02 Assignment Abroad Times Newspaper

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UAE set to accelerate growth in 2019

Our UAE Correspondent Dubai slashed aviation and mu-
nicipality fees as part of initiatives
he uAe’s economic growth is aimed at lowering corporate and gov-
set to accelerate in 2019 as ernment charges, creating jobs and
non-oil revenue expands on the making it easier to do business in the
back of government measures intro- emirate. The emirate will scrap 19
duced in 2018 and higher spending. fees related to the aviation industry,
The uAe’s economy, the Arab as it seeks to attract more than Dhs 1
world’s second largest, which grew billion of foreign investments into the
0.8 per cent in 2017, mainly due to sector.
oil output and price declines, is set Abu Dhabi announced in June a
to grow in 2019 thanks to a slew of three-year Dhs 50-billion stimulus
government measures aimed at pro- package that will be accompanied by
pelling the non-oil sector, which con- initiatives to stimulate growth in the
tributes to over 70 per cent of the emirate and create at least 10,000
country’s gross domestic product jobs for emiratis.
(GDP). growth rate of 8 per cent, said Sultan employee insurance policies to help forms measures “will encourage private per cent for 2018 and 2.9 per cent in The uAe government’s measure
The Central Bank of the uAe fore- bin Saeed Al Mansoori, Minister for retain talent and attract investors. investment and boost growth”. 2019. Individual emirates are also im- is expected to help the economy
casts the economy will, as a result of economy in November. “The main drivers of non-oil GDP Oxford economics is forecasting plementing specific measures to sup- through reducing the cost of doing
the government reforms and meas- Foreign investment is expected growth would be services on the pro- non-oil GDP growth of 3.6 per cent in port economic growth. business for the private sector, at-
ures, accelerate 4.2 per cent in 2019. to rise to $11.5 billion (Dhs 42.4 duction side, private consumption and 2019, up from 3 per cent in 2018, Dubai and Abu Dhabi are exempt- tracting and retaining talent, and fa-

Kuwait plans to reduce Oman moves up in

The government approved a for- billion) in 2018 from $10.8 billion in investment on the expenditure side,” while oil GDP will expand 1.3 per cent ing companies from administrative cilitating and attracting FDI. All the
eign direct investment (FDI) law that 2017. The government also plans to said Garbis Iradian, Chief economist in 2019 compared with 0.7 per cent in fines as part of efforts to stimulate government initiatives are expected
is expected to boost FDI flows by up grant long-term visas of up to 10 (Mena) at the Institute of International 2018. business growth and economic de- to contribute positively to economic
to 20 per cent in 2019, from an average years and approved new low-cost Finance, adding that government re- Overall growth is projected at 2.3 velopment. growth and diversification.

1.5 mn foreign residents competitiveness index

Our Oman Correspondent wide during 2018.
Our Kuwait Correspondent private sector because they were The World Competitiveness
found to not have a university he Sultanate of Oman Report is issued by the World
uWAIT is planning to re- degree or held a degree that has jumped 14 places, economic Forum annually and
duce the number of for- was not endorsed by their coun- highest worldwide, in the considers the results of over
eign residents in the try of origin. competitiveness index, according 140 countries in competitiveness
country by at least 1.5 million Many of those affected have to the Statistics and Information in accordance with the interna-
over the next seven years. opted to leave the country, ac- Centre of Oman’s National Office tional competitiveness criteria.
The government’s legal de- cording to reports. of Competitiveness. Oman is The report relies on two
partment had asked for opinions The manpower authority is the only country in the GCC mechanisms for collection of
from other government agencies also reported to be pursuing a states which made a progress data which are the opinion polls
on the possibility of establishing ban on foreign nationals with in the 2018 competitiveness re- and the data and information
a national committee to rebal- low degree scores from working port. The Sultanate’s ranking in obtained from international or-
ance Kuwait’s demographic in the private sector to improve the same index was 47th world- ganisations.
structure. the quality of the labour force.
The large number of foreign- Similar steps to reduce the
ers, which account for around foreign population are being tak-
70 per cent of the 4.6 million en in the public sector, with the
population, has led to calls from Civil Service Commission saying
some members of parliament that the Kuwaiti population will according to reports. in August it planned to terminate
for nationality quotas, higher rise from 1.4 million to 1.7 million In addition, it plans for 10 more than 4,45,000 foreign work-
fees and other restrictions. over the next seven years. per cent of foreign employees ers and replace them with citi-
The committee would pro- The committee is also ex- in the public sector to be replaced zens in the coming years.
pose and implement plans to pected to enforce plans that every year and 5 per cent of In addition, the country’s cen-
decrease the number of foreign- would see the number of for- those in the private sector. tral bank has instructed local
ers to 50 per cent of the popula- eigners of a specific nationality Separately, Arabic publica- lenders to increase the percent-
tion. This would mean the num- capped at 25 per cent of the tion Al-Rai reported that the age of Kuwaiti’s in their workforce
ber of expats would need to be population, meaning at least country’s manpower authority to 80 per cent by the end of the
6,00,000 Indians and 3,00,00 had cancelled thousands of ‘job

How Will Stocks

reduced by at least 1.5 million year resulting in up to 17,000
based on government projections egyptians would be deported, titles’ held by foreigners in the foreign workers being replaced.

