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FITT skills

Version 3.0
Revised edition, printed 2006

Copyright © 1993 - 2006 Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) Inc.

All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means (including
electronic, mechanical, photographic, photocopying, or recording) without the
prior written permission of the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT)
Inc. is an infringement of copyright law.

For information, contact:

Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) Inc.

Tel.: 613.230.3553 or 800.561.3488
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FITT skills

Version 3.0
Table of Contents

TTaabbllee ooff C

Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................ vii

Introduction.................................................................................................................................... xi

1. Acronyms ................................................................................................................................. 1

2. CITP Competencies ................................................................................................................. 9

3. Forms Designations .............................................................................................................. 11

4. Incoterms 2000....................................................................................................................... 13

4.1 Illustration of Incoterms ............................................................................................. 14

5. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ......................................................... 15

6. International Trade Terms..................................................................................................... 17

7. Quick Checks ......................................................................................................................... 77

7.1 Market Research ....................................................................................................... 77

7.2 International Trade Finance....................................................................................... 78

7.3 Legal Aspects of International Trade......................................................................... 79

7.4 Market Entry and Distribution .................................................................................... 79

7.5 International Logistics................................................................................................ 80

7.6 International Marketing.............................................................................................. 80

8. Sources of Assistance .......................................................................................................... 83

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. v



Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) would like to express its appreciation and thanks to the many
professional industry contributors and supporters who assisted in the development and publication of this

In particular, FITT would like to recognize the contributions of Norm Hotchkiss (CITP) for his role in updating
this revised edition and Douglas Marshall (CITP) for his role as reviewer.

In addition, FITT also wishes to recognize the publishing team:

Production: Veracity Consulting Inc.

Printing: Doculink International Inc.

Finally, FITT wishes to recognize the contributions of Jillian and Victor Spassov, Carol Buiter, Suzanne
McLeod, Kelly Palmer and Robert Savard as well as Katharine Fletcher of Chesley House Publications,
Prospectus Inc. and Paradigm Communications for their work in the first two versions of the FITTglossary.

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. vii



This glossary is presented as a guide to the understanding of various terms used in international trade. It is
not meant to offer professional advice in any area, as the usage of the terms defined may change over time
and in different situations. FITT has made every reasonable attempt to provide accurate information. This
information may contain errors or omissions for which FITT disclaims any liability for the interpretation or
use of any of the terms.

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. xi


11.. A


A/S At sight

AAA American Arbitration Association

ACL Area control list

ADB Asian Development Bank

AfDB African Development Bank


AMEC Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada

ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations

ATA Carnet Admission temporaire –Temporary Admission Carnet


B/L Bill of lading

BBS Bulletin board systems

BCICAC British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre

BOP Balance of payments


CAD/CAM Computer-aided design/Computer-aided manufacturing

CADEX Customs Automated Data Exchange

CARICOM Caribbean Community and Common Market

CASPA Canadian Agricultural Standards Products Act

CATA Canadian Advanced Technology Association

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 1


CBSA Canada Border Services Agency

CCC Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Canadian Commercial Corporation

CCI Canada Customs invoice

CCQ Civil Code of Quebec

CDB Caribbean Development Bank

CEPA Canadian Environmental Protection Act

CFEE Canadian Foundation for Economic Education

CFR Cost and freight

CIDA Canadian International Development Agency

CIF Cost, insurance and freight

CIFFA Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association

CIP Carriage and insurance paid to

CITP Certified International Trade Professional

CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

CO Certificate of origin

COCOM Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Strategic Export Controls

COFACE Compagnie française d’

Assurance pour le Commerce extérieur

CPT Carriage paid to

Cost per thousand

CSA Canadian Standards Association

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

CSS Canadian Safety Standards

C-TPAT Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism

CVD Countervailing duty

CXT Common external tariff

2 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06



D/A Documents against acceptance

DAF Delivered at frontier

DAS Detailed adjustment statement

DDP Delivered, duty paid

DDU Delivered, duty unpaid

DEQ Delivered, ex-quay

DES Delivered, ex-ship

DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

DOA Documents on acceptance

DOP Documents on payment


EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

EC European Community

ECL Export control list

EDC Export Development Canada

EDI Electronic data interchange

EFT Electronic fund transfer

EFTA European Free Trade Agreement

EIU Economist Intelligence Unit

EMC Export management company

EMU European monetary unit

ETA Excise Tax Act

EU European Union


FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 3



FACE Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Entrepreneurship

FAK Freight all kinds

FAS Free alongside ship

FAST Free and Secure Trade

FCA Free carrier

FDA Food and Drug Act (USA)

FEMA Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act

FIRST Frequent Importer Release System

FITT Forum for International Trade Training

FOB Free on board

FPA Free of particular average

FTA Free Trade Agreement


G7 The Group of Seven

G8 G7 plus Russia

GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GCC Gulf Cooperation Council

GDP Gross domestic product

GIR General interpretive rules

GNP Gross national product

GPT General preferential tariff

GSA General Security Agreement

GSP Generalized System of Preference

GST Goods and Services Tax

4 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06



HS Harmonized Commodity Coding and Description System


IATA International Air Traffic Association

IATTO International Association of Trade Training Organizations

IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (The World Bank)

ICC International Chamber of Commerce

ICL Import control list

IDB Inter-American Development Bank

IFIs International financial institutions

IMF International Monetary Fund

Incoterms International commercial terms


IRP Interest rate parity

ISO International Standards Organization

IT Information technology

ITAC Information Technology Association of Canada

ITCan International Trade Canada

ITDN International Trade Data Network


JIT Just-in-time

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 5



L/C Letter of credit

LCIA London Court of International Arbitration

LCL Less than carload

LDC Less-developed country

LLDC Least-developed country

LTL Less than truckload


Mercosur South American Common Market (Mercado Commun del Sur)

MFN Most favoured nation

MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

MIS Management information system

MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)

MOU Memorandum of understanding

MRP Material requirements planning

MTN Multilateral trade negotiations


NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement

NASBITE North American Small Business International Trade Educators

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NICs Newly industrialized countries

NIEO New international economic order

NIEs Newly industrialized economies

NTB Non-tariff barrier

6 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06



OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries


PARS Pre arrival Release System

PLC Product life cycle

PPP Purchasing power parity

PPSA Personal Property Security Act


R&D Research and development

RMD Release on minimum documentation


SEMA Special Economic Measures Act

SIMA Special Import Measures Act

SMEs Small- and medium-sized enterprises

SS Statistical suffix

STRB Special Trade Relations Bureau


TL Truckload

TT Telegraphic transfer

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 7



UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

UNCITRAL United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

UNCTAD United Nations Committee for Trade and Development

UNDP United Nations Development Program

USDC United States Department of Commerce

UST United States tariff


VAT Value-added tax

VFD Value for duty

VFT Value for tax


W/M Weight or measure

WA With average

WEF World Economic Forum

WTO World Trade Organization

8 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

CITP Competencies

22.. C

In 2005 FITT started a CITP Competency Revision and Gap Analysis project. The principal objective of this
project was to update and revise the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) competency profile.
Below you will find the revised core CITP competencies.

1. Global Business Environment

The CITP understands the context in which international trade takes place and recognizes the
opportunities and challenges it represents for business. The CITP applies this knowledge to operate
successfully in the international business environment.

2. International Marketing
The CITP participates in the development and implementation of international marketing plans to
achieve business targets. The CITP participates in the implementation and coordination of the
international marketing activities of products and services.

3. International Trade Research

The CITP applies comprehensive research methodologies. The CITP understands that adequate and
timely information supports sound international business decision making.

4. International Trade Finance

The CITP understands how financial methods and tools are used to conduct international business
transactions successfully.

5. Global Supply Chain Management

The CITP understands global supply chain activities including production and inventory management
processes. The CITP is aware of regulatory and security requirements.

6. International Market Entry Strategies

A CITP conducts a comprehensive assessment of international market entry options for the export of
products or services and recommends the optimal market entry strategy.

7. Legal Aspects of International Trade

A CITP understands the basic legal principles of carrying on international business. The CITP, in
cooperation with legal counsel, ensures that the company is fully aware of the legal implications of its
international business activities. The CITP is aware that international litigation is costly and time-
consuming, and provides information that allows the firm to recognize potential legal entanglements
and arbitration solutions.

8. An Ethical Approach to International Business

The CITP adheres to the “Standards of Ethical Conduct for a CITP.”The CITP makes ethical, strategic
recommendations that will allow the firm to achieve its goals and to contribute to both positive
stakeholder outcomes and the long term sustainability of the business.

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 9

CITP Competencies

9. Cultural Aspects of International Business

The CITP understands intercultural differences and how they impact international business. The CITP
uses appropriate communication strategies that respect international audiences. The CITP identifies
and mitigates cross-cultural risks in the export and import of products and services. The CITP
recognizes the value of cultural diversity.

10. The Internet, E-commerce and Technologies in Support of International Trade

The CITP understands the importance of e-commerce for facilitating international trade. The CITP uses
information systems to facilitate international trade.

11. International Trade Management

The CITP has the ability to develop an international business plan and assist in its implementation. The
CITP understands the scope and breadth and integration of international trade practices.

10 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

Forms Designations

33.. FFoorrm
mss D

A8A Customs Import Manifest

A8B Customs Intransit Manifest

B13 Canada Export Declaration Form

B3 Customs Accounting Document

E15 Canada Customs Export Document

E29B Canadian Temporary Admission Document

K32 Claim for Drawback Form

T124 Application for Importer-Exporter Number

T151 US-Canada Exporter’

s Certificate of Origin

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 11

Incoterms 2000

44.. IInnccootteerrm
mss 22000000

Incoterms 2000 are internationally accepted commercial terms defining the respective roles of the buyer and
seller in the arrangement of transportation and other responsibilities, and clarify when the transfer of
ownership of the merchandise takes place. They are used in conjunction with a sales agreement or other
method of transacting the sale.

EXW ExWorks Title and risk pass to buyer including payment of all transportation
and insurance cost from the seller’ s door. Used for any mode of

FCA Free Carrier Title and risk pass to buyer including transportation and insurance
cost when the seller delivers goods cleared for export to the carrier.
Seller is obligated to load the goods on the Buyer’ s collecting
vehicle; it is the Buyer’s obligation to receive the Seller’s arriving
vehicle unloaded.

FAS Free Alongside Ship Title and risk pass to buyer including payment of all transportation
and insurance cost once delivered alongside ship by the seller.
Used for sea or inland waterway transportation. The export
clearance obligation rests with the seller.

FOB Free On Board Title and risk pass to buyer including payment of all transportation
and insurance cost once delivered on board the ship by the seller.
Used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

CFR Cost and Freight Title, risk and insurance cost pass to buyer when delivered on board
the ship by seller who pays the transportation cost to the destination
port. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

CIF Cost, Insurance and Title and risk pass to buyer when delivered on board the ship by
Freight seller who pays transportation and insurance cost to destination
port. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

CPT Carriage Paid To Title, risk and insurance cost pass to buyer when delivered to carrier
by seller who pays transportation cost to destination. Used for any
mode of transportation.

CIP Carriage and Title and risk pass to buyer when delivered to carrier by seller who
Insurance Paid To pays transportation and insurance cost to destination. Used for any
mode of transportation.

DAF Delivered at Frontier Title, risk and responsibility for import clearance pass to buyer when
delivered to named border point by seller. Used for any mode of

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 13

Incoterms 2000

DES Delivered Ex Ship Title, risk, responsibility for vessel discharge and import clearance
pass to buyer when seller delivers goods on board the ship to
destination port. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

DEQ Delivered Ex Quay Title and risk pass to buyer when delivered on board the ship at the
(Duty Paid) destination point by the seller who delivers goods on dock at
destination point cleared for import. Used for sea or inland waterway

DDU Delivered Duty Title, risk and responsibility of import clearance pass to buyer when
Unpaid seller delivers goods to named destination point. Used for any mode
of transportation. Buyer is obligated for import clearance. Seller
fulfills his obligation when goods have been made available at the
named place in the country of importation.

DDP Delivered (Duty Title and risk pass to buyer when seller delivers goods to named
Paid) destination point cleared for import. Used for any mode of

Note: EXW, CPT, CIP, DAF, DDU and DDP are commonly used for any mode of transportation. FAS, FOB,
CFR, CIF, DES, and DEQ are used for sea and inland waterway.

4.1 Illustration of Incoterms

Source: www.acdi-

14 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

55.. IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall O
Orrggaanniizzaattiioonn ffoorr S
SO O))

ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. Established in 1947, ISO is a non-government
federation of national standards bodies from approximately 150 different countries. A standard is a
published, “specification that establishes a common language, and contains a technical specification or
other precise criteria and is designed to be used consistently, as a rule, a guideline, or a definition”

A high-level reference for commonly used ISO standards is useful as these standards are frequently cited in
international trade. Often, people will ask: “
What topic does ISO XXXX cover?” or “Does ISO have a
standard for XXXX industry?” To address those questions, this section will help identify some common
international standards. However, it is not intended to provide official titles and detailed descriptions of
specific products, techniques, and processes. That information can be found at

ISO 105 Textiles. Tests for colour fastness and standard matt depths.

ISO 105-A01 Textiles. Tests for colour fastness. General principles of testing.

ISO 9000 Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary.

ISO 9001 Quality management systems. Requirements.

ISO 9002 Quality systems. Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing.

ISO 9004 Quality management systems. Guidelines for performance improvements.

ISO 10000 Information technology. General principles and documentation framework.

ISO 10005 Quality management. Guidelines for quality plans.

ISO 10006 Quality management systems. Guidelines for quality management in projects.

ISO 10007 Quality management systems. Guidelines for configuration management.

ISO 10012 Measurement management systems. Requirements for measurement processes and
measuring equipment.

ISO 10015 Quality management. Guidelines for training.

ISO 13000 Plastics. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) semi-finished products. Requirements and


ISO 13002 Carbon fibre. Designation system for filament yarns.

ISO 14001 Environmental management systems. Specification with guidance for use.

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 15

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO 14004 Environmental management systems. General guidelines on principles, systems and
supporting techniques.

ISO 14015 Environmental management. Environmental assessment of sites and organizations


ISO 17799 Information technology. Code of practice for information security management.

ISO 18004 Information technology. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Bar code

ISO 19011 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing.

16 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

66.. IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall TTrraaddee TTeerrm



Abandonment The act of relinquishing claim or right to property.

Acceptance financing Short-term borrowing under which the bank accepts a request for
payment (draft) from the exporter drawn under a credit available on the
presentation of specified shipping documents (see Banker’ s acceptance).

Accepting bank A bank which agrees in writing to accept responsibility to pay when a
draft becomes due.

Accounting exposure Changes in a corporation’s financial statements as a result of changes in

currency (foreign exchange) values.

Accounts receivable turnover A financial ratio calculated by dividing a firm’

s total sales by total
accounts receivable, which shows how quickly accounts receivable can
be collected, inventory sold and payment collected (see Average
collection period, Financial ratio analysis).

Accreditation The process of recognition for professional qualifications.

Acid-test ratio See Quick ratio.

Act of God A violent and destructive act of nature, such as floods, earthquakes,
hurricanes, tornadoes or lightning strikes, which Man can neither cause
nor intervene with.

Activity based costing An accounting method that allocates costs to specific products based on
breakdowns of cost drivers.

Ad valorem tariff A tariff calculated as a percentage of the value of goods cleared through
Customs: for example, 15% ad valorem means 15% of the Customs
value (see Customs valuation methods).

Admiralty Court A court of law that has jurisdiction over maritime legal issues.

Advance payment Payment method in which the buyer pays for the goods before they are
shipped; method is used when buyer is of unknown creditworthiness.

Advance purchase A countertrade transaction under which the importer pays the exporter for
goods purchased with funds held in a trust account, which are then used
to settle future purchases (see Countertrade).

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 17

International Trade Terms

Advanced logistics Computer-based logistics strategies that include EDI, bar codes, JIT
production and transportation methods, and MRP.

Advice of fate The requirement that the collecting bank must advise the remitting bank
promptly of the outcome of a collection.

Advised letter of credit A bank document that informs the exporter that a L/C has been
established in favour of the exporter by the importer (see Letter of credit).

Advising bank A financial institution that is the intermediary between the beneficiary
(exporter) and the issuing (exporter’ s
)ba nkinaL/C transaction; also
known as the notifying bank (see Issuing bank, Letter of credit).

Affiliate A company over whose stock the parent company exerts legally
enforceable control; also, a member of a group of companies.

Affreightment A written agreement by which a ship’ s owner agrees to rent out a ship or
part of a ship to a shipper for the carriage of freight.

African Developmental Bank The AfDB Group is one of four major regional developmental banks
(AfDB) currently operating in the global economy; it is headquartered in Abidjan,
Cote d’Ivoire.

Agency agreement The binding, written agreement negotiated between an agent or

distributor and the exporter, covering issues that include the territory,
exclusivity, commission rate, etc.

Agent A person or firm authorized by the seller, known as the principal, to enter
into binding contracts of sale on the seller’
s behalf (see Distributor,
Exclusivity, Franchise).

Air Waybill A non-negotiable instrument used in domestic and international air

transport that functions as a bill of lading.

All risk See Insurance certificate.

Alliance of Manufacturers A national organization with more than 3,500 member companies
and Exporters Canada representing manufacturers, exporters and provincial research
(AMEC) organizations that seeks to affect government policy, provide members
with information on and research about exports, etc.

Amendment A formal addition, deletion, or modification of a legal or financial

document; such as a Letter of Credit or contract.

American Arbitration One of a number of organizations equipped to conduct international

Association (AAA) arbitrations, including the ICC, LCIA and the European Convention on
International Commercial Arbitration.

