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Term Exam Paper


Mathematics in Action (Second Edition) – Term Exam Paper Kit is written in accordance with

each volume (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B) of the Mathematics in Action (Second Edition) series.

It is specially designed to help teachers prepare term examination papers.

This Term Exam Paper Kit consists of two examination papers - Paper 1 and Paper 2. The details

are as follows:

No. of Extra
No. of Suggested Marking
questions solutions scheme
Section A 
Short questions 10 – (numerical
answers only)
Section B
Paper 1
Long questions 10 10  

Section C
Harder long questions 3 –  

Multiple choice
Paper 2 40 10 

Extra questions for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 are provided for greater flexibility. In addition,

corresponding extra questions for Section B and C can help teachers develop their own examination

papers easily. Suggested solutions and Marking scheme are provided for all of the questions in

Section B and C.

The soft copy of the questions is available on teacher’s website.

Term Exam Paper

F. 2 First Term Examination Marks

Mathematics (Paper 1)

Name: Class: No.:

Time Allowed: 75 minutes

This paper consists of 3 sections. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Total Marks: 100

Section A (20 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section. Each question carries 2 marks.
Working steps are NOT required in this section.

1. It is given that a : b = 3 : 2 and a : c = 6 : 1. Find the ratio

a : b : c. ___________________

2. If a length of 5 cm on the map represents an actual

distance of 4 km, express the scale of the map in the
form 1 : n. ___________________

3. Expand (6 x  5 y) 2 . ___________________

4. Factorize pq  4q  3 p  12. ___________________

6x 2 x y
5. Simplify 2  . ___________________
x y 2

6. Factorize 7 x 2  5xy  18 y 2 . ___________________

7. In 2009, the population of Town A was 1 132 000,

correct to the nearest 500. Find the percentage error
of this number, correct to 3 significant figures. ___________________

Term Exam Paper

8. In the figure, △ABC and △ADE are two equilateral

triangles. Find ∠CDE.


9. In the figure, find x + y + z.

y z


10. The diagram below shows the sales of a certain brand of toilet roll in 2009 and 2010.

Sales of toilet roll in 2009 and 2010

Sales (million)



2009 2010

(a) What is the ratio of the sales of toilet roll

in 2009 and 2010? ___________________

(b) Does the diagram mislead readers? ___________________

Term Exam Paper

Section B (50 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section. Each question carries 5 marks.
Working steps MUST be shown in answering questions in this section.
11. ABC oats are sold in packets of different
sizes as shown in the figure.
(a) By comparing the price of each gram of
ABC oats
ABC oats Large Packet
oats, which package is more economical Small Packet $108
to customers? Explain briefly. $60
per 750 g per 1.2 kg

(b) The manufacturer decides to change the price of the ‘Large Packet’ so that both the
packets are equally economical to customers. Find the new price of each ‘Large Packet’.

12. In a glass of lemon tea of volume 350 mL, the ratio of lemon juice to tea is 2 : 5.
(a) Find the volume of the lemon juice.

(b) If 50 mL of lemon juice is added to the lemon tea, find the new ratio of lemon juice to tea
in the glass.

Term Exam Paper

13. If ( x  3)(2 x  5)  C  Ax 2  ( A  B) x  9, where A, B and C are constants. Find the values of

A, B and C.

14. Consider the formula y  2 x  3( xy  1).

(a) Make y the subject of the formula.

(b) Find the value of y when x  .

15. (a) Factorize (3x + 7y)2  (3x  7y)2.

Term Exam Paper

10 x 2 y  4 xy 2
(b) Hence, or otherwise, simplify .
(3x  7 y ) 2  (3x  7 y ) 2

16. (a) Factorize 2 x 2  5x  2.

2 3x
(b) Simplify  2 .
x  2 2 x  5x  2

17. The length and width of a school hall are measured to be 24.0 m and 14.5 m respectively,
correct to the nearest 0.5 m.
(a) Find the maximum absolute error of the measurements.

Term Exam Paper

(b) Find the upper limits of the actual length and width of the hall.

(c) Find the maximum area of the hall, correct to 3 significant figures.

18. In the figure, AEC, BED and BCF are straight lines. BA = BC. D
Find the values of x and y. A 26°
y E


Term Exam Paper

19. In the figure, ADE and BCE are straight lines. A

(a) Find ∠BAC.
(b) Is △ABC an equilateral triangle? Explain your answer. D
B 30°

20. The following frequency polygon shows the time that S2A students spent on completing their
art model.

Time that students spent on completing their art model



10 S2A

59.5 69.5 79.5 89.5 99.5 109.5 119.5 129.5
Time (min)

The table below shows the time spent by S2B students.

Class mark (min) 79.5 89.5 99.5 109.5 119.5
Frequency 4 8 10 5 13
(a) On the above figure, draw a frequency polygon to present the data in the table.
(b) Students in which class spend more time on completing their art model in general?
Explain your answer.

Term Exam Paper

(c) If students have to finish the art model within 104.5 minutes, how many S2B students
cannot meet the requirement?

Section C (30 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section. Each question carries 10 marks.
Working steps MUST be shown in answering questions in this section.

21. (a) Prove that each of the following is an identity.

(i) a 2  b 2  (a  b) 2  2ab
NF (ii) a  b  (a  b)  3ab(a  b)
3 3 3

(4 marks)

Term Exam Paper

(b) Let S  (9.99) 3  (0.01) 3 .

(i) By putting a = 9.99 and b = 0.01 into (a)(ii), find the exact value of S without using a
(ii) Mary estimates the value of S by first rounding off 9.99 and 0.01 to 1 decimal place.
Find Mary’s estimate and its absolute error.
(6 marks)

22. The figure shows a regular pentagon ABCDE. EA and BC produced E
intersect at F. C
(a) (i) Find ∠CDE. A
(ii) Find ∠AEC.
(5 marks)

P 10
Term Exam Paper

(b) (i) Is △CEF an isosceles triangle? Explain your answer.

(ii) Find ∠EFC.
(3 marks)

(c) If some more identical pentagons are put side by

side to the figure to form a closed ring, find the
number of pentagons required.
(2 marks)

. ..
.. .

P 11
Term Exam Paper

23. The following table shows the body temperatures (C) of 40 students.
35.0  35.9 36.0  36.9 37.0  37.9 38.0  38.9 39.0  39.9
temperature (C)
Frequency 3 10 19 6 2
(a) (i) Complete the following table.
temperature 34.95
below (C)
(ii) Draw a cumulative frequency polygon to present the data.

(5 marks)
(b) Find (i) the 20th percentile,
(ii) the upper quartile.
(2 marks)

P 12
Term Exam Paper

(c) If a student with body temperatures between 35.55C and 37.55C are regarded as normal,
what is the percentage of students who are not normal?
(3 marks)

 End of paper 

P 13
Term Exam Paper

F.2 First Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 1 - Extra Questions)

Section B (Each question carries 5 marks)

3x  4 y
1. It is given that  2.
3x  4 y
(a) Find x : y.
(b) Hence, if x : z = 5 : 3, find x : y : z.

2. In the figure, ABCD and PQRS are two A D

similar trapeziums. P S
(a) Find the value of x. 3
(b) It is given that the perimeter of B C Q R
x+8 9
ABCD is 30. Find the perimeter of

3. (a) Expand (m + n)(m  n).

(b) Using the result of (a), expand (m2 + m  1)(m2  m + 1).

4. A man buys 30 oranges at $x each and 42 lemons at $y each. He packs 5 oranges and 7 lemons
into a box and sells each box of fruit for $(8x + 9y). After selling all the boxes of fruit, he gets
a profit of $P.
(a) Express x in terms of P and y.
(b) Find x if y = 1.5 and P = 72.

5. (a) Factorize 2 x 2  9 xy  5 y 2 .

(b) Hence, factorize 2( x  1) 2  9( x  1)( y  1)  5( y  1) 2 .

6. Refer to the following figure.

0 cm 1 2 3 4

(a) Find the measured length of the pencil.