CBDT exception Given the recent

Perform In 2019?
for NRIs from volatility in stock
market, many
online tax filing investors have
AAT News Service turned sceptic
The Central Board of Direct about the future
Taxes (CBDT) has decided to
allow exception from online filing
returns from stock
of application under Section 197 market. Here is
and 206C (9) in the cases of
NRIs and resident applicants. our reading of the
Vide Notification No 74/2018 market
dated October 25, 2018, Rule
28 of the Income-Tax Rules,
Indian mutual funds have
1962 was amended to prescribe
electronic filing of application for come of age, thanks in great
lower deduction or no deduction measure to the relentless SIP
under Section 197 of Income- (systematic investment plan)
Tax Act, 1961 using digital sig- funds from ordinary investors.
nature or eVC. Similar changes Indian investors today are an ed-
ucated lot as far as the markets

were also made in Rule 37G to
prescribe electronic filing of ap- are concerned. A lot of investors
plication under Section 206C (9) AAT News Service investors have apparently pulled are now switching from their bank
for lower or nil rate of tax collec- out over ` 1-lakh crore from the fixed deposits to mutual funds.
tion at source. The functionality he stock market these Indian market in the current This is sensible as all the
for online filing has since been days is moving on an un- quarter. studies have shown that stock
made available by Centralized certain direction. If it falls Probably that explains why market investments for over a
Processing Cell (TDS) through one day, it rises on the other the market fell steeply on some period of time, say 10 years,
TRACeS portal <https://con- and vice versa. This is because days. But the market also re- have always given an average
tents.tdscpc.gov.in/>. Form No few have a clue as to the future couped soon after. What explains of 12 per cent returns, unlike
13 is the common form for ap- direction of the market. Accord- this? Apparently the recovery fixed deposits which offer around
plication under Section 197 and ing to reports available from for- was made possible by the huge 6 per cent after tax.
206C (9). eign institutional side, portfolio investments by Indian mutual n No Gamblers’ Den – P8
MSME Min urges cos to

compete globally, be part

of 4 industrial revolution
With the financial support given to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
from the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for MSMEs and Prime Minister’s Employment
Generation Programme, 19 lakh new enterprises have been created in the last four
years, providing employment to nearly three crore people

The Vice-President, Venkaiah Naidu, receiving a copy of Shaheed Bhagat Singh’s Jail Diary,

Fertilizers Control Order

from the members of Shaheed Bhagat Singh Brigade, in New Delhi

has provisions to ensure

fertilizer supply to farmers
AAT News Service Guarantee Fund Trust for MSME merce and Industry and Civil diffusion, ease of exporting
and Prime Minister’s Employ- Aviation. through e-Commerce and inter-
NDIAN micro, small and ment Generation Programme, With the implementation of national business forums, de-