18 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Antidumping duty A levy imposed by an importing country in addition to regular duty if the
imported goods are priced below the price charged in the exporter’ s
domestic market, and so cause or threaten to cause material injury to a
domestic industry in the importing country (See ‘
Dumping’ ).

Antidumping laws Laws that are enacted to prevent dumping (See ‘


Applicant The party applying for a L/C, usually the importer or buyer of the goods
specified in the sales contract.

Arbitrage Simultaneous buying and selling of foreign currencies to make a profit

from discrepancies between exchange rates prevailing at the same time
in different locations.

Arbitrageurs Parties who trade commodities and foreign exchange to profit from price
differences for the same commodity at different locations.

Arbitration A dispute resolution mechanism which entrusts the settlement of an

international trade dispute to an independent person or persons (the
arbitrator) under an arbitration clause in the contract signed by the parties
involved. The resulting arbitral award can be enforced by a court.

Arbitration clause A paragraph in an international sales contract under which both parties
agree to submit any disputes to arbitration, and which defines both the
disputes subject to arbitration and the institution which will conduct it, like

Area control list (ACL) A list of countries to which any export (except humanitarian items)
requires an export permit. The ACL is maintained by DFAIT under the
authority of the Export and Import Permits Act.

Asian Development Bank One of four major regional development banks currently operating in the
(ABD) global economy; it is headquartered in Manila, Philippines.

Asset efficiency A financial ratio that measures a firm’ s profitability, calculated by dividing
sales by total assets, and expressed as total asset turnover (the number
of times assets are turned over in one year). Asset efficiency multiplied
by profitability of sales equals the percentage return on assets (see
Financial ratio analysis).

Assignment of proceeds A payment method by which the beneficiary may assign part of the
proceeds of the L/C to an agent or supplier (known as the assignee)
which, however, does not have the right to draw on the credit as with a
transferable L/C.

Association of South-East A free trade bloc of regional economies comprising Brunei, Indonesia,
Asian Nations (ASEAN) Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Papua New Guinea
has observer status.

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 19

International Trade Terms

At sight (A/S) A designation on a L/C or similar financial instrument that entitles the
beneficiary named as the drawee to receive payment on presentation of
a request for payment to the paying bank.

ATA Carnet (admission An international customs document issued by the importing nation’s
temporaire –temporary chamber of commerce for the temporary duty free importation of certain
admission) goods into a country in place of the usual required customs documents
and import duties.

Attornment clause See Venue clause.

Autonomy principle The fundamental rule that governs all L/C transactions: the bank’ s
obligation to pay depends only on the accuracy and sufficiency of the
trade documents on their face. This obligation is independent of the
transaction that is the basis of the documents, subject to the single
exception of fraud (see Discrepancies, Doctrine of strict compliance,
Letter of credit).

Aval A guarantee of the buyer’s credit provided by the guarantor, unless the
buyer is of unquestioned financial standing. The aval is an endorsement
note as opposed to a guarantee agreement.

Average collection period A financial ratio calculated by dividing a firm’

s accounts receivable
turnover into 365 days (see Accounts receivable turnover, Financial ratio

Average days inventory A financial ratio calculated by dividing inventory turnover into 365 days
(see Financial ratio analysis, Inventory turnover).

Award The finding or decision of an arbitrator (see Arbitration).


Back-to-back letter of credit A L/C transaction in which the proceeds of the primary L/C are used as
collateral to issue a second L/C, generally used by an exporter to pay a

Balance of payments (BOP) A financial statement, which reports all payment transactions between
residents of one country and those of all other countries, usually over a
one-year period, comprising the current account, the capital account, and
the official reserves account.

Balance of trade The difference between a country’

s total exports and imports.

Balance Sheet A statement showing a firm’ s accounting value on a particular date. It

reflects the equation, Assets = Liabilities + Equity.

Bank draft A written order by a bank requiring payment of a stated amount of


20 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Bank for International An international organization, which promotes international monetary and
Settlements financial cooperation among nations.

s acceptance A short-term method of financing created from a draft, which may be
drawn by an exporter or an importer, and to which a recognized financial
institution has added its acceptance, thereby guaranteeing payment of
the money on a fixed date.

Bankruptcy The state of an individual or company that has applied for protection
under bankruptcy laws. Also, being unable to pay one’ s debts;
insolvency. A bankrupt person cannot act as a director of a company, a
practicing lawyer or a member of Parliament.

Bar codes Machine-readable codes on goods used to validate transactions,

determine inventory levels, verify B/Ls, etc. They are often used in
conjunction with EDI (see Advanced logistics).

Barratry In maritime law the intentional misconduct of the ship’ s master or crew;
includes theft, intentional casting away of vessel, or breach of trust.

Barter A countertrade transaction under which no money is exchanged, and no

monetary price placed on the goods of either party; instead, the goods of
one party are exchanged for those of the other party (see Countertrade).

Beneficiary The exporter, or the seller, who receives payment from a bank under a
L/C set up by the importer, or buyer (defined as the applicant).

Bid bonds or guarantees Cash deposits or irrevocable guarantees that range between two and ten
percent of the contract amount and are usually secured from a lending
institution such as a bank or the EDC; required for all major international
public tender calls.

Bilateral trade agreement A written pact between two countries to facilitate the trade of goods
between them by the reduction or elimination of tariffs on those goods

Bill of exchange A negotiable instrument; an unconditional written order signed by one

party (the drawer) and addressed to another (the addressee), requiring
the addressee to pay a sum of money to the drawee, who becomes the
acceptor by writing its name (to indicate acceptance) across the bill. A
cheque is a simple form of bill of exchange (see Documents on
acceptance, Negotiable instrument).

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 21

International Trade Terms

Bill of lading (B/L) The primary trade transport document required to ensure the security of
goods shipped by an exporter. Sent to a foreign bank, it authorizes the
bank to release the goods to the buyer only when payment has been
received. It serves as 1) the carrier’ s receipt to the shipper that the goods
have been received for shipment, 2) a memorandum of the terms and
conditions of the contract between the carrier and the shipper for the
transportation of the goods to a specified destination, and 3) evidence of
title to the goods. A B/L may be negotiable or non-negotiable; various
types include air bill, ocean bill, highway probill and rail waybill (see
Clean, Order, Straight, Unclean bills of lading).

Bills of Exchange Act The legislation that governs bills of exchange in Canada.

Bonded warehouse A warehouse authorized by customs authorities for storage of goods on

which payment of duties is deferred until the goods are removed.

Borrower covenants Promises made by the borrowing firm to the lender in a long-term
international financing transaction that might include servicing the loan
properly, maintaining normal business activities, and keeping financial
ratios above certain specified standards.

Boycott A refusal to deal commercially or otherwise with a person, firm or country

because of political or other differences in order to punish that party for a
position it has taken, or to force it to abandon that position.

Brand equity The quality and value in the mind of a consumer associated with a
particular brand, its name, logo, or image; examples include the
Coca-Cola logo and McDonald’ s golden arches.

Breach of contract Failure to fulfill a contractual obligation, entitling the innocent party to a
remedy. The obligation, or term, may be expressly agreed to by the
parties, or may be implied by common law or by statute.

Breakbulk A breakbulk ship is one which transports cargo which is packed in cases,
bales, cartons, drums, carboys, etc., and this cargo is carried in the ship’
cargo holds rather than in containers (although some loaded containers
may be carried).

Brokerage house A company providing customs brokerage services.

Bulk carrier A vessel designed for the shipment of bulk cargo.

Bulk freight Cargo not in packages or containers.

Bulletin board systems (BBS) An information tool based on a computer with a modem and
communication software by means of which one can seek out
information, ask questions and exchange ideas with other users; similar
to the “
chat groups”on the Internet. An important example is the US
Department of Commerce BBS.

22 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Bunker surcharge A charge added to the price of bunker fuel for ocean cargo vessels to
offset the volatility of its price, assessed on a percentage basis and
applied to all ocean carrier freight rates; now a standard charge for all
containerized freight.

Business plan An internal company management document which describes how the
business intends to achieve its goals over time through the use of sales
forecasts, expenses, profits, performance mileposts, major financial
ratios, etc.; required with a financial proposal to a lender.

Buy American Acts US federal and state government statutes that give a preference in
government contracts to US produced goods.

Buyback A countertrade transaction similar to counterpurchase, in which the seller

agrees to buy an agreed to amount of products or services from a buyer.

Buyer credit A medium- to longer-term trade financing method, best suited to large-
scale financing of major capital and turnkey projects. The funds are
loaned directly to the foreign buyer, who enters into a direct financial
relationship with the lending bank.


Call option The right to buy a specified currency at a specified price and on a
specified date.

Canada Border Services Created in December 2003, the CBSA brings together the major players
Agency (CBSA) in facilitating legitimate cross-border traffic. Its role is to manage
Canada’ s borders by administering and enforcing relevant laws and

Canada Customs invoice A document prepared by the exporter or forwarder containing the
(CCI) information found on the exporter’
s commercial invoice and used for
import clearance (see Commercial invoice).

Canada Export Declaration A document required by Canada Customs for statistical purposes to
Form (B13) monitor shipments valued at more than $1,400CDN which must be
presented at time of export.

Canadian benefits That percentage of a trade transaction that is of direct or indirect

economic benefit to Canada. Benefits are often derived from the number
of jobs created or maintained, R&D, taxes, etc.

Canadian Chamber of An Ottawa-based organization that promotes international business by

Commerce (CCC) distributing a directory of world chambers of commerce, issuing and
advocating the use of the ATA Carnet, and supporting various other
Canadian international trade initiatives.

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International Trade Terms

Canadian Commercial A Crown corporation that assists the Canadian export trade by serving as
Corporation (CCC) the prime contractor in government-to-government transactions and
offering other export services including some financing.

Canadian Content The percentage of the exported goods or services that are sourced from

Canadian Importers’ An organization that promotes the interests of Canadian importers,

Association lobbies the government on their behalf and provides them with
information services and networking opportunities.

Canadian International Canada’ s official development aid agency. CIDA provides low-cost
Development Agency (CIDA) financing and grants to assist developing countries, channeling funds to
the multilateral development banks, and sourcing the goods and services
needed by developing countries directly from Canadian firms.

Canadian Standards An organization that governs Canadian standards in certain goods,

Association (CSA) including building materials, consumer electrical or electronic goods, etc.;
also publishes the CAN/CSA Q9000 standards which are identical to the
ISO 9000 standards. All imports into Canada must meet CSA standards
(see International Organization for Standardization).

Canadian Temporary A Customs import document intended to maintain control of goods

Admission Document (E29B) entering Canada temporarily. When the goods leave Canada the form is
acquitted and any deposit (usually equal to duty plus taxes) taken as
security is refunded.

Canadian Trade A network of more than 120 DFAIT commercial officers at Canada’ s
Commissioner Service embassies abroad that provides business intelligence for the trader,
including advice on marketing channels, trade fairs, competent and
reputable agents and distributors, and related support.

Cargo control document An advice note, house bill, or other approved document that reports to
Customs when a shipment has entered Canada, and controls the
movement and disposition of the goods until they are released by

Carnet See ATA Carnet.

Carriage and insurance paid An Incoterm under which the seller has the same obligations as under
(CIP) CPT, but with the added responsibility of procuring cargo insurance
against the buyer’s risk of loss or damage to the goods in transit; the
seller both contracts for insurance and pays the premium.

Carriage paid to (CPT) An Incoterm under which the seller pays the freight for the carriage of the
goods to the named destination. Once the goods are in the custody of the
carrier, the risk of loss or damage to the goods and any additional costs
incurred are transferred to the buyer.

24 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Carrier Any person or company which, under a contract of carriage, undertakes

to perform or procure the carriage agreed to by rail, road, sea, air, inland
waterway or by a combination of such modes.

Cartel A group of countries with a natural endowment in one particular

commodity that join together to control the production and price of that

Case law The body of previous court decisions under common law scrutinized by
the judge to derive general principles, which are then applied to the case
before the court. To ensure consistency, a court is obliged to follow
precedents set by higher courts (see Common law).

Cash against documents An Incoterm denoting a method of payment whereby title documents to
(CAD) the goods are transferred to the buyer upon receipt of payment.

Cash flow planning The study of a company’ s cash revenues and disbursements to identify
gaps requiring financing. A cash flow statement is drafted before the start
of the fiscal year, then revised and updated monthly to show actual
performance (see Financial planning).

Cash in advance The payment method with the least risk for the seller, and the greatest
risk for the buyer, prepayment.

Certificate of origin (CO) An export document under NAFTA showing that the specified goods
presented at Customs originated in either the United States, Canada, or
Mexico, and are therefore entitled to the preferential NAFTA tariff.

Certificates (weight / Attesting documents from third-party independent inspectors required to

inspection / quality / ensure that the quality and standards of certain goods (e.g., bottled
analysis) water, food products, and pharmaceuticals) comply with the
specifications in the sales agreement.

Civil Code of Quebec (CCQ) The legal system that governs Quebec law in most aspects, with the
exception of those under federal jurisdiction (see Civil law).

Civil law The system of law governing most non-English-speaking European

countries and their former colonies, including Quebec, based on a code
that enshrines key legal principles which are used as the starting point for
legal analysis and a conclusive statement of the law (contrast Common

Clean bill of lading A B/L without any handwritten notation indicating an observed defect in
the goods or their packaging (see Bill of lading, Unclean bill of lading).

Clean collection A bank transaction in which only financial documents (such as bills of
exchange, promissory notes, cheques, payment receipts, etc.) are used
to obtain payment (see Collection).

Clean letter of credit A bank document that requires only a simple demand for payment, as
opposed to a documentary L/C (see Letter of credit).

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International Trade Terms

Codification The process of collecting and arranging the laws of a country or a state
into a code, or a complete system of positive law, scientifically ordered
and promulgated by legislative authority (see Civil Code of Quebec, Civil

Collateral A security given in addition to the principal security in a loan transaction.

For example, a person who borrows money on the security of a mortgage
may be required to deposit shares with the lender as additional, or
collateral security.

Collection A payment method in which the exporter ships the goods to the importer
and mails the shipping documents to a collecting bank which obtains
payment from the importer in exchange for the documents. The exporter
holds title to the goods until payment is received.

Co-marketing Promotion and sale of complementary products, in cooperation with an

established player in a target market, for a fee or percentage of sales;
one of a number of cooperative business approaches used by smaller
companies, including joint ventures, strategic alliances, research
consortiums, licensing, franchising, and co-production; also known as
piggyback marketing.

Combined bill of lading A bill of lading covering a shipment of goods by more than one mode of

Commercial invoice A statement of a transaction prepared by the exporter and addressed to

the importer which usually describes the goods or services supplied, their
value (per unit and in total), the trade and payment terms, shipping marks
on the packages, insurance costs, the date of the invoice, and bears the
signature of a responsible official.

Commercial risk See Risk Assessment.

Commercialism The management of a business for profit once the production plant has
been built and marketing strategies implemented to carry out the
proposed business.

Commodity Any article exchanged in trade, most commonly a raw material, like tin,
copper or manganese, or a bulk produced agricultural product like coffee,
tea and rubber.

Common carrier Any means of transportation of goods, whether by sea, rail, air or road.

Common external tariff (CXT) A tariff rate applied uniformly by a common market or customs union on
imports from countries outside the union; for example, EC member
countries enjoy free trade protected by a CXT.

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International Trade Terms

Common law The legal system derived from British law that is followed by most
members or former members of the Commonwealth, including all
Canadian provinces except Quebec (see Civil Code). Under this system,
many areas of law are never codified or legislated; rather the law in these
areas is derived by the judge, who scrutinizes previous decisions, derives
general principles from them and applies them to the case at hand. There
is no “ code”of basic precepts which non-lawyers might consult (contrast
Civil law).

Common market See Customs union.

Comparative advantage An economic doctrine according to which a country is better off in terms
of real income, and makes the most efficient use of its resources, if it
exports commodities it can produce at a cost below that in other
countries, and imports commodities from countries that can produce
them more cheaply than its domestic market.

Competitive advantage A positive quality or particular strength that places a company ahead of
others in the industry, e.g. unique assets, processes or products,
employee skills, business partnerships, size and reputation; also a
feature in a product or service that is perceived as a benefit by the buyer,
e.g. price, exchange rate, image, advertising: also known as
differentiation or point-if difference.

Computed value See Customs valuation methods.

Computer-aided Various computer-based factory and workshop technologies that give

design/Computer-aided small firms a competitive advantage through flexibility of production: that
manufacturing(CAD/CAM) is, they can customize their products for a particular market and compete
in product quality with much larger firms.

Condition A contractual provision, expressed or implied, which is fundamental or

essential to a contract. The breach of such a provision may entitle the
other party to reject the goods or terminate the contract.

Conditional sale A trade transaction based on a contract stating that the sale of goods is
subject to a future uncertain event.

Conference Board of Canada A nonprofit economic research and analysis institution funded by
business, government, unions and universities that publishes numerous
authoritative reports on economic topics.

Conference carriers An association of shipping lines that offers a common set of rates for the
movement of commodities and a fixed (usually weekly) sailing schedule.

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International Trade Terms

Confidentiality The duty in a commercial relationship to keep particulars of a transaction

or technology secret, often set out in a secrecy or non-disclosure
contract, which usually continues to be in effect even after the
relationship ends. Violation leads to damages or an injunction or both.
Note that where a country’ s constitution requires court proceedings to be
open, as in Japan, it may be difficult to keep a trade secret completely

Confirmed irrevocable letter A method of payment guaranteed by the exporter’ s bank. Confirmation
of credit (L/C) adds the obligation of a second bank to the obligation of the bank which
issued the L/C (the issuing bank, usually in the importer’
s country) to
honour drafts and documents presented in accordance with the terms of
the L/C (see Letter of credit).