(b) Find the percentage error of the measured length of the pencil.

P 14
Term Exam Paper

7. The figure shows the test report for English, Chinese Test Report
and Mathematics tests that Peter took. However, part Name: Peter
of the report was torn as shown on the right. Subject Marks
English 68
Assume all marks are integers. Chinese 75
(a) If Peter’s total marks is 230, correct to the Mathematics
nearest ten, find the upper limit and the lower
limit of the marks of Mathematics test.
(b) Peter estimates that the marks he got should be the lower limit found in (a). After
checking, his actual marks is 85. Find the relative error of his estimation in fraction.

8. In the figure, ACE and BCD are straight lines. B E

(a) Find a and b. b
(b) Is △ ABD an isosceles triangle? Explain your answer. C

9. In a regular n-sided polygon, the size of an interior angle is nine times that of an exterior angle.
Find the value of n.

10. The monthly overtime record (correct to the nearest h) of 20

12 24 11 12 13
employees in a certain company in a month is listed on the right.
17 6 15 13 6
(a) Complete the frequency distribution table below.
8 28 21 20 19
Time (h) Class mark (h) Frequency
6  10 6 9 20 14 8

(b) Draw a frequency curve to present the data in (a).

 End of paper 
P 15
Term Exam Paper

F.2 First Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 2)

Time Allowed: 75 minutes

(I) There are 40 questions in this paper and each question carries equal mark. Answer ALL
questions and mark your answers on the multiple choice answer sheet provided.
(II) The diagrams in this paper are not drawn to scale.

1. A motorcycle travels 243 km in 180 minutes. Find its speed.

A. 1.35 km/ h
B. 13.5 km/ h
C. 40.5 km/ h
D. 81 km/ h

2. Given that 15 : (x  2) = 3 : 5, find the value of x.

A. 13
B. 17
C. 23
D. 27

1 1
3. If :  3: 2, a :b =
a b

A. 1 : 2.
B. 3 : 4.
C. 2 : 3.
D. 3 : 2.

P 16
Term Exam Paper

4. Given that 5x = 6y and y : z = 3 :4, find x : z.

A. 5:3
B. 5:4
C. 3 : 10
D. 9 : 10

5. In a triangle, the three interior angles are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. What is the size of the largest
angle in the triangle?

A. 60°
B. 80°
C. 100°
D. 140°

6. In the figure, BC is longer than AB by 1 cm. BC : CD = 7 : 10. If CD = 5 cm, find

AB : BC : AD.

5 cm
A. 5 : 7 : 10
B. 5 : 7 : 22 A B C D

C. 6 : 7 : 10
D. 6 : 7 : 23

7. In the figure, ABCD and PQRS are two similar quadrilaterals.

Find r and s.
P r
A 4 Q
A. r = 12, s=5 s 15
B. r = 15, s=5
D 7 C
C. r = 12, s=6 S R
D. r = 15, s=6

P 17
Term Exam Paper

8. Which of the following are identities?

1 1 1
I.  
d 2 d 2
II. (b  2010) 2  (2010  b) 2
III. (2c  7) 2  4c 2  28c  49

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

9. If Ax (3x  1)  6 x 2  Bx , where A and B are constants, then

A. A = 2, B = 2.
B. A = 2, B = 2.
C. A = 2, B = 2.
D. A = 2, B = 2.

10. Which of the following expressions have a factor a  b?

I. am  bm
II. a2  b2
III. a2 + ab  2b2

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

11. Factorize 16pqr  6prs + 4ps.

A. 2(8pqr  3prs + 2ps)

B. p(16qr  6rs + 4s)
C. 2p(8qr  3rs + 2s)
D. 2r(8pr  3rs + 2p)

P 18
Term Exam Paper

12. If the side of a square is x + 2y, its area is

A. x2 + 2y2.
B. x2 + 4y2.
C. x2 + 2xy + 2y2.
D. x2 + 4xy + 4y2.

13. 9a 2 b 2  30ab 3  25b 4 

A. a 2 (3a  5b) 2
B. b(3a  5b) 2
C. b 2 (3a  5b) 2
D. b 2 (9a  25b) 2

1 2
14. Simplify  .
x  4 3x  12

3( x  4)
C. 
D. 3

x2  x x 1
15. Simplify  .
4  2 x 6 x  12

A. 3x
B. 3x
C. 3(x  1)
x 1

P 19
Term Exam Paper

1 1 2
16. Simplify   2 .
x 1 x 1 x 1

A. 0
x 1
x 1
x 12

a 1
17. Given a formula d  , if a = 2, b = 3 and d  , find the value of c.
bc 5

A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9

2x  y
18. If  2 , then x =
2x  y

A. .
B. – .
C. .
D. – .

19. Factorize x2  7x + 10.

A. (x  1)(x  10)
B. (x + 1)(x + 10)
C. (x + 2)(x + 5)
D. (x  2)(x  5)

P 20
Term Exam Paper

20. Factorize 4x2 + 19x + 12.

A. (x + 2)(4x + 6)
B. (x + 4)(4x + 3)
C. (2x + 6)(2x + 2)
D. (2x + 4)(2x + 3)

21. The L.C.M. of 4x + 6y and 6x2  xy  15y2 is

A. (4x + 6y)(6x2  xy  15y2).

B. 2(2x + 3y)(3x  5y).
C. 2(2x + 3y)(3x + 5y).
D. 2(2x + 3y)(2x  3y)(3x + 5y).

NF 22. x3 + 27y3 =

A. (x + 3y)3
B. (x + 3y)(x2  3xy + 9y2)
C. (x  3y)(x2 + 3xy + 9y2)
D. (x  3y)(x2 + 9xy + 9y2)

23. Express 0.025 46 m in mm and round off the result correct to 2 significant figures.

A. 3 mm
B. 25 mm
C. 25.5 mm
D. 255 mm

24. How many ‘0’s are significant figure in 0.030 028 0?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

P 21
Term Exam Paper

25. In an election, the vote is 579 795. When the vote is rounded off correct to 3 significant
figures, the absolute error is

A. 795.
B. 205.
C. 5.
D. 0.035.

26. The lettuce in a hamburger weighs 50 g, correct to the nearest g. Which of the following is
NOT a possible weight of the lettuce?

A. 49.049 g
B. 49.51 g
C. 50.01 g
D. 50.45 g

27. Find the percentage error when the number 625 is rounded off to 1 significant figure.

A. 4%
B. 4 %
C. 4 %
D. 4 %

28. In the figure, find the value of d.

A. 30
B. 50
C. 60
D. 70 d


P 22
Term Exam Paper

29. Find ∠ABC in the figure. C

A. 24
B. 48
C. 57
D. 66 66°

30. In the figure, △ABD is an equilateral triangle and ADC is a straight line. Find ∠BCD.

A. 25
B. 30
C. 35
D. 40 C A
31. In the figure, BCDE is a straight line. Find ∠ADE.

A. 117 37°
B. 127
C. 133
D. 143
32. In the figure, find a.
200 100

A. 40 2a + 10
B. 50
C. 60 a

D. 70 120

33. If each interior angle of a regular n-sided polygon is 140°, then n =

A. 7.
B. 8.
C. 9.
D. 10.

P 23
Term Exam Paper

34. In the figure, ∠BAE =

A 4x
A. 20.
B. 24. B
C. 84. 5x C 3x
D. 100. E x 2x

35. The table below shows Mr Chan’s monthly expenditure.

Item Food Travel Savings Others
Expenditure 5500 1000 3500 3000
Mr Chan wants to present the percentage of each item. Which of the following statistical
diagrams should he use?
A. bar chart
B. pie chart
C. broken-line graph
D. scatter diagram

36. The table below shows the time that a group of students spend on playing video games per
Time less than
0.5 3.5 6.5 9.5 12.5 15.5
0 40 100 150 195 200
Find the percentage of students who spend between 3.5 hours and 12.5 hours per week on
playing video games.

