CuCO' Cu(OH)r (c) CuSOo, 3Cu(OH),
(c) CuSOo, 3Cu(OH), (d) E,1-6iK r1qsR
(d) All of the above

l 14l
47. During ventricular systole 47. fr-qr qir$fu-{s1-6q
(a) Atrial systole occur (a) qFrq< q(rotu;r r& |

(b) The atrio-ventricular valves are closed (b) qfrq-frqr sflfistefr Ts arcs I

(c) The pressure inside the ventricles is less (c) fr-+ca-< F\e-c<3T Dt,tqGrt-{ cclm sr I
than atria
(d) ffiH $'ilEst <in qtm I
(d) The mitral valve is closed

48.Match the words in column l with those 48. usl q m€il r|.R-{ qtccl w II ,q m€Tt T{il'fq,t
which are most appropriate in column II. Urqo -rvfi-{ qaq frq-a a1q 1

Column -I Column-II w.'-I

(A) Karyokinesis 1. Meiocytes (A) $lR€Tffi
(B) Cytokinesis 2. plant cell (s)qffi
(C) Meiosis 3. Nuclear division (c) ffic
(D) Cell plate 4. Cytoplasmic (D) mT.t4le
(a) A= 1,B =2,C=3,D=4
(a) A= 1,B =2,C=3,D=4
(b) A=2,8=1,C=4,D=3
(b) A=2,8=1,C=4.D=3
(c) A=3,B =4,C=l,D=2
(c) A=3,B =4,C=l,D=2
(d) A =4,8=3,C=2,D=l
(d) A=4,B=3,C=2,D=l

49. Exine and intine are the parts of 49. c<t<R:q+ s c<"lwssqsEE qstRc|q
(a) Stigma (a) E€Nrg<
(b) Seed (b) Arq<
(c) Embryo sac (c) -qtqfr{
(d) Pollen grain (d) "l{ttl6t{

50. Transpiration will be fastest when the dav 50. <lo'tlrrtD-{ {< FE qC{ {fi frqF qc<
(a) fu, <tqa<Rqe s vruilp
(a) cool, windy and humid (b)
'i<r, wqfuqe s <|qa-{fqqo
(b) hot, humid and windy (c) eRl,w€<lqa<RF
(c) hot, dry and windy (d) er<q, qtqeip € QF <tq
(d) hot, humid and still wind , 15 I
contains carrot, 51. ,qsF 1Q< q<e< {c<lTGI-ce oilqr, q'E Eq
51. A basket of vegetables qbq{st
potato, tomato and radish. Which of them represent
s qnt I .qIGI {[{I slstl il'{q
the correct homologous Structures? (a) ailwr e Enl
(a) carot and radish (b) otfq< s tn6t
(b) carrot and tomato (c) tcttrt e Etrt
(c) tomato and radish
(d) qqe tcldt
(d) Potato and tomato

s?. What type of teeth are absent in case of


(a) Incisor
(b) Cayne
(c) Pre-molar
(d) Molar

53. When Ax'P is converted into ADP, it releases 53. ATP${ ADP-F qffi qg'sRnfitfu :
(a) Hormone (a) {<ar+

(b) Secretion O) F{'t

(c) EnzYme (c) Ssnu-+
(d) EnergY (O qG

54. Which stage of Plasmodiuln is present

the salivary gland of female mosquito?

(a) SPorozoite
(b) Merozoite
(c) GametocYte

(d) Ookinete

t16 l
55. In a plant, red fruit (R) is dominant over 55. qTF UBcq-{ etq Tdr (R) {.In +c-q< (r) E"Fr
yellow fruit (r) and tallness (T) is dominant over q<q (0{< E"r< E+?
E+t Eqt ?<REJ (T)
dwarf (t). If a plant with RRTI is crossed with a "K?<Rb r

qsF UGcq-{ RRTt qcq' q'Kq$F Efrcq-{ 116 ffi qi€F"t

plant with rrtt, then
(a) 75Vo will be tall with red fruit slrrtntrefq6E
(b) lffiVo will be tall with red fruit (a) 75Vo Eqt s E1at TeF S&q q6<
(c) 25Vo will be tall with red fruit (b) I00Vo qq'l re E|at sqTo U&q.qK
(d) 50Vo will be tall with red fruit (c) 25Voq\I € qfET-{rpUfunqc<
(d) 50Vo 4qt re qlFI Tq{c Efuq qc<

