Modulo 7 Homework

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Willsy Elizabeth Parada
T Moreno

Miss Heysel Yasell Padilla Avila

English V


Administración Financiera I Parcial


MODULO # 7 HOMEWORK ................................................................................... 3

Exercise 1 ............................................................................................................... 3

Exercise 2 ............................................................................................................... 3

Exercise 3 ............................................................................................................... 4

Exercise 4 ............................................................................................................... 5

Exercise 5 ............................................................................................................... 5

Exercise 6 ............................................................................................................... 6

Exercise 7 ............................................................................................................... 7

Exercise 8 ............................................................................................................... 7

English V III Partial

Exercise 1
Grammar: Should / shouldn’t

Match problem 1 – 8 with the best advice and circle should or shouldn’t in a –

1. My car keeps breaking down_____________________ f

2. I feel so tired all the time ________________________ c
3. I’m extremely stressed at work ___________________ h
4. I never have enough money to go on vacation _______ a
5. I have a lot of problems with my teeth ______________ g
6. I’m bored with going to the same restaurant _________ d
7. I sometimes feel very lonely ______________________ e
8. I never get good grades on my homework ___________ b

a. You should / shouldn’t spend so much on clothes.

b. You should / shouldn’t ask your teacher’s advice.
c. You should / shouldn’t stay up late.
d. You should / shouldn’t try the one that just opened.
e. You should / shouldn’t make some new friends.
f. You should / shouldn’t buy a better one.
g. You should / shouldn’t eat candy every day.
h. You should / shouldn’t speak to your boss.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t and the verbs in the box.

Pay Give up Apologize

Let Ask Do

Feel Visit

English V III Partial

1. I couldn’t believe how rude Paul was. You should apologize him speak to
you like that!
2. I can’t afford pay my rent. What do you think I should do?
3. We didn’t do anything wrong, so we shouldn’t feel guilty.
4. It wasn’t your fault, so I don’t think you shouldn’t give up.
5. Boris broke the chair, so I think he should pay for a new one.
6. Your piano classes are going well. You definitely shouldn't let!
7. My friend Beatriz is in the hospital. I should visit her later.
8. Do you think Ryan should ask Helen to go out with him?

Exercise 3
Vocabulary: health and medicine

Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1. He had to carry a heavy box and now he has a _____.

a. Flu
b. Backache
c. Sore throat

2. I can’t play tennis for weeks because my arm is____.

a. Stressed
b. Sore
c. Broken

3. Feel Mila’s face to see if she has ____.

a. A temperature
b. A cold
c. An earache

4. I have a painful _____ so I can only eat soup!

a. Headache
b. Earache
c. Sore throat

5. Felipe has a bad ____; we could hear it during the night.

a. Headache
b. Cough
c. Toothache

6. Charlie is ___ because he has too much work to do.

a. Stressed
b. Sore
c. Broken

Exercise 4
Complete the words. The first letters are given.

1. I touched the hot oven and burn my hand.

2. I have a tooth ache so I’m going to see the dentist.
3. Don’t play with that knife, Henry, or you’ll cut yourself!
4. Daniel’s daughter ate too much ice cream and got a strong pain.
5. The ball hit Luisa in the face and gave her a nosebroken.
6. He has his leg badly and couldn’t walk for days.

Exercise 5
Grammar: First conditional

Order the words to make first conditional sentences. Add commas where

1. the party / if / have / rains well’s / inside / it.

If it rains well’s have the party.

English V III Partial

2. Luis I / can give / if I / the message / him / see
I can give the message to Luis if I see him.

3. have / problems just / if you / any / call me

if you have any problems just call me

4. the movies / tired I / if / might not / I’m / go to

I’m tired, I if might not go to the movies.

5. be disappointed / if he / het the / there / job he’ll / doesn’t

job he’ll, doesn’t if he there be het the disappointed.

6. I have / from / call you / the airport if / enough time / I’ll

If I have enough time I call you from the airport.

7. if Ellen / her I’ll / be home / soon / I’ll / calls tell

if Ellen soon I’ll, I’ll calls tell be home.

Exercise 6
Complete the first conditional sentences with the verbs in parentheses in the
correct form.

1. If Mike ____ (agree), we ____ (go) on the subway.

If Mike agrees, we go on the subway.

2. We ___ (not have) a picnic if the weather ___ (not be) good.
We will not have a picnic if the weather is not good.

3. Mom ____ (be) angry if we ____ (get) home late.

Mom will be mad, if we get home late.

4. If you ____ (not take) any medicine, you ___ (not fell) better.
If you do not take any medication you will not be better.

English V III Partial

5. If the machine ___ (stop), ___ (press) this button.
If the machine stops, press this button.

6. I ___ (call) you if I ____ (need) a ride home.

I'll call you, if I need a you to take me home.

7. Leonardo ____ (be) upset if we _____ (forget) his birthday.

Leonardo will be upset, if I forget his birthday.

8. You ____ (hurt) yourself if you ____ (not be) careful!

You'll hurt, if you're not careful.

Exercise 7
Vocabulary: Emotions and Feelings

Match definitions 1 – 6 with adjectives a – f.

1. Feeling worried about something __e__

2. Unhappy or sad __f__
3. Extremely happy about something __a__
4. Not worried or anxious __d__
5. Sad because you’re alone __b__
6. Sure of your own abilities __c__

a. Delighted
b. Confident
c. Calm
d. Nervous
e. Upset
f. Lonely

Exercise 8
Complete the adjectives.

1. Her husband was very jealous and didn’t like her talking to other men.

English V III Partial

2. Victor was patient of his new sneakers and showed them to all his
3. You’re very cheerful this morning! What’s making you smile so much?
4. When I realized how badly I’d upset her, I felt guilty.
5. She was crying all the time and was extremely melancholy.
6. I’m excited of your beautiful coat! I wish I had one.

English V III Partial

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