A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 77.5%
D. 97.5%

P 24
Term Exam Paper

37. The diagram shows the result of S2A and S2B students in a Mathematics test.

Result of S2A and S2B students in a Mathematics test



35 45 55 65 75 85 95

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

I. S2B students perform better than S2A students in general.
II. No students in S2A and S2B got a mark lower than 35.
III. The diagram shows 2 cumulative frequency curves.

A. II only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

The following cumulative frequency curve shows the scores of a group of contestants in a singing

Scores of a group of contestants in a singing contest

Cumulative frequency




0.5 5.5 10.5 15.5 20.5 25.5

Refer to the above graph, answer Q38 and Q39.

P 25
Term Exam Paper

38. How many contestants have scores 20.5 or above?

A. 4
B. 6
C. 34
D. 36

39. Which of the following are correct?

I. There are 40 contestants in the singing contest.
II. The 30th percentile is 18.
III. The difference between the marks corresponding to the upper quartile and the lower
quartile is 10.

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

40. The following cumulative frequency polygon shows the IQ scores of 100 students.
IQ scores of 100 students

Cumulative frequency





84.5 94.5 104.5 114.5 124.5 134.5
IQ score

If the top 10% of students will attend an intelligent competition, what is the lowest IQ score
for a student to attend the competition?
A. 111.5
B. 114.5
C. 119.5
D. 124.5
 End of paper 

P 26
Term Exam Paper

F.2 First Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 2 - Extra Questions)

1. The figure shows the floor plan of a flat. The length and the width of the plan are 4 cm and
3 cm respectively. If the actual length of the flat is 8 m, find the actual area of the flat.

A. 6 m2
B. 12 m2
3 cm
C. 24 m2
D. 48 m2
4 cm

2. Which of the following expressions CANNOT be factorized?

A. x2  9
B. x2  9
C. x 3  27
D. x 3  27

3. If x2 – 12x – k is a perfect square expression, what is the value of k?

A. –36
B. –6
C. 6
D. 36

3ab  a 2 b
4. Simplify .
2a  6

B. 
D. 

P 27
Term Exam Paper

5. Factorize p2  2pq  3q2  p + 3q.

A. (p + 3q)(p  q + 1)
B. (p + 3q)(p  q  1)
C. (p  3q)(p + q  1)
D. (p  3q)(p + q + 1)

6. The lengths of pencil A and pencil B are measured to be 10.1 cm and 12.5 cm respectively,
correct to the nearest 0.1 cm. The largest possible difference between the lengths of pencil A
and B is

A. 2.3.

B. 2.4.

C. 2.45.

D. 2.5.

7. The measured weight of a parcel is 500 g and its relative error is 0.001. The maximum
absolute error of the measurement is

A. 1 g.
B. 0.5 g.
C. 0.05 g.
D. 0.000 002 g.

8. In the figure, O is the centre and AOB is a diameter of the circle.

If BCO = 50, find x.
x C
A. 100
B. 110 50
C. 120
D. 130 B

P 28
Term Exam Paper

9. In the figure, ADC is a straight line. Which of the following is / are isosceles triangle(s)?
I. △ ADB B
III. △ ABC 36

A. I only 36 72

B. I and II only
C. I and III only
D. I, II and III

10. The frequency polygon below shows the sales of iPhones at different prices last month.
Sales of iPhones at different prices last month



3499.5 4499.5 5499.5 6499.5 7499.5 8499.5
Price ($)

Suppose the corresponding class intervals of the above frequency polygon are $3000  $3999,
$4000  $4999, ... Find the class interval with the highest frequency.

A. $4000  $4999
B. $5000  $5999
C. $6000  $6999
D. $7000  $7999

 End of paper 

P 29
Term Exam Paper

F.2 First Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 1)
Suggested Solutions and Marking Scheme

General Instructions:
(1) Marks will not be deducted for wrong spelling.
(2) 1 mark will be deducted for poor expression or poor presentation.
Maximum of 2 marks will be deducted in Section B and C.
(3) 1 mark will be deducted for wrong / no unit.
Maximum of 1 mark will be deducted for the whole paper.

Section A (20 marks)

Question Answer Marks Remarks

1 6:4:1 2
2 1 : 80 000 2
3 36x2  60xy + 25y2 2
4 (p  4)(q + 3) 2
5 3x
x y
6 (x + 2)(7x  9) 2
7 0.0221% 2
8 30 2
9 180 2
10 (a) 3 : 4 1
(b) yes 1

P 30
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

Section B (50 marks)

11. (a) Price of each gram of oats for the ‘Small Packet’

750 g
 $0.08/g 1
Price of each gram of oats for the ‘Large Packet’

1200 g
 $0.09/g 1
∵ $0.08/g < $0.09/g
∴ ‘Small Packet’ is more economical 1
to customers.

(b) Let $P be the required new price of each ‘Large Packet’.

P 60
 1
1200 750
P  96
∴ The new price of each ‘Large Packet’
is $96. 1

12. (a) The volume of the lemon juice

  350 mL 1
  350 mL
 100 mL 1

(b) The new volume of the lemon juice

 (100  50) mL
 150 mL 1
The new volume of the tea
 [(350  50)  150] mL
 (400  150) mL
 250 mL 1
The new ratio of lemon juice to tea in the glass
 150 mL : 250 mL
 3:5 1

P 31
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

13. L.H.S.  ( x  3)(2 x  5)  C

 x(2 x  5)  3(2 x  5)  C
 2 x 2  5 x  6 x  15  C
 2 x 2  x  15  C 1
∴ 2 x 2  x  15  C  Ax 2  ( A  B) x  9 1
By comparing the like terms, we have
A2 1
A B 1
2 B 1
B  1 1
 15  C  9
C6 1

14. (a) y  2 x  3( xy  1)
y  2 x  3xy  3 1
y  3xy  3  2 x 1
y(1  3x)  3  2 x
3  2x
y 1
1  3x

(b) When x  ,
3  2x
1  3x
3  2 
 2 1
1  3 
3 1



 8 1

P 32
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

15. (a) (3x  7 y) 2  (3x  7 y) 2

 [(3x  7 y)  (3x  7 y)][(3x  7 y)  (3x  7 y)] 1
 (3x  7 y  3x  7 y)(3x  7 y  3x  7 y)
 (6 x)(14 y) 1
 84 xy 1

10 x 2 y  4 xy 2
(3x  7 y ) 2  (3x  7 y ) 2
10 x 2 y  4 xy 2

84 xy
2 xy (5 x  2 y )
 1
84 xy
5x  2 y
 1

16. (a) 2 x 2  5x  2  (2 x  1)( x  2) 2

2 3x
(b)  2
x  2 2 x  5x  2
2 3x
 
x  2 (2 x  1)( x  2)
2(2 x  1) 3x
  1
(2 x  1)( x  2) (2 x  1)( x  2)
4 x  2  3x

(2 x  1)( x  2)
 1
(2 x  1)( x  2)
 1
2x  1

17. (a) Maximum absolute error

  0.5 m
 0.25 m 1

P 33
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

(b) Upper limit of the actual length

 (24.0  0.25) m
 24.25 m 1
Upper limit of the actual width
 (14.5  0.25) m
 14.75 m 1

(c) Maximum area of the school hall

 24.25  14.75 m 2 1
 358 m 2 (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1

18. ∵ BC = BA
∴ ∠BCA = ∠BAC (base ∠s, isos. △)
=y 1

In △CDE,
DCE  CDE  CED  180 (∠ sum of △)
DCE  26  90  180
DCE  64 1

BCE  DCE  DCF  180 (adj. ∠s on st. line)

y  64  y  180
2 y  116
y  58 1

∠AEB = ∠CED (vert. opp. ∠s)

= 90° 1

In △ABE,
ABE  BAE  AEB  180 (∠ sum of △)
x  y  90  180
x  58  90  180
x  32 1

19. (a) ∵ AC = CE
∴ ∠CAE = ∠CEA (base ∠s, isos. △)
= 30° 1
BAD  CDA  180 (int. ∠s, BA // CD)
(BAC  CAD)  CDA  180
(BAC  30)  90  180
BAC  60 1

P 34
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

(b) ACB  CAE  AEC (ext. ∠ of △)

 30  30
 60 1
In △ABC,
ABC  BCA  BAC  180 (∠ sum of △)
ABC  60  60  180
ABC  60 1
∵ ABC  ACB  BAC  60
∴ AC = AB = BC 1
∴ △ABC is an equilateral triangle.