medium enterprises (MSMEs) 19 lakh new enterprises have Goods and Services Tax (GST), veloping strategies to penetrate
have the capability to com- been created in the last four MSMEs have undergone huge new markets through trade as- AAT News Service implement the provisions of FCO. would be restricted or denied
pete with global companies and years, providing employment to transformational changes to their sociations and digital entrepre- Any violation of provisions even if the product is otherwise
become a part of the fourth in- nearly three-crore people. benefit. More than one-million neurship, standardisation for ERTILIZERS have been of FCO invokes both adminis- eligible for subsidy under
dustrial revolution due to the Indian MSMEs share is in- MSMEs are now registered with SMEs and alternative & export declared as essential trative and penal penalties. Un- scheme.
support being given to them creasing in exports as well as GST Network and have become financing. commodity under Essen- der FCO, it is mandatory to in- In proven case of abuse of
through various government GDP of the country. As part of part of the formal sector, which SMEs from 56 countries in- tial Commodities Act, 1955, and dicate the maximum retail price subsidy mechanism, the Depart-
schemes, said Giriraj Singh, technical support and upgrading has given them the opportunity cluding China, Germany, Japan, in order to ensure supply of ad- (MRP) on bags of fertilizer and ment of Fertilizers, on the rec-
Union Minister of State for of MSME industries, 10 new to link themselves with national Sweden, Indonesia Italy, Korea, equate quantity of good quality no person shall sell or offer for ommendation of Inter-Ministerial
MSME. technology centres will soon be- as well as global value chains, Singapore, Kenya, Bangladesh, of fertilizer to the farmers, the sale any fertilizer at a price ex- Committee may exclude any
While addressing the 15th come operational, besides the said Arun Kumar Panda, Secre- and Sri Lanka participated in Central government promulgated ceeding the MRP or rate fixed, grade/grades of fertilizers of a
Global SME Business Summit 18 technology centres which are tary, MSME. the summit. the Fertilizer (Control) (Organic, added the minister. particular company or the fertil-
on ‘Building partnerships through doing exemplary work, added The objective of the summit So far, 14 global summits Inorganic and Mixed) Order Reasonableness of MRP of izer company itself from the
global value chains’, organised the minister. is to boost the global competi- for SMEs have been organised (FCO), 1985 and Fertilizer phosphatic and potassic fertiliz- scheme. There is no report of
by Ministry of MSME in part- The summit will provide the tiveness of the Indian MSMEs every year and policymakers, (Movement Control) Order, 1973, ers fixed by the fertilizer com- instances of unauthorised sale
nership with Confederation of MSMEs of the country an op- by apprising them of the global CEOs and academicians from said Rao Inderjit Singh, Union panies is examined by the De- of fertilizer from any state gov-
Indian Industry in New Delhi, portunity to understand the in- trends, global practices and stan- India and across the world at- Minister of State for Planning, partment of Fertilizers under the ernment, said Mr Singh.
Mr Singh said that with Ease of ternational market and encour- dards along with arranging ex- tends the summit. Statistics and Chemicals & Fer- Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) However, state governments
Doing Business, credit lending age them to join international perience sharing and B2B meet- The previous editions of the tilizers, in a written reply to a Scheme. It has been stipulated have been adequately empow-
facilities and technical support, trade. The New Industrial Policy ing with SMEs from across the summit have seen participation question on quality and prices in the provisions that in cases, ered to take actions against per-
and upgradation initiatives of framed by the Department of In- globe. of international delegates from of fertilizers, in Lok Sabha. where after scrutiny, unreason- sons who indulge in illegitimate
the Central government, the dustrial Policy and Promotion, The summit acts as a plat- more than 15 countries like the It is the prime responsibility ableness of MRP is established activities, violating provisions of
MSMEs have joined the SMEs which will get Cabinet nod soon, form to disseminate information US, the UK, Japan, Russia, Ger- of the state governments to en- or where there is no correlation FCO, Fertilizer (Movement Con-
of the world. will benefit the MSMEs of the on global demand for SME prod- many, France, Thailand, Portugal, sure quality fertilizers to farmers between the cost of production trol) Order, 1973 and Essential
With the financial support country in a big way, said Suresh ucts, the ongoing disruptions in New Zealand, Italy, Egypt, China, as per FCO specifications and or acquisition and the MRP print- Commodities Act, 1955, he
given to MSMEs from the Credit Prabhu, Union Minister for Com- global value chains, technology UAE and Czech Republic. are adequately empowered to ed on the bags, the subsidy added.

AAT News Service valuable suggestions were re- growth rate of about 8 per cent The second section on in- decisions on an integrated, BharatNet programme in 2019, ally-marginalised sections of the
ceived and incorporated. on average during 2018-23. frastructure deals with the phys- transparent and dynamic pricing all 2.5-lakh gram panchayats population.
HE NITI Aayog unveiled Over 800 stakeholders from This will raise the economy’s ical foundations of growth which mechanism for the railways. will be digitally connected; and Some of the key recommen-
its comprehensive nation- within the government – Central, size in real terms from $2.7 tril- are crucial to enhancing the Doubling the share of freight aim to deliver all government dations in the section on inclu-
al Strategy for New In- state and district levels – and lion in 2017-18 to nearly $4 tril- sion include: Successfully im-
dia@75, which defines clear about 550 external experts were lion by 2022-23. plementing the Ayushman
objectives for 2022-23. It is a consulted during the preparation Increase the investment rate Bharat programme including the

NITI Aayog
detailed exposition across 41 of the document. The overar- as measured by gross fixed establishment of 1,50,000 health
crucial areas that recognises ching focus of the strategy doc- capital formation from the pres- and wellness centres across
the progress already made, ument is to further improve the ent 29 per cent to 36 per cent the country, and rolling out the
identifies binding constraints, policy environment, in which of GDP by 2022; in agriculture, Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yo-

and suggests the way forward private investors and other shift the emphasis to converting jana Abhiyan.
for achieving the clearly-stated Create a focal point for pub-
objectives. lic health at the Central level
Drawing inspiration and di- with state counterparts; promote
rection from the Prime Minister, integrative medicine curriculum;
Narendra Modi’s clarion call for upgrade the quality of the school

establishing a New India by education system and skills, in-
2022, NITI Aayog embarked on cluding the creation of a new
a journey of formulating the innovation ecosystem at the
strategy document over the last ground level by establishing at
year. least 10,000 Atal Tinkering Labs
In his foreword, the Prime by 2020; conceptualise an elec-

for New
Minister says: “The Strategy for tronic national educational reg-
New India@75 put together by istry for tracking each child’s
NITI Aayog is an attempt to learning outcomes.
bring innovation, technology, As already done in rural ar-
enterprise and efficient man- eas, give a huge push to af-
agement together, at the core fordable housing in urban areas
of policy formulation and im- to improve workers’ living con-