56. Match the words ln column I with those 56. qsl q me{t rlcq-{ qrcal uqz q m\eRt ficFFt
which are most appropriate in column II. EapffiFrmstREn+mr
Column -I CoIumn-II w-I
I (1t) Hydra 1. Binary fission (A) qRs't
(B) Amoeba 2. Spore (B) qrrR<r
(C) Mucor 3. Budding (c) frhK
(D) Planaria 4. Regeneration (D) ilr{Rrl
(a) A=4,8=1,C=3,D=2 (a) A=4,8=1,C=3,D=2
(b) A=3,B=1,C=2,D=4 (b) A=3,B=1,C=2,D=4
(c) A=2,8=3,C=4,D=l (c) A=2,8=3,C=4,D=1
(d) A= 1,B =4,C=3,D=2 (d) A=1,B=4,C=3,D=2

57. A person has damaged central nervous 57. c{ <lE< "tritaF{e. ERs q-{ qR-sN,tf{ sil-?T Trf,
I system due to continuous intake of metal 6Egq1 afu-s m-&r fl{sE sGfE q{ et qq-
contaminated water, the metal is
(a) "fKn
(a) Mercury
(b) Calcium G) omFm
(c) mtGxn
(c) Sodium
(d) fiqr
(d) Lead

58. Difference between DNA and RNA bv 58. DNA ie RNA-K ETts EE
(a) Nitrogen base and sugar (a) qR6rq-{ 6{q s -r5<t
(b) Nitrogen base and phosphate group
(c) Number of carbon atom in sugar (b) nfulrq{ 5q{ \e vqcaD
(d) Sugar and Phosphate (c) lfu* qffi of4n[s qi{it
(d) lfu e *qc+t

59. The middle layer of three layers of meninges

(a) Dura matter

(b) Pia matter

(c) Arachnoid membrane

(d) Sub-arachnoid space

60. Which one of the following hormones is not 60. frcflts mr{ {<lql;TF FRAR oR< qt<rs
produce from anterior lobe of pituitary gland? Eq"fq q* qP
(a) GH (a) GH
(b) ADH
_o) ADH
(c) ACTH
(c) ACTH
(d) rsH
(d) rsH

l18 l
61. "Imperialism: The Highest stage of 61.'mqr<tq : ffiqnqn{r<fu9R,, dqF<url s.rfl
Capitalism" was written by
(a) ffifid
(a) Lenin
(b) Stalin (b) vlFrq

(c) Karl Manr (c) ot{$6q

(d) Rousseau (d) Fc.tf

62, 24th October, 1929 was marked as ,.Black 62. {tfr{ F-{kS{ 1929 qtFrn z4c{ EIAK{ ffi
Thursday" in U. S. A. because
rcnm 1rqft-+<'Tfc{ tRfu qclRq smq
(a) TerroristAttack (a) qq|r+|ft ql@l"t
(b) Natural Calamity O) drfG-$ R4fr
(c) Great Depression (c) qqt$tt
(d) Change in Political aspect (d) rRrF-$

63. DuringtheperiodofRussianRevolutionthe 63. *tRfirffi q:R atfiTra qqF ftml

Russian ruler was
(a) qK deNql6aqiqfsK
(a) CzarAlexander-I
(b) CzarAlexander-Il (b) qK frQa qtqrsrtstK
(c) Czar Nicholas-I (c) qtr dq:r firsF4tq
(d) Czar Nicholas-Il (d) ql{ frqR ficrmtq

64, "Flying Shuttle" was invented by

(a) James Hargraves
(b) Edmund Cartwright
(c) James Watt
(d) John Kay

65. "Mein Kampf,'was written by
(a) Hitler
(b) Mussolini
(c) Lenin
(d) stalin

The country which did not join rhe

of Nations:

(a) America
(b) France
(c) Italy
(d) Japan

67. Present name of General Assembly's

Institution is 67. cq;rlrrE qikqrRq brmmE.{r_,q<
l6T|q ,

(a) Hindu School
(b) Scottish Church College (a) Rtgq
(c) Loreto House (b) sF"ru6vrm
(d) St. Xavier,s College (c) cmifi qB'q
(d) cq-b ffiGrrdsrffi

68. The first Chancellor of Calcutta

was 68. sfr-<lq Amonms qqr qfldRrcr{
(a) Lord Canning (a) e6onfri
(b) Lord Dalhousie O) qgvrd(Qfr
(c) James William Colvile (c) cqr{RRrt{ c$ffiE
(d) SirAshutosh Mukherjee (d) ry'nqTeromT+tff

l20 l
69. Sardar Ballavbhai patel was known as 69. qkfu <flsvQ
"fi&E c{ dt6ir qRCs Ecqq s
(a) Saviour of India (a) vFrc< ffi'f$\5t
(b) Modern Man of India (b) El;rcs<w{fr-sry
(c) kon Man of India (c) cfrsF-{
(d) Mechiavelli of India (d) sFrc.<qrtftRtsfr

70. 'Communal Awards' (1932) in India was

declared by
70. etTca ?temfro {fFFFt' (1932) ffi mmqt
(a) Lord kwin (a) ar6 qmBtq
(b) Ramsay Macdonald (b) <mmrrFprelrw
(c) Md. l+tiZinnah (c) qqc qrfr &sR
(d) Lord Mountbatten (d) tuTtB-ffii