20. (a) Time that students spent on completing their art model




10 S2A

59.5 69.5 79.5 89.5 99.5 109.5 119.5 129.5
Time (min)
1 for correct line segments

(b) Since the frequency polygon for S2B

students lies to the right of that for S2A
students, S2B students spend more time
on completing their art model in general. 1

(c) Number of S2B students who cannot meet the requirement

= 5 + 13
= 18

P 35
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

Section C (30 marks)

21. (a) (i) L.H.S.  a 2  b 2

R.H.S.  (a  b) 2  2ab
 (a 2  2ab  b 2 )  2ab 1
 a b
2 2

∴ L.H.S. = R.H.S.
∴ a 2  b 2  (a  b) 2  2ab is an 1 Deduct 1 mark for not showing steps

(ii) L.H.S.
 a3  b3
 (a  b)(a 2  ab  b 2 ) 1
 (a  b)(a 2  b 2  ab)
 (a  b)[(a  b) 2  2ab  ab] (from (a))
 (a  b)[(a  b) 2  3ab]
 (a  b)3  3ab(a  b) 1
∴ L.H.S. = R.H.S.
∴ a 3  b 3  (a  b) 3  3ab(a  b) is

an identity

(b) (i) Put a = 9.99 and b = 0.01 into (a)(ii), we have

(9.99)3 + (0.01)3
= (9.99 + 0.01)3  3(9.99)(0.01)(9.99 + 0.01)
= 103  3(9.99)(0.01)(10)
= 1000  2.997
= 997 003
∴ S = 997 003

(ii) ∵ 9.99 = 10.0 (cor. to 1 d.p.) 1

0.01 = 0.0 (cor. to 1 d.p.) 1
∴ Mary’s estimate = 10.03 + 0.03
= 1000 1
∴ Absolute error = 1000  997.003
= 2.997 1

P 36
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

22. (a) (i) The sum of all interior angles of ABCDE

 (5  2)  180 (∠ sum of polygon)
 3  180
 540 1 deduct 1 mark for no/wrong
∵ All the interior angles of ABCDE are reason
∴ CDE 
 108 1

(ii) ∵ CD = DE
∴ DEC  DCE (base. ∠s, isos. △) 1
In △CDE,
DCE  DEC  CDE  180 (∠ sum of △)
2DEC  108  180
DEC  36 1
AED  CDE  108
AEC  AED  DEC
 108  36
 72 1

(b) (i) BCD  CDE  108

BCE  BCD  DCE
 108  36
 72
∵ FEC  FCE = 72° 1
∴ FC = FE (sides opp. equal ∠s)
∴ △CEF is an isosceles triangle. 1

(ii) In △CEF,
CEF  FCE  EFC  180 (∠ sum of △)
2  72  EFC  180
EFC  36 1

(c) Let n be the number of pentagons in the closed ring.

36  n  360 (∠s at a pt.) 1 Accept any other correct method
n  10
∴ The number of pentagons in the closed 1
ring is 10.

P 37
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

23. (a) (i) Body

temperature 34.95 35.95 36.95 37.95 38.95 39.95
below (C)
0 3 13 32 38 40
2 deduct 0.5 marks for each mistakes

(ii) Body temperature of 40 students

Cumulative frequency

(b) (ii)

(b) (i)
34.95 35.95 36.95 37.95 38.95 39.95
Body temperature (°C)

1 Correct labels on the x-axis and y-axis

1 Correct title
1 Joining the points
(b) (i) The cumulative frequency that corresponds to the 20th percentile
= 20%  total frequency
= 20%  40
From the graph, the 20th percentile
= 36.45C 1

(ii) The cumulative frequency that corresponds to the upper quartile

= 75%  total frequency
= 75%  40
= 30
From the graph, the upper quartile
= 37.85C 1

(c) From the graph,

the number of students with body temperature below 35.55°C = 2
the number of students with body temperature below 37.55°C = 24
∴ The number of students who are normal
= 24  2 = 22 1
∴ Percentage of students who are not normal
40  22
 100% 1
 45% 1

P 38
Term Exam Paper

F.2 First Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 1  Extra Questions)
Suggested Solutions and Marking Scheme

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

Section B (Each question carries 5 marks)

3x  4 y
1. (a) 2
3x  4 y
3x  4 y  2(3x  4 y) 1
3x  4 y  6 x  8 y
3x  12 y
x 4
 1
y 1
∴ x : y  4 :1 1

(b) x: y  4 : 1
x: :z  5 : 3
∴ x : y  4  5 : 1 5
x : : z  5 4 : 3 4
∴ x : y : z  20 : 5 : 12 1

2. (a) ∵ The ratios of the corresponding lengths in similar figures are equal.
∴  1
x 8 x

9 3
3x  24  9 x 1
6 x  24
x4 1

(b) ∵ The ratios of the corresponding lengths in similar figures are equal.
perimeter of ABCD CD
∴  1
perimeter of PQRS RS
30 4

perimeter of PQRS 3
perimeter of PQRS  22.5 1

P 39
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

3. (a) (m + n)(m  n) = m 2  n 2 1

(b) (m  m  1)(m  m  1)
2 2

 [m 2  (m  1)][(m 2  (m  1)]
 m 2  (m  1) 2 1
 m 2  (m 2  2m  1) 1
 m 2  m 2  2m  1
 2m  1 1

4. (a) The oranges and lemons can be packed

into 6 boxes. 1
∵ Profit = Selling price  cost price
∴ P  (6)(8x  9 y)  30 x  42 y 1
P  18x  12 y 1
P  12 y
∴ x 1

(b) Substitute y = 1.5 and P = 72 into the above formula, we have

72  (12)(1.5)
x 3 1

5. (a) 2 x 2  9 xy  5 y 2  (2 x  y)( x  5 y) 2

(b) 2( x  1) 2  9( x  1)( y  1)  5( y  1) 2
 [2( x  1)  ( y  1)][( x  1)  5( y  1)] 1
 (2 x  2  y 1)( x  1  5 y  5) 1
 (2 x  y  1)( x  5 y  6) 1

6. (a) From the figure, the measured length of the

pencil is 4 cm. 1

P 40
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

(b) ∵ The maximum absolute error

= 0.2  0.1 cm 1
∴ The percentage error of the measured length
maximum absolute error
  100%
measured length
  100% 1+1

 2.5% 1

7. (a) Maximum absolute error =  10  5
Upper limit of Peter’s total marks
= 230 + 5
= 235 1
Upper limit of the mark of Mathematics test
 235  68  75
 92 1
Lower limit of Peter’s total marks
= 230  5
= 225 1
Lower limit of the mark of Mathematics test
 225  68  75
 82 1

(b) Absolute error = 85  82 = 3

∴ Relative error  1

P 41
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

8. (a) DAE = BEA (alt. s, AD // BE) 1 Deduct 1 mark for no/wrong reason

= 48
i.e. CAD = 48
In △ADC,
ACB = CAD + ADC (ext. ∠ of △ )
= 48 + 28
= 76
In △ACB,
b = ACB (base s, isos. △ )
= 76 1
a = 180  CBA  BCA ( sum of △ )
= 180  2b
= 180  2(76)
= 28 1
(b) DBA = b = 76
BAD = DAE + CAB
= 48 + 28
= 76
∴ DBA = BAD 1
∴ AD = BD (sides opp. equal s) 1 For correct reason

∴ △ ABD is an isosceles triangle.