plementation. It will encourage ditions and ensure equity while
discussion and debate, and in- providing a strong impetus to
vite feedback for further refining economic growth.
our policy approach. We believe The final section on gover-
that economic transformation nance delves deep into how
cannot happen without public the governance structures can
participation. Development must be streamlined and processes
become a Jan Andolan.” optimised to achieve better de-
NITI Aayog followed an ex- velopmental outcomes.
tremely participative approach Some of the key recommen-
in preparing the strategy. Each dations in the section on gov-
area vertical in NITI Aayog had ernance include: Implement the
in-depth consultations with all recommendations of the Second
three groups of stakeholders, stakeholders can contribute their farmers to ‘agripreneurs’ by fur- Administrative Reforms Com-
viz business persons, academ- fullest towards achieving the ther expanding e-National Agri- mission as a prelude to ap-
ics including scientists, and gov- goals set out for New India culture Markets and replacing pointing a successor for de-
ernment officials. 2022 and propel India towards the Agricultural Produce Mar- signing reforms in the changing
This was followed by con- a $5-trillion economy by 2030. keting Committee Act with the context of emerging technolo-
sultations at the level of the The 41 chapters in the doc- Agricultural Produce and Live- gies and growing complexity of
Vice-Chairman with a diverse ument have been disaggregated stock Marketing Act. the economy.
group of eminent persons from under four sections: Drivers, in- Give a strong push to ‘Zero Set up a new autonomous
seven sets of stakeholders that frastructure, inclusion and gov- Budget Natural Farming’ tech- body, viz, the Arbitration Council
included scientists and innova- ernance. niques that reduce costs, im- of India to grade arbitral insti-
tors, farmers, civil society or- The first section on drivers prove land quality and increase tutions and accredit arbitrators
ganisations, think-tanks, labour focusses on the engines of eco- farmers’ incomes. This has to make the arbitration process
representatives and trade nomic performance with chap- emerged as a tested method cost effective and speedy, and
unions, and industry represen- ters on growth and employment, for putting environment carbon competitiveness of Indian busi- transported by coastal shipping services at the state, district, to preempt the need for court
tatives. doubling of farmers’ incomes; back into the land; to ensure ness as also ensuring the citi- and inland waterways; initially, and gram panchayat level digi- intervention.
Central ministries were upgrading the science, technol- maximum employment creation, zens’ ease of living. viability gap funding will be pro- tally by 2022-23. Address the backlog of
brought on board for inputs, ogy and innovation ecosystem; complete codification of labour Some of the key recommen- vided until the infrastructure is The section on inclusion pending cases – shift part of
suggestions and comments, with and promoting sunrise sectors laws and a massive effort must dations in the section on infra- fully developed; develop an IT- deals with the urgent task of in- workload out of regular court
each draft of individual chapters like fintech and tourism. be made to upscale and expand structure include: Expedite the enabled platform for integrating vesting in the capabilities of all system; and expand the scope
being circulated for consulta- Some of the key recommen- apprenticeships; and launch a establishment of the Rail De- different modes of transport and citizens. The three themes in of Swachh Bharat Mission to
tions. The draft document was dations in the section on drivers mission ‘Explore in India’ by re- velopment Authority (RDA), promoting multimodal and digi- this section revolve around the cover initiatives for landfills,
also circulated to all the states include: Steadily accelerate the vamping minerals exploration which is already approved. RDA tised mobility. dimensions of health, education plastic/municipal waste and gen-
and Union territories from whom economy to achieve a GDP and licensing policy. will advise or make informed With the completion of the and mainstreaming of tradition- erating wealth from waste.
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uRgEnt REquIERMEnt UAE ClIENT INTERIvEW 7/8/9/10 jAN 2019

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Qualfications: B.E / B.Tech./ Diploma / I.T.I. as per the relevant
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& Civil):B.E/ B.Tech or Diploma in Mechanical or Civil

with min 6 yrs work exp as Cost Control Qualfications: B.E / B.Tech./ Diploma / I.T.I. as per the relevant v HVAC/SITE ENGINEERS/SUPERVISORS/ CORDINATORS
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Urgently reqUired for their oil & gas of (Must
Budget at KUWAIT
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Certificates vs earned
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in Construction SERvICES
of Oil & Gas Industry
QA/QC Division 6/33, Mittal Industrial Estate, Andheri Kurla Rd,
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filed with min 6 yrs work exp as Quantity Surveyor v HD./LD. DRIVERS: VALID UAE LIC. v STORE KEEPERS
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position good knowledge in Preparation of Management/ Candidates should have exp. in HVAC system maint. make: Carrier/ York /
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Liebert etc, Exp. in installations and commissioning of HVAC.
Preliminary Interview in Progress tender, etc in Construction of Oil & Gas Industry make: Carrier/ York / Liebert etc, Exp. in installations
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on HVAC mechanical, related controls like Siemens. Well
Skilled in indepndently overhauling AC compressors
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Total Cost: ` 22,995/-
Size: 5 x 6 Size 6 X 21 Rate: ` 640/- per sq. cms.
Rate: ` 940/- per sq. cms. (Single Edition) - Sat. OR Wed.
A special section of Assignments Abroad Times WEdNESdAy, JANuAry 02, 2019 ASSIGNMENTS ABroAd TIMES, MuMBAI 5