Confirming bank The financial institution, usually in the exporter’s country, that together
with the issuing bank in the importer’ s country, guarantees a confirmed
irrevocable L/C.

Confirming entry A verified, bar-coded entry submitted to Customs to account for goods
that have been imported under the RMD program.

Confirming houses See Factoring houses.

Consideration A thing of value, such as money, goods, or mutual promises, given or

promised in exchange for an enforceable contract.

Consignee The party to which the goods are shipped for sale and to which the
carrier may lawfully deliver the goods under a B/L.

Consignment A trading arrangement whereby the goods are shipped to the importer
while the exporter retains title to the goods; the importer is not required to
pay for the goods, but instead acts as the exporter’ s agent in arranging
the sale of the goods to a third party.

Consolidation A grouping together of several separate shipments by a consolidator or

freight forwarder, which is then shipped to an agent or deconsolidator
under one B/L and reported to Customs on one cargo control document.

Consortium An association of financial or other institutions assembled for the purpose

of carrying out a project that requires large amounts of capital or
products, or the services of several firms; also known as a contractual
joint venture (see Joint venture).

Constitution The laws, institutions, and customs which combine to create a system of
government recognized as such by the community regulated by those
laws; also, the written document embodying these laws.

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International Trade Terms

Consular invoice A document required by some foreign countries showing precise

information on the consignor, consignee and value of a shipment, as well
as a full description of the goods. It is certified by a consular official of the
foreign country and used by its Customs officials to verify the nature,
quantity and value of the shipment.

Consumer Packaging and Legislation that sets out the packaging and labelling requirements for
Labelling Act goods sold in Canada.

Consumer Packaging and The implementation manual for the above Act, commonly known as the
Labelling Regulations Regulations.

Contraband Any product that a nation has made unlawful to possess, produce,
transport, import or export.

Contract A written or oral promissory agreement between two or more persons to

do a particular activity or enter into a relationship which is enforceable
under law.

Contractual joint venture See Consortium and Joint venture.

Convenience sample A group of subjects for a market study selected on the basis of how easy
they were to reach.

Coordinating Committee on An organization that maintains multilateral controls on the shipment of

Multilateral Strategic Export military or strategic goods and technologies to certain countries.
Controls (COCOM) Members include Japan and Australia, as well as all NATO countries
except Iceland.

Co-production An offset transaction for overseas production based on a government-to-

government agreement that permits a foreign government or a producer
to acquire the technical information and know-how to manufacture all or
part of an item (see Offset).

Copyright An entitlement which allows the owner to bar all others in the owner’ s
country for a set period of time from using, publishing, or selling an
original literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work including books,
writings, music, art, photos, films and computer programs.

Corporate culture The set of values, beliefs, relationships between individuals and functions
that guide the decisions of a company to achieve its objectives.

Corporate governance The way in which major stakeholders exert control over the corporation
and its activities.

Corporate social The responsibilities that corporations have to workers and their families,
responsibility (CSR) to consumers, to investors, society at large and to the natural

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 29

International Trade Terms

Corporation A business organizational structure which is owned by its shareholders

and controlled by its directors. It has an independent existence, can last
indefinitely, and offers its directors limited liability in case of bankruptcy or
inability to pay, as well as possible preferential tax treatment.

Cost and freight (CFR) An Incoterm under which the seller pays for cost and freight to the named
port. The buyer pays for insurance while the goods are aboard ship and
up to the overseas inland destination.

Cost per thousand (CPT) A method of costing the media reach of advertising.

Cost, insurance and freight An Incoterm under which the seller has the same obligations as under
(CIF) CFR, but with the additional one of procuring marine insurance against
the buyer’s risk of loss or damage. The seller contracts for the insurance
and pays the premium. This Incoterm can only be used for sea and
inland waterway transport.

Cost-based pricing Price-setting methods that use all of the costs incurred in a transaction to
set the final price; the most common include domestic costs plus markup,
full-cost and marginal cost (see Cost-plus, Full-cost, Marginal-cost

Costing analysis A basic step in the financial plan for an export sale, it is used to predict
the outflow of cash during the course of the transaction and test its
profitability (see Financial ratio analysis).

Cost-plus pricing A method to calculate the export price of an item that starts with the
domestic price, eliminates non-applicable domestic costs like promotion,
and adds exporting costs such as transportation and insurance (see
Cost-based pricing).

Counteroffer See Offer and acceptance.

Counterpurchase A countertrade transaction which involves two distinct sales contracts

concluded simultaneously by buyer and seller, with each contract
complete and not tied to the execution of the other (see Countertrade).

Countertrade A transaction in which a sale to an importer (public or private sector) is

conditional on a reciprocal purchase or undertaking by the exporter. It is
a practice which has been adopted by certain countries, especially
emerging economies like Ukraine or China, as a tool for generating hard
currency; common forms include barter, counterpurchase, advance
purchase, offsets, buyback and bilateral agreements. In certain
jurisdictions, countertrade is considered illegal practice.

Countervail See Countervailing duty.

Countervailing duty (CVD) An additional duty imposed by an importing country on imports that have
benefited from a government subsidy in their country of origin when such
subsidized imports cause or threaten to cause material injury to a
domestic industry in the importing country. Also known as countervail.

30 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Country risk See Risk assessment.

Credit character The buyer’ s willingness to pay and otherwise meet its commercial
obligations under the commercial contract.

Cross rates The expression of a foreign exchange rate in terms of both currencies.
Thus to say “the US dollar is worth $1.359 in Canadian funds, and the
Canadian dollar $0.735 in U.S funds,” is to give the cross rates for the
two currencies (see Direct and Indirect quotations; Exchange rate).

Cross tabulations The relationships between multiple questions or variables in a market


Cross-export International trade between two firms which export certain products to
each other while importing others to take advantage of particular skills or
efficiencies in each other’
s operations.

Cross-licensing A strategic partnership between two firms for the purpose of licensing
products or services to each other in order to share products and
expertise to their mutual benefit (see Licensing agreement).

C-terms See Incoterms.

Cultural Property Export A catalogue of culturally important objects maintained by DFAIT under
Control List the authority of the Cultural Property Export and Import Act which allows
the government to prevent the export of Canadian cultural objects and
control imported ones (i.e., prevent stolen foreign objects from entering
the country).

Currency (foreign exchange) The possibility of financial loss inherent in the fluctuations in the
risk exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and the currency the parties
choose for the settlement of their transaction; also known as foreign
exchange risk (see Risk assessment).

Current ratio A financial measure of liquidity, or how easily a business can meet its
current debts, calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities
(see Financial ratio analysis).

Customs The duties or tolls payable when goods are imported into a country.

Customs Accounting The standard Canada Customs information gathering instrument for the
Document (B3) importation of goods into Canada. Information from the B3 provides the
basis for the determination of the value of the imported goods for the
calculation of duty and taxes (see Customs valuation methods) and the
selection of the appropriate HS classification for the goods.

Customs Act Canadian legislation which provides the basic framework for Customs
procedures in Canada.

Customs Automated Data A Canada Customs computer system for transmitting accounting data
Exchange System (CADEX) electronically.

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International Trade Terms

Customs bonded warehouse A warehouse where imported goods may be stored without the payment
of duty or taxes until they are removed.

Customs broker A trade professional who provides Customs services including the
processing of Customs, import and export documentation, and release of
commercial goods through the local Customs authority.

Customs Tariff Act Canadian legislation which provides the legal framework for the collection
of Customs duties in Canada, including rules related to duty remission
and valuation.

Customs-Trade Partnership Voluntary US government initiative designed to build cooperative

Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) relationships that strengthen and improve overall international supply
chain and US border security. Through this initiative, US Customs and
Border Protection is asking US businesses to ensure the integrity of their
security practices. They are also asked to communicate and verify the
security guidelines of their business partners within the supply chain.

Customs union A trading block consisting of two or more countries which have eliminated
trade barriers among themselves and imposed a common tariff on all
goods imported from all other countries; also known as a common market
(see ASEAN, EC, Mercosur).

Customs valuation methods Methods by which the value for duty (VFD) of imported goods is
calculated by Customs officials and importers for the purpose of
determining the amount of duty payable. There are two types of duties:
ad valorem and specific, usually calculated as a percentage of the
shipment’ s value. The GATT Customs Valuation Code obligates
signatory governments to use the transaction value (the price actually
paid or payable) of imported goods as the principal basis for valuing the
goods for Customs purposes. Countries have the option of either
including or excluding freight and insurance charges. If a transaction
valuation is impossible, VFD can be calculated by the deductive value
method, which is based on the first sale price to an arm’s-length buyer in
Canada less certain deductions, charges and expenses. Computed value
is calculated by adding the costs of production or engineering of the
goods, general selling and administration expenses, and a profit figure for
an arm’ s-length sale for export to Canada.


D Memoranda (also D- A series of directives published by the Communications Group of Public

Memos) Works and Government Services Canada that sets out the Customs
regulations and guidelines for importing and exporting. This set of 21
directives also contains information on the import requirements of other
government departments which are enforced by Revenue Canada,
Customs and Excise Division.

32 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Damages Compensation or indemnity recovered in the courts for a loss suffered by

a person or organization after the commission of a wrong, a breach of
contract or breach of some statutory duty.

Dangerous goods Products such as lawn mowers, chain saws, noxious substances and
explosives that are known by the manufacturer to be inherently
dangerous in some way. The manufacturer must warn users of the
danger in advance by means of clearly worded labels in the appropriate
language or languages. Their transport in Canada is governed by the
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act.

Dangerous Goods A manual published by IATA which details the type of dangerous goods
Regulations that can be transported safely by air carriers that are IATA members.

Date draft A draft maturing at a specific time after its date, regardless of the time of
acceptance of the draft by the importer.

Debt servicing In a company’ s financial plan or financial proposal to a lender, a clear

statement of how the borrowed funds and interest are to be repaid to the
lender, on the basis of the expected income less projected costs, and the
precise timing of the repayment.

Debt servicing ratio A measure of net revenue earned for each dollar paid to service debt
calculated on the basis of a formula involving company earnings,
payment of debt principal and interest, and the marginal tax rate (see
Financial ratio analysis).

Deductive value See Customs valuation methods.

Defence A pleading served in court in reply to a statement of claim in a lawsuit. It

answers each one of the allegations made by the plaintiff, either by an
admission or a denial. The defence must be filed within a time limit,
usually within 14 days of service of the statement of claim.

Defensive interval The number of days of projected operating expenses that are covered by
a company’ s cash, accounts receivable and merchandise holdings (see
Financial ratio analysis).

Del credere agent A sales agent which guarantees the payment of the price on all goods
sold to it by a third-party buyer for a sum of money paid in addition to its
usual sales commission.

Delivered at frontier (DAF) An Incoterm under which the exporter’ s responsibility ends when the
goods are delivered at the named frontier, but before the Customs border
of the adjoining country. The frontier in question is defined precisely,
always by naming the point and place in the sales contract.

Delivered duty paid (DDP) An Incoterm under which the seller bears the risks and costs, including
duties, taxes and other charges, to the named place in the country of
importation. DDP represents the maximum possible obligation for the

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International Trade Terms

Delivered duty unpaid (DDU) An Incoterm under which the seller fulfills its obligation to deliver when
the goods have been made available to the buyer at the named place in
the country of importation. The seller bears the costs and risks involved
in bringing the goods to that point (excluding duties, taxes and other
official levies in the country of importation, as well as the cost of carrying
out Customs formalities).

Delivered ex-quay (DEQ) An Incoterm under which the seller fulfills its obligation to deliver when
the goods have been made available to the buyer on the quay (wharf) at
the named port of destination.

Delivered ex-ship (DES) An Incoterm under which the seller fulfills its obligation to deliver when
the goods have been made available to the buyer on board the ship
before being cleared for import at the named port of destination.

Demurrage Excess time for loading or unloading a vessel, truck or rail car.
Demurrage is the fault of the shipper or shipper’ s agent. Also, the charge
levied by a carrier as a penalty for any delay in unloading or returning
equipment beyond a period allowed for such activity.

Department of Foreign The lead ministry of the Canadian federal government for international
Affairs and International trade; offers many kinds of assistance, resources, databases, etc., to the
Trade (DFAIT) trader in Canada and especially in the target market (International Trade
Canada, Foreign Affairs Canada, Area control list, Canadian Trade
Commissioner Service, Cultural property export control list, Export control
list, WIN Exports). In December 2004, legislation was introduced in the
House of Commons to officially separate DFAIT into two separate
Departments (see also Foreign Affairs Canada, International Trade

Dependent variable In market research, the variable in regression analysis which is used as
the constant against which other variables are measured (see
Regression analysis).

Detailed adjustment A notification form from Customs sent to the importer within 30 days of
statement (DAS) the submission of the B3 form, pointing out any error in the B3 and
explaining the change being made, the reasons for the change, the
amount owing, and the possibility of appeal.

Developing countries A broad range of countries that generally lack a high degree of
industrialization, infrastructure, capital investment, or advanced living
standards among their populations as a whole. They are sometimes
referred to as less developed countries or LDCs. The poorest of such
countries are referred to as the least developed or LLDCs.

Differentiation See Competitive advantage.

Direct exporting A sale done without any intermediaries by an exporter to a buyer in a

foreign country.

34 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Direct foreign investment An acquisition of operating assets, such as plant and equipment, outside
of one’
s own country.

Direct marketing A“zero-level”distribution channel without intermediaries because the

manufacturer sells directly to the customer (see Distribution channels).

Direct quotation A foreign exchange rate provided at a particular point in time expressing
one unit of national currency in terms of the foreign currency, as in
Can$1.00=US$0.67 (see Cross rates, Exchange rate, Indirect quotation).

Direct shipment The routing of a quantity of goods from the country of export directly to
the importing country.

Directive A law enacted by the European Parliament, the EU Commission and the
European Court of Justice which is binding on each of the 15 member
states of the EU to which it is addressed. The choice of form and method
by which it is enacted is decided by each national authority, usually by
means of national legislation that is roughly consistent but not identical
with the directive.

Director A person legally appointed or elected to manage the affairs of a

corporation or company; collectively, the directors of a company are
known as the board of directors. An undischarged bankrupt person
cannot act as a director of a company (see Corporation).

s liabilities Debts or financial burdens payable by the directors of a limited liability
company arising out of their decisions or functions as directors of that
company, as defined by the law. These can include liabilities for failure to
exercise due diligence, issuing dividends at the expense of creditors and
contravention of environmental statutes (see Liability).

Discounting A banking procedure under which the exporter sells goods or services to
an approved foreign buyer and then sells the export receivable to the
bank at a discount for cash.

Discovery See Examination for discovery.

Discrepancies Differences between the terms and conditions for a L/C transaction
stipulated in the commercial sales contract, and the L/C and supporting
documents received by the beneficiary’ s bank: it will charge a fee for
every minor discrepancy in the L/C or documents, and may refuse to
honour a L/C with major discrepancies (see Autonomy principle, Doctrine
of strict compliance, Letter of credit).

Dishonour The refusal of a drawee to accept a draft or to pay it when due (see

Dispute Disagreement or conflict over provisions of a contract agreement,

resolved by mediation, arbitration or court action.

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International Trade Terms

Distribution The movement of goods and services from the manufacturing process
through to delivery to the customer. Logistics is defined as physical
distribution plus materials management (see Logistics).

Distribution agreement A contract between a distributor and an exporter for the channeling of the
s product within the target market.

Distribution channels The three major links between the seller and the final buyer. The first is
the seller’s marketing headquarters, where decisions on international
channels and marketing mix are made. The second link is made up of
channels between countries and delivers the product to the border of the
country; it can include agents, trading companies, means of
transportation, financing, insurance, etc. The third link comprises
channels within the foreign country, or in-channels, and moves the
product from the border entry point to the final buyer; it can include
wholesalers, retailers, jobbers, and petty traders.

Distributor A purchaser of goods from a seller or exporter for purposes of resale on

its own account; differs from an agent in that a distributor cannot bind the
seller contractually (see Agent).

Doctrine of strict compliance A bank rule that requires all documents presented with a L/C to comply
on their face in all particulars with the documents specified in the L/C and
the sales agreement, and that all terms of the L/C and the contract –
such as the expiry date –be fulfilled precisely (see Autonomy principle,
Discrepancies, Letter of credit).

Documentary collection A payment method which allows the exporter to ship the goods, but to
retain the title documents until the buyer pays or the exporter accepts a
bill of exchange. Commercial documents (such as invoices, shipping
documents, documents of title, etc.) are used, with or without financial
documents, to obtain payment.

Documentary credit Same as a L/C.

Documents on acceptance A set of instructions given by an exporter to the collecting bank stating
(DOA) that the documents attached to the draft should be delivered only against
acceptance of the draft by the importer (see Bill of exchange).

Documents on payment A method of documentary collection in which the documents are released
(DOP) upon actual payment by the buyer.

Double taxation A demand for the payment of taxes by two countries for the same
transaction, usually prevented by agreements between the two countries
to avoid such duplication of levies. Especially important in a licensing
agreement for intellectual property, a double taxation clause in the
licensing contract allows the licensor to terminate the agreement if the
foreign country, in the absence of a treaty, introduces withholding taxes
that reduce the licensor’s profits substantially.

36 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Draft An unconditional order by one party (the drawer) to a second party (the
drawee) to pay a third party a certain amount of money on a given date
(see Dishonour).

Drayage A charge for the delivery or pickup of goods by truck from docks or other
port terminals.

D-terms See Incoterms.

