RAM Report 2

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YL Pipeline Requalification Guidelines Project

Report 2
Risk Assessment and Management (RAM) Based
Guidelines for Requalification of Marine Pipelines

K Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX)

Instituto Mexicano de Petroleo (IMP)

Minerals Management Service (MMS)


Professor Robert Bea
Graduate Student Researcher Rune Iversen
Marine Technology & Management Group
University of California at Berkeley
Professor Ahsan Kareem
Graduate Student Researcher Xinzhong Chen
Department of Civil Engineering and Biological Sciences
University of Notre Dame
July 1,1999
MMS Order No. 1435-01-98-PO-15219
PEMEX Contrato No. 7TRDIN022798

Report 2

Risk Assessment and Management (RAM) Based

Requalification Guidelines for Marine Pipelines

Professor Robert Bea
Mr. Rune Iversen, Graduate Student Researcher

Marine Technology & Management Group

University of California at Berkeley


Professor Ahsan Kareern

Graduate Student Researcher Xinzhong Chen
Department of Civil Engineering and Biological Sciences
University of Notre Dame

MMS Order No. 1435-01-98-PO-15219

PEMEX Contrato No. 7TRDIN022798

Table of Contents

LIST OF SYMBOLS ................................................................................................................................................................ I11

1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................................................................
BACKGROUND .........................................................................................................................................................
APPROACH .................................................................................................................................................................
GUIDELINE DEVELOPMENT PREMISES ......................................................................................................................
PIPELINE OPERATING PREMISES ..............................................................................................................................
SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................................................
PROJECTREPORTS .....................................................................................................................................................
RAM PIPE REQUAL ................................................................................................................................................6
AITRIBUTES ..............................................................................................................................................................
PIPELINE REQUALIFICATION FORMULATIONS & CRITERIA .............................................................10
4.0 HYDRODYNAMIC LOADINGS ........................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 DEMANDS:WAVEAND CURRENT FORCES ............................................................................................................. 19
CAPACITIES ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 PROBABILITYOF STABILITY FAILURE.................................................................................................................... 21
FACTORS OF S ~ T Y ............................................................................................................................
: 23
4.5 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................ 27
5.0 ON-BOTTOM STABILITY SOIL FORCES CRITERIA ................................................................................... 29
BACKGROUND .........................................................................................................................................................29
WAVEFREQUENCY DISPLACEMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 30
SEAFLOORMOVEMENT INDUCED DISPLACEMENTS .............................................................................................33
DISPLACEMENT CAPACITIES ................................................................................................................... 33
RISKBASEDCRITERIA FOR SOIL MOVEMENTS ......................................................................................................37
OPERATING PRESSURES CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................ 43
ANALYSES OF PRESSUREDATAFROM OIL & GASPIPELINES ...............................................................................43
ANALYTICAL APPROACH TO PREDICT PEAK PRESSURES....................................................................................... 47
DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................................
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...............................................................................................................50
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................
CAPACITY OF CORRODED PIPELINES .......................................................................................................... 51
MMS PIPELINE FAILURE DATABASE ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................51
EFFECTSOF CORROSION AREA ON BURSTPRESSURECAPACITIES .......................................................................
BURSTPRESSURE OF CORRODED PIPELINES ..........................................................................................................
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 78
9.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................................... 79

APPENDIX A .WAVE LOAD EFFECTS ON PIPELINES ............................................................................................ 92

List of Symbols

API - American Petroleum Institute

ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM - American Society of Testing Material
AGA - American Gas Association
AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.
B SI - British Standard Institute
DNV - Det Norske Veritas
IMP - Instituto Mexicano de Petroleo
IS0 - International Standard Organization
PEMEX - Petroleos Mexicano
SUPERB - Submarine Pipeline Probabilistic Based Design Project
ALS - Accidental Limit States
ASD - Allowable Stress Design
CTOD - Critical Tip Opening Displacement
FEA - Finite Element Analysis
LRFD - Load Resistance Factor Design
MOP - Maximum operating pressure
OTC - Offshore Technology Conference
OP - Operating Pressure
FS - Factor of Safety
SMYS - Specified Minimum Yield Strength of pipe, in psi ( N / mm2)
SMTS - Specified Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength of pipe, in psi ( N 1 mm')
WSD - Working stress design
LRFD - Load Resistance Factor Design
ULS - Ultimate Limit State
SLS - Serviceability Limit States
SCF - Stress Concentration Factor
SNCF - Strain Concentration Factor
cov - Coefficient of Variation
X52 - Material grade, yield strength = 52 ksi=358 Mpa
X65 - Material grade, yield strength = 65 ksi=448 Mpa
X5 2 - Material grade, yield strength = 70 ksi=530 Mpa
0 - mean
d - design
0 - circumferential
r - radial
res - residual
CO - collapse
u - ultimate capacity
P - plastic capacity
g - global
1 - local
F50 - Median
M - Moment
P - Pressure
T - Tension
C - Compression
Roman Symbols

B~so - Median bias factor
V - Coefficient of Variation
Y - Load Factor
4(' - Resistance Factor
S - Demand
R - Capacity
P - Reliability Index
A - Cross sectional area of pipe steel, in inches2 ( mm2)
A, - Internal cross sectional area of the pipe, in inches2 ( mm')
A, - External cross sectional area of the pipe
cI -Inelastic local buckling strength in stress units, pond per square inch ( N / rnm2)
C, - Inelastic global buckling strength in stress units, pond per square inch ( N / mm2)
D - Outside diameter of pipe (Equation dependent)
Di - Inside diameter of pipe, in inches (rnrn) = (D - 21)
Dm, - Maximum diameter at any given cross section, in inches (rnrn)
Dm,,, - Minimum diameter at any given cross section, in inches (mm)
E - Elastic modulus, in pounds per square inch ( N / mm2)
g(6) - Collapse reduction factor
K - Effective length factor
L - Pipe length, in inches (mm)
M - Applied moment, pond-inch (N,,)
M~ - Plastic moment capacity, pond-inch ( Nmm)
P - Applied pressure
pb - Minimum burst pressure of pipe, in psi ( N / mm2)
PC - Collapse pressure of the pipe, in psi ( N / mm2)
Pe - Elastic collapse pressure of the pipe, in psi ( N / mm2)
Pi - Internal pressure in the pipe, in psi ( N / mm2)
Po - External hydrostatic pressure, in psi ( N / mm2)
p~ - Buckle propagation pressure, in psi ( N / mm2)
p~ - Yield pressure at collapse, in psi ( N / mm2)
r - Radius of gyration
t nom - Nominal wall thickness of pipe, in inches (rnrn)
f min - Minimum measured wall thickness, in inches (mm)
t - Pipe wall thickness, in inches (mm)
fo - The initial ovalization
n - The strain hardening parameter
S - The anisotropy parameter
Ta - Axial tension in the pipe, in pounds (N)
Te, - Effective tension in pipe, in pounds (N)
TY - Yield tension of the pipe, in pounds (N)
Tu - Tension Load Capacity
6 - Ovality
6, - the critical CTOD value
Eo - the yield strain
a max - the equivalent through-thickness crack size.
Eb - Bending strain in the pipe
Ec, - Critical strain
Ebm - The maximum bending strain
0a - The axial stress
oh - Hoop stress
0he - Effective hoop stress
ores - Residual stress
oe - Circumferential stress
oxk~ - The classic local elastic critical stress
OU - ultimate tensile stress
UY - yield stress
- flow stress
O: - Slenderness parameter
Ad - effective cross sectional area of damaged (dent) section
AO - cross-sectional area of undamaged section
d - damage depth
AY - Primary out-of-straightness of a dented member
AYo - 0.001L
Id - Effective moment of inertia of undamaged cross-section
Ko - Effective length factor of undamaged member
K - Effective buckling length factor
Ad - Slenderness parameter of a dented member =(Pud/ Ped)0'5
Mu - Ultimate moment capacity
M cr - Critical moment capacity (local buckling)
M ud - Ultimate negative moment capacity of dent section
M- - Negative moment of dent section
M* - Positive moment of dent section
M' - Neutral moment of dent section
Pcrd - Critical axial buckling capacity of a dented member (A / L > 0.001 )
Pad0 - Critical axial buckling capacity of a dented member (A / L = 0.00 1 )
PE - Euler load of undamaged member
Pcri - Axial local buckling capacity
Pcr - Axial column buckling capacity
pu - Axial compression capacity
Pud - Axial compression capacity of a short dented member
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Objective
The objective of this joint United States - Mexico cooperative project is to develop and verify Risk
Assessment and Management (RAM) based criteria and guidelines for reassessment and
requalification of marine pipelines and risers. This project was sponsored by the U. S. Minerals
Management Service (MMS), Petroleos Mexicanoss (PEMEX), and Instituto Mexicanos de Petroleo

1.2 Scope
The RAM PIPE REQUAL project addressed the following key aspects of criteria for requalification
of conventional existing marine pipelines and risers:
Development of Safety and Serviceability Classifications (SSC) for different types of marine
pipelines and risers that reflect the different types of products transported, the volumes
transported and their importance to maintenance of productivity, and their potential
consequences given loss of containment,
Definition of target reliabilities for different SSC of marine risers and pipelines,
Guidelines for assessment of pressure containment given corrosion and local damage including
guidelines for evaluation of corrosion of non-piggable pipelines,
Guidelines for assessment of local, propagating, and global buckling of pipelines given corrosion
and local damage,
Guidelines for assessment of hydrodynamic stability in extreme condition hurricanes, and
Guidelines for assessment of combined stresses during operations that reflect the effects of
pressure testing and limitations in operating pressures.
Important additional parts of this project provided by PEMEX and IMP were:
Review of the criteria and guidelines by an international panel of consulting engineers,
Conduct of workshops and meetings in Mexico and the United States to review progress and
developments from this project and to exchange technologies regarding the design and
requalification of marine pipelines,
Provision of a scholarship to fund the work of graduate student reserarchers that assisted in
performing this project, and
Provision of technical support, background, and field operations data to advance the objectives
of the RAM PIPE REQUAL project.

1.3 Background
During the period 1996 - 1998, PEMEX (Petroleos Mexicanos) and IMP (Instituto Mexicanos del
Petroleo) sponsored a project performed by the Marine Technology and Development Group of the
University of California at Berkeley to help develop first-generation Reliability Assessment and
Management (RAM) based guidelines for design of pipelines and risers in the Bay of Campeche.
These guidelines were based on both Working Stress Design (WSD) and Load and Resistance Factor
Design (LRFD) formats. The following guidelines were developed during this project:
Serviceability and Safety Classifications (SSC) of pipelines and risers,
Guidelines for analysis of in-place pipeline loadings (demands) and capacities (resistances), and
Guidelines for analysis of on-bottom stability (hydrodynamic and geotechnical forces),
This work formed an important starting point for this project.
During the first phase of this project, PEMEX and IMP sponsored two international workshops that
addressed the issues and challenges associated with development of criteria and guidelines for
design and requalification of marine pipelines.

1.4 Approach
Very significant advances have been achieved in the requalification and reassessment of onshore
pipelines. A very general strategy for the requalification of marine pipelines has been proposed by
DNV and incorporated into the I S 0 guidelines for reliability-based limit state design of pipelines
(Collberg, Cramer, Bjornoyl, 1996; ISO, 1997). This project is founded on these significant
The fundamental approach used in this project is a Risk Assessment and Management (RAM)
approach. This approach is founded on two fundamental strategies:
Assess the risks (likelihoods, consequences) associated with existing pipelines, and
1) Manage the risks so as to produce acceptable and desirable quality in the pipeline operations.
It is recognized that some risks are knowable (can be forseen) and can be managed to produce
acceptable performance. Also, it is recognized that some risks are not knowable (can not be forseen,
and that management processes must be put in place to help manage such risks.
Applied to development of criteria for the requalification of pipelines, a RAM approach proceeds
through the following steps:
Based on an assessment of costs and benefits associated with a particular development and
generic type of system, and regulatory - legal requirements, national requirements, define the
target reliabilities for the system. These target reliabilities should address the four quality
attributes of the system including serviceability, safety, durability, and compatibility.
Characterize the environmental conditions (e.g. hurricane, nominal oceanographic, geologic,
sesmic) and the operating conditions (installation, production, maintenance) that can affect the
pipeline during its life.
Based on the unique characteristics of the pipeline system characterize the 'demands' (imposed
loads, induced forces, displacements) associated with the environmental and operating
conditions. These demands and the associated conditions should address each of the four quality
attributes of interest (serviceability, safety, durability, compatibility).
Evaluate the variabilities, uncertainties, and 'Biases' (differences between nominal and true
values) associated with the demands. This evaluation must be consistent with the variabilities
and uncertainties that were included in the decision process that determined the desirable and
acceptable 'target' reliabilities for the system (Step #I).
For the pipeline system define how the elements will be designed according to a proposed
engineering process (procedures, analyses, strategies used to determine the structure element
sizes), how these elements will be configured into a system, how the system will be constructed,
operated, maintained, and decommissioned (including Quality Assurance - QA, and Quality
Control - QC processes).
Evaluate the variabilities, uncertainties, and 'Biases' (differences between nominal and true
values) associated with the capacities of the pipeline elements and the pipeline system for the
anticipated environmental and operating conditions, construction, operations, and maintenance
activities, and specified QA - QC programs). This evaluation must be consistent with the
variabilities and uncertainties that were included in the decision process that determined the
desirable and acceptable 'target' reliabilities for the system (Step #I).
Based on the results from Steps #1, #4, and #6, and for a specified 'design format' (e.g. Working
Stress Design - WSD, Load and Resistance Factor Design- LRFD, Limit States Design - LSD),
determine the design format factors (e.g. factors-of-safety for WSD, load and resistance factors
for LRFD, and design conditions return periods for LSD).
It is important to note that several of these steps are highly interactive. For some systems, the
loadings induced in the system are strongly dependent on the details of the design of the system.
Thus, there is a potential coupling or interaction between Steps #3, #4, and #5. The assessment of
variabilities and uncertainties in Steps #3 and #5 must be closely coordinated with the variabilities
and uncertainties that are included in Step #l. The QA - QC processes that are to be used throughout
the life-cycle of the system influence the characterizations of variabilities, uncertainties, and Biases
in the 'capacities' of the system elements and the system itself. This is particularly true for the
proposed IMR (Inspection, Maintenance, Repair) programs that are to be implemented during the
system's life cycle. Design criteria, QA - QC, and IMR programs are highly interactive and are very
The RAM PIPE REQUAL guidelines are based on the following current criteria and guidelines:
1) American Petroleum Institute (API RP 1111, 1996, 1998),
2) Det Norske Veritas (DNV, 198 1, 1996, 1998),
3) American Gas Association (AGA, 1990, 1993),
4) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME B3 I),
5) British Standards Institute (BSI 8010, PD 6493), and
6) International Standards Institute (ISO, 1998).

1.5 Guideline Development Premises

The design criteria and guideline formulations developed during this project are conditional on the
following key premises:
The design and reassessment - requalification analytical models used in this project were based
in so far as possible on analytical procedures that are founded on fundamental physics, materials,
and mechanics theories.
The design and reassessment - requalification analytical models used in this -project were
founded on in so far as possible on analytical procedures that result in unBiased (the analytical
result equals the median - expected true value) assessments of the pipeline demands and
Physical test data and verified - calibrated analytical model data were used in so far as possible
to characterize the uncertainties and variabilities associated with the pipeline demands and
The uncertainties and variabilities associated with the pipeline demands and capacities will be
concordant with the uncertainties and variabilities associated with the background used to define
the pipeline reliability goals.

1.6 Pipeline Operating Premises

The pipelines will be operated at a minimum pressure equal to the normal hydrostatic pressure
exerted on the pipeline.
The pipelines will be maintained to minimize corrosion damage through coatings, cathodic
protection, use of inhibitors, and dehydration so as to produce moderate corrosion during the life
of the pipeline. If more than moderate corrosion is developed, then the reassessment capacity
factors are modified to reflect the greater uncertainties and variabilities associated with severe
The pipelines will be operated at a maximum pressure not to exceed the maximum design
pressure. If pipelines are reassessed and requalified to a lower pressure than the maximum design
pressure, they will be operated at the specified lower maximum operating pressure. Maximum
incidental pressures will not exceed 10 % of the specified maximum operating pressures.

1.7 Schedule
This project will take two years to complete. The project was initiated in August 1998. The first
phase of this project was completed on 1 July, 1999. RAMP PIPE REQUAL Report1 and Report 2
document results from the first year study. The second phase of this project will be initiated in
August 1999 and completed during July 2000.
The schedule for each of the project tasks is summarized in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Project Task Schedule
1.8 Project Reports
A report will document the developments from each of the four parts or phases of this project. The
reports that will be issued at the end of each of the project phases are as follows:

Report 1 - Requalification Process and Objectives, Risk Assessment & Management

Background, Pipeline and Riser Classifications and Targets, Templates for Requalification
Guidelines, Pipeline Operating Pressures and Capacities (corrosion, denting, gouging -

Report 2 - Pipeline characteristics, Hydrodynamic Stability, Geotechnical Stability, Guidelines

for Assessing Capacities of Defective and Damaged Pipelines.

Report 3 - Guidelines for Assessing Pipeline Stability (Hydrodynamic, Geotechnical),

Preliminary Requalification Guidelines.

Report 4 - Guidelines for Requalifying and Reassessing Marine Pipelines.


2.1 Attributes
Practicality is one of the most important attributes of an engineering approach. Industry experience
indicates that a practical RAM PIPE REQUAL approach should embody the following attributes:
Simplicity - ease of use and implementation,
Versatility - the ability to handle a wide variety of real problems,
Compatibility - readily integrated into common engineering and operations procedures,
Workability - the information and data required for input is available or economically
attainable, and the output is understandable and can be easily communicated,
Feasibility - available engineering, inspection, instrumentation, and maintenance tools and
techniques are sufficient for application of the approach, and
Consistency - the approach can produce similar results for similar problems when used by
different engineers.

2.2 Strategies
The RAM PIPE REQUAL approach is founded on the following key strategies:
Keep pipeline systems in service by using preventative and remedial IMR (Inspection,
Maintenance, Repair) techniques. RAM PIPE attempts to establish and maintain the integrity of
a pipeline system at the least possible cost.
RAM PIPE REQUAL procedures are intended to lower risks to the minimum that is
practically attainable. Comprehensive solutions may not be possible. Funding and technology
limitations may prevent implementation of ideally comprehensive solutions. Practicality
implicates an incremental investment in identifying and remedying pipeline system defects
in the order of the hazards they represent. This is a prioritized approach.
RAM PIPE REQUAL should be one of progressive and continued reduction of risks to
tolerable levels. The investment of resources must be justified by the scope of the benefits
achieved. This is a repetitive, continuing process of improving understanding and practices. This
is a process based on economics and benefits.