9. The sum of all interior angles

= (n  2)  180 ( sum of polygon) 1
The sum of all exterior angles
= 360 (sum of ext. s of polygon) 1
∵ The size of an interior angle is nine times that of an exterior angle.
(n  2)  180 360
∴ = 9 1
n n
180n  360 = 3240 1
180n = 3600
n = 20 1

P 42
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

10. (a) Time (h) Class mark (h) Frequency

6  10 8 6
11  15 13 7
16  20 18 4
21  25 23 2
26  30 28 1
2 deduct 0.5 marks for each mistakes
(b) Monthly overtime record of 20 employees


3 8 13 18 23 28 33
Monthly overtime record (h)
1 Correct labels on the x-axis and y-axis
1 Correct title
1 Joining the points

P 43
Term Exam Paper

F.2 First Term Examination
Mathematics (Paper 2)*

1. D 21. B
2. D 22. B
3. C 23. B
4. D 24. B
5. B 25. B
6. B 26. A
7. A 27. A
8. C 28. D
9. B 29. B
10. D 30. B
11. C 31. B
12. D 32. B
13. C 33. C
14. B 34. C
15. A 35. B
16. C 36. C
17. B 37. B
18. C 38. A
19. D 39. B
20. B 40. C

F.2 First Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 2 – Extra Questions)*

1. D 6. D
2. A 7. B
3. A 8. A
4. D 9. D
5. C 10. B

*: The soft copy of the suggested solutions is available on our website.

P 44
Term Exam Paper

S2 Second Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 1)

Name: Class: No.:

Time Allowed: 75 minutes

This paper consists of 3 sections. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Total Marks: 100

Section A (20 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section. Each question carries 2 marks.
Working steps are NOT required in this section.

1. Write down the solution of the simultaneous equations

3x  2 y  9
 from their graphs as shown.
x  y  3

(a 3 ) 2 a 0
2. Simplify and express your answer with positive

3. Express the number –0.003 509 in scientific notation.


4. In the figure, CDE is a straight line. Is BA // CF? Give the



P 45
Term Exam Paper

5. Which of the following are rational numbers?

4 , 20 , 0.5 3 , –

6. Express 96 in its simplest form.


7. In the figure, find BD.


8. The following figure is formed by a circle and a semi-circle.

Find the area of the figure in terms of π.


9. If the base radius and the height of a cylinder are 4 cm and

5 cm respectively, find the volume of the cylinder in terms
of .

10. Find the acute angle  if tan  = cos 25 + sin 75. (Give your
answer correct to 3 significant figures.)

P 46
Term Exam Paper

Section B (50 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section. Each question carries 5 marks.
Working steps MUST be shown in answering questions in this section.

11. Solve the following simultaneous equations.

x y
x  2 y  4   1
(a)  (b)  5 2
3x  4 y  6 5( x  2 y )  12

12. In a shop, the total selling price of 15 oranges and 10 apples is $60. Mrs. Chan paid $65 to
buy 10 oranges and 15 apples.
(a) Let $x and $y be the selling prices of each orange and apple respectively. Set up a pair of
simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns.

(b) Find the selling prices of each orange and apple.

P 47
Term Exam Paper

13. The following shows the lengths of Great Wall of China, Tsing Ma Bridge and Mandy’s hand

Great Wall of China Tsing Ma Bridge Mandy’s hand span

Length (mm) 885 180 000 000 149 000 000 118

(a) Express each of the above lengths (in mm) in scientific notation.

(b) (i) How many times is the length of the Great Wall of China to that of Tsing Ma
Bridge? Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures.

(ii) How many times is the length of the Great Wall of China to that of Mandy’s hand
span? Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures.

14. (a) Convert B7D16 into a denary number.

P 48
Term Exam Paper

(b) Convert 4410 into a binary number.

15. In the figure, ADB is a straight line. Find,

correct to 3 significant figures,
(a) CD and A,

(b) area of △ADC.

P 49
Term Exam Paper

16. Refer to the figure on the right.

(a) Find EC.

(b) Is △CDE a right-angled triangle? Give the reason.

17. Refer to the figure on the right.

(a) Prove that △ABF ~ △DEC.

(b) If △ACF  △EDC, prove that AF2 = BF  CF.

P 50
Term Exam Paper

18. (a) Express 180 and 80 in their simplest forms.

180  80
(b) Hence, simplify .

19. In the figure, PQR is a semi-circle centred at O. Find, correct

to 3 significant figures,
(a) the radius of the semi-circle PQR,

(b) the total area of the figure.

P 51
Term Exam Paper

20. A cylindrical glass of base radius 5 cm and height 12 cm is fully-filled

with water.
(a) Find the volume of water in the glass in terms of π.

(b) Some water is poured from this glass into another cylindrical glass of base radius 4 cm
and height 15 cm until the new glass is half-filled. Find the depth of water remained in
the original glass.

P 52
Term Exam Paper

Section C (30 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section. Each question carries 10 marks.
Working steps MUST be shown in answering questions in this section.

21. In the figure, the centre of the arc ADE is C.

(a) Find BAC and ACD.

(b) Find the length of arc AD. (Give your answer in surd form.)

(c) Find the perimeter of the shaded region. (Give your answer in surd form.)

P 53
Term Exam Paper

22. Refer to the figure on the right. QPT is a straight line.

(a) Find RPS.

(b) Find RS, correct to the nearest integer.

(c) Find RSP, correct to 1 decimal place.

23. In the figure, OABC is formed by rotating OABC about O such

that OC coincides with OA.
(a) (i) Join AC and AC. Prove that
△ AOC  △ AOC.

P 54
Term Exam Paper

(ii) Find AOC and BCO.

(b) Suppose CO is produced to B. By considering BOC, prove that

OC: BC 2 : 1.

 End of paper 

P 55
Term Exam Paper

S2 Second Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 1 - Extra Questions)

Section B (Each question carries 5 marks)

3  3 
1. Simplify (3x y )   2 
and express your answer with positive indices.
 xy 

2. In the figure, the area of △BCD is 96 cm2.

(a) Find BC.
(b) Determine whether △ABC is a right-angled triangle.
Explain briefly.

3. The figure shows a solid whose cross-section is a sector.

(a) Find the volume of the solid in terms of π.
(b) Find the total surface area of the solid in terms of π.

4. Refer to the figure on the right.

(a) Find AD.
(b) Find BC.

5. A wire of length 10 cm is bent into sector OAB as shown

in the figure. Find, correct to 3 significant figures,
(a) AOB,
(b) the area of sector OAB.

P 56
Term Exam Paper

6. (a) Simplify 4 12  3 3 .
4 12  3 3
(b) Using the result of (a), find the value of without using a calculator.
4 12  3 3

7. Refer to the figure.

(a) Find x.
(b) Is AB // ED? Give the reason.

8. Jason and Yvonne have a total amount of $360. If Yvonne gives $80 to Jason, she will have
80% the amount Jason has. Find the original amounts Jason and Yvonne have respectively.

9. In the figure, AE and BD intersect at C.

(a) Find a and b.
(b) Prove that △ADB is an isosceles triangle.

10. In the figure, BCD is a straight line and

AB = BC = CA = CD = 10.
(a) Prove that △ABD is a right-angled triangle.
(b) Find the length of AD in surd form and express it in its
simplest form.