Due diligence The measure of prudence expected of and exercised by a trader; usually
includes verification of the facts (e.g., credit rating, etc.) on the buyer’
country, industry and company, and its offer to do business.

Dumping A form of unfair trade that occurs when an exporter (manufacturer) sells
goods to an importer at a lower price than in the exporter’
s domestic
market. Where dumping would injure the importer’ s industry, the exporter
is subject to an antidumping action and duties.

Dun & Bradstreet The world’

s largest business and credit research firm.

Duress Unlawful pressure or coercion to perform an act which may render that
act void or voidable; may be grounds to render a contract invalid or
unenforceable in Canada; includes physical, emotional or economic

Dutiable value The calculation of the value of an import for the purposes of paying duties
prescribed under the Customs Act (see Customs valuation methods,
Value for duty).

Duty A tax or impost due to the government upon the importation or

exportation of goods.

Duty of disclosure The obligation of an inventor to reveal fully the invention, what it consists
of, and the way it operates, to the patent registering authority.


Economic exposure The effect of foreign exchange rate changes on the value of a company’
future cash flows.

Economic Union A group of countries that combines the economic characteristics of a

common market with some degree of harmonization of monetary and
fiscal policies.

Economies of scale Savings due to a large production capacity which enable a factory or an
industry to manufacture large quantities of a product with the greatest
efficiency and at the lowest price; also known as economies of mass

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International Trade Terms

Economist Intelligence Unit The business research arm of The Economist magazine, the EIU
(EIU) provides subscribers with quarterly reports, in hard copy and online, on
more than 180 countries; annual and quarterly country reports on a
particular country and its potential for investment; and business reports,
which assess investment risks and provide extensive current economic
data. It also offers customized reports.

Electronic Data Interchange A computer-to-computer system that transmits information and

(EDI) documents without human intervention (see Advanced logistics, Bar

Embargo A restraint or prohibition by a country on the arrival or departure of a

foreign ship, usually a retaliatory measure against a country’ s shipping
when other measures, like countervailing duties, have been ineffective;
also known as a hostile embargo.

Employment Rate The ratio, expressed as a percent, of the number of employed persons to
total labor force.

Enforceable obligation See Obligation.

Entire contract clause A clause in a complex commercial agreement, like a bank guarantee, for
example, stating that all of the contractual terms are set out in the written
agreement, or the “entire contract.”Under such a contract, no separate
verbal agreements can be assumed, unless the written document is

Equity joint ventures See Joint ventures.

E-terms See Incoterms.

European Bank for One of four major regional development banks currently operating in the
Reconstruction and global economy.
Development (EBRD)

European Community (EC) Established by the Maastricht Treaty of December 1991, the EC is a 15-
member economic and political union comprising Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the
Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United
Kingdom. With the adoption of a common currency on January 1, 1999
(by all but four members) and its population of some 370 million, the EC
will be the world’s largest economy (see Customs union).

European Free Trade A free trade bloc made up of Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Iceland,
Agreement (EFTA) Norway and Sweden.

38 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Examination for discovery A preliminary procedure in a Canadian lawsuit consisting of an out-of-

court examination of each party by the lawyer for the other party before a
court stenographer, under oath, in the presence of all other parties or
their lawyers, but without a judge. The evidence so produced is prepared
as a transcript to be used at the trial. This can be a protracted and costly
stage, with additional sessions to answer follow-up questions.

Exchange control A government monopoly supervising monetary transactions with foreign

countries or individuals abroad commonly practiced by command
economies (like North Korea, Cuba, Belarus, etc.); can be used to
impede foreign dealings, ration payments for importation of goods or
services, and establish uniform or even multiple exchange rates.

Exchange permit In a documentary credit transaction, a document that allows the

exchange of local currency for a hard currency.

Exchange rate The price of one currency in terms of another, i.e., the number of units of
one currency that may be exchanged for one unit of another currency, as
in UK£1 = $2.04CDN (see Cross rates; Direct and Indirect quotation).

Exchange rate risk The possibility of monetary losses due to fluctuations in the exchange
rates between two currencies.

Excise A duty equally applied to all imports of alcohol and tobacco products, with
the exception of wines.

Excise duty A duty on domestically produced spirits and tobacco products.

Excise tax A selective tax, sometimes called a consumption tax, on certain goods
produced within or imported into a country.

Exclusivity A clause in a contract that gives an agent, licensee or franchisee sole

rights, within a defined territory, to represent a manufacturer, distribute a
firm’s product or service, or use an intellectual property; also, a
company’ s sole right to a registered trademark (see Agent, Franchise,
Licensing agreement, Trademark).

Exemption clauses Provisions which exclude particular products or situations from a general
rule. For example, agricultural tariffs might be kept in place through an
exemption clause in a free trade agreement. Similarly, insurance
coverage liability under common law allows four exemptions: acts of God,
attack by enemies of the Queen or state, defect in the goods, and default
on the part of the shipper or owner.

Export and Import Permits Canadian legislation which authorizes the licensing which controls
Act exports from and imports to Canada. Three basic control lists are
prescribed under the Act: an Import Control List, an Export Control List
and an Area Control List. Any products listed on the first two lists and any
exports to a country on the third list require a permit.

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International Trade Terms

Export control list (ECL) A list of goods and technologies that require permits to be exported from
Canada under the authority of the Export and Import Permits Act. The
ECL is maintained by DFAIT.

Export costing A step-by-step method to establish the precise cost of an export

transaction by breaking it down by category (i.e., costs of product, sales
and promotion, etc.) on an export costing sheet.

Export costing sheet A tool that simplifies the determination of the export price for a product or
service according to the applicable Incoterm in order to determine,
among other things, whether, and under what conditions, an export
transaction is viable.

Export credit insurance An insurance policy that protects exporters against non-payment of
receivables by foreign buyers, covering commercial risks like foreign
buyer insolvency, default, or unilateral termination of the contract.

Export Development Canada Canada’ s official export credit agency, providing a range of export credit
(EDC) insurance, export financing, and foreign investment guarantee products
in support of Canadian export sales.

Export license A document issued to a company by a government authority which allows

that company (the licensee) to engage in the export of designated goods
to certain destinations.

Export management An independent firm acting as a commercial intermediary between an

company (EMC) exporter and an importer or consumer of goods and services. Some
EMCs act as agents for the exporter and, in such cases, are paid a
commission on the export sales; others operate on a buy-sell basis,
purchasing from their manufacturers at a set price and reselling to foreign
customers (see Trading house).

Export permit A document issued by DFAIT allowing the export of goods that are
restricted or monitored by the Canadian government under certain
conditions (see DFAIT, Export Control List).

Export quotas Specific restrictions or ceilings imposed by an exporting country on the

value or volume of certain imports; designed to protect domestic
producers and consumers from temporary shortages of the goods
affected or bolster the prices of the goods on world markets.

Export readiness The achievement by a firm of a sufficiently large production capacity

together with the human and financial resources to investigate and
develop foreign markets for its products or services.

Export subsidies Payments or other financial benefits provided by government to domestic

producers or exporters contingent on a commitment to export, proscribed
under GATT and by the WTO.

Exporter broker An international trade professional who brings together the buyer and
seller for a fee and then withdraws from the transaction.

40 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

ExportSource A web site operated by Team Canada Inc dedicated to providing

assistance to exporters:

Exposure netting A technique to manage exchange rate risk by matching foreign exchange
exposures from importing and exporting contracts to cancel out the
effects of foreign exchange rate changes.

Extraterritoriality The imposition by a powerful country of its domestic laws on persons or

activities outside its territorial borders (see Foreign Extraterritorial
Measures Act).

ExWorks (EXW) An Incoterm under which the seller fulfills the obligation to deliver when it
has made the goods available at its own premises. In particular, it is not
responsible for loading the goods on the vehicle provided by the buyer or
for clearing the goods for export, unless otherwise agreed. This term
represents the minimum obligation for the seller.


Facings The side of a package on the retailer’

s display shelf that a consumer can
see without moving anything around.

Factoring houses Lenders that provide exporters with financing by purchasing, at a fixed
interest rate, their foreign receivables and discounted bills of exchange
for immediate cash. Also known as confirming houses.

Fiduciary duties Obligations of good faith and fair dealing in the exercise of power and
discretion by senior officers of a company. For example, a company
officer is expected to work in the best interests of the company and not
use the position, or knowledge and opportunity gained from that position,
for personal gain.

Financial leverage The use of debt to finance the firm’ s assets (see Asset efficiency,
Financial ratio analysis, Profitability of sales, Return on assets).

Financial operations All company procedures that have to do with the collection of cash
revenues, like money received from customers or investments, and the
payment of cash expenses, like disbursements for employee salaries,
supplies and fixed costs.

Financial planning The management of a company’ s revenue and expense stream over the
short, medium and long term. Within the overall framework of a company
business plan, financial planning includes elements like risk assessment,
costing analysis, pricing analysis, cash flow planning, investment of
surpluses and management of short-term borrowing.

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International Trade Terms

Financial ratio analysis The use of standard measures derived from a company’ s balance sheet
to determine various aspects of its financial strength. Common financial
ratios include current ratio, quick or acid-test ratio (and defensive
interval), accounts receivable turnover, average collection period,
inventory turnover, average days inventory, total debts to assets ratio,
debt servicing ratio, return on assets, profitability of sales and asset

Financial strength The foreign buyer’ s ability to pay and otherwise meet its commercial
obligations under the commercial contract.

Financing Borrowing by a company to cover short-, medium- or long-term cash

requirements from a lender when there is a gap between its
disbursements and receivables.

Financing proposal A document describing a company and its products as well as the
proposed international trade project, written for the purpose of borrowing
short-term funding for the project from a lender. The proposal must
satisfy the lender on the company’ s repayment ability (history of paying
bills on time), commitment (money is committed to the project) and
collateral security.

Fixed cost A cost that is fixed in total for a given period of time and for given volume
levels. It is not dependent on the amount of goods or services produced
during the period.

Fixed rate of exchange A rigid rate of exchange set by a foreign government in terms of the US
dollar, gold, another currency, or some other basis. It remains in effect as
long as that government is willing or able to buy and sell the currency at
the predetermined rate.

Flexible pricing strategy The sale of the same product to different classes of customers at
different prices (see Pricing strategies).

Focus groups In market research, interviews with groups of people to collect data on
opinions and viewpoints about a market, product, service, etc.

Force majeure (act of God) Circumstances beyond human control, such as a natural disaster or a
civil war. The parties to a sales contract or insurance policy may agree to
a clause which provides that a contracting party will not be liable for non-
execution of a contract as a result of force majeure.

Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC) Represents Canada around the world through a network of embassies
and trade and diplomatic offices, by participating in multilateral
institutions and international treaties and arrangements. FAC works to
p r
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’se curi
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hinag l
o bal f
and promote Canadian values and culture on the international stage.
FAC also offers travel assistance and passport services to Canadians, at
home and abroad.

42 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Foreign currency option A contract that gives the trader the right, but not the obligation, to buy
(call) or sell (put) a specified amount of foreign exchange at a specified
price within a specified period.

Foreign debt Money owed by a nation to foreign investors, banks, or governments.

Foreign direct investment The act of investing to build the productive capacity directly in a foreign
(FDI) country.

Foreign exchange The currency or credit instruments of a foreign country. Also, transactions
involving purchase and/or sale of currencies.

Foreign exchange control See Exchange control.

Foreign exchange rate See Exchange rate.

Foreign exchange risk See Exchange rate risk.

Foreign Extraterritorial Canadian legislation used to counteract the extraterritorial assertion of

Measures Act (FEMA) another country’s laws.

Foreign sales agent See Agent.

Foreign trade zone A port designated by the government of a country for the importation and
further processing of non-prohibited, foreign goods on a duty-free basis.
Merchandise may be stored, displayed, or used for manufacturing, etc.
within the zone and re-exported without the payment of duties, which
become payable only if the merchandise (or items manufactured from the
merchandise) passes from the zone into an area of the country subject to
Customs authority (see Free port).

Forfait A medium-term (up to five years) form of trade finance guaranteed by the
lender (and often by the buyer’
s lender) under which it purchases, without
recourse, the promissory notes due to the exporter from the buyer minus
a fixed-rate discount charge.

Forfaiting A payment method under which the importer’ s promissory notes are sold
by the exporter on a non-recourse basis. The forfaiting bank purchases
an exporter’ s receivables and discounts them, usually at a fixed rate,
without recourse to the exporter, provided the exporter has fulfilled its
obligations: the bank looks only to the importer and the guarantor for
payment. In this way, the exporter is able to offer credit in the sales
contract to the importer, then sell the amounts due under the credit at a
discount to the forfaiting bank.

Forward contract A technique to manage exchange rate risks, consisting of an agreement

with a commercial lender under which the trader agrees to sell (or buy) a
specified amount of foreign currency to (or from) the lender at a specified
future date (see Futures contract, Hedging).

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 43

International Trade Terms

Forward exchange market A market for foreign exchange purchased at a forward rate for delivery at
some specified future date.

Forward rate The price at which foreign exchange can be bought or sold for delivery at
some specified future date.

Four tigers An informal trading bloc in the Pacific Rim comprising Hong Kong,
Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.

Franchise An agreement to grant the use of a package of intellectual property

rights, know-how and goodwill owned by one party (the franchisor) to
another (the franchisee), usually on a non-exclusive basis, for certain
considerations (see Agent, Distributor, Exclusivity).

Fraud The act of obtaining a material advantage by unfair or wrongful means,

including all those by which one party can gain an advantage over
another by false suggestions or suppression of the truth, and any unfair
way by which a party can be cheated.

Fraudulent See Misrepresentation.


Free alongside ship (FAS) An Incoterm under which the seller fulfills the obligation to deliver when
the goods have been placed alongside the ship at the named port of

Free and Secure Trade Joint Canada-United States initiative involving the Canada Border
(FAST) Services Agency and the United States Customs and Border Protection
(CBP). FAST supports moving pre-approved eligible goods across the
border quickly and verifying trade compliance away from the border.

Free carrier (FCA) An Incoterm under which the seller fulfills the obligation to deliver when it
has handed over the goods, cleared for export, into the charge of the
carrier named by the buyer at the named place or point. If no precise
point is indicated by the buyer, the seller may choose, within the place or
range stipulated, where the carrier takes the goods into its charge. When,
according to commercial practice, the seller’ s assistance is required in
making the contract with the carrier (such as in rail or air transport) the
seller may act at the buyer’s risk and expense. This term may be used for
any mode of transport, including multimodal transport.

Free of particular average See Insurance certificate.


Free on board (FOB) An Incoterm under which the seller fulfills its obligation to deliver when
the goods pass over the ship’
s rail at the named port of shipment.

Free port An area such as a port city into which merchandise may legally be moved
without payment of duties (see Foreign trade zone).

44 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Free trade Commercial dealings between two or more countries unimpeded by

duties, tariffs, import quotas and other imposed trade barriers. The
objective of trade liberalization, however, is to achieve “freer trade”rather
than “free trade,”as it is generally recognized among trade policy officials
that some restrictions on trade are likely to remain in effect for the
foreseeable future.

Free trade agreement (FTA) A written pact, authorized under GATT and by the WTO, between two or
more countries to remove tariff and non tariff barriers to trade with each
other. Each country maintains its own schedule of tariffs and Customs
measures for all other nations (see ASEAN, EC, EFTA, Four tigers,
Mercosur, NAFTA).

Free trade area The territory of two or more countries that have eliminated tariff and most
non-tariff barriers to trade with each other.

Freight all kinds (FAK) A designation used by carriers for the calculation of a single price rate
per container, carload, trailer, etc., when the contents are a consolidation
of different commodities and values.

Freight forwarder A shipping industry professional who provides the exporter with a range
of support services. These include advising on transportation of freight;
selecting the best route and means of transport; arranging safe and cost-
effective transport of the goods; and attending to all Customs formalities
and shipping documentation.

Frequency distributions A summary of the spread of responses to a questionnaire in a marketing

survey. The data is divided into a number of equal sub-categories, known
as “classes.”

Frequent Importer Release A Customs system that can be used by companies that import the same
System (FIRST) type of goods on a regular basis. Customs can release these shipments
at the primary inspection line on the submission of only an invoice,
without receiving any information prior to the arrival of these goods at the

Frustration The intervention of an unanticipated event that prevents a contract from

being performed: both parties to the contract then revert to their original

F-terms See Incoterms.

Full-cost pricing A method to calculate the export price of an item that takes into account
all fixed costs, the relevant variable costs, plus a profit margin (see Cost-
based pricing).

Futures contract A standardized contract for the supply or purchase of a set amount of
foreign exchange for delivery at a specified future date which is bought
and sold on the floor of an organized exchange (see Forward contract,

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 45

International Trade Terms


G –7 See Group of 7.

General Agreement on Tariffs A multilateral treaty signed by Canada and 116 other countries. GATT
and Trade (GATT) has provided rules of trade behavior, a forum for negotiating the
liberalization of trade, a trade court for resolving disputes between
signatory countries, and agreements to reduce non-tariff barriers related
to import licensing, procurement, valuation and anti-dumping
requirements. GATT has been superseded by the WTO.

General average Shared expenses incurred for the prevention of the loss of the entire
cargo when a ship or a portion of the cargo is in danger. For example,
when an ocean vessel runs aground, the costs of unloading part of the
cargo to make the ship lighter, refloating, repairing (if necessary) and
reloading it, etc., are shared by the various owners of the cargo on the
ship. General average is not an insurance term.

General export license Any of the various export licenses covering export commodities for which
a validated export license is not required. No formal application or written
authorization is needed to ship exports under this type of export license.