2.3 Approach

The hndamental steps of the RAM PIPE REQUAL approach are identified in Figure 2.1. The steps
can be summarized as follows:
Identification - this selection is based on an assessment of the likelihood of finding significant
degradation in the quality (serviceability, safety, durability, compatibility) characteristics of a
given pipeline system, and on an evaluation of the consequences that could be associated with
the degradation in quality. The selection can be triggered by either a regulatory requirement or
by an owner's initiative, following an unusual event, an accident, proposed upgrading of the
operations, or a desire to significantly extend the life of the pipeline system beyond that
originally intended. I S 0 (1997) has identified the following triggers for requalification of
pipelines: extension of design life, observed damage, changes in operational and environmental
Condition Evaluate
Assessment &
Survey Results
I Scoring Methods Simplified Methods Quantified Risk
I Qualitative Mixed Analysis Methods
II Next Cycle Engineer Next Evaluate Alternatives
Inspection, 4 Pipeline Operations
Maintenance, Loadings Maintenance
Repair Cycle Protection Inspections

Figure 2.1 - RAM PIPE Approach

conditions, discovery of errors made during design or installation, concerns for the safety of the
pipeline for any reason including increased consequences of a possible failure.
Condition survey - this survey includes the formation of or continuance of a databank that
contains all pertinent information the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of a
pipeline system. Of particular importance are identification and recording of exceptional events
or developments during the pipeline system history. Causes of damage or defects can provide
important clues in determining what, where, how ,and when to inspect andlor instrument the
pipeline system. This step is of critical importance because the RAM PIPE process can only be
as effective as the information that is provided for the subsequent evaluations (garbage in,
garbage out). Inspections can include external observations (eye, ROV) and measurements
(ultrasonic, eddy current, caliper), and internal measurements utilizing in-line instrumentation
(smart pigs: magnetic flux, ultrasonic, eddy current, caliper, inertia - geo).
Results assessment -this effort is one of assessing or screening the pipeline system based on the
presence or absence of any significant signs of degradation its quality characteristics. The defects
can be those of design, construction, operations, or maintenance. If there appear to be no
potentially significant defects, the procedure becomes concerned with engineering the next IMR
cycle. If there appear to be potentially significant defects, the next step is to determine if
mitigation of these defects is warranted. Three levels of assessment of increasing detail and
difficulty can be applied: Level 1 - Qualitative (Scoring, Muhlbauer 1992; Kirkwood, Karam
1994), Level 2 - Simplified Qualitative - Quantitative (Bea, 1998), and Level 3 - Quantitative
(Quantitative Risk Assessment, QRA, Nessim, Stephens 1995; Bai, Song 1998; Collberg, et a1
1996). I S 0 guidelines (1997) have noted these levels as those of simple calculations, state of
practice methods, and state of art methods, respectively.
The basis for selection of one these levels is one that is intended to allow assessment of the
pipeline with the simplest method. The level of assessment is intended to identify pipelines that
are clearly fit for purpose as quickly and easily as is possible, and reserve more complex and
intense analyses for those pipelines that warrant such evaluations. The engineer is able to choose
the method that will facilitate and expedite the requalification process. There are more stringent
Fitness for Purpose (FFP) criteria associated with the simpler methods because of the greater
uncertainties associated with these methods, and because of the need to minimize the likelihood
of 'false positives' (pipelines identified to FFP that are not FFP).
Mitigation measures evaluation - mitigation of defects refers to prioritizing the defects to
remedied (first things first), and identifying practical alternative remedial actions. The need for
the remedial actions depends on the hazard potential of a given pipeline system, i.e., the
likelihood that the pipeline system would not perform adequately during the next RAM PIPE
REQUAL cycle. If mitigation appears to be warranted, the next step is to evaluate the
alternatives for mitigation.
Evaluating alternatives - mitigation alternatives include those concerning the pipeline itself
(patches, replacement of sections), its loadings (cover protection, tie-downs), supports, its
operations (pressure de-rating, pressure controls, dehydration) maintenance (cathodic protection,
corrosion inhibitors), protective measures (structures, procedures, personnel), and its information
(instrumentation, data gathering). Economics based methods (Kulkarni, Conroy 1994; Nessim,
Stephens 1995), historic precedents (data on the rates of compromises in pipeline quality), and
current standards of practice (pipeline design codes and guidelines, and reassessment outcomes
that represent decisions on acceptable pipeline quality) should be used as complimentary
methods to evaluate the alternatives and the pipeline FFP. An important alternative is that of
improving information and data on the pipeline system (information on the internal
characteristics of the pipeline with instrumentation - 'smart pigs' and with sampling, information
on the external characteristics of the pipeline using remote sensing methods and on-site
Implementing alternatives - once the desirable mitigation alternative has been defined, the next
step is to engineer that alternative and implement it. The results of this implementation should be
incorporated into the pipeline system condition survey - inspection databank. The experiences
associated with implementation of a given IMR program provide important feed-back to the
Engineering the next RAM PIPE REQUAL cycle - the final step concluding a RAM PIPE
REQUAL cycle is that of engineering and implementing the next IMR cycle. The length of the
cycle will depend on the anticipated performance of the pipeline system, and the need for and
benefits of improving knowledge, information and data on the pipeline condition and
performance characteristics.
The I S 0 guidelines for requalification of pipelines (1997) cite the following essential aspects of an
adequate requalifcation procedure - process:
Account for all the governing factors for the pipeline, with emphasis on the factors initiating the
requalification process
Account for the differences between design of anew pipeline and the reassessment of an existing
Apply a decision-theoretic framework and sound engineering judgement
Utilize an approach in which the requalification process is refined in graduate steps
Define a simple approach allowing most requalification problems to be solved using
conventional methods.
The proposed RAM PIPE REQUAL process, guidelines, and criteria developed during this pro-iect
are intended to fully satisfy these requirements. A Limit State format will be developed based on
Risk Assessment and Management (RAM) background outlined in the next section of this report.
3.0 Pipeline Requalification Formulations & Criteria
The following tables summarize the pipeline requalification guidelines for determination of pipeline
strength - capacity characteristics developed during the first phase of this project for in-place
operating and accidental conditions. While the tables are not complete at this time, these tables will
provide the format that will be used to compile requalification formulations and criteria developed as
a result of this project. At this stage, one SSC has been identified for requalification strength criteria.
This SSC represents the highest reliability requirements for pipelines and risers for the SSC
evaluated during the first phase of this project. The SSC annual Safety Indices are summarized in
Table 3.3.

Table 3.1 - Pipeline Capacities

Loading States Capacity Data Bases Capacity Analysis Capacity Analysis

Analysis Eqn. Eqn. Median Bias Eqn. Coef. Var.


Compression -Cd
local - Cld 2 1.2 1 .O 0.25
global - Cgd 3 1.3 1 .O 0.25
Bending Mud 4 1.4 1.O 0.25
Burst - Pbd 5 1.5 1.2 0.25

Collapse - Pcd* 6 1.6 1.O 0.25

Propagating-Pp* 7 1.7 1 .O 0.12
T MU 8 2.1 1 .O 0.25
T - PC* 9 2.2 1O. 0.25
MU - PC* 10 2.3 1.O 0.25
T-Mu-PC* 11 2.4 I .O 0.25
C-MU-Pb 12 2.5 1.O 0.25
C-MU-PC* 13 2.6 1 .O 0.25

* Accidental Limit State (evaluated with 10-year return period conditions)

Table 3.2 - Pipeline Loadings & Pressures Biases and Uncertainties

Annual Coefficient

* Accidental Limit State (evaluated with 10-year return period conditions)

Table 3.3 - Pipeline Design and Reassessment Ultimate Limit State Annual Safety Indices

Loading States Annual Safety Annual Safety

Index Index
In-Place ULS In-Place ULS
(1) Pipelines Risers
(2) ,0)
Tension - Td 3.4 3.8
Compression -Cd
local - Cld 3.4 3.8
Compression I
global - Cgd 3.4 3.8
Bending Mud 3.4 3.8
Burst - Pbd
Colla~se- Pcd*
I .7
/ Propagating-Pp* 1.7 1.7 1
T MU 3.6 3.8
T - PC* 2.0 2.0

*Accidental Limit State (evaluated with 10-year return period conditions)

Table 3.4 -In-Place Reassessment Working Stress Factors

Table 3.5 - In-Place Reassessment Loading Factors

Table 3.6 - In-Place Reassessment Resistance Factors
Table 3.7 -Analysis Equations References (See Section 9)
Loading States Analysis Eqn. Capacity Analysis Equations References
(1) (2) (3)
Single Reassessment
Longitudinal I Andersen, T.L., (1990), API RP 1111 (1997), DNV96 (1996), I S 0 (1996),
Tension Td - 1 I Crentsil, et a1 (1990)
*Compression I- API RP 2A (1993), Tvergaard, V., (1976), Hobbs, R. E., (1984)
I Cd
local Cld
Compression API RP 2A (1993), Tvergaard, V., (1976), Hobbs, R. E., (1984)
- -
1) global Cgd --
Transverse BSI 8010 (1993), DNV 96 (1996), API RP 1111 (1997), Stephens, D.R.,
Bending Mud - 4 (1991), Bai, Y. et a1 (1993), Bai, Y. et a1 (1997a), Sherman, D.R., (1983),
Sherman, D.R., (1985), Kyriakides, S. et a1 (1991), Gresnigt, A.M., et a1
Pressure Bea, R. G. (1997), Jiao, et al (1996), Sewart, G., (1994), ANSYASME
Burst Pbd - 5 B31G (1991), API RP 1111 (1997), DNV 96 (1996), BSI 8010 (1993)
Collapse Pcd - 6 Timoshenko,S.P., (1961), Bai, Y., et al (1997a), Bai, Y., et a1 (1997b), Bai,
Y., et a1 (1998), Mork, K., (1997), DNV 96 (1996), BSI 8010 (1993), API
I RP 1111(1997), I S 0 (1996), Fowler, J.R., (1990)
@Propagating-Pp I / Estefen, et a1 (1996), Melosh, R. ,et a1 (1976), Palmer, A.C., et a1 (1975),
* 7 Kyridkides, et a1 (1981), Kyriakides, S. et a1 (1992), Chater, E., (1984),
Kyriakides, S. (1991)
T-Mp Bai, Y., et a1 (1993), Bai, Y., et al (1994), Bai, Y., (1997), Mork, K et a1
8 (1997), DNV 96 (1996), Walker, A. C., (1995), Yeh, M.K., et a1 (1986),
Yeh, M.K., et a1 (1988), Murphey, C.E., et a1 (1984)

T PC 9 Kyogoku, T., et al (1 98 I ) , Tamano, et al (1 982)

1 B-PC Ju, G . T., et al (1991), Kyriakides, S., et al (1987), Bai, Y., et al (1993), Bai,
10 Y., et a1 (1994), Bai, Y., et al (1993), Corona, E., et al (1988): DNV96 (1996).
T-Mu-PC 11 I Li, R., et al (1995), DNV 96 (1996), Bai et a1 (1993), Bai, Y. et al (1994). I

Bai, Y. et al (1997), Kyriakides, et a1 (1989)

C-Mu-Pb 12 DNV 96 (1996). Bruschi, R.. et a1 (1995), Mohareb, M. E. et a1 (1994)

I C-Mu-Pc 1 13 1 Kim, H 0..(1992). Bruschi. R.. el a1 (1995). Popv E P,, et al (1974). 1

Table 3.8 - Capacity Database References (See Section 9)

Loading States Database Capacity Analysis Equations References

(1) (3)
Single Reassessment
Longitudinal Taby, J., et a1 (1981)
Tension - Td 1.1
Compression - Loh, J.T., (1993), Ricles, J. M., et a1 (1992). Taby, J., et al (1981)
Cd 1.2
1. local - Cld
Compression Loh, J.T.. (1993), Ricles, J. M., et a1 (1992), Smith, C.S., et a1 (1979)
global - Cgd 1.3
Transverse Loh, J.T., (1993), Ricles, J. M., et a1 (1992), Taby, J., et al (1981)

Pressure DNV (93-3637)

Burst - Pbd 1.5
Collapse - Pcd
Kyriakides, S., (1984), Estefen S. F., et a1 (1995), Mesloh, et a1 (1976)
Propagating-Pp* 1.7 I
T-Mp 2.1 Dyau, J.Y., (1991), Wilhoit, Jr. J.C., et a1 (1973)

T-PC 2.2 Edwards, S.H., et a1 (1939), Kyogoku, T., et a1 (1981), Tamano, T., et a1 (1982),
Kyriakides, S., et a1 (1987), Fowler, J. R., (1990)

B-PC 2.3 Kyriakides, S., et a1 (1987), Fowler, J. R., (1990). Winter, P. E., (1985), Johns, T.
G., (1983)

T-Mp-PC 2.4 Walker, G.E., et a1 (1971), Langner. C.G., (1974)

C-Mp-Pb 2.5 Walker, G.E., et a1 (1971), Langner, C.G., (1974)

Table 3.9 - Formulations for Single Loading States

I Loading States I Formulation I Formulation Factors I

(1) (2) (3)
Tension - Td Td = l . l S M Y S ( A - A)
Compression- Cd
cz= 1.1 0 0 . 2 8 ( ~ l t ~ ~ ) "A* ) Kd
SM~s(2.- Kd= 1 + 3 f d ( D / t )
local - Cld
global - Cgd

1 A=-K L S M Y S
nr E

Bending Mud- %= exp(-0.06
2.2 t SMTS SCFc = 1 +2 ( d / ~ ) ' . ~
Burst - Pbd 'bC =
( D - t ) SCFc
1 Dented Pb, =
( D - t ) SCF,


Dented & Gouged

Pb,, = 2t0,i
( D - t ) SCF,,
Collapse - Pcd a
PL = 5.1-
High Ovality
Pipe* (f 50 = 1 O h )
e =0.5 Ed +P,K,)
} 2E

Low Ovnlity
Pipe* (f 50 = 0.1
P, =0.5 P,, +&K, -[(P,, + P , K , ) ~-~P,,P,,K,]
2 S M T S t ,in
Propagating -Pp*
p p = 34 s M y s [ % ]
* Accidental Limit State (evaluated with 10-year return period conditions)
Table 3.10 - Formulations for Combined Loading States

I Loading States 1 Formulation Formulation Factors

Mu PC- P
-+-= M 1.0 (load controlledj

(;I2 + (:)l = 1 ,O (displacement conlj

' k2=
~r SMTS Dt

I PC,: Timoshenko Ultimate or

Elastic equation
4.0 Hydrodynamic Loadings

4.1 Demands: Wave and Current Forces

The demands on the pipeline for hydrodynamic loadings are derived from hurricane wave and
current kinematics. The wave and current velocities and accelerations normal to the axis of the
pipeline are of primary importance to these loadings.

In development of these guidelines, it has been assumed that the hurricane conditions
characterizations are based on calibrated 'second generation' hurricane hindcasting methods. As
appropriate for specific locations, unique bathymetric, geographic, and geotechnical conditions must
be recognized in order to account for shallow water effects on the deep water wave and current

The stability guidelines for in-place conditions are based on the 100-year expected maximum and
significant wave heights and the currents that occur at the time of these sea states. The wave
kinematics developed for the 100-year design conditions should be modified for directional
spreading and the principal angle of approach of the waves relative to the axis of the pipeline.
Generally, the principal direction of the waves for extreme condition hurricanes will be
approximately normal to the bathymetry. Generally, the principal direction of the near sea floor
currents will be parallel to the bathymetry. Thus, the vectorial addition of wave and current
velocities should take account of the lack of alignment of the principal wave propagation direction
and the near sea floor current direction relative to the axis of the pipeline.

It is assumed that the AGA guidelines and Level 2 approach will be used to evaluate the stability of
the pipelines (Pipeline Research Committee, 1993). For proper use or application of these guidelines,
it is critical that unbiased estimates (neither conservative or unconservative, but expected or best
estimate values) should be used for all parameters that are used in the analyses of hydrodynamic
forces developed on a pipeline or riser.

This guideline applies particularly to the definition of drag (Cd), inertia (Cm), and lift (Cl)
coefficients - as functions of turbulence (Reynold's Number), flow persistence (Keulegan-Carpenter
Number), the strength of the currents relative to the wave velocities, the proximity of the pipeline to
the sea floor (normally on the bottom or partially buried), and the roughness of the pipeline.
Unbiased estimates are suggested in the criteria developed by Weiss (1997) and documented in the
American Gas Association (AGA) guidelines (Pipeline Research Committee, 1993).

4.2 -
Capacities Uplift and Sliding

The lift stability is determined by the weight of the pipeline, its contents, and weight coating (W)
relative to the hydrodynamic uplift forces of buoyancy and flow lift (Fl) (Figure 4.1)

The sliding or lateral stability is determined by the characteristics of the soils (sliding or frictional
resistance and passive resistance due to burial of the pipeline, Ru) relative to the lateral forces
developed by the waves and currents (Fd). For cohesionless soils, there is a coupling between the net
weight of the pipeline (W - F1) and Ru:
Ru = (W - F1) tan $'

where represents the effective value of internal sliding friction between the soil and the pipeline. The
effective value reflects the effects of wave cycling, pipeline motions, and currents.
Free-stream velocity, U,

W I Concrete coati
Steel pipe
F, __t


Figure 4.1 - Formulation of Pipeline Stability

The lateral sliding or shear resistance of a pipeline in cohesive soil is independent of the vertical
stress or net pipeline weight:

where Ap is the area of the pipeline in contact with the soil and Su' is the effective undrained shear
strength of the soil. The effective undrained shear strength of the soil reflects the influences of wave
cycling, pipeline motion, and currents.

The AGA pipeline burial analysis process should be calibrated to produce results that agree with
results from experiments that have been performed to determine the rates of burial of pipelines in
very soft sea floor soils (Ghazzaly, 1975; Morris, Webb, Dunlap, 1988).

The AGA stability analysis process provides an advanced state-of-the-art approach to estimating
both the hydrodynamic loadings and the pipeline stability characteristics. This stability analysis
process will be taken as the reference for development of the risk based on-bottom stability criteria.
4.3 Probability of Stability Failure

The probability of failure of the pipeline in uplift can be expressed as:

The probability of failure of the pipeline in sliding can be expressed as:

Pfd = P (Fd 2 Ru)

Given the high degree of correlation between these two modes of failure, the probability of stability
failure is equal to the maximum of either Pfl or Pfd. Lack of recognition of the high correlation
would indicate that the probability of stability failure (Ps) would be (assuming uncorrelated,
independent variables):

Ps = Pfd + Pfl
In a Lognormal demand and capacity format, and based on characterization of the demands and
capacities with loadings and loading resistances, the probabilities of stability 'failure' can be
expressed in terms of the annual Safety Index as:


The subscripts (,,) indicate median expected annual maximum values. The ratios of median
capacities to demands represents a central tendency measure of the factor of safety (FS). Based on
the use of expected maximum 100 year hurricane conditions (no biases), the 'required' factors of
safety in uplift and sliding can be expressed as:

FS,, = B exp (P o - 2.33 olnF)

where indicates the FS for the 99th annual maximum percentile condition (average return period of
100 years). B is the bias in demands and capacities:

o is the total uncertainty in the demands and capacities (standard deviation of the logarithms of the
demands and capacities):

o,,, is the uncertainty in the expected annual maximum hydrodynamic forces and o,,,, is the
uncertainty in the expected maximum resistance (uplift or sliding).