P 57
Term Exam Paper

S2 Second Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 2)

Time Allowed: 75 minutes

(I) There are 40 questions in this paper and each question carries equal mark. Answer ALL
questions and mark your answers on the multiple choice answer sheet provided.
(II) The diagrams in this paper are not drawn to scale.
1. Which of the following points lie on the graph of x + 3y = 4?
A. (–2, 2)
B. (–1, –1)
C. (0, 1)
D. (1, –1)

2. The figure on the right shows the graphs of 2x + y = –4 and

x – 2y = 3.
Which of the following is the solution of both the two

A. x = 1, y = 2
B. x = 1, y = –2
C. x = –1, y = 2
D. x = –1, y = –2

x  y  5
3. Solve the simultaneous equations  .
2 x  3 y  10
A. x = –5, y = 10
B. x = 1, y = –4
C. x = 5, y = 0
D. x = 25, y = 20

P 58
Term Exam Paper

4. Solve the simultaneous equations 4x – 3y – 1 = 5x – 4y = 0.

A. x = 5, y = 4
B. x = 4, y = 5
C. x = –4, y = 5
D. x = –5, y = 4

5. Nick is 5 years older than Jerry. If the sum of their ages is 45, how old is Nick?
A. 15 years old
B. 20 years old
C. 25 years old
D. 30 years old

x2 y2
6. Simplify .
x3 y
A. xy

2 1
 6h 0 k  2   3 
7. Simplify    2  .
 4   2h k 

2h 2
3h 2
2k 3
4h 2
27 k 5
8h 2

P 59
Term Exam Paper

3 n1  3 n
8. Simplify n1 .
3  3n
A. 32n
B. 3n
C. 2
D. 3

9. Express the number 0.000 005 72 in scientific notation.

A. 0.572  10–5
B. 5.72  10–5
C. 5.72  10–6
D. 5.72–6

10. A light year is the distance travelled by light in a year. If the speed of light is 3  108
m/s and 1 year = 365 days, then 1 light year =
A. 9.4608  1012 km.
B. 1.098  1011 km.
C. 2.592  1010 km.
D. 6.570  109 km.

11. What is the place value of the underlined digit 1 in the number 111012?
A. 1
B. 22
C. 23
D. 24

12. Which of the following has the largest value?

A. 10010
B. 1A716
C. 110001102
D. F516

P 60
Term Exam Paper

13. Refer to the figure on the right. Which of the following is / are
isosceles triangle(s)?
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and III only
D. I, II and III

14. In the figure, AB = AC and BC = DC = DA. Find BAC.

A. 30
B. 36
C. 64
D. 72

15. In the figure, AE and CD intersect at F. Which of the following

must be correct?
I. △ABE ~ △CBD
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

P 61
Term Exam Paper

16. In the figure, ADBE is a straight line. If △ABC  △DEF, which of

the following must be correct?
I. AC // DF
II. BC // EF
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

17. Refer to the figure on the right. Which of the following must
be correct?
I. AB // CD
II. CD // EF
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

18. In the figure, ADB and CED are straight lines. Which of
the following must be correct?
I. △ADE ~ △CDA
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only

19. Which of the following is NOT a rational number?

A. 3
B. 0.3
C. 3
D. 4

P 62
Term Exam Paper

20. Simplify the expression 3 5  2 5  5 2 .

A. 0
B. 5 5 2
C. 3 5  3 2
D. 8 2  2 5

21. Simplify the expression  12  

27 3 .

A. 5 B. 15
C. 93 D. 117

0.48  0.5
22. Simplify the expression .
2 2
A. B. 0.6
4 4 2
C. D.
5 5

23.  
Simplify 3 2  1 2 2  3 . 
A. 3  6 2
B. 4  5 2
C. 12  5 2
D. 15  11 2

24. In the figure, find the length of AD.

A. 28 cm
B. 32 cm
C. 39 cm
D. 47 cm

P 63
Term Exam Paper

25. The figure shows 3 squares ABDE, ACHI and BFGC, and a
right-angled triangle ABC. If the area of ACHI is 20 cm2 and
that of AEDB is 45 cm2, what is the area of the whole shaded

A. 130 cm2
B. 145 cm2
C. 160 cm2
D. Cannot be determined

26. The figure shows 2 right-angled triangles ABC and ABD with sides as
shown. Which of the following is true?

A. a+b=c+d
B. a–c=b–d
C. (a – c)(a + c) = (d – b)(d + b)
D. (a + b)2 = (c + d)2

27. If the area of a square is a cm2, what is the length of its diagonal?
A. a cm
B. 2a cm
C. cm
D. cm

P 64
Term Exam Paper

28. If a and b are positive numbers, which of the following can be the lengths of the sides of a
right-angled triangle?
I. 8a, 17a, 15a

II. a, b, a 2  b2

III. a , b , ab
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. I and III only

29. In the figure, the ratio of the diameters of the larger semi-circle
to that of the smaller semi-circle is 4 : 3. Find the area of the
A. 100 cm2
B. 200 cm2
C. (28 + 96) cm2
D. (50 + 96) cm2

30. In the figure, O is the centre of the sector AOB. Find the area of
the sector, correct to 3 significant figures.

A. 5.24 cm2
B. 7.85 cm2
C. 13.6 cm2
D. 20.4 cm2

31. In the figure, O is the centre of the circle. Find the perimeter
of the shaded region, correct to 2 decimal places.

A. 1.14 cm
B. 4.57 cm
C. 5.97 cm
D. 8.89 cm

P 65
Term Exam Paper

32. The figure shows 2 identical circles. Find the area of the
shaded region in terms of .

A. 4 cm2
B. 8 cm2
C. 4(3 – ) cm2
D. 8(4 – ) cm2

33. The radius and the capacity of a cylindrical glass are 6 cm and 576 cm3 respectively. At the
beginning, it is half filled with water. Now 9 identical marbles, each of volume 5 cm3, are
put into the glass. If the marbles are completely immersed in water and water does not
overflow, find the new depth of water in the glass.
A. 1.25 cm
B. 5.25 cm
C. 9.25 cm
D. 16.25 cm

34. A metal cube of side 5 cm is melted and recast to form a cylinder of height of 3 cm. What is
the base radius of the cylinder? Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures.
A. 3.64 cm
B. 4.42 cm
C. 6.45 cm
D. 13.3 cm

35. The figure shows a rolling pin made of 3 wooden cylinders. The length and the base diameter
of the 2 identical handles at both sides are 10 cm and 2 cm respectively, while the length and
the base diameter of the middle cylinder are 30 cm and 8 cm respectively. Find the total
surface area of the rolling pin.

A. 310 cm2
B. 312 cm2
C. 314 cm2
D. 316 cm2

P 66
Term Exam Paper

36. In △PQR, PQ = 5 cm, PR = 10 cm and Q = 90. Find R.

A. 30
B. 45
C. 60
D. 75

37. Find sin  in the figure.

A. 0.75
B. 0.45

38. Refer to the figure on the right. Find ABC correct to

3 decimal places.

A. 41.4
B. 48.6
C. 101
D. 109

39. Refer to the figure on the right. Find the length of PQ,
correct to 3 sigificant figures.

A. 4.62
B. 10.9
C. 13.9
D. 18.9

40. In the figure, O is the centre of the circle. Find the length of PQ,
correct to 2 decimal places.

A. 0.87
B. 1.15

C. 1.73
D. 2.00

P 67
Term Exam Paper

S2 Second Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 2 - Extra Questions)

 y
3 x  2  2
1. Solve the simultaneous equations  .
2 x  y  6
 4
A. x = –2, y = –8
B. x = –2, y = 8
C. x = 2, y = –8
D. x = 2, y = 8

2. It is given that the tens digit of a 2-digit number is 1 smaller than the units digit. If the sum of
the two digits is 11, what is the 2-digit number?
A. 45
B. 56
C. 65
D. 67

x 2 y 6
3. Simplify the expression .
( x 1 y ) 2
A. y–8
B. y–4
C. xy–2
D. x4y–8

4. Arrange the following number in descending order.

1001002 3010 B016
A. B016, 3010, 1001002
B. B016, 1001002, 3010
C. 1001002, B016, 3010
D. 1001002, 3010, B016

P 68
Term Exam Paper

5. In the figure, PQRS and QUT are straight lines.

Which of the following must be correct?
I. △UST is an isosceles triangle.
II. △URS is an isosceles triangle.
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

6. Simplify 216   2  12 .
5 6
13 6
C. 54  2 6
D. 4 6  3 3

7. Find the area of the trapezium in the figure.

A. 12.5 cm2
B. 34 cm2
C. 48 cm2
D. 61.5 cm2

8. The figure shows two arcs AB and CD, with a common centre
O. Arc AB = 60 cm, arc CD = 48 cm and
OB = 40 cm. Find the length of BD.