General interpretive rules Six rules used to classify all goods imported into Canada for the purpose
(GIR) of calculating the HS tariff payable.

General preferential tariff One of several preferential levies on imports set out in Canada’s
(GPT) Customs Tariff and Customs Act, which are granted to products imported
from developing countries provided 60% of the materials used in their
production originates in those countries. Others include the MFN tariff
and the BPT. In general, the country of origin determines the applicable
tariff rate.

General Security Agreement A written agreement under which a seller grants credit terms to a buyer in
(GSA) Canada. When duly registered under provincial PPSAs (in provinces
where they have been enacted), the GSA allows a seller to take a
security against all of the buyer’
s assets in case of default.

Generalized system of A lower-than-usual tariff levied by industrialized countries on imports of

preference (GSP) certain commodities from developing nations (see Infant industry

Generally Accepted A commonly used and widely accepted set of accounting concepts,
Accounting Principles standards, and procedures by which financial statements are prepared.

Globalization A global movement to increase the flow of goods, services, people, real
capital, and money across national borders in order to create a more
integrated and interdependent world economy.

46 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Goods All movable things that can be sold for a profit. The legal definition of
goods excludes real estate, intangible things (such as debts, shares or
patents) and services.

Goods and Services Tax Canada’ s ad valorem tax, charged on all goods and services sold, with
(GST) certain exceptions that include exports, food, medicines and financial

Governing law A specified legal system, usually the domestic law of either party to a
contract, or the domestic law of a third country, under which both parties
agree to resolve disputes. Also a clause to that effect in an international
agreement (contract, agency, franchise, etc.).

Greenfield account A market segment without an established supplier.

Greenfield investment A market entry strategy of building a wholly-owned subsidiary company in

the target market from the ground up.

Gross domestic product The total value of goods and services produced by a nation in a specified
(GDP) period, often expressed on a per capita basis.

Group of Seven (G7) An informal grouping of the world’s seven largest economic powers: the
United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and
Canada. Since 1997, G7 summits have included meetings with Russia as
a non-economic participant: at those times, the group is called the G8.

Guarantee A financial instrument (usually an irrevocable L/C) issued by surety

companies and banks in cases where the importer has advanced funds
to the exporter for an export project; the guarantor repays the importer
some or all of its money if the exporter fails to perform. In North America,
a type of guarantee called the performance bond is used (see Export
Development Corporation).


Hague Rules The International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law
relating to Bills of Lading, incorporated into Canadian law by the Carriage
of Goods by Water Act, which governs transportation by ship.

Hague-Visby Rules New B/L rules to replace the Hague Rules, which Canada is likely to

Hard currency A currency whose value is generally strong against other currencies and
accepted by most countries in international trade.

Harmonized Commodity The current international system for classifying goods for Customs duty
Coding and Description and statistical purposes, adopted by Canada as its system for Customs
System (HS) classification on January 1, 1988.

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International Trade Terms

Haulage (Cartage or Drayage) The local transport of goods. Also the charge(s) made for hauling freight
on carts, drays or trucks.

Hazardous Materials A substance or material, which has been determined to be capable of

posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when
transported in commerce.

Hedging A technique to manage currency exchange risks by using forward

contracts to cover the value of foreign held assets (see Forward contract,
Futures contract).

Holder in due course A party that holds an accepted bill of exchange, free from most trade
disputes, which arises from the underlying export transaction.


Implied terms Unwritten parts of an international contract: that is, conditions that are not
explicitly included in the contract agreement, but are generally
understood to be a part of it, either under the governing law or through
custom and trade usage, when these are consistent with the contract.

Import clearance The process of submission of documents and fulfillment of the conditions
that need to be met by the importer for a shipment of goods to clear
Canada Customs.

Import control list (ICL) A list maintained by Revenue Canada, Customs and Excise Division,
consisting primarily of textiles, clothing and footwear items from countries
with low labour costs. Imports on the list are subject either to surveillance
or quotas (see Export and Import Permits Act).

Import license A document required and issued by some national governments

authorizing the importation of goods into their country.

Import permit See Export and Import Permits Act.

Import substitution A national program to reduce reliance on imports by encouraging the

development of domestic industries to manufacture currently imported
products through subsidies, preferential buying of local products, etc.

Importer number Number assigned to an importer of goods into Canada through the T124
form, available from a Customs office.

In-channel See Distribution channels.

48 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Incoterms 2000 A set of designations that codify the respective obligations of the buyer
and seller in foreign trade under various conditions. They have been
standardized by the ICC and have gained nearly universal acceptance as
a means to avoid misunderstandings between the exporter and the
importer on the circumstances under which goods are shipped and paid
for. The Incoterms fall into four categories:
 C-terms, under which the exporter must contract for carriage, but
without assuming the risk of loss or damage to the goods or any
additional costs due to events after the shipment and dispatch;
 D-terms, under which the exporter must bear all costs and risks
required to transfer the goods to the importer’
s country;
 E-terms, under which the exporter makes the goods available to the
importer at the exporter’
s premises; and
 F-terms, under which the exporter must deliver the goods to a carrier
designated by the importer.

Indirect exporting Sale by an exporter to a foreign buyer through an intermediary based in

the exporter’
s country. These intermediaries can include commission
agents, EMCs or trading houses, marketing boards, or buying agents for
foreign governments.

Indirect quotation A foreign exchange rate which expresses one unit of foreign currency in
terms of the national currency, as in US$1.00=$1.43CDN (see Cross
rates, Direct quotation, Exchange rate).

Industrial design An intellectual property protected worldwide under Canadian law. Any
readily discernible shape, pattern or ornament as applied to a
manufactured product is an industrial design protected under the
Industrial Design Act. Examples include the styling of a car or the shape
of a soft-drink bottle.

Industrial policy Encompasses traditional government policies intended to provide a

favourable economic climate for the development of industry in general or
specific industrial sectors.

Industry Canada The Government of Canada department responsible for developing

industrial, scientific and technological sectors. It has an interest in and
provides support to international traders: see in particular its Strategis
web site at

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International Trade Terms

Infant industry argument The view that “ temporary protection” for a new industry or firm in a
particular country through tariff and non tariff barriers to imports can help
it to become established and eventually competitive in world markets.
Historically, new industries that are soundly based and efficiently
operated have experienced declining costs as their production expands,
while those that were established and operated with a heavy dependence
on direct or indirect government subsidies sometimes have found it
difficult to relinquish that support. The rationale underlying the GSP is
comparable to that of the infant industry argument.

Information technology (IT) Computerized systems (often integrated with telecommunications

systems) with many applications in international trade, including
transportation services, shipment tracking, paperless foreign collections,
technology transfer, design, manufacturing and process control.

Infrastructure The underlying foundation and physical plant of an industrialized society,

including roads, sewers, schools, industrial structures,
telecommunications etc., which allow it to function effectively.

Infringement A violation of a law, regulation, contract or right, especially the right

secured by patents, copyrights and trademarks. The legal remedy is an
injunction to restrain future infringements and an action for the recovery
of the damage caused or the profits made by such violations in the past.

Inherently dangerous goods See Dangerous goods.

Injunction A judicial order or decree by which a party to a lawsuit is required to do or

refrain from doing a particular act. It is the legal remedy for an
infringement of a party’s legal rights, especially for patents, copyrights
and trademarks (see Mareva injunction).

Innocent misrepresentation See Misrepresentation.

Insurance certificate A key document in a L/C transaction attesting to the purchase of marine
insurance, or marine cargo insurance, defined in international trade to
include air, rail and road, as well as marine insurance; also known as the
insurance document. It is the usual practice to insure all shipments to
110% of their value. There are three types of coverage:
Free of particular average (FPA) –the narrowest and cheapest type of
policy, reimbursing total losses, but only partial losses if the vessel has
been stranded, sunk, or burned in a collision.
With average (WA) –offers more protection than the FPA; it will pay
claims for stranding, sinking or collision losses in full, provided the dollar
loss claimed is greater than the “franchise”amount listed in the policy,
usually 3%. If the loss is below 3%, no payment is made.
All risk –covers all losses in full, except for those due to acts of war,
strikes, riots, seizure and detention, unless these are specially endorsed
in the policy (see War risks).

50 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Intellectual property Intangible property rights, such as patents, copyrights, trademarks,

industrial designs and know-how, which entitle the owner to control the
use of the fruits of his or her own creativity or ingenuity.

Inter-American Development A regional development bank designed to promote sustainable economic

Bank development in the Western Hemisphere. Its headquarters are located in
Washington, D.C.

Inter-bloc trade Commerce which takes place within established trading blocs, like that
between England and France, both part of the EC.

Interest rate parity (IRP) A foreign exchange theory which holds that the differences in interest
rates between two countries will cause the currency with the higher
interest rate to devalue against the currency with the lower rate.

Intermediary Any party that acts as a go-between in an export transaction, including

the broker, the freight forwarder, the agent, etc.

Intermodal transport A combination of transportation modes to carry a shipment: e.g. “sea

air,”which combines the economies of ocean container freight with the
speed of air cargo or “rail truck ocean,”which moves freight in marine
containers via three different modes.

International Bank for See World Bank.

Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) –The
World Bank

International Chamber of A Paris-based business organization established in 1910 with offices in

Commerce (ICC) 59 countries and members in 123. Its objectives include promotion of
world trade based on free and fair competition, harmonizing trade
practices and formulating terminology and guidelines for international
traders, and producing a wide range of authoritative trade publications
(see Incoterms).

International Monetary Fund A specialized UN agency based in Washington, D.C. which promotes
(IMF) international monetary cooperation, facilitates the expansion and
balanced growth of international trade and promotes stability in foreign
exchange. The IMF has a membership of more than 180 countries.

International Standards The entity that sets international norms for quality management and
Organization (ISO) quality assurance, published in 1987 as the ISO 9000 series, and
adopted by many countries, including Canada (see Canadian Standards

International Trade Canada Responsible for positioning Canada as a world business leader for the
(ITCan) 21st Century. ITCan accomplishes this by helping large and small
Canadian companies expand and succeed internationally, by promoting
Canada as a dynamic place to do business, and by negotiating and
administering trade agreements.

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Inventory turnover A ratio calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold by the firm’
inventory balance, which indicates how many times the firm sells its
inventory in one year. Slow inventory turnover may signal financial
weakness (see Average days inventory, Financial ratio analysis).

Irrevocable letter of credit A L/C that cannot be withdrawn or changed without the agreement of all
parties to the L/C transaction, as opposed to a revocable letter of credit,
which can (see Letter of credit, Revocable letter of credit).

Irrevocable offer See Offer and acceptance.

Issuance The length of time allowed by custom or usage for the payment of foreign
bills of exchange.

Issuing bank In a L/C transaction, the lender that issues a L/C and undertakes to
honour the claims of the beneficiary (usually the exporter) or acts on
behalf of the beneficiary (see Advising bank, Letter of credit).


Joint and several liability Liability for damages imposed on two or more individuals or legal entities
who are responsible together and individually, allowing the party harmed
to seek full remedy against all or any number of the wrongdoers.

Joint venture A form of business partnership involving joint management and the
sharing of risks and profits. If joint ownership of capital is involved, the
partnership is known as an equity joint venture; if it is an unincorporated
venture set up for a short time and a limited undertaking, it is a
contractual joint venture, which is sometimes called a consortium: such a
joint venture is similar to a partnership.

Judgement sample In market research, a grouping of subjects chosen on the basis of some
pre-defined characteristic; for example, the interviewer may “ judge”that
households in a certain city are typical of the entire population.

Judgment The decision or sentence of a court in a legal proceeding; also, the

reasoning of the judge leading to the decision, which may be reported
and cited as an authority, if the matter is important, or can be treated as a
precedent under common law. Where the defence is a sham or just a
delaying tactic, the summary judgment procedure allows a plaintiff to ask
the court to award a judgment without trial if the plaintiff can show, by
sworn affidavits, that no valid defence exists.

Judicial system The network established for the administration of justice in a country or
jurisdiction including all of its institutions, laws, customs, officers,
processes, etc. (see Civil Code, Common law, Rule of law).

52 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Just-in-time (JIT) A computerized method of production initiated by and tailored to

customers’ needs and wants. Pioneered in Japan after World War II, JIT
methods were designed to eliminate the need for raw material
inventories. Instead, raw materials are delivered to the assembly line in a
factory “
just in time”to be assembled into the final product: this eliminates
the waste and cost of huge inventories and enhances product quality
(see Advanced logistics).


Knocked down An article disassembled, or unassembled, or taken apart, to reduce its

bulk; subject to easy assembly. This is usually done to reduce the
dimensions of the shipping package and thereby to save transportation
and storage costs.

Kyoto Protocol A multilateral environmental agreement; its goal is to control global

warming by reducing greenhouse gases emitted into the Earth’ s


Landed cost The quoted or invoiced cost of a product, plus any inbound transportation

Landing charges Fees charged at an airport for each aircraft landing there.

Lead time The amount of time needed to deliver the product or service by the

Lease A contract in which one party conveys the use of an asset to another
party for a specific period of time at a predetermined rate.

Less than truckload A shipment, which does not completely fill a truck or which weighs less
than the weight required for the application of the truck load freight rate
(which is usually a lower freight rate than applied to less-than-truckload

Letter of credit (L/C) A document issued by a bank at the request of the buyer promising to
pay the seller an agreed amount of money upon receipt by the bank of
certain documents within a specified time. It is also known as a
documentary letter of credit, or a documentary credit. Under the
autonomy principle and the doctrine of strict compliance, the bank must
pay the beneficiary if the documents presented are strictly in compliance
with the terms of the sales contract and the L/C.

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Letter of intent A document signed by two or more parties during the course of their
negotiations indicating their mutual intent to negotiate and sign a formal
contract. A letter of intent may be a binding agreement, depending on its
wording and the circumstances.

Liability The subjection to a legal obligation. Liability may be either civil or

criminal, according to the type of court enforcing it, and may be limited by
contract, or by statute. For example, an international business operated
as a sole proprietorship or partnership runs the risk of unlimited liability
for debts incurred; an incorporated company’ s debt liability is limited by
law; and an insurance company’ s liability is limited by the terms set out in
the policy (see Exemption clauses).

Licensing agreement A business arrangement under which a firm transfers the rights to the use
of its product or service (or proprietary rights over certain technology,
trademarks, etc.) to one or more firms in return for specified royalties or
other payment (see Cross-licensing, Double taxation, Exclusivity).

Lighterage The cost of conveying goods by lighters or barges between ship and
shore and vice versa, including the loading into, and discharging out of

Limited liability See Liability.

Limited partnership See Partnership.

Line of Credit A short term, demand loan, provided by a bank to enable a company to
free-up cash tied up in Accounts Receivable.

Liquidity The amount and quality of a company’s short-term assets in relation to its
outstanding short-term obligations.

Litigation The action of suing someone in a court of law for the purpose of
enforcing a right, seeking redress, etc.

Logistics The management and physical distribution of goods and materials.

Individual services include purchasing, production planning, inventory
control, materials handling, warehousing, transportation, order
processing, and customer service. Logistics professionals include
carriers, freight forwarders, Customs brokers, warehouse operators,
distributors, couriers, purchasing agents, and inventory and materials
managers (see Materials management, Distribution).

London Interbank Offer Rate The rate that a bank demands in order to place a deposit at (or,
(LIBOR) equivalently, make a loan to) another bank in London, England.

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Management information A system designed to generate, store and facilitate retrieval of

system (MIS) information needed by management. Also known as an executive
information system.

Manifest The B/L or any other cargo control document (waybill, etc.).

Maquiladora Assembly operations in Mexican special economic zones that are

allowed to import components and re-export assembled products duty
and tax free. Special economic zones of this type can also be found in
places like Hong Kong and Guanghzou, China.

Mareva injunction A judicial order granted to the plaintiff in a Canadian lawsuit to preserve
the assets of a defendant if the defendant can be shown to be likely to
escape from Canada with those assets to avoid the consequences of a
judgment (see Injunction).

Margin Ratio of profits (generally pre-tax) to sales, calculated by dividing profits

by sales; also known as profit margin.

Marginal-cost pricing A method to calculate the export price of an item in which only the
materials and labour for the portion of the production run slated for export
are added to the price, which is relatively low and thus used to penetrate
new markets (see Cost-based pricing).

Marine cargo insurance See Insurance certificate.

Market entry The establishment of a presence in the foreign target market.

Market evaluation Assessment of a foreign market as a target market on the basis of the
best available information and research.

Market maintenance pricing Holding down prices to maintain market share despite increased costs
strategy (see Pricing strategies).

Market opportunity A potentially profit-generating need for a product or service in a particular

foreign market discovered as a result of market research.

Market penetration The establishment of a presence and achievement of a market share in

the target market.

Market research The systematic study of the foreign target market to establish its
receptivity to a product or service. The country’s economic and socio-
political environment, the particular industry and economic sector, as well
as all competitors, must be thoroughly reviewed through the use of
techniques such as polls and surveys, focus groups, analyses of census
and other published demographic and economic data, etc.

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Market skimming Charging premium prices to selected segments of the market to

maximize profits from a relatively low sales volume (see Pricing

Marketing mix A combination of fundamental elements, such as packaging, price,

promotion, distribution, etc., used to increase the sales of a product.

Marketing plan Strategy and implementation steps for promoting and selling a product or
service in the target market.

Market-oriented pricing See Value-based pricing.

Marking and labelling Special handling instructions or symbols printed on the package for
shipping purposes; also known as “ lead marks” or “
marks and numbers”

Mark-up The amount the retailer increases the price above the original cost,
usually expressed as a percentage of the cost.

Material requirements A computerized integrated purchasing and manufacturing system (see

planning (MRP) Advanced logistics).