Based on the previous work on the uncertainties associated with hydrodynamic loadings developed
on platforms, pipelines, and risers in the Gulf of Mexico and the Bay of Campeche, an evaluation of
the uncertainties associated with pipeline loadings (Grace, Nicinski, 1976; Grace, Zee, 1981; Chao,
1989), the uncertainty in the hydrodynamic loadings is estimated to be o,,, = 0.8. The uncertainty in
the pipeline stability is estimated to be o,,,, = 0.25. The total uncertainty is thus estimate to be o =

There is an important source of bias that has not been discussed. This bias is due to the lack of
correlation of the demand or imposed hydrodynamic forces over the entire portion of the pipeline or
riser and the 'transient' nature of these loadings. This lack of correlation and transient nature of the
loadings leads to different forces at different times and positions over the pipeline or riser (Figure
4.2). As hydrodynamic forces on one portion of the pipeline become sufficient to cause uplift or
sliding, they are not sufficient over adjacent portions to cause uplift or sliding. The adjacent portions
of pipeline act to restrain the pipeline and limit the displacements or deformations induced in the
pipeline or riser.

This spatial - temporal correlation bias will be dependent on the orientation of the pipeline relative to
the imposed currents and wave kinematics (Figure 4.2) and the relative strengths of the currents and
wave kinematics. Pipelines that are routed parallel to the bathymetry (Case 1) and whose loadings
are primarily caused by the wave kinematics, could be expected to have a relatively high correlation
in the forces along the length of the pipeline, depending on the crest lengths of the hurricane waves.
A similar observation could be made for pipelines that are routed perpendicular to the bathymetry
and whose forces would be primarily those from the bottom currents (Case 2). For these two routing
cases, the force correlation bias is evaluated conservatively to be unity (BFc= 1.0). For the third
routing case (Case 3, at an angle to the bathymetry), the force correlation bias is evaluated to be BFc
= 0.5). Research on the spatial characteristics of hydrodynamic loadings developed on pipelines has
been conducted during this project by Prof. Kareem and Graduate Student Researcher Xinzhong
Chen. Results from the first phase (January - July 1999) of this research are summarized in
Appendix A. The final results from this research will be included in the December 1999 report.

Horizontal Velocit v

5% Horizontal Velocity

-- ----

-+ - '

Forces Sufflcient
To Cause Temporary
Figure 4.2 Lack of Correlation in Time and Space of Destabilizing Forces on Pipeline or

Based on the proposed design and requalification analytical procedures, it is stipulated that best
estimate values will be used to determine all of the design values that determine the pipeline
resistance to the destabilizing forces (weight, soil characteristics, embedment); thus, B, = 1.O.
The resultant bias will then be the product of the two force biases: the bias due to the pipeline
direction and the bias due to the lack of correlation of forces along the length of the pipeline:

4.4 Stability Factors of Safety

Based on the foregoing developments, the Factor of Safety for operating conditions stability
assessments based on 100-year design conditions are summarized in Figure 4.3 for Biases of B = 0.1
to 0.5 (due to pipeline route and force correlation) and a range of annual Safety Indices from 2 to 4
(range for design of new pipelines and requalification of existing pipelines).

2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Annual Safety Index
Figure 4.3 Factors of Safety for Pipeline Operating Stability Based on Best Estimate 100-year
Design Conditions and AGA Stability Analysis Procedures For Bias (B) Due to Pipeline Route
and Force Correlation

For annual Safety Indices of 3.0 to 4.0 (Pf = I E-3 to 1 E-4), and B = 0.5, the Factor of Safety is 2
1.0. This is implied by the current API guidelines that specify that stability is to be evaluated
typically for the 100-year conditions with a 1.0 factor of safety.

Figure 4.4 summarizes the Factors of Safety for pipeline installation stability based on the use of 10-
year return period conditions and bias due to the pipeline route and force correlation.
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Safety Index
Figure 4.4 Factors of Safety for Pipeline Installation Stability Based on Best Estimate 10-year
Design Conditions and AGA Stability Analysis Procedures For Bias (B) Due to Pipeline Route
and Force Correlation

Factors of Safety for operating stability evaluations for design of new pipelines for the Safety and
Serviceability Classifications (SSC) associated with the target reliabilities identified in this study and
for 100-year design conditions are summarized in Table 4.1. The Factors of Safety are very sensitive
to the pipeline route and ratio of current to wave velocities due to the design analysis based on
superposition of the wave and current kinematics. Note for the case in which the current and wave
velocity ratio is unity (equal to each other), that the Factor of Safety is independent of the pipeline
route and varies from FS = 0.88 to FS = 0.52 for SSC 1 and SSC 3, respectively.

For reassessment of existing pipelines, the analyses will be performed on the basis of the pipeline
route and the wave and current conditions along this route, taking account of directionality of these
conditions. Thus, the bias introduced for the pipeline route can be omitted. This leaves only the bias
introduced to recognize the lack of perfect spatial and temporal correlation of the forces along the
pipeline segment length (length of pipeline with similar hydrodynamic conditions). As noted earlier.
it is expected that this correlation bias will be a function of the pipeline route relative to the
hurricane wave and current kinematics and the relative strengths of these kinematics. The current
kinematics could be expected to be highly correlated over the length of the pipeline. The wave
kinematics could be expected to be poorly correlated over the length of the pipeline. For pipelines
that are routed so that they are perpendicular to the wave and I or current kinematics, it could be
expected that the spatial - temporal correlation of the forces would be high and the force bias close to
unity. However, for pipelines whose routes are such that they are at an angle relative to the wave
kinematics, then a large spatial - temporal correlation effect on the forces could be expected.
Table 4.1 Factors of Safety for Pipeline Operating Stability Evaluations for Pipeline Design
for 100-year Hurricane Conditions

Given that the wave and current kinematics perpendicular to the axis of the pipeline are used in the
requalification analyses, the spatial - temporal correlation bias in the forces was analyzed as follows.
The ratio of the current velocity (high correlation) to the wave velocity (low correlation) is again
designated as iy. The correlation of the current velocity over the pipeline segment was taken as unity
(Kc = 1.0). The correlation of the wave velocity over the pipeline segment was taken as ranging
from Kw = 0 (no correlation over length of pipeline segment) to Kw = 1.0 (perfect correlation over
length of pipeline segment). The force bias due to the lack of correlation of the wave kinematics can
then be expressed as:

The results are summarized in Figure 4.5. For pipelines that are generally parallel to the wave crests
and perpendicular to the wave kinematics and consequently have relatively high spatial correlation
(Kw = l ) , the force bias is close to unity. For pipelines that are not perpendicular to the wave
kinematics and consequently have relatively low spatial correlation (Kw = 0.25), the force bias is
BFc = 0.5. As the ratio of the velocity of the current to the wave velocity increases, the force bias
increases, indicating a lesser effect of the low correlated wave forces and a greater effect of the
highly correlated current forces.

Since it is not possible to make any general statement regarding the expected pipeline route relative
to the hurricane wave and current kinematics, Factors of Safety for requalification of existing
pipelines were developed for two cases of wave kinematics correlations: low (BFc = 0.4) and high
(BFc .= 0.8). The resulting Factors of Safety for operating stability of existing pipelines are
summarized in Table 4.2.
Figure 4.5 Force Bias Due to Lack of Perfect Correlation of Wave Kinematics over Pipeline

Table 4.2 Factors of Safety for Requalification of Existing Pipelines for Operating Stability
for 100-year Hurricane Directional Conditions

SSC Annual Safety FS FS

Index (P) (low force (high force
correlation) correlation)
1 3.54 1.2 2.4
2 3.10 0.83 1.7
3 2.87 0.69 1.4

Given that design of pipelines would be based on analyses that took into account the directionality of
the design wave kinematics and currents relative to the pipeline segment, the bias due to the
kinematics directionality would be unity. This would leave only the spatial - temporal force
correlation bias. Table 4.3 summarizes the results for design of new pipelines based on directionality
of the wave and current kinematics for 100-year hurricane conditions relative to the pipeline segment
for routes that would have low and high correlation of forces.

Table 4.3 Factors of Safety for Design of New Pipelines for Operating Stability for 100-year
Hurricane Directional Conditions

SSC Annual Safety FS FS

Index (P) (low force (high force
correlation) correlation)
1 3.72 1.4 2.8
2 3.29 1 .O 2.0
3 3.10 0.84 1.7
Factors of Safety to evaluate the stability of pipelines during the installation period have been
developed on the same basis as for the operating conditions except that the reduced exposure period
and consequences of failure have been recognized. The results are summarized in Table 4.4 for
assessment of the pipeline stability for 10-year return period conditions and the assumption of
colinearity of the wave and current kinematics.

Table 4.4 Factors of Safety for Pipeline Installation Stability Evaluations for Pipeline Design
for 10-year Hurricane Conditions

4.5 References

Allen, D.W., Larnrnert, W.F., Hale, J.R., and Jacobsen, V. (1989). "Submarine Pipeline On-Bottom
Stability: Recent AGA Research, Proceedings OfSshore Technology Conference, OTC 6055,
Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
American Petroleum Institute (API) (1993). Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenaltce of
Offshore Hydrocarbon Pipelines (API Recommended Practice 111 1, Second Edition,
Washington, DC.
Chao, J.C., Lambrakos, K.F., and Verley, R.L.P. (1989). "Hydrodynamic Force Characteristics for
Submarine Pipelines," Proceedings OfSshore Technology Conference, OTC 6060, Society of
Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Det Norske Veritas (1996). Rules for Submarine Pipeline Systems, Hovik, Norway.
Ghazzaly, 0 . I., 1975). "Experimental Investigation of Pipeline Stability in Very Soft Clay,"
Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 2277, Society of Petroleum
Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Grace, R. A. and Zee, G.T.Y. (1981). "Wave Forces on Rigid Pipes Using Ocean Test Data,"
Journal of the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Vol. 107, No. WW2, pp. 71-92, NY.
Grace, R. A., and Nicinski, S. A. (1976). "Wave Force Coefficients from Pipeline Research in the
Ocean" Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 2676, Society of Petroleum
Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Hale, J.R., Lammer, W.F., and Jacobsen, V. (1989). "Improved Basis for Static Stability Analysis
and Design of Marine Pipelines," Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 6059,
Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Jacobsen, V., Bryndum, M.B., and Bonde, C., (1989). "Fluid Loads on Pipelines: Sheltered or
Sliding," Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 6056, Society of Petroleum
Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Lambrakos, K.F., Chao, J.C., Beckmank, H., and Brannon, H.R. (1987). "Wake Model of
Hydrodynamic Forces on Pipelines," Ocean Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 1 17-136,
Elsevier Publishers, NY.
Lammaert, W.., Hale, J.R., and Jacobsen, V. (1989). "Dynamic Response of Submarine Pipelines
Exposed to Combined Wave and Current Action," Proceedings OfSshore Technology
Conference, OTC 6058, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Morris, D. V., Webb, R. W., and Dunlap, W. A., (1988). "Self-Burial of Laterally Loaded Offshore
Pipelines in Weak Sediments," Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, OTC
5855, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Pipeline Research Committee (1993). Submarine Pipeline On-Bottom S t a b i l i ~ Brown
, & Root,
Report to American Gas Association (AGA), Houston, TX.
Wolfram, W.R., Jr., Getz, J.R., and Verly, R.L.P. (1987). "PIPESTAB Project: Improved Design
Basis for Submarine Pipeline stability," Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference, OTC
5501, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
5.0 On-Bottom Stability Soil Forces Criteria

5.1 Background

Sea wave - sea floor interactions have been found to be an important mechanism for attenuation of
waves in areas where the sea floor is overlain with a layer of deformable clays (Bea, 1971; 1974;
1981; 1996; Suhayda, 1976; 1996; Forristall, et al, 1980; 1981; 1985; Gu, Thompson, 1995; Clukey.
et al, 1990). Much of the sea floor in the Bay of Campeche is overlain by such a layer that varies in
thickness from 0 m to 20 m. This is one of the primary reasons that the majority of pipelines in this
area have become buried (Valdez, et al, 1997). In addition, much of the Eastern section of the
Louisiana coast near the present Mississippi River delta is overlain by a very significant thickness of
deformable clays.

As waves propagate over the sea floor, deformations are induced in the sea floor soils (Figure 5.1).
In the case of soft sea floor soils, these deformations can be very large for severe sea state
conditions. These deformations are of two types. The first are the deformations that develop during
the passage of individual waves (Figure 5.1). The second are the accumulated deformations that
develop during the passage of many waves (Figure 5.2). These accumulated deformations will be
greater for greater sea floor slopes. These deformations can have both horizontal and vertical
components. In areas of soft sea floor soils, following severe hurricanes, pipelines have been found
displaced down-slope several hundred meters (Bea, et al, 1975; Bea, Audibert 1980; Bea, et al, 1980;
Bea, 1996).
Wave at Sea Surface

\ ~ n d i s turbed
ave at Sea Floor

Figure 5.1 Surface and Sea Floor Waves with Pipeline Interactions
/ Undist urbed Pipeline \

Figure 5.2 Down Slope Movement of Pipeline after Hurricane

Analyses can be performed to determine the deformations induced in a pipeline by individual waves
and by a series of waves (Arnold, 1971; Audibert, Lai, Bea, 1978; 1980). This section addresses the
issues of movements of the soft sea floor soils in the Bay of Campeche during intense hurricanes and
their potential effects on the design of pipelines and risers.

As a part of this study, detailed analyses were performed to determine the 'wave frequency'
displacement characteristics of the sea floor soils characteristic of those in the Mississippi Delta area
and in the Bay of Campeche. These analyses utilized the same oceanographic and geotechnical
characterizations used in an earlier study of the effects of soft sea floor soils on the maximum wave
heights in the Bay of Campeche (Zhaohui Jin, Bea, 1997; Bea, 1997; Suhayada, 1997a; 1997b).

5.2 Wave Frequency Displacements

In this simplified analysis, it is conservatively assumed that the pipeline has the same movement
characteristics of the soils that it is embedded in (Figure 5.1). Further, it is assumed that the pipeline
motions are the same as that at the sea floor. This is equivalent to assuming that the pipeline is
buried relatively shallow in the soft sea floor soils.

With selection of appropriate parameters, the maximum vertical movement (Av) of the sea floor can
be determined using results from analyses of an elastic half space subjected to excitation from a
sinusoidal surface wave (Dawson, Suhayda, Coleman, 1981):


A, = (W2) (cosh kh - ( g k c2)sinh kh)

H is the wave height, k is the wave number (2 n 1 L), h is the water depth, and c is the wave celerity
(c = LIT) of the Airy surface wave, G is the soil shear modulus, and p' is the soil density.

For realistic results from the foregoing, the soil properties need to reflect the effects of the hurricane
prior to the arrival of the maximum wave heights that induce the maximum displacements in the sea
floor (Esrig, Ladd, Bea, 1975). This is also very important when assessments are made of the soil
loadings that will occur on the pipelines in areas where the soils are moving.

Figure 5.3 summarizes the results from the SWBI (Sea Wave Bottom Interactions) analyses of the
soil movements along the Dos Bocas pipeline in the Bay of Campeche for 100-year, 1,000-year, and
10,000 year return period hurricane conditions. The movements shown are the maximum vertical
amplitude of motion that occur during the hurricanes for the best estimate soil characteristics. The
horizontal scale references the locations along the length of the Dos Bocas pipeline. The UTMX =
597 is at the northeastern end of the pipeline in a water depth of 47 m. The UTMX = 547 is in a
water depth of 38 m. The UTMX = 490 is in a water depth of 92 m. The dramatic increase in the
vertical movements at UTMX = 560 is due to a dramatic change in the soil characteristics at this
point - a change from stiff to very soft soils at this point along the pipeline. The pipeline could be
expected to experience very large relative motions in this portion of the pipeline. For the 100-year
hurricane conditions, the maximum vertical displacements (double amplitude) range from about 0.05
m to about 0.16 m. For the 10,000-year hurricane conditions, the maximum vertical displacements
range from about 0.1 m to about 0.8 m. For all conditions, the maximum vertical displacements are
less than 1 m.
0 . 4 - , r r , 8 q 8 , , I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ' ~ I

.... ..........................................................

....... .................



\ i
................ L


................. .................... ......


........................................................................................... 1

...... .................. ....................................... .................

0 , j S ' , * ' 1 1 1 1 l I I I l , , , -

600 580 560 540 520 500 480

Figure 5.3 Amplitude of Maximum Vertical Soil Movements Along the Axis of the Dos Bocas
Pipeline for 100-year, 1,000-year,and 10,000-year Hurricane Conditions

Figures 5.4 through 5.6 summarize the amplitude of maximum vertical soil movements along three
transects in the Bay of Carnpeche. Transect A is normal to the bathymetry in the central portion of
the Bay of Campeche and represents a broad shelf condition. Transect B is in the southwestern part
of the Bay of Campeche and represents a narrow shelf example. Transect C is a line that is midway
between Transects A and C. The variations in the vertical movements for the different transects
reflect the effects of the wave shoaling- and the soil characteristics. In all cases, the maximum
vertical displacements are less than 1 m.

-20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Water Depth m-
(Transect A)

Figure 5.4 Amplitude of Maximum Vertical Soil Movements Along Transect A for 100-year,
1,000-year, and 10,000-year Hurricane Conditions

2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 0 0 9 0 100
Water Depth m-
(Transect B)
Figure 5.5 Amplitude of Maximum Vertical Soil Movements Along Transect B for 100-year,
1,000-year, and 10,000-year Hurricane Conditions

s 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0
Water Depth m
7 0
8 0 SO 100

(Transect C)
Figure 5.6 Amplitude of Maximum Vertical Soil Movements Along Transect C for 100-year,
1,000-year, and 10,000-year Hurricane Conditions
5.3 Sea Floor Movement Induced Displacements

Horizontal soil movement displacements are a function of the bottom slope, the sea floor soil
characteristics, the intensity of the hurricane reflected in the history of wave heights and periods, and
the duration of the hurricane. On a perfectly horizontal sea floor, given 'unskewed' waves (equal
amplitudes above and below still water), the soil movements would be closed elliptical orbits.
However, on a slope, the soil movements would describe open elliptical orbits with a 'steadily
accumulating' displacement down slope (Doyle, 1973). This is analogous to slow drift forces
associated with water waves or 'wave induced currents.'

Values that have been observed in the soft sea floor areas of the Mississippi River following
hurricanes whose intensities approximate those of a 100-year hurricane (e.g. hurricane Camille) for
bottom slopes comparable with those in the Bay of Campeche range from 500 m to 2,000 m and
occur over widths of 500 m to 10,000 m (Arnold, 1971; Bea, et al, 1975; 1980; Bea, 1996).

Given such a range, it is not possible nor warranted to develop general guidelines for the Bay of
Campeche or other locations in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The soil movement displacement
characteristics for the design of a particular pipeline should depend on the route of a particular
pipeline and the soil and bathymetric characteristics along this route. Side-scan sonar surveys of
pipeline routes together with results from studies of the geotechnical characteristics and hazards
along the pipeline route should provide the bases for route specific analyses of potential soil
movement induced displacements (Audibert, Lai, Bea, 1979, 1980; Bea, 1980, 1982, 1983).

5.4 Pipeline Displacement Capacities

The displacement and stress capacities of pipelines have been studied extensively. Both simple and
complex analytical models have been developed for this purpose (Arnold, 1971; Bea, 198 1;
Mousselli, 1981). These methods have proven to be reliable for a wide variety of applications from
determining pipeline laying stresses to determining pipeline stresses in sag and hog bends.