AAT News Service ing out of your mouth than what to excel in the position. When an arrogant casualness. During aggressive or creepy, so be sure come across as extremely ag- than straight across. This will
your body is communicating. An you meet your interviewer, you the interview, you’re too tense to look away occasionally. gressive, but at the same time feel more collegial and less con-

Why Body
E all know how English often cited study states that 55 immediately hone in on things to connect or too self-absorbed. So we know it is important offering the interviewer a limb, frontational.
language is important per cent of communication is about her that you find relatable. It’s easy to see why the can- that our body language should lifeless hand will be a big turn
in job interviews. But body language, 38 per cent is Her demeanour puts you at ease didate in A will get the job offer. communicate positive messages. off so, again, get the balance Movements
in this article we shall discuss tone of voice, and 7 per cent is and you reciprocate with a warm Employers want to be around How do we do that? Here are right.
about how body language is the actual words spoken. Al- smile and a firm handshake. In people who seem well adjusted, some things to remember for Regardless of how poised you
equally important when you ap- genuine and not high strung. So your next interview. Eye contact come across at the beginning

Language Is
pear for job interviews. even if you’re trying your best of an interview, your hands can
You can be armed with the to act the part, the subconscious Smile Maintain eye contact while in- betray your nervousness through
most eloquently produced oral mind is brilliant in detecting non- troducing yourself and follow fidgeting. One of the best ways
pitch, CV and bucketloads of verbal cues that say otherwise. Smiling expresses many positive their cues on when to let go. to avoid the problem of “what to

When you
experience, but your gestures Remembering a few things emotions and character traits at Nothing’s more awkward than do with the hands” is by using

Important In
face your

Job Interviews
your body
matters a
lot. Here are
a few
to consider
when you
appear for about effective body language the same time. These include an over-long handshake. The them to express yourself and

the next
can help you communicate a gratitude for the opportunity, eyes are the windows to the emphasise points when talking.
positive message to your inter- openness, confidence, friendli- soul and this is especially true As long as your hand move-

viewer. You can make a solid ness and charisma. Also, believe in a job interview. Employers ments don’t become a distrac-
first impression with a firm, but it or not, smiling will also help to are looking for unspoken clues tion, feel free to use gestures
not iron handshake that accom- relax you and relieve any nerves. in your face and body language as a way to support your an-
panies eye contact and a smile. This doesn’t mean a frozen and your eyes tend to give away swers. Just be cognizant that
and posture etc can still let you Keeping arms open and un- beauty queen smile or a tense a lot. Looking away too much they aren’t too emotive, nervous
down at the crucial moment. In crossed will communicate a ‘from the lips down’ politician can show that you’re evasive or or over-the-top.
fact, you are actually saying warm and friendly message, and smile. Rather, the smile that hap- untrustworthy. Staring can show
more with your body than with sitting tall with your back against pens spontaneously when you that you’re aggressive or just Facial expression
words. Remember recruiters the back of the seat will com- meet a new person for the first plain weird. Throughout the in-
generally decide after 90 sec- municate a message of confi- time: warm, curious, open. Ulti- terview, try to maintain eye con- You must match your facial ex-
onds if they’re going to hire dence. mately that’s how you should tact naturally by paying attention pression with the things you’re
someone, so to give yourself though this breakdown might the interview you listen carefully, Through keeping an inter- see your interviewer – as a per- to what is being said rather than saying. Sitting with a stern look
the best chance of a first im- not be exact, it does emphasise follow her cues and lean in as if ested expression and aiming to son you’re eager to meet. how you’re doing. on your face as you describe
pression you should make sure the power of non-verbal com- you’re having a conversation keep eye contact for 2/3 of the your life passions may come
you’re dressed well, clean and munication. with a colleague rather than an interview, you can convey that Handshake Posture across as vacant, bored or, even
well groomed. Consider the following two interrogator. you are engaged and ready to worse, boring; meanwhile in your
As somebody remarked, situations: B) You arrive at your interview take on the job. Many interview- In addition to your smile, your Stand and sit up straight and try head, you imagine your expres-
sometimes the hardest part of a A) You arrive at an interview either feeling anxious and self- ers report that bad interviews handshake can set the tone for not to cross your arms. The goal sion to be professional and for-
job interview is not remembering feeling upbeat, optimistic and at conscious, or cavalier and overly most often contain little to no the rest of the interview. Wait is to convey confidence and mal. These all apply for Skype
what to say, but making sure ease. Even though you don’t confident. When you greet your eye contact. However, locked for the interviewer to initiate and ease rather than stiffness or interviews as well. Be human.

