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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.

7) (2018) 142-144

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Website: www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET

Research paper

Simulation Study of LPG Cooking Burner

Mana Wichangarm1, Anirut Matthujak1*, Thanarath Sriveerakul1,
Sedthawatt Sucharitpwatskul2 and Sutthisak Phongthanapanich3
Combustion and Jet Application Research Laboratory (CJARL) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ubon Ratchathani University,
34190 Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
Computer-Aided Engineering Laboratory, Design and Engineering Research Unit, National Metal and Materials Technology Center
(MTEC), 12120 Pathum Thani, Thailand
Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok,
10800 Bangkok, Thailand
*Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]


The objective of this paper is to numerically study the flow feature and combustion phenomena of an energy-saving cooking burner using
three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Combustion temperatures were experimentally and numerically investigated in
order to not only validate the CFD model, but also describe the combustion phenomena. From the temperature comparison, the CFD
model was good agreement with the experiment, having the error of less than 5.86%. Based upon the insight from the CFD model, the
high temperature of 1,286 K occurred at the middle of the burner. The high intensive vortex of the flow being enhanced the combustion
intensity and the heat transfer coefficient is obvious observed near the burner head inside the ring. Therefore, it is concluded that the
burner ring is the major part since it controls flame structure, high temperature region, intensive combustion region, heat loss and suitable
flow feature. However, heat transfer to the vessel should be further clarified by the CFD model.

Keywords: Energy-saving cooking burner, CFD, combustion temperature, flow feature, validation.

In this paper, the flow feature and temperature distribution of the

1. Introduction energy-saving cooking burner are preliminarily studied by three-
dimensional CFD modeling. Moreover, validation of the CFD
LPG cooking burners are widely used as domestic heating appli- modeling with the experiment is presented.
ances because of convenience and safety. In view point of energy
saving and pollutant emission control, improvement of thermal
efficiency is the most important research topic. Recently, it is
known well that there have been many studies to improve the
thermal efficiency with low pollutant emission. Much attention
has been focused on improving KB cooking burner by experi-
mental study [1-5], while there has been very limited simulation

In 2014, Boggavarapul, P. [6] studied both experimentally and

numerically KB burner using LPG and PNG (piped natural gas).
Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling
of the steady-state flow and combustion was reported. Design Figure 1: Energy-saving cooking burner. [7]
modifications of the burner based on the insights from CFD mod-
eling were proposed. From experiment, the improvement in burner
thermal efficiency of 2.5% and 10% for LPG and PNG, respec-
tively, was achieved. However, validation of the CFD model with
the experiment was not presented.

Recently, there is new model of LPG burner in Thailand, which its

thermal efficiency is about 45% [7], which is higher than conven-
tional KB burner, being 35% from experimental testing. It is
called that energy-saving cooking burner as shown in Figure 1.
However, the insight of flow feature leading to the high thermal
efficiency of the energy-saving cooking burner was not clarified.

Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 143

Figure 2: (a) computational domain, (b) boundary conditions and (c) burner head (upper plate and ring)