5.4.1 Wave Frequency Displacement Capacities

For the wave frequency displacements, the assumption made in this preliminary analysis is that the
pipeline follows the displacements induced in the soils. The maximum vertical displacement of the
pipeline would be equal to the double amplitude of the wave induced at the sea floor (Figure 5.3). It
is assumed that the pipeline has been laid with sufficient slack so that there is no significant tension
in the pipeline. Given these assessments, the maximum stress (Sm) induced in the pipeline is:

where E is the modulus of elasticity, r is the pipeline radius, Hsf is the vertical displacement (double
amplitude) of the sea floor, and L is the surface wave length (assumed to be associated with a linear
sinusoidal wave):

In deep water (d/L L 0.5):

In shallow water (d/L5 1/25):

Figure 5.7 summarizes the foregoing development in terms of the maximum induced stress (Sm) as a
function of the dimensionless ratio:

For example, assume a 12-inch pipeline is displaced by a sea floor vertical motion of 36 inches that
has a wave length of 500 ft (6,000 in). The dimensionless ratio would be 6 E-6 and the resulting
maximum stress would be 1,400 pounds per square inch (psi).

An alternative formulation could be developed by determining the displacement capacity of the

pipeline based on the strain induced in the pipeline as a function of the radius of curvature induced
by the soil - wave motions. The strain ( E ) induced in the pipeline of radius ( r = D / 2) when it is
bent to a minimum radius of curvature ( Rmin ) is:

Assuming that the wave induced motion in the soil is sinusoidal with displacement Hsf:

Basing the analysis on the shallow water wave lengths (conservative):

Given Hsf = 1 m and T = 13 s in a water depth of d = 60 m and D = 0.3 m, E = 3 E-5. The yield
strain would be about 2 E-3. Thus, the stress would be very low (less than 1,000 psi).

It is apparent that the vertical sea floor motions would have to be very large, much larger than shown
in Figures 5.3 through 5.6 for the stresses induced by the vertical sea floor movements to be

This observation correlates well with the performance of the pipelines in the Bay of Campeche
during hurricane Roxanne. While pipelines were displaced down-slope from their initial conditions
and there were numerous failures of the pipelines at their connections to other lines, there was no
evidence of simple overstress of the pipelines leading to loss of containment.

There is one other phenomenon that could be important that could be associated with the vertical sea
floor movements: cracking and loss of weight coating. The movements could lead to loss of weight
coating, leading to 'floating' of the pipelines and exposing them to hydrodynamic loadings which if
great enough could lead to loss of containment.
Figure 5.7 Maximum Stress Due to Pipeline Vertical Displacement by Sea Floor Soils

5.4.2 Sea Floor Displacement Capacities

The preliminary formulation for the maximum stress induced in the pipeline by down slope moving
soils follows along the same lines. In this case, the pipeline is treated as a catenary whose axial
tension (T) is (Mousselli, 198 1):

where w is the imposed soil lateral loading on the pipeline, L is the total pipeline span across the
zone of moving soils, and h:

r is the pipeline radius and E is the strain induced in the pipeline.

The total span width that the pipeline can withstand can be determined from:

L = 2 [ (Sm A I w ) -~(r E 1 Sm)2lo.'

where Sm is the tensile stress at failure (1.5 Smy = 1.5 times the specified minimum yield stress), A
is the pipeline cross section area, and E is the modulus of elasticity of the pipeline steel.

The soil lateral loading imposed on a fully embedded pipeline in cohesive soil can be expressed as:

w = Kb Su' D

where Kb is the lateral bearing coefficient (Audibert, Lai, Bea, 1978, 1980), Su' is the soil shear
strength at the time of the soil movements (Esrig, et al, 1975), and D is the pipeline diameter. Based
on field measurements on pipelines embedded in soft clays (Bea, 1985; Bea, Aurora, 1981), the
lateral bearing coefficient is defined as:

The general effective undrained shear strength of the soil in the deformable sea floor areas of the
Bay of Campeche and near the Mississippi River Delta is evaluated to be 50 to 100 pounds per
square foot at the time of the soil movements (evaluated to be equal to the remolded shear strength,
the soil at critical state, a soil with a static undisturbed shear strength of 150 to 300 pounds per
square foot). The lateral soil loading on the pipeline is w = 500 to 1,000 pounds per foot of pipeline
diameter and per foot of pipeline.

Figure 5.8 summarizes the results of the foregoing for Schedule 40 pipelines with diameters ranging
from 6 inches to 24 inches composed of X52 steel (Smu = 78,000 psi = 1.5 x 52,000 psi).

Pipelines should normally be able to span soil movement widths in the range of 1,000 feet to 4,000
feet depending on the pipeline diameter and wall thickness. These results are in excellent agreement
with results from nonlinear beam- column analyses of pipelines that span mudslide areas (Bea, 1983;
Arnold, 1971).

A summary of the results developed by Arnold (197 1) based on nonlinear beam column analyses of
the responses of pipelines to soil displacements is summarized in Figure 5.9. The results are shown
as the maximum tensile stress induced in the pipeline at equilibrium (Sm, kips per square inch)
versus Kp, where:

where SF is the soil force per unit length of the pipeline (pounds per inch), SW is the slide width
(inches), D is the pipeline diameter, and t is the pipeline wall thickness.


8 1 2 1 6 2 0 2 4 2 8
Pipe Nominal Diameter (Schedule 40)

Figure 5.8 Maximum Pipeline Span Widths for Sea Floor Displacements
Again, these results seem to be in reasonable agreement with the observed performance of pipelines
in the Bay of Campeche during hurricane Roxanne and pipelines in the Mississippi River Delta
during past hurricanes. It was only in a few cases that involved very large widths of implied soil
movements that the pipelines were found to be displaced significant distances, and only in a few of
these cases did the pipelines loose containment.

0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0
Kp = SF SW / 1000 D t (ksi units)

Figure 5.9 - Pipeline Tensile Stress as Function of Soil Force and Movement Width

5.5 Risk Based Criteria for Soil Movements

5.5.1 Wave Frequency Displacements

The probability of failure of a pipeline associated with wave frequency displacements can be
expressed as:

Pf = P (Sm 2 Su)

where Sm is the maximum stress induced in the pipeline by the surface waves effects on the sea
floor soils:

and Su is the ultimate stress at failure of the pipeline. Alternatively, the expression for Pf could be
expressed in terms of the strain or deformation demands and capacities.

The factor of safety (FS) for the 100-year wave frequency induced displacements is:

where Bs is the median bias in the demand or stress induced in the pipeline, BRis the median bias in
the pipeline capacity, P is the annual Safety Index for this failure mode of the pipeline, and o is the
total uncertainty in the pipeline wave loading frequency demands and capacities and o,, is the
uncertainty in the maximum stresses induced in the pipeline by the sea floor soil movements.

In this development, it is assumed that Bs is evaluated to be unity. BR will be taken as 1.5 based on
the use of the specified minimum yield stress as the reference for the pipeline design.

The uncertainty in the induced stress is a linear function of the surface wave height. The surface
wave height has an annual uncertainty (standard deviation of the logarithms) of o = 0.30 for
shallow water waves (Bea, 1997b). As discussed earlier, the wave height induced at the sea floor is a
linear function of the height of the wave at the sea surface, the wave length (or wave period) and the
density and shear modulus of the sea floor soils. It will be assumed that the uncertainty in the
parameter ( a2- k2 ) is equivalent to o ,, ,
, -, = 0.60. The resultant uncertainty in the demand will be
taken as o, = 0.67.

The uncertainty in the capacity will be taken as o,, = 0.10. The total uncertainty is thus o = 0.68. A
'conservative' value of o = 0.70 will be used.

The design factors of safety to be used on the wave frequency induced maximum stresses are
summarized in Table 5.1 for the different SSC for new and existing pipelines. The wave frequency
induced stress would be multiplied times this factor of safety and the requirement would be that the
specified minimum yield stress of the pipeline steel would be equal to or greater than this design

Table 5.1 Factors of Safety for Wave Frequency Induced Stresses for Pipeline Design and
Requalifications for 100-year Hurricane Conditions

SSC pnew FS p existing FS

new existing
1 3.72 1.9 3.54 1.7
2 3.29 1.4 3.10 1.2
3 3.10 1.2 2.87 1.O

5.5.2 Sea Floor Displacements

The probability of failure of a pipeline associated with sea floor displacements can be expressed as:

Pf = P (Tm 2 Tu)

where Tm is the maximum tensile force induced in the pipeline by the displaced sea floor soils and
Tu is the maximum tensile force that can be sustained by the pipeline without loss of containment
(failure) or rupture. As developed in Section 4.3.2, the maximum tensile force (T) is a function of the
soil force developed on the pipeline (w) and the slide width (L).

The uncertainties in the soil force are functions of the uncertainties in the soil strengths and the soil
bearing factor. The uncertainty in the soil force is taken to be ow= 0.40.
The uncertainty in the slide width is taken to be a, = 0.40. The total uncertainty due to the slide
width is twice this value (see formulation in Section 4.3.2) or o, = 0.80. The resultant uncertainty in
the pipeline demand is thus oTm = 0.89.

The uncertainty in the pipeline tensile capacity is taken as oTu= 0.10. Thus, the total resultant
uncertainty in the soil displacement pipeline demands and capacities is estimated to be o = 0.90.

Again, based on the use of the minimum tensile stress as the reference for the design stress, a bias in
the pipeline capacity of BTu= 1.5 is assumed. The demand is assumed to have a bias of BTm= 1.0

The Factor of Safety (FS) based on 100-year associated soil displacement conditions is:

FS,, = (B ,, / B ,,) exp ( P o - 2.33 oTm


Table 5.2 summarizes the Factors of Safety appropriate for the different SSC for new and existing

Table 5.2 Factors of Safety for Soil Displacements for Pipeline Design and Requalifications
for 100-year Hurricane Conditions

SSC pnew FS p existing FS

new existing
1 3.72 2.4 3.54 2.0
2 3.29 1.6 3.10 1.4
3 3.10 1.4 2.87 1.1

5.6 Implications for Design and Requalification of Risers and Pipeline Connections

The experience in the Bay of Campeche during hurricane Roxanne and in past hurricanes that have
affected pipelines and platforms near the Mississippi River Delta have adequately demonstrated the
importance of risers and pipeline connections to the integrity of pipeline systems. The movements of
the sea floor soils can induce tensions in the pipelines which may not be fully supported by the non-
moving soils. Thus, large tensions can be transmitted via the pipeline to risers and connections. One
could argue that estimates should be made of the largest reasonable tensions that could be
transmitted to the risers and connections. These tensions could approach the tensile capacity of the
pipeline itself. These generally equate to very large forces that may not be reasonably supported by
either connections, risers, or in some cases the platforms.

The question to be raised is: "where should engineering unbalance the design of the pipeline, its
connections, and its risers to allow damage to occur in the most accessible and repairable location?"
The author has designed pipelines to have intentional 'weak points' or break-away couplings to
prevent very high forces from being transmitted to the pipeline risers, the platforms, or to other parts
of the pipeline system. these pipeline 'fuses' were intentionally located to facilitate detection of
leaks, the recovery of the pipeline, and its subsequent repair (Bea, 1981). Such a philosophy should
be developed for design of the pipelines, risers, and connections in the portions of the Bay of
Campeche that are subjected to significant soil displacements.
5.7 References

Arnold, P. (1971). The Effects of Soil Movements on Route Selection and Design of a Pipeline
Between South Pass Blocks 65 and 70, Report to Shell Oil Company, Offshore Construction
Division, Civil Engineering, New Orleans, LA.
Audibert, J. M. E., Lai, N. W., and Bea, R. G. (1978). "Design of Pipelines to Resist Seafloor
Instabilities and Hydrodynamic Forces," Proceedings American Society of Mechanical
Engineers Energy Technology Conference, Paper 78-Pet-37, ASME, New York NY.
Audibert, J. M. E., Lai, N. W., and Bea, R. G. (1980). "Designing Subsea Pipelines to resist
Instabilities - Part 1 and Part 2, Pipeline & Gas Journal, Dallas, TX.
Bea, R. G. (1971). "How Sea-Floor Slides Affect Offshore Structures," Oil and Gas Journal, Nov.
29, pp. 88-92, Dallas, TX.
Bea, R. G., et al., (1975). "Soil Movements and Forces Developed by Wave-Induced Slides in the
Mississippi Delta, Journal of Petroleum Technology, pp. 500-514, Society of Petroleum
Engineers, Dallas, TX.
Bea, R. G., and Audibert, J. M. E. (1980). "Geotechnical Problems in Design of Offshore Pipelines,"
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Marine Soil Mechanics, Society of Mexican
Soil Mechanics, Vol. 1, Mexico City, Mexico.
Bea, R. G., Wright, S. G., Sircar, P., and Niedoroda, A.W. (1980). "Wave-Induced Slides in South
Pass Block 70, Mississippi Delta," Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, American Society
of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Bea, R. G.,, and Audibert, J. M. E. (1980). "Performance of Offshore Platforms and Pipelines in the
Mississippi River Delta," Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, American
Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 106, No. GT8, New York, NY.
Bea, R. G., and Aurora, R. P. (1981). "A Simplified Evaluation of Seafloor Stability," Proceedings
of the Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 3975, Society of Petroleum Engineers,
Richardson, TX.
Bea, R. G, and Aurora, R. P. (1981). "Design of Pipelines in Mudslide Areas," Journal of Petroleum
Technology, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Dallas, TX, Nov.
Bea, R. G. (1985) . "Geotechnical Considerations in Submarine Pipeline Design," Chapter 1,
Advances in Offshore Oil & Gas Pipeline Technology (R. F. de la Mare Ed.), Oyez Scientific
and Technical Services Ltd., Holborn Viaduct, London, UK.
Bea, R. G. (1996). "Evaluation of the Reliability of a Conventional Platform Sited in South Pass
Block 47 of the Mississippi River Delta," Proceedings of the Offshore Technology
Conference, OTC 8305, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Bea, R. G. (1997) Risk Based Earthquake and Hurricane Design and Requalification Criteria for
Platforms in the Bay of Campeche, Report to PEMEX, IMP, and Brown & Root
International, Marine Technology and Management Group, University of California at
Berkeley, September 1997.
Dawson, T. H., Suhayda, J. N., and Coleman, J. M. (1981). "Correlation of Field Measurements with
Elastic Theory of Sea-Floor Response to Surface Waves," Proceedings Offshore Technology
Conference, OTC 3973, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Doyle, E. H. (1973). "Soil-Wave Tank Studies of Marine Soil Instability," Proceedings Offshore
Technology Conference, OTC 1901, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Esrig, M. I., Ladd, R. S., and Bea, R. G. (1975). "material Properties of Submarine Mississippi Delta
Sediments Under Simulated Wave Loadings," Proceedings Offshore Technology
Conference, OTC 21 88, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Clukey, E. C., Maller, A. V., Murff, J. D., Goodwin, R. H., Miller, M. C., and Ebelhar, R. J. (1990).
"Wave Attenuation, Mudslide, and Structural Analyses for Mississippi Delta / Main Pass
Caisson, Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 112, New
York, NY.
Forristall, G. Z., Reece, A. M., Thro, M. E., Ward, E. G. Doyle, E. H., and Hamilton, R. C., (1980).
"Sea Wave Attenuation Due to Deformable Bottoms," Preprint 80-536, American Society of
Civil Engineers Convention and Exposition, Miami, FL.
Forristall, G. Z., and Reece, A. M. (1985). "Measurements of Wave Attenuation Due to a Soft
Bottom: the SWAMP Experiment," Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 90, American
Geophysical Union, New York, NY.
Forristall, G. Z., Doyle, E. H., Silva, W., Moriwaki, Y. (1987). "Verification of A Soil Wave
Interaction Model (SWIM)." Paper Prepared for Publication, Shell Development Co.,
Houston, TX.
Gu, G. Z., and Thompson, G. R., (1995). "Wave Induced Mudslide Analyses for Offshore Structure,
Design," Mobil Research and Development Corporation Paper, Dallas, TX.
Kraft, L. M., Helfrich, S. C., Suhayda, J. N., and Marin, J. E. (1985). "Soil Response to Ocean
Waves," Marine Geotechnology, Vol. 6, No. 2, Crane, Russak & Co., New York, NY.
Kraft, L. M., Suhayda, J. N., Helfrich, S. C., and Marin, J. E., "Ocean Wave Attenuation Due to Soft
Seafloor Sediments," Marine Geotechnology, Vol. 6, No. 2, Crane, Russak & Co., New
York, NY.
Mousselli, A. H. (198 1). Offshore Pipeline Design, Analysis and Methods, PennWell Publishing Co.,
Tulsa, OK.
Suhayda, J. N., (1977). "Surface Waves and Bottom Sediment Response," Marine Slope Stability,
Marine Geotechnology, Vol. 2, Crane, Russak & Co, Inc., UK.
Suhayda, J. N., et al., (1976). "Marine Sediment Instability: Interaction of Hydrodynamic Forces and
Bottom Sediments," Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 2426, Society of
Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX.
Suhayda, J. N. (1996). "Oceanographic Design Data for South Pass Area Block 47," Proceedings of
the Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 7952, Society of Petroleum Engineers,
Richardson, TX.
Suhayda, J. N. (1997a). Wave/Sea Bottom Interaction Effects, Report to Petroleos Mexicanos,
Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, and Brown and Root International, Baton Rouge, LA.
Suhayda, J. N. (1997b). "WavefSea Bottom Interaction Analyses Results for Transects A, B, and C,"
Telefax Results to Prof. R. G. Bea, Baton Rouge, LA.
Zhaohui Jin, and Bea, R. G. (1997a). Analysis of Wave Attenuation in the Bay of Campeche, Report
to Petroleos Mexicanos and Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Moraga, CA.
Zhaohui Jin, and Bea, R. G. (1997b). "Analysis of WaveISea Bottom Interactions Results for
Transects A, B, and C,"University of California at Berkeley, CA.
6.0 Operating Pressures Characteristics

6.1 Analyses of Pressure Data from Oil & Gas Pipelines

For this report, data from the inlet and outlet for four gas-pipelines and one oil-pipeline obtained
from a pipeline operator and were analyzed for both normal operating conditions and shutdown
conditions. The behavior for the different pipelines was very different in both characteristics during
shutdown and the correlation between the pressure in inlet and outlet. The oil pipeline also performs
significantly different from the gas pipelines. The measurement periods are either 12 or 24 hours,
with measurements taken every 5 minutes.

6.1.1 Case 1 - Oil Pipeline

The oil pipeline studied is a 16-inch diameter pipeline with a design pressure of 184 bar, and the
measurement period is 12 hours. The pressure at the outlet and inlet of the pipeline is presented in
Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.2. The outlet and inlet pressures have almost the same profile but at very
different levels. The ratio of inlet pressure to outlet pressure has a mean value of 13.5 during normal
operating conditions with a coefficient of variation of 1.8%.

This changes dramatically during the shutdown and in the period after the shutdown where the
pipeline is experiencing transients at a low pressure-level. The pipeline pressure has coefficients of
variation of 3.7% and 4.05% during normal operating conditions at the inlet and the outlet of the
pipeline respectively. Only at the start of the pipeline can one find pressures close to the defined
design pressure. The mean ratio of operating pressure over design pressure is here 0.79. The
coefficient of variation for this ratio will of course be the same as for the pressure itself, namely
3.7%. During the part of the startup period included in the data, the coefficients of variation for the
operating pressures are 29.2% and 100.1% at the outlet and inlet respectively. The pipeline is shut
down completely at the outlet in no more than 10 minutes, and no pressure increase is measured
during this shutdown.