Gadkari expresses satisfaction on

your body is saying it too. It’s have years of experience, you’re interviewer it’s with an awkward eyes or too much eye contact then shake their hand firmly and sloppiness. If possible, sit at an Follow the conversation and act
easier to control the words com- confident that you know enough handshake and timid eyes or can cause you to appear overly warmly. Squeezing too hard can angle from the interviewer rather naturally.

progress of Clean Ganga Mission
AAT News Service infrastructure under HAM, said
Mr Gadkari.
ITH the support of all Minister of State for Housing
stakeholders, the work and Urban Affairs, Hardeep
on Clean Ganga Mis- Singh Puri, complimented the
sion is going on war footing and Namami Gange programme for
the hard work of all stakeholders making Clean Ganga Mission a
has started to show visible re- mass movement and said all
sults on ground, said the Union possible efforts required from
Minister for Water Resources, his ministry is being provided in
River Development and Ganga the form of three main works
Rejuvenation, Nitin Gadkari. that include making villages open
Mr Gadkari expressed sat- defecation free (ODF), imple-
isfaction over the positive feed- menting liquid waste treatment
back received for Clean Ganga and solid waste management.
Mission and assured the people Under Namami Gange pro-
of the country that their dream gramme, 97 towns within five
of rejuvenated Ganga will soon kilometres of river Ganga have
be fulfilled. been identified where interven-
“The government has freed tions are being made. Swachh
Kanpur from the ill-effect of Bharat Mission is helping vil-
Sisamau drain after 128 years, lages along Ganga to become
which was infamous for the pol- ODF, he said.
lution it was causing to river Minister of State for Water
Ganga. 140 million litres per Resources, River Development
day (MLD) of wastewater has and Ganga Rejuvenation, Satya
been stopped from flowing into Pal Singh hoped that the Clean
river Ganga,” said Mr Gadkari Ganga Mission will be immense-
while speaking at the recent In- ly benefitted from the ideas
dia Water Impact Summit 2018, which come during the summit
titled ‘Global Co-operation for and said foreign collaboration
a Global Issue’ organised at is very important for the task of
Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. Ganga rejuvenation.
Six reports were released Linking the problem of Gan-
on the occasion regarding flow ga cleaning with over-extraction
regimes and Ganga River Basin of groundwater, Secretary, Min-
Management Plan of five main istry of Water Resources, River
stem of Ganga basin states. Development and Ganga Re-
Green Ganga App, developed juvenation, U P Singh said, there
by Remote Sensing Centre of is an urgent need for paradigm
Indian Sapce Research Organ- shift in water resources man-
isation (ISRO) was also agement as it would help in
launched during the occasion. ISRO was also launched. crore and has spent about ` ghat and crematoria, 6 bio-di- projects are being taken up on already been published. Fol- maintaining the Aviralta of river
Green Ganga App is used Since the inception of Ganga 5,000 crore in the last four years. versity and 16 afforestation proj- tributaries like Yamuna, Saryu, lowing this a meeting has been Ganga.
for geo-tagging of saplings and cleaning programme (1985) till Not only has the pace of ex- ects. 133 sewerage infrastruc- Ram Ganga, Gomti, Kali, Kosi, held with all state Chief Secre- He expressed deep concern
delineation of plantation bound- 2014, Central government had penditure increased manifold, ture projects costing ` 19,789 Gandak, Damodar, Rispana- taries asking them to implement on the depleting levels of
aries under ongoing afforestation spent less than ` 4,000 crore. results are visible on the ground crore will create 3,969 MLD of Bindal etc. the e-flow notification. He also aquifers stopping the water flow
activities of Namami Gange pro- With the launch of Namami as well. sewage treatment capacity and The minister also mentioned talked about the success story back to the river. He stressed
gramme. The touch-enabled in- Gange programme, provision “Out of these 254 projects, lay down 4,871 kilometres of that the Aviralta of river Ganga of Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM) on the need to talk about issues
formation kiosk about Namami of ` 20,000 crore have been 133 are for sewerage manage- sewerage network,” said the has also been given importance in sewage water sector and of groundwater recharge, main-
Gange programme, developed made for five years. So far, ment, 11 bioremediation, one minister. and to ensure that required level one-city-one-operator for inte- taining floodplains, rainwater
jointly by National Mission for NMCG has sanctioned 254 proj- modular sewage treatment plant Reiterating the focus on trib- of ecological flow is always grating the development of new harvesting and restoration of
Clean Ganga (NMCG) and ects for more than ` 24,000 (STP), one rural sanitation, 64 utaries of Ganga, he said 26 maintained, a notification has STPs with the existing treatment water bodies.

