Exam Midterm Structure of English Language

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Republic of the Philippines


South Cluster Campus
Tagudin, Ilocos Sur

2nd Semester A.Y. 2018-2019
I. QUESTION WORDS: Change the following sentences to questions beginning with the given
question word.
1. They arrived yesterday. Did _______________________________?
2. You have heard about it. Have ____________________________?
3. You like coffee. Do ________________________________________?
4. I should visit them. Should _______________________________?
5. She wants to learn English because she wants a better job. Why________________________?
6. He didn't have to speak to her. Did ___________________________________?
7. I have to buy some books. Do _____________________________________
8. She teaches us grammar. What ____________________________________?
9. He used to walk his dog. Did _________________________?
10. I am very late. Am _____________________?
11. She has come very late. Has _____________________?
12. He has your chocolate. Does _______________________?
13. She has lunch at 12 o'clock. Does ______________________?
14. I have to go now. Do _____________________________?
15. We'll have to get a new maid. Will______________________?

II. PREPOSITION: Fill in the blanks with these words: about, across, after, along, among,
behind, beside, off, since, through, under, without.
1. I could see her_____________ the window.
2. He sings whenever he is _____________ the influence of alcohol.
3. She came up and sat____________ me.
4. Police want to know all_____________ it and are calling for witnesses.
5. Innocent civilians were ___________the casualties.
6. How long can you survive __________ light or heating?
7. Who is looking ____________ you when your parents are not in?
8. 11 She was carrying her handbag __________ her arm.
9. We parked the car ___________ the fence.
10. He had to push his way _____________ the crowd to get in.
11. The robbers jumped ____________the train while it was still moving.
12. We enjoy driving ____________ the highway.
13. He has completed this degree course ____________ too much trouble.
14. There is only one bridge ___________ this river.
15. Do you believe in life ___________ death?
III. ARTICLES: Fill in article a, an, the where necessary. Write x where no article is needed.
1. I like ______ blue shirt over there better than ___________ red one.
2. Their car does 150 miles ___________ hour.
3. Where’s _______-USB drive I lent you last week?
4. Do you still live in ____________ Cebu?
5. Is your mother working in ____________ old office building?
6. Carla’s father works as ___________ electrician.
7. The tomatoes are Php30.00 _________ kilo.
8. What do you usually have for ___________ breakfast?
9. John has ________ terrible headache.
10. After this tour you have _________ the whole afternoon to explore the city.

IV. Explain the different rules in the Subject- Verb Agreement. Give examples ( 15 points)

Prepared by: MAUREEN T. STA. ANA – Instructor

Noted by: ERNEST D. PADIWAN, Ed.D. – Dean, CAS

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