0 100 200 300 400 SO0 600 700

Tlmm (mlnutom)

Figure 6.1 Pressure at outlet of oil pipeline
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Tlmr (minuter)

Figure 6.2 Pressure at inlet of oil pipeline

6.1.2 Case 2 Gas Pipeline

This case is a 40-inch diameter gas pipeline with a design pressure of 156.8 bar. The measurement
period is 24 hours. The pressure and flow at the outlet of the pipeline are presented in Figure 6.3,
and the pressure at the inlet is presented in Figure 6.4.. During normal operating conditions, the ratio
of inlet pressure to outlet pressure has a mean value of 1.7 with a coefficient of variation of 0.33%.
The operating pressure has a coefficient of variation of 0.28% during normal operating conditions
(before shutdown) at the outlet of the pipeline. At the inlet, the coefficient of variation in the
operating pressure is 0.09% before the shutdown and 0.18% during the whole 24-hour period. At
the inlet of the pipeline, the average ratio of operating pressure to design pressure is 0.93.

A partial shutdown was performed at the outlet of the pipeline during the 24-hour measuring period.
The shutdown is impossible to detect at the inlet of the pipeline at the time of the shutdown, but
about 4 hours later some transients can bee seen. Nothing in the flow indicates any other cause of
the pressure increase, so it is possible that this is caused by the partial shutdown. Note that these
transients are very small. A sharp transient at the outlet clearly indicates the shutdown with a sudden
increase in the pressure from 86 to 92 bar (7% increase).
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time (minutes)

Figure 6.3 Pressure and flow at outlet of gas pipeline

Figure 6.4 Pressure at inlet of pipeline
6.1.3 Cases 3 and 4 - Gas Pipelines

These are also 40-inch diameter gas pipelines, but with a design pressure of 191 bar. The
measurement period is 24 hours. In Figures 6.5 and 6.6, there is a clear correlation between the inlet
and outlet pressure and a clear but not very large head loss from the inlet and the outlet. The mean
ratio of inlet pressure to outlet pressure for Case 3 is 1.08 with a coefficient of variation of 2%. For
case 4, the same numbers are 1.09 and 3.2%. All numbers are for the whole measurement period.
For Case 3, in the period with normal operating pressure, the coefficients of variations were 0.13%
and 0.11 % for the inlet and the outlet respectively. For case 4, the same numbers were 0.17% and
0.18%. The shutdown is performed at the inlet of the pipeline, and there is a 30-40 minute time lag
for the pressure reduction at the outlet of the pipeline. No increase in the pipeline pressure is
experienced as a result of the shutdown.

Figure 6.5 Pressure at inlet and outlet of gas pipeline, Case 3

0 200 400 000 BOO 1000 1200 1400

T l r n l (rnlnuam)

Figure 6.6 Pressure at inlet and outlet of gas pipeline, Case 4
6.1.4 Case 5 - Gas Pipeline

The pipeline is a 16-inch gas-pipeline with a design pressure of 190 bar. The measurement period is
12 hours. There is little correlation between the inlet and outlet pressures. As the only case studied
here, the inlet pressure drops below the outlet pressure. A peak is found in the inlet pressure, where
the peak pressure is approximately 6% higher than the previous and following pressures. The
coefficients of variations in the normal operating period are 0.07% and 0.1 1% for the inlet and outlet

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Time (minutes)

Figure 6.7 Pressure at inlet and outlet of gas pipeline

6.2 Analytical Approach to Predict Peak Pressures

In the case of sudden shutdowns of a pipeline, the well-described phenomenon called water hammer
will result in sudden increases in the pipeline pressure. Several aspects of the water hammer effect
are interesting with respect to requalification of a pipeline. The most interesting point is basically
how much the pressure will increase during a sudden shutdown. This pressure increase is given as
(Franzini, Finnemore, 1997):

P = mass density of liquid or gas in pipeline
EV = bulk modulus of liquid in pipeline (225,000 psi for oil and 145,000 psi for gasoline)
AV = velocity change of flow in pipeline

Use of the celerity of the fluid in this formulation is limited to the case where the pipeline is
inelastic. For thin-walled pipelines, this should be taken into consideration, and c, in the equation
for maximum surge pressure should be replaced with the wave propagating velocity a, given by
(Gulf Publishing Co., 1979):

This is for the case of a rapid closure of the pipeline. A rapid closure is defined by the closure time


Tr = 2*L/cP
L = length of the pipeline

For the case of a slower closure of the pipeline, the pressure increase is defined by (Franzini,
Finnemore, 1997):

Since the velocity of the fluid in the pipeline is a nonlinear function of the port closure percentage,
closure of the first three quarters of the pipeline has a small effect on the fluid velocity (Gulf
Publishing Co., 1979). From that point on, the velocity is greatly affected, and the maximum
pressure increase can be calculated by:


t,,, = Time to close the last quarter of the valve

As a rule of thumb, the following equation can be used to estimate the maximum increase in pressure
(in pounds per square inch) (Marks, 1980):

g is the acceleration of gravity (ft / s2).Figure 6.8 summarizes the results from this approximation.
The maximum surge pressure due to a rapid shut-in is a maximum of 1.6 times the flowing pressure.
This is an impulse dynamic loading that will be a function of the duration of the pressure pulse to the
natural period of the pipeline.

Pipeline Flowing Pressure (psi)

Figure 6.8 - Pressure Due to Rapid Shut-In of Flowing Fluid in Pipeline

It is clear that this transient in pressure will decrease from the shut-off point throughout the pipeline.
This decrease in pressure is due to damping in the pipeline. This damping is caused by friction,
compressibility of the fluid and elasticity of the pipeline. For short pipelines, the decrease in the
pressure transient would be negligible. For a very long pipeline, the pressure transient will have
vanished before it reaches the other end of the pipeline. It is clear that this transient will decrease as
it travels through the pipelines, but none of the pressure data available for shutdowns at the pipeline
was able to give information on how the transient will decrease. The oil pipeline case studied has a
shutdown at the outlet of the pipeline. It is clear that pressure relief systems have eliminated the
transient expected in this case. For case studies of the decrease of the transient, data from cases
where the pressure relief system is failing must be studied. In the literature, this decrease is widely
recognized, but no analytical model has been developed.

This calculated increase in pressure occurs at the shutdown point of the pipeline, e.g. the outlet. In
this part of the pipeline, the pressure may have dropped from its initial level at the inlet because of
friction in the pipeline. Again, for a short pipeline, the pressure drop will be negligible. For a long
pipeline, the pressure drop is dramatic (see Case 1). The transient will therefore have less influence
at the outlet than they will have at the inlet of the pipeline.

6.4 Discussion

The analyzed data give some very interesting information about the pressure characteristics in a
pipeline during shutdown and startup of the pipeline. For the pipelines analyzed there is a
significant head loss through the length of the pipeline. This means that the pipeline pressure is way
below the design pressure at the end of the pipeline, and that transients or peaks in the pressure will
most likely not be a problem at this end of the pipeline. The partial shutdown at the outlet in case 2
indicates a peak pressure at this location of 1.07 times the normal pressure before the shutdown. If
we transfer this case to all the other cases we can see that none of the outlet pressures will be close to
encountering the design pressure. Case 2 also shows that the shutdown at the outlet of the pipeline
does not affect the pressure at the inlet at all. This is however a very long pipeline, and for shorter
pipelines the transient may transfer to the inlet with the consequences that will have. The cases
studied indicate that for shutdowns at the inlet of the pipeline, pressure transients will not be a
problem. No pressure increase is measured in any of the cases where the shutdown is performed at
the inlet of the pipeline.

Case 1 with the oil-pipeline, where transients are much larger than for gas pipeline, the head loss
from the inlet to the outlet is much more significant. For normal operating conditions, the factor of
inlet pressure over outlet pressure has a mean value of 13.5. Very large transients must then be
present if the design pressure is to be exceeded at the outlet of the pipeline. There is however some
fluctuations appearing after startup of the pipeline, and these are analyzed. For the oil-pipeline this
seems to be where problems may occur. At the inlet, the coefficient of variation is 100.1% during
the part of the startup period included in the measurements. If these fluctuations continue as the
pipeline pressure rise, problems may very well occur at the startup.

Determination of probable maximum pressure during a pipeline's lifetime is as mentioned not trivial.
As a background for a calculation like this, normal operating pressures with variations can be
measured. Pressure in situations like shutdowns and startups should also be used because of the
increased risk of peaks in the operating pressure during such operations. Where do we meet the
problems in this approach? Pipelines will logically have some kind of pressure relief system that
will be activated at a certain pressure level, and it is obvious that this level is set some place below
the failure pressure of the pipeline. The probability of occurrence of such a pressure will then be
dependent on the probability of failure of the pressure relief system, and can hence not be described
by the lower pressure levels at all. These two situations will be more or less independent, and a
good quantification of the probability of occurrence of the burst pressure will be very difficult to
obtain. In order to do this, a large amount of data on situations where pressure relief systems fail
will have to be collected, something that will be both very time demanding and expensive.

6.5 Conclusions and Recommendations

The studies of pressure data developed during this project gave some valuable information on when
and where problems can be expected to occur. An increase in pipeline pressure of 7% appeared in
one of the cases where a shutdown was done at the outlet of the pipeline. No pressure increase was
measured at the oil pipeline where the shutdown also was done at the outlet. Large fluctuations in
the pressure during startup of the pipeline may cause problems, but the available data studied in this
thesis did not give enough information on this. The characteristics of operating pressure in pipelines
still need a lot of work, both on normal operating conditions and during shutdowns and startups.
Some indications of variations and peaks in the operating pressure were obtained, but a lot more data
is needed in order to obtain good quantitative results on this problem.

6.6 References

Franzini, J.B, Finnemore, E.J. (1997). Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications. McGraw-
Gulf Publishing Company (1979). Pipeline Rules of Thurnb Handbook. Houston, Texas.
Marks, A. (1980). Handbook of Oceanic Pipeline Computations. PennWell Books, Tulsa,
7.0 Capacity of Corroded Pipelines

7.1 MMS Pipeline Failure Database Analysis

As a part of the Unites States Department of the Interior, the Minerals Management Service, MMS,
collects basic pipeline information as well as pipeline damage data and failure data for the United
States offshore pipeline systems located on the Offshore Continental Shelf (OCS) lands. The
following analyses are based on MMS database information available as of April 1999. This
information can be accessed from the MMS web site:

7.1.1 Causes of Failure

Through analysis of the MMS Database, eight basic causes of failure (loss of reportable
containment) can be identified. These causes of failure include corrosion, impact, material flaws,
natural hazards (environmental attack), structural damage, anchor trawling, and construction
damage. Figure 7.1 shows the distribution of these causes of failure.
6Oh Other
Anchoring 3%


Figure 7.1 - Causes of failure of OCS pipelines

The primary cause of failure was determined to be corrosion. Corrosion resulted in 47% of the total
failures. This conclusion is validated by previous studies which also find corrosion to be the leading
cause of pipeline failures. The second leading cause is that of natural hazards (wave and current
loadings, mudslides). Third party activities are responsible for about 14 % of the pipeline failures.

7.1.2 Corrosion Failures of Oil and Gas Pipelines

Of the total failures, 76% of the failures were in oil pipelines and 24% of failures were in gas
pipelines. Therefore, it can be concluded that oil pipelines have a much higher failure rate than do
gas pipelines. However, when looking at the respective causes of failure for oil and gas pipelines,
many of the causes of failure occur in the same proportion. Corrosion falls into this category. For
oil pipelines, corrosion accounted for 48% of the failures, while in gas pipelines, the percentage was

The MMS database uses production codes to identify what type of product is carried in each pipeline
system. The production codes for gas pipeline systems are summarized in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 - Gas production code summary

Oil is divided into two categories: Oil and BLKO. Oil is defined as oil transported after first
processing, and BLKO is defined as full well stream production from oil wells prior to processing.

One thousand random data points were analyzed to determine the proportion of constituents in both
oil and gas pipeline systems. Out of these 1000 pipeline systems, 252 were damaged. Table 7.2
summarizes the products that these 252 damaged pipeline systems carry:

Table 7.2 - Products carried by damaged pipelines

The gas production codes including Lift, Gas, FLG, GIC, INJ, and BLKG were then separated from
the table. A total of 77 pipeline systems that failed contained gas in one of these forms. Figure 7.2
shows the distribution of failed pipelines in terms of gas production codes.



Figure 7.2 - Types of gas production associated with failed pipelines

The primary production code included in gas is Lift at 43%, which is closely followed by Gas (after
first processing) at 39%. The next important step consisted of determining the corrosivity of the
these major constituents including Gas, Lift, and BLKG.

The rate of corrosivity of each of the major constituents was determined by referring back to the
1000 random pipeline systems. Of the 252 damaged pipelines from the random sampling, 77
transported one of the gas products listed in Table 7.1. Table 7.3 summarizes the percentage of
failures caused by corrosion for each of the major gas production codes, while Table 7.4 summarizes
the percentage of failures caused by corrosion for both of the oil production codes.

Table 7.3 - Gas production corrosion failures

Gas Product Corrosion-causingfailure

Gas 53%
Lift 60%
BLKG 50%

Table 7.4 - Oil production corrosion failures

Oil Product Failures Caused by

Oil 58%
BLKO 61%

It appears from the data summarized in Table 7.3 that there is no significant difference between the
three major components: Gas, Lift, BLKG. As indicated by the data summarized in Table 7.4, the
same is true of Oil and BLKO, the two oil components. The trend between oil and gas appears to be
the same as that indicated earlier: gas and oil have very similar corrosion failure rates with gas being
slightly lower.
7.2 Effects of Corrosion Area on Burst Pressure Capacities

The Level 2 formulation developed during the first phase of the RAM PIPE REQUAL project to
evaluate the median burst pressure capacities (Pb) of corroded pipelines is:
Pb = 2.4 t SMTS / D SCF
SCF = 1 + 2 (d/R)O.s
where t is the pipeline original nominal wall thickness, SMTS is the specified minimum tensile yield
strength (-3 o from mean SMTS), D is the nominal mean pipeline diameter (= Dn - t), and SCF is
the stress concentration factor that is due to the most severe corrosion defect in the pipeline. The
SCF is a function of the maximum depth of corrosion, d, and the pipeline mean radius, R (= D/2).
Note that this formulation does not include any explicit recognition of the length (along the pipeline
axis) and width (normal to the pipeline axis) characteristics of the corrosion feature. There is an
implicit recognition of the width contained in the formulation for the SCF; the radius of the
corrosion feature is characterized as the mean pipeline radius. Based on an analysis of the 151
physical burst tests that were assembled during the first phase of this project (summarized in
Appendix A of Report I), this formulation produced an unbiased estimate of the burst capacities
(median ratio of measured to predicted burst pressure was unity) with a Coefficient of Variation of
22 %.
The corroded pipeline burst test database was analyzed to determine the effects of the corrosion
lengths and areas on the physical test burst pressures. The results are summarized in Figures 7.3 and
7.4. The measured burst pressures have been normalized by the burst pressures for the uncorroded
pipelines based on the nominal SMTS hoop stress formulation:

The data also were analyzed based on the ASME B31 G formulation Folias bulging factor that is a
function of the square root of the square of the corrosion length divided by the product of the
pipeline diameter and thickness (sq rt L' / D t). The results are summarized in Figure 7.5.

Length of corrosion (mm)

Figure 7.3 - Effects of corrosion length (along pipe axis) on measured burst pressures
Area of corrosion (mm2)

Figure 7.4 - Effects of corrosion area on measured burst pressures

Figure 7.5 - Effects of Folias bulging factor function on measured burst pressures
Surprisingly, the physical test data do not indicate that there is any obvious dependency of the
measured burst pressures on the length or area characteristics of the corrosion.
These results seem to be very strange because most of the accepted formulations to determine the
burst pressure capacities of corroded pipelines involve very complex formulations that are based on
the area - width - length (plan) characteristics of the corrosion features. The work published by Bai,
Xu, and Bea (1997) involved development of a formulation that would improve on the B31 G
formulation. This complex formulation resulted in a mean Bias (measured pressure 1 predicted
pressure) of 1.1 with a Coefficient of Variation of the Bias of 18 %. Given the results summarized in
Figures 7.3 - 7.5, one can begin to understand why the very sophisticated formulation is only able to
reduce the prediction variability by 18%.
7.3 Burst Pressure of Corroded Pipelines

Experiences with pipelines and risers in use today in both the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico
indicates that corrosion is probably the most important operating hazard to the integrity of these. For
pipelines, the primary concern is internal corrosion, when for risers, external corrosion is considered
the primary hazard. In the re-qualification of pipelines, there are three main approaches to
evaluating corrosion effects:

Use of instrumentation and inspections to detect and quantify corrosion defects

Use of corrosion coupons to quantify corrosion rates
Use of indirect indicators of corrosivity and corrosion rates

Corrosion is an extremely complex process and is dependent on many variables concerning both the
pipeline, what is transported in the pipeline and what is surrounding the exterior of the pipeline. The
process will over time degrade the properties of the pipeline such as thickness and strength. The
primary parameters determining the corrosion rate are (Bea, Xu, 1999):

Water composition
Product composition
Operational parameters such as flow rates, regime, pressures and oil-water wetting
Steel quality and weld properties including both macro and micro structure, alloying elements
and consumables
Sulphate reducing bacterial count and types
Deposits and coatings on the steel surfaces
Steel cracking
Erosion due to the transportation of solids
Stray currents associated with electrical operating equipment and other metals that can come into
or are placed in contact with the pipeline

All these parameters can be expected to change during the life of the pipeline because the sources of
oil, water and gas transported through the pipeline as well as the external environmental and
operational conditions are continuously changing.


Several different methods have been used for strength assessment of both corroded and non-
corroded pipelines. Until now, the most commonly used criterion for corrosion damage assessment
of pipelines has been the ANSUASME B31G criterion. As pointed out in several recent publications,
this criterion is not in harmony with modem design philosophies. The ANSUASME B31G criterion
is based on the NG-18 equation adjusted to account for available experimental data. The equation is:

A, =d.t
M = Folias bulging factor, accounting for effect of stress concentration at notch
P = Failure pressure
oflow = Flow stress
D = Pipe outer diameter
A = Projected corroded area
t = Pipe nominal wall thickness
d = Maximum corrosion depth

Here, the projected corrosion area is assumed to be parabolic, and hence the projected corroded area
is 213-d.t. For long defects, this assumption will over-predict the pipeline's capacity, and a
rectangular shape is assumed. The flow stress has an upper envelope 10% higher than the specified
minimum yield stress (SMYS). The B31G burst equation for safe maximum pressure P' is then
defined as:

for J08.X> 4.0


M= -4 T
Folias bulging factor
x=- L
Characteristic corrosion length
and F is the design factor usually equal to 0.72. A limitation to this is that P' must not exceed P
which is the maximum allowable design pressure for a non-corroded pipe. Corrosion above 80% of
the wall thickness is not accepted, and corrosion less then 10% needs no further evaluation.