71. Pahartali European Club was attacked in 71. 1932 RSfr{t' grR q1EFr6t
1932by "tRtwffK RErfiftr
(a) Kalpona Dutta (a) $fitre
(b) Bina Das (b) ft"ilElq
(c) PritilataWaddedar (c) Aewt srfffiqFr
(d) Lila Nag (d) ftetnrt

72.'All IndiaTrade Union Congress" (AIIUC) 72. 'qqRfu6s?Sfu{scdq',

was formed in
(AITUC) dfu
(a) 1915 AD (a) lgts RSr6q
(b) 1920 AD (b) 1920 fuSrrq
(c) 1922 AD (c) 1922 ftSrrq
(d) 1928 AD (d) 1923 Rsm

73. Augite metamorphosed to 73. q{Rt tr4vfu qr{ R fiEm qRrc qs q
(a) Horn blande (a) efu
(b) Sroclastic (b) {ffiq
(c) Brecia (c) sofrit
(d) Pegmatite
(d) c'iqqbRb

74. 'Busket of Egg topography' is a common 74. C\ sfr {G'Rfr-s"iF cnrfm

feature of 'ft€Tl TIT
(a) qft{ qs-{ o|cf{ wE
(a) River deposition
(b) <K{ qan sfcf{ $rE
(b) Wind deposition
(c) Rrqtrq{ silsld{ l'ffi
(c) Glacial erosion
(d) (O fu<re( qsn ol'ffi q5q
Glacial deposition

75. Widest waterfall of world is qdrd'llv EE

"lRfAK d{vs'T
(a) Khone waterfall of Laos (a) afrorftT C.IFI qqa"ils
(b) Salto Angel of Veneguela (b) pr-+wrqlr :Tr6t w[qe
(c) Niagra of U.S.A. (c) qr{R-$I Tc-{r€R ilildt qdrq{s
(d) Stanley waterfall of Congo
(d) scqf{ffiwtqeilE

76. 'Cyclone' or 'Anti-cyclone' is a 76.

(a) Trade wind
(b) Periodical wind
(c) Sudden wind
(d) Local wind

77. Benguela Current flows along the coast of 77. m1csEt 6qe c{ qscq< U"q-o frq aqfu qt
(a) California (a) o;tffit
(b) South-West Africa
(b) qRn-'rFD{qIRsr
(c) Peru
(c) c1-r
(d) East Greenland
(d) "Fft{qjrc

78. Coromandel coastal plain is located at

(a) Kerala state
(b) Karnataka state
(c) Tamilnadu state
(d) Maharashtra state

79. Among these regions is under 79. ffiRr5 mfr3fi-{ qq F|ffr

Tropical Monsoon climate.
(a) Canada
(a) nFM
(b) India
(b) Er<-s
(c) Guinea
(d) Argentina
(c) ffi
(d) qrqfu{r

E0. UNESC0 has registered Sundarban 80.

'World Heritage Site' in the year
UNESCO WTfi qsqrs \srrd 6{RFsr
TRE' qR vw$ +c-<
(a) rn8
(a) 1978
(b) lrre
(b) reTe
(c) tg86
(c) 1986
(d) ler/
(d) 1987
[23 ]
8L. ,In which state of India ranks first as per 81. Rk de qF EqilK{ q?FI vFTN.< mFI TN

hectre rice production? (a) 'ltqFr

(a) Punjab
O) "tFDTfr
(b) West Bengal.
(c) E-sKemt
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) qs4m{
(d) Andhra Pradesh

82. 'White Revolution' is related with 82. 'e{s Rf<' ft{< {crt 1g ?

(a) Milk production (a) E$ Es"tF?{

(b) Paper production (b) otrM$qofiq{
(c) Egg production (c) Bq bq{q;I
(d) Non-Conventional energy sources. - (d) qffi"t&

E3. In India the Metro Rail starts for the first

time in
(a) Delhi
(b) Mumbai
(c) Kolkata
(d) Bengaluru

84. Which of the following satellites arc E4. frrr-< bqmsfi-< csrdF v|<E ccfrF ce

launched from India? qcscq?


o) sPor (b) sPor
(c) GOMs (c) GOMs
(d) rRS (d) IRS


Political Science
85. "Political Science begins and ends with
the State", is stated by
(a) Gettel
(b) Garner
(c) Seeley
(d) Aristotle