Stock exchanges no longer

considered domain of gamblers
From Page 1 couraging equity analysis in re- Consider reshuffling your surprise that many investors wor-
cent months. portfolio, buying stocks that move ry about a more prolonged and
EOPLE also have shed Edelweiss Financial Services with the overall economy, or sell- severe market sell-off ahead.
their fear of stock market. too is upbeat on Indian markets. ing losing investments to offset Such sentiment is reflected by
The market was once According to this fund house, gains, advises one analyst. Says both professional and individual
considered the domain of gam- the upcoming general elections he in a classic quote: “Don’t investors.
blers. Many people have now in April-May are mere “interrup- make your own recession by The percentage of retail in-
continued to pump in huge mon- tions” that won’t disrupt the na- not investing in the market.” vestors, who expect stock prices
ey into mutual funds. Therefore, tion’s economic structure or busi- US investors have already will be lower in the next six
mutual fund managers have a ness cycle. felt the pain. The ongoing trade months, jumped to more than
huge corpus to invest in. So The key risk, however, is the disputes with China have created 47 per cent in mid-November.
whenever the market crashes, political uncertainty. Edelweiss supply-chain disruptions, affect- That was the most bearish read-
they keep buying shares which is urging investors to focus on ing corporate profitability and ing since February 2016, ac-
in turn lift the markets. cording to a weekly sentiment
Now the question is, how survey. The bull market in global
will the market perform in 2019? stocks has already ended, ac-
Not many are very positive about cording to 35 per cent of re-
the market in 2019 given that spondents in a recent Reuters
it’s an election year and there poll of 100 equity strategists.
are doubts about incumbent gov- Still, some 48 per cent believe it
ernment returning to power. Still has more than a year of life left
we shall attempt to make some in it.
forecasts based on various While there’s no ‘right’ time
analyses by fund houses so that to buy into the market, now may
you as an investor can take in- feel like the wrong time to do
formed decisions. so. But it’s best to fight those
Credit Suisse (CS) sets 2019 fears and keep investing. With
forecast as one that could give the vast majority of asset classes
more than 15 per cent returns in the red this year, you don’t
from current levels. “We believe have a lot of attractive alterna-
that solid economic/EPS growth tives for investing in 2018, so

Cabinet approves MoU with France

and benign recessionary risks it’s prudent to bet on the stock
will be sufficient to propel the market’s proven history as a
market higher,” says a CS report. long-term investment.

in field of new & renewable energy

Chief equity strategist the second half of next year – a stock performance, which have Keep these simple mantras
Jonathan Golub told clients in a period that may see optimism a spillover effect on the broader in mind when investing for the
note published recently that he return and the business cycle US stock market. long-term: Volatility is inherent
expects the market to rocket kicking into high gear. “Don’t Here’s something one ought to investing. Take that as a given

past his 2018 target. That’s more split hairs on India’s macros, to remember: Don’t sell out of and don’t stress about daily gy-
than 15 per cent upside from earnings and valuations – split fear; rather, be more selective rations. Don’t try to time the AAT News Service to define the modalities of dis- impact.
current levels and more than 11 2019 into two halves,” Edelweiss about how you invest. If you be- market. If you sell when you cussions concerning, in partic- The MoU will help in strength-
per cent from his December analysts wrote. “The second half lieve the current market cycle is think the market’s peaked you’ll HE Union Cabinet ap- ular, the future collaboration re- ening bilateral co-operation be-
2018 target. should be a smoother ride.” nearing its end, consider those likely be wrong. proved signing of MoU garding in a pilot project to pro- tween India and France.
But according to them, strong However, many investors still dynamics when making alloca- Keep adding money to the between the Solar Energy vide SECI an e-vehicle charging Readers are advised to make ap-
earnings won’t be driving the remain on edge, especially amid tion decisions. Diversify your market at regular intervals. This Corporation of India (SECI), In- station with embedded batteries, propriate enquiries before entering
gains. The reasons are attributed a flurry of predictions that the portfolio to include sectors that strategy, known as rupee-cost dia and French Alternative En- powered by solar panels and into any commitment or making
to multiple expansions, as in- next recession is coming in 2020. still have solid growth prospects averaging, smooths out your pur- ergies and Atomic Energy Com- optimised connection to the grid payments in relation to any adver-
vestors grow more willing to pay So what should one do? If you (like healthcare), read research chase price over time. Diversify mission (CEA), French state- in order to support the Indian tisement published in this paper.
premiums for top stocks like remain optimistic about US eco- reports from fund managers or your portfolio to reduce overall owned research entity and government’s ambitious plan Assignments Abroad Times shall
technology companies and con- nomic growth, market volatility talk to a financial advisor. risk. That means a mix of stocks BlueStorage SAS, a French for the deployment of electrical not be held responsible for any con-
sumer names. This is not the serves as an opportunity to buy But given the market’s wild and bonds, as well as assets sequences thereon.
company. vehicles by maximising solar

Fashion Corner
first time CS has published en- stocks at lower prices. swings in recent months, it’s no from different geographic regions. The objective of the MoU is mobility and minimising its grid Publisher

AAT News Service Fatty liver gradually develops in While drinking may provide a substance that contributes to Drinkers will love to read
90 per cent of those who drink few hours of relief, many do not blood clots; cut the risk of dia- this: It maybe hard to believe,
LCOHOL is something more than a half ounce (15 ml) realise that it will worsen your betes, another major risk factor but alcohol may help you live
that does not have a com- of alcohol per day and is usually overall mental health and spark for heart disease; and reduce longer. Studies suggest that light
mon opinion about by doc- symptomless and fully reversible. a vicious cycle. stress and anxiety temporarily. and moderate consumption of
tors or scientists when it comes In heavy drinkers, binge What about heart health? There is also talk about al- alcohol may cut the risk of pre-

How good is alcohol

to their usefulness or dangers. If drinking may cause your liver to Heart disease is the leading cohol causing cancer? How true mature death. Simultaneously,
you look at the internet, you will become inflamed. In worst-case cause of death in modern society. is that? Cancer is a serious dis- alcohol abuse is the third main
get all kinds of opinions. scenarios, liver cells die and get It is a broad category of diseases, ease caused by abnormal growth cause of preventable death in

for your health?