Several modifications have been proposed to improve this criterion in order to give better predictions
of the actual failure pressure. These are mainly changes of the equation parameters such as the flow
stress a,,,, the bulging factor M and the definition of the projected corrosion area A. The
disadvantage with modifying one or more of these parameters in the B31G equation based on test
results, is that it will most likely result in a negative effect for other design cases, e.g. other
geometric and corrosion configurations.

7.3.2 DNV Recommended Practice

The new DNV guidelines are still under development, but the version issued in December 1998 will
be treated here (DNV, 1998). The guidelines provide recommended practice for assessing corrosion
defects subjected to:
Internal pressure loading only
Internal pressure loading combined with longitudinal compressive stresses

The guidelines describe two alternative approaches to the assessment of corrosion damage, Load and
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and Allowable Stress Design (ASD). The LRFD approach is
based on the safety philosophy in the DNV Offshore Standard OS-FlOl, Submarine Pipeline
Systems, which is reviewed earlier in this thesis. The following types of defects can be assessed
using these guidelines:

Internal corrosion of base material

External corrosion of base material
Corrosion in seam welds
Corrosion in girth welds
Colonies of interacting corrosion defects
Metal loss due to grind repairs

Internal pressure loading case can be considered for the following defects:

A single defect, which does not interact with one ore more neighboring defects. The failure
pressure of a single defect is independent of other defects in the pipeline.
Interacting defects, which means defects interacting in either an axial or a circumferential
direction. The failure pressure of interacting defects is lower than if the interacting defects were
considered as single.
A complex shaped defect, which is a defect that results from combining colonies of interacting
defects, or a single defect for which a profile is available.

Internal pressure combined with longitudinal compressive stresses can only be considered for single
defects. The only failure mode considered is plastic collapse, and the guidelines are not
recommended for applications where fracture is likely to occur. Load and Resistance Factor Design

As mentioned, this approach is based on the safety philosophy in the DNV Offshore Standard OS-
F101, Submarine Pipeline systems. Here, partial safety factors are given for two general inspection
methods based on relative or absolute measurements, four different levels of inspection accuracy and
three different reliability levels corresponding to the Safety Class classification of DNV OS-FIOl.
The following safety classes are considered:

Safety class Indicating a target

annual failure
robabilit of:
< 10"
Normal < lo4
Low <

Safety class High is used for risers and parts of the pipeline close to platforms or in areas with
frequent human activity. Safety class Normal is used for oil and gas pipelines where no frequent
human activity is anticipated. Safety class Low can be considered for e.g. water pipelines.
The partial safety factors will depend on the inspection sizing accuracy, which is given relative to
the wall thickness and for a specified confidence level. The confidence level is the portion of the
measurements that will fall within a given sizing accuracy. The rules are assuming a normal
distribution of d/t, and then the standard deviations of d/t can be estimated:

Relative sizing Confidence level

accuracy 80% 90%
Exact StD[d/t] = 0.00 StD[d/t] = 0.00
f5%oft StD[d/t] = 0.04 StD[d/t] = 0.03
f 10% o f t StD[d/t] = 0.08 StD[d/t] = 0.06
f 20% o f t StD[d/t] = 0.16 StD[d/t] = 0.12

The partial safety factors are then given as functions of the sizing accuracy for both inspection
methods. The two partial safety factors and corresponding fractile levels for the characteristic values
used are:

Ym = Partial safety factor for model prediction

Yd = Partial safety factor for corrosion depth
Ed = Factor defining a fractile value for the corrosion depth
StD[d/t] = Standard deviation of the measured d/t ratio

The values of the partial safety factors also depend on the material quality level. The rules state that
the material quality level is to be taken as I1 or I11 unless it can be documented that the material is of
quality level I. The partial safety factors are also influenced by the method of depth measurement
used, either relative depth measurements or absolute depth measurements. For relative depth
measurements, the values for y, and yd are given in Table 7.5 and Table 7.6:

Table 7.5 Partial safety factors for model prediction

Material quality level Safety class

Low Normal High
I1 and I11 ym= 0.79 ym= 0.74 ym= 0.70
I ym= 0.82 ym= 0.77 ym= 0.73

Table 7.6 - Partial safety factors for corrosion depth

Inspection sizing E, Safety class

accuracy, StD[d/t] Low Normal High
0.00 (exact) 0.0 yd = 1.00 y, = 1.00 y, = 1.OO
0.04 0.0 yd = 1.16 y, = 1.16 y, = 1.16
0.08 1.O yd = 1.20 y, = 1.28 yd = 1.32
0.16 2.0 y, = 1.20 y, = 1.38 y, = 1.58

For absolute depth measurements, the following values are used for y,:

Table 7.7 - Partial safety factors for model prediction

Material quality level Safety class

Low Normal High
I1 and I11 ym= 0.82 ym= 0.77 ym= 0.72
I ym= 0.85 ym= 0.80 ym= 0.75
The values of y, and E, are the same as those for relative depth measurements. For circumferential
corrosion defects, the following values apply for y,, and q:

Table 7.8 Partial safety factors for model prediction

Material quality level Safety class

Low Normal High
I1 and I11 y, = 0.81 ym, = 0.76 ym, = 0.71
I y, = 0.85 ym, = 0.80 ym, = 0.75

Table 7.9 - Partial safety factors for corrosion depths

Material quality level Safety class

Low Normal High
I1 and I11 q = 0.96 11 = 0.87 11 = 0.77
I q = 1.OO 11 = 0.90 q = 0.80

The usage factors for longitudinal stress are given in Table 7.10:

Table 7.10 - Longitudinal stress usage factors


For a pipeline with a large number of corrosion defects, the system effects must be accounted for
when determining the reliability level of the pipeline. The rules suggest adding the failure
probability of each defect as a conservative way to assess the system effect.

The safety factors are then used with a number of equations to assess the allowable pressure in
corroded pipelines for various types of defects. The guidelines are defining assessment of single
defects, interacting defects and complex shaped defects. Single defect

A defect is in the DNV guidelines treated as a single defect if any of the following conditions are

1. The depth of the defect, y,(d/t)* is less than 20%

2. The circumferential angular spacing between adjacent defects, $, is larger than:

3. The axial spacing between adjacent defects , s, is larger than:
If the pipeline is subject to internal pressure loading only, the allowable pressure is given by the
following equation:


If yd.(d/t)* 2 1 then pco, = 0, and pco, is not allowed to exceed p,,. The rules also state that measured
defects depths exceeding 85% are not accepted. For longitudinal corrosion defects with internal
pressure and superimposed longitudinal compressive stresses, the following method applies:

Step 1 Determine longitudinal stress from external loads and calculate the nominal
longitudinal elastic stresses in the pipe, based on the nominal wall thickness:

The combined nominal longitudinal stress is then:

Step 2 If the combined longitudinal stress is compressive, the allowable pipe pressure is
given by:

For circumferential corrosion defects with internal pressure and superimposed longitudinal
compressive stresses, the following procedure is given:

Step 1 Determine longitudinal stress as in the previous case.

Step 2 If the combined longitudinal stress is compressive, the allowable pipe pressure is
given by:

2 . t SMTS 2 . t . SMTS 1

The longitudinal stress in the remaining ligament is set to not exceed q.SMYS neither in tension nor
compression: Interacting defects

The DNV rules on interacting defects are treating the load case including internal pressure only. A
lot of information is also required for an assessment of interacting defects. The minimum
information required is:

1. The angular position of each defect around the circumference of the pipe
2. The axial spacing between adjacent defects
3. Whether the defects are internal or external
4. The length of each individual defect
5. The depth of each individual defect
6. The width of each individual defect

The allowable operating pressure for a pipeline with a colony of interacting defects can then be
estimated using the following procedure:

Step 1 For regions where there is background metal loss, the local wall thickness and defect
depths can be used.

Step 2 The corroded section of the pipeline should be divided into sections of a minimum
length of 5.0. f i , with a minimum overlap of 2.5. f i . Steps 3 to 12 should be
repeated for each sectioned length to assess all possible interactions.
Step 3 Construct a series of axial projection lines with a circumferential angular spacing of:
3 T I
Z = 360. - - (degrees)
n d~
Step 4 Consider each projection line in turn. If defects lie within kZ they should be
projected onto the current projection line

Step 5 Where defects overlap, they should be combined to form a composite defect. Taking
the combined length and the depth of the deepest defect forms this. If the composite
defect consists of an overlapping internal and external defect, then the depth of the
composite defect is the sum of the maximum depth of the internal and external

Step 6 Calculate the allowable pipeline pressure (p,, p, .. . p,) of each defect to the Nth
defect, treating each defect or composite defect as a single defect:

Where variables are as given in the assessment of a single defect.

Step 7 Calculate the combined length of all combinations of adjacent defects. For defects n
to m the total length is given by:

Step 8 Calculate the effective depth of combined defect formed from all of the interacting
defects from m to n, as follows:

Step 9 Calculate the allowable pipeline pressure of the combined defect from n to m (p,,),
using l,, and d,, in the single defect equation:

where the variables are defined as for a single defect. Here, the definition of the standard deviation
of dnJt is dependent on whether or not the depth measurements are correlated. For fully correlated
depth measurements, the rules specify:
For uncorrelated depth measurements, DNV gives:

Step 10 The allowable corroded pipe pressure for the current projection line is taken as the
minimum of the failure pressures of all of the individual defects (p, to p,), and of all
the combinations of individual defects (p,,) on the current projection line.

pornis not allowed to exceed p,,,.

Step 11 The allowable corroded pipe pressure for the section of the corroded pipe is taken as
the minimum of the allowable corroded pipe pressures calculated for eeach of the
projection lines around the circumference.

Step 12 Repeat steps 3 to 12 for the next section of the corroded pipe.

As the reader can see, this is a long and rather time-demanding procedure. The assessment of
complex shaped defects is even longer. The reader should refer to the DNV guidelines for a
complete description. Allowable Stress Design

As mentioned, the DNV rules have a second approach to assessment of corroded pipelines, i.e. the
Allowable Stress Format. In this method, the failure pressure or capacity of the pipeline with the
corrosion defect is calculated, and this failure pressure is multiplied by a single safety factor based
on the original design factor. Here, the ultimate tensile strength is used (UTS), but if it not known,
the rules specify that SMTS should be used. The total usage factor is specified as:


F, = 0.9 (Modeling factor)

F2 = Operational Usage Factor, which is introduced to ensure a safe margin between the
operating pressure and the failure pressure of the corrosion defect (normally equal to
the Design Factor)

The safe working pressure of a single defect subject to internal pressure loading only is given by the
following procedure:

Step 1 Calculate the failure pressure of the corroded pipe (P,):


Step 2 Calculate the safe working pressure of the corroded pipe (P,,):

The rules clearly specify that due consideration should be given to the measurement uncertainty of
the defect dimension and the pipeline geometry, which is not accounted for in the equations. This
method also assesses the cases of internal pressure and combined compressive loading, interactive
defects and complex shaped defects.

7.3.3 RAM PIPE REQUAL Project

In the RAM PIPE REQUAL project two approaches are taken to evaluate corrosion rates. The first
is a 'qualitative' model based on scoring or ranking methods to develop general indicators of the
rates and extents of corrosion. The second model is termed 'quantitative' and is based on
measurements of pipeline wall losses, either internal or external.

The RAM PIPE REQUAL project has also resulted in a suggested burst pressure equation for
corroded pipelines and descriptions of the time dependent reliability of a corroded pipeline. Qualitative Model of Corrosion Rates

This model is meant to give general indicators of corrosion loss in a pipeline, and can be used for an
overall evaluation of a pipeline. The loss of pipeline or riser wall thickness due to corrosion (t,) is
expressed as:

tci = Loss of wall thickness due to internal corrosion
tce = Loss of wall thickness due to external corrosion

The loss of wall thickness due to interndexternal corrosion (t,,) is then formulated as follows:

a,, = Effectiveness of the inhibitor or protection
V,/e = Average (mean during service life) corrosion rate
Ls = Service life of the pipeline or riser (in years)
L,, = 'Life' of initial protection provided to the pipeline

This model assumes that there are no inspections and repairs performed during the service life of
pipeline or riser to maintain the strength integrity of the pipeline to carry pressure. Maintenance is
required to preserve the protective management measures of employed (e.g. renew coatings,
cathodic protection and inhibitors). The corrosion management is 'built-in' to the pipeline or riser at
the start of the service period. Inspections and maintenance are performed to disclose unanticipated
or unknowable defects and damage (due to accidents). Stated another way, when an existing
pipeline is re-qualified for service, inspections should be performed to disclose the condition of the
pipeline and riser, and then an assessment performed to determine if under the 'present' condition of
the pipeline that it is fit for the proposed service. Alternative management of the pipeline could be
to de-rate it (reduce allowable operating pressures), protect it (inhibitors, cathodic protection), repair
it (doublers, wraps) or replace it.

For design and re-qualification, the corrosion rate is based on the owner or operators evaluation of
the corrosivity of the fluids andlor gases transported inside the pipeline and on the corrosivity of the
external environment conditional on the application of the protection or 'inhibition' program. Table
7.11 gives the suggested median corrosion rates, their variabilities or standard deviation of the
logarithms of the corrosion rates (approximately the coefficient of variation of the corrosion rates)
and the linguistic variables used to describe these corrosion rates.

Table 7.11 - Descriptors of corrosion rates

Descriptor Corrosion rate (rnrnlyear) Variability (96)

Very low 0.001 10
Low 0.01 20
Moderate 0.1 30
High 1.O 40
Very high 10.0 SO

As an example, a dehydrated sweet gas would have a low to very low corrosion rate, particularly if
inhibitors were used to protect the steel. A normally dehydrated sweet oil without inhibitors would
have a moderate corrosion rate. A pipeline transporting high temperature salt water or sour wet gas
could have a corrosion rate that would be high to very high. An unprotected pipeline could be
expected to have a moderate external corrosion rate.

In this corrosion formulation, the effectiveness of corrosion management is expressed with two
parameters, the inhibitor efficiency, a,, and the life of the protection, L,,. If the inhibitor were
perfect, a, would equal 1.O. Otherwise, the inhibitor efficiency is expressed as in Table 7.12.

Table 7.12 - Descriptors of inhibitor efficiency

Descriptor 01,
Very low 10.0

Moderate 5.0
High 2.0
Very High 1.O
The life of the protection, L,,,, reflects the operator's decision regarding how long the protection that
will be provided will be effective at preventing corrosion. Table 7.13 defines the general categories
of the life of protective systems. It is also used to specify the expected service life of the pipeline.

F' -
Table 7.13 Descriptors of protection life

Very Lon 2 20

For example, the life of high quality external coatings in the absence of mechanical damage can be
10 years (moderate), or the life of low quality external coatings with mechanical damage can be 1
year or less (very short).

Given this information, the pipeline operator could define the expected life of the pipeline, the life of
the protective system and the effectiveness of this system, and then based on the transported product
and environment of the pipeline estimate the internal and external corrosion rates. Formula X then
'determines the corrosion allowance. Quantitative Model of Corrosion Rates

The RAM PIPE REQUAL project defines the following quantitative model to predict and evaluate
pipeline corrosion losses.

N, P = Shaping parameters depending on pipeline's environment
t = Time, measured in years

To calibrate the corrosion loss equation, several sources of data on corrosion on atmospheric
conditions were used to supply corrosion loss data. For the corrosion loss data, the foregoing
expression was applied and a fit of the curve for the values provided was accomplished to produce
the best estimate (unbiased) results. For the corrosion rate data, the same approach was used, but
with the equation for the corrosion rate. The corrosion rate equation is then the derivative of the
corrosion loss equation.

The mean values and variability of P and N for different pipeline metals are presented in Table 7.14.
Note that there is a very large variability associated with the corrosion parameters.

Table 7.14 Values for corrosion loss parameters P and N

Iron Carbon steels Low alloy steels Stainless steels

Mean P 7.48 15.03 9.38 0.47
Mean N 3.00 3.48 1.90 -
COV P 32% 103% 81% 67%
COV N 94% 124% 75% -
The general effect of the parameters P and N is that with increasing values of P, the corrosion loss or
rate increases. The value of N does not influence the corrosion rate or loss for large values of t,
which means that this parameter does not play an important role in long-term analyses. It is however
important for short-term analyses. P and N are dependent on the parameters describing the fluid or
gas transported in the pipeline and the surrounding environment where the corrosion loss is being
calculated. Among others these can be bio-corrosion, pH of fluid or gas, temperature of fluid or gas
and the flow regime. The flow regime is relevant for multiphase carrying pipes, where the flow can
be difficult to classify. A multiphase pipeline may carry a certain percentage of oil, gas and water,
each of which has a different viscosity and density and therefore tends to move with a different
velocity in the pipe. The rate of corrosion is directly related to the velocity of the media in the
pipeline. Burst Pressure Capacity

RAM PIPE REQUAL project developed the following burst equation for a corroded pipe as:

2.2. t,,, SMTS

Pbd =
Do . SCF

tnom = Minimum wall thickness (original wall thickness, t - corrosion depth, d)
DO = Mean pipeline diameter, = D - t
SCF = Stress concentration factor defined by:

The defined stress concentration factor is the ratio of maximum hoop stress over nominal hoop stress
due to a notch of depth d in the pipeline cross section that has a radius R. Time Dependent Reliability

The RAM PIPE REQUAL approach accounts for the fact that the reliability of a pipeline is a time
dependent function dependent on the corroded thickness of the pipeline. The corroded thickness is
dependent on the average rate of corrosion and the time that the pipeline or riser is exposed to
corrosion. This project defines the time dependency with the following equation:

K, = (2.2 . SMTS 1 D.SCF.P,)
P = Safety index in the standard normal distribution, P, = 1 - $(P)
Kp.t = FS5,

where FS,, is the median factor of safety in the burst capacity of the pipeline or riser. The final
expression for p is then:
As the pipeline corrodes, the reduction in the pipeline wall thickness leads to a reduction in the
median factor of safety that in turn leads to a reduction in the safety index P and an increase in the
probability of failure. In addition, there is an increase in the uncertainties associated with the
corrosion rates and their effects on the burst capacity of a pipeline or riser. An analytical model for
the increase in total uncertainties as a function of the corrosion is expressed as:

~,~,,lt = Uncertainty at a given time t
o,,,,lt, = Uncertainty at t = 0
fci/e = Corroded thickness
t = Initial thickness

As an example, from no corrosion to a measured corrosion equal to half the wall thickness (t,,,$t =
0.5), the uncertainty will increase by a factor of 2.

7.3.4 Comparison of Burst Pressure Formulations

To get a better understanding of the properties of the different guidelines reviewed, a quantified
comparison of the methods will be useful. Different properties of the pipeline and the corrosion
define the safe operating pressure for the methods reviewed. This makes the comparison somewhat
intricate if continuous ranges of any of these variables are to be studied. The B3 1 G equation and the
DNV code are easily compared as in [8], but this is not the case for the equations developed in the
RAM PIPE project. The burst pressure data are therefore presented in different figures. Figures for
corrosion depths, d/t equal to 30%, 50% and 70% are presented. For the DNV case, a target annual
failure probability of is selected with the corresponding safety class Normal. According to Bai
(1998), current technology on MFL (magnetic flux leakage) methods is able to give a sizing
accuracy of f10% of t with a confidence level of 80%. This level is therefore chosen for the
calculations together with the partial safety factors for relative depth measurements. The
characteristic corrosion length, X, is used as the free parameter for the B3 1G equation and the DNV
method. Since the RAM PIPE method gives the safe operating pressure as a function of d/R
independent of the corrosion length, d/R is used as the free variable here.