86. GFFqvtT vRrF{ <tB"lb s-sq-{ qqry {crtftE

$3tF 'tfrfi?
(a) 2 q-{
(b) 3 q-{
(c) 4q;{
(d) -5 q-{

87. Joint Session of the Indian parliament is

presided over by the
(a) Vice-president
(b) Speaker
(c) Governor
(d) President

88. In Indian parliamentary system of 88. sKF{ qfiar lm<j-{Etr {aqsr nfivftE
government the Council of Ministers is qlCF
responsible to
(a) prresident
(a) nEqF< oq
(b) a{F{{atK $1-R
@) primeMinister (c) qfuqst-< Tlzq
(c) hdiament
(d) Sryreme Court 1a; {ewcrtdR Fke

8!). In modern tinres Direct Democracy is 89. €{RT qefs rtqvqRkffi

(a) India
(a) vfre
(b) Rdcr
o) Britain
(c) France (c) s'lror
(o Switzerland (d) Rqqr=rrytre

Xzsl I

90. The World Trade Organisation was 90. R'ffif4qlqqt elfuq*
established in the year (a) 1990ffir
(a) 1990 G) t991qfcT
(b) r99r (c) 1994qfrq
(c) 1994 (d) 1995 qtrE
(d) r99s

91.The number of permanent members of the 91. qfrGro qtG"Fgr fraHef qR{ffiT qLft q
Security Council of United Nations ilQ6 qiqtil eq
(a) (a) 5F
:(b)7 G)7F
(c) 8 (.) 8F
(d) 10 (o 10fr
92. The United Nations Organisation was 92 fiGs qG"lg aGfu q
established in (a) 1945 qIFt
(a) 1945 (b) 1941qtFr
(b) l94l (c) 1947 qrcr
(c) 1947
'. (d) 1e50
(O 195oqtcr

93.If national income increases at ahigherrate q€rqr 1R qK <fr qqqq?rr '{
than population the per capita income :3.
mFi qr st<E TtqttFrqqtr
lfr-{ Er< qc,rmt
(a) increases.
(a) 1fr
(b) decreases. "ttr< r

(c) remains same. (b) em "nr<r

(d) may increase or decrease. (c) q$? alFr< |

(d) $ <t Rt{ c,trc ,tl-(R | "

94. To control the situation of deflation it is
necessary to 94. cqct n-djglq omR-qR q-dl
(a) increase the demand for bank loan. (a) <ite qff{ DIRqt 1R amrva r

(b) decrease the demand for bank loan. (b) +nq q-cq-{ DtfrFt gE. effiql r

(c) decrease the purchasing power of the (c) q-{-{t{K(qK qrsrfst glt-{ Erllq-{ |
people. (d) qrfri qw
(d) increase national savins.
ffi ermm I

95. Economic rent is the price paid for the use

of 95. qqfr{G-s {tqnt, 5q geF-{q
Frcqrf,{ {q1., 6TF
(a) land only.
(a) v$lq qfr
(b) scarce resources. 1

(c) machinery only. (b) TeSt'|]' E'|s-{6fqT{l

(d) building only. (c) eqilq-vq"ft& |

(d) s:lre- str?l|{|{t& |

Xt. Which of the following is not a f.actor of 96. frcu-{ mFF Eq"ilan-{
production? E"r+-<q mr
(a) Money. (a) vdr
(b) Iand. (b) qfr r

(c) kbour. (c) ar I

(d) Capital. (d) TEfi |

n. The main aim of prograrnme 97. eFmemnqqtiRrfl drcl< qREtK

wils to provide employment of 100 days
per year to Ftq q$q-{'m <qr< 1oo frcqs om Rfus on
one member of a rural family. I

(a) TRySEM
(b) rRDP
(b) IRDP
(d) JGSY
(d) JGSY

[27 ]
98. {<-stR offim< msq fiLs q<-sfrs{ GI <,-{t q{
98. The expenditure of governmentforpayment
of government employees is expenditure on Etqq qIN <lr I

account. (a) <lwt

(a) revenue o) Tq{{
(b) caPital (c) Elm
(c) develoPment (O Rfrt-Tt't
(d) investment

gg. Which of the following is not a public goods?

gg. ftDK mFF q<-srft q-<t ffi ?

(a) Roads and bridges (a) <tvtqF.e frq

(b) Administration 1b) emqfr-srlq
(c) FoodProducts (c) {Inrero
(d) Defence (d) dG-ffil

100. If the value of domestic currency falls in 1oo- mtWK 4frcdfrF {ft cqElr {qlr {fl $q
terms of foreign currencY then ENXORFI
(a) import payment will increase and (a) uffi <ir fi atGI q{( rgfi qr $
export earnings will also increase' |
(b) import payment will fall and export
earnings will also fall.
(b) $ffi m gF etr< q<t ngtfi qt.* gI{ "tf6{
(c) import payment will increase and (c) vffi v* lfr "ilr< qq1 agfi qlr glq "[6{
' exPort earnings will fall. (d) qnqfi q*EIq'[r<r q<( <gfi qF fi ttn
(d) import payment will fall and export
earnings will increase.


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