PWC Flashcards

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PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is a multinational company that offers consulting,

auditoring, legal and fiscal advice to important institutions globally. It is located in 158
countries including United States, United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, China, and
Ecuador. PwC came first to Ecuador in 1969 and has helped the growth of the country since
then. The company is one of the biggest four firms in auditing services. PwC owns an
advisory practice as well, which operates within the firm framework. Both businesses have
grown consistently providing coverage across the globe. In Ecuador PwC operates the two
practices in two different units of business: PriceWaterhouseCoopers del Ecuador and PwC
Consulting Advisors. During 2016 and 2017 the company realised the importance of
presenting one united front to all of its stakeholders. Even though they are separated
companies they both operate as one business with shared processes and corporate values.

PwC helps other business to consult different services so they can improve its
efficiency and growth they help them principally by providing confidentiality in the information
given by the customer, also by having a good personnel that are highly trained at the work
position that each one has, by supporting the global network of consultants and more.
The nature of the challenge for PwC is globally correlated with the quality of the two
businesses that PwC has, each one asking for different profiles while recruiting their
employees. The assurance business requires accountants with a framed profile around
accounting standards that are the presentation of financial statements, inventory, and more.
The advisory business on the other hand requires highly creative, strategic and technically
savvy people. The two profiles are almost opposed one another because one requires never
to color outside the lines, and the other one asks for an out-of-the-box thinking. It is worth to
mention that being an assurance or an advisory consultant requires, regardless of the
profile, a strict following of the company’s rules and values, as well as an adherence to the

The Corporate PwC decided to define a common set of competences and values
based on shared principles and ideas across the two practices. The main objective is to
illustrate and clarify what values and behaviors are expected from all members of the firm
regardless of the country they are stationed or the practice in which they perform.
IFRS standards; is a not-for-profit, public interest organisation established to develop a
single set of high-quality, understandable, enforceable and globally accepted accounting
standards, may result in a more attractive PwC. This standard helps the company to gain
transparency, accountability and efficiency (Standards, 2017).

Role culture: each member of the staff has a clearly defined job little and role
PwC has role culture, in which all the employees knows their job title and role. This type
of culture is normally in bureaucratic companies, the personnel follows the rules given by the
company. Also the structure of the company is defined correctly and well organised as the
power of each one of the job roles. The qualities and practices of PwC characterize the
desires that they have for cooperating and interacting with customers. In spite of the fact that
they originate from various foundations and societies over the firm, they are what the
company as a whole share for all intents and purposes. They catch the common goals and
desires, and guide how they settle on choices and treat others. As PwC experts, we adjust
our activities to the qualities and practices of PwC. PwC consider the values of a full set all
are similarly basic to their prosperity.

A drastic change in a company specially this big can be hard because the employees
need time to adapt and it can confuse them in what they need to do, possibly creating a bad
company environment during the period of adaptation.
the purpose of the values inside the company are important to achieve their purpose
“Building trust in society and solving important problems”

this core values have being remade for the better of the company. But also unify the
corporate values globally

Since PwC is in 158 countries it implies that the communication is not necessarily
easy to be acceptable around all countries, specially when a lot of these countries where
they are entering do not follow the same values, or do not have the same culture they are
used to. In consequence, the creation of new values was needed and was implemented in
PwC, to make their way of communicating with other countries easier for them, also because
other countries have their own laws, culture as well as time zone, which makes the effort of
changing values with communication is way harder than what it sounds.

When we talk about communication what is correct or appropriate in a culture might not be in
another, and even do neither of them it's actually incorrect they both have their own ways.
With the communication of a business with a culture, ignoring them can lead to
problems further down the road. With Internal business, if workers and managers do not
understand the goals, expectations and processes it can cause disruptions or
misinterpretations. With the understanding of a culture it helps the business to anticipate
potential challenges or barriers in the adoption of processes or policies. A project will fail if
new information or ideas are suddenly imposed on employees accustomed to a different
business culture.

The human resource department is very important in a company because it not only
helps to recruit new employees but it also creates a good business environment, this means
that the main role for the human resource department is to create harmony and also to have
an ideal working environment that makes all the collaborators feel at ease in their work and
also to feel happy. Therefore with the help of these department the company can develop in
a more easy way to manage and also have an efficient work in where everyone joins and no
one is left alone.
The new corporate values plan was implemented to the employees in a subtle way,
this means that it wasn't a drastic change for the workers. First, the company starts by telling
the personnel this new values that are going to be implemented in the company. Then, the
employees start to learning and implementing the corporate values in their work environment
by the supervision of the human resource department and also the help of this department
during the change process. Finally, when the time passes they starting getting use to the
new core values of PwC.

The human resource department is very important in PwC because of the strategic
approach used to achieve its objectives and gain competitive advantage by the
effective management of the
organizations workers.

The implementation of the new corporate values plan has brought improvements inside
the company such as the unification of the two practices and the globalization of the values.
It is clear that the company tries to make their employees feel good within the company, with
the changes on the values now employees are asked to tell the Human Resource
department how they feel, also the company with this new values try to not only care about
them but care about the environment within the company. Implementing this new values
changed the climate of the company because employees feel safe and happy which will
improve their efficiency. With this new values the company is achieving their purpose
“Building trust in society and solving important problems”. For the development of the new
set of values PwC decided to define a common set of competences based on shared values
across the two practices. The main objective is to illustrate and clarify what values and
behaviors are expected from all members of the firm regardless of the country they are
stationed or the practice in which they perform. The corporate values plan in
PriceWaterhouseCoopers has improved the organizational climate in a big way because
employees have improved their efficiency and the company does not have the need to
recruit new personnel constantly.

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