The first case studied is for d/t = 30 % and is presented in Figure 7.6. For increasing corrosion
lengths (X equals 0 to lo), the normalized operating pressure calculated by DNV varies from 0.74 to
0.42. Using B3 lG, the normalized operating pressure varies from 0.64 to 45. For short corrosions,
B3 1G give more conservative results than DNV while the opposite is the case for longer corrosion.
For increasing d/R ratios, RAM PIPE gives normalized operating pressures ranging from 0.54 to
0.42, which is in the same range as the pressures using DNV and B3 1G for corrosion lengths X > 2.

Figure 7.7 presents the case of d/t = 50 %. Here, the DNV method gives more conservative results
than B3 1G for corrosion lengths X > 1. The normalized operating pressures are ranging from 0.74
to 0.23 and from 0.64 to 32 respectively. The RAM PIPE equation gives normalized operating
pressures ranging from 0.37 to 0.28 for increasing d/R. As seen on the figure, these values are in the
same range as the values from DNV for X > 2, and the values from B3 1G for X > 4.5.

For the last case shown in Figure 7.8, d/t = 70%, the operating pressure calculated by DNV drops to
very low values already at X = 0.5. B31G gives much less conservative results with normalized
operating pressures ranging from 0.64 to 0.18 for increasing values of X. RAM PIPE gives values
ranging from 0.18 to 0.23 for increasing values of d/R.

1- 831G :
- - - DNV ~

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Corrosion length, X

Figure 7.6 Safe operating pressures, d/t = 30%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Comalon length, X


Figure 7.7 Safe operating pressure, d/t = 50%

0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10
C m l o n length, X

Figure 7.8 Safe operating pressure, d/t = 70 %
7.3.5 Comparisons of Burst Pressure Formulations With Test Data

The three methods described are compared with laboratory burst pressure data from the 151 tests
summarized and presented in RAM PIPE REQUAL Report 1. For the B31G equation and the DNV
method, all safety factors are set to unity to compare the burst pressures, not the safe operating
pressures. The results are presented in Table 7.15.

Table 7.15 - Comparisons of Burst Pressure Formulations with Laboratory Test Data


Mean Bias
Standard Deviation
0.8 1
COV 0.54 0.55 0.22

Compared with these physical burst pressure tests, the method developed in the RAM PIPE
REQUAL project performs much better than B3 1G and the DNV formulations. A mean bias of 1.OO
is excellent and the coefficient of variation is also low with 22%. Surprisingly, even though the
DNV formulation is much more complex and based on extensive data developed from numerical
simulations, this formulation is indicated to be significantly biased with a mean bias of 1.47 and with
a large scatter in the bias reflected in the bias coefficient of variation of 55 %.

7.3.6 Discussion

On basis of the different guidelines reviewed here it is hard to say anything about which one is the
"best" guideline. Some of the evaluation criteria are:

Simplicity - Ease of use and implementation.

Versatility - The ability to handle a wide variety of real problems.
Compatibility - Readily integrated into common engineering and operations procedures.
Workability - The information and data required for input is available or economically
attainable, and the output is understandable and can be easily communicated.
Feasibility - Available engineering, inspection, instrumentation and maintenance tools and
techniques are sufficient for application of the approach.
Consistency - The approach can produce similar results for similar problems when used by
different engineers.

This section will evaluate and discuss each formulation in view of these criteria applied to corrosion
damage of pipelines. Conclusions can be made to which method will perform best in each one of
these. Some of the discussion points are only relevant for one single method and will be mentioned
in the chapter for each method. Other points such as instrumented vs. non-instrumented pipelines
are relevant for all methods and will be discussed in a separate section. General

Two ways of assessing corrosion damage can either be methods based on inspections of the
pipelines and methods based on corrosion data from other pipelines. Methods based on inspections
of pipelines will be able to give better results for the residual strength of the pipeline if good data on
the biases and uncertainties of the inspection results are known. One problem is that this is not
always the case, especially on specifications on biases of the corrosion depths. Another problem js
the uncertainties on the length of the corrosion damage. No data is available on how well the speed
on the instrumented pig can be controlled. For the other case these problems are not present, but
others appear. There will be large uncertainties associated with a transfer of data from one pipeline
to another. Corrosion is as mentioned dependent on very many factors related to e.g. pipeline
material, environment and the oil or gas transported in the pipeline. One can even expect the
corrosion rate of a pipeline to change during the life of the pipeline. Many pipelines are not ready
for inspection, and the only solution will then be the latter.

The origin of the ANSVASME B31G equation is the NG18 equation, which was first developed in
1971. It is obvious that pipeline technology has advanced a long way since then, and even if the
B31G equation is from 1991 it is still based on NG18 with some modifications to account for
available experimental data. Many studies have pointed out weaknesses in this equation and it still
needs a fair amount of information to be applicable. The variables needed for calculations are:

Pipe diameter
Nominal pipe wall thickness
Maximum corrosion depth
Length of corrosion
Specified minimum yield stress (SMYS)

This equation also incorporates a design factor F, which is normally equal to 0.72. This design
factor was never based on a rational assessment of operational stresses but can be tracked back to the
1935 B31 codes where the working pressure was limited to 80% of the mill test pressure which itself
had a design factor up to 0.9. The total design factor is thus 0.8 . 0.9 = 0.72. This number has since
been used directly in some codes such as the DNV codes of 1977 or the 1958 version of B 3 1.8 for
on-land pipelines.

The B3 1G equation for safe working pressure is a discontinuous function of the characteristic length
of the corrosion, X = -. At the split value
JDt m. X , depending on the corrosion depth, the safe
maximum pressure drops up to 50%. No analytical or logical argumentation can justify this. In [XI,
it is mentioned that the inherent reliability of the pipeline is extremely dependent on the length and
shape of the corrosion. For a given corrosion depth, the probability of failure changes with as much
as a magnitude of 4 (from to for d/t = 0.5) for a characteristic corrosion length X changing
from 1 to 10. The same happens with changing corrosion depths, e.g. for long corrosion (X = lo),
the probability of failure is about for d/t = 0.3 and for d/t = 0.7.

Several modifications have also been proposed to these guidelines, e.g. changes in proposed flow-
stress, corrosion area definition or proposed bulging factor. The drawback has often been that
modifying one or more parameters in order to obtain a better adaptation to existing and newer results
have resulted in a negative effect for other design cases with a different geometry and corrosion
configuration. We can take a look at how good the B3 1G equation performs with regards to the
evaluation criteria listed to get a good perception of how good it performs.

The equation is clearly simple to use and implement. All variables go right into the equation for safe
maximum pressure, and calculations are trivial. The equation is also versatile in the way that it can
handle corrosion depths from 10% to 80% of the original pipe wall thickness. It does not however
handle a real life problem such as system effects when more than one corrosion defect occurs. This
is a very realistic problem, and it is a fact that the pipeline reliability is dependent on the number of
failures found. The compatibility criterion is automatically fulfilled since the B3 1G equation has
been the standard of practice for many years. On the other hand, the equation still needs exact data
on the size of the corrosion damage. This data is only available through inspections, and a lot of
pipelines are not ready for inspection. Coupled with the inconsistency in the results, the workability
is not the good side of this approach. The engineering tools required for use of this equation such as
instrumented pigs are good and well developed, and the method can be said to be feasible. DNV Recommended Practice on Corroded Pipelines

These guidelines have recently been published in final form (1999). It is clear that DNV has taken a
step in the right direction of good assessment of corroded pipelines with these rules. There are a lot
of issues to discuss on the guidelines, but that does not necessarily mean that they don't perform
well. It is basically founded in the fact that the more you know about a subject, the more will you
have to say about it.

First, the DNV guidelines are fully based on results from inspections of pipelines. The advantages
and drawbacks with this is discussed later in this section, but some other points with regards to this
will be discussed here. The data needed for use of the guidelines are the basic dimensions of the
corrosion, which are corrosion depth, length and width. For the cases of interacting defects or
complex shaped defects, additional information is required. The calibration of the code is done with
fully probabilistic methods and the code itself is actually a limit-state based code. The code is based
on partial safety factors on which I have some comments. The partial safety factor for corrosion
depth is taking account for the uncertainties associated with the sizing of the corrosion. The
guidelines do however indicate that only the uncertainties in the depth sizing are taken into account.
There will always be uncertainties in the length and width of the corrosion too, and these should also
be included here. The same inspection sizing accuracy is given relative to the wall thickness and for
a specified confidence level. Confidence levels of 80 and 90% are specified, but nothing is
mentioned about a possible bias in the measurements. Studies done as part of the RAM PIPE
REQUAL project indicate that inspections performed by instrumented pigs can give results with
substantial under-predictions of the corrosion depth, where actual depth over predicted depth can be
as large as 1.3.

These guidelines are taking system effects into account, which means that the effect several
corrosion-damages have on the pipeline reliability is included. The guidelines suggest that, as a
conservative estimate, the failure probabilities of each defect should be added. This means that for
severe corrosion damage or a very large number of defects, this may be overly conservative. For a
more correct evaluation in this situation, conditional probability methods should be used.

As mentioned, fully probabilistic methods have been used in the calibration of the partial safety
factors. To fully understand the validity of this process, data on the biases and uncertainties
determined from the test data are needed. No information is given on this in the guidelines, and the
necessary data should be easily available from the work done on the guidelines.

A very interesting point is the way the calibration of the guideline is performed. Test data is used to
calibrate results from finite element analyses, which in turn is used to calibrate the partial safety
factors. The test results provided are for burst pressures up to 250 bar. The finite element analyses
are however done up to 1100 bar burst pressures, which is a very significant extrapolation. When
we look at pressures and structural behaviors of this degree (bursting), the performance of the
pipeline material is highly non-linear. This extrapolation therefore seems very large, and this might
mean that the final safety factors are not the optimal ones. Further, there are several places in the
guidelines mentioned that there are limitations in for which corrosion sizes the validation have been
performed. This support the fact that there are very few full-scale tests performed in the validation

So, how do the DNV guidelines perform with respect to the evaluation criteria? The rules are still
not very complicated, even if the calculations can look somewhat time demanding on the first look.
The calculations are however trivial, and the simplicity must therefore be said to be good. The rules
are versatile, they treat a wide variety of problems, but one drawback is that they do not treat the
problem on non-instrumented pipelines. They are based on the new DNV 'Rules for Submarine
Pipeline Systems', and is therefore easily integrated into common procedures. The data amount
needed can in some cases be large, but as long as the output from the instrumented pigs is good, the
rules will perform well. The rules should also be consistent in view of the calibration methods used
on the safety factors. RAM PIPE REQUAL

This project is taking a somewhat different approach to the corrosion problem than most guidelines
and codes in use today. An equation for burst pressure is developed on the basis of a database of
full-scale tests of pipelines, and everything is very well documented. The burst pressure equation is
based on corrosion depth and a stress concentration factor. Data on the depth is therefore needed,
and this can either be obtained through inspections or the equation for corrosion loss developed in
this project. The equation for corrosion loss includes the two variables, P and N, on which there will
be large uncertainties. These variables are dependent on several factors such as steel quality, bio-
corrosion, pH and temperature of the oil. One can therefore see large problems in the process of
finding good and correct values for P and N. The project is also treating the problem of increased
uncertainty in corrosion rates as a function of time, which is very good.
The RAM PIPE REQUAL guidelines are mostly simple and versatile. Easy calculations and an
ability to treat a wide variety of real problems are key words for this project. For the engineer
updated on reliability based engineering, the guidelines are also compatible. Problems can be seen
in the workability and consistency because of the mentioned parameters P and N in the corrosion
loss equation.

7.4 References

API (1998). "Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Hydrocarbon Pipelines
(Limit State Design)." API Recommended Practice 1 1 1 1.
Bai, Y, Xu, T. and Bea, R.G. (1997). "Reliability-Based Design and Requalification Criteria for
Longitudinally Corroded Pipelines". Proceedings of the Seventh International Offshore and
Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, USA.
Bai, Y. (1998). "Pipelines and Risers." Working draft for M.Sc. Course "Pipelines and Risers",
School of Science and Technology, Stavanger University College, Norway.
Bai, Y. and Hauch, S. (1998). "Analytical Collapse of Corroded Pipes." Proceedings of the Eighth
International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Montrkal, Canada.
Bai, Y. and Song, R. (1998). "Reliability Based Limit State Design and Re-qualification of
Pipelines." OMAE98-2849.
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Guidelines for Design and Assessment of Pipelines in the Bay of Campeche." OMAE98-
Bea, R.G. and Xu, T. (1999). "Pipeline Requalification Guidelines Project, Report 1." Report to
PEMEX, IMP and MMS, Ocean Engineering Graduate Program, Marine Technology and
Management Group, University of California at Berkeley.
Bjgrnoy, O.H, Cramer, E.H and Sigurdsson, G. (1997). "Probabilistic Calibrated Design Equation
for Burst Strength Assessment of Corroded Pipes." Proceedings of the Seventh International
Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, USA.
Collberg, L, Bj~rnsen,T. and MBrk, K.J. (1997). "An introduction to the DNV 1996 Rules for
Submarine Pipeline Systems." Proceedings of the Seventh International Offshore and Polar
Engineering Conference, Honolulu, USA.
Collberg, L, Cramer, E.H. and Bjorn~y,O.H. (1996). "Re-qualification of Pipeline Systems."
Proceedings of the Sixth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Los
Angeles, USA.
Det Norske Veritas (1996). "Rules for Submarine Pipeline Systems." Hgvik, Norway.
Det Norske Veritas (1998). "RP-F-101, Corroded Pipelines." H ~ v i kNorway
Palmer, A. (1996). "The limits of reliability theory and the reliability of limit state theory applied to
pipelines." OTC 82 12, Houston, Texas.
Plonski, T. Gjedrem, T. Meyer, J. and Matthies, H. (1996). "GL Rules for Subsea Pipelines and
Risers." 1996 OMAE - Volume V, Pipeline Technology, ASME.
Ritchie, D, Voermans, C.W.M, Larsen, M.H, Vranckx, W.R. (1998). "Probabilistic Tools for
Planning of Inspection and Repair of Corroded Pipelines." OMAE98-0901.
Thomsen, A.K. and Leonhardsen, R.L. (1998). "Experience from Operation, Inspection and
Condition Monitoring of Offshore Pipeline Systems on the Norwegian Continental Shelf."
Proceedings of the Eighth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,
Montreal, Canada.
8.0 Acknowledgements
The names on the cover of this report do not include the management, engineering, and operating
personnel of PEMEX and IMP that provided extensive information, data, analysis results, and
financial support to perform this project. Special appreciation is expressed to Oscar Valle, Leone1
Lara, Juan Matias, Ernesto Heredia, Juan Horrillo, Rafael Ramos, Roberto Ortega, and Victor

Appreciation is expressed to Dr. Charles Smith and Mr. Alex Alvarado of the U. S. Minerals
Management Service. Dr. Smith and Mr. Alvarado provided technical guidance, data on pipeline
failures in the Gulf of Mexico, information on pipeline capacities, and financial support to perform
this project.

This project was conducted in conjunction with a project for PEMEX and IMP to develop criteria
and guidelines for design of marine pipelines and risers. This project received significant technical
input and direction from Dr. A1 Mousselli (Aptec, Santa Rosa, California), Dr. Yong Bai (J. P.
Kenny, Stavanger, Norway), and Dr. I. R. (Wally) Orisamolu (Martec, Halifax, Canada). This input
and direction had direct influences on the developments in this project.

The authors also would like to acknowledge the assistance in this project provided by Undergraduate
Research Assistant Ms. Tamisha Jones (compilation of pipeline test databases and analysis of the
MMS database, Section 7.1). Important insights were also developed from discussions with
Johannes Rosenmoller (In-line instrumentation, Rosen Engineering, Lingen, Germany), Dallas Theil
(corrosion, Chevron Corporation, San Francisco, California), and Khlefa Esaklul (corrosion, Amoco
Corporation, Houston, Texas).
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Appendix A - Wave Load Effects on Pipelines
Wave Load Effects on Pipeline
Xhsan Iii\~,reni arid Sirizliong Cfheri
NntHoz :l:foticli.ra,yLaborc~tor,y
Dept. of C~'?~lal E n y i r ~ e e r i ~und
~ y Geological Sciences
U n i u ~ r s i t yof Notre D a m e
Notrc Dame. Indzar~a4 6556- 0767
lcarfcm@ I I d. edu

ABSTRACT: Wave forces on a fixed horizontal pipeline segment under short-crested

seas are first investigated using the directional spcctra and an alternative rnodel consid-
ering the spatial correlation of water particle motions in terms of coherence functions is
then examined.


In the Bay of Campeche, the integrity of more than 500 kt11 of pipeline is threatened
each ycar I)v the potential of hurricane activity in the region. The pcrforrnance of pipeline
is not only judged bj. its capacity to withstand pressure and impact of corrosion, but also
by its abilitl. t o withstand movements of sea floor soils. The soft 5ca floor soils in the Bay of
Carnpoche are known to develop significant motions during the passage of hurricanes. The
wave and c u r r r i ~ induced
t hydrodynamic loads and movement of the sea floor influence the
stability of the pipeline. Hurricane Roxan~le.t h e most severc hurricane t o affect the Bay
of Cariipec2ie during this century inflicted niajor damage to offshorr pipelirles in the region
t 1997; Bea et al., 1998a; Cardone et al., 1998). Alorris ct al. (1988) and Bea
(L'aldes ~ . al.,
et a1 (1998a) have reported Risk +4ssessment and Slanagement (R-411) based criteria for
the design and requalification of pipelines and risers in the Bay of Campeche. Their paper
sumniarizes various possible loading scenarios on the pipeline, based 011 specifications laid
down by IAIP and guidelines developed by AG.4.
It is noted by Bea et al. (1998a) that the specified design loads will generally result in
a significant conservative bias in the computed design loads The bias is defined in terms
of the ratio between the expected maximum loading and the design maximum loading.
Based on the orientation of the pipeline. Bea et al. (1998a) developed biases in terms of
the ratio between the current and wave induced particle velocities. Bea et al. (1998a)
correctly pointed out another bias introduced by the space-time variation in t h e wave
kinematics, associated hydrodynamic loads, and the transient nature of these loads. T h e
spatial variation in hydrodynamic loads may not only reduce the effective loading on
a sectlon of pipeline, but may also influence t h e support conditions of the pipeline by
shifting the soil support, thus limiting the displacements or deformations experienced by
the pipeline.
It is notetl in this dis<:ussion that the space-time variability of \$?a\-ckinernati<~sant1
variat,ions in the currents can have a major influence on the design and performanc~:of a
pipeline. Se\-cr;d studies in the literature have addressed t.his topic at different levcls of
detail and modeling sophistication (Zimmerman et al., 1986; Larnbrakos, 1982: Jacobsen
et al., 1989; Larnbrakos et al., 1987: Lammaert et al., 1989; Borgman and Hudspeth, 1992:
Collins et al., 1995; Hale et al., 1989; Grace and Zee? 1981). In light of the i m p o r t a n c ~
of t'he problem and a lack of unified information on hydrodynamic load effects, accurate
quanificat,io~~ of t,hese effects for risk based design standards and guidelines are needed.
This study examines the space-time variation of hydrodynamic loads acting on pipelines
for a range of orientations with respect to the local bathymetry. The coherence modeling
plays a central role in the analysis of structures exposed t o wind: wa,ve or seismic load ef-
fects (Kareem et al., 1997). A single point representation of the stochastic field concerning
wind, wave, or seismic effects may be employed for structures snmller than a typical scale.
However, partial correlation over larger or longer structures such as pipelines necessitates
the use of mult,ipoint stochastic field st,atistics to accurately ascertain dynamic load effects.
T h e level of correlation is generally expressed in terms of a coherence function whose form
depends on the characteristics of the stochastic field under consideration (Mitwally and
Novak, 1989; Kareem and Song. 1998). Although the importance of directional distribu-
tion of ocean \valves has been acknowledged in offshore engineering (Borgman, 1990). t,he
directional wave spectra is not wiclely used in design practice due t o its complex it^. and
added computal ions.
T h e main feature of a directional wave system is t h a t the total first order wave force
on a structure is less t'han that of a unidirectional wave system having the same tot,al
energy. The lack of correlation may be accounted for by using a coherence function
and cross-spectrum of the wave height and water particle velocit?- fluct,uations between
locat'ions of interest. Therefore, associated hydrodynamic loads can be espressecl in terms
of this coherence function. Once loads are expressed in terms of the coherence, several
simplifications in the load description can be introduced. These simplifications are similar
t o those for wind effects, which are very attractive for inclusion in design specifications
or other guidelines.