While many suggest that replaced with scar tissue, leading the most common of which are of cells. Alcohol consumption is the US, as it’s a large factor in
moderate amount of alcohol has chronic diseases, accidents, traf-
health benefits, it is also a fact fic crashes and social problems.
that alcohol’s addictive and highly But some people become
toxic – especially when you drink addicted to the effects of alcohol,
too much. So what could be the a condition known as alcohol
truth? The truth is that the health dependence or alcoholism. Al-

There are
effects of alcohol vary between
individuals and depend on the
amount and type of alcohol one
consumes. conflicting
To understand this further, opinions about
the use of
let us first understand the content
of alcohol. The main psychoac-
tive ingredient in alcoholic bev-
erages is ethanol. Generally re- alcohol. If you
ferred to as ‘alcohol’, ethanol is can follow the
catchline, ‘drink
the substance that makes you
drunk. It’s produced by yeasts
that digest sugar in certain carb-
rich foods, such as grapes – responsibly’,
used to make wine – or grains – then you would
be in safe zone
used to make beer.
Alcohol is one of the most
popular psychoactive substances
in the world. It can have powerful cohol dependence is one of the
effects on your mood and mental main causes of alcohol abuse
state. By reducing self-con- and disability and a strong risk
sciousness and shyness, alcohol factor for various diseases.
may encourage people to act How much is too much? Rec-
without inhibition. At the same ommendations for alcohol intake
time, it impairs judgement and are usually based on the number
promotes behaviour people may of standard drinks per day. The
end up regretting. problem is most people have
Some people drink small no idea what qualifies as a ‘stan-
amounts at a time, while others dard drink’. To worsen matters,
tend to binge drink. Binge drink- the official definition of a standard
ing involves drinking large to a serious condition called cir- heart attacks and strokes. a risk factor for cancers of the drink differs between countries.
amounts at a time to get drunk. rhosis. Cirrhosis is irreversible The relationship between al- mouth, throat, colon, breast and It is said that if you enjoy al-
How does alcohol affect the and associated with many seri- cohol and heart disease is com- liver. The cells lining your mouth cohol and don’t binge, there is
human organs? Your liver is a ous health problems. In ad- plex and depends on several and throat are especially vul- no compelling reason to avoid
remarkable organ with hundreds vanced cirrhosis, a liver trans- factors. Light to moderate drink- nerable to the harmful effects of it. Just keep in mind that your
of essential functions. One of plant maybe the only option. ing is linked to a reduced risk of alcohol. Even light alcohol con- cancer risk may increase – re-
its main roles is to neutralise Does alcohol induce depres- heart disease, while heavy drink- sumption – up to one drink per gardless of how much you are
various toxic substances you sion? Alcohol intake and de- ing appears to increase the risk. day – is linked to a 20 per cent drinking. However, if you tend
consume. For this reason, your pression are closely but com- There are several possible increased risk of mouth and to drink excessively or notice
liver is particularly vulnerable to plexly associated. While alcohol reasons for the beneficial effects throat cancer. that alcohol causes problems in
damage by alcohol intake. Liver intake and depression seem to of drinking moderately. Moderate Your risk increases the more your life, you should avoid it as
diseases caused by alcohol con- increase the risk of one another alcohol consumption may: Raise you consume. More than four much as possible.
sumption are collectively known simultaneously, alcohol abuse ‘good’ HDL cholesterol in your drinks daily appear to cause a In conclusion, we can say
as alcoholic liver diseases. maybe the stronger causal factor. bloodstream; decrease blood five-fold increase in your risk of that because alcohol impact de-
The first of these to appear Many people facing anxiety and pressure, a major risk factor for mouth and throat cancer, as well pends entirely on the individual,
is fatty liver, characterised by depression drink intentionally to heart disease; lower your blood as an increase in your risk of it’s good for some and disastrous
increased fat inside liver cells. reduce stress and improve mood. concentration of fibrinogen, a breast, colon and liver cancer. for others.
Printed by N.R.K. Pillai and published by him on behalf of Aishwarya Publications Pvt. Ltd. and printed at M/s. Dangat Media Pvt. Ltd., 22, Digha, MIDC, TTC Industrial Area, Vishnu Nagar, Digha, Navi Mumbai-400 708 and published from 302, Eruchshaw Building, 3rd Floor, 249 Dr. D.N. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001. Editor: N.R.K. Pillai.

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