Materials management The supervision of materials from the supplier to the production line.
Logistics is defined as materials management plus physical distribution
(see Logistics).

Media mix A blend of different mass publicity vehicles like television, print, radio,
endorsements, billboards, and coupons to reach the target market.

Media reach The number of persons affected by a particular mass publicity vehicle.

Mediation A dispute resolution mechanism which is non-binding; usually a clause in

an agreement that requires the parties to meet and attempt to settle their
differences amicably before proceeding to litigation or arbitration. The
mediator does not make any decisions but facilitates communication and

Memorandum of A written document signed by individuals, companies or governments

understanding (MOU) negotiating a business or other strategic alliance which establishes
confidentiality between them and sets out the points of agreement in a
clear, concise form that can be used as the basis for negotiating a formal
legal framework for the future partnership.

Mercantilism An economic policy of the commercial age predating the Industrial

Revolution based on the assumption that the volume of trade is limited
and that countries can expand their trade only at the expense of others.

Mercosur A South American trading bloc founded in March 1991 by Argentina,

Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (in Spanish, Mercado Commun del Sur
[Southern Common Market]).

Merger The acquisition of one or more business entities by another.

56 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Misrepresentation A statement or conduct that is untrue, or conveys a false or wrong

impression. It may be fraudulent, negligent or innocent: the first two may
be actionable in court. Innocent misrepresentation by one party that
induces another to enter into a contract allows the second party to set
aside that contract and have any money or goods paid out returned, with
no damages payable.

Mistake In contract law, an error either in fact or in law. A mistake of fact on the
part of one party or both may affect the contract, but a mistake in law
generally does not entitle the mistaken party to a remedy; both parties
are presumed to know the law, and a mistake is no defence.

Mode of transportation The carrier that takes a shipment of goods to its destination, usually one
or a combination of truck, plane, ship, train, or pipeline.

Monopoly The situation where a company or group of companies controls the

supply of a certain commodity.

Mortgage A written agreement that reserves the title to the goods for the seller, who
receives periodic payments plus interest until the full purchase price has
been repaid; also known as a conditional sale.

Most favoured nation (MFN) A preferential tariff treatment for goods entering Canada set out under
the Customs Tariff and Customs Act.

Multilateral agreement An international pact involving three or more parties. For example, GATT
has sought to promote trade liberalization through a series of negotiated
multilateral agreements since its establishment in 1947, culminating with
the establishment of the WTO under a multilateral agreement.

Multilateral trade A series of intensive bargaining sessions among the participating

negotiations (MTN) countries under GATT. The Uruguay Round was the eighth and last such
round, which ended with the establishment of the WTO.

Multi-level marketing Direct sales system with more than one intermediary between the
manufacturer and the customer.


Nationalization Involvement by a national government in the ownership or management

of a business organization that can vary from a minority equity position to
an outright takeover of the business.

National Trade Data Bank U.S. Internet site providing current and historical international market
(NTDB) information. Please see:

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Negligence A breach of a legal duty to take care which results in injury to someone. It
may be the result of indifference to the consequences of one’ s conduct,
or deliberate risk-taking without necessarily intending the consequences.
Negligence can result in legal liability.

Negotiable instrument A written promise or request for the payment of a certain sum of money
to order of the bearer. The most important kinds are L/Cs, bills of
exchange, cheques and promissory notes.

New York Convention The 1958 United Nations Convention on the Recognition and
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, adopted by Canada and its
provinces together with some 70 other nations, requires the courts of
those jurisdictions to prevent the parties from litigating if their contract
contains an arbitration clause covering the dispute.

Newly industrialized Advanced developing economies whose exports and per capita incomes
countries (NICs) or newly have grown rapidly, including Brazil, Hong Kong, South Korea, Mexico,
industrialized economies Singapore, and Taiwan.

Niche marketing The promotion and sale of a product or service to a specialized, narrow

Non-binding In contract law, something understood not to be effective or compelling.

For example, a letter of intent or MOU signed during the course of
contract negotiations may be non-binding unless it includes clear
statements of contractual intent. Promises made as a joke, “ gentlemen’ s
agreements”and agreements to negotiate are also non-binding (see
Contract, Letter of intent, Memorandum of understanding).

Non-circumvention An agreement that deals with the right of an agent to be paid a

commission for its services of intermediary between the buyer and the
seller. If the agent is dealing unwittingly with another agent acting on
behalf of an undisclosed principal, the agent is at risk of non-payment
once it discloses the identity of the buyer to the seller. This agreement
attempts to prohibit the recipient of this information from using it to
circumvent the agent and deprive the agent of commission; the
agreement is effective only if enforceable in the appropriate jurisdiction
(see Agent).

Non-governmental Special interest groups that operate in the global community.

organizations (NGOs)

Non-probability sample In market research, a grouping set that is not selected by chance (see
Probability sample).

Non-tariff barrier An indirect measure used to discriminate against foreign manufacturers,

for example, extensive inspection procedures for foreign imports that
create barriers to entering the market.

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International Trade Terms

Non-transferable letter of A L/C which can only be used by the named beneficiary (see Letter of
credit credit).

North American Free Trade An agreement to facilitate the freer flow of goods and services between
Agreement (NAFTA) Canada, the United States and Mexico, which came into effect on
January 1, 1994.

North Atlantic Treaty A military and political alliance of Western nations established after World
Organization (NATO) War II which expanded in 1998 with the addition of Poland, Hungary and
the Czech Republic.

Northstar Trade Finance Inc. A financial corporation offering medium-term (one to four years) financing
to EDC-approved foreign buyers of eligible Canadian goods and services
in amounts between $100,000CDN and $3 millionCDN.

Notifying bank See Advising bank.


Obligation A duty or bond of legal necessity between two or more parties, limited to
the legal duties arising out of the relationship between them, whether
defined by a contract, arising out of a lawsuit, or established in some
other way, as between a debtor and a creditor.

Offer and acceptance The negotiating sequence of proposal and assent to that proposal, which
may lead to an agreement. The one to whom the offer is made may
accept it unconditionally, accept it with conditions, reject it or make a
counteroffer. Under the Vienna Convention, revocation of an offer must
reach the offeree before or at the same time as the offer. Where an
irrevocable offer was made, however, no revocation is possible.

Offset A countertrade transaction that is not simultaneous like barter but

executed over a period of time. Offset agreements are usually part of
large capital projects and require the exporter to buy specified local
goods or services to ensure that some of the industrial or economic
benefits of the project remain in the importing country. Specific kinds of
offsets include co-production, licensed production, subcontractor
production, and technology transfer (see Countertrade).

On consignment See Consignment.

Open account Payment terms under which the seller extends credit to the buyer and
finances the whole sale, then sends a standard invoice demanding
payment within 30 to 60 days of receiving the goods. Open account
terms are suitable for a very strong buyer-seller relationship with a
creditworthy client. Much of the trade between Canada and the United
states is done on an open account basis.

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Open cover policy A master marine cargo insurance policy which applies automatically to
every shipment once proper notification of the carrying ship’
s identity is
made to the insurer (see Insurance certificate).

Opportunity cost (Lost In pursuing one course of action, the most valuable alternative that is
opportunity costs) given up.

Order bill of lading A B/L made out to the order of the shipper and endorsed in blank, i.e.
without the particulars filled in, thereby giving the holder of the B/L title to
the shipment. It may also be made out to the order of the consignee or
the bank financing the transaction. Unlike a straight B/L, an order B/L is
negotiable (see Bill of lading, Straight bill of lading).

Order processing The process subsequent to the placement of an order by, or the signing
of a sales contract with, the buyer, which, depending on the Incoterm
agreed upon can include manufacturing the product, financing the
transaction, insuring, packing, and shipping the product, Customs
procedures, or dealings with banks to secure payment.

Organization for Economic A Paris based organization of industrialized countries responsible for
Cooperation and study and cooperation over a broad range of economic, trade, scientific
Development (OECD) and educational issues. Its membership includes the United States,
Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, Belgium,
Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, the United Kingdom,
Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Greece,
Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Estonia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and

Outsourcing A situation in which a firm’

s functions are performed or provided by a
person or group from outside the company.


Packing list A form describing the specific contents of a container, pallet or package,
crucial to any insurance claim for loss or damage. Formally the Weight
and Packing Certificate, it constitutes legal evidence of the contents of
the shipment, and thus allows its passage through Customs.

Pallet A portable platform used for transporting and storing shipments.

Par value The official value of a nation’

s currency stated in terms of gold or another
currency, established by agreement with the IMF.

Partial shipments A method of receiving early payment under a L/C. For example, a
shipment worth $100,000 can be disbursed in three segments of
$20,000, $40,000 and $40,000 at times, in quantities and under the terms
specified in the L/C.

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International Trade Terms

Participation Foreign direct investment in an affiliate’

s operations –anything from
technical and sales support for the firm’s trading partners to a formal
minority ownership position.

Particular average, free of See Insurance certificate.


Partnering Strategic business alliances with other firms or parties for mutual benefit
ranging from the very informal to legally constituted entities.

Partnership An unincorporated business operated by two or more people with a view

to profit. Taxed like a sole proprietorship, debt liability risk to the partners
is unlimited. In a limited partnership, one or more of the parties
participate as a passive partner (see Liability).

Patent A right which entitles the patent holder, within the country which granted
or recognized the patent, to prevent all others for a set period of time
from using, making or selling the subject matter of the patent (see
Exclusivity, Intellectual property).

Patent infringement Any unauthorized manufacture, use or sale, including import and export,
of a product incorporating the invention claimed in the patent. In countries
where patent protection is effective, the consequences of patent
infringement can put the offending company out of business.

Payment in advance Terms of payment that require the importer to pay for the goods or
services before they are shipped or delivered.

Payment terms In a sales contract, the clause that defines how the buyer will pay for the
goods or services purchased. Payment terms range all the way from
cash in advance and open account to documentary credits, B/Ls and

Penetration pricing strategy The use of low prices to capture market share (see Pricing strategies).

Performance bond See Guarantee.

Permanent establishment A business centre established in Canada by a foreign corporation for a

period of more than 12 months, as defined in a tax treaty with the
corporation’ s home country. Canadian taxes are payable only on
industrial and commercial profits earned at such an establishment in
Canada –whether it is a branch office, factory, or workshop.

Phytosanitary Certificate An official document indicating that required measures to prevent the
introduction or spread of pests have been taken.

Phytosanitary measure A piece of legislation, regulation, or procedure with the purpose of

preventing the introduction or spread of pests. Phytosanitary procedures
often include the performance of inspections, tests, surveillance, or other
treatments; and are commonly performed on shipping containers,
packing materials, and the goods themselves.

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Piggyback A mode of transport in which a truck trailer is placed on a rail flat car.

Piggyback marketing See Co-marketing.

Political risk See Risk assessment.

Positioning The act of designing the company’ s offer and image so that they occupy
a distinct and valued place in the target customers’ minds.

Pre Arrival Release System A Customs processing scheme under which an importer or Customs
(PARS) broker sends, by fax, information about a shipment that will arrive at a
border point. With two hours advance notice, Customs will release the
goods if the documents are in order. PARS was first used at land border
crossings and has been modified for airports (AIRPARS) and inland
bonded warehouses (INPARS).

Price ceiling Legislation to control price increases.

Price skimming A pricing strategy under which prices are set as high as the market will
bear to maximize profits (see Pricing strategies).

Pricing analysis A detailed study of the cost elements of a product or service to determine
the export price. A basic step in the financial planning for an export sale,
it is used to predict expected revenues from the transaction and thus
determine whether the company’ s products are competitive in the target

Pricing strategies The planned pricing approach within the overall marketing strategy for
the target market; traditional strategies include flexible, static, penetration
and value-based pricing, market maintenance, and price skimming.

Primary data Market information collected through interviews, surveys, focus groups,
and observation studies to meet the specific requirements of a project.

Primary research Market studies conducted for a specific project through direct
observation, questionnaires and interviews.

Principal The seller or exporter who engages a sales agent to sell its goods (see

Pro forma invoice A billing sent in advance of a shipment, usually to enable the buyer to
obtain an import or exchange permit, or both. It is not binding on the
exporter until confirmed.

Probability sample In market research, a random selection method for determining a sample
in which respondents are selected by chance and each has a known
chance of being selected for the survey (see Non-probability sample).

Procurement The buying process or the arrangement for the acquisition of goods; for
example, a trading house might act as a procurement agent, purchasing
for clients.

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International Trade Terms

Product liability The liability of producers, own-brand retailers and importers for defective
goods; also the liability of a seller under a contract for goods it has sold.

Product life cycle The progression of a product from its period of introduction, through
growth and maturity, to eventual decline of market share.

Profit margin See Margin.

Profitability The ability of a firm to earn a return from its operations; measurable by
means of financial ratios (see Profitability of sales).

Profitability of sales Also known as the profit margin, or margin of a firm, this ratio is
calculated by dividing annual sales into net income, expressed as a
percentage. Profitability of sales multiplied by asset efficiency equals the
percentage return on assets (see Financial ratio analysis).

Project financing A way to raise nonrecourse financing for a specific project characterized
by the following: (1) the project is a separate legal entity and relies
heavily on debt financing and (2) the debt is contractually linked to the
cash flow generated by the project.

Promissory note A document promising payment.

Promotional mix A blend of marketing activities and incentives, including trial offers,
coupons, discounts etc., that are designed to encourage the purchase of
a product or service.

Proper law clause A paragraph in the sales contract that specifies the legal system which
the parties have chosen to govern their contractual rights. The contract
may specify a particular legal system. Otherwise, the proper law may be
determined by ascertaining which jurisdiction’ s system of law has the
closest connection to the contract in the circumstances.

Proper law of the contract The system of law by which an international contract is to be interpreted.

Proprietorship See Sole proprietorship.

Protectionism The use or encouragement of restrictions on imports to shelter domestic

producers from the full effects of international competition.

Protest A legal procedure serving to protect the rights of the exporter when the
importer refuses to accept a bill of exchange or does not pay it at

Punitive damages A court-ordered payment award for product liability against a

manufacturer that is in excess of what would barely compensate the
plaintiff for its injury or property loss.

Purchasing power parity A foreign exchange theory which states that the exchange rate between
(PPP) the home currency and a foreign currency will adjust to reflect differences
in the inflation rates between them.

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Put Option The right to sell the underlying asset at a specified price and on a
specified date.


Qualitative A method of measurement for market research involving non-numerical

measurements such as emotions or impressions.

Quantitative A method of measurement for market research involving numerical

measurements such as ratings or statistics.

Quarantine The term during which an arriving ship or airplane, including its
passengers, crew and cargo, suspected of carrying a contagious
disease, is held in isolation to prevent the possible spread of the disease.

Quebec Civil Code See Civil Code of Quebec (CCQ).

Quick ratio Current assets minus inventory, divided by current liabilities. This ratio,
sometimes known as the acid-test ratio, measures how easily a business
can raise cash by selling its most liquid assets to meet its liabilities (see
Financial ratio analysis).

Quota The quantity of goods which may be imported without restriction,

additional duties or taxes. Import quotas are enforced by the receiving
nation, export quotas by the country of origin.

Quota samples In market research, a non-probability sample selected to match the

characteristics of interest represented in the population: for example, if
the population is 20% male, the quota sample will be 20% male.

Quotation A document prepared by the exporter outlining the terms and price for the
delivery of a quantity of goods or services in response to a request for a
quotation or an order by an importer.


Ratio analysis See Financial ratio analysis.

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International Trade Terms

Reciprocity A practice by which governments extend similar concessions to each

other, as when one government lowers its tariffs or other trade barriers to
its imports in exchange for equivalent concessions from a trading partner
for barriers affecting its exports (a balance of concessions). Reciprocity
was traditionally a principal objective of GATT negotiators. GATT Part IV
(especially GATT Article XXXVI) and the Enabling Clause of the Tokyo
Round’ s Framework Agreement exempted developing countries from the
rigorous application of reciprocity in trade with industrialized countries.
Reciprocity is also known as mutuality of benefits, quid pro quo, or
equivalence of advantages.

Recourse The right to demand return of money paid. In negotiation of a letter of

credit, payment by the negotiating bank will normally be with recourse.

Red-clause letter of credit A L/C containing a special clause (written in red) authorizing the
exporter’ s bank to make advances to the exporter against the guarantee
of the importer’ s bank. The red clause credit provides the advances
required to obtain the goods which are to be shipped to the importer (see
Letter of credit).

Refusal to deal A non-criminal reviewable matter under Canada’ s Competition Act: if a

large supplier refuses to deal with a company requiring supplies to carry
on business, the supplier may be ordered to do so, under the usual terms
of trade, by the Competition Tribunal (see Reviewable conduct).

Regional development banks Banks that are owned and operated by member nations; they are
designed to extend development loans and provide other assistance to
member nations. The world’s four regional development banks are the
African Development Bank Group, the Asian Development Bank, the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Inter-
American Development Bank.

Regression analysis A systematic study of how the level of one or more variables is
associated with the level of another variable in market research (see
Dependent variable).

Release on minimum A program that allows for the release of goods on submission of minimal
documentation (RMD) documentation, and is available to importers or brokers which qualify and
can post a sufficient security bond with Customs to cover the cost of
duties and taxes on any goods released but not accounted for.

Remedy A means under the law whereby redress for a wrong is given. There are
four kinds of remedy:
1) by act of the injured party (e.g., defence, seizure);
2) by operation of law (e.g., retainer, remitter);
3) by agreement between the parties (e.g., mediation, arbitration); and
4) by judicial process (e.g., damages, injunction).

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Remission An exemption from the assessment and payment of duty and taxes on an
import shipment.

