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Karly Zietzke

0434 614 543

[email protected]
QCT: 915891
Graduate Primary School Teacher Teach QLD: 5327220

I am an organised, positive and flexible graduate primary school teacher seeking to begin my career
in education. Although I am just beginning as a teacher, my experiences as a nanny, tutor and a
volunteer Girl Guide leader have made me a confident and competent educator who is highly
adaptable and comfortable in all situations.

Key Skills
• Creating positive classroom environments with strong relationships;
• Appropriately using technology for valuable learning
• Differentiation for both extension and learning support students
• Implementing interesting, creative and hands on lessons for quality real life learning
• Reflecting on practice to ensure constant development as a professional

2012 - present Bachelor of Education (Primary), The University of Queensland, St Lucia
Expected completion date: December 2019

Professional Experience
2019 - Aspley State School, Year 6
Over the course of this 7 week practicum, I immersed myself in the complete role of a teacher as much as
possible. I planned a maths unit of work in full, including diagnostic testing through to the final assessment,
and implemented it in ways that helped all students to experience success. Additionally, I ran grammar and
punctuation focus lessons based on their writing, and planned a series of spelling focus lessons. I was also
involved in 'Boost' activities within other classrooms, working on writing with small groups.

2018 - Wilston State School, Prep

This was a four week practicum, culminating in a minimum 50% teaching load. I took responsibility for whole
units of work in all areas of the curriculum, including planning, implementing, assessing and moderating.

2017 - Taigum State School, Prep

A 2 week practicum that that involved planning and implementing whole sequences of lessons, as well as
beginning to assess and moderate.

2017 - Eatons Hill State School, Grade 1

A 10 day practicum over ten weeks. This involved beginning to plan and implement lessons while
participating in the classroom activities.

2017 - Woody Point Special School, ECDP

5 days experience in the Early Childhood Development Program at Woody Point special school.

2016 - Clontarf Beach State School, Grade 1

A 10 day practicum over four weeks, mostly focused on observation and participating in classroom activities.
Work and Volunteer History
2019 - present - Transcription Agent
As a transcription agent, my role involves delivering the National Relay Service and providing the Captel
phone service. My role requires very fast typing skills, revoicing audio in real time, and using a high degree of
professionalism in both written and spoken contexts. We are required to meet time and quality KPI's which
I consistently meet and significantly exceed.

2014 - present - Private Tutor

This role involves me tutoring a variety of students from grades 1-12. I develop programs for each students
based upon their learning goals and the relevant curriculum. I often communicate with their teachers to help
ascertain how I can best help them with what they are currently focusing on in class.

2010 - present - Volunteer Girl Guide leader

This volunteer role involves me planning and implementing a program for girls aged 5-10, including outdoor,
life and social skills. This role also involves regularly taking the girls camping and to other outdoor activities.
My behaviour management and organisational skills have been extensively developed through my work with
Girl Guides.

2015 - 2018 - Private Nanny

This role involved caring for two children (aged 6 and 10), including: driving them to and from school;
afternoon entertainment; school lunches; appointments; and after school activities.

2015 - 2016 - ARTIE Tutor

Volunteering tutoring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in a school setting. I was originally
required to do this as part of university, but as I enjoyed it I continued over 4 semesters.

Professional Development & Training

• Provide First Aid (and CPR) Certificate, October 2019. Kept up to date as required
• Rock and Water Training, Girl Guides Queensland, October 2019
• Practical Lesson Planning and Differentiation in the Classroom Professional Development, UQ
EdSoc, September 2018.
• Developing Professional Skills for Pre-Service Teachers Professional Development, UQ EdSoc,
March 2018.
• Cracking the Challenging Classroom Professional Development, UQ EdSoc, October 2017.
• Qualified Leader of Youth (Girl Guides Queensland), 2013.
• Qualified Learning Partner (Girl Guides Queensland), 2018, mentoring of new volunteer leaders.

Irvine Tiomai Katrina Mann-Darlington Nicola Edwards
Supervisor at SSS Transcription Former Supervising Teacher Former Supervising Teacher
irvine.tiomai@ssstranscription Aspley State School Wilston State School [email protected] [email protected]
0402 461 794 0415 423 328 0404 036 370

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