Water Particle Velocity

In this study, a Cartesian coordinate system is used with horizontal x and y coordinate
axes, a vertical z coordinate axis, and a n origin a t t h e mean water level (Fig. 1). T h e
water depth, h , is assumed t o be constant. T h e sea surface is denoted as t = [(x,y 7t),
where t is time. Using t h e appropriate spatial and temporal scales (i.e., small distance
from origin and limited time), the sea surface can be treated as a stationary stochastic
that sea water is an incompressible, i~lviscitlfluid ant1 that t h r wave motion
is irrotat~oilal.thc velocity potential call be represented ill the form of thc. Fourier-Stieltjes
irltcgriil whic.11 leads t o the surface elevation <(.r.y . t):

with the two-dimensional energy spectr~im(two-side) of the surface waves SCC(u.

6) defined
as :

in which 6 0 is Dirac's delta function; * denotes the complex conjugate operator; and <>
indicates the statistical averaging. T h e two-sided spectrum ScE(kf.
6) is related t o the one
side spectrurri (extending from 0 t o m) by:

The water particle velocity componerlts in the x, y and ,--directions. o,(t), v,(t) and
~ ' , ( t )can
. be represented as:

tt,(t) = J ~ [ r w c o s o
cosh[k(z h ) ] e s p [ /k ( r cos 8 + y sill 8) - /dt]d-A(~c!,
6) (2)

il,(t) = J" L w s i n 0 coshsinh(kh)

[k( z + h ) ]esp[zk(xcosO + y si116) - ~w't]d.-1(~~,
0) (3)
sinh[k(z + h)]
exp[zX(rr cos 6 + y sin 0 ) - 7wt]dil(d.0) (4)

Directional Surface Wave Spectrum

LVithin a storm-generating area, the sea surface elevation can be described by the
directional spectrum in t h e form

where S&(w) is t h e unidirectional one-sides spectrum and D(w, 19) is the directional spread-
ing function which satisfies the condition:
\\-itliolit t,hrl loss of'generality, t,hr Pic1.so11-Moskowitz (1964) sprlcti.u~rlis initiall~.used
in tliis study. and it is given by:
Stt(") = - exp

u-here tr = 8.1 x lop3 is the Phillips constant; g is gravity acceleration; wP = g / [ j ; and L/'
is thc mean n-ind velocity.
T h e directional spreading function given by Donelan et al. (1983) is used in this study
and t,akes the form
/ ~eO)]
D(W, 8 ) = - p C O S ~ - ~ [ - (Q
where Qo is the mean wave direction.
Vsing high-frequency stereo photography, Banner (1990) proposed a formulation for
d as:

y = -0.4 + 0.8393 exp -0.567 ln(-)2

L J ~ I
P o w e r S p e c t r a of Water P a r t i c l e K i n e m a t i c s

To evaluate the resultant wave forces on a structure. the cross spectral densities of
thc velocity field are needed. T h e cross spectrum (one-side) of water partial velocities a t
Points 1 a ~ i d2 call be given as:

5'v1v2 = w 2sin + h)]H17P2[k(z,+ h,)]
h2 (k h) H Y P l [ k ( z l

L D(w,8)C1(8)C2(Q)exp{ik[(xl - 52) cos 0 + ( y -

~ y2) sin 8])dQ(11)

in which X I ,yl and zl a n d x2, yz and 22 are the Cartesian coordinates of Points 1 and 2,
respectively and C1(0) a n d C2(8)are given by

cos 0 for 1 / / X
for 1 / / Y
for 1 / 1 2
in ~vhic.11I//.\- indic.at,es the ~ ~ l o c i c,oniponent
t>- at Point 1 in t11c>.r-clirec.tion, wit11 analo-
g o ~ i sclefitlit io~isfor l / / l . ?and l//Z.
C'2(f)) is si~r~ilarly
defi~~ecifor the vcloc.it,y c.omponcnt
a t Poir~t2 . Finally.

cosh[k(zl + h)] for l//-Yor 1/11.

H l * P 1 [ k ( z l+ h ) ]=
- 1 sinh[k(zl +h)] f or l / / Z

H 1 - P 2 [ k ( ~+, h)] =
cosh[k(z2 h ) ] f o r 2//1 or 2/11,
2 sinh[k(z2 h ) ] for 2/12
T h c power spectral density of the water particle velocities for the directional wave
system. S , , (LL.'). takes the form

where C ( 0 )and HI'P are defined like C1(0) and HI'Pl.

Thr. cross spectra of the water particle velocities for a unidirectional wave system
propagating with an angle 80 can be given in the form

L ! l u , L 2=
(d) ‘2 "(")
sinh2 k h
Cl ( 8 0 ) C 2 ( 8 0 ) H ~ ~ P l [ kli)]H).P,/i
(~l (2, + h)]
e s p { ~ k [ (-
s ~s Lcos +
) O0 (yl - y2) sin fl0]) (16)

in which C1(0") and C2(Bo)are given by Eq.12with 610 s u b s t i t u t ~ dfor 8.

Tho power spectra d ~ n s i t yof the water particle velocities for the unidirectio~lalsysteni.
S:u(ul).is givcn by

Siv(id)= i ~2:s ~ n h( k, h~) C ~ ( S ~ ) H I ~ +

P h)]

The ratio of the power spectral density for unidirectional and directional systems can

It is clear t h a t , mathematically speaking, the unidirectional wave system can be taken

as a special case of the directional wave system when
C o h e r e n c e F u n c t i o n f o r t h e D i r e c t i o n a l W a v e System

For the directional wa1.e system. the total wave energy along the mean wind tiirection
is 1 t ~ than
s that of a unidirectional wave systc>irkhaving the same total energy. since pa1.t
of t,his t,otal energy produces lateral water partial motion. This reflects one aspect of
the lack of spatial correlation. It may be account,ed for using a coherence function and
the cross-spectrum of the wat,er partial velocity at. two locations of interest. This ran be
expressed as:

in which the coherence function coh(Ar.w ) takes the form

T h e following approximated coherence function model is widely used in many studies

S u2 (w) = .,
Sz, ( u ) ) c o( A
~T .
~ u)
= Js;, ,,] (w)S&I-2
( w )exp{ik.[(.r, - 1 2 ) cos Q0 + (y, - y2) sin BUi}(,ohi,(li.

= JS;] (d) ( J J ) C O (~A

S;;21!2 ~T: ~ 9 ) (2.2)

in ~vhichcohu(Al-.w ) is the square root of the collerence function. It is analogolis t o

turbulence and diminishes with the ratio of separation distance t o wave lerigth. 4 gerieral
expression for coherence function may be given in the form
c o h u ( 1 r ,L ) = exp ( - -
J(c,Ax)~ ( C , A ~ ) ~
( + ~ ~ 1 2 ) ~ ) (23)

in which A x = x l - 2 2 1, A y = ( y l- y2 and Az = Izl- z21;CfT.Cy and C, are the decay
factors for the .r,y and z-directions. respectively; X = 2 r l k is the wave leiigth; and

coh,(Ar>w ) = exp{ik[(xl - 2 2 ) cos QO + ( y l - y2) sin Oo])coho(Lr,w ) (24

In the same manner, the cross spectrum of sea surface elevations a t any two locations
in partially-correlated seas can be expressed as:
Wave Force on a Horizontal Pipeline

Consider a horizontal elemerit of Icngth L which is parallel t o the X-axis. FOI an!. two
locations on the element, y, = y2 arid 2 , = z 2 . The wave force per unit length c a11 t)e
given as

where d is the diamet'er of the clement; Chi and CD are t,he inertia and drag coeffii.ients
which are dependent upon t h e fio\il and structural response characteristics; and t)
c l ( . r : ,

and i!(x,t ) are the water particle velocit'y and acceleration component's in the y-direction,
T h e term v(x, t ) in the above equation is nonlinear. A linearlization of t,his t.errn
is required for the spectral analysis because it employs a linear superpositio~iover the
frequencies describing the sea-state. The following linearlizat,ion form is applied ill t.his
I,-I,,~- = &ot,c
in which a, is the root mean square velocity given by:

Thus, the wave force per unit lengtli can Lc given in the form

in which
d2 1
n = p ~ -1~ , t , B=?~~CD&.
T h e cross spectrum of the wave force at two locations car1 be given as

Note t h a t
SVlirZ(~1,x2, w) = i ~ S , : ~ . ~ ( 2x 2l ,, ~ = x2, w)
) S,flV2(~1, (32)
~zi,vz(x1,x2,w)= w2S,lv2(x1,x2,w) (33)
in which * denotes the complex conjugate, and

Thus, Eq. 31 can be written in the form:

in which
Svt(d)= 'L12 SF&) c . ~ s h ~ [+~h()z] D ( d ,0) sir,' 8dQ
siiih2( k l )j
J'",D(L!.0) sin2 8 e s p ( i k ( r l - x 2 ) cos q t i 8
coh(xl, x2, w) = (37)
JL", D(&,8 ) sin2 0dQ
T h e total load on the elenlent, P ( t ) ,is given by

and its power spectral densit.?, Spp(u),is given by

in which the J(3)is the joint. acceptance function and takes t h e form

J2(u) =
/ o
c o h ( x l , r 2 ,u ) d x 1 d x 2
2 J", D ( w , 8) tan2 8[1 - cos(kL cos 8)]d8
(w2 J ' D ( u : 8) sin2 8d8 (40)

For the approximat'ing coherence function model, t h e spectarurn of thc total load on
the element, SFP(&), is g i w n I?

in which the J,,(w) is the joint acceptance function and takes the form

( w ) = ALcohU
L2 (51, 5 2 , u)drldx2



When the mean wave is normal t o the element, i.e., O0 = 7r/2, then
J,'(&) = --[exp(-Qo)
+ Qo - 11 (45)

in which
Numerical Results

The following l~aluesof the paranictcrs arc1 used for this c.alc.ulatio11unless o t hernisc

hlean wind velocity: Ci = 40 m/s

if'ater depth, h = 100 111
\lean wave direction relative to thc z-axis: Bo = 7r/6, ~ / 3 , 7 ~ / 2
Element posltjon: parallel to the x-axis and z = -100 nl
Diameter of the element: d = 1.0 m
Inertia and drag coefficients: CD= 2 arid Chi = 1.4
Length of the element: L = 50 m , 100 m , 150 m,200 m, 250 m

The unidirectional surface wave spectra at mean xvi11d velocity of 40 m/s is shown i11
Fig. 2. Figure 3 shows the relationship between the m-ave number k and frequency w. The
direction spreading function G(LL!:0 ) ~vhen = 73-12 is shown in Fig. 4. D(w,, 0) is also
given in Fig. 4.
Figures 5 and 6 show the coniparison results of the power spectral density of the water
particle velocity component in the y-direction for the unidirect'ional and directional wa\.c1
at different mean wave angles (Eqs. 15 arid 17). The result is also given assuming that
D(w:0) = D(w,.0). It is noted that the wave enclrgJ. along the mean wind directiol~is
less than that of the unidirectional vva1.e systeru (Fig. 6. Bo = ;rr/2).
Figures 7 and 8 show the coherence and joint a.ccept.ancefunctions obtained from the)
directional and unidirectional syst.em. It is noted that for the spreading wave system, the
coherence and joint acceptance functions can not be taken only as funct,ions of the dimen-
sionless parameter k L . They are also functions of frequency, since the spreading functio11
is a function of frequency. When the spreading function is approximated as D(w,, O), t,liry
become functions only of the parameter k L as in the approximated coherence function
Figure 9 shows the joint acceptance function for the elements with lengths of 100
m and 200 m. For a given length, the joint acceptance function is only a function of
Figure 10 shows the power spectra of the wave force on the horizontal elements with
lengths of 100 m and 200 m.
Figures 11 and 12 show the root mean square values of the wave velocity and wave
force on the element.
Concluding Remarks

This is the currerlt summary of our work to date. \i7e xvould use the developed rr~etllod-
ology for spectific conditions in the Bay of Can111rc.h~in the conling months folluning a
meeting with Professor Robert Bea.
Table> 1: RAIS of the water velocit~ar~clwave forc.c on e l ~ m e n t

Mean wave direction On = 7~12 1

1 Unidirectional wave 1 1.9962 650.9 6500 650.9 650.9 650.9 1
Cx = 4 ( 1.9962 622.6 1 596.9 ,573.7 552.4 533.0

1 Directional wave 1 1.8180 / 516.4 ) 51-1.9 1 512.5 ( 509.1 1 505.1 1

Directional \rave (D(w,. 0 ) ) 1.8629 1553.6 1 552.2 1 550.0 547.0 543.2
Mean wave direction O(, = 7 ~ / 3
Unidirectional wave 1 1.728'7 ( 487.7 484.6 1 179.3 1 472.5 1 463.7

1 Directional ~ v a \ ~ e 1I 1 . 6 2 7 7 I1 4 2 2 . 1 I4 1 9 . 8 I4 16.2 1I 4 1 1 . 3 4I 0 5 . 2 1
Dirrctional s a v e (D(uJ,.0 ) ) 1.6527 442.1 430.6 1 435.7 430.3 423.8
Mean wave direction 8(, = ir/6
1 I'nidirectional wave 1 0.9981 1 163.4 1 160.:l 1 155.3 1 148.7 1 140.7 i
Cx= 4 ' 0.9981 156.1 147.7 138.9 130.4 122.4

i Directional wave , 1.1554 225.5 22.3.1 219.2 211.0 1 20'7.7 ,

( Directional wave (D(ujDi
0)) ( 1.1194 1 205.0 202.6 1 198.7 ) 193.5 1 187.2 1
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Fig. 1 Cartesian coordinate system

0 0 O A
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Frequency (rad) Frequency (rad)

Fig.2 Unidirectional surface water spectrum Fig.3 Relationship between k and U!

Fig.4 Directional spreading function G(w,0) with Oo = ;r/2

mean wave direction e0=x/2; mean wave direction eo=d2;

-- 0.9
l l
30 3

3 -- Unidirectional 's
-320 q 0.8
10 0.7

n 0.6
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Frequency (rad)

mean wave direction e0=d3; mean wave direction e0=n/3;

o 0.95 1

0.9 -

-- Unidirectional -
3 0.85 -
- 0.8.

n. 0.7 I I
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Frequency (rad)

mean wave direction e0=d6; mean wave direction 00=d6;

12 1 I 2

Frequency (rad)
Fig.5 Power spectra of water particle Fig.6 Ratio of directional and
velocity unidirectional spectra
mean wave direction 0 = d 2 ; mean wave direction 0 = d 2 ;
0 0

-- C=O, 4 , 8
- Directional
+ Directional (w=o P)
--C=O,4,8 - - - - - -- -- -- -
0.2 - - Directional --
+ Directional (o=w )
0 2 4 6 8 10

mean wave direction 80=d3; mean wave direction 0 =x/3;


-- C=O, 4 , 8
- Directional
+ Directional (w=oP)

0.2 - - Drrectional - - - - -- - .
- 1
+ Directional (o=o-) 1

mean wave direction e0=d6; mean wave direction 80=d6;

1 . 2
- \
1 \
-- CFO, 4, 8\
- Directional \
+ Directional (y=oP)
I \
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
kAx kL
Fig.7 Coherence function a t different Fig.8 Joint acceptance function a t
mean wave direction different mean wave direction
mean wave direction O0=7d2; mean wave direction 00=7d2;

-- C=O, 4 , 8
.. -- C=O, 4.8
0.4 -
- Directional - Directional
0,2. + Directional (o=o P) + Directi~nal( w oP)
L= 100m L=200m
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
frequency (rad) frequency (rad)

mean wave direction OO=7d3; mean wave direction 00=d3;

1 . 2

..- . .. ..
0.4 - -- C=O, 4 , 8
- Directional
. -- C=O, 4,8
- Directional .. .
- + Directional (o=o P) . + Direct~onal(o=wP) -_
I L=100m 1 ~=200m
- o1
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
frequency (rad) frequency (rad)

mean wave direction 00=7d6; mean wave direction 00=7d6;

. - ..
-- .
-- C=.Q,.4,8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
- Directional

. + ~ i r e c t i o n a.(&up)
l . . . . . . . . .

frequency (rad) frequency (rad)

Fig.9 Joint acceptance function for the elements with different lengths of elements.
mean wave direction 00=d2; mean wave direction 00=d2;
x lo6 x lo6

-0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

-0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
frequency (rad) frequency (rad)

mean wave direction 00=d3; mean wave direction 00=x/3;

x lo6 x lo6
2.5 2.5

2 - Directional 2 - Directional
=? 1.5 --i 1.5

3 3

21 cn:1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
frequency (rad) frequency (rad)

mean wave direction e0=d6; mean wave direction g0=d6;

lo5 x lo5
51 I 5

- Directional

-0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
frequency (rad) frequency (rad)

Fig.10 Power spectra of wave force on the horizontal element

mean wave direction 00=d2; mean wave direction Bo=d2;

--o C=O, 4 , 8
1.7 -* Directional
400 --o C=O, 4,8
-.+ Directional ( e w ) -* Directional
P -.+ Directional (w=o )
50 100 150 200 250
L (m)

mean wave direction 00=d3; mean wave direction 00=d3;

- <
- - + - - + -
* *
- -+. - . -


bsl .5 - --o C=O, 4, 8

-.+ Directional (w=w )

mean wave direction 00=d6; mean wave direction 00=d6;

1.4 1

--o C=O, 4,8 b -* Directional
0.8. -* Directional
-.+ Directional (o=w ) 50 - -.+ Directional ( e wP)
50 100 150 200 250
L(m) L (m)
Fig.11 RMS values of wave velocity Fig.12 RI\/lS values of wave force on
the element

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