A. 8 cm
B. 10 cm
C. 16 cm
D. 20 cm

P 69
Term Exam Paper

9. The figure shows a hollow cylindrical pipe. If the thickness of the pipe is 2 cm, what is the
volume of the pipe?

A. 144 cm3
B. 240 cm3
C. 280 cm3
D. 480 cm3

10. Find DBA in the figure, correct to 3 significant figures.

A. 13.2
B. 21.7
C. 26.3
D. 37.5 8 cm

P 70
Term Exam Paper

S2 Second Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 1)
Suggested Solutions and Marking Scheme

General Instructions:
(1) Marks will not be deducted for wrong spelling.
(2) 1 mark will be deducted for poor expression or poor presentation.
Maximum of 2 marks will be deducted in Section B and C.
(3) 1 mark will be deducted for wrong / no unit.
Maximum of 1 mark will be deducted for the whole paper.

Section A (20 marks)

Question Answer Marks Remarks

1 x = 3, y = 0 2
2 a3 2
3 3.509  103 2
4 Yes, int. s supp. 2
5 4 , 0.5 3 2
6 4 6 2
7 6 cm 2
8 16 cm2 2
9 80 cm3 2
10 61.9 2

P 71
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

Section B (50 marks)

x  2 y  4  (1)
11. (a) 
3x  4 y  6  (2)
From (1), we have
x  4  2 y (3)
By substituting (3) into (2), we have
3(4  2 y )  4 y  6
12  6 y  4 y  6
 2 y  6
y3 1 Method marks

By substituting y  3 into (3), we have

x  4  2(3)
 2
∴ The solution is x  2, y  3. 1

x y
  1
(b)  5 2  (1)
5( x  2 y )  12  (2)
From (1), we have
x y
 1
5 2
2 x  5 y  10  (3) 0.5
From (2), we have
5x  10 y  12 (4) 0.5
(3)  2 :
4 x  10 y  20 (5)
(4) – (5):
5 x  10 y  12
) 4 x  10 y  20
x  8 1 Method marks
By substituting x = 8 into (3), we have
2(8)  5 y  10
 5 y  26
y  5.2
∴ The solution is x = 8, y = 5.2. 1

P 72
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

15 x  10 y  60 1
12. (a) 
10 x  15 y  65 1
3x  2 y  12  ( 1 )
or 
2 x  3 y  13  ( 2 )
(b) (1)  2 :
6 x  4 y  24 (3) 0.5
(2)  3:
6 x  9 y  39 (4) 0.5
(4) – (3):
6 x  9 y  39
) 6 x  4 y  24
5 y  15
y3 1 Method marks
By substituting y = 3 into (1), we have
3x  2(3)  12
∴ The selling prices of each orange and apple are
$2 and $3 respectively. 1

13. (a) Length of Great Wall of China

 885 180 000 000 mm
 8.8518  1011 mm 1

Length of Tsing Ma Bridge

 149 000 000 mm
 1.49  108 mm 1

Length of Mandy’s hand span

 118 mm
 1.18 102 mm 1

(b) (i) 8.8518  1011  1.49  108 0.5

= (8.8518  1.49)  1011 8
= 5.94  103 (cor. to 3 sig. fig.)
∴ The length of the Great Wall of China
is 5.94  103 times that of Tsing Ma Bridge. 0.5

(ii) 8.8518  1011  1.18  102 0.5

= (8.8518  1.18)  1011 2
= 7.50  109 (cor. to 3 sig. fig.)
∴ The length of the Great Wall of China
is 7.50  109 times that of Mandy’s hand span. 0.5

P 73
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

14. (a) B7D16  11  162  7  161  13  160

 2816  112  13
 294110

(b) 2 44 remainder
2 22 ...... 0
2 11 ...... 0
2 5 ...... 1
2 2 ...... 1
2 1 ...... 0
0 ...... 1
2 Method marks
∴ 4410  1011002

15. (a) In △BCD,

3 cm
sin 60  0.5
CD  cm
sin 60
 3.46 cm (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 0.5

In △ABC,
3 cm
sin A  0.5
6 cm

A  30 0.5

(b) In △ABC,
AC 2  AB 2  BC 2 (Pyth.theorem)
AB  6 2  32 cm
 27 cm 0.5
In △BCD,
3 cm
tan 60 
BD  cm 0.5
tan 60
∴ AD  AB  BD
 3 
  27   cm
 tan 60 

P 74
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

∴ Area of △ACD
  AD  BC
1  3 
   27    3 cm
2  tan 60 

 5.20 cm 2 1

16. (a) In △ABC,

BC 2  AB 2  AC 2 (Pyth.theorem)
BC  12 2  22.52 0 .5
 650.25
 25.5 1

∴ EC  BC  BE
 25.5  6 0 .5
 19.5 1

(b) In △CDE,
EC 2  19.52  380.25
CD 2  DE 2  182  7.52  380.25
∵ CD2 + DE2 = EC2 1
∴ △CDE is a right-angled triangle. 1
(converse of Pyth. theorem) deduct 1 mark for
incorrect / missing

17. (a) In △ABF and △DEC,

ABF  DEC alt. s, AB // ED 0.5
AFB  DCE alt. s, AF // DC 0.5
BAF  180  ABF  AFB  sum of △
 180  DEC  DCE
 EDC  sum of △ 0.5
∴ △ABF ~ △EDC AAA 1

P 75
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

(b) ∵ △ACF  △EDC given

∴ AF = EC and CF = DC corr. sides,  △s 0.5
∵ △ABF ~ △DEC proved in (a)
∴  corr. sides, ~ △s 0.5
AF  EC  BF  DC 0.5
AF  AF  BF  CF proved
∴ AF  BF  CF

18. (a) 180  6 2  5

6 5

80  4 2  5
4 5

180  80 6 5  4 5
(b)  (from (a)) 1
10 25
(6  4) 5

2 5

2 1
2 2

 2

19. (a) In △PQR,

sin QPR 
5 cm
sin 20 
PR  cm 0.5
sin 20

P 76
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

∴ Radius of the semi-circle PQR

  PR
1 5
  cm
2 sin 20
 7.31 cm (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1

(b) In △PQR,
tam QPR 
5 cm
tan 20 
PQ  cm 0.5
tan 20
∴ Area of the figure
 area of the semi-circle  area of △PQR
1 1 
     OP2   PQ  RQ  cm 2
2 2 
1  5
 1 5 
         5  cm 2 1+1
 2  2 sin 20  2 tan 20 
 49.6 cm 2 (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1

20. (a) Volume of water in the glass

   5 2  12 cm 3
 300 cm 3 1

(b) Volume of water in the new glass

    4 2  15 cm 3
 120 cm 3 1

Volume of water remained in the

original glass
= (300  120) cm3
= 180 cm3 1

P 77
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

Let d cm be the depth of water remained

in the original glass.
  5 2  d  180 1
d  7.2
∴ The depth of water remained in the
original glass is 7.2 cm. 1

Section C (30 marks)

21. (a) In △ABC,
tan BAC  0.5
2 3
BAC  60 1
∵ CD = CA (radii)
∴ CDA  BAC (base s, isos. △)
 60 0.5

∴ ACD  180  CDA  BAC ( sum of △)

 180  60  60 1
 60


AD 
 2  2 3 cm 1

2 3
 cm 1

  
DE  AE  AD
 90 2 3 
   2  2 3   cm
 1
 360 3 
 cm
BE  BC  EC
 (6  2 3 ) cm 1
AB  2( 3 ) 2  6 2 cm (Pyth.theorem) 1
 48 cm
 4 3 cm

P 78
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

∵ △ACD is an equilateral triangle.