Repatriation of profits The conversion of profits earned in the foreign market from the local
currency into a hard currency and the export of converted profits from the
foreign market to the exporter’ s country. In some emerging and
developing economies, exchange controls and taxes can make
repatriation of profits very difficult; in others, it is forbidden.

Representation A circumstance in which one party acts for another, as an agent for the
principal; also, a statement of fact or belief, expectation or present
intention, made by one party to another before or at the time of a
contract. If the statement is untrue, liability for breach of contract may
result (see Misrepresentation).

Res ipsa loquitur In a lawsuit, a case in which there is strong evidence of negligence, and
while the precise cause of the incident cannot be shown, it is probably an
act or omission on the part of the defendant. The Latin phrase means
“the thing speaks for itself.”

Retaliation Action taken by a country to restrain imports from a country that has
increased a tariff or imposed other measures that adversely affect the
first country’
s exports. The retaliation is usually tailored to maintain a
balance of GATT concessions and aimed at related products.

Return on assets A financial ratio that calculates a company’ s profitability, determined by

dividing the firm’s net income by its total assets to determine a
percentage return. Return on assets also equals profitability of sales
multiplied by asset efficiency (see Financial ratio analysis).

Reviewable conduct Non-criminal actions by a company that can be subject to a Competition

Tribunal review under the Competition Act in Canada. Reviewable
matters include abuse of dominant position, consignment selling, refusal
to deal, exclusive dealing, tied selling, market restriction and delivered

Revocable letter of credit A L/C that can be withdrawn or changed by the issuing bank without the
permission of the beneficiary (see Irrevocable letter of credit, Letter of

Revolving letter of credit A L/C which may be re-used for a specified time period until the
maximum amount of the letter has been disbursed. Normally used to
support regular shipments to an importer over a period of time (see Letter
of credit).

Risk assessment A detailed study to identify the possibilities of financial loss in an export
sale as a result of default by the buyer (commercial risk); political
circumstances in the buyer’ s market (country or political risk); or
exchange rate fluctuations in foreign currency markets (currency or
foreign exchange risk).

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International Trade Terms

Risk management Implementation of measures, guarantees, insurance, etc., either through

the EDC or some other lender or institution, to offset as much of the risk
inherent in the export transaction as may be necessary or advisable.

Rule of law A legal principle adopted by many countries in which the state respects
and obeys an independent judicial system which rules upon the
application of its laws. A state which adopts the rule of law will recognize
and abide by the decisions of its judicial system and the limits of state
power (see Judicial system).

Rules of origin Under NAFTA, regulations that determine to what extent goods which
contain foreign components or materials are eligible for free trade status,
i.e., reduced tariff rates.


Safeguard A protective measure authorized under GATT which a country may take
when one of its domestic industries is suddenly threatened, not by unfair
trade practices, but by completely fair trade.

Sale of goods A contract between a buyer and a seller whose terms state that the
seller, in consideration for the payment or promise of money, will transfer
ownership and possession of goods to the buyer.

Sales agent See Agent.

Sanctions Measures or fines used to enforce trade laws or standards.

Second of exchange The duplicate copy of a draft.

Secondary data Published market information.

Secondary research Market studies that have already been conducted and are available from
conventional library, electronic, or other sources.

Security An obligation, pledge, mortgage, deposit, lien, etc. given by a debtor (the
buyer) to ensure the payment or performance of its debt; provides the
creditor (seller) with a resource to be used in case of failure in the
principal obligation.

Security for costs In a lawsuit, a sum of money for the defendant’ s costs provided by the
plaintiff on the grounds that 1) the latter is not ordinarily resident in the
jurisdiction; 2) the plaintiff is a nominal plaintiff suing for the benefit of
another; or 3) the plaintiff’ s address is not stated or is incorrect on the
writ. If the plaintiff wins the case, however, the security is refunded.

Seeding The supply of free product samples or demonstrations to strategic

influencers to set an industry standard.

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Seizure of assets One way to enforce a judgment against a defendant: the assets of the
defendant are collected by the sheriff, sold by auction and the proceeds
turned over to the plaintiff.

Share The portion of the company’ s equity capital owned by a shareholder who,
as a company member, has certain rights and liabilities, including voting
rights and rights to a dividend. Also the share certificate that documents
the holder’s share ownership. There may be different classes of company
shares (common, preferred, etc.) with different rights attached to them.

Shareholders Owners of shares in a corporation.

Shipping documents The certificates, including the B/L, insurance certificate, etc., that
accompany an international shipment of goods. They are required by
Customs to allow the goods out of the exporting country and into the
importing one, as well as by the banks in a documentary credit

Sight draft A payment option for an international trade transaction. The seller is paid
by means of a bank draft (i.e., a cheque) payable “at sight,”or on
presentation to the bearer or the person named on the draft.

Soft currency A means of exchange (money) with a low value by comparison to others,
and therefore not easily convertible into hard currency.

Sole proprietorship An unincorporated business enterprise conducted by an individual. The

major disadvantages of sole proprietorship are the risk of unlimited
liability and taxation at the (higher) individual rate (see Liability).

Special cover policy A marine cargo insurance policy which is negotiated separately for each

Special Economic Measures Canadian legislation which authorizes the federal government to apply
Act (SEMA) economic sanctions for the purpose of implementing a decision of an
international organization of states (i.e., the UN) or where Cabinet finds
that a breach of international peace and security has occurred resulting in
a serious international crisis.

Special economic zone Zones that are allowed to import components and re-export assembled
products duty and tax free (see Maquiladora).

Special Import Measures Act Legislation that regulates anti-dumping and countervailing duties for
(SIMA) certain imports into Canada.

Specific performance A remedy under Canadian law for a breach of contract under which a
court orders a party to a contract to honour its contractual obligations.

Speculators Risk-taking traders in currency markets who seek to profit from currency

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International Trade Terms

Spot rate The price at which foreign exchange can be bought or sold for immediate
delivery. In practice, spot delivery means within two business days.

Standard & Poor A company that can provide credit ratings and other information on
unknown foreign companies.

Standard deviation In market research, a mathematical measure of the diversity of the data

Standard Industrial A standard numerical code system used to classify products and
Classification (SIC) services.

Standby letter of credit A L/C, usually issued at the request of exporters of capital goods and
services, which obligates the issuing bank to pay on receipt of a clean
draft. On receipt of a draft accompanied by the beneficiary’ s statement
that, for example, work on a project has progressed to a designated
stage or that certain contractual commitments have been met, the bank is
obligated to make payment. As with all L/C transactions, the issuing bank
is not responsible for the genuineness of the statement or for the validity
of the underlying transaction (see Letter of credit).

State trading nations Countries which rely heavily on government entities to conduct trade with
other countries and not on the private sector; for example, many LDCs,
Russia, China, and the nations of Eastern Europe.

State-controlled trading In a country with a state trading monopoly, an entity empowered by the
company country’s government to conduct export business.

Static pricing strategy The charging of one price to all customers for a given product (see
Pricing strategies).

Statistical suffix (SS) The last two digits in the HS code; used by Statistics Canada to gather
trade data.

Sterling area A group of countries with currencies linked to the value of the British
pound and with monetary reserves mainly in sterling. It includes the
United Kingdom and many Commonwealth countries, but not Canada.

Stevedoring charge A fee, generally charged per ton, paid by the ocean carrier to the terminal
operator for the performance of certain services, like securing the vessel,
loading and unloading the cargo, etc.

Straight bill of lading A non-negotiable B/L document used for rail and truck transport in which
the consignee is named. The goods are delivered on arrival without
surrender of the B/L. In some jurisdictions, a straight B/L is not a
document of title, and the consignee may be able to obtain the goods
without producing it (see Bill of lading, Order bill of lading).

Strategic alliance An arrangement whereby one company cooperates, joins or works with
another company to become more efficient or increase market share.

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International Trade Terms

Strategis A web site operated by Industry Canada that offers a number of useful
databases, including Markets, Trade and Investment, which provides
international trade statistics; Industrial Perspectives, on virtually every
Canadian industry sector; and Micro-Economic Research and Analysis, a
database analysis and display tool; at

Strict compliance See Doctrine of strict compliance.

Subsidiary A company owned or controlled by a parent company.

Subsidy A financial or commercial benefit granted by a government to producers,

often to strengthen their competitive position through the reduction of
business operating costs. The subsidy may be direct (e.g., a cash grant)
or indirect (e.g., low interest export credits guaranteed by a government
agency). Subsidies targeted toward specific industries are considered
unfair trade practices which may result in another country imposing
countervailing duties.

Sufferance warehouse A privately owned and operated warehouse licensed by CBSA for the
control, short-term storage and examination of imported goods until they
are cleared through Canadian customs or exported to their final

Summary judgment See Judgement.

Surplus An excess of assets over liabilities.

Surtax An NTB, or a government retaliatory measure other than a tariff.

Sustainable development Management of resources, especially natural resources, so as to

completely replenish those harvested on an ongoing basis. In the context
of the LDCs, CIDA-financed development projects that continue to
generate economic growth after the project is completed.

Swap An agreement to exchange two liabilities (or assets) and, after a

prearranged length of time, to reexchange the liabilities (or assets).

SWIFT (Society for Network through which international banks conduct their financial
Worldwide Interbank transactions.
Financial Transactions)

Switch transaction The practice of exporting or importing goods through an intermediary

country when the destination country is short of hard currency while the
intermediary country has available hard currency and is willing to
exchange it for the destination country’s currency or goods. Switch
transactions must be performed in accordance with the various countries’
currency and export license laws.

SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, An analytical technique used to determine, at a macro level, a company’
Opportunities, Threats) status as it relates to a particular future activity.

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Tare weight The weight of a container and/or packing materials, but without the goods
being shipped. The gross weight of a shipment less the net weight of the
goods being shipped. (In other words, the weight of the packing.)

Tariff An import tax on the value, weight or volume of the goods imported.

Tariff treatment The tariff or trade agreement under which goods from various countries
enter Canada. Examples include the MFN, GPT, General Tariff, UK and
Ireland Tariff, Australian Trade Agreement, New Zealand Trade
Agreement, West Indies Trade Agreement, NAFTA and Israel Trade

Tax haven A country or region imposing low or no taxes on foreign source income.

Technology transfer Acquisition of technology from abroad, usually by one of several means,
including licensing, joint ventures, limited R&D partnerships, contracts
with or a minority interest in R&D firms, contracts with research institutes
or universities, technological intelligence, or outright purchase of the
company that owns the technology (see Offset).

Telegraphic transfer (TT) A cabled transfer of money.

Tenor The term fixed for the payment of a draft.

Term draft A negotiable instrument payable on a specific date, unlike a sight draft,
which is payable on presentation; acceptable as payment for the goods
purchased by the importer under certain conditions.

Terms of trade The ratio of the prices a country pays for its imports to the prices it
receives for its exports.

Textile Labelling and Implementation directives for the special labelling requirements for
Advertising Regulations textiles provided in Canada’s Textile Labelling Act.

Through bill A B/L that accompanies a trans-shipment at an intermediate port when

the shipment is carried to its final destination on a second vessel.

Tied selling A sales transaction in which a supplier requires a customer to purchase a

second product as a condition to being granted a supply of the first
product and refrain from distribution of another product not manufactured
by that supplier. Tied selling is reviewable conduct under the Competition
Act (see Reviewable conduct).

Time draft A negotiable instrument that matures on a fixed date in the future after
presentation by the drawee or after acceptance. This may be a given
number of days after sight, acceptance, or the date of the draft.

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Title The right to a property, considered either in terms of the way that right
was acquired or its capacity to be effectively transferred. A title may be
original, as with a patent or copyright, or derivative, where the person
entitled takes the place of a predecessor by agreement of the parties or
under a law, as when a buyer receives the purchased goods.

Total debts to assets ratio A measure of a firm’ s financial leverage calculated by dividing the firm’
total assets into its total debt, and expressed as a percentage. A high
ratio (industry standards vary) may indicate excessive indebtedness and
danger of default (see Financial ratio analysis).

Trade barriers Difficulties to be overcome by the exporter in penetrating the target

market. These can be physical (distance, geography, climate, poor
transportation systems); political and regulatory (instability, protectionism,
currency restrictions, complex documentation requirements); systemic
(electrical, safety standards, etc.); cultural (language, local practices,
tastes and preferences); or due to corrupt and inefficient business

Trade deficit A trade deficit occurs when the value of a country’

s exports is less than
the value of its imports.

Trade financing All possible international trade financing arrangements, including open
account, collections, documentary credit, and specialized export and
import financing for short-, medium- and long-term requirements by all
types of lenders.

Trade name The name of a limited liability corporation, which must be approved by
the incorporating jurisdiction (i.e., it cannot infringe on the trademarks or
trade names of other corporations) and satisfy its rules on names, which
will usually include a designation like “ Limited,”“ Corporation,”etc.

Trade surplus A trade surplus occurs when the value of a country’

s exports is greater
than the value of its imports.

Trademark A word, logo, shape or design, or type of lettering which reflects the
goodwill or customer recognition for a particular company’ s product, the
registration of which grants the holder exclusivity rights.

Traders Importing and exporting firms which invest on the forward market to avoid
foreign exchange losses on international trade transactions.

Trading house A firm engaged in importing, exporting, and third-country trading in goods
and services manufactured or provided by another company. Trading
houses provide a variety of services, including assistance with shipping
documentation, freight forwarding, etc. (see Export management

Traffic A commonly used word for the transportation, or physical distribution

aspect of logistics (see Distribution).

72 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

International Trade Terms

Transaction exposure The vulnerability of a company to foreign exchange losses on

transactions already entered into but not yet completed.

Transaction value See Customs valuation methods.

Transfer pricing A company tax-reduction strategy of inflating the prices for goods and
services bought by a Canadian subsidiary of a multinational corporation
from another subsidiary in a lower-tax jurisdiction, and so reducing
artificially the parent corporation’s Canadian profits, and therefore its
taxes as well. If this practice is economically unjustifiable, Revenue
Canada may consider it tax avoidance.

Transferable letter of credit A L/C used to share the proceeds of the transaction with more than one
party. Transferable L/Cs are normally used by the exporter to pay the
original supplier of the goods or services and to draw the difference as
profit (see Letter of credit).

Translation exposure The effect of foreign exchange rate changes on the reported value of a
firm’s foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabilities on its financial

Transnational An economy, entity, issue or idea that is global in its reach or application.

Transport terminal A railway terminal, a freight station, a container terminal or yard, a multi-
purpose cargo terminal or any similar receiving point.

Trial The examination of, and decision on, a matter of law or fact by a court of

Truckload (TL) A transportation term used when a small shipment, either less than truck
load (LTL) or less than car load (LCL), is consolidated into a full load to
obtain preferred rates.

Turnkey projects Large international projects that are designed, built and launched into
production by a single supplier, which then hands over to the client a
completed and tested plant operating to specifications.


Unclean bill of lading A B/L with a notation that the carrier received the goods for transportation
with some defects, as, for example, “ four bags torn”(see Bill of lading,
Clean bill of lading).

Unconfirmed letter of credit A L/C that is not confirmed by the bank. The exporter’
s bank will,
however, negotiate the draft, present the documents and collect payment
from the issuing bank (see Letter of credit).

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International Trade Terms

Unconscionability The situation where a contract is clearly unfair to one party. The courts
will enforce such a contract only if they are satisfied that the weaker
party’s interests were properly protected.

Unfair trade practices These include dumping (selling below the cost of production in the home
country) and targeted subsidies. Vigorous countervailing measures are
usually taken by importing countries to restrict such imports.

Uniform Commercial Code A document that defines contract law for the United States as a whole.
Although much commercial and corporate law is governed by state law,
all states have adopted a form of the code, thus facilitating the legal
aspects of conducting business throughout the country.

Uniform pricing A pricing strategy that charges the same price from all buyers; includes
transportation costs.

United Nations Conference A quasi autonomous body within the UN intended to focus on measures
on Trade and Development to accelerate the pace of economic development in the developing
(UNCTAD) countries. The conference was first convened in Geneva in 1964, and
meets every four years.

United States tariff (UST) American rates of duty on goods entering the United States that are
below the MFN tariff and very often duty-free. To qualify for UST, goods
must meet certain conditions that pertain to their origin.

Unlimited liability See Liability, Partnership.

Unsafe design A product design that poses a danger to the user. Where an unsafe
product is shown to have been designed to be unsafe, even though there
were safer cost-effective alternatives, the manufacturer can be found
liable under Canadian law for any subsequent injuries due to the unsafe
design despite having posted warning notices.

Uruguay Round The eighth and last in a series of multilateral trade negotiations(MTN)
held under the auspices of GATT, launched at a Ministerial meeting in
Punta del Este, Uruguay in September 1986 and completed with the
establishment of the WTO. The WTO has taken over the MTN activities.


Valuation methods See Customs valuation methods.

Value chain A value-added process in a firm to transform raw materials and other
inputs to finished goods, which creates value to customers.

Value for duty (VFD) See Customs valuation methods.

Value-added Incremental cost on the value of goods applied at each of the processing,
production and distribution stages.

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Value-added tax (VAT) A sales tax collected at each stage of production in proportion to the
value added during that stage.

Value-based pricing strategy Setting a price in terms of the value of the product as it is perceived by
the customer rather than in terms of the cost-based (cost plus profit)
model; also known as market-oriented pricing (see Pricing strategies).

Variable pricing A pricing strategy under which the same product is sold to different
buyers at different prices, usually through negotiations.

Vendor The name and address of the party selling goods to a purchaser.

Venture capital Funds from independent investors as a possible source of financing for a
medium-term (five to seven years) international trade project. Venture
capitalists usually specialize in a particular industry sector and seek out
firms with dramatic growth potential, an experienced and committed
management team, and the possibility of going public. They usually
demand an equity position for their investment.