The temperature distribution being obviously seen is thoroughly

described in the next section.
2. Numerical Modeling
A radial temperature distribution of the cooking burner in various
The objective of this paper is to preliminarily study and validate
heights from the burner head is shown in Figure 4. K-type thermo-
the flow feature and combustion of the energy-saving cooking
couple was used to measure the temperature at various positions
burner. Thus, heat transfer to the vessel is not modeled yet. Three-
associated to Figure 3a. Temperatures at the center of burner (r = 0
dimensional computational fluid dynamic modeling of the steady
cm) were the highest value at all heights, being related with the
state flow and combustion was performed by FLUENT and the
photograph of flame in Figure 3a and temperature distribution in
computational grid was prepared by GAMBIT. The energy-saving
Figure 3b. The temperature decreased when the radial distance and
cooking burner used in this modeling is shown in Figure 1. The
the height increased. The maximum temperature obtained from
3D computation domain and the grid are shown in Figure 2a.
measurement was 1,210 K at height of 1 cm and radial distance of
Structured meshes were used wherever possible and tetrahedral
0 cm. In this study, the temperatures were used to validate the
mesh was used for meshing complicated geometrical features.
CFD modeling. From comparing at all positions, the temperatures
from CFD model were good agreement with the experiment, being
In this study, the LPG flow rate used in CFD modeling was meas-
the errors of less than 5.86%. Hence, the CFD modeling was able
ured experimentally at pressure of 1 bar. Thus, the turbulence and
to apply for understanding the flow feature and combustion phe-
eddy dissipation combustion models for volumetric reactions were
nomena of the burner.
used to solve the species transport equations. A three-step reaction
mechanism [8] involving four reactions was used.
Figure 5 shows temperature distribution at the burner head in the
mid-plane. The flame shown by the high temperature is in the
Table 1: Inlet data from cold flow simulation. [9]
restrict region inside the ring region, having the high temperature
Detail Value
of 1,286 K. The flame did not disperse out, but focused into the
Mass flow rate of mixture (kg/s) 0.003952742
Mass fraction of C3H8 0.0392758 middle region. It affected on reducing heat loss, which it can be
Mass fraction of C4H10 0.0392758 observed the low temperature of hot gas being escaped into the
Mass fraction of N2 0.7095291 atmosphere. Thus, it is implied that the ring is the main part to
Mass fraction of O2 0.2119193 control the flame structure. This may be one reason that the ener-
Figure 2b shows the boundaries of the model. The boundaries in gy-saving cooking burner has higher thermal efficiency than KB
ambient were set as pressure outlets. A wall boundary of burner burner as the previous mention.
head was shown in Figure 2c. The steady-state problem is solved.
The mass flow rate of the LPG–air mixture and its mass fraction
of propane, butane, nitrogen and oxygen at the inlet were specified
at nozzle pressure of 1 bar [9] as shown in table 1. Gravitational
forces were included to simulate the buoyancy driven flow around
the burner head. The discrete ordinates radiation model was used
for the radiation effect.

A two-step solution procedure was conducted in this study [6]. In

the first step, a cold flow simulation was done where the fluid
dynamic solution was obtained without reactions by switching off
the energy equation. In the second step, the energy equation was
switched on. The ignition was initiated in the combustion zone.
The solution was considered converged when the residual value
was set to 10-6 for all models.

3. Results and Discussion

Figure 3 shows flame shape from experiment and CFD model at
LPG pressure of 1 bar. From photograph of flame in Figure 3a, the
flame shape seems spearhead. It is highly luminous and long in the
middle region. Its periphery near the ring is short because of suita- (a) Experiment
ble design of burner holes and heat loss. The highly luminous
flame in the middle shows the high temperature and combustion
intensity. It can be confirmed by temperature contour from CFD in
Figure 3b. The flame shape from CFD is similar to the experiment.
144 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Figure 6 shows velocity field at the burner head in the mid-plane.

The LPG-air mixture coming out of the burner holes and an en-
trained secondary air can be observed. The maximum velocity of
6.7 m/s occurs in the vicinity of the burner holes which are the
smallest length scales related with the flow. It can be obviously
observed that the secondary air is naturally entrained from ambi-
ent coming into combustion region via the slots, which enhances
the combustion efficiency.

This may be the second reason why the combustion of the burner
can provide the blue flame, the complete combustion, at all com-
bustion regions or gas flow rates. Moreover, high intensive vortex
of the flow near the burner head inside the ring is obvious ob-
served. It is known well that the combustion intensity and the heat
transfer coefficient were enhanced by the vortex. This may be
another reasons of the higher thermal efficiency of this burner.

4. Conclusion
Simulation study of an energy-saving cooking burner was present-
ed in this paper. The temperatures of combustion from measure-
(b) CFD model
Figure 3: Flame shape. ment in radial distance at various heights were applied to validate
the CFD modeling. It was found that the CFD results were good
agreement with the experimental results, having the errors of less
1600 T1 (Exp.) T1 (CFD) than 5.86%. Based upon the insight of the CFD model, the high
T2 (Exp.) T2 (CFD)
1400 T3 (Exp.) T3 (CFD) temperature region, intensive combustion region, low heat loss
T4 (Exp.) T4 (CFD)
1200 and suitable flow feature were understood. The ring with suitable
Temperature (K)

1000 design of burner holes is the major part of the burner to control
flame structure. However, phenomena of heat transfer to the ves-
sel have to be clarified by the CFD modeling in the further study.
Moreover, improving thermal efficiency of the energy-saving
cooking burner should be done in the further study.
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Acknowledgement
Radial distance (r), cm
Figure 4: Temperature distribution obtained from experiment and CFD This research is financially supported by Ubon Ratchathani Uni-
model. versity.

T2 Temperature (K) References

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