∴ AD = 2 3 cm
∴ BD  AB  AD
 (4 3  2 3 ) cm 1
 2 3 cm
Perimeter of the shaded region

 DE  BE  BD
 3 
  (6  2 3 )  2 3  cm
 3 
 3 
   6  cm 1
 3 

22. (a) QPS  230  360 (s at a pt.)

QPS  130 0.5
In △PQR,
tan RPQ 
RPQ  45 0.5

∵ RPS  RPQ  QPS

RPS  45  130
RPS  85 1

(b) SPT  230  180

 50 0.5
In △SPT,
cos SPT 
cos 50 
PT  7.5 cos 50 1
sin SPT 
sin 50 
ST  7.5 sin 50 1

P 79
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

Draw a perpendicular line from R and meet ST at X

such that RX  ST. 0.5
In △RSX,
SX  XT  ST
SX  4  7.5 sin 50
SX  7.5 sin 50  4 0.5
RX  QP  PT
 4  7.5 cos 50

∴ RS 2  SX 2  RX 2 (Pyth.theorem)
 (7.5 sin 50  4) 2  (4  7.5 cos 50) 2
RS  9 (cor. to the nearest integer) 1

(c) cos PST 
7.5 sin 50
cos PST 
PST  40 1
tan RSX 
4  7.5 cos 50
tan RSX 
7.5 sin 50  4
RSX  78.8 (cor. to 1 d.p.) 1

∴ RSP  RSX  PST

 78.8  40
 38.8 (cor. to 1 d.p.) 1

23. (a) (i) Since OABC is formed by rotating

OABC about O.
∴ OA  OA and OC  OC
and AOC  AOC 1
In △ AOC and △ AOC,
OA  OA proved
AOC  AOC  proved
OC  OC  proved
∴ △ AOC △ AOC SAS 1

P 80
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

(ii) ∵ AOC  AOC (proved in (a)(i))

and AOC  AOC  AOC  360 0.5
(s at a pt.)
∴ 90  2AOC  360
AOC  135 1
∴ BCO  135  180 (int. s, BC // AO )
BCO  45 1

(b) OBC   AOB alt. s, CB // OA

 90 0.5
BOC  BCO corr. s, CO // BC
 45 0.5
In △BOC,
BC 
tan BOC  
BC 
tan 45 
BC 
i.e. BC   OB 1
(OC)  ( BC) 2  (OB) 2
Pyth. theorem 0.5

OC   ( BC ) 2  (OB) 2
 2( BC ) 2

i.e. OC  2 BC 2 1
 2 BC 0 .5

OC 2
∴ 
BC 1
i.e. OC : BC  2 : 1 1

P 81
Term Exam Paper

S2 Second Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper I  Extra Questions)
Suggested Solutions and Marking Scheme

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

Section B (Each question carries 5 marks.)

 3 
1. (3x y )  2 
3 2

 xy 
2  6 2  xy 
3 x y    1
 3 
32 y 2 x
 6
 2 1
x 3y
 321  x16 y 22 1
 3x 5 y 0 1
 5 1

2. (a) Let CD  x cm.

∵ Area of △BCD  96 cm2
∴  16  x  96 1
x  12
BC  CD  BD 2 (Pyth.theorem)
2 2

BC  12 2  16 2 cm 1
 20 cm 1

(b) In △ABC,
AB 2  BC 2  (212  202 ) cm 2 1
 841 cm 2

AC 2  292 cm 2
 841 cm 2
∵ AB 2  BC 2  AC 2
∴ △ABC is a right-angled triangle.
(converse of Pyth. theorem) 1 deduct 1 mark for
incorrect / missing

P 82
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

3. (a) Volume of the solid

 120 
    52   7  cm 3 1
 360 
 cm 3 1

(b) Area of the curved surface

 120 
 2  5  7  cm 2
 360 
 cm 2 1

Area of the two bases

 120  2
  2    52   cm
 360 
 cm 2 1

Area of the two rectangles

 2  5  7 cm 2
 70 cm 2

∴ Total surface area of the solid

 70 50 
   70  cm 2 0.5
 3 3 
 (40  70) cm 2

4. (a) In △ACD,
cos 60  0.5
5 cm
AD  5 cos 60 cm
 2.5 cm 0.5

(b) BD  (8  2.5) cm
 5.5 cm 1
In △ACD,
sin 60 
5 cm
CD  5 sin 60 cm 1

P 83
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

In △BCD,
BC 2  BD 2  CD2 (Pyth.theorem)
BC  5.5 2  (5 sin 60) 2 cm 1
 7 cm 1

5. (a) Let AOB  .

10  3  3   2  3 1+1
4 

∴ AOB  76.4 (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1

(b) Area of sector OAB

     32 cm 2 1
 6 cm 2 (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) 1

6. (a) 4 12  3 3  4 22  3  3 3 0.5
8 3 3 3
 11 3 1

4 12  3 3 4 12  3 3 4 12  3 3
(b)   1
4 12  3 3 4 12  3 3 4 12  3 3
11 3  11 3
 (from (a)) 1
(4 12 ) 2  (3 3 ) 2
 0.5
 1

P 84
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

7. (a)

Draw a horizontal line DF such that
AE // DF // BC. 0.5
FDC  150  180 (int. s, DF // BC )
FDC  30 0.5
EDF  FDC  100
EDF  30  100
EDF  70 0.5
x  EDF  180 (int. s, AE // DF )
x  70  180
x  110 1

(b) Produce ED to a point G on BC.

x  EGC  180 (int. s, AE // BC ) 0.5
110  EGC  180
EGC  70 1
∵ ABG  EGC
∴ AB is not parallel to ED. 1

8. Let $x and $y be the original amounts

Jason and Yvonne have respectively.
 x  y  360 (1) 1

 y  80  ( x  80)  80% (2) 1
From (2), we have
y  80  0.8 x  64
 0.8 x  y  144 (3) 1

(1)  (3) :
x  y  360
)  0.8 x  y  144
1.8 x  216
x  120 1 Method marks

By substituting x  120 into (1), we have

120  y  360
y  240
∴ Jason has $120 and Yvonne has $240 originally. 1

P 85
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

9. (a) DAC  48 (alt. s, AD // BE ) 0.5

In △ADC,
ACB  DAC  ADC (ext.  of △)
 48  28
 76 0.5
In △ACB,
b  ACB (base s, isos. △)
 76 1
a  180  CBA  BCA ( sum of △)
 180  2b
 180  2(76)
 28 1

(b) DBA  b  76

BAD  DAC  CAB
 48  28
 76
∴ DBA  BAD 1
∴ DA  DB (sides opp. equal s) 1 deduct 1 mark for
incorrect / missing
∴ △ABD is an isosceles triangle.

10. (a) BAC  ABC  60 (prop. of equil. △) 0.5

∴ ACD  BAC  ABC (ext.  of △)
 60  60
 120 1
In △ACD,
CAD  CDA (base s, isos. △)
∴ ACD  CAD  CDA  180 ( sum of △)
120  2  CAD  180
CAD  30 0.5
∴ BAD  BAC  CAD
 60  30
 90
i.e. △ABD is a right-angled triangle. 1

P 86
Term Exam Paper

Suggested solutions Marks Remarks

(b) In △ABD,
∵ BAD  90 (proved in (a))
∴ AB 2  AD 2  BD 2 (Pyth. theorem) 1
102  AD 2  (10  10) 2
AD 2  300
AD  10 3 1

P 87
Term Exam Paper

S2 Second Term Examination
Mathematics (Paper 2)

1. A 21. B
2. D 22. A
3. B 23. D
4. B 24. C
5. C 25. B
6. B 26. C
7. B 27. B
8. C 28. D
9. C 29. D
10. A 30. D
11. C 31. C
12. B 32. D
13. D 33. C
14. B 34. A
15. B 35. B
16. D 36. A
17. C 37. C
18. B 38. C
19. C 39. B
20. B 40. C

S2 Second Term Examination

Mathematics (Paper 2 – Extra Questions)

1. D 6. A
2. B 7. D
3. D 8. A
4. B 9. B
5. C 10. A

P 88

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