Venue clause A paragraph of a contract which states that any dispute under the
contract must be resolved in the courts of a specified jurisdiction.

Vicarious liability The responsibility of a principal for any act or contract made by its sales
agent within the agent’ s apparent authority.

Vienna Convention Formally the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods, an international set of rules designed to provide
transparency to most international sales transactions. The Convention
generally applies to contracts for the sale of goods between parties
carrying on business in different countries.


War risks An insurance policy coverage which insures against damage or loss
arising out of war, insurrection or civil disruption.

Warehouse receipt A document that certifies receipt for commodities deposited with a bona
fide warehouseman and identifies the deposited commodities. If it states
that the commodities referred to will be delivered to the depositor, or to
any other specified person or company, it is a non-negotiable warehouse
receipt. However, if it states that the commodities will be delivered to the
bearer, or to the order of any specified person or company, it is a
negotiable warehouse receipt. A L/C may stipulate that payment is to be
made against negotiable warehouse receipts.

Warranty A contractual term which is less essential to a contract than a condition.

A warranty may be expressed or implied. If breached, a warranty entitles
the other party to claim damages for breach of contract, but not to reject
the goods or repudiate the contract (see Condition).

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International Trade Terms

Warsaw Convention An international multilateral treaty which set the conditions of

international transportation by air.

Waybill See Bill of lading.

Weight or measure (W/M) The basis on which ocean and air freight charges are assessed. Whether
the charges are based on weight or volume depends on which produces
the greatest revenue for the carrier. Ocean freight charges are based on
US weight and volume measures: either short ton (2,000 lbs. and 35.3
cu. ft.), or metric ton (2,204 lbs. 40 cu. ft.). Light cargo charges are based
on volume, those for heavy cargo on weight.

Wharfage The charge assessed on all cargo passing across a pier, wharf, dock, or
quay, or the charge for receiving export cargo from a truck, conveying it
to a dock loading platform, and delivering it to the ship’
s tackle; also
known as the “ port or state toll.”

With average (WA) See Insurance certificate.

World Bank The largest development institution in the world, the World Bank Group is
also the oldest and most important of the IFIs set up under the aegis of
the UN (although it is owned by its shareholding countries) to foster
lending for projects in LDCs. The World Bank has lent more than US$300
billion over the last 50 years and leveraged many billions more in private
financing for its client country borrowers.

World Trade Organization GATT has been superseded by the WTO in a process that began with
(WTO) the end of the Uruguay Round in 1994; the new organization, with its 135
members and expanded mandate that covers services and intellectual
property as well as goods, is now the international body that regulates
trade among its members (see General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade).


Yen Bloc A plan developed during the 1980s by Japan’ s MITI to rationalize the
factors of production in Asia. The ministry’s objective was to keep Japan
competitive while assisting in the economic development of its neighbour
countries through direct investment, joint ventures and other strategic

76 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

Quick Checks

77.. Q
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The Quick Check series contains the “ Top Things to Know”about various international trade subjects. Far
from being comprehensive how-to’ s, the Quick Checks are merely mental refresheners.

7.1 Market Research

Market research is solely intended to gather the information and conduct the analysis required to make a
business decision. To that end, here are the “Top Six Things to Remember”about conducting this kind of

1. Determine the objective of the research –What is the objective of the research? What is it you are
researching:a market? trade rules? cultural aspects? etc.

2. Know what you need to know to make a decision –What are the critical bits of information needed
to make a decision? In target market selection, for example, would your first question be about
macroeconomic and socio-political trends or market size?

3. Aim small to hit small –It is one thing to get a good answer by asking a good question, it is another to
know what comprises a “ good question” . The question should cover one single issue. For example, in
selecting a target market, would you ask about market size or would you ask how much money was
spent on product(s), or service(s), like mine?

4. Good secondary research should get you 95% of what you need –The amount of data available on
the internet is astounding. Finding what you need can be daunting. Or, it can be as simple as
envisioning your perfect document—the document that has exactly what you need—and searching for
the terms used in it. Creative searching techniques can be found in a number of sources, one of which
is Around the Web in 80 Ways, by Dennis Gaulin.

5. Primary research should fill information gaps; or, validate or eliminate previous work –Primary
research is highly tailored to provide critical bits of information unavailable from other sources. As such,
doing it after secondary research has been completed is advisable. However, primary research,
particularly focus groups, is also useful to determine which conclusion from previous analysis, is most

6. Make a go or no-go decision –In the end, decision-makers must, based on the analysis presented,
act. Business research is therefore not intended to educate and illustrate the wonders of a target
market. Rather, it should aim at finding the data needed to make a decision.

Exporters are frequently told to conduct market research as part of their market selection process. However,
few resources actually provide a template outlining the facts and information that should be included in
market research. The template approach streamlines the research process, by focusing the research effort
on fact gathering and analysis required to make business decisions. By using a template approach, the
research process can be both efficient and cost-effective. For more information on how to conduct this kind
of market research using a template methodology, please refer to the FITTskills course: International Trade

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 77

Quick Checks

7.2 International Trade Finance

International trade finance usually involves minimizing the risks involved in each individual transaction.
These transactional risks revolve around three things: the Buyer’ s ability to pay, the country’
s political and
economic stability and foreign exchange. Those risks are managed by businesspeople, around the world,
using a variety of tools specifically designed for that purpose. However, the important thing to remember is
that these tools are used, ultimately, for one reason: to make sure that the exporter gets paid.

1. Getting paid for the work you do is critical –Conducting a credit check on your buyer is always
advisable, even if you have a long-term relationship. To reduce the risk that you won’ t get paid, you can
use: Export Credit Insurance which will generally cover up to 90% of the loss if the buyer does not pay,
and, is often used on transactions with repayment terms of 180 days or less. Documentary Credits,
such as a Letter of Credit also substantially reduce the risk of not getting paid.

2. Political or economic risk –Politically or economically unstable countries present a unique set of
risks to the exporter. Civil unrest, wars, and runaway inflation will obviously affect your transaction.
Unpredictable legislative or regulatory changes can also have a negative impact on your business. In
some cases, Export Credit Insurance will cover these risks; check your Policy to verify this. Similarly,
Documentary Credits, particularly a Confirmed Irrevocable Letter of Credit, can offer protection in these

3. Foreign exchange rates –the difference between the values of one currency compared to another—
can fluctuate with severe impact on your transaction’ s profitability. Managing this risk involves
determining how much of an impact a fluctuation can have on your transaction. What will the US
s value be in 60 days? Higher or lower than it is now? You have to determine if you can “ take the
hit”or not. If the latter, purchasing a forward or spot contract, at your bank, will provide you with cost
certainty when you exchange your foreign currency. To mitigate the risk that the currency may fluctuate
the opposite way, a currency hedge, available at your bank, is another option.

4. Working capital –The above tools can also be used to obtain more working capital. These tools are

guaranteed’ by another financial institution and can be used as security on a line of credit. In this way,
exporters with limited access to capital are able to obtain the money they require to run their export
business without destabilizing their entire business operation.

5. Third parties (banks) –Since international trade transactions are usually more complicated than
domestic transactions, third parties, such as banks, are often involved in the process. Most bankers,
however, are not taught how to finance international trade transactions and, therefore, it may be
necessary to refer to your bank’s International Trade Finance department.

These are some of the tools that can be used to mitigate risk in international trade. There are other aspects
to international trade, such as export costing, using the correct Incoterms, and preparing the financing
presentation, that are as critical to the exercise as getting paid. These and other issues are covered in detail
in the FITTskills course: International Trade Finance.

78 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

Quick Checks

7.3 Legal Aspects of International Trade

If there is one area of international trade where the advice of an expert is required, it is in the legal arena.
When conducting business internationally it is always useful to consult with a lawyer who has expertise in
the target market and the sector in which you operate. Broadly speaking, there are three legal systems in
the world: Common Law, Civil Code, and Sharia Law. Although each is very different, there are some legal
fundamentals regarding contracts that should be remembered:

1. A contract is a contract –It is a legally binding agreement between at least two parties. Each legal
system has different criteria regarding what constitutes “legally binding,”
however, so exporters must
ensure that their contract is binding on the other party.

2. Governing Law –Clauses in a contract stipulate which of the three legal systems, and which
jurisdiction within the specified system, will be used to enforce the contract. Exporters are generally
taught to list their own legal system and jurisdiction as Governing Law. Unfortunately, Buyers are taught
the same thing; so resolving this issue can be difficult.

3. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) –often the solution to the dilemma in (2). Mediation and
arbitration are internationally recognized methods of resolving disputes. There are organizations with
global reach that provide ADR services. Using ADR in your contract can either be a compromise
solution to the dilemma posed in (2) or can be used as a cheaper solution than litigation.

4. Other elements of a contract –These include clearly stating what the responsibilities of each party
are specifically regarding the transfer of title to the goods involved and method of payment (services
contracts must be very clear on how and when the service is viewed as having been rendered); penalty
clauses; and duration of the contract using a calendar that satisfies all parties (just as there are different
legal systems, different calendars are used in the world).

7.4 Market Entry and Distribution

In order to succeed internationally you must, at some point, deliver the goods or service to the buyer.

1. Selecting the correct Incoterm is vital –These terms apply to goods only and clearly state at what
point, and under which conditions, Title to the goods pass from Seller to Buyer. Until Title passes, the
exporter is responsible for the goods. As such, exporters should match the Incoterm to their capabilities
and skill set; i.e.: accepting an Incoterm that requires you to clear the goods through Customs, when
you do not know how to do that, is not advised

2. Direct exporting –Involves maintaining ownership of the goods until they are sold to the buyer. While
this allows the exporter to maintain control over the goods, it can be, depending on the Incoterm used,
more costly to the exporter. This cost would be included in the price paid by the buyer

3. Indirect exporting –Involves selling the goods to a third party, such as a wholesaler or trader, who
then ships the goods to market. Although this is cheaper to the exporter the exporter loses control over
how, where and to whom the goods are sold.

4. Distributor or agent –Selling the goods in the target market often requires the use of a local
distributor or agent. The principal difference between the two is that the distributor will usually pay for
the goods, while the agent enters into contractual agreements with the Buyer on your behalf.

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 79

Quick Checks

7.5 International Logistics

Viewed narrowly, logistics simply involves moving goods from one place to another. Although this is
certainly true, this art revolves around creating value for those involved in the movement of personnel,
materials and information from the point(s) of origin to the desired destination on schedule and in the
required condition. Modern logisticians create value by eliminating costs centres in the production and
distribution chain. For example, logisticians developed the concept of Just-in-Time (JIT) shipping which
eliminated the need for manufacturers to maintain and manage warehouse space and excess inventory.
Equally, the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) and Pre-Arrival Processing System (PAPS), involved input from
logisticians. These two information and data exchange systems permit frequent users of border crossings to
pre-clear their goods electronically.

The professions of Customs Broker and Freight Forwarder are often viewed as part of the logistics process:

1. Customs brokering –A highly specialized, and, since 9/11, very dynamic area of international trade.
The businessperson without access to this kind of in-house expertise is advised to outsource. For
exporters of record to the US, it is critical to ensure that customs documentation is completed and filed
correctly. Failure to comply with customs regulations can result in costly delays at the border and/or
fines levied by US Customs.

2. Freight Forwarding –Is similarly specialized. Using the services of a professional freight forwarder
can save time, money and frustration in terms of shipping methods. Frequently, freight forwarders are
also able to provide customs brokerage services.

3. Security –As noted above, since 9/11 significant changes have been made to US Customs
regulations. These changes have been made with security as the first priority and impact all suppliers of
US based buyers regardless of the nature of the goods. The most prominent change is the Customs-
Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) initiative. C-TPAT is a voluntary initiative designed to
build cooperative relationships that strengthen overall supply chain and border security. C-TPAT
requirements are evolving and the latest information can be obtained at under the
C-TPAT heading.

7.6 International Marketing

Domestic marketing and international marketing are related, but international marketing is more complicated
because it must meet customer needs in a foreign market which may have a different set of cultural values
and ways of doing business. To manage that level of complexity, it is critical for exporters to plan their
marketing effort in a systematic way that also gets to the root of the issue by using the simplest of terms
possible. This is a strategic method of thinking and planning that starts with knowledge:

 Know yourself

 Know the customer and the market

 Know your competition

80 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

Quick Checks

Marketing plans should discuss most of the following:

1. Nature of the business –What do you do that customers like? No company can do everything and
exporters must ask themselves, fundamentally, what they do best. Attempts to develop markets in
niches beyond the scope of your own capabilities will require creating partnerships with those who can
do what you cannot.

2. Nature of your product or service –Exporters need to know why people buy their product or service.
What needs or desires are met? Does that need exist in the foreign market? If the answer is no, you
may wish to consider another market.

3. Target market –Exporters need to be able to define their target market quite specifically. Most
exporters will state they export to a country when, realistically, they target a much smaller market
segment inside a country. Focusing on who your customers are; where they live and work; and what
they need or want from you, will greatly increase your market knowledge and improve your planning

4. Market entry strategy –A sound market entry strategy enables your customers to buy your product or
service easily. An effective market entry strategy will take maximum advantage of knowledge of local
conditions. Starting at the point of sale, and moving back through the distribution process, enables
exporters to see the purchase from the customer’ s perspective.

5. Promotional techniques –These are used to draw attention to your product or service so that a
customer will be interested enough to purchase it. Many exporters have failed by using previously
successful promotional strategies. Every strategy should be reviewed in the context of the new

6. Your competition –Exporters need to know more than their competitors’ products and market share;
they need to know how and why the competitor makes sales. In other words, the above questions must
also be applied to the competition! Within this knowledge, exporters will be able to determine a
competitive advantage for their product or service.

7. Rationale for developing a foreign market –Exporting is different than developing a foreign market.
A company can export simply by selling product to a foreign customer, however, developing a market
requires commitment and an investment of resources (money, energy, staff, etc.). You must have at
least one solid business reason to develop a foreign market. The foreign market development process
can then be aligned with broader corporate objectives.

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 81

Sources of Assistance

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There are numerous and diverse sources and types of assistance offered to entrepreneurs and exporters.
We cannot list them all here. The following figure informs you of those considered to be of interest to most
business people across the country.

Name and contact information Type of assistance Brief description

General information
Team Canada Inc Team Canada Inc’ s Trained export information specialists help
888.811.1119 toll-free export you to quickly access the right programs,
information service services and resource people. Your call
will be instantly directed to an information
officer located in the Canada Business
Service Centre in your province or
territory. Hours of operation: 9 a.m. to
5 p.m., Monday to Friday.
ExportSource Team Canada Inc’ s ExportSource is Canada’ s most online resource for comprehensive online source for export
export information information. The site provides information
on foreign markets, export financing, trade
statistics, export contacts, trade shows
and missions. There are guides on export
preparation, business trip planning, trade
show preparation, international project
bids, and others.
Export Your Services: Take a World Web site for Provides answers to frequently asked
View exporters of services questions about exporting expertise, knowledge and skills. Features
information on world markets for service
exporters, available assistance and
Strategis Canada’ s largest Canada’ s largest virtual library. Provides business information access to information on market trends,
web site industry analyses, trade statistics and

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 83

Sources of Assistance

Name and contact information Type of assistance Brief description

Skills development
Forum for International Trade Training Developer of The FITTskills program is delivered
(FITT) Inc. international trade through colleges, universities and private
800.561.3488 training programs training institutions across the country as
well as online. FITT has introduced Canada’ s first professional designation in
international trade, the Certified
International Trade Professional (CITP).
Market entry support
The Canadian Trade Commissioner Market preparation Advice and assistance for companies that
Service entry support are ready to enter foreign markets. The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service is
staffed by trade commissioners,
representing Industry Canada and
International Trade Canada. They are
your gateway to the Trade Commissioner
Service abroad.
Canadian Commercial Corporation International trade Contracting services, prime contractor in
(CCC) facilitation government-to-government contracts.
Trade financing
Business Development Bank of Financial and Canada’s small business bank. Focuses
Canada (BDC) management on emerging and exporting sectors.
888.463.6232 services
Export Development Canada (EDC) Financial and risk Canadian crown corporation providing
1-800-880-1884 management export credit insurance, medium- and
services long-term financing and guarantees to support exporters.

84 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. FITTglossary v3.0/06

Sources of Assistance

Name and contact information Type of assistance Brief description

In-market services
International Trade Canada (ITCan) In-market assistance International Trade Canada has a variety of programs and services to companies
that are ready to enter foreign markets.
Canadian Trade Commissioner Service In-market assistance One of the key services offered is the Trade Commissioner Service that helps
companies that have researched and
selected their target markets.
Services offered include:
Market Prospect, Key Contacts Search,
Visit Information, Face-to-Face Briefing,
Local Company Information, and
Cultural information
Centre for Intercultural Learning (CIL) Intercultural For 35 years, the Centre for Intercultural
819.997.1197 or preparation for going Learning has been preparing Canadians
800.852.9211 to foreign markets for assignments abroad. The Centre was
established in 1969 by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
and in 1996 was incorporated into the
Canadian Foreign Service Institute of
Foreign Affairs Canada, which is
internationally recognized in the area of
training. The thousands of people served
each year by the Centre come from
government departments and agencies,
NGOs and a growing number of private-
sector enterprises that have international
“Intercultures” is published electronically
every quarter in English and French and
distributed free of charge by the Centre for
Intercultural Learning, Foreign Affairs
Canada. The magazine explores
international work from an intercultural
perspective. See www.dfait-

FITTglossary v3.0/06 © Forum for International Trade Training